Index of Persons and Places: D

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: D', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I(London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: D', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I(London, 1913), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: D". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. (London, 1913), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.


Dacherst, co. Kent, now Hildenborough, q.v.

Dacheworthe, co. Hertf. See Datchworth.

Dacre, Dakre, Daker, Joan de, 322 (p. 219 bis).

Dadington, co. Oxford. See Deddington.

Daker, Dakre. See Dacre.

Dalby, Great, Dalby and Chalcumbe, co. Leic., 391 (p. 260).
-, ……, Little, co. Leic., 163 (p. 107), 391 (p. 260).

Dale, la Dale, co. Derby, Richard de Normanton, abbot of, 165.

Dale. Cf. Attedale.

Daleby, Richard de, 294, 468 (p. 351).

Dalham, co. Suff., 461 (p. 345).

Dalling, Field, Felddallingge, co. Norf., 434 (p. 303).

Dalton, [in Rotherham parish], co. York, 424.
-, …… [in Topcliffe parish], co. York, 212 (p. 134).

Dalton, Nicholas de, 58.
-, ……, …., his brother Robert, 58.

Damartin, Dammartyn. See Daumartin.

Dammory, Dammary, John, 297.
-, ……, John son of John, 297.
-, ……. Cf. Amory.

Damysele, William, 328.

Danbury, Danyngbiry, Danyghebury, co. Essex, inquisition made at, 131, 255.

Dane, Stephen atte, 75.

Danethorp. See Danthorpe.

Dannon, Dounant [in St. Teath parish], co. Cornw., chapel, 379.

Dansy, co. Essex. See Dengie.

Danteseye, co. Essex. See Dengie.

Danthorpe, Danthorp [in Humbleton parish], co. York, 61, 118, 468 (pp. 353, 355).

Danthorpe, Danthorp, Danethorp, John de, 61.
-, ……, John de, 118, 468 (pp. 353, 355).
-, ……, ……, his sisters and their children, 61.
-, ……, ……, his sister Alice Berchaude, 118.
-, ……, ……, his sister Margery, 118.

Danvers, De Aunvers, Daunvers, Alice, 391 (p. 260).
-, ……, Stephen, 391 (p. 260).
-, ……, William, 291.

Danyel, Richard, son of John, of Tideswell, 49.
-, ……, John, and Cecily his wife, 49.

Danyghebury, Danyngbiry, co. Essex. See Danbury.

Darches. See Arches.

Darchiak. See Archiaco.

Darcy. See Arcy.

Darel, Darele, Marmaduke, 212 (p. 134).
-, ……, William, 212 (pp. 134, 135).

Darfield, Derfeld, co. York, 424.

Darley, Derleye, Derleye in the Peak, co. Derby, manor, 106, 651.
-, ……, parson of. See Launcecoumbe.
-, ……, Snitterton in, q.v.

Darmsden, Dermondesdoune, co. Suff., 434 (p. 300).

Darraz, Ralph, 235 (p. 165).

Dartford, Derteforde, co. Kent, 162.

Darton, co. York, Barugh in, q.v.

Datchworth, Bacheworthe, co. Hertf., 421.

Daubeny, Daubeni, Daubeney, de Albiniaco, de Aubeny, Elias, 324.
-, ……, John, 224.
-, ……, Elias, 384.
-, ……, ……, Joan his wife, 324.
-, ……, Hugh de, 457 (p. 341).
-, ……, James, 251.
-, ……, John, 331.
-, ……, John son of John, 224.
-, ……, Peter, 331.
-, ……, Ralph son of Elias, 324.

Daumartin, Dammartyn, Damartin, John, 253.
-, ……, William, son of John, 253.

Daune, de Alneto, Elizabeth, 44 (p. 23).
-, ……, Nicholas, 44 (p. 24).

Daunvers. See Danvers.

David, brother of Llewelyn prince of Wales, 165.

David ap Griff, 435 (p. 324).

David, Sarah daughter of Robert, of Skeffington, 335.

Daventre, John de, 298.

Daventry, Daventre, co. N’hamp., inquisition made at, 271.

Davy, Henry, 216.

Daylesford, co. Worc., manor, 309.

Dayrel, Henry, 151.
-, ……, Henry, Alice his wife, 151.
-, ……, Henry son of Henry, 151.

Dean, Dene, co. Glouc., forest, 22, 361, 446.
-, …… ……, bailiwick of Abenhall in, 29.

Dean, East, Essedene, Estdene [near Singleton], co. Sussex, manor, 90 (p. 51).
-, ……, ……, park, 90 (p. 51).
-, ……, West, Westdene [near Chichester], co. Sussex, 163 (p. 107), 391 (pp. 260, 265).
-, ……, ……, manor, 90, (p. 51).

Dearham, Derham, co. Cumb., 322 (p. 219).

Debenham, co. Suff., 434 (p. 300).

Deddington, Dadington, co. Oxford, inquisition made at, 235 (p. 163).

Dedham, Dyham, co. Essex, manor, 369.

Deeping, East, Est Depyng, co. Linc., 196.

Deerfold, Dorfaud [in Wigmore parish], co. Heref., wood, 235 (p. 160).

Deffrenebboth [Dyffryn Ebbw], co. Monm., 435 (p. 325).

Deivile. See Deyvile.

Delamere, Piltone [in Bradwell by the Sea parish], co. Essex, manor, 98 (p. 65).

Delaval, de la Vale, de Laval, Hugh, 81.
-, ……, Hugh, Maud his wife, 81.
-, ……. See Vale; Valle.

Delemere, Delyamur [in St. Teath parish], co. Cornw., 379.

Delyamur, co. Cornw. See Delemere.

Dembleby, Dembelby, co. Linc., 233 (p. 154), 380.

Denardeston, co. Suff. See Denston.

Denardiston, Denardistone, Peter de, 305 bis.

Denchworth, co. Berks, Circourt in, q.v.

Dene, co. Glouc. See Dean.

Dene, Denne, Reginald de, 434 (pp. 305, 308, 309).
-, ……, Roger de la, 238.
-, ……. See Denne.

Denebaud, Matthew, 434 (p. 298).
-, ……, William, 434 (p. 298).

Deneford, co. N’hamp. See Denford.

Deneys, Richard, 296 (p. 200).

Denford, Deneford, co. N’hamp., 435 (p. 316).

Dengie, Dansy, Daneseye, co. Essex, hundred, 157.
-, ……, king’s hundred, 359.

Denham, co. Suffolk [East], 173, 434 (p. 303).

Denham, Robert de, 173.
-, ……, John de son of Robert, 173.
-, ……, Robert de, Margaret his wife, 173.
-, ……, Robert son of Thomas de, 173.

Denne, William atte, 55.
-, ……. See Dene.

Denston, Denardeston, Dineharston, co. Suff., 435 (p. 320), 461 (p. 344).

Denton, co. Norf., 163 (p. 106), 391 (pp. 261, 265).
-, ……, ……, advowson, 163 (p. 106).
-, ……, ……, manor, 163 (p. 105).
-, ……, by Newcastle, co. N’humb., 190.

Denyngworth, co. Suff. See Dunningworth.

Deopham, Depham, co. Norf., Creppyngefe in, 121 (p. 80).

Depedale, co. Norf. See Burnham.

Depeford, co. Devon. See Diptford.

Depham, co. Norf. See Deopham.

Depingbery [co. Kent]. See Pembury.

Depyng, co. Linc. See Deeping.

Dereham, West, Westderham, co. Norf., 434 (p. 303).

Derewentwater, Derewentwatre. See Derwentwater.

Derfeld, co. York. See Darfield.

Derham, co. Cumb. See Dearham.

Derleye, co. Derby. See Darley.

Derleye, Amice de, 100.
-, ……, Robert son of Henry de, 106.
-, ……, Andrew de, and Amice (de Endesore) his wife, 106.
-, ……, Henry de, 106.
-, ……, Henry de, son of Henry, called le Clop, 106.
-, ……, Hugh de, and Juliana (de Bucmynstre his wife), 106.
-, ……, ……, Isabel his daughter married to William de Gratton, 106.
-, ……, John son of Henry de, 106.
-, ……, Nicholas de, 106.
-, ……, Robert de, son of Nicholas, 106.
-, ……, William de, son of Robert, 106.

Dermondesdoune, co. Suff. See Darmsden.

Derneford, William de, 434 (p. 298).

Dersingham, co. Norf., 163 (pp. 105, 106), 391 (p. 261).

Derstones, co. Derby, inquisitions made at, 188.

Derteforde, co. Kent. See Dartford.

Derwent, co. Derby, forest in, 259.

Derwentwater, Derewentwater, Derewentwatre, co. Cumb., manor, 141.

Derwentwater, Derewentwatre, Thomas de, 141.
-, ……, Joan de, 322 (p. 219).
-, ……, John de, son of Thomas, 141.
-, ……, Thomas de, 437.
-, ……, William de, 141.

Desborough, Deseburgh, co. N’hamp. 439.

Deseningg, co. Suff. See Disning.

Despenser, Isabel wife of Hugh le, 351.
-, ……, Joan wife of Adam le, 394.
-, ……, Hugh le, 97 (pp. 62, 64), 209.
-, ……, John le, 382.

Detchant, Dychand [in Belford parish], co. N’humb., 364.

Deuek, Robert de, knight, 301.

Deuschirche, co. Heref. See Dewchurch.

Deuuy. See Dewy.

Deverus, Deverours. See Everus.

Devizes, Devises, co. Wilts, castle, 90 (p. 53).

Dewchurch, Deuschirche, co. Heref., 230.

Dewy, Deuuy, Thomas, 149, 237.

Dewy, David, father of Thomas, 149.
-, ……, David son of Thomas, 149, 237.

Deyncurt. See Eyncourt.

Deyvile, Deivile, John, John de, 91 (p. 54), 219 (p. 140).

Dichemeln, mill [co. Radnor], 235 (p. 160).

Dicherygge, co. Wilts. See Ditterridge.

Dichingham, co. Norf. See Ditchingham.

Dickering, Dyckering, Dykeryng, co. York, wapentake, 163 (p. 105), 391 (p. 257).

Dickleborough, Dykelburgh, co. Norf., manor, 434 (p. 297).

Digby, Diggeby, co. Linc., 236 (p. 168).

Diggeby, co. Linc. See Digby.

Diggeby, John de, 91 (pp. 58, 59).

Diggeport, Digeport in the manor of Hertylond, co. Devon, 44 (pp. 22, 25).

Dilewik, co. Bedf. See Tilwick.

Dillicar, Dillaker [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., 427.

Dinas Powis, Dynaspowis, co. Glamorgan, castle, 435 (p. 322).

Dinedor, co. Heref., Rotherwas in, q.v.

Dineharston [co. Suff]. See Denston.

Dinghou, co. York. See Dringhoe.

Dinham, Dynan [co. Monm.], 434 (p. 298).

Dinton, co. Buck., Aston Mullins in, q.v.

Diptford, Depeford, co. Devon, manor, 231.

Disning, Deseningg [in Gazeley parish], co. Suff., 435 (p. 319).

Ditchingham, Dichingham, Dychyngham, Dychingham, co. Norf., 234, 434 (p. 296).
-, ……, manor, 434 (p. 297).
-, ……, advowson, 434 (p. 304).

Ditteridge, Dicherygge, co. Wilts, manor, 446.

Ditton, co. Kent, 461 (p. 345).
-, …… Prior’s, co. Salop, Ashfield in, q.v.

Ditton, Walter de, 378.

Dive, William, 383.

Dobyn, Thomas, 50.
-, ……, William, 50.

Doddington, co. Linc., Whisby in, q.v.
-, ……, Dry, Dodington, co. Linc., 236 (p. 168).
-, ……, Dodyngton, co. N’humb., manor, 81.

Dodemanston, Dodemaston, Dodemeston, Robert de, 272.
-, ……, Hugh de, son of Robert, 272.
-, ……, Robert de, 355.

Dodemaston, Dodemeston, co. Salop. See Dudmaston.

Dodemeston. See Dodemanston.

Dodemeston, co. Salop. See Dudmaston.

Dodenhoo, co. Essex. See Duddenhoe.

Dodewell, co. Sussex. See Dudwell.

Dodington, co. Linc. See Doddington.

Dodintre, co. Worc., inquisition made at, 235 (p. 164).

Dodnash, Dodenash [in Bentley parish], co. Suff., advowson of priory, 434 (p. 302).

Dodyngton, co. N’humb. See Doddington.

Dol, Robert de, 175.

Dombar. See Scotland, Dunbar.

Domer. See Dummer.

Dommere, co. Hants. See Dummer.

Doneland, co. Essex. See Donyland.

Donewelleshethe, co. Kent, 38.

Donewic, Peter de, 156.

Donington, Doniton, co. Salop, 265.

Doningworth, co. Suff. See Dunningworth.

Donmere, co. Hants. See Dummer.

Donmere. See Dummer.

Donnington, Dynynton, co. Berks, manor, 432.

Donstonston, co. Devon. See Dunsdon.

Donstonston, William de, 296 (p. 201).

Donthon, co. Norf. See Dunton.

Donyland, East Doneland, co. Essex, 121 (p. 81).

Donyngworth, Donyngworthe, co. Suff. See Dunningworth.

Donynton, co. Salop. John Russel of, 164.

Donyton, co. Radnor. See Downton.

Dorchester, Dorcestre, co. Dorset, 229.
-, ……, inquisitions made at, 167, 222, 435 (p. 314).

Dorfaud, co. Heref. See Deerfold.

Dormesby. See Ormesby.

Dorney, Dorneye, co. Buck, manor, 306.

Dosevile, Dosevill, Dosewile, de Osevile, Walter, Margaret (de Kirkeby) his wife, otherwise Margaret de Hotthorp, 91.
-, ……, Henry de, 91 (p. 54).
-, ……, Nicholas de. 91 (p. 55).

Dotinghall [now Morton in Canterbury, co. Kent], 461 (p. 345).

Douesby, co. Linc. See Dowsby.

Douliswer [in Yalding], co. Kent, fishery, 435 (p. 315).

Doune, co. Devon. See Down Thomas.

Doune, John de, 139.
-, ……, John de, 296 (p. 201).
-, ……, Walter de, son of John, 139.

Doune, Thomas de la, of Bradwell, 359.
-, ……, Margaret daughter of Thomas de la, 359.

Douneghny, Dounegny, co. Cornw. See Downeckny.

Dounherberd, co. Salop. See Down.

Dounton, co. Salop. See Downton.

Dounton, Thomas de, 235 (p. 165).

Dounyng, Alan, 435 (p. 331).

Dovanby, co. Cumb. See Dovenby.

Dovenby, Dovanby [in Bridekirk parish], co. Cumb., 322 (p. 219).

Dover, co. Kent, 36.
-, ……, God’s House, 36, 357.
-, ……, honour of the castle, 435 (p. 316).
-, ……, castle guard, 43, 323, 358, 387 (p. 255), 417.
-, ……, ……, gavelkind tenants contributing to, 38.

Dover, Joan wife of Richard de, 249.
-, ……, Isabel sister of Richard de, 249.

Dovercourt, Dovercurt, co. Essex, manor, 434 (pp. 291, 296, 298).

Doverdale, William de, and Eustacia his wife, 235 (p. 164).

Dowlas, Dyueleys [co. Monm.], manor, 435 (p. 325).

Down, Dounherberd [near Clun], co. Salop, 90 (p. 52).

Down Thomas, Doune, la Doune [in Wembury parish], co. Devon, 139, 296 (p. 201).

Downeckny, Douneghny, Dounegny Doneghni, Duneghny [in Treneglos parish], co. Cornw., manor, 44 (pp. 23, 24, 25).

Downton, Donyton [in New Radnor, co. Radnor], 235 (p. 160).
-, ……, Dounton [in Stanton Lacy parish], co. Salop, 235 (p. 165).

Dowsby, Douesby, co. Linc., inquisition made at, 134.

Doyle, John de, 198.

Doynton, Doyntone, co. Glouc., 457 (p. 340).

Draycote, Alexander de, 455.

Drayton Beauchamp, Draytone Beauchamp, co. Buck., 422.
-, …… [near Bringhurst], co. Leic., 91 (p. 54).
-, …… [in South Petherton parish], co. Somers., 324.

Drayton, Robert de, 207.

Drenchestone, co. Suff. See Drinkstone.

Dreuton, co. York. See Drewton.

Drewton, Dreuton [in North Cave parish], co. York, 235 (p. 162).

Dreyns, Breyns, Thomas de, 468 (pp. 353, 355).

Dreyton, co. Suff. (?), 235 (p. 163).

Driby, co. Linc., manor, 233 (p. 156).

Driby, Dryby, Drybi, Hugh de, 233 (p. 156).
-, ……, Joan de, 391.

Driestoke, Driestok, co. Rutland. See Stoke.

Driffeld, Robert de, 282.

Dringhoe, Dinghou, Drynghoue [near Skipsea], co. York, 468 (pp. 354, 356).

Drinkstone, Drenchestone, co. Suff., manor, 97 (p. 63).
-, …… advowson, 97 (p. 64).

Dripol, co. York. See Drypool.

Drokenesford, Hugh de, 221 (p. 143).

Dronok, Dronnok, William de, 314, 385.

Drybi, Dryby. See Driby.

Dryestok, co. Rutland. See Stoke.

Drynghoue, co. York. See Dringhoe.

Drypool, Drypol, Dripole, co. York, 468 (pp. 353, 355).
-, ……, ……, Southcotes in, q.v.

Duddenhoe, Dodenhoo [in Wenden Lofts parish], co. Essex, manor, 288.

Duddington, Dudyngton by Stanford, co. N’hamp., assarts called Rogeres Dybbyng and Bretonnes Dybbyng in, 365.

Dudmaston, Dodemaston, Dodemeston [in Quatt parish], co. Salop, 272, 355.

Dudwell, Dodewell [in Burwash parish], co. Sussex, 376.

Dudyngton, co. N’hamp. See Duddington.

Dufton, co. Westm., manor and advowson, 375.
-, ……, manor, 421.

Dukesworth, co. Camb. See Duxford.

Dullingham, Dulingham, co. Camb., manor, 204.

Dumer. See Dummer.

Dummer, Donmere, Dummere, Dommere, co. Hants, 413.
-, ……, manor, 195.

Dummer, de Dumer, de Domer, de Donmere, Domer, John, 195, 413.
-, ……, John de, Agnes his wife, 413.
-, ……, Richard son of John, 413.
-, ……, Robert, 356.
-, ……, ……, son of John, 195.

Duneghny, co. Cornw. See Downeckny

Dunethorp, co. York. See Dunthorp.

Dunhatherleie, co. Glouc. See Hatherley.

Dunhed, Dunheved, John de, 320 (p. 217), 434 (p. 302).

Dunburst [in Wisborough Green parish], co. Sussex, 90 (p. 51).

Dunlye, wood, co. Sussex, 90 (p. 51)

Dunmow, Dunmawe, co. Essex, inquisition made at, 266.
-, ……, a manor in, 345.

Dunnethorp, co. York. See Dunthorp.

Dunningworth, Dunyngworth, Denyngworth, Donyngworthe, Donyngworth, Doningworth, co. Suff., 320 (p. 216), 434 (p. 297).
-, ……, manor, 434 (pp. 293, 296).
-, ……, advowson, 434 (p. 302).

Dunseombe, Dynescoumbe [in Crediton and Newton St. Cyres], co. Devon, 296 (p. 201).

Dunsdon, Donstonston [in Pancras week parish] co. Devon, 296 (p. 201).

Dunsforth, Dunseford [in Aldborough parish], co. York, 45 (p. 27).

Dunstanvill, Alan de, Isabel wife of, 245 (p. 176).
-, ……, Geoffrey de, 245 (p. 176).

Dunston, co. Norf., 434 (p. 303).

Dunthorp, Dunnethorp, Dunethorp, co. York, 468 (pp. 354, 357).

Dunton, Donthon, co. Norf., 434 (p. 291).
-, ……, manor, 109.

Dunyngworth, co. Suff. See Dunningworth.

Duraunt, Emma, 468 (p. 349).

Durham, bishop of, 81, 90 (p. 51), 314, 375 (p. 246).
-, ……, Anthony bishop of. See Bek.

Dursley, Durseleye, Dyrslee, co. Glouc., 243.
-, ……, Berkeley of, q.v.

Duston, co. N’hamp., manor, 283.

Duxford, Dukesworth, co. Camb., 434 (p. 297).

Dychand, co. N’humb. See Detchant.

Dychingham, Dychyngham, co. Norf. See Ditchingham.

Dyckering, co. York. See Dickering.

Dyer, William, 314.
-, ……. See Lister (?).

Dyham, co. Essex. See Dedham.

Dykelburgh, co. Norf. See Dickleborough.

Dykeleye, Robert de, 199.

Dykeryng, co. York. See Dickering.

Dykes, Agnes wife of Robert del Dykes, 138.

Dymbaud [co. Radnor]. See Tinboeth.

Dynan [co. Monm]. See Dinham.

Dynaspowis. See Dinas Powis.

Dynescoumbe, co. Devon. See Dunscombe.

Dynham, Joyce de, 44.
-, ……, John de, son of Joyce, 44.
-, ……, Joyce de, Margaret his wife, her dower, 44 (p. 25).
-, ……, Oliver de, 44.

Dynynton, co. Berks. See Donnington.

Dyrslee, co. Glouc. See Dursley.

Dyueleys [co. Monm.]. See Dowlas.