Index of Persons and Places: O

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I, ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Edited by J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: O". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp(London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Long title
Index of Persons and Places: O


Oadby, Outheby, co. Leic., 112.

Oak End, Ake [in Iver parish], co. Buck., 604 (pp. 467, 481).

Oak. See Loak.

Oakenhill, Okenhill, Hokenhill [in Badingham parish], co. Suff., 604 (p. 478).

Oakford, co. Devon, Mildon in, q.v.

Oakham, Okham, Ocham, Oucham, Hocham, co. Rutland, inquisition made at, 423 (p. 321).
-, ……, manor, 477 (p. 376).
-, ……, castle, 604 (p. 474).
-, ……, castle &c. 604 (p. 461).
-, ……, bailiwick of, 604 (p. 460).
-, ……, fees of, 604 (p. 474).

Oakley, Acle, co. Bedf., 604 (p. 466).
-, ……, Okle, Acle, Ocle, co. Buck., 175, 604 (pp. 466, 480).
-, ……, Acle, co. Suff., 604 (p. 478).

Oakover, Ockovere, Ockover, co. Staff., 126.
-, ……, John lord of, 126.

Oaksey, Wockesygh, co. Wilts., manor, 552 (p. 425).

Oakthorpe, Octhorp, Okethorp [in Donisthorpe parish], co. Derby, 423 (pp. 303, 313).

Oburnford, Wobrenford [in Halberton parish], co. Devon, 371 (p. 251).

Ocamton. co. Devon. See Okehampton.

Occold, co. Suff., Benningham in, q.v.

Ocham, co. Rutland. See Oakham.
-, ……, co. Surrey. See Ockham.

Ockendon, South, Wokyndon, co. Essex, 258.
-, ……, Wokyndon Rokele, co. Essex, inquisition made at, 450.

Ockham, Ocham [co. Surrey], manor, 391.

Ockover, Ockovere, co. Staff. See Oakover.

Ockstede, co. Surrey. See Oxted.

Ocle, co. Buck. See Oakley.

Ocstede. See Okestede.

Octhorp, co. Derby. See Oakthorpe.

Octon, co. Wilts. See Eaton.
-, ……, Oketon [in Thwing parish], co. York, 471.

Odcombe, Odecumbe, Odecomb, co. Somers., manor, 407 (p. 270), 539.

Oddeston, co. Leic. See Odstone.

Oddeston, Elias de, 29 (p. 20).

Oddingeseles, Odingeseles, Oddyngeseles, Oddinggesel, Oddingiselis, Doddingeseles, Doddyngeseles, Dodyngezeles, Doddingeseles, William de, 286, 287.
-, ……, Edmund de, 286.
-, ……, Hugh de, 194 (p. 120), 286, 387.
-, ……, William de, 423 (pp. 303, 312).
-, ……, ……, Ela his wife, 287.
-, ……, ……, his daughters, Ida, Ela, Alice and Margaret, 286, 287.
-, ……, ……, his daughters Eleanor and Margaret, 288.

Odecumbe, co. Somers. See Odcombe.

Odeling, Hugh, 193 (p. 115).

Odell, Wodhull, co. Bedf., manor, 358.
-, ……, market, 358.

Odeston, co. Leic. See Odstone.

Odiham, Odyham, co. Hants, inquisition made at, 274.
-, ……, castle, 415 (p. 277).

Odimere, co. Sussex. See Udimore.

Odingeseles. See Oddingeseles.

Odo, John son of, 166.

Odstone, Odeston, Oddeston [in Shackerstone parish], co. Leic., 29 (p. 22).
-, ……, manor, 29 (p. 20).

Odyham, co. Hants. See Odiham.

Offcote, Offedecote [in Ashborne parish], co. Derby, 423 (pp. 303, 312).

Offedecote, co. Derby. See Offcote.

Offedich, inquisition made at, 293.

Offeleye, co. Glouc. See Offley.

Offenton, co. Suff. See Offton.

Offeton, co. Suff. See Offton.

Offewille, co. Devon. See Offwell.

Offewille, Juliana de, and Jenoveva her sister, 31 (p. 29).

Offley, Offeleye, co. Hertf., manor, 34.

Offton, Offeton, Offenton, Offynton, co. Suff., 475 (p. 371).
-, ……, manor, 486.

Offwell, Offewille, co. Devon, manor and advowson, 31 (p. 29).

Offwell, co. Devon, Colwell in, q.v.

Offynton, co. Suff. See Offton.

Ofspryng, co. Kent. See Ospringe.

Ogbourne St. Andrew, Little Okeburn, Little Okeburne, co. Wilts, 371 (p. 250), 604 (pp. 466, 467, 480).
-, ……, Rockley in, q.v.

Ogres, co. Dorset. See Ower.

Oily, barony of, 54.

Oistergate. See Oystergate.

Okampton, Okamtone. See Okehampton.

Okeburn, co. Wilts. See Ogbourne.

Okeford, Child, Childhacford, co. Dorset, manor and advowson, 352.

Okehampton, Ocamton, Okamtone, Okhampton, Okampton, co. Devon, court at, 238.
-, ……, manor, 31 (p. 25).
-, ……, market and fair at, 31 (p 25).
-, ……, barony or honour, 31, 187.
-, ……, Monk, Monekochamton, Monekochampton, co. Devon, manor, 34.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 31 (p. 27).

Okeling, Ralph de, 371 (p. 249).

Okenhill, co. Suff. See Oakenhill.

Okes, co. Heref. See Noakes.

Okested, co. Surrey. See Oxted.

Okested, Okstede, Acsted, Ocstede, Roland de, 24.
-, ……, Roland de, Christiana his wife, 24.
-, ……, ……, his daughters Margery, Clarice, Aline, Lucy and Thomasina, 24.
-, ……, Roland or Ronald de, his daughters, Clarice, Helen, Lucy, Thomasina, 519.
-, ……, ……, his daughter Margery la Savage, 529.

Okethorp, co. Derby. See Oakthorpe.

Oketon, co. York. See Octon.

Okham, co. Rutland. See Oakham.

Okhampton, co. Devon. See Okehampton.

Okle, co. Buck. See Oakley.

Okstede, Oksted, co. Surrey. See Oxted.

Okstede. See Okested.

Old Forest [co. Glamorgan], 371 (p. 256).

Oldelonde, co. Glouc. See Oldland.

Oldelyn, William, 209 (p. 135).

Oldland, Oldelonde, co. Glouc., 9.

Oldridge, Wollerigg [in Whitestone parish], co. Devon, manor, 31 (p. 28).

Oleby, co. Leic. See Welby.

Olecomb, co. Devon. See Hollocombe.

Olisthorp, co. Leic. See Ullesthorpe.

Olistorp, co. Warw. See Ullesthorpe.

Oliver, Olyver, Walter, 616.
-, ……, Richard, 616.
-, ……, Walter, 368.

Ollerton, Allerton, co. Nott., 424.

Olneye, Olneie, John de, 175, 197.

Olton [in Sheldon parish], co. Warw., manor, 286.

Olyver. See Oliver.

Omberleigh, Womberlegh [in Atherington parish], co. Devon, 371 (p. 250).

Omer, Robert, 423 (p. 313).

Oneburi, co. Salop. See Onibury.

Onelep, co. Leic. See Wanlip.

Oneston, co. Derby. See Unstone.

Ongar, Aungre, co. Essex, inquisition made at, 207 (p. 133).
-, ……, hundred, 184.
-, ……, Chipping, Aungre ad Castram, co. Essex, manor, 184.
-, ……, ……, market, 184.
-, ……, High, Aungre, co. Essex, 207 (p. 131).

Onibury, Oneburi, co. Salop, advowson, 194 (p. 124).

Onston, Honston [in Weaverham parish], co. Chester, 8.

Opton, co. Berks. See Upton.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Upton.

Opton, John de, 194 (p. 124).

Optone, co. Berks. See Upton.

Opyton, co. Salop. See Uppington.

Orby, Orreby, Horreby, John de, 423 (pp. 298, 317, 318), 474 (p. 368).

Orcheston, Ordeston, co. Wilts, 371 (p. 249).
-, …… St. George, Orchestone, co. Wilts, 544 (pp. 419, 422).
-, ……, ……, donation of church, 544 (p. 419).

Orcheton, Orcherdon [in Modbury parish], co. Devon, 604 (p. 476).

Ordelorscote, co. Warw. See Arlescote.

Ordesale, John de, 478.

Ordeston, co. Wilts. See Orcheston.

Ordeston, Simon de, 97.

Ore, Nicholas de, 602.

Oreford, co. Suff. See Orford.

Orford, Oreford, co. Suff., 434.
-, ……, town and castle, 469.
-, ……, inquisition made at, 554.

Orleton, Erleton [in Wrockwardine parish], co. Salop, 328.

Ormesby [co. Linc.], prior of, 29 (p. 21).
-, ……, co. York. See Ormsby.

Ormesby, Michael de, 29 (p. 22).
-, ……, Walter de, 597 (p. 449).

Ormsby, Ormesby, co. York, 233.

Orreby, Horreby. See Orby.

Orton Longueville, Overton, co. Hunt., 17.
-, ……, Overton, Overthon, co. N’hamp., 371 (p. 241).
-, ……, ……, fair, 371 (p. 241).
-, ……, Overton, co. Westm., 70.

Osbert, Roger son of, 75 (p. 57), 423 (p. 309), 604 (p. 478).
-, ……, Roger son of Peter son of, 474.

Oscington, co. Nott. See Ossington.

Osegarthorp, co. Leic. See Osgathorpe.

Oselaston, co. Derby. See Osleston.

Oselby, co. Linc. See Usselby.

Osemundeston, co. Norf. See Osmondiston.

Oseney, Oseneye. See Osney.

Osewardebeck, co. Nott., soke of, 368.

Osgathorpe, Osegarthorp, co. Leic., 116.

Osgodby, Osgoteby, Osgoteby by Kynierdby, co. Linc., 112, 141 (p. 89), 423 (p. 317).

Osgoodby, Osgoteby, Osgodeby [in Kilburn parish], co. York, 472 (p. 361).

Osleston, Oslaston, Oselaston [in Sutton on the Hill parish], co. Derby, 423 (pp. 302, 304, 311).

Osmaston, Osmundeston [in Appletree hundred], co. Derby, 423 (p. 303).

Osmondiston or Scole, Osmundeston, Osemundeston, co. Norf., 365 (p. 226).
-, ……, manor, 365 (p. 225).

Osmundeston, co. Derby. See Osmaston.

Osney, Northoseney, Osneye, North, co. Oxford, 604 (pp. 467 et seq, 482).
-, ……, site of abbey, 604 (p. 487).
-, ……, site of manor, 604 (p. 488).
-, ……, abbot of, 194 (p. 124), 604 (pp. 479, 480).

Osolston, co. Leic. See Ouston.

Ospringe, Ofspryng, Osprenge, co. Kent, 460.
-, ……, king’s court at, 22, 459, 460.
-, ……, manor, 460.

Ossington, Oscington, co. Nott., hospital of, 424.

Ostwik, co. York. See Austwick.

Oswestrey, Osevaldestre, co. Salop, castle, 172, 512.
-, ……, service done at, 115.

Oteleye, co. Suff. See Otley.

Oter, Elias, 475 (p. 372).

Oterei, Bartholomew de, of Sherborne, 484.
-, ……, William de, 484.

Oteri, co. Devon. See Ottery.

Oteringedene, Oteringedenne, co. Kent. See Otterden.

Oteringedene, Oteringedenne, Otringdene, Joan de, wife of George de Laverton, 123, 124.
-, ……, Joan de, married to George de Laverton, 124.

Oteringham, co. York. See Ottringham.

Oteringham, John de, 256.

Otford, Otteford, co. Kent, 118.
-, ……, court at, 371 (p. 239).

Otheleye, co. Suff. See Otley.

Otheleye. See Otteleye.

Otho. See Hotes; Otto.

Otley, Otheleye, Oteleye, co. Suff., 423 (p. 308).
-, ……, ……, manor, 410.

Otley, co. York, Burley in, q.v.

Otrepole, co. Kent. See Otterpool.

Otringdene. See Oteringedene.

Otteford, co. Kent. See Otford.

Otteleye, Otheleye, Thomas de, 410.
-, ……, Thomas de, 423 (p. 308).

Otterden, Oteringedene, Oteringedenne, co. Kent, 124.
-, ……, Andrew, rector of the church of, 124.

Otterpool, Otrepole [in Sellinge parish], co. Kent., manor, 470.

Ottery, Mohuns, Oteri Mohoun, co. Devon, manor 415 (pp. 276, 278).
-, ……, Venn, co. Devon. See Venn Ottery.

Otto, Thomas, son of, married to Beatrice de Bello Campo, 290.
-, ……, ……, their son Otto and daughter Maud, 290.
-, ……. See Hotes.

Ottringham, Otringham, Oteringham, co. York, 193 (p. 115), 209 (pp. 137, 138), 256.

Oucham [co. Rutland]. See Oakham.

Ouesden, co. Suff. See Ousden.

Oughterside, Ughtreset [in Aspatria parish], co. Cumb., 457.

Ouhtred. See Ughtred.

Oulyng, Philip, 472 (p. 359).
-, ……, William, 472 (p. 359).

Ouresby, co. Linc. See Owersby.

Ouresby, Walter de, 421.
-, ……, Walter de, Isabel his wife, 421.
-, ……, William de, 421.

Ousby, Ulvesby, co. Cumb., 225.
-, ……, ……, St. Patrick’s church, 618.
-, ……, Ulvesby, Ullisby, co. Linc., 62.

Ousden, Ouesdene, co. Suff., manor, 537.

Ouse, river, fishery in, 186.

Ouse, Use, river, co. York, fishery in, 604 (p. 472).

Ouseburn, Great, Useburne, co. York, 604 (p. 473).
-, ……, Little, Usburne, co. York, 472 (p. 363).

Oustewyke, co. York. See Oustwick.

Ousthorpe, co. York. See Owsthorpe.

Ouston, Osolston, co. Leic., abbot of, 604 (pp. 461, 474).
-, ……, co. Linc. See Owston.

Outheby, co. Leic. See Oadby.

Over, Chesters, Wavere [in Monks Kirby parish], co. Warw., 472 (p. 360).

Overesle, Overesleye, co. Warw. See Oversley.

Overewytacre, co. Warw. See Whitacre.

Overmelecumbe, co. Dorset. See Melcombe.

Overortone, co. Oxford. See Worton.

Oversley, Overesleye, Overesle [in Arrow parish], co. Warw., 423 (p. 310), 440.
-, ……, manor, 423 (p. 320).
-, ……, lord of, 29 (p. 20).

Overthon, Overton, co. N’hamp. See Orton.

Overton [co. Flint], 492.
-, ……, ……, manor, 492.
-, ……, co. Hunt. See Orton.
-, …… [in Lancaster parish], co. Lanc., 423 (p. 295).
-, ……, Cold, Coldoverton, co. Leic., manor, 297.
-, ……, co. Westm. See Orton.

Overton, Geoffrey de, 87.

Oving, Ovynghe, co. Sussex, 566.
-, ……, Shopwyke in, q.v.

Ovynghe, co. Sussex. See Oving.

Ovynghe, William de, 566.

Ower Moigne, Ogres, co. Dorset, manor and advowson, 251.

Owersby, Ouresby, co. Linc., 112.
-, ……, manor, 141 (p. 89).

Oweyn, Henry, 423 (p. 301).
-, ……, Richard, 423 (p. 314).

Owsthorpe, Ousthorpe, Ulvisthorp by Pokelington [in Pocklington parish], co. York, inquisition made at, 396.

Owston, Ouston in Axholme, co. Linc., 472 (pp. 357, 358, 359), 624.

Owstwick, Oustewyke [in Garton parish], co. York, 471.

Owthorne, Utthorn, co. York, 166.

Oxcliffe, Oxclive [in Lancaster parish], co. Lanc., 423 (p. 294).

Oxclive, William de, 423 (pp. 294, 295).

Oxcomb, Oxecoumbe, co. Linc., 423 (pp. 317, 318).

Oxecoumbe, co. Linc. See Oxcomb.

Oxendon, co. N’hamp., 604 (p. 460).

Oxenton, Oxindon [co. Glouc.], 371 (p. 248).

Oxford, co. Oxford, tenement in, 604 (p. 466).
-, ……, Merton Hall, scholars of, 116, 117.

Oxford, earl of, 31 (p. 23), 65 (p. 48), 236, 286, 340, 371 (p. 248), 472 (p. 360), 475 (p. 369), 533.
-, ……, ……. See Vere.

Oxhill, Oxhalle, Oxhille, co. Warw., 423 (pp. 310, 320).

Oxholm, John de, 594.

Oxindon [co. Glouc.]. See Oxenton.

Oxted, Oksted, Okstede, Astede, Okested, Ockstede, co. Surrey, manor, 364, 371 (p. 238), 529.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 24.

Oxton, James de, 604 (p. 476).

Oxwick, Oxwyk, co. Norf., 342.

Oysel, Richard, keeper of the manor of Barton on Humber, 610.

Oyselour, Oysilur, Alan le, 472 (p. 362).

Oystergate, Oistergate, John de, 122.
-, ……, Stephen de, 122.