Index of Persons and Places: K

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I, ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Edited by J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: K". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp(London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Long title
Index of Persons and Places: K


Kaerdif. See Cardiff.

Kaerfilly [co. Glamorgan]. See Caerphilly.

Kaergriff. See Caergriffith.

Kaerlyoun [co. Monm.]. See Caerleon.

Kaerr, Keir, co. Cornw., 604 (p. 458).

Kallewey, Thomas, 31 (p. 28).

Kallilonde [co. Cornw.]. See Callelond.

Kamelton, co. Bedf. See Campton.

Kampioun, Robert, 371 (p. 242).

Kancia, Kente, Agnes de, wife of John Est, of Beesby, 243.
-, ……, Bartholomew de, 604 (pp. 467, 483).
-, ……, Richard de, 151.

Karkila [co. Cornw.]. See Carkeel.

Karlaton, co. Cumb. See Carlatton.

Karleton, co. Linc. See Carlton.

Karliolo. See Carliolo.

Karon, Robert le, 199.
-, ……. Cf. Caron.

Karrig. See Carrick.

Karru. See Carreu.

Karsinton, Karsington, co. Oxford. See Cassington.

Karswell, co. Devon. See Kerswell.

Katrelenn, co. Cumb. See Catterlen.

Kauleswrthy, co. Devon. See Coalsworthy.

Kauz, John de, John le, 541 (p. 414).

Kaxston, co. Camb. See Caxton.

Kayingham, co. York. See Keyingham.

Kaylstorp, co. Linc. See Calcethorpe.

Kaynel, William, 576.

Kayngham, co. York. See Keyingham.

Kearton, Kerton [in Reeth parish], co. York, 474.

Keckwick, Kekwyke [in Runcorn parish], co. Chester, 220 (p. 144).

Kedermenstre, co. Worc. See Kidderminster.

Kedington, Kediton, co. Suff., manor in, 30.

Kedleston, Kettliston, Ketleston, co. Derby, manor, 423 (p. 304).
-, ……, manor and advowson, 423 (p. 313).

Keele, Kel, co. Staff., chapel, 423 (p. 290).

Keevil, Kyvele, co. Wilts, manor, 65 (p. 45).

Keftesby, co. Linc. See Kexby.

Keir, co. Cornw. See Kaerr.

Keisby, Kyseby [in Lavington parish], co. Linc., 29 (p. 22).
-, ……, manor, 29 (p. 21).

Kekwyk, Kekwyke, co. Chester. See Keckwick.

Kel, co. Staff. See Keele.

Keleby, William de, and Beatrice his wife, 102.

Keleseyn. See Cilycwm.

Keleshal, Keleshall, co. Chester. See Kelsall.

Kelfield, Kelkefeld [in Stillingfleet parish, co. York], 277, 278, 369 (p. 233).

Kelgrimeshargh, co. Lanc. See Kellamergh.

Kelham, Kelum, co. Nott., 472 (p. 361).

Kelkefeld, co. York. See Kelfield.

Kelkefeld, Henry de, son of Conan, son of Henry, son of Conan, 623.
-, ……, Henry son of Conan de, 623.

Kellamergh, Kelgrimeshargh [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 423 (p. 292).

Kelle. See Kellet.

Kelleseye, Kellescie, co. Linc. See Kelsey.

Kellestok, [co. Cornw.]. See Calstock.

Kellet, Over [in Bolton parish], co Lanc., 423 (p. 293 bis).
-, ……, Nether, Kellet [in Bolton parish], co. Lanc., 423 (p. 293).

Kellet, Kelle, Orm de, 423 (p. 293).
-, ……, ……, bailiff in fee of Lancaster, 423 (p. 295).
-, ……, ……, and Eufeme his wife, 423 (p. 294).

Kellialpha, co. Cornw., 604 (p. 457).

Kelligren, Henry son of Henry de, 604 (p. 475).
-, ……. Cf. Kylygreu.

Kelly, co. Devon. See Broadwoodkelly.

Kelly, John de, 31 (p. 26).

Kelnehod, Thomas, 434.

Kelsall, Keleshall, Keleshal, Kelsale, [in Tarvin parish] co. Chester, 280 (p. 178), 281, 376.

Kelsey, South, Suth Kelleseye, Sout Kelleseie, co. Linc., manor, 423 (p. 316).

Kelton, co. Suff., 604 (p. 478).

Kelum, co. Nott. See Kelham.

Kelwych [Bekwith in Pannall parish], co. York, 604 (p. 473).

Kemerton, Kenemerton [co. Glouc.], 371 (p. 248).
-, ……, manor, 407 (p. 270), 477 (p. 375).

Kemesek, Edmund de, 588.
-, ……, ……, his mother Petronilla, 588.
-, ……, ……, his daughters Petronilla and Isabel, 588.

Kempe, Walter de, 107.

Kempeley, Thomas de, 618.

Kempton, Keneton, co. Midd., king’s manor of, 85.

Kenchester, co. Heref., Weir in, q.v.

Kendale, William de, 334.
-, ……, Alice de, 334.
-, ……, Jordan de, and Cecily his wife, 551.

Kendalls. See Titeburst [in Aldenham parish], co. Hertf.

Kenderchurch, Sancta Keyna, co. Heref., 603 (p. 454).

Kenebell, co. Buck. See Kimble.

Kenefare, co. Staff. See Kinver.

Kenele, co. Cornw. See Kennal.

Kenelyngwrth, co. Leic. See Kilworth.

Kenemerton, co. Glouc. See Kemerton.

Kenet, Nicholas de, 475 (p. 370).

Keneton, co. Midd. See Kempton.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Kenton.

Kenewreik ap Eonas or ap Jonas, 492.

Kenfig, Kenefec [co. Glamorgan], 371 (p. 244).
-, ……, burnt castle, 371 (p. 244).
-, ……, fair, 371 (p. 244).

Kenilworth, Kenleworthe, co. Warw., castle, &c., 423 (p. 288).

Keninghalle, Keninghal, co. Norf. See Kenninghall.

Kenleworthe, co. Warw. See Kenilworth.

Kenley, Kenleye, co. Salop, 194 (p. 121).
-, ……, manor, 194 (pp. 124, 125).

Kenlys, 371 (p. 246).

Kenn, Ken, co. Devon, manor, 31 (p. 24).
-, ……, advowson of church and chapel, 31 (p. 29).
-, ……, Carswell in, q.v.

Kennal, Kenele [in Stithians parish], co. Cornw., 604 (p. 458).

Kennet, East, Estkenete, Eskenet, co. Wilts, 603 (p. 454).

Kenninghall, Keninghalle, Keninghal, co. Norf., manor, 409.

Kenrich, John, 554.
-, ……. See Kenewreik.

Kensington, co. Midd., 367 (p. 229).

Kenstone, Kentenesden [in Hodnet parish, co. Salop], 536.

Kenswick, Ky . . . wyk, co. Worc., 371 (p. 249).

Kentbury, co. Berks. Titcombe in, q.v.

Kente, Bartholomew de, 604 (p. 467).

Kentelesbear, co. Devon. See Kentisbeare.

Kenteswode, Thomas de, 241.

Kentisbeare, Kentelesbear, co. Devon, manor, 31 (p. 28).

Kentisbury, co. Devon, manor and advowson, 31 (p. 27).

Kenton, co. Devon, manor, 604 (p. 456).
-, ……, Keneton, co. Suff., 604 (pp. 477, 478).

Kentwell, Kentewell, co. Suff., manor, 362 (p. 222).

Kenwyn, co. Cornw., Allet in, q.v.

Kenys. See Keynes.

Kepwick, Kepwik, co. York, 472 (p. 361).

Kercolston, co. Nott. See Car Colston.

Kerdif, John de, 550.

Kerdyf, Maud, 351.
-, ……, William de, 371 (p. 248).

Kerphilli. See Caerphilly.

Kerrier, co. Cornw., hundred, 604 (pp. 457, 458).

Kerrych, John, 434.
-, ……, ……, his brother Richard, 434.

Kersinton, co. Derby. See Carsington.
-, …… [Cartington in Rothbury?], co. N’humb., 423 (p. 306).

Kerswell, Kings, Kynghiskarswelle, Karswell, co. Devon, manor, 283 (p. 181).

Kerswille, co. Devon. See Carswell.

Kertemel, co. Lanc. See Cartmell.

Kertinton, co. N’humb. See Cartington.

Kertinton, John de, 423 (pp. 305, 315).

Kerton, co. Lanc., 423 (p. 294).
-, ……, co. York. See Kearton.

Keryel, Margery de, 423 (p. 296).
-, ……, William de, 492.

Kesgrave, Kessegrave, co. Suff., 604 (p. 477).

Kessegrave, co. Suff. See Kesgrave.

Kestam [co. Hunt.]. See Keyston.

Kesteven, co. Linc., fees of Gaunt in, 474 (p. 368).

Keston, Kestane, co. Kent, manor, 335.

Ketel, William, 429.

Ketelbergh, Richard de, of Corscombe, 484.
-, ……, Robert de, 484.

Ketelby, co. Linc. See Kettleby.

Keteleberwe, Keteleberge, co. Suff. See Kettleborough.

Ketelismor, co. York, 472 (p. 362).

Keth, John, 475 (p. 370).

Ketilby, co. Leic. See Kettleby.

Ketleston, co. Derby. See Kedleston.

Kettleborough, Keteleberwe, Keteleberge, Kettelberge, co. Suff., 604 (p. 477).
-, ……, manor, 125.

Kettleby, Eye, Ketilby, co. Leic., 472 (p. 360).
-, ……, Ketelby [in Wrawby parish], co. Linc., manor, 192.

Kettlewell, Ketilwelle, co. York, W.R., 284.

Kettliston, co. Derby. See Kedleston.

Ketton, Ketene, co. Rutland, 604 (pp. 461, 462).

Ketyng, James, 59.
-, ……, ……, Margery his wife. See Rokele.
-, ……, ……, his daughter Rose, 649.
-, ……, John son of Daniel, 649.

Keu, John le, 487.
-, ……. Cf. Cook.

Kexby, Keftesby, co. Linc., 141 (p. 89).

Keyingham, Kayngham, Kayingham, co. York, 209 (pp. 137, 138), 312.
-, ……, Pethyland in, 193 (p. 115).

Keyl, Humphrey de, 143.

Keynes, Keynys, Kenys, Hawis de, 369 (p. 233).
-, ……, Letice de (daughter of Adam de Perington), 443.
-, ……, Robert de, 46, 373, 423 (p. 309).

Keynsham, Keynesham [co. Somers.], abbot of, 371 (p. 249).

Keynys. See Keynes.

Keysoe, Caysho, Cayesho, co. Bedf., manor, 277, 278, 369 (p. 232).

Keyston, Kestam [co. Hunt.], Robert de Hecham, rector of, 154.

Kibblestone, Cublesdone [in Stone parish], co. Staff., manor, 172.

Kibworth Beauchamp, Kybbeworthe Beuchaump, co. Leic., 477 (p. 376).
-, …… Harcourt, Kybbeworth Harecourt, Kybbewrth Harecourt, co. Leic., 116, 117.

Kidderminster, Kedermenstre, Kydermoster, Kyderministre, co. Worc., 65 (p. 45), 194 (p. 117), 592.

Kidlington, Cudelinton, co. Oxford, manor, 54.

Kilburn, Kilburne, co. York, 472 (p. 361).

Kildwick, co. York, Glusburn in, q.v.

Kilgwrrwg, Gilgurrok [co. Monm.], 371 (p. 247).

Kilinghal, co. York. See Killinghall.

Kilkenny, Andrew de, 41.

Kilkhampton, Kylhampton, co. Cornw., 371 (p. 250).

Killing, co. York. See Nunkeeling.

Killinghall, Kylinghal, Kilinghal, Killinghale [in Ripley parish], co. York, 604 (p. 473).

Killum, Edmund de, 310.

Kilmersdon, Kynemersdon, co. Somers., manor, 189.

Kilmington, Kylmyngtone, co. Devon, 519.
-, ……, co. Somers., Norton Ferris in, q.v.

Kilpeck, Kylpek, Kilpyc, Kilpec, Culpek, co. Heref., honour or fee, 29 (p. 19).
-, ……, castle, &c., 543 (p. 418).
-, ……, prior of, 16.

Kilton, Kylton, Kilton in Clyveland [in Brotton parish], co. York, N.R., St. Peter’s chapel, 213.

Kilverstone, Kilverston, co. Norf., 604 (p. 477).

Kilworth, North, Kynelingworth, Kynelingworth Rabaz, Kynelingwrth Rabaz, co. Leic., 116 bis, 117.
-, ……, South, Suth Kenelyngwrth, co. Leic., 423 (p. 319).
-, ……, ……, Richard, lord of, 423 (p. 319).

Kimble, Little, Kenebell, co. Buck., 439.
-, ……, manor, 400.

Kimbolton, Kinebauton, co. Hunt., Andrew, rector of, 154.

Kimcote, Kylmundecote, co. Leic., manor, 307.

Kinardferry, Kynardferie [in Owston parish], co. Linc., 472 (p. 359).

Kinder, Kynder [in Glossop parish], co. Derby, 135.

Kinebalton, Eleanor de, 154.

Kinebauton, co. Hunt. See Kimbolton.

Kinewardeston, co. Wilts. See Kinwardstone.

Kingerby, Kynierdby, Kynardeby, Kynardby, co. Linc., 141 (p. 89).
-, ……, manor, 112.

Kingesstannord, co. Heref. See Stanford.

Kingeston, co. Hants. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. Surrey. See Kingston.

Kingeston, Jordan de, 319.
-, ……, Jordan de, son of William, son of Jordan, 319.

Kingeswode, co. Derby, p. 313.

Kingheston, co. Camb. See Kingston.

Kingsbury, co. Somers., Rodwell in, q.v.
-, ……, co. Warw., Coton in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Drakenage in, q.v.

Kingscliffe, Clyve, co. N’hamp., forest, 466.

Kingsey, Kyngesheye, co. Buck., manor, 439.

Kingskerswell, co. Devon. See Kerswell.

Kingsley, Kyngeslay [in Frodsham parish], co. Chester, 8.
-, ……, Kynggesle, co. Staff., lord of, 126.

Kingstanley, Kings Stanlegh, King’s Stanleye, co. Glouc., manor, 249.

Kingston, Kyngestone, Kyngeston, Kingheston, co. Camb., manor, 417,
-, ……, ……, advowson, 417.
-, ……, ……, Guy, parson of, 417.
-, ……, Kingeston, co. Hants, I. of W., 319.
-, …… Blount, Kyngeston, Kingeston by Aston [in Aston Rowant parish], co. Oxford, 604 (pp. 466, 467, 480, 481 bis).
-, ……on Soar, Kynston, Kyneston, co. Nott., 165, 379, 499, 504.
-, ……, . .,…., inquisition made at 168.
-, …… on Thames, Kyngeston, Kingeston, Kyngestan, co. Surrey, 194 (p. 120), 518.
-, ……, ……, inquisition made at, 65 (p. 47).
-, …… Deveril, Kingeston, co. Wilts, 604 (p. 459).
-, …… on Hull, Kyngeston upon Hull, co. York, 169.

Kingstone, Kyngeston, co. Heref., 511.
-, ……, ……, Coldwell in, q.v.
-, ……, Kyngestan [co. Somers.], manor, 142.

Kington, Great, Kyngton, co. Dorset, manor, 543 (p. 417).
-, ……, Kynton, co. Heref., 552 (p. 425).

Kinlet, Kynlet, co. Salop, manor, 291.

Kinnerley, Kynardesleye, co. Salop, manor, 536.

Kinnerton, Kymerton, co. Salop, 635 (p. 504).

Kinoulton, Kynalton, co. Nott., 423 (p. 311).

Kinver, Kenefare, co. Staff., inquisition made at, 587.

Kinwardstone, Kynewardeston, Kinewardeston, co. Wilts, hundred, 371 (p. 234).

Kirby Bellars, Kyreby upon the Wreyk, co. Leic., 472 (p. 360),
-, ……, ……, prior of, 472 (p. 360).
-, ……, Monks, Kirkeby, co. Warw., 472 (p. 359).
-, ……, ……, prior of, 472 (p. 359).
-, ……, ……, Pailton in, q.v.
-, …… Grindalyth, co. York, Thirkleby in, q.v.

Kirchalum, co. Derby. See Hallam.

Kircoswald, co. Cumb. See Kirkoswald.

Kirk Hallam, co. Derby. See Hallam.

Kirk Ireton, co. Derby. See Ireton.

Kirkandrews, Kirkandres, co. Cumb., 583.

Kirkburn, Kyrkbrun, Kirkbrunn, co. York, manor, 213.

Kirkby Mallory, Kyrkeby Mallore, co. Leic., 423 (p. 319).
-, ……, South, Suthkirkeby, Soutkirkeby, co. Linc., manor, 423 (p. 317).
-, …… upon Bain, Kirkeby, co. Linc., 476 (p. 372).
-, …… Stephen, Kirkeby Stephan, Kyrkeby Stephan, co. Westm. 21.
-, ……, ……, manor, 70.
-, …… Hill, co. York, Langthorpe in, q.v.
-, …… Knowle, co. York, Bagby in, q.v.
-, …… Malhamdale, co. York, Hanlith in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Scosthorpe in, q.v.
-, …… Malzeard, Kyrkebymalsard, Kirkeby, Kyrkeby, co. York, 472 (pp. 362, 363).
-, ……, ……, manor, 472 (p. 357).
-, ……, ……, woods in, 472 (p. 358).
-, …… Moorside, Kirkeby Moresheved, co. York, 472 (p. 363).

Kirkdale, co. York, Muscoates and Wombleton in, 472 (p. 363).

Kirkebride, Richard de, 597 (p. 449).
-, ……, Richard de, son of Euphemia daughter of Richard de Lavington, 583.

Kirkeby, co. Linc. See Kirkby.
-, ……, co. Warw. See Kirby.
-, ……, co. Westm. See Kirkby.
-, ……, co. York. See Kirkby.

Kirkeby, Kyrkebi, Gilbert de, 350.
-, ……, John de, 640.
-, ……, ……, sheriff of Northumberland, 611.

Kirkeoswald, co. Cumb. See Kirkoswald.

Kirkested, co. Linc. See Kirkstead.

Kirketon, co. Linc. See Kirton.
-, ……, co. Nott. See Kirton.

Kirketon, Ralph de, 615.
-, ……, Robert de, knight, and Beatrice his wife, 234.

Kirklinton, Levington, co. Cumb., 583.

Kirkoswald, Kirkeoswald, Kircoswald, co. Cumb., 285 (p. 183).
-, ……, manor, 285 (pp. 184, 185).
-, ……, advowson 285 (pp. 183, 185).

Kirkstead, Kirkested, co. Linc., 476 (p. 373).

Kirton in Lindsey, Kirketon, co. Linc., 604 (p. 486).
-, ……, ……, manor and soke, 604 (p. 470).
-, ……, ……, market, 604 (p. 470).
-, ……, ……, inquisition made at, 604 (p. 474).
-, ……, ……, wapentake, 604 (p. 471).
-, ……, Kirketon, co. Nott., 423 (p. 311), 478.

Kislingbury, Kyselyngbury, co. N’hamp, 423 (p. 309).

Kiverknoll, Kynernon [in Much Dewchurch parish] co. Heref., 543 (p. 418).

Knaptoft, Knapetoft, co. Leic., 423 (p. 319).

Knapton, Cnapton [in Acomb parish], co. York (E.R.), 623.
-, ……, Cnapton [in Wintringham parish], co. York, 472 (p. 362).

Knaresborough, Knaresburgh, the house of the Holy Trinity of St. Robert, 604 (p. 483).
-, ……, manor, castle and honour, 604 (p. 472).
-, ……, court at, 341.
-, ……, Soke, 604 (p. 473).

Knaresdale, co. N’humb., manor, 611.

Knelle [in Beckley parish], co. Sussex, manor, 255.

Knelle, Geoffrey de, 255.
-, ……, Matthew de, father of Geoffrey, 255.
-, ……, ……, brother of Geoffrey, 255.

Knight Ellington, Elfinton and Knyghttynton [in Cookham parish], co. Berks, 604 (p. 468).

Knighteleye, Knyttel, Robert de, 423 (pp. 301, 314).

Knighton, West, Knython, co. Dorset, 604 (p. 459).
-, ……, Knythteton [in Arreton parish], co. Hants, I. of W., manor, 27.

Kniht, Thomas le, 9.
-, ……. Cf. Knyght.

Knipe, Gnype [in Bampton parish], co. Westm., 70.

Knipton, Gnypton, Knypton, co. Leic., 423 (p. 310), 467.

Kniveton, Knyveton, co. Derby, 57.

Knock, Knoksalkok [in Marton parish], co. Westm., 70.

Knoddishall, Knoteshale, co. Suff., 604 (p. 478).

Knoksalkok, co. Westm. See Knock.

Knook, Knuc, co. Wilts, 371 (p. 249).

Knossington, co. Rutland, 604 (p. 474).

Knot, John, 434.
-, ……, Reginald 434.
-, ……, Robert, 434.

Knoteshale, co. Suff. See Knoddishall.

Knotting, Cnottinge, co. Bedf., 423 (p. 296).

Knotton, co. Staff. See Knutton.

Knovile, Knovill, Bevis de, 371 (p. 247).
-, ……, Gilbert de, 371 (p. 247).
-, ……, ……, writ to, 604 (p. 488).
-, ……, ……, keeper of the lands late of Isabel de Fortibus, 309.
-, ……, ……, knight, 431.
-, ……, Joan de, 371 (p. 246).
-, ……, John de, 430, 431.

Knowle, Church, co. Dorset, Creech in, q.v.

Knuc, co. Wilts. See Knook.

Knuston, Cnoston [in Irchester parish], co. N’hamp., 423 (pp. 296, 306).

Knutton, Knotton, Cnotton, Curtton [in Wolstanton parish], co. Staff., 423 (p. 315).
-, ……, manor, 423 (p. 290).

Knychtesenge, co. Linc., 29 (p. 22).

Knyght, Knyth, William le, 170.
-, ……. Cf. Kniht.

Knyghttynton, co. Berks. See Knight Ellington.

Knypton, co. Nott. See Knipton [co. Leic.].

Knython, co. Dorset. See Knighton.

Knythteton, co. Hants. See Knighton.

Knyttel. See Knighteleye.

Knyveton, co. Derby. See Kniveton.

Knyveton, Henry de, 423 (p. 313).
-, ……, Ralph de, and Eleanor his wife, 524.

Koc, Hugh, 362 (p. 220).
-, ……. Cf. Cook.

Kok, Adam le, of Sheffield, 437.
-, ……. Cf. Cook.

Kokefeud. See Cokefeld.

Kokirham. See Cockerham.

Kokirsaund, co. Lanc. See Cockersand.

Kokkelbergh, co. Wilts. See Cockelborough.

Korkeby, co. Camb. See Corby.

Kraychou, co. York. See Cracoe.

Kruket. See Cruket.

Kubbelwyke, co. Hants., 170.

Kybbeworth, Kybbewrth, co. Leic. See Kibworth.

Kyde, Adam, of Radbourne, 627.

Kyderministre, Kydermoster, co. Worc. See Kidderminster.

Kylhampton, co. Cornw. See Kilkhampton.

Kylinghal, co. York. See Killinghall.

Kylmaytin. See Cilmeityn.

Kylmundecote, co. Leic. See Kimcote.

Kylmyngtone, co. Devon. See Kilmington.

Kylpek, co. Heref. See Kilpeck.

Kylpesham, co. Rutland. See Clipsham.

Kylpyc, co. Heref. See Kilpeck.

Kyltigayr [co. Glamorgan]. See Gelligaer.

Kylton, co. York. See Kilton.

Kylygreu, Ralph de, 604 (p. 477).
-, ……. Cf. Kelligren.

Kyme, de Kyme, Maud, 525.
-, ……, Maud de, 609.
-, ……, Philip de, 101, 209 (p. 137), 423 (pp. 297, 317, 318).

Kynalton, co. Nott. See Kinoulton.

Kynardby, Kynardeby, co. Linc. See Kingerby.

Kynardesley, Hugh de, 16.

Kynardesleye, co. Salop. See Kinnerley.

Kynardferie, co. Linc. See Kinardferry.

Kynder, co. Derby. See Kinder.

Kynelingworth, co. Leic. See Kilworth.

Kynemersdon, co. Somers. See Kilmersdon.

Kynernon, co. Heref. See Kiverknoll.

Kyneston, co. Nott. See Kingston.

Kynewardeston, co. Wilts. See Kinwardstone.

Kyng, Ralph, 475 (p. 372).

Kyngesbrome, co. Warw. See Brome.

Kyngesbromley, co. Staff. See Bromley Regis.

Kyngesham, Adam de, 400.

Kyngeshemede, Adam de, 439.

Kyngesheye, co. Buck. See Kingsey.

Kyngeslay, co. Chester. See Kingsley.

Kyngespeune, co. Heref. See Pyon.

Kyngessle, co. Staff. See Kingsley.

Kyngestan [co. Somers.]. See Kingstone.
-, ……, co. Surrey. See Kingston.

Kyngeston [Kingston Winstow in Ashbury?], co. Berks, 423 (p. 307).
-, ……, Kyngestone, co. Camb. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. Heref. See Kingstone.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. Surrey. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. York. See Kingston.

Kyngeston, John de, 423 (p. 307).
-, ……, John son of Nicholas de, 133.
-, ……, Nicholas de, 423 (p. 307).

Kyngeswell [co. Hants, I. of W.], 138.

Kyngeswode, co. Surrey, 147.

Kyngeswynterburn, co. Dorset. See Winterborne.

Kynggeshoughthone, co. Bedf. See Houghton.

Kynggeswynterborn, co. Dorset. See Winterborne.

Kynghiskarswelle, co. Devon. See Kerswell.

Kyngton, co. Dorset. See Kington.

Kynierdby, co. Linc. See Kingerby.

Kynlet, co. Salop. See Kinlet.

Kynston, co. Nott. See Kingston.

Kynton, co. Heref. See Kington.

Kyre, Cure, co. Worc., 65 (p. 46).

Kyre Parva, Ketelescur by Childrene Hanleye, co. Worc., 194 (p. 117).

Kyrkbrun, co. York. See Kirkburn.

Kyrkeberg, co. Westm., 70 (p. 54).

Kyrkebi. See Kirkeby.

Kyrkeby, co. Leic. See Kirby Bellars.
-, …… Mallori, co. Leic. See Kirkby.
-, …… Stephan, co. Westm. See Kirkby Stephen.
-, ……, co. York. See Kirkby.

Kyrkeby, Kyrkebi, John de, 207 (p. 132).
-, ……, John de, of Kirby in Cleveland, 623.
-, ……, William de, 472 (p. 360).

Kyrkeham, Alan de, 476 (p. 374).

Kyrkemalsard, co. York. See Kirkby Malzeard.

Kyseby, co. Linc. See Keisby.

Kyselyngbury, co. N’hamp. See Kislingbury.

Kysterwode, Thomas de, 434.
-, ……, ……, his brother John, 434.

Kyvele, co. Wilts. See Keevil.