Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 64

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 64', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I, ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 64', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Edited by J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 64". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp(London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Long title
Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 64

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 64

Writ, 14 April, 21 Edw. I.
SUSSEX. Inq. Thursday before St. Mark, 21 Edw. I.
Burne. A messuage, 17 1/2a. arable, 2a. pasture, and 21s. 1/2d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of 1/6 knight’s fee, and 11 1/2d. yearly for the guard of the castle of Pevenese, 22 1/2d. for sheriff’s aid, and 11 1/2d. for rent of the hundred of Burne; 3a. land and 1a. pasture, held of Gilbert le Fraunk by service of 1d. yearly; 4a. land held of Simon atte Heghe by service of 12d. yearly; and 1a. land held of Geoffrey le Bat by service of 2d. yearly.
Simon his son, aged 27 at the feast of the Annunciation last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (1.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 5.
72. [ (fn. 1) Deest. WILLIAM DE HALLY.
DERBY. Schacton.
Peke in Hopedale forest.]
Writ, 4 March, 21 Edw. I.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. Tuesday after the Annunciation [21 Edw. I.]
Carlisle. A burgage held of the king in chief, rendering 1d. yearly for ‘husgabel.’
West Levington. The manor held of Lady Sarra de Paveley, sometime the wife of Sir Richard de Levington, rendering 13s. yearly for cornage. Lady Sarra has the lordship of that land in dower for life of the holding of the said Richard her late husband.
Hugh his son, aged 18, is his next heir.
Writ ad melius inquirendum because the previous inquisition makes no mention whether the said Adam held anything other than a burgage in Carlisle of the king in chief, 14 April, 21 Edw. I.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. Tuesday after St. Margaret the Virgin, 21 Edw. I.
Carlisle. He held nothing else of the king in chief in the county than the burgage aforesaid.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (2.)
Writ, 8 May, 21 Edw. I.
WILTS. Inq. made at Tissbury by jurors of the hundreds of Wermenistre, Doneworth and Chalk on Thursday after St. Augustine, 21 Edw. I.
Norton. The manor held of Sir John Traygoz in chief, rendering him 17s. 3 1/2d. yearly for the guard of Euwyas.
Fifhyde. The manor held of the same John, rendering him 11s. yearly for the same guard.
Trowe. A tenement worth 40s. held of the abbess of Wilton, rendering her 10s. yearly.
Buile. A tenement and a virgate of land, held of Sir Eustace de Hache, rendering him 4s. 2d.
Alesia de Beauvent his daughter, is his next heir and of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (3.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 6d.
Writ, 23 Nov. 21 Edw. I.
Writ, 5 Dec. 21 Edw. I.
KENT. Inq. taken at Est Pecham on Friday after the Circumcision 21 Edw. I.
Scipburne [alias Shibburne]. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of Gloucester for 3/4 knight’s fee and suit at his court of Tonebrigge.
Thonebrigge. 2 1/2a. meadow held of the said earl by service of 18d. yearly.
La Watergate. 7a. arable held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of 18d. yearly.
Le Hethehirst. 11a. arable held of Bartholomew de Badelesmere by service of 15d. yearly.
Rammeshirst. 4a. meadow held of Thomas Rolant by service of 4s. yearly.
Halling. A messuage and 16a. arable, held of John de Longerigge by service of [1/8] knight’s fee; 12a. of ‘Warlant’ held of John le Poor and William [Farman] and their partners by services of mowing and gathering meadow, closing hedges, and paying pontage, which are worth 12d. yearly; 16a. arable held of the bishop of Rochester for 1/8 knight’s fee [ (fn. 2) and suit] at his court of Rochester; 16a. arable held of William le Pokel and the heirs of Jordan Cronoc [*by service of 4s.] yearly, and [*16a.] pasture by service of 2s. yearly; rent of assize [*19s.]; and 3a. meadow held of the bishop of Rochester by service of 10d. yearly.
Roger his son, aged 11, is his next heir.
SURREY; HUNDRED OF BRYXISTON. Inq. taken at Suthewerk on Saturday after the Circumcision, 21 Edw. I.
Hacchesham. The manor (extent given), rendering 15s. 6d. yearly to divers lords, and held of Sir William de Sey [alias* de Say] doing suit at his court of Grenewyc, and rendering scutage when it runs for 1 knight’s fee, and 10s. every 32 weeks for the guard of the castle of Dover to be paid by his own hand, of which 10s. he received 5s. from a tenement which was of John Hornepite in Hacchesham: but he did not hold the manor on the day he died, for he gave it three years before to Sir Roger de Leukenore to hold of the lords of the fees for ever, rendering to the said Sir Adam and his heirs 30l. yearly, but afterwards he acknowledged himself paid (pacatum) for ten years of the said rent.
Heir as above, aged 11 on the feast of the Purification in the year aforesaid.
SUSSEX. Inq. Sunday before the Epiphany, 21 Edw. I.
Wystenestone, Hyen and Chiltyngetone. The manors held of Sir William de Breuse by service of 4 knights’ fees, and doing suit at his court.
Iryngeham [alias *Hingeham (sic)]. The manor (extent given) held of Sir Thomas Peverel, service unknown.
La Sloghtre [alias (fn. 3) Sloghtre]. Certain lands held of Sir William Paynel, service unknown.
Cockinge. The manor (extent given) held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of 3 1/20 knights’ fees.
Wistenestone and Assherst. [The manor] (extent given) including pastures at ‘la Frithe,’ Assherst and on the hills, and 12 loads (summe) of salt at Launcyng.
Hyen. The manor, whereof the particulars are not specified because Lady Gervase, sometime the wife of Sir William de Wistenestone, will hold it for life as dower, after whose death it ought to revert to the said Adam.
Chiltyngtone. [The manor] (extent given).
La Sloghtre and Billyngeherst. 184a. arable, 5a. 3r. meadow, and 2a. wood.
Heir as above, aged 10 at the feast of the Assumption last.
SURREY; HUNDRED OF FARNHAM. Inq. Wednesday after St. Valentine, 21 Edw. I.
Putford. 3a. wood and 31s. rent of assize, held of James le Bel by the defence of 1 hide of land whenever scutage runs.
Heir as above, aged 11 years.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 5 Jan. 21 Edw. I.
Branteston. The manor (extent given), held of Sir William de Say, rendering 5s. yearly for him for the guard of the castle of Dover.
Heir as above, aged 12 and more.
Combes. His manor in the hamlet of Watesford (extent given), held of Sir Roger son of Albert [alias *Osbert], from which 63s. 8 1/2d. ought to be paid yearly.
Memorandum. That it is found in a certain book of the exchequer that Richard Vabadun held of the king 3 knights’ fees: and he was ancestor of Adam de Bavent on his mother’s side, and his lands &c. descended to the said Adam through his mother’s death.
E. Inq. p.m. File 2. (1.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 1.
Writ of plenius certiorari on the complaint of Alesia, late the wife of the said Adam, that lands &c. had been taken into the king’s hand, of which she was enfeoffed jointly with her said husband, 13 May, 21 Edw. I.
SUSSEX. Inq. made at Lewes on Monday after St. Dunstan, 21 Edw. I.
The said Adam and Alesia were enfeoffed jointly by William Berneval of 2 1/2a. land in Wystenestone, and by Martin rector of the church of Thacham and Philip le Wylde of a messuage and 11a. land in Bungeton; and the said Alesia continued her seisin thereof for eight years and more until the death of the said Adam.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (4.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 6.
Writ, 1 July, 21 Edw. I.
MIDDLESEX. Inq. made at Edelmeton on Tuesday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 21 Edw. I.
Enefeud. A third part of a messuage, which was of the said Richard, and lands, rents &c. to the extent of 11l. yearly, held in dower of the earl of Hereford in chief, and they ought to revert to Avelyne late the wife of John Durant, and Emma the wife of John Heyron, sisters and heirs of the said Sir Richard, who are of full age; for which lands &c. the said John and John did homage to the chief lords of the fee.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Bridgewater on Friday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 21 Edw. I.
Nywton Forester. A certain part of the manor held of the king in chief in dower after the death of the said Richard, who held of the king in chief, service unspecified.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (5.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 9.
Writ to the escheator. Whereas after the assignment of dower to the said Margery, partition was made in the Chancery, 17 [Edw. I] of the lands &c. which remained in the king’s hand, beyond the said dower, of the inheritance of the said Richard, between Nicholas Pecche and Sabine his wife, John Duraunt and Aveline his wife, and John Heyrun and Emma his wife, heirs and parceners of the said inheritance, with their consent (as follows in detail), and now the said Margery has died, the king on the petition of the said heirs that the said partition may be observed in all its articles, commands that full livery be made accordingly, 1 Sept. 21 Edw. I. And on 2 May, 22 [Edw. I] the said Nicholas Pecche and John Heyrun in the presence of the escheator agreed and granted that the said Nicholas and Sabine should have certain particulars in Newton Forester to them and their heirs for ever to supply what was deficient to them according to the petition in the Chancery named in the king’s writ (details given).
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 9.
79. THOMAS DE EVERCY alias DEVERCY, knight.
Writ, 27 May, 21 Edw. I.
[GLOUCESTER.] Inq. Sunday after St. Kenelm the Martyr, 21 Edw. I.
Ruwardyn. A messuage, 60a. land, a third part of a mill, 105s. 6d. rents of free tenants, 10s. rents of customers, pleas &c. held of the king in chief by service of serjeanty and by rendering 20s. yearly at the castle of St. Briavels.
Thomas, son of Thomas son of Thomas Devercy, knight, aged 23, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (6.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 9d.
Writ, 27 April, 21 Edw. I.
SOUTHAMPTON. Extent, 21 May, 21 Edw. I.
Menestok. 8s. free rent, 12d. from cottars, 24s. 6d. from villeins, works, &c. held of the king in chief of the lands of the Normans, service unknown; which tenements King Henry gave to Henry de Turri, uncle of the said Thomas, to hold of the king.
Next heir unknown.
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 7.
Writ, 27 April, 21 Edw. I.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Winchester, 1 July, 21 Edw. I.
Munestok. 8s. free rents, 12d. rent of cotters, 24s. 6d. rent of villeins, works worth 6d., chircheschot at Christmas 8d., eggs at Easter 2 1/2d., and ploughing on fallow land (in waretto) 12d.; which were given by King Henry III to Henry de Turri, uncle of the said Thomas, of the lands of the Normans, he being at that time the king’s serjeant at mace (serviens ad clavam), for his service, to hold of the king in chief.
Thomas his son, aged 5 on the feast of St. Dunstan last, is his next heir.
SOMERSET. Inq. made at Taunton on Monday after St. Petronilla the Virgin, 21 Edw. I. (defective.)
Iveton. A messuage, 2s. 1 1/2d. rent, 4 virgates of land, 5a. meadow, pasture and a mill, held of Sir Walter de la Lynde, by service 1/4 knight’s fee, and rendering yearly 1 1/2lb. pepper and two pairs of gloves. He held nothing more in the county.
…., aged as above, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (7.)
Writ, 21 Sept. 21 Edw. I.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. 17 Oct. 21 Edw. I.
Menestoke. A messuage, 72a. land worth 2d. and 9a. land worth 4d. an acre, held of the heir of Robert Walerand [a minor and in the king’s wardship] rendering 1d. yearly.
Ralph Byaupeyl her son, aged 30 and more, is her next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (8.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 10d.
Writ, 1 Jan. 21 Edw. I.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. made at Werk in Tynd[all] on Monday after the octave of Easter, 21 Edw. I.
Tyndall. Lands worth 108l. yearly, held of the king of England in chief by doing homage only for the same to the king of England.
John de Balliolo, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. made at Carlisle on Tuesday in Easter week, 21 Edw. I.
Penreth, Soureby, Languetheby, Salkyld, Karlaton and Scotteby. The manors held of the king of England in chief by service of rendering a sore sparrow-hawk at the feast of the Assumption at the castle of Carlisle, and doing homage to the king of England and his heirs, and fealty, for the same.
Heir as above, aged 30.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (9.)
Writ, 7 May, 21 Edw. I.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Winchester, 1 July, 21 Edw. I.
Chark. 9 virgates of land (extent given), held of the king in chief in socage, rendering to Richard de Bello Campo by the assignment of King John 10s. yearly, and to the prior of Hamele by the assignment of John de Gysors 40s. yearly, and he owes suit at the king’s hundred of Tychesfeld every three weeks.
Lee. 8 virgates of land held of Sir John de Britannia, of the honour of Richemund, for 1/3 knight’s fee.
Richard his son, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (10.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 7.
Writ, 3 June, 21 Edw. I.
MIDDLESEX. Inq. Tuesday before St. Barnabas, 21 Edw. I.
Exeford. 24a. land, 4a. meadow and 24s. 3 1/2d. rent of free tenants, held by service of 1/8 knight’s fee, doing suit of court every three weeks at the king’s manor of Keneton, and rendering 12d. yearly to the king.
Robert his son, aged 40 and more, is his next heir.
SUSSEX. Inq. Monday before St. Botolph, 21 Edw. I.
Horstede and Birchindenne. The manor (extent given), held of the king of the barony of the honour of Pevenese, service unknown.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (11.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 19d
Writ, 10 Nov. 21 Edw. I.
ESSEX. Inq. 23 Nov. 22 Edw. I.
Little Reynes. A messuage, 235a. land, 19s. 8d. rent of assize, works, 6a. meadow, 8a. wood, a water-mill, profits of court &c. held of the king in chief of the honour of Hawle by service of a knight’s fee. The said lands &c. also render 10s. yearly at the castle of Dover.
Thomas his son, aged 10, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (12.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 12d.
Writ, 12 Jan, 21 Edw. I.
SALOP. Inq. made at Wenloke on Sunday after St. Gregory, 21 Edw. I.
Fayntre. An eighth part of 2 carucates of land, held by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Isabel his wife, of the king in chief by serjeanty, the parceners of the said 2 carucates finding a man with a bow and 3 arrows with a bolt (?) (cum troculo) with the king in Wales in time of war, who shall follow the king until he have shot his arrows in the king’s defence, and if he has to remain longer, it shall be at the king’s cost.
(Unspecified.) 3a. land held of Geoffrey de Overton by service of 1/2d. yearly.
Richard son of the said Peter and Isabel, aged 26, is their next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (13.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 4d.
Writ to the guardians of the archbishopric of Canterbury, now vacant and in the king’s hand, 30 May, 21 Edw. I.
KENT. Inq. and extent made at Canterbury on Thursday the feast of St. Barnabas, 21 Edw. I.
(Unspecified.) A messuage, 39a. arable, pasture for 100 sheep and 9 cows, a house called Salkot, and 5s. 8d. rent of assize, held of the archbishopric by service of 1/8 knight’s fee, homage and suit every three weeks at the court of Canterbury, 7s. rent yearly, and 1/2d. Romscot.
He had a son Alan by name, who married a wife, but whether or not she is pregnant the jury know not; if not, John, brother of the said Alan, is the next heir and of full age.
Endorsed. Let him wait until it is known whether the wife (mulier) be pregnant or not.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (14.)
Writ, 17 August, 21 Edw. I.
Hetherdene. Two parts of a virgate of land, two parts of a ‘cotsetle,’ and 3a. land, held of the king in socage, pertaining to the fee farm of Andevere, by rendering to the said fee farm 8s. 8d. yearly; and the fee farmers of Andevere shall have heriot and relief thence. One Agnes Durdent holds a third part of the said virgate in dower, rendering to the said farmers as much as belongs to such part.
Clanefeld. 4a. land of the fee of the abbot of Gresteyne.
Penyton. 10 1/2a. land of the fee of Robert de Meysy.
John his son, aged 19 at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last, is his next heir.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Wychurch, 12 Sept. 21 Edw. I.
Wytchirch. A messuage &c., 52a. land, 1/2a. meadow, pasture, 10a. wood, and a free rent of 25s. 7d. held of the prior of Winchester, to whom he rendered yearly for the messuage &c. 16s., for carriage of corn in the autumn 4s. 6d. for ploughing 3s. 5d. and a bushel of corn, price 6d., for chircheschet 4d. and for enclosing the bishop’s park 2d.
Heir as above.
SOMERSET. Inq. made at Cerde on Sunday before the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 21 Edw. I.
Wynacressytte. 24a. arable, 3a. meadow, and moor and pasture, held of Sir Philip lord of Cumbe by rendering 1d. on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and 1d. at Christmas, and doing suit at the court of Cumbe twice a year.
Watelestone. A messuage and 32a. arable, held of Roger de Stantone, rendering 16d. yearly.
Watelestone and Wadeforde. A messuage &c. and 64a. arable in Watelestone, and a messuage &c. in Wadeford, held of William the clerk of Cerde, and Geoffrey the clerk of Wadelestone, rendering to them 1d. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 19 on the feast of the Purification next.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (15.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 5d.
90. OWEN (Audoenus) DE LA POLE.
Writ, 15 Oct. 21 Edw. I.
WALES. Inq. made at La Pole on Wednesday before St. Nicholas, 22 Edw. I.
Mathrawel in Kaereynon. The manor (extent given), including rents of 242 hoops (hoppas) of oatmeal, held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of la Pole.
Griffin his son, aged 2 years on Palm Sunday last, is bis next heir.
WALES. Inq. made at La Pole on the day of St. Nicholas, 22 Edw. I.
Soetlannerwodel with the hamlets adjacent (extent given), including pasture round the castle, 204 hoops of oatmeal, 22 hens churchscot (?) (provenien’ de Cherc’) and a fishery, held of the king in chief by service as above.
Heir as above.
WALES. Inq. made at La Pole on Thursday before St. Nicholas, 22 Edw. I.
Walwern in Keveilloc. The manor with certain tenants adjacent (extent given), including 704 hoops of oatmeal, and 104 hens churchscot (?) held as above.
Heir as above.
WALES. Inq. made at La Pole on the day of St. Andrew, 22 Edw. I.
La Pole. The town (extent given), including a fair at the feast of the Decollation of St. John, toll of the market, and a custom of ale from brewers, held as above; whereof Lady Hawis de la Pole receives a third part in dower.
Heir as above.
WALES. Inq. made at La Pole on Thursday before St. Nicholas, 22 Edw. I.
Lanlidelas. The town (extent given), including fairs at the feasts of the Translation of St. Thomas and of St. Luke, and toll of the market, held as above.
Heir as above.
WALES. Inq. made at the castle of La Pole on Tuesday before St. Nicholas, 22 Edw. I.
Machenli. The town (extent given), including a fishery, and fairs at the feasts of St. Edmund the King and St. Peter, held of the king in chief as pertaining to the honour of the castle of La Pole.
Heir as above.
WALES. Inq. Saturday before St. Nicholas, 22 Edw. I.
Penpres in Iscoet. The manor with adjacent hamlets (extent given), including hoops of oatmeal, and 168 hens churchscot (?) at Christmas, held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of La Pole.
Heir as above.
WALES. Inq. made at the castle of La Pole on Saturday before St. Nicholas, 22 Edw. I.
Talgar in Arwistli. The manor with adjacent hamlets (extent given), including hoops of oatmeal, and 153 hens churchscot (?) at Christmas, held as above.
Langerik (extent given), held by the service aforesaid.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (16.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 13.
Writ, 27 March, 21 Edw. I.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Roubyr[y] on Sunday, three weeks from Easter, 21 Edw. I.
Esselinton. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by service of rendering 4l. at the king’s exchequer of Newcastle, and 16s. at the castle of Baumburf for truncage, and 15d. for cornage; and it does suit at the county (court) of Newcastle.
Framlinton. A messuage and 60a. land, held of Robert de Stoteuuill and Eleanor his wife, doing homage only and suit at the court of Mitford.
Robert his son, aged 22 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (17.)
Writ, 8 May, 21 Edw. I.
SOMERSET. Inq. made at Ivelcestre on Thursday after SS. Peter and Paul, 21 Edw. I.
Radlych. The manor held of Simon de Monte Acuto by service of 1d. yearly.
Draycote. The manor held of Lady Cecily de Bello Campo by service of a knight’s fee.
He held nothing of the heir of Hugh Lovel, a minor and in the king’s wardship.
John his son, aged 11 at the feast of St. Laurence, 20 Edw. I., is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (18.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 8.
Writ, 4 May, 21 Edw. I.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. Saturday the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 21 Edw. I.
Bochardeby. 16a. land and 1a. meadow, held of the king of the inheritance of Joan his wife, rendering yearly to the king 5 1/2d. for cornage at the castle of Carlisle; and 3d. yearly rent from a tenement which Robert son of William holds of the same inheritance.
Cumbresdall. 4 marks of land which he had of the gift of Robert de Molecastre, rendering yearly to Sir William de Karliolo 1d. only.
Carlisle. A burgage, held of the same inheritance, rendering the king 2d. yearly.
John his son, aged 15, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (19.)
Writ, 28 May, 21 Edw. I.
SOMERSET. Inq. made at Supperderton on Wednesday the eve of St. Petroc the Confessor, 21 Edw. I.
Sevenhampton and Ayshulle. The manors held of James de Muleton, her son, for life for a rose at the feast of St. John the Baptist.
Heir unknown.
NORFOLK. Inq. Friday after St. Barnabas, 21 Edw. I.
Surligham. The manor held for life of Sir Hubert her son, rendering 20l. yearly, by a fine levied in the king’s court in 4 Edw. I, and after her death the manor reverts to the said Hubert and his heirs.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 19 June, 21 Edw. I.
Denham. The manor (extent given) held of Sir Roger Bygod, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, by service of a knight’s fee.
Thomas son of Thomas de Moleton, aged 30 and more, is her next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (20.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 7.
Writ, 16 Jan. 21 Edw. I.
SUSSEX. Inq. Monday after the Purification, 21 Edw. I.
Wyrlingtone. The manor (extent given), held of the king, service unknown.
Eustachia de Cauntilo, the wife of William de Ros, aged 30, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (21.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 2d.
Writ, 24 Jan. 21 Edw. I.
OXFORD. Inq. 24 Feb. 21 Edw. I.
Eston. 3 virgates of land held of the king in chief by service of finding a man for forty days with bow and arrows at his own cost with the king in his army in England and Wales.
Lewe. 4 virgates of land held of the king in chief by service of mewing (per servicium ad muer) a lanner falcon.
Eleford. A capital messuage and a virgate of land, held of lady Isabel de Grey by service of 3s. yearly; 1/2 virgate of land held of Sir Robert de Grey by service of 2s. yearly; and two parts of a virgate of land held of Sir Miles de Hastinges by service of 5s. yearly.
Herddewyk. A cottage held of Richard Partriche by service of 1/2d. yearly, which cottage rendered to the said Robert 17d. yearly.
Cokthrope. A cottage held of Sir Richard de Carbrok by service of 10d. yearly, which cottage rendered to the same (Robert) 16d. yearly.
Robert his eldest son, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (22.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. No. 4. m. 3.
Writ, 24 May, 21 Edw. I.
WILTS. Inq. made at Tokham on Thursday before St. Barnabas, 21 Edw. I.
Hywysch. 80a. land, 40a. poor land, 6a. meadow, pasture, 75s. 8d. rents, &c., and the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of 13s. 4d. yearly at the king’s exchequer by the hands of the sheriff, by reason of which service the said Silvester and his ancestors have always been in the wardship of the king and his ancestors.
Peter his son, aged 14 at the feast of St. Leonard last, is his next heir.
Hywysch and West Tokham. The said Silvester and Margaret his wife were jointly enfeoffed by John Doignel and Simon de Ordeston of a virgate and 1a. land in Hywysch, rendering a rose yearly, and by Cristiana Spileman of 3 virgates of land in West Tokham, rendering 24s. yearly.
BUCKINGHAM. Extent, Friday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 21 Edw. I.

Drayton Passelewe. A messuage, 93a. arable, 6a. meadow, and 5s. rents of free tenants, held of the abbot of Woubourn. And there are due to the said abbot 12d. yearly, and to the king for hidage, suits and other services 22d. yearly; and the said tenement shall find Alexander son of Robert Myle of Drayton Passelewe, all necessaries in food, clothing &c. so long as he shall live, which sustenance is worth 60s. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 14 at the feast of St. Martin last.
Writ of certiorari on the complaint of Margaret late the wife of the said Silvester that a messuage, 77 1/2a. land, 6a. meadow and 5s. rent in Drayton Passelewe, co. Buckingham, and a virgate and 1a. land in Hywish, and 3 virgates of land in West Tocham, co. Wilts, of which she was enfeoffed jointly with her said husband, had been unjustly taken into the king’s hand on his death, 3 July, 21 Edw. I.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. Tuesday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 21 Edw. I.
Dreyton Passelewe. The said Margaret was enfeoffed jointly with the said Silvester of a messuage, 77 1/2a. land, 6a. meadow and 5s. rent, by the enfeoffment of Alexander son of Robert Myle, to hold of the chief lords of the fee, viz. of the abbot of Woburn, by service of 12d. yearly, and continued her seisin for seven years until the said Silvester’s death.
WILTS. Inq. Sunday, the eve of St. Margaret, 21 Edw. I.
Hywys. The said Silvester and Margaret were jointly enfeoffed of a virgate and 1a. land, which they held, continuously for 15 years before the said Silvester’s death, of John Doynel and Simon de Ordeston by service of a rose yearly.
Westokham. The said Silvester and Margaret were jointly enfeoffed of 3 virgates of land, which they held, continuously for 24 years before the said Silvester’s death, of Cristina Spileman in chief by service of 24s. yearly.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (23.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 7d.
Writ, 23 August, 21 Edw. I.
WILTS. Inq. made at Netherhaven on Thursday after the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 21 Edw. I. (defaced.)
[Fitelton.] A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the king in chief at fee farm, rendering 12l. yearly at the king’s exchequer; and a messuage [and 2 carucates of land], held [at fee farm] of the prior of Neufmarche [rendering 8l. yearly].
Cumb. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of Sir John, bishop of Winchester, by service of [1/2] knight’s fee.
Cumpton. A messuage and 6 bovates of land, held of the heirs of John de Bremmor by service of 1/7 [knight’s fee]; and a messuage and a carucate of land, held by the said Richard and Richard his son of Sir John Lovel of Snotescumb by service of 1d. yearly.
Todeworth. A messuage [and a carucate of land], held by the same Richard and Richard of Sir Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
The said Richard and Richard his son held the tenements aforesaid jointly enfeoffed to them and the heirs of Richard the son.
Simon his son, aged 18, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (24.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 9d.
Writ, 23 Sept. 21 Edw. I.
OXFORD. Inq. 1 Oct. 21 Edw. I.
Stauntton Harecourth. A messuage, 115a. arable, 10a. meadow, pasture, wood, 16s. 10d. rents of free tenants, a bondman who holds a virgate of land rendering 4s. 4d. yearly and hoeing for eight days, mowing for two days, reaping for seven days without food and for one day with food, and ploughing 1 1/2a., another bondman who holds a 1/2 virgate of land rendering 3s. yearly and hoeing for four days, mowing for two days, reaping for three days without food with one man, and for one day with food, and ploughing 1/2a. land, and a third bondman who holds 1/2 virgate of land rendering 2s. 8d. yearly and doing works as the last, also rents and works of cottars and profits of court, all held of John de Byschopesdon by service of 1d. or a pair of gloves at Easter.
Margaret his daughter, aged 6 at Easter last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 64. (25.)
E. Enrolments of Inq. p.m. &c. No. 4. m. 10.


  • 1. Thus given in the calendar printed in 1806, and still missing. See Fine Roll, 21 Edw. I. m. 18.
  • 2. Supplied from the enrolment.
  • 3. Supplied from the enrolment.