Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry V, Entries 99-150

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 20, Henry V. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1995.

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J. L. Kirby, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry V, Entries 99-150', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 20, Henry V( London, 1995), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J. L. Kirby, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry V, Entries 99-150', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 20, Henry V( London, 1995), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J. L. Kirby. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry V, Entries 99-150". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 20, Henry V. (London, 1995), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry V, Entries 99-150

Writ 28 Sept. 1413.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Andover. 30 April 1414.
Jointly with John Frome, Richard Horne and Henry Macy deceased, and William Hurel, clerk, Robert Notyer and William, parson of Woodham, who are still living, he held 16 messuages, 2 carucates, 12 a. meadow and 8 a. wood in Ibsley and Gorley, by the grant of Thomas Strete to them and their heirs, described in his deed shown to the jurors as all his holdings in Ibsley, Gorley and Arnewood. They are held of Thomas Ponynges, knight, of his manor of Basing by fealty and a rent of 40d. payable at Michaelmas, annual value 10 marks.
Jointly with William Wymond deceased and John Clyvedon and Thomas Bonham, who are still living, he held 13 messuages, 100 a. arable, 4 a. meadow and rents of 8s. and 1 lb. cumin in Hyde, Redbrook and Frogham in the parish of Fordingbridge by the grant of Maud widow of John Waryn, Thomas Belage, John Tannere, chaplain, and John Tannere, senior, to them and their heirs, described as all his holdings in these places and elsewhere in Fordingbridge hundred formerly held by John Chamberlayn, of John Halle of his manor of Nether Burgate by fealty and a rent of 6d. payable at Michaelmas, annual value 40s.
He died on 18 Sept. last. John his son and heir is aged 14 years and more.
Writ 15 Nov. 1413.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Dunmow. 5 June 1414.
John Moigne, knight, held the manor and advowson of Great Easton in his demesne as of fee and on 20 May 1398 granted them to Elizabeth his daughter then the wife of William Stourton and the heirs of her body, by royal licence [CPR 1396–9, p.356]. She was to render nothing for 4 1/2 years and then 40 marks yearly to John Moigne for life, by equal parts at the 4 usual terms, he having the right to distrain if it were in arrears. William and Elizabeth had issue John and Margaret. Elizabeth died, and William has since held by the courtesy of England of the king in chief in grand serjeanty, annual value nil beyond the 40 marks to John Moigne, who is still alive.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 15 Nov. 1413.
DORSET. Inquisition. Sherborne. 30 Jan. 1414.
He held a 4th part of the manor of Buckhorn Weston in his demesne as of fee by the grant of Warin Lutyan, knight, and Katharine Spriggy, described as all their holdings in ‘Weston Maundeville’ otherwise called Buckhorn Weston, rendering 10 marks yearly to them during their lives, annual value nil beyond the rent, Katharine being still alive. He also held 2 other parts of the same manor with the advowson, annual value 10 marks. The 3 parts are held of Richard Courtenay, bishop of Norwich, of his manor of East Coker by a rent of 2s. or 1 unmewed sparrowhawk.
Jointly with William Hankeford, knight, he held half the hundred of Coombs Ditch and the manor and advowson of Tarrant Rushton, of the earl of March of his manor of Cranborne, service unknown, annual value 12 marks; and jointly with the same 1 messuage, 3 carucates, 40 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture and 40s. rent in Broadway and half the manor of Broadway, of Robert Latymer of his manor of Dewlish by a rent of 1/2d. at Michaelmas, annual value 100s.
He also held in his demesne as of fee 40d. assize rent from a messuage in Sherborne, formerly held by Philip Goldsmyth, of the abbot of Sherborne, service unknown; and 8s. rent in Motcombe from a tenement formerly held by John Ruddok, of Queen Joan of her manor of Gillingham in petty serjeanty.
Date of death and heir as above.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Yeovil. 29 Jan. 1414.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
West Perrot, the bailiwick or bedelry by which he and his ancestors have had the execution of all writs in the bailiwick directed to the sheriff, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 20s.
Frome, 22 a. enclosed meadow called ‘Somdyesmede’, of Edmund Leversegge of the manor of Frome, service unknown, annual value 6s.8d.
Norton Ferris and Kilmington, 3 messuages and 1 carucate formerly of William Norton, of Lord Ferrers of Chartley of his manor of Norton Ferris, service unknown, annual value 40s.
Othery, 4 messuages and 1 carucate, jointly with Thomas Bonham, who survives him, by the grant of William de Monte Acuto, late earl of Salisbury, lord of Man and of the Isle of Wight, to them and his heirs, of Thomas earl of Salisbury, service unknown, annual value 40s.
Frome, 7 messuages, 9 a. arable and 16d. rent jointly with John Clyvedon, Thomas Bonham and John Gardener, by the grant of Robert Part and Edith his wife to them and his heirs, of Edmund Leversegge of his manor of Frome, service unknown, annual value 26s.8d.
Little Marston, the manor with the advowson of the chapel jointly with William Hankeford, knight, by the grant of Reynold lord Grey of Ruthin to them and his heirs, of the duke of Clarence of his manor of Queen Camel, service unknown, annual value £10.
Jointly with Thomas Bonham and John Gardener he held the manor of Marston Bigot by the grant of John Strete, rector of Kilmington, Walter Hert, chaplain, and John Bylleston to them and his heirs, of Thomas Lovell, knight, and William Beauchampe of their manor of Water, service unknown, annual value £20.
Lye, 10 messuages and 10 a. arable, jointly with Gilbert Wykes and John Gardener, by the grant of Ralph Botreaux, knight, John Palton and others to them and his heirs, of William Karent of his part of the manor of Lye, annual value 60s.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, melius sciri, as to how he and William Hankeford, knight, came to hold the premises in Coombs Ditch, Tarrant Rushton and Broadway described above [no. 101]. 8 July 1414.
DORSET. Inquisition. Sherborne. 17 Sept.
He held half the hundred of Coombs Ditch and the manor and advowson of Tarrant Rushton jointly with William Hankeford, knight, by a fine of 25 June 1402 [CP 25/1/51/53, no. 10] by which William Roos of Helmsley, knight, granted these premises to them and to Robert Rugge, clerk, deceased, and the heirs of William Stourton.
Similarly they held 1 messuage, 3 carucates, 40 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture and 40s. rent in Broadway and half the manor of Broadway by a fine of 3 Nov. 1400 [CP 25/1/51/53, no. 6] by which Gilbert Neburgh and Amice his wife granted these premises, which were held for life by Roger Betesthorne of the inheritance of Amice, to the same 3 persons, with remainder to the heirs of William Stourton. Roger Betesthorne attorned to them and died long before William, whereby William Stourton and William Hankeford held them.
Writ 15 Nov. 1413.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Amesbury. 22 April 1414.
He held the manor and advowson of Stourton with 2 carucates there jointly with Robert Rugge, deceased, William Hankeford, knight, Thomas Bonham, William Besylle, John Fauntleroy and Gilbert Wyke, to them and their heirs and assigns by purchase from Robert lord Poynings. They are held of Alice daughter and heir of Richard lord Seymour, under age in the king’s ward, of her manor of Castle Cary by homage and fealty, annual value 40 marks.
In Stourton he also held 1 messuage in which he lived, 8 other messuages, 2 carucates, 10 a. meadow and 100 a. pasture in fee tail to himself and the heirs of his body by the grant of Richard Hylle, formerly rector of Penn, and Robert Riche, chaplain, to John Stourton, his father, William Hankeford, Thomas Bonham, William Besylle, John Fauntleroy and Gilbert Wyke and the heirs of the body of John, by fealty and a rent of 1 clove of gillyflower at Christmas, annual value 100s.
He held in his demesne as of fee 6 messuages, 2 tofts, 107 a. arable, 11 a. meadow and 30s. rent in Mere, Woodlands, Over Zeals, Nether Zeals, and Wolverton; of which 3 messuages and 40 a. arable in Over Zeals and Nether Zeals are held in fee simple of John Clyvedon of his manor of Nether Zeals, service unkown; 20 a. in Mere and Woodlands of the dean of Salisbury of his prebend of Mere by a rent of 40d.; and all the rest of Hugh Mortymer of his manor of Mere, service unknown; annual value together 100s.
Also in his demesne as of fee he held 2 messuages, 40 a. arable and 33 a. pasture in Maiden Bradley, Hill Deverill and ‘Fouleyate’ of John Westbury, service unknown, annual value 40s.; and 2 messuages and 16 a. arable in Maiden Bradley jointly with John Gardyner, who is still living, by the grant of Roger Stourton to them and his heirs, of the prior of Maiden Bradley, service unknown, annual value 20s.; and 7 messuages, 4 carucates, 40 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture and 40 a. wood in Little Langford, West Ashton, Steeple Ashton, Great Hinton and Bulkington with the advowson of a chantry and Little Langford jointly with Master Richard Puttus, John Chavedon, Walter Hert, chaplain, and John Gardyner, by the grant of William Don, John Mordon, rector of Steeple Langford and Richard Entrebusch, chaplain, to William Stourton, Master Richard Puttus, John Clyvedon, Walter Hert, John Gardiner and the heirs and assigns of William and of Master Richard, described as all the lands and tenements formerly of William Don and Katharine his wife.
Jointly with William Hankeford, knight, John Chitterne, clerk and John Bathe, clerk, he held the manor of Poulshot and 8 messuages, 8 virgates and 8 a. meadow in Poulshot, Potterne, Marston and Worton by the grant of John lord Lovell, knight, to them and his heirs and assigns.
Date of death and heir as above.
C 138/4, no. 49
E 136/192/1
Writ 24 April 1413.
STAFFORD. Inquisition. Penkridge. 17 July.
Nicholas Ruggeley of Little Saredon once held in his demesne as of fee 1 messuage, 1 mill, 1 1/2 carucates, 12 a. meadow, 16 a. wood and 7s. rent in Bentley except for 4 a., in ‘Borewardestrete’ and enfeoffed John Ayssheby and Richard Love by royal licence [CPR 1405–8, p.456]. John regranted them to Nicholas and Eleanor his wife and the heirs of their bodies with successive remainders to John Jus, brother of Nicholas, the heirs of his body and the right heirs of William de Benteley, to hold of the king. Richard Love by deed dated at Bentley on 24 Oct. 1412 confirmed this grant. So Nicholas and Eleanor held by the service of keeping the hay called Bentley Hay in Cannock forest, annual value 4 marks.
Also jointly with Eleanor he held 1 messuage, 2 carucates, 12 a. meadow, 20 a. wood and 4d. rent in Great Saredon, Little Saredon, Shareshill, Hatherton and Otherton by the grant of Roger Wasteneys and John Sawyer, chaplain, to them and the heirs of their bodies with remainder to John Jus, brother of Nicholas and his heirs and assigns.
Similarly he held for life 1 virgate, 16 a. arable, 4 a. meadow and 2 a. moor in Cannock, Whitgreave, Salt, Little Wyrley, Great Wyrley, Norton under Cannock and ‘Fernyhalgewe’ (?Horninglow), by the grant of John Jus to Nicholas for life with remainder to John Salwey and his heirs and assigns. They are not held of the king but of whom is unknown, annual value 12 marks.
He died on 12 Feb. last. Alice wife of William Smyth of Rugeley is his kinswoman and next heir, aged 40 years and more.
C 138/4, no. 50
E 149/101, no. 11
Writ 13 Oct. 1413.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Wells. 21 Oct.
He held in fee tail 2 parts of the manors of Backwell, Saltford, Twerton, Rodney Stoke and Lamyat with the advowsons of Backwell and Saltford and 2 parts of 6 messuages and of 6 virgates in Hallatrow, with the reversion of the 3rd parts which Alice widow of John de Rodeney, knight, his father, holds in dower, by the grant of Thomas Balon, parson of Radstock, John Horne, parson of Uphill, Robert Edyngton, vicar of Westbury by Wells, to John, Katharine his wife and the heirs of his body. The manors of Backwell, Saltford and Twerton, the messuages and land in Hallatrow, half the manor of Rodney Stoke and the advowsons are held of the heir of Lord le Despenser, a minor in the king’s ward, by knight service, annual value £20. The other half of Rodney Stoke and a 20th part of half the manor of Lamyat are held of the bishop of Bath, service unknown, annual value 100s.; and the remainder of the half of Lamyat of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, annual value 23s.8d.; and the other half of the king of the earldom of Hereford in socage by fealty and a rent of 13s.4d., annual value 34s.4d.
He held the manor of Badgworth for life by the grant of John Venables and Richard Sutton to him, Isabel his wife and the heirs of Isabel, of John Roger of his manor of Sparkford, service unknown, annual value £10.
He also held the reversions of: the manor of Dinder, which Richard Virgo, Edith his wife and Isabel their daughter hold for their lives by the grant of John de Rodeney, rendering £10 13s.4d. by equal parts at the 4 terms, with reversion to John and his heirs, of the bishop of Bath by knight service, annual value nil beyond the rent; the manor of Lovington, which Richard Shephurd holds for life by the grant of the same, rendering 16 marks by equal parts at the 4 principal terms with the same reversion, of the abbot of St. Mary Graces, annual value nil beyond the rent; and 4 messuages, 4 carucates and 40 a. meadow in Congresbury and Wedmore, which John Venables, Richard Mulborne, John Roke and others hold for life by the grant of Walter, rendering £10 8s. yearly, with the same reversion, in Congresbury of the bishop of Bath and in Wedmore of the dean of Wells, annual value nil beyond the rent.
He died on 10 Oct. 1413. John son of Walter and Isabel is their heir, aged 26 years and more.
C 138/4, no. 51
E 149/101, no. 14
Writ 8 June 1413.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Aylesbury. 28 June.
She held in her demesne as of fee a 4th part of half the manor of Weston Turville with the advowson at the 4th turn and a 3rd part of 5 a. arable there, of the king of the honor and earldom of Leicester as a 20th part of half a knight’s fee, annual value 34s. including 24s. in assize rents payable by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas.
She died on 1 June last. Gilbert Talbot, knight, her son and heir, is aged 24 years and more.
Writ 8 June 1413.
BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Great Faringdon. 30 June.
She held a 3rd part of 2 parts of the manor and hundred of Shrivenham in dower of the inheritance of Gilbert her son and heir, of the king in chief as a 3rd part of 2 parts of a knight’s fee, annual value 118s. including £4 19s. in assize rents payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 8 June 1413.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Witney. 1 July.
She held a 3rd part of the manor and hundred of Bampton in dower of the inheritance of Gilbert her son and heir, of the king in chief as a 3rd part of a knight’s fee, annual value £12 including £7 11s.8d. in assize rents payable as above.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 8 June 1413.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Marlborough. 23 June.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Broughton Gifford, half the manor, of John Arundell, knight, lord Maltravers, service unknown, annual value £10 including £6 5s. in assize rents payable as above.
Ashton Giffard, half the manor with the advowson of Codford St. Peter at Alternate presentations, both of John Arundell, knight, service unknown, annual value 100s. including 63s. in assize rents, payable as above.
Swindon, a 3rd part of the manor, of the inheritance of Gilbert Talbot, knight, of the king in chief as a 3rd part of a knight’s fee, annual value £4 including 46s.8d. in assize rents payable as above.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 8 June 1413.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Polesworth. 23 June.
She held a 4th part of the manor of Willey of Joan Beauchamp, lady Abergavenny, service unknown, annual value 29s. including 22s. in assize rents payable as above.
Date of death and heir, aged 27 years and more, as above.
Writ 8 June 1413.
Gilbert Talbot, knight, of Goodrich Castle formerly held the manors of Longhope, Huntley and Lydney and 2 parts of the manor of Leigh in his demesne as of fee and granted them to Richard and Ankaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies. They held them and had issue Gilbert Talbot, knight, Richard died and Ankaret held them whilst she lived, Longhope and Huntley of the king of the duchy of Lancaster of the honor of Monmouth as 1 knight’s fee, annual values £18 10s. and £6 4s., Lydney of Richard earl of Warwick in socage by a rent of £4 payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas, annual value 112s., and the 2 parts of Leigh, of Hugh [Morton], abbot of St. Peter’s, Gloucester, service unknown, annual value £6 18s.
She held in her demesne as of fee half the manor of Badgeworth of Humphrey son and heir of Edmund earl of Stafford, a minor in the king’s ward, and he held of Henry IV as a 4th part of a knight’s fee, annual value £12 9s.6d.
She held in dower of the inheritance of Gilbert Talbot a 3rd part of the manors of Painswick, Moreton Valence and Whaddon; Painswick of the king in chief as a 3rd part of half a knight’s fee, annual value £11 5s., Moreton Valence and Whaddon of the king of the earldom of Hereford of the manor of Haresfield as a 3rd part of half a knight’s fee, annual values £6 10s.8d. and £4; and also 11 3/4 messuages in Huntsham in the March of Wales and 10s. in assize rents from various tenants there by equal parts at Christmas, Lady Day, Lammas and Michaelmas, being part of the castle, manor and lordship of Goodrich Castle, which is held of the king in chief as 1 knight’s fee, annual value £4 6s.8d.
Date of death and heir as above [no. 107].
Writ 8 June 1413.
Gilbert Talbot, knight, of Goodrich Castle, held the manor of Eccleswall in his demesne as of fee and granted it to Richard Talbot, knight, Ankaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies. They had issue Gilbert Talbot, knight. Richard died and Ankaret held it for the remainder of her life of the king in chief as 1 knight’s fee, annual value £39 10s. including £20 3s. in assize rents payable by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas.
She held in dower of the inheritance of Gilbert:
Penyard, a 3rd part of the manor as a 3rd part of a 50th part of a knight’s fee, annual value 4s.
Cleeve Prior by the town of Ross on Wye in the fee of Wilton, a 3rd part of a meadow and pasture extending from the fence of various tenements of Ross from 1 head to the river Wye in length and breadth between the fence of Henry Moton on one side and a ditch on the other, of the king in chief as a 3rd part of a 100th part of a knight’s fee, annual value 12d.
Archenfield, a 3rd part of the manor and of the hundred of Wormelow, of the king in chief as a 3rd part of a knight’s fee, annual value £8 10s. including £6 12s. in assize rents payable as above.
Goodrich Castle, 1 messuage occupied by William Filly; 13s.6d. in assize rents payable by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas; parcels of meadow namely a 3rd part of the meadows called ‘Castelmede’, ‘Brodemede’, ‘Mullemede’ and ‘Overmede’ below ‘Asshmede’ with all the pasture called ‘Overwyesham’ and ‘Netherwyesham’; a 3rd part of a garden called ‘le Wynyard’; the issues and profits of the weirs and fisheries in the river Wye and of the mill; a 3rd part of the pleas and perquisites of the court of the lordship of Goodrich Castle; a wood called ‘Lyteldowarth’ with a parcel of wood called ‘Arthuresquarter’; a parcel of wood in ‘Longegrove’ and one called ‘le Taylle’ next to it; parcels of wood in the woods called ‘Coppodewode’ and ‘Castelgrove’ delimited by metes and bounds.
All of these messuages, meadows, pasture, garden and profits of weirs, fisheries and courts, with lands and tenements in Huntsham in the March of Wales are parcel of the manor and lordship of Goodrich Castle, held of the king in chief as 1 knight’s fee, annual value 46s.8d.
Date of death and heir as above [no. 107].
Writ 8 June 1413.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Whitchurch otherwise Black Park, the manor and advowson, of Thomas earl of Arundel, service unknown, annual value beyond 40 marks which Isabel Ufford, countess of Suffolk, holds in dower from John Straunge, knight, formerly lord of the manor, and including £30 in assize rents payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas, £40 and no more because the greater part was burnt and devastated by the Welsh rebels.
Dodington, the manor, of the king in chief as 1 knight’s fee, annual value beyond 10 marks held by Isabel Ufford in dower, and including £4 13s.4d. in assize rents payable as above, £6 13s.4d. and no more for the same reason as above.
Ightfield, 1 toft with the advowson, of Griffin Wareyn, service unknown, annual value 2d.
Lynhales, a 4th part of the manor in the county and the March, of John Straunge, knight, lord of Knockin, service unknown, annual value 6s.8d. and no more for the same reason as above.
Whixall, 2 tofts and 12 a., of John Bacoke of Wem, service unknown, annual value 6s.3d. and no more for the same reason.
Wrockwardine, the manor, of the king in chief by a rent of £8 payable by the sheriff, annual value beyond that £14 3s. including £10 13s. in assize rents payable by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas.
Sutton Maddock with Brockton, the manor, of the king in chief by fealty and a rent of 4s, payable by the sheriff at the exchequer, annual value beyond that £4 including 40s. in assize rents payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.
Ruthall, 2 1/2 messuages, 20 a. arable, 4 a. wood and 10s. in assize rents payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas, of Nicholas Sandford, service unknown, annual value beyond the rents 10s.
She held for life the castle and manor of Corfham; 8 messuages and 3 carucates in Peaton; 24 messuages, 24 virgates and 100 a. wood in Siefton; 6 messuages, 13 virgates, 40 a. meadow, and 13s.4d. in assize rents, payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas, in Culmington with the advowson of Culmington; 10 messuages, 100 a. wood, 12 a. meadow and 40s. in assize rents payable as above in Diddlesbury; and the hay and chase of Earnstrey and Clee, all of the king in chief as 1 knight’s fee by the grant of John Boerleye of Broncroft, Geoffrey Louther and Hugh Burgh, esquires, by their deed dated at Corfham on 4 May 1408, described as the castle and manor of Corfham and all their lands and tenements etc. in Peaton, Siefton, Culmington, Diddlebury and Sparchford, with successive remainders to John Talbot, now lord Furnivall, as son and heir of Ankaret, the heirs of his body and her right heirs. The annual value is £13.6s.8d. including £10 15s. in assize rents payable by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas.
Similarly she held for life 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Yeye of Hugh Burnell, knight, by the grant of the same 3 feoffees by the same deed with remainder as above, service unknown, annual value 20s.
Date of death and heir as above [no. 107].
C 138/5, no. 52
E 149/100, no. 1
E 152/447,449,451
Writ 16 Sept. 1413.
DORSET. Inquisition. Sherborne. 21 Oct.
She held nothing in Dorset.
She died on 2 Sept. last. John Typtot, knight, is her kinsman and heir, being the son of Agnes, daughter of John Wroth, father of John Wroth, knight, father of John Wroth her brother, aged 30 years and more.
Writ 16 Sept. 1413.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 9 Oct.
She held in her demesne as of fee a messuage called ‘Swan on the Hoop’ in Moulsham in the parish of Chelmsford, annual value 20s.6d., 24 a. arable and 1 a. meadow in Springfield, annual value 9s.4d., the arable being worth 4d. the a., and the meadow 16d., all of the abbot and convent of Coggeshall by a rent of 1 pair of spurs price 6d.
Similarly she held 5 a. arable in a field called ‘Bunnegore’ in Springfield of Guy Buk by a rent of 4d., annual value at 4d. the a., 20d.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 16 Sept. 1413.
MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster. 2 Oct.
She held to herself and the heirs of her body 3 messuages, 2 carucates, 90 a. meadow, 20 a. pasture, 40 a. wood and £28 rent payable by equal parts at the 4 terms, in Enfield and Edmonton by a fine of 1369 [CP 25/1/151/71, no. 474] by which John de Ekyndon, then vicar of Enfield, Thomas Payn, clerk, and Roger Derneford granted these premises to John Wroth and Margaret his wife for their lives with successive remainders to Francis de Enefeld and the heirs of his body and the heirs of John Wroth. Francis de Enefeld died without heirs of his body. Margaret died. John Wroth had issue John Wroth, knight, and Agnes. John Wroth, knight, inherited and had issue John and Elizabeth. This John died without heirs of his body. Then Elizabeth held.
One messuage, 32 a. arable, 2 a. meadow and 66s.11d. rent are held of the king in chief by an 8th part of a 4th part of a knight’s fee. Of whom the rest is held and by what service is unknown; annual values, the messuage, arable, wood and pasture 40s., the meadow 11 marks 3s.4d.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 16 Sept. 1413.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke. 21 Oct.
She held the manors of Over Wallop and Nether Wallop and 1 carucate in Broughton in her demesne in fee tail by a fine of 1377 [CP 25/1/289/52, no. 4] by which George de Meryot, John Edward, clerk, and John Dekne granted them to Thomas Bouclonde, knight, and Maud his wife and the heirs of their bodies with remainder to John Wroth and Margaret and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas and Maud Bouclonde died without heirs of their bodies. John Wroth and Margaret then held and the premises descended to Elizabeth as above [no. 117]. They are not held of the king but of whom and by what service is unknown, annual values, Over Wallop 40s., Nether Wallop 40s., the carucate 12s.
She held the manor of Brockley in the New Forest in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief of the manor of Lyndhurst by a rent of 30s.6d. and suit of court there every 3 weeks, annual value beyond the rent 60s.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 16 Sept. 1413.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. West Lavington. 25 Oct.
She held the manor of Puck Shipton in her demesne in fee tail by a fine of 1350 [CP 25/1/255/48, no. 7] by which Peter de Wotton, clerk, and John de Ekyndon, chaplain, granted it to John Wroth and Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies.
Similarly she held the manor of Woodfalls by a fine of 1377 [not found] by which George de Meryet, John Edward, clerk, and John Dekne granted it to Thomas Bouclonde, knight, for life with remainder to John Wroth, Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies; and the manor of Redlynch and 60 a. arable and 6 a. meadow in ‘Beaupers’ by another fine of the same date [CP 25/1/289/52, no. 4] by which the same 3 feoffees granted them to Thomas Bouclonde, Maud his wife and the heirs of their bodies with remainder to John Wroth, Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies; and 6 messuages, 2 carucates, 10 a. meadow, 180 a. pasture, pasture for 4 oxen and 13s.4d. rent payable by equal parts at the 4 terms in Enford and Fifield by a fine of 1361 [CP 25/1/255/50, no. 9] by which William de Gilyngham and Agnes his wife granted these premises to John Wroth, Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies. All descended as above [no. 118].
She also held the manor of Barford in her demesne as of fee.
None of the premises was held of the king in chief but of whom is unknown, annual values, Puck Shipton manor 20 marks, Woodfalls manor 40s., Redlynch manor 5 marks, the holdings in Enfield and Fifield 10 marks and Barford manor 4 marks.
Date of death and heir as above.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio. Sheepbridge. 23 Oct. 1413.
Different jurors but same findings as last.
C 138/5, no. 53
E 149/100, no. 11
E 152/451, no. 1
Writ, for Thomas, 5 April 1413.
DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 31 July.
The following came into the king’s hands owing to the death of Idonea widow of John Poulet, the death of John their son, and the minority Thomas brother of John, and they remain in the king’s hands:
Holcombe Burnell, the manor, held of Thomas Brook, knight, and Joan his wife of their manor of Iddesleigh by knight service, annual value £8. It was held by William Batecok alias Badecok, chaplain, in his demesne as of fee and he by charter shown to the jurors granted it to Thomas son and heir of John Karle and the heirs of his body with successive remainders to Idonea sister of Thomas and the heirs of her body and John Kaynes and his heirs and assigns. Thomas Karle held in fee tail and died without heirs of his body. Idonea inherited it and married John Poulet. They had issue John and Thomas. John the father died. Idonea held it and died, and John the son died without heirs of his body. Thomas has now died without heirs of his body and it should descend to John Kaynes, who still lives.
Campscott, 6 messuages, 5 ferlings, 12 a. meadow and 28 a. pasture of Elizabeth Poulet of her manor of Raleigh, service unknown, annual value £4.
Barnacott, 3 messuages, 2 tofts, 40 a. arable and 12 a. meadow, of William Palton, knight, and Elizabeth his wife of their manor of Stoke Rivers, service unknown, annual value 20s.
John Poulet son of Idonea died on 17 March last without heirs of his body. The premises in Campscott and Barnacott descended to Thomas, his brother and heir. Thomas died under aged without heirs of his body on the following 19 March. Richard Karle is his next heir in blood, being the son of Richard, son of Richard son of Thomas brother of Humphrey father of William father of John father of Idonea mother of John and Thomas his brother. Richard is aged 50 years and more.
Writ, for John, 25 March 1413.
DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 31 July.
Findings as last.
Writ, for Thomas, 5 April 1413.
DORSET. Inquisition. Dorchester. 31 July.
Owing to the death of Idonea widow of John Poulet and after the death of John her son and heir, and because of the minority of Thomas brother and heir of John, 16s. rent from 1 messuage, 31 a. arable and 6 a. meadow in Loscombe came into the hands of Henry IV and remain in the present king’s hands. Of whom and by what service the rent is held is unknown.
Thomas died on 19 March last holding in fee simple. Richard Karle is next heir, as above, aged 50 years and more.
Writ, for John, 25 March 1413.
DORSET. Inquisition. Dorchester. 31 July.
Findings as last.
Writ, for John, 25 March 1413.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Chard. 28 July.
Owing to the death of Idonea, etc. as above, the following came into the hands of Henry IV and remain in the present king’s hands, all services unknown except for Compton Durville:
Compton Durville, 1 messuage, 80 a. arable and 1 a. meadow, held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £6.
Cudworth, the manor with 1 carucate in Ludney, parcel of it, of John Typtoft, knight, of his manor of Curry Malet, and 6 messuages and 3 carucates in Worth, also parcel of the manor, of John Chydyok of his manor of Chideock, annual value together £13 9s.5 1/2d.
Walscombe, 1 carucate, of the bishop of Bath of his manor of Chard, annual value 40s.
Seavington St. Mary, 1 messuage, 80 a. arable and 1/2 a. meadow, of William Cheyne, knight, annual value 66s.8d.
Avishays, 100 a. arable, of William Beauchamp, annual value 10s.
Clyve, 1 tenement, of Alexander Lynde, annual value 5s.
Dinnington, 1 tenement, of the same, annual value 4s.
Charlton Mackrell, 1 carucate, of Thomas FitzPain, knight, annual value 16s.8d.
Charlton Adam, 1 messuage and 20 a. arable, of the prior of Bruton, annual value 6s.8d.
Montacute, 2 tofts, 2 market stalls and 1 close containing 8 a. arable, of the prior of Montacute, annual value 14d.
Lidmarsh, 20 a. arable, of William Beauchamp, annual value 6s.8d.
Chard, 2 messuages and 1 fulling mill, of the bishop of Bath, annual value 10s.
Ashway, 1 messuage, 300 a. arable, 20 a. wood and 30s. rent, of the prior of Taunton, annual value £3.
Seavington St. Michael, 1 messuage and 5 a. arable of Humphrey Stafford, knight, annual value 5s.
Knoll, 1 close called ‘Asshylyete’ containing 6 a. pasture, of John Denbawe, annual value 16s.
Hinton St. George, 7 a. meadow and 4s. rent from lands and tenements which Amice widow of Stephen Derby, knight, Ralph James and John Benyn hold in fee, the meadow of John Denbawe, annual value 11s., but of whom the rent is held is unknown.
William Batecok alias Badcoke, chaplain, held all the above in his demesne as of fee and by his charter granted all except the premises in Compton Durville to Thomas son and heir of John Karle, remainder and descent as above [no. 121]. They should descend to John Kaynes who still lives.
The premises in Compton Durville should descend to Thomas Poulet as brother and heir. He died on 19 March.
Richard Karle is next heir as above, aged 50 years and more.
Writ, for Thomas. 5 April 1413.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. …
Partly torn and illegible, but findings apparently as last.
C 138/5, no. 5
E 149/100, no. 9
E 152/450, no. 2
Writ 19 Feb. 1414.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Northampton. 21 Sept.
On 8 Feb. 1395 Lewis de Clyfford, Richard Stury and Thomas Latymer, knights, Richard Dudley, John Warwyk and William Lane, chaplain, by their deed shown to the jurors, granted the manor and advowson of Paulerspury, which John Paveley, knight, had granted to them, to Joan his widow to hold to herself for her life and to her executors for 1 year more, without impeachment of waste and with remainder to themselves. This reversion they granted to Isabel, then wife of John Paveley junior, knight, and now the wife of John Seynt Johan, to hold to her and her heirs and assigns. Joan attorned to Isabel.
Afterwards on 12 July 1403 Joan by her deed, also shown to the jurors, granted all her estate in the manor except an interior court in the house called the gatehouse with the house, and excepting the advowson and the herbage, fishery and hunting in the new park and a meadow called ‘le Newmedwe’ and a garden next the graveyard of the manor with free ingress and egress to and from all these, to John Seynt Johan, Isabel his wife, Oliver their son, Thomas Wodevile, John Wylkotes, William Poulet and John Bovere for the life of Joan on certain conditions contained in the deed, provided always that immediately after the death of Joan John Seynt Johan and Isabel and their heirs and assigns could enter the manor as of ancient right without any payments or claims whatsoever from Joan on account of her occupation of the manor, excepting always that her executors should have free ingress and egress and reasonable time for administration without impediment by John Seynt Johan and Isabel or anyone acting in their name.
John Seynt Johan and Isabel are still alive, Isabel being aged 40. The whole manor should remain to them and the heirs and assigns of Isabel. It is held of the king of the honor of Peverel as half a knight’s fee, annual value £30.
Joan died on 1 Feb. 1414. Margery wife of John Bryan of Worcestershire is her kinswoman and heir, being the daughter of Sybil her sister, aged 30 years and more.
C 138/5, no. 55
E 136/148, no. 1
E 149/102, no. 17
Writ for proof of age of Robert son and heir of Robert Todenham, esquire. He is in the ward of John Tiptot, knight, who should be warned. 1 Nov. 1413.
NORFOLK. Proof of age. East Harling. 5 Nov.
Peter Payn, Adam Nobbes, John Borhed and John Hethill, all aged 50 years and more, separately examined, say that Robert Todenham was aged 21 on 17 July last, having been born at East Harling on that day and baptised in the church there [sic, no year given]. They were in the church to hear mass and saw the baptism.
Edmund Thweyt, Peter Hokham, John Roudham and Richard Spencer, all aged 45 years and more say the same and know because Margaret daughter of Simon atte Dele was married to William Adekyn on that day and they were present at the wedding and saw the baptism.
John Mounteney, William Wryghte, John Smyth and Thomas Auncell, all aged 48 years and more, say the same and they know because they were riding on the highway between East Harling and the church and met men and women conducting Robert to the church for the baptism.
The escheator informed John Typtoft but he did not come.
C 138/5, no. 56
Writ for proof of age of John son and heir of John Bayeux, Henry Mulsho has the wardship and should be informed. 29 May 1413.
[Endorsed] He was informed.
NORTHAMPTON. Proof of age. Geddington. 19 June.
The jurors say that John Bayeux was aged 21 on 3 Nov. 1412, because he was born at Aynho and baptised in the church there on 16 Oct. 1390.
John Bamburgh, Richard Wythir and Henry Grey, all aged 50 years and more, were in the church on that Sunday, heard mass and afterwards saw the baptism.
Robert Corsour, William Knyght and John Man, all aged 53 years and more, were present in the church and then dined with John Bayeux the father.
Richard Thorn, John Pykeryng and Nicholas Counford, all aged 40 and more, were also present in the church. Afterwards John Bayeux the father was riding home when his horse fell on him and he was badly hurt.
Roger Tynkere, John Webstre and Thomas Smythe, all aged 60 years and more, were hunting with others when they met some women taking John to the church for the baptism.
C 138/5, no. 57
Writ for proof of age. He is in the wardship of Richard Whityngton by the grant of Edward duke of York to whom the king granted it [CPR 1405–8, p.454]. Richard should be informed. 14 Oct. 1413.
[Endorsed] He was informed by Richard Colyn and Robert Spicer but did not come.
DEVON. Proof of age. Honiton. 31 Oct.
John Cokesdene, Nicholas Pencrich and William Hill, all aged 45 years and more, say that William son of John son of William Bonevyle, knight, was born at Shute and baptised there on 31 Aug. 1392 about the hour of vespers. They know because they were at Honiton for a loveday to settle a dispute between 2 neighbours, and there came Lady Katharine, formerly the wife of John Cobham, knight, and then the wife of John Wyke of Nynehead, aunt of William, proposing to ride to Shute and expecting to be godmother of William. There she met Edward Dygher, a servant of William Bonevile, knight, whom half seriously she reproached for being merry and talkative. He asked where she was going. To which she replied quickly that she was going to Shute to make her nephew a Christian. Grinning he answered in his mother tongue ‘Kate, Kate, ther to by myn pate comyst ow to late’ because the baptism is performed. Mounting her horse again she rode home very angry, not seeing the child’s mother again for 6 months. And this all the jurors know.
John Prentys, John Forde and Richard Trapett, all aged 66 years and more, say that the above is true, because it happened in John Prentys’s house and they saw and heard it all. It was common knowledge that William was born that day.
Richard Lutrell and John Prustes, both aged 60 years and more, know the date because on that day William Bonevile, knight, was at his manor of Southleigh, placing metes and bounds to define the limits between a parcel of his land called ‘Borcomb’ and the land of William Walrond. They were present at his request, when Andrew Rydon, one of his servants came to tell him that his son had a son. Rejoicing he raised his hands in thanks to God and immediately mounted his horse and rode home.
William Hodesfelde and Richard Damarle, both aged 45 years and more, were in the church to hear vespers and were present at the baptism. After it Walter Walsche, bailiff of william Bonevyle in his manor of Stapleton in Somerset, arrived and reported that he had completed the audit of that manor and that of Sock Dennis, and he brought 400 of that year’s lambs and William gave the child 200.
Thomas Bowyere and Geoffrey Northampton, both aged 47 and more, were in the church at the baptism. They saw 3 long burning torches, 2 silver lamps and 2 silver jugs of water. John Legge, then abbot of Newenham, and William Bonevile, knight, were godfathers and Agnes Bygode godmother, the abbot gave the child a silver-gilt cup, worth it was said 100s., with £10 in money in it.
Writ for proof of age of William, son of John, son of William and Margaret Bonevyle [Margaret not being named in the above writ and proof], Richard Whityngton should be informed [as above]. 14 May 1414.
DEVON. Proof of age. Shute. 9 June.
Andrew Rydon, aged 53 years and more, says that William was born and baptised at Shute on 12 Aug. 1391 and was aged 21 on 12 Aug. 1413. He, Andrew, came to the manor of Shute on that day summoned by a messenger of William Bonevyle, knight, to consult on various disputes arising in the county court between William and others. When he was at the gate of the manor he heard a female voice shouting loudly in English ‘Lady help, Lady, help’ whereupon he went to the church as quickly as he could, and talked there with William for nearly an hour, during which a woman called Beatrice came and told William that his son’s wife was delivered of a boy, William gave one of his servants a noble to fetch the abbot of Newenham to make the boy a Christian, and he, Andrew, was present at the baptism; the abbot, William Bonevyle, knight, and Agnes Bygod being the godparents.
The other jurors confirm the date of birth and baptism and age of William and say that they know for the following reasons:
Thomas Saundre, aged 45 and more, because he came to Shute on that day to discuss with William Bonevyle, knight, certain charges brought against him, having entered the manor he heard a woman shouting several times ‘Lady, help’. He went at once to the church where a woman said that John son of William had a son, and William gave her a noble. The abbot of Newenham baptised the child and William Bonevile and Agnes Bygode were godparents. As he returned home his horse fell and he injured his arm.
John Chestervile, 43 and more, was then serving the abbot of Newenham as his squire. Asking the abbot why he was riding to Shute on that day he was told that William Bonevyle, knight, had called him, the abbot, to baptise William the son of John his son. He, John Chestervile, was present at the baptism and William gave him 40d., and never before or after that day did he give him 1d.
John Prestes, 51 and more, was at that time a valet of the abbot, accompanied him to Shute without delay, was present and saw the baptism, and William Bonevile gave him 20d. and otherwise gave him nothing either before or after.
William atte Hull, 80 and more, was a servant of William Bonevile long before that time with the duty of carrying his letters and messages anywhere within the kingdom of England. On that day William called him to go as fast as he could to the abbot of Newenham because John, William’s son, had a son. He went to the abbot and returned to Shute in his company and saw the baptism. William gave him 20s. and a robe which he never had before or after that time.
Richard Damarle, 54 and more, came to Shute on that day and released William Bonevyle, knight, of all actions real and personal, and for this William gave him £10. He saw the baptism.
Thomas Bower, 48 and more, came to Shute with 12 hunting bows as he had arranged with William Bonevile, and he was showing them to William, displaying his merchandise when the boy was being baptised. He saw the baptism and received 40s. for the bows.
John Pole, 57 and more, was present with William Bonevyle in the church at Shute when a woman told him of the birth. He was present at the baptism, and William asked the chaplain to write the date of the birth in a book.
William Keche, 50 and more, was a parishioner of Shute and had a son baptised that day by the chaplain of the church, and William Bonevyle gave the child 6s.8d. Eleanor the mother of his child died on the same day.
John Strete, 58 and more, was in the church when a woman told William Bonevyle that his son had a son, and he was present at the baptism. William Bonevyle received £23 4s.4d. from his reeve for wool sold, and out of reverence for God and gratitude for the birth of the boy gave him, John, £3 4s.4d.
John Smyter, 52 and more, and Edward Bayer, 61 and more, separately say that they were both in the church in the company of William Bonevyll, knight, when a woman told him of the birth, and afterwards the boy was baptised in their presence. The date was written in English in a book and read out whilst they were there. William gave £20 to the fabric of the church.
C 138/5, no. 58
Writ to assign dower, reciting the assignment of 1408 [CIPM XIX, no. 483]. 24 July 1413.
SHROPSHIRE. Assignment of dower. Whittington. 20 Feb. 1414.
Both writ and assignment are almost entirely illegible. The reason for this assignment is therefore not clear but in the inquisition held after her death (C 138/52, no. 106) she was found to hold more in dower than was assigned in 1408.
C 138/5, no. 61
Writ 12 Nov. 1413.
BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Great Faringdon. 26 Feb. 1414.
He held 2 parts of the manor of Wadley to himself and his heirs male by the grant of Edward III to Gilbert Talbot his father [CPR 1374–77, p.259] and the reversion of 3rd part which Margaret widow of Gilbert holds in dower. It is held of the king in chief, service unknown, annual values, of 2 parts 40 marks, 3rd part 20 marks.
He died on 8 Nov. last without heirs male of his body.
C 138/5, no. 63
Writ 11 Nov. 1413.
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition. Chipping Campden. 3 Sept. 1414.
They held in their demesne as of fee 1 messuage and 16 a. arable in Charingworth in Ebrington, of Thomas Grevell of the manor of Charingworth in socage, annual value 12s.
C 138/5, no. 64
KENT. Inquisition, ex officio. Canterbury. 11 Oct. 1413.
On 31 March 1405 John Kanteys granted all his tenement called Shingleton in Eastry to Robert atte Halle for 9 years, Robert rendering £5 yearly by equal parts at Midsummer, Michaelmas, Christmas and Easter. Afterwards on 26 March 1408 he was outlawed in a writ of debt at the suit of Edmund Salle, and he, John, has taken that farm since that date. He has no other lands, tenements, goods or chattels, nor had he when he was outlawed.
Sarah daughter of William Munde died on 24 June 1400 holding 1 ruinous messuage in Canterbury in the lane called ‘Spechehouslane’ between a messuage of the prior of Christ Church and a messuage formerly of Robert Bacheler, annual value 12d. She held no more.
E 149/100, no. 13
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Sleaford. 6 Sept. 1413.
She held 4 a. in Great Hale for life of the heirs of John Walsh, knight, with reversion to John Gannok. He was indicted for felony and fled and the land remained in the king’s hands, annual value 2s. She died on 16 March 1410. John Wales, chaplain, of Great Hale, Robert Wenesley and Robert Babel entered the 4 a. claiming them to themselves and their heirs by the grant by charter of William Gannok of Hale. Robert Babel is dead. Wales and Wenesley have held and taken the profits since her death and are answerable for them to the king.
E 149/101, no. 3
DERBY. Inquisition, ex officio, Derby. 28 Sept. 1413.
He held in his demesne as of fee 2 messuages and 2 bovates in Willington of Henry IV in chief of the Crown as a 20th part of a knight’s fee, annual value 21s.
He died on 12 Sept. 1409. Thomas his son and heir is aged 12 years and more.
E 149/101, no. 9
Writ 1 May 1414.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Woodstock. 21 July.
He held half the manor of Rotherfield Peppard to himself and his heirs, of the king of the honor of Wallingford as half a knight’s fee, annual value £9 14s.9d.
He died on 3 Nov. 1412. William his son and heir is aged 19 years and more. John Drayton, knight, has held the half manor and taken the profits since his death.
Writ to give seisin, ‘in origin’ de anno sexto Regis Henrici quinti rotulo xvijmo’ 29 June.
C 138/6, no. 1
Writ 4 Nov. 1414.
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Dickleburgh. 14 Nov.
He held the manor of Nether Hall in Shelton in his demesne as of fee of the heirs of Robert de Tateshale by knight service, annual value 26s.8d.
He died on 25 Oct. last. William his son and heir is aged 40 years and more.
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Lavenham. 12 Nov. 1414.
He held the manor of Brent Eleigh in his demesne as of fee of the king of the honor of Ely as 1 1/2 knight’s fees, annual value [hole in ms.]s.
Date of death and heir as above.
C 138/6, no. 2
Writ 3 June 1414.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Lincoln castle. 23 June.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Waddington, 1 messuage, of Robert Dencourt by a rent of 12s., annual value 3s.4d.
Faldingworth, 4 messuages and 30 a., of Walter Talboys, knight, by a rent of 2s. and suit of court at Faldingworth twice yearly.
He died on 15 April last. Hamo his son and heir is aged 22 years and more.
Writ 3 June 1414.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Guildhall. 13 June.
He held 3 messuages in the parish of St. Andrew in the suburbs in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief in free burgage, rendering 3d, called ‘landtolpenys’ annual value 40s.
Date of death and heir as above.
C 138/6, no. 3
Writ 12 June 1414.
LONDON. Inquisition. 13 June.
He held a house called ‘le Bullehed’ with 2 shops in Cheap in the parish of All Hallows, Honey Lane, in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief in free burgage, as all London is held, annual value 100s.
He died on 8 Sept. 1408. William his son and next heir is aged 23 years and more. Since his death William Troutbek, esquire, has held the house by royal letters patent [CFR 1405–13, pp.183–4], and still does so.
[Writ torn].
MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Enfield. 16 June 1414.
He held a tenement called Durrants with a watermill for corn and a fulling mill in Enfield in his demesne as of fee, of the countess of Hereford by rents of 11s.6d., 2 quarters and 4 bushels of corn, price 6s. the quarter, 15 quarters of rye at 4s., and 3s.4d. to the court of Whitechapel, annual value £23.
He died on 4 Sept. 1408. William his son and heir is aged 22 years and more. The king took the profits until 4 April 1410 by John Tiptot, treasurer of England, and since then William Troutbek has taken them in accordance with letters patent, as above [no. 143].
C 138/6, no. 4, mm.1–4
Writ for proof of age. William Troutbek, esquire, who had the wardship should be informed. 18 June 1414.
LONDON. Proof of age. 20 June.
The jurors say that William son and heir of William Wrothe, esquire, is aged 23 years and more, having been born in London on 6 Oct. 1389 and baptised in the church of All Hallows, Honey Lane, and this they know for the following reasons:
John Kent, aged 50 years and more, was present in the church at the baptism by John Paydras, then rector.
Robert Morte, 44, Robert Maynell, 52, and Henry Brooke, 53, separately questioned, say that they were present at the request of the father to bear witness to the age.
John Costantyn, 56, Alexander Godyng, 64, and John Goodeburgh, 52, were present in the church with Adam Bamme, then mayor.
William Cornevyle, 48, and John Broun, 50, were present at the church at the request of Robert Turk, knight, as witnesses of various matters in his dispute with the prior and convent of St. Mary outside Bishopsgate.
Robert Carleton, 59, and John Gylberd, 53, were present at the request of William Staunton, one of the godfathers.
Ralph Benteley, 64, was in the church with John Fraunceys and John Vyncent, then sheriffs.
C 138/6, no. 4, mm.5–6
Writ 5 May 1414.
CORNWALL. Inquisition. Launceston. 8 Aug.
He held 2 parts of a rent of £6 6d. from the manor of Lanow in his demesne as of fee of the king, then prince of Wales, of the duchy of Cornwall as a 3rd part of a knight’s fee.
He died on 1 Nov. 1406. John his son and heir was aged 21 years and more on 8 Feb. last. The king has taken the profits since his death.
C 138/6, no. 5
Writ 24 Nov. 1414.
RUTLAND. Inquisition. Oakham. 1 April 1415.
John son and heir of John Berghdon held to himself and his heirs 1 messuage and 9 a. in Barrowden. Owing to his idiocy they came into the hands of Richard II and remain in the present king’s hands. They are held of the earl of Warwick, service unknown, annual value 4s.
He died on 4 April 1414. Anne wife of James Palmer of North Luffenham and Agnes widow of Henry Webstere are his heirs, Anne being the daughter of Alice daughter of Anne sister of Alice his mother, and Agnes daughter of Alice daughter of Anne sister of his mother, Anne is aged 24 years and more, Agnes 28 and more.
C 138/6, no. 6
E 149/105, no. 8
Writ 14 May 1414.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Burford. 9 June.
She held half the manor of Salford in the demesne as of fee of William Turvyle, esquire, in socage by a rent of a red rose at Midsummer, annual value 50s.
She died on 12 May last. Giles Brugge is her son and heir, aged 17 years and more.
Writ 14 May 1414.
WORCESTER. Inquisition. Pershore. 6 June.
She held the manor of Eldersfield in her demesne as of fee of Richard Beauchamp, lord Abergavenny, and Elizabeth his wife, sister and heir of Richard late lord le Despenser, in right of Elizabeth, of the manor of Bushley by the service of 1 knight’s fee and suit of court at Tewkesbury and Woodley Stile, annual value £20 3s.8d.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 14 May 1414.
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition. Gloucester. 2 June.
She held 1 a. in Stoke Orchard in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief in grand serjeanty, annual value 6d.; and half the manor of Coberley of William Cheddere and Alice his wife in right of Alice, as an 8th part of a knight’s fee, annual value 40s.
She held in fee tail a manor in Haresfield by the grant to her and Thomas Brugge, her former husband, and the heirs male of their bodies by Henry Yakesley and Hugh Tyldesley, made with royal licence [CPR 1399–1401, p.534]. It is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £6.
Date of death and heir as above.
C 138/6, no. 7
E 149/102, no. 10