Index of Persons and Places: S

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Index of Persons and Places: S', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: S', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: S". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Sacomb, Sawecaumpe, Seuecaump, co. Hertf., manor, 486, 712.

Saddeberge, co. York. See Sedbury.

Saddeberge, William de, 579.

Sadgill, Sategill, co. Westm., 447.

Sage, William, and Rose his wife, 438 (p. 255).

Saham, co. Camb. See Soham.

Saham, Ralph de, 381 (p. 221).
-, -, William de, 389 (p. 228).
-, -, -, writ to, 652.

Sahambarre, co. Suff. See Soham.

St. Agatha, abbot of. See Easby.

St. Alban's [co. Hertf.], abbot of, 110, 257, 381 (p. 221), 644.

St. Andrew, prior of. See Northampton.

St. Anthony [S. Antoine, Isère France], prior of, 420 (p. 240).

St. Asaph, bishop of, 651.

St. Benet. See Hulme.

St. Briavell's, co. Glouc., constable of, 563.

St. Clare [co. Carm.]. See St. Clears.

St. Clare, 17 (p. 20).

St. Clears, St. Clare [co. Carm.], lordship and demesne, 446 (p. 266).

St. Cuthbert, liberty of, in Northumberland, 823.

St. Decuman's [co. Somers.], 151.
-, -, Doniford in, q.v.
-, -, Kentsford in, q.v.

St. Edmund. See Bury.

St. George [co. Dorset], hundred, 481.

St. Ishmaels, St. Hysmael [co. Pemb.], 446 (p. 266).

St. Ives, co. Hunt, 46.
-, -, prior of, 46.

St. James priory. See Bristol.

St. John of Jerusalem, Hospital, brethren of, 49, 66, 123, 165, 381 (pp. 219, 220), 399, 639, 690, 788, 822.
-, -, -, in Ireland, 437 (p. 252).

St. Katherine, hospital of, 381 (p. 217).

St. Lawrence, St. Laurence, co. Essex. See Newland.

St. Mary of the Marsh [near Exeter], co. Devon, priory, 71 (p. 51).
-, - Steps. See Exeter.
-, - Stow, co. Devon, Raddon in, q.v.
-, - Tedburn, co. Devon, Huish in, q.v.
-, - Cray, co. Kent, Sentling in, q.v.

St. Mary [Lincoln ?], chapter of, 594.

St. Michael, Penbedo [Pemb.]. See Llanvihangel.

St. Neots, [co. Hunt.], prior of, 594.

St. Oswald. See Gloucester.

St Osyth, co. Essex, abbot of, 635.

St. Radegund, co. Kent, abbot of, 58.
-, -, co. Camb. See Cambridge.

St. Roumald. See Romaldkirk.

St. Wandrille Rancon, St. Wandresgil [Seine Inférieure, France], house of, 18, 537.

Saintbury, Seineburi, Seynebury, co. Glouc., manor, 14.
-, -, co. Glouc., manor, 707.

Sakevile, Saukevyll, Saukevile, Jordan de, 98.

Sakevile, Andrew de, 98, 571.
-, -, Clemence wife of Robert de, 98.
-, -, Maud wife of Geoffrey, son of Jordan de, 98.

Salcey, Salsey, Salcetum, co. N'hamp., forest, 69, 783.

Saldeford, co. Essex. See Shalford.

Saldene, co. York. See Sawdon.

Sale. See Aula.

Saleby, co. Linc., manor, 807.

Salegh, co. Warw. See Saltley.

Salfletby, Salfleteby, co. Linc. See Saltfleetby.

Salford, co. Lanc., wapentake, 680 (p. 415).

Saling, Salinges, co. Essex, manor, 449.

Salisbury castle, 769.
-, - -, inquisition made at, 326.
-, - church, 6 (p. 6), 733.
-, - -, great altar of St. Mary in, 78.
-, -, St. Mary's church, 402, 450, 515.
-, -, honour of, 522.
-, -, bishop of, 348, 737.
-, -, Robert bishop of. See Wykehampton.
-, -, dean of. See Scamel.

Salmandby, co. Linc. See Salmonby.

Salmonby, Salmandby, co. Linc., 811 (p. 492).

Salna, co. Warw. See Saltley.

Salne, John de, 685.

Salsey, co. N'hamp. See Salcey.

Salsfletby, co. Linc. See Saltfleetby.

Salte, Saut, Hugh de, and Philomela his wife, 695.
-, -, Vynus de, 695.

Saltecote [co. Essex]. See Virley.

Saltfleetby, Saltfleteby, Salfleteby, Salsfletby, co. Linc., 252, 381 (p. 215), 438 (p. 257), 689 (p. 422).

Saltfleteby, Salfleteby, Herbert de, 252.
-, -, Herbert de (2), 252.
-, -, Robert de, 252.
-, -, William, son of Herbert de, 252.

Saltley, Salna, Salegh [by Birmingham], co. Warw., 813 (p. 495).

Saltram [co. Hunt.]. See Sawtry.

Salton [Stilton?], co. Hunt., Solyemanewode in, 685.

Salvage. See Savage.

Salvayn, Salveyn, Anketin, son of Ralph, 490.
-, -, Anketil, 832.
-, -, Anketil, son of Anketil, 832.
-, -, Gerald, 606 (p. 366).
-, -, Joan, 304 (p. 171).
-, -, Margery wife of Ralph, 112.
-, -, Robert, 606 (p. 366).
-, -, -, and Sibyl his wife, 606 (p. 366).

Salveye, Peter de, 688.

Salveyn. See Salvayn.

Samantone, co. Essex. See Sampton.

Samford, co. Essex. See Sampford.

Samford, John de, 193.
-, - Cf. Saunford.

Sampford Courtenay, Sampford, co. Devon, advowson, 71 (p. 51).
-, -, -, manor, 71 (p. 51).
-, -, Great, Samford, co. Essex, 677.
-, - Brett, co. Somers. Torweston in, q.v.

Sampson, Alice, 524 (p. 314).
-, - John, 216, 524 (p. 314).

Sampton (or Sampsons), Samantone [in Peldon parish], co Essex, 130.

Sancta Cruce, William de, and Agnes (de Markham), his wife, 722.

Sancta Mora. See Sancto Mauro.

Sancti Martini, Peter, 477 (p. 288).

Sancto Albino, William de, 696 (p. 432).
-, - -, William de, knight, 734.

Sancto Amando, Emery de, 592, 739.
-, - -, Emery de, 672, 739.
-, - - See Sancto Edmundo.
-, - -, Guy de, 592.

Sancto Andrea, Maud de, 88, 109.
-, - -, Ralph de, 367.
-, - -, Roger de, 340.
-, - -, Alice de, 88, 340.
-, - -, James de, 340.
-, - -, Laurence de, 109.
-, - -, Maud de, 340, 367, 369.
-, - -, Ralph de, 340.
-, - -, Roger de, 367.
-, - -, Roger son of Robert de, 109.

Sancto Audoeno, John de, 640 (p. 395).
-, - -, William de, 294.

Sancto Claro, Sir John de, 10, 127.
-, - -, William de, writ to, 441.

Sancto Clavo, Philip de, 381 (p. 220).

Sancto Dionisio, Richard de, 39.

Sancto Edmundo [recte Amando ?], Emery de, 781 (p. 475).

Sancto Georgio, Baldwin de, 381 (p. 219), 689 (p. 425).
-, - -, Sir Simon de, 381 (p. 221).

Sancto Homero. See Sancto Omero.

Sancto Johanne, John de, 128 (p. 84), 223, 269.
-, - -, Sir John de, 522, 527, 606 (p. 365).
-, - -, William de, 222.

Sancto Laudo, Adam de, 833.
-, - -, Adam de, 190.
-, - -, John de, writ to, 650.
-, - -, Ralph de, 471 (p. 281), 474, 688, 689 (pp. 423, 424).
-, - -, Thomas de, 638 (p. 393).

Sancto Licio, Adam de, 689 (p. 425).
-, - -, John de, 689 (p. 424).

Sancto Martino. Adam de, knight, has a daughter, 44.
-, - -, Joan de, 522.
-, - -, Sir William de, 522.
-, - -, Cf. Sancti Martini.

Sancto Mauro, Sancta Mora, Laurence de, 524 (p. 313), 723 (p. 447).
-, - -, Simon de, 69.

Sancto Melano, Robert de, 327.

Sancto Michaele, _ de, 582.
-, - -, Laurence de, 458.
-, - -, - (son of Laurence), 458.
-, - -, Reymund de, 696 (p. 430).

Sancto Omero, Sancto Homero, Thomas de, 529.
-, - -, Sir William de, 56, 74.

Sancto Paulo, Robert de, 36, 189.

Sancto Petro, John de, 761.
-, - -, Urian de, 144, 128 (p. 84), 761.

Sancto Quintino, Herbert de, 324 (p. 189), 580 (p. 345).
-, - -, William de, writ to, 798.

Sancto Victore, Nicholas de, 71 (p. 52).

Sandal, Sandele, Sandall, Kirk, co. York, 611.
-, -, Long Sandal in, 304 (p. 172).

Sandal, Elias de, 272.

Sandbach, Sondbache, co. Chester, 742.

Sandburn [near York], co. York, 366.

Sandele, co. York. See Sandal.

Sanden, co. Kent. See Saynden.

Sandeshend, co. York. See Sandsend.

Sandewath, Sandwath [near Bilburgh ?], co. York, 320, 637 (p. 388).

Sandewyco, Ralph de. See Sandwico.

Sandflete, Standflete, marsh, co. Essex, 787.

Sandford, co. Oxford, Leadwell in, q.v.
-, -, Sontford, Sonttford [in Knockyn parish], co. Salop, 747.

Sandhill, Sandhulle, Sandhull [in Withycombe parish], co. Somers., 306 (p. 178), 593 (p. 351).

Sandhull, Sandhulle, Roger de, 306 (p. 178), 593 (p. 351).

Sandiacre, Saundiacre, Richard de, 439 (p. 262).

Sandicrokes, co. York, 579.

Sandsend, Sandeshend [near Whitby], co. York, 304 (p. 171).

Sandwath, co. York. See Sandewath.

Sandwic, Juliana, daughter of John de, 480, 668.

Sandwico, Sandewyco, Sandwyco, Ralph de, king's steward, writs to, passim.
-, -, -, keeper of the city of London, 604 (p. 362).

Sanzaver, Saunzaver, Sauntsaver, Hugh, 526.
-, -, Ralph, 526.

Saperton, co. Sussex. See Sapperton.

Sapey, Sapye, co. Worc., advowson, 640 (p. 396).
-, -, Pichard or Lower Sapey, Sapye, co. Worc., manor, 640 (p. 396).
-, -, Upper Sapye, co. Worc., manor, 640 (p. 396).

Sapperton, Saperton [in Heathfield parish], co. Sussex, 55.

Sapye, co. Worc. See Sapey.

Sategill, co. Westm. See Sadgill.

Satsondolf, co. Westm., 70.

Saukevyll, Saukevile. See Sakevile.

Saundeby, Robert de, 722.

Saundiacre. See Sandiacre.

Saunford, Joan de, 327.
-, -, -, late wife of Walram de Munceus, 248.
-, -, Richard de, 751.
-, -, John de, escheator in Ireland, 531.
-, -, Ralph de, 751.
-, -, Thomas de, 751.
-, -, - de, mandate to, 448.
-, - Cf. Samford.

Saunford. See Stanford.

Sauntsaver, Saunzaver. See Sanzaver.

Sausemari, Roger de, 385.

Saut. See Salte.

Sautre [co. Hunt.]. See Sawtry.

Savage, Sauvage, Salvage, Henry le, 244.
-, -, John le, 113, 169.
-, -, Roger le, 516.
-, -, Audeluya wife of Robert le, 113, 169.
-, -, Geoffrey le (son of Maud), 477 (p. 289).
-, -, Hawisia la, 169, 516.
-, -, Henry le, son of Henry, 244.
-, -, Hugh le, 679.
-, -, John le, 516.
-, -, -, lord of Stainsby, 708.
-, -, -, Aldeluya mother of, 113, 169.
-, -, -, Hawisia wife of, 113, 169.
-, -, -, his sons Roger and John, 113.
-, -, Mary wife of John, 261.
-, -, Maud la, 477 (p. 289).
-, -, Ralph le, 524 (p. 315).
-, -, Robert le, 524 (p. 315).
-, -, -, (son of Maud), 477 (p. 289).
-, -, Roger le, 169.
-, -, Thomas le, 699.

Saveri, Richard, 163.
-, -, William, 163.

Sawdon, Saldene [in Brompton parish], co. York, 723 (p. 446).

Sawecampe, co. Hertf. See Sacomb.

Sawtry, Sautre, Saltram [co. Hunt], abbot of, 381 (p. 221), 679.

Saxthorp, Saxthorpe, co. Norf., 381 (p. 213).

Say, Robert de, 223.
-, -, Jordan de, 640 (p. 395).
-, -, Robert de, 381 (p. 220).
-, -, Sibyl de, 223.
-, -, Thomas de, 223.
-, -, Sir William de, 68, 140, 302, 358, 381 (p. 220), 533, 582, 604 (pp. 360, 361).
-, - Cf. Seis.

Saynden, Sanden, Sengden [in Staplehurst parish], co. Kent, 639.

Scaccaric, Schaccar, Laurence de, 586.
-, -, Simon de, 820, 821.
-, -, Laurence de, 528.
-, -, -, and Gunnora his wife, 528.
-, -, Laura wife of Roger de, 528, 585.
-, -, Simon de, 528.
-, -, -, his wife Petronilla, 820, 821.
-, -, -, his daughters Maud, Laura, and Beatrice, 820.
-, -, William de, 69.

Scaddesworth. See Chaddesworth.

Scalariis, Schalariis, Eschalers, Scalar, Geoffrey de the elder, 520.
-, -, Eleanor de, 66.
-, -, Geoffrey de, 471 (p. 283).
-, -, Geoffrey de, the younger, and Eleanor his wife, 520.
-, -, Thomas de, 520.

Scalariis, barony of, 66.

Scaldehare, Neal, 84.

Scalleby, co. Linc. See Scawby.

Scamel, Walter, dean of Salisbury, 291.

Scapeye, co. Kent. See Sheppey.

Scarborough, Scarbrok, co. York, castle, 44.

Scarbot, Robert, 324 (p. 189).

Scargill, Skaregile, Scargel [in Barningham parish], co. York, 381 (p. 223), 579.

Scargill, Schargel, Sir William de, 381 (p. 223).

Scarning, Skerninge [co. Norf.], 471 (p. 283).

Scartho, Scarthowe, co. Linc., court at, 189.

Scawby, Scalleby, Schalleby, co. Linc., 1, 184, 637 (pp. 388, 389).
-, -, -, manor, 7, 635.

Sceldesleye, co. Worc. See Shelsley.

Scelford, co. Nott. See Shelford.

Scerreveton, co. Somers. See Shurton.

Schaccar. See Scaccario.

Schaddisdene, co. Derby. See Chaddesden.

Schaghe, Schawe, co. Berks. See Shaw.

Schalariis. See Scalariis.

Schaldeford, Robert de, 732.

Schalleby, co. Linc. See Scawby.

Schalquatrig, co. Westm, 70.

Schargel. See Scargill.

Scharneston, co. York. See Sharleston.

Scharp, William, of Hoveringham, 805.

Scharneton, co. Norf. See Sharrington.

Schavinton, co. Chester. See Shavington.

Schawe, co. Berks. See Shaw.
-, -, le, co. Chester. See Shaw.

Schawe, Alice de le, 742.

Schaweburi, co. Salop. See Shawbury.

Scheftinton, co. Leic. See Skeffington.

Scheggehagh, co. Nott. See Skegby.

Schedele, co. Worc. See Shelsley.

Schelbedon, co. Staff. See Shebdon.

Scheldesleye, co. Worc. See Shelsley.

Scheldford [co. Nott]. See Shelford.

Scheldon, co. Warw. See Sheldon.

Schelford, co. Nott. See Shelford.

Schelton [co. Bedford]. See Shelton.
-, -, co. Nott. See Shelton.

Schelton, Scheltune. See Shelton.

Schene, co. Staff. See Sheen.

Schenele, co. Buck. See Shenley.

Schenleye, co. Hertf. See Shenley.

Schepeker, co. York. See Sheepscar.

Scheple, co. York. See Shepley.

Schereburn, co. York. See Sherburn.

Schereford, Hugh de, 78.

Scherifton, Scherrefton, co. Somers. See Shurton.

Schevinton [co. Lanc.]. See Shevington.

Scheynd, co. Wilts. See Seend.

Schifford, co. Berks. See Shefford.

Schintorp, co. York, 304 (p. 172).

Schintorp, Maud de, 304 (p. 172).

Schipeley, co. York. See Shepley.

Schipilbodill, co. N'humb. See Shilbottle.

Schipleye, Ralph de, 622.

Schirevehoton, co. York. See Hutton.

Schireveston, co. Somers. See Shurton.

Schirewod, co. Nott. See Sherwood.

Schiriton, co. Somers. See Cheriton.

Schirreston (recte Schirrefton), co. Somers. See Shurton.

Schirwode, co. Nott. See Sherwood.

Schitelhanger, co. N'hamp. See Shuttlehanger.

Schitlington, co. York. See Shitlington.

Schiwynscheles, co. N'humb. See Sewing Shields.

Schoberys. See Shobyr.

Schobworth. See Chubbeworth.

Schobyre, co. Essex. See Shoebury.

Schokkeberue, Schokeberue, co. Warw. See Shuckborough.

Scholleg, Scholley, co. Chester. See Chowley.

Schonk [Sonky], Robert de, 680 (p. 416).

Schopilaunde. See Shopland.

Schort Manesford, co. Somers. See Scortmannesford.

Schot, Adam, of Retford, 268.

Schoteny. See Scoteney.

Schotford, Valentine de, 421.

Schoureschale, co. Westm., 70.

Schropham, co. Norf. See Shropham.

Schubworth, co. Somers. See Chubworthy.

Schulthorpe, co. Norf. See Sculthorpe.

Schute, William de la, 306 (p. 176).

Schymplingg, William de, 653 (p. 403).

Schyreburn, co. York. See Sherburn.

Schyringham, co. Norf. See Sherringham.

Schyrrevehoton, co. York. See Hutton.

Scippeley, co. N'humb. See Shipley.

Scippton, co. York. See Skipton.

Scodland. See Scoland.

Scoland, Scolonde, Scothlaund, Scodland, Scouland, Francus de, 562.
-, -, Geoffrey de, 664, 788.
-, -, Hawis de, 394.
-, -, Francus de, son of Francus, 562.
-, -, Geoffrey de, Benedicta, wife of, 788.
-, -, Geoffrey or Gilbert de, his nephew Franco, 788.
-, -, Richard de, 664, 788.

Scole, Osmundeston, co. Norf., 21.

Scolecotes, co. York. See Sculcoates.

Scolethorp, co. Norf. See Sculthorpe.

Scopilande. See Shopland.

Scorevell, Henry, 180.

Scortflat, le, co. N'humb., manor, 570.

Scortmannesford, Schort Manesford, co. Somers., 306 (p. 178), 563 (p. 351).

Scorueton, co. York. See Scruton.

Scot, Roger, 679.

Scoteney, Scoteny, Schoteny, Scothenoy, Peter de, 229.
-, -, John de, 229, 721.
-, -, Peter de, 263, 637.

Scoteny, co. Linc. See Scotney.

Scothern, Scotthorn, co. Linc., 818.

Scothlaund. See Scoland.

Scotho, co. Norf. See Scottow.

Scotho, Robert de, 524 (p. 315).

Scothowe [co. Norf.]. See Scottow.

Scotland, Ferrers lands in, 413.
-, -, King of. See Scots.

Scotney, Scoteny, croft [in Roxby parish], co. Linc., 637 (p. 388).

Scots, King of, 531, 771.

Scott Willoughby, Wyleby, co. Linc., 374.

Scotthorn, co. Linc. See Scothern.

Scotton, co. Linc., 818.

Scottow, Scothowe, Scotho [co. Norf.], 471 (p. 283), 687.

Scouland. See Scoland.

Scoulton, Skulton [co. Norf.], manor, 465.

Scranewode, co. N'hamb. See Screenwood.

Scratby, Scrouteby, Scrutebi [in Ormesby St. Margaret parish], co. Norf., manor, 604 (p. 361).

Scrathagh [Staythorpe ?], co. Nott., 722.

Scrayingham, Skrengham, Skreingham, Skraingham, co. York, 195, 439 (p. 260).
-, -, advowson, 195.
-, -, Howsham in, q.v.

Screenwood, Scranewode [in Alnham parish], co. N'humb., 723 (p. 447).

Screveton, co. Nott., 661.

Scrop, Scurop, Walter le, 381 (p. 222).

Scrope, William de, 579.

Scrouteby, Scrutebi, co. Norf. See Scratby.

Scruton, Scorueton, Scurueton, co. York, 381 (pp. 215, 222).
-, -, advowson, p. 222.

Scuanesbache, ferry, co. Chester. See Swanesbach.

Scudemor, Walter de, 811.

Sculcoates, Scolecotes, co. York, 439 (p. 260).

Sculthorpe, Schulthorpe, Scolethorp, co. Norf., manor, 633.

Scures, Walter de, 381 (p. 218).

Scurop. See Scrop.

Scurueton, co. York. See Scruton.

Scyreboru. See Cherburch.

Seagrave, Sedgrave, co. Leic., 16 (p. 15).

Seal, la Sele, la Cele, co. Kent, 138.

Seamerwater, Semerwater, near Hawes, co. York, fishpond, 381 (p. 214).

Sear Green, la Care [in Farnham parish, co. Buck.], 78.

Seaton Delaval, Seton de la Val, co. N'humb., church, 550.
-, -, -, manor, 550.
-, -, Seyton, co. Rutland, 471 (p. 282).
-, -, Seton [in Hinderwell parish], co. York, 324 (p. 189).
-, - Ross, Seton, co. York, 580.

Secchevill, Sechevill, _ de, 439 (p. 262).
-, -, John de, 781 (p. 477).
-, - See Sicca Villa.

Seculer, Nicholas le, 35.
-, -, -, his five sisters, 35.

Sedbury, Saddeberge [in Gilling parish], co. York, 579.

Sedbusk, Setebukst, co. York, vaccary, 381 (p. 214).

Sedgley, Seggesle, Seggesley, Seggesl', co. Staff., 16 (p. 14).
-, -, manor, 16 (p. 14), 813 (p. 494).

Sedgrave, co. Leic. See Seagrave.

Seend, Scheynd, Sende, co. Wilts, manor, 499.

Sege, la, co. Devon, 165.

Sege, Roger de la, 165.

Seggesley, Seggesle, Seggesl', co. Staff. See Sedgley.

Segrave, Segreve, Sedgrave, Setgrave, John de, 128 (p. 85), 439 (p. 262), 772 (p. 469).
-, -, Nicholas de, 128 (p. 85).

Seham [Seaham, co. Durham ?], manor and advowson, 396.

Sehlton, Sir Robert de, 676.

Seighford, co. Staff., Derrington in, q.v.

Seineburi, co. Glouc. See Saintbury.

Seis, William de, 438 (p. 257).
-, - Cf. Say.

Seisdon, Seysdon [co. Staff.], 813 (p. 496).

Selborne, co. Hants, Norton in, q.v.

Seldalegile, co. York. See Sleddale.

Sele, co. Kent. See Seal.

Sele, .. de la, 439 (p. 262).

Seleham, co. Sussex. See Selham.

Selesworth, 404.

Selewrth, co. Devon. See Selworthy.

Selewrth, Maud de, 306 (p176).
-, -, Roger de, 306 (p. 176).

Selewude, co. Somers. See Selwood.

Selford, co. Camb. See Shelford.

Selham, Seleham, co. Sussex, 536.

Sella, 439 (p. 262).

Sellack, co. Heref., Baysham in, q.v.
-, -, Caer Caradoc in, q.v.

Selley [in Northfield parish], co. Worc., manor, 813 (p. 495).

Selleye, John de, 813 (p. 495).

Sellinge, Sellyng, co. Kent, 43.

Selsate, co. Westm. See Selside.

Selside, Selsate, co. Westm., 447.

Selveston, Selviston, co. N'hamp. See Silverstone.

Selwood, Selewude, co. Somers., bailiwick of the forest, 719.

Selworthy, Selewrth [in Bradworthy parish], co. Devon, 306 (p. 176).

Semere, co. Norf., fishery in, 540.

Semerwater, co. York. See Seamerwater.

Sempringham, Sempyngham, co. Linc., prior of, 381 (p. 216), 607, 822.

Sempyngham, co. Linc. See Sempringham.

Sende, co. Wilts. See Seend.

Sengalton, co. Sussex. See Singleton.

Sengden, co. Kent. See Saynden.

Sengelton, co. Sussex. See Singleton.

Sengham, Seyngham, Eustace de, 566.
-, -, Walter de, 566.

Sentling, Sentlinge [in St. Mary Cray parish, co. Kent], manor, 824.

Sepford, co. Berks. See Shefford.

Seppeford, co. Berks. See Shefford.

Serich, le Srych, William, 52, 134, 370, 401.

Serlby, Serleby [in Harworth parish], co. Nott., 268.

Serleby, Hugh of, 268.
-, -, Thomas son of Sibyl of, 268.

Serlo son of Philip, Philip son of, 384.

Servintone, Cerveton, Cervintone, David de, 238.

Servington, David de, 154 (pp. 99, 100).

Sesswick, Sessewyk [in Bangor, co. Denbigh], 633.

Setebukst, co. York. See Sedbusk.

Setgrave. See Segrave.

Seton, co. N'humb. See Seaton.
-, -, co. York. See Seaton.

Seton, Adam de, 324 (p. 189), 606 (p. 366).

Seuecaump, co. Hertf. See Sacomb.

Sevenaunton, co. Somers. See Sevington.

Sevington, co. Kent, Hawkswell in, q.v.
-, - Vaus or St. Michael, Sevenaunton, co. Somers., 71 (p. 52).

Sewing Shields, Schiwynscheles, Siwinshell [in Warden parish], co. N'humb., manor, 631.

Seynclou, Richard de, 10, 127.

Seynebury, co. Glouc. See Saintbury.

Seyngham. See Sengham.

Seysdon [co. Staff.]. See Seisdon.

Seyton, Sir Richard de, 227.
-, -, Roger de, 137.

Seyvill, Peter de, 611.
-, -, William de, 611.
-, -, Peter de, his sisters Placentia and Agnes, 611.

Shaftesbury, co. Dorset, abbess of, 826.

Shafthow, co. N'humb. See Shaftoe.

Shaftoe, Shafthow [in Hartburn parish], co. N'humb., 570.

Shalfleet, co. Hants., Wellow in, q.v.

Shalford, Saldeford, co. Essex, church, 500.
-, -, East or Shalford Clifford, Estscaudeford, co. Surrey, manor, 153.

Shambrock, William de, 186.

Shardelowe, Geoffrey de, 207.
-, -, Robert de, 207.

Sharleston, Scharneston [in Warmfield parish], co. York, manor, 176.

Sharnton, co. Norf. See Sharrington.

Sharrington, Shernton, Scharneton, Sharnton, co. Norf., 381 (p. 221), 653 (p. 403).

Shavington, Schavinton [in Wybunbury parish], co. Chester, saltpit, 196.

Shaw, Schawe, Shaghe, co. Berks, manor, 217.
-, -, le Schawe [in Coppenhall parish], co. Chester, 742.

Shawbury, Schaweburi, co. Salop, manor, 442.

Shebdon, Schelbedon, Chelbedon [in High Offley parish], co. Staff., 473.

Sheen, Schene, co. Staff. 78.

Sheepscar, Schepeker, co. York, 638 (p. 391).

Sheepwash, Shepwaysse, co. Devon, 165.

Shefford, West, Sheford, Seppeford, Shifford, Sepford, Schifford, co. Berks, 269.

Sheford, co. Berks. See Shefford.

Shefton, Richard de, 43.

Sheldford, co. Nott. See Shelford.

Sheldon, Scheldon, co. Warw., 198.
-, -, Shuldone [in Chippenham parish], co. Wilts, manor, 632.

Sheles, le [near Long Horsley ?], co. N'humb., 714.

Shelford, Selford, co. Camb., manor, 106.
-, -, Schelford, Scelford, Scheldford, Scheleforth, co. Nott., the free court at, 382, 385, 638 (p. 390).
-, -, -, manor, 190.
-, -, -, barony, 190, 385, 638, 772.
-, -, -, -, a moiety of, 385.
-, -, -, -, the head manor of, 772.
-, -, -, prior of, 385, 638 (p. 389).

Shelley, Shelflee, co. Essex, manor, 248.
-, -, Shelle [co. Suff.], manor, 4.
-, -, -, Heldemede, Quethemede and Mulnemede in, 4.

Shelsley Beauchamp, Schedele Beuchaup, Scheldesleye, co. Worc., manor, 56, 610 (p. 373), 640 (p. 396).
-, -, advowson, 640 (p. 396).

Shelton, Chelweton, Chelington, Schelton, co. Bedf., 15, 439 (p. 262).
-, -, Schelton, co. Nott., 381 (p. 223).

Shelton, Schelton, Scheltune, Robert de, 304 (p. 170), 627, 636.

Shenley, Shenle, Schenele, co. Buck., 545.
-, -, -, manor, 350.
-, -, -, Westbury in, 485.
-, -, Schenleye, co. Hertf., 726.

Shepley, Schipeley, Scheple [in Kirkburton parish], co. York, 608, 638 (p. 391).

Shepley, Alice de, 608.

Sheppey, Scapeye, co. Kent, Isle of, 388.

Shepton Mallet, Shepton Malet, co. Somers., court at, 526.

Shepwaysse, co. Devon. See Sheepwash.

Sherborne, Shireborne, Shireburne, Schyreburn, co., Dorset, 355, 439 (p. 260), 826.
-, -, Franc of, q.v.
-, -, Pinford in, q.v.

Sherburn, Schereburn, Schireburne, Shyreburn in Harefordlith, Schireburn in Herfordlith, co. York [E.R.], manor, 606 (p. 366), 638 (p. 390).
-, -, Steeton in, q.v.

Shere, Shyre, co. Surrey, manor, 153.

Sherford, co. Devon, Goodrington in, q.v.
-, -, Norton in, q.v.

Sheriff Hutton, co. York. See Hutton.

Shermanbury, co. Sussex, Ewhurst in, q.v.

Shernton, co. Norf. See Sharrington.

Sherringham, Schyringham, co. Norf., 653 (p. 403).

Sherwood, Shirewod, Schirwode, co. Nott., forest, 385, 638 (p. 390).
-, -, -, woods called Beyskehal and Schirewodeheved in, 722.
-, -, -, office of forester in fee of, 638.

Shevington, Schevinton [in Standish parish, co. Lanc.], 380 (p. 415).

Shifford, co. Berks. See Shefford.

Shilbottle, Schipilbodill, co. N'humb., 723 (p. 447).

Shimpling, co. Norf., 653 (p. 403).

Shipbrook, Sybbroc, Major and Minor [in Davenham parish], co. Chester, 251.

Shiplake, co. Oxford, Lashbrook in, q.v.

Shipley, Scippeley [in Eglingham parish], co. N'humb., 741.

Shipton, co. York, Draughton in, q.v.
-, -, George, co. Dorset, Sturthill in, q.v.

Shipwik, John de, 439 (p. 261).

Shireborne, co. Dorset. See Sherborne.

Shirebrook, Syrbroc [in Sookholme parish], co. Nott., 61.

Shireburne, co. Dorset. See Sherborne.

Shirewod, co. Nott. See Sherwood.

Shirlot, Firlet, co. Salop, a bailiwick in the forest, 808.

Shitlington, Schitlington, co. York, 638 (p. 391).

Shobyr, Schoberys, William de, 361.
-, -, Cf. Subiri.

Shocklach, Shokelach [co. Chester], 749.

Shoebury, Schobyre, co. Essex, manor, 361.
-, -, Great, Soberi [co. Essex], 23.

Shokelach [co. Chester]. See Shocklach.

Sholeford [in Widecombe in the Moor ? co. Devon], 672.

Shopland, Schopilaunde, Scopilande, fee of, 309.
-, -, heirs of, 309.

Shorpham [co. Norf.]. See Shropham.

Shotesham, Sotesham, co. Norf., manor, 653 (pp. 403, 404).

Shottesden, co. Sussex, 533.

Shrewsbury, co. Salop, 125.
-, -, abbot of, 259.

Shropham, Shorpham, Schropham [co. Norf.], 471 (p. 282).
-, -, hundred, 4, 670.

Shropshire, forests of, 510.

Shuckburgh, Upper, Schokkeberue, Schokeberue [co. Warw.], 17 (p. 20).

Shuldone, co Wilts. See Sheldon.

Shurton, Scherifton, Scherrefton, Schirreston, Schireveston, Scerreveton [in Stogursey parish], co. Somers., 306 (p. 177), 593 (p. 352).

Shuttlehanger, Schitlehanger [in Stoke Bruern parish], co. N'hamp., 477 (p. 289).

Shyre, co. Surrey. See Shere.

Sibaldescot, co. Salop. See Sibberscott.

Sibberscott, Sibaldescot [in Pontisbury parish], co. Salop, 196.

Sibbertoft, Sybretoft, Sibertoft [co. N'hamp.], 65.
-, -, manor, 65.

Sibeton, co. Suff. See Sibton.

Sibthorpe, Sybethorp, co. Nott., 381 (pp. 219, 223).

Sibton, Sibeton, Sibbeton, Sybeton, co. Suff., 653 (p. 402).
-, -, abbot of, 381 (p. 219), 594.

Sicca Villa, Sir Ralph de, 6 (p. 5).
-, -, See Secchevill.

Siddington, Suddinton [in Prestbury parish], co. Chester, the lord of, 284.
-, -, St. Peter, or Lower Siddington, Suthinton Langele, Sudinton, Sodinton, co. Glouc., 353.
-, -, -, manor, 14, 48.

Sidestrand, Sidesterne, co. Norf., manor, 381 (p. 221).

Sidlesham, co. Sussex, Keynor in, q.v.

Siffriwast. See Cifrewast.

Sileby, Syleby, co. Leic., 16 (p. 15).

Silgrave [co. N'hamp.]. See Sulgrave.

Sillonesbrigge, co. Kent, 479.

Silton, Little Silton, co. York, 483.

Silverstone, Silveston, Selveston, co. N'hamp., 49, 264.

Simon, Henry son of, of Waddingham, 818.
-, -, Ralph son of, 284.
-, -, Simon son of 4 (p. 5).

Simonstone (?), Sundestan, co. York, vaccary, 381 (p. 214).

Sinderby, Synderby [in Pickhill parish], co. York, 381 (pp. 214, 223).

Singleton, Sengelton, Sengalton, co. Sussex, 91.
-, -, hundred, 204.

Siresham, co. N'hamp. See Syresham.

Siston, co. Glouc., advowson, 6.
-, -, manor, 6.
-, -, Kingswood, pasture in, 6.

Siwinshell, co. N'humb. See Sewing Shields.

Sixhills, Sixil, Sixel, Sixell, co. Linc., court at, 263.
-, -, manor, 420.
-, -, prior of, 86, 438 (p. 257), 637 (p. 388), 807.

Sizergh, Siresserwe [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., 324 (p. 190).

Skaleflat, co. York, 75.

Skalre, John, 75.

Skaregile, co. York. See Scargill.

Skaurdale, co. Westm., forest, 447.

Skeffington, Skeftinton, Scheftinton, co. Leic., 64, 78.

Skegby, Scheggehagh, co. Nott., 722.

Skelbrook, Skelebrok [in South Kirby parish], co. York, 611.

Skelebrok, co. York. See Skelbrook.

Skellingthorp, Skeldinghop, co. Linc., 439 (p. 261).

Skelton, Schelton, co. Cumb., 228, 597.
-, -, -, advowson, 228.
-, -, [near York], co. York, 483.
-, -, [in Cleveland], co. York, 324 (p. 189).
-, -, -, Glaphow in, q.v.
-, -, -, Moorsholme in, q.v.

Skendleby, Skendelby [co. Linc.], manor, 75.

Skerninge, co. Norf. See Scarning.

Skidbrook, Skydebrok, Skytbrok, Skydbrok, Skitebrok, co. Linc., 252, 381 (p. 217), 689 (p. 422).

Skipsea, co. York, Rowlston and other places in, 324 (p. 189).

Skipton [in Craven], fee of, 352.
-, -, Scippton, co. York, honour, 575.

Skipwith, Skipwik, Skipwyth, co. York, 439 (pp. 263, 261).

Skirbeck, Skirbec, Skirbech, Skyrbek, Skyrebek, co. Linc., 381 (p. 211, 212, 217).

Skirpenbeck, co. York, 580.

Skirwiht, Eudo de, 699.

Skirwith, Skirwiht [in Kirkland parish, co. Cumb.], 699.

Skitebrok, co. Linc. See Skidbrook.

Skraingham, Skreingham, Skrengham, co. York. See Scrayingham.

Skulton, co. Norf. See Scoulton.

Skydebrok, Skydbrok, Skytbrok, co. Linc. See Skidbrook.

Skyrebek, Skyrbek, co. Linc. See Skirbeck.

Slamed, co. Cumb., 439 (p. 258).

Slapton, co. N'hamp., advowson, 524 (p. 314).
-, -, manor, 524 (p. 314).

Slaughter, Slouthtre, co. Glouc., liberty of, 160.

Sleagill, Slegelle [in Morland parish], co. Westm., 324 (p. 190).

Sleddale, Sleddal, co. Westm., 447.
-, - Gayle, Seldalegile, Sleddalgayle, co. York, vaccary, 381 (p. 214), 579.

Sledmere, co. York, Croom in, q.v.

Slegelle, co. Westm. See Sleagill.

Slene, Roger de, 324.

Slengeby, co. York. See Slingsby.

Sletholm, co. York, 304 (p. 170).

Slimbridge, Slinbrugg, co. Glouc., manor, 407.

Slingsby, Slengeby [near Malton], co. York, 439 (p. 260).

Sloley, Sloleye [co. Norf.], 471 (p. 283).

Slouthtre, co. Glouc. See Slaughter.

Smalelonde, Sewall de, 128 (p. 84).

Smalewod, co. Chester. See Smallwood.

Smallridge, Smalrige, Smalrig, Smalrugge [in Axminster parish], co. Devon, 306 (pp. 177, 178), 593 (p. 354).

Smallwood, Smalwod, Smalewod [in Astbury parish], co. Chester, 97 (p. 67), 196, 476.

Smalrig, Smalrugge, co. Devon. See Smallridge.

Smalwod, co. Chester. See Smallwood.

Smeaton, Little, Smetheton, co. York, 611.

Smeetham, Smetheton [in Bulmer parish, co. Essex], manor, 20.

Smeeton Westerby, Smetheton, co. Leic., 474.

Smelrugg, Robert the smith of, 652.

Smethcott, Smethcote, co. Salop, manor, 17 (p. 19).

Smethecotes, Philip de, 747.

Smetheton, co. Essex. See Smeetham.
-, -, co. Leic. See Smeeton.
-, -, co. York. See Smeaton.

Smith, Faber, Gilbert, 732.
-, -, Henry son of Henry, 822.
-, -, Robert, 69.
-, -, Walter, 823.

Snaith, Snaythte, co. York. Carlton in, q.v.
-, -, Wasthose of, q.v.

Snaizholm, Snaysum, co. York, vaccary, 381 (p. 214), 579.

Snape, co. York, 381 (p. 222).

Snaubol, Snaubal, Thomas, 105, 228.

Snave, Snaves, co. Kent, manor, 479.

Snaysum, co. York. See Snaizholm.

Snayth, Snayt, Snayd, Sneyth [in Brayton parish], co. York, 351.
-, -, soke, 351.

Snaythte, co. York. See Snaith.

Snelleston, co. Chester. See Snelson.

Snelson, Snelliston, Snelleston [in Rostherne parish], co. Chester, 762.
-, -, lordship, 181.

Sneterton, co. Derby. See Snitterton.

Snetterton, Sniterton, Sneterton, Snytreton, co. Norf., 128 (p. 84), 471 (p. 282).

Snettisham, Snetesham, co. Norf., 472.
-, -, manor, 540.

Sneyth, co. York. See Snayth.

Sniterton [co. Norf.]. See Snetterton.

Sniterton, Richard de, 471 (p. 282).

Snitterton, Sneterton, co. Derby, 661.

Snodhill, Snodhull, co. Heref., barony, 283.

Snoring, Great, Naryngges, co. Norf., 140.

Snorscomb, Snotescumbe [in Great Everdon parish], co. N'hamp., 193.

Snotescumbe, co. N'hamp. See Snorscomb.

Snowdon, Snowedon, 289.

Snytreton, co. Norf. See Snetterton.

Soberi, co. Essex. See Shoebury.

Sochebred, co. Westm. See Sockbridge.

Sock Dennis, Sok Deneys, Soke Danays, Sok, co. Somers, 609.
-, -, manor, 1.

Sockbridge, Sockebred, Sochebred, co. Westm., 324 (p. 190), 447.

Sodebrok, Henry de, 294.

Sodinton, co. Glouc. See Siddington.

Soham, Saham, co. Camb., 381 (p. 219).
-, -, -, manor, 389 (p. 228).
-, -, Earl? Sohambarre, Sahambarre, co Suff., 653 (p. 402).

Sok, co. Somers. See Sock.

Soleburi, co. Buck. See Soulbury.

Soleby, co. N'hamp. See Sulby.

Solihull, co. Warw., Langdon in, q.v. Ulverley in, q.v.

Solley, John de, 813 (p. 497).

Solom, men of, 439 (p. 258).

Solport, Solperte [in Stapleton parish], co. Cumb., 439 (p. 258).

Solyemanewode, co. Hunt 685.

Somardeby, co. Linc. See Somerby.

Somborne, Kings, Kyngesumburn, Sumburn, co. Hants, 477 (p. 290).
-, -, manor, 310, 477 (p. 288).
-, -, place names in, 477 (p. 288).

Sombourn, Little, Sumburn, co. Hants, 421.

Somborne, Upper, Hupsonburn Kaumes, co. Hants, manor, 194.

Somenur, William le, 697.

Somerby, Someretby [by Glanford Brigg], co. Linc., 86.
-, -, Someredby, Somerdeby, Somardeby, Sumewardeby [by Grantham], co. Linc., 69, 439 (p. 261), 688.
-, -, North, co. Linc., 86.
-, -, Wood, Somerdebywode, co. Linc., 772 (p. 469).

Someresham, Alexander de, 374.

Somerford Booths, co. Chester, 284.
-, - Radnor, co. Chester, 284.
-, - Keynes, co. Wilts, manor, 433.

Somerham, co. Suff. See Somersham.

Someri. See Somery.

Somerset, bailiwick east of river Parrett, 705.

Somersham, Somerham, co. Suff., 643.
-, -, lighting of church, 643.

Somerton, co. Oxford, 674.
-, -, co. Somers., inquisitions made at, 543, 650.

Somervill, Somervile, Somirville, Somervyll, Somervyle, John de, 368.
-, -, John de, 128 (p. 85), 368, 696 (p. 431).
-, -, Robert de, 115.
-, -, -, and Isabel his wife, 714.

Somery, Someri, Sumery, Sumerri, Joan de, 424.
-, -, Nicholaa, wife of Roger de, 545.
-, -, Roger de, 16.
-, -, Roger de, 813 (p. 492).
-, -, Stephen de, 726.
-, -, John de, 813.
-, -, Ralph de, 16 (p. 14).
-, -, Roger de, 5.
-, -, -, Annabel wife of, 16 (p. 15).
-, -, -, Nicholaa (de Albiniaco), wife of, 16 (p. 15).
-, -, -, (son of Roger), 16, 187, 442, 461, 606 (p. 365).
-, -, Stephen de, 424, 636.
-, -, -, Joan his wife, 636.
-, -, heirs of, 83.

Someter, John le, and Alice his wife, 817.

Somirville. See Somervill.

Sompting, Sontingges, co. Sussex, manor, 55.
-, -, Lychpole in, 55.

Sondbache, co. Chester. See Sandbach.

Sonde, co. Chester. See Sound.

Sondreche, marsh [co. Essex], 68.

Soner, John, 436 (p. 251).

Sonky. See Schonk.

Sontford, co. Salop. See Sandford.

Sontingges, co. Sussex. See Sompting.

Sonttford, co. Salop. See Sandford.

Sookholme, Sulholm, co. Nott., 61.
-, -, Shirebrook in, q.v.

Sopley, Soppele, co. Hants, 153.

Soppele [co. Hants]. See Sopley.

Sorr, John le, 630.

Soterton, co. Linc. See Sutterton.

Sotesham, co. Norf. See Shotesham.

Sotton. See Sutton.

Souche. See Zouch.

Soulbury, Sullesbyri, Soleburi, co. Buck, 697.
-, -, Chelmscot in, q.v.

Soulby, Soulebi [in Dacre parish], co. Cumb., 601.

Soulebi, co. Cumb. See Soulby.

Soulton, Sulton [in Wem parish], co. Salop, 748.

Sound, Sonde, co. Chester, 97, 196.

Sourton, co. Devon, 621.

South Petherton, co. Somers., Over Stratton in. See Stratton.

Southacre. Upper and Nether, co. York, 535.

Southam, Suham, Sutham, co. Glouc., manor, 100, 606.

Southbaruwe, co. Somers. See Barrow.

Southchurch, Sucherch, co. Essex. South Thorp in, 194.

Southcombe, Suthcumb [in Coombe Keynes parish], co. Dorset, manor, 637 (p. 388.)

Southcot, Suthcote [in Holsworthy parish], co. Devon, 165.

Southcott, Suthcot, Suhtcote [in Linslade parish], co. Buck., 110, 610.

Southcumb, Suthcumbe, co. Devon, 306 (p. 177), 593 (p. 353).

Southeton, co. Devon. See Sowton.

Southill, Sutyvell, Southyevel, co. Bedf., 15, 791.

Southoe, Southo, co. Hunt., 79, 551.

Southrey, Suthreye by Bardeneye [in Bardney parish], co. Linc., 637 (p. 389).

Southrop, Suthrop, co. Glouc., manor, 266.

Southwark, Sutwerk, Suthwerk, Suthwerke, co. Surrey, 106, 582.
-, -, St. George's, 582.
-, -, St. Mary's, 604 (p. 362).
-, -, -, prior of, 582.
-, -, St. Mary Magdalen, 582.
-, -, St. Olave's, 582.
-, -, St. Thomas' hospital, 824.

Southwick, Southwyke, Suthewyk [in Pancrasweek parish], co. Devon, 306 (pp. 177, 179), 573 (p. 354).

Southyevel, co. Bedf. See Southill.

Sowton, Southeton, Suthinton, Cerveton [in Dunsford parish], co. Devon, 154 (pp. 99, 100).
-, -, manor, 238.

Spalding, Spaldyng, co. Linc., 822.
-, -, prior of, 381 (p. 217), 812 (p. 492).

Spargrove, Spertegrave [now in Batcombe parish], co. Somers., advowson, 526.
-, - manor, 526.

Sparkford, Sparkeford, co. Somers., 809.

Sparsholt, Spersholte, co. Berks, 255.
-, -, Speresholt, Spersholt, co. Hants, manor, 6.

Spayne, Sir James de, 781 (p. 477).

Speccholmes, co. York, 381 (p. 213).

Speen, Spene, co. Berks, manor, 389 (p. 229).

Spenehamland, Spenhamlond, co. Berks, 389 (p. 229).

Spek, le Especk, Espek, William, 265, 621.

Speliacumb, co. Devon, 165.

Spene, co. Berks. See Speen.

Spenhamlond, co. Berks. See Speenhamland.

Spenser. See Dispencer.

Speresele, co. Cumb., 439 (p. 258).

Speresholt, co. Hants. See Sparsholt.

Spersholte, co. Berks. See Sparsholt.

Spersholt, co. Hants. See Sparsholt.

Spertegrave, co. Somers. See Spargrove.

Spicenar. Bartholomew, 35.

Spigot, John, 374.

Spigurnel, Spygernel, Spigornel, Sir Edmund 402, 515, 769.

Spikeswrth [co. Norf.]. See Spixworth.

Spikwyk, Michael de, 672.

Spileman, William, 810.
-, -, Peter, 810.

Spindleston, Spinnelstan [in Bamburgh parish], co. N'humb., 723 (p. 437).

Spineto. See Spinney.

Spinnelstan, co. N'humb. See Spindleston.

Spinney, Spineto [co. Camb.], prior of, 381 (p. 219).

Spital upon Stainmoor, Staynmor [in Bowes parish, co. York], hospital of, 381 (p. 213), 579.

Spixworth, Spikeswrth [co. Norf.], 420.

Spofforth, Spoford, co. York, 483.

Spondon, co. Derby, 20.

Sprey [in Mary Stow parish], co. Devon 154 (pp. 99, 100).

Spreyton, co. Devon, 621.

Spridlington, Spridelinton, Sprydelinton, co. Linc., 381 (pp. 216, 218).
-, -, advowson, 381 (p. 218).

Springald, Roger, 268.

Springefeud, co. Essex. See Springfield.

Springefeud, Springgefeld, Richard de, 308.
-, -, -, Beatrice wife of, 308.
-, -, -, John son of, 308.
-, -, Sewal de, 389.

Springfield, Springefeld, Spryngefeud, Springgefeld, Springefeud, co. Essex, 130, 389, 589.
-, -, manor, 443.

Sproughton, Sprouton, co. Suff., 643.
-, -, advowson, 643.

Sproxton [co. Leic.], 439 (p. 261).

Spry, co. Devon. See Sprey.

Sprydelinton, co. Linc. See Spridlington.

Spryngefeud [co. Essex]. See Springfield.

Spurway, West, Westspreweye, co. Devon, 154 (pp. 99, 100).

Spycer, Robert le, 650.

Spygernel. See Spigurnel.

Srimplingford, Sarah de, 69.

Srych. See Serich.

Sstabler, William le, 483.

Stacheden [co. Buck.]. See Stagsden.

Staffield, Staffeld [in Kirk Oswald parish], co. Cumb., 228.
-, -, the lord of, 228.

Stafford, West, co. Dorset, 298.
-, -, co. Staff., castle and manor, 790.
-, -, -, king's fishpond at, 13.

Stafford, Nicholas, baron of, 695, 790.
-, -, baron of, 8, 13, 97 (p. 68), 126, 192, 196, 386, 507.
-, -, Nicholas, baron of, 473.
-, -, Edmund de, 476.
-, -, William de, 813 (p. 496).

Stagsden, Stacheden [co. Bedf.], manor, 465.

Stainby, Styandby, co. Linc., 689 (p. 423).
-, -, advowson, 689 (p. 423).

Staincross, Stayncros, co. York, wapentake, 611.

Staindelf, co. Warw. See Stony Delph.

Staines, Stanes, co. Midd., manor, 206.

Stainesby, Steynesby, Steynisby, 708.
-, -, Jocelyn de, 708.
-, -, John de, 708.

Stainley, North, Stanele, Kirk Staynle, co. York, 535.
-, -, South, Nederstanele, co. York, 535.

Stainsby, Steynesby, Staynesby, co. Derby, 113, 708.
-, -, manor, 169, 516.

Stainton, Staynton by Edene, co. Cumb., 603.
-, -, Market, Steinton, Steynton Market, Steynton, co. Linc., 483.
-, -, -, manor, 607, 822.
-, - le Vale, Northstaynton, Steynton, co. Linc., 86, 229.
-, - co. Westm., 447.
-, -, Staynton, Steynton, co. York [W.R.], manor, 235.
-, - in Cleveland, Steynton, co. York, 483.
-, -, -, Hemlington in, q.v.
-, -, -, Ingleby in, q.v.

Stainton, Margery de, 235.
-, -, Nicholas de, 431.
-, -, Sir William de, 822.

Stalbrok, co. Staff. See Stallbrook.

Stalingburgh, co. Linc. See Stallingborough.

Stallbrook in Derrington, Stalbrok in Dotinton [in Seighford parish], co. Staff., 790.

Stallingborough, Stalingburgh, co. Linc., 483.

Stallingbusk, Stalunlusk, Stalunbusc, co. York, vaccary, 381 (p. 214), 579.

Stalloe, Stanlawe [in Montgomery, co. Montgomery], 756.

Stambourne, Stanburne, co. Essex, 393.

Stambourne, Helewisa de, 721.

Stambridge, Little, Stanbrigg, co. Essex, 108.

Stamford, Staunford, co. N'hamp., 547.

Stanage, Stanegge [co. Heref., formerly co. Salop], 640 (p. 395).

Stanbrigg, co. Essex. See Stambridge.

Stanburn, Philip de, and Idonea his wife, 439 (p. 261).

Stanburne, co. Essex. See Stambourne.

Standen, South, Standene Huse, Staunden, co. Wilts and Berks [in Hungerford parish], manor, 779, 780.

Standflete, co. Essex. See Sandflete.

Standhill, Stanidelve, Stanydelve [in Pyrton parish], co. Oxford, 420.

Standische, Jordan de, 680 (p. 415).

Standish, Standische [co. Lanc.], 680 (p. 415).
-, -, advowson, 680 (p. 415).
-, -, Coppul in, q.v.
-, -, Worthington in, q.v.

Standon, Staundon, co. Staff., court of, 386.
-, -, Chaworth, Staundon, co. Wilts, manor, 477 (p. 288).
-, -, advowson of chapel, 477 (p. 288).

Standon, Staundon, Stondon, Robert de, 144, 386.

Stane Wrth, co. Devon. See Stowford.

Stanegge, co. Salop. See Stanage [co. Heref.].
-, -, Staneg, co. Derby, 560.

Stanes, co. Kent. See Stone.
-, -, co. Midd. See Staines.
-, -, co. N'hamp. See Steane.

Stanes, Thomas de, 781 (p. 478).

Stanesgate, co. Essex. See Stansgate.

Staneway, Stanewey [co. Salop]. See Stanway.

Stanewelle, co. Midd. See Stanwell.

Stanford Dingley, Stanford, co. Berks, 813 (p. 492).
-, -, manor, 16 (p. 14), 606 (p. 365), 813 (p. 494).

Stanford, Gilbert de, 305.
-, -, Isabel and Amice de, 521.
-, -, Saunford, Lora de, 305.
-, -, Oliver de, 521, 606 (p. 365).

Stangrave in Rydale, co. York, 184.

Stangrave, Sir John de, 184.
-, -, Robert de, 635.

Stangreve, Stayngreve in Hartington, co. Derby, 560.

Stanhard, Simon, 682.

Stanho, Hervey de, 3 (p. 4).

Stanidelve, co. Oxford. See Standhill.

Stanlawe. See Stalloe [co. Montgomery].

Stanleghe. See Stanleye.

Stanley St. Leonard, co. Glouc., 629.
-, -, Stanle [co. Wilts], Reginald a monk of, 43.

Stanleye, Stanleghe, John de, 512.
-, -, William de, marries Joan de Baumvill, 512.

Stannard, Stannord [in Wark on Tyne, co. N'humb.], 825.

Stannington, Stanyngton, co. N'humb., manor, 714.

Stannord [co. N'humb.]. See Stannard.

Stanschawe, co. Glouc. See Stanshaw.

Stansgate, Stanesgate [in Steeple parish], co. Essex, prior of, 464.

Stanshaw, Stanschawe [in Yate parish], co. Glouc., 606.

Stanstead, Stanstede [in Halstead parish], co. Essex, manor, 610 (p. 371).
-, -, Stansted, Stanstede, co. Suff., 610 (p. 373).
-, -, -, advowson, 10, 127.
-, -, -, manor, 10, 127.

Stanthorne, Stanthurl [in Davenham parish], co. Chester, 251, 360.

Stanton, Long, Staunton, co. Camb., 374, 381 (p. 220).
-, - Harcourt, Staunton, Stanton, co. Oxford, 620.
-, -, -, manor, 294.
-, -, co. Somers. See Staunton.
-, - [in Ellastone parish], co. Staff., 78.
-, -, Stantone, co. Wilts., advowson, 606.
-, -, -, manor, 606.

Stanton, Robert de, 78.
-, -, Roger de, 253.
-, -, William de, 607.

Stanwardine in the Field, Stanworthin, co. Salop., manor, 17 (p. 19).

Stanway, Stanewey, Staneway [in Rushbury parish, co. Salop], 97 (p. 68), 196.

Stanwell, Stanewell, co. Midd., manor, 315.

Stanwick, co. York, Aldbrough in, q.v.

Stanwix, co. Cumb., Cargo in, q.v.

Stanydelve, co. Oxford. See Standhill.

Stanygod, co. Linc. See Stenigot.

Stanyngton, co. N'humb. See Stannington.

Stapelarton, co. Dorset. See Mapperton.

Stapelford, co. Hertf. See Stapleford.

Stapelton, co. York. See Stapleton.

Stapelton. See Stapleton.

Stapilford, co. Hertf. See Stapleford.
-, -, co. Leic. See Stapleford.

Stapilford, Hugh de, 502.

Staple Fitzpaine, Stapele, co. Somers., manor, 194.
-, -, -, place names in, 194.
-, -, Stapel, co. Wilts, hundred, 819.

Stapleford, co. Camb., 11.
-, -, Stapelford, Stapilford by Watton, co. Hertf., 439 (p. 262), 604 (p. 361).
-, -, -, advowson, 604 (p. 361).
-, -, Stapilford, co. Leic., manor, 746.
-, -, Little, co. Linc., 381 (p. 216).

Staplehurst, co. Kent, Saynden in, q.v.

Stapleton, co. Cumb., Solport in, q.v.
-, -, Stepleton, Stepelton, Stipelton, co. Salop [in Presteigne, now co. Heref.], 132, 640 (p. 396).
-, -, -, manor, 17 (p. 19).
-, - on Tees, Stapelton, co. York, 381 (pp. 215, 223).

Stapleton, Stapelton, Nicholas de, 86, 381 (p. 215), 504.
-, -, -, writ to, 667.

Stareton, Staverton [in Stoneleigh parish], co. Warw., manor, 48.

Starlech, co. Westm., 246.

Startforth, Stredford, co. York, 381 (p. 213).

Stauil, co. Somers. See Stowell.

Staunden, co. Berks. See Standen.

Staundon, co. Staff. See Standon.
-, -, co. Wilts. See Standon.

Staundon. See Standon.

Staunford, co. N'hamp. See Stamford.

Staunford, Richard de, 689 (p. 424).

Staunton, co. Camb. See Stanton.
-, -, co. Glouc., inquisition made at, 563.
-, -, [on Arrow], co. Heref., 640 (p. 395).
-, -, co. Oxford. See Stanton Harcourt.
-, -, Stanton [in Dunster parish], co. Somers., 306 (p. 177), 593 (p. 352).
-, -, Stauntone, co. Worc., manor, 673.

Staunton, Peter de, 673.
-, -, Preciosa de, 16 (p. 16).
-, -, Robert de, 673.

Staveley, Staveleg, co. Derby, advowson, 707.
-, -, -, manor, 14, 707.
-, -, -, the lord of, 456.
-, -, co. Westm., 70.

Staverton, Staureton, co. N'hamp., 439 (p. 259).
-, -, -, John abbot of, 49.
-, - [in Eyke parish], co. Suff., 610 (pp. 372–3).

Stawaye, co. Somers. See Stowey.

Stawelle, co. Somers. See Stowell.

Stawelle, Geoffrey de, writ to, 650.

Staweye, co. Somers. See Stowey.

Stayncros, co. York. See Staincross.

Staynesby, co. Derby. See Stainsby.

Stayngreve, co. York. See Stonegrave.

Stayngrewe, Steynegryve, Steingreve, Steyngrave, Steyngreve, Sir John de. 235, 580 (p. 344), 637 (p. 388).

Staynhowkeld, Staynhoukeld, co. York. See Stonehow.

Staynle, co. York. See Stainley.

Staynle, Robert de, 535.

Staynmore, Staynmor, hospital of. See Spital.

Staynton, co. Cumb. See Stainton.
-, -, co. York. See Stainton.

Steane, Stanes, co. N'hamp., 757.

Steart, Stert [in Babcary parish, co. Somers.], 231.

Stebbenhe, co. Midd. See Stepney.

Stebbing. Stibbingg, Stobyng, Stubbyng, co. Essex, manor, 413, 680 (pp. 415, 416).

Stebenuthe, co. Midd. See Stepney.

Stedeham, co. Sussex. See Stedham.

Stedham, Stedeham, co. Sussex, 536.

Steeping, Great, Stepinge, co. Linc., 429.

Steeple, Steple, co. Essex, manor, 464, 644.
-, - Morden, co. Camb. See Morden.

Steepleton, Stupelton, co. Dorset, 306 (p. 179), 593 (p. 351).

Steeton, Stewton [in Sherburn parish], co. York, the lords of, 314.

Steingreve. See Stayngrewe.

Steinton, co. Linc. See Stainton.

Stenechewrthe, co. Camb. See Stetchworth.

Stenhall, Stonenhalle [in Uffculme parish], co. Devon, 17 (p. 19).

Stenigot, Stanygod, co. Linc., manor, 439 (p. 261).

Stepeden [Shipden, co. Norf. ?], 439 (p. 262).

Stepellaunton, Stepellavington, co. Wilts. See Lavington.

Stepelcleyndon, co. Buck. See Claydon.

Stepelmordon, Stepelmordone, co. Camb. See Morden.

Stepelton, co. Salop. See Stapleton.

Stephen, Richard son of, 702.
-, -, John son of, 696 (p. 429).
-, -, Sir John son of, 268.
-, -, Richard son of (Devon), 17 (p. 18).
-, -, -, -, his son Gilbert, 702.
-, -, -, (Lincoln), 822.
-, -, Robert son of, 437 (p. 254).

Stepinge, co. Linc. See Steeping.

Steple, co. Essex. See Steeple.

Stepleton, co. Salop. See Stapleton.

Steplmordon, co. Cumb. See Morden.

Stepney, Stibbeneie, Stebenuthe, Stebbenhe, co. Midd., 45, 811 (p. 491).

Stepyng, John de, 381 (p. 212).

Sterdeford [co. Hertf.]. See Stortford.

Sterston, co. Norf. See Sturston.

Stert [co. Somers]. See Steart.

Stertel, co. Dorset. See Sturthill.

Sterthwaytte, co. York. See Storthwaite.

Stetchworth, Stenechewrthe, co. Camb., 381 (p. 219).

Stevenage, Stivenach, co. Hertf., 110.

Steventon, co. Bedf. See Stevington.
-, -, Stiventon, co. Hants., manor, 225.

Stevenyng, Stevinghing, co. Linc., pp. 212, 217.

Stevington, Steventon [co. Bedf.], manor, 439 (p. 262).

Stewkley, Great, Styuekle, co. Hunt., manor, 212.

Stewley, Styueleghe [in Ashill parish], co. Somers., 298.

Stewton, Stiueton, Styueton, co. Linc., advowson, 689 (pp. 422, 426).
-, -, -, manor, 567, 689 (p. 422).
-, -, co. York. See Steeton.

Steynegrave. See Stayngrewe.

Steynesby, co. Derby. See Stainsby.

Steynesby, Steynisby. See Stainsby.

Steyngrave, Steyngreve. See Stayngrewe.

Steynisby. See Stainsby.

Steynton, co. Linc. See Stainton.
-, -, co. York. See Stainton.

Steynton, William de, 483.

Stibbeneie, co. Midd. See Stepney.

Stibbingg, co. Essex. See Stebbing.

Stifford, co. Warw., 48.

Stikeswald, co. Linc. See Stixwould.

Stillingfleet, Stivelingflete, co. York, 439 (p. 260).

Stilton, co. Hunt. See Salton?

Stipelton, co. Salop. See Stapleton [co. Heref.]

Stirap, Thomas de, 235.

Stirchesleg, Stirchesle, Styrchesle, Walter de, 797.
-, -, writ to, 436 (p. 251).

Stirchley, Strichleg, Stirtlegh, co. Salop, 354, 496.

Stirkeland, co. Westm. See Strickland.

Stirkeland. See Strikeland.

Stirkele, co. Westm. See Strickley.

Stirkthwayt, co. York. See Storthwaite.

Stirtlegh, co. Salop. See Stirchley.

Stittenham, Stitnum [in Sheriff Hutton parish], co. York, 304 (p. 172).

Stiuecle, Alice de, 846.

Stiueton, co. Linc. See Stewton.

Stiueton, Robert de, 257.

Stivechale, co. Warw. See Stivichall.

Stivenach [co. Hertf.]. See Stevenage.

Stiventon, co. Hants. See Steventon.

Stivichall, Stivechale, Stivichale, co. Warw., 48, 353.

Stixwould, Stikeswald [co. Linc.], nuns of, 381 (p. 211).

Stobinton, co. Hants. See Stubbington.

Stobyng, co. Essex. See Stebbing.

Stockbridge, Stokbrugg, co. Sussex, hundred, 204.
-, -, Stokebrig, co. Hants., borough, 477 (p. 288).

Stocke Flemynge, co. Devon. See Stoke.

Stockingway, Stottingwaye [in Upway parish], co. Dorset, manor, 689 (p. 421).

Stockleigh Pomeroy, Little Stokeleng, Little Stokeleg, Stockelegh, co. Devon, 306 (pp. 177, 179), 593 (p. 353).

Stocklinch Magdalen, Stoclynch, Stoclinge, Stoclynge, co. Somers., 306 (p. 178), 593 (p. 351).

Stockton, Stocton, Stokton [in Chirbury parish], co. Salop, 747, 748.
-, -, Stocton [in Longford parish, co. Salop], 386.

Stoclinge, Stoclynch, Stoclynge, co. Somers. See Stocklinch.

Stocton, co. Hunt., manor, 87.
-, -, co. Salop. See Stockton.

Stoddon, William de, 165.

Stodham, co. Bedf. See Studham.

Stodham, Thomas de, 108.

Stodlay, Stodley, co. York. See Studley.

Stodleye [co. Oxford]. See Studley.
-, -, co. Warw. See Studley.

Stodlonde, co. Dorset. See Studland.

Stoford [in Barwick parish], co. Somers., borough, 17 (p. 18).
-, - by Wishford [in South Newton parish], co. Wilts, 515.

Stogumber, co. Somers., Hartrow in, q.v.

Stogursey or Stoke Courcy, Stokescurcy, Stokcursy, co. Somers., borough, 6.
-, -, prior of, 6 (p. 7).
-, -, Shurton in, q.v.

Stok, co. Linc., 381 (p. 217).
-, -, co. Salop. See Stoke Say.
-, -, co. Wilts. See Stoke.

Stok, Henry de, and Margaret his wife, 819.
-, -, -, -, their daughter Alice, 819.
-, -, Robert de, 697.

Stokbruere, co. N'hamp. See Stoke Bruern.

Stokbrugg, co. Sussex. See Stockbridge.

Stokcursy. See Stogursey.

Stokditton, co. Buck. See Stoke Poges.

Stoke Poges, Stokepogeis, Stokditton [co. Buck.], 16 (p. 15), 813 (p. 497).
-, - (St. Lawrence), co. Chester, 760.
-, - Damerel, Stokes [co. Devon], 789.
-, - in Teignhead, Stoke in Thynethe, co Devon, manor, 403.
-, - Fleming, Stoke Flemmeng, Stoke Flemang, Stoke Flemeng, Stocke Flemynge, co. Devon, 154 (pp. 99, 100), 306 (pp. 177, 179), 593 (p. 353).
-, - -, advowson, 436 (p. 250).
-, - -, manor, 436 (p. 250).
-, - Charity, Stoke Charite, Elledestok, co. Hants, 225.
-, - -, manor, 578.
-, - Albany, Stok Daubeney, co. N'hamp., manor, 580.
-, - Bruern, Stokebruere, co. N'hamp., 477 (pp. 289, 290).
-, - -, place names in, p. 289.
-, - -, advowson, 477 (p. 289).
-, - -, manor, 310.
-, - Bardolph, Stok, Stokis [in Gedling parish], co. Nott., 190, 385.
-, - -, manor, 772 (p. 468).
-, -, Stokes, co. Nott., 638 (p. 392).
-, -, [in Greet parish ?], co. Salop, 640 (p. 395).
-, -, Say, Stok, co. Salop, advowson, 78.
-, -, -, manor, 78.
-, - sub Hamdon, Stokes Hamedon, co. Somers., 537.
-, - Courcy, co. Somers. See Stogursey.
-, - on Trent, co. Staff., Bucknall and Great Fenton in, q.v.
-, - North, Norhstote, co. Sussex, 536.
-, - -, la Manewode in, 536.
-, -, South, Suth Stok, co. Sussex, advowson, 438 (p. 256).
-, - Farthing, Stok [in Broad Chalk parish], co. Wilts, manor, 78.

Stoke, Robert de, 222.

Stokebrigg, co. Hants. See Stockbridge.

Stokeleg, Stokeleng, co. Devon. See Stockleigh.

Stokes, co. Devon. See Stoke Damerel.

Stokes, John de, 610 (p. 372).
-, -, Seman de, 316.
-, -, Stoks, Walter de, 381 (pp. 216, 218).

Stokescurcy, co. Somers. See Stogursey.

Stokewood, Stoke St. Edwald, co. Dorset, manor, 17 (p. 19).
-, -, place names in, 17 (p. 19).

Stoks. See Stokes.

Stokton, co. Salop. See Stockton.

Stonden, John de, 738.

Stondon. See Standon.

Stone by Dartford, Stanes, co. Kent, 110.
-, -, Littlebrook in. See Brook.

Stone, Philip atte, 598.

Stonegrave, Stayngreve, co. York, 637 (p. 388).
-, -, Ness in, q.v.

Stoneham, South, co. Hants, Eastley in, q.v.

Stonehow, Staynhoukeld, Staynhowkeld [near Bowes], co. York, 381 (p. 213), 579.

Stonenhalle, co. Devon. See Stenhall.

Stonhor, Richard de, 420.

Stony Delph, Staindelph, in Tamworth parish, co. Warw., 560.

Stoodleigh, co. Devon, Warsbrightley in, q.v.

Stopham, Ralph de, 831.
-, -, Isabel wife of Ralph de, 831.
-, -, William de, 792.

Stoppesle, Adam de, 598.

Storeghton, Storegheton, co. Sussex. See Storrington.

Storemenistre, co. Dorset. See Stourminster.

Storeton, Storton, co. Chester, 512.

Storkt', co. Sussex. See Storrington.

Stormue, co. Kent. See Stourmouth.

Storrington, Storeghton, Storegheton, Storkt', co. Sussex, 536, 809.
-, -, advowson, 809.

Stortford, Bishop, Sterdeford [co. Hertf.], 610 (p. 371).
-, - castle, guard of, 389.

Storthwaite, Stirkthwayt, Sterthwaytte [on Arkle Beck], co. York, 381 (p. 213), 579.
-, -, Storyweyt [in Thornton parish], co. York, manor, 580.

Storton, co. Chester. See Storeton.
-, -, co. Warw. See Stourton.

Storyweyt, co. York. See Storthwaite.

Stotevill, Stotevyll. See Estotevill.

Stottesden, Stottesdon, co. Salop, honour, 808.

Stottingway, co. Dorset. See Stockingway.

Stottone, 130.

Stoughton, co. Suff., Walderton in, q.v.

Stourminster, co. Dorset. See Sturminster.

Stourmouth, Sturmere, Stormue, co. Kent, manor, 779.

Stourton, Storton, co. Warw., 593 (p. 353).
-, -, Sturton, co. Wilts, 809.
-, -, -, advowson, 809.

Stow, Long, Stowe, co. Hunt., 679.
-, -, Stowe [in Well wapentake], co. Linc., 381 (p. 218).
-, -, co. Linc. Sturton in. q.v.
-, - Bardolf, Stowe, co. Norf., manor, 190, 772 (p. 468).

Stow Bedon, Stouue [co. Norf.], 439 (p. 262).

Stowe, co. Hunt. See Stow.
-, -, near Gainsborough, Stowe St. Mary, co. Linc., 495.
-, -, Stow [near Market Deeping], co. Linc., 439 (p. 262).
-, -, co. Norf. See Stow.
-, -, co. Suff., hundred, 248.

Stowe, Hugh son of Hugh son of John de, 102.
-, -, William de, of East Rasen, 263.

Stowell, Stawelle, Stauill [co. Somers.], 123.
-, -, advowson, 404.
-, -, manor, 404.

Stowey, Over, co. Somers., Ayle in. q.v.
-, -, Staweye [i.e. Nether Stowey], co. Somers., barony, 217.
-, -, -, manor, 217.
-, -, Staweye [in Cutcombe parish], co. Somers., 593 (p. 353).
-, -, Staweye, Stawaye [in Fivehead parish], co. Somers., 664, 809.

Stowford, la Stane Wrth, Stovorde [in Bradworthy parish], co. Devon, 306 (p. 175).

Strafford, co. N'hamp. See Stratford.

Stramshall, Strongushull [in Uttoxeter parish], co. Staff., 78.

Strange. See Lestrange.

Stratfieldsaye, Stratfeld Say, co. Hants, manor, 223.

Stratford, co. Essex, county court at, 409.
-, -, St. Mary, Strattford, co. Suff., 197, 610 (p. 372).
-, -, Old, Strafford, co. N'hamp. [near Stony Stratford, co. Buck.], 254.
-, -, -, co. Warw., Dodwell and Luddington in, q.v.

Stratford, Miles de, 610 (pp. 372, 373).
-, -, -, William son of, 610 (pp. 372, 373).
-, -, William de, 628.

Stratkenny [co. Carmarthen], advowson of chapel, 477 (p. 289).

Stratle, co. Bedf. See Streatley.

Stratone [co. Dorset], 401.

Strattford, co. Suff. See Stratford.

Stratton, West, co. Hants, 522.
-, -, co. Linc. See Sturton.
-, -, Over [in South Petherton parish], co. Somers., manor, 576.

Stratton, Sir William de, 522.

Streatley, Stratle, co. Bedf., manor, 115.

Stredford, co. York. See Startforth.

Street, Strete [in Lympne parish], co. Kent manor, 469.
-, -, Strete [in Winsham parish], co. Somers., 306 (p. 178), 593 (p. 351).

Strelley, Strelleye, co. Nott., advowson, 519.
-, -, manor, 519.

Strelly, Stretleye, Robert de, 519.
-, -, -, son of Robert, 519.

Strete, co. Kent. See Street.
-, -, co. Somers. See Street.

Stretleye. See Strelly.

Stretton, co. Linc. See Sturton.

Strickland, Great, Great Stirkeland, co. Westm., 246.
-, - Kettle, Stirkeland Ketel, co. Westm., manor, 447.

Strickley, Stirkele, co. Westm., 70.

Strikeland, Stirkeland, William de. 324 (p. 190), 447.

Strode, Robert de, 466.

Strommeshagh, Stromeshawe, co. Norf. See Strumpshaw.

Strommeshawe, Stephen de, 772 (p. 469).

Strongeford, in the hundred of Wormelow, co. Heref., 283.

Strongushull, co. Staff. See Stramshall.

Strubby, Agnes daughter of William de, 807.
-, -, Roger de, 807.

Strumpshaw, Strummeshagh, Strommeshagh, Stromeshawe, co. Norf., 772 (p. 469).

Stubbing, co. Essex. See Stebbing.

Stubbington, Stubynton, Stobinton [in Titchfield parish], co. Hants, 306 (p. 179), 593 (p. 353).

Stubbyng, Sir Nicholas de, 413.

Stubhampton, Stubhamptone [in Tarrant Gunvill parish, co. Dorset], 552.

Stubhill, Stubhull, co. Cumb., 195, 439 (p. 258).

Stubynton, co. Hants. See Stubbington.

Stuchbury, Stuttesburi [co. N'hamp.], 736.

Studham, Stodham, co. Bedf., 471 (p. 282).

Studland, Stodlonde, co. Dorset, manor, 7.

Studley, Stodleye [co. Oxford], prioress of, 609.
-, -, Stodleye, co. Warw., 517.
-, -, Roger, Stodlay [near Ripon], co. York, 257.
-, -, inquisition made at, 792.

Stupelavinton, co. Wilts. See Lavington.

Stupelton, co. Dorset. See Steepleton.

Stupelton, Alexander de, 306 (p. 179).

Sturefiss, Christina, 74.

Stures, Ralph de, of Faldingworth, 818.
-, - Cf. Sturs.

Sturjon, William, 439 (p. 259).

Sturminster Marshall, Sturminstre Marscal, Sturmenistre Mareschal, Storemenistre, co. Dorset, 34, 436 (p. 251).
-, -, court at, 759.

Sturmue, co. Kent. See Stourmouth.

Sturs, Walter de, 822.
-, - Cf. Stures.

Sturston, Sterston, co. Norf., 381 (p. 221).

Sturthill, Stertel, Sturtul, Sturtel [in Shipton George parish], co. Dorset, 134, 370.
-, -, manor, 52.

Sturton, Stretton [in Scawby parish], co. Linc., 184.
-, -, Stretton [in Stow parish, co. Linc.], 32.
-, -, Great, Stratton by Baunburg, by Baumburg, co. Linc., 483, 637 (pp. 388, 389).
-, -, co. Wilts. See Stourton.

Sturton, Ralph de, 809.

Sturtul, co. Dorset. See Sturthill.

Stuston, co. Suff., 21.

Stutevill. See Estotevill.

Stuttesburi, co. N'hamp. See Stuchbury.

Stutton, co. Suff., 628, 653 (p. 402).

Styanby, co. Linc. See Stainby.

Styrchesle. See Stirchesleg.

Styrrup, Styrop, co. Nott., 268.

Styrup, Hugh of, 268.
-, -, Ingram of, 268.
-, -, Norman of, 268.
-, -, William son of John of, 268.

Styuekle, co. N'hamp. See Stewkley.

Styuelegh, co. Somers. See Stewley.

Styueton, co. Linc. See Stewton.

Styvechehale, Ranulph de, 212.

Sualwe, co. Linc. See Swallow.

Suanegeye, co. Norf. See Swangey.

Suanton, co. Norf. See Swanton.

Subiri, William de, 381 (p. 221).
-, - Cf. Shobyr.

Suche. See Zouch.

Sucherch, co. Essex. See Southchurch.

Sucherch, Sir Richard de, farmer of the hundred of Rochford, 727.

Sudbury, co. Essex, Brundon in, q.v.

Suddington, co. Chester. See Siddington.

Sudeley, Suhtley, Sutley, co. Glouc., manor, 347.

Sudeleye, Suleye, Sudleye, Sutle, Sutley, Sutleg, Bartholomew de, 347.
-, -, Bartholomew de, 6 (p. 7).
-, -, John de, knight, 347.

Sudinton, co. Glouc. See Siddington.

Sudkellesey, co. Linc. See Kelsey.

Sudlenn, co. Norf. See Lynn.

Sudleye. See Sudeleye.

Suel, Thomas, 822.

Suffield, Sutfeld, co. Norf., manor, 381 (p. 221).

Suham, co. Glouc. See Southam.

Suhtcote, co. Buck. See Southcote.

Suhtley, co. Glouc. See Sudeley.

Suinsted, co. Linc. See Swinstead.

Sulby, Soleby, Suleby, co. N'hamp., 374.
-, -, abbot of, 374.

Suleby, Robert (?) de, 439 (p. 262).

Suleny, Sulny, Alfred de, 653 (p. 403).
-, -, -, knight, 734.

Sulgrave, Silgrave, Sylegrave, co. N'hamp., 439 (p. 262).

Sulholm, co. Nott. See Sookholme.

Sullesbyri, co. Buck. See Soulbury.

Sullye, Suly, Suyllye, Sulleye, Walter de, 545.
-, -, -, Mabel wife of, 16 (p. 16).

Sulny. See Suleny.

Sulton, co. Salop. See Soulton.

Suly. See Sullye.

Sumburn, co. Hants. See Somborne.

Sumerbiry, Herbert de, 338.

Sumerri. See Somery.

Sumery. See Somery.

Sumewardeby, co. Linc. See Somerby.

Summerford Booths, Bothes, co. Chester, 128 (p. 85).

Sundayburn [co. N'humb.], 825.

Sundestan, co. York. See Simonstone?

Sunede, John de la, 489.

Surfleet, Surflet, co. Linc., 381 (pp. 212, 217), 429.

Surflet, Reginald son of Philip de, 429.

Surlach, Syrlache [in Davenham parish], co. Chester, 251.

Surrey, earl of. See Warenne.

Surteys, Surtays, Walter, 339.
-, -, Nicholas, 339.

Suterpingham, co. Norf. See Erpingham.

Suterton, co. Linc. See Sutterton.

Sutevill, Sir Robert de, and Eleanor his wife, 776.

Sutham, co. Glouc. See Southam.

Suthayc, Patrick de, 136.

Suthchurche, Sir Richard de, 431.

Suthcot, co. Buck, See Southcott.

Suthcote, co. Devon. See Southcot.

Suthcumb, co. Dorset. See Suthcombe.

Suthcumbe, co. Devon. See Southcumb.

Suthewrth, co. Devon, 306 (p. 175).

Suthewyk, co. Devon. See Southwick.

Sutheyk, Patrick de, 597.
-, -, Gilbert de, 597.
-, -, Patrick de, Elizabeth wife of, 597.

Suthinton, co. Devon. See Sowton.
-, -, co. Glouc. See Siddington.

Suthkeleseye, co. Linc. See Kelsey.

Suthkeleseye. See Keleseye.

Suthmorton, co. Berks. See Moreton.

Suthorp, co. Essex. See Thorp.

Suthowehalle, Nicholas de, 653 (p. 404).

Suthpotteford, co. Devon. See Putford.

Suthreye, co. Linc. See Southrey.

Suthrop, co. Glouc. See Southrop.

Suthwerk, Suthwerke, co. Surrey. See Southwark.

Suthwyme, co. Linc. See Witham.

Sutley, co. Glouc. See Sudeley.

Sutleg, Sutle, Sutley. See Sudeleye.

Sutleye. See Sullye.

Sutterton, Sutton, Sirterton, Soterton, co. Linc., 381 (pp. 211, 212, 217).

Sutthorp, co. York. See Swynthorp.

Sutthorp, Anketin de, 682.
-, -, Thomas de, 682.
-, -, William de, 682.

Sutton Courtenay, Sutton, co. Berks, manor, 71 (p. 50).
-, - -, Hauekerig and Herdegrave in, 71 (p. 50).
-, - Downe, Dounes, co. Chester, manor, 22.
-, - in the Dale, Sutton en Dal, co. Derby, 708.
-, - on the Hill, co. Derby, Thurvaston in, q.v.
-, -, co. Devon, 265.
-, - Poyntz, Sutton [in Preston parish], co. Dorset, manor, 17 (p. 19), 18.
-, - in Rochford hundred, co. Essex, 389.
-, -, co. Heref., 35.
-, -, co. Linc. See Sutterton.
-, - Bassett, Sutton, co. N'hamp., 192.
-, -, King's, co. N'hamp., manor and hundred, 179.
-, - [on Trent], co. Nott., 381 (pp. 219, 223).
-, -, -, advowson, 381 (p. 223).
-, - in Ashfield, Sutton in Assefeld, co. Nott., 661.
-, - Bonnington, Sutton upon Sore and Bonyngton, co. Nott., 661.
-, -, Little, co. Salop, 253.
-, - Maddock, Sutton Madok, co. Salop, manor, 157.
-, - -, Brockton in, q.v.
-, -, co. Surrey, 389 (p. 229).
-, -, -, Cottehershe in, p. 229.
-, -, Parva [in Sutton Veney], co. Wilts, 593 (p. 353).
-, - Mandeville, Sutton Maundevyle, Sutton, co. Wilts, advowson, 154 (pp. 98, 99).
-, - - manor, 154 (pp. 98, 99), 684.
-, - -, court at, 180.
-, -, co. Worc., 640 (p. 396).
-, - upon Derwent, co. York, 304 (p. 171).
-, - on the Forest, Suttone, co. York, 435.
-, - -, manor, 483.
-, -, Full, co. York, 439 (p. 260).
-, - Howgrave, Sutton Rougemond, Sutton Hougrave [in Kirklington parish], co. York, 381 (pp. 214, 222).

Sutton, Jordan de, 661.
-, -, Robert de, 61.
-, -, Hugh son of John de, 268.
-, -, James de, 722.
-, -, John de, 661.
-, -, Isabel wife of Richard de, 749, 761.
-, - Jordan de, and Avice his wife, 661.
-, -, Sotton, Madoc de, 97 (p. 68), 476.
-, -, Oliver de, bishop of Lincoln, 435.
-, -, Richard de, 722.
-, -, Richard (son of Robert) de, 61.
-, -, Richard de, and Isabel his wife, 749, 761.
-, -, Robert de, 90.
-, -, -, Joan wife of, 61.
-, -, William de, 61.
-, -, William de, 638 (p. 393).
-, -, William, keeper of the manor of Eastwood, 787.

Sutwerk, co. Surrey. See Southwark.

Sutyvell, co. Bedf. See Southill.

Suyllye. See Sullye.

Suynesheved, Suynheved, co. Linc. See Swineshead.

Swaffham Bulbeck, Swafham Bolebec, co. Camb., 381 (p. 219).
-, -, Prior, Swafham Prior, Swafham, co. Camb., 46, 381 (p. 219).
-, -, co. Camb., prioress of, 381 (p. 219).
-, -, Swafham, co. Norf., advowson, 381 (p. 212).
-, -, -, church, 381 (p. 221).
-, -, -, manor, 381 (pp. 212, 221).

Swafham, inquisition made at, 739.
-, -, -, co. Norf. See Swaffham.

Swafham, Alan de, 381 (p. 221).

Swale, Swall, river, co. York, fishery in, 198.

Swaleclyve, co. Wilts. See Swallowcliff.

Swalle, William ultra, 75.

Swallow, Swalu, Sualwe, Swalue, co. Linc., 381 (pp. 216, 218), 635, 689 (p. 424).
-, -, advowson, 381 (p. 218).

Swallowcliff, Swaleclyve, Swalklyfe, Swaluweclive, co. Wilts, 154 (p. 98), 180.

Swalu, Swalue, co. Linc. See Swallow.

Swaluweclive, co. Wilts. See Swallowcliff.

Swanburne, Swaneburne, Suanburn [Swanborough ?], co. Sussex, 91.

Swanesbach, Scuanesbache ferry, co. Chester, 97 (p. 67), 196.

Swanescamp, co. Kent. See Swanscombe.

Swangey, Suanegeye [in Attleborough parish], co. Norf., 4.

Swanland, Swanneslond, Swinlond [in Ferriby parish], co. York, 439 (p. 260), 580.

Swanneslond, co. York. See Swanland.

Swannington, Swenigton, co. Norf., 381 (p. 221).

Swanscombe, Swanescamp, co. Kent, 110.

Swanton Morley, Suanton, co. Norf., 471 (p. 282).
-, -, advowson, 471 (p. 281).
-, -, manor, 471 (p. 281).
-, -, Esterhawe in, p. 281.

Swarbrick, Swartebecke [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 608.

Swarraton, Swarueton, co. Hants, 522.

Swartebecke, co. Lanc. See Swarbrick.

Swarueton, co. Hants. See Swarraton.

Swavesey, Swaveshee, Swaveseye, co. Camb., 381 (p. 220).
-, -, prior of, 381 (p. 220), 734.

Swelle. See Welles.

Swenigton, co. Norf. See Swannington.

Swenton [Swinton in Masham ?], co York, 535.

Swere [co. Dorset]. See Swyre.

Swetenham, Swetinham. See Swettenham.

Swetmylke, William, 708.

Swettenham, co. Chester, Kirmincham in, q.v.

Swettenham, Sweteham, Swetinham, Richard de, 128 (pp. 83, 85), 284.

Sweynesheved, co. Linc. See Swineshead.

Swinburn, Swyneburn [in Chollerton parish], co. N'humb., 801.

Swindon, Swyndon, co. Wilts, 389 (p. 228).

Swine, Swyn [co. York], Josiana a nun of, 728.

Swineburn, Swyneburn, Sir J. de, 801.
-, -, William de, 631.

Swinehead or Swineyard [in High Legh parish], co. Chester, 284.

Swineshead, Swyneheved, Suynheved, Sweynesheved, Suynesheved, Swineshevid, Swyneshevit, co. Linc., 429, 638 (p. 392).
-, -, advowson, 420.
-, -, manor, 420.
-, -, abbot of, 45, 208, 381 (p. 217), 439 (p. 261).

Swinford, King's, co. Staff. See Kingswinford.
-, -, Old, Swyneford, co. Worc., advowson, 813 (p. 495).
-, -, -, manor, 813 (p. 495).

Swiuhoe, Swynhow, Swynhou [in Bamburgh parish], co. N'humb., 723 (pp. 446, 447).

Swinhope, Swynnop, Swynhop, co. Linc., 381 (pp. 216, 217).
-, -, advowson, 381 (p. 218).
-, -, manor, 405.

Swinlond, co. York. See Swanland.

Swinstead, Suinsted, co. Linc., 688.

Swintenhow, vaccary, co. York, 579.

Swinton, Swynton [in Appleton le Street parish], co. York, 637 (p. 388).

Swre, co. Dorset. See Swyre.

Swyn [co. York]. See Swine.

Swyndon, co. Wilts. See Swindon.

Swyneburn, co. N'humb. See Swinburn.

Swyneburn. See Swineburn.

Swyneford, co. Worc. See Swinford.
-, -, co. Staff. See Kingswinford.

Swyneheved, Swyneshevet, Swynesheved, co. Linc. See Swineshead.

Swynhop, co. Linc. See Swinhope.

Swynhou, co. N'humb. See Swinhoe.

Swynhou, Henry de, 723 (p. 447).

Swynhow, co. N'humb. See Swinhoe.

Swynleys [Swinelee or Shield-dykes, now called Lesbury moor]. co. N'humb., 723 (p. 446).

Swynnop, co. Linc. See Swinhope.

Swynthorp, Sutthorp, co. York [now submerged], 682.

Swyre, Swere, Swre [co. Dorset], 134, 370.
-, -, manor, 1, 2, 42, 52, 134, 370.

Swyston. See Fwyston.

Sybbethorp, William son of Godfrey de, 381 (p. 223).

Sybbroc, co. Chester. See Shipbrook.

Sybethorp, co. Nott. See Sibthorpe.

Sybeton, co. Suff. See Sibton.

Sybretoft, co. N'hamp. See Sibbertoft.

Sydenham Damerel, co. Devon, 789.
-, -, Sydeham, co. Somers., 306 (p. 179), 593 (p. 353).

Sydenham, Sydeham, John de, 306 (p. 179).
-, -, Walter de, 306 (p. 179), 593 (p. 353).

Syderstone, Citestren, co. Norf., 381 (p. 213).

Sydeston, co. Linc. See Syston.

Syepe [Shepreth ?], co. Camb., 381 (p. 220).

Syerscote, Syrescote [in Tamworth parish], co. Staff., manor, 368.

Syerston, Syreston, Syresdon, co. Nott., 381 (pp. 219, 223).

Syfrewast. See Cifrewast.

Syleby, co. Leic. See Sileby.

Sylegrave [co. N'hamp.]. See Sulgrave.

Synderby, co. York. See Sinderby.

Synores, Clemenson de, 207.

Syrbroc, co. Nott. See Shirbrook.

Syre, le Syre, Geoffrey, of Morston, 653 (p. 403).
-, -, Stephen, 361.

Syrescote, co. Staff. See Syerscote.

Syresdon, co. Nott. See Syerston.

Syresham, Siresham, co. N'hamp., 736.

Syresham, William de, 736.

Syreston, co. Nott. See Syerston.

Syrlache, co. Chester. See Surlach.

Syston, Sydeston, Sutheston, co. Linc., 374.

Syuele, William de, 58.