Index of Persons and Places: A

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Index of Persons and Places: A', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: A', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: A". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

All the references are to numbers, not pages, except where otherwise stated. Names of Irish places appear under the heading Ireland.


Abbedik, co. Somers. See Abdick.

Abbee, Abbeys, John, 552.

Abbefeld, Abefeld, co. Oxford, 820.
-, -, Abefeld, Great [co. Oxford], 528.
-, -, -, Little, 528.
-, -, Old, in Lewknor parish, co. Oxford, 586.

Abbendon, co. Berks. See Abingdon.

Abberton, Adburcheton [co. Essex], 389.

Abbetot, Apetoft, Jordan de, 456.
-, -, Robert de, 456.

Abbeys. See Abbee.

Abbington, co. Camb. See Abington.

Abbingworthe, co. Surrey. See Abinger.

Abbot, Richard, 263.
-, -, Roger, 791.

Abbotsbury, co. Dorset, Elworth in, q.v.

Abbreburi, co. Oxford. See Adderbury.

Abbreford, John son of Walter de, 344.
-, -, Isabel daughter of Walter de, 344.

Abbyngworthe, co. Surrey. See Abinger.

Abdick, Abbedik, Abbedyk, co. Somers., hundred, 99, 537.

Abefeld, co. Oxford. See Abbefeld.

Abelyn, Nicholas, 261.
-, -, Thomas, 174.
-, -, Nicholas, 174.
-, -, Thomas, 230, 261.
-, -, - Iseude wife of, 261.

Aberford, co. York, 216.

Abergavenny, Bergeveny, Belgeveny [co. Monm.], 17 (p. 21).
-, -, castle, &c. of, 17 (p. 20).
-, -, bailiff of. See Bray.
-, -, priory, 17 (p. 20).
-, -, -, chronicles of, 17 (p. 21).

Abholm in the wapentake of Barkeston, co. York [now disappeared], 314.

Abindon [co. N'hamp.]. See Abington.

Abindon, Luke de, 23.
-, -, -, Agnes his wife, 23, 361.

Abingdon, Abbendon, Abindon, co. Berks, abbot of, 222, 528, 606 (p. 365), 640 (p. 395), 820.

Abinger, Abingwrth; Abbingworthe, Abbyngworthe, co. Surrey, advowson, 813 (p. 495).
-, -, manor, 16 (p. 14), 813 (p. 495).

Abington in the Clay, Habingeton, Habingtone, Abbington, co. Camb., 66.
-, -, -, manor, 66.
-, -, -, Wendimor marsh in, 66.
-, -, Little, Abiton, Abyton, co. Camb. 381 (p. 220).
-, -, -, advowson, 653 (p. 404).
-, -, Abindon [co. N'hamp.], manor, 350.

Abiton, co. Camb. See Abington.

Abraham, John, of Collingtree, 69.

Aburthon, James de, 389.

Abyngton, William de, 66.
-, -, Edmund de, 66.

Abyton, co. Camb. See Abington.

Acastre, Nicholas de, 154 (pp. 99, 100).

Accle, co. Buck. See Oakley.

Acclum, co. York. See Acklam.

Acclum, Robert de, 304 (p. 170).

Acford Alvredi. See Okeford Fitzpaine.

Achard, Peter, 255.
-, -, Robert, 255, 811 (p. 491).

Achton, co. York. See Aughton.

Acklam, Acclum [near Middlesborough], co. York, 324 (p. 189).

Ackleton, Acliton [in Worfield parish], co. Salop, 808.

Acliton, co. Salop. See Ackleton.

Acover, Robert de, 78.

Acton, co. Chester, 251.
-, -, Turville, Acton Torvile, Torvill, Turbervill, co. Glouc., manor, 521, 619.
-, -, Burnell [co. Salop], writ dated at, 460.
-, -, Pygott, Acton Pycot[in Acton Burnell parish], co. Salop, 569.
-, -, Round, Acton la Runde [co. Salop]. 536.
-, -, Aketon, co. Suff., 577.

Acton, Robert de, 593 (p. 352).

Adam the tailor, 781 (p. 478).

Adam, Geoffrey son of, 436 (p. 250).
-, -, John son of, 696 (p. 430).
-, -, Robert son of, 16 (p. 15)
-, -, Roger son of, 535.
-, -, son of John, John son of, 822.

Adbaston, co. Staff., Hill in, q.v.
-, -, Lea in, q.v.
-, -, Tunstall in, q.v.

Adber, Over, Overateberg [in Trent parish], co. Somers., 17 (p. 18).

Adburchethon [co. Essex]. See Abberton.

Addeclive. See Haddeclive.

Adderbury, Abbreburi, Atburnbury [co. Oxford], 592, 759.

Adderstone, Edderston [in Bamburgh parish], co. N'humb., 723 (p. 447).

Addingham, co. Cumb., Gamblesby and Glassonby in, 136.

Addington, Adinton, Adynton, co. Surrey, 363.
-, -, manor, 604 (p. 362).

Adelelm, John, 163.

Adesham, co. Dorset. See Attisham.

Adinton, Adington, co. Surrey. See Addington.

Adlaxton, co. Staff. See Ellaston.

Adlingfleet, Athelyngflet, co. York, 111.

Adlington [co. Lanc.], 680 (p. 415).

Adlington, Hugh de, 680 (p. 415).

Adynton, co. Surrey. See Addington.

Aete Monfichet, co. Essex. See Ayot.

Aete, William de, 361.

Affoun, Richard de, 696 (p. 432).

Agbrigg, Aggebrigg, co. York, wapentake, 611.

Agmodesham, co. Buck. See Amersham.

Agmodesham, Walter de, writ to, 501.

Agnlith, co. York. See Hanlith.

Aguillon, Agylun, Agwilon, Aguilon, Agylon, Aguylon, Aguyllon, Agyloun, Aguyllun, Agulon, Agulun, Robert, 604.
-, -, Geoffrey, 304 (pp. 171, 172), 548.
-, -, -, inquisition before, 584.
-, -, Hugh, 517, 529.
-, -, -, his daughters, Christiana, Hawis, Joan and Maud, 517.
-, -, Robert, 91, 130, 153, 363.
-, -, -, Margaret (de Ripariis) wife of, 604 (p. 362).
-, -, -, his daughter Isabel, married to Hugh Bardolf, 604.
-, -, Roger de, 91.

Ahshull, co. Somers. See Ashill.

Aikhead, Aykehefd [in Wigton parish], co. Cumb., 603.

Aikton, Ayketon, Hayketon, co. Cumb., 597.
-, -, manor, 688.

Ainderby Myers, Enderdeby, Aynderby [in Hornby parish], co. York, 381 (pp. 214, 222).
-, -, Quernhowe, Anderby Vesconte, Aynderby Vecounte [in Pickhill parish], co. York, 381 (pp. 214, 223).
-, -, Steeple, Aynderby, Enderdeby, co. York, 381 (pp. 215, 223).
-, -, -, advowson, 381 (p. 223).
-, -, -, Warlaby in, q.v.

Ainsty, Aynesty, co. York, 324 (p. 190).

Airmyn, Ayremen, Ayrminne, co. York, 637.
-, -, ferry, 184.

Ais, As, Hais, co. Suff. See Ash.

Ais, As, Guy de, 10, 127.

Aisholt, Assholte, Asholt, co. Somers., 151, 438 (p. 255).
-, -, advowson, 151.

Aiskew(?), Askham, co. York, 381 (p. 215).

Aislaby, Aselakeby [in Middleton parish], co. York, 439 (p. 259).
-, -, Ascilby [in Whitby parish], co. York, 324 (p. 189).

Akeny. See Dakeny.

Akescoth, co. York. See Aysgarth.

Aketon, co. Suffolk. See Acton.

Akilot, Akilote [co. Staff.]. See Aqualate.

Akilote, William son of William de, 461.

Akstane, co. Kent. See Axton.

Alan, son of. See Fitz Alan.

Alayn, Aleyn, Roger, son of John, of Purse Caundle, 826.
-, -, Roger, of Bloxham, 689 (p. 424).

Alba Marlia, William de, 720, 789.
-, -, Geoffrey de, 720.
-, -, John de, of Stoke Damerel, 789.

Albedeston, co. Wilts. See Alvedeston.

Albemarle, or Aumale, honour of, earl of, count of, earldom of, 140, 227, 352, 491, 580 (p. 345), 671, 688, 822.
-, -, countess of, 381 (p. 222), 407, 440, 463, 603.
-, -, Avelina countess of. See Fortibus.
-, -, Isabel countess of. See Fortibus.

Albiniaco, Albini. See Daubeny.

Albo Monasterio, Blauminister, Blauncmoster, Blammoster, Blamustre, Blamuster, Bertreya or Bertreda de, daughter of William de, 837.
-, -, lady Maud de. See Fitz Alan.
-, -, Lucy de, 55.
-, -, Sir Randolph de, 611.
-, -, heirs of, 528.

Albrighton, Aylbrihton, Aylbrighton, co. Salop, advowson, 569.
-, -, manor, 569.
-, -, hermit of, 569.

Alburgh, Audeberge, co. Norf., 381 (p. 221).

Albury, co. Hertf., Patmere in, q.v.

Albus. See Blund.

Alcaston, Alhamstun, Halthamstan [in Acton Scott parish], co. Salop, manor, 91.

Alcester, Alincestre, co. Warw., advowson, 47.
-, -, manor, 47.

Alcleburgh, co. York. See Aldbrough.

Alcrinton, co. Oxford. See Alkerton.

Alcrynton [co. Worc.]. See Offerton.

Aldbrough, Alcleburgh, Aldeburh, Aldeburgh, Aldeburg [in Stanwick parish], co. York, 381 (pp. 213, 215), 579, 682, 683.

Aldburgh Neuton, co. York. See Newton.

Aldburgh Neuton. See Neuton.

Aldeburgh, Aldeburh, Aldeburg, co. York. See Aldbrough.

Aldeby [co. Norf.], manor, 471 (p. 282).

Aldedelegh. See Audley.

Aldedeleye, co. Staff. See Audley.

Aldedelye, Aldedelegh. See Audley.

Aldefeld, co, York. See Aldfield.

Aldefeld, Alan de, 257.
-, -, William son of Neal de, 548.
-, -, Jollan de, 257.
-, -, Neal de, 257.
-, -, -, Egidia wife of, afterwards Beltoft, 257; see Beltoft.
-, -, Nicholas de, 257.
-, -, William son of Neal de, 257.

Aldeford, co. Chester. See Aldford.

Aldeham, co. York, 611.

Aldeham. See Hay.

Aldelee, Aldelegh, Aldeleye. See Audley.

Aldelyn, William, 822.
-, - Cf. Andelyn.

Aldeparc, Aldeport [co. Lanc.], 420.

Alderbury, Alwardesburi, co. Wilts, 681.
-, -, Whaddon in, q.v.

Aldercoombe, Alrecombe, co. Devon, 306 (p. 175).

Alderdeleye, co. Chester. See Alderley.

Alderdeleye, Roger de, 128 (p. 85).

Aldereseye, co. Chester. See Aldersey.

Alderford, co. Chester. See Aldford.

Alderley, Over, Alderdeleye, co. Chester, 128 (p. 85).

Aldermaston, Aldremanston, co. Berks, manor, 255.

Aldersey, Aldersseye, Aldrisey, Aldresey [in Coddington parish], co. Chester, 523.
-, -, manor, 782.

Alderton, Aldrington, Aldrinton, co. N'hamp., 477 (pp. 289, 290).
-, -, advowson, 477 (p. 289).
-, -, garden of, 310.

Aldesworthe, co. Berks. See Aldworth.

Aldethelegh. See Audley.

Aldewrthe, co. Berks. See Aldworth.

Aldewyk, Roger de, 652.

Aldfield, Aldefeld [near Ripon], co. York. manor, 257.
-, -, places in, 257.

Aldford, Aldeford, Alderford, co. Chester, castle, 181, 749, 762, 782.

Aldham, co. Essex, manor, 603.

Aldham, Baldwin de, 829.
-, -, Nicholaa, wife of Baldwin de, 829.
-, - See Audeham.

Aldingham in Furness, co. Lanc., the lady of, 439 (p. 258).

Aldinston, co. Cumb. See Alston.

Aldithele, Alditheleg. See Audley.

Aldrefeld, Eldefeld, Eustace de, 424.
-, -, Robert de, 424.

Aldremanston, co. Berks. See Aldermaston.

Aldresey, co. Chester. See Aldersey.

Aldrington, co. N'hamp. See Alderton.
-, -, Alrynton, co. Sussex, advowson of church, 349.

Aldrinton, co. N'hamp. See Alderton.

Aldrisey, co. Chester. See Aldersey.

Aldwartun, John de, 676.

Aldwinkle, Audewyncle, Audewincle, co. N'hamp., 374.

Aldworth, Aldewrthe, Aldesworthe, co. Berks, 404, 836.

Alecote, co. Buck [Holcot, co. Bedf.?], 545.

Aleford, co. Linc. See Alford.

Alegerker, co. Linc. See Algarkirk.

Alencon. See Dalenzun.

Alenemu, co. N'humb. See Alnmouth.

Alenewic, co. N'humb. See Alnwick.

Alesby, co. Linc. See Aylesby.

Aleslond, Anthony de, 754.

Aleweston, co. Glouc. See Alveston.

Alexander, king of Scots, 665.

Alexander, Nicholas son of, 437 (p. 252).
-, - See Alisaundre.

Aley, Ayly, Eyli, Hely [in Over Stowey parish], co. Somers., 151, 306 (p. 178), 593 (p 351).

Aleyn. See Alayn.

Alfington, co. Devon. See Alphington.

Alford, Alforde, Aleford, co. Linc., 429, 777.
-, -, Haledford, Aylford, Halyngeford, Alledeford, co. Somers., 306 (p. 178), 593 (p. 353).

Alfreston, co. Essex. See Bigods.

Alfriston, Alfrichestone, co. Sussex, advowson, 571.

Alfynton, co. Devon. See Alphington.

Algarkirk, Alegerker, Algerkyrk, co. Linc., 381 (pp. 211, 212, 217).

Algerker, co. Linc. See Algarkirk.

Alhamstun, co. Salop. See Alcaston.

Alice, nurse of Edward the king's son, 788.

Alikelde, co. York. See Halikeld.

Alincestre, co. Warw. See Alcester.

Alisaundre, Alysaundre, John, 332, 334.

Alkerton, Alcrinton, co. Oxford, manor, 314.

Alkham, co. Kent, 480.

Alkington, Alklinton, co. Glouc., manor, 407.

Alklinton, co. Glouc. See Alkington.

Allakeny, Adam de, 582.

Alledeford, co. Somers. See Alford.

Allensmore, co. Heref., Cobhall in, q.v.

Aller, co. Devon. See Aury.

Allerdale, co. Cumb., 601.

Allerton, co. Nott. See Ollerton.
-, -, Alwwardestone, co. Somers., 809.
-, -, Mauleverer, Alverton, co. York, 324 (p. 189).

Allerwash, Allerways [in Newbrough parish], co. N'humb, 535.

Allesby, co. Linc. See Aylesby.

Allownshay, Halwenesheye [in Kingstone parish], co. Somers., manor, 349.

Almer, Estalmere, co. Dorset, 759.

Almerugg, Almeringg, co. Worc. See Elmbridge.

Almeton, co. Nott. See Ompton.

Almondsbury, co. Glouc., Over in, q.v.

Almonesford, co. Somers. See Almsford.

Almot, Alan, of Brandon, 190.

Almsford, Almonesford, co. Somers., advowson, 809.

Alneham, co. N'humb. See Alnham.

Alnemu, co. N'humb. See Alnmouth.

Alnesbourn, Alnesbronne [in Nacton parish, co. Suff.], 420.

Alneto, Launeye, le Auney, Launey, Nicholas de, 197.
-, -, Alexander de, 531.
-, -, Henry de, 246, 824.
-, -, John de, 688.
-, -, Matthew de, 775.
-, -, Nicholas de, his wife and daughters, 197.
-, -, Sir Roger de, 12.

Alnewik, Alnewick, co. N'humb. See Alnwick.

Alnham, Alneham, co. N'humb., 723 (p. 446).

Alnmouth, Alnemu, Alenemu, co. N'humb., 723 (p. 446).

Alnwick, Alnewick, Alnewik, Alenewic [co. N'humb.], inquisition made at, 648.
-, -, castle, &c., 723 (p. 446).
-, -, castle guard, 486.

Alphington, Alfington, Alfynton, co. Devon, advowson, 71 (p. 51), 438 (p. 256).
-, -, manor, 71 (p. 51), 438 (p. 256).

Alrecumbe, co. Devon. See Aldercoombe.

Alrewas, co. Staff, manor, 368.

Alrynton, co. Sussex. See Aldrington.

Alstanthorp [Alstoe in Burley?. co. Rutland], 439 (p. 262).

Alstoe, co. Rutland. See Alstanthorp.

Alston, Aldinston, co. Cumb., slate quarry at, 699.

Alstonfield, Austanesfeld, co. Staff., 97 (p. 68).
-, -, manor, 196, 476.

Alstonwik, co. York. See Elsternwick.

Alta Ripa, Alta Rypa, Hautrive, Autryve, Sir John de, 526.
-, -, William de, 606 (p. 366), 809.

Althorn, William, 304 (p. 170).

Althorpe, Olethorp [co. N'hamp.], manor 524 (p. 315).

Alton, Awlton, co. Hunts, hundred, 604 (p. 361).
-, -, Alveton, co. Staff., manor, 78.
-, -, -, Farley in, q.v.

Alvaston, Aylwaston, Aylwaldeston, Alwaston, co. Derby, 190, 617.

Alvechurch, co. Worc., Hopwood in, q.v.

Alvedeston, Albedeston, co. Wilts, manor, 681.
-, -, chapel, 681.

Alveley, Auvelers [co. Essex], manor, 624.

Alverton, co. Nott. See Ollerton.
-, -, co. York. See Allerton.

Alveston, Aleweston, co. Glouc., manor, 37.

Alveton, co. Leic. See Hallaton.
-, -, co. Staff. See Alton.

Alvingham, Alvyngham, Alwyngham, Halyngham, co. Linc., 689 (p. 425).
-, -, advowson, 381 (p. 218).
-, -, prior of, 381 (p. 217), 689 (p. 526).

Alwardesburi, co. Wilts. See Alderbury.

Alwaston, co. Derby. See Alvaston.

Alwine, John, 721.

Alwwardestone, co. Somers. See Allerton.

Alwyngham, co. Linc. See Alvingham.

Alysaundre. See Alisaundre.

Ambaston, Ambaldiston, co. Derby, 20.

Amblecote, Amelecote, co. Staff. [in Old Swinford parish, co. Worc.], 813 (p. 496).

Ambresbury, co. Wilts. See Amesbury.

Ambroys, Nicholas, 697.

Amelecote, co. Staff. See Amblecote.

Amersham, Augmodesham, Agmodesham, co. Buck., 110, 153.

Amesbury, Ambresburi, Ambresbury, co. Wilts, prioress of, 450, 733.

Amewyk, co. Linc. See Anwick.

Amewyk, Walter de, 638 (p. 392).

Amgoed, Amgodde [co. Carm.], commote, 446 (p. 266).

Amice, countess of Devon, and the Isle of Wight. See Ripariis.

Amundevill, Amundevyl, Maud wife of Richard de or Maud de Verdun, 536.
-, -, Richard de, 489, 536.
-, -, -, and Maud his wife, 489.

Amyntone, co. Oxford. See Emmington.

Amyun, Thomas, 264.

Ancholme, Ankholm, Ankolme, river [co. Linc], fishery in, 574.
-, -, -, gardens for fish in, 635, 637.
-, -, -, Newstead on, q.v.

Andelyn, Robert, 286.
-, -, Cf. Aldelyn.

Anderby, co. Linc. See Bag Enderby.
-, -, co. York. See Ainderby.

Andirton, William son of William de, and Almaria his wife, 420.

Andreu, Roger, 696 (p. 431).

Andrew, Robert son of, 696 (p. 431).

Anesty [co. Warw.]. See Anstey.

Anesty, John de, 730.

Angeharm, co. N'humb. See Ingram.

Angemerynge, co. Sussex. See Angmering.

Angers, Aungers [Maine et Loire, France], abbot of, 381 (p. 217), 429.

Angervile, John de, 643.

Angevin, Aungevyn, Aungevin, Engevyn, Engefyn, Aungeven, Walter, 754.
-, -, William, 267.
-, -, Walter, 267 bis.
-, -, William, son of Walter, 754.
-, -, -, and Joan his wife, 754.

Anglesea, Engleseye, Angleseye [co. Camb.?], man killed at, 488.

Angmering, Angemerynge, co. Sussex, manor, 824.

Ankholm, river. See Ancholme.

Anlaby, Anlauby [in Kirk Ella parish], co. York, 333.

Anlaby, Anlauby, Anlatheby, Margery daughter of John de, 333.
-, -, Margery de, 728.
-, -, John son of Margery, daughter of John de, 333.

Anlauby, co. York. See Anlaby.

Anlauby. See Anlaby.

Anstey, Anesty [co. Warw.], 128 (p. 83).

Anstruther, Aynstrother, Heynstrother, William de, 665.
-, -, Henry de, 665.

Anthony, Thomas son of, 281, 437 (p. 253).

Antingham, co. Norf., 686.
-, -, St. Mary's church, 687.

Antingham, Entingham, Bartholomew de, 687.
-, -, Roger de, 687.

Anwick, Amewyk, co, Linc., 638 (p. 392), 772 (p. 468).

Apedale [near Wolstanton], co. Staff, 476.

Apelton, co. Chester. See Appleton.
-, -, co. Norf. See Appleton.
-, -, co. York. See Appleton.

Apelton, William de, 108.

Apeltrefeuld, William de, 438 (p. 257).

Apesburg, co. Norf. See Happisburgh.

Apetoft. See Abbetot.

Appelby, co. Linc. See Appleby.
-, -, co. York. See Eppleby.

Appelby, Geoffrey de, 483.
-, -, Roger de, 560.

Appelgar, Roger, 610 (p. 372).
-, -, William, 610 (p. 372).

Appelgarth, Appelgarht, Robert de, 381 (p. 213), 579.
-, -, Stephen de, 579.

Appelshawe, Appelsawe, co. Hants. See Appleshaw.

Appeltresate, co. York. See Appersett.

Appeltrewyc, co. York. See Appletreewick.

Appersett, Appeltresate, co. York, vaccary, 381 (p. 214), 579.

Appilby, co. Westm. See Appleby.

Appilthwayt, co. Westm. See Applethwaite.

Appleby, Appelby, co. Linc., 818.
-, -, manor, 575.
-, -, Appilby, co. Westm., manor, 478, 525.
-, -, co. York. See Eppleby.

Applegard, co. York, 304 (p. 171).

Applegarth, co. York. See Arkengarth.

Appleshaw, Appelshawe, Appelsawe, co. Hants, 522.

Applethwaite, Appeltweyt, Appilthwayt [in Windermere], co. Westm., 70, 447.
-, -, fishery, 447.

Appleton, Apelton [near Great Budworth], co. Chester, 493.
-, -, co. Norf., 653 (p. 403).
-, - le Street, Apelton, co. York, 637 (p. 388).
-, -, -, Easthorpe in, q.v.
-, -, Hapelton, East and West, co. York, 381 (p. 222).

Appletreewick, Appeltrewyc [in Burnsall in Craven parish], co. York, 352.

Aqua, John de, 710.
-, -, Nicholas de, 306 (p. 175).

Aqualate, Akilote, Akilot [in Forton parish, co. Staff.], 125, 461.

Aquam, Fulk ad, 598.

Archedekne, Ercedekene, Maurice le, 696 (p. 429).
-, -, Stephen le (or de), 281.

Archer, Nicholas le (1), 346.

Archer, Nicholas le, 65.
-, -, - (2), 346, 404.

Arcleteston, co. Heref. See Arkstone.

Ardeleghe [co. Essex]. See Ardleigh.

Arden, Ardena, Arderne, Ardren, William de, 198.
-, -, Peter de. 181, 189, 284, 360, 460, 749, 762, 782.
-, -, Ralph de, 813 (pp. 493, 495).
-, -, Rees de, 48.
-, -, Thomas de, 132, 206, 560, 640 (pp. 395, 396).
-, -, Sir Thomas de, lord of Ryton, 78.

Ardescot, co. Salop. See Arscott.

Ardleigh, Ardeleghe, co. Essex, 130.

Ardley, Ardolvesleye, co. Oxford, 128 (p. 84).

Ardren. See Arden.

Ardres, Richard de, 307.

Ardsley, Erdeslawe, co. York, 638 (p. 391).
-, -, West, or Woodkirk, Wodchirche, co. York, master of, 638 (p. 391).

Ardwalton, John de, 627.

Ardwick, Atheriswyke [co. Lanc.], 420.

Argentan, Argenten, Argenthom, Argenteyn, Argentheim, Argenteym, Giles de, 463.
-, -, Giles de, 110, 381 (p. 213).
-, -, Reginald de, 374, 463.
-, -, Robert de, 153.
-, -, William de, 809.

Aringod. See Haringod.

Arkey, Robert de, 355.

Arkengarth, Arkelgarht, Arkelgarth, Applegarth, co. York, 75, 381 (pp. 213, 215), 579.

Arkholme, Ergum [in Melling parish], co. Lanc., 575.

Arkstone, Arcleteston, Arkleston [in Kingstone parish], co. Heref., 691.

Arlington, Wirlinton, co. Sussex, 59.
-, -, Milton in, q.v.

Armeley, co. York. See Armley.

Armestrang, William, 699.

Armley, Armeley, co. York, 638 (p. 391).

Armscott, Edmundiscote [in Tredington parish], co. Worc., manor, 6.

Arnehou. See Arnho.

Arnehale. See Arnhal.

Arnesby, Hernisby, co. Leic., manor, 101.

Arnhal, co. Nott. See Arnold.

Arnhal, Arnehale, Harnehale, Ralph de, 805.
-, -, Ralph de, son of William son of Ralph, 805.

Arnhale, co. Nott. See Arnold.

Arnho, Arnehou, wood, co. N'hamp., 69.

Arnington, co. Camb. See Arrington.

Arningworth, co. N'hamp. See Arthingworth.

Arnold, Arnhal, Arnhale, co. Nott., 805.
-, -, church, 805.
-, -, fee of, 519.

Arondell [co. Sussex]. See Arundel.

Arrington, Arnington, co. Camb., manor, 88.

Arrow, co. Warw., Oversley in, q.v.

Arscott, Ardescot [in Pontisbury parish], co. Salop, 196.

Arsic, Arsyk, Alexandra daughter of Robert, 764.
-, -, - See Gardino.
-, -, Manasser, 322.

Arthingworth, Arningworth, co. N'hamp., manor, 152.

Arthuret, Arthureth, Arturet, co. Cumb., 195, 439 (p. 258).

Arthuret, Robert de, 439 (p. 258).

Arturet, co. Cumb. See Arthuret.

Arundel, Arondell, Harundell, co. Sussex, 16 (p. 16).
-, -, castle, 533, 536.
-, -, court of, 36.
-, -, water mills in, 91.
-, -, priory, advowson of, 128 (p. 85).
-, -, countess of, 670.
-, -, earl of, earldom of, 4 (p. 4), 34, 187.
-, -, honour, 536, 824.

Arundel, John de, 85.
-, -, Roger, Roger de, 306 (p. 177), 403, 593 (p. 352).

As, co. Suff. See Ash.

Ascell. See Atholl.

Asche, co. Salop. See Nash.

Aschedon, Geoffrey de, 610 (p. 372).

Ascilby, co. York. See Aislaby.

Ascwyht, co. York. See Askwith.

Aseby, John de, 671.

Aselacton, Reginald de, 385.

Aselakeby [co. Linc.]. See Aslackby.
-, -, co. York. See Aislaby.

Asford, co. Salop. See Ashford.

Ash, Esse Reygny, co. Devon, 505.
-, -, Estere Esse, Westeresse [in Putford parish], co. Devon, 306 (p. 175).
-, -, Esshe, co. Kent, manor, 178.
-, -, Booking (?), Ais, As, Hais, co. Suff., 10, 127.

Ashbury, Essebury, Ashebur, co. Berks., 811 (p. 491).
-, -, -, Idstone in, q.v.
-, -, Aysbyri, co. Devon, 154 (pp. 99, 100).

Ashby de la Zouche, Esseby la Zouche, Assheby, co. Leic., 734.
-, -, - manor, 581.
-, -, West, Askeby, near Horncastle, co. Linc., 226.
-, -, Mears, Esseby Mares, co. N'hamp., manor, 425.

Ashclist, Asseclyfte [in Broad Clist parish], co. Devon, prebend of, 71 (p. 53).

Ashdown, Assesdune, Hassedone, co. Sussex, forest, 98, 193.

Ashe, Esse [in Musbury parish], co. Devon, manor, 71 (p. 51).

Ashebur co. Berks. See Ashbury.

Ashford, Essettesford [co. Kent], the lord of, 668.
-, -, Bowdler, Assheford Boulers, co. Salop, 640 (p. 396).
-, -, Carbonel, Asford Carbonel, co. Salop, manor, 640 (p. 395).

Ashill, Axhulle, Hashull, Ahshull, Asshulle, co. Somers., 71 (p. 52).
-, -, fee of, 537, 720.
-, -, Stewley in, q.v.

Ashingdon, Assyndon, co. Essex, 108.

Ashley, Asselegh, co. Hants, 107.
-, -, forest bailiwick, 107.
-, -, manor, 107.
-, -, Asscheleye, Asseleye, co. Staff., 8, 744.

Asholt [co. Somers.]. See Aisholt.

Ashton under Lyne, Aston, Ayston, co. Lanc., 420.
-, -, -, advowson, 420.
-, -, Keynes, Aston, Ayston, co. Wilts, manor, 433.

Ashwell, Aysshewell, co. Hertf., 500.

Ashwood, Aswode [in Kingswinford parish, co. Staff.], 16 (p. 15).

Asinton, Asintone, co. Suff. See Assington.

Ask, co. York, 381 (pp. 215, 233).

Ask, Henry de, 381 (p. 215).
-, -, Sir Hugh de, 381 (p. 223).

Askeby, co. Linc. See Ashby.

Askham, co. York. See Aiskew.

Askwith, Ascwyht [near Otley], co. York, manor, 176.

Aslackby, Aselakeby, Aslacby, co. Linc., manor, 471 (p. 281).
-, -, Alisaundres wood and Jungfrith wood in, p. 281.
-, -, Graby in, q.v.
-, -, lord of. See Marshal.

Aslacton, co. Staff. See Ellastone.

Aslakton, Roger de, 372.

Aslegh, John de, 237.

Aspale, Haspale, Haspal, Geoffrey de, 635.
-, -, Geoffrey de, 637 (pp. 388, 389)
-, -, John de, 635.
-, -, Richard de, 637 (pp. 388, 389).

Aspeley, co. Warw. See Aspley.

Aspley, Aspeley [in Tamworth parish], co. Warw., 16 (p. 15).

Asprevile, Aspervile, John de, 418.

Asprevile, William de, 614.

Assceles. See Atholl.

Asscheleye, co. Staff. See Ashley.

Asseclyfte, co. Devon. See Ashclist.

Asselegh, co. Hants. See Ashley.

Asseleye, co. Staff. See Ashley.

Assendene, Adam de, 420.

Assesdune, co. Sussex. See Ashdown.

Assewell, Essewell, Aysshewell, Ayswell, Nicholas son of Simon de, 500.

Assewell, Hawisia de, 500.
-, -, John de, 389 (p. 228).

Asshe, co. Heref. See Nash.

Assheby [co. Leic.]. See Ashby.

Assheford Boulers, co. Salop. See Ashford Bowdler.

Assholte, co. Somers. See Aisholt.

Asshulle, co. Somers. See Ashill.

Assich, John, 531.

Assington, Esynton, Asinton, Asintone, co Suff., 222, 528, 820.

Assyndon, co. Essex. See Ashingdon.

Astaneby, co. Cumb., 228.

Astbury, Asteburi, co. Chester, church, 512.
-, -, Hulme Walfield in, q.v.

Asteburi, co. Chester. See Astbury.

Asteleye, Sir Andrew de, 474.

Asthill [near Coventry, co. Warw.], 128 (p. 83).

Astirby, John de, 689 (p. 425).
-, -, Walter de, 689 (p. 425).

Astley Abbet's Estleg, co. Salop, manor, 103.

Astlinton. See Eslington.

Aston Abbots, co. Buck., Burston in, q.v.
-, -, [juxta Mondrum, in Acton parish], co. Chester, 196.
-, -, upon Weaver [in Runcorn parish], co. Chester, 360.
-, -, sub Edge, Aston, co. Glouc., manor 14.
-, -, co. Lanc. See Ashton.
-, -, le Walls, Aston, co. N'hamp., manor, 61.
-, -, Oxclose and le Mers in, 61.
-, -, co. Oxford. See Middle-Aston.
-, - [in Wem parish], co. Salop, 774.
-, - [in Worthen parish], co. Salop, 85.
-, - Bottrell, co. Salop, Charlcott in, q.v.
-, - [by Birmingham], co. Warw., 16 (p. 15), 813 (pp. 493, 495).
-, - Cantlow, Aston Cantelou, co. Warw., manor, 17 (p. 20).
-, -, co. Wilts. See Ashton.

Aston, John de, 14.
-, -, Richard de, 360.

Astwick, Astwyk [co. Bedf.], 736.

Astwood, Estwode, Astwode, Estwod, co. Buck., 16 (p. 15), 83, 813 (p. 497).
-, -, -, Pirney wood in, 83.
-, -, Astwod, co. Worc., manor, 640 (p. 396).

Astwyk, co. Bedf. See Astwick.

Aswode [co. Staff.]. See Ashwood.

Atabarre. See Barre.

Atburnbury, co. Oxford. See Adderbury.

Athelhampton, Pidele Athalamston, co. Dorset, 817.

Athelney, Athelyngnye [co. Somers.], abbot of, 537.

Athelyngflet, co. York. See Adlingfleet.

Athelyngnye [co. Somers.]. See Athelne.

Atheriswyke [co. Lanc.]. See Ardwick.

Atherstone upon Stour, Athereston, Atheriston, co. Warw., 353.
-, -, manor, 48.

Athewyk, Agnes de, 427.

Atholl, Assceles, Ascell, earl of, 130.

Aton, co. York. See Ayton.

Attebarr. See Barre.

Attebigg, Robert, 429.

Attebrigge Ende, Henry, 524 (p. 314).

Atteburi, Robert, 340.

Attenok, Atthenok, Richard, 468.

Atterton [co. Leic.]. 439 (p. 262).

Attewrth, co. Devon. See Atworthy.

Attewrthy, Attewrth, Richard de, 306 (p. 175).
-, -, Robert de, 306 (p. 175).

Atthenok. See Attenok.

Attisham, Adesham [in Broad Windsor parish] co. Dorset, 298.

Attleborough, co. Norf., Swangey in, q.v.

Attlebridge, Attlebrigge, co. Norf., 381 (p. 231).

Atworthy, Attewrth [in Bradworthy parish], co. Devon, 306 (p. 175).

Aubeny. See Daubeny.

Aubesend, co. Sussex, 571.

Auburn, Auburne, co. Linc., manor, 227, 688.

Aucher, Auger, Henry son of, 596.
-, -, Thomas son of, Anabilia wife of, 108.

Audeberge, co. Norf. See Alburgh.

Audedeleg, co. Staff. See Audley.

Audeham, Waudeham, Aldeham, Thomas de, 193.
-, -, Acard de, 193.
-, -, Baldwin de, 193.
-, -, Thomas de, Isabel wife of, 193.
-, -, -, -, her first husband, Ralph de le Haye, q.v.
-, -, William de, 193.
-, - Cf. Aldham.

Audeleg, Audeleye, Audethel. See Audley.

Audethele, co. Staff. See Audley.

Audewyncle, Audewincle, co. N'hamp. See Aldwinkle.

Audewnycle, Henry de, 374.

Audeyeleg, co. Staff. See Audley.

Audham, co. Kent. See Yaldham.

Audithele, Auditheleye, Audithelee. See Audley.

Audley, Audeyeleg, Aldedeleye, Audedeleg, Aldeleg, Audethele, co. Staff., 78, 97 (p. 67), 196.
-, -, co. Salop, manor, 78, 476.

Audley, Aldeleye, Audeleg, Audidelegh, Audeleye, Audethel, Alditheleye, Aldithele, Alditheleg, Audithelee, Audedeleg, Autdeyeleg, Audelegh, Auditheleg, Autdelye, Audelehe, Aldidelegh, Aldelegh, Aldethelegh, Aldedelegh, Aldelee, Audithele, Henry de, 196, 285.
-, -, James de, 97.
-, -, William de, 476
-, -, Ella de, 97 (p. 68).
-, -, Henry de, 78, 97, 125, 128 (p. 84), 181.
-, -, -, Lucy wife of 196, 285, 476.
-, -, -, (the grandfather), 196.
-, -, Sir James de, 110, 762.
-, -, James de, 762.
-, -, -, Maud wife of, 196.
-, -, Nicholas de, 460, 461, 476.
-, -, William de, 196.

Auekrigge. See Hawkridge.

Aufrey, Richard, 264.

Auger. See Aucher.

Aughton, Achton, co. York, 304 (p. 171).

Augmodesham co. Buck. See Amersham.

Aula, la Sale, Alexander de, of Newport, 125.
-, -, William de, of Newport, 461.
-, -, Richard de, 74.
-, -, Roger de, of Newport, 461.
-, -, William de, 45, 125.

Aulam. Walter ad, 637 (p. 388).

Aulay, John de, 86.

Aules. See Aulys.

Ault Hucknall, co. Derby, Hardwick in, q.v.

Aulton, Henry de, 43.

Aulys, Aules, Philip de, 658.
-, -, Robert de, 658.

Aumale. See Albemarle; Fortibus.

Aumerugg, co. Worc. See Elmbridge.

Aumerugg. See Elmebrug.

Auna, Thomas de, 609.

Aunblie, Eleanor, daughter of Sir Geoffrey de, 811 (p. 491).

Auney. See Alneto.

Aungers, Aungere. See Angers.

Aungevin, Aungeven, Aungevyn. See Angevin.

Aunsby, Ouneby, co. Linc., 374.

Auntan, Eustace, 484.

Aunus. See Danys.

Aure, co. Glouc. See Awre.

Aure, Walter de, 286.
-, -, John de, 285.
-, -, -, canon of St. Mary's, Bruton, 650.

Aury. Aurey [Aller ?], co. Devon, 267, 754.

Austanesfeld, co. Staff. See Alstonfield.

Austerfield, Ousterfeud, Oysterfeld, co. York, 304 (p. 172).
-, -, co. York, manor, 525.

Autdeyeley, Autdelye. See Audley.

Autryve. See Alta Ripa.

Auvelers, co. Essex. See Alveley.

Aveland, Avelund, co. Linc., wapentake, 689 (p. 423).

Avele, co. Somers. See Avill.

Avele, Richard de, 593 (p. 352).

Avelers. See Davelers.

Avelina, countess of Albemarle, wife of Edmund son of Henry III. See Fortibus.

Avenel, John, 381 (p. 220).

Avenemue, Avenemuhe [co. Devon]. See Avonmouth.

Aveny. See Daveny.

Averham, Egrund, co. Nott., manor, 722.

Aveton Giffard, co. Devon., 205.
-, -, manor, 177.

Avice, John, son of, of Cuxwold, 689 (p. 425).

Avill, Avele [in Dunster parish], co. Somers., 306 (p. 177), 593 (p. 352).

Avonmouth, Avenemue, Avenemuhe [co. Devon], 613.

Awlton, co. Hants. See Alton.

Awnby, Ounesby [in Castle Bytham parish], co. Linc., 688.

Awre, Aure, co. Glouc., 250, 286, 446 (p. 265).
-, -, advowson, 446 (p. 275).
-, -, fishery, 446 (p. 265).
-, -, Esloe Duchy in, q.v.

Axford, Axeford [now a tithing of Ramsbury], co. Wilts, church, 737.

Axhulle, co. Somers. See Ashill.

Axminster, co. Devon, Smallridge in, q.v.

Axmouth, co. Devon, Bruckland in, q.v.

Axsted, Roland de, 438 (p. 256).

Axstede, co. Surrey. See Oxted.

Axton, Akstane, co. Kent, hundred, 178.

Aydon, Ayden [in Corbridge parish], co. N'humb., 313.
-, -, manor, 411.
-, -, the middle manor, 570.

Aykehefd, co. Cumb. See Aikhead.

Aykescharth, co. York. See Aysgarth.

Aykesko, co. Lanc. Ayscough.

Ayketon, co. Cumb. See Aikton.

Aylbrighton, Aylbrihton, co. Salop. See Albrighton.

Aylburton, Aylberton, co. Glouc., manor, 600.

Aylesbeare, Aylesbear, Aylesbere, co. Devon, manor, 71 (pp. 50, 52).
-, -, advowson, 71 (p. 52).
-, -, Houndbeare in, q.v.

Aylesbury, Eylesbyri, Eylesburi, co. Buck., 295, 614.
-, -, manor, 153.
-, -, inquisition made at, 15.

Aylesby, Alesby, Allesby, co. Linc., 381 (pp. 216, 218), 689 (p. 424).

Aylesbyri, Eylesbyri, William son of Robert de, 295.
-, -, William de, son of William, 295.

Aylesham, Reginald de, 381 (p. 219).

Aylestone, Ayleston, Ayliston, co. Leic., manor, 155, 305.

Aylford, co. Somers. See Alford.

Ayliston, co. Leic. See Aylestone.

Aylmundeston, co. Glouc. See Elmstone.

Aylward, Roger son of, 324.

Aylwaston, Aylwaldeston, co. Derby. See Alvaston.

Ayly, co. Somers. See Aley.

Aymestrey, co. Heref., Upper Ley in. See Ley.

Aynderby, co. York. See Ainderby.

Aynesty, co. York. See Ainsty.

Aynford, William de, 86.

Aynstrother. See Anstruther.

Ayot St. Peter, Aete Monfichet, co. Hertf., manor, 834.

Ayremen, Ayrminne, co. York. See Airmyn.

Aysbyri, co. Devon. See Ashbury.

Ayscough, Exsco, Aykesko [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 608.

Aysgarth, Aykescharth, Akescoth, co. York, 381 (p. 222).
-, -, advowson, 381 (p. 222).
-, -, Bainbridge in. q.v.

Aysse, la, co. Heref. See Nash.

Aysshewell, co. Hertf. See Ashwell.

Aysshewell. See Assewell.

Ayston [co. Lanc.]. See Ashton.
-, -, co. Wilts. See Ashton.

Ayswell. See Assewell.

Ayton in Cleveland. Aton, co. York, 304 (p. 171).
-, -, manor, 439 (pp. 259, 262).
-, -, place names in, 439 (p. 259).

Azerley, Azerlagke, Azerlay, Hatherley [in Kirkby Malzeard parish], co. York, 535, 548.
-, -, manor, 257.