Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 35

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 35', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 35', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 35". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 35

474. John le Latimer.
Writ to the sheriff of Leicester, 12 Dec. 11 Edw. I.
Leicester. Inq. (undated.)
Gomundele. A capital messuage, 4 virgates land in demesne, and 5 virgates and two parts of 1 virgate in villenage, held of the inheritance of Christiana his wife, doing homage and service to Ralph de Sancto Laudo who took to wife Agnes de Meynel lady of the said fee, and Welsh scutage when it runs; and he held there a wood and 2s. 7d. rent of free tenants; and in Foxton of the said tenement 4 virgates and three parts of 1 virgate land.
Smetheton. 6 virgates and three parts of 1 virgate land, held of the said inheritance, doing homage and service to Ralph de Turvill of Normanton, and Welsh scutage when it runs.
Langeton. 6½ virgates and a third part of 1 virgate land, held of the said inheritance, doing Welsh scutage when it runs to Sir Andrew de Asteleye; and a third part of a windmill.
Thomas his son, aged 11, is his next heir.
Writ to the sheriff of Northampton, 12 Dec. 11 Edw. I.
Northampton. Inq. (undated.)
[Bedford.] Wardon. The manor, held through Christiana his wife of the king in chief by service of 2½ knights for 40 days in the army, and 20s. yearly for the guard of the castle of Rokingham.
Northampton. Braybrok. Two parts of the manor, held through the said Christiana, rendering 2s. to the abbot of Cumbe.
Corby. A third part of the manor, similarly held of the king in chief for 5 marks yearly.
Welledon. 40s. rent, similarly held, doing 5s. 6d. to the lords of the fee.
Thomas le Latimer, aged 12, is his next heir.
Writ to the sheriff of Northampton, 12 Dec. 11 Edw. I.
Northampton. Inq. (undated.)
To the same effect as the above, save that the 5s. 6d. rent from Welledon is due to Ralph Basset.
C. Edw. I. File 35. (1.)
475. Thomas Folejaumbe alias Folejambe, Folegaumbe.
Writ, 24 Jan. 11 Edw. I.
[Derby.] Inq. Friday before St. Valentine, 11 Edw. I. (defective.)
Wormehull. ½ bovate land held of the king by serjeanty of keeping the forest of Campana, himself on horseback with a groom on foot; another ½ bovate rendering 17d. yearly at the castle of the Peak (Pecko); and 29a. land rendering 4d. per acre, and half of a mill on the bank of the Wye (supra rypam de Weya), rendering 16s. 8d. at the said castle.
Tydeswell. A messuage, 60a. arable, and 46s. 2½d. rent, held of Sir John Daniel by service of 6 barbed and feathered arrows (sagittarum barb' cum flecch').
Little Hokelouue. A little hamlet with tenants rendering 20s. 4d., and a lead mine worth 12s. 4d. yearly, held of the said John rendering 2d. yearly.
Litton Hamlet. 20a. land in demesne, and free tenants rendering ... 5d., held of Margery, lady of Beyley, by service of 12d. and a clove gillyflower.
Little Longesdon. 21s. 4d. rent held of Richard de Edenesouer by service of a clove.
Burton. 6 bovates meadow and arable land in demesne, and 8a. land, held of William Gernon by service of 30s. yearly.
Middelton manor. 27s. rent held of William de Yholgreve by service of a rose.
Elton. The manor (extent given) held of Sir Robert Tipetot for a pair of gilt spurs, and suit at the court of Totesbyri ...
He died on Saturday after St. Hilary, 11 Edw. I. Thomas his son, who will be 17 at the Nativity of St. John the B(aptist next ?), is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari, 12 Feb. 12 Edw. I.
[Derby.] Inq. (undated.)
Wurmehul. ½ bovate land held of the honor of Peverel by serjeanty of keeping the forest of the Peak; another ½ bovate held of the said honor by service of taking wolves ; 30a. of new land held by socage, rendering 10s. yearly at the castle of the Peak; and half a mill on the water of Wye, rendering 16s. 8d. at the said castle.
Titeswelle. Land extended at 75s. which Lady Cecily, late his wife, holds in dower, rendering 6s. and 6 barbed arrows to Sir John Daniel.
Little Hokelawe and Litton. 69s. 9d. (rent) held by socage, rendering a clove gillyflower and 2d. yearly to the lady of Beley.
Longesdon. 21s. 4d. (rent) held of the fee of Edensouere by socage.
Borton. Land extended at 53s. 4d. held in socage, rendering 30s. yearly to William Gernon.
Middelton. 28s. rent held by socage, rendering 12d. yearly to William de Langesdon.
Elton. The manor, held by knight's service of Sir Robert de Tipetot, rendering a pair of gilt spurs yearly.
He held nothing of the king by knight's service, nor of ancient demesne.
Writ of plenius certiorari to enquire whether the wardship of the above lands in the Peak pertains to the king, 6 Mar. 12 Edw. I.
[Derby.] Inq. Thursday after St. Gregory the Pope, 12 Edw. I.
Wormhull, &c. as above.
The jury have never seen the abovesaid serjeanty in the king's wardship when the heir was within age, but the heir of whatever age had his father's estate. One Maud, daughter of William de Wytthull, who holds such a serjeanty, was in the king's wardship and was sold to Robert de Melner for 20 marks by the bailiff of the Peak, and Nicholas son of Robert Folejamb, who holds such a serjeanty, is in the king's wardship, and was sold to Henry del Medue by the king's escheator, but by what right they know not.
Return (undated) by the escheator, that he had delivered the lands held by serjeanty or by farm of the king to William Folegaumbe to answer for the issues of the same if the wardship should pertain to the king, because he could best keep those lands; and as to the wardship, it does not appear to him that any one of those parts holding his lands by such service, ought to be in the king's wardship before the time of Sir Roger Lestrange, bailiff of the Peak, who sold the wardship of the abovesaid Maud to Robert Melner; and he (the present escheator) sold the wardship of the abovesaid Nicholas to Henry del Medwe for 50 marks to the king's use, with the assent of the said Thomas, because the said Sir Roger had done so before.
C. Edw. I. File 35. (2.)
476. William de Auditheleye alias de Aldeleye, de Audeleye, de Audethel', de Audeleg'.
Writ to Reginald de Grey, justice of Chester or his lieutenant, 25 Dec. 11 Edw. I.
Chester. Inq. Sunday after the Circumcision, 11 Edw. I.
La Newehall manor. 5 carucates land, and 18l. rent of assize, and 12l. rent in Nantwich (Wyco Malbano), doing service of 5½ knights' fees to the king; but the jury understand that he had an acquittance from Ranulph, sometime earl of Chester, of the whole of that service except 1/10 knight's fee.
Blakenhal. 2 carucates land in demesne held of Ralph de Vernon by service of 1 knight's fee.
Wyriswall. 3 bovates land held of Richard de Brescy and the heir of Richard de Bulkel', rendering 3s.
Smalwod and Pyckmere. 108s. rent held of Warin de Meynwaryn in free marriage.
Nicholas his brother is his next heir and of full age.
Writ to the sheriff of Salop and Stafford, escheator there, 28 Dec. 11 Edw. I.
[Stafford.] Inq. Tuesday before Epiphany, 11 Edw. I.
Audethele. The manor with the castle of Helegh (extent given) including 'stuth' worth 1 mark yearly, held, together with the manor of Enedon, of Sir Theobald de Verdun by service of 1 knight's fee; and Ela his mother holds a third part in dower in these manors.
Betteley. The manor (extent given) held of the heir of William de Betteley by service of 1d. rent; and the said Ela has her dower there.
Tunstall. The manor (extent given, excepting dower), including a quarry of millstone, a mine of sea coal, and 'cowstoth' worth 40s. yearly, held of Sir Edmund son of King Henry by homage and service of 1d. yearly.
Russton, held of the said Sir Theobald by 1/20 knight's fee ; and there is a yearly rent there worth 10s. besides dower.
Horton. The manor, held of Edmund de Stafford by service of 10s. yearly; and the pasturage of the Hay of Horton is worth 100s., and yearly rent there is worth 58s. 5d., besides dower.
Enedon. The manor, held of the said Theobald as aforesaid, and the pasturage of the park is worth 20s. yearly, pannage 10s., and rent of assize 2s. 2½d., and the residue of the manor is held in dower.
Austanesfeld. A third part of the manor (extent given excepting dower) held of the king in chief of the honor of Chester.
Cesterton, held of Sir Edmund the king's son, service unspecified, which Ela his mother holds in dower.
Norton, held of Robert Hasteyng by service of ½ knight's fee, which Ela his mother and Lucy late the wife of Henry de Audethele hold in dower.
Heir as above, aged 24 and more.
[Salop.] Inq. Tuesday before Epiphany, 11 Edw. I.
Egemundon. The manor (extent given, excepting the dower of the aforesaid Ela) held of the king in chief by service of a mewed sparrowhawk.
Neuport (Novus Burgus). The manor (extent given excepting the dower of the said Ela).
Red Castle (Rubeum Castrum) with its members (extent given, excepting the dower of the said Ela), viz.:—Red Castle and Weston held of the heirs of Richard de Harecurt rendering 1d. yearly, and Marchunley with its members held of the heirs of Richard le Fizaleyn for a part of 1 knight's fee.
Fordesham. The manor (extent given, excepting the dower of the said Ela) viz.:—the township of Forde with its members, rent of assize 50l. 17s. 2½d. of which 8l. yearly are rendered to the king, and pleas &c. 40s., held of the king at fee farm.
Kynardeley. The manor (extent given) held of the heirs of Madoc de Sotton in exchange for Apedale in co. Stafford; and the manor of Kynardeley is without the county.
Gravinhunger. The township, 3s. 4d. rent of assize and 2s. pleas &c., tenure unspecified.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 35. (3.)
477. Patrick de Cadurcis alias de Cadurciis, de Chadurciis, de Kadurcis de Chaworcis.
Writ. 7 July, 11 Edw. I.
Berks. Inq. Saturday after St. James the Apostle, 11 Edw. I.
Esegareston [alias Est Garton]. The manor (extent given) including 'scepescot' and 'cherichscot,' with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by serjeanty of finding one armed horseman with his horse barded with iron, during the whole time the king shall remain with the army in the land of Kedwelly.
Maud his daughter, aged 1 at the feast of the Purification last, is his next heir.
Southampton. Extent. Wednesday after St. James, 11 Edw. I.
Weston. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by doing suit at the hundred (court) of Odiham.
Southampton. Extent. Tuesday after St. James, 11 Edw. I.
Herteleg. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the chapel, held of the free marriage of Isabel his wife, of the earl of Warwick in chief, and by him of the king by serjeanty of the chamber of the exchequer (de camera scaccarii).
Southampton. Extent. Friday after St. James, 11 Edw. I.
Sumburn. The manor (extent given) including pastures called Kingeslond, Standen, le veil park, le Rigge, Seyndon and Attenho, held of the king in chief by service of 2 knights' fees.
Stokebrigg. The borough, a member of Sumburn, rents of burgesses, tolls, pleas and perquisites, worth 6l. 10s. 4d.
Langstok. [The manor] (extent given), including a wood called Denewode within the forest, tenure unspecified.
Gloucester. Extent, Wednesday after St. Margaret, 11 Edw. I.
Cheddworth. The manor, held of the earl of Warwick in chief, service unspecified. It was given to Isabel de Cadurcis, wife of the said Patrick, in free marriage.
Gloucester. Inq. Thursday the feast of St. Mary Magdalen, 11 Edw. I.
Kynemersford. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
Heir as above, aged 1½ year.
[Gloucester.] Extent, Tuesday after St. Peter, 11 Edw. I.
Ectelowe. 4½ virgates and 1½a. land, 1qr. and 2bus. of oats yearly, and a fishery; and the manor of Ectelawe pertains to the barony of Kynemerford.
Heir as is contained in other extents.
Wilts. Extent, Saturday the eve of St. James, 11 Edw. I.
Staundon. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the chapel, held of the king in chief, pertaining to the manor of Kenemarford. Margery Dansey holds a third part of the said township in dower, by reason of Peter Sancti Martini, sometime her husband and formerly lord of that township, which is not extended above.
Wilts. Extent, Sunday the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 11 Edw. I.
Berewyk. The manor (extent given) including pieces of land called Akerlond, with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief, pertaining to the barony of Kinemareford.
Wilts. Extent, Friday the morrow of St. Mary Magdalen, 11 Edw. I.
Hanedon. The manor (extent given) including a free fishery in Tameyse, with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's fee.
Inglesham. [The manor] (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Northampton. Extent (undated).
Stokebruere. The site of a messuage with a grange and ox-house, 259½a. land, 30a. meadow, pastures called Waymor and Linchesmor, a place of land called le Hulwerk, and rents from born bondmen (nativi) and villeins, &c. (extent given).
Schitelhanger. 113s. 4½d. rent and services of free men, and rents, &c., of born bondmen and villeins (extent given).
Aldrington. A messuage, 115a. land, meadow worth 12s. 8d., pasture worth 3s. &c.
The whole worth 41l. 6s. 7¼d. Whereof are paid to the king 3s. 6d. yearly for 2 assarts; to the abbot of Gresteng' 13d. and 1lb. pepper; and to Lady Maud la Salvage 26s. 8d., 10qrs. corn, 4qrs. barley, 1qr. oats, 1 cartload of hay, 1 of straw, 3 of broom (brusee), a robe with fitting fur yearly, and a hood (capa) every third year; and the lord of Stoke ought to find to Geoffrey and Robert sons of the said Maud reasonable sustenance in food and clothing all their days; all which, besides the rent to the king and abbot, are estimated at 9l. 10s. 4d. yearly (details given).
Stoke and Aldrington. The advowsons of the churches pertain to the heirs of the said Patrick.
All the above were held of the earl of Warenne by service of 1 knight's fee. He held nothing more in the county, nor anything there of the king.
Heir as above, aged 1 at the feast of the Purification, 11 Edw. I.
Summary of some of the foregoing manors.
[Carmarthen.] Extent, The feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 11 Edw. I.
Kedwelli and Karnwathlan, (extent given) including:—Curtilage and garden within the castle and pasture near, rents of burgesses and 'tensarii' 73s. 6d., rent of assize 22l. 9s. 7d., waste land worth 26s. yearly, from those who are in the lord's vassalage (advocacione) 10s., toll 4l. 3s. 4d., food dues (convivia) of the Welsh worth 62s., food of retinue (satelitum) 22l., leyrwite 33s. more or less, pannage 40s., rent of cows from free tenants, viz.—40 cows worth 13l. 6s. 8d., and from others 4l. 16d. in money, from the husbandmen (osebandis) of Karnwathlan 11 cows yearly worth 73s. 4d., weirs 30s., the ferry of Ferya and of Lohot 20s., pleas &c. of courts 74l., 214a. arable, 61½a. meadow, pasture of beasts 16s. 4d., pasture of Caldecote 4l. 10s., herbage of the forest 30s., two mills under the castle worth 18l. yearly, a fulling mill 20s., Welsh mills 40l. 5s., and autumn services worth 28s. 5d.
[Carmarthen.] Inq. made before Robert Typetot, warden (custodem) of Keddewelly, Thursday before St. Peter ad Vincula, 11 Edw. I.
Landevayloc. The advowson of the church.
Penbray. The advowson of the church.
Lanconor [alias Langonefor]. The advowson of the church.
Stratkenny. The advowson of the chapel.
Lannethey. The advowson of the church.
Summary of the aforementioned advowsons in England and West Wales, excepting that of Herteleg.
Partition of the above advowsons made at Lincoln about the Purification, 12 Edw. I., between the king, and Isabel late wife of the said Patrick in dower.
Extent or summary of the aforementioned manors &c., specifying those committed to the wife of the said Patrick in tenancy.
Writ of appraisement of the goods and chattels of the said Patrick taken into the king's hand by reason of debts due from him, 7 July, 11 Edw. I.
[Carmarthen.] Inventory of goods at Kedweli and Karwatlan, worth 74l. 6s. 8d. the day of St. Margaret, 11 Edw. I.
Appraisement of goods and chattels (undated).
Hanedon, worth 54l. 12s.
Standen, 9l. 19s. 4d.
Berewik, 16l. 17s. 4d.
Somburn, 50l. 18s. 6d.
Weston, 12l. 12s. 6d.
Langestok, 20l.
Esgarston, 21l. 18s.
Kynemerford, 41l. 1½d.
Aldrington and Stok', 9l. 4s.
Stock', corn and oats, 19l. 10s.
Aldrington, corn and oats, 9l. 6s. 8d.
The goods and chattels at Hertleye and Cheddeworth manors were delivered to Isabel late the wife of the said Patrick by the king's writ.
C. Edw. I. File 35. (4.)
478. Roger de Clyfford the younger.
Writ to the sheriff of Rutland, 12 Dec. 11 Edw. I.
Rutland. Inq. Thursday the morrow of the Epiphany, 11 Edw. I.
Esenden. The manor, held of the inheritance of Isabel his wife of the fee of the bishop of Lincoln by service of 1 knight's fee.
He had a son of Isabel his wife, named Robert, aged 8.
Writ to the sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham, 12 Dec. 11 Edw. I.
Bedford. Inq. (undated.)
Eyworth. A messuage and garden, 100a. arable, 4a. and 1r. meadow, 4a. pasture, 10s. 10d. rent from free tenants, 2½ virgates land in villenage, and 2 cottages, held, of the inheritance of Isabel his wife, of the king in chief for ¼ knight's fee, doing scutage ; and a moiety of a mill similarly held of John son of Thomas le Juvene by service of 3d. yearly.
Robert his firstborn son, aged 7, is his next heir.
Buckingham. Inq. (undated.)
Boclonde. A moiety of a messuage and garden, 110a. arable, and 2a. pasture, held, of the inheritance of Isabel his wife, of the bishop of Lincoln, doing 40s. scutage when it runs; 3a. meadow similarly held of John le Ostiler of Putteham by service of 2s. 6d. and ½lb. cummin; 6a. meadow similarly held of Isabel late the wife of Ingram de Fenes of Wendovere by service of 16d. yearly; and 15s. 8d. free rent, 9 virgates land in villenage, services of 4 cottars, and 10a. of ozier bed, held of the said inheritance, tenure unspecified.
Heir as above, aged 7.
Writ to the sheriff of Lincoln, 12 Dec. 11 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Inq. (undated.)
Morton. A messuage, 1 carucate land in demesne, 16a. meadow, 5a. wood, 6 free tenants rendering 9s. 4d. yearly and doing suit at the court there, and 10 bondsmen rendering 26s. 8d. yearly, all held, of the inheritance of Isabel his wife, of Sir Baldwin Wake by homage and foreign service.
Heir unknown.
Writ to the escheator beyond Trent, 12 Dec. 11 Edw. I.
... Inq. (undated fragment.)
York. Inq. Innocents' day, 11 Edw. I.
Maltheby. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, held by the said Roger and Sir Roger de Layburne of the castle of Tyckeil for 1 knight's service when scutage runs, and this by reason of their wives who were daughters and heirs of Sir Robert de Veteri Ponte; and there pertain to the manor 6½ knights' fees each rendering 10s. 8d. yearly for guard (nomine warde).
Heir as above, aged 9.
Westmoreland. Inq. Saturday after St. Hilary, 11 Edw. I.
Bruham. The manor, worth 15l. 11s. 7d.
Merton. A moiety of the manor, worth 13l. 3s. 5¼d.
Appilby. A moiety of the manor, worth 27l. 5s. 3¼d.
Meburn Regis. Three parts of the manor, worth 38l. 14s. 8¼d.
Winton. A moiety of the manor, worth 24l. 2s. 3¼d.
Burg under Staynmor. A moiety of the manor, worth 70l. 13s.
Qwinfel. A moiety of the forest, worth 23l. 3s. 3½d.
Mallerstang. A moiety of the forest, worth 22l. 3s. 9d.
A service called cornage received, as well from knights as other free tenants, worth 13l. 11s. 4d. Rents (albas firmas) worth 55s. 7¾d. yearly.
The (Shrievalty of the) county held in the name of Isabel his wife, the profits worth 66s. 8d. yearly.
All held of the inheritance of the said Isabel, of the king in chief by service of two knights.
Heir as above, aged 9 at Easter, 11 Edw. I.
Of the fees of knights and free tenants, and advowsons of churches, which he held of the inheritance of the said Isabel the jury say nothing, for they have not been divided between her and Idonea the wife of Roger de Leyburne, the heirs of Robert de Veteri Ponte.
(See No. 525.)
C. Edw. I. File 35. (5.)
479. Thomas de Normanvile.
Writ (missing).
Kent. Inq. Sunday the eve of St. Andrew, 11 Edw. I.
Hycching. The manor (extent given) held of the prior of St. Gregory, Canterbury, by service of ¼ knight's fee and 40s. yearly.
Ralph de Normanvyle his brother, aged 22, is his heir.
Kent. Inq. Tuesday the morrow of St. Andrew, 11 Edw. I.
Keynardinton manor with Cokride. 1 knight's fee, viz.—part of a messuage, lands &c. (extent given) held, with the advowson of the church, of the king in chief, rendering 10s. yearly for the guard of the Castle of Dover, and doing suit at the king's court of Redlevet, &c.
Lands held in gavelkind which are partible.
Another part of the said messuage, lands &c. (extent given) held of certain men called 'kenewoldinges' by service of 2s. yearly, who shall defend the said part against the Archbishop; 37a. marsh, 30a. worn-out land (terre suseyne), and 24a. partible wood, held of the abbot of St. Augustine, Canterbury, of the manor of Snaves, by service of 12d. yearly and suit at his court; 16a. partible marsh in Oxenal (?) held of the same abbot by service of 10s. yearly; 34a. worn-out land and gavelkind containing 3a. of pond and a watermill held of the said 'kenewoldinges' by service of the aforesaid 2s., and of the fee of the prior of Horton; 7a. partible marsh held of the said prior by service of 3 loads (summarum) and 6 bushels salt, price 11s. 6d.; 8a. worn-out land held of Robert de Capella in chief by service of 2s.; 40a. marsh of gavelkind held of the master of God's House Dover by service of 11s.; 5a. marsh held of the prior of Bilsinton in chief by service of 4s.; and 60a. marsh of gavelkind at Sillonesbrigge held of Bertram de Crioll and Thomas de Belhus in chief by service of 17s. 6d. yearly and suit of court.
And there are in the said manor 4l. of yearly rent, which are partible.
Heir as above.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of Ralph de Normanvill, brother of the said Thomas, that the sheriff of Kent had taken into the king's hand certain gavelkind lands which the said Ralph held as his pourparty of his father's inheritance, 22 May, 11 Edw. I.
Kent. Inq. made at Kenardynton, Wednesday before St. Margaret, 11 Edw. I.
After the death of Ralph, father of the said Thomas and Ralph, Galiena their mother had the wardship of all the said Ralph's lands, as well of those held of the king in chief as of those held of divers lords in gavelkind, and paid relief in the name of the said Thomas and Ralph. After her death the said Ralph always pastured his beasts with those of his brother and they lived together. After the death of the said Thomas the said Ralph did fealty to all the lords of the gavelkind land, cut down 10s. worth of wood in the name of seisin, held a court and took fealty from the tenants, and held himself peacefully in seisin until the sheriff of Kent took the manor of Kenardynton into the king's hands and ejected him; but a moiety of the lands &c. held in gavelkind pertains to him as coheir of the said Thomas, according to the custom of Kent.
C. Edw. I. File 35. (6.)
480. Isabel de Gant.
Writ (missing).
Essex. Extent, Monday before St. Michael, 11 Edw. I.
Morton. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by service of finding the king when he goes into Wales for 40 days a horse price 10s., with a leathern sack and a 'tak' of iron for the same sack, for carrying a weight of 2 bushels corn, with one man, at the cost of the said lady. Certain tenants in Alkham, co. Kent, owe 100s. yearly rent to the said manor of Morton.
Eleanor the wife of Bertram de Kyriol, John de Lenham, and Juliana daughter of John de Sandwic', are her next heirs; whereof Eleanor, her sister, has been of age for thirty years, and the said John, son of Iseult her sister, for nine years, and the said Juliana, daughter of John de Sandwico, who was son of Agnes her sister, is aged 8.
C. Edw. I. File 35. (7.)
481. Moysen alias. Moisen le Bret.
Writ (missing).
[Somerset.] Inq. Thursday after St. Giles, 11 Edw, I.
Helewale. 1 virgate land (extent given) held of the heirs of Sir William de Bikeley rendering 20s. 4d. yearly, and doing suit in the hundred (court) of Kyngesbiri.
[Dorset.] La Wytheoc, 20a. arable, 8a. meadow, and pasture worth 2s. 6d. held of John le Franc of Shireborn paying 5lb. wax for all services.
[Dorset.] Wynterborn St. Martin. 1/5 knight's fee of Mortain at La Rewe held of Robert son of Payn, doing suit in the king's hundred (court) at St. George, and scutage when it shall happen.
Blakmor forest. A bailiwick sometime held of the king in chief by homage, until it was disafforested by the king's grant.
He died on Tuesday after St. Valentine last. Richard his son is his next heir, and of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 35. (8.)
482. Bartholomew Peche.
Writ (missing).
Berks. Inq. Saturday after the Assumption, 11 Edw. [I.]
Lollingdon. The manor, held of the king in chief for 1/10 knight's fee.
Bartholomew his son, aged 3½, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 35. (9.)
483. Robert de Nevill.
Writ to the sheriff of Lincoln to extend the lands, &c. of the said Robert, the king proposing to demise them to Ranulph his grandson and heir until his full age, he answering for the yearly value thereof at the exchequer, 10 Feb. 11 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Extent, Thursday, the morrow of Ash Wednesday.
Burrethe. The manor (extent given), whereof Ida late the wife of the said Robert is dowered of a third part.
Randeby. The manor (extent given), whereof the said Ida is dowered of a third part; out of which 22s. 1d. were paid by the said Robert to the abbot of Tupholm for lands &c., which were of Geoffrey de Nevill in Stratton, 2s. 6d. to the earl of Lincoln for a place of land called Tupholm, 13s. 4d. to the abbot of Kyrkested for alms granted to the said abbot &c. by his predecessors, and 20s. 8d. to the king of frankpledge (de francopl') for all his lands &c. in the county.
Middle Rasen. A free court worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Burreth, Stratton, Randeby, Steynton, Bekeby, Keleby, Usseby, and Stalingburgh, 5 knights' fees held of the bishop of Lincoln.
Burreth. ½ knight's fee held of the earl of Lincoln.
He had no advowson of a church in the county.
Ranulph (de Nevill, his grandson and heir) was aged 20 on the day of St. Luke last.
Similar writ to the escheator beyond the Trent, 10 Feb. 11 Edw. I.
York. Extent (undated).
Raskelf and Sutton. The manors (extents given), held of the king in chief by service of 2 knights' fees.
Schirevehoton. The manor (extent given) including 22s. 10d. rent from free tenants in West Lilling, Tyverington and [Brid]dale, held of Peter de Malo Lacu by service of 5 knights' fees.
Knights' fees:—
Ferlington and West Lylling, held by John de Ferlington for 1 fee.
Cornburg, held by Peter de Ros and Robert Haget for ½ fee.
Qweneby, held by Robert Haget for ½ fee.
Tyverington. ¼ fee held by William le Latimer.
Galmethorp. ¼ fee held by Ralph son of William.
Thornton in Pykeringlith and Wilton in Cliveland. 1½ fee held by John de Bulmer.
Flaxton. ¼ fee held by Patrick de Westwyk.
Habton, Ryton and Tyverington. 1 fee held by William de Habton.
Thornton. ¼ fee held by Laurence de Etton.
[Edrewyk.] ¼ fee held by Peter de Edrewyk in the same.
Hemeleshey. 1/8 fee held by William de Kelingthorp.
Benigton. ¼ fee held by Walter de Bukton and Nicholas de Clervaus.
Touthorp. ½ fee held by Simon le Graunt of York and Ultarius de Wharrom.
Kepwyk'. ¼ fee held by Nicholas de Punchardon.
Skelton. 1/6 fee held by John le Lardiner.
Little Silton. ¼ fee held by Robert de Upsall.
Steynton. ¼ fee held by Geoffrey de Appelby.
Pinchethorp. ¼ fee held by William de Rozell and Walter de Thorp.
[Steynton.] ½ fee held by William de Steynton in the same.
Hemelington. ½ fee held by ... late the wife of Robert de Stotevill.
Touton. 1/8 fee held by Adam de Toukotes (?)
Balleby. 1/6 fee held by Robert Bussel.
Cravene. 1 fee held by certain tenants (unspecified).
Spoford. 1 fee held by the heirs of Henry de Percy.
[Queneby.] 1 carucate held by Elias de Queneby in the same.
[Flaxton.] ½ carucate held by Walter son of Robert de Flaxton in the same.
Hoton. 1½ carucate land held by Simon son of Paulinus de Lilling; 1 carucate by John son of William le Sstabler; and 4 bovates by John the Cook (Cocus).
He had no advowsons there.
Ranulph, son of Robert de Nevill the younger, aged 21 at the feast of St. Luke, 11 Edw. I., is his next heir.
Memorandum. That the demesne lands of Hoton and Raskelf are sown with winter seed by Thomas de Normanvill, for which he ought to answer, and also for the rents of the said lands which are to be levied at Whitsuntide.
(See No. 435.)
C. Edw. I. File 35. (10.)