Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 40

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 40', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 40', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 40". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. (London, 1974), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 40

266. Edmund Malyns, knight
Writ, 20 November, 9 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Mulbornport, 16 December, 9 Richard II.
He was seised of the under-mentioned manor jointly with Isabel his wife.
Stawell. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held of Matthew de Gornay, knight, as of his manor of Corymalet, by knight’s service.
He died on 15 October last. Reynold his son, aged 12 years and more, is his heir.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Shirborn, 14 December, 9 Richard II.
He held no lands &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, 18 November, 9 Richard II
Endorsed: The escheator has taken into the king’s hand the manor of Little Purle because it is held of the king in chief and was alienated without the king’s licence.
OXFORD. Extent (indented) taken at Watlyngton, Tuesday before St. Nicholas, 9 Richard II.
The said Edmund held no lands in the county on the day of his death because on Wednesday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 9 Richard II, he gave all his lands &c. in the county to Thomas Barentyn, John Harwdon, John Bouer, vicar of the church of Bournham, and William de Achekote, their heirs and assigns, and they have been in seisin ever since.
He died on Sunday after St. Denis last. Reynold his son, aged 13 years and more, is his heir.
BERKS. Extent (indented) taken at Arloe Croys, Saturday after the Conception, 9 Richard II.
The said Edmund held no lands &c. in the county because &c. (as in the last inquisition).
Date of death and heir as last above.
Little Purle. The manor, held of the king in chief, services not known, and alienated as above without the king’s licence.
Writ of plenius certiorari, with reference to the last two inquisitions, to enquire as to the tenure of the manors and lands aforesaid, and whether the tenants in dower and other tenants thereof attorned to the said feoffees. 24 January, 9 Richard II.
OXFORD. Extent (indented) taken at Henle, Thursday the eve of the Purification, 9 Richard II.
Florence late the wife of Reynold Malyns, knight, was dowered by the said Edmund of the under-mentioned manor of Brittewell and other lands and rents in other counties in full satisfaction of her dower of all his lands in the counties of Oxford and Berks. She granted the manor for the term of her life to the said Edmund and his heirs and assigns, and all the tenants attorned to Edmund. Afterwards the said Edmund granted the manor and the under-mentioned premises to Thomas Barentyn and other feoffees (as above), to whom Florence and all the tenants attorned.
Brittewell. The manor, held of the king, as of the honor of Gloucester, by service of a tenth part of a knight’s fee.
Henton. The manor, held of the king, as of the honor of Wallingford, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Attyndon. A carucate of land, held of the abbot of Thame, services not known.
BERKS. Extent (indented) taken at Remneham, Thursday the eve of the Purification, 9 Richard II.
He granted the under-mentioned manor and rent to Thomas Barentyn and other feoffees (as above), to whom all the tenants attorned.
Little Purle. The manor, held of the king in chief, services not known.
Redyng. 13s. 4d. rent, held of the abbot of Redyng in free burgage.
C. Ric. II File 40 (1)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 234 (3) (Berks)
272. Margaret late the wife of Henry Merlond
Writ, 14 November, 9 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Frome, Thursday after the Epiphany, 9 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manor of Orchardesleigh for life in joint feoffment with Henry her husband, deceased.
She held the under-mentioned third part in dower by assignment of her late husband.
Orchardesleigh. The manor and the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Eggeforde. A third part of a messuage, a carucate of land, 4 a. meadow, 4 a. wood and 106s. 8d. rent, held of Philip de Briene, knight, as of his manor of Frome, by service of a pair of spurs, price 6d., yearly.
She died on 27 June last. John Merlonde, her son by the said Henry, aged 30 years and more, is her heir.
C. Ric. II File 40 (2)
273. John Nowers, knight
Writ, 6 April, 9 Richard II
OXFORD. Inq. (indented) taken at Wodestoke, Tuesday before St. Dunstan, 9 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned lands, etc. in Takkele for life by the courtesy of England, as of the right of Sibyl his late wife. Some years before his death he demised the premises at farm for a term of years not yet expired to George Nowers, knight, his son by the said Sibyl, to whom the reversion of the premises belongs. The church fell vacant about the feast of the Purification last by the death of John Lewes, late rector, and George presented thereto William Houbole, who was inducted and instituted on his presentation.
He held the under-mentioned manor of Cherchehull in joint feoffment with Alice his wife, who is still living, by grant of William Dyghton and John Dautre, clerks, to him and the said Alice and his heirs and assigns.
Takkele. A messuage, 100 a. arable, 10 a. meadow, 4 a. pasture, 4s. 1/2d. rent of free tenants, 4l. rent of tenants at will, 1/2 lb. pepper and a ‘bultere’ for cleaning (clarificand’) flour, and also a mediety of the advowson of the church pertaining to the said lands, etc., to wit, to present at every second turn, held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Cheylesmore, by the service of doing suit to the king’s court at Cheylesmore by Coventre every three weeks for all services, unless they are held by knight’s service. The jurors know not whether they are held by knight’s service, or, if so, by what quantity of a knight’s fee. The pleas, etc. of the court pertaining to the premises are worth 6d. yearly.
Cherchehull. Two-thirds of the manor, held of John duke of Lancaster by knight’s service, together with the reversion of a third part of the same manor after the death of Alice Gyffard, who holds it in dower after the death of Richard Nowers, sometime her husband, brother of the said John.
He died on Sunday after the Epiphany last. The aforesaid George Nowers, aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
Writ of plenius certiorari as to the tenure of the premises in Takele mentioned in the above inquisition. 29 May, 9 Richard II.
OXFORD. Inq. (indented) taken at Wodestoke, Saturday the eve of Whitsun, 9 Richard II.
The premises in Takkele are held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Cheylesmore by Coventre, by service of doing suit to the king’s court of Cheylesmore every three weeks for all services, in socage and not by knight’s service.
C. Ric. II File 40 (3)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 249 (6)
275. Agnes Prat
Commission to Thomas Jordan, mayor of Bedford, Alan Kyrton, escheator in co. Bedford, and Thomas Bedford to enquire whether the said Agnes, proved in the Chancery to be an idiot, has been an idiot since birth, and as to her lands and heir, and as to any sales and alienations of her lands made by her. 26 May, 9 Richard II.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedeford, Monday after Holy Trinity, 9 Richard II.
The said Agnes, daughter and heir of Adam Prat, has been an idiot since birth. The under-mentioned messuage descended to her by hereditary right after her father’s death.
Bedeford. A messuage, held of the prior and convent of Newenham by service of 40d. yearly. Alice wife of the said Adam received the issues thereof from the death of Adam, to wit, Wednesday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 37 Edward III, until Thursday the feast of St. Margaret, 4 Richard II, when she died. Since then John Swanton has received the issues. Agnes sold the messuage to the said John in 7 Richard II.
Alice Prat, sister of Adam, is aunt and next heir of the said Agnes, and is 30 years of age and more.
C. Ric. II File 40 (4)
276. Rose late the wife of John Priterwell
Writ, 12 October, 9 Richard II
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Prytewelle, Monday the feast of St. Leonard the Bishop, 9 Richard II.
She held the first under-mentioned lands in Estwode and Prytewell in joint feoffment with the said John her husband, deceased, by grant of William Strokelady and John Chipstede, citizens of London, Robert atte Assh, vicar of the church of Prytewell, and Nicholas Chaundeler of Rochefford to the said John and Rose and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the next heir of the blood of the said John.
She held the other under-mentioned lands, etc. for life, by grant of John Chaunceaux and William Berland, knights, of the county of Essex, Thomas Broun of Great Warle and John Osebern of Great Wakeryngge, with successive remainders to Thomas, her son by the said John Priterwell, and the heirs of his body, and to John son of the said John, and his heirs and assigns.
Estwode. 3 a. wood, late parcel of the tenement [called] Pecches, held of the king in chief, as of the manor of Estwode, by knight’s service and 12d. rent yearly; and a messuage, 20 a. arable and 4 a. wood, called Virlyes, held of the prioress of Clerkenwell, London, by service of 4s. 6d. yearly.
Prytewell. A messuage with curtilage and garden formerly belonging to Henry le Wyse, held of the earl of Nottingham by service of 4s. yearly.
Estwode, Leghe and Haddelegh in the hundred of Rochefford. A messuage, 12 a. arable and 12 a. wood, held of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, and Joan countess of Hereford, as of the manors of Suthcherche and Great Wakeryngge, services not known.
Prytewell. 3 plots of land with 6 shops built thereon, held of the earl of Nottingham, service not known.
She died late on Friday, Michaelmas Day last. The aforesaid Thomas, aged 5 years at the Purification next, is her heir.
C. Ric. II File 40 (5)
277. John Power of Powerston
Writ of precipimus as to the lands held by the said John of John Hastynges, late earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief of Edward III. 3 December, 9 Richard II.
GLOUCESTER AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inq. taken at Hereford, Wednesday after the Purification, 9 Richard II.
Powerston, co. Pembroke. He held no lands &c. of the said earl; but he held a messuage and 2 carucates of land in Powerston of Richard Huscard by knight’s service, and Richard held them of the said earl by knight’s service.
He was lately indicted of having on Monday after Michaelmas, 50 Edward III, stolen silver vessels and jewels and money by tale to the value of 10l. at Seynt Florence, co. Pembroke, from Richard Petyfer, parson of the church of Seint Florence; for which felony he was on Tuesday after St. Luke in the same year brought before John Wyse, steward of the said earl, at Pembroke, and convicted and condemned to be hanged. Afterwards his friends purchased his life from the earl for 80l. By reason of the said felony and conviction he forfeited the premises, whereupon the earl’s ministers seized them unto the hands of the earl as royal lord there for year, day and waste, and the earl died in seisin of them. After the earl’s death the late king, and subsequently the present king, entered into the premises (with other lands of the earl) by reason of the minority of John, the earl’s son and heir, and were in possession until the present king granted at farm to William de Beauchamp, knight, all the lands of the said earl in co. Pembroke during the minority of the heir. By virtue of the said grant William de Beauchamp has been in possession of the said messuage and land ever since, and has received the issues thereof.
The said John Power held no other lands &c. in the counties of Gloucester and Hereford, or in the march of Wales adjacent, on the day of his conviction or afterwards.
He died on Sunday after St. Matthew, 7 Richard II. Margaret daughter of Stephen Power his brother, aged 14 years and more, is his kinswoman and heir. Richard Huscard died on Saturday after Michaelmas, 8 Richard II. Ellen daughter of his daughter Margaret, aged 18 years and more, is his kinswoman and heir. She was married in his lifetime to Richard Wyryot, who is still living.
C. Ric. II File 40 (6)
278. Alina late the wife of Roger Lestrange of Knokyn, knight
Writ, 23 January, 9 Richard II
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken at the Guildhall, 7 February, 9 Richard II, by the oath of jurors of the neighbourhood of the parish of St. Andrew, Holbourne, at Sholane in the suburb of London.
She held no lands &c. in the city or suburbs which can be seized into the king’s hand.
She died on 20 January, 9 Richard II. John Lestraunge, knight, her son, aged 32 years and 6 weeks, is her heir.
Writ, 23 January, 9 Richard II
MIDDLESEX. Inq. (indented) taken at Braynford, Thursday after the Purification, 9 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manor in joint feoffment with the said Roger her husband, deceased, to them and the heirs male of their bodies, by grant of Philip ap Howell, parson of the church of Vaynor, and Roger de Knokyn, chaplain.
Colham. The manor (extent given), held of the king, as of the honor of Wallyngford, by homage and fealty and suit of court to the castle of Wallyngford every month. The extent includes 2 watermills on the bank of the river Colneye, rent from tenants in Colham and Woxebregge, 2 fairs held at Woxebregge every year on the feasts of St. Margaret and St. Michael, 2 markets there every week on Monday and Thursday, and a view of frankpledge held at Colham and Woxebregge.
Date of death as above. John Lestraunge, knight, aged 30 years and more, son of the said Roger and Alina, is their next heir to the said inheritance.
Writ, 23 January, 9 Richard II
OXFORD. Extent (indented) taken at Burcestre, Saturday after the Purification, 9 Richard II.
She was seised of the under-mentioned manors.
Midlynton. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Burcestre. The manor, held of the king, as of the honor of Wallingford, by service of a third part of a knight’s fee.
Date of death as above. Heir as first above, aged 30 years and more.
Writ of plenius certiorari as to the estate of the said Alina in the manors of Midlynton and Burcestre, and the hereditary descent of the same after her death. 12 February, 9 Richard II.
OXFORD. Inq. (indented) taken at Midlynton, Monday after St. Valentine, 9 Richard II.
Midlynton. She held the manor of the king in chief in joint feoffment with Roger her husband, deceased, to them and the heirs male of their bodies, by grant of Richard de Longenore, clerk, and Thomas Wyke, by licence of Edward III.
Burcestre. She held the manor of the king, as of the honor of Wallingford, in joint feoffment with the said Roger, by grant of Richard de Longenore, parson of the church of Nesse, and Thomas de Wyke, vicar of the church of Ellesmere.
Heir as above (Middlesex inquisition).
Writ, 23 January, 9 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. (indented) taken at Appylby, 29 January, 9 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manor in joint feoffment with the said Roger by grant of Philip ap Howell and others to her and Roger and the heirs male of their bodies.
Halton on Trent. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Chester. The extent includes a meadow called ‘Sowthker’.
She died on Saturday the feast of SS. Fabian and Sebastian the Martyr, 9 Richard II. Heir as last above, aged 34 years and more.
Writ, 23 January, 9 Richard II
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Middelton, Monday after the Purification, 9 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manor jointly with the said Roger, to them and the heirs male of their bodies, by gift and feoffment of Philip ap Howel, parson of the church of Vaynor, Thomas de Wyke, vicar of the church of Ellesmere, and Roger de Knokyn, chaplain.
Middelton. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held of the bishop of Ely by knight’s service and service of a pair of gilt spurs, price 6d., or 6d. yearly.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ, 23 January, 9 Richard II
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. taken at Denham, Saturday after the Purification, 9 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned mills jointly with the said Roger.
Denham. Two watermills under one roof on the bank of the Colneye, held of the abbot of Westminster by service of a red rose yearly at Midsummer.
Date of death and heir as first above.
Writ of plenius certiorari as to the estate of the said Alina in the mills of Denham, and the hereditary descent of the same after her death. 12 February, 9 Richard II.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. taken at Denham, Saturday, 17 February, 9 Richard II.
Denham. She held the two watermills jointly with the said Roger, to them and the heirs male of their bodies, by grant of Philip ap Hoel, parson of the church of Vaynor, and Roger de Knokyn, chaplain.
Heir as above, aged 34 years and more.
Writ, 23 January, 9 Richard II
STAFFORD. Inq. taken at Sheynston, Monday before the Purification, 9 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manor in her demesne as of fee by grant of Thomas de Wike and others.
Shenston. The manor (extent given), held of the lord de Plessy, service not known. The extent includes a park.
She died at Colham, co. Middlesex, on Saturday the feast of SS. Fabian and Sebastian last. John Lestrange, knight, aged 31 years and more, her son by the said Roger, is her heir.
SALOP. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury, Thursday the eve of the Purification, 9 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manor of Ellesmere for life by grant of Richard de Longenore and others, with the king’s licence.
She also held the other manors under-mentioned.
Ellesmere. The manor, in the march of Wales, with the hamlets of Culmare and Hampton, co. Salop (extents given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service. The extent of Ellesmere includes 2 parks, a rent of a kennet at Michaelmas from a free tenant, 2 fairs at the feasts of St. Martin and the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, a market every Thursday, and a parcel of grazing called ‘Lyesmour’. The extent of the hamlets includes a rent of 4d. or 2 horseshoes from a free tenant, and a parcel of grazing called ‘Erneshurst’ and ‘le Fernihalgh’.
Straungenesse and Kynton. The manors (extents given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service, amount not known.
Mudle. The manor (extent given), held of Richard earl of Arundel, service not known, by grant of Roger de Hampton, vicar of Ellesmere, and others.
Date of death as last above. John Lestrange, her son, aged 30 years and more, is her heir.
Writ of plenius certiorari as to the estate of the said Alina in the above manors &c. in cos. Stafford and Salop, and as to the hereditary descent of the same after her death. 12 February, 9 Richard II.
STAFFORD. Inq. taken at Lichefeld, Monday, 19 February, 9 Richard II.
Shenston. She held the manor of the lord de Plessy in joint feoffment with Roger her husband, deceased, to them and the heirs male of their bodies, by grant of Thomas de Wyke, vicar of the church of Ellesmere, and Richard Sextayn, vicar of the church of Shenston.
Heir as above (Middlesex inquisition), aged 34 years and more.
SALOP. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury, 17 February, 9 Richard II.
Ellesmere. She held the manor, with the hamlets of Culmere and Hampton (inter alia) in joint feoffment with the said Roger, to them and the heirs male of their bodies, by grant of Richard de Longenor, clerk, and Thomas de Wyke, by licence of Edward III.
Straungenesse and Kynton. She held the manors in joint feoffment as above, and by licence as above, by grant of Roger Lestraunge, knight, father of the aforesaid Roger the son.
Mudle. She held the manor for life by grant of Roger de Hampton, vicar of the church of Ellesmere, and Richard Eden, parson of the church of Llanvrynnagh, the reversion belonging to John Lestraunge, knight, her son by the said Roger, and his heirs.
Heir as last above.
C. Ric. II File 40 (7)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 238 (4) (Middlesex)
Do. Do. No. 244 (6) (Lincoln)
290. Sibyl wife of Ranulf de Staunton, late the wife of John de Pembrugge
Writ to the escheator to assign dower of the said John’s lands to Sibyl and Ranulf her husband, in the presence of the next friends of Thomas, John’s son and heir, a minor in the king’s wardship. 28 June, 9 Richard II. [Calendar of Close Rolls, 1385–1389, p. 5]
GLOUCESTER. Assignment of dower made at Gamagehall by Dymmok, 14 September, 9 Richard II, in the presence of Walter Hertland of the county of Gloucester, keeper of two-thirds of the lands &c. late of the said John.
Gamagehall. A third part of a messuage, of 2 gardens, of the value of a dovecote, of a carucate of land and of 4 a. meadow. The following free tenants, to wit, Edmund de Bradeston, knight, Walter Boys, Richard Palmere, Thomas Waryn, Richard Grene, John Drewe, Alice Shayl, William Hamoyle, Richard de Alcote, John Hickes, Walter Loverich, William Ferrour and John Mulleward. The following bondmen, to wit, Walter Hope and John atte Putte.
C. Ric. II File 40 (8)
291. Laurence de Sancto Martino, knight
Writ, 11 September, 9 Richard II
DORSET. Inq. taken at Schastebury, Wednesday the eve of St. Matthew, 9 Richard II.
He held in his demesne as of fee the under-mentioned manor, messuage and patronage.
Sutton Walrond. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Pudele Bardolveston. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Mayden Nyweton. The patronage of the church.
He died on Monday before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary last. Henry Popham, aged 30 years and more, is his kinsman and heir, to wit, son and heir of John Popham, knight, and Sibyl his wife, sister of the said Laurence.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on a petition from Thomas son of Laurence Calston son of Joan the other sister of the said Laurence de Sancto Martino praying that, inasmuch as he is the other heir of the same Laurence, and of full age, his pourparty of the lands &c. of the said Laurence may be delivered to him. 4 December, 9 Richard II.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Sherborne, Thursday, 18 January, 9 Richard II.
The said Thomas is co-heir with Henry Popham, to wit, son of Laurence Calston son of Joan the elder of the sisters of Laurence de Sancto Martino. He is 26 years of age and more.
Writ, 11 September, 9 Richard II
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Fordyngbrygge, Saturday after St. Denis, 9 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned messuages, etc. in his demesne as of fee.
(Unspecified). 5 messuages, 30 a. arable and fallow, and 3 a. meadow, parcel of the manor of Dene, co. Wilts., with the advowson of the church of Dene, held of the king in chief, as of the manor of Dene, by knight’s service, as of the barony of Dene.
Date of death as above. Henry Popham, aged 36 years and more, son of Sibyl his sister, is his kinsman and heir.
WILTS. Inq. (indented) taken at Salisbury, Wednesday after St. Denis, 9 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manors in his demesne as of fee.
Westdene and Estgrymstede. A moiety of the manor, parcel of the barony of Dene, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Stepullangeford. A moiety of the manor, parcel of the same barony, held of the king in chief by knight’s service, with the advowson of the church every other turn.
Obeton, Knyghteton and Werdor. The manors, with the advowson of the church of Obeton, held of the abbess of Wilton by knight’s service.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ of plenius certiorari (as above). 7 December, 9 Richard II
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. (indented) taken at Andevere, Tuesday after the Epiphany, 9 Richard II.
Laurence de Sancto Martino held the under-mentioned manor and lands etc. in his demesne as of fee.
Alvyngton. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
(Unspecified). Premises as in the previous inquisition.
Urryesplace. A messuage and lands etc. so called, held of the abbess of Wilton by knight’s service.
Date of death as above. Thomas son of Laurence Calston and Henry Popham are his kinsmen and next heirs, as above. Thomas is 26 years of age and more.
WILTS. Inq. (indented) taken at Wermynster, Monday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 9 Richard II.
Thomas son of Laurence Calston and Henry Popham are co-heirs as above. Thomas is 26 years of age and more, and was born in the county of Wilts of the marriage of Laurence Calston with Felicia his wife.
Being charged by the escheator ex officio the jurors say that Laurence de Sancto Martino held the under-mentioned manors and messuage in his demesne as of fee.
Stupullangeford. A moiety of the manor etc., as above.
Westdene and Estgrymstede. A moiety of the manor, as above.
Obeton, Knyghteton and Werdour. The manors etc., as above.
Salisbury. A messuage in the street called ‘Vellardescornere’, held of Ralph bishop of Salisbury, services not known.
Date of death as above.
DORSET. Partition of the lands etc. late of Laurence de Sancto Martino between the above co-heirs, dated 20 February, 9 Richard II.
To Thomas Calston:—
Sutton Walrond. The manor, and the advowson of the church.
To Henry Popham:—
Bardolveston. All the lands etc. late of the said Laurence.
WILTS AND SOUTHAMPTON. Similar partition (indented), dated 20 April, 9 Richard II.
To Thomas Calston:—
Ubeton with Knouke. The manor, and the advowson of the church thereof.
Wardour. The manor, with the fees etc.
Knyghton. The manor, with the fees etc.
To Henry Popham:—
Langeford. A moiety of the manor, with the fees and the advowson every other turn.
Deone, Estgrymstede and Westgrymstede. The manor, with the fees and the advowson of the church.
Salisbury. A messuage.
Alvyngton. The manor, with the fees etc.
(Attached is another copy of the above, unindented, with part of a seal.)
C. Ric. II File 40 (9)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 241 (Wilts and Dorset)
299. John Tounelonde of Wodecherche
Writ, 22 January, 9 Richard II
KENT. Inq. (indented) taken at Wodecherche, Monday after St. Dunstan, 9 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned messuage, etc. and rent in his demesne as of fee.
Wodecherche. A messuage, 30 a. arable, 27 a. pasture and 3 a. wood.
Rokynge and Newecherche. 13s. 7 1/2d. rent of assise.
The premises are held of the king in chief by homage and fealty and 5s. 7d. of castleguard payable yearly to the king at his castle of Dover, and by suit to the king’s court of ‘redeleuet’ twice a year and 3d. to be paid to the king yearly on the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle by the hands of the sheriff.
He died on 24 November last. Thomas Tounelonde, his son, who was 16 years of age on the feast of St. Alban last, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 40 (10)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 238 (3)
300. Nicholas de Thorp
Writ, 5 February, 9 Richard II
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Notingham, Saturday after St. Ambrose, 9 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned moiety.
Thorp ‘in the Clottes’. A moiety of the manor, held of the king in chief. The other part of the manor is held by Robert Armestrong and Margaret his wife in right of the latter. The entire manor is held of the king in chief by service of doing suit to the king’s wapentake of Risclyf every three weeks, providing two frankpledges for the king’s great tourn of Risclyf twice a year, to wit, after Easter and Michaelmas, paying to the sheriff 3s. for common fine and sheriff’s aid at the feast of St. Andrew, and other services unknown.
He died on Saturday before St. Denis, 9 Richard II. Thomas his son, aged 12 years and more, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 40 (11)
E. Inq. P.M. File 52 (12)