Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.
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M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: R', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: R', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford. "Index of Persons and Places: R". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. (London, 1970), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
R. …., Thomas, 880.
Raby, [Durh], lord of. See Nevill, John de, knight.
Racchwill, Corn. See Raphael.
Rackheath, Rakhetth, Norf, 129.
Radclif, Notts. See Ratcliffe.
Radclive, Radeclyve, Bucks, 178.
-, ……, advowson, 178.
-, ……, Chackmore in, q.v.
Radcot, Rotcote, Rottecote, [in Langford], Oxon, 99.
-, ……, assignment of dower at, 101.
-, ……, extent taken at, 101.
-, ……, manor, 99, 101, 947.
-, ……, Chercheforlong, Everlond, Frogmore (Froggemore), Froggemorforlong, Hatteresforlong, Honey Ham (Hunyham by Balowesham), Hunyhamesyate by Duntenhull, Middelmed, Miswendlond, Northduntenhull, le Ryme by Duntelake, Sevenacres, Southduntenhull, Stodfordesham by le Schorte forlong, Thacham by Thames, Tibbenham, Westduntenhull, Wilbiescroft and Wilbiesmede by le Presteslond in, 101.
Raddon, West, Raddon, [in Shobrooke], Devon, 168.
Radeclyve, Bucks. See Radclive.
Radeford, Warw. See Radford.
Radeleye, William, 658.
Radelynche, Wilts. See Redlynch.
Radenore. See Radnor.
Radenore, [Rad]. See Radnor, New.
Radesprey, William de, 167.
Radeworthy, South, Devon. See Radworthy, South.
Radewynter, Radewyntyr, Essex. See Radwinter.
Radford, Radeford, [in Coventry], Warw, Chilterne Leyes in, 260.
Radhone, Dors. See Redhone.
Radnor, Radenore, lordship (honor), 560–1.
Radnor, New, Radenore, [Rad], 561.
-, ……, castle, 561.
Radstone, Roddeston, Northants, 176.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 77.
Radwinter, Radewynter, Radewyntyr, Essex, 73.
-, ……, lord of. See Audyn, John.
Radworthy, South, South Radeworthy, [in North Molton], Devon, 167.
Radyngton, John de, 731.
Rag, Thomas, 718.
Raghton, John de, 141.
Rainham [unidentified], Reynham, Norf, 73.
Rakhetth, Norf. See Rackheath.
Ralegh, Thomas de, 167.
Ralph, Alan son of, 491.
-, Cf. Fitz Rauf; Rauf; Rolf.
Ramesden, Ramesdon, Essex. See Ramsden Crays.
Rameseye, [Hunts]. See Ramsey.
Rameseye, John de, 928.
Ramesholt, Suff. See Ramsholt.
Rampton, Notts, 785.
Ramsden Crays, Ramesden, Ramesdon, Essex, 616, 619.
Ramsey, Rameseye, [Hunts], abbot of, 369.
Ramsholt, Ramesholt, Suff, 619–20.
Randeworth, Norf. See Ranworth.
Randolf, John, heir of, 619.
Ranworth, Randeworth, Randworth, Norf, 129, 609.
Raphael, Racchwill, [in Lansallos], Corn, 168.
Rapshays, Rappyngesheye, [in Gittisham], Devon, 167.
Rasen, Market, Estrasen, Estrason, Est Rasyn, Rasyn, Lincs, 962–3.
-, ……, …., assignment of dower made at, 963.
-, ……, …., inquisitions taken at, 306–7, 402, 962.
-, ……, …., manor, 962.
Rasen, Middle, Midelrasyn, Lincs, 962–3.
Rasen, Rasyn, John de, 943–4.
Rastwold, Ralph, the younger, 178.
Rasyn, Est Rasyn, Lincs. See Rasen, Market.
Rasyn. See Rasen.
Ratby, Leics, Groby in, q.v.
Ratcliffe, Radclif, [in Worksop], Notts, 782.
Rathebon, David, 449.
Ratheby, Raytheby, John, 943–4.
Ratonfield, Ratonfeld, [in Upton in Prestbury], Ches, 166.
Rauf, John, chaplain, 315.
-, Cf. Fitz Rauf; Ralph; Rolf.
Raulyneson, Raulynessone, Richard, 943–4.
Raunche, Nicholas, 475.
Raundes, John, 426.
Raven, Richard, and Eleanor his wife, 354.
Ravenesthorp, Robert de, 816.
Ravenser, Richard de, clerk, 815.
-, ……, …., …., archdeacon of Lincoln, 818.
Ravensthorpe, Ravensthorp, Ravesthorp, [in Felixkirk], Yorks, assignment of dower at, 373.
-, ……, certificate dated at, 373.
-, ……, Aykehedbek, Guttaygill, Kelberghfeld, le Northbank, Roustanbothum, Ryddyngbank, le Southwod, Stepyngcrosgill, Thikhede, Thwaytendes and le Waterwysyng in, 373.
Rayleigh, Reylegh, Reylyghe, Essex, inquisitions taken at, 244, 475, 693.
-, ……, Drynkewater of, q.v.
Rayleigh, Reylegh, Reylyghe, honor, 94, 224, 475, 693.
Raymes, Nicholas alias Nicholas de, 58, 419.
Raymond, Thomas, 712.
Raynald. See Reynold.
Rayse, William, 352.
-, Cf. Rees.
Raytheby. See Ratheby.
Reading, Redyng, Berks, abbot of, 593, 754, 852.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 740.
-, ……, writ dated at, 476.
Reaveley, Reveley, [in Ingram], Northumb, manor, 1005.
Rechesford, Heref, [now in Worcs]. See Rochford.
Redberwe. See Rodbergh.
Redbourn, Retbourne, Herts, 635.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 635.
-, ……, Cuttysplace in, 635.
Redbridge, Rudbrugge, [in Millbrook], Hants, proof of age made at, 452.
Rede Hall, Redehall, [in Burstow], Surr, manor, 265.
Rede. See Reed.
Redelyngfeld, Suff. See Redlingfield.
Redenhall, Redenhale, Norf, 498.
-, ……, advowson, 618.
-, ……, manor, 498.
-, ……, Harleston in, q.v.
Redeser, John, chaplain, 781.
Redewyk in Magor, [Monm]. See Redwick.
Redgrave, Suff, Botesdale in, q.v.
Redheved, John, 887.
Redhone, Radhone, Dors, hundred, 917–9.
Redlingfield, Redelyngfeld, Rydelyngfeld, Suff, priory of nuns, advowson of, 622–3.
Redlynch, Radelynche, Wilts, manor, 97.
-, ……, Beaupers in, 97.
-, ……, Hamptworth in, q.v.
Redman, John, bailiff ‘Parker’, a fee of the honor of Eye, 606.
-, ……, Matthew, knight, 966.
Redmarley D’Abitot, Rydmerleye, Worcs, 507, 800.
-, ……, Doun of, q.v.
Redmeld by Kirkby, Leics. See Redmile.
Redmer, Yorks. See Redmire.
Redmile, Redmeld by Kirkby, Leics, 159.
Redmire, Redmer, [in Wensley], Yorks, 373.
Rednysshe, John, 773.
-, Cf. Reedesse.
Redruth (St. Uny), St. Euninus by Redruth, Corn, advowson, 941–2.
-, ……, Tolgus and Treleigh in, q.v.
Redwick, Redewyk, in Magor, [Monm], manor, 479.
Redyng, Berks. See Reading.
Redynghers, Alice, and Henry Clympesfold her husband, 657.
Ree, William atte, 889.
-, Cf. Rye.
Reed, Rede, John, escheator in Suffolk, 610.
-, ……, …., [of Essex], 991.
-, ……, Robert, parson of Broughton Astley, 86.
-, ……, Robert de, and Alice Bere his wife, 656.
-, ……, Walter, 359.
-, Cf. Ryde.
Reednesse, Thomas de, 825.
-, Cf. Rednysshe.
Reepham, Refham, Norf, inquisition taken at, 720.
-, ……, Hackford by, q.v.
Rees, John ap, escheator in Herefordshire, 17.
-, Cf. Prees; Rayse.
Refham, Norf. See Reepham.
Reigate, Reygate, Surr, 538.
-, ……, castle, 702.
-, ……, ……, honor of, 187.
-, ……, Colley in, q.v.
Reinald. See Reynold.
Rekemond, John, 887.
Remerescastell, Pemb. See Romans Castle.
Remesley, Salop. See Romsley.
Remeston, John, of Dorset, 1020.
Remmesbery, John, 915, 917–8, 920.
Rendham, Suff, 620, 625.
Rendlesham, Rendlisham, Suff, 211, 620, 622.
Rendlysham, Robert de, 619.
Renhold, Ronhale, Beds, manor, 1009.
Rensi, John, 662.
Reperry, Reppery, [in Lanivet], Corn, 147.
Repham, Joan de, 976.
Repinghale. See Rypynghale.
Reppery, Corn. See Reperry.
Reppes, Robert de, 73.
Repps, Reppes, Norf, 73.
-, ……, Bastwick in, q.v.
Reppynghale. See Rypynghale.
Repyngale, Repynghale, Lincs. See Rippingale.
Repynghale. See Rypynghale.
Reresby, Ralph de, heirs of, and Thomas de, knight, 322, 326.
Rescradek, Corn. See Rosecraddock.
Reskajeage, Reskesechet, [in Camborne], Corn, 662.
Reskymmer, John, and his heir, 147.
Restronguet, Restranget, Rostrangeth, [in Mylor], Corn, 168.
-, ……, manor, 147.
Retbourne, Herts. See Redbourn.
Retherfeld, Suss. See Rotherfield.
Retherfeld Pippard, Oxon. See Rotherfield Peppard.
Retherhithe, Surr. See Rotherhithe.
Retheryk. See Rotheryk.
Reveley, Northumb. See Reaveley.
Rever. See River.
Rewardyn, Glos. See Ruardean.
Rewenhale, Essex. See Rivenhall.
Reydon, Norf. See Roydon.
Reygate, Surr. See Reigate.
Reylegh, Reylyghe, Essex. See Rayleigh.
Reylegh, Reylyghe. See Rayleigh.
Reynald. See Reynold.
Reynham, Norf. See Rainham.
Reynold, Raynald, Reinald, Reynald, …., 354.
-, ……, John and Richard, [of Northamptonshire], 387.
-, ……, Richard, [of Staffordshire], 354.
-, ……, …., servant of the parson of Tyrley, 450.
-, ……, Thomas, 387.
-, ……, William, 785.
Riale, Rut. See Ryhall.
Ribbesford, Worcs, Bewdley in, q.v.
RIBBYF, MARGERY, of Whittington, 832.
Riburgh, Little, Norf. See Ryburgh, Little.
Richard …., 73.
Richard II, king, aunt of. See Coucy.
Richards Castle, Richardescastel, Richardescastell, Rychardescastel, Heref [and Salop], 862.
-, ……, castle, 862.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 862.
-, ……, Woofferton in, q.v.
-, ……, Mortimer and Talbot of, q.v.
Richards Castle, Richardescastell, lordship, 862–3.
Riche, …., and Thomas atte Brugge his brother, 297.
-, ……, Richard, of Turvey, and Alice his wife, daughter of John Henewyk, 297.
Richelot, Richard, bailiff of Kingston on Thames, 41.
Richmond, Rychemond, [in Handsworth], Yorks, 784.
Richmond, Rychemound, honor, 505, 605, 828, 987.
Richmond, Richemond, earl of, 111, 344, 435, 573–4, 607, 720, 815.
Rickinghall Superior, Rykinghale, Rykynghale, Suff, 620, 625.
Riddlecombe, Ridelcombe, Rydelcombe, [in Ashreigny], Devon, manor, 154, 866, 868.
Riding Court, Rudyng, [in Datchet], Bucks, manor, 397.
Rigbolt, Wrigthbolt, [in Gosberton], Lincs, 445.
Rigmayden, Thomas de, 860.
Rillaton [in Linkinhorne], Corn, manor, 246.
Rillington, Rillyngton, Yorks, 381.
-, ……, Scampston in, q.v.
Rimington, Rymyngton, [in Gisburn], Yorks, 163–4.
Rimswell, Rymmeswell in the liberty of Holdernesse, [in Owthorne], Yorks, manor, 577.
Ringden, Ryngden, [in Ticehurst], Suss, 459.
Ringshall, Ryngeshill, Suff, 620.
Ringstead, Great, Ryngestede, [Norf], 619.
Ringwood, Ryngwode, Hants, inquisition taken at, 697.
-, ……, proof of age made at, 451.
Ripe, Rypp, Suss, manor, 11.
-, ……, Sherrington by, q.v.
Ripley, Rippley, [in Pentrich], Derby, 322, 326.
Ripley, Ryppele, [in Send], Surr, 518.
Riplingham, Rippelingham, [in Rowley], Yorks, 816.
Ripon, Rypon, Yorks, inquisition taken at, 327.
Rippelingham, Yorks. See Riplingham.
Rippelingham, Ralph de, 816.
Rippingale, Repyngale, Repynghale, Lincs, John parson of, 988.
-, ……, Thorp of, q.v.
Rippley, Derby. See Ripley.
Risborough, Princes, Prince’s Rysburgh, Bucks, 362.
Risegate, Risgate, [in Gosberton and Surfleet], Lincs, 966.
-, ……, hayward of, 966.
-, ……, manor, 966.
-, ……, water of Surfletskore in, 966.
Riseley, Rysele, Beds, 192.
Risgate, Lincs. See Risegate.
Rishangles, Rishangeles, Ryshangles, Suff, 620, 625.
-, ……, park (Rysanglespark), 604.
Rishindene, Hugh de, 767.
Rissington, Great, Brode Rusyndon, Glos, 995.
Ristwald, Richard de, 302.
Rivelin, Ryvelyngdene, [in Bradfield in Ecclesfield], Yorks, 784.
Rivenhall, Rewenhale, Essex, 1015–6.
-, ……, Whalesland in, 1016.
-, ……, Hoo Hall in, q.v.
RIVER, Rever, Ryver, Ryvere, John de la, 54, 137.
-, ……, …., MARGARET wife of, 54, 137.
-, ……, …., Richard brother of, Thomas son of, [of Wiltshire], 54.
-, ……, …., …., …., Agnes sister of, wife of Richard Clyvedon, 137.
-, ……, …., …., …., Thomasina sister of, Joan daughter of, wife of Richard Priour, 54.
-, ……, Richard de la, the elder, knight, Margaret daughter of, wife of Roger Belers, knight, 321–2, 473.
-, ……, …., …., …., …., Margaret daughter of, wife of Robert de Swillyngton, knight, 319–26, 473.
-, ……, Thomas de la, [of Berkshire], 658.
-, ……, William, [of Dorset], 424.
-, ……, …., [of Northamptonshire and Northumberland], 181, 968.
Roachburn, Ruchebourne, [in Farlam], Cumb, 972.
Road, la Rode, [Som], parson of. See Morton, James de.
Roberdesbrege, Suss. See Robertsbridge.
Robert …., [of Essex], 291.
-, ……, …., (almost certainly another), 672.
-, ……, [of Suffolk], 606.
Robert, John son of, alias John Fitz Roberd, 616, 619.
-, ……, William son of, [of Cornwall], Joan wife of, 168.
-, ……, …., [of Salop], 448.
-, Cf. Robyn.
Robertsbridge, Roberdesbrege, [in Salehurst], Suss, inquisition taken at, 459.
Robliard, Thomas, 891.
Robyn, John, 657.
-, Cf. Robert.
Robyneson, John, and his daughter, 76.
Rocester, Roucestre, Staffs, abbot of, 769–70.
-, ……, Combridge in, q.v.
Roch, La Roche, barony, 736–7.
Roche, Corn, 745.
-, ……, advowson, 745.
-, ……, Tremodrett in, q.v.
Roche, Roch, David de la, of Llangwm, Joan wife of, sister of William de la Roche, 736–8.
-, ……, …., …., Robert son of, knight, John son of, knight, Thomas son of, 736–7.
-, ……, Robert, clerk, 297.
-, ……, William de la, 30, 736, 738.
-, ……, …., Alice (once called Eleanor) sister of, wife of Thomas le Erchedekene, knight, of Cornwall, 736–8.
-, ……, …., Joan sister of, wife of David de la Roche of Llangwm, 736–8.
-, ……, …., John le Erchedekene, knight, son of, Warin son of, knight, 736–7.
-, ……, …., Lucy sister of, 736–8.
-, ……, …., …., Eleanor wife of Robert Verney daughter of, 737.
-, ……, …., Margaret sister of, wife of Simon son of Robert Flemmyng of co. Cork, 736–8.
-, ……, …., …., Robert Flemmyng son of, and Margaret Staunton his wife, David and John sons of, 738.
-, ……, …., …., secondly wife of William de Barry of ?Kilmoe, Walter de Barry son of, John son of, 738.
-, ……, …., Mariota daughter of, mother of Margaret wife of Roger de Claryndon, knight, 737–8.
-, ……, …., Robert de la Roche, knight, son of, John son of, knight, Thomas son of, 736–7.
-, ……, …., ? Thomas father of, 738.
-, Cf. Rok.
Rocheford, Joan de, heirs of, 619.
-, ……, John, kinsman of William Turbelvyll, 520–1.
-, ……, John de, knight, 309.
Rochell, Som. See Rockhill.
Rochester, bishop of, 12, 22, 218, 417, 854.
Rochester, Kent, 22–3, 853.
-, ……, castle, 22–3, 245, 552.
-, ……, hospital of St. Bartholomew at, prior and brethren of, 131.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 23, 854.
-, ……, prior of, 23, 551.
-, ……, Hertachehop in, 23.
-, ……, Nashenden in, q.v.
-, ……, Nurstead by, q.v.
Rochford, Rocheford, Essex, manor, 224, 887.
Rochford, Rechesford, Heref [now in Worcs], manor, 862.
Rockbeare, Devon, Marsh in, q.v.
Rockell’s, Coggeshalis, in Arkesden and Elmdon, Essex, manor, 776.
Rockhill, Rochell, [in Keynsham], Som, 465–6.
Rockingham, Rokyngham, Northants, 176.
-, ……, castle, 323.
Rockingham Rokyngham, honor, 896.
Rodbaston [in Penkridge], Staffs, manor, 311.
RODBERGH, Redberwe, Rodebergh, Philip de, 834.
-, ……, WILLIAM DE, 268.
-, ……, …., JOHN son of, 268, 834.
-, ……, …., …., Agnes sister of, and John son of John Brounyng her husband, 834.
-, ……, …., …., Alice sister of, 834.
Rodbourne Cheney, Rodbourne, Wilts, 804.
Roddeston, Northants. See Radstone.
Rode, la, [Som]. See Road.
Rode Carleton, Norf. See Carleton Rode.
Rodebergh. See Rodbergh.
Rodele, Thomas de, and Joan his ?daughter, 293.
Roden, John, chaplain, 742.
Rodewilbey, Suff. See Wilby.
Rodham Market, Norf. See Rudham, East.
Roding, Margaret, Rothyngmargeret, Rothyng Margeret, Essex, manor, 887.
-, ……, …., Garnish Hall in, q.v.
Rodington, Salop, Isombridge in, q.v.
Rodirham, Yorks. See Rotherham.
Rodome, Adam de, Joan daughter of, Robert and Thomas de Umfravill sons of, 434–5.
Rodyngton, William de, 325.
Roger, Robert son of, 625.
-, Cf. Fitz Roger; Rogeres.
ROGERES, Roger, Roggeres, James, JOHN son of, 138.
-, ……, Thomas, 799.
-, ……, Walter, 447.
-, Cf. Fitz Roger; Roger.
Roggiett, Rogyat, Monm, John parson of, 793.
-, ……, Llanvihangel near, q.v.
Roisheworth, [Norf]. See Rushford.
Roiston, Roystone, John, of Sittingbourne, 51.
Rok, Thomas, 1002.
-, Cf. Roche.
Rokeby, Warw. See Rugby.
Rokele, Roukele, Geoffrey, Isabel wife of, sister of John Botyller, knight, 316.
-, ……, William de la, heir of, 618.
Rokesle, Gregory de, citizen of London, 263.
-, ……, Isabel de, 190.
Rokwode. See Rookwode.
Rokyngham, Northants. See Rockingham.
Rokyngham. See Rockingham.
Roland, Hugh, 767.
-, ……, Richard de, 434.
Rolf, William, 13.
-, Cf. Ralph; Rauf.
Rolles, Roulles, John atte alias John del alias John de la alias John of the, 81–2, 401, 426.
Rollright, Great, Great Rollondrigh, Rollondrigh, Oxon, manor and advowson, 725.
Rollright, Little, Little Rollyndrygth, Oxon, 332.
Rolston, William de, 326.
Rolvenden, Rolvyndene, Kent, 21.
Romans Castle, Remerescastell, [in Walwyn’s Castle], Pemb, 30.
Rome, [Italy], court of (Roman court), 299, 477, 893.
Rome, John, 62.
Romesey, Walter, knight, son of Margaret daughter of John son of Ela sister of Isabel great-grandmother of John Lenveysy, 252.
Romeseye, Hants. See Romsey.
Rommeshurst [unidentified], Salop, 726.
Romsey, Romeseye, Hants, inquisitions taken at, 267, 316.
-, ……, Middle Bridge, Muckson and Spursholt in, q.v.
Romsley, Remesley, [in Alveley], Salop, 300, 979.
-, ……, le Hasulus in, 979.
Ronhale, Beds. See Renhold.
Roo. See Rowe.
Rookery, The, Rook, [in Much Wenlock], Salop, Bowen of, q.v.
Rookwode, Rokwode, John de, 987.
-, ……, …., escheator in Suffolk, 795.
Roos, Ros, lord de, of Helmsley, lord of Belvoir, 28, 283, 294, 340, 381, 549, 579, 900, 905, 933, 949.
-, ……, …., …., bondmen of, 345.
-, ……, …. de, of Helmsley, 195.
-, ……, Henry, 656.
-, ……, ROBERT DE, of Gedney, knight, 578–9.
-, ……, …., …., …., Nicholas brother of, 578–9.
-, ……, Robert de, of Ingmanthorpe, knight, and Thomas his son, 327.
-, ……, Thomas de alias Sir Thomas de, of Helmsley, lord of Belvoir, 131, 578, 618.
-, ……, …., …., John son of, Mary de Percy wife of, daughter of Joan daughter of John de Orby, knight, 4, 233, 309, 571–5, 656, 976.
-, Cf. Rose; Rous.
Ropere, John, [of Hampshire], 890.
-, ……, …., [of Sussex], and Nicholas, 664.
Ros. See Roos.
Rose, Philip le, 176.
-, Cf. Roos; Rous.
Rosebrough, Osberwyk, [in Bamburgh], Northumb, manor, 181.
Rosecraddock, Rescradek, [in St. Cleer], Corn, 168.
Rosemarket, Pemb, Bastleford in, q.v.
Rosemorran, Rosmoryn, [in Gulval], Corn, 147.
Rosington, Yorks. See Rossington.
Rosmoryn, Corn. See Rosemorran.
Ross, Rosse, Heref, proof of age taken at, 447.
Rosshok, Philip, vicar of Tirley, 799.
Rossington, Rosington, Rosyngton, Yorks, advowson, 816.
-, ……, manor, 815, 818.
Rostrangeth, Corn. See Restronguet.
Rosyngton, Yorks. See Rossington.
Rotcote, Oxon. See Radcot.
Rote, Thomas, 22.
-, Cf. Rothe; Wroth.
Rothbury, Northumb, Flotterton in, q.v.
Rothe, John atte, 291.
-, Cf. Rote; Wroth.
Rother, William, brother of Agnes wife of John Mauduyt, William son of, 1018.
ROTHERFELD, John son of John de, 158.
-, ……, …., JOHN son of, 158.
Rotherfield, Retherfeld, Sussex, parson of. See Hethe, Thomas de.
Rotherfield Peppard, Retherfeld Pippard, Oxon, manor and advowson, 698.
Rotherham, Rodirham, Yorks, inquisition taken at, 453.
-, ……, Kimberworth and Tinsley in, q.v.
Rotherhithe, Retherhithe, Surr, 719.
-, ……, manor, 719.
ROTHERYK, Retheryk, Thomas, OWEN son of, 833.
-, ……, …., knight, and Cecily his wife, 833.
Rothwell, Rothewell, Northants, inquisitions taken at, 121, 418, 639, 684.
-, ……, Souchesmanere in, 639.
Rothynggernet, Essex. See Garnish Hall.
Rothyng Margeret, Rothyngmargeret, Essex. See Roding, Margaret.
Rottecote, Oxon. See Radcot.
Roucestre, Staffs. See Rocester.
Roughton, Rugton, Lincs, advowson, 334.
Roughton, Norf, 618.
Roukele. See Rokele.
Rouleston, Heref. See Rowlstone.
Roulles. See Rolles.
Roulton, Salop. See Rowton.
Rous Maun, Heref. See Maund, Rose.
Rous, John, [of Bucks], 509.
-, ……, …., [of Staffs], 354.
-, ……, …., escheator in Warwickshire, 257–8.
-, ……, Walter, 506, 798.
-, ……, William, 654.
-, Cf. Roos; Rose.
Routhorpe, William de, 656.
Routon, Salop. See Rowton.
Routon, John de, and his son, canon of Haughmond abbey, 660.
Rowe, Roo, Hugh, 72.
-, ……, John le, of Shalford, 39.
-, ……, Richard, 894.
Rowley, Yorks, Riplingham in, q.v.
Rowlstone, Rouleston, Heref, 791.
Rowton, Routon, [in Alberbury], Salop, manor, 742.
Rowton, Roulton, [in Ercall Magna], Salop, 523.
-, ……, manor, 522.
Roxwell, Essex, Newland in, q.v.
Roydon, Reydon, [near Diss], Norf, 129.
Royngnon, John, 247.
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, daughter of John Langelonde, 246–7.
Royston, Cambs and Herts (now in Herts), 535.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 266, 535, 750.
Roystone. See Roiston.
Ruardean, Rewardyn, Ruardyn, Glos, 652, 730.
-, ……, church, 652.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 730.
-, ……, parishioners of, 652.
-, ……, proof of age taken at, 652.
Ruchebourne, Cumb. See Roachburn.
Rudbrugge, Hants. See Redbridge.
Ruddestane, Yorks. See Rudston.
Rudgwick, Rugwyke, Suss, advowson, 997.
Rudham, East, Rodham Market, Rudhammarket, Norf, inquisitions taken at, 342, 510.
-, ……, …., Coxford in, q.v.
Rudham, William de, clerk, 340.
Rudston, Ruddestane, Yorks, 79.
-, ……, Thorpe in, q.v.
Rudyng, Bucks. See Riding Court.
Rudyng. See Ruydyng.
Ruffyn, [Denb]. See Ruthin.
Rugby, Rokeby, Warw, inquisition taken at, 185.
Ruggeleye, Ruggele, Richard alias Richard de, 354.
-, ……, …., commissioner, 671.
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, 354.
Rugton, Lincs. See Roughton.
Rugwyke, Suss. See Rudgwick.
Rumbold, Nicholas, whittawer, citizen of London, 315.
Runcorn, Ches, Haiton in, q.v.
Ruschton. See Russhton.
Rushall, Kyveshale recte Ryveshale, Norf, 498.
Rushford, Roisheworth, Russheworth, [Norf], college, master of, 211, 622.
Rushmere St. Andrew, Russhemere, Russhmere, Suff, 211, 620, 622.
-, ……, Wicks Ufford in, q.v.
RUSSELL, Russel, Eleanor, 915, 917–9.
-, ……, John, chaplain, 451.
-, ……, …., [of Dorset], and Agnes his sister, wife of John Haulde, nurse of Robert son of Robert Latymer, knight, 663.
-, ……, …., [of Somerset], 732.
-, ……, Ralph, knight, 139, 915, 917–9.
-, ……, …., …., ALESIA wife of, 139.
-, ……, …., …., Maurice son of, 915, 917–9.
-, ……, Richard, attorney of Cecily wife of Thomas Retheryk, knight, 833.
-, ……, …., servant of William Wynterbourne, 663.
-, ……, William, [of Dorset], 663.
-, ……, …., [of Yorkshire], 893.
Russhemere, Suff. See Rushmere St. Andrew.
Russheton. See Russhton.
Russheworth, [Norf]. See Rushford.
Russhmere, Suff. See Rushmere St. Andrew.
Russholm, Richard, Cecily daughter of, wife of Lambert Forster, 496.
Russhton, Ruschton, Russheton, Alexander alias Alexander de, chaplain alias clerk, 422, 424, 426.
Rusteyn’s manor, Rustaynes tenement, Rusteynes, in Snettisham and Shernborne, Norf, 210, 621.
Rusyndon, Brode, Glos. See Rissington, Great.
Ruthin, Ruffyn, Ruthyn, [Denb], lord of. See Grey.
Rutland, county, escheator in, 254, 326, 891, 926.
Ruycote, Oxon. See Rycote.
Ruydyng, Rudyng, Robert, Isabel wife of, Katharine daughter of (also called sister of William Northgrove), wife of Richard Beaumont, 570, 830–1.
-, ……, …., …., Maud daughter of (also called sister of William Northgrove), wife of Richard Avenell, 570, 830–1.
-, ……, …., …., William brother of, son of Elizabeth Northgrove, (also called William atte Rudyng), 161–2, 570, 830–1.
Ry. See Rye.
Ryarsh, Ryersh, Ryerssh, Ryersshe, Kent, 22, 25.
-, ……, manor, 22.
Rybeef, John, heirs of, 620.
Ryburgh, Great, Norf, manor and advowson, 342.
Ryburgh, Little, Little Riburgh, Little Rybourgh, Norf, 210, 621.
-, ……, …., manor, 342.
Rychardescastel, [Heref and Salop]. See Richards Castle.
Rychemond, Yorks. See Richmond.
Rychemound. See Richmond.
Rycote, Ruycote, [in Great Haseley], Oxon, 592.
RYDE, John atte, of Tunstead, MARGARET wife of, 908.
-, ……, …., …., Thomas son of, 908.
-, Cf. Reed; Wride.
Rydelcombe, Devon. See Riddlecombe.
Rydelyngfeld, Suff. See Redlingfield.
Rydmerleye, Worcs. See Redmarley D’Abitot.
Rye, Ry, barony, 124–5.
RYE, Matthew de la, 294.
-, ……, …., JOAN wife of, 294.
-, Cf. Ree.
Ryen, John, 879.
Ryersh, Ryerssh, Ryersshe, Kent. See Ryarsh.
Ryhall, Riale, Rut, 175.
-, ……, Belmesthorpe in, q.v.
Rykhull, William, 509.
Rykinghale, Rykynghale, Suff. See Rickinghall Superior.
Ryley, Roger de, 767.
Rymmeswell, Yorks. See Rimswell.
Rymyngton, Yorks. See Rimington.
Ryngden, Suss. See Ringden.
Ryngebourne, Ryngebourn, William, 359, 519.
-, ……, …., commissioner, 994.
Ryngeshill, Suff. See Ringshall.
Ryngeshill, Peter de, heirs of, 620.
Ryngestede, [Norf]. See Ringstead, Great.
Ryngwode, Hants. See Ringwood.
Rype, Robert, 414.
Rypon, Yorks. See Ripon.
Rypp, Suss. See Ripe.
Ryppele, Surr. See Ripley.
Rypynghale, Repinghale, Reppynghale, Repynghale, John, escheator in Cambridgeshire, 505, 882.
-, ……, John de, 434–5.
Rysanglespark, Suff. See Rishangles.
Rysburgh, Prince’s, Bucks. See Risborough, Princes.
Rysele, Beds. See Riseley.
Ryshangles, Suff. See Rishangles.
Ryston, Alexander de, chaplain, 420.
Rysyng, Rysyngg, Alice, and Richard Bykke her husband, 297.
-, ……, John, bailiff ‘Turgeys’, a fee of the honor of Eye, 606.
Rythere, William de, 431.
Ryvelyngdene, Yorks. See Rivelin.
Ryver, Ryvere. See River.
Ryveshale, Norf. See Rushall.