Index of Persons and Places: K

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford. "Index of Persons and Places: K". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. (London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Kaber, Kabergh, [in Kirkby Stephen], Westm, 302.

Kaerlion, [Monm]. See Caerleon.

Kaermerthin Schire. See Carmarthen.

Kannok. See Cannock.

Karlell, Cumb. See Carlisle.

Karnell. See Carnels.

Karysbrok, Isle of Wight. See Carisbrooke.

Kate’s Bridge, Catebryg, [?in Swineshead], Lincs, 445.

Katesby, [Northants]. See Catesby.

Kay, Thomas, 72.

KAYL, Kayll, JOHN, 998–1002.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth wife of, 998–9, 1001–2.
-, ……, …., Thomas son of, 999–1000.

Kayle, Cayul Wartha, Kayl, [in Phillack], Corn, 661–2.

Kayle, Little, Cayul Parva, Little Kayl, [in Phillack], Corn, 661–2.

Kayll. See Kayl.

Kaym, Robert, of Bobbing, and Rose his wife, 292.

Kaynes. See Keynes.

Kaynhoo. See Cainhoe.

Kayston, William, and Agnes atte Cros his wife, 889.

Keal, West, Westyrkele, Lincs, 86.

Kedewyng, [Mont]. See Cedewain, Bettws.

Kedyngton, Kedyton, Robert alias Robert de, 476, 794.

?Keelby (or Kelby or Gilby), Kelby, Lincs, manor, 445.

Keelby, Lincs, Gosson of, q.v.

?Kelby (or Keelby or Gilby), Lincs, manor, 445.

Kelby, Walter de, escheator in Lincolnshire, 46, 200.

Kelenny, Llewelin ap Eynon ap, 659.

Keleynek, Corn. See Kelynack.

Kellawe, Kellow, William de, 142, 145.

Kelleseye, William, 172.

Kellet, Over, Overkellet, [in Bolton le Sands], Lancs, 973.

Kelleveden, Essex. See Kelvedon.

Kelleythorpe, Kelyngthorp, [in Great Driffield], Yorks, 223.

Kelligreu, Corn. See Killigrew.

Kelligreu, John, 168.

Kelling, Kellyngg, Norf, manor and advowson, 676.

Kellow. See Kellawe.

Kellyngg, Norf. See Kelling.

Kelsale, Kelshale, Kleshale, Suff, 619.
-, ……, advowson, 619.

Kelshale, Nicholas de, heir of, 619.

Kelton [in Benhall], Suff, 620.

Kelvedon, Kelleveden, Essex, inquisition taken at, 468.
-, ……, Crispesland in, 468.
-, ……, Easterford, Ewell and Felix Hall in, q.v.

Kelverston, Norf. See Kilverstone.

Kelynack, Keleynek, [in St. Just in Penwith], Corn, manor, 246.

Kelyngthorp, Yorks. See Kelleythorpe.

Kemble, Kemele, [Glos], formerly in Wilts, 587–8.

Kemmoys, Pemb. See Cemmaes.

Kemp, Roger, 73.

Kenalton, William de, prior of Shelford, 785.

Kenardesley, William de, 326.

Kenardington, Kenardyngton, Kent, manor and advowson, 921, 923–4.

Kenchester, Cheynestre, Heref, 791.

KENDALE, Edward de, knight, 374.
-, ……, …., …., ELIZABETH formerly wife of, 374.
-, ……, …., …., …., Thomas Barre husband of, 374.
-, ……, Richard, escheator in Devon, 597.
-, ……, THOMAS alias THOMAS DE, clerk, 117, 371.
-, ……, …., …., Beatrice sister of, wife of Robert Turk, knight, 117.

Kenet, [Cambs]. See Kennett.

Keneton, Suff. See Kenton.

Kenewykeswode in the march of Wales, [Salop]. See Kenwick Wood.

Kenley, Kenle, manor, Salop, 742.

Kenne, John, 451.
-, Cf. Keyne.

Kennett, Kenet, [Cambs], 73.
-, ……, manor, 341.

Kenninghall, Kenynghale, Norf, inquisitions taken at, 341, 817.
-, ……, manor, 817.
-, ……, Semere in, 817.

Kent, county, 517.
-, ……, escheators in, 25, 218, 292, 668.
-, See also Brode, John; Illyston, Thomas de.

Kent, countesses of. See Joan; Margaret.
-, ……, earl of. See John.
-, ……, …., heir of, 825.

Kent, John, of Brawn, 879.

Kentecomb, John, 813.

Kentecomb, Kentecombe, Dors. See Kingcombe, Higher.

Kentford, Suff, 73.

Kentisbury, Kentysbery, Devon, Hollacombe in, q.v.
-, ……, Ulf of, q.v.

Kenton, Keneton, Suff, 620, 625.

Kenton, Robert de, 211, 622.

Kentysbery, Devon. See Kentisbury.

Kenwick Wood, Kenewykeswode in the march of Wales, [in Cockshutt in Ellesmere, Salop], 842.

Kenwyn, Corn, Allet in, q.v.

Kenynghale, Norf. See Kenninghall.

Kerbrok, Magna Kerbrok, Norf. See Carbrooke.

Kerbroke, Yorks. See Carbrook.

Kerby, Leics. See Kirby Muxloe.

Kerdeston, William de, knight, 129.
-, ……, …., …., Isabel daughter of, wife of William son of John Argentem, knight, 674–5, 896, 898, 900, 902–3, 905.

Kerdif, [Glam]. See Cardiff.

Kerdyngton, Beds. See Cardington.

Kerdyngton, William de, knight, 803.

Kerlion, [Monm]. See Caerleon.

Kerneford, Lancs. See Carnforth.

Kersey, Kerseye, Suff, inquisition taken at, 643.
-, ……, prior of, 620.

Kersle, John, 839.

Kesgrave, Kessegrave, Suff, 211, 620, 622.

Ketelbergh, Suff. See Kettleburgh.

Ketelbergh, Thomas de, heir of, 619.

Ketelby, Ketelby by Kyrkeby, Leics. See Kettleby, Eye.

Ketelsby, Lincs. See Ketsby.

Keten, Rut. See Ketton.

Keteryngham, Norf. See Ketteringham.

Ketford, Robert, 974.

Ketilfeld [unidentified] [near Lancaster], Lancs, 811, 860.

Ketsby, Ketelsby, [in South Ormsby], Lincs, 435.

Ketteringham, Keteryngham, Norf, 618.
-, ……, manor, 673, 899, 901–2.

Kettleburgh, Ketelbergh, Suff, 619–20.

Kettleby, Eye, Ketelby, Ketelby by Kyrkeby, [in Melton Mowbray], Leics, 159.

Ketton, Keten, Rut, 365.

Ketyng, James de, knight, 738.

Keu, John, 708.
-, Cf. Cook.

KEUERMOUND, Kevermond, JOHN alias JOHN DE, 307, 512.
-, ……, …., Joan wife and John son of, 512.

Keworth, Notts. See Keyworth.

Keyne, Robert le, 7.
-, ……, …., Hugelina wife of, daughter of Margaret Burnel, 6, 7.
-, Cf. Kenne; Keynes.

Keynes, Kaynes, John, 998–9.
-, ……, Thomas, esquire, son of Isabel daughter of John Wake, knight, John son of, 421–3.

Keynsham, Som, Rockhill in, q.v.

Keysoe, Caysho, Beds, manor, 192.

Keyworth, Keworth, Notts, 325.

Kibblestone, Cublesdon, [in Stone, Staffs], Trussell of, q.v.

KIDALE, Kydale, THOMAS DE, knight, 373, 508.
-, ……, …., …., Maud wife of, formerly wife of William de Cantilupo, knight, 373.
-, ……, …., …., Thomas son of, 508.

Kidderminster, Kyderministre, Kyderminstre, Worcs, inquisition taken at, 864.
-, ……, manor, 722.

Kidlington, Cudlynton, Oxon, inquisition taken at, 105.
-, ……, manor, 105, 250.

Kilham, Killom, [in Kirknewton], Northumb, manor, 181.

Kilkenny, [Kilkenny], exemplification dated at, 74.

Killanoon, Killianwortha, Killienwartha, [in St. Erth], Corn, 661–2.

Killigrew, Kelligreu, [in St. Erme], Corn, 168.

Killom, Northumb. See Kilham.

Killyngwyk by Watton, Yorks. See Kilnwick.

Kilmington, Kylmyngton, Devon, manor, 524.

?Kilmoe, Kylmogho, Cork, Barry of, q.v.

Kilmoleran, Waterford, Carrick Beg in, q.v.

Kilnwick, Killyngwyk by Watton, Kyllyngwyk, Yorks, 815–6.
-, ……, Beswick in, q.v.

Kilnwick Percy, Kylyngwykpercy, Yorks, Fenton of, q.v.

Kilpeck, Kylpek, Heref, castle and manor, 701.

Kilpesham, Rut. See Clipsham.

Kilryngton, John, and Alice Laumprey his wife, 888.

Kilton, Kylton [in Worksop], Notts, 782.

Kilverstone, Kelverston, Kilverston, Kylverston, Kylverton, Norf, 73, 129, 620, 625.

Kimberley, Kymmerley, Notts, 641.

Kimberworth, Kymbirworth, [in Rotherham], Yorks, manor, 453.

Kimmerston, Kymmerston, [in Ford], Northumb, 181.

Kinderton, Kynderton, [in Middlewich], Ches, Venables of, q.v.

Kineton, Chepyng Kyngton, Chepyngkyngton, Chepyngkynton, Warw, inquisitions taken at, 150, 826.
-, ……, manor, 826.

Kinfare, Staffs, Compton in, q.v.

Kingcombe, Higher, Kentecomb, Kentecombe, [in Toller Porcorum], Dors, 358, 502.

?Kingdon, Higher, Kyngdon, [in Alverdiscott], Devon, 524.

Kingmoor, Cumb, Stainton in, q.v.

Kingsclere, Kyngesclere, Hants, inquisition taken at, 754.

Kingsdown (near Wrotham), Kyngesdoune, Kynggesdoune, Kent, inquisition taken at, 547.
-, ……, manor, 547.

Kingsland, Kyngeslane, Heref, manor, 560–1.
-, ……, Street in, q.v.

Kingsley, Kyngesley, [in Frodsham], Ches, parceners of, 166.

Kingsthorpe, Northants, hospital of St. David (hospitalis Dewysie) by Northampton in, 467.

Kingston, Kyngeston, Kent, 218.

Kingston, Kyngesdon, Kyngeston, [in Pembroke], Pemb, manor, 736–7.
-, ……, Elieslond (Eliesdon) in, 736–7.

Kingston Lisle, Kyngeston Lisle, [in Sparsholt], Berks, manor, 805.

Kingston on Thames, Kyngeston, Kyngeston on Thames, Surr, 41.
-, ……, bailiffs of. See Carpenter, Thomas; Richelot, Richard.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 10, 41.
-, ……, men of, 719, 936.
-, ……, Ham by, q.v.
-, ……, Heggeman of, q.v.

Kingston Russell, Kyngeston Russell, Dors, manor, 139.

Kingston upon Hull, Kyngeston, Kyngeston upon Hull, Yorks, 577.
-, ……, bailiffs of, 577.
-, ……, Myton and Newland in, q.v.

Kingstone, Som, Allowenshay in, q.v.

Kingthorpe, Kynthorp, [in Apley], Lincs, manor, 647.

Kinley, Kyneleye, [in Preston upon the Weald Moors], Salop, 329.

Kinnerton, Kynwarton, [in Wentnor], Salop, manor, 742.

Kintbury, Berks, Titcomb in, q.v.

Kinton, Kynton, [in Great Ness], Salop, manor, 843.

Kirby Bellars, Kirkby, Kirkby upon Wrethek, Kirkeby, Kirkeby Belers, Kirkeby on Wreek, Kirkeby on Wrethek, Kyrkby, Kyrkeby, Kyrkeby Belers, Kyrkeby upon Wrethek, Leics, 159, 324.
-, ……, chapel, warden of, 473.
-, ……, church of St. Mary, 159.
-, ……, …., clerk of. See Wymbis, John.
-, ……, …., parochial chaplain of. See Hokenhall, John de.
-, ……, manor, 323–4, 473.
-, ……, …., le ladywong and Paddokescrofte in, 473.
-, ……, priory, advowson of, 323–4.
-, ……, …., prior of, 323–4, 473.
-, ……, Kettleby, Eye, and Redmile by, q.v.
-, ……, Bernard of, q.v.

Kirby Grindalythe, Kirkby in Crendale, Yorks, 816.

Kirby Misperton, Kirkeby Mysperton, Yorks, 195.
-, ……, Barugh, Little, in, q.v.

Kirby, Monks, Monks Kirkeby, Kyrkeby Monachorum, [Warw], priory, 323.
-, ……, …., …., prior of, 473.

Kirby Muxloe, Kerby, [in Glenfield], Leics, 132.

Kirby Wiske, Yorks, Sowber in, q.v.

KIRIEL, Kiryel, John, Lettice wife of, 245.
-, ……, …., NICHOLAS, knight, son of, 245.
-, ……, …., …., Elizabeth wife and William son of, 245.

Kirk, Richard atte, of Croxton, and Isabel his wife, daughter of Roger Foucher, 159.
-, Cf. Chirch.

Kirkby, Leics. See Kirby Bellars.

Kirkby Green, Kirkeby, Lincs, 491.

Kirkby in Crendale, Yorks. See Kirby Grindalythe.

Kirkby Malzeard, Yorks, Azerley in, q.v.

Kirkby Stephen, Westm, Kaber in, q.v.

Kirkby Thore, Kyrkeby Thure, Westm, 302.

Kirkeby, Kirkeby Belers, Kirkeby on Wreek, Kirkeby on Wrethek, Leics. See Kirby Bellars.

Kirkeby, Monks, [Warw]. See Kirby, Monks.

Kirkeby Mysperton, Yorks. See Kirby Misperton.

Kirkeheton, Northumb. See Kirkheaton.

Kirkeoswald, Kirkeoswold, Cumb. See Kirkoswald.

Kirketon, Lincs. See Kirton in Holland.

Kirkharle, Kyrkeherle, Northumb, manor, 419.
-, ……, Hawick in, q.v.

Kirkheaton, Kirkeheton, Northumb, 142.
-, ……, Caldstrother in, q.v.

Kirkleatham, Yorks, Lazenby in, q.v.

Kirklinton, Cumb, Lynehow and Westlinton in, q.v.

Kirknewton, Northumb, Akeld, Coupland, Kilham, Paston, Thompsons Walls, Troughburn and Yeavering in, q.v.

Kirkoswald, Kirkeoswald, Kirkeoswold, Cumb, 301.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 972.
-, ……, parson of. See Beauchamp, William.

Kirkwhelpington, Northumb, Bavington, Great, and Crookdean in, q.v.

Kirton in Holland, Kirketon, Kyrketon, Lincs, manor, 435.
-, ……, Stevenson of, q.v.

Kirton in Lindsey, Kyrketon in Lyndesey, Kyrkton, Kyrkton in Lyndesey, Kyrton in Lindesei, Lincs, inquisitions taken at, 169, 294, 340, 576.
-, ……, manor, 340.

Kiryel. See Kiriel.

Kislingbury, Kyselyngbury, Northants, advowson, 803.

Kleshale, Suff. See Kelsale.

Knabewelle in ?Market Lavington manor, Wilts. See ?Nabal’s.

Knapton, Cnapton, Norf, 73.

Knapton [in Wintringham], Yorks, 381.

Knaresborough, Knaresburgh, Yorks, castle, 327.

Knatesh[all], Knatishall, Suff. See Knodishall.

Knayth, John de, of Elston, 653.

Knecchebole, Robert, 887.

Knesworth, Peter, chaplain, 406.

Knighton, Knyghton, [in Newchurch], Isle of Wight, advowson of the chapel of, 359.
-, ……, assignment of dower made at, 359.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 356, 500.
-, ……, manor, 356, 359, 500.
-, ……, …., Bramlyforlange, la Delles, Dounlese, Estdouneforlang, Estwode, Haldeley, Holwayhede, Hundewell, Kyngeswell, Northmede, le Parkeyate, les Puttes, Roghrygge, Stene and Stokforlang in, 359.

Knockin, Knokyn, Knokyn in the march of Wales, Salop, castle and lordship, 843.
-, ……, lord of. See Lestraunge.
-, ……, Lestraunge of, q.v.

Knoclas, [Rad]. See Knucklas.

Knodishall, Knatesh[all], Knatishall, Knoteshale, Suff, 620.
-, ……, Buxlow in, q.v.

Knokyn, [Salop]. See Knockin.

Knokyn, Roger de, chaplain, 837–8, 841.

Knole, Knoll, [in Long Sutton], Som, manor, 912–3.

Knoteshale, Suff. See Knodishall.

Knowle, Church, Dors, Orchard, ?East and West in, q.v.

Knucklas, Knoclas, [in Beguildy, Rad], 556.
-, ……, castle and lordship, 556.

Knyght, Knygth, Knyth, Andrew, 732.
-, ……, John, 101.
-, ……, …., clerk, 104–5, 249–52.

Knyghton, Isle of Wight. See Knighton.

Knygth, Knyth. See Knyght.

KNYVET, JOHN, knight, 205, 364–72, 886–7.
-, ……, …., …., Eleanor wife of, 365–72.
-, ……, …., …., Henry son of, 368, 372.
-, ……, …., …., John son of, 364–72.
-, ……, …., …., Margery daughter of, 367.
-, ……, …., …., Richard son of, 366.
-, ……, …., …., Robert son of, 365, 368, 372.

Kokeryde, Kokryde, Kent. See Cockreed.

Kychyn, Roger del, 352.

Kydale. See Kidale.

Kyderministre, Kyderminstre, Worcs. See Kidderminster.

Kygges, William, 353.

Kyleshull, Richard de, 505.

Kyllyngwyk, Yorks. See Kilnwick.

Kylmogho, Cork. See ?Kilmoe.

Kylmyngton, Devon. See Kilmington.

Kylpek, Heref. See Kilpeck.

Kylpsham, Rut. See Clipsham.

Kylton, Notts. See Kilton.

Kylverston, Kylverton, Norf. See Kilverstone.

Kylyngwykpercy, Yorks. See Kilnwick Percy.

Kymbelle, John, 178.

Kymbirworth, Yorks. See Kimberworth.

Kyme, lordship, 379, 1008.

Kyme, South, Kyme, Kyme in Kesteven, Lincs, manor, 435.
-, ……, …., prior and convent of, 435.

Kyme, Simon de, 491.
-, ……, William de, 435.

Kymmerley, Notts. See Kimberley.

Kynderton, Ches. See Kinderton.

Kyneleye, Salop. See Kinley.

Kyng, John, [of Beds], 957.
-, ……, …., [of Heref], 447.

Kyngdon, Devon. See ?Kingdon, Higher

Kyngesclere, Hants. See Kingsclere.

Kyngesdon, Pemb. See Kingston.

Kyngesdoune, Kent. See Kingsdown.

KYNGESFOLD, Kyngesfolde, JOHN alias JOHN DE, 180–1, 209, 509–11, 968.
-, ……, …., Agnes le Wolf sister of, 510–1.
-, ……, …., Alice sister of, wife of Thomas Eldrych, 510–1.
-, ……, …., Isabel atte Feld sister of, John son of, 510–1.

Kyngeslane, Heref. See Kingsland.

Kyngesley, Ches. See Kingsley.

Kyngestamerton, Devon. See Tamerton, King’s.

Kyngestanlegh, Glos. See Stanley, King’s.

Kyngeston, Kent. See Kingston.

Kyngeston, Pemb. See Kingston.

Kyngeston, Kyngeston on Thames, Surr. See Kingston on Thames.

Kyngeston, Kyngeston Deverel, Wilts. See Deverill, Kingston.

Kyngeston, Kyngeston upon Hull, Yorks. See Kingston upon Hull.

Kyngeston Lisle, Berks. See Kingston Lisle.

Kyngeston Russell, Dors. See Kingston Russell.

Kyngesworthy, Hants. See Worthy, Kings.

Kynggesbrompton, Som. See Brompton Regis.

Kynggesdoune, Kent. See Kingsdown.

Kyngton, Chepyng, Warw. See Kineton.

Kyngton, Robert, 305.

Kynmerston, Northumb. See Kimmerston.

Kynthorp, Lincs. See Kingthorpe.

Kynton, Salop. See Kinton.

Kynwarton, Salop. See Kinnerton.

Kyppyng, John, 664.

Kyrkby, Kyrkeby, Kyrkeby Belers, Kyrkeby upon Wrethek, Leics. See Kirby Bellars.

Kyrkeby Monachorum, [Warw]. See Kirby, Monks.

Kyrkeby Thure, Westm. See Kirkby Thore.

Kyrkeby, John, 12.
-, ……, John de, 302.

Kyrkeherle, Northumb. See Kirkharle.

Kyrketon, Lincs. See Kirton in Holland.

Kyrketon in Lyndesey, Kyrkton, Kyrkton in Lyndesey, Kyrton in Lindesei, Lincs. See Kirton in Lindsey.

Kyselyngbury, Northants. See Kislingbury.

Kyte, William, 717.

Kyveshale recte Ryveshale, Norf. See Rushall.