Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.
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M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: D', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: D', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford. "Index of Persons and Places: D". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. (London, 1970), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
Daccheworth, Dacheworth, Herts. See Datchworth.
Dachet, Bucks. See Datchet.
Dachon, Richard, 890.
Dacre, Dakre, Cumb, manor and advowson, 972.
-, ……, parsons of. See Burgh, William de; Ingilby, John de.
-, ……, Blencow, Newbiggin and Soulby in, q.v.
DACRE, Daker, Ralph de, 859.
-, ……, Ranulf de, knight, 972.
-, ……, …., …., Margaret wife of, 972.
-, ……, …., …., HUGH son of, 971–3.
-, ……, …., …., William son of, 971–2.
Dacton, Edward, steward of the court of Holdgate, 660.
Dadford, Dodeforde, [in Stowe], Bucks, 178.
Dadyngton, Dadynton, Oxon. See Deddington.
Dagworth in Elmdon, Essex, manor, 776.
Dagworth [in Old Newton], Suff, manor, 777.
Daire, Dayre, Gilbert, 333.
-, ……, John, 378.
-, Cf. Dyer; Eyr.
Dakeney, Sir Thomas, 210, 621.
Daker. See Dacre.
Dakman, William, chaplain, 898.
Dakre, Cumb. See Dacre.
Dalason, William, 307.
Dalby, Lincs, manor, 572.
Dalby, Little, Leics, 88.
Dalderby, Lincs, advowson, 334.
Dale, Pemb, 30.
Dale Abbey, Dale, la Dale, [Derby], abbot of, 323, 473.
Dalengho, Dalengo, Suff. See Dallinghoo.
Dalgate, John, 72.
Dalham, Suff, 211, 622.
-, ……, manor, 211, 622.
Dallefeld, William, 63.
Dallinghoo, Dalengho, Dalengo, Dalyngho, Dalyngo, Suff, 606, 610, 620.
-, ……, advowson, 620, 623.
Dallington, Sussex, Hazelden in, q.v.
Dalton, North, Dalton, Northdalton, Yorks, 145–6.
Dalton, John de, 76.
-, ……, Master Peter de, rector of Surfleet, 966.
Dalyngho, Dalyngo, Suff. See Dallinghoo.
Dalyngrugg, Edward, knight, 459.
Danby, Daneby, Yorks, manor, 381.
-, ……, …., lord of. See Latymer, William.
-, ……, Crunkly Gill, Glaisdale and Lealholm in, q.v.
-, ……, Latymer of, q.v.
DANVERS, EDMUND, son of Alice daughter of John de la Beche, 462, 480–1.
-, ……, …., William son of, 463, 481.
Danyel, Danyell, Adam, and his heirs, 816.
-, ……, John, [of Bedfordshire], 957.
-, ……, …., [of London], 190.
Daprichcourt, John, 175.
Darches, Simon, 178, 646.
-, Cf. Arche.
DARCY, Arcy, JOHN, knight, 333.
-, ……, …., …., John son of, 333.
-, ……, …., …., Philip, knight, son of, 181, 333, 382.
-, ……, Norman, 273.
-, ……, Thomas, knight, 354.
-, ……, William de, 491.
Darden, Thomas, knight, 354.
Dardern. See Ardern.
Darel, Margaret, 880.
Darfoulds, Derfold, [in Worksop], Notts, 782.
Dargentem. See Argentem.
Darley, Dereley, Derby, manor, 768.
-, ……, parson of. See Well, Nicholas atte.
-, ……, Wensley in, q.v.
Darley Abbey, Derley, [in Derby], Derby, abbot of, 322, 325–6, 767.
Darnall [in Sheffield], Yorks, 784.
Darsham, Dersham, Suff, 620, 625.
-, ……, Ansty of, q.v.
Dartford, Derteford, Derteforde, Kent, 131, 952.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 552, 562, 602, 728, 952.
-, ……, manor, 854.
-, ……, nun professed at. See Breouse, Katharine.
-, ……, prioress and convent of, 52.
Dartmouth, Dertemouth, Devon, 149.
Darundell. See Arundel.
Dassett, Burton, Chepyng Derset, Chepyngderset, Warw, 150.
-, ……, …., inquisition taken at, 276.
-, ……, …., manor, 276.
Dasshefeld. See Asshfeld.
Datchet, Dachet, Bucks, manor, 397.
-, ……, Riding Court in, q.v.
Datchworth, Daccheworth, Dacheworth, Herts, 128.
-, ……, advowson, 125, 128.
DAUBENEY, Daubenaye, Daubene, ELLIS, 974.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth daughter of, wife successively of Gilbert Giffard, knight, and Andrew Wauton, 974.
-, ……, Giles, knight, 731, 735, 1002.
-, ……, Ralph 168.,
Daudelegh. See Audeley.
Daumar’, William, and Joan his wife, 168.
?Daun, Reynold, 660.
-, Cf. Dauney; Doun.
Daundelyn, William, son of Joan sister of William Chaumpayn mother of Margaret Hastynges mother of Margaret wife of John Sulne, knight, 580.
-, Cf. Tantilyhon.
Dauney, Daune, John, knight, 168.
-, ……, William, 167.
-, Cf. ?Daun; Doun.
Daunport, Ralph de, knight, Serjeant of the peace in Macclesfield hundred, 166.
Daunt, Thomas, 293.
Dautre. See Dautrey.
Dautres, Richard, 618, 898.
DAUTREY, Dautre, GODFREY, 163–4.
-, ……, …., Henry and Richard sons of, 164.
-, ……, …., Thomas son of, 163–4.
-, ……, LIONEL, knight, 453.
Davenham, Ches, Shipbrook in, q.v.
David, William, 793.
Davy, Richard, and Joan his daughter, 297.
-, ……, William, clerk, 793.
Dawson, Thomas, and Richard his brother, 893.
Day, William, 353.
Dayncourte. See Deyncourt.
Dayre. See Daire.
Dean, Deen, [Cumb], parson of. See Dunston, John de.
Dean, West, Deone, Wilts, manor, 55.
-, ……, …., Grimstead, East, in, q.v.
Dean, Dene, forest, 730.
Deanham, Denom, [in Hartburn], Northumb, 142, 419.
Debach, Suff, 211, 622.
Debenham, Debynham, Suff, 620.
-, ……, Crow’s Hall in and Thorpe by, q.v.
Decheburn, Est, Northumb. See Ditchburn, East.
Deddington, Dadyngton, Dadynton, Oxon, extent taken at, 193.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 455–6.
-, ……, manor, 634.
-, ……, Hempton and Ilbury in, q.v.
Dedham, Essex, manor, 603, 622–3.
Deen, [Cumb]. See Dean.
Deene, Deen, Northants, manor, 366.
-, ……, Deenethorpe in, q.v.
Deenethorpe, Deenthorp, [in Deene], Northants, manor, 366.
Deeping Fen, Depyngfen, Lincs, 445.
Deeping, Market, Depyng, Lincs, 445.
-, ……, …., manor, 445.
-, ……, …., Dovehurne (Dowehyrne) and East Cote (Estcote) in or near, 445.
Deeping St. James, Depyng, Est Depyng, Lincs, 445.
-, ……, Priory, 445.
-, ……, Cranmore in, q.v.
Deerfold Forest, Deurfeld wood, in Wigmore, Heref, 560.
Deerhurst, Derherst, Derhurst, Durherste, Glos, priory, 268, 834.
-, ……, …., prior of. See Sancto Medardo, Ralph de.
-, ……, Apperley and Wightfield in, q.v.
Defranta, Pemb. See Llanfyrnach.
Degembris, Dygembreit, [in Newlyn East], Corn, manor, 246.
Deighton, Kirk, Yorks, Ingmanthorpe in, q.v.
Dekne, John, 96.
Delce, Little, Little Delse, [in Rochester], Kent, manor, 22–3, 25.
Delves, Henry de, 769–70.
Denardeston, Suff. See Denston.
Denas, [Brec]. See Dinas.
Dencourt. See Deyncourt.
Dene. See Dean.
Dene, Geoffrey del, 785.
Denecombe, Henry, and Alice his wife, later wife of Nicholas de Barton, citizen of London, 404.
Deneham, Bucks. See Denham.
Denever, Norf. See Denver.
Dengayne, John, 619.
-, ……, Thomas, 616.
-, ……, lady, 28.
Denham, Deneham, Bucks, 680–1.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 838.
Denham, Suff, 619–20.
-, ……, Flimworth in, q.v.
Denham, John, knight, son of John Denham and Muriel his wife, daughter of Thomas Courteneye, 136.
-, ……, John de, heir of, 619.
-, Cf. Dynham.
Denne [in Horsham], Sussex, manor, 938.
Dennington, Dynyngton, Suff, 606.
Denom, Northumb. See Deanham.
Denston, Denardeston, Suff, 555.
-, ……, manor, 983.
Denton, Hunts, 988–9.
Denton, John alias John de, 211, 622.
Denver, Denever, Norf, 73.
Deone, Wilts. See Dean, West.
Deopham, Depeham, Depham, Norf, 73, 129.
Depden, Depeden, [Suff], 73.
Depe. See Dupe.
Depeden, [Suff]. See Depden.
Depeforde, Kent. See Deptford.
Depeham, Depham, Norf. See Deopham.
Deptford, Depeforde, Kent, inquisition taken at, 548.
-, ……, Hatcham and Sayes Court in, q.v.
Depyng, Lincs. See Deeping, Market; Deeping St. James.
Depyng, Est, Lincs. See Deeping St. James.
Depyngfen, Lincs. See Deeping Fen.
Derby, Derby, inquisitions taken at, 84, 322, 486.
-, ……, Darley Abbey in, q.v.
Derby, county, escheator in, 36, 767, 892.
Derby, earl of. See Henry.
Derby, Stephen, 461.
Dereham, West, Derham, Westderham, Norf, 73, 618.
Dereley, Derby. See Darley.
Derfold, Notts. See Darfoulds.
Dergrath, Tipperary. See Derrygrath.
Derham, Norf. See Dereham, West.
Derherst, Derhurst, Glos. See Deerhurst.
Derley, Derby. See Darley Abbey.
Derrygrath, Dergrath, Tipperary, manor, 738.
Derset, Chepyng, Warw. See Dassett, Burton.
Derset, John, 788.
Dersham, Suff. See Darsham.
Dersingham, Dersyngham, Norf, manor, 342.
Derteford, Derteforde, Kent. See Dartford.
Dertemouth, Devon. See Dartmouth.
Derwent, river, 381, 579.
Derwentwater, Derwentwatre, John de, knight, escheator in Northumb, 248, 278.
DESCHALERS, Detchalers, THOMAS, knight, 750.
-, ……, …., …., Thomas, knight, son of, 505.
-, ……, …., …., …., John son of, 750.
Despenser, barony, 725.
DESPENSER, Despencer, Dispenser, Dyspencer, Dyspenser, Spencer, Spencere, Spenser, lady de alias lady de la alias lady le, 619, 912, 913–4.
-, ……, lord alias lord le, 10, 323.
-, ……, …., heirs of, 187, 323.
-, ……, GILBERT le, 587–90.
-, ……, …., Edward brother of, Edward alias Edward lord, knight, son of, 81, 286, 335, 337–8, 453, 465–6, 670, 888.
-, ……, …., …., …., Elizabeth wife of, daughter of Bartholomew Burgherssh, knight, 81, 286, 335, 337.
-, ……, …., …., …., heirs of, 453, 524, 760.
-, ……, …., …., …., Thomas son of, 335–8, 587–90, 594.
-, ……, …., …., …., THOMAS, knight, brother of, 335–8.
-, ……, …., Hugh brother of, 587–9.
-, ……, …., …., ALICE wife of, 220–3.
-, ……, …., …., heirs of, 750.
-, ……, …., …., Hugh son of, 220–3.
-, ……, …., Joan sister of, nun of Shaftesbury, 587–9.
-, ……, John, 663.
-, ……, Sir John, parson of Drinkstone, 516–7.
-, ……, William, 159.
-, ……, …., alias William Fourneux, 518.
Destyner, John, 56.
Detchalers. See Deschalers.
Detchant, Dichant, [in Belford], Northumb, 181.
Dethek, William, 322, 326.
Dethick, Dethek, [in Ashover], Derby, 322, 326.
-, ……, Moor Wood in, q.v.
Deucherch, Deucherch in Irchinfeld, Deuchirch, Heref. See Dewchurch, ?Much.
Deuelyssh, Dors. See Dewlish.
Deurfeld wood, Heref. See Deerfold Forest.
DEVENYSSH, Devenysshe, Thomas, John son of, 482–3.
-, ……, …., Nicholaa daughter of, 482–3.
-, ……, …., THOMAS son of, 482–3.
DEVEREUX, Deveros, Deveroys, JOHN, 747.
-, ……, …., John son of, knight, 747.
-, ……, Sir John, captain of Calais, 208, 333, 378, 386, 613.
-, ……, Walter, 963.
-, ……, …., Agnes wife of, daughter of Thomas son of John Crophull, knight, 958–63.
Deverill, Kingston, Kyngeston, Kyngeston Deverrel, Wilts, 710.
-, ……, …., rector of. See Welde, John.
Deveros, Deveroys. See Devereux.
Devilleston, Devilston, Northumb. See Dilston.
Devon, county, 886–7.
-, ……, escheators in, 78, 149, 350, 477, 499, 712, 880. 885, 888, 967. See also Cheyne, Thomas; Juele, Roger; Kendale, Richard.
-, ……, keeper of the fees of, 419.
Devon, earls of, 178, 197, 357, 501. See also Courtenay.
Dewchurch, Much, Heref, Coedmoor in, q.v.
Dewchurch, ?Much, Deucherch, Deucherch in Irchinfeld, Deuchirch, Heref, 447.
-, ……, …., church, 447.
Dewlish, Deuelyssh, Dors, 663.
-, ……, chaplain of, 663.
-, ……, …., servant of. See Hachard, John.
-, ……, church, 663.
-, ……, manor, 519.
DEYNCOURT, Dayncourte, Dencourt, Eyncourt, John, of Whaley, 484, 486, 488.
-, ……, Roger de, 491.
-, ……, William, knight, 214, 215, 217.
-, ……, …., …., MILLICENT wife of, 214–7.
-, ……, …., …., WILLIAM son of William son of, 159, 214–7, 484–91.
-, ……, …., …., …., Alice (Alesia) wife of, 489–91.
-, ……, …., …., …., Ralph son of, 484–8.
Dichant, Northumb. See Detchant.
Dicheburne, Est, Northumb. See Ditchburn, East.
Dicheford, Worcs. See Ditchford, Middle.
DICHEFORD, Dichford, Dycheford, John de, 751–2.
-, ……, …., Alina and Margaret daughters of, 752.
-, ……, …., WILLIAM son of, 751, 752.
-, ……, …., …., KATHARINE daughter of, 751, 752.
Dicherich, Wilts. See Ditteridge.
Dichford. See Dicheford.
Dickleburgh, Dyckelburgh, Dykelburgh, Norf, 618.
-, ……, manor, 608.
-, ……, Semere in, q.v.
Diconson, William, Robert son of, 860.
Didcot, Dodecote, Berks, 593.
Diddlebury, Dodelbray, Dydulbyry, Salop, 522–3.
-, ……, Corfham, Corfton, Hilton, Lawton and Sutton, Great and Little, in, q.v.
Didlington, Dudlyngton, Norf, Dockesfee (Dockesfe) in, 210, 621.
Dieulacres, Dieulencres, [in Leek, Staffs], abbey, advowson of, 166.
Dilham, [Norf], 620.
Dille, John and William, 655.
Dilston, Devilleston, Devilston, Dylston [in Corbridge], Northumb, manor, 58, 213, 278–9.
Dilwick, Dylwyk, [in Stagsden], Beds, manor, 1009.
Dilwyn, Heref, Alton in, q.v.
Dinas, Denas, [in Talgarth, Brec], 560.
-, ……, castle, 561.
Dinas, Denas, lordship, 560.
Dingley, Dyngele, Northants, 121, 176.
Dinnington, Dynyton, Som, 999.
Dinton, Bucks, Aston Mullins and Upton in, q.v.
Disert, Corn. See Dizzard.
Disley Stanley, Bisteley, Disteley, [in Stockport], Ches, 166.
Disne, William, 379, 1008.
Dispenser. See Despenser.
Disteley, Ches. See Disley Stanley.
Distington, Distyngton, Cumb, 532.
Ditchburn, East, Est Decheburn, Est Dicheburne, [in Eglingham], Northumb, 289, 437.
Ditchford, Middle, Dicheford, Dycheford, [in Blockley], Worcs, manor, 751–2.
Ditchingham, Dychyngham, Norf, advowson, 608.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 608.
-, ……, manor, 608.
-, ……, …., Aldercarr (Alderkar) and Tindall Woods (Tyndhagh) in, 608.
-, ……, …., Chirchehagh and Sext… in, 608.
-, ……, Pirnhow in, q.v.
Ditchley, Dychele, [in Spelsbury], Oxon, 193.
Ditteridge, Dicherich, [in Box], Wilts, manor, 123.
Ditton [in Stoke Poges], Bucks, manor, 397.
-, ……, …., Ditton Park (le Park) in, 397.
Ditton, Kent, Brampton and Siffleton in, q.v.
Ditton, Long, Longeditton, Surrey, 10.
Dizzard, Disert, [in St. Gennys], Corn, 168.
Docking, Dockyng, Dockyngg, Dokkyng, Norf, 210, 621.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 642.
-, ……, Zouch’s manor in, q.v.
Dodcott cum Wilkesley, Ches, Combermere in, q.v.
Dodderhill, Worcs, Impney and Wychbold in, q.v.
Doddington, Northumb, Earle in, q.v.
Doddington, Great, Great Dodyngton, Northants, manor, 580.
Doddyngeseles. See Oddyngeseles.
Dode, Kent. See Dowde’s Church.
Dodecote, Berks. See Didcot.
Dodelbray, Salop. See Diddlebury.
Dodeforde, Bucks. See Dadford.
Dodemour, William, 448.
Dodeworth, Margaret wife of Adam de, daughter of Joan Mirfeld, 390.
Dodford, Dodforde, Northants, manor, 194.
Dodington, Dodynton, Glos, 687–8.
-, ……, assignment of dower made at, 688.
-, ……, manor, 687.
-, ……, Courteplace in, 688.
Dodington, Dodynton, [in Whitchurch], Salop, manor, 1025.
Dodton. See Dutton.
Dodyngseles. See Oddyngeseles.
Dodyngton, Dodyngton by Colynesweston, Northants. See Duddington.
Dodyngton, Great, Northants. See Doddington, Great.
Dodynton, Glos. See Dodington.
Dodynton, Salop. See Dodington.
Doketlofthous, Yorks. See Loftus Hill.
Dokkyng, Norf. See Docking.
Doklyngton, Oxon. See Ducklington.
Dolforwyn, Dolvoreyn, [in Bettws, Mont], castle, 556.
DOLSILL, Thomas, 748.
-, ……, …., EDWARD son of, 748–9.
-, ……, …., Isabel sister of, Simon Worstede son of, 748–9.
-, ……, …., Joan Alye sister of, Agnes wife of John atte Pantrye daughter of, 748–9.
Dolvoreyn, [Mont]. See Dolforwyn.
Doncaster, Doncastre, Yorks, inquisition taken at, 229.
-, ……, manor, 815, 818.
-, ……, Balby, Hexthorpe, Langthwaite, Sandall, Kirk or Long, and Tilts in, q.v.
Dondray, Som. See Dundry.
Donet, John, 292.
Donewych, Peter de, 620.
Donington, Donyngton under Bruere, [in Ibstock], Leics, 132.
Donington, Donyngton, Donyngton in Holand, Lincs, 1008.
Donkeswell, Devon. See Dunkeswell.
Donmowe, Great Donmowe, Essex. See Dunmow, Great.
Donnegny, Corn. See Downinney.
Donsterre, Som. See Dunster.
Donyngton, Donyngton in Holand, Lincs. See Donington.
Donyngton under Bruere, Leics. See Donington.
Donyngworth, Suff. See Dunningworth.
Donyngworth, Bartholomew, 359.
Dorchester, Dorcheschestre, Dorchestre, Dors, inquisitions taken at, 64, 114, 183, 502–3, 519, 521, 747, 915, 918.
Dore, [Heref], abbot of, 82.
DORE, Roger, JOAN wife of, daughter of John Inge, 754–8.
Doreward, Walter, and his wife, 619.
Dorking, Dorkyng, Dorkyngg, Surr, 855, 857.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 187, 857.
Dorman, Denise, and William Snoute her husband, 665.
Dorney, Dorneye, Bucks, 178.
Dorsel, Thomas, 892.
Dorset, county, 886–7.
-, ……, escheators in, 360, 424, 461, 502, 569, 909, 912, 919, 1001, 1020. See also Cheyne, William; James, Robert; More, Adam atte; Style, William; Wellyngton, Thomas de.
-, ……, sheriff of, 183, 567, 917–8.
-, ……, Remeston of, q.v.
Doughton [in Tetbury], Glos, 594.
Doun, Doune, John atte, of Redmarley D’Abitot, 507, 800.
-, ……, William, 659.
-, Cf. ?Daun; Dauney; Dounes.
Dounes, Edmund de, 166.
Dounham, Norf. See Downham Market.
Dounham, Henry, 594–5.
Dounnyng. See Dunnyng.
Dounton, Salop. See Downton.
Dounton, Wilts. See Downton.
Dountyssh, Dors. See Duntish.
Dovedale, Surr. See Uvedale.
Dover, Kent, castle, 51, 180, 218, 318, 468, 495, 546, 549–50, 666–7, 748, 921.
Dover, honor, 468, 546.
Dowde’s Church, Dode, [in Luddesdown], Kent, advowson, 22.
Down, West, Devon, Aylescott in, q.v.
Downham Market, Dounham, Norf, 73.
Downinney, Donnegny, [in Warbstow], Corn, manor, 745.
Downton, Dounton, [in Stanton Lacy], Salop, 522.
Downton, Dounton, Wilts, inquisition taken at, 281.
-, ……, manor, 55.
-, ……, Hamptworth in, q.v.
Doyle, John, 938.
DRAPER, John son of John, of Peatling, 103.
-, ……, …., Maud daughter of, 103.
-, ……, …., WILLIAM son of, 103.
Drax, Yorks, inquisition taken at, 810.
-, ……, Camblesforth in, q.v.
Draycot Foliatt, Draycote, Wilts, 804.
Draycott in the Clay, Draycote, [in Hanbury], Staffs, manor, 671.
Drayfite, Thomas, 293.
Drayton, Oxon, manor, 455–6.
Drayton [in Oving], Sussex, 664.
Drayton, Norf, 129.
-, ……, manor, 129.
Drayton Beauchamp, Drayton, Bucks, 178.
Drayton, Fen, Fendrayton, Cambs, 369, 371.
-, ……, …., inquisitions taken at, 369, 371.
Drayton in Hales, Drayton, Drayton in the Halys, Staffs [and Salop], church and churchyard, 450.
Drayton, Market, Drayton, Drayton by Whitchirche, Salop, inquisition taken at, 349.
-, ……, …., proof of age made at, 894.
-, ……, …., Longslow in, q.v.
Drayton, Richard de, parson of Seckington, 417.
-, ……, William, knight, 686.
Drew, John, [of Bryanston], 461.
-, ……, …., [of Lingfield], and Maud his sister, 665.
Dribek, Westm. See Drybeck.
Driffield, Great, Yorks, Kelleythorpe in, q.v.
Drinkstone, Drynkeston, [Suff], parson of. See Despenser, John.
Droitwich, Wych, Worcs, inquisitions taken at, 135, 174, 275, 948.
-, ……, Witton in, q.v.
Dronfield, Dronfeld, Derby, manor, 571.
-, ……, Holmesfield in, q.v.
Drybeck, Dribek, [in Hoff in Appleby], Westm, 971.
Drynkeston, [Suff]. See Drinkstone.
Drynkewater, John, of Rayleigh, and Margaret his wife, daughter of Richard Baudewyn of Long Marston, John son of, 93.
Ducklington, Doklyngton, Oxon, manor, 541.
Duddeley, [Worcs]. See Dudley.
Duddeley. See Dudley.
Duddeley, Richard, and Elizabeth his wife, 270.
Duddington, Dodyngton, Dodyngton by Colynesweston, Dudyngton by Weston, Northants, 215, 484, 488.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 215.
Dudehall, Thomas, clerk, 185.
Dudley, Duddeley, [Worcs], wood of, 270.
Dudley, Duddeley, barony, 270.
Dudlyngton, Norf. See Didlington.
Dudyngton by Weston, Northants. See Duddington.
Duffeld, Richard de, 294.
Duleek, Dyuelek in Ireland, [Meath], manor, 350.
-, ……, …., lord of. See Burgherssh, Bartholomew de.
Duloe, Corn, Bodbrane in, q.v.
Dunchurch, Warw, Thurlaston in, q.v.
Dundry, Dondray, Som, 465.
-, ……, Hazel in, q.v.
Dunkeswell, Donkeswell, Devon, abbot and convent, 733.
Dunmow, Great, Donmowe, Great Donmowe, Great Dunmowe, Essex, inquisitions taken at, 317, 403, 887.
-, ……, …., manor, 887.
-, ……, …., Alfreston in. See Bigods.
Dunningworth, Donyngworth, [in Tunstall], Suff, 620.
-, ……, advowson, 619, 624.
-, ……, manor, 624.
DUNNYNG, Dounnyng, JOHN, the younger, of Bradwell juxta Mare, 976.
-, ……, Robert, 654.
Dunstable, Dunstaple, Beds, 645.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 645.
Dunstall, Tunstall, [in Tatenhill], Staffs, 5.
-, ……, manor, 234.
Dunstan [in Embleton], Northumb, 142.
Dunstanvill, Dunstavill, honor, 342.
Dunstaple, Beds. See Dunstable.
Dunstavill. See Dunstanvill.
Dunster, Donsterre, Dunsterre, Som, castle, 981
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 100.
-, ……, Mohun of, q.v.
Dunstewe, Oxon. See Tew, Duns.
Dunston, John de, parson of Dean, 435.
Dunstywe, Oxon. See Tew, Duns.
Duntish, Dountyssh, [in Buckland Newton], Dors, manor, 519.
-, ……, Tiley in, q.v.
DUPE, Depe, WILLIAM, 35, 753.
-, ……, …., Isabel wife of, 35.
-, ……, …., JOHN son of, 35, 753.
-, ……, …., Katharine Cole sister of, John Cole son of, 753.
-, ……, …., Maud sister of, John Sokyspyche son of, 753.
Duraunt, Thomas, 571.
Durdant, Edward, 680.
Durham, bishopric, 739.
-, ……, bishop of, 223, 445, 577, 739.
Durherste, Glos. See Deerhurst.
Durnaunt, Nicholas, 307.
Dursley, Durseleye, Glos, manor, 687.
Dutton, Dodton, Laurence de, knight, 90–1.
-, ……, …., Alice wife of, daughter of Ralph Basset of Sapcote, knight, 83–8, 90–1.
-, ……, Thomas de, knight, 166.
DUYN, JOHN, [of Monm], and Robert his son, 479.
-, ……, JOHN, [of Berks], son of Margery daughter of Isabel Fitz Elys daughter of John de la Beche, 462–3, 496–7, 658.
Dwale, John, 655.
Dycheford, Worcs. See Ditchford, Middle.
Dycheford. See Dicheford.
Dychele, Oxon. See Ditchley.
Dychyngham, Norf. See Ditchingham.
Dyckelburgh, Norf. See Dickleburgh.
Dydulbyry, Salop. See Diddlebury.
Dyer, Dyere, John, 889.
-, ……, Richard, 447.
-, Cf. Daire.
Dyffryn Tâf, Pemb. See Llanfyrnach.
Dygan, Matthew, lord of Martinhoe, 197.
Dygembreit, Corn. See Degembris.
DYGGE, Dygg, JOHN, clerk, 218, 219.
-, ……, …., …., ROGER brother of, 22, 131, 219.
-, ……, …., …., …., Albina wife of, 219.
-, ……, …., …., …., John son of, 218–9.
Dyke, William, 537.
Dykelburgh, Norf. See Dickleburgh.
Dylston, Northumb. See Dilston.
Dylwyk, Beds. See Dilwick.
DYMMOK, JOHN, of Scrivelsby, knight, 334.
……, …., …., …., Margaret wife of, daughter of Thomas de Loddelowe, 334.
-, ……, …., …., …., Thomas son of, 334.
Dymock, Dymmok, Glos, manor, 130, 954.
-, ……, Tetilleswode in, 954.
Dynas, [Mont]. See Plas yn Dinas.
Dynes [in Great Maplestead], Essex, 992.
Dyngele, Northants. See Dingley.
Dyngele, Hugh de, 176.
DYNHAM, JOHN alias JOHN DE, knight, 168, 744–6.
-, ……, …., …., John, knight, son of, 744–6.
-, Cf. Denham.
Dynyngton, Suff. See Dennington.
Dynyton, Som. See Dinnington.
Dyspencer, Dyspenser. See Despenser.
Dyuelek in Ireland, [Meath]. See Duleek.
DYVE, Henry, John son of, 975.
-, ……, …., …., Henry son of, 975.
-, ……, …., …., …., ELIZABETH wife of, daughter of John de Leukenore, knight, later wife of Edward de Twyford, knight, 975.
-, ……, …., Martha wife of, 975.