Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.
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M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 18', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 18', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 18". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. (London, 1970), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 18
454. | Thomas atte Ooke |
Writ: 1 October, 5 Richard II | |
ESSEX. | Inq. taken at Prytewell, Monday after St. Denis, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned moiety (except as stated) in fee tail, to him and Katharine, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, by grant of Edward de Wodeham, with remainder in default of such heir to the right heirs of the said Edward. Katharine died during his lifetime.
Shopelond. A moiety of the manor, except a moiety of a marsh called ‘Heyewerd,’ held of the king, as of the honor of Boulogne, by knight’s service. He died on Friday before St. Barnabas last. John, his son by the said Katharine, aged 13 years and more, is their heir. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (1) | |
455. | Giles de Arderne, or Dardern |
Writ of Mandamus, 17 November, 5 Richard II | |
OXFORD. | Inq. taken at Dadyngton, Tuesday after the Conception of the Virgin Mary, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned messuage and virgate in Dunstywe (estate not specified). John Eadmond and Isabel, his wife, and John, their son, held the same of him for life, with reversion to him and his heirs, by service of acquitting him and his heirs, as regards the king, of suit to the hundred court of Wotton, and paying to the king for him and his heirs 3s. 4d. yearly for hidage, and doing divers other services due from him and his heirs to the king.
He held the under-mentioned manors of Drayton and Zelbury and messuage in Bannebery (estate not specified). He held the under-mentioned manor of Hornlee and messuages etc. in Swalclyve in joint feoffment with Margaret, his wife, who is still living. Dunstywe. A messuage and a virgate of land, held of the king in chief by knight’s service. Drayton. The manor, held of the earl of Warwick by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee. Zelbury. The manor, held of the earl of Stafford by a fourth part of a knight’s fee. Bannebery. A messuage, held of the bishop of Lincoln in free burgage by a rent of 2d. yearly. Hornlee. The manor, tenure not known. Swalclyve. 6 messuages and 6 virgates of land, held of Thomas de Wykham by service of carrying the letters of the said Thomas throughout the whole realm of England when required to do so, at the costs of the said Thomas. He died [in parts] (fn. 1) beyond seas about the feast of St. Martin, 50 Edward III. Margaret and Joan, daughters of Giles [de Arderne, his son] (fn. 1), aged respectively 8 years and 6 years, are his heirs. Since his death, (1) Henry de Arderne, knight, has occupied two-thirds of the manor of Drayton and received the profits thereof by grant of the aforesaid earl of Warwick, and Walter Power and Margaret, his wife, formerly wife of the said Giles, have occupied the remaining third part of the manor by way of Margaret’s dower, (2) the aforesaid earl of Stafford has occupied two-thirds of the manor of Zelbury and received the profits thereof, and the said Walter and Margaret have occupied the remaining third part, as above, (3) the same Walter and Margaret have received the profits of the messuage in Bannebery, by what title the jurors know not, and (4) the same Walter and Margaret have occupied the manor of Hornlee and messuages etc. in Swalclyve because of the joint feoffment aforesaid. |
456. | |
OXFORD. | Inq. taken virtute officii at Dadyngton, Tuesday after the Conception of the Virgin Mary, 5 Richard II. |
Findings with regard to the messuage and virgate of land in Dunstywe, the manors of Drayton, Zelbury and Hornlee, and the messuages etc. in Bannebery and Swalclyve, as in the above inquisition.
The said Giles, in 42 Edward III granted the under-mentioned messuage etc. to William Hayle and his heirs under certain conditions, to wit, of rendering to him and his heirs a rose yearly for the first 12 years, 10 marks yearly for the next 12 years, and 20l. yearly thereafter, with a proviso for re-entry in the event of the said 10 marks or 20l. being wholly or partly in arrear at any term; and because the said rent of 10 marks was in arrear after the death of Giles, 12 years having elapsed since the grant, Walter Power and John Clerk of Hornlee, by order of Henry Dardern, knight, who has the wardship of the heiresses of the said Giles by grant of the earl of Warwick, re-entered the premises in the name of the said heiresses, as their right and inheritance, on the feast of St. Mary Magdalen last, by virtue of the proviso in the above grant. Dunstywe. A messuage, 2 carucates of land and 100s. rent, held of Philip de la Vache, knight, services not known; and 9 plots of land, held of the king in chief by knight’s service. Date of death and heirs as above. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (2) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 207 (5) | |
457. | Thomas Aubrey |
(No writ) | |
HEREFORD. | Inq. (indented) taken at Bromyerd, Monday before St. Luke, 5 Richard II. |
A fine was levied at Westminster in the king’s court in three weeks from Easter, 11 Edward II, between John Walewayn, John Aubrey, and Alice, the latter’s daughter, querents, and Richard de Baskervyle, deforciant, touching the under-mentioned fourth part of the manor of Great Cowarne, held in dower by Sibyl late the wife of Walter Baskervyll, whereby the reversion thereof after the death of Sibyl was settled on the said John Walewayn, John Aubrey and Alice and the heirs of the body of John Aubrey. By virtue of the said fine Thomas Aubrey, as son and heir of John Aubrey son and heir of the aforesaid John Aubrey, sued a writ of scire facias against Philip Wroth and Roger Wroth, tenants of the said fourth part, and recovered the same against them on Wednesday before the Invention of the Holy Cross, 4 Richard II, and had execution thereof on Thursday after St. Peter’s Chains, 5 Richard II.
The said Thomas holds the under-mentioned messuage and virgate of land, (estate not specified). Edward III granted the custody thereof, together with his marriage, to Margaret Aubrey, his mother, by virtue of which grant he married Margaret, daughter of Richard Broun, who is still living. Great Cowarne. A fourth part of the manor (extent given), held of Margaret, daughter and one of the heirs of Humphrey le Boune, late earl of Hereford, as of the honor of Brekeynok. The said Margaret is a minor in the king’s wardship; and the said Thomas is 20 years of age and more. Taunton. A messuage and a virgate of land, held of the king in chief. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (3) | |
458. | John de Braundeston |
Writ of Plura, 24 November, 5 Richard II | |
NORTHAMPTON. | Inq. taken at Toucestre, 28 December, 5 Richard II. |
He held more lands etc. than are specified in the inquisitions taken after his death, to wit:—
Whitelwode. ‘Housbote’ and ‘haybote’ in the forest, held as parcel of his manor of Sylveston, which manor he held of the king in chief by service of the serjeanty of tasting the king’s wine when he chances to stay there. Sylveston. A cottage, held in form aforesaid of the prior of Luffelde by service of suit to the prior’s court of Silveston twice a year. He died on Thursday before the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 33 Edward III. Thomas Wolfencote, aged 50 years, son of Joan sister of Richard his father, John Assheby, aged 40 years, son of Margery another sister of the same Richard, Agnes de Foxle the wife of Adam Chete, aged 24 years, daughter of John son of Olive another sister of the same Richard, and John Mably, aged 26 years and more, son of Agnes daughter of Margaret another sister of the said Richard, are his kinsfolk and heirs. The late and present kings have been in possession of the ‘housbote’ and ‘heibote’ since his death, without title; and John Adam has been in possession of the cottage for 4 years and received the issues, and still receives them, without title. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (4) | |
459. | Alan de Buxhull, knight |
Writ: 7 November, 5 Richard II | |
SUSSEX. | Inq. taken at Roberdesbrege, Monday the feast of St. Katharine, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned lands etc. in his demesne as of fee.
Buxhull. A messuage and 143 a. land, held of William de Echynghame, knight, by homage and fealty and a rent of 4d. yearly, and by suit to the said William’s court of Echynghame every three weeks, and by service of paying to the said William 7d. every sixteen weeks for ward of the castle of Hastyngges. Bernhurst. 80 a. land, held of the same William, as of his manor of Echynghame, by homage and fealty and a rent of 14s. 4d. yearly, and by service of paying to him 3d. every sixteen weeks for ward of the said castle. Buxhull. 18 a. land, held of Edward Dalyngrugg, knight, as of his manor of Bodyhame, by homage and fealty and a rent of 10s. 8d. yearly, and by service of paying to the said Edward 3d. every sixteen weeks for ward of the said castle. Ryngden. 30 a. land, held of Robert Passhele, knight, as of his manor of Passhele, by homage and fealty and a rent of 2s. yearly, and by service of paying to the said Robert 3d. every 16 weeks for ward of the said castle. Haselden. 20 a. land, held of John Belhurst, as of his manor of Belhurst, by homage and fealty and a rent of 18d. yearly, and by suit to his court every three weeks. Sokenerssh. A messuage and 150 a. land, held of William de Hoo, knight, as of his manor of Wrotlyngg, by knight’s service. Enehame. A watermill and 12 a. land, held of the abbot of Fécamp by a rent of 4s. 1d. yearly and by suit to his court of Brede every three weeks. The above lands etc. were held of the said Alan by Henry Pypesden for a term of 6 years from Michaelmas last at a rent of 36l. yearly. Alan died on Saturday the eve of All Souls last. Elizabeth wife of Roger Lynde, aged 30 years and more, and Amice late the wife of John Beverle, aged 28 years and more, are his daughters and heirs. |
460. | |
Writ: 7 November, 5 Richard II | |
DORSET. | Inq. (indented) taken at Shaftesbury, 14 November, 5 Richard II. |
He died seised of the under-mentioned manor and advowson in his demesne as of fee.
Bryaneston. The manor and the advowson of the church. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of providing in the king’s army in the parts of Scotland a man with bare feet, clothed with a shirt and breeches, and having in one hand a bow without a cord and in the other a bolt without feathers. He died on Saturday the feast of All Souls in the above year. Heirs as above. |
461. | |
(Writ missing) | |
DORSET. | Assignment of dower to Maud late the wife of the said Alan, and to John de Montagu, ‘le filz,’ knight, her husband, in the presence of Stephen Derby and John Mautravers, friends of the heirs of the said Alan. Monday after St. Calixtus, [7 Richard II]. |
The escheator has assigned the following as Maud’s dower of the lands late of the said Alan in his bailiwick.
Bryenneston. A third part of the manor (extent given). Tenants named:—Alice Hayward, John Chepman, John Drew, Richard Ferour, Philip Basset, Richard atte Nassh, William Frywe, Walter P … se, Nicholas Conyng, Robert Shererre and William Clerk. Fields etc. named:—Southmede, Toukeresacre, Bradelye wood, Horscroft, ‘forlanges’ called Byhyndeheys and Crysindeslonde, le Ladylynch, Catforlang, Croftforlang by Langlench, Braghforlang, la Perces, Whetelond by la Dene, Sixacres, Stokeleslade and Uppethedoune. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (5) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 48 (7) (Dorset) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 211 (1) (Sussex) | |
462. | Nicholas de la Beche |
Writ to the escheator in co. Wilts to enquire as to the heir or heirs of the said Nicholas; as it was found by an inquisition taken before John de Evesham, escheator of the late king, that Edmund de la Beche held for life the manors of Beaumys and Hakeneston of others than the king, the reversion belonging to the right heirs of the said Nicholas, but who the said heirs are is not found in the inquisition. 26 February, 5 Richard II. | |
WILTS. | Inq. taken at Netherhavene, Thursday after St. Gregory, 5 Richard II. |
The kinsmen and heirs of the said Nicholas are Andrew Sakevill, the younger, son and heir of Joan daughter and one of the heirs of John de la Beche his brother, Edmund Danvers, son and heir of Alice daughter and second heir of the said John, and John Duyn, son and heir of Margery daughter and heir of Isabel daughter and third heir of the said John. | |
463. | |
Similar writ to the escheator in co. Berks, mentioning the manor of Yatyngden with the advowson of the church, held for life by the said Edmund of Edward III by knight’s service, the reversion belonging to the right heirs of Nicholas. 26 February, 5 Richard II. | |
BERKS. | Inq. taken at Faryngdon, Monday after St. Gregory, 5 Richard II. |
The kinsmen and heirs of the said Nicholas are Andrew Sakevyll, son and heir of Joan Sakevyll daughter and one of the heirs of John de la Beche his brother, William Danvers, son and heir of Edmund Danvers son and heir of Alice Danvers daughter and second heir of the said John, and John Duyn, son and heir of Margery Duyn daughter and heir of Isabel Fitz Elys daughter and third heir of the said John de la Beche, elder brother and heir of Nicholas. | |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (6) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 207 (27) (Berks) | |
464. | Alice, one of the daughters and heirs of John Basset |
Writ of Devenerunt, 12 February, 5 Richard II | |
GLOUCESTER. | Inq. (indented) taken at Tettebury, Wednesday, 20 August, 6 Richard II. |
The under-mentioned manor etc. came to the king’s hand after the death of John Basset by reason of the minority of Margaret, one of his daughters and heirs, who is still living, and of the said Alice, deceased, because the said John died seised thereof in his demesne as of fee, and is still in the king’s hand.
Lasseberwe. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by knight’s service. The said Alice died on 10 November, 41 Edward III, without heir of her body. The above-mentioned Margaret, aged 22 years and more, is her sister and heir. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (7) | |
John Basset | |
Writ of Mandamus, 12 February, 5 Richard II | |
Endorsed: Walter [Br]oun, (fn. 2) who has married one of the daughters and heirs of the said John, sues this writ. | |
465. | |
SOMERSET. | Inq. taken at Wells, Monday after St. James, 6 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned lands and advowson (estate not specified), title not known.
Wynflyth, Salford, Dondray, Barwe, Bakwell, Hasell, Rochell and Aschton. Lands etc. worth 10l. yearly, with the advowson of the church of Wynflyth, held of Sir Edward le Spencer, of the honor of Gloucester, by knight’s service. He died on Thursday after the Epiphany, 35 Edward III. Margaret Basset, aged 22 years, is his daughter and heir. Simon Basset, knight, his father, took all the profit of the lands during his (Simon’s) lifetime and during the minority of the said Margaret. After Simon’s death the lady Maud Basset, his wife and executrix, took all the profit of the lands and advowson from the above-mentioned Thursday in 36 (sic) Edward III until now. |
466. | |
Writ to the escheator, with reference to the above inquisition, to certify more fully what estate the said John had in the lands in Wynfryth etc., and what lands they were. 24 January, 6 Richard II. | |
SOMERSET. | Inq. taken at Wellys, Saturday the feast of St. Mark, 6 Richard II. |
The said John Basset held the under-mentioned messuages, lands and rents at farm of Simon Basset, his father, for a term of 10 years and at a yearly rent of 10l.; fines of lands, perquisites of court and heriots of the said lands, together with the advowson of the church of Wynfreth, being reserved to the said Simon. Simon survived John by 8 years, and held the premises, as well as the advowson, of Edward de la Spencere by knight’s service, as of the honor of Gloucester. He granted the premises and advowson to John Clavyll and Richard Goldeney, chaplains, their heirs and assigns; and they granted the same to him and Maud, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs.
Wynfrith. A messuage, a carucate of land and 8 a. meadow. Salford. A messuage, … land and 3 a. meadow. Hasell by Dondray. A messuage, 20 a. land and 4 a. meadow. Barwe. 9s. yearly rent. Bakwell. 6s. 8d. yearly rent. Rochell. 17s. 4d. yearly rent. Aysshton. 6s. yearly rent. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (8) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 49 (21) | |
467. | Cecily, late the wife of John de Bohun |
Writ, Ledes, 28 August, 5 Richard II | |
BUCKINGHAM. | Inq. (indented) taken at Great Craule, Saturday the feast of St. Clement, 5 Richard II. |
She held the under-mentioned messuage and lands in her demesne as of fee.
Craule. A messuage and 100 a. arable, held of the earl of Oxford by knight’s service and suit of court to the manor of Whitchirch every three weeks; 80 (quatuor viginti) a. arable, held of Henry Grene, knight, by service of 20s. yearly; 2 a. land, held of Elizabeth Latymer, services not known; and 18 a. arable, held of the hospital of St. David (hospitalis Dewysie) by Northampton by service of 2s. 1d. yearly. She died on 9 August last. John de Bohoun, aged 18 years and more and unmarried, is her son and heir. |
468. | |
Writ: Ledes, 28 August, 5 Richard II | |
ESSEX. | Inq. (fn. 3) taken at Kelleveden, Thursday before St. Luke, 5 Richard II. |
She held the under-mentioned manors and lands in her demesne as of fee.
[Kelle]veden. The manor called ‘Filliolleshalle’ (extent given), held of the king, as of the honor of Dover, by knight’s service, rendering 31s. on 1 July in every year for ward of Dover castle. Kelleveden [40 a. land] called ‘Crispesland,’ held of the abbot of Westminster by service of 3s. 4d. rent yearly; and 30 a. land, held of the same abbot, as of his manor of Feryngg, by service of 3s. yearly and suit to his court every three weeks. Little Badewe. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held of Walter son of Walter, knight, lord of Wodeham Wauter, by service of 3 knights’ fees, rendering 9s. 2d. at the end of every six months for ward of Castle Baynard. John Bohun, aged 18 years and more, is her son and heir. |
469. | |
(Writ missing) | |
SUSSEX. | Inq. taken at Midhurst, Thursday before the Nativity of St. Mary, 5 Richard II. |
She held the under-mentioned tofts and lands for life jointly with John de Bohun, knight, sometime her husband.
Midhurst. 5 tofts in the borough, held in free burgage. Botelereslond. 50 a. arable so called, held of Richard, earl of Arundel, by homage and fealty, as of his castle of Arondell. (Unspecified). 1 a. meadow, held of William, bishop of Winchester, by fealty. Mullelond. 40 a. arable so called, held of Richard, earl of Arundel, by homage and fealty, as of his manor of Wolbedyngg; and 1 a. meadow there, held of the same earl by the same services. Tayllardeslond. 40 a. arable so called, of the same earl, as of his manor of Wollavyngton, by the aforesaid services. Le Hurstlond. 40 a. arable so called, held of the same earl, as of his said manor, by the aforesaid services. Hetfeldlond. A toft and 20 a. arable so called, held of Robert Tauk, as of his manor of Tadeham, by a rent of 6d. yearly and suit to his court twice a year. She died on [Tuesday] (fn. 4) before the Assumption, 5 Richard II. John de Bohun, aged 18 years at the Epiphany last is her son and heir. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (9) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 47 (3) (Buckingham) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 206 (4) (Sussex) | |
470. | Tecia, late the wife of John, son of Henry Beaumys of Great Lymbergh |
Writ: Eltham, 23 August, 5 Richard II | |
LINCOLN. | Inq. taken at Castre, Thursday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 5 Richard II. |
A certain Henry Beaumys of Lymbergh was formerly seised of the under-mentioned manor in his demesne as of fee, and with the king’s licence gave it to Roger Moigne of Stalyngburgh and his heirs and assigns. The said Roger, also with the king’s licence, gave it to the said Henry for life, with remainder to John, son of the said Henry, and Tecia, wife of the said John, and the heirs of their bodies, and in default of such heirs to the right heirs of Henry. After Henry’s death John and Tecia entered into the manor and had issue a son Thomas. Tecia survived John and died seised of the manor in her demesne as of fee, as aforesaid.
Great Lymbergh. The manor (extent given, including a market), held of the king in chief by service of half a knight’s fee. She died on the feast of St. Laurence, 5 Richard II. Thomas Beaumys, aged 30 years and more, is son and next heir of John and Tecia in form aforesaid. |
471. | |
Writ to the escheator, with reference to the above inquisition, to enquire concerning the truth of a petition from Henry Beaumys in which he alleges that he is elder brother of the said Thomas Beaumys and next heir of John and Tecia. 27 November, 6 Richard II. | |
LINCOLN. | Inq. taken at Castre, Saturday after St. Lucy, 6 Richard II. |
Findings as in the above inquisition; except that John and Tecia are said to have had issue Henry and Thomas, and that the said Henry, aged 46 years and more, is their next heir, and not Thomas, as stated in the above inquisition. | |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (10) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 204 (5) | |
Do. Do. No. 212 (4 and 7) | |
472. | Thomasia, daughter and one of the heirs of Roger Belers, knight |
Writ of Devenerunt, 20 February, 5 Richard II | |
NOTTINGHAM. | Inq. taken at Stanford upon Sore, 10 March, 5 Richard II. |
The under-mentioned meadow and land in Boney are in the king’s hand by the death of the said Roger and by reason of the minority of the said Thomasia, lately in the king’s wardship.
Boney. A moiety of a plot of meadow called ‘Hermytesmedowe’ and 2 a. land in ‘le Milnewong,’ held of the king, as of the crown, by knight’s service. She died on 17 February last while a minor in the king’s wardship, without heir of her body. Ralph Crombewell, knight, aged 36 years and more, is her kinsman and heir, to wit, son of Avice sister of Roger her father. |
473. | |
Similar writ: 20 February, 5 Richard II | |
LEICESTER. | Inq. taken at Leycestre, 12 March, 5 Richard II. |
By a fine levied in the king’s court in 18 Edward II between Roger Belers and Alice, his wife, querents, and the warden of the chapel of Kyrkeby, deforciant, the under-mentioned manor of Kyrkeby upon Wrethek was settled on the said Roger and Alice and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion in default of such heirs to the warden and his successors. Roger and Alice were seised of the manor in fee tail accordingly, and died so seised. After their death the manor descended to Roger Belers, their son and heir, who married Margaret, daughter of Richard de la River, the elder, knight, by whom he had issue in wedlock Margaret now the wife of Robert de Swilyngton. After the death of the said Margaret, his wife, he married Katharine Sleght, by whom he had issue the said Thomasia, now deceased.
In 19 Edward II a certain Simon de Schepeye, parson of the church of Waltham, granted by charter the under-mentioned manor of Somerdby and lands and rent there to Sir Roger Belers, knight, for life, with successive remainders to Thomas and Roger, sons of Sir Roger, and the heirs of their bodies, and with remainder over to Sir Roger’s right heirs. Sir Roger was seised of the premises accordingly, and after his death and the death of the said Thomas they remained to the said Roger the son (because Thomas died without heir of his body), and he died seised thereof, and of the above-mentioned manor of Kyrkeby. The said manor of Kyrkeby and premises in Somerdby, as well as divers other manors and lands, descended after the death of Roger the son to the aforesaid Margaret and Thomasia as his daughters and heirs; and by a partition made in the king’s court the manor of Kyrkeby and premises in Somerdby remained in the king’s hand as Thomasia’s pourparty. Kirkby upon Wrethek. The manor (extent given), except 2 a. land on ‘le ladywong’ and 1 a. 2 1/2 r. meadow in ‘Paddokescrofte,’ held of divers lords, to wit, one part of the master of Burton Lazars by service of 7s. yearly, another part of the prior of Kyrkeby Monachorum by service of 113s. 4d. yearly, another part of the prior of Kyrkeby upon Wrethek by service of 5s. 2 3/4d. yearly, another part of the prior of Launde by service of 8s. yearly, another part of the abbot of Dale by service of 3s. yearly, another part of the abbot of Leycestre by service of 7s. 2 1/2d. yearly, another part of the lord Segrave by service of 18s. yearly, and another part of the hundred of Framlond [by payment of] 2s. 2d. yearly for sheriff’s aid. Somerdby. The manor, and 6 virgates of arable and 13s. 4d. rent, held of Thomas Mawreward, services not known. Date of death and heir as above. The said manor of Kyrkeby and premises in Somerdby ought to remain to Margaret, her sister, wife of Sir Robert de Swillyngton, by virtue of the entails aforesaid. Margaret is 32 years of age and more. Transcript of the above-mentioned charter of Simon de Shepeye, dated at Somerdby, Monday after St. Luke, 19 Richard II. Transcript of the above-mentioned fine of the manor of Kirkeby on Wrethek, made in the quinzaine of Easter, 18 Richard II. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (11) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 48 (5) (Nottingham) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 213 (2) (Leicester) | |
474. | Elizabeth, late the wife of Robert Corbet of Moreton, knight |
Writ: 24 November, 5 Richard II | |
SALOP AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. | Inq. taken at Shawebury, 25 November, 5 Richard II. |
She held the under-mentioned manor of Shawebury jointly with Robert Corbet, her late husband, for their lives, by gift of Thomas Gery, vicar of the church of Moreton, and Thomas de Lee of Southbache by a fine levied in the late king’s court with the said king’s licence, with successive remainders to Fulk, their son, who is still living, and the heirs male of his body, to Thomas, brother of the said Fulk, and the heirs of his body, and to the right heirs of the said Robert.
Shawebury. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service. Morton Corbet, Harpe …. (The rest of the inquisition is almost entirely torn away.) (fn. 5) |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (12) | |
475. | William Cosyn |
Writ of Mandamus, 22 February, 5 Richard II | |
ESSEX. | Inq. taken at Reylegh, Saturday after SS. Philip and James, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned manor and advowson jointly with Joan, his wife, who is still living, to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs, by gift of Nicholas Raunche.
Great Sutton. The manor, with the advowson of its church, held of the king, as of the honor of Reylegh, (service not stated). He died on Saturday before Michaelmas, 3 Richard II. William Cosyn, aged 4 years and more, is son and next heir of him and the said Joan. Since his death the said Joan has occupied the whole manor and received the issues thereof by the aforesaid title. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (13) | |
476. | John Cavendissh, knight |
Writ: Redyng, 10 August, 5 Richard II | |
SUFFOLK. | Inq. (indented) taken at Henhowe, Monday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned manor of Overhalle and messuage etc. in Cavendissh in his demesne as of fee.
He held the under-mentioned 1 a. pasture and advowson to him and the heirs of his body by a fine levied in the late king’s court. He held the under-mentioned manor of Fakenhamaspys jointly with Robert de Kedyngton and John Peeke of Cavendissh, who are still living, to them and his heirs and assigns, by a fine levied in the late king’s court and with the same king’s licence. Cavendissh. The manor of Overhalle, held of the king in chief by knight’s service; and a messuage, 80 a. land, 8 a. pasture, 3 a. wood and 3s. 4d. rent, held of the earl of March by knight’s service. Cavendissh. 1 a. pasture with the advowson of the church, held of the earl of March by knight’s service. Fakenhamaspys. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service. He died on Friday after Corpus Christi, 4 Richard II. Andrew de Cavendissh, knight, aged 30 years, is his son and heir. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (14) | |
477. | Thomas Courtenay |
Writ, 12 October, 5 Richard II | |
CORNWALL AND DEVON. | Inq. taken at St. Mabyn, Wednesday before All Saints, 5 Richard II. |
He held no lands etc. in the escheator’s bailiwick.
Date of death not known, because he died beyond the court of Rome while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land. John Courtenay, aged 9 years, is his son and heir. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (15) | |
478. | Thomas de Crophull |
Writ: 30 November, 5 Richard II | |
LEICESTER. | Inq. taken at Boseworth, Wednesday before St. Valentine, 5 Richard II. |
John de Crophull, knight, formerly held the under-mentioned manor of Neubold Verdon, and with the late king’s licence granted it (except the knights’ fees and advowsons of churches pertaining thereto and 80 a. wood, a fishpond and 4l. rent therein) to the said Thomas, his son, and Sibyl, the latter’s wife, and the heirs male of their bodies, with reversion to himself and his heirs. Sibyl died during the lifetime of the said Thomas.
Neubold Verdon. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as parcel of the barony late of Theobald de Verdon, by knight’s service, amount not known. The said Thomas died in seisin of the manor (except as above) on Monday after St. Martin last, without heir male by the said Sibyl, so that the reversion pertains to the aforesaid John de Crophull, who is still living. The said John is 60 years of age and more. Thomas and Sibyl had a daughter Agnes, now aged 9 years, who is Thomas’s next heir in blood. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (16) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 213 (1) | |
John Duyn | |
Writ of Mandamus, 12 February, 5 Richard II | |
Endorsed by the escheator that he has taken the issues and profit of all the lands late of the said John, both moneys and other goods etc., from the time of the latter’s death, and that they remain in his custody to be turned into money (ad denarios fieri faciendum) for payment to the king; except the parcels of land, meadow and pasture mentioned in the following inquisition. | |
479. | |
MARCH OF WALES ADJACENT TO GLOUCESTER. | Inq. taken at Magor, Wednesday after Palm Sunday, 5 Richard II. |
The said John held the under-mentioned parts of a manor and parcels of land etc. in his demesne as of fee.
Redewyk in Magor. A tenth part of the manor (extent given, including 20 a. land now worth nothing by the year because destroyed by the flow of the sea), held of the king in chief by knight’s service. Uske. Divers parcels of land, meadow and pasture in the lordship of Uske, held of Edmund de Mortuo Mari, earl of March, service not known. The said Edmund and his executors have received the issues thereof. He died on Tuesday in the second week of Lent, 4 Richard II. Robert Duyn, aged 10 years and more, is his son and heir. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (17) | |
480. | Edmund Danvers |
Writ: 26 September, 5 Richard II | |
OXFORD. | Inq. taken at Thame, Thursday after St. Andrew, 5 Richard II. |
He held no lands etc. in the county. Heir not known. | |
481. | |
BERKS. | Inq. taken at Neubery, Monday after St. Andrew, 5 Richard II. |
He died seised of the services of Roger de Cobyndon, Richard Mauduyt and John Elyn, who hold lands etc. of him by knight’s service (quantity of service not known) as parcel of the under-mentioned manor of Wynterburn.
He died seised of the services of John Shortecombe, who holds lands etc. of him by knight’s service (quantity of service not known) as parcel of the under-mentioned manor of Lekehamstede. Wynterburn. The manor, held of the bishop of Winchester, as of his manor of Aston, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee. Lekehamstede. The manor, held of the abbot of Abyndon by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee. He died on 12 August, 5 Richard II. William his son, aged 14 years and more, is his heir. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (18) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 207 (9) | |
482. | Thomas, son of Thomas Devenyssh |
Writ of Devenerunt after the death of the said Thomas son of Thomas, brother and heir of John Devenyssh son and heir of Thomas Devenyssh, who has lately died while a minor in the king’s wardship. 12 May, 5 Richard II. | |
SOUTHAMPTON. | Inq. taken at Meonestoke, 2 June, 5 Richard II. |
The under-mentioned moiety of a manor came into the late king’s hand by the death of the said John Devenysshe, by reason of his minority, and has now come into the present king’s hand by the death of the said Thomas son of Thomas, John’s brother.
Sutton Scoteneye. A moiety of the manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service. The said Thomas son of Thomas died in Wales, day not known. Nicholaa, his sister and sister of the said John, aged 21 years and more, is his heir. |
483. | |
Similar writ: 12 May, 5 Richard II | |
DORSET. | Inq. (indented) taken at Shaftesbury, Thursday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 6 Richard II. |
Findings as above with regard to the under-mentioned manor and advowson.
Westchelberwe. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held of Sir John Mohun of Dunsterre by knight’s service, to wit, for a sixth part of a knight’s fee. Date of death and heir as above. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (19) | |
484. | William Deyncourt, or Dayncourte, or Dencourt |
Writ: 4 November, 5 Richard II | |
BUCKINGHAM. | Inq. taken at Wycombe, 16 December, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned manor in his demesne as of fee.
Wouburn. The manor (extent given, including a fishery called ‘Wouburn lok’ and a service called ‘sherselver’), held of the bishop of Lincoln by service of a knight’s fee and two-thirds of another fee, besides relief and reasonable aid when they happen. He died on 15 October last. Ralph Deyncourt, aged 1 year and more, is his son and heir. Long before his death he granted and confirmed by charter to Sir Ralph Nevyll, John Fairfax, Richard Outhorp, Matthew de Torkeseye and Robert Wyclyfe, clerks, and John Deyncourt of Wille, their heirs and assigns, a yearly rent of 100 marks from his lands etc. in Dodyngton, co. Northampton, Holmesfeld, co. Derby, and Wouburn, co. Buckingham, and bound the said lands etc. to distraint. |
485. | |
Writ: 3 November, 5 Richard II | |
NOTTINGHAM. | Inq. taken at Notyngham, 13 November, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned manor in his demesne as of fee.
Granby. The manor, held of the king in chief by the foreign service. He died on Wednesday after St. Luke last. Ralph his son, who will be 2 years of age at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next, is his heir. |
486. | |
DERBY. | Inq. taken at Derby, 16 November, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned manors in his demesne as of fee.
Hulmesfeld. The manor, held of the king in chief by the foreign service. Long before his death he granted to Ralph de Nevill, knight, John Feyrfax, Ralph de Owethorp, Matthew de Torkesey, Robert Wyclif, clerk, and John Deyncourt of Walleye, their heirs and assigns, a yearly rent of 100 marks from the above manor and other lands etc. in other counties. Elmeton. The manor, held of the king in chief by the foreign service. Date of death and heir as first above. |
487. | |
Writ: 3 November, 5 Richard II | |
LINCOLN. | Inq. taken at Lincoln, Tuesday after St. Lucy, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned manors (estate not specified).
Blaunkenay. The manor (extent given, including a wood of 40 a. called ‘Blaunkenayhayg,’ worth nothing by the year because cut to the ground), held of the king in chief by barony. Braunceton. The manor (extent given, including a wood of 300 a. called ‘Brauncetonwod’), held of the king in chief by barony. He died on Wednesday before St. Luke, 5 Richard II. Heir as above (Nottingham inquisition). |
488. | |
Writ: 4 November, 5 Richard II | |
NORTHAMPTON. | Inq. taken at Bulwik, 12 November, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned land (estate not specified).
Dudyngton by Weston. 17 virgates of land and meadow, held of the duke of Lancaster, as of the heir of the earl of Lincoln, by service of a sore sparrowhawk. Long before his death he granted to Ralph Nevylle, knight, John Fairfax, Richard de Owthorp, Matthew de Torkeseye and Robert de Wyklyve, clerks, and John de Deyncourt of Walle, their heirs and assigns, a yearly rent of 100 marks from the premises and other lordships and lands etc. in other counties. Date of death and heir as first above. |
489. | |
(Writ missing) | |
LINCOLN. | Inq. taken at Braunston, Wednesday after St. Hillary, 5 Richard II. |
The following are assigned to Alesia late the wife of the said William by way of dower.
Braunston. Certain rooms, outhouses and lands (named and described), and 6l. yearly rent from certain tenants. Blaunkeney. A third part of the manor house, with certain lands etc. and 73s. 4d. yearly rent from certain tenants. Annexed: Schedule giving the names of the tenants of Braunston and Blaunkeney paying the above rents of 6l. and 73s. 4d. |
490. | |
(Writ missing) | |
BUCKINGHAM. | Assignment of dower (undated). The escheator has assigned the following to Alesia late the wife of the said William as her dower of all his lands etc. in the county. |
Woubourne. Certain rooms, outhouses and lands (named and described), and 56s. 5 1/2d. yearly rent from certain tenants. | |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (20) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 47 (4) (Buckingham and Northants) | |
Writs to the escheators in cos. Northampton and Lincoln to assign dower to the above-mentioned Alice, whose oath not to marry without the king’s licence is to be taken by Henry Lescrop. 24 December, 5 Richard II. | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 47 (4) | |
Summary of the lands etc. late of the said William, divided into three parts, one of which is marked ‘dower.’ | |
491. | |
Writ of certiorari super vero valore feodorum etc., 18 May, 9 Richard II | |
LINCOLN. | Inq. taken at Ancastre, Tuesday the feast of St. Gregory, 10 Richard II. |
The said William Deyncourt died seised of the under-mentioned fees.
Somerby. A fee of 3 carucates of land formerly held by Maud de Colvill, whereof 7 carucates make one knight’s fee. Swaffeld. Half a knight’s fee, held by William de Arcy. Braunceton. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held by Roger brother of Hugh heir of Roger Turpell and Guy (Wydo) Wake. Gunwordby. One knight’s fee, held by Alan son of Ralph; and a moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Agnes daughter of John. Braunceton. A fifth part of a knight’s fee, held by Roger de Alneto. Mere. Part of the town, held by the Templars, but for how much the jurors know not. Hanneworth. One knight’s fee, formerly held by Edelina de Hanneworth. Metheryngham. Two knights’ fees, held by Ralph Basset. Girton (recte Birton). A fourth part of a knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Brakenbergh. Blankeneye. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, formerly held by Hugh Hoglomb; and a tenth part of a knight’s fee, formerly held by Roger de Eyncourt. Scaupwik. A fourth part and a fortieth part of a knight’s fee, held by the prior and convent of Thirgerton; and a fourth part of a knight’s fee, held by William Constabll. Kirkeby. A third part of a knight’s fee, held by the Templars. Tymberlond. Half a knight’s fee, formerly held by Ranulf de Bergate; and a moiety of a knight’s fee, formerly held by Philip de Tymberlond. Thorp. A moiety of a knight’s fee, which Simon de Kyme held; and a moiety of a knight’s fee, held by the heirs of Fulk de Templo. Humby. A fee of 3 carucates of land formerly held by William de Paris, whereof 7 carucates make one knight’s fee. Of the value of the above fees the jurors know nothing. William Deyncourt had no advowsons in the county, so far as the jurors can ascertain. |
C. Ric. II. File 18 (20) | |
492. | Henry Esturmy |
Writ: Haveryng atte Boure, 28 June, 5 Richard II | |
WILTS. | Inq. taken at Wolfhale, 5 July, 5 Richard II. |
He held the under-mentioned manors etc. in his demesne as of fee.
Borbache and Coulesfelde. The manor, with a bailiwick of the forest of Savenak, held of the king in chief by service of [providing] a horseman in the king’s army with hauberk, iron cap and barded horse. Wyke. 2 messuages and 2 virgates of land, with a bailiwick of the forest of Savernak called ‘Westbaillye,’ held of the king in chief by service of 52s. to be paid yearly to the castle of Marlebergh. Stapelford. A moiety of the manor, with the advowson of the church at every second turn, held of the king in chief by service of a third part of a knight’s fee. Fyghelden. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee. He died on 17 June last. William Esturmy, aged 25 years and more, son of Geoffrey Esturmy his brother, is his heir. |