Index of Persons and Places: W

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Index of Persons and Places: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III(London, 1952), British History Online [accessed 29 March 2025].

A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Index of Persons and Places: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III(London, 1952), British History Online, accessed March 29, 2025,

A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector. "Index of Persons and Places: W". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. (London, 1952), British History Online. Web. 29 March 2025.


Wace, Stephen, heirs of, 80 (p. 80).

Wachet, co. Somerset. See Watchet.

Waddesdon, Woddesden, Wodesdon, Wottesdene, Wottesdon, Wottesdone, co. Buckingham, advowson of, 14, 325 (pp. 306, 322).
-, ……, assignment of dower made at, 325 (p. 322).
-, ……, manor, 14, 325 (pp. 305, 306, 322).
-, ……, park, 14.

Waddington, Wadyngton, co. Lincoln, 148 (p. 151).

Waddleston [in Lewtrenchard parish], Wadeleston, co. Devon, 325 (p. 312).

Wade, co. Kent. See Iwade.
-, …… [in. Covehithe parish], Wathe, co. Suffolk, manor, 256.

Wadele, co. Berks. See Wadley.

Wadeleston, co. Devon. See Waddleston.

Wadley and Wicklesham [both in Great Faringdon parish], Wadele and Wykyngesham, co. Berks, manor, 191, 192 (p. 203).

Wadyngton, co. Lincoln. See Waddington.

Wainhope [in Falstone parish], Waynehopside, Wayneshoppe, co. Northumberland, 86 (p. 86).

Waithe, Wathe, co. Lincoln, parson of. See Rye, James de.

Wake, Andrew le, 148 (p. 156).
-, ……, Hugh, 292.
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, daughter of John de Wolverton, 292.
-, ……, John son of Hugh, 292.
-, ……, Thomas, knight, the elder, 111.
-, ……, …., of Blisworth, knight, 141 (p. 140).
-, ……, …., …., …., heir of, 141 (p. 138).
-, ……, …., …., …., Alice wife of, daughter of Mabel sister of Otto de Graunson, 141 (pp. 137, 139, 140).
-, ……, lady de, 293.

Wakefield, Wakefeld, co. York, proof of age made at, 168.

Wakeley [formerly parish, now in Westmill parish], Wakelee, co. Hertford, advowson of, 153.
-, ……, manor, 153.

Wakelyn, John, 132.
-, ……, …., Agnes wife of, 132.

Wakering, Wakeryng, co. Essex, 351.
-, ……, Little, co. Essex, Barrow in, q.v.

Wakyr, Henry, churchwarden of Horndon on the Hill, 158.

Walbiry, co. Essex. See Wallbury.

Waldegrave, Richard, 227 (p. 241).
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, 227 (p. 241).

Walden, Saffron, Walden, co. Essex, inquisition taken at, 225 (p. 237).

Walden, Waldene, Waldenne, Geoffrey, 141 (pp. 137, 138).
-, ……, John, chaplain, 188.

Waldron, Waldern, Walderne, co. Sussex, manor, 190 (pp. 197, 199).

Wales, 209 (p. 215).
-, ……, prince of. See Edward; Richard.
-, …… [native] prince of, 148 (p. 150).
-, ……, services connected with war in, 92, 148 (pp. 146, 150), 202.

Walesby, co. Nottingham, 41.

Waleton on Thames, co. Surrey. See Walton on Thames.

Waleys, John, knight, 207.
-, ……. Cf. Walssh.

Walford [in Leintwardine parish, co. Hereford], Walleford, co. Salop, 355 (p. 349).

Walisch. See Walssh.

Walkare, co. Northumberland. See Walker.

Walkefare, Robert, 339 (p. 340).

Walker [in Longbenton parish], Walkare, co. Northumberland, manor, 32 (p. 32).

Walkerslow and Wrickton [both in Stottesden parish], Walkeslowe and Wyrketon, co. Salop, manor, 250.

Wallbere [in Halberton parish], Wellesbere, co. Devon, 325 (p. 319).

Wallbury [in Great Hallingbury parish], Walbiry, co. Essex, manor, 339 (p. 335).

Walle, William atte, 171.

Walleford, co. Salop. See Walford.

Walleston, co. Devon. See Walson.

Wallewern [co. Montgomery]. See Tafolwern.

Wallingford, Walyngford, co. Berks, 332.
-, ……, borough, custom of, 332.
-, ……, bridge at, bequest for maintenance of, 332.
-, ……, …., caretakers of. See Cole, Roger; Stokebrugg, Richard.
-, ……, honor, 6, 133, 138 (p. 134).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 332.
-, ……, Goldsmyth of, q.v.

Wallop, Nether, co. Southampton, Garlogs in, q.v.

Walmesford, Thomas de, clerk, 246 (p. 256).

Walsham [co. Norfolk?], 148 (p. 161).
-, ……, South, Sowthwalsham, co. Norfolk, Howe of, q.v.

Walsham, John de, 148 (p. 143).
-, ……, Ralph de, under-steward of the liberty of Bury St. Edmunds, 148 (p. 148).

Walsingham, Walsyngham, co. Norfolk, inquisitions taken at, 46 (p. 45), 86 (p. 85), 273.
-, ……, pilgrimage to, 69.
-, ……, Little, Walsyngham, co. Norfolk, prior of, 273.

Walson [in Clannaborough parish], Walleston, co. Devon, 325 (p. 312).

Walssh, Walisch, Walsshe, John son of Roger le, 291.
-, ……, Roger le, 222.
-, ……, Joan daughter of John son of Roger le, 291.
-, ……, …. wife of Roger le, 222.
-, ……, Margaret daughter of Roger le, wife of Adam Soidon, 222.
-, ……, Robert, Robert le, 209 (p. 224).
-, ……, Roger le, 291.
-, ……, Thomas, heirs of, 325 (p. 318).
-, ……, William, William le, parson of Waters Upton, 126.
-, ……, …., tenant, co. Monmouth, 148 (p. 164).
-, ……, …., …., co. Warwick, 148 (p. 159).
-, ……, …., …., co. Wilts, 10 (p. 11).
-, ……. Cf. Waleys.

Walsworth [in Hitchin parish], Waltonysford, co. Hertford, 154 (p. 171).

Walsyngham, co. Norfolk. See Walsingham; Walsingham, Little.

Walter, Robert, 61.

Waltereston, co. Dorset. See Waterston.

Walterson, Warin, of Kirby Ravensworth, 65.

Walterton. See Wolterton.

Waltham [co. Essex]. See Waltham Holy Cross.
-, ……, co. Kent, Ashenfield in, q.v.
-, …… Cross [in Cheshunt parish], Waltham Cros, Waltham Crouch, co. Hertford, inquisitions taken at, 225 (p. 238), 308.
-, …… Holy Cross, Waltham, co. Essex, abbot of, 245 (p. 254), 339 (p. 334).
-, ……, Little, co. Essex, 61.
-, ……, …., church of St. Martin, 61.

Waltham, Roger de, citizen of London, 219.
-, ……, Alice (I) daughter of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, …. (II) daughter of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, …. mother of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, Edith wife of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, Isabel daughter of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, Joan daughter of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, John father of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, …. son of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, Katharine daughter of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, Sibyl daughter of Roger de, 219.
-, ……, Thomas son of Roger de, 219.

Walthamstow, Welcomstowe, co. Essex, Benstedes tenement in, 245 (p. 254).
-, ……, Higham in, q.v.

Walton, co. Cumberland, Walton Wood in, q.v.
-, …… [in Eccleshall parish], Walton by Chebbeseye, co. Stafford, 63 (p. 64).
-, ……, manor, 36 (p. 37).
-, …… on the Hill, Wauton, co. Surrey, 209 (p. 224).
-, …… on Thames, Waleton on Thames, co. Surrey, 209 (p. 225).
-, …… …., parson of. See Wilie, John de.
-, …… …., Apps in, q.v.
-, …… Wood [in Walton parish], Walton Wod, co. Cumberland, 119 (p. 118).

Walton, Wauton, Gilbert de, 58 (p. 58).
-, ……, John, 298.
-, ……, William de, knight, 104 (pp. 100, 101).

Waltonysford, co. Hertford. See Walsworth.

Walwern [co. Montgomery]. See Tafolwern.

Walwyns Castle, castle of Malwayn, Walweyniscastel, Waynescastel, co. Pembroke, 209 (p. 223), 279.
-, …… …., advowson of, 209 (p. 223).
-, …… …., Romans Castle in, q.v.

Walyngford, co. Berks. See Wallingford.

Wancy, Vaunsy, John, citizen and girdler of London, 266.
-, ……, …., …., Juliana wife of, 266.
-, ……, William de, 86 (p. 87).
-, ……. Cf. Vauncy.

Wandestre, co. Somerset. See Wanstrow.

Waneford, West, co. Devon. See Wonford.

Wanetyng, co. Berks. See Wantage.

Wangford [near Halesworth], Wangeforth, co. Suffolk, priory, advowson of, 148 (p. 160).

Wanhaston, co. Suffolk. See Wenhaston.

Wansbeck, Wanspyk, the river, co. Northumberland, fishery in, 339 (p. 338).

Wanstrow, Wandestre, co. Somerset, manor, 228.
-, ……, Haygrove in, q.v.

Wantage, Wanetynge, Wantyng, co. Berks, inquisitions taken at, 93, 191, 192 (p. 203).

Wantyng, John, 207.
-, ……, Richard, 227 (p. 243).

Waplington [in Pocklington parish], Wappelyngton, Wapplyngton, co. York, 32 (p. 31), 80 (pp. 77, 78).

Warblynton. See Warbulton.

Warbrightsleigh [in Stoodleigh parish], Warbrighteslegh, co. Devon, 325 (p. 318).

Warbulton, Warblynton, John de, 220.
-, ……, Alice wife of John de, 209 (p. 224).
-, ……, John, 152.
-, ……, Katharine wife of John de, 220.
-, ……, Thomas son of John de, 220.

Warcombe [in Ilfracombe parish], Worcombe, co. Devon, 325 (p. 313).

Ward, Warde, Elizabeth wife of William, formerly wife of Simon Perot, 221.
-, ……, [—], 32 (p. 32).
-, ……, [—] de, wife of Nicholas [—], 61.
-, ……, Richard, 62.
-, ……, …., Katharine daughter of, 62.
-, ……, Robert, 32 (p. 32).
-, ……, …., of Kirby Ravensworth, 65.
-, ……, …., …., John son of, 65.
-, ……, Simon le, receiver of Oakham, 170.
-, ……, William, 221.
-, ……, …., Margery daughter of, wife of Richard de Kelleshulle, 221.
-, ……, …., tenant, co. York, 58 (p. 57).
-, ……. See also Barde.

Wardedeu, Wardedieu. See Wardieu.

Warden, Old, Wardon, co. Bedford, abbot of, 293.

Wardieu, Wardedeu, Wardedieu, John, 340.
-, ……, Elizabeth daughter of John, wife of Edward Dalyngrygg, 340.
-, ……, Henry, 221.
-, ……, …., Katharine wife of, sister of Simon Perot, 221.

Wardon, co. Bedford. See Warden, Old.

Ware, co. Hertford, inquisitions taken at, 123, 192 (p. 202), 197, 207, 263.
-, …… Bridge [in Ware parish], Warebregge, Warebrigg, co. Hertford, sheriff’s tourns at, 225 (pp. 238, 239).

Ware, Edmund de, butcher, 266.

Wareham, Warham, co. Dorset, inquisition taken at, 291.

Warein. See Waryn.

Warenne, earl, 207.

Warewik. See Warwick.

Warham, co. Dorset. See Wareham.
-, …… All Saints, Warham, co. Norfolk, advowson of, 209 (p. 222).

Wark in Tynedale, co. Northumberland, Huntland in, q.v.

Warle [unidentified], co. Norfolk, 86 (p. 88).

Warleigh [in Tamerton Foliot parish], Warlegh, co. Devon, 325 (p. 317).

Warlingham, Warlyngham, co. Surrey, 209 (p. 225).

Warminster, Weremynstre, co. Wilts, inquisition taken at, 155.

Warmwell, John de, 166.

Warr, Warre, John la, le, knight, 101 (p. 98).
-, ……, …., …., tenant, co. Somerset, 209 (p. 226).

Warren, co. Pembroke, Merrion in, q.v.

Warrewych, Warrewyck, Warrewyk. See Warwick.

Warthill [in Gate Helmsley parish], co. York, Carleton by. See Carlton.

Warton, co. Lancaster, advowson of, 58 (pp. 53, 60).
-, ……, Borwick in, q.v.
-, ……, Carnforth in, q.v.
-, ……, Moreholme in, q.v.
-, …… [in Polesworth parish], Waverton, co. Warwick, 136 (p. 132).

Warton, John de, 86 (p. 87).

Warwick, Warewik, Warrewych, Warrewyck, Warrewyk, co. Warwick, inquisitions taken at, 36 (p. 35), 136 (p. 129), 234, 278.

Warwick, county of, escheator in. See Foxton, Richard de.

Warwick, earl of, 136 (p. 132), 138 (p. 134), 148 (pp. 150, 153), 149, 170, 209 (p. 214), 245 (p. 254), 251 (pp. 260, 261). See also Beauchamp.

Warwik, John, 10 (p. 12).

Waryn, Warein, Adam, 227 (pp. 241–243).
-, ……, …., juror, co. York, 168.
-, ……, John, of Purleigh, 171.

Wasselin, John, 32 (p. 32).

Wasshington, Wasshyngton, Agnes de, 58 (p. 53).
-, ……, Robert de, 58 (p. 55).

Wassingle, Robert de, 94.

Watchet [in St. Decumans parish], Wachet, co. Somerset, 325 (p. 307).

Watenholte, Henry, 300.

Waterbeach, co. Cambridge, Denny in, q.v.

Watercombe, Roger, 166.
-, ……, …., Walter son of, 166.

Waterden, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 161).

Waterden, Richard de, escheator in Norfolk, 269.

Water down [in Frant parish], le Waterdoune, co. Sussex, 209 (p. 217).

Watergate, John, 64.

Wateringbury, Woteryngbury, Wotrinbury, co. Kent, 148 (p. 149).

Waterperry, Waterpirye, co. Oxford, manor, 133.
-, ……, Thomley in, q.v.

Waterstock, Waterstoke, co. Oxford, parson of. See Bruly, Thomas.

Waterston [in Puddletown parish], Waltereston, co. Dorset, manor, 268.

Waterton, Hugh, 190 (pp. 198, 199).

Watford, co. Northampton, manor, 125.

Wathe, co. Lincoln. See Waithe.
-, ……, Isle of Wight, co. Southampton. See St. Lawrence.
-, ……, co. Suffolk. See Wade.

Watlesburgh, co. Salop. See Wattlesborough.

Wattes, Thomas, 167.

Wattesfeld, co. Westmorland. See Wattsfield.

Wattlesborough [in Alberbury parish], Watlesburgh, co. Salop, lord of, 110.
-, ……, manor, 110.

Watton, co. Norfolk, inquisitions taken at, 118 (p. 116), 148 (p. 147).
-, …… [co. York], prior of, 109 (p. 109).

Wattsfield [in Kendal parish], Wattesfeld, co. Westmorland, 58 (p. 59).

Wauton, co. Surrey. See Walton on the Hill.

Wauton. See Walton.

Wavenden, Nicholas de, rector of St. Margaret Pattens, London, 38.

Wavendon, Wavyngdon, co. Buckingham, inquisition taken at, 107.
-, ……, manor, 107, 325 (p. 306).

Wavere, Thomas de, 355 (p. 349).

Waverley [in Farnham parish], Waverlee, co. Surrey, prior of, 209 (p. 225).

Waverton, co. Warwick. See Warton.

Wavyngdon, co. Buckingham. See Wavendon.

Wayland, Waylound, co. Norfolk, hundred, service of suit at the court of, 148 (p. 147).

Waynehopside, co. Northumberland. See Wainhope.

Waynescastel, co. Pembroke. See Walwyns Castle.

Wayneshoppe, co. Northumberland. See Wainhope.

Wayt, Wayte, Adam, 161.
-, ……, John, 345.
-, ……, …. son of John, 345.
-, ……, Robert father of Adam, 161.

Weare Gifford, Were Giffard, co. Devon, 325 (p. 316).

Weasenham, Wesenham, Wesynham, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 160), 273.
-, ……, manor, 273.
-, …… St. Peter, co. Norfolk, Kipton in, q.v.

Weaverthorpe, co. York, Lutton, West, in, q.v.

Webbe, John, ‘barbour,’ 10 (p. 11).
-, ……, Richard, 10 (p. 11).
-, ……, Robert, 10 (p. 11).

Webbele, co. Hereford. See Weobley.

Wedryngton. See Wydryngton.

Weedhorn, co. Northumberland. See Woodhorn.

Week [in Chulmleigh parish], Estwyke, Westwyke, co. Devon, 325 (p. 315).

Weeting, Wetyng, co. Norfolk, 86 (p. 88).

Welbeck, Wellebek [co. Nottingham], abbot of, 295.

Welborn, co. York. See Welburn.

Welbourn, John de, of Norwich, taverner, 86 (p. 85).
-, ……, …., …., …., Katharine wife of, 86 (p. 85).
-, ……, William de, 86 (p. 85).

Welburn [in Bulmer parish], Welborn, co. York, 132.

Welbury [in East Harlsey parish], co. York, manor, 32 (p. 30).

Welcomstowe, co. Essex. See Walthamstow.

Weld, Welde, John, 341.
-, ……, John, 16, 167.
-, ……, …., escheator in Essex, 89, 225 (p. 237), 329, 330.
-, ……, …., escheator in Hertfordshire, 308.
-, ……, Nicholas atte, parson of Darley, 254.
-, ……, Richard, 148 (p. 155).
-, ……, William, 298.

Weldon, Great, Weldon, co. Northampton, Basset of, q.v.

Wele [co. Worcester]. See Weoley.

Welewes, co. Hertford. See Welwyn.

Welford, co. Berks, Benham in, q.v.

Welham [in Clarborough parish], Wellum Morhouse, co. Nottingham, 41.

Welham, Hervey de, parson of Stockton, 46 (pp. 43, 44).

Well, Welle, co. York, 80 (p. 78).
-, ……, Fairwood in, q.v.
-, ……, Snape in, q.v.
-, ……, Thorpe Perrow in, q.v.
-, …… Hall, in Exning parish, co. Suffolk, manor called, 104 (p. 99).

Wellawe, co. Nottingham. See Wellow.

Welle, co. York. See Well.

Welle, Wille, Emma atte, 325 (p. 315).
-, ……, Ralph atte, 325 (p. 317).
-, ……, Richard atte, 179.
-, ……, Thomas atte, 64.

Wellebek [co. Nottingham]. See Welbeck.

Wellehawe, co. Nottingham. See Wellow.

Welles, co. Somerset. See Wells.

Welles, William de, knight, 104 (p. 99).
-, ……, …., …., Joan daughter of. See Coggeshale.

Wellesbeare, co. Devon. See Wallbere.

Wellesbourne Mountford, Wellesburn, Wellesburn Montfort, co. Warwick, manor, 136 (pp. 129, 130)

Wellewe, co. Somerset. See Wellow.

Wellingore, Wellingouere, Wellyngouere in the parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln, 9 (p. 6).

Wellington, Welyngton, co. Hereford, manor, 106.
-, ……, co. Salop, Lawley in, q.v.

Wellingtons, in Ilketshall, Welyngtones in Ilketlyshale, co. Suffolk, manor, 46 (p. 44).

Wellow, Wellawe, Wellehawe, co. Nottingham, 41.
-, ……, inquisition, taken at, 285.
-, ……, Grimston in, q.v.
-, ……, Wellewe, co. Somerset, 209 (p. 226).
-, ……, Baggridge in, q.v.
-, ……, Peglinch in, q.v.

Wells, Welles, co. Somerset, cathedral church of, prebend in. See Whitchurch.
-, ……, extent made at, 209 (p. 225).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 115, 209 (p. 227).

Wellum Morhouse, co. Nottingham. See Welham.

Wellyngouere in the parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln. See Wellingore.

Welnetham, Little, co. Suffolk, advowson of, 209 (p. 216).
-, ……, …., manor, 209 (p. 216).

Welshpool, la Pole [co. Montgomery], borough, 19 (pp. 21, 23).
-, ……, castle of (i.e. Powis Castle), 19 (pp. 20, 21, 23).
-, ……, fairs and market, 19 (pp. 21, 23).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 19 (pp. 21, 23).
-, ……, manor, 19 (pp. 20, 21, 23).
-, ……, Teirtref in, q.v.

Welton, co. Northampton, 125.

Welwyn, Welewes, Weluen, co. Hertford, 33, 86 (p. 88).
-, ……, Haggeford of, q.v.

Welyngton, co. Hereford. See Wellington.

Welyngton, John, John de, 209 (p. 223), 325 (p. 318).

Welyngtones in Ilketlyshale, co. Suffolk. See Wellingtons.

Wem, Wemme, co. Salop, lords of. See Butler; Ferrers.

Wembdon, Wemedon, co. Somerset, vicar of. See Kikke, John.

Wembury, co. Devon, Langdon in, q.v.

Wembworthy, Wemworthi, co. Devon, 325 (p. 314).

Wemedon, co. Somerset. See Wembdon.

Wemme, co. Salop. See Wem.

Wemworthi, co. Devon. See Wembworthy.

Wendling, Wendelyng, co. Norfolk, abbot of, 208.

Wendover, Wendovere, co. Buckingham, ‘Kyngiswode’ in, 100.

Wenge, co. Buckingham. See Wing.

Wenhaston, Wanhaston, co. Suffolk, 46 (pp. 43, 44).
-, ……, manor, 46 (p. 43).
-, ……, Mells in, q.v.

Wenlock, Much, Wenlok, co. Salop, inquisition taken at, 324.
-, ……, …., prior of, 250.

Wenon, Thomas, 190 (p. 200).

Wensley, co. York, Redmire in, q.v.

Wensleydale, Wensladale, co. York, 80 (p. 78).

Wentnor, co. Salop, Kinnerton in, q.v.

Wentworth, Emma de, 302.

Wenvoe, Wonfo, co. Glamorgan, 209 (p. 224).
-, ……, Wrinstone in, q.v.

Weo [in Stokesay parish], Wewe by Stokesay, co. Salop, 239.

Weobley, Webbele, co. Hereford, honor, 192 (p. 204).

Weoley [in Northfield parish], Wele, Weolegh [co. Worcester], lord of. See Botetourt, John.

Were Giffard, co. Devon. See Weare Gifford.

Wereham, Werham, co. Norfolk, 86 (p. 88).

Weremynstre, co. Wilts. See Warminster.

Werham, co. Norfolk. See Wereham.

Werkyngton [co. Cumberland]. See Workington.

Werlyng [Worlingham, co. Suffolk?], 148 (p. 161).

Wermegeye, Maurice, 325 (p. 312).

Wernririd [co-extensive with Llanvapley], Wrenre [co. Monmouth], 148 (p. 164).

Weseman, Andrew, 148 (p. 163).

Wesenham, co. Norfolk. See Weasenham.

Wesilheved, William, 333 (p. 328).

West Town [in Whitestone parish], Westecote, co. Devon, 325 (p. 314).

West, Matthew, tenant in Edlesborough, 5.
-, ……, Peter, 330.

Westacott [in Inwardleigh parish], Westcote, co. Devon, 325 (p. 313).
-, …… [in Landkey parish], Westcote, co. Devon, 325 (p. 315).
-, …… [in Sampford Courtenay parish], Wester Westecote, co. Devon, 325 (p. 314).

Westappese, co. Devon. See Tapps, West.

Westaycoscoghs, co. York. See Aiskew.

Westbarry, co. Glamorgan. See Barry, West.

Westbechesworthe, co. Surrey. See Betchworth.

Westbedewynde, co. Wilts. See Bedwyn, Great.

Westbek, John de, 58 (p. 57).

Westbradenham, co. Norfolk. See Bradenham, West.

Westbuddelegh, co. Devon. See Budleigh, West.

Westbukelond, co. Devon. See Buckland, West.

Westbury, co. Salop, Cause in, q.v.
-, ……, co. Wilts, manor, 155.
-, ……, partition made at, 155.
-, ……, Hundenhall in, q.v.
-, ……, Leigh, Westbury, in, q.v.
-, ……, hundred, 155.

Westcoker, co. Somerset. See Coker, West.

Westcolvyll [co. Cambridge]. See Weston Colville.

Westcote, co. Devon. See Westacott (bis).

Westcott [in Dorking parish], Westcote, co. Surrey, manor, 148 (pp. 149, 150).

Westdean near Seaford, Westdene, co. Sussex, manor, 190 (p. 199).
-, …… Exceat in, q.v.

Westecote, co. Devon. See West Town.
-, ……, Wester, co. Devon. See Westacott.

Westfield, in Hoddesdon parish, Westfeld, co. Hertford, 225 (pp. 238, 239).

Westgrenested, co. Sussex. See Grinstead, West.

Westgrenewych, co. Kent, manor. See Sayes Court.

Westhaddon, co. Northampton. See Haddon, West.

Westhanifelde, co. Essex. See Hanningfield, West.

Westhenneye, co. Berks. See Hanney, West.

Westhorp, co. Wilts. See Westrop.

Westhorp, William de, 32 (p. 31).

Westhorsle, Westhorslee, co. Surrey. See Horsley, West.

Westiderley, co. Southampton. See Tytherley, West.

Westlaton, co. York. See Layton, West.

Westle Waterles, co. Cambridge. See Westley Waterless.

Westlee, Westle, Burgia wife of John de, daughter of Thomas de Ormesby, 216.
-, ……, John de, 290.
-, ……, Burgia wife of John de, 290.
-, ……, Thomas son of John de, 290.

Westleigh, Westlegh, co. Devon, 325 (p. 317).

Westlexham, co. Norfolk. See Lexham, West.

Westley Waterless, Westle Waterles, co. Cambridge, manor, 214.

Westlutton, co. York. See Lutton, West.

Westmancote, Thomas, 10 (p. 9).

Westmill, Westmell, Westmelle, Westmelne, co. Hertford, 339 (p. 334).
-, ……, church, 339 (p. 334).
-, ……, manor, 339 (pp. 333–335).
-, ……, ‘Marines’ tenement in, 339 (p. 333).
-, ……, Wakeley in, q.v.

Westminster, co. Middlesex, abbot of, 10 (p. 8), 81 (p. 82), 104 (p. 101), 191, 192 (p. 202).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 34, 246 (p. 255).

Westmorland, Westmoreland, county of, bailiffs of, 43.
-, ……, lord of. See Clifford.

Westoftes, co. Norfolk. See Tofts, West.

Weston [in Berry Pomeroy parish], co. Devon, 325 (p. 314).
-, …… [in Bredwardine parish], Weston on Weghe, co. Hereford, 12.
-, …… [co. Pembroke]. See Wiston.
-, ……, co. Stafford. See Weston under Lizard.
-, ……, co. Warwick. See Weston under Wetherley.
-, ……, Alconbury, Wodeweston, co. Huntingdon, 148 (p. 155).
-, …… Colville, Westcolvyll [co. Cambridge], 86 (p. 87).
-, …… Favell, Weston Fauvel, co. Northampton, 148 (p. 162).
-, …… under Lizard, Weston, Weston under Leseyerd, Weston under Luseyord, co. Stafford, advowson, of 212.
-, …… Lullingfields [in Baschurch parish], Weston Lullyngeffeld, co. Salop, 355 (p. 350).
-, ……, Prestes, co. Salop. See Priestweston.
-, …… Turville, Weston Turvill, co. Buckingham, 100.
-, …… …., advowson of, 100.
-, …… …., inquisition taken at, 100.
-, …… …., manor, 100.
-, …… on Weghe, co. Hereford. See Weston supra.
-, …… under Wetherley, Weston, co. Warwick, 148 (p. 158).

Weston, John, John de, 280.
-, ……, …., Margaret wife of, sister of Edward de Stokke, 280.
-, ……, …., escheator in Norfolk and Suffolk, 17.
-, ……, …., knight, 325 (p. 310.)
-, ……, Lambert de, knight, 209 (p. 218).
-, ……, Roger de, 272.
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, 272.
-, ……, Thomas de, 246 (p. 255).
-, ……, …., juror, co. Stafford, 63 (p. 63).
-, ……, William de, 2.
-, ……, …., Margery wife of, also wife of Robert de Upton, 2.
-, ……, …., brother of John, 325 (p. 310).

Westow, Wystowee, co. York, 132.
-, ……, Eddlethorpe in, q.v.
-, ……, Firby in, q.v.

Westpecham, co. Kent. See Peckham, West.

Westrathvaghan [unidentified; co. Pembroke], 148 (p. 163).

Westrop [in Highworth parish], Westhorp, co. Wilts, manor, 53 (p. 50).

Westwode, Richard de, 66.

Westwood [in Preston next Faversham parish], Westwode, co. Kent, manor, 190 (p. 198).

Westwyke, co. Devon. See Week.

Wesynham, co. Norfolk. See Weasenham.

Wetherde, John, 161.
-, ……, …., Alice wife of, 161.
-, ……, …., John son of, 161.

Wetheresfeld, co. Suffolk. See Withersfield.

Wethermondeford, co. Essex. See Wormingford.

Wethersfield, co. Essex, Codham in, q.v.

Wetyng, co. Norfolk. See Weeting.

Wevelesworthi, co. Devon. See Willsworthy.

Wewe by Stokesay, co. Salop. See Weo.

Weybread, Weybrede, co. Suffolk, Coupere of q.v.

Weylond, John, knight, 179.
-, ……, Thomas de, 46 (p. 45).

Whaddon [in Alderbury parish], co. Wilts, manor, 113.

Whalley, co. Lancaster, Downham in, q.v.

Wharram Percy, co. York, Raisthorpe in, q.v.

Whassan, John de, 32 (p. 32).

Whatynden, Whatyndenne, Luke, Alice wife of, sister of William Cundy, 331, 335.
-, ……, Thomas, 335.

Whelcombegrove [(lost) in Barford St. John parish], co. Oxford, 277.

Whele, Thomas, 187.

Whelton, co. Northampton. See Whilton.

Whethermondford, co. Essex. See Wormingford.

Whilton, Whelton, co. Northampton, manor, 120.

Whimple, Wympel, co. Devon, manor, 325 (p. 309).
-, ……, Strete Raleigh in, q.v.

Whinfell [in Kendal parish], Quynfel, Whynfell, Wynfell, Wynsell, co. Westmorland, 58 (p. 55), 109 (p. 109).
-, ……, forest, foresters of, 43, 249.

Whissendine, Wyssenden, co. Rutland, 333 (p. 327),
-, ……, ‘Rotemore’ in, 333 (p. 327).

Whitacre, Nether, Whitacre of Giles son of Ralph, co. Warwick, 136 (p. 132).
-, ……, Over, Whitacre of Jordan de Whitacre, co. Warwick, 136 (p. 132).

Whitacre, Jordan de, 136 (p. 132).
-, ……, Richard, 136 (p. 132).

Whitby Strand, Whitebystrand, co. York, Neuton in. See Newton Mulgrave.

Whitcherch, co. Buckingham. See Whitchurch.

Whitcherche, Thomas, tawyer, 177.

Whitchirche, co. Buckingham. See Whitchurch.
-, ……, co. Salop. See Whitchurch.
-, ……, co. Warwick. See Whitchurch.

Whitchurch, Whitcherch, Whitchirche, co. Buckingham, inquisition taken at, 18.
-, ……, manor, 262.
-, ……, Witchurche, co. Devon, 325 (p. 316).
-, ……, Whytechurch, co. Glamorgan, manor, 209 (p. 220).
-, …… [co. Hereford], advowson of the church of St. Dubricius (Tiburcius), 148 (p. 164).
-, …… (Album Monasterium), Whitchirche, co. Salop, 148 (p. 161), 173.
-, ……, market and fairs, 173.
-, ……, Blake Mere in, q.v.
-, ……, Dodington in, q.v.
-, …… [in Binegar parish], co. Somerset, prebend in Wells cathedral, 81 (p. 82).
-, ……, Whitchirche, co. Warwick, manor, 136 (pp. 129, 130).
-, …… Canonicorum, co. Dorset, Marshwood Vale in, q.v.

White Carr [in Strensall parish], Qwitkerre, co. York, lawn, 97.

White, Whyte, Geoffrey, chaplain, 161.
-, ……, John, 166.
-, ……, Matthew, Joan wife of, daughter of Emma Verlegh, 326.
-, ……, Peter, clerk, 179.
-, ……, Thomas, Alice wife of, daughter of John son of Peter Cundy, 248.
-, ……, William, 166.

Whitebystrand, co. York. See Whitby Strand.

Whitecombe [unidentified], member of Chittlehampton, co. Devon, 209 (p. 217).

Whitecroft, John, heirs of, 325 (p. 316).

Whitefeld, Katharine de, 119 (p. 119).
-, ……, …., John son of, 119 (p. 119).
-, ……, …., William de Dacre son of, 119 (p. 119).
-, ……, Richard, 69.

Whiteford, co. Devon. See Whitford.

Whitelegh, co. Devon. See Whitleigh.
-, …… by Fareweye, co. Devon. See Whitley.

Whitelegh, John, 325 (p. 317).

Whitemere, Roger de, 164.

Whiteparish, la Whiteparish, co. Wilts, Fitz Elys of, q.v.

Whitestone [parish], co. Devon, Heath in, q.v.
-, ……, Oldridge in, q.v.
-, ……, West Town in, q.v.
-, …… [in Chittlehampton parish], Whiteston, co. Devon, 325 (p. 316).

Whiteway [in Kingsteignton parish], Whitweye, co. Devon, 325 (p. 317).

Whitewell, John, 152.
-, ……, Robert de, 201.

Whiteweye, Nicholas, 325 (p. 317).

Whitewill, co. Devon. See Whitwell.

Whitewom, le, co. Northumberland. See Whitwham.

Whitford [in Shute parish], Whiteford, co. Devon, manor, 325 (p. 308).
-, ……, …., la More in, 325 (p. 308).

Whitheton, co. Wilts. See Witherington.

Whithevid, Alan, chaplain, 32 (p. 33).

Whithors, Walter, 163.

Whitkirk, co. York, Templenewsam in, q.v.

Whitleigh [in St. Budeaux parish], Whitelegh, co. Devon, 325 (p. 317).

Whitley [in Farway parish], Whitelegh by Fareweye, co. Devon, 325 (p. 318).

Whitsond, John, 10 (p. 10).
-, ……, Stephen, 10 (p. 10).

Whittingham, Wytinggham, co. Northumberland, inquisition taken at, 27.
-, ……, Lorbottle in, q.v.

Whittington, Whityngton, Whytyngton, co. Lancaster, manor, 103, 109 (p. 107).
-, ……, Kirkslack in, q.v.
-, ……, Whitynton, Whytynton, co. Salop, inquisition taken at, 82.
-, ……, castle and lordship, 82.
-, ……, lord of. See Fitz Waryn.

Whitton [in Leintwardine parish, co. Hereford], Witton, co. Salop, 355 (p. 349).

Whitton, Philip de, Joan wife of, 352.
-, ……. Cf. Whyton; Wytton.

Whitwell [in Colyton parish], Whitewill, co. Devon, manor, 325 (p. 309).

Whitweye, co. Devon. See Whiteway.

Whitwham [in Lambley parish], le Whitewom, co. Northumberland, 32 (p. 33).

Whitwick, co. Leicester, Swannington in, q.v.

Whityngton, co. Lancaster. See Whittington.

Whitynton, co. Salop. See Whittington.

Whixley, Quixlay, Quixley, Qwhyxlay, co. York, 58 (p. 58), 132.
-, ……, Forster of, q.v.

Whorlton, co. York, Faceby in, q.v.

Whydyndon, William de, 209 (p. 224).

Whynfell, co. Westmorland. See Whinfell.

Whyte. See White.

Whytechurch, co. Glamorgan. See Whitchurch.

Whytenham, co. Wilts. See Wittenham.

Whyton, co. Norfolk. See Wighton.

Whyton, John, 235.
-, ……, Joan daughter of John, 235.
-, ……. Cf. Whitton; Wytton.

Whytsand [France]. See Wissant.

Whytyngton, co. Lancaster. See Whittington.

Wicham, co. Suffolk. See Wickham Skeith.

Wick, in Compton Dando parish, Seuerys Wyke by Compton Daundo, co. Somerset, hamlet, 53 (p. 49).

Wickham Bushes [in Lydden parish], Wykham by Leden, co. Kent, manor, 318.
-, …… Market, Wycham Market, co. Suffolk, inquisition taken at, 39.
-, …… Skeith, Wicham, co. Suffolk, manor, 236.

Wickhambrook, co. Suffolk, Badmondisfield in, q.v.

Wicklesham [in Great Faringdon parish], co. Berks. See Wadley and Wicklesham.

Wicklewood, Wykelwode, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 161).

Wickstow [in Ham in Berkeley parish], Wyckestowe in Hamme, co. Gloucester, 129.

Wicombe. See Wycombe.

Widcombe [in Farway parish], Wydecomb, co. Devon, 325 (p. 318).

Widdecombe in the Moor, Widicomb, co. Devon, 325 (p. 319).

Widey [in Egg Buckland parish], Wydy, co. Devon, 325 (p. 317).

Widford, Wodford, Wydeford, co. Essex, advowson of, 92.
-, ……, manor, 92, 142.

Widicomb, co. Devon. See Widdecombe in the Moor.

Widworthy, co. Devon, Sutton in, q.v.

Wiggemor, co. Hereford. See Wigmore.

Wigginton, Wygynton, co. Stafford, manor, 136 (p. 131), 148 (p. 145).

Wightman, William, 295.

Wighton, Whyton, co. Norfolk, manor, 273.

Wigmore, Wiggemor, Wyggemor, co. Hereford, abbot of, 355 (p. 349).
-, ……, manor, 355 (p. 349).

Wigston Parva [in Claybrooke parish], Wikyngeston, co. Leicester, 275.

Wigton, Wyggeton, Wygton, co. Cumberland, inquisitions taken at, 43, 199.

Wike. See Wyke.

Wikyngeston, co. Leicester. See Wigston Parva.

Wilbarston, co. Northampton, Pipewell in, q.v.

Wilbraham, Great, Great Wilburgham, co. Cambridge, 171.
-, ……, …., inquisition taken at, 171.

Wilde, Thomas, chaplain, 126.

Wilie, Wyly, John de, parson of Walton on Thames, 154 (p. 171).
-, ……, Laurence, 179.
-, ……. Cf. Wylly.

Wiliton, co. Somerset. See Williton.

Wilksby, Wilseby, co. Lincoln, 136 (p. 131).

Wilkyns, John, of Filton, 69.

Willakesham, co. Suffolk. See Willisham.

Wille. See Welle.

Willerby, co. York, Binnington in, q.v.

Willersley, Wylardesleye, co. Hereford, hamlet, 13.
-, ……, lordship, 13.

Willes, John, 300.
-, ……, Thomas son of John, 300.
-, ……. Cf. Wyllys.

Willestrew [in Lamerton parish], Willestrawe, co. Devon, 325 (p. 317).

Willey [in Sampford Courtenay parish], Wyghelegh, co. Devon, 325 (p. 315).
-, ……, Wylie, co. Warwick, 100, 148 (p. 159).

William, Adam son of, 32 (p. 31).
-, ……, Beatrice daughter of, heirs of, 32 (p. 33).
-, ……, William son of, 58 (p. 60).

Williames, John, chaplain, 98.

Willington, Wyliton, co. Bedford, 272.
-, ……, manor, 272.

Willisham, Willakesham, co. Suffolk, manor, 135.

Williton [in St. Decumans parish], Wiliton, Wylyton, co. Somerset, 148 (p. 155), 325 (p. 307).

Willsworthy [in Petertavy parish], Wevelesworthi, co. Devon, 325 (p. 318).

Wilmondesley, Little Wilmundele, co. Hertford. See Wymondley, Little.

Wilseby, co. Lincoln. See Wilksby.

Wilteshire. See Wiltshire.

Wilton, Wylton, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 160).
-, ……, manor, 190 (p. 199).
-, ……, Wylton, co. Wilts, abbess of, 180 (p. 190), 293.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 79, 180 (p. 191).

Wilts, county of, escheator in. See Isbury, John de.

Wiltshire, Wilteshire, John, citizen and pepperer of London, 225 (pp. 238, 239).

Wimbish, Wymbissh, co. Essex, rector of. See Lambourne, Robert.

Wimborne Minster, Wymborn Mynstre, Wymborne Mynstre, Wymbourne Ministre, Wymbourne Mynstre, co. Dorset, 85.
-, …… …., church of St. Cuthberga (Edburga) of, 85.
-, …… …., inquisitions taken at, 85, 126, 189, 252.
-, …… …., Barford in, q.v.
-, …… …., Petersham in, q.v.
-, …… St. Giles, co. Dorset, All Hallows in, q.v.
-, …… …., Philipston in, q.v.

Wimbotsham, Wymbotesham, co. Norfolk, 86 (p. 87).

Wimburntree, Wynborghetree, co. Worcester, hundred (absorbed in Oswaldslow), court of, 230.

Wincanton, Wyncaultone, Wynkaulton, co. Somerset, 298.
-, ……, borough, 81 (p. 82).
-, ……, Marsh in, q.v.

Winchcombe, Wynchecombe, co. Gloucester, inquisition taken at, 59.
-, ……, proof of age taken at, 161.
-, ……, Greet in, q.v.
-, ……, Gretton in, q.v.
-, ……, Littleworth in. See Lutlyngton.
-, ……, Naunton in, q.v.

Winchelsea, co. Sussex, Higham in, q.v.

Winchester, co. Southampton, 64.
-, ……, bishop of, 37, 113, 187, 257, 332. See also Edyngdon, William de; Wykeham, William de.
-, ……, castle, 189.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 257, 325 (p. 305).
-, ……, St. Mary, abbess of, 79.
-, ……, St. Swithun, prior of, 187.

Winder [in Barton parish], Wyndergh, co. Westmorland, 58 (pp. 55, 59).

Windermere, Wynandermer, Wynandermere, co. Westmorland, chapel, advowson of, 109 (p. 109).
-, ……, lake, fishery in, 58 (pp. 54, 55).
-, ……, …, Lady Holme, Seyntmariholm, island in, chapel, advowson of, 109 (p. 109).
-, ……, …., Rogerholme island in, q.v.
-, ……, manor, 109 (pp. 108, 109).
-, ……, Ambleside in, q.v.
-, ……, Applethwaite in, q.v.
-, ……, Calgarth in, q.v.
-, ……, Lickbarrow in, q.v.
-, ……, Troutbeck and Troutbeck Park in, q.v.
-, ……, Undermillbeck in, q.v.

Winderton [in Brailes parish], Wynterton, co. Warwick, manor, 209 (pp. 214, 215).

Windsor, Wyndesores [co. Berks], castle, 246 (p. 255).
-, ……, …., ward of, 246 (p. 255).

Winestead, Wyuestede in Holdernesse [co. York], parson of. See Erghum, Ralph de.

Winfarthing, Wynferthing, Wynferthyng, co. Norfolk, manor, 148 (pp. 147, 148).

Winford, Wynford, co. Somerset, 209 (p. 226).

Wing, Wenge, Wynge, co. Buckingham, inquisitions taken at, 5, 111.

Wingfield, Wyngefeld, co. Suffolk, 217.
-, ……, manor, 217.
-, ……, Earsham in, q.v.
-, ……, North, Wynfeld [co. Derby], parson of. See Bradeston, William de.

Winkleigh, Wynkeleye, co. Devon, foreign court, 209 (p. 217).
-, ……, Hollocombe in, q.v.

Winscombe, co. Somerset, Sandford in, q.v.

Winsford, Wynsford Ryvers, co. Somerset, 325 (pp. 319, 320).

Winson [in Bibury parish], Wynston, co. Gloucester, 321.

Winterborn Earls, co. Wilts. See Winterbourne Earls.

Winterbourne, Wynterborne by Bristol, Wynterbourn (by Bristol), Wynterbourne, co. Gloucester, 69.
-, ……, advowson of, 10 (p. 7).
-, ……, chantry in the church of, warden of. See Wynchestre, John de.
-, ……, manor, 10 (p. 7).
-, ……, parson of. See Murdak, Robert.
-, ……, Sturden in, q.v.
-, …… Earls, Winterborne Earls, co. Wilts, 22.
-, …… Ford, co. Wilts. See Ford.

Winterfold [in Chaddesley Corbett parish], Wynterfold, co. Worcester, 251 (pp. 260, 261).

Winterslow, Wyntereslewe, Wynterslewe, Wyntreslowe, co. Wilts, 113, 245 (p. 253).
-, ……, advowson of, 209 (p. 222).
-, ……, ‘Okrys’ croft in, 113.

Wirkesale, co. York. See Worsall, Low.

Wirksop, Wirsop, co. Nottingham. See Worksop.

Wiryot, Wyryot, Thomas, 60.
-, ……, Richard, 60.

Wise, John, 325 (pp. 317, 318).

Wiset, co. Suffolk. See Wissett.

Wishaw, Wyshawe, co. Warwick, 136 (p. 131).

Wissant [c. Marquise, arr. Boulogne, dépt. Pas de Calais, France], Wyssant, 7.

Wissett, Wiset, Wysete, co. Suffolk, 274.
-, ……, manor, 180 (pp. 191, 192), 274,

Wissington, Wyston, co. Suffolk, manor, 227 (p. 241).

Wistanstow, Wystanstowe, Wystanstowe by Stokesay, co. Salop, 301.
-, ……, church of, 301.
-, ……, Longville, Cheney, in, q.v.

Wiston, Weston [co. Pembroke], 148 (p. 163).

Wistow, Wystanstowe, Wystowe, co. Leicester, 136 (p. 132), 148 (p. 158).
-, ……, advowson of, 148 (p. 159).
-, ……, Wystowe, co. York, 299.

Witchampton, Wychampton, co. Dorset, advowson of, 180 (p. 190).

Witchurche, co. Devon. See Whitchurch.

Witcomb [in Hilmarton parish], Wydecomb [co. Wilts], Priour of, q.v.

Witham, Wytham, co. Essex, court of the honor of Boulogne at, 225 (p. 237).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 261 (p. 265).
-, ……, Howbridge in, q.v.
-, ……, North, Northwithom, Northwythom, co. Lincoln, 148 (p. 157).
-, ……, …., manor, 148 (p. 157).
-, ……, South, Southwithom, co. Lincoln, 101 (p. 98).

Withcall, Wythcale in the parts of Lyndeseye, co. Lincoln, manor, 108 (p. 106).

Withcote, Wythcok, co. Leicester, parson of. See Overton, Richard de.

Witheberd, William, of Clipstone, 289.
-, ……, John brother of William, 289.

Witheridge, co. Devon, Hill in, q.v.

Witherington [in Downton parish], Whitheton, Wytheton by Dounton, co. Wilts, 113.

Withersfield, Wetheresfeld, Wytersfeld, co. Suffolk, 148 (p. 160).

Withington, Wythyngdon, Wythynton, co. Salop, 19 (pp. 21–23).

Withybrook, co. Warwick, Hopsford in, q.v.

Withycombe [in Tedburn St. Mary parish], Wydecombe, co. Devon, 209 (p. 217).
-, …… Raleigh, co. Devon, Hulham in, q.v.

Witley, Great, Wytteleye, co. Worcester, manor, 251 (pp. 260, 261).

Witnesham, Wyttnesham, co. Suffolk, manor, 209 (p. 216).

Wittenham [now absorbed in Rowley in Farleigh Hungerford parish, co. Somerset,] Whytenham, co. Wilts, manor, 81 (p. 81).

Witton, co. Salop. See Whitton.
-, …… [in Droitwich parish], Wotton, Wytton, co. Worcester, 148 (p. 156), 213 (p. 230).

Wiveton, Wyveton, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 161).

Wix, Wykes, co. Essex, 148 (p. 154).
-, ……, prioress of, 148 (p. 154).

Wod. See Wode.

Woddesden, co. Buckingham. See Waddesdon.

Wode, Wod, Robert atte, 238.
-, ……, Alice atte, wife of John Asketyn and daughter of John son of Maud sister of Richard father of Thomas de Gravesende, 142.
-, ……, John atte, John del, 36 (p. 36).
-, ……, …., juror, co. Essex, 61.
-, ……, …., …., co. York, 302.
-, ……, Juliana wife of Robert atte, 238.
-, ……, Ralph del, 295.
-, ……, Robert son of Robert atte, 238.
-, ……, William atte, 254.
-, ……, …., the elder, 104 (p. 100).
-, ……, …., …., Joan wife of, 104 (p. 100).
-, ……, …., the younger, 104 (p. 100).
-, ……. Cf. Boys.

Wodebourne, co. Devon. See Woodburn.

Wodecestre, co. Gloucester. See Woodchester.

Wodecote, co. Salop. See Woodcote.

Wodecroft, co. Bedford. See Woodcroft.

Wodehall, Roger del, 58 (p. 57).

Wodehalle in Arkesdene, co. Essex. See Wood Hall.

Wodeham, Wodeham Ferers, Wodeham Ferrers, co. Essex. See Woodham Ferrers.

Wodehous, le, co. Cumberland. See Woodhouse.

Wodelegh, co. Devon. See Woodleigh.

Wodeleystille [unidentified], co. Gloucester, 209 (p. 222).

Wodell. See Wodhill.

Wodemeresthorn, co. Surrey. See Woodmansterne.

Woderton, co. Salop. See Wotherton.

Woderyngton. See Wydryngton.

Wodesdon, co. Buckingham. See Waddesdon.

Wodesevese, co. Hereford. See Woods Eaves.

Wodespene, co. Berks. See Woodspeen.

Wodestoke [co. Oxford]. See Woodstock.

Wodeton, co. Surrey. See Wotton.

Wodeton Mautravers, co. Dorset. See Wootton Fitzpaine.

Wodeweston, co. Huntingdon. See Weston, Alconbury.

Wodeville, Thomas de, heirs of, 325 (p. 315).

Wodford [co. Essex]. See Widford.

Wodhill, Great, co. Bedford. See Odell.
-, ……, Little, co. Bedford. See Odell, Little.

Wodhill, Wodell, Wodhull, Wodhulle, Elizabeth and Eleanor daughters of John de, knight, 293.
-, ……, John father of John de, 293.
-, ……, …., knight, 293.
-, ……, …., …., Isabel wife of, 293.
-, ……, Nicholas uncle of John de, 293.
-, ……, Robert de, 148 (p. 156).
-, ……, Thomas de, heir of, 148 (p. 145).
-, ……, Walter de, heirs of, 78.
-, ……, William, William de, 293.

Wodhous, co. Leicester. See Woodhouse.

Wodhull, Wodhulle. See Wodhill.

Wodthorp, Staveley, Stavley, co. Derby. See Woodthorpe.

Wogan, John, 148 (p. 163).
-, ……, …., knight, Isabel wife of, 279.
-, ……, Matthias, 148 (p. 163).
-, …., Thomas, 148 (p. 163).

Wogate, John de, 303.
-, ……, William, 303.

Woketon, co. Buckingham. See Woughton on the Green.

Woking, co. Surrey, hundred of, Wokkynggehundred, meeting-place of. See Harmes Hatch.

Wolaston, co. Northampton. See Wollaston.

Wolaston, William de, 148 (p. 163).

Wolcomb Mautravers, co. Dorset. See Woolcombe.

Wolde, co. Northampton. See Old.

Wolderigge, co. Devon. See Oldridge.

Wolerygton, Robert de, 41.

Woleston, co. Warwick. See Wolston.

Wolf, John, 325 (p. 315).

Wolferston. See Wolverston.

Wolferton, Roger de, 39.
-, ……. Cf. Wolverston; Wolverton.

Wolfhampcote, co. Warwick, Flecknoe in, q.v.
-, ……, Nethercote in, q.v.

Wolfordisworthi, co. Devon. See Woolfardisworthy.

Wolfreton, co. Salop. See Woofferton.

Woll’, David de, 86 (p. 85).

Wollaston, Wolaston, co. Northampton, 148 (p. 163).

Wolledon, co. Devon. See Woolladon.

Wolreby, co. Lincoln. See Worlaby.

Wolston, Woleston, co. Warwick, 159.
-, ……, Bray of, q.v.

Wolterton, Walterton, John de, parson of Harpley, 46 (pp. 43, 44).
-, ……, Roger de, 86 (p. 87).

Wolverhampton, Wolvernehampton, co. Stafford, inquisitions taken at, 148 (p. 145), 250.

Wolverston, Wolferston, Roger, Roger de, 92, 218, 303.
-, ……. Cf. Wolferton.

Wolverton, co. Buckingham, manor, 292.

Wolverton, John de, knight, 292.
-, ……, Cecily daughter of John de, 292.
-, ……, Constance daughter of John de, 292.
-, ……, Elizabeth daughter of John de, wife successively of Leonard Bekeryng, Roger ‘of the’ Chaumbre and William de Cogenho, 292.
-, ……, Joan daughter of John de, wife of Hugh Wake, 292.
-, ……, …. first wife of John de, daughter of Bartholomew Pecche, 292.
-, ……, …. second wife of John de, also wife of William Seintluys, 292.
-, ……, Margery daughter of John de, wife successively of Ingram Hunte, Roger Louthe and Richard Butterley, 292.
-, ……, Ralph de, 325 (p. 322).
-, ……, Sarah daughter of John de, wife of Richard Basyng, 292.
-, ……. Cf. Wolferton.

Wolveston by Suthampton, co. Southampton. See Woolston.

Womberlegh, co. Devon. See Umberleigh.

Woneford, Est and West, co. Devon. See Wonford.

Wonfo, co. Glamorgan. See Wenvoe.

Wonford [in Heavitree parish], Est and West Woneford, co. Devon, 325 (p. 318).
-, ……, hundred, 325 (p. 310).
-, …… [in Thornbury parish], West Waneford, co. Devon, 325 (p. 316).

Wood Hall, in Arkesden parish, Wodehalle in Arkesdene, co. Essex, manor, 101 (p. 97).

Woodburn [in Oakford parish], Wodebourne, co. Devon, 325 (p. 313).

Woodchester, Wodecestre, co. Gloucester, advowson of, 180 (p. 189).
-, ……, manor, 180 (p. 189).

Woodcote [in Sheriff Hales parish], Wodecote, co. Salop, lord of, 324.

Woodcroft [(lost) in Luton parish], Wodecroft, co. Bedford, manor, 153, 154 (p. 171).

Woodditton, Ditton Valeys, co. Cambridge, 245 (p. 254).
-, ……, Camois Hall in, q.v.
-, ……, Saxton Street in, q.v.

Woodham Ferrers, Wodeham, Wodeham Ferers, Wodeham Ferrers, co. Essex, advowson of, 134, 330.
-, …… …., manor, 134, 329, 330.

Woodhorn, Weedhorne, co. Northumberland, manor, 339 (p. 338).
-, ……, place-names in, 339 (p. 338).
-, ……, Hirst in, q.v.
-, ……, Newbiggin in, q.v.
-, ……, Seaton, North, in, q.v.

Woodhouse [in Brampton parish], le Wodehous, co. Cumberland, 119 (p. 118).
-, …… [in Barrow upon Soar parish], Wodhous, co. Leicester, 126.

Woodleigh, Wodelegh, co. Devon, 325 (pp. 312, 317).
-, ……, advowson of, 325 (p. 320).
-, ……, Grimpstonleigh in. See Legh Artour.

Woodmansterne, Wodemeresthorn, co. Surrey, 209 (p. 225).

Woods Eaves [in Eardisley parish], Wodesevese, co. Hereford, lordship, 13.

Woodspeen [in Speen parish], Wodespene, co. Berks, manor, 91.

Woodstock, Wodestoke [co. Oxford], Thomas of. See Thomas.

Woodthorpe [in Staveley parish], Staveley Wodthorp, Stavley Wodthorp, co. Derby, 295.

Woofferton [in Richards Castle parish], Wolfreton, co. Salop, 213 (pp. 228, 230).

Woolcombe [in Melbury Bubb parish], Owolcom, Wolcomb Mautravers, 180 (p. 191).
-, ……, manor, 180 (p. 190).
-, ……, …., advowson of the church of, 180 (p. 190).

Woolfardisworthy [in Hartland hundred], co. Devon, Ashmansworthy in, q.v.
-, ……, Stroxworthy in, q.v.
-, …… [in Witheridge hundred], Wolfordisworthi, co. Devon, 325 (p. 319).
-, ……, Densham in, q.v.
-, ……, Emlett in, q.v.

Woolladon [in Meeth parish], Wolledon, co. Devon, 325 (p. 314).

Woolston [in St. Mary Extra parish], Wolveston by Suthampton, co. Southampton, 37.

Wootton, Wotton, Wottone, co. Bedford, 178.
-, ……, Marshall of, q.v.
-, ……, Wotton, co. Northampton, 148 (p. 162).
-, ……, advowson of, 148 (p. 145).
-, ……, manor, 148 (p. 145).
-, ……, Wotton, co. Oxford, hundred, service of bearing a pennon before footmen of, 277.
-, …… Fitzpaine, Wodeton Mautravers, co. Dorset, advowson of, 180 (p. 190).
-, …… …., manor, 180 (p. 190).
-, …… Rivers, Wotton Ryvers, co. Wilts, manor, 113.
-, …… Wawen, co. Warwick, Henley in Arden in, q.v.

Worcester, Wyrcestre, co. Worcester, 213 (p. 229).
-, ……, bishop of, 180 (p. 190), 209 (pp. 218, 219), 230. See also Barnet, John.
-, ……, bishopric of, 99, 196, 230.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 10 (p. 9), 148 (pp. 151, 156), 213 (pp. 229, 230), 352.
-, ……, All Saints, church, advowson of, 213 (p. 230).
-, ……, St. Mary, prior of, 10 (p. 9).

Worcombe, co. Devon. See Warcombe.

Wordwell, Wretewell, Wretewelle, co. Suffolk, manor, 231.

Worfield, Worfeld, co. Salop, manor, 148 (p. 145).
-, ……, Low, The, in, q.v.

Worfton, William, 79.

Workington, Werkyngton [co. Cumberland], parson of. See Askeby, Richard de.

Worksop, Wirksop, Wirsop, co. Nottingham, inquisition taken at, 9 (p. 6), 289.

Worlaby [near Glanford Brigg], Wolreby, co. Lincoln, 9 (p. 6).

Worle, co. Somerset, 148 (p. 155).

Worlingham, co. Suffolk. See Werlyng.

Worlington, Wridelyngton, Wridlyngton, Wrydelyngton, Wrydlyngton, co. Suffolk, 86 (p. 87), 148 (p. 160).
-, ……, manor, 148 (pp. 147, 148).
-, ……, East, co. Devon, Blagrove in, q.v.
-, ……, …., Pedley in, q.v.

Wormegay, Wyrmegeye, co. Norfolk, honor, 17.
-, ……, lords of. See Bardolf.
-, ……, manor, 17.

Wormeleghton, co. Warwick. See Wormleighton.

Wormenhale, co. Buckingham. See Worminghall.

Wormingford, Wethermondeford, Wbethermondford, Wythermondford, Wythermoundford, co. Essex, 95.
-, ……, manor, 227 (p. 240).
-, ……, vicar of. See Baroun, William.

Worminghall, Wormenhale, co. Buckingham, inquisition taken at, 133.
-, ……, manor, 133.
-, ……, Thomley in, q.v.

Wormleighton, Wormeleghton, co. Warwick, manor, 278.

Worplesdon, co. Surrey, Burpham in, q.v.
-, ……, Wyke in, q.v.

Worsall, Low [in Kirkleavington parish], Wirkesale, Wyrkesall, co. York, 58 (pp. 56, 58).

Worstead, Worsted, co. Norfolk, 86 (p. 87).

Worth, in Little Horsted parish, Worthe, co. Sussex, 342.
-, …… Matravers, Worth in Purbyk, co. Dorset, manor, 180 (p. 191).

Worth, Worthe, John son of William de, 342.
-, ……, John, John de, 342.
-, ……, …., knight, 190 (p. 200).
-, ……, …., …., Blanche wife of, also wife of Thomas de Ponynges, 190 (pp. 199, 200).
-, ……, …., …., great-great-nephew of John Langley and kinsman of Joan wife of John Trillowe (pedigree given), 75, 211.
-, ……, William de, 342.
-, ……. Cf. Wroth.

Worthy [in Rackenford parish], Worthi, co. Devon, 325 (p. 315).
-, ……, Headbourne, Worthymortymer, co. Southampton, inquisition taken at, 54.
-, ……, …., manor, 54.

Worton, Nether, Netherorton, co. Oxford, 277.
-, ……, …., Page of, q.v.

Worvesleye, Robert de, 148 (p. 156).

Woteryngbury, co. Kent. See Wateringbury.

Wotherton [in Chirbury parish], Woderton, co. Salop, 355 (p. 350).

Wotringbury, co. Kent. See Wateringbury.

Wottesdene, Wottesdon, Wottesdone, co. Buckingham. See Waddesdon.

Wotton, co. Bedford. See Wootton.
-, ……, co. Northampton. See Wootton.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Wootton.
-, ……, Wodeton, co. Surrey, 209 (p. 224).
-, ……, co. Worcester. See Witton.
-, …… Ryvers, co. Wilts. See Wootton Rivers.

Wotton, William de, 59.
-, ……, John de, 86 (p. 87).
-, ……, …. son of William de, 59.

Wottone, co. Bedford. See Wootton.

Wough, Wought, John, 190 (p. 200).
-, ……, …., bondman, 190 (p. 200).
-, ……, Robert, bondman, 190 (p. 200).
-, ……. Cf. Wouth.

Woughton on the Green, Woketon, co. Buckingham, advowson of, 11.
-, …… …., manor, 11.

Wouth, John, 190 (p. 201).
-, ……. Cf. Wought.

Wra, co. Cumberland. See Wreay.

Wragby, co. Lincoln, inquisition taken at, 108 (p. 106).

Wragby, Robert de, 58 (p. 58).

Wramplingham, Wrannyngham, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 161).

Wrangdike, Wrangdyk, co. Rutland, service of suit at the hundred of, 170.

Wrannyngham, co. Norfolk. See Wramplingham.

Wrantham, co. Suffolk. See Wrentham.

Wrantham, Thomas de, 190 (p. 200).

Wrastlingworth, Wrastlyngworth, co. Bedford. See Wrestlingworth.

Wrauby, co. Lincoln. See Wrawby.

Wrauby, William de, of, Lincolnshire, 9 (p. 6).

Wrawby, Wrauby, co. Lincoln, manor, 9 (p. 6).
-, ……, Glanford Brigg in, q.v.

Wreay [in Brampton parish], Wra, co. Cumberland, 119 (p. 118).

Wrench, Thomas, 10 (p. 10).

Wrenre [co. Monmouth]. See Wernririd.

Wrenstede, co. Kent. See Frinsted.

Wrentham, Wrantham, co. Suffolk, 86 (p. 87), 190 (p. 200).
-, ……, assignment of dower made at, 190 (p. 200).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 349.
-, ……, place-names in, 190 (p. 200), 349.
-, ……, North Hall in, q.v.

Wrestlingworth, Wrastlingworth, Wrastlyngworth, co. Bedford, manor, 153.

Wretewell, Wretewelle, co. Suffolk. See Wordwell.

Wrickton and Walkerslow [both in Stottesden parish], Wyrketon and Walkeslowe, co. Salop, manor, 250.

Wridelyngton, Wridlyngton, co. Suffolk. See Worlington.

Wright, Wrighte, Wryght, Geoffrey, 333 (p. 328).
-, ……, John, bond tenant, 271.
-, ……, Richard, 227 (p. 240).
-, ……, …., of Holbeach, clerk, 261 (p. 268).
-, ……, Thomas, 167.
-, ……, William, 345.
-, ……, …. son of Walter le, 58 (p. 57).

Wrington, Wryngton, co. Somerset, 115.

Wrinstone [in Wenvoe parish], Wrynchston, co. Glamorgan, 209 (p. 223).

Writtle, Writele, co. Essex, 92.
-, ……, ancient demesne of, 92.
-, ……, manor, 92.

Wrockwardine, Wrokwardyn, co. Salop, manor, 105 (p. 102).
-, ……, Allscot in, q.v.
-, ……, Charlton in, q.v.

Wroth, John, the younger, 131.
-, ……, Richard, 148 (p. 164).
-, ……. Cf. Worth.

Wroxham, Thomas de, 218.

Wrydelyngton, Wrydlyngton, co. Suffolk. See Worlington.

Wryght. See Wright.

Wrynchston, co. Glamorgan. See Wrinstone.

Wryngton, co. Somerset. See Wrington.

Wy, co. Kent. See Wye.

Wybbenham [unidentified], co. Hereford, lordship, 13.

Wyboston [in Eaton Socon parish], Wyboldeston, Wymboldeston, co. Bedford, 80 (p. 77), 140.

Wych, co. Worcester. See Droitwich.

Wycham Markat, co. Suffolk. See Wickham Market.

Wychampton, co. Dorset. See Witchampton.

Wychbold [in Dodderhill parish], Wychebaud, co. Worcester, manor, 213 (p. 229).

Wyckestowe in Hamme, co. Gloucester. See Wickstow.

Wycliff, John de, 80 (p. 80).

Wycliffe, co. York, Thorpe in, q.v.

Wycombe, High, Wycombe, co. Buckingham, inquisition taken at, 209 (p. 216).

Wycombe, Wicombe, John, 262.
-, ……, Richard, churchwarden of All Hallows the Great, London, 219.

Wyddial, co. Hertford, Buntingford in, q.v.

Wydecomb, co. Devon. See Widcombe.
-, …… [co. Wilts]. See Witcomb.

Wydecombe, co. Devon. See Withycombe.

Wydeford, co. Essex. See Widford.

Wydryngton, Wedryngton, Woderyngton, Gerard de, 339 (p. 338).
-, ……, John son of Roger de, 339 (p. 338).
-, ……, Roger brother of Gerard de, 339 (p. 338).

Wydy, co. Devon. See Widey.

Wye, Wy, co. Kent, manor, 190 (p. 199).

Wygemer, Wykemer, Adam, clerk, 190 (p. 200).

Wyggemor [co. Hereford]. See Wigmore.

Wyggeton, co. Cumberland. See Wigton.

Wyghelegh, co. Devon. See Willey.

Wyght, Wygth, Walter, 10 (p. 10).
-, ……, William, 63 (p. 64).

Wygod, James, Constance wife of, sister of William Cundy, 331, 335.

Wygton, co. Cumberland. See Wigton.

Wygynton, co. Stafford. See Wigginton.

Wyke [in Axminster parish], Wyke Doune, co. Devon, 325 (p. 319).
-, ……, co. Devon. See Chawleigh Week.
-, …… [in Worplesdon parish], co. Surrey, 209 (p. 225).
-, …… Doune, co. Devon. See Wyke supra.
-, ……, Seuerys, by Compton Daundo, co. Somerset. See Wick.

Wyke, Wike, [—] de, of Stamford, heirs of, 101 (p. 98).
-, ……, John, juror, co. Somerset, 298 343.
-, ……, …., …., Ellen wife of, 298.
-, ……, …., tenant, co. Devon, 325 (p. 319).
-, ……, Nicholas, 52.
-, ……, Robert, 148 (p. 155).
-, ……, Thomas, 202.
-, ……, Walter de, 209 (p. 225).
-, ……, William, parson of Kenn, 325 (p. 307).

Wykeham, Wykham, William de, archdeacon of Lincoln [1363–1367], 191, 192, (p. 203).
-, ……, …., bishop of Winchester [1367–1404], 172.

Wykelangeford, co. Devon. See Germansweek.

Wykelwode, co. Norfolk. See Wicklewood.

Wykemer. See Wygemer.

Wykes. co. Essex, See Wix.

Wykham by Leden, co. Kent. See Wickham Bushes.

Wykham. See Wykeham.

Wykyngesham, co. Berks. See Wadley and Wicklesham.

Wylardesleye, co. Hereford. See Willersley.

Wylie, co. Warwick. See Willey.

Wyliton, co. Bedford. See Willington.

Wylkyn, Robert, 164.

Wyllughby, John de, of Ingoldsby, 201.

Wylly, Henry, chaplain, 202.
-, ……. Cf. Wilie.

Wyllys, John, 239.
-, ……. Cf. Willes.

Wylmundele, Great and Little, co. Hertford. See Wymondley, Great and Little.

Wylot, John, brother of Stephen atte Bergh, 243.
-, ……, …. son of John, Margaret daughter of, wife of Simon Diraunt, 243.

Wylton, co. Norfolk. See Wilton.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Wilton.

Wyly. See Wilie.

Wylyngham, Master William de, 118 (p. 117).

Wylyton, co. Somerset. See Williton.

Wymbissh, co. Essex. See Wimbish.

Wymboldeston, co. Bedford. See Wyboston.

Wymborn Mynstre, Wymborne Mynstre, co. Dorset. See Wimborne Minster.

Wymbotesham, co. Norfolk. See Wimbotsham.

Wymbourne Ministre, Wymbourne Mynstre, co. Dorset. See Wimborne Minster.

Wymondeham, Adam de, 64.

Wymondham, co. Norfolk, inquisitions taken at, 17, 101 (p. 96).
-, ……, prior of, 86 (p. 88).

Wymondley, Great, Great Wylmundele, co. Hertford, manor, 180 (p. 189).
-, ……, Little, Wilmondesley, Little Wilmundele, Little Wylmundele, co. Hertford, free chapel, 180 (p. 189).
-, ……, …., manor, 180 (p. 189).
-, ……, …., prior of, 86 (p. 88).

Wympel, co. Devon. See Whimple.

Wympton, John de, 170.

Wyn, Walter, 10 (p. 12).
-, …… alias Henry, Stephen, 10 (p. 12).

Wynandermer, Wynandermere, co. Westmorland. See Windermere.

Wynanderwath, co. Westmorland. See Asby Winderwath.

Wynborghetree, co. Worcester. See Wimburntree.

Wyncaultone, co. Somerset. See Wincanton.

Wynchecombe, co. Gloucester. See Winchcombe.

Wynchestre, John, John de, 209 (p. 224).
-, ……, …., warden of a chantry in Winterbourne church, 10 (pp. 8, 9).

Wyndergh, co. Westmorland. See Winder.

Wyndesore, Wyndesores, Miles son of James son of Richard de, 64.
-, ……, Hugh de, 246 (p. 255).
-, ……, James son of Richard de, 64.
-, ……, William, 109 (p. 109).

Wyndesores [co. Berks]. See Windsor.

Wyndesores. See Wyndesore.

Wyneby, Robert de, 148 (p. 156).

Wynfeld [co. Derby]. See Wingfield, North.

Wynfell, co. Westmorland. See Whinfell.

Wynferthing, Wynferthyng, co. Norfolk. See Winfarthing.

Wynford, co. Somerset. See Winford.
-, …… Eagle, Wynfred Egle, co. Dorset, manor, 81 (p. 81).

Wynge, co. Buckingham. See Wing.

Wyngefeld, co. Suffolk. See Wingfield.

Wyngefeld, Wynkfeld, Eleanor wife of John de, knight, 217.
-, ……, John de, knight, Katherine daughter of, wife of Michael de la Pole, 217.

Wynkaulton, co. Somerset. See Wincanton.

Wynkeleye, co. Devon. See Winkleigh.

Wynkfeld. See Wyngefeld.

Wynneferthyng, Richard, Richard de, clerk, 339 (pp. 334, 335).

Wynnesbury, Henry de, 19 (p. 22).

Wynnshurst, John, chaplain, 126.

Wynsell, co. Westmorland. See Whinfell.

Wynsford Ryvers, co. Somerset. See Winsford.

Wynston, co. Gloucester. See Winson.

Wynter, William, 339 (p. 331).

Wynterborn Forde, co. Wilts. See Ford.
-, …… Homanton, co. Wilts. See Homanton.

Wynterborne by Bristol, Wynterbourn (by Bristol), co. Gloucester. See Winterbourne.

Wynterbourne, co. Gloucester. See Winterbourne.
-, …… Madyngton, co. Wilts. See Maddington.

Wyntereslewe, co. Wilts. See Winterslow.

Wynterfold, co. Worcester. See Winterfold.

Wynterslewe, co. Wilts. See Winterslow.

Wynterton, co. Warwick. See Winderton.

Wyntreshull, Thomas de, Alice wife of, 209 (p. 225).

Wyntreslowe, co. Wilts. See Winterslow.

Wyot, John, bailiff of the honor of Rayleigh, 89.

Wyrcestre, co. Worcester. See Worcester.

Wyresdale, Nether [in Garstang parish], Wyresdale, co. Lancaster, manor, 103, 109 (pp. 107, 108), 229.

Wyrkesale, John de, 58 (p. 57).

Wyrkesall, co. York. See Worsall, Low.

Wyrkesop, John de, 302.

Wyrketon, co. Salop. See Wrickton.

Wyrkfauk, Roger, 58 (p. 57).

Wyrmegeye, co. Norfolk. See Wormegay.

Wyroun, William, 343.

Wyryot. See Wiryot.

Wysete, co. Suffolk. See Wissett.

Wyshawe, co. Warwick. See Wishaw.

Wyssenden, co. Rutland. See Whissendine.

Wystanstowe, co. Leicester. See Wistow.
-, ……, Wystanstowe by Stokesay, co. Salop. See Wistanstow.

Wyston, co. Suffolk. See Wissington.

Wystowe, co. Leicester. See Wistow.
-, ……, co. York. See Wistow.

Wystowee, co. York. See Westow.

Wyteneye, Baldwin de, 136 (p. 131).

Wytersfeld, [co. Suffolk] See Withersfield.

Wytham, co. Essex. See Witham.

Wythcale in the parts of Lyndeseye, co. Lincoln. See Withcall.

Wythcok, co. Leicester. See Withcote.

Wythermondford, Wythermoundford, co. Essex. See Wormingford.

Wytheton by Dounton, co. Wilts. See Witherington.

Wythmale, John, knight, 209 (p. 218).

Wythornwyk, Thomas de, 70 (pp. 69, 70).

Wythyndon, Wythynton, co. Salop. See Withington.

Wytinggham, co. Northumberland. See Whittingham.

Wytteleye, co. Worcester. See Witley, Great.

Wyttnesham, co. Suffolk. See Witnesham.

Wytton, co. Worcester. See Witton.

Wytton, Thomas de, 162.
-, ……. Cf. Whitton; Whyton.

Wyuestede in Holdernesse, [co York]. See Winestead.

Wyveton, co. Norfolk. See Wiveton.

Wyville, Robert, R., bishop of Salisbury [1330–1375], 53 (p. 50), 148 (p. 143).