Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.
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A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Index of Persons and Places: I', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III(London, 1952), British History Online [accessed 29 March 2025].
A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Index of Persons and Places: I', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III(London, 1952), British History Online, accessed March 29, 2025,
A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector. "Index of Persons and Places: I". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. (London, 1952), British History Online. Web. 29 March 2025.
Ibberton, Ebrighton, Ebryghton, co. Dorset, 325 (p. 321).
-, ……, advowson of, 107, 325 (pp. 308, 321).
-, ……, manor, 107, 325 (p. 308).
Ibstock, Ibestok, Ibestoke, co. Leicester, 148 (p. 158).
-, ……, advowson of, 148 (p. 159).
-, ……, church of, John de Barwe, clerk, presented to, 148 (p. 157).
Ichell, co. Southampton. See Itchell.
Ichynton, co. Gloucester. See Itchington.
Ickburgh, Ikeburgh, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 161).
Ickleton, Ikelynton, co. Cambridge, inquisition taken at, 200.
Icklingham, Hikelyngham, co. Suffolk, manor called ‘Berners Halle,’ 246 (p. 257).
Ideford, Yiddeford, co. Devon, 325 (p. 318).
Idelegh, John, 141 (pp. 137, 138).
Iden, Idenn, co. Sussex, manor, 141 (pp. 136, 138).
Ideshale, co. Salop. See Shifnal.
Idonia, William son of, 333 (p. 328).
Idyngton, co. Northumberland. See Edington.
Ifield, Ifeld, co. Sussex, 190 (pp. 197, 199).
-, ……, rector of. See Cook, Robert.
Ihamme, co. Sussex. See Higham.
Ikeburgh, co. Norfolk. See Ickburgh.
Ikelynton, co. Cambridge. See Ickleton.
Ikham, Thomas, 190 (p. 200).
Ilchester, Ilcestre, Ivelchestre, Jevelcestre, Jevelchestre, Yevelcestre, co. Somerset, 325 (p. 307).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 81 (p. 82), 105 (p. 103), 148 (p. 155).
-, ……, writing dated at, 325 (p. 321).
-, ……, St. Michael, church of, advowson of, 325 (p. 321).
Ilderton, Thomas de, sheriff of Northumberland, 162.
Ilfracombe, Ilferdicombe, co. Devon, 325 (p. 313).
-, ……, Haggington, West, in, q.v.
-, ……, Lincombe in, q.v.
-, ……, Mullacott in, q.v.
-, ……, Warcombe in, q.v.
Ilkeston, Elkiston, co. Derby, advowson of, 108 (p. 107).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 108 (p. 107).
-, ……, manor, 108 (p. 107).
Ilketshall, Ilketeshale, Ilketleshale, Ilketlishale, Ilketlyshale, co. Suffolk, 46 (pp. 43, 44).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 334.
-, ……, lands called ‘Fyttons’ in, 46 (p. 44).
-, ……, manor, 46 (p. 43).
-, ……, …. called ‘Bardolfveshalle,’ 334.
-, ……, ‘Mundhamfee’ in, 334.
-, ……, Wellingtons in, q.v.
Illington, Hillyngton, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 161).
Ilsington, Ilstinkton, co. Devon, 325 (p. 317).
-, ……, Bagtor in, q.v.
-, ……, Ingsdon in, q.v.
-, ……, Sigford in, q.v.
-, ……, Staplehill in, q.v.
Ilmendon, Thomas de, 83.
Imbeham, co. Surrey. See Imbhams.
Imber, Immere, co. Wilts, 83 113.
Imbert, Simon son of, 308.
Imbhams [in Haslemere parish], Imbeham, co. Surrey, 181.
Imeneye, co. Worcester. See Impney.
Immere, co. Wilts. See Imber.
Impney [in Dodderhill parish], Imeneye, co. Worcester, 213 (p. 230).
Ingaldesthorp, Thomas de, 86 (p. 87).
Ingaldisthorp, co. Norfolk. See Ingoldisthorpe.
Inge, lady de, 209 (p. 225).
Ingelby, Thomas de, 32 (p. 31).
Ingelwod, Ingelwode, co. Cumberland. See Inglewood.
Ingelwramosse [unidentified], co. Cumberland, 119 (p. 118).
Ingleigh [in Broadwood Kelly parish], Ynnelegh, co. Devon, 325 (p. 319).
Inglewood, Ingelwod, Ingelwode, co. Cumberland, forest, foresters of, 199.
-, ……, service of keeping king’s hawks in, 48.
Inglis. See Englissh.
Ingoldesby, co. Lincoln. See Ingoldsby.
Ingoldisthorpe, Ingaldisthorp, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 160).
Ingoldsby, Ingoldesby, co. Lincoln, 201.
Ingram, Angreham [co. Northumberland], parson of. See Evenwode, Robert de.
Ingsdon [in Ilsington parish], Aynekesdon, co. Devon, 325 (p. 317).
Inkberrow, Intebergh, co. Worcester, 148 (p. 156).
-, ……, manor, 148 (pp. 151, 156).
-, ……, vicar of, 148 (p. 156).
-, ……, vicarage, advowson of, 148 (p. 156).
-, ……, Knighton in, q.v.
-, ……, Morton Underhill in, q.v.
-, ……, Thorne in, q.v.
-, ……, Little [in Inkberrow parish], Lyttelintebaregh, co. Worcester, 148 (p. 156).
Inkepenne, John son of John, a minor, 37.
-, ……, Robert brother of John son of John, 37.
Inkpen, co. Berks, Haslewick in, q.v.
Inneworth, co. Essex. See Inworth.
Insula. See Lisle.
Intebaregh, John de, 148 (p. 156).
Intebergh, co. Worcester. See Inkberrow.
Inwaldelegh, Richard de, heirs of, 325 (p. 319).
Inwardleigh, Inwardelegh, co. Devon, 325 (p. 313).
-, ……, Curworthy, in q.v.
-, ……, Westacott in, q.v.
Inworth, Inneworth, co. Essex, 95.
Ippesleye, co. Warwick. See Ipsley.
Ippestones, John de, knight, Elizabeth wife of, daughter of Thomas son of Robert Corbet, 110.
Ipplepen, co. Devon, Battleford in, q.v.
Ippollitts, cb. Hertford, Maydencroft in, q.v.
Ipre, John de, knight, 119 (p. 117).
Ipsley, Ippesleye, co. Warwick, 148 (p. 158).
Ipswich, co. Suffolk, inquisitions taken at, 92, 102, 151, 209 (p. 216), 231, 236, 282.
-, ……, proof of age made at, 303.
-, ……, Holy Trinity, prior of, 231.
Irdesleye, co. Hereford. See Eardisley.
Ireland, 247.
-, ……, journey to, 156.
-, ……, Ros of, q.v.
-, Ballylower [in Ballon parish], Ballilawer, Ballylawere, co. Carlow, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
-, Ballymacane [in Tacumshin parish], Ballymackarne, Ballymakarne, co. Wexford, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
-, Ballymore, co. Wexford, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
-, Ballyregan [in Ballymore parish], co. Wexford, 148 (p. 152).
-, Ballysampson [in Tacumshin parish], Balysampson, co. Wexford, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
-, Carlow, Cathirlagh, Kathirlagh, co. Carlow, 148 (p. 152).
-, …., castle, 148 (p. 153).
-, …., county of, 148 (p. 153).
-, Castletown [in Tullowmagimma parish], Castelton in Fohord, co. Carlow, 148 (p. 152).
-, Duncormick, Duncormok, co. Wexford, 148 (p. 152).
-, Fohord, Fotherydd, Fothird [in Forth barony], co. Wexford, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
-, Grascur [in Kilcowan parish], Graggescore, co. Wexford, 148 (p. 152).
-, Greatisland [in Kilmokea parish], Hervyesylond, le Ilound, co. Wexford, 148 (p. 152, 153).
-, …., barony, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
-, …., hundred court at, 148 (p. 152).
-, Hervyesylond, le Ilound, co. Wexford. See Greatisland.
-, Kathirlagh. See Carlow.
-, Olderosse, co. Wexford. See Ross, Old.
-, Rathaspeck, Rathhaspok, co. Wexford, 148 (p. 152).
-, Ross, New, Rosse, co. Wexford, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
-, …., …., ferry-dues in, 148 (p. 152).
-, …., …., hundred court at, 148 (p. 152).
-, …., …., inquisition taken at, 148 (p. 152).
-, …., Old, Olderosse, co. Wexford, barony, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
-, Taghmon, co. Wexford, 148 (p. 152).
-, Wexford, Weyesford, co. Wexford, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
-, …., county of, royal liberty in, 148 (pp. 152, 153).
Irenacton, co. Gloucester. See Acton, Iron.
Irmingland, Irmynglond, co. Norfolk, 148 (p. 160).
Irthington, Irthyngton, co. Cumberland, manor, 119 (p. 118).
Irton, Richard de, 48.
Isabel’s Castle [in Shrawardine parish], Isabelles Castel, co. Salop, castle and manor, 100, 251 (p. 259).
Isak, John, of Bridge, Agnes wife of, daughter of Robert Grubbe, 331, 335.
Isbury, John de, escheator in Wiltshire, 53 (p. 50).
Isefeld, Isefelde, co. Sussex. See Isfield.
Iseldon, co. Middlesex. See Islington.
Isenbrugg, co. Salop. See Isombridge.
Isenworthi, co. Devon. See Esworthy.
Isfield, Isefeld, Isefelde, co. Sussex, rector of, Ibota Hypworthe sister of, 342.
-, ……, Holeforde in, q.v.
Isle. See Lisle.
Islee, Gilbert de, 136 (p. 129).
Islingham [in Frindsbury parish], Estlyngham, co. Kent, 339 (p. 340).
Islington, Iseldon, co. Middlesex, Barnsbury in, q.v.
Isombridge [in High Ercall parish], Isenbrugg, co. Salop, 19 (pp. 21–23).
Istradvadok, co. Glamorgan. See Ystrad Dyfodwg.
Itchell [in Crondall parish], Ichell, co. Southampton, lord of. See Giffard.
Itchington [in Tytherington parish], Ichynton, co. Gloucester, 10 (p. 9).
Ive, John, 61.
-, ……, Nicholas, 209 (p. 226).
Ivelchestre, co. Somerset. See Ilchester
Ivychurch [in Alderbury parish], Yvychurche, co. Wilts, prior of, 113.
Ivyngbery [Juniper Hill in Great Marlow parish?], co. Buckingham, 209 (p. 216).
Iwade, Wade, co. Kent, 202.
Iwerne Courtenay, Ywernecourtenay, co. Dorset, manor, 325 (p. 307).
-, …… …., Farrington in, q.v.
-, …… Minster, Ywernemynestre, co. Dorset, Hill in, q.v.
Iwhurst by Hanefeld, co. Sussex. See Ewhurst.
Ixeworth, co. Suffolk. See Ixworth.
Ixning, Ixnyngg, Ixnyngge, co. Suffolk. See Exning.
Ixworth, Ixeworth, co. Suffolk, inquisition taken at, 123.