Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 255

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 255', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III( London, 1952), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 255', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 255". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. (London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 255

Commission in the form of a writ of mandamus to John Welde, escheator, and William atte Broke. 12 December, 49 Edward III.
[ESSEX.] Inq. taken at Walden, Saturday after St. Hilary, 49 Edward III.
Hugh de Bray held the following:—
Tillebury by Clare. 3a. land [held by parcel of a knight’s service], (fn. 1) held of the king, as of the honor of Boulogne, by service of doing suit every month to the court of the said honor at Witham; and 50a. land, held of the earl of Oxford, now deceased, service not known.
Stambourn. 60a. land, held of the earl of Hereford, service not known.
Beauchamp St. Paul’s. 24a. land, held of the dean and chapter of St. Paul’s, London, service not known.
He died on Monday before Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. John Bray, aged 27 years about Christmas last, is his son and heir.
On the day of Hugh’s death Thomas de Veer, late earl of Oxford, seized the said heir as his ward, together with all the lands aforesaid, and by his demise John Jerveys, late parson of Tillebury aforesaid, had possession of the premises for a whole year from the date of death, and so the earl had the profit thereof, by what title the jurors know not. At the end of the year the earl sold the wardship and marriage of the heir for 40l. to Richard de Buskeby, who sold it to William Bretoun, who had possession of the premises on that title from Monday before Michaelmas, 36 Edward III, until the lawful age of the heir, to wit, for 7 years. When the heir came of age he bought his marriage from William Bretoun for 80 marks, and has ever since had possession of the premises on the title aforesaid, that is, for 6 years.
HERTFORD. Inq. taken at Waltham Cros, Thursday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 50 Edward III.
John atte Halle held the following:—
Hoddesdon. 1a. land in Westfeld, held of the king in chief by service of doing two suits yearly to the sheriff’s tourn at Warebrigg.
Amwell and Brokesbourn. 40a. land and 15a. meadow, held of divers other lords, service not known.
After his death James his son and heir, aged 5 years, entered on the premises without the king’s licence, and died seised thereof. On his death Stephen atte Halle, his kinsman and heir, aged 9 years, entered thereon without the king’s licence, and Andrew de Hoo and John Maihew, farmers of Robert Geddyng, knight, of his manor of Geddyng in Hoddesdon, seized the said Stephen and the premises to the use of Robert by reason of Stephen’s minority. Afterwards, at Michaelmas, 46 Edward III, after they had had possession of the premises for 3 years, they sold the wardship and marriage of the said Stephen, without the king’s licence, to John Wilteshire for 20l. John had possession of the premises for 2 years, and then sold the wardship and marriage, to John de Thorp, clerk, without licence, for what sum the jurors know not. John de Thorp had possession of the premises from Michaelmas, 48 Edward III, for one year. The executors of the said John, names unknown, are still in possession of the said Stephen and the custody of the lands aforesaid without licence.
HERTFORD. Inq. (indented) taken before the escheator ex officio at Waltham Crouch, Monday after St. George, (fn. 2) 50 Edward III.
John atte Halle (fn. 3) held the following:—
Hodesdon. 1a. land in Westfeld, held of the king in chief by knight’s service, payment of 3 1/2d. yearly at the two sheriff’s tourns held at Warebregge, and suit as above.
Amwell, Brokesbourn and Hodesdon. A messuage and 55a. land and meadow, held of divers other lords, services not known. (fn. 4)
John (fn. 5) died about the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 38 Edward III.
On his death Robert atte Halle, his son and heir, aged 5 years, entered on the premises without licence, and had possession until Michaelmas following, when he died. On Robert’s death Stephen atte Halle, his kinsman and heir, aged 7 years, entered without licence, and Andrew atte Hoo and John Mahew seized him and the lands, as above, and had possession of the wardship for 4 years from Michaelmas, 38 Edward III. Then they sold the wardship and marriage to John Wilteshire, as above, and he had possession for 6 years and then sold them without licence to John de Thorp, clerk, for 20l. John de Thorp died a year later, and his executors have had possession ever since.
Writ of precipimus, 14 March, 50 Edward III.
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken before the mayor, 24 March, 50 Edward III.
John atte Halle died in 35 Edward III, day not known, seised of:— Parish of St. Mary of Wolcherchehaw. A moiety of a brewing tenement and of 7 shops annexed thereto, held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city of London.
Marion late his wife holds a third part of the said moiety by way of dower. Immediately after his death Robert his son and heir had possession of the said moiety (except the dower) and received the issues thereof for 8 years and then died. On Robert’s death the moiety (except the dower) descended by hereditary right to Stephen son of Richard atte Halle the brother of the said John atte Halle as his kinsman and heir, and on the last day of February, 43 Edward III, was seized into the hand of the city by Simon de Mordon, then mayor, for the use of the said Stephen as an orphan after the death of Richard his father, according to the custom of the city. On the following day, 1 March, the said mayor, the aldermen, and John de Cauntebrigge, chamberlain of the city, delivered the custody of the said Stephen, as an orphan, together with the said moiety (except the dower), to Andrew de Ho for safe keeping during Stephen’s minority, according to the custom of the city. Andrew had possession and received the issues, and had Stephen in his custody, for 2 years, as the jurors understand, and then demised his estate with the wardship to John Wiltshire, citizen and pepperer of London, who had possession &c. for 4 years and then demised his estate to John de Thorp, clerk. The said John had possession all his life, and died in September last, day not known. Since his death John Maryns, ‘spicer,’ has had possession and received the issues, Stephen being in his custody, by what title the jurors know not. Stephen is next heir of the said John atte Halle and is 17 years of age and more.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (1.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 41. (7.) (Hertford.)
226. JOHN BOYVILL, knight.
Writ, 18 January, 49 Edward III.
LEICESTER. Inq. taken at Harebergh, Tuesday the feast of St. John before the Latin Gate, 50 Edward III.
Stokfaston. The manor (extent given), tenure not stated.
He died on Sunday after the Circumcision last. Thomas his son, aged 5 years, is his heir.
Writ, 18 January, 49 Edward III.
NORFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken at Southcreyk, Thursday before the Annunciation, 50 Edward III.
Southcreyk. Lands called ‘Beaufus,’ held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
He died about the Epiphany last. Heir as above, aged 4 years and more.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (2.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 41. (11.) (Leicester.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 183. (1.) (Norfolk.)
227. WILLIAM BAUDE, the elder, knight, alias of Smalbrigge, knight.
Writ, 30 December, 49 Edward III.
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Bures St. Mary, Monday after St. Hilary, 49 Edward III.
Wythermondford. Three-fourths of the manor (by the name of his manor of Wythermondford), which manor is held in chief of John de Plays, knight, by service of one knight’s fee.
Tillyngham. (fn. 6) The manor, held of the king, as of the honor of Reylegh, by service of homage.
Spretefeld. Lands &c. called ‘Hydes’ and ‘Sebernes’ and 2a. land.
Netesfeld. The reversion of two plots of land, one in a croft of Richard Wrighte.
The last two items are held severally of Edmund de la Pole, knight, the prior of Stoke, Adam de Louche, knight, and Robert Bisshop, services not known.
In 42 Edward III he enfeoffed John Kirkeby, rector of Rokesle, of all the foregoing by his charter; and in 43 Edward III the said John re-enfeoffed him and Simon, then bishop of London, Robert de Teye, knight, Simon Longe, John de Sudbury, Stephen Bacoun, William Baroun, vicar of Whethermondford, John Olyver, John Rous and William Clerk of Horndon, to hold to them and the heirs of the said William Baude. All the tenants, free and bond, attorned by virtue of both feoffments.
Wythermondford. In 43 Edward III the remaining fourth part of the manor was acquired by the said feoffees, to them and the heirs of William, from John Spicer, chaplain, (fn. 7) and Thomas de Preston of co. Sussex.
Bures St. Mary, Bures ad Montern and Alphamston. In 46 Edward III divers lands in those towns, held in chief of Edmund de la Pole, knight, service not known, were acquired by the said feoffees, to them and the heirs of William.
On Thursday after the Assumption, 49 Edward III, the said William released all his right in the premises to his co-feoffees, so that he held nothing in the county on the day of his death.
He died on Tuesday before Christmas last. Heir not known.
Writ, 8 January, 49 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken at Sudbury, Tuesday after St. Hilary, 49 Edward III.
Smalbregge. The manor, held of Margaret Boteler by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee, except a pasture which is held of Richard Waldegrave and Joan his wife by service of 2s. 6d. yearly, and except 24a. land in Wystonefeld and 10a. meadow in Estholm which are held of Robert de Swynebourn, as of his manor of Wyston, by service of 7d. yearly.
Tanyes. The manor, held of the heirs of Stephen de Langeton by service of a clove yearly, with the advowson of the chapel of St. Stephen therein.
The premises were conveyed to John Kyrkeby as above (previous inquisition), and by him to the same feoffees (except Stephen Bacoun and John Rous), and were afterwards released as above.
Date of death as above. He died without heir of his body. Heir of the blood not known.
Writ, 26 December, 49 Edward III.
KENT. Inq. (indented) taken at Derteford, Thursday the feast of St. Valentine, 50 Edward III.
Rokesle. The manor, with the advowson of the church.
Totinton. The manor, with the gift of the chapel of Holy Trinity.
Ecclesse. The manor.
All held of the king, of his castle of Ledes, as of the barony of Creucoer.
By his charter of feoffment dated 8 August, 42 Edward III, he divested himself of the premises in favour of Robert Tye, William Baroun, vicar of Wythermoundford, Simon Longe, John de la Rokele, John de Sutbery, William Clerk (Clerico) of Horndon, Adam Warein, John, parson of Rokesle, William Maldon, John Rous, William Baude, knight, nephew of the grantor, Roger Godestre, and Henry Smethe, unconditionally. Thomas Mauger, farmer of the manor of Rokesle, attorned to the feoffees, but in what manner the jurors know not. Robert de Rowe, farmer of the other manors, took them from the feoffees at farm for a year. The prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, William, rector of the chapel of Bokenwolde, John Morel, the heirs of John Botun, Geoffrey Belle, John Heyton and John Bounde did not attorn to the feoffees at their seisin, but afterwards paid their rents to Robert Rowe as farmer. John de Fynchefelde, John Frennyngham, and others, names unknown, who hold by a fixed rent payable to the said chapel, never attorned either to the feoffees or to the farmer. After the feoffment the deceased took the issues of the manors to his own use, and made divers acquittances to the farmers in his own name and sealed with his seal for sums received by him, describing himself as lord of the manors, whether by licence of the feoffees or by some other title the jurors know not.
Date of death as above. Richard Ponyngges, aged 17 years and more, a minor in the king’s wardship, is his kinsman and next heir, being son of Michael son of Agnes sister of Joan his mother, from whom the premises descended to him.
KENT. Inq. (indented) taken at the same day and place, but by another jury.
Rokesle. The manor, held of the king’s castle of Ledes, as of the barony of Creucoer, by homage and fealty and service of rendering 3s. 4d. every 24 weeks for ward of Dover castle; with the advowson of the church.
By his charter of feoffment dated 8 August, 42 Edward III, he divested himself thereof in favour of the above feoffees (previous inquisition). Long before the said feoffment, by an indenture dated 8 March, 40 Edward III, he had demised the manor (except the advowson and the park called ‘Rokeslepark’), to Thomas Mauger of Rokesle for 9 years. Thomas never attorned to the above feoffees, but continued his tenancy as farmer of the deceased, to whom he paid his farm. After the end of Thomas’s term, the deceased entered on the manor and had possession of it, by what title the jurors know not.
John, parson of Rokesle, acquired 3a. land in the said lordship of Rokesle to himself and his heirs from Paul de Southwode and others, and did fealty to the deceased therefor, and paid relief and other usual services.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ of plura, 12 March, 50 Edward III.
KENT. Inq. taken at Dertford, 20 March, 50 Edward III.
Rokesle. The manor, with the advowson of the church. Verdict as above, except that the 3a. acquired by the parson of Rokesle are said to be of gavelkind tenure. There are also in the said manor, besides the said 3a., 143 1/2a. land of gavelkind tenure which are held of divers lords, names unknown, by services unknown. There is also a watermill of gavelkind tenure, and a rent of assise and a rent of hens of the same tenure. The rest of the manor is held of the king as above (previous inquisition).
KENT. Inq. (indented) taken at Rochester on the same day but before a different jury.
Totyngton. The manor (extent given), held of the king, as of the castle of Ledes, which is parcel of the barony of Creouker, by knight’s service.
Ecclesse. The manor (extent given), held of the duke of Lancaster by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee. The extent includes rents held of the duke as of the fee of Lyle and 3 bushels of wheat from a field called ‘Paysmythescroft.’ There are also in the said manor divers lands &c. held of the earl of March, as of his manor of Swanescompe, by knight’s service, to wit, 33s. 9 3/4d. rent of assise and rents of 6 1/2 hens and 33 eggs. The deceased also held of the said earl 3s. rent called ‘castelwarde,’ 63 1/2a. land, and 14a. land and 18 ‘daywerkes’ of gavelkind tenure, services not known. He also held of the lord de Gray, as of his manor of Aylesford, but whether by knight’s service or by gavelkind tenure the jurors know not, 20s. rent, 6 1/2 hens, 33 eggs and a bushel of wheat, and 35a. land by service as above. He also held of the heir of Simon Fraunceys, as of his manor of North-strete, 6a. meadow in gavelkind. He also held of the earl of March, as of his manor of Swanescompe, by knight’s service as above, a quarter of palm barley. He also held a pasture in the field called ‘Melnessh’ of the lord de Gray by the service aforesaid.
Date of death and heir as above.
Robert Rowe had and still has possession of the premises under a demise made by the escheator by virtue of his office.
Writ to the treasurer and chamberlains to transmit under the seal of the Exchequer a transcript of the foot of a fine levied in 11 Edward III between William le Baud, knight, and Joan his wife, querents, and John Baud, parson of Grantesete, and William Algod, parson of Coryngham, deforciants, touching the manors of Horsmenden, Rokesle, Totyndon and Eccles, 6a. meadow in Ditton, and the advowsons of the churches of Horsmenden and Rokesle and the chapel of Totyndon. 16 May, 50 Edward III.
Transcript of a final concord made in the king’s court at York in three weeks from Easter, 11 Edward III, whereby the said manors, lands and advowsons were settled on William le Baud and Joan his wife and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Joan. [Calendar of Close Rolls, 1374–1377, p. 507.]
Writ transmitting the above transcript to the justices of the Bench in order that they may proceed under better advice in a suit brought by Thomas Coupeland and Isabel his wife, daughter and heir of Joan late the wife of William de Baud. 17 June, 50 Edward III.
Writ to Richard de Treton, custos brevium of the Common Bench, to return the said transcript into Chancery. 12 July, 50 Edward III.
Letter of attorney from Robert Tye, John Sudbury, William Clerc of Horndon, Adam Waryn, John parson of Rokesle, John Rous and Henry Smethe to Richard Wantyng and William Bloxham to sue out of the king’s hands divers lands &c. in Kent taken into the king’s hands by the death of William Baude, knight.
Letter of attorney from Thomas Coupeland and Elizabeth his wife to John Neuport and Ralph de Pynyngton to sue out of the king’s hands Elizabeth’s share of the lands &c. late of William le Baude of Smalbrigg, knight.
Writ to the escheator,—on an allegation by Richard Ponynges, who was found by him to be next heir of the said William, that Elizabeth, (fn. 8) William’s daughter and heir, now deceased, survived her father, and that he (Richard) is her next heir,—to enquire as to the truth of the above allegation. 11 May, 51 Edward III.
KENT. Inq. taken at Rochester, Wednesday the eve of St. Barnabas, 51 Edward III.
Margaret daughter and heir of William Baude survived her father. She died on Tuesday, Christmas day, 49 Edward III. Richard Ponyngges is her kinsman and heir, to wit, son of Michael son of Agnes sister of Joan mother of the said William Baude her father.
KENT. Inq. taken at Derteford, Thursday the feast of St. Barnabas, 51 Edward III.
Elizabeth daughter and heir of William Baud survived her father 8 days, and all her father’s lands &c. in Kent descended to her by hereditary right. She died as above, aged 4 years and more. Richard de Ponynges is her heir, to wit, son of Michael &c., as above.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (3.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 38. (16.) (Essex.)
Writ, 20 January, 49 Edward III.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Clyvedon, 12 February, 50 Edward III.
Clyvedon. The manor, held of Thomas le Despenser, a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service, except a land called ‘Twelfacre’ held of Andrew Basset, lord of Tykenham, by payment of 1d. at Michaelmas. He granted a yearly rent of 10 marks therefrom by his writing sealed with his seal to Henry de Estlyngton for life.
Milton. The manor, held of Nicholas Saymour, a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service.
Wandestre. A fourth part of the manor, which manor is held in chief of Thomas Peverel.
He died on Wednesday after St. Hilary, 49 Edward III. Edmund son of Thomas Hogeschawe, aged 3 years and more, is his next heir, to wit, son of Emmeline his daughter.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (4.)
Writ of precipimus, 10 December, 49 Edward III.
LANCASTER. Inq. taken at Garstang, Thursday after the Purification, 50 Edward III.
Maureholme. The manor, held of the duke of Lancaster by knight’s service.
Wyresdale. A moiety of the manor, held of the same duke by knight’s service and service of 2s. 6d. yearly for ward of Lancaster castle.
Ulverston in Fourneys. A moiety of the manor, held of the abbot of Fourneys by service of 15s. yearly and 5d. for the like ward.
He died on Wednesday after the Purification, 16 Edward III. Ingelram de Coucy, earl of Bedford, son and heir of Ingelram de Coucy his brother and heir, is his kinsman and next heir and of full age, and has married the lady Isabel, the king’s daughter.
William Lenglissh, deceased, to whom the king committed the custody of the premises during pleasure, and John de Coupeland, now deceased, and Joan his wife, to whom the king afterwards granted the custody, had possession of the premises from the death of William de Coucy until Wednesday before Easter last, on which day the said Joan died.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (5.)
Writ after the death of the said John, who held in chief by knight’s service of the bishopric of Worcester, which is vacant and in the king’s hand. 20 November, 49 Edward III.
WORCESTER. Inq. taken at Dycheforde, 4 February, 50 Edward III.
Dycheforde Kenych. A messuage and curtilage, held of the bishop of Worcester by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee, and by scutage and suit to the hundred court of Wynborghetree, and by service of 6 ‘doddockes’ of wheat and 2 ‘doddockes’ of oats at Martinmas. And there are there 2 carucates of arable, 5a. pasture, 5a. meadow worth 6s. 8d. only because they lie by a brook (revell’) and are often flooded, 4 marks rent of assise, a watermill, and pleas &c. of court.
Hangyngesaston. 16d. rent from the tenement of John Heynes, and 8d. from that of Nicholas Tybbes.
He died on Saturday before Michaelmas, 49 Edward III. William his son, aged 14 years and more, is his heir. On the day of his death the see of Worcester was in the king’s hand, and the marriage of William falls to the king. Thomas de Bello Campo has William in ward.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (6.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 41. (21.)
Writ, 22 September, 49 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken at Ipswich, Friday after Michaelmas, 49 Edward III.
Naketon. The manor called ‘Sholondehalle,’ held of the king, as of the honor of Hagenet, by payment of 10s. yearly to Dover castle.
Cowhaugh, Naketon, Levyngton, Stratton and Buclesham. A messuage, 40a. land, 20a. pasture, a watermill and 60s. rent, held of Thomas Caus, service not known.
Holbrok. The manor, held of Margaret Mareschal, lady de Segrave, by service of one knight’s fee.
Tatyngston. The manor, held of the prior of Holy Trinity, Ipswich, by service of 1d. in socage.
Langgeston. The manor, held of George de Fylbrigg by knight’s service.
Benteleye. The manor, held of Richard Talmage, service not known.
Merehalle in Pleyford. The manor, held of the heirs of Miles de Stapilton by knight’s service.
Foxhole. The manor, held of John Verdon, knight, by knight’s service.
Rendlesham. The manor, held of the earl of Suffolk by knight’s service.
All held jointly with Maud his first wife, deceased, to them and the heirs of their bodies.
Wretewell. The manor, held of the abbot of St. Edmund’s by knight’s service.
Sapeston. The manor, held of the same abbot by socage.
Both the above be held for life by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Maud his second wife.
He died on 18 September last. Margery, one of his daughters and heirs, aged 16 years and more, wife of John son of Hugh Fastolf, and Elizabeth, aged 2 years and more, daughter of Elizabeth, his other daughter and heir, late the wife of Robert Fith Rauf, are next heirs of him and the said Maud, his first wife.
Writ of dedimus potestatem to the abbot of St. Edmund’s to receive the attorneys of John de Lakyngheth for suing out of the king’s hands certain lands &c. lately taken into the king’s hand by the escheator in co. Suffolk after the death of John de Holbrok. 1 December, 49 Edward III.
Endorsed: He has appointed Robert Fitz Rauf or Edmund de Lakyngheth or Hugh Broke as his attorney for the above purpose.
Writ to the escheator to make inquisition touching the reversion of the manors of Wretewell and Sapeston. 10 July, 50 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken at Henhowe, Monday after St. James the Apostle, 50 Edward III.
Wretewelle and Sapeston. The reversion of the manors belongs to Thomas son and heir of Maud his second wife, who is a minor in the wardship of the said abbot and not of the king.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (7.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 174. (16.)
Writ, 5 November, 49 Edward III.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. taken at Gloucester, 24 November, 49 Edward III.
Ruardyn. A messuage and 66s. 8d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of 24s. yearly. (fn. 9)
Karent. A messuage and a virgate of land, held of the abbot of Teukesbury by service of 44s. yearly.
He died on 4 October last. John his son, aged 15 years, is his heir.
Writ, 20 January, 49 Edward III.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. taken at Mitcheldean (Magna Dene), 3 February, 50 Edward III.
Ruardyn. A watermill, 26s. 8d. rent of assise, and pleas &c. of court, held of the king in chief by service of 16s.
Bykenore. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of Robert Ferers in chief by service of 20s. yearly.
Asshton Karent. A watermill and a toft with a meadow adjoining.
Teukesbury. A messuage and 4 shops.
The last two items are held of the abbot of Teukesbury by service of 40s. yearly.
He died on the eve of Michaelmas last. Heir as above, aged 12 years.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (8.)
Writ of devenerunt, 9 May, 49 Edward III.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Byre, 8 July, 49 Edward III.
Combe Keynes. The manor was held by John de Keynes, knight, and came to the king’s hands and is still there by reason of the minority of John his son and heir. It is held of the king in chief by service of one knight’s fee.
John son of John died on 1 May. Wenteliana his sister, aged 12 years, is his next heir. No other lands of his inheritance in the county came to the king’s hands by reason of his minority.
Similar writ, 9 May, 49 Edward III.
WILTS. Inq. made at Swyndon, 20 January, 49 Edward III.
Puryton. John son of John held the manor of Keynescourt of the abbot of Malmesbury, service not known.
Date of death not known. Heir as above.
Similar writ, 9 May, 49 Edward III.
WARWICK. Inq. made at Oxeshulve, Monday after SS. Peter and Paul, 49 Edward III.
John son of John held the following:—
Oxeshulve. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief; 2 virgates of land, parcel of the manor, held of the earl of Stafford by knight’s service and 2lbs. pepper; and a pasture called ‘Merston Thornes,’ parcel of the manor, held of the lord le Botiler by knight’s service and 1lb. pepper.
He died on 9 May, 49 Edward III. Heir as above.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (9.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 176. (6.) (Warwick.)
Writ of devenerunt, 26 September, 49 Edward III.
WARWICK. Inq. (indented) made at Warrewyk, Monday after St. Denis, 49 Edward III.
She held the following while a minor in the king’s wardship:—
Oxeshulve. The manor &c., as above (No. 233).
She died on 20 September last. Elizabeth sister of John de Keynes, knight, aged 54 years and more, is her heir.
Writ, 10 February, 50 Edward III.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Sturmynstre Marchal, 10 June, 50 Edward III.
Coumbe Keynes. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
She died on Sunday after St. Mary Magdalen, 49 Edward III. Elizabeth de Keynes, her aunt, would have been her heir had she lived; but in Christmas week, 47 Edward III, the said Elizabeth with some neighbours of hers set out for the Holy Land, and the neighbours returned a year ago and said very truly that she was dead, as the jurors also say. Maud wife of Edmund Cressy, aged 35 years, and Margaret her sister, aged 40 years and more, are next heirs of Wentiliana, being daughters of Laurence de Ayete son of Lettice de Ayete sister of William de Kaynes father of John her father.
Writ, 10 February, 50 Edward III.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Norhampton, Saturday before St. Margaret, 50 Edward III.
Dodforde. The manor, held of John duke of Lancaster, as of the honor of Leicester, by knight’s service.
She died on 10 September last. Heir as above (Warwick inquisition), aged 50 years and more.
Writ to the escheator to send into Chancery without delay the inquisiton taken by him on the death of the said Wentiliana. 15 May, 50 Edward III.
WILTS. Inq. taken ex officio at Crekkelade, 26 December, 49 Edward III.
Puryton. The manor of Keynescourt, held of the abbot of Malmesbury, service not known.
The marriage of John son and heir of John de Keynes, knight, whose heir she was, and the wardship of his lands, was committed by the king’s letters patent to John de Beverle from heir to heir until one of them should reach full age.
She died on 24 September last. Heir as last above.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (10.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 39. (7.) (Warwick and Northampton.)
DORSET. Inq. taken virtute officii at Dorchestre, 18 September, 49 Edward III.
Combe Keynes. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service. It came to the king’s hands and is still there by reason of the death of the said Wentiliana, whose wardship and marriage the king granted by letters patent to John de Beverle by reason of her minority.
She died on 6 August last. Heir as last above.
E. Inq. P.M. File 39. (7.)
Writ, 4 December, 49 Edward III.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Briggewater, Wednesday after the Purification, 50 Edward III.
Bosyngton. The manor, held of the abbot of Athelney by knight’s service.
Tymbrecombe. 6 marks rent, held of John Chidiok by knight’s service.
Codecombe. 26s. rent of divers tenants, held of the lady de Mohun by knight’s service.
[H]ethfeld. 20s. rent of divers tenants, held of Hugh Durburgh by knight’s service.
He died on Tuesday after Michaelmas, 49 Edward III. Joan his daughter, aged 8 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 255. (11.)
SUFFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken virtute officii at Ipswich, 10 August, 49 Edward III.
The said abbot held on the day of his death as parcel of his abbey:—
Wicham. The manor and 30a. land formerly of Ralph the Butler (Pincerna), held of the heirs of Robert Sakevill in frankalmoin from the foundation of the abbey.
Stoke by Clare. 12s. rent, which Sigar holds.
Manston. 40s. rent and 12a. land formerly of Ralph atte Brook.
Eriswelle. 30s. rent from a mill.
Stratford. 8s. rent.
The said rents &c. are held of John de le Brok in frankalmoin from the foundation of the abbey.
Heyham in the hundred of Saunford. A carucate of land, held of Robert de Vallibus in frankalmoin by charter of king Henry.
Ocolt, Benyngham, Bedyngfeld and Southolt. A messuage, 120a. land, 3a. meadow, 12a. pasture, 2a. wood, a windmill and 35s. rent, with the advowson of the church and chapel annexed of Ocolt and Benyngham, held of the heirs of Philip de Columbariis in perpetual alms by service of 4d. yearly.
Okele, Benyngham and Eye. A messuage, 22a. land, 2a. meadow and 3a. pasture, held of Robert Phelip of Rochelle (Rupill’), service not known.
Southolt. 2a. land and 1a. 1r. wood, held of the same Robert, service not known, by charter of 14 Edward III.
Buxhale and Fynberwe. 10s. rent, held of Ralph Ruly, service not known.
Herkested. A tenement late of Lewis le Breton, held of Lora le Breton in perpetual alms.
Todenham. A messuage, held of William de Loudham, knight, in frankalmoin.
Meldyng. 6s. 8d. rent, held of Peter de Meldyng in frankalmoin.
Leyham [and] Shelleye. 2 1/2 plots of land, held of Roger Tastard in perpetual alms.
Edwardeston. 1a. land, held of Sir William Mounchasy in perpetual alms.
Elmesete. 4a. land, held of the earl of Hertford (sic).
The said Richard died on 7 August, 49 Edward III.
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 174. (17.)
NORFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken virtute officii at Norwich, 11 August, 49 Edward III.
He held on the day of his death as parcel of his abbey:—
Shepedham. 6s. 8d. rent late of William de Sourton.
Lyng. 40s. rent.
Lyng. 30a. land late of William Sourton, held of …. . Sourton in perpetual alms.
Date of death as above.
E. Inq. P.M. File 38. (11.)
Writ not enrolled.
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Berdefeld, Saturday after Michaelmas, 49 Edward III.
Radewynter. The manor (extent given), held by gift of Robert Lambourne, rector of the church of Wymbisch, Ralph Bullewyk, vicar of the church of Fynchyngfeld, Reynold Berners, parson of the church of Depeden, and William Bloy, rector of the church of Qwendon, to her and John Roos, formerly her husband, and the heirs of their bodies. It is held of the earl of Hereford by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee and two suits to the manor of Blaunchapelton yearly at Easter and Michaelmas.
Great Sampford. A toft, 40a. arable, 10a. meadow, 3a. pasture and 10 marks rent of assise of free tenants, held by gift as above of the lord Fitz Wauter by service of 37s. yearly and 8s. to the manor of Great Sampford.
Assheldham. The manor (extent given), held by gift as above of the king in chief, as of the honor of Reylegh, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
She died on Sunday after St. Bartholomew last. After her death the premises descended to John le Roos, son of John le Roos, son of the aforesaid John le Roos and Alesia, then 13 years of age and more, as her kinsman and heir, and he survived two weeks. On his death without heir of his body the premises descended to Ellen wife of Geoffrey Brokhole as his aunt and heir, to wit, daughter of the said John and Alesia and sister of John le Ros, his father. Ellen is 30 years of age and more, and she and Geoffrey have issue several sons and daughters.
HERTFORD. Inq. taken at Ware, Friday after St. Luke, 49 Edward III.
Gedliston. A messuage, 120a. arable, 8a. meadow, 10a. pasture, 12a. wood, and 5 marks rent of assise of free tenants, held of Henry Snayth by service of 13s. 4d. yearly and of John Frere by service of 8d. yearly and suit to the court of the honor of Hertford once a year.
Sarret. A messuage, 100a. arable, 3a. pasture, 10a. wood and 40s. rent of free tenants, held of the abbot of St. Albans by service of 30s. yearly.
Date of death and subsequent descent of the premises, as above.
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 175.
KENT. Inq. taken virtute officii at Depford, Monday after Michaelmas, 49 Edward III.
Eslynge. 50a. arable, held jointly with Juliana his wife, to them and his heirs, of the king, as of the barony of Leyborn, by knight’s service.
He died on the feast of All Saints, 44 Edward III. Juliana survived him and died on Monday after St. Martin last. Robert their son, aged 5 years and more, is their heir.
E. Inq. P.M. File 37. (14.)
239. WILLIAM TOPE of Alvedon.
SALOP. Inq. (indented) taken ex officio at Shrewsbury, 7 June, 49 Edward III.
Wewe by Stokesay. 12s. rent, held by knight’s service of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, earl of March, a minor in the king’s wardship.
He died on 12 September, 43 Edward III, his heir being a minor. John Wyllys and William de Acheleye have had possession of the premises ever since his death.
E. Inq. P.M. File 40. (8.)
240. ROBERT ROWE of Alvechirche.
WORCESTER. Inq. taken at Bremesgrave, 20 May, 49 Edward III.
Frankeleye. A tenement called ‘Holdenhulletenement’ late of John Oldenhull, the younger, held of the king, service not known.
He died on 1 May, 49 Edward III.
Remains of seals.
E. Inq. P.M. File 40. (9.)


  • 1. An interlineation.
  • 2. St. Gregory, in the Exchequer copy.
  • 3. In the Exchequer copy the Christian name of John atte Halle has been altered to Richard, apparently in error.
  • 4. In the Exchequer copy 40a land are assigaed to Amwell and Brokesbourn, and a messuage and 15a meadow to Hoddisdon.
  • 5. In the Exchequer copy the Christian name of John atte Halle has been altered to Richard, apparently in error.
  • 6. Tillynghamhall in the Exchequer copy.
  • 7. The Exchequer copy describes him as late parson of Westgrenested.
  • 8. In this writ and the second of the two following inquisitions the word Elizabeth is written over an erasure. The name originally written appears to have been Margaret.
  • 9. Interlined: by service of a sixtieth part of a knight’s fee.