Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 237

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 237', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III(London, 1952), British History Online [accessed 29 March 2025].

A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 237', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III(London, 1952), British History Online, accessed March 29, 2025,

A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 237". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. (London, 1952), British History Online. Web. 29 March 2025.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 237

19. JOHN DE CHERLETON of Powys, knight.
Writ, 18 July, 48 Edward III.
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken before the mayor, Saturday after St. Laurence, 48 Edward III.
He died on Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr last, seised of:—
Parish of St. Sepulchre without Neugate. A tenement held jointly with Joan his wife, to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs, by feoffment of Hugh le Yonge, clerk, and John Shery. It is held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city of London.
John de Cherleton, his son, aged 14 years, is his heir.
Writ to the treasurer and chamberlains to forward transcripts of two fines (specified) of 12 Edward II and 18 Edward III. 15 August, 48 Edward III.
Transcript of a fine levied at Westminster in the quinzaine of Easter, 12 Edward II, between John de Chorleton and Hawise his wife, querents, and Master Thomas de Chorleton, deforciant, touching the castle and manor of La Pole, the manors of Chorleton, Botyton and Talgarth, the commotes of Southstradmarghell and Suthlanerhudell, and a moiety of the cantred of Arwistly, and touching the reversions of the manors of Mathrawell and Walwern and the commotes of Kereynon and Keveyllok held by Roger Tromwyn and Joan his wife as dower of the latter; whereby the premises were settled on the querents and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Hawise: the manor of Chorleton to be held of the chief lords of that fee, and the other premises of the king. This fine, as regards all the premises except the manor of Chorleton, was made by order of the king in the presence and with the consent of the said Roger and Joan, who did fealty in court to John and Hawise.
Transcript of a fine levied at Westminster in the quinzaine of Easter, 18 Edward III, between the same querents and William de Aston, parson of the church of Castelkereygnon, and Thomas de Morton, chaplain, deforciants, touching the premises mentioned in the above fine (including those then held in reversion but excluding the manor of Chorleton), and also the commotes of Meygheyn Roygkoyt (sic), Megheyniskeyt, Trewern, Teyrtref and Moghenant; whereby the premises were settled on the querents for life, with remainder of all except the commotes of Kereygnon and Moghenant to John son of the said John for life, and after his death to John, son of the said John son of John, and Joan his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and in default of such heirs to the right heirs of the said Hawise. The excepted commotes were to remain to the said John son of John and Maud his wife for their lives, and after their death they were to go with the rest of the premises.
Writ transmitting the above transcripts to the escheator in Salop and the adjacent march of Wales for the purposes of the inquisitions to be taken after the death of John de Cherleton of Powys, knight. 16 August, 48 Edward III.
Writ, 18 July, 48 Edward III.
Endorsed: The escheator returns the required inquisitions, together with the tenors of fines sent to him sub pede sigilli.
SALOP. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury, 8 November, 48 Edward III.
Lydom. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of its church, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Shrewsbury. A burgage tenement, held jointly with Joan his wife, who survives, to them and his heirs, by gift and feoffment of John de Roulton and Philip de Erreby.
He lately granted to John Shery a yearly rent of 12l. for life from the said manor and burgage tenement, which exceeds their value.
Pontesbury. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of three portionaries or prebends of the church of the manor, held to him and the heirs of his body of the king in chief by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee. The extent includes a hamlet called Boycote.
Cherleton. A messuage, a garden, a carucate of land, 2a. meadow and 13s. 4d. rent of assise, held to him and the heirs of his body of the abbot of Shrewsbury by service of 6s. 8d. rent yearly.
Opynton. 2 messuages, 2 nooks of land and 1d. rent, with the reversion of a messuage and virgate of land after the death of Joan Spencer, held of Nicholas Burnel by socage and service of making two appearances yearly at his court there.
Aston. The reversion of a messuage and a virgate of land after the death of John de Stuche, held of the abbot of Shrewsbury by socage.
Wythynton. A messuage, a virgate of land and 2a. meadow, held of William de Clyf by service of rendering 12d. yearly.
Isenbrugg. 1/2a. meadow, held of John de Eylesford by socage.
He died on 13 July last. John his son, aged 12 years on 25 April last, is his heir.
SALOP AND STAFFORD AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inq. (indented) taken at La Pole, 6 November, 48 Edward III.
La Pole. The castle and manor (extent given). The extent includes a park with deer, a borough in which there are yearly fairs on the feasts of St. Augustine and St. Leonard, and a market every Monday.
Botynton. The manor (extent given). The extent includes two hamlets called Trewern and Teirtref.
Thalgarth. The manor (extent given).
Mathrawell. The manor (extent given).
Wallewern. The manor (extent given). The extent includes chaces with deer.
Southstradmarghell and Southlannerghudol. The commotes (extent given).
Kereignon. The commote (extent given).
Keveilliok. The commote (extent given).
Arwistly. A moiety of the cantred (extent given).
He held all the above to him and the heirs of his body by virtue of the first of the two fines set out above, being grandson and heir of the said John de Cherleton and Hawise his wife. At the time of the levying of the said fine the commotes of Deudour and Meghein Iscoid were in the hand of Griffith de la Pole.
Deudour. The commote.
Meghein Iscoid. The commote.
Moghenant. The commote.
Meghein Ughcoid. The commote.
He held the last four commotes, which are separate entities (grossa per se), to him and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies by virtue of the second of the above two fines and another fine levied between the above-mentioned John de Cherleton and Hawise, his wife, and John son of John son of John de Cherleton and Joan, his wife.
He held all the premises of the king in chief by barony.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Note of the appointment by Joan late the wife of the said John of Roger de la Lee and Philip de la Lee as her attorneys to sue for her dower in Salop and the march of Wales, and for the lands whereof she was jointly enfeoffed with the said John.
SALOP AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Assignment of dower to Joan late the wife of the said John made at Shrewsbury, 16 December, 48 Edward III, in pursuance of a writ (recited) dated 22 November, 48 Edward III, in the presence of John de Herlaston, parson of the church of Ideshale, attorney of Richard de Arundell, who was ordered to receive her oath that she will not marry without the king’s licence, and others of Richard’s counsel.
Mathraull. The manor.
Southstradmarghell and Kereignon. The commotes.
Botyton. A third part of the manor.
The above are in allowance of her dower of all the lands whereof her husband was seised in his demesne as of fee in the march of Wales.
The following are in allowance of her dower of the like lands in co. Salop:—
Pontesbury. A third part of the manor, with a third part of the hamlet of Boycote.
Cherleton. A [messuage] and certain lands and rents.
Opynton. 2 messuages and certain lands, with the reversion of a messuage and a virgate of land there.
Aston. The reversion of a messuage and a virgate of land.
Wythynton. A messuage, a virgate of land and 2a. meadow.
Isenbrugg, 1/2a. meadow.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore feodorum &c., 22 November, 48 Edward III.
SALOP. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury, 10 December, 48 Edward III.
Dodeston. A moiety of the town, held of him by Henry de Wynnesbury by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee; the other moiety of the same, held of him by Walter de Dodeston by the like service.
Maryton. The manor, held of him by Hugh de Boudlers by service of a third part of a knight’s fee.
Mathenhurst. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of him by Thomas de Mathenhurst by service of a sixth part of a knight’s fee.
Lydom. The advowson of the church.
Pontesbury. The advowson of the prebends or portionaries of the church, to wit, Chydeshalle and Coldehalle and the prebend formerly David’s.
Commission to Thomas Houton, Robert Burgilloun, Thomas Gegge and John de Goseburn to enquire as to the yearly value of certain of the manors, lands, commotes &c. in Salop and the adjacent march of Wales mentioned in the above inquisitions; and also to enquire whether the king can without damage or prejudice confirm a grant made by the said John de Cherleton to Roger de Cherleton, knight, his brother, of (1) the offices of chief forester and ‘pentelowe’ of the lordship of Powys for life, and (2) the profits of the said office of chief forester in the commote of Deudour. 8 April, 49 Edward III. [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1374–1377, p. 148.]
SALOP. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury before three of the above commissioners, Saturday after St. Mark, 49 Edward III.
Lydom, Pontesbury, Cherleton, Opynton, Wythyndon and Isenbrugg. Re-valuations of the premises mentioned in the inquisition of 8 November, 48 Edward III. Many of the values are raised; the messuage in Cherleton is described as a fortalice; and the rent payable to the abbot of Shrewsbury for the premises in Cherleton is given as 22s.
SALOP AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inq. taken at La Pole before the same three commissioners, Wednesday the eve of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 49 Edward III.
La Pole, Botynton, Talgarth, Mathraul, Walwern, Southstradmarghull and Southlannerhudell, Kereignon, Keveylok and Arwistly. Re-valuation of the premises mentioned in the inquisition of 6 November, 48 Edward III. Many of the values are raised, and the following notable additions occur:—
La Pole. The borough is said to have three, not two, fairs, the third being on the feast of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist.
Keveylok. The extent includes a borough called Maghanlleth (extent given, including two fairs on the feasts of St. Edmund the King and SS. Peter and Paul, and a market every Wednesday).
Arwistly. The moiety of the cantred is described as Ughcoid, and the extent of it includes a borough called Lanydelas (extent given, including two fairs at the feasts of St. Luke and the Translation of St. Thomas, and a market every Saturday).
The profits of the offices of chief forester and ‘penteulu’ of the lordship of Powys are receivable yearly from the rents and pleas and perquisites of court throughout the lordship, and are included in the above extents. The yearly damage to the king which would arise if the grants mentioned in the above commission were confirmed is the amount of such profits receivable from such parcels of the lordship as are in the king’s hand, to wit, 7l. for the office of chief forester and 21l. 0s. 1 3/4d. for the office of ‘penteulu.’ The damage to John son and heir of the said John in respect of such parcels of the lordship as are in his hand would be 4l. and 6l. 11s. 8d. The damage to Joan late the wife of the said John in respect of her dower would be 73s. 4d. and 19l. 11s. The damage to the said Joan in respect of such parcels of the lordship as she holds in joint feoffment would be 7l. 13s. 4d. and 22l. 10s. 3 1/4d. The said offices are not held of anyone by any service, save of the king as parcel of the lordship. The profits thereof throughout the lordship are extended at 91l. 19s. 9d. yearly. The said profits arising from the parcels of the lordship in the heir’s hand, and from the parcels in the hand of the said Joan by joint feoffment, are not included in the above extents.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (1.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 37. (10.) (Salop.)
Writ of precipimus, 8 November, 48 Edward III.
WESTMORELAND. Inq. taken at Kirkeby in Kendale, Monday before the Conception, 48 Edward III.
Stirkeland Ketill in Kendale. 2 messuages and a bovate of land in Likebergh, held of the fee of William de Coucy, which at the time of his death was in the king’s hand, by homage and suit to his court of Kirkeby in Kendale every three weeks, and by a rent of 8d. yearly.
He died on Monday before Michaelmas, 28 Edward III. Thomas, his son and heir, died while a minor in the king’s wardship at Michaelmas, 43 Edward III. Roger de Derlay, aged 40 years and more, is uncle and heir of Thomas and brother and heir of Swan.
The king has taken the issues ever since the death of Swan, as appears in the accounts of the sheriffs of Westmoreland.
The premises are now held of Joan late the wife of John de Coupland, as of the said fee, by grant of the king to the said John; and are those which Roger sued out of the king’s hand.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (2.)
Writ of precipimus, 20 July, 48 Edward III.
MIDDLESEX. Inq. (indented) taken at Totenham, Monday after St. Andrew, 48 Edward III.
Totenham. A third part of the manor called Baillolf, held of the king in chief by knight’s service. Long before his death he enfeoffed thereof, with the king’s licence, Ralph Darci and William Descheyns, who afterwards, with the king’s licence, enfeoffed him and Philippa his wife thereof, to hold to them and his heirs. Afterwards he and Philippa demised the said third part, by a fine levied in the king’s court with the king’s licence, to Giles Daubeneye and his heirs.
He died in April, 44 Edward III, day not known. Heir not known. Giles has taken the profits ever since the said demise.
Similar writ, 20 July, 48 Edward III.
CORNWALL. Inq. taken at Lostwythiel, Friday the morrow of St. Laurence, 48 Edward III.
Fowyton. The manor, whereof 12 years ago he enfeoffed Giles Daubeneye, knight, and his heirs. The said Giles has had possession ever since.
William died on 6 December, 45 Edward III. Maud wife of Oliver de Mounttaban of Brittany, aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
commission (fn. 1) to John Cergeaux, Walter Seneschal and Richard Kiliov to make enquiry as to the lands &c. of the said William; as the king is given to understand that the wardship and marriage of the heir of the said William has been concealed from him. 28 October, 48 Edward III. [Calendar of Patent Bolls, 1374–1377, p. 52.]
CORNWALL. Inq. taken at Lostwithiell, Wednesday before St. Clement, 48 Edward III.
Trenay. The manor, with the lordship of Fowyton, Polruan and Usse, held of the prince in chief by knight’s service. It is an eighth part of a knight’s fee pertaining to the castle of Launceton.
He died at Trenay on Thursday the eve of the Annunciation, 45 Edward III. Maud de Montaban, his daughter, aged 26 years and more, is his heir. She is married to Sir Oliver de Montaban, knight, of the kingdom of France.
Since his death Giles Daubeney, knight, has had possession of the manor because of a charter made to him by the said William in fee simple, in a way in which William could not make it because the manor was entailed on him and the heirs of his body.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (3.)
Writ, 10 November, 48 Edward III.
BERKS. Inq. taken at Lamborn, 23 November, 48 Edward III.
Estbury. A messuage, 2 virgates of land, 1/2a. meadow and 7s. rent, held of the king in chief by service of a twentieth part of a knight’s fee; and a messuage, 2 carucates of land, 4a. wood and 60s. rent, held of William Hoo by service of 1d. yearly.
Bokhampton. 3 virgates of land and 2a. wood, held of Warin de Insula by service of 3s. 1d.
Lamborn. A carucate of land, 12a. wood in common, pasture for 200 sheep, and 100s. rent, held of the heirs of Fulk Fitz Waryn by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Pusemere. A messuage and 3 virgates of land, held of the prior of Poghle by service of 3s. yearly.
Blakgrove. The manor, held of the heirs of the earl of Hereford by service of 2s.
Haddelee. The manor, held of Richard Lyllyng by service of a rose.
The last two items he held jointly with Katharine his wife, who survives.
Uplamborne. A messuage, a carucate of land and 30s. rent, held of William Haicroft by service of 3s. yearly.
Winterborn Earls and Wynterborn Forde, co. Wilts. A messuage, a carucate of land and 3a. meadow, held of William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury, by service of 2s. 1d. and suit of court every three weeks.
Mynbury, co. Wilts. A carucate of land, held of the bishop of Salisbury, service not known.
The last three items he held jointly with Katharine his wife and Thomas their son, who survive.
Nywebury. A messuage with a curtilage adjoining, held of the earls of Penbrok and March by service of 2s. yearly.
Spene. A messuage, 9a. land and 9a. meadow, held of the earl of Penbrok and William la Souche by service of 7s. 7d. yearly.
Niwebury, Spene and Spenhamlond. 2 messuages, 3 curtilages and 10a. land, held of the earl of March and William Rous by service of 2s. yearly; and 2 messuages and 3 curtilages, held of the earl of Penbrok and William la Souche by service of 20d. yearly.
Niwebury. 32s. 6d. rent and a thirteenth part of a water-mill, held of the count of La Perche by knight’s service.
The last two items he held jointly with the said Thomas his son.
Benham. 4a. meadow, tenure not known.
Kentebury. 4a. meadow called ‘Bruggemede,’ held of the prioress of Ambr’, service not known.
He died on Thursday before SS. Simon and Jude last. John de Estbury, his elder son, aged 28 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (4.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 36. (15.)
Writ to assign dower to the said Katharine. 7 February, 49 Edward III.
E. Inq. P.M. File 39.(12.)
Writ of mandamus, 8 February, 48 Edward III.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. (indented) taken in the castle of Newcastle upon Tyne, Saturday in Easter week, 48 Edward III.
Espele. The king by charter granted to him, for past and future good service, all the lands &c. in Espele late of John de Espele, which came to the king’s hands as escheat by the forfeiture of the said John, who adhered to the Scots, the king’s enemies, to hold to him and his heirs of the king and his heirs and the other chief lords of that fee by the services by which they were held before they came to the king’s hands. He was seised thereof in his demesne as of fee by virtue of the said charter. The said lands &c. are held of the castle of Mitford by service of 1lb cummin.
He died on Thursday after St. Leonard, 30 Edward III. Emma, aged 30 years and more, now the wife of William de Rodome, is his daughter and heir. The said William and Emma have had possession of the premises as her right ever since his death.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (5.)
Writ to the escheator to make enquiry touching a petition from Richard Fitz Hugh shewing that William Fitz Hugh granted by charter, by the name of William Fitz Richard, a messuage and 100a. land in La Beggerye, co. Bedford, to John his son and Elizabeth wife of the said John and the heirs of their bodies, which tenements, by reason of the waiver of the said Elizabeth for committing a felony by killing her husband, were taken into the king’s hand by a late escheator, and were afterwards committed to the petitioner by letters patent of the Exchequer for as long as they should remain in the king’s hand on that account; and praying that he may have livery of the premises as son and heir of the said William, Elizabeth being now dead without issue by the said John. 8 July, 48 Edward III.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedford, 24 July, 48 Edward III.
The facts as stated in the said petition are correct.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (6.)
25. JOHN FRECHEVILL of Palterton.
Writ, 1 April, 48 Edward III.
DERBY. Inq. taken at Chestrefeld, Tuesday before St. Barnabas, 48 Edward III.
Palturton. A messuage, 80a. arable and 7a. meadow, held of the king in chief by knight’s service, with 6s. 8d. rents of free tenants and 47s. rents of bond tenants without any service.
He died beyond seas on Thursday the eve of St. Martin last. John his son, aged 12 years, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (7.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 37. (5.)
26. BALDWIN FITZ PIERS of Glenfield.
Writ, 12 May, 48 Edward III.
LEICESTER. Inq. taken at Leycestre, Saturday before St. Denis, 48 Edward III.
Glenfeld. A third part of a plot of pasture called ‘Baudewynestokkyng,’ held of Henry son and heir of William de Ferrariis, a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service, amount not known.
He died on Thursday before Easter last. Joan his daughter, aged 4 years on the feast of St. Gregory last, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (8.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 169. (3.)
Writ of precipimus, 18 March, 48 Edward III.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Wytinggham, Thursday after St. John the Baptist, 48 Edward III.
Matfen West. A wasted capital messuage with 40a. arable and 3a. meadow of demesne, and 2 waste husband-lands (each containing 20a. arable) and 3 waste cottages (each containing 1/2a. land), held of the king in chief by socage, and not by knight’s service.
Lourbotill. 4 built-on husband-lands, 2 waste husband-lands (each containing 20a. land), and 9 waste cottages (each containing 1 1/2a. land), held of the king in chief by the service aforesaid.
He died on 21 February, 34 Edward III. Richard Gourlay, his son, of full age, is his heir.
The king by his escheators has had possession of the premises since John’s death because they are held of him in chief by the service aforesaid.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (9.)
Writ of precipimus, 20 April, 48 Edward III.
NORFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken at Flicham, Wednesday after Corpus Christi, 48 Edward III. (Fourteen jurors.)
Annemere. The manor, held jointly with Agnes his wife by gift of William Gorge of Castelacre and William Bur . ., parson of the church of Bricham, to him and Agnes and his heirs. He held the manor by service of one knight’s fee of Edmund de Thorp, knight, who in turn holds it of the king in chief, service not known. Agnes survives, and has had possession of the manor ever since his death.
He died about the Purification, 40 Edward III. Katharine his daughter, aged 23 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (10.)
29. GILBERT GIFFARD, knight.
Writ, 13 January, 47 Edward III.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. taken at Gloucester, 31 January, 48 Edward III.
La Kyngeshome by Gloucester. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of keeping the door of the king’s pantry on the day of his coronation.
Matesdon by Upton St. Leonard. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the abbot of St. Peter’s, Gloucester, by knight’s service.
Cromhale. The manor, held of Thomas de Berkele, lord of Berkele, by knight’s service.
He held all the above of the right and inheritance of Elizabeth his wife.
He died beyond seas on 10 October last. John Giffard, his kinsman, of full age, is his heir.
Writ, 16 February, 48 Edward III.
OXFORD. Inq. taken at Chorlebury, 8 March, 48 Edward III.
Ascote. The manor, held for life by demise of Humphrey de Bohun, late earl of Hereford, the reversion belonging to the earl’s heirs, who are minors in the king’s wardship. It is held of John de Plesseto by knight’s service, as of his manor of Hoggenorton.
He died on 1 December last. Heir not known.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (11.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 170. (9.) (Oxford.)
Do. Do. 171. (6.) (Gloucester.)
Writ to assign dower of the said manor of Ascote to Joan late the wife of [Humphrey] de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex. 2 June, 48 Edward III. [Calendar of Close Rolls, 1374–1377, p. 28.]
E. Inq. P.M. File 36. (21.)
Writ of precipimus, 10 April, 48 Edward III.
DERBY. Inq. taken at Derby, Friday after St. Andrew, 48 Edward III.
Kynwaldemersch. A moiety of the manor, held of the king, as of the honor of Peverel, by service of providing a horse, price 5s., a sack and a ‘prik’ in the Welsh war whenever the king wars there in person.
Barleburgh. Two-thirds of the manor, held of Philip Dercy, knight, [as] of the manor of Ekynton, by knight’s service.
He held both the above for life jointly with Agnes his wife, who survives and has had possession of them since his death.
He died on Monday the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 44 Edward III. Nicholas de Goushill, knight, his son, aged 60 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (12.)
Writ, 16 April, 48 Edward III.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Cambridge, 18 May, 48 Edward III.
Hyngeston. 3 messuages, 68a. arable, 2a. meadow, 1a. pasture, a sixth part of a watermill, and 4s. yearly rent, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Pampesworthe. 7a. land, held of John Clovyle, service not known.
She died on Tuesday in Easter week, 48 Edward III. Stephen Reyner, chaplain, aged 40 years and more, is her son and heir.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (13.)
Writ of mandamus, 10 February, 48 Edward III.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Thynden, Monday after St. Matthias, 48 Edward III.
Thynden. An eighth part of the manor, held of John son of Roger de Lancastre by service of a pair of gloves.
Date of death not known, because he died beyond seas. Ralph his son, aged 21 years and more, is his heir. On account of Ralph’s minority the king granted the custody of all William’s lands to Roger de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March, whose executors, John de Bischopeston and others, have had possession of the said eighth part ever since William’s death. The escheator has seized the said eighth part into the king’s hand because he is informed that William held other lands of the king in chief.
Writ of mandamus, 10 February, 48 Edward III.
Writ to take without delay the inquisition already ordered. 12 August, 48 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. taken at York, 20 August, 48 Edward III.
Brunnum. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service,
…… ……. ., held of the earl Marshal by knight’s service.
[Thorpe] (fn. 2) Basset. The manor, held of the abbot of St. Albans by knight’s service.
Scakelthorp. The manor, held of the heirs of Henry Dene of Roteland by fealty.
Thirnetoft. The manor, held of John Conestable by fealty and service of rendering 2s. 1d. yearly.
Moreton. The manor, held of Henry Lescrop, knight, by knight’s service and service of rendering 16s. 6d. yearly.
Butterwyk. The manor, with the advowson of the church of Folketon, held of Peter de Malo Lacu by knight’s service.
Welbury. The manor, held of the bishop of Durham by knight’s service.
Crossethwayt. The manor, held of Henry Fitz Hugh by service of rendering 2s. yearly.
These last three manors are assigned for life to Joan wife of the said William as her dower. As for the residue of the premises, the king granted the custody thereof after the death of William, on account of the minority of Ralph his son and heir, to Roger de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March; and the said earl, John de Bisshopeston, clerk, and John Goure have had possession ever since.
Nidd. The manor, held of the count of Aumale by knight’s service.
Osmonderlaye. A plot of land so called, held of the bishop of Durham by service of rendering …. yearly.
Skelton by York. A capital messuage in ruins and 2 bovates of land, held of …. . de Nevill, knight, by knight’s service; 2 plots of land called ………. as assarts by service of rendering to the king 10s. yearly; and 22 bovates of land with a plot of land called ‘Mortonscogh,’ ……. . The said Joan alienated these tenements in Skelton to John de Scotherskelf, clerk, who alienated them to William Griselay, clerk, and John Vincent of London; and these three have had possession of them ever since the death of the deceased.
Drynghows. Part of the manor, held of the count of Aumale by service (sic).
Dogelby. A moiety of a messuage and a bovate of land, held of the prior of Kirkham by fealty. Robert Ghibson (?) of Dogelby has had possession thereof ever since William’s death.
The king has had no profit since William’s death from the premises in Skelton and Dogelby.
William died on the feast of St……, 32 Edward III. Ralph his son, aged 21 years and more, is his heir.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore feodorum &c., 24 May, 49 Edward III.
YORK. Extent taken at York, 22 June, 49 Edward III. [Stained with gall and illegible in places.]
Melyngton. A messuage and 12 bovates of land, held of the said William by William de Hasthorp by service of a seventh part of a knight’s fee; 37 bovates of land, held of him by Gerard Salveyn by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee; and a messuage and 8 bovates of land, held of him by the heirs of John de Melyngton by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee.
Wappelyngton. A messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of him by the heirs of John atte Hall by service of a thirty-second part of a knight’s fee; the like, held in like manner by Adam son of William.
Lytell Thorp. Lands &c. worth 6s. 8d. yearly, held of him by the heirs of Gerard Salveyn by service of a tenth part of a knight’s fee.
Spaldyngton. Tenements worth 10l. yearly, held of him by Thomas del Haye by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Hildreskelf. A messuage and 6 bovates of land, held of him by the heirs of Roger Brett by service of a fourteenth part of a knight’s fee; and a messuage and a bovate of land, held of him by John Jakson by service of a fiftieth part of a knight’s fee.
Galmethorp. A messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of him by Roger de Ryton by service of a thirty-second part of a knight’s fee.
Aymonderby. A messuage and 5 bovates of land, held of him by Thomas de Ingelby by service of a fifteenth part of a knight’s fee.
Broghton. A carucate of land, held of him by William de Garton by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of him by William son of Hugh (?) by service of a thirty-second part of a knight’s fee; and a messuage and a bovate of land, held of him by Agnes daughter of John son of Hugh by service of a sixty-first part of a knight’s fee.
Butterwyk. A messuage and 4 bovates of land, held of him by William de Ergom by service of a sixteenth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of him by John Martyn by service of a thirty-second part of a knight’s fee; 4 messuages and 3 bovates of land, held of him jointly by Thomas Beaucole, John de Molsecroft and William Tayllour by service of a forty-eighth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and a bovate of land, held of him by the same Thomas Beaucole by service of a sixty-first part of a knight’s fee; the like, held of him by William de Bulmer by the same service.
[Shirburne.] (fn. 3) A messuage and a bovate of land, held of him by William de Westhorp by service of a sixty-first part of a knight’s fee; lands worth 12d. yearly, held of him by Thomas Doughte by service of a twenty-fourth part of a knight’s fee; 2 carucates of land held of him by Ralph de H …… by service of a third part of a knight’s fee; a carucate of land, held of him by William son of Gilbert de Ergum by service of a seventh part of a knight’s fee.
Flixton. 3 messuages and a carucate of land, held of him by William de Ergum by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of him by John Stele, chaplain, by service of a thirty-second part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and 27 bovates of land, held of him by Thomas de Sutton, knight, by service of a sixth part (?) of a knight’s fee; a messuage and a bovate of land, held of him by the prior of Bridlyngton by service of a sixty-first part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and 3 bovates of land, held of him by Isabel Barde by service of a thirty-second part of a knight’s fee; 2 messuages and 10 bovates of land held of him by William Malbys by service of a twenty [-fifth ?] part of a knight’s fee; and 1 1/2 messuages and 7 bovates of land, held of him by the same William by service of a sixteenth part of a knight’s fee.
Folketon. The manor and town, held of him by John Lascy and John Wasselin by service of a sixth part of a knight’s fee.
[Brunham.] (fn. 4) A toft and 14 bovates of land, held of him by the heirs of Gilbert de Gaunt by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of him by Thomas son of John by service of a thirty-second part of a knight’s fee; 5a. land, held of him by Richard Scot (?) by service of a hundredth part of a knight’s fee; 2 messuages and 2 tofts, held of him by John son of Robert by service of ……. . part of a knight’s fee; a toft and croft and 2a. land, held of him by John de Whassan by service of a hundredth and tenth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and 2 1/2 bovates of land, held of him by Robert Warde by service of a thirtieth (?) part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and a bovate of land, held of him by Isolda de Thornton by service of a sixty-first part of a knight’s fee; a messuage, held of him by Sibyl de ……. . by service of a fourhundredth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and . . bovates of land, held of him by ……. . by service of a fifteenth part of a knight’s fee; a toft and ……. ., held of him by ……. . Ward in right of his wife by service of a sixty-first part of a knight’s fee; a toft and 2 bovates of land, held of him by …. . de Brunham, chaplain, by service of a sixtieth part of a knight’s fee; a moiety of [a third part?] of a messuage …… of land, held of him by Christiana de Cliveland by service of a sixtieth part of a knight’s fee; the other moiety thereof, held of him by Alice de Cliveland by the like service; two-thirds of the said messuage and bovate, held of him by the heir of John de Cliveland by service of a seventieth part of a knight’s fee; a third part of a messuage and of ………., held of him by John de Standon (?) in right of his wife by service of a two-hundredth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and a bovate of land, held of him by Simon Proctour by service of a sixty-first part of a knight’s fee.
Morton on Swale. A messuage and 6 bovates of land, held of him by Nicholas Heryng (?) by service of a twelfth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and 4 bovates of land, held of him by ……. de …… ton by service of a sixteenth part of a knight’s fee; a messuage and 3 bovates of land, held of him by William Younger and Thomas de Legh (?) by service of …… of a knight’s fee ……… (remainder mainly illegible).
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Newcastle upon Tyne, Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 49 Edward III.
Walkare. The manor, held of him by John de Fenwyk by service of one knight’s fee.
Shilwyngton. The manor, held of him by Robert de Ogle by service of one knight’s fee.
Dudden. The manor, held of him by John Hastynges, parson of the church of Morpath, by service of a third part of a knight’s fee, the reversion belonging to the heirs of the deceased.
Heppescotes. Lands &c. worth 40s. yearly, held of him by William de Heppescotes.
Stanyngton. Lands worth 13s. 4d. yearly, held of him by the abbot of Newminster.
Hirnyngfeld. Lands worth 1/2 mark yearly, held of him by William Benet, chaplain, by service of a seventieth part of a knight’s fee.
Kyllyngworth. Lands worth 1/2 mark yearly, held of him by the heirs of William del Chambre by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee; lands worth 30s. yearly, held of him by Alan Whithevid, chaplain,’ by service of a seventieth part of a knight’s fee; lands worth 18d. yearly, held of him by the heirs of Richard de Sancto Petro by service of a seventieth part of a knight’s fee; and lands worth 20s. yearly, held of him by Alan Whithevid, chaplain, by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee.
Benton. Lands worth 20s. yearly, held of him by Henry de Haveryngton by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee.
Morpath. Lands worth 10s. yearly, held of him by the heirs of Robert Church (ad Ecclesiam) by service of a sixtieth part of a knight’s fee; and lands worth 20s. yearly, held of him by Robert Hirnyng by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee.
Le Whitewom. Held of him by John del Chambre by service of a twentieth part of a knight’s fee; and land there worth 40d. yearly, held of him by Roger de Horsley by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee.
All the above, except the tenement in Hirnyngfeld, were held of the deceased as of his manor of Morpath.
Morpath. The advowson of the church.
WESTMORELAND. Inq. taken at Appelby, 1 June, 49 Edward III.
Brampton. The manor, held of him by Christopher de Lancastre, as of the manor of Dufeton, by service of a sixth part of a knight’s fee.
Kesclyf. The manor, held of him by the heirs of Robert de Daubenay by service of a twentieth part of a knight’s fee.
Bolton. The manor, held of him by John de Derwentwatir by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Dufeton. Lands worth 1/2 mark yearly, held of him by the heirs of Adam son of Nicholas by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee; lands worth 1/2 mark yearly, held of him by the heirs of John de Orneby by the like service; lands worth 5s. yearly, held of him by the heirs of Thomas de Edenhall by service of a sixtieth part of a knight’s fee; lands worth 40d. yearly, held of him by the heirs of Beatrice daughter of William by the like service; lands worth 13s. 4d. yearly, held of him by the heirs of John son of Robert by the like service: all held of the manor of Dufeton.
Brampton. Lands worth 2s. yearly, held of him by the heirs of John Inglis by service of a sixtieth part of a knight’s fee; and lands worth 1/2 mark yearly, held of him by the heirs of John de Elton by service of one knight’s fee: both held of the manor of Dufeton.
Dufeton. The advowson of the church.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Penreth, 3 June, 49 Edward III.
Dacre. The manor, with the hamlets of Soulby and Bous[ca]les, a tenement called Thakthwayt, and lands in Newbyggyng, held of him by Ranulf de Dacre by service of one knight’s fee.
Thrilkyld. The manor, held of him by John de Derewentwater by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Joneby. The manor, held of him by the heirs of Gregory Bourdon by the like service.
Hoton John. The manor, held of him by Edmund de Hoton by the like service.
Graystok, Berier and Motherby. Tenements worth 13s. 4d. yearly, held of him by the heirs of William son of Adam de Graystok by service of a twentieth part of a knight’s fee.
Hoton Rof. The hamlet, held of him by John de Hotonrof by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee.
Newbyggyng and Staynton. Lands worth 40s. yearly, held of him by the heirs of Walter Cirrezy by the like service.
Ayrawe. The hamlet, and lands &c. in Newbyggyng and Staynton, held of him by the heirs of John Tympron by the like service.
Motherby. Lands worth 40d. yearly, held of him by the heirs of John de Blacowmor by service of a seventieth part of a knight’s fee; lands worth 2s. yearly, held of him by the heirs of William de Sutton by service of a two-hundredth part of a knight’s fee; and lands worth 2 marks yearly, held of him by the heirs of John Rydel by service of a seventieth part of a knight’s fee.
All the above, except the tenements of Edmund de Hoton and the heirs of John Tympron, were held of the manor of Graystok.
Graystok. The advowson of the church.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (14.)
HERTFORD. Inq. taken at Chesthunt, Sunday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 48 Edward III.
Chesthunt. About the feast of SS. Peter and Paul, 33 Edward III, Adam Cory entered in the name of seisin into all the lands which belonged to the said William in the parish of Chesthunt; and William was never afterwards seised of them. They are held of the earl of Richemund.
William died on 10 July following.
E. Inq. P.M. File 36. (20.)
33. JOHN HAGGEFORD of Weluen.
Writ of precipimus, 24 August, 48 Edward III.
HERTFORD. Inq. taken at Hertford, 26 September, 48 Edward III.
Weluen. A messuage in ruins and unroofed, 280a. poor arable, 4a. meadow, 3a. pasture, 44s. 5d. yearly rent of tenants at will, and 22s. 3d. rent of assise of free tenants, held of the king in chief by knight’s service and payment of 13s. 4d. yearly at the king’s hundred of Braddewater.
He died on 28 November last. Edmund le Vauncy, aged 6 years and more, is his kinsman and heir. Robert Belthorp has had possession of the premises since his death, by what title the jurors know not.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (15.)
34. THOMAS DE HETHE, knight.
Writ, 2 November, 48 Edward III.
MIDDLESEX. Inq. (indented) taken at Westminster, 6 November, 48 Edward III.
Totenham. The manor called ‘le Bruses’ (extent given), held for life of the king’s gift, service not known.
Totenham. Two-thirds of a third part of a watermill in ruins.
He died on 24 October last. Heir not known.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (16.)
35. JOHN HENGESTON, the younger, of London, goldsmith.
Writ of precipimus, sicut alias, 1 July, 48 Edward III.
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken before the mayor, 30 August, 48 Edward III.
He died on Wednesday after Palm Sunday, 23 Edward III, seised of:—
Wodestret. A tenement purchased of John Totenham, ‘chaundeler,’ executor of Henry atte More. By his testament proved and enrolled in the husting of London of common pleas held on Monday the feast of St. Margaret, 23 Edward III, he bequeathed the said tenement to be sold by his executors. After his death Isabel, his wife and executrix, had possession of it until she sold it to John Coraunt, ‘goldsmyth,’ who now has possession of it.
Parish of St. Michael, Wodstret. A messuage.
Parish of St. Margaret, Lothebury. A messuage.
Long before his death he married Isabel daughter and heir of John Lorymer, she being then seised of the above 2 messuages. He had no other estate therein save in her right.
All the premises are held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city of London.
Joan wife of Henry Frowyk, ‘mercer,’ aged 31 years, and Alice wife of Robert Prentys, goldsmith, aged 29 years, are his kinswomen and heirs.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (17.)
Commission in the form of a writ of mandamus to John Rous and Richard de Foxton, escheator in co. Warwick. 16 June, 48 Edward III.
WARWICK. Inq. made at Warrewyk, Thursday the feast of St. Margaret, 48 Edward III.
Lemyngton Hastang. The manor, held of Malcolm Musard by knight’s service, amount not known.
He died on 28 October, 40 Edward III. Maud, aged 13 years at Christmas last, and Joan, aged 11 years at the Assumption last, are his daughters and heirs.
Maud his wife had possession of the manor for nearly four years after his death by virtue of a feoffment made to her and him, and then died. Thereupon John de Beauchamp and John le Rous had possession jointly for the next three years by demise of the king. Since Michaelmas last John de Salesbury has had possession by demise of the king.
Writ of precipimus, 18 June, 48 Edward III.
WARWICK. Inq. made at Lemyngton Hastang, Tuesday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 48 Edward III.
Lemyngton Hastang. The manor, held as above, jointly with Maud his wife.
He died on 28 October, 39 Edward III. Maud, aged 15 years on the feast of SS. Peter and Paul last, and Joan, aged 12 years at Christmas last, are his daughters and heirs.
Possession since death as above.
Writ of precipimus, 18 June, 48 Edward III.
STAFFORD. Inq. taken at Stafford, 3 July, 48 Edward III.
Chebbeseye. The manor, held of the duke of Lancaster, as of the honor of Tuttebury, by service of socage.
He died on 28 November, 35 Edward III. Heirs as above, Maud being 15 years of age on 2 February last, and Joan 12 years of age on 12 January last.
Maud his wife had possession of the manor, being enfeoffed thereof jointly with him for life by gift of John de Hastang, knight, his father, until 20 July, 43 Edward III, when she died. After her death the duke of Lancaster had possession for a quarter of a year, since when John Beauchamp, John Rous and John de Salesbury have had possession by the king’s demise.
Grant to Master Richard de Tyshoo, clerk, of power to admit the guardians of Maud one of the daughters and heirs of the said John de Hastang, who has proved her age and whom Ralph de Stafford has taken to wife, to sue in the Chancery for her share of the lands &c. of the said John. 1 December, 48 Edward III.
Endorsed: William Palmere and John Huet, her guardians, have been admitted to sue.
Writ to the escheator to certify the king in the Chancery touching every single parcel of the manor of Lemyngton Hastang and the yearly value thereof. 22 December, 48 Edward III.
WARWICK. Inq. taken at Rokeby, Tuesday after St. Hilary, 48 Edward III.
Lemyngton Hastang. Extent of the manor in full, giving names of fields &c. and tenants, with the tenures of the latter.
Commission to John atte Wode and Roger de la Lee, escheator in co. Stafford, to send into the Chancery an inquisition touching every single parcel of the manor of Chebbeseye and the yearly value thereof. 22 December, 48 Edward III.
STAFFORD. Inq. taken at Ston, Friday the eve of the Epiphany, 48 Edward III.
Chebbeseye. Extent of the manor in full, giving names of fields &c. and tenants, with the tenures of the latter. The extent includes:—
Coldenorton. The manor, held of Chebbeseye by James de Alvedeleghe by service of half a knight’s fee.
Neubold. The manor, held by John Nowell by knight’s service and 12d. yearly.
Walton. The manor, held by William Rushal by service of 4 palfrey’s shoes, each shoe with 16 nails.
Writ to the escheator to certify the king in the Chancery touching every single parcel of the manors of Grafton by Bremesgrave and Upton Waryn and the yearly value thereof. 30 November, 48 Edward III.
Similar writ, 22 December, 48 Edward III.
WORCESTER. Inq. taken at Bremesgrave, Monday the feast of the Circumcision, 48 Edward III.
Grafton. Extent of the manor in full, giving names of fields &c. and tenants, with the tenures of the latter.
Upton Waryn. Similar extent of the manor.
Agreement between Ralph de Stafford and Maud his wife, of the one part, and John de Salesbury, who has the custody of all the lands late of the said John Hastang by the king’s lease, and Joan Hastang, of the other part, touching the pourparties of the said Maud and Joan, daughters and heirs of the said John de Hastang. (The details of the partition are as given in Calendar of Close Rolls, 1374–1377, pp. 121, 122, except that Cakeforlong appears instead of Oakeforlong, and John Koyne of Nethircote is given as an additional tenant in common in Herdewyk). French.
C. Edw. III. File 237. (18.)


  • 1. The commision and the following inquisition are not originals, but copies entered on a singel sheet of parchment, apparently with a view to a common-law suit in chancery.
  • 2. Supplied from the folio Calendar (1808).
  • 3. The words in square brackets are supplied from the folio Calendar (1808).
  • 4. The words in square brackets are supplied from the folio Calendar (1808).