Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 13, Edward III. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1954.
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A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, M. C. B. Dawes, D. B. Wardle, 'Index of Persons and Places: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 13, Edward III(London, 1954), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].
A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, M. C. B. Dawes, D. B. Wardle, 'Index of Persons and Places: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 13, Edward III(London, 1954), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,
A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, M. C. B. Dawes, D. B. Wardle. "Index of Persons and Places: W". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 13, Edward III. (London, 1954), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.
Wace, Gilbert, knight, 125 (p. 98).
-, ……, Henry, 136 (p. 109).
-, ……, …., Richard, son of, canon of Westacre priory, 136 (p. 109).
-, ……, Simon, 57 (p. 44).
Wacherye, le [co. Surrey]. See Shere Vachery.
Wachesherst, co. Essex [now Pevor’s Farm, in Hedingham Sible parish], 125 (p. 93).
Wachet, co. Somerset. See Watchet.
Waddon, co. Gloucester. See Whaddon.
Wade, Adam, 68.
-, ……, Sir John, 262 (p. 237).
Wadenhall, Wadenhale, co. Kent [in Waltham parish], manor, 33 (p. 27).
Wadenhoe, Wadenho, co. Northampton, fee in, 125 (p. 97).
Wadyngham, Laurence de, of Tealby, 5.
Wake, Hugh, 210 (p. 186).
-, ……, John, prebendary of Wherwell, 32 (p. 26).
-, ……, Stephen. See Wyke.
Wakely, Wakele, co. Hertford, manor, with advowson of church, 241 (p. 224).
Wakeman, Robert, chaplain, 84 (p. 64).
Wakering, Great, Great Wakeryng, co. Essex, 253 (p. 230).
-, ……, manor, 167 (p. 135).
-, ……, Little, Little Wakeryng, co. Essex, 167 (p. 135).
Wakerley, Wakerle, cos. Rutland and Northampton, inquisitions taken at, 57 (pp. 42, 43).
-, ……, manor, with advowson of church, 57 (p. 43).
Walais. See Waleys.
Walbode, Walbot, John, 252 (p. 229).
-, ……, Thomas, chaplain, 252 (p. 229 bis).
Walcote, co. Norfolk, manor, 220.
Wald Nieuton, co. Lincoln. See Newton, Wold.
Waldebeof, John, 167 (p. 140 bis).
Waldegrave, John de, 83 (p. 63).
Walden, Saffron, Chepyngwaldene, Waldene, co. Essex, 167 (pp. 144 bis, 145 ter).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 34.
-, ……, manor, 167 (p. 135).
-, ……, ‘Matemes’ in, fee called, 167 (p. 145).
-, ……, ‘Pirnho’ in, fee called, 167 (p. 145).
-, ……, Kibberdys in, q.v.
-, ……, abbey, hospital of, advowson of, 167 (p. 145).
-, ……, …., abbot of, 125 (pp. 99, 101), 167 (pp. 137, 144, 145 quater).
Walden, Humphrey de, knight, 125 (p. 102), 167 (p. 144).
Waldepull, co. Somerset. See Walpole.
Waldingfield, Great, Waldyngfeld, co. Suffolk, 125 (p. 99).
-, ……, Little, Little Waldyngfeld, co. Suffolk, 125 (p. 99).
Waldingwell, Wallandwell, co. York [in South Anston parish], 148 (p. 122).
Waldyngham, co. Surrey. See Woldingham.
Wale, Thomas, 141.
Wales, 30 (p. 22), 317 (p. 277).
-, ……, prince of, 167 (p. 145), 212 (p. 192), 270 (p. 245), 278 (p. 252).
-, ……, …., his fees in the county of Lincoln, 278 (p. 253).
-, ……, ….. See also Edward.
Wales, co. York, Kiveton in, q.v.
Walewayn, Richard, 167 (p. 139).
Waleys, Walais, John, 125 (p. 102).
-, ……, …., knight, 87 (p. 70).
-, ……, Ralph, 20.
-, ……, William, 210 (p. 183).
Walhop, co. Salop. See Wallop.
Walington, Walyngton, John de, 61, 140.
Walkefare, Thomas, knight, 125 (p. 102).
Walkere, John, 38.
-, ……, …., Alice, wife of, 38.
-, ……, John, bailiff of the liberty of the hundred of Bampton, co. Oxford, 71.
Wall, Walle, John atte, ‘cappere,’ 166 (p. 131).
-, ……, …., of St. Olave’s, Hart Lane, London, 237.
Wallandwell, co. York. See Waldingwell.
Walle. See Wall.
Walley, co. Derby. See Whaley.
-, ……, …., Isabel wife of, 216.
-, ……, …., Robert son of Robert son of Henry and Isabel, heir of, 216.
-, ……, John de, 216.
Wallingford, honor of, 98, 100, 167 (p. 132).
Wallingford, Walyngford, co. Berks, 100.
-, ……, writs witnessed by Richard guardian of England at, 192, 193, 197, 210 (pp. 178–180, 182, 185–187), 233.
-, ……, prince of Wales’ court of, 270 (p. 245).
-, ……, prior of 32 (p. 26).
Wallington, Wallyngton, co. Hertford, manor, 34.
Wallop, Walhop, co. Salop [in Westbury parish], 210 (p. 188).
-, ……, Nether, Wallop, co. Southampton, 167 (p. 138).
-, ……, Over, co. Southampton, church, rector. See Sandforde, Sir John de.
Walpole, Waldepull, co. Somerset [in Pawlett parish], 96.
Walsham, Ralph, Ralph de, 109, 259.
Walsingham, Walsyngham, co. Norfolk, inquisition taken at, 85.
-, ……, pilgrimage to, 228 (p. 212).
Walssh, Walsshe, David le, 59 (p. 45).
-, ……, Giles le, 213 (p. 197).
-, ……, Nicholas le, 37.
-, ……, …., Lucy, one of the heirs of. See Malet.
Walter, …., and Alice his wife, 37 (p. 30).
-, …… son of Alan, 125 (p. 102).
-, …… son of Roger, 172.
-, …… vicar of Dorking, 32 (p. 26).
Waltham, co. Kent, Wadenhall in, q.v.
-, ……, Great, co. Essex, 167 (p. 144, 145).
-, ……, …., manor, 167 (p. 135).
-, ……, …., Chatham in, q.v.
-, …… Holy Cross, co. Essex, abbot of, 125 (p. 94), 148 (p. 121), 167 (p. 144).
-, ……, Little, co. Essex, Sparrowhawk Farm in, q.v.
-, …… on the Wolds, Waltham, co. Leicester, 87 (p. 70).
Walton, co. Northampton [in King’s Sutton parish], manor, 80.
-, ……, co. Suffolk, manor, 148 (p. 120).
-, …… on Thames, co. Surrey, manor and leet, 167 (p. 133).
-, …… Wood, Walton, co. Huntingdon, 210 (p. 183 bis).
-, …… …., leet, 210 (p. 183).
Walyngford, co. Berks. See Wallingford.
Walyngton. See Walington.
Wanborough, Wynbourne, co. Wilts, 167 (p. 139).
-, ……, Wannebergh, co. Surrey, 167 (p. 142).
Wancy, Wauncy, Geoffrey, 11 (p. 9).
-, ……, John de, 197.
Wannebergh, co. Surrey. See Wanborough.
Wansbeck, Wanspyk, river, co. Northumberland, salmon fishery in, 197.
Wantage, Wantyng, co. Berks, inquisition taken at, 171.
WANTYNG, WANTYNGE, Wanting, Joan de, kinswoman and heir of Thomas Wynterbourn, 217.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth (Wynterbourn) mother of, 217.
-, ……, John de, father of William below, 219.
-, ……, …., Joan late wife of, 219.
-, ……, Richard, 232.
-, ……, WILLIAM, 219.
-, ……, …., Joan sister and heir of, 219.
War’. See Warre.
Warblyngton, John de, 241.
Ward, Warde, Hugh, 232.
-, ……, John, 136 (p. 109).
-, ……, …., of Thurlby, co. Lincoln [near Alford], 227.
-, ……, …., of Widmerpool, co. Nottingham, 232 (p. 216).
-, ……, …., Isabel (Barton) wife of, ibid.
-, ……, Richard le, 210 (p. 184).
-, ……, Robert de la, knight, 87 (p. 70).
-, ……, …., heirs of. See Richard de Meynill; Margaret de Nevill.
-, ……, Roger, 138.
-, ……, …., William, son of, canon of Wormsley, 138.
-, ……, Simon, knight, 207 (p. 175), 275 (p. 250).
WARDEDIEU, WARDIEU, ALICE [Haclut] LATE THE WIFE OF JOHN, 130 (pp. 105, 106), 262.
-, ……, …., son and heir of. See Haclut, William.
-, ……, Henry, 130 (p. 105).
-, ……, John, husband of Alice, 130 (pp. 105, 106), 262.
-, ……, Robert, of Bodiam, co. Sussex, 130 (p. 106).
Warden, Old, Wardon, co. Bedford, assignment of dower made at, 322.
-, ……, abbot of, 83, 148 (p. 121).
Wardieu. See Wardedieu.
Wardon, co. Bedford. See Warden, Old.
Wardrobe, Richard atte, 223 (p. 208).
Waregholm, co. Lincoln. See Wragholm.
Warehorne, Werehorne, co. Kent, inquisition taken at, 198, 282.
Warener, John, 71 (p. 56).
Warenne, earl of, 148 (p. 121).
Warewik, earl of. See Warwick.
Wark (upon Tyne), Werk in Tyndale, co. Northumberland, inquisitions taken at, 192, 215 (p. 199 bis).
-, ……, manor, 135, 215 (p. 199 bis).
-, …… (upon Tweed), Werk upon Tweed, co. Northumberland, barony, 119 (p. 90).
-, …… …., castle, 119 (p. 90), 199 (p. 170).
-, ……, …., lord of. See Monte Acuto, John de.
Warkworth, co. Northumberland, Chevington, East, in, q.v.
-, ……, Hadstone in, q.v.
Warner, Edmund, 167 (pp. 144, 145).
Warninglid, Warynglithe, co. Sussex, 69 (p. 54).
WARRE, WARE, WAR’, ROGER LE, or LA, or DE LA, knight, 57 (pp. 41–44).
-, ……, …., Eleanor, wife of, ibid.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth, former wife of, 57 (p. 43).
-, ……, …., John le, knight, son (by Elizabeth) and heir of, 57 (pp. 41–44).
-, ……, …., …., Elizabeth, wife of, 57 (p. 43).
-, ……, Sir Roger le, 57 (p. 41).
-, ……, …., John son of, ibid.
-, ……, …., …., John, son of, ibid.
-, ……, …., …., …., Margaret wife of, ibid.
-, ……, …., …., …., Roger, son of, heir of John son of Sir Roger. See above.
-, ……, the lord la, lord of Manchester, 265 (p. 241).
Warrewych, earl of. See Warwick.
Warrewyk, co. Warwick. See Warwick.
Warsop, co. Nottingham. See Worksop.
Warsop, Warssop, Thomas, Thomas de, 87 (pp. 66, 68).
Warwick, county of, escheators in. See Bernard; Catesby; More.
-, ……, Warewik, Warrewych, earl of, 35, 148 (pp. 118, 119, 122), 210 (p. 187), 263 (p. 239), 271.
-, ……, ….. See also Bello Campo.
-, ……, Thomas earl of. See Bello Campo.
Warwick, Warrewyk, co. Warwick, inquisitions taken at, 148 (p. 119), 263 (p. 238).
Warwyk, William, chaplain, 84 (p. 64).
Waryn, John, clerk, 254.
Waryng, Adam, 70.
-, ……, …., Ellen wife of, 70.
Warynglithe [co. Sussex]. See Warninglid.
Washford, Wecchforde, Wechford, co. Somerset [in Old Cleeve and St. Decuman parishes], 96.
-, …… Pyne, Wasshforde, Waysforde, co. Devon, 268 (pp. 243, 244).
Washbourne, Washbourn Durant, co. Devon [in Halwell], 99.
Wasing, Wauesyng, co. Berks, 167 (p. 139).
Wassheborn, Hugh de, bailiff of Hugh le Child, 59 (p. 45).
Wasshere, Roger, 225 (p. 210).
Wasshforde, co. Devon. See Washford Pyne.
Wassingbourne, co. Cambridge. See Bassingbourne.
Watchet, Wachet, co. Somerset, inquisition taken at, 200.
Water Eaton, co. Buckingham. See Eaton, Water.
Watere, Watre, Hugh atte, 162 (p. 128).
-, ……, …., Joan (Blebury) wife of, ibid.
-, ……, …., …., Maud daughter of. See Sewal.
-, ……, John atte, 69.
-, ……, …., William, father of, 69.
-, ……, …., 101.
-, ……, …., Maud (Quixlay, Lounde), wife of, 101, 264.
Waterhall, Le Waterhalle, co. Buckingham [in Water Eaton], manor, 30 (p. 22).
Wateringbury, Wotryngbury, co. Kent, 74 (p. 58).
Waterward, Richard (or Adam), 230 (p. 214).
-, ……, …., Alice sister of, ibid.
Watford, co. Northampton, 141.
-, ……, proof of age taken at, 141.
-, ……, church of, 141.
-, ……, a grange at, 141.
Watforde, Richard, 87 (p. 67).
Wath, Wath in Rydale, co. York [in Hovingham parish], manor, 207 (p. 175), 275 (p. 250).
Wathe, Roger de, 230.
Watkyn, Jevan ap, 167 (p. 141).
Watlyngstrete. See Watling Street under London.
Watre. See Watere.
Watteson, John, 102.
Wauesyng, co. Berks. See Wasing.
Wauncy. See Wancy.
Waunden, co. Buckingham. See Wavendon.
Wauton, John de, knight, 125 (p. 92).
Wavendon, Waunden, Wavynden, co. Buckingham, 125 (p. 100), 210 (p. 185 bis).
-, ……, leet, 210 (p. 184).
Waysforde, co. Devon. See Washford Pyne.
-, ……, …., Agnes, sister and heir of, 152.
-, ……, the heir of, 210 (p. 187).
Webbe, Thomas le, 62.
-, ……, …., Robert, son of, canon in the priory of Kersey, 62.
Webbeleye, co. Hereford. See Weobley.
Webbeleye, Richard, 291 (p. 260 bis).
-, ……, …., son of, ibid.
Webber, Thomas, 18.
-, ……, …., Heloise [Noble], wife of, 18.
Wecchforde, Wechford, co. Somerset. See Washford.
Wedmore, co. Somerset, church, 224 (p. 209).
-, ……, …., court of the steward of the dean and chapter of Wells held in the churchyard of, ibid.
-, ……, …., priest at. See Palmere, John.
-, ……, Mudgley in, q.v.
Weedon, Wedon, co. Buckingham, 270 (p. 245).
Weel, Peter de, knight, constable of Gloucester castle, 157.
Weighton, Market, Wyghton, co. York, manor, 212 (p. 193 bis).
-, ……, court of, 307 (p. 271).
Wekelescote, William, 182 (p. 156).
Welbeck, Wellebeck, co. Nottingham, abbot of, 265 (p. 242).
Welbourn, Welburn, co. Lincoln, 239 (pp. 220, 221).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 239.
-, ……, manor, mill, etc., 239.
Welby, Richard de, of Kirton, co. Lincoln, 21, 121, 269.
Welde, John, 125 (p. 102), 167 (p. 145).
-, ……, William, 125 (p. 102).
Wele [co. Worcester], castle. See Weoley.
Weler, Thomas, 65.
-, ……, …., father of. See Cud.
Weliton, Richard, 284 (p. 256).
-, ……. Cf. Wyliton.
Well, wapentake, co. Lincoln, 204.
Well, Welle, co. Lincoln, 294 (p. 263).
Well (person). See Welle.
Welle [co. Lincoln]. See Well.
WELLE, Well, Isabel de, prioress of Greenfield, co. Lincoln, 294 (p. 263).
-, ……, John de, 294.
-, ……, …., Maud late the wife of, 294.
-, ……, …., JOHN SON AND HEIR OF, proof of age, 294.
-, ……, Richard atte, 284.
-, ……, Sir Robert de, 315 (p. 276).
-, ……, …., Isabel de (Puriton) formerly wife of, ibid.
-, ……, William atte, chaplain, 106.
Wellebeck [co. Nottingham]. See Welbeck.
Welles, co. Hertford [in Offley parish], manor, 125 (p. 94).
Welles, co. Norfolk. See Wells next the Sea.
-, ……, co. Somerset. See Wells.
Welles, the lord de, 215 (p. 199).
Wells, Welles, co. Somerset, inquisition taken at, 258.
-, ……, dean and chapter of, 224 (p. 209).
-, …… next the Sea, Welles, co. Norfolk, manor and leet, 210 (p. 185).
Wellyngton Roger de 87 (p. 69).
Welmendcote, co. Warwick. See Wilnecote.
Welton [co. Northampton], 83.
Welton (person). See Wilton.
Wely, Richard, 224.
Wem, Wemme, co. Salop, the lord of, 210 (p. 188).
Wendlebury, Wyndelbury, co. Oxford, 167 (p. 139).
Wenge, co. Buckingham. See Wing.
Wenhaston, co. Suffolk, Mells now in, q.v.
Wenlock, Wenlok, co. Salop, inquisition taken at, 55.
Wentbrigg, John, 274 (p. 249).
Wentnor, Wontenore, co. Salop, church, advowson, 210 (p. 189).
Weobley, Webbeleye, co. Hereford, 138.
-, ……, fee of, 238 (p. 220).
-, ……, Garnstone in, q.v.
Weoley, Wele, co. Worcester [in Northfield parish], castle of, 148 (p. 119).
Weoleye, John, 291 (p. 260 bis).
-, ……, …., William, monk of Tewkesbury, 291 (p. 260).
Werehorne, co. Kent. See Warehorne.
Werk in Tyndale [co. Northumberland]. See Wark.
Werk upon Tweed, co. Northumberland. See Wark upon Tweed.
Werkyngton [co. Cumberland]. See Workington.
Wescote, co. Berks. See Westcot.
West, John, of Carlton, 136 (p. 109).
-, ……, Thomas, 167 (p. 139).
-, ……, William, 59 (p. 45).
West Court, Southoreswell, Suthshorwell in the Isle of Wight, co. Southampton (I.O.W.) [in Shorwell parish], manor, 80 (pp. 60, 61).
Westacre, co. Norfolk, priory, 136 (p. 109).
-, ……, …., prior, 252 (pp. 228, 229).
Westafford, co. Dorset. See Stafford, West.
Westambresbury, co. Wilts. See Amesbury, West.
Westbechesworth, co. Surrey. See Betchworth, West.
Westboure, co. Somerset. See Bower [East and] West.
Westbury, co. Salop, Cause in, q.v.
-, ……, Minsterley in, q.v.
-, ……, Wallop in, q.v.
-, ……, co. Southampton [in East Meon parish], manor, 254.
-, …… on Severn, Westbury, co. Gloucester, 167 (p. 141).
Westchaulo, co. Berks. See Challow, West.
Westchelberghe, co. Dorset. See Chelborough, West.
Westchikerel, co. Dorset. See Chickerell, West.
Westcot, Wescote, co. Berks [in Sparsholt parish], 171.
Westcote, Whescote, co. Warwick [in Tysoe parish], 210 (p. 187).
Westgrafton, co. Wilts. See Grafton, West.
Westgrenestede [co. Sussex]. See Grinstead, West.
Westgrenewych, co. Kent. See Greenwich, West.
Westhakebourne, co. Berks. See Hagbourne, West.
Westhathelshay, Westhathelesay, co. York. See Haddlesey.
Westhergast, co. Hereford. See Hergest, Upper.
Westhoo by Caumpes, co. Cambridge. See Westoe.
Westle, William de, 167 (p. 144).
Westlecott, Wyklescote, co. Wilts [in Wroughton parish], 27.
Westlilleburn, co. Northumberland. See Lilburn, West.
Westloccombe, co. Somerset. See Luckham, West.
Westmell, Robert, 174.
Westminster, co. Middlesex, 309.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 186.
-, ……, abbot of, 210 (pp. 179, 180).
-, ……, church of St. Margaret in, inquisition taken at, 250.
Westoe, Westhoo by Caumpes, co. Cambridge [in Castle Camps parish], 125 (p. 100).
Weston, Weston by Baldok, co. Hertford, manor, 148 (pp. 117 bis, 121 bis).
-, ……, co. Norfolk, 213 (p. 197).
-, …… Birt, Weston Bret, co. Gloucester, 167 (p. 140).
-, ……, Hail, Aylweston, Weston, co. Huntingdon, 210 (p. 183).
-, ……, …., leet, ibid.
-, …… under Lizard, Luseyord, co. Stafford, 128 (p. 105).
-, …… …., Beighterton in, q.v.
-, …… under Penyard, co. Hereford, Penyard park in, q.v.
Weston, co. Bedford. See Westoning.
Weston by Baldok, co. Hertford. See Weston above.
Weston, Lambert de, knight, 193 (p. 162).
-, ……, Richard, 177 (p. 153).
-, ……, …., Roesia, wife of, ibid.
-, ……, Thomas, 182 (p. 156).
-, ……, Thomas de, 5.
-, ……, …., Maud, sister of, 5.
-, ……, …., …., John Tours formerly husband of, q.v.
-, ……, William de, of Carlton Curlieu, 262.
Westoning, Weston, co. Bedford, manor, 53.
Westpecham, co. Kent. See Peckham, West.
Westrasen, co. Lincoln. See Rasen, West.
Westtockham, co. Wilts. See Tockenham, West.
Westwick, Westwyk in Kyngesbery, co. Hertford [in St. Michael’s parish], hamlet, 125 (p. 94).
-, ……, manor of called Gorhames. See Gorhambury.
Westwithihull by Crekkelade, co. Wilts. See Widhill, Lower.
Westwyk, co. Hertford. See Westwick.
Wethersfield, Wetherisfeld, co. Essex, 228 (pp. 211, 212).
-, ……, church, 228.
-, ……, mill, 228 (p. 212).
Wexcombe, co. Wilts [in Great Bedwyn parish], manor, 210 (p. 181).
Weye, river. See Wye.
Weye, Joan atte, 290.
Whaddon, Waddon, co. Gloucester, 167 (p. 142).
Whaley, Walley, co. Derby [in Bolsover parish], 216.
Whalton, Qwalton, co. Northumberland, barony, 197.
-, ……, manor, 215.
-, ……, Ogle in, q.v.
Wharlton, John de, 292 (p. 261).
Wharram Percy, co. York, Thixendale in, q.v.
Whately, co. Somerset, Eggford partly in, q.v.
Whatton, Thomas de, 257.
Whatynden, Alice (Cundy), 183.
-, ……, …., Thomas son of, 183.
Wheatacre, Whetacre, co. Norfolk, 212 (p. 195).
-, ……, manor, 220.
Wheatenhurst, Whitonherst, co. Gloucester, manor, 167 (p. 131).
Whelesbergh, John de, 87 (p. 69).
Whelpley, Whelplegh, co. Wilts [in Whiteparish parish], 125 (p. 98).
Wherwell, Werwell, Wherewill, co. Southampton, abbess of, 32 (p. 26).
-, ……, John Wake, prebendary of, q.v.
-, ……, vicar of, 287.
Whescote, co. Warwick. See Westcote.
Whetacre, co. Norfolk. See Wheatacre.
Whetele, William, of St. Olave’s, Hart Lane, 237.
-, ……, …., Agnes sister of Isolda aunt of, 55.
-, ……, …., …., Richard de Paunteleye, grandson of, an heir of Geoffrey and John, q.v.
-, ……, …., Alice sister of Isolda aunt of, 55.
-, ……, …., …., John Elys, grandson of, an heir of Geoffrey and John, q.v.
-, ……, …., Hugh, brother of, 55.
-, ……, …., …., John son of, heir of Geoffrey, 55.
-, ……, …., Isolda aunt of, 55.
-, ……, …., …., William de Herdewyk, grandson of, an heir of Geoffrey and John, q.v.
Whiddon, Wydden, co. Devon [in Marwood parish], 268 (pp. 243, 244).
Whilot, William, 68 (p. 53).
Whiston, Whyston, co. Northampton, manor, 210 (p. 186).
Whitbourne, Witeborn, co. Wilts [in Corsley parish], 210 (p. 182).
Whitchurch, Whitchirge, Whittechirche, Wytcherche, Wytchirche, Wytchurche, co. Buckingham, 210 (p. 184), 270 (p. 245).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 98.
-, ……, church, advowson, 125 (pp. 95, 100).
White, Whyte, William, 67 (p. 52).
-, ……, …., an heir of Richard Blount, 156.
Whiteneye, Robert de, 167 (p. 140).
Whiteparish, co. Wilts, Abbotstone in, q.v.
-, ……, Moore in, q.v.
-, ……, Whelpley in, q.v.
WHITEWELL, John, commission to, 132.
-, ……, John de, 148 (p. 118).
-, ……, SIMON DE, 133.
-, ……, …., Cecily, daughter and heir of, 133.
-, ……, …., William, father of, 133.
-, ……, …., …., Katharine, wife of, 133.
Whitfield, Whitefield, Whytfeld, co. Derby, 77.
Whithalle, co. Lincoln, 220 (p. 205).
Whitkirk, co. York, Templenewsam in, q.v.
Whitlaw, Walter de, 54.
-, ……, …., Joan [Vepount], wife of, 54, 135.
Whitley, Whytele, co. Berks [in Reading], 11 (pp. 10, 11).
Whitlock, John, 138.
-, ……, …., Peter, son of, 138.
Whitney, Whiteneye, co. Hereford, 167 (p. 140).
Whitonherst, co. Gloucester. See Wheatenhurst.
Whitstable, Whitstaple, co. Kent, church, advowson, 125 (p. 101).
-, ……, manor, 125 (p. 96).
Whittechirche, co. Buckingham. See Whitchurch.
Whittingham, co. Northumberland, Glanton in, q.v.
-, ……, Shawdon in, q.v.
Whittington, Great, Whityngton, co. Northumberland [in Corbridge parish], manor of, 2.
Whitton, co. Salop, 283.
-, ……, …., 239 (p. 222).
-, ……, …., son of John de, 50 (p. 38).
Whityngton, Great, co. Northumberland. See Whittington, Great.
-, ……, …., Thomas de Cobberleye son and heir of, q.v.
Whyston, co. Northampton. See Whiston.
Whyte. See White.
Whytele, co. Berks. See Whitley.
Whytfeld, co. Derby. See Whitfield.
Whythed, Alice, 84 (p. 64).
Whytsond, William son of William, 57 (p. 44).
Whytyng, William, 231 (p. 215).
-, ……, …., John brother of, ibid.
Wiburley, Roger de, 225 (p. 210).
-, ……, …., Sibyl, wife of, ibid.
Wicham, co. Leicester. See Wykin.
Wicharde, Robert, 295.
Wichford, co. Wilts. See Wishford, Great.
Wickham, Child’s, co. Gloucester, Morecote in, q.v.
-, ……, West, West Wykeham, Wykham, co. Cambridge, 125 (p. 100), 160.
Wickmere, Wikkemere, co. Norfolk, 210 (p. 185).
Widdrington, Wyderyngton, co. Northumberland, manor, 215.
-, ……, …., a chamber in, 215 (pp. 198, 199).
-, ……, a chantry in, 215 (p. 199).
Widhill, Lower, Westwithihull by Crekkelade, co. Wilts [in Cricklade parish], 57 (p. 44).
Widmerpool, Wydmerpole, co. Nottingham, 232 (p. 216).
Wigan, Wygan, co. Lancaster, inquisition taken at, 263 (p. 239).
-, ……, Dalton in, q.v.
-, ……, Holland in, q.v.
-, ……, Orrell in, q.v.
Wiganthorpe, Wygynthorp, Wygynthorpp, co. York [in Terrington parish], 207 (p. 175), 275 (p. 250).
Wigborough, Great, Wygberwe by Saltcote, co. Essex, 167 (p. 144).
Wiggeselle, co. Sussex. See Wigsell.
Wight, Isle of, places in:—
-, West Court.
-, Wootton.
Wighton, Wyghton, co. Norfolk, inquisition taken at, 117.
-, ……, manor and leet, 117 (pp. 88, 89).
Wigley, Wyggele, co. Salop [in Stanton Lacy parish], 87 (p. 69).
Wigmore, Wyggemour, co. Hereford, 293 (p. 262).
-, ……, abbot of. See Stepulton, Sir John.
Wigsell, Wiggeselle, co. Sussex [in Salehurst parish], 167 (p. 142).
Wigston Magna, Wikyngeston, co. Leicester, 87 (p. 70).
Wigwold, Wygewolde, co. Gloucester [in Cirencester parish], 167 (pp. 141, 142).
Wihtecok [co. Leicester], See Withcote.
Wikepet by Newport, co. Essex [in Arkesden parish], 167 (p. 144).
Wikkemere, co. Norfolk. See Wickmere.
Wikyngeston, co. Leicester. See Wigston Magna.
Wilbarston, co. Northampton, Pipewell in, q.v.
Wilbraham, Little, Little Wilburgham, co. Cambridge, 125 (p. 100).
Wilby, John, 37 (p. 30).
Wilden, Wyldene, co. Bedford, 64 (p. 49), 156.
-, ……, church and parson, 64 (p. 49).
Wilderhope, Wildredhope, co. Salop [in Rushbury parish], 87 (p. 69).
Wildsworth, Wylesworth, co. Lincoln [in Laughton parish], 276.
Wilford, co. Nottingham, 232 (p. 216).
Wille, Edmund, chaplain, 87 (p. 66).
Willesford, Richard de, 239.
William son of Lucy, 74 (p. 58).
-, …… son of Martin, 210 (p. 182).
-, …… son of Robert, 142 (p. 114).
-, ……, …., Margaret, wife of, 155; and See Nowers.
-, ……, …., Thomas, son and heir of, 155 (p. 126), 196.
-, ……, …., …., Elizabeth (Nowers) spouse of, 196.
Williamscott, Williamescote, co. Oxford [in Wardington, in Copredy parish], manor, 155, 196.
Williamston, John de, 135.
Willingale, Spain, Willynghale, Willynghale Spaigne, co. Essex, 125 (p. 102), 167 (pp. 144, 145).
Willingham, Wyllyngham, co. Cambridge, inquisition taken at, 10 (p. 9).
Willington, Wolyngton, co. Warwick [in Barcheston parish], 210 (p. 187).
Willoughby, Willughby, Wylughby, co. Lincoln, church, parsons of. See Friskenay, Thomas de; Malboys, Henry.
-, …… [by Alford], Wilughby, co. Lincoln, manor, 220 (p. 205).
WILLUGHBY, WILUGHBY, WYLUGHBY, JOHN DE KNIGHT Sir John de, 199 (p. 170) 220 (pp. 202–205).
-, ……, …., Robert de, knight, Sir Robert de, son and heir of, 220 (pp. 202, 205).
-, ……, …., …., Margery, the lady Margery, wife of, ibid.
-, ……, …., William, son of, 220.
-, ……, Thomas son of William de, 220 (p. 205 bis).
Willynghale, co. Essex. See Willingale.
Wilmcote, Muchelwylmuncote, co. Warwick [in Aston Cantlow parish], 271.
Wilmington, Wylmington, co. Kent, 33 (p. 27).
Wilnecote, Welmendcote, co. Warwick [in Tamworth parish], 35.
Wilsford, Wyvelesford, co. Lincoln, 210 (p. 179).
Wilton, Wylton, co. Wilts, extent made at, 167 (p. 139).
-, ……, abbess of, 32 (p. 26), 45, 217.
-, ……, prior of St. John of, 125 (p. 98).
-, ……, Bishop’s, Wylton, co. York, manor, 307.
-, …… on Wye, Wilton on Weye, Wylton on Wee, Wylton, co. Hereford, 30, 125 (p. 99).
-, …… …., castle and manor, 30 (p. 24).
-, …… …., ferry and fishery, ibid.
Wilton, Welton, Sir Gilbert de, bishop of Carlisle [1353–63], 66 (p. 51).
Wilughby, co. Lincoln. See Willoughby.
Wilughby (person). See Willughby.
Wimborne Minster, Wymbournemenstre, co. Dorset, inquisition taken at, 248.
-, …… St. Giles, Upwymborne, co. Dorset, 167 (pp. 135, 136).
-, …… …., manor, 80 (p. 61), 286 (p. 257).
-, …… …., Brokhampton in, q.v.
Wimbotsham, Wymbottesham, co. Norfolk, manor, 188 bis.
Wimpole, Wynpol [co. Cambridge], 13.
Wincanton, Wyncaulton, co. Somerset, inquisition taken at, 94.
Winchcombe, Wynchecombe, co. Gloucester, 291 (p. 260).
-, ……, proof of age made at, 291 (pp. 259, 260).
Winchester, bishop of, 207, 275 (p. 250), 296 (p. 265).
-, …… William bishop of. See Wykeham.
Winchester, earl of, 210 (p. 182).
Winchester, Wynchestre, fee of, 263 (p. 238).
-, ……, honor of, 79, 87 (p. 68), 148 (p. 119).
Winchester, co. Southampton, 287.
-, ……, extent made at, 125 (p. 97).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 116, 154 (p. 125), 254.
-, ……, writs dated at, 113, 116.
-, ……, castle, office of porter of, 164.
Windsor, Wyndesore, New Wyndesore, co. Berks, 3, 163.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 3, 163.
-, ……, castle, ward of, 27, 239 (p. 222).
-, ……, Old, Old Wyndesore, co. Berks, 3, 163.
Winford, Wynfrith, co. Somerset, 272.
Wing, Wenge, co. Buckingham, inquisition taken at, 263.
Wingfield, North, Hallewinfeld, co. Derby, church, parson of. See Longeford, Thomas de.
Wingham, Wyngham, co. Kent, 74 (p. 58).
Wingkefeld, Eleanor de, 302 (p. 268).
-, ……. Cf. Wyngefeld.
Winkleigh, Wynkelegh, co. Devon, 290.
-, ……, proof of age made at, 290.
-, ……, church of All Saints of, 290.
-, ……, …., parish chaplain of. See Vautard, Philip.
-, ……, …., parish clerk of. See Jolyf, Thomas.
Winnall, Wylynhale, co. Hereford [in Allensmore parish], hamlet, 47.
Winstone, Wynston, co. Gloucester, 167 (p. 141).
Winterborne Ashton, Wynterbourn Assh, co. Dorset [in Winterborne St. Martin parish], hamlet, 29.
-, …… Herringstone, Wynterborne Heryngston, co. Dorset, manor, 184.
-, …… Kingston, Wynterbourn Kynggeston, co. Dorset, manor, 133.
Winterbourne Bassett, co. Wilts, Richardson in, q.v.
-, …… Dauntsey, Wynterbourne Daunteseye, Dauntessey, co. Wilts, 167 (p. 139), 217.
-, …… Earls, Wynterbourne Earls, co. Wilts, 217.
-, …… …., inquisition taken at, 217.
-, …… Gunner, Wynterbourne Cherebergh, co. Wilts, 167 (p. 139).
Winterslow, Wyntereslowe, co. Wilts, 167 (p. 139).
Winterton, Wynterton, co. Lincoln, 283.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 283.
Winton. See Bitton.
Winwick, Wynewyk, co. Huntingdon, 210 (p. 183).
-, ……, leet, ibid.
-, ……, co. Lancaster, Golborne in, q.v.
-, ……, Haydock in, q.v.
-, ……, Newton in Makerfield in, q.v.
-, ……, …., John brother and heir of, 132 (p. 107).
-, ……, …., …., Joan wife of, 132 (p. 107). See also Bonde.
-, ……, …., …., John son of, heir of Richard his brother, 132 (p. 107).
-, ……, …., …., Richard son and heir of, 132 (p. 107).
-, ……, LAURENCE, [bastard] SON OF, 132.
Wirksworth, wapentake, Wirkesworth, co. Derby, 263 (p. 238).
Wirmegeye, co. Norfolk. See Wormegay.
Wirsall [co. York]. See Worsall.
Wisbech, Wysbech, co. Cambridge, 148 (p. 121).
Wishford, Wichford, Wycheford, co. Wilts, 167 (p. 139), 289.
-, ……, church, 289.
Wispington, Wyspyngton, co. Lincoln, 220 (p. 204).
Witeborn, co. Wilts. See Whitbourne.
Witelbery, John de, 212.
Witham, Great, Wytham, co. Essex [in Witham parish], manor, 13 (p. 11).
Withcall, Wythcall, co. Lincoln, manor, 97 (pp. 77, 78).
Withcote, Wihtecok, co. Leicester, church, Richard parson of, 262 (p. 237).
Witheridge, co. Devon, Grendon in, q.v.
-, ……, Rowden in, q.v.
Witherley, Wythurdele, co. Leicester, manor, 148 (p. 119).
Withfeld, Abel de, 167 (p. 145).
Withington, Wythinton, co. Lancaster [in Manchester parish], manor, 265 (p. 241).
Withyham, Wythyhamme, co. Sussex, 143 (p. 115).
-, ……, Blackham in, q.v.
-, ……, Buckhurst in, q.v.
-, ……, Monkencourt in, q.v.
Witley, Wytle, co. Surrey, church, parson of. See Stowell, William.
Witney, Wytteneye, co. Oxford, 296 (pp. 264, 265).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 193, 239 (p. 222), 296.
-, ……, John, rector of, 296 (p. 265).
-, ……, school at, ibid.
-, ……, Caswell in, q.v.
Wittenham, Wytenham, co. Berks, 210 (p. 181).
Witton, Long, Langwotton, co. Northumberland [in Hartburn parish], town, 197.
Wiveton, Wyveton, co. Norfolk, 210 (p. 185).
-, ……, court, half-leet, ibid.
Wix, Wyke, Wykes, co. Essex, 167 (p. 145).
-, ……, manor, 167 (p. 135).
-, ……, priory, hospital of, advowson of, 167 (p. 145).
Woburn, Wobourne, co. Bedford, 226.
-, ……, abbot of, 210 (p. 185).
Wockes, co. Wilts. See Oaksey.
Wode, John atte, 223 (p. 208).
-, ……, …., 143 (p. 115).
-, ……, …., Joan (Hale), mother of, ibid.
-, ……, Laurence atte, 41.
-, ……, …., Richard atte, son and heir of, 41.
Wodeblacolvesle, co. Northampton. See Woodend.
Wodebrigge, co. Suffolk. See Woodbridge.
Wodechurche, co. Kent. See Woodchurch.
Wodecok, John, 147.
-, ……, …., Margaret (Lavyngton) wife of, 147.
-, ……, Maud, 182 (p. 156).
Wodecote, co. Warwick. See Woodcote.
Wodecote, Henry de, 142 (p. 114).
Wodecroft, co. Bedford. See Woodcroft.
Wodeford, co. Essex. See Woodford.
Wodeford, co. Northampton. See Woodford.
Wodeham Ferrers, co. Essex. See Woodham Ferrers.
Wodehende, co. Bedford. See Wood End.
Wodeheved, co. Rutland. See Woodhead.
Wodehous, co. Southampton. See Woodhouse.
-, ……, …., Thomas son and heir of, 151.
Wodenderby, co. Lincoln. See Enderby, Wood.
Woderyngton. See Wydryngton.
Wodesete, co. York. See Woodsets.
Wodhorn, co. Northumberland. See Woodhorn.
-, ……, …., Eleanor and Elizabeth, daughters and heirs of, 83.
Wodhulle, co. Bedford. See Odell.
Woditon [co. Southampton]. See Wootton.
Woketon, co. Buckingham. See Woughton-on-the-Green.
Wokingdon, South, co. Essex. See Ockendon, South.
Wokkele, co. Kent. See Ockley.
Wokkeseye, co. Wilts. See Oaksey.
Wolaston, co. Stafford. See Woollaston.
Wold or Old, Wolde, co. Northampton, 125 (p. 97).
Wold Newton, co. Lincoln. See Newton, Wold.
Woldingham, Waldyngham, co. Surrey, 210 (p. 180).
-, ……, church, advowson, ibid.
Woldon, co. Northumberland. See Wooden.
WOLF, WOLFF, Philip, 125 (p. 100).
-, ……, Richard, 125 (p. 99).
-, ……, RICHARD, son and heir of Walter, 153.
-, ……, …., Richard son and heir of, 153.
-, ……, William, 125 (p. 100), 160.
Wolfhall, Wolfhale, co. Wilts [in Great Bedwyn parish], 210 (p. 182).
Wolfhamcote, Wolframcote, co. Warwick, 87 (p. 69).
-, ……, Flecknoe in, q.v.
Wolfheye, co. Warwick, See Wolvey.
Wolford, Great, co. Warwick, 210. (p. 187).
-, ……, …., manor, ibid.
-, ……, Little, co. Warwick [in Great Wolford parish], 210 (p. 187).
Wolframcote, co. Warwick. See Wolfhamcote.
Wolkeurne, co. Norfolk, 213 (p. 197).
Wollay, co. York. See Woolley.
Wolmer, John, 136 (p. 109).
Wolrenhampton, co. Stafford. See Wolverhampton.
Wolsencote, Thomas, an heir of John de Braundeston, 93.
-, ……, …., Joan (Braundeston), mother of, 93.
Wolstan late bishop of Worcester. See Brandesford.
Wolston, co. Buckingham. See Woolstone.
Wolvelegh, co. Huntingdon. See Woolley.
Wolverhampton, Wolrenhampton, Wolvernehampton, co. Stafford, proofs of age taken at, 63, 70.
Wolverton, Wolwardyngton, co. Warwick, 210 (p. 187).
Wolvesnymet, co. Devon. See Woolfin.
Wolvey, Wolfheye, co. Warwick, 87 (p. 69).
Wolwardyngton, co. Warwick. See Wolverton.
Wolwyche, co. Essex, 167 (p. 143).
Wolyngton, co. Warwick. See Willington.
Wombelton, Wymbelton, co. York [in Kirkdale parish], 207 (p. 175), 275 (p. 250).
Wonston, co. Southampton, Sutton Scotneye in, q.v.
Wontenore, co. Salop. See Wentnor.
Wood End, Wodehende, co. Bedford [in Pertenhall parish], 167 (p. 134 note).
Wood Enderby, co. Lincoln. See Enderby, Wood.
Woodbridge, Wodebrigge, co. Suffolk, inquisition taken at, 190.
Woodchurch, Wodechurche, co. Kent, 282.
Woodcote, Wodecote, co. Warwick [in Leek-Wootton parish], 271.
Woodcroft, Wodecroft, in Luton, co. Bedford, manor, 241.
Wooden, Woldon, co. Northumberland [in Lesbury parish], 2.
Woodend, Wodeblackolvesle, co. Northampton, 93.
-, ……, Kirby Grounds in, q.v.
Woodford, Wodeford, co. Essex, manor, 106.
……, Wodeford, co. Northampton, 210 (p. 186).
-, ……, leets, ibid.
Woodhall, co. Lincoln, Buckland in, q.v.
Woodham Ferrers, Wodeham Ferrers, co. Essex, inquisition taken at, 87.
-, ……, church, advowson, 87.
-, ……, manor, park, and leet, 87.
Woodhay, West, Wydehay, co. Berks, 167 (p. 139).
Woodhead, Wodeheved, co. Rutland [in Great Casterton parish], manor and advowson of church, 57 (pp. 42, 44).
Woodhorn, Wodhorn, co. Northumberland, Cresswell in, q.v.
-, ……, Druridge in, q.v.
-, ……, Ellington in, q.v.
-, ……, Newbiggin in, q.v.
-, ……, Seaton, North in, q.v.
Woodhouse, Wodehous, co. Southampton [in Andover parish], 80.
Woodsets, Wodesete, co. York [in South Anstan parish], 148 (p. 122).
Woolfin, Wolvesnymet, co. Devon [in Down St. Mary parish], 153.
Woollaston, Wolaston, co. Stafford [in Bradley parish], 210 (p. 188).
Woolley, Wolvelegh, co. Huntingdon, 210 (p. 183).
-, ……, Wollay, co. York [in Roystone parish], 255 (p. 233).
Woolstone, Wolston, co. Buckingham, leet, 210 (p. 184).
-, ……, Great, Wolston, Great Wolston, co. Buckingham, 125 (p. 100).
-, ……, …., manor, 210 (p. 184).
Wootton, Wotton by Northampton, co. Northampton, 83 (p. 63).
-, ……, Woditon, co. Southampton [I.O.W.], manor and advowson of chapel, 80 (p. 61).
-, …… Bassett, co. Wilts, manor, 27.
-, …… Fitzpaine, Wotton, co. Dorset, 18 (p. 15).
-, ……, Leek, co. Warwick, Woodcote in, q.v.
-, …… Rivers, Wotton, co. Wilts, 210 (p. 182 bis).
-, …… under Wood, Wotton, co. Buckingham, 210 (pp. 184, 185).
-, …… Wawen, Wotton, co. Warwick, manor, 210 (p. 187).
-, …… …., Botley in, q.v.
-, …… …., Henley in Arden in, q.v.
-, …… …., Offord in, q.v.
Wootton, Walter de, 125 (p. 96).
-, ……, William, 268 (p. 244).
Worcester, bishopric of, temporalities of, 271.
-, ……, bishop of, 210 (p. 187), 271, 291 (p. 260).
-, ……, …. See also Brandesford, Wolstan de; Lenne, William de.
Worcester, co. Worcester, inquisitions taken at, 148 (pp. 118, 122), 213 (p. 198).
-, ……, castle, court at, 148 (p. 118).
Workington, Werkyngton, co. Cumberland, church, parson of. See Askeby, Richard de.
Worksop, Warsop, co. Nottingham, manor and park, 199 (pp. 170 bis, 171).
-, ……, Osberton in, q.v.
Worldham, co. Southampton, manor, 43.
Worlingham, East, co. Devon, Yeatheridge in, q.v.
Worlych, …., 297 (p. 266).
Wormegay, Wirmegeye, Wyrmegeye, co. Norfolk, 136 (p. 109), 159.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 252 (p. 229).
-, ……, proof of age made at, 136.
-, ……, church, 136 (p. 109).
Wormelowe, co. Hereford, manor [or hundred], 213.
Wormeslay, Richard, 125 (p. 98).
Wormsley, Wormesleye, co. Hereford, priory, 138.
Wornditch, Wornediche, co. Huntingdon [in Kimbolton parish], 167 (p. 134).
Worsall, Wirsall, co. York, 292 (p. 261).
Worth, co. Somerset [in Aller parish], 18 (p. 16).
-, ……, …., John son and heir of, 86.
Worthen, Worthyn, co. Salop, church, advowson, 210 (p. 189).
Wotryngbury, co. Kent. See Wateringbury.
Wotton, co. Buckingham. See Wootton under Wood.
Wotton [co. Dorset]. See Wootton Fitzpaine.
Wotton, co. Warwick. See Wootton Wawen.
Wotton, co. Wilts. See Wootton Rivers.
Wotton by Bodecle, co. Somerset. See Butleigh Wotton.
Wotton by Northamton, co. Northampton. See Wootton.
Wotton under Weaver, Were, co. Stafford [in Ellastone parish], manor and park, 87 (p. 67).
Wotton, John, 268 (p. 243).
……, Robert, 291 (p. 260).
Woughton-on-the-Green, Woketon, co. Buckingham, manor, 210 (p. 184).
Wrabness, Wrabbenase, co. Essex, manor, 125 (p. 93).
Wragby, co. Lincoln, inquisitions taken at, 199 (pp. 168, 169), 210 (p. 179).
-, ……, manor, 199 (pp. 168–171).
Wragholm, Waregholm, co. Lincoln [in Grainthorpe parish], 220 (p. 203).
Wrastlyngworth, co. Bedford. See Wrestlingworth.
Wratting, West, Wrattyng, Wrottyng, West Wrotting, co. Cambridge, 125 (p. 100), 180 (p. 155).
-, ……, …., manor, 180 (p. 155).
Wrenstede, co. Kent. See Wrinstead.
Wrestlingworth, Wrastlyngworth, co. Bedford, a manor in, 241.
Wridefen, co. Warwick. See Redfern.
Wridlyngton [co. Norfolk]. See Ridlington.
Wrinstead, Wrenstede, co. Kent, manor and advowson of church, 98.
Writtle, Writele, co. Essex, manor, 167 (p. 135).
-, ……, Horsfrith park in, q.v.
Wroth, John, 10, 167 (p. 143).
-, ……, …., mayor and escheator of London, 195 (p. 166).
-, ……, …., the elder, citizen of London, 195 (pp. 163, 165, 166).
-, ……, …., the younger, 195 (pp. 163, 164).
-, ……, …., …., commission to, 132.
-, ……, …., …., Maud Duraunt, wife of, 195.
-, ……, William, 167 (p. 140).
Wrottesleye, Hugh de, 63.
Wrottyng, West, co. Cambridge. See Wratting, West.
Wroughton, co. Wilts, Chilton in, q.v.
-, ……, Cotstow in, q.v.
-, ……, Salthrop in, q.v.
-, ……, Westlecott in, q.v.
Wroughton, William, 167 (p. 140).
-, ……, …., John Peverel, father of, q.v.
-, ……, …., John husband of, 131.
-, ……, …., Maud daughter and heir of, 131.
Wroxhull, co. Bedford. See Roxhill.
Wychebaud, John, 329 (p. 283).
Wycheford, co. Wilts. See Wishford.
Wychyngham, William, 133.
Wycombe, co. Buckingham, inquisitions taken at, 167 (p. 134), 212 (p. 190).
-, ……, High, co. Buckingham, Wycombe, borough and burgesses of, 167 (p. 134).
-, ……, …., a manor in, ibid.
Wydden, co. Devon. See Whiddon.
Wydecombe, Joan, 291 (p. 260).
Wydehay, co. Berks. See Woodhay, West.
Wyderyngton, co. Northumberland. See Widdrington.
Wyditon, John de, and Robert his father, 329 (p. 283).
Wydmerpole (co. Nottingham). See Widmerpool.
WYDRYNGTON, WODERYNGTON, John de, knight, heir of Maud de Hilton, 2 (p. 2).
-, ……, ROGER DE, 215.
-, ……, …., John son and heir of, 215 (p. 199).
Wye, Weye, river, fishery in and ferry across, 30 (p. 24).
Wygan, co. Lancaster. See Wigan.
Wygberwe by Saltcote, co. Essex. See Wigborough, Great.
Wygewolde, co. Gloucester. See Wigwold.
Wyggele, co. Salop. See Wigley.
Wyggemour [co. Hereford]. See Wigmore.
Wyght, William, 68.
-, ……, …., Isabel daughter of, 68.
Wyghthull, Wyghthulle, Robert, 209 (pp. 177, 178).
Wyghton, co. Norfolk. See Wighton.
Wyghton, co. York. See Weighton, Market.
Wygod, James, 183.
-, ……, …., Constance (Cundy), wife of, 183.
-, ……, John, 64 (p. 49).
Wygton, Matthew de, 306.
Wygynthorpp, co. York. See Wiganthorpe.
Wyk, Wake, Wyke, John de, 57 (pp. 41–43).
-, ……, Robert de, 57 (p. 44), 167 (pp. 136, 137).
-, ……, Stephen, 167 (p. 136 bis).
-, ……, Thomas de, 57 (p. 43).
-, ……, …., John son of, ibid.
Wyke, co. Essex. See Wix.
Wykeham, East, Estwikham, Wykham, co. Lincoln, 234.
Wykeham, William de, bishop of Winchester, 65.
Wykes, co. Essex. See Wix.
Wykham, co. Cambridge. See Wickham, West.
Wykham, co. Lincoln. See Wykeham, East.
Wykham, West, co. Cambridge. See Wickham, West.
Wykin, Wicham, co. Leicester [in Hinckley parish], 87 (p. 69).
Wyklescote, co. Wilts. See Westlecott.
Wyldene, co. Bedford. See Wilden.
-, ……, …., William son and heir of, 214.
Wylesworth, co. Lincoln. See Wildsworth.
Wyliton, Ralph de, 148 (p. 118).
-, ……. Cf. Weliton.
Wyllyngham, co. Cambridge. See Willingham.
Wylmington, co. Kent. See Wilmington.
Wylton [co. Wilts]. See Wilton.
Wylton [co. York]. See Wilton, Bishop’s.
Wylughby. See Willughby.
Wylwencotes, co. Northampton. See Cotton Camp.
Wylye, Wyly, co. Wilts, 212 (p. 192).
Wylymot, Adam, 87 (p. 67).
Wylyngton, John, knight, 99 (p. 80).
Wylynhale, co. Hereford. See Winnall.
Wymbelton, co. York. See Wombelton.
Wymbottesham, co. Norfolk. See Wimbotsham.
Wymbournemenstre, co. Dorset. See Wimborne Minster.
Wymington, Wymyngton, co. Bedford, 83.
Wymondham, co. Leicester, 212 (p. 192).
Wympel, Edward, 233.
Wynbourne, co. Wilts. See Wanborough.
Wyncaulton, co. Somerset. See Wincanton.
Wynchecombe, co. Gloucester. See Winchcomb.
Wynchestre, fee of. See Winchester.
Wyncote, William, 271.
Wyndelbury, co. Oxford. See Wendlebury.
Wyndesore, co. Berks. See Windsor.
-, ……, …., Miles son and heir of, and of Elizabeth, 56 (p. 41), 154 (p. 125).
-, ……, Richard de, 171.
-, ……, …., father of James, 56 (p. 41).
-, ……, William de, king’s lieutenant in Ireland, 84.
Wyneforde, William, 163.
Wynewyk, co. Huntingdon. See Winwick.
Wynfrith, co. Somerset. See Winford.
Wyngefeld, Wynkefeld, Wynkfeld, John de, 125 (p. 99).
-, ……, Thomas, 167 (pp. 135, 137).
-, ……, William, William de, 125 (pp. 95, 96 bis).
-, ……, …., knight, 125 (pp. 97, 103).
-, ……, …., …., Joan, wife of, 125 (p. 97).
-, ……. Cf. Wingkfeld.
Wyngham, co. Kent. See Wingham.
Wynkefeld, Wynkfeld. See Wyngefeld.
Wynkelegh, co. Devon. See Winkleigh.
Wynpol [co. Cambridge]. See Wimpole.
Wynston, co. Gloucester. See Winstone.
Wynter, Richard, 167 (p. 145).
Wynterborne Heryngeston, co. Dorset. See Winterborne Herringstone.
Wynterbourn Assh, Kynggeston, co. Dorset. See Winterborne Ashton, Kingston.
WYNTERBOURN, Wynterbourne, Wynterburn, THOMAS, 217.
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, 217.
-, ……, …., Joan, kinswoman and heir of. See Wantyng.
-, ……, …., John de, father of, 217.
-, ……, …., …., Elizabeth, daughter of, mother of Joan de Wantyng, q.v.
-, ……, William de, 87 (p. 70).
Wynterbourne Cherebergh, Daunteseye, Earls, co. Wilts. See Winterbourne Gunner, Dauntsey, Earls.
Wynterbourne Forde, co. Wilts. See Ford.
Wyntereslowe, co. Wilts. See Winterslow.
Wynterton, co. Lincoln. See Winterton.
Wyot, John, 253 (p. 230).
Wyrardisbury, Wyrardesbury [co. Buckingham], church, parson of. See Shareshull, John de.
-, ……, Ankerwike in, q.v.
Wyrhale. See Wirhale.
Wyrkesworth, William de, 263.
Wyrmegeye, co. Norfolk. See Wormegay.
Wysa, Serlo, 99 (p. 80).
Wysbech, co. Cambridge. See Wisbech.
Wysman, Roger, 229 (p. 213).
Wyspyngton, co. Lincoln. See Wispington.
Wytcherche, Wytchirche, Wytchurch, co. Buckingham. See Whitchurch.
Wyteneye, Robert de, knight, 57 (p. 43).
Wytenham, co. Berks. See Wittenham.
Wyterne, John, 268 (p. 243 bis).
Wyth, Thomas, 68 (p. 53).
Wytham [co. Cambridge ?], 13 (p. 11).
Wytham, John, 239 (p. 222).
Wytham [co. Essex]. See Witham, Great.
Wythcall, co. Lincoln. See Withcall.
Wythemail, Wythmal, co. Northampton [in Orlingbury parish], 83 (p. 63).
Wythinton, co. Lancaster. See Withington.
Wythmal [co. Northampton]. See Wythemail.
Wythurdele, co. Leicester. See Witherley.
Wythyhamme, co. Sussex. See Withyham.
Wytlawe, …., 325.
Wytle [co. Surrey]. See Witley.
Wyttelbury, Wyttulbury, John, John de, 83 (p. 63), 212 (p. 194).
Wytteneye, co. Oxford. See Witney.
Wyttulbury. See Wyttelbury.
Wyvelesford, co. Lincoln. See Wilsford.
Wyveton, co. Norfolk. See Wiveton.