Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.
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A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III(London, 1921), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III(London, 1921), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly. "Index of Persons and Places: O". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III. (London, 1921), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
Oakfield, Woghfeld, Wokefeld [in Stratfield Mortimer parish], co. Berks, manor, 188 (p. 163), 640 (p. 531).
Oakford, co. Devon, Spurway in, q.v.
Oakham, Okeham, Okham, co. Rutland, castle, 42 (p. 20).
-, ……, castle and town, 639 (p. 526).
-, ……, market and fair at, 639 (pp. 526–7).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 46 (p. 43), 484 (pp. 383, 384).
Oakhanger, Okhangre [in Selborne parish], co. Hants, manor, 189.
Oakington, co. Camb., Westwick in, q.v.
Oakley, Acle, co. Buck., 277 (p. 242).
-, ……, …., manor, 277 (p. 243).
-, ……, …., Addingrove in, q.v.
-, ……, Great, Great Ocle, Great Oclee, Great Okele, Great Okelee, co. Essex, 598 (p. 466 bis).
-, ……, …., advowson, 598 (p. 466).
-, ……, …., extent made at, 598 (p. 465).
-, ……, …., manor, 598 (p. 465).
-, ……, …., parson or rector of. See Perpound, Robert.
-, ……, Church, Churchokle, co. Hants, 192 (p. 171).
-, ……, Occle [in Higham parish], co. Kent, 326 (p. 278).
-, ……, Little, Little Okleye, co. N’hamp., 367.
Occle, co. Kent. See Oakley.
Ockbrook, Okkebrok, co. Derby, 389 (p. 317).
Ockendon, South, South Wokyndon, Wokyndon Rokele, co. Essex, 128.
-, ……, …., advowson, 246.
-, ……, …., manor, 246.
Ockley, Okkelegh, co. Surrey, manor, 521 (p. 412).
Ocle, Robert de, 318.
Ocle, Oclee, co. Essex. See Oakley.
Octon [in Thwing parish], co. York, E.R., 36.
Ocveres, co. Salop. See Overs.
Odcombe, Otcombe, co. Somerset, manor, 640 (p. 532).
Oddingley, Oddyngleye, co. Worc., manor, 188 (p. 163), 640 (p. 530).
Oddyngeseles, Oddynggesels. See Odyngseles.
Oddyngleye, co. Worc. See Oddingley.
Oddyngseles. See Odyngseles.
Odell, Wahulle, Wodhull, co. Bedf., barony, 107 (p. 96).
-, ……, lady of, 520 (p. 412), 595.
-, ……, Isabel, lady of, 107 passim.
Odene, William de, 128.
Odesthorp, co. York, 116 (p. 106).
Odiham, co. Hants, inquisition made at, 558.
Odstone, Ordeston, Ordestone [in Ashbury parish], co. Berks, 161 ter, 607 (p. 473).
Odyngseles, Oddyngeseles, Oddynggesels, Oddyngseles, Odyngeseles, Odyngsels, de, Doddyngseles, John, 57.
-, ……, John son of John, 391.
-, ……, John, 193 (p. 175), 254 (p. 221), 321 (p. 272), 323, 511.
-, ……, …., Amice (Corbet) his wife, 57.
-, ……, …., of Long Itchington, 518 (p. 407).
-, ……, John son of John de, 57.
Offham, Ofham, co. Kent, 388 (p 316).
-, ……, advowson, 388 (p. 315).
-, ……, manor, 388 (p. 315).
Offley, co. Hertf., Wellbury in, q.v.
Offord, John de, archbishop of Canterbury, 22.
-, ……. Cf. Ufford.
Offton, Ofton, co. Suff., manor, 639 (p. 526).
Ofham, co. Kent. See Offham.
Ofton, co. Suff. See Offton.
Ogbourne, Okebourne, Okeborn, co. Wilts, 638 (p. 522).
-, ……, prior of, 439.
Oggle. See Ogle.
Ogle, Oggle, John de, 524 (p. 424).
-, ……, Robert de, 524 (p. 424).
-, ……, …., Robert son of, 524 (p. 424).
-, ……, …., …., Ellen wife of, 524 (p. 424).
-, ……, …., the elder, 254 (p. 223).
Oglesthorp, John de, 46 (p. 48).
Oilly. See Doilly.
Okampton, co. Devon. See Okehampton.
Oke, co. Oxford. See Noke.
Okeborn, Okebourn [co. Wilts]. See Ogbourne.
Okeford Fitzpaine, Oxford Fitzpayn, Acford, Acforde, co. Dorset, 175 (p. 152), 646.
-, …… …., advowson, 175 (p. 150), 292.
-, …… …., manor, 175 (p. 150), 292.
-, …… …., lord of. See Fitz Payn.
Okeham, co. Linc. See Oakham.
Okehampton, Okampton, co. Devon, castle, honour of, 384.
-, ……, honour, court of, 429.
Okele, Okelee, co. Essex. See Oakley.
Okham, co. Rutland. See Oakham.
Okhangre, co. Hants. See Oakhanger.
Okkebrok, co. Derby. See Ockbrook.
Okkelegh, co. Surrey. See Ockley.
Okleye, co. Dorset, 646.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Oakley.
Okore Wood [co. Heref.], 640 (p. 536).
Okstede, co. Surrey. See Oxted.
Old, co. N’hamp. See Wold.
Old Court, Oldecourt [in Wartling parish], co. Sussex, manor, 629 (p. 496).
Oldynton, John de, 268.
Oleby by Meelton, co. Leic. See Welby.
Olive, William, 638 (p. 522).
Oliver, Olifart, Olivar, Hugh, 46 (p. 55), 310 (p. 258).
-, ……, Walter, 275.
Olivers, in Sandon parish, co. Hertf., 179.
Ollerton, Alreton, Allerton under Shirewode, co. Nott., 46 (p. 42), 657 (p. 553).
-, ……, extent taken at, 46 (p. 50).
Olmstead, Elmestede [in Castle Camps parish], co. Camb., 638 (p. 515).
-, ……. Cf. Elmestede.
Olney, Olneye, co. Buck., manor, 92.
-, ……, parson of. See Radeclyve, Thomas de.
-, ……, Warrington in, q.v.
-, …… Hyde, la Hyde [in Olney parish], co. Buck., 92.
Olton, co. Suff. See Oulton.
Olveston, co. Glouc., manor, 100 (pp. 89, 91).
-, ……, advowson, 100 (pp. 89, 91).
Olyvers, in Springfield parish, co. Essex, 164, 441.
Ombersley, Ambresleye, co. Worc., inquisition taken at, 116 (p. 105).
Ongar, Aungre, co. Essex, inquisition taken at, 74.
-, ……, Chipping, Aungre, co. Essex, castle, 15.
-, ……, High, Aungre, co. Essex, 15.
Onyot, James, 480.
-, ……, …., Agatha his sister, 480.
Oppecherche, co. Kent. See Upchurch.
Opton. See Upton.
Orby, Orreby, co. Linc., manor, 254 (pp. 223, 225), 323.
Orchard, Ralph, 275.
Orchard, East, Est Orchard [in St. Athan parish], co. Glamorgan, manor, 16.
Orcheston St. George, co. Wilts, 187.
-, ……, advowson, 187.
-, ……, Elston in, q.v.
Ordeston, Ordestone, co. Berks. See Odstone.
Orfevre, William le, 43 (p. 24).
Organ, John, 604.
Orgreave, Orgrave [in Rotherham parish], co. York, W.R., 173 (p. 148).
Orleton [co. Heref.], 640 (p. 536).
-, ……, …., manor, 307 (p. 256).
-, …… [in Eastham parish], co. Worc., manor, 329.
Orlton, Adam, bishop of Winchester, 330.
Ormesby, co. Cumb., 173 (p. 146).
Ormesby, co. Norf., 657 (p. 552).
-, ……, manor, 46 (p. 45).
Ormesby, John de, 45 (p. 37), 524 (p. 425).
Ormond, Ormound, Urmound, countess of, 493.
-, …… [Eleanor Butler], countess of, 638 (p. 519).
-, ……, …., See Butler, Eleanor.
Orpede, William, 614 (p. 481).
Orpington, Orpinton, Orpyngton, Orpynton, co. Kent, 521 (p. 413).
-, ……, court of, 521 (p. 413).
-, ……, Bucklers, Bokelers, in, 141 (pp. 130, 131).
Orreby, co. Linc. See Orby.
Orreby, de Orrebi, de Orreby, de Orryby, John, 105, 106.
-, ……, John, 318, 366 bis.
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, 389 (p. 316).
-, ……, …., Margaret wife of, 105, 254 (p. 223).
-, ……, …., …., their daughter Joan, 105.
Orryby. See Orreby.
Orston, co. Nott., manor, 45 (p. 33).
Orton, Giles de, 524 (p. 424).
-, ……, …., Maud wife of, 524 (p. 424).
Orton Longueville, Overton Longevyll, co. Hunt., 369.
-, …… …., Botolph Bridge in, q.v.
-, …… Waterville, Ovirton Watervill, co. Hunt., inquisition taken at, 446 (p. 355).
Osbernby, co. Linc. See Osbournby.
Osberston, Osbirston, de, Dosberston, William, 523 (pp. 414, 415, 416).
Osbert, Roger son of, 318.
Osbirston. See Osberston.
Osbournby, Osbernby, co. Linc., 46 (p. 55 quater).
Osebern, John, 528.
Oseney, Oseneye [co. Oxford], abbot of, 383 bis, 638 (p. 519).
Oseville. See Dosevill.
Osewaldkirk, co. York. See Oswaldkirk.
Osgoldcross, Osgotcrosse, co. York, W.R., liberty, bailiff of. See Bradelay, William de.
Osmanthorp, John de, 120.
Osmotherley, Osmonderley, co. York, N.R., 524 (p. 421).
Osmudeston, Osmunddeston, Osmundeston, co. Norf. See Scole.
Ospringe, Osprenge, co. Kent, manor, 623.
Ostage, John, 392.
-, ……, Philip, 638 (p. 522).
Oswaldkirk, Osewaldkirk, co. York, N.R., 45 (pp. 34, 35, 38), 373.
Otcombe, co. Somerset. See Odcombe.
Otewy, John, 330.
Otley, Otteleye, Ottelye, co. Suff., manor, 193 (p. 174).
-, ……, Ottele, co. York, W.R., 126.
-, ……, …., Bramhope in, q.v.
-, ……, …., Denton in, q.v.
Otrington, co. Devon. See Otterton.
Otryngham, co. York. See Ottringham.
Otryngton, Otryton, co. Devon. See Otterton.
Ottele, co. York. See Otley.
Otteleye, Ottelye, co. Suff. See Otley.
Otterington, North, co. York, N.R., Thornton le Moor in, q.v.
Otterton, Otrington, Otryngton, Otryton, co, Devon, 241, 242.
-, ……, manor, 242.
-, ……, prior of, 242.
Ottery, Up, Uphotery, co. Devon, St. Mary’s church, 530.
-, ……, …., …., rector of. See David, John.
-, ……, …., Rawridge in, q.v.
Ottringham, Otryngham, co. York, E.R., 266.
Oughterby, Ughtredby [in Kirkbampton parish], co. Cumb., 173 (p. 146).
Oughtred, de Ughtred, Thomas, 43 (p. 24), 393.
Ouisden, co. Suff. See Ousden.
Oulescombe, co. Devon. See Awliscombe.
Oulton, Owelton, co. Norf, 637 (p. 510).
-, ……, Houton, Olton, Oulton, co. Suff., 314 (p. 265).
-, ……, …., advowson, 314 (p. 265).
-, ……, …., manor, 314 (p. 265), 315.
-, ……, …., parson of. See Bradewell, John de.
Oundle, Undele, co. N’hamp., inquisition taken at, 217 (p. 196).
Ouneby, co. Linc. See Owmby.
Ounesby, Ouneby, John de, 46 (p. 54).
-, ……, Philip de, 46 (p. 55).
-, ……, Walter de, 46 (p. 54 bis).
Ounesby, co. Linc. See Owmby.
Ourebotleston, co. N’humb. See Buston, High.
Ousby, Ulvesby, co. Cumb., 283.
Ousden, Ouisden, co. Suff., manor, 183.
-, ……, advowson, 183.
Ouse, the river, co. York, 45 (p. 34).
-, ……, …., ferry across, 247.
-, ……, …., fishery in, 45 (p. 35).
Ousthorp, co. Linc. See Casthorpe; Ewerby Thorpe.
Ouston, Wulsyngton by Tadecastre [in Tadcaster parish], co. York, W.R., 43 (p. 25).
-, ……, co. York. See Owston.
Over, Overe, Overe by Rampton, co. Camb., 396.
-, ……, Letyce of, q.v.
-, ……, Pygatz of, q.v.
Overattebere, co. Somerset. See Adber.
Overburgate, Overeburgate, co. Hants. See Burgate, Over.
Overe, Peter, 629 (p. 497).
Overgorthore, co. Salop. See Gwarthlow, Upper.
Overheyton, co. Salop. See Hayton, Upper.
Overland [in Ash parish], co. Kent, manor, 193 (p. 174).
Overpenne, co. Staff. See Penn, Upper.
Overs, Ocveres, co. Salop, hundred, 349.
Oversodyngton, co. Glouc. See Siddington Musard.
Overton, co. Hants, 192 (p. 171).
-, ……, …., Polhampton in, q.v.
-, …… Longevyll, co. Hunt. See Orton Longueville.
-, ……, Cold, Overton, Colde Overton, co. Leic, 45 (p. 36).
-, ……, …., advowson, 116 (p. 109).
-, ……, …., manor, 116 (p. 108).
-, ……, …., parson of. See Repyndon, John de.
-, ……, Market, Marketes Overton, co. Rutland, manor, 638 (p. 514).
-, …… [in Richard’s Castle parish], co. Salop, 251.
Overton, John de, rector of Staunton, 121.
-, ……, Simon de, 453.
-, ……, William de, 635, 636.
-, ……, …., sheriff of Rutland, 639 (p. 527).
-, ……, …., parson of Sileby. co. Leic., 116 (pp. 106, 107).
Oving, co. Sussex, Drayton in, q.v.
Ovingham, co. N’humb., Nafferton in, q.v.
Ovirton Watervill, co. Hunt. See Orton.
Ovyet, William, 399.
Owelton, co. Norf. See Oulton.
Owen ap Owen, Avice wife of, daughter of Richard de Barry, 499.
Owmby, Ouneby, Ounesby [near Market Rasen], co. Linc., 46 (pp. 54 bis, 55).
Owston, Ouston, co. York, W.R., 25.
Owthorne, co. York, E.R., Newsome in, q.v.
Oxborough, Oxbourgh, Oxebourgh, co. Norf., 518 (p. 405).
-, ……, advowson, 518 (p. 405).
-, ……, parson of. See Coppe.
Oxbourgh, John de, 518 (p. 405).
Oxcroft, Oxecroft [in Balsham parish], co. Camb., 638 (p. 515).
-, …… Hall, Oxecroft Halle, manor, 227.
Oxebourgh, co. Norf. See Oxborough.
Oxecroft, co. Camb. See Oxcroft.
Oxenfold, Robert de, of Ruthall, 353.
-, ……, …., …., Sibyl daughter of, 353.
Oxenhall, Oxenhale, co. Glouc., 640 (p. 540).
-, ……, manor, 438.
Oxford, co. Oxford, inquisitions taken at, 81, 249 (p. 212), 277 (p. 243), 383, 452, 607 (p. 472), 638 (p. 519), 639 (p. 525), 659.
-, ……, Merton Hall, Halle, master of, 45 (p. 36).
-, ……, …., scholars of, 498.
-, ……, north gate of, inquisition taken without, 170.
-, ……, Northgate, hundred of, 170.
-, ……, schools at, 272.
Oxford, earl of, 107 (p. 96), 116 (pp. 104, 110), 141 (p. 130 bis), 177, 192 (p. 170), 193 (p. 173), 227, 314 (p. 263), 436, 439, 441 bis, 468 (p. 372), 560, 594 bis, 639 (p. 526).
-, ……, ….. See Veer.
-, ……, countess of, 629 (p. 496).
-, ……, earldom of, 586, 638 (p. 517).
Oxneye, John, 638 (p. 521).
Oxted, Okstede, co. Surrey, advowson, 561.
-, ……, manor, 561.
Oxton, co. Nott., 261.
-, …… [in Tadcaster parish], co. York, W.R., 43 (p. 25).