Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 27

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 27', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 27', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 27". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 27

526. William de Hardredeshull alias de Hardricheshull.
Writ, 17 March, 46 Hen. III.
Robert, his son, aged 22, is his heir.
[Lincoln.] Inq. (undated.)
Cukewald manor, held of the king in chief by service of finding one footman with an axe (hachia) in the army.
[Lincoln.] Inq. (undated.)
Suthkelleseye, 2 bovates land held of the king rendering 16d.
Northkelleseye manor (extent given), held of the chapter of Lincoln rendering 20s. yearly.
[Lincoln.] Inq. (undated.)
Salebi town in Lindres', 1 knight's fee (extent given), whereof 5 parts are of the fee of the heirs of Petronilla de Vaus, and the sixth part of the fee of the heirs of William de Wodetorp', by knight's service and 17s. yearly.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (1.)
527. Robert de Barvill alias de Barevile.
Writ, 18 May. Inq. Sunday after the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul, 46 Hen. III.
His daughters [Joan], aged 10, and Alice, aged 7, are his heirs.
Lincoln. Barton (extent of lands given with names of tenants enfeoffed by the said Robert).
Writ, 11 July. Inq. The morrow of St. Peter ad Vincula, 46 Hen. III.
Lincoln. Barton, 29½ bovates and 4a. land, and 18 tofts, held of the king in chief by service of one sore sparrowhawk; whereof 18 bovates and 4a. are held by charters of enfeoffment from the said Robert, 14 tofts render 32s. 11½d. yearly, 7 bovates and 2 tofts are held for 43s.; and his relict, holds in dower 4½ bovates and 2 tofts, from which she receives 34s. yearly. (See Nos. 377, 570 and 666.)
C. Hen. III. File 27. (2.)
528. Hugh de Bolebek alias de Bolebech.
Writ of extent to the sheriff of Northumberland, 23 Oct. 46 Hen. III.
His daughters, Philippa, aged 23 and more, married to Roger de Launcastre; Margery, aged 21 and more, married to Nicholas Corbet; Alice, age variously stated as 16 and 17 and more, married to Walter son of William de Huntercumb alias Hountercumbe; and Maud, aged 13 and 1 month, who is at Angerton with lady Theophania (Teffan' alias Thephan') her mother, and in the king's hand, are his heirs.
Northumberland. Extent, Sunday before St. Martin, 47 Hen. III.
Dodington manor (extent given).
Nesebith township of the same fee (extent given with names of tenants who pay 5s. 5d. yearly for the guard of the castle of Alnewic).
Wethuude (alias Wettwod) town, held by Thomas de Wethwde of the heirs of the said Hugh of Dodington fee, by service of 1 knight's fee.
All held of the lord of Veschi (alias J. de Vescy) by service of 1 knight's fee, 1 mark yearly for the guard of the castle of Alnewik, and suit at the court of Alnewik.
Northumberland. Extent, Tuesday before St. Martin, 47 Hen. III.
Angerton manor (extent given), including the brewhouse of Herteburn, and bondmen, cotters, &c. there, and tenants in Midelton and Walington.
Northumberland. Extent, Sunday the morrow of St. Martin, 47 Hen. III.
Stiford manor with its hamlets of Thornbg (alias Thorneburi), Merchingley, Spyriden, Ryding, Syeldeford (alias Seldefurd), and Le Parc, and the town of Bromehalwe, and tenants outside the fields of Bromehallehau (extent given).
Schotley town (extent given), with
Allerseth alias Alleriset assart, 518a. 1r. land and 194a. waste held by 3 free tenants.
Waskerley hamlet, 3r. held by a cottar.
Blakedeley (alias Blakhedley), 56a., 21a. waste, 5a. held by 3 cottars, and 332a. held by 4 free tenants.
Byrkinside, 105a.
Neubiging, 89½a., held by bondmen and cottars.
The house of Kyppeyer owes 5 marks yearly, the profit of coal is worth ½ mark, the abbot of Blanchland renders 2s. 6d., and Thomas de Aslacbi 12d.
Hedon (alias Heddun) manor (extent given), including hawking? for woodcocks (volata ad Wydecokes capiend' aliasvolatil' galli palustrini) worth 2s. yearly.
Knights' fees (in the barony of Bolebek):—
8 townships (unspecified), held by Richard de Gosebek and Thomas de Bekering by service of 2½ knights' fees.
6 towns (unspecified), held by Robert de Insula by service of 1½ knight's fee, excepting 1/8 fee.
½ (Echewik) town and ¼ (Benwel) town, held by Henry de Laval by service of ½ and ¼ knight's fee.
4 towns (unspecified), held by Philip de Craudon (alias de Crawden) by service of 1 knight's fee.
½ (Biwell) town and Stokesfeld manor, held by William de Ryhill (alias de Riel) and Gilbert de Caldesrother, by service of 1 knight's fee.
(Slaueley), 1 knight's fee held by William de Slaueley.
(Est Hidwin and Hunthank) town, held by Roger de Areynes (alias Dareyns) by service of ¼ knight's fee.
(Hidwin and Appeltreley) town, held by Robert de Westhidewin by service of ⅓ knight's fee.
(Normidelton) town, held by the heirs of William de Bollesdon by service of ⅓ knight's fee.
½ (Benwell) town, held by Richard Kynebel (alias Kenbel) by service of ½ knight's fee.
¼ (Benwell) town, held by Joan de Ryhill (alias de Riel) by service of ¼ knight's fee.
There are no advowsons of churches pertaining to the heirs of Bolebech, but a pension of 10 marks is due from the abbot of St. Albans, which Hugh de Bolebech conferred on Master John Clarel for life, and of which he is seised.
Northumberland. Inq. Tuesday after St. Martin, 47 Hen. III. To the same effect as the above Extents.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (3.)
529. William de S . . irenak alias de Schyrnac.
Writ to Alan la Zuche, justice of the king's forest, 7 Feb. Inq. Wednesday after St. Oswald the archbishop, 46 Hen. III.
Walter, his son, aged 36 and more, is his heir.
[Worcester.] Feckenham forest, a certain bailiwick held of the king in chief, service unspecified.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (4.)
530. Richard de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford.
Writ (missing). Inq. (undated.)
On what day the earl died is unknown to the jury.
[Wilts.] He enfeoffed John de Sulbye of 1 carucate land in Knuk and 1 carucate in Orcheston, and the said John was in peaceful seisin thereof from Friday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 46 Hen. III, until Saturday after St. James the Apostle.
Writ to the keepers of the honour of Clare, 10 Aug. Inq. Sunday after the Decollation of St. John (the Baptist), 46 Hen. III. on the petition of the earl's executors.
[Suffolk.] Kediton manor was held by the earl in wardship through the death of John de Essex, who held of him in chief, and he had nothing there in his own demesne.
Similar writ, 10 Aug. 46 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
[Norfolk.] Paneworth manor was held by the earl in wardship through the death of Peter de Nerford, and he had nothing there in his demesne.
Similar writ, 10 Aug. Inq. Tuesday the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 46 Hen. III.
[Suffolk.] Gaysleyh manor was held by the earl in wardship through the death of Robert de Halsted, and he had nothing there in his own demesne.
Similar writ, 10 Aug. 46 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
[Norfolk.] Quitewell alias Wytewell manor was held by the earl in wardship through the death of Richerus de Quitewelle, who held of him in chief and he had nothing there in his own demesne.
Similar writ to the escheator in co. Surrey, 10 Aug. 46 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Surrey. Acstede manor was taken to farm of Roland de Acstede by John de Stanegrave and William Essewyth, who demised their term to the said earl, but he had nothing there in fee except a tenement which he bought of John Carun.
Buckingham. Writ (missing). Inq. Wednesday before the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 46 Hen. III.
Cincleberge manor was held by the earl to farm on the day of his death.
[Essex.] Writ (missing). Inq. St. Giles's day, 46 (Hen. III).
Hausted manor happened to the earl in wardship after the death of Abel de Sancto Martino, who held it of him in chief, but the earl had nothing there in his demesne.
[Glamorgan.] Inq. Sunday after Ash Wednesday, 47 Hen. III.
Mairescross manor was held by the earl in wardship through the death of Richard le Butiler, with the wardship of Joan la Butilere his heir, daughter of William Pincerna deceased, son of John le Butiler brother of the said Richard. On the death of the said Joan within age, two sisters of the said William claimed the manor, and also a sister of the said Richard; on account of which contention the earl retained the manor, but had nothing there in his demesne on the day of his death.
Writ (missing).
Northampton. Extent (undated).
Rowelle borough (extent given) held by the burgesses, tenure unspecified.
Northampton. Extent (undated).
Rowell manor (extent given) including 704a. land in villenage in Overton and Fowell, tenure unspecified.
Surrey. Extent (undated).
Bletchingele borough (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Surrey. Extent (undated).
Bletchingeleye manor and advowson (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Sussex. Extent (undated).
Rutherefeld manor and hundred (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Hertford. Extent (undated).
Standon borough (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Hertford. Extent (undated).
Standon manor (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Popeshale, 12l. rent, which the earl bought of Sir Nicholas de Kiriel, hospitaller of Jerusalem. They have the church to their own uses.
Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk. Inq. (undated) of lands, &c. acquired and held in socage.
Essex. Clarett manor, bought of Robert de Valle, rendering 10l. yearly at the king's exchequer.
Suffolk. Couling, 20s. rent bought of Warin de Wadesel'.
(Bury St. Edmunds), 3 parts of a mill outside St. Edmunds, with a dry pasture and 12a. meadow pertaining thereto, bought of Luke son of John de Sancto Edmundo.
The Earl held nothing in socage in co. Norfolk of his own acquisition.
All the above are in the extent of Desnigg', excepting Claret, which is extended by itself.
And the said earl had the following from the abbot of St. Edmund for the restoration of peace between them.
Essex. Manhal', Cestreford, Brening and Waleden, a messuage and 2 carucates land, held by John de Litleburi and his wife for life.
Suffolk. Suthwaud manor.
Geysleye, land and rent to the value of 4 marks.
Brechenham, the advowson of the church.
Gyselingham, the advowson of a moiety of the church, for which he renders 1 bezant or 2s. yearly to the shrine of St. Edmund.
Norfolk. Brecham, the advowson of the church.
Bichamwell, the advowson of the church.
Caldecot, the advowson of the church.
Shengham, the advowson of the church.
[Suffolk.] Extent (undated).
Suthbiri manor (extent given), out of which the prior of Stok has 5 marks yearly in alms, tenure unspecified.
Essex. Extent, 47 (Hen. III.).
Clarett manor (extent given), bought and held as abovesaid.
Essex. Extent (undated).
Hersham manor (extent given), which was of Walter de Scoteny, tenure unspecified.
Essex. Extent, 47 (Hen. III).
Thacsted manor (extent given with names of tenants) tenure unspecified. The prior of Stoke has the church to his own uses.
Essex. Extent, 47 (Hen. III).
Berdefeld manor (extent given with names of tenants) tenure unspecified. The prior of Stoke has the church to his own uses.
Suffolk. Extent (undated).
Clare borough (extent given), including toll of the market and fairs of Wantesford.
[Suffolk.] Extent (undated).
Clare manor, excepting the borough (extent given) tenure unspecified. The prior of Stoke has the church to his own uses.
Fornham, 40a. arable, 4a. meadow, court and garden, 40s. tallage of villeins, &c. which the earl bought, rendering 2s. 6d. yearly. From the great court of Clare there are 20l. in pleas, &c., and there are 4l. 8d. rents from certain knights' fees unspecified.
Suffolk. Extent, 47 (Hen. III).
Hunedene manor (extent given), from which should be subtracted 9 marks which Avice Poyndel receives for life for the land of Angod (extent given), bought by the earl, which the same Angod held of the earl by service of ¼ knight's fee. The prior of Stoke has the church to his own uses.
Suffolk. Extent, 47 (Hen. III).
Desening manor (extent given with names of tenants), including parks called Sutwod wood and Cumheye wood and land in Todeham.
Lakingehuth manor (extent given) including the fishery of La Fenne. Tenures unspecified.
Kent. Extent (undated).
Elding manor (extent given), including a market called Brenchesle, tenure unspecified. The prior of Tonebrug' has the church to his own uses.
Kent. Extent (undated).
Lokesdale manor (extent given), bought by the earl of Ranulph London, rendering 11s. 8d. yearly.
Kent. Extent (undated).
Eltham manor (extent given) tenure unspecified.
Kent. Inq. (undated.)
Views of frank pledge, rents, knights' fees and advowsons of the honour of Clare:—
(Unspecified), from J. de Kiriel 1 mark rent.
Holeford, 2s. 1d.
(Unspecified), from Hamo de Vieleston 1 sparrowhawk or 2s., and from the prior of Tonebrug' 1d.
Hardres, 4s. from the view.
Natindon, 2s.
Blen, 4s.
Tremeworth, ½ mark.
Seldwich, 2s.
Diton and Slifeton, 4s.
Netlestede, 4s.
Chekesel, 4s.
Mereworth, ½ mark.
Dodehurst and Pepingeburi, 1 mark.
Wecheleston and Litlefeld hundreds, held to fee farm of the king for 40s. yearly.
Mereworth, 2 fees held by the heirs of William de Mereworth; and ⅓ fee held by Fulk de Sersted.
Blen (and ?) in Natindon, 1 fee held by Robert de Blen.
Tremeworth and Dodindale, 1½ fee held by Walter de Letton.
Holeford, ½ fee held by Bartholomew Tyson.
Crundale, 1 fee held by Nicholas de Haulo.
Hardres, 1 fee held by Robert de Hardres.
Ditton, Wigebereh and Sifleton, 3½ fees held by Ralph de Ditton.
Nethlestede and Pepingeburi, 1½ fee held by Walter de Wahull.
Pettes, Chekeshull and Horsmonden, 2 fees held by Hugh de Sanford.
Suanton, ½ fee held by Richard de Suanthon.
Eltheham alias Elteham, ¼ fee held by Nicholas de Leuekenore, and ½ fee by Margery de Rivers.
Meleton, 1 fee held by Robert de Sevans: the archbishop has a moiety.
Seldwich, ¼ fee held by Henry Malemays.
Vieleston, 1 fee held by Hamo de Vieleston.
Elding, the tenants owe no other tallage except St. Andrew's aid.
Tonebrug, advowson of the priory.
Norfolk. Extent (undated).
Welles and Warham manors, with the advowson of Welles (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Norfolk. Extent (undated).
Brecham manor and advowson (extent given), tenure unspecified.
Norfolk. Extent (undated).
Cremplesham manor (extent given), tenure unspecified. The prior of Stoke has the church to his own uses.
Norfolk. Extent (undated).
Cremplesham manor (full extent with names of tenants).
Norfolk. Extent (undated).
Great and Little Walsingham manor (extent given), including 10s. for stallage at the church door, and 4 swanneries.
Extent (or summary) of lands late of Richard, sometime earl of Gloucester, 46 Hen. III.
[Gloucester.] Tokesburi, with the borough and liberties.
[Worcester.] Busseleye.
[Oxford.] Bureford, with the borough and liberties; and there are yearly rendered by the reeve from the farm of the mill 32s. ¾d. to Merlawe part, and the remainder to Tokesburi part.
[Gloucester.] The court of knights and free tenants of the honour of Gloucester and of those of Somerset who owe suit.
[Gloucester.] Berton Bristoll'.
Somerset. Eston.
[Gloucester.] Thorneburi, with the borough and its liberties.
[Gloucester.] Fairford, with the borough and its liberties, out of which 8s. 8¾d. are due from the farms of the mills to Merlawe part, and the remainder to Thorneburi part.
[Worcester.] Hanele, with the forest of Malvern and Blakemore, with their liberties.
[Gloucester.] Cors forest, with its liberties.
[Gloucester.] Gloucester borough, the court with ⅓ of the county (court) with their liberties.
[Dorset.] Purbik, with its liberties.
[Buckingham.] Merlawe, with the borough and its liberties.
[Buckingham.] Hameldon.
[Buckingham.] Stiuekelle and Swanborn.
[Oxford.] Shipton.
[Oxford.] Chadelinton hundred.
[Southampton.] Glateford.
[Southampton.] Petresfeld.
[Southampton.] Mapolderham.
[Southampton.] Cormhampton.
[Gloucester.] Aur, with the hundred of Bladelawe.
[_] Rading meadow.
[Gloucester.] Faireford, 7s. 8¾d. from the farms of the mills.
[Oxford.] Bureford, 32sd. from the farms of the mills.
[Essex.] Taxtud, with its liberties.
[Hertford.] Standon, with its liberties, the borough and Popeshale.
[Northampton.] Rowell, with the borough and its liberties.
[_] Wyston, with its liberties.
[Sussex.] Rutherfeud, with its liberties.
[Kent.] Luckedal, with its liberties.
[Suffolk.] Desninges and Lakyngl', with their liberties.
[Norfolk.] Walsingham Great and Little, with their liberties.
[Norfolk.] Welles and Warham, with their liberties.
[Essex.] Berdefeud, with its liberties.
[Surrey.] Blescingell, with its liberties.
[Suffolk.] Sutbiri, with its liberties.
[Kent.] Heltham, with its liberties.
[Cambridge.] Cambridge county (court), pleas and perquisites.
[Huntingdon.] Huntingdon county (court), pleas and perquisites.
[Huntingdon.] Huntingdon county (court), 8s. 5d. rent of assize.
[Lancaster.] Lancaster county (court), 17s. 6d. rent of assize.
Extent of the lands of R. sometime earl of Gloucester (undated and defective).
[Gloucester.] Thokesbiri, &c. as above, with the following advowsons and knights' fees:—
[Gloucester.] Thokesbiri, the custody of the abbey.
[Buckingham.] Hameldon, the advowson of the church.
[Gloucester.] Aur, the advowson of a moiety of the church.
[Dorset.] Pympr', the advowson of the church.
Fees from which wardship and marriage are due with relief:—
Gloucester; Somerset. Shenedon and Albriston, and Bacwell (and) Claverham, 13½ knights' fees held by William le Sor.
[Gloucester.] Dyckelesdon, 2½ fees by William de Dyckesdon.
[Worcester.] Eldrefeud, 1 fee by Nicholas de Berkele.
[_] Stok, ½ fee by Thomas de Everus.
[Gloucester.] Manegoteresfeud, 1 fee by Petronilla de Vivonia.
[Gloucester.] Donington (and) Littleton, 6 fees by Thomas de Donington.
[Oxford.] Bureford, ½ fee by G. de Fanencourt.
[Oxford.] Heyford, 1 fee by the heir of W. de Campo Ernulphi.
[_] Caudewell, 1 fee by Nicholas de Caudewell.
Somerset; Gloucester. Radestok and Eston, co. Somerset, and Clifton, co. Gloucester, 3 fees by Ignatius de Clifton.
Fees held by those who hold of the King in chief, from whom relief is not due:—
Somerset. Ludeford, 2 fees by Nicholas son of Martin.
Gloucester. Dodington, 2 fees by Henry de Berkele.
Thokington and Swell, 8⅓ fees by Nicholas Poynz.
Oxindon, ½ fee by John de Haya.
Botingdon and Kemerton, 1 fee by John de Muscegros.
Kemerton, 1 fee by Robert de Stotevill.
Walton, ½ fee by William de Kaerdif.
Somerset. Bodminstre and Radeclyve, 1 fee by Maurice de Berkele.
Welewe and Ferle, 2 fees by Henry de Monte Forti.
Northovere, ½ fee by the prior of the hospital of Bruges.
Gloucester. Clarefeud, 2 parts of 1 fee by Geoffrey de Lucy.
[Gloucester.] Thornebiri, &c. as above, with the following advowsons and knights' fees:—
[Southampton.] Forthingbrigg, the advowson of the church.
[Dorset.] Steple, the advowson of the church.
[Dorset.] Cnolle, the advowson of the church.
[Gloucester.] Renden Cumb, the advowson of the church.
Knights' fees from which are due wardship and marriage:
[Gloucester.] Weleford and Redmerton, 1 fee held by William Camerar'.
Gloucester. Renchewrth, 1/5 fee by Alice de Burgo.
Gloucester. Hampton, 8 fees by Robert de Meysy.
[Wilts.] Merston, ½ fee by John de Meysy.
Gloucester. Rendecumb, 9½ fees by Petronilla de Mar'.
[Gloucester]; Worcester. Tyderinton, Clopton and Claydesle in co. Worcester, 1 fee by William Corbet.
Somerset. Tweverton, Bacwell and Stok, 8½ fees by Thomas de Baiocis and Mary his mother.
Somerset. Trubwell, 1/10 fee by John Brutah.
Somerset. (Unspecified) 1/10 fee by Robert de Waddon.
Somerset. (sic) [Wilts.] Cnuk, ½ fee by William de Sancto Martino; and ¼ fee by John de Eskelling.
Gloucester. Upton, ¼ fee by William Marmyon.
Somerset. Newenton and Puppelawe, 1¼ fee by John de Sancto Laudo.
Somerset; Gloucester. Harpestre, Ferinton, Barewe, Westharpestre, Englescumb and Haletr', co. Somerset, and Sernecote and Sodinton, co. Gloucester, 21 fees by Robert de Gurney.
Buckingham. Merlawe, &c. as above, with the following advowsons and knights' fees:—
[Somerset.] Keynesham abbey, the keepership.
[Buckingham.] Merlawe, the advowson of the church.
[Gloucester.] Cerneye, the advowson of the church.
[Dorset.] Tarente Bondevile (sic), the advowson of the church.
[Buckingham.] Wavendon, 1 fee held by Gilbert Passele.
[Buckingham.] Horewod, 1 fee by Berner' de Horewod.
[Bedford.] Badeliston, 1 fee by Ralph Falconarius.
Caldecot, 1 fee by Robert Chaunceys.
[Cambridge.] Lutelington, 1½ fee by Robert Loring.
[Buckingham.] Hamelesdon, ½ fee by Thomas de Sauncford.
Walcot, ½ fee by Stephen de Walcot.
[Buckingham.] Swaneburn, ½ fee by Nicholas de Cruce.
Swambrok, 3 parts of 1 fee by Alan Getineleye?
..., 1/8 fee by Master Richard de Rileby.
Midleton, 1/5 fee by Thomas Toky.
..., 1/5 fee by Thomas Toky.
.. burn, ...
..., .. by Robert ...
Transcript of writ to the barons of the exchequer, 4 Feb., 47 Hen. III, to cause M[aud] countess of Gloucester to receive 33l. 20d., which the king has assigned to her in dower, out of the issues of the earldom of Hertford, late of Richard de Clare her husband.
Extent of knights' fees late of the said earl.
Fees from which wardship and marriage are due with relief:—
Gloucester; Somerset. Schenedon and Albriston, co. Gloucester, and Bacwell (and) Claverham, co. Somerset, 13½ knights' fees held by William le Sor.
[Gloucester.] Dikelesdon, 2½ fees by William de Dickesdon.
[Worcester.] Eldrefeud, 1 fee by Nicholas de Berkele.
[_] Stok, ½ fee by Thomas de Everus.
[Gloucester.] Manegodesfeud, 1 fee by Petronilla de Vivonia.
[Gloucester.] Donington and Littleton, 6 fees by Thomas de Donyngton.
[Oxford.] Bureford, ½ fee by G. de Fanencurt.
Heyrford, 1 fee by the heir of W. de Campo Ernulphi.
Caudewell, 1 fee by Nicholas de Caudewell.
Gloucester; Somerset. Radestok and Eston, co. Somerset, and Clifton, co. Gloucester, 3 fees by Ignatius de Clifton.
Fees from which nothing is due but relief:—
[Cambridge; Huntingdon.] Swafham, Folkesworth, Walton and Stilton, 10 fees held by the earl of Oxford.
[_] Ameye, 2 fees by the same earl.
[Bedford.] Hineldon and Chelfiston, 4 fees by John Traylay.
[Oxford.] Chaldelinton, ½ fee by Baldwin de Insula.
[Somerset.] Trupwell, ¼ fee by the abbot of Flexele.
[_] Norton, ¼ fee by Gilbert de Dunfraumvill.
Mideleston, 1 fee by William de Canti Lupo.
[Somerset.] Miriet, 1 fee by Nicholas de Mirieton.
[_] Bidecumbe, ¼ fee by the prior of St. John, Bristol.
[Somerset.] Stokwod, ¼ fee by the abbot of Keynesham.
[Oxford.] Ampton Gaye, ½ fee by the abbot of Osn'.
Memorandum of a writ to the keepers of the honour of Clare, dated 18 January, to cause M. countess of Gloucester to have full seisin of this last part to be held in dower; and also to assign to her one bovate land and the advowson of Adelingflet church.
Transcript of a writ to the said keepers, dated 8 July, the king has granted to Gilbert de Clare, son and heir of Richard de Clare sometime earl of Gloucester, all the fruits of this autumn, viz.—of the 47th year of his reign, of all the lands, &c. which were his father's, for which he is to account at the king's exchequer, saving to William de Valencia, the king's brother, 500l. from the lands which have been cultivated at the king's costs, and from the issues of the manors of Retherfeud, Blescingelt, Berdefeud, Sutbiri, Deseninge, Lakinghith, Wallingham, Welles and Warham, and saving to Maud late the wife of the said earl the fruits of those lands in Deseminges, Wallingham, Welles and Warham, which at her own costs she caused to be cultivated before her assignment of dower; and has granted to the said Gilbert for a fine of 1,000l. the fruits of all the said lands for the following year, saving to the king's said brother other 500l., if the king is bound to him in so much, and if not the residue to remain to the king. They are therefore commanded to cause the said Gilbert to have full seisin of the lands in the form aforesaid.
Memorandum that in the same manner it was commanded to the keepers of the honour of Gloucester, saving to the king's said brother the issues of the manor of Bissele in part payment of the said debt; and similarly to the escheator citra Trentam, saving to the king's said brother the issues of the manor of Wiston.
Extent of tenements and fees late of Richard de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford in co. Cambridge (undated).
Cambridge. Litlington, ¼ fee held by John de Huntingefield; ½ fee by Walter de Neketon; the view of frank pledge 1 mark; and the advowson of the church.
Abbinthon, 4s. (rent).
Melrith, 3s. rent of assize, and the view 10s.; and the prior of Croyroys holds one carucate land in frank almoin.
Karleton, 1 fee held by William de Huntingfeld; and the view 4s.
Guldenemorden, the view 10s.
Tadeleweye and Pincote, the view ½ mark.
Thofth, the view 2s.
Botekesham, 1 fee held by William son of Martin, and John de Darlee; and 12l. 5¼d. rent of assize.
Orewell, 2 fees held by the earl of Winchester.
Croyroys, 6d. rent of assize from Richard de Harleston.
Croyroys Priory, the advowson lately acquired, of which Peter de Roph' was patron, who held of the king in chief.
Angleseye Priory, the advowson.
Bodekesham and Croyroys, pleas, &c. of courts 40s.
Extent of tenements and fees, &c. (as above), in co. Huntingdon (undated).
Huntingdon. Great Grantesden, ½ fee held by Adam Gerebaud and Guy de Merlawe; 30a. land held in serjeanty by John de Kakeston, bailiff of the fees in the same town, by 8s. 5d. rent; and a tenement by the prior of Dipeden in frank almoin; and the view of frank pledge 17s.
Grantesden, and Topesfeud, co. Essex, ½ fee held by Hugh Sansaver, William le Waleys, and William Sansaver.
Wolvele, 1 fee, delivered to Hervey de Borham whilst the heir remained in wardship; and the view 8s.
Graffham, ½ fee held by Robert de Graffam of Henry de Engayne and by him of the earl in chief; and the view 2s.
Sautre and Pappeworth, 1 fee held by Robert de Beumes; ¼ fee formerly held of Nigel de Mondevile of the honour of Lovethot, and the said Nigel held ½ fee of the king in fee; and the view 2s.
Folkeswode, the view 2s.
Walton, the view 2s.
Walton, the view 2s.
Trerning, Graffam, Hoford, Hemmingeford and Trobevile, ¾ fee of the honour of Lovetotht held by Beringer le Moyne, which the earl had of the abovesaid Nigel, and he held of the king in chief.
Stilton, ⅓ fee held by the prior of Rismede of the fee of Lovethot; and the view 2s.
Winewich, 1 fee of the said honour held by Robert Cardon and the heirs of Geoffrey de Kackeston, which the earl had of John de Litleburi and his wife.
Gedding and Lollington, 1½ fee of the said honour, held by the prior of Huntindon.
Suho, ⅓ fee held for life by John de Mondevile, with reversion to the earl or his heirs; and ⅓ fee similarly held for life by John de Lithleburi and Mariota his wife; and whenever the tenants of the said honour do suit at Suho court, the pleas, &c. are worth 20s.
St. Neot's, the advowson of the priory.
Dorset. Writ to the sheriff of Dorset to make extent of the fees of the earl according to a former mandate. 11 Jan. 48 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Deuelliss, 1 fee.
Litlefroma, 6 fees.
Bakeber, 1 fee.
Acford, 4 fees.
Gondevileston, 1 fee.
Hamma, 1 fee.
Fernham, 1 fee.
Pentrich, 1 fee.
Cnolton, 1 fee.
Hupwymborn, 1 fee.
Piterichesham and Craneburn, ½ fee.
Tar' Russ', 1 fee.
Wychampton, 5 fees.
Bywesteport, ⅓ fee.
Alfrington, ½ fee.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (5.)
531. R[ichard], sometime earl of Gloucester.
Writ (missing). Inq. (undated.)
[Buckingham.] Brikull manor was formerly held by Philip Luvel rendering 1d. yearly, of Nicholas de Wauncy, who afterwards gave the lordship to the said earl. On the death of the said Philip the earl took the manor into his own hands, and seised Philip the son thereof, who brought a deed of enfeoffment from his father. The said Philip was in seisin for 15 weeks at least, and then the earl took the manor to farm of him for 10 years, and died within that term, holding the manor at farm only.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (6.)
532. William de Esseby.
Writ (missing). Inq. Sunday after St. Luke 46 Hen. III.
Northampton. Esseby and elsewhere. The king committed the wardship of the lands and marriage of the heirs to Ralph son of Nicholas, who sold the marriage with the greater part of the lands to Thomas de Estleye, who married Robert, son and heir of the said William, to his own daughter, and afterwards sold the wardship of the said lands to the said Robert and his mother for 80 marks. The said Robert died ½ year within age, without heir of himself, after which the said Thomas married William his brother, who was within age, to a daughter of Thomas de Elinton, and he is still within age.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (7.)
533. John le Arblaster.
Writ, 15 Feb. 46 Hen. III. Inq. (missing).
C. Hen. III. File 27. (8.)
534. John de Moniton alias de Muneton.
Mandate from William de Welond, the king's escheator, to the escheator of Salop, reciting writ dated 21 Feb. 47 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
His sisters, Alice aged 28, Agnes aged 26, and Margery aged 25, are his heirs.
Salop. Muneton manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by service of being forester of Bismor and Hauechurst.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (9.)
535. Roger de Leton.
Writ, 25 Dec. 47 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Adam his son, aged 32, is his heir.
Salop. Leton. 4 virgates land, held of the king in chief by service of 40d., whereof 1 in demesne with capital messuage, 4s. 8½d. rent of assize, and 2 hens and 20 eggs.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (10.)
536. Thomas de Burghunte alias Burhunte.
Writ, to the sheriff of Southampton, 15 June, 47 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Richard his son, aged 15, is his heir.
Southampton. (Unspecified,) two knights' fees held of Sir Robert de Sancto Johanne by knights' service.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (11.)
537. John le Brun.
Writ, 8 Jan. 47 Hen. III., to enquire into the lands, &c. of the said John, who held of Baldwin de Insula, sometime earl of Devon in chief; Thomas his brother having entered upon the lands, &c. as his heir, but Emma, late his wife, having now borne a daughter and heir to the said John, whose wardship and marriage ought to pertain to the king by reason of the wardship of the lands of the said earl.
[Essex.] Inq. (undated.)
(Arkesden.) 180a. arable in demesne, 4a. meadow, 6a. pasture, 13a. wood, 37s. 6d. rent of assize, &c. tenure unspecified.
The jury say they know of no other heir than the said Thomas, who was placed in seisin 5 months and more ago by the steward of Baldwin de Insula.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (12.)
538. Baldwin de Whitsond alias de Wytsaund alias de Witsand.
Writ to the guardian of the peace, co. Essex, 3 Aug. 47 Hen. III.
Writ (de melius inquirendo), 12 Dec., 48 Hen. III.
His four daughters, the eldest aged 5 years and the youngest 15 weeks, are his heirs.
Essex. Inq. (undated.)
Stanburn manor, held in chief of Humphrey de Boun, earl of Her[e]ford, of the honour of Maundevill, by service of 1½ knights' fee.
Perendon manor held of the king in chief as of the honour of Boulogne by knight's service.
Essex. Inq. (undated.)
Stamburn. A messuage, 202a. land, 11a. meadow and pasture, and 4a. wood, held of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hertford (sic), by service of 3 knights; 9a. land held of the prior of Chyppelye rendering 4d.; 8a. land held of Eustace de Grynvil for 1 lb. pepper; and 2 works weekly of the fee of the earl of Hereford.
[Essex.] Inq. (undated.)
(Perndon.) A messuage, the advowson of the church, 240a. arable in demesne, 40a. wood, 12a. meadow, 4a. pasture, 17s. 9d. rent of assize, &c. held of the honour of Boulogne, which is in the king's hands, by service of 1 knight; and 180a. arable held of the abbot of Byleye, the Hospitallers, and William Passemer, rendering ½ mark yearly.
Reyndon. 8a. meadow held of the Templars, rendering ½ mark yearly; and 9a. meadow of John Adrien, rendering 9s. yearly to a certain warden of a hospital outside Hertford.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (13.)
539. Nicholas de Meriet.
Mandate from the king's escheator to the sheriff and escheator of co. Somerset reciting writ (undated). Inq. (undated.)
John his son, aged 21 and more from St. Kenelm's day, 47 [Hen. III], is his heir.
Somerset. Meriet, Lopene and Stratton, 1 knight's fee held of the king in chief, and another knight's fee held of the earl of Gloucester.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (14.)
540. Nicholas de Berkeleye.
Writ to the guardians of the honour of Gloucester, 12 Jan. 47 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Giles de Berkeleye his brother, aged 22 on the day of St. John the Baptist, 46 Hen. III, is his heir.
[Worcester.] Eldresfelde, 1 knight's fee held in chief of R. de Clare, sometime earl of Gloucester, by service of 1 knight.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (15.)
541. Aylrich alias Eylrich, sometime parker of Wodestok.
Writ, 14 Sept. 47 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
He died without heir of his body, and therefore the land is the king's escheat.
Oxford. Wottun.½ virgate land held of the king rendering 4d. yearly.
Richard son of Richard le May now holds it by rendering 4d. to the king; Eleanor de Viteri (?) held it in dower, and Richard the father had no right there except through her.
Hensintun. 1 virgate land held for ...
C. Hen. III. File 27. (16.)
542. Henry Luvel.
Mandate from the king's escheator to the escheator of co. Somerset, reciting writ dated 5 Sept. 47 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Richard his son, aged 28, is his heir.
Somerset. Kary manor held of the king in chief for a whole barony by service of finding two knights in the army with the king at his own charge for 40 days.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (17.)
543. Reginald le Forester.
Writ, 4 Aug. Inq. Thursday the morrow of the Assumption, 47 Hen. III. (defaced). No heir specified.
[Berks.] Cokham. 1 hide land held of the king by charter by service of 5s. yearly.
Watham Abbatis Certes'. 3 carucates land held of Sir William de Wyndl', of the abbot of Certese, of the prior of Hurle, of Richard de Hurle, [and] of Walter ... wyne, services unspecified.
The office of forester held of the king by 10s. yearly.
[Oxford.] Linham. 2 carucates land held of the lord of Angre for ¼ knight's fee. (See No. 614.)
C. Hen. III. File 27. (18.)
544. Petronilla de la Mare.
Writ to the guardians of the honour of Gloucester, 24 Ap., 47 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
William de la Mara, her son, is her heir, and of full age.
[Gloucester]. Ryndecombe manor, 2 carucates land, 2 mills, and 68s. 6d. rent of assize held of the honour of Gloucester.
Herdenewyk. 2 carucates of land and 59s. rent of assize similarly held.
Sebbescumbe. 46s. 8d. rent held of John de Muntchenesy doing 2 suits of court yearly.
Eleworthe. 10s. 6d. rent of the fee of the said John.
The above tenements, with others held by other tenants unknown to the jury, are held by service of 9½ knights' fees.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (19.)
545. Robert le Botiller alias le Boteler.
Writ, 6 Dec. 47.
Richard le Boteler his brother, aged 30 and more, is his heir.
[Cambridge.] Extent (undated).
Beche manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by ½ knight's fee.
[Hertford.] Extent (undated).
Mesdon manor and advowson (extent given), tenure unspecified.
C. Hen. III. File 27. (20.)