General Index: E

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: E', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: E', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood. "General Index: E". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. (London, 1955), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Eachwick, Echewik, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Eaglesfield, Ecclesfeld, co. Cumberland, 655.

Eakring, Eykeryng, co. Nottingham, manor, 1035.

Ealing, Yellyng, Yelyng, co. Middlesex, 463.

Earl marshal. See Berkeley, W.

Earle, Yerdhill, Yherdhill, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Earlham, Overerleham, Nethererleham [in Norwich], co. Norfolk, 3.

Earlshaw, Alreshagh, Harleshagh [in Caunton], co. Nottingham, 1037.
-, ……, manor, 1035.

Earlstone, Erleston [in Burghclere], co. Southampton, 703.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 703.
-, ……, Nockes land in, 703.

Earsdon, Heresdon, co. Northumberland, manor, 14.

Earthcott, Ircotte [in Alveston], co. Gloucester, 176.

Easby, co. York, St. Agatha’s monastery, abbot of, land held of, 175.

Easebourne, Estborne, co. Sussex, 824.

Easington, Esyngdon [in Chilton], co. Buckingham, manor, 614.

Easington, Yesington, Yesingtone [in Belford], co. Northumberland, 304.
-, ……, manor, 16.

Easington, Esyngton, co. York, W.R., 506.
-, ……, manor, 362.

Eastacott, Escote, Estcote [in Crediton], co. Devon, 562.

Eastbourne, Estborne, co. Sussex, 1134.

Eastchurch, Estchurche, co. Kent, 960.

Eastcott, Escote [in Swindon], co. Wilts, 1115.

East Hall manor. See Colney.

Eastham, Estham, co. Worcester, manor, 866.

Eastington, Estynton, co. Gloucester [near Northleach], 372.

Eastlake, Estlake [in Broadwood-widger], co. Devon, manor, land held of, 46.

Eastley. See Lee, East.

Eastmanton, Estmanton [in Sparsholt], co. Berks, manor, 1053.

Easton, Eston, in Gordano, co. Somerset, manor, 171.

Easton, Great, Eston ad montem, Great Eyston, co. Essex, 215.
-, ……, Blamsters in, q.v.
-, ……, Wolsey’s in, q.v.

Easton, Great, Eston, co. Leicester, manor, land held of, 752.
-, ……, Powers Wood alias Powers Park in, 1146.

Easton Maudit, Eston Mawdit, co. Northampton, manor, p. 601.
-, ……, …. a and advowson, 228.
-, ……, le Westside de le Overbury in, 228.

Easton on the Hill, Eston, co. Northampton, pp. 594, 599.

Easton, Ston, Stonyeston, co. Somerset, manor, 701.

Eastrington, Estryngton, Yorks, 270.

Eastrop, Esthorp, co. Southampton, manor, 830.

Eastry, Estre, Estry, co. Kent, Hamcourt, Hampcourt manor in, 957.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 514, 957.

Eastwarley Semels. See Warley Little.

Eastwell, Estwell, co. Leicester, 295.

Eastwood, Estwoode [in East Harptree], co. Somerset, 257.

Eaton, Eton [in Leominster], co. Hereford, manors of E. Leomynstre called Oldecourt, E. Bedford and E. Gamage in, 944.

Eaton, Eton [in Sedgeford], co. Norfolk, 143.

Eaton Bray, Eyton, co. Bedford, advowson of free chapel or chantry, 871.
-, ……, manor, 871.

Eaton Constantine, Eton, co. Salop, manor, 405.

Eaton Hastings, Eton Hastynges, Water Eton, co. Berks, manor and advowson, 230, 735.

Eaton, Eyton, Long, co. Derby, 1033.

Eaton Socon, Eton, co. Bedford, Beggary in, q.v.
-, ……, Duloe in, q.v.
-, ……, Eatonford in, q.v.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 874.

Eaton, Water, Eton by Venystratford, co. Buckingham, manor, 882.

Eaton, Water, Waltereton, Watereyton [in Penbridge], co. Stafford, manor, 76.

Eatonford, Ford, in Eaton Socon, co. Bedford, 874.

Ebberston, Eberston, co. York, 262.

Ebbesham. See Epsom.

Eberston. See Ebberston.

Eccles [in Aylesford], co. Kent, manor, 412.

Ecclesall, Eccleshall, co. York, 202.

Ecclesden, Ecclisdon [in Angmering], co. Sussex, manor, land held of, 743.

Ecclesfeld. See Eaglesfield.

Eccleton. See Ickleton.

Ecclisdon. See Ecclesden.

Echewik. See Eachwick.

Echingham, Thomas, knight, 814.

Eckington, Ekyngton, co. Derby, manor, land held of, 1017.

Eckington, Ekkyngton [in Ripe], co. Sussex, manor, land held of, 1134.

Ecton, Ekton, co. Northampton, manor and advowson, 364.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 364.
-, ……, lez Milleyerde in, 364.
-, ……, lez Tonges in, 364.
-, ……, Marisgresse in, 364.
-, ……, Smethmede in, 364.

Edburton, Edberton, co. Sussex, 821.

Edbury. See Yedbury.

Ede, John, 722.

Edeford. See Ideford.

Edelesburgh. See Edlesborough.

Eden, Edon, Thomas, 135, 136.
-, ……, Thomas, the elder, 135.

Edenhall, Ednell, co. Cumberland, manor, 67.

Ederthorpe, Ederthorp [in Darfield], co. York, 856.

Edgbaston, Egebarston, co. Warwick, manor, 1168.

Edgmond, Eggemondon, co. Salop, manor, 387.

Edington, Idington, co. Northumberland, manor, 13.

Edington, Edyngton, co. Somerset, 146, 524, 546, 784.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 524.

Edingworth, Edyngworth, co. Somerset, 854.

Edlesborough, Edelesburgh, co. Buckingham, 197.

Edlingham, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Edmondescote. See Emscote.

Ednell. See Edenhall.

Ednesford. See Hednesford.

Edon. See Eden.

Edstaston [in Wem], co. Salop, 1070.

Edwalton, Etwalton, co. Nottingham, manor, 487.

Edward II, king, 467.
-, ……, letters patent of, 640.

EDWARD IV, king, co. Salop, 666.
-, ……, 42, 606, 649.
-, ……, his attorney. See Hussey, W.
-, ……, his esquire of the body. See Wyngfeld, J.
-, ……, letters patent of, 523, 804.

Edward V, king, 666.

Edward ap Rys, 184.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Colyn, E.

Edwardes, William, 135.

Edworth, co. Bedford, 574.
-, ……, Aunfeldes in, 574.
-, ……, Hoge Pondes in, 574.
-, ……, manor, 852.
-, ……, …., land held of, 852.

Edwyn, John, 463.

Edy, James, son of John, 991.

EDY, JOHN, co. Northampton, 991.

Edyngton, co. Somerset. See Edington.

Edyngton, Robert, clerk, 491.

Edyngworth. See Edingworth.

Efford, Efforde [in Egg Buckland], co. Devon, manor, land held of, 553.

Egdean, Eggden, co. Sussex, 31.

Egebarston. See Edgbaston.

Egerton, Peter, knight, land held of, 342.

Eggden. See Egdean.

Eggecombe, John, 425.
-, ……, Margaret, daughter of Richard, wife of William Seyntmaur, 113.
-, ……, Peter, knight, 113, 792.
-, ……, …., land held of, 114, 365, 857.
-, ……, Richard, knight, 113, 652, p. 606.

Eggemondon. See Edgmond.

Egglestone, Egleston, co. York, abbot of, land held of, 175.

Eglisfelde, Anthony, 343.

Egloshayle, Eglyshell, co. Cornwall, manor, 366.

Egmanton, co. Nottingham, manor, 486, 1015.

Egmanton, Robert, land held of, 564.

Egmoton, John, 29.

Egot, Richard, 254.

Egremont, Egremond, co. Cumberland, manor, land held of, 213.

Eire. See Eyre.

Ekkyngton. See Eckington.

Eklingheam. See Ellingham.

Ekton. See Ecton.

Ekyngton. See Eckington.

Ekysbourn. See Exbourne.

ELAND, BERNARD, son of Eustace, co. Lincoln, 965.
-, ……, Elizabeth, late the wife of Gilbert Kighley, 742.
-, ……, Eustace, 965.
-, ……, Mary, daughter of Thomas, married Roland Revell, 332.
-, ……, Robert, 245.

ELAND, THOMAS, co. Derby, 332.

Elande, Elaund. See Ponteland.

Elborough, Elbarough [in Hutton], co. Somerset, 1105.

Eldersley. See Yeldersley.

Elderton, Thomas, 472.

Eldirsham, Thomas, land held of, 215.

Eldmire, Eldmer, co. York, manor, 138.

Eleigh, Illeigh, Ylley [in Combe St. Nicholas], co. Somerset, 854, 1099.

Eleot. See Eliot.

Elerkey, Elerky [in Veryan], co. Cornwall, manor, land held of, 857.

Eleson, William, 175.

Elford, Roger, 526.

Eliot, Eleot, Eliotte, Elyot, Elyott, Christopher, citizen and goldsmith of London, 94, 174, 186, 200, 346.
-, ……, John, 772.
-, ……, Richard, 133.
-, ……, Richard, Serjeant at law, 407.
-, ……, Walter, 1159.
-, ……, William, 814.
-, ……, William, clerk, 133, 1113.

Elis. See Elys.

Elizabeth, queen of England, wife of Henry VII, 203, 228, 235, 666, 814.
-, ……, land held of, 721, 745, 822, 1051.

Elkington, Elkyngton, South, co. Lincoln, 245.
-, ……, Kateryn Garthes in, 245.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 245.

Elkstone, Lower, Netherelkeston, co. Stafford, 198.

Ellayng. See under Deighton, South.

Elleker, Thomas, 172.

Ellenhall, Elnehall, co. Stafford, manor, 1118.

Ellerburn, Ellerbourne, co. York, p. 596.

Ellershawe, Henry, 152.

Ellesborough, Ellesburgh, Ellysborough, co. Buckingham, 875.
-, ……, manor, 876.

Ellesmere, Ellesmeir, co. Salop, hundred and manor, 805.

Ellingham, Eklingham, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Ellingham, Elyngham, Great, co. Norfolk, manor, 713.

Ellington, co. Northumberland, 20.

Ellis’s Farm, Elyes [in Hutton], co. Essex, 935.

Ellysborough. See Ellesborough.

Ellysworth. See Elsworth.

Elmbridge, Elmebrug, co. Worcester, manor, 1171.

Elmdon, Elmedon, co. Essex, 516.

Elme, Thomas, 612.

Elmebrigge, Elmebrugge, Anne, daughter of Thomas, 467, 1137.
-, ……, Joan, wife of Thomas, 467.
-, ……, John, 467, 1137.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Peche, A.

ELMEBRIGGE, THOMAS, son of Thomas, co. Surrey, 467.
-, ……, Thomas, son of John, 1137.

Elmebrug. See Elmbridge.

Elmedon. See Elmdon.

Elmehurste. See Elmhurst.

Elmeley, co. Kent. See Elmley.

Elmeley, co. Worcester. See Elmley Castle.

Elmes, Elizabeth, wife of John. See Brown, E.
-, ……, Isabel, p. 604.
-, ……, John, 992.
-, ……, John, son of John, 992.
-, ……, John, son of William, 1008.

ELMES, WILLIAM, son of John, co. Rutland, 1008.
-, ……, …., 992.

Elmesale, Elmesall. See Elmsall, North.

Elmesthorpe, Elmesthorp, co. Leicester, 1144.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 232.

Elmhurst, Elmehurste, co. Stafford, 460.

Elmley, Elmeley, co. Kent, 960.

Elmley Castle, Elmeley, co. Worcester, barony, land held of, 117, 375, 456.
-, ……, castle, 637.

Elmsall, North, Elmesale, Elmesall, co. York, 1, 83, 188, 351.

Elmsall riddyng. See under Kirkby, South.

Elnehall. See Ellenhall.

Elryngton, Simon, 952, 1175.

Elsdon, Aylsden [in Grey’s Forest?], co. Northumberland, 359.

Elsenham, co. Essex, 358.

Elsingham. See Islingham.

Elston, co. Nottingham, 30, 550.
-, ……, manor, 30, 1020.
-, ……, advowson, 30.

Elston, Ileston, in Orcheston St. George, co. Wilts, 128.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 128.

Elsworth, Ellysworth, co. Cambridge, Castelacris in, 2.
-, ……, manor, 2.
-, ……, …., land held of, 2.

Eltham, co. Kent, 363.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 363.

Eltonhed, Elizabeth, 1034.

Eltringham, co. Northumberland, manor, 20.

Elveden, Denise, daughter of Henry, 390, 408.

ELVEDEN, HENRY, co. Essex, 408.
-, ……, …., 390.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Hewyke, D.

Elvertoft. See Yelvertoft.

Elwick, Elwik, Elwyk, co. Northumberland, manor, 16.

Ely, co. Cambridge, p. 599.
-, ……, prior and convent of, p. 599.
-, ……, …., land held of, 40.

Ely, bishop of, land held of, 2, 173, 190, 516, 859, 902.

Elyes. See Ellis’s Farm.

Elyndon. See Wroughton.

ELYNGBRIGGE, THOMAS, co. Surrey, 745.
-, ……, …., 94.
-, ……, Thomas, son of Thomas, 745.

Elyngham, Great. See Ellingham, Great.

Elyngton, Robert, 63.

Elyot, Elyott. See Eliot.

Elys, Elis, Edmund, 175.
-, ……, Henry, 196.

ELYS, JOHN, co. Cambridge, 898.
-, ……, John, of Great Waltham, 260.
-, ……, Nicholas, 898.
-, ……, Thomas, 188, 273.
-, ……, Thomas, 197.
-, ……, William, 684.

Eman Croft. See under Grainthorpe.

Emerland. See Yaverland.

Emkerton or Inkyrton, co. Stafford, 779.
-, ……, manor, 1119.

Emneth, Emnythe, co. Norfolk, Lovellez manor in, 859.

Empson, Emson, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard, married George Catesby, 99, 100, 101.
-, ……, Joan, wife of Richard, 100.
-, ……, Richard, knight, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 2, 100, 101, 206, 250, 311, 328, 366, 519, 568, 991, 1002, 1141, 1161.
-, ……, Thomas, 568.

Emreson, Simon, 360, 432, 552.

Emscote, Edmondescote [co. Warwick], 76.

Emson. See Empson.

Enborne, Enbourn, Enbourne, co. Berks, manor and advowson, 369.

Enderby, co. Leicester, 386.

Enderby, co. Lincoln, 838.

Enderby, Bag, Bagenderby, co. Lincoln, 315.

ENDERBY, ANNE, wife of John, co. Bedford, 574.
-, ……, Eleanor, daughter of John, 574, 852.

ENDERBY, JOHN, co. Bedford, 852.
-, ……, …., 574.
-, ……, Richard, p. 604.
-, ……, Walter, 861.

Endeston. See Yenston.

Enemere. See Enmore.

Engham, John, 374.

England, chancellor of. See Warham. W.
-, ……, treasurer of. See Howard, T.

Englebourne, Inclebourn, co. Devon, 912.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 912.

Englond, William, clerk, 195.
-, ……, …., his heirs, 195.

Engollan, Hengolan, Hengolen [in St. Eval], co. Cornwall, 365.

Enmore, Enemere, co. Somerset, Barford in, q.v.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 1104.

Enstone, Enston, co. Oxford, 1062.

Enstone, Neat, Netenston, Netherenston [in Enstone], co. Oxford, 1054, 1062.

Entwysell, Entwesill, Entwysyll, Thomas, 199, 204, 269, 323, 339.

Epperstone, Eperston, co. Nottingham, 1045.

Epping, Ippyng, co. Essex, 447.
-, ……, Maries in, q.v.

Epsom, Ebbesham, co. Surrey, 1140.

Epwell, Ippewell, co. Oxford, manor, 100.

Epworth, co. Lincoln, manor, land held of, 29.

Ercall Magna, Great Ercalew, co. Salop, Willesland in, 1069.

Erdbury. See Arbury.

Erdeslawe, West. See Ardsley West.

Erdyngton, Thomas, knight, 178.

Eresgrove. See under Donhead.

Erith, Eryth, co. Kent, Bedonstrete in, p. 595.

Erle, John, 1.
-, ……, John, chaplain, 368, 392.
-, ……, John, locksmith, 1.
-, ……, Richard, 1.

Erlestonham. See Stonham, Earl.

Erlyche, Joan, wife of Thomas, 195.
-, ……, Thomas, 195.

Erlyngham. See Arlingham.

Erlyshall manor. See under Frampton.

Ermington, Ermyngton, co. Devon, Burraton in, q.v.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 98, 573.

Ernley, Ernele, Erneley, John, attorney general, 31, 352, 407, 488, 513, 570, 824, 1039.
-, ……, William, 743.

Ernyscomb. See Yarnscombe.

Erwarton, co. Suffolk, manor, land held of, 357.

Eryngton, Richard, 173.
-, ……, William, 173.

Eryth. See Erith.

Escalls, Estals [in Sennen], co. Cornwall, 366.

Escapes, pp. 593–4, 598, 600.

Escombe. See Combe, co. Kent.

Escote, co. Devon. See Eastacott.

Escote, co. Wilts. See Eastcott.

Escourte, Agnes, daughter of Walter, 1116.
-, ……, Elizabeth, daughter of Walter, 1116.
-, ……, Joan, daughter of Walter, married John Pynkernell, 1116.
-, ……, Margaret, daughter of Walter, married Robert Swayn, 1116.

ESCOURTE, WALTER, co. Hants, 1116.

Esebache. See Evesbatch.

Esfelde, John, clerk, 358.

Eshott, Esshete, co. Northumberland, manor, 13.

Eslington [in Whittingham], co. Northumberland, manor, 24.

Espley, Espeley [in Highlaws], co. Northumberland, manor, 13.

Esrayne, Essereignye, Essereygnye. See Ashreigney.

Essex, earl of. See Bourchier, H. (two).

Essex, Elizabeth, wife of William, 743.
-, ……, Thomas, 220, 916, 931.
-, ……, William, 743.
-, ……, William, son of Thomas, 916.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Rogers, E.

Esshete. See Eshott.

Esshindon. See Ashington.

Essington, Esyngton, co. Stafford, 538.
-, ……, manor, 1125.

Est, John, 209.

Estals. See Escalls.

Estandon. See Standen, East.

Estbagbere. See Bagber.

Estbagborowe. See Bagborough, East.

Estbeccheworth, Estbecheworth, Estbechworth, Estbechworthe. See under Betchworth.

Estbekham. See Beckham, East.

Estbergholt. See Bergholt, East.

Estborne. See Easebourne; Eastbourne.

Estboudlegh. See Budleigh, East.

Estbower, Estbowere. See Bower, East.

Estbradforde. See Bradford, co. Northumberland.

Estbrent. See Brent, East.

Estbrigford. See Bridgford, East.

Estbroke, co. Devon, 248.

Estbrugeford. See Bridgford, East.

Estbudlegh. See Budleigh, East.

Estburneby. See Banbury, East.

Estcantok. See Quantoxhead, East.

Estcarleton. See Carleton, East.

Estchevyngton. See Chevington, East.

Estcheyham. See Cheam.

Estchurche. See Eastchurch.

Estcote, co. Devon. See Eastacott.

Estcote, co. Oxford. See Ascot.

Estdowne. See Down, East.

Estdylyngton. See Dillington, East.

Estend. See Finchley, East.

Esterkell. See Keal, East.

Esterleek. See Leake, East.

Estgarston. See Garston, East.

Estgrenewiche, Estgrenewych. See Greenwich.

Estgrensted. See Grinstead, East.

Estgrenwych, Estgrewych. See Greenwich.

Esthaddon. See Haddon, East.

Esthallegarth. See Hallgarth, East.

Estham. See Eastham.

Estham Burnell. See Ham, East.

Esthanyngfeld. See Hanningfield, East.

Estharebere. See Harrowbarrow, East.

Estharptre. See Harptree, East.

Esthasenden. See Haysden.

Esthatefeld. See Hatfield, Great.

Esthorewode. See Barton, East.

Esthorndon. See Horndon, East.

Esthorp. See Eastrop.

Esthorsley. See Horsley, East.

Esthoryngton. See Horrington, East.

Estisted. See Tisted, East.

Estlake, co. Devon. See Eastlake.

Estlake, Henry, land held of, 46.

Estlangton. See Langton, East.

Estlulworth. See Lulworth, East.

Estmanton. See Eastmanton.

Estmarkham. See Markham, East.

Estmembery. See Membury.

Eston, co. Leicester. See Eastou, Great.

Eston, co. Northampton. See Easton on the Hill.

Eston ad montem. See Easton, Great.

Eston in Gordano. See Easton in Gordano.

Eston Mawdit. See Easton Maudit.

Eston, John, 528, 796.
-, ……, …., land held of, 46.
-, ……, William, citizen of London, 195.

Estpathnall. See Painley.

Estperrot, co. Somerset, bedelry of, 109.

Estportelmoth. See Portlemouth, East.

Estre. See Eastry.

Estrode. See under Lofthouse.

Estruston. See Ruston, East.

Estry. See Eastry.

Estryngton. See Eastrington.

Esttherne, co. Somerset, 584.

Esttraton. See Stratton, Lower.

Estwell. See Eastwell.

Estwoode. See Eastwood.

Estyepe. See Eype.

Estyngton. See Ampney St. Peter.

Estynton. See Eastington.

Esyngdon. See Easington, co. Buckingham.

Esyngton, co. Stafford. See Essington.

Esyngton, co. York. See Easington.

Etal, Etall [in Ford], co. Northumberland, manor, 16.

Ethelyse. See Idless.

Eton, co. Bedford. See Eaton Socon.

Eton, co. Buckingham, 895, p. 596.
-, ……, college, p. 596.
-, ……, college, provost of. See Lupton, R.

Eton. See Eaton.

Eton, co. Salop. See Eaton Constantine.

Eton by Venystratford. See Eaton, Water.

Eton Hastynges, Eton Water. See Eaton Hastings.

Eton, Etton, Elizabeth, daughter of Miles, wife of John Roos, 1016.
-, ……, George, son of William, 968.

ETON, JOHN, co. Lincoln, 315.
-, ……, John, son of John, 315.

ETON, MILES, knight, co. Nottingham, 1016.

ETON, WILLIAM, co. Lincoln, 968.

Etton, co. Northampton, 331.

Etton, co. York, manor, 308.

Etton (surname). See Eton.

Etwall, co. Derby, 284.

Etwalton. See Edwalton.

Everard, Everarde, Christopher, 463.
-, ……, William, land held of, 1103.

Everdon, Great and Little, co. Northampton, 458.
-, ……, Little, manor, 458.

Everingham, Everyngham, co. York, 769, 772.
-, ……, chantry, advowson of, 770.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 770.

EVERINGHAM, Everyngham, ADAM, knight, co. Nottingham, 572, 478.
-, ……, …., p. 606.
-, ……, Henry, 202.
-, ……, John, 202.
-, ……, Thomas, 202.
-, ……, William, 362.

Everley, Everle, co. York, 678.

Evers, John, land held of, 280.

Eversby, John, land held of, 467.

Eversden, Eversdon, co. Cambridge, 2.

Eversden, Great, Great Eversdon, co. Cambridge, 2.
-, ……, manor, p. 593.

Eversden, Eversdon, Little, co. Cambridge, p. 593.

Evershaw, Eversshawe [in Biddlesden], co. Buckingham, 774.
-, ……, chapel, 774.

Everton, co. Bedford, 867.

Everton manor [in Tetworth], co. Huntingdon, 1002.

Everton, co. Nottingham, 344, 565, 1046.
-, ……, manor, 344.
-, ……, vicar of. See Mathersey, T.

Everyngham. See Everingham.

Evesbatch, Esebache, co. Hereford, manor, 567.

Evesham, Evysham, Eyvesham, co. Worcester, p. 595.
-, ……, abbot and convent of, p. 595.
-, ……, …., land held of, 75, 102, 307, 347, 940.

Evington, Evyngton, co. Leicester, manor, 1154.

Evysham. See Evesham.

Ewart, Eworth, Ewrth, co. Northumberland, manor, 7, 359.

Eweley. See Uley.

Ewell, co. Surrey, 1140.

Ewhurst, co. Surrey, 513.
-, ……, Northbreache in, q.v.

Eworth, Ewrth. See Ewart.

Ewyas Lacy, co. Hereford, honour, land held of, 440.

Exbourne, Ekysbourn, co. Devon, Boleknapp in, 912.

Exbrige, Exbrygge. See Exebridge.

Exceat, Excete [in Westdean], co. Sussex, manor, 1141.

Exchequer, baron of. See Hody, W.; Rauclyff, B.
-, ……, chief baron of. See Hody, W.; Urswyk, T.
-, ……, office of usher, etc. in, 165.
-, ……, Recorda of, 818.
-, ……, treasurer and barons of, writ to, 488, 500, 758, 760, 786, 805.

Exe, Nether, Netherex, co. Devon, manor, 593.

Exebridge, Exbrige, Exbrygge, co. Devon, 525, 526.

Exeter, co. Devon, 536, 593.
-, ……, castle, honour of, land held of, 553.
-, ……, cathedral, dean and chapter, land held of, 97, 289, 367, 536, 541, 593.
-, ……, Dereyeard, Dyreard, fee in, 536.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 288.
-, ……, mayor and bailiffs, land held of, 536.
-, ……, …. and commonalty, land held of, 593.
-, ……, St. Leonard’s parish, 798.
-, ……, St. Sidwell’s fee in, 97, 536.
-, ……, tailor of. See Pyke, W.

Exeter, bishop of, land held of, 45, 97, 248, 366, 367, 562, 573, 796.
-, ……, ….. See Fox, R.; King, O.; Oldham, H.

Exmouth, co. Devon, 553.

Exton, Exston, co. Somerset, 582.
-, ……, manor, 1078.

Eyam, Eyom, co. Derby, manor, land held of, 819.

Eye, Ey, co. Suffolk, 205.
-, ……, Akyngford river in, 205.
-, ……, Masons in, 205.
-, ……, honour, land held of, 414, 848.

Eyer. See Eyre.

Eykeryng. See Eakring.

Eylove, Thomas, 945.

Eynsham, Eynesham, co. Oxford, abbot of, land held of, 186.

Eyom. See Eyam.

Eyott. See Ayot St. Peter.

Eype, Estyepe [in Symondsbury], co. Dorset, manor, 1094.

Eyre, Eire, Eyer, Arthur, son of Robert, 819.
-, ……, …., land held of, 350.
-, ……, Elizabeth, wife of Robert, 819.
-, ……, George, son of Nicholas, 869.
-, ……, John, 94.

EYRE, NICHOLAS, co. Nottingham, 869.
-, ……, Philip, rector of Ashover, 819.
-, ……, Robert the elder, 819.

EYRE, ROBERT the younger, 819.
-, ……, Roger, 819.
-, ……, Roger, land held of, 1043.
-, ……, Thomas, of Highlow, 819, 1048.
-, ……, William, 270, 357.

Eyres lands. See under Weybridge.

Eyston, Great. See Easton, Great.

Eyton, co. Bedford. See Eaton Bray.

Eyton, co. Hereford, 944.

Eyvesham. See Evesham.