General Index: C

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: C', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: C', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood. "General Index: C". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. (London, 1955), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Cacchey, co. Somerset, 256.

Cadarrak, co. Salop, 302.

Caddelegh. See Cadeleigh.

Cadecabeare. See Kigbeare.

Cadecote. See Catcott.

Cadeleigh, Caddelegh, co. Devon, manor, land held of, 53.

Cadman, John, 427.

Cadrethan, co. Cornwall, 184.

Cadwan, co. Cornwall [Cadwin, in Lanivet?], 184.

Cadwelly. See Kidwelly.

Caidge, Cage [in Southminster], co. Essex, manor, 555.

Cainhoe, Kaynho [in Clophill], co. Bedford, barony, land held of, 465.

Calais, 318.
-, ……, merchant of the staple of. See Cleyton, T.; Jerforth, J.; Wiggeston, J.

Calbourne, Isle of Wight, manor, 489, 490.

Calcot [in Hungerford], co. Berks, manor, 34.

Caldecote, in Newport Pagnell, co. Buckingham, manor, 896.

Caldecote, Calcote, co. Cambridge, p. 593.
-, ……, manor, 451, 899.

Caldecotes. See Coldcoats.

Caldemerton, Caldmerton. See Coldmartin.

Caldrowley, co. Northumberland, 470.

Caldwell, Caldewall, co. Derby, 1028.

Call, Calle, John, 435.
-, ……, Thomas, 435.

Callerton, Calverdon, Calverton, co. Northumberland, manor, 13.

Callerton, Black, Blake Calverdon, co. Northumberland, manor, 15.

Callestick, Kelestoke [in Perranzabuloe], co. Cornwall, 366.

Callorian, Dalerian [in Ludgvan], co. Cornwall, 184.

Calmerton. See Coldmartin.

Calne, co. Wilts, 758, 823.
-, ……, manor or borough, land held of, 758.
-, ……, prebend of. See under Salisbury.

Calne, hundred, co. Wilts, 419.

Calowe, John, 1101–2.

Calstock Calstoke, co. Cornwall, manor, land held of, 185.

Calstone Wellington, Galleston Welhampton [in Calne], co. Wilts, manor, land held of, 419.

Calthorn, Calthome. See Cawthorne.

Calthorp, Calthrop, Agnes, 37.
-, ……, Philip, knight, 457.
-, ……, …., land held of, 357.
-, ……, William, 239.

Caltofte, Alice, daughter of John, married Thomas Chaworth, 370, 1167.
-, ……, John, 370.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Brett, K.

Calverdon. See Callerton.

Calverdon, Blake. See Callerton, Black.

Calverleigh, Calwodelegh, co. Devon, 594.

Calverley, co. York, manor, 273.

Calverley, Alice, wife of William, 273.
-, ……, John, 312.
-, ……, Nicholas, clerk, 273.
-, ……, Richard, 312.
-, ……, Walter, son of William, 273, 856.
-, ……, …., land held of, 273.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Drax, I.

CALVERLEY, WILLIAM, knight, co. York, 273.
-, ……, …., 271, 312, 362, 506.
-, ……, William, the younger, 312.

Calverton, co. Buckingham, manor, land held of, 464.

Calverton, co. Northumberland. See Callerton.

Calverton, co. Nottingham, 475, 569, 1043.

Calwodelegh, co. Devon. See Calverleigh.

Calwodelegh, Calwodley, Humphrey, son of Thomas, 184, 594.
-, ……, Joan, daughter of Humphrey, 184.

CALWODELEGH, THOMAS, co. Devon, 594.
-, ……, …., 861.
-, ……, Thomas, son of Thomas, 594.

Cam, Camme, co. Gloucester, manor, 865.

Camblarton. See Camerton.

Cambo, Kamliou, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Cambridge, Cambrigge, Cantebrig, 2, 901, p. 600.
-, ……, All Saints’ parish, 2.
-, ……, burgesses of. See Holness, R.; Hopkyn, R.; Whyghton, J.
-, ……, castle, land held of, 899.
-, ……, mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of, land held of, 2.
-, ……, Newenham Close in, p. 596.
-, ……, St. Sepulchre’s parish, 2.
-, ……, university, 143, 147.
-, ……, …., legacy for exhibition at, 531.
-, ……, …., colleges:
-, Christ’s, p. 599.
-, Gonville Hall, Gunvylehall, p. 596.
-, King’s (SS. Mary and Nicholas), provost of, land held of, 537.
-, New (? King’s), land held of, 978.
-, Queens’, master and fellows of, land held of, 2.
-, St. Michael’s, pp. 599, 600.
-, SS. Margaret and Bernard, p. 593.

Cambridge, earl of, land held of, 899.

Camby, John, 1039.

Camel, Queen, Quene Camell, co. Somerset, manor, land held of, 445.

Camerton, Camblarton, co. Somerset, manor, 563.

Cames. See Cammass Hall.

Camesworth, Kaymes Othe [in Nether bury], co. Dorset, 1096.

Cammass Hall, Rothingmorelles alias

Cames [in White Roding], co. Essex, manor, 278.

Camme. See Cam.

Cammell, Elizabeth, wife of William, 318.

CAMMELL, WILLIAM, co. Dorset 318; co. Somerset, 321.

Camond, William, 71.

Campden, Chipping, Chepyngcampden, co. Gloucester, manor, p. 593.

Campissey. See Campsey.

Campsall, Camsall, co. York, 674.

Campsey, Campissey, co. Suffolk, prioress of, land held of, 361.

Campsey Ash, Asshe, co. Suffolk, 414.

Campyon, John, 568.

Camsall. See Campsall.

Camsid, John, 677.

Canalesy. See Cannalidgey.

Canape manor, land held of, 503. [An error. See V.C.H. Berks, III, p. 365.]

Canara, Kenera [in Mylor], co. Cornwall, 861.

Canbury, Canonbery [in Kingston upon Thames], co. Surrey, 1138.

Canceler, Thomas, 365.

Candelesby. See Candlesby.

Candell Mersche. See Caundle Marsh.

Candell Pursse. See Caundle, Purse.

Candell wake. See Caundle Wake.

Candelmarsshe. See Caundle Marsh.

Candlesby, Candelesby, co. Lincoln, manor, land held of, 157.

Canewdon, Canewedon, Canwedon, co. Essex, 555, 613.
-, ……, Apton Hall in, q.v.
-, ……, charter dated at, 555.
-, ……, manor, 555, 613.
-, ……, …., land held of, 555.

Canfield, Canfeld, Little, co. Essex, 358.
-, ……, Edwardes tenement in, 358.
-, ……, manor, 358.

Canford, co. Dorset, 1102.

Canford Magna, co. Dorset, 142.

Cannalidgey, Canalesy [in St. Issey], co. Cornwall, manor, 595.

Cannington, Canyngton, co. Somerset, 146.
-, ……, Brodelake in, 524.
-, ……, Putnell in, q.v.

Cannock, Cannok, co. Stafford, 1123.

Canonbery. See Canbury.

Canonsleigh, Canonlegh [in Burlescombe], co. Devon, abbey, 680.
-, ……, …., abbess of, land held of, 367.
-, ……, …., ….. See Parker, A.
-, ……, …., advowson of, 680.
-, ……, manor, 680.

Cansiron, Canverheren [in Forest Row], co. Sussex, manor, 1133.

Cansted. See Banstead.

Cant’, Thomas, son of John de, knight, 901.

Cantebrig. See Cambridge.

Cantelowe. See Cantlowe.

Canterbury, Christ Church, prior of, land held of, 131, 467, 514, 920, 957, 1137, 1139.
-, ……, St. Augustine’s, abbot of, land held of, 549, 957.

Canterbury, archbishop of, land held of, 195, 429, 463, 824, 1140.
-, ……, ….. See Bourchier, T.; Morton, J.; Warham, W.

Cantlowe, Cantelowe, Geoffrey, 1140.
-, ……, Henry, 1135.
-, ……, Richard, 1135.

Cantrell, Ralph, rector of Grindon, 198.

Canverheren. See Cansiron.

Canwedon. See Canewdon.

Canworthy [in Rackenford], co. Devon, 905.

Canyngton. See Cannington.

Capel, Capell, co. Surrey, Henfold in, q.v.

Capel St. Mary, Capell, co. Suffolk, 205, 357, 711.
-, ……, Sadelers in, 357.
-, ……, Standons in, 357.

Capell, William, knight, land held of, 390, 408.

Capenor [in Portishead], co. Somerset, manor, 64.

Capheaton, Heton, Great Heton, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Caple, How, Howcaple, co. Hereford, 944.

Caple, King’s, Kyngescaple, co. Hereford, manor, 944.

Capper, John, 772.

Capron, John, clerk, 524.

Capthorpe. See Cawthorpe, Little.

Carant, Caraunt, Carrant, John, land held of, 584.
-, ……, William, 524, 1089, 1090.
-, ……, William, of Thomer, 1126.

Carantok. See Crantock.

Caraunt. See Carant.

Carblake, Carbleke [in Cardinham], co. Cornwall, 184.

Car Colston, Carcalston, co. Nottingham, 30, 1013.

Cardenall, Stephen, 1174.

Cardiff, Kerdyff, co. Glamorgan, castle or manor of, land held of, 462.

Care, Robert, 381.

Careby, co. Lincoln, p. 598.

Careheys. See St. Michael Caerhays.

Carehouse. See under Askwith.

Carent. See Tarrant Crawford.

Caresbrok, Caresbroke. See Carisbrooke.

Carew, Carew, Carue, Edmund, land held of, 1171.
-, ……, Edmund, knight, 288, 437.
-, ……, …., land held of, 367, 910.
-, ……, Katharine, daughter of Edmund, wife of Philip Champernown, 437.
-, ……, Katherine, wife of Edmund, land held of, 367.
-, ……, John, land held of, 696.
-, ……, John, of Haccombe, land held of, 799, 864.
-, ……, John, knight, 289.
-, ……, Richard, 503, 505.
-, ……, Richard, knight, land held of, 821.

Carey, Cary [in St. Giles on the Heath], co. Devon, manor, land held of, 46.

Carflate. See under Askwith.

Carham, Karham, co. Northumberland, manor, 17.

Caridus, James, 565.
-, ……, Katharine, 565.

Carisbrooke, Caresbrok, Caresbroke, Isle of Wight, castle, land held of, 813, 1114.
-, ……, …., honour, land held of, 223.

Carkeen, Carkean [in St. Teath], co. Cornwall, 395.

Carleton, co. Nottingham. See Carlton; Carlton, Little.

Carleton, co. Suffolk. See Carlton Colville.

Carleton, co. York, manor, 742.

Carleton. See Carlton, co. York.

Carleton, Castell. See Carlton, Castle.

Carleton Curlewe. See Carlton Curlieu.

Carleton, East, Estcarleton, co. Norfolk, p. 598.

Carleton, Great. See Carlton, Great.

Carleton, South. See Carlton, Little.

Carleton (surname). See Carlton.

Carlingcott, Credelyncote, Crydlyngcote [in Dunkerton], co. Somerset, manor, 768, 793.

Carlisle, Carlyll, co. Cumberland, 68, 69.

Carlisle, bishop of, land held of, 69.
-, ……, ….. See Laborn, R.; Story, E.

Carloggas, Carlogasmorrape [in Mawgan in Pyder], co. Cornwall, 474.

Carlton, Carleton, Thorleton, co. Nottingham, 30.

Carlton, Carleton, co. York [near Rothwell], 312.

Carlton, co. York. See Carlton Highdale.

Carlton [in Stanwick St. John], co. York, 175.

Carlton, Castle, Castell Carleton, co. Lincoln, manor, 736.

Carlton Colville, Carleton, co. Suffolk, 414.

Carlton Curlieu, Carleton Curlewe, co. Leicester, manor, 386.

Carlton, Carleton, Great, co. Lincoln, 247.

Carlton Highdale, co. York, 858.

Carlton, Little, South Carleton, in South Muskham, co. Nottingham, manor, 1035.

Carlton, Carleton, Agnes, wife of Edward, 818.

CARLTON, EDWARD, co. Lincoln, 818.
-, ……, John, 1051.
-, ……, Richard, son of Edward, 818.
-, ……, Robert, 201.

Carlyll, Cumberland. See Carlisle.

Carlyll, Hugh, 193.

Carmure, co. Cornwall, manor, 595.

Carmynowe, John, land held of, 366.
-, ……, Philippa, land held of, 365.

Carnaby, Carnetby, co. York, 161.

CARNABY, CARNABE, JOHN, knight, co. Northumberland, 21.
-, ……, Thomas, son of John, 21.

Carnanton [in Mawgan in Pyder], co. Cornwall, manor, 365, 474.

Carnbollawgan Trevethen [? Bolankan, in Crowan], co. Cornwall, 184.

Carnetby. See Carnaby.

Carnetthwaite. See Carnfield Hall.

Carnevyle, Elizabeth, daughter of William, married (1) Thomas Frowyk, (2) Thomas Jakes, land held of, 195, 243, 279, 463.
-, ……, William, 463.

Carnfield Hall, Carnetthwaite, manor [in South Normanton], co. Derby, 334.

Carnyk, John, 577.

Carpenter, William, clerk 935.

Carrant. See Carant.

Carsford. See Kersford.

Carswyll, John, 367.

Carsyngton. See Cassington.

Carters, co. Essex, 531.

Carthewe, Carthue, co. Cornwall, 365.

Carthorpe, Carthorp, co. York, 161.

Cartington, John, 5.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Claxton, J.

Carue. See Carew.

Carwedell, Carvedell, co. Cornwall, 365.

Cary, co. Devon. See Carey.

Cary, Castle, Castell Cary, co. Somerset, manor, 1080.

Cary, Tokars [in Charlton Mackrell], co. Somerset, 563.

Cary, Richard, 616.
-, ……, Robert, land held of, 46, 54.

Caryll, John, 1039.

Cascawn, Cassakawen [in Blisland], co. Cornwall, manor, 184.

Case, William, 585.

Caseho. See Keysoe.

Casewick, Casewyk [in Uffington], co. Lincoln, manor, 975.

Cassakawen. See Cascawn.

Casse, Thomas, chaplain, 262.

Cassington, Carsyngton, co. Oxford, manor, 800.

Castelacre. See Castle Acre.

Castelacris. See under Elsworth.

Castelcombe. See Combe, Castle.

Casteleyns. See Cossefordes.

Castelford, co. York. See Castleford.

Castelford, Castylford, Elizabeth, wife of John, 74.

CASTELFORD, JOHN, co. York, 74.
-, ……, Richard, son of John, 74.

Castell, co. Cornwall, 861.

Castell, John, 156.

Castell Acre. See Castle Acre.

Castellgressley. See Gresley, Castle.

Castello, Adrian de, bishop of Bath and Wells, land held of, 176, 509.

Castell Rigge. See Castlerigg.

Castell Thorp. See Castle Thorpe, co. Buckingham.

Castelton. See Castleton.

Castelyns manor. See under Groton and Waldingfield.

Casthrope. See Castlethorpe, co. Lincoln.

Castilton. See Castleton.

Castle Acre, Castelacre, Castell Acre, co. Norfolk, fee of, land held of, 886.
-, ……, prior of, land held of, 71, 239.

Castleford, Castelford, co. York, 84, 645.

Castlends?, Kystelsyns [in Veryan], co. Cornwall, 857.

Castlerigg, Castell Rigge, co. Cumberland, 655.

Castle Thorpe, Castell Thorp, co. Buckingham, manor, land held of, 228.

Castlethorpe, Casthrope [in Broughton], co. Lincoln, manor, 310.

Castleton, Castelton, Castilton, co. Derby, 819, 1048.

Caston, co. Norfolk, Caston Hall manor, 239.

Caston Hall. See under Caston; Shipdham; Tofts, West. Castor, co. Northampton, 331.

Catbroke. See Kidbrook.

Catcott, Cadecote, Catcote, Catecote, Cattecot, Cattecote, co. Somerset, 256, 524, 546, 548, 579, 784.
-, ……, manor, 257.
-, ……, …., land held of, 524.

Caterall, Ralph, 584.

Catesby, co. Northampton, Newbold in, q.v.
-, ……, prioress of, land held of, 458.

Catesby, Catisby, Catysby, Anthony, son of Humphrey, 889.
-, ……, Elizabeth, sister of George, 100.
-, ……, Eustace, 62.
-, ……, Francis, 62.

CATESBY, GEORGE, co. Gloucester, 102; co. Leicester, 99; co. Northampton, 101, 1003; co. Oxford, 100; co. Warwick, 103.
-, ……, …., 324, 328, 568, 994.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Empson, E.

CATESBY, HUMPHREY, co. Buckingham, 889.
-, ……, …., 62.
-, ……, John, of Althorp, 1003.

CATESBY, WILLIAM, co. Northampton, 639, 998; co. Warwick, 615, 1143.
-, ……, …, 1003.
-, ……, William, 326.
-, ……, William, knight, 698, 994.
-, ……, William, son of George, 99, 100, 1003.

Cateshill. See Catteshall.

Catfoss, Catfosse, Cattefosse, co. York, 518.
-, ……, manor, 518.

Cathall. See Cattal.

Cathanger, Catteanger [in Fivehead], co. Somerset, manor, 379.

Cathrope. See Cawthorpe, Little.

Catisby. See Catesby (surname).

Catsfield, Cattesfeld, co. Sussex, C. Batell in, 1134.
-, ……, C. Levett manor, 1134.

Cattal, Cathall, co. York, 201.

Cattal, Cathall, Little, co. York, 201.

Cattawade, Catywad, Catywade, in Brantham, co. Suffolk, 205, 357.
-, ……, chapel, 357.
-, ……, Chekwell in, 357.
-, ……, the Holdhouse in, 357.

Catteanger. See Cathanger.

Cattecot, Cattecote. See Catcott.

Cattefosse. See Catfoss.

Cattesfeld. See Catsfield.

Catteshall, Cateshill [in Godalming], co. Surrey, manor, 1127.

Catthorpe, Catthorp, co. Leicester, p. 593.

Catton, C. upon Swale, co. York, 138.

Cattys, Eleanor, daughter of John, married John Chapman, 953.

CATTYS, JOHN, co. Kent, 953.
-, ……, Katharine, daughter of John, married John Cobbe, 953.

Catysby. See Catesby (surname).

Catywad, Catywade. See Cattawade.

Caundle Marsh, Candell Mersche, Candelmarsshe, Caundell Mersshe, co. Dorset, 142, 1102.

Caundle, Purse, Candell Pursse, Caundelpurse, Poursecandell, co. Dorset, 142, 1102.
-, ……, manor, 1086.

Caundle Wake, Candellwake [in Bishop’s Caundle], co. Dorset, manor, 421.

Cause, Thomas, alderman of Norwich, 3.

Causehall, co. Derby, manor, 336.

Causey Park, Lahaunte, la Haunte, co. Northumberland, manor, 13.

Cavell, Thomas, 260.

Caversfield, Caverfeld, co. Oxford, formerly Buckingham, manor, 886.

Cawdstreme. See Coldstream.

CAWERDYN, JOHN, co. Stafford, 638.
-, ……, Robert, son of John, 638.

Cawley, North. See Crawley, North. Cawod, Cawode, Anne, wife of Walter, 510.
-, ……, Elizabeth, wife of Walter, 510.
-, ……, Richard, 196.

CAWOD, WALTER, co. York, 510.
-, ……, Walter, son of Walter, 510.
-, ……, William, 531.

Cawood, Cawod, Cawode, co. York, 312, 602.

Cawseby. See Cowesby.

Cawston, co. Norfolk, manor, 790.

Cawthorne, Calthorn, Calthorne, co. York, 196, 863.
-, ……, Dawrodes in, 196.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 1.

Cawthorpe, Little, Capthorpe, Cathrope, co. Lincoln, 227.

Caxton, co. Cambridge, manor, land held of, 2.

Caxton, Alice, wife of Richard. See Tuxforde, A.

CAXTON, JOHN, co. Nottingham, 1011.
-, ……, Richard, 1011.
-, ……, Richard, son of John, 1011.

Cayford. See Keyford.

Cayham. See Keyham.

Cely Howse. See Silly House.

Cenanton. See Sevenhampton.

Cerne Abbas, Serne, co. Dorset, abbot of, land held of, 1094, 1107.

Cernecote. See Shorncote.

Chacombe. See Chalcombe.

Chadacre, Chardaker [in Shimpling], co. Suffolk, 561.

Chaddesden, Chadesden, co. Derby, manor, 1039.

Chadington. See Cheddington.

Chadlington, Chadlyngton, co. Oxford, 1062.
-, ……, C. Wahull manor in, 106.

Chadwell, Chaldwell, co. Essex, 935.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 935.
-, ……, Sleepers in, q.v.

Chadwell, co. York, 262.

Chadwike, Chadwyke, Richard, 198.
-, ……, Roger, 461.

Chadworth, Nicholas, 626, 627.

Chadwyke. See Chadwike.

Chaffcombe, Chaffecombe, co. Somerset, manor and advowson, 1099.

Chafford hundred, co. Essex, land held of, 631.

Chafyn, Thomas, 385, 388.

Chagford, Chaggeford, co. Devon, 913.

Chakemore. See Checkmore.

Chalbury, Chalbery, co. Dorset, manor, 608.

Chalby. See Chalvey.

Chalcombe, Chacombe, co. Northampton, manor, 987, p. 592.

Chalcroft, Chalcrofte [in Brading], Isle of Wight, manor, 491.

Chaldon, Chalvedon, co. Surrey, 467, 1137.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 467, 1137.

Chaldwell. See Chadwell.

Chale, Isle of Wight, manor, 481, 498.
-, ……, Walpen in, q.v.

Chalers, John, knight, 1053.

Chalfont, Chalfhunt, Chalfonte, St. Giles, co. Buckingham, 873, 893.

Chalfont, Chalfhunt, Chalfonte, St. Peter, co. Buckingham, 873, 893.

Chalford [in Aston Rowant], co. Oxford, 437.

Chalford, Netherhalford, Overhalford [in Enstone], co. Oxford, 1062.

Chalgrave, co. Bedford, manor, 465.

Chalgrove, co. Oxford, 70.

Chalkhill, Chalkhyll, Edward, son of Richard, 195.
-, ……, Richard, citizen of London, 195.
-, ……, Thomas (qu. error for Edward?), 195.

Challow, Chalowe, co. Berks, manor, 1053.

Chalvecombe, John, 576.

Chalvedon. See Chaldon.

Chalvelegh. See Chawleigh.

Chalvey, Chalby, co. Buckingham, manor, 895.

Chamber, Edward, 895.
-, ……, Thomas, master of Holy Trinity hospital, Arundel, land held of, 743.

Chamberleyn, Margaret, 960.
-, ……, Ralph, 457, 537.

CHAMBERLEYN, RICHARD, co. Bedford, 399.

CHAMBERLEYN, ROBERT, knight, co. Norfolk, 672; co. Suffolk, 683.
-, ……, Sybil, wife of Richard, 399.
-, ……, William, 215.

Chamberleyns, co. Essex [near High Ongar], 358.

Chamberleyns manor. See Rearsby.

CHAMBRE, AGNES, wife of John, co. Gloucester, 121.
-, ……, Elizabeth, wife of William, 206.
-, ……, Henry, son of Agnes, 121.
-, ……, Joan, wife of William, 448.

CHAMBRE, JOHN, clerk, co. Northampton, 206.
-, ……, William, 448.
-, ……, William, of Spratton, 206.
-, ……, …., land held of, 208.

Chambres manor. See under Drayton, Dry.

Chame, co. Gloucester, 515 [? Cam], Chamound, John, 857.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Tregarthen, M.
-, ……, Thomas, son of John, 857.

Champeneys. See Champneys.

CHAMPERNON, Champernown, JOHN, knight, co. Oxford, 437.
-, ……, John, his heirs, land held of, 913.
-, ……, Philip, son of John, 437.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Carew, K.

Champneys, Champeneys, Anthony, son of Henry, 313.

CHAMPNEYS, HENRY, co. Gloucester, 314; co. Somerset, 313.
-, ……, Henry, father of Henry, 314.
-, ……, Joan, wife of Henry, 313, 314.

Chancellor, judgment by, 488.

Chancellor. See Warham, W.

Chancery, charter enrolled in, 462, 680.
-, ……, keeper or master of the Rolls of. See Morton, J.; Warham, W.
-, ……, proceedings in, p. 596.

Chanstone, Cheynston [in Vowchurch], co. Hereford, 440.

Chapel Lee, Chapellegh [in Ermington], co. Devon, manor, 402.

Chapeleyn, Richard, 1094.

Chapell Manels, co. Cornwall, 184.

Chapell, Peter, 1061.

Chapman, Eleanor. See Cattys, E.

CHAPMAN, JOHN, merchant, co. Lincoln, 245.
-, ……, John, father of John, 245.
-, ……, John, son of John, 245.

CHAPMAN, JOHN, co. Norfolk, 983.
-, ……, John, son of John, 983.
-, ……, John, 511.
-, ……, John, 953.
-, ……, John, clerk, 3.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of John, 245.
-, ……, Robert, 245.

Chardaker. See Chadacre.

Charelton Ferreys. See Charlton Musgrove.

Charfield, Charfeld, Charffeld, co. Gloucester, manor and advowson, 462.
-, ……, rector of. See Colwyche, R.

Charford, South, Cherford, co. Southampton, manor, land held of, 129.

Charlcombe, Charlecom, co. Somerset, manor, 257.

Charlesworth, Thomas, 196.

Charleton, co. Berks. See Charlton.

Charleton, co. Devon, manor and advowson, 114.

Charleton, co. Dorset. See Charlton Marshall.

Charleton by Doverre. See Charlton by Dover.

Charleton Canvyle. See Charlton Horethorne.

Charleton del North. See Charlton, North.

Charleton del South. See Charlton, South.

Charleton Speytesbury. See Charlton Marshall.

Charleton, James, 251, 518.

CHARLETON, RICHARD, knight, co. Essex, 917; co. Surrey, 732.

Charlton, Charleton, co. Berks, manor, 174.

Charlton, co. Somerset. See Charlton, Queen.

Charlton by Dover, Charleton by Doverre, co. Kent, manor and advowson, 430.

Charlton Horethorne, Charleton Canvyle, Charlton Canville, co. Somerset, 144, 1101.

Charlton Marshall, Charleton, C. Speytesbury, co. Dorset, 382.
-, ……, manor, 139.

Charlton Musgrove, Charelton Ferreys, co. Somerset, manor, 1081.

Charlton, North, Charleton del North, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Charlton, Queen, co. Somerset, 1087.

Charlton, South, Charleton del South, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Chastelett. See under Chesterton.

Chasterton. See Chesterton, co. Huntingdon.

Chastleton, Chestelton, co. Oxford, manor, 100.

Chatham, Chetham, co. Kent, 412.

Chatton, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Chauncy, Henry, 72, 134.
-, ……, John, 899.

Chaundeler, Thomas, clerk, 980, 1053.

Channtclers Place. See under Somerton.

Chaunterell, Chauntrell, John, 364.
-, ……, John, clerk, 390.
-, ……, Robert, 364.
-, ……, William, 206, 259, 364.

Chauton. See Chilton upon Polden.

Chaweton. See Chilton upon Polden.

Chawleigh, Chalvelegh, co. Devon, Nutson in, q.v.

Chaworth, Chawurth, Alice. See Caltofte, A.
-, ……, George, 487.
-, ……, …., land held of, 30.
-, ……, George, son of Thomas, 487.
-, ……, Isabel, wife of Thomas, 1167.
-, ……, Joan, wife of Thomas, 368, 392.
-, ……, Joan. See Ormond, J.

CHAWORTH, THOMAS, co. Nottingham, 487.
-, ……, Thomas (several), 368, 370, 392, 1167.
-, ……, Thomas, son of George, 487.
-, ……, William (two), 368, 370, 392, 1167.

Cheadle, Chedyll, co. Stafford, manor, 198.

Cheam, Estcheyham, Westcheyham, co. Surrey, p. 602.

Chechester, Chechestre. See Chichester (surname).

Chechynbrok. See Chiddenbrook.

Checkmore, Chakemore [in Radclive], co. Buckingham, 774.

Cheddar, Chedder, co. Somerset, manor, 1078, p. 594.

Cheddington, Chedyngton, co. Buckingham, 197.

Cheddington, Chadington, co. Dorset, 1109.

Cheddleton, Chedleton, co. Stafford, 1123.

Chedworth, William, 461.

Chedyll. See Cheadle.

Chedyngfold. See Chiddingfold.

Chedyngton. See Cheddington.

Cheke, David, son of Robert, 499.

CHEKE, ROBERT, I. of Wight, 499.

Chekynley. See Chickenley.

Chelfestre. See Chilvester.

Chelfham?, Chelteham [in Bratton Fleming], co. Devon, 593.

Chelhous. See Chellows.

Chelingham. See Chillingham.

Chell, Chelle, co. Stafford, 1125.

Chellesworth, Great and Little. See Chelworth.

Chellows, Chelhous [in Crowhurst], co. Surrey, manor, land held of, 789.

Chelmondiston, Chelmondeston, co. Suffolk, 357.

Chelmsford, Chelmysford, co. Essex, 835.
-, ……, le Hert in, 935.
-, ……, le Lyon in, 935.
-, ……, le Smythes forge in, 935.

Chelteham. See Chelfham.

Cheltenham, co. Gloucester, manor, land held of, 32.

Chelton. See Chilton upon Polden.

Chelverton. See Chollerton.

Chelworth, Great and Little Chellesworth [in Cricklade], co. Wilts, 610.

Chelyngwod. See Chillingwood.

Chenies, Isnamsted Cheyney, co. Buckingham, 893.

Chepenham. See Chippenham.

Chepstede. See Chipstead.

Chepstow, Chepstowe, Struguyl, co. Monmouth, castle and lordship, 855.
-, ……, castle, land held of, 1099.

Chepyngblanford. See Blandford Forum.

Chepyngcampden. See Campden, Chipping.

Cherchehorewode. See Horwood.

Cherford. See Charford, South.

Cheriton Bishop, Cheryton, Chyriton, C. Burnell, co. Devon, 553, 562.

Cheriton Fitzpaine, C. Fitz Payne, co. Devon, East Farleigh in. See Farleigh, East.
-, ……, Rugge in, 367.

Chertsey, Chertesey, co. Surrey, Ham in, q.v.
-, ……, Russelles in, 94.
-, ……, abbot of, land held of, 94, 467.

CHERYGGE, JOHN, co. Devon, 293.

Cheryholme, William, 772.

Cheryton. See Cheriton Bishop.

Cheselake, Cheselate. See under Wembdon.

Cheseman, Emmot, daughter of Thomas, 363.
-, ……, Thomas, 363.

Cheseney, William, 511.

Chesewik. See Cheswick.

Chesfeld. See Chisfield.

Chesham, co. Buckingham, 895.

Chesildon, Richard, 62.

Cheslyn, Chistelyn, Hay, co. Stafford, office of steward of, 1125.

Chessell, Chestehull, Chesthill [in Shalfleet], Isle of Wight, 700.
-, ……, manor, 493.

Chestelton. See Chastleton.

Chester, bishop of. See Coventry and Lichfield.

Chester, earl of. See Arthur; Henry.
-, ……, earldom, of, land held of, 780.
-, ……, and Huntingdon, earldom of, land held of, 159.

Chester, John, 531.
-, ……, John, 941.

Chesterfield, Chesterfeld, Chestrefeld, co. Derby, 575.
-, ……, vicar of. See Barsford, J.

Chesterford, Great and Little, co. Essex, p. 599.
-, ……, Great, manor and advowson, 839.

Chesterton, co. Cambridge, 2, 901.
-, ……, Avenelles in, 901.
-, ……, Chasklet lands in, 901.
-, ……, Chastelett in, 901.
-, ……, Colviles in, 901.
-, ……, le Reyner in, 901.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 2, 901.
-, ……, rector of, land held of, 901.
-, ……, Wymbysshes in, 901.

Chesterton [in Cirencester], co. Gloucester, manor, 676.

Chesterton, Chasterton, co. Huntingdon, p. 599.

Chesthill. See Chessell.

Chestrefeld. See Chesterfield.

Cheswick, Chesewik [in Ancroft], co. Northumberland, 359.

Chete. See Chevet.

Chetham. See Chatham.

Chevelingham. See Chillingham.

Chevers Hall. See Chivers Hall.

Chevet, Chete, co. York, 272.

Chevington, East, Chivigton del Est, Estchevyngton, co. Northumberland, 552.
-, ……, manor, 7.

Chevington, West, Chivigton del West, Westchevyngton, co. Northumberland, 12, 552.
-, ……, manor, 552.

Chevithorne, Chevethorne [in Tiverton], co. Devon, manor, 577.

Chewe, Reynold, 422.

Chewillyngeham, Chewillyngham. See Chillingham.

Cheworthe. See Chilworthy.

Chewton Keynsham [in Keynsham], co. Somerset, 1087.

Chewton Mendip, Chuton, co. Somerset, 582.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 177.

Cheyne, Cheynewe, Cheyney, Edmund, land held of, 696.

CHEYNE, ELIZABETH, wife of Thomas, co. Essex, 928; co. Wilts, 757.
-, ……, Francis, 369.
-, ……, George, his heirs, land held of, 404.
-, ……, …., his widow, sister of Thomas Palmer, 412.
-, ……, John, 319.
-, ……, John, 577.
-, ……, John, knight, 369.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Shottesbroke, E.
-, ……, John, knight, land held of, 758.
-, ……, John, son of John, 369.
-, ……, John, son of Roger, 369.

CHEYNE, ROBERT, knight, co. Berks, 369.
-, ……, Roger, 916.
-, ……, Roger, son of John, 369.
-, ……, Thomas, land held of, 743.
-, ……, Thomas, knight, 153, 324, 757, 928.
-, ……, …., land held of, 534, 874.
-, ……, William, 153.

Cheynston. See Chanstone.

Chiche, Ralph, 960.

Chicheley. See Crawley, North.

Chichester, co. Sussex, 824, p. 592.
-, ……, mayor and burgesses, land held of, 824.
-, ……, St. Mary’s hospital, advowson of chantry in, 824.

Chichester, co. Sussex, bishop of. See Story, E.

Chichester, Chechester, John, 264, 287.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Beaumont, M.
-, ……, John, land held of, 545.
-, ……, Richard, 589.

Chichley. See Crawley, North.

Chickenley, Chekynley [in Dewsbury], co. York, 535.

Chiddenbrook, Chechynbrok [in Crediton], co. Devon, 573.

Chiddingfold, Chedyngfold, co. Surrey, 822.

Chidyoke, John, knight, 563.
-, ……, Katharine, daughter of John, married John Arundell, 563.

Chigwell, Chikwell, Chykwell, co. Essex, 358, 472.

Childefrome. See Chilfrome.

Childerditch, Childerdiche, co. Essex, Goryns in, 935.
-, ……, Inglondes in, 935.
-, ……, Samans in, 935.

Childerley, Great and Little, co. Cambridge, 2.
-, ……, Crabbis in, 2.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 2.
-, ……, Swyftes, Swyfftes, in, 2.

Childhay, Childehay [in Broadwinsor], co. Dorset, manor, 778.

Childrey, Chylrey, co. Berks, manor, 1059.

Childwell. See Chilwell.

Chilfrome, Childefrome, co. Dorset, manor, 792.

Chillingham, Chelingham, Chevelingham, Chewillyngeham, Chewillyngham, co. Northumberland, manor, 7, 359, 470.

Chillingwood, Chelyngwod [in Newchurch], Isle of Wight, 495.

Chilson, Chylston, co. Oxford, 1062.

Chiltern Vagge. See Vagg.

Chilthorne Domer, Chilterne Dommer, co. Somerset, 1089.

Chilton, Chylton, co. Buckingham, manor, 614, 624.

Chilton [in Ash], co. Kent, 957.

Chilton, Chylton, co. Suffolk, 558.
-, ……, Waldingfield Hall, Waldyngfeldhall, manor in, land held of, 435.

Chilton Cantelo, Chilton Cantelupo, co. Somerset, manor, 1091.

Chilton Trevit [in Chilton Trinity], co. Somerset, manor, land held of, 527.

Chilton upon Polden, Chauton, Chaweton, Chelton, Shelton, co. Somerset, 124, 524, 546, 784.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 524.
-, ……, …., lord of, land held of, 524.

Chiltyngton Farryng. See Farring.

Chilverton, Chylverdun [in Coldridge], co. Devon, 908.

Chilvester, Chelfestre [in Calne], co. Wilts, manor, 758.

Chilwell, Childwell, co. Nottingham, 1034.
-, ……, manor, 1034.

Chilworth, Great and Little, co. Oxford, 786.

Chilworthy, Cheworthe [in Ilminster], co. Somerset, 854.

Chineham, Chynnam [in Monk Sherborne], co. Southampton, 193.

Chipchase, Chipchese [in Chollerton], co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Chippenham, Chepenham, co. Wilts, manor, land held of, 168.

Chippingdale, William, 772.

Chipstead, Chepstede, co. Surrey, 467.

Chirmundisd’, Chirmundsden. See Harbottle Peel.

Chirton, co. Northumberland, 4.

Chisehull, Great and Little. See Chishall.

Chisfleld, Chesfeld [in Graveley], co. Hertford, manor, 938.

Chishall, Chisehull, Chysehull, Great, co. Essex, 358.

Chishall, Chisehull, Chysehill, Chysehull, Chysell, Little, Essex, manor and advowson, 358, 472.

Chistelyn. See Cheslyn.

Chivers, Chevers, Hall, in High Ongar, co. Essex, manor, 630.

Chivigton del Est. See Chevington, East.

Chivigton del West. See Chevington, West.

Chobhams [in West Ham], co. Essex, manor, 917.

CHOCKE, Choke, Chokke, JOAN, wife of Thomas, co. Somerset, 225.
-, ……, John, 563.
-, ……, John, knight, 64.
-, ……, …., land held of, 258, 421.
-, ……, John, son of Richard, 225.
-, ……, Richard, knight, justice of the Common Pleas, 225, 1053.
-, ……, Richard, son of Richard, 225.
-, ……, Thomas, son of Richard, 225.

Cholash, Choleaysshe [in Langtree], co. Devon, 248.

Chollerton, Chelverton, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Chompyn, John, land held of, 593.

Chrishall, Crystes Haule, co. Essex, 924.

Christchurch, C. Twyneham, C. Twynham, co. Southampton, prior of. See Draper, J.; Hyers, W.
-, ……, …., land held of, 381, 722.

Christon, Criston, Crixston, co. Somerset, manor, 788.

Chudlegh, Chudelegh, Chudley, James, 46, 288.
-, ……, William, land held of, 912.

Chudleigh, Chudlegh, co. Devon, 45.

Chulmleigh, Chulmelegh, co. Devon, 219, 795.

Churche, William at, 891.

Churchebrampton. See Brampton, Church.

Churchehill, Churchehyll. See Churchill.

Churchelenche. See Lench, Church.

Churcheocle. See Oakley, Church.

Churchill, Churchehyll, co. Oxford, 1062.

Churchill, Churchehill, co. Somerset, Langford, Upper and Lower in, q.v.

Chuton. See Chewton Mendip.

Chykwell. See Chigwell.

Chyld, Thomas, 260.

Chylrey. See Childrey.

Chylston. See Chilson.

Chylton. See Chilton.

Chylverdun. See Chilverton.

Chynnam. See Chineham.

Chyppenham. See Cippenham.

Chyriton, C. Burnell. See Cheriton Bishop.

Chysehill, Little. See Chishall, Little.

Chysehull, Great and Little. See Chishall.

Chysell, Little. See Chishall, Little.

Chyttok, John, 363.

Chyvals, William, 365.

Cilgerran, Kylgarron, co. Pembroke, castle and manor, 723.

Cippenham, Chyppenham [in Burnham], co. Buckingham, manor, 895.

Cirencester, co. Gloucester, abbot and convent of, land held of, 421.

Ciston. See Siston.

Claiton. See Clayton, co. York.

Clakheton. See Cleckheaton.

Clapton, Clopton, co. Northampton, manor, 160.

Clapton, Clopton, co. Somerset, manor, 585.

Clare, co. Suffolk, castle, manor and borough, 710.
-, ……, honour, land held of, 137, 143, 205, 239, 357, 384, 414, 531, 537, 792, 899, 935.
-, ……, …., office of feodary in Norfolk, 716; in Suffolk, 710.

Clare, Gilbert de, heirs of, land held of, 851.

Clarence, duchess of. See Plantagenet, E.
-, ……, duke of. See Plantagenet, G.

Claret Hall [in Ashen, co. Essex], manor, 710.

Clareton, co. York, 706.

Clarewood, Clarewode, co. Northumberland, manor, 21.

Clasthorp. See Glassthorpehill.

Clatworthy, Cloteworthy [in South Molton], co. Devon, manor, 219.

Clauston in le Vale. See Clawson, Long.

Clavering, Claveryng, Claveryngbury, co. Essex, manor, land held of, 516.

CLAVERING, JOHN, co. Northumberland, 25.
-, ……, Robert, son of John, 25.

Clawen, co. Cornwall, 184.

Claworth. See Clayworth.

Clawson, Long, Clauston in le Vale, Claxton, co. Leicester, 520, 1162.
-, ……, manor, 1162.

Claxby, co. Lincoln [near Spilsby], 154, 976.

Claxby, co. Lincoln [near Normanby le Wold], 964.

Claxby Pluckacre, co. Lincoln, p. 600.

Claxton. See Clawson, Long.

Claxton, Joan, daughter of Robert, married John Cartington, 5.

CLAXTON, ROBERT, knight, co. Northumberland, 5.

Clay Hall, Cleyhalle [in Great Witchingham], co. Norfolk, manor, 978.

CLAY, Cley, GEORGE, co. Nottingham, 1031.
-, ……, John, son of George, 1031.
-, ……, John, heirs of, land held of, 362, 506.

Clayanger. See under Algarkirk.

Claybrooke, Cleybroke, co. Leicester, manor, 204.

Claydon, Middle, Middilclaydon, co. Buckingham, manor, 888.

Claymond, Thomas, 368.

Claythorpe, Claythorp, co. Lincoln, 154, 298.

Clayton, Claiton, co. York, 351.
-, ……, Brom cloys in, 351.
-, ……, Michael roide in, 351.

Clayton, West, co. York, 1.

Clayton, Cleyton, John, land held of, 459, 538.
-, ……, Robert, 196.
-, ……, Rose, wife of John, land held of, 459, 538.
-, ……, Thomas, merchant of the staple of Calais, 549.
-, ……, William, 772.

Clayworth, Claworth, Cleworth, co. Nottingham, 149, 1031.

Cle …, Joan, wife of Ralph, land held of, 857.
-, ……, Ralph, land held of, 857.

Cleaveland, Clyve [in Newchurch], Isle of Wight, 492.

Cleckheaton, Clakheton, co. York, 272.

Cleer, Robert, knight, land held of, 791.

Cleeve, Clyff, co. Somerset, abbot of, land held of, 45.

Clement Feld, co. Cumberland, 749.

Clennell, Clenhill, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Clere, Edmund, 270.
-, ……, Robert, knight, 239, 249, 457, 537.

Clergenett, Clergemett, Robert, 360, 432, 552.

Clerk, Clerke, Gregory, 3.
-, ……, Joan, daughter of John, wife of John Barton, 858.
-, ……, John, 554.
-, ……, John, 916.
-, ……, John, of Pickhill, 858.
-, ……, Richard, 568.
-, ……, Roger, 805.
-, ……, Roger, clerk, 1066.
-, ……, Thomas, 135.

Clerkeslade, Clerkesslade, co. Cornwall, 365.

Clerkeson, John, 743.

Cleve. See Clive.

Clevedon, Clyvedon, co. Somerset, manor, 1088.

Clewer, Cluer [in Wedmore], co. Somerset, 1105.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 1105.

Cleworth. See Clayworth.

Cley. See Clay.

Cleybroke. See Claybrooke.

Cleyhalle. See Clay Hall.

Cleyley, hundred, co. Northampton, 995.

Cleymond, John, land held of, 838.

Cleyton. See Clayton (surname).

CLIBBREY, RICHARD, co. Salop, 1072.
-, ……, Richard, son of Richard, 1072.

Cliffe, Clyva by Lewys, co. Sussex, 1129.

Cliffe, South, Southclyff, Southclyffe, co. York, 564.

Clifford, Clyfford, co. Hereford, honour, land held of, 566.

Clifford, Clyfford, co. York, 270.

Clifford, Clyfford, Henry, knight, land held of, 449.
-, ……, Henry, lord Clifford, 742.
-, ……, …, land held of, 68, 138, 262, 362, 506, 550, 1042.
-, ……, James, 176.
-, ……, Robert, land held of, 632.
-, ……, Thomas, citizen of London, scrivener, 61.

Clifton, co. Buckingham. See Clifton Reynes.

Clifton, in Dartmouth, Clifton Dertmouth, co. Devon, 910.

Clifton, Clyfton, co. Nottingham, 1047.
-, ……, manor, 1034.

Clifton, co. Warwick. See Clifton upon Dunsmore.

Clifton Hampden, Clyfton, co. Oxford, 560.

Clifton on Dunsmore, Clyfton, co. Warwick, 1144, p. 592.

Clifton Reynes, Clyfton, co. Buckingham, 889.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 889.

CLIFTON, Clyfton, AGNES, wife of Gervase, formerly wife of Walter Griffith, co. Nottingham, 1036; co. York, 126.
-, ……, …., land held of, 161.
-, ……, Constantine, son of John, 776.
-, ……, Elizabeth, daughter of Constantine, 776.

CLIFTON, GERVASE, knight, co. Nottingham, 152.
-, ……, …, 344, 535, 1036.
-, ……, Gervase, knight, son of Gervase, 1036.
-, ……, …., land held of, 1034.
-, ……, John, knight, 776.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Cromwell, E.
-, ……, Robert, son of Gervase, 152.

Clinton, Clynton, John, lord Clinton, land held of, 445.
-, ……, Thomas, 1142.

Clippesby, Clipisby, co. Norfolk, manor, 52.

Clipston, Clypston, co. Northampton, manor, 206, 663.

Clive, Cleve, co. Salop, 1068.

Cloford, Clowforde, co. Somerset, rectory, 1087.

Clonell, Henry, 935.

Clople, co. Gloucester, 372.

Clopton, co. Northampton. See Clapton.

Clopton, co. Somerset. See Clapton.

Clopton, co. Suffolk, manor, land held of, 361.

Clopton Hall [in Rattlesden], co. Suffolk, 190.

Clopton, Elizabeth, wife of John, 457.
-, ……, Elizabeth, wife of John, 1145.

CLOPTON, JOHN, co. Warwick, 1145.
-, ……, John, 190, 205, 457, 555, 609, 683, 697.
-, ……, Thomas, 75, 76.
-, ……, Thomasina, wife of William, 457.
-, ……, William, 555.
-, ……, William, knight, 218, 457.
-, ……, William, son of John, 1145.

Cloteworthy, co. Devon. See Clatworthy.

Clotworthy, Cloteworthy, John, son of William, 219.

CLOTWORTHY, WILLIAM, co. Devon, 219.

Clovyld, Edward, land held of, 220.

Clowforde. See Cloford.

Clowne, co. Derby, 1026.

Cluer. See Clewer.

Clun, Clunne, co. Salop, lordship of, land held of, 203.

Chmgunford, Clungunas, Clungunras, Clyngunford, co. Salop, manor and advowson, 203.

Clunne. See Clun.

Clyff. See Cleeve.

Clyffe, co. Devon, 696.

Clyfford, co. Hereford. See Clifford.

Clyfford, co. York. See Clifford.

Clyfford, Clyfforde. See Clifford (surname).

Clyfton, co. Buckingham. See Clifton Reynes.

Clyfton, co. Nottingham. See Clifton.

Clyfton, co. Oxford. See Clifton Hampden.

Clyfton, co. Warwick. See Clifton on Dunsmore.

Clyfton (surname). See Clifton.

Clyngunford. See Clungunford.

Clynton. See Clinton.

Clypston. See Clipston.

Clyst, co. Cornwall, 595.

Clyva by Lewys. See Cliffe.

Clyve. See Cleaveland.

Clyvedon. See Clevedon.

Co …. See Cononley.

Coates, Cowtes [in Bradwell], co. Derby, 819.

Coates, Cotes [in North Leverton], co. Nottingham, 1023.

Coates, Cotes, co. Sussex, 31.

Coates, Cotes, Great, co. Lincoln, 974.

Coatham, East, Cothom [in Redcar], co. York, manor, 432.

Cobbe, John, 953.
-, ……, Katharine. See Cattys, K.
-, ……, William, 35.

Cobcote. See Copcourt.

Cobden, Copden, in Sullington, co. Sussex, 743.

Cobham, co. Kent, 958.

Cobham, co. Surrey, manor, land held of, 94.

Cobham, lord. See Brooke, J.

Cobham, Anne, daughter of Thomas, married Edward Burgh, 1111.

COBHAM, THOMAS, knight, co. Wilts, 1111.
-, ……, …, 613, p. 605.

Cobhamswyke. See Week, Cobham.

Coble, Cobele, Coblegh, Alice, wife of John, 589.

COBLE, JOHN, co. Devon, 589.
-, ……, John, son of John, 589.
-, ……, John, land held of, 367.

Cobynton. See Cubbington.

Cock, Thomas, land held of, 707.

Cockbury, Cokbury, Cookbury [in Winchcomb], co. Gloucester, 134, 347.

Cockedene. See Cogdean.

Cockermouth, Cokermouth, co. Cumberland, 68, 655.

Cockfield, Cokefeld, Cokfeld, co. Suffolk.
-, ……, C. Hall manor, land held of, 147.

Cockpole. See Puckpool.

Coclyngale. See under Weybridge.

Coddenham, Codenham, co. Suffolk, 711.

Codeham. See Cudham.

Codelleston. See Cothelstone.

Codenham. See Coddenham.

Codilston. See Cothelstone.

Codnor, Codmore, co. Derby, lord Grey of. See Grey, H.

Codyng, John, land held of, 53.

Codyngton. See Cuddington. Coffyn, Richard, 288.
-, ……, William, 589.

Cogdean, Cockedene [in Sturminster Marshall], co. Dorset, manor, land held of, 381.

Coggars manor. See under Corringham.

Cogges, co. Oxford, p. 599.

Coggeshall, Coggeshale, Coggyshale, co. Essex, 358.

Cohe, co. Stafford, 1125.

COK, JOHN, co. Sussex, 1129.
-, ……, John, son of John, 1129.

COKAYN, JOHN, co. Warwick, 284.
-, ……, Thomas, 284.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Fitzherbert, B.

Cokbury. See Cockbury.

Coke, Cooke, George, 1053.
-, ……, John, 484.
-, ……, John, of Earlstone, 703.
-, ……, John, doctor of laws, 94.
-, ……, John, son of John, 703.
-, ……, Philip, land held of, 935.
-, ……, Philip, knight, p. 605.
-, ……, Thomas, 492.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Howies, J.
-, ……, Thomas, 845.
-, ……, William, chaplain, 463.

Cokefeld, co. Suffolk. See Cockfield.

Cokefeld, co. Sussex. See Cuckfield.

Cokeham. See Cookham.

Coker, Agnes, wife of Robert, 1090.
-, ……, John, son of Robert, 1089.

COKER, ROBERT, co. Dorset, 1090; co. Somerset, 1089.
-, ……, …., p. 604.

Cokerell, John, rector of Aswarby, 838.

Cokerellis. See under Stansfield.

Cokeriche. See Cookeridge.

Cokermouth. See Cockermouth.

Cokerscourt, Cokerscourte, co. Dorset, manor, 142, 1102.

Cokeryche. See Cookeridge.

Cokes, William, 135.

Cokesdiche. See under Faversham.

Cokesford. See Coxford.

Coket, John, of Ampton, 135.
-, ……, John, the younger, 558.

Cokeyn, Edmund, son of John, 897.

COKEYN, JOHN, co. Cambridge, 897.

Cokfeld. See Cockfield.

Cokham. See Cookham.

Cokhill, John, 271.

Cokho, Geoffrey, 357.

Cokka, William, chaplain, 251.

Cokke, William, 136.

Cokkes, Richard, 354.

Cokkeworthy, Nicholas, 589.

Cokkyswalle. See Coxwall.

Cokyn, Thomas, 198.
-, ……, …., one of his daughters, 198.

Coland. See Culland.

Colaton. See Collaton.

Colber, Colbere [in Sturminster Newton], co. Dorset, 318.

Colchester, Colcestre, co. Essex, 59, 384.
-, ……, Hythe in, q.v.
-, ……, St. John’s, abbot of, land held of, 59, 384, 457, 555.

Colcok, Richard, 1140.

Coldasshby. See Ashby, Cold.

Coldcoats, Caldecotes, co. Northumberland, manor, 13.

Coldconyngston. See Coniston, Cold.

Coldenorton. See Norton, Over.

Coldkenyngton. See Kempton.

Coldmartin, Caldemerton, Caldmerton, Calmerton [in Chatton], co. Northumberland, 359.
-, ……, manor, 7.

Coldounysby, co. Lincoln, 829.

Coldrey, Colryth, co. Southampton, manor, 129.

Coldridge, Colryge, co. Devon, manor, land held of, 553.

Coldstream, Cawdstreme, co. Berwick, 359.

COLE, JOAN, co. Somerset, 400.
-, ……, John, 533.
-, ……, Robert, 357.

Colesborne, Collesboume, co. Gloucester, manor, 445.

Coleshill, Colshull, co. Warwick, 942, 1147–8, 1169.
-, ……, Kingshurst in, q.v.
-, ……, manor, 760.
-, ……, vicar of. See Abell, W.

Colet, Colett, Collet, Collett, Christina, wife of Henry, 70.
-, ……, Geoffrey, 62.

COLET, HENRY, knight, alderman and mercer of London, co. Buckingham, 63; co. Cambridge, 60; co. Essex, 59; co. Hertford, 58; co. Huntingdon, 55; London, 61; co. Norfolk, 52; co. Northampton, 62; co. Oxford, 70; co. Surrey, 57.
-, ……, …., 283, 363, 519.
-, ……, Colett, John, citizen and mercer of London, 52, 61, 62.
-, ……, John, doctor of theology, dean of St. Paul’s, 52, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 70.
-, ……, …., land held of, 1009.
-, ……, Richard, 57, 62, 70.
-, ……, Robert, citizen and mercer of London, 58, 61–3.
-, ……, Robert, warden of St. Radegund’s chantry in Lichfield cathedral, land held of, 807, 811.
-, ……, Thomas, 197.

Colethorp. See Colthrop.

Colewell. See Colwell.

Coley, co. Dorset. See Colhay.

Coley, Colley [in East Harptree], co. Somerset, 257.

COLEY, ROBERT, co. Dorset, 1095.

Colham, Collam [in Hillingdon], co. Middlesex, 952, 1175, p. 596.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 952, 1175.

Colhay, Coley, in Loders, co. Dorset, 1095.

Collam. See Colham.

Collaton, Colaton [in Halwell], co. Devon, 342.

Colleddams. See under Stuston.

Colles, Hugh, son of John, 908.

COLLES, JOHN, co. Devon, 908.

Collesbourne. See Colesborne.

Collesdon. See Cowsden.

Collet, Collett. See Colet.

Collewyche, Arthur, 530.

Colley, co. Somerset. See Coley.

Colley [in Reigate], co. Surrey, manor, land held of, 215.

Colley, John, 1053.

Collingham [South?], Colyngham, co. Nottingham, 30.

Collingtree, Colyngtroughe, Colyntroughe, Colyngtrow, co. Northampton, 323, 568.

Colliswayn, water called, co. York, 85.

Collne. See Colne.

Collom. See Cowlam.

Collond. See Culland.

Collowe, William, 652.

Collynge. See Cowling.

Colman, co. Northumberland, 359.

Colman, John, 357.
-, ……, Nicholas, 807.

Colmere, Culmer [in Ellesmere], co. Salop, manor, 805.

Colmore, Richard, 1157.

Colmworth, Colmorth, Colworth, co. Bedford, 874.
-, ……, manor, p. 601.
-, ……, …., land held of, 874.

Colne, Collne, co. Huntingdon, manor, 902.

Colne, Earls, co. Essex, prior and convent of, p. 593.

Colne Engaine, C. Engeyne, co. Essex, manor, 424.

Colnet, Richard, 823.

Colney, co. Norfolk, church, advowson of, 3.
-, ……, East Hall, Est Hall, manor in, 3.

Colnorton. See Norton, Over.

Colompton. See Cullompton.

Colpepyr. See Culpeper.

Colryge. See Coldridge.

Colryth. See Coldrey.

Colshill, Margaret, land held of, 1079.

Colshull. See Coleshill.

Colston, Robert, 384.

Colthrop, Colethorp [in Thatcham], co. Berks, manor, 1053.

Colthyrst, Christopher, 188.

Coltys. See under Stock.

Colum. See Bolam.

Columpton. See Cullompton.

Colviles. See under Chesterton.

Colvyles. See under Rendlesham.

Colwell, Colewell [in Chollerton], co. Northumberland, manor, 4.

Colwick, Colwyk, Colwykke, co. Nottingham, 30.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 1014.

Colwick, Nether, Colwike, Colwyk Nowers [in Colwick], co. Nottingham, 1020, 1021, 1025.
-, ……, manor, 1021.

Colworth. See Colmworth.

Colwyche, Richard, rector of Charfield, 462.

COLYN, ELIZABETH, daughter of Otes, married Edward ap Rys, co. Cornwall, 184.
-, ……, Hugh, p. 597.
-, ……, Otes, 184.

Colyngham. See Collingham.

COLYNGRIGGE, JOHN, co. Buckingham, 730; co. Oxon, 733.
-, ……, John, son of John, 730.

Colyngtroughe, Colyntroughe, Colyngtrow. See Collingtree.

Colyns, John, 194, 583.
-, ……, John, 941.
-, ……, Richard, master of St. John’s hospital, Redcliff, 941.

Combe, co. Cornwall, 533.

Combe, Escombe, in Greenwich, co. Kent, 363.
-, ……, Combe Marsh in, 363.
-, ……, Lobelland in, 363.

Combe, co. Oxford. See Coombe.

Combe Almer, C. Marschall [in Sturminster Marshall], co. Dorset, manor, 382.

Combe Baskervile. See Westcote.

Combe, Castle, Castelcombe, co. Wilts, manor, land held of, 200.

Combe Martin, Combemartyn, co. Devon, 905.

Combe Raleigh, Combralegh, co. Devon, 577.

Combe St. Nicholas, co. Somerset, 854.

Combe, John, clerk, 97.
-, ……, Thomas, 743.

Comberlowe. See Cumberlow.

Comberton, co. Cambridge, 2.

Comberton, Edith, 1174.

Comberworth. See Cumberworth.

Combes, Thomas, 743, 814.

Combralegh. See Combe Raleigh.

Comecach. See Cumcatch.

Comerford, Edward, 62.

Common Pleas, chief justice of. See Bryan, T.; Frowyk, T.; Wood, T.

Common Pleas, justices of. See Chocke, R.; Danvers, R.; Fisher, J.; Kyngesmyll, J.; Vavasour, J.; Wood, T.
-, ……, office of marshal in, 165.

Compton [in Marldon], co. Devon, 289.

Compton, co. Gloucester. See Compton Greenfield.

Compton, co. Somerset. See Compton Bishop.

Compton Bassett, C. Basset, co. Wilts, 823.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 823.

Compton Bishop, co. Somerset, 524, 756.

Compton Dundon, C. Domden, C. Donden, co. Somerset, manor, land held of, 381, 581.

Compton Durville, C. Durvile [in South Petherton], co. Somerset, 1075.

Compton, Fenny, Fennycompton, Fennycomton, co. Warwick, manor, 760.

Compton Greenfield, Grenevyle, co. Gloucester, 170.

Compton, Nether, Nethercompton, co. Dorset, 1103.

Compton Verney, C. Mordoke, co. Warwick, manor, 376.

Compton, John, land held of, 527.

Comptonpool, Compton Pole [in Marldon], co. Devon, manor, 289.

Conam. See Covenham.

Conerton. See Connerton.

Congerstone, Tonston, co. Leicester, 305.

Congreyve, Ralph, land held of, 76.

Coningsby, Conyngesby, co. Lincoln, p. 600.
-, ……, gild, p. 600.

Coningsby, Conyngesby, Humphrey, serjeant at law, justice of assize in co. York, 2, 95, 105, 282, 390, 543, 604.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Staveley, A.

Conington, Conyngton, co. Cambridge, 2.
-, ……, manor, 2.

Conington, Conyngton, co. Huntingdon, manor and advowson, 156.

Conisbrough, Connesburgh, Conysburgh, co. York, castle, land held of, 196.

Coniston, Conyngston, Cold, Coldconyngston, co. York, 362, 506.

Conistone, Conyngston, co. York, 362, 506.

Connerton, Conerton, Conorton [in Gwithian], co. Cornwall, manor, land held of, 366, 528.

Connesburgh, Connysburgh. See Conisbrough.

Cononley, Co …, co. York, 742.

Conorton. See Connerton.

Conquest, Henry, 891.
-, ……, John, clerk, 891.
-, ……, John, son of Henry, 891.
-, ……, John, son of John, 891.
-, ……, Lora, wife of John, 891.
-, ……, Richard, son of John, 891.

CONQUEST, RICHARD, son of Richard, co. Bedford, 891.
-, ……, Richard, son of Richard, 891.

Conquestbury. See Bury.

Constable, Cunstabyll, Custabyll, John, of Catfoss, 518.
-, ……, John, of Halsham, 172.
-, ……, John, knight, land held of, 262.
-, ……, John, parson of Brome, 205.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of Thomas, 518.
-, ……, Marmaduke, 126.
-, ……, Marmaduke, knight, 183, 770.
-, ……, …., land held of, 275, 510.
-, ……, Ralph, son of Thomas, 518.
-, ……, Robert, knight, 183, 1179.
-, ……, Robert, Serjeant at law, 175, 279, 311, 543.
-, ……, Stephen, son of Thomas, 518.

CONSTABLE, THOMAS, son of John, co. York, 518.
-, ……, William, 518.
-, ……, William, clerk, 126, 1036.

CONYERS, CHRISTOPHER, of Marske, co. York, 175.

CONYERS, CHRISTOPHER, son of William, co. Lincoln, 736.
-, ……, Christopher, knight, 736.
-, ……, Christopher, son of Christopher, 175.
-, ……, Elizabeth, 564.
-, ……, Elizabeth, wife of Christopher, 175.
-, ……, George, land held of, 175.
-, ……, Humphrey, son of Christopher, 175.
-, ……, Joan, daughter of Christopher, 175.
-, ……, Joan, land held of, 262.

CONYERS, JOHN, knight, co. Nottingham, 1172.
-, ……, John, son of John, 1172.
-, ……, Margery, wife of John, 1172.
-, ……, Michael, son of Christopher, 175.
-, ……, Richard, 1172.
-, ……, Richard, knight, 73.
-, ……, Robert, 175.
-, ……, Thomas, son of Christopher, 175.
-, ……, William, 1182.
-, ……, William, knight, 360.
-, ……, William, lord Conyers, 175, 432, 552.
-, ……, …., land held of, 138, 304.
-, ……, William, son of Christopher, 175.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Segisweke, E.
-, ……, William, son of Christopher, 736.
-, ……, William, son of John, 1172.

Conyngesby. See Coningsby.

Conyngston. See Conistone.

Conyngston, Cold. See Coniston, Cold.

Conyngton. See Conington.

Conyngton, John, land held of, 467.

Coo, Hugh, 3.
-, ……, Richard, 3.

Cookbury. See Cockbury.

Cooke. See Coke.

Cookeridge, Cokeriche, Cokeryche, Kokerych [in Bromfield], co. Salop, 203, 559.

Cookham, Cokeham, Cokham, co. Berks, p. 596.
-, ……, and Bray, lordship of, land held of, 1051.
-, ……, …., seven hundreds of, bailiff of. See Restwold, R.

Coombe, Combe [in Cuddesdon], co. Oxford, 786.

COOTE, RICHARD, co. Norfolk, 753; co. Suffolk, 832.
-, ……, Robert, son of Richard, 753, 832.
-, ……, William, 558.

Copcote, John, 568.

Copcourt, Cobcote [in Aston Rowant], co. Oxford, 437.

Copden. See Cobden.

Cope, Edward, 173.
-, ……, William, 2.

Copelston. See Copleston.

Copelwall. See Copperwalls.

Copendale, Stephen, 1036.

Copford, co. Essex, 532.

Copledyk, Copildik, Coppuldyke, Cuppuldyke, Copyldyk, Coupildyk, Cecily, daughter of William, 838.
-, ……, Elizabeth, daughter of William, 838.
-, ……, Hamo, son of William, 838.
-, ……, James, son of John, 838.
-, ……, John, 838.
-, ……, …., heirs of, land held of, 543.
-, ……, John, son of William, 838.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of John, 838.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of William, 838.
-, ……, Thomas, son of William, 838.

COPLEDYK, WILLIAM, son of John, co. Lincoln, 838.
-, ……, …., land held of, 154, 298.

Copleston, Copelston, Cupleston, John, son of Ralph, 595, 696, 907, 908.
-, ……, …, land held of, 378, 1093.

COPLESTON, RALPH, co. Cornwall, 595, 696, 907, 908, 1093, p. 606.
-, ……, Walter, p. 605.

Copley, John, son of Lionel, 449.

COPLEY, LIONEL, co. York, 449.
-, ……, William, 431.

Copperwalls, Copelwall [in Whitestone], co. Devon, 367.

Coppuldyke. See Copledyk.

Copschevys. See Smith’s Hall.

Copton, co. Kent [in Preston], manor, land held of, 131.

Copyldyk. See Copledyk.

Copynger, John, 935.
-, ……, William, 363, 935.

Corbet, Corbett, John, 531.
-, ……, Peter, land held of, 203.
-, ……, Robert, knight, land held of, 197, 859.
-, ……, William, chaplain, 319.

Corbridge, Corbrige, co. Northumberland, manor and town, 6.

Corby, co. Northampton, 1009.
-, ……, hundred, land held of, 1009.

Corfe Mullen, Corffe Moleyn, co. Dorset, 1106.

Corffe, Peter, chaplain, 689.

Corfton, Corfham [in Diddlebury], co. Salop, manor, land held of, 203.

Corley, co. Warwick, 330, 540, 741, 870.

Cornard, Cornerd, Cornerde, Great, co. Suffolk, 435, 558.
-, ……, Abbas Hall manor in, land held of, 435.

Cornard, Cornerde, Little, co. Suffolk, 558.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 137.

Cornay. See Corney.

Corndon, Cornedon [in Widdecombe in the Moor], co. Devon, 248.

Corneburgh, Alfred, 61.
-, ……, Beatrice, wife of Alfred, 61.

Cornedon. See Corndon.

Cornerd, Cornerde, Great and Little. See Cornard.

Cornewaleys. See Cornwallis.

Cornewall, Cornewell, Edmund, 465.
-, ……, Elizabeth, wife of Edmund, 465.
-, ……, Thomas, knight, land held of, 377, 401, 759.

Cornewe, William, 589.

Cornewell. See Cornewall.

Corney, Cornay, co. Cumberland, 213, 655, 724.

Cornwales, Cornwaleys. See Cornwallis.

Cornwall, coroner of. See Langfourth, J.
-, ……, men of, infraction of treaties by, p. 592.

Cornwall, duchy of, land held of, 48, 49, 50, 181, 216, 342, 366, 437, 553, 679, 857, 962.

Cornwall, duke of. See Arthur; Henry.

Cornwallis, Cornewaleys, Cornwales, Cornwaleys, Cornwayles, Edward, brother of John, 205, 238, 254, 935.
-, ……, …., land held of, 357, 528.
-, ……, Elizabeth, wife of John, 205, 238, 254.

CORNWALLIS, JOHN, co. Essex, 254; co. Norfolk, 238; co. Suffolk, 205.
-, ……, …., 682.
-, ……, John, nephew of John, 205.
-, ……, Robert, 205, 254, 435.
-, ……, Thomas, 205, 534.
-, ……, William, 205.

Cornysche, John, 260.

Corringham, Coryngham, Sheryngham, co. Essex, 531.
-, ……, Coggarsmanor in, 531.
-, ……, Danyelles in, 531.

Corscomb, Corscombe, co. Somerset. See Croscombe.

Corscombe, Westercoscombe, co. Dorset, manor, 1109.

Corteney. See Courtenay.

Corva, Corvoigth [in St. Ives], co. Cornwall, manor, land held of, 366.

Cory, Est. See Curry, East.

Cory Malet, Corymalet. See Curry Mallet.

Cory Ryvell. See Curry Rivel.

Coryngham. See Corringham.

Coryngton, Richard, 857.

Coryworthy, co. Devon, 653.

Cosawes, Cosawys [in St. Gluvias], co. Cornwall, manor, 861.

Cosby, co. Leicester, 305.

Cosby, William, p. 605.

Coscombe. See Croscombe.

Cossefordes alias Casteleyns, co. Suffolk [near Hadleigh], 435.

Cossington, Cosyngton, co. Somerset, 146.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 524.

Cosyne, Malcolm, prebendary of Netherbury in Ecclesia, land held of, 1096.

Cosyngton. See Cossington.

Cote [in Westbury on Trym], co. Gloucester, 170.

Cote [in Huntspill], co. Somerset, manor, land held of, 524.

Cote, Richard, 190.

Cotecombe. See Cutcombe.

Coteler. See Cutler.

Cotelescombe, Cotelscombe. See under Sodbury, Old.

Cotenham. See Cottenham.

Coterell, Alice, wife of Thomas, 248.
-, ……, Edward, son of Thomas, 248.
-, ……, Joan. See Brook, J.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of Edward, 248.

COTERELL, THOMAS, co. Devon, 248.
-, ……, Thomas, son of Edward, 248.

Cotes. See Coates.

Cotes, co. Leicester. See Cotes de Val.

Cotes, Cotus, Cotys [in Ecclesall], co. Stafford, manor, 779, 1119.

Cotes de Val, Cotys Devyle, C. Devyll [in Kimcote], co. Leicester, manor, 204.

Cotes, Great. See Coates, Great.

COTES, Cotus, Cotys, HUMPHREY, co. Stafford, 779, 1119.
-, ……, Humphrey, son of Humphrey, 1119.
-, ……, John, 530, 568.
-, ……, John, 779.
-, ……, Richard, 728.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Higford, A.

Cotesbach, Cottesbech, co. Leicester, 204.

Cotesmore. See Cottesmore.

Cotgrave, co. Nottingham, 1045.

Cotham, Cotom, Southcottom, co. Nottingham, manor, 550, 1015.

Cothelstone, Codelleston, Codilston, co. Somerset, manor, 256, 548.

Cothom. See Coatham, East.

Cotmanton. See Cottingtoncourt.

Cotom. See Cotham.

Coton, Cotun, co. Northampton, manor, 542.

Coton. See Cotton.

Cotons manor. See under Rearsby.

Cottenham, Cotenham, co. Cambridge, 2.

Cotterstock, Cotterstoke, co. Northampton, manor and advowson, 1001.

Cottesbech. See Cotesbach.

Cottesforde, John, 1061.

COTTESMORE, Cotesmore, Cottusmore, JOHN, I. of Wight, 479.
-, ……, …., 813, 1114.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Wittenstall, M.
-, ……, John, son of John, 479, 813, 1114.
-, ……, William, 337.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Bedwall, E.

Cottingham, Cottyngham, Cotyngham, co. York, 448.
-, ……, manor, 1180.
-, ……, …., land held of, 172, 308.

Cottingtoncourt, Cotmanton, Godmanton, in Sholden, co. Kent, manor, 549.

Cotton, co. Northampton, manor, 1002.

Cotton, Coton [in Wem], co. Salop, 1070.

Cotton, Coton, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, 283, 317.
-, ……, John, 317.
-, ……, John, 916.
-, ……, Katharine, wife of Thomas, 283, 317.

COTTON, RICHARD, co. Derby, 763.
-, ……, …., 283, 317.
-, ……, Robert, 153.
-, ……, Robert, knight, 195.

COTTON, THOMAS, co. Huntingdon, 156; co. Leicester, 159.

COTTON, THOMAS, co. Derby, 317; co. Leicester, 283.
-, ……, …., 763.
-, ……, Thomas, 994.
-, ……, Thomas, son of Thomas, 156, 159.

Cottonhall. See under Brettenham.

Cottusmore. See Cottesmore.

Cottyngham. See Cottingham.

Cotun. See Coton.

Cotus. See Cotes.

Cotyngham. See Cottingham.

Cotys. See Cotes.

Cotys Devyle, C. Devyll. See Cotes de Val.

Coudrey. See Cowdrey.

Coueley, Nicholas, chantry of, pp. 592–3.

Coupildyk. See Copledyk.

Coupland, Couplande, Cowpelound, co. Northumberland, 359.
-, ……, manor, 16.

Coupum. See Cowpen.

Courte, Thomas, vicar of Much Dewchurch, 440.

Courteman, John, 677.
-, ……, William, 677.

Courteney, Courtenay, Curtenay, Curteney, Alice, wife of Walter, 97.
-, ……, Edward, earl of Devon, land held of, 45, 54, 114, 219, 248, 288, 342, 367, 402, 436, 538, 541, 553, 562, 577, 588, 680, 696, 795, 798, 905, 907, 908.
-, ……, Humphrey, 97.
-, ……, John, 97, 437.
-, ……, Katharine, daughter of Walter, 97.
-, ……, Peter, land held of, 905.
-, ……, Philip, 437.
-, ……, …., land held of, 798.

COURTENEY, WALTER, knight, co. Devon, 97.
-, ……, …., 437.
-, ……, Walter, son of Walter, 97.
-, ……, William, knight, 97, 553.
-, ……, …., land held of, 53, 342, 536, 593, 794.
-, ……, William, son of Walter, 97.

Coven, Covon [in Brewood], co. Stafford, manor, 1118.

Covenham, Conam, co. Lincoln, manor, 227.

Coventry, Coventre, co. Warwick, 363, 376, 1147, 1149, p. 597.
-, ……, cathedral, 30.
-, ……, prior of, land held of, 305.
-, ……, St. John’s hospital, master of. See Urswyk, J.
-, ……, skinner of. See Mathew, J.

Coventry and Lichfield, bishop of, land held of, 141, 517, 1118–9, 1125.
-, ……, ….. See Blyth, G.
-, ……, John bishop, of, 738.

Covert, Anne, daughter of John, 821.
-, ……, Anne, wife of William, 821.
-, ……, Dorothy, daughter of John, 821.
-, ……, Elizabeth, daughter of John, 821.
-, ……, Isabel, wife of John, 821.

COVERT, JOHN, son of William, co. Surrey, 822; co. Sussex, 821.
-, ……, Richard, 215, 821, 822.
-, ……, Robert, 821.
-, ……, William, 821.
-, ……, William, 821, 822, 1134.

Covon. See Coven.

Coward, Robert, 1.

Cowarne, Much, co. Hereford, manor, 439.

Cowbeley. See Cubley.

Cowbit, Cowbyt, co. Lincoln, marriage of poor girls in, 1135.

Cowdray, Coudrey, Cowdrey, Alice, married John Whitewode, 1101–2.
-, ……, Avice, wife of William. See Whitewode, A.
-, ……, Morgan, son of William, 112, 142, 1101–2.

COWDRAY, WILLIAM, co. Dorset, 1102; co. Somerset, 1101.
-, ……, William, son of William, 112, 142, 1101–2.

Cowey, Stephen, 651.

Cowhill [in Oldbury upon Severn], co. Gloucester, manor, 314.

Cowlam, Collom, co. York, manor, 856.

Cowley [in Preston Bisset], co. Buckingham, 886.

Cowley, co. Middlesex, C. Pecche, C. Petche, manor in, 952, 1175.

Cowling, Collynge, co. York, 449.

Cowpelound. See Coupland.

Cowpen, Coupum, co. Northumberland, manor, 10.

Cowsden, Collesdon [in Upton Snodsbury], co. Worcester, manor, 530.

Cowseby, Cawseby, co. York, manor, 183.

Cowtes. See Coates.

Cowton, North, Northcoulton, co. York, 858.

Coxford, Cokesford [in East Rudham], co. Norfolk, prior of, land held of, 239.

Coxwall, Cokkyswalle [in Beaworthy], co. Devon, 54.

Crabbe, Richard, 2.

Crabbis. See under Childerley.

Crabsons. See under Greenford.

Cracetour, Ralph, 189.

Craford, Crafforth, Crayford, Maud, 30.
-, ……, Thomas, 60, 63.

Craft, Crafte. See Croft.

Cragell, Edmund, 343.

Crakehill, Crakehall, co. York, 138.

Crambourne. See Cranborne.

Cramlington, Cramlyngton, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Cranborne, Crambourne, co. Dorset, hundred court, 318.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 318.

Crancemore. See Gransmoor.

Crandon. See Crendon, Long.

Crane [in Camborne], co. Cornwall, manor, 48.

Crane, Anne, land held of, 1161.

CRANE, JOHN, co. Cornwall, 48.
-, ……, Richard, son of John, 48.
-, ……, Robert, 435, 555.

Cranefforth. See Cranford.

Cranesford. See Cransford.

Cranewell. See under Ardsley.

Cranfield, Craunfeld, co. Bedford, manor, 465.

Cranford, Cranefforth, co. Northampton, 226, 997.

Cranmare, John, son of Thomas, 761.

CRANMARE, THOMAS, co. Nottingham, 761.

Cransford, Cranesford, co. Suffolk, manor, 40.

Cranswick, Crawnswyk, Crawyk [in Hutton Cranswick], co. York, 564.

Crantock, Carantok, co. Cornwall, 184.

Crasford. See Kersford.

Craske, Robert, clerk, 135.

CRASSELOND, HENRY, co. Hereford, 946.
-, ……, Margaret, daughter of Henry, 946.

Craunfeld. See Cranfield.

Crawley, co. Sussex, 821.

Crawley, Cawley, North, co. Buckingham, 889.
-, …… cum Chicheley, manor, 465.

Crawnest. See Crowneast.

Crawnswyk. See Cranswick.

Crawshay, Henry, 196.

Crawyk. See Cranswick.

Cray, co. Essex. See Ramsden Crays.

Crayford, co. Kent, advowson, 133.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 325.
-, ……, Newbery manor, q.v.

Crayford (surname). See Craford.

Cray’s Hill, Wyndelles, Wyndelx [in Ramsden Crays], co. Essex, 205, 254.

Crayslangdon, co. Essex, 205.

Creacombe, Crowcomb, co. Devon, advowson, 573.

Creacombe, Crewcombe [in Newton Ferrers?], co. Devon, 593.

Creake, Creke, Creyke, co. Norfolk, abbey, 837.
-, ……, …., abbot of. See Sheryngton, G.
-, ……, manor, 837.

Creake, Creyke, North, co. Norfolk, 837.

Creake, Creyke, South, co. Norfolk, 837.

Crede, Thomas, 355.

Credelyncote. See Carlingcott.

Crediton, Criditon, Crydeton, co. Devon, 97, 562.
-, ……, borough, land held of, 367, 562.
-, ……, Canon fee in, 367.
-, ……, collegiate church, prebendary of Aller in, land held of, 367.
-, ……, …., precentor of. See Inge, E.
-, ……, …., …. and canons of, land held of, 573.
-, ……, …., vicar of, land held of, 367.
-, ……, le Angell in, 367.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 46, 562.
-, ……, New Borough in, 367.
-, ……, Nuttiston in, 367.
-, ……, Tedburn, Venny, in, q.v.

Creine, Thomas, citizen and draper of London, 363.

Creke. See Creake.

Crekelade. See Cricklade.

Cremyll, Crimell [in Maker, co. Cornwall], ferry, 342.

Crendon, Long, Crandon, co. Buckingham, manor, 883.

Cropping, Creppyng [in Stutton], co. Suffolk, manor, p. 593.

Cresacre, Grysacres, Edward, son of John, 433.

CRESACRE, JOHN, co. York, 433.

Crescy, John, 196.

Cressage, Cressege, co. Salop, 559.

CRESSE, JOHN, co. York, 1177.

Cressener, Alexander, 190.
-, ……, Anne, 457.

Cressewell. See Cresswell.

Cressich. See Bentlegh (surname).

Crossing, Cressyng, co. Essex, 358.

Cressingham, Cressyngham, Great, co. Norfolk, 713.

Cressingham, Cressyngham, Little, co. Norfolk, manor and advowson, 977.

Cresswell, Creswell [in Whitwell], co. Derby, 1026.
-, ……, water-mill, 1017.

Cresswell, Cressewell, co. Northumberland, manor, 20.

Cressy Hall, Cresyhall [in Surfleet], co. Lincoln, manor, 452.

CRESSY, CONSTANCE, wife of John, co. Hertford, 618.
-, ……, Edmund, 618.
-, ……, John, son of Edmund, 618.
-, ……, John, knight, son of John, 618.
-, ……, Matthew, son of Nicholas, 618.
-, ……, Nicholas, son of Edmund, 618.
-, ……, Thomas, land held of, 366.

Creston, Richard, son of Thomas, 906.

CRESTON, THOMAS, co. Devon, 906.

Creswell. See Cresswell.

Cresyhall. See Cressy Hall.

Creton, co. Warwick, 760.

Crevequer, Creuker, honour of, land held of, 412.

Crewcombe. See Creacombe.

Crewecombryge, co. Devon, 342.

Crewker, Crewkar, John, 327, 1033.

Crewkerne, Crukehorne, co. Somerset, 585.

Creyke. See Creake.

Crich, Criche, Cruch, Cryche, co. Derby, 1049.
-, ……, barony, land held of, 819, 1049.
-, ……, chantry, advowson of, 1049.
-, ……, Cryche Clyf, 1049.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 1042.
-, ……, Wheatcroft in, q.v.

Cricklade, Crekelade, Crykelade, co. Wilts, 128, 352, 610.

Criditon. See Crediton.

Crigmurrick, Crukemorek, Crukemoresk [in St. Merryn], co. Cornwall, 365.

Crikelaw. See Kirkley.

Criklad, John, 1076.

Crimell. See Cremyll.

Crimsham, Crymsam [in Pagham], co. Sussex, manor, 824.

Cripps’s Corner, Cryppes, in Forest Row, formerly in East Grinstead, co. Sussex, 814.

Cristcroft. See under Deighton, South.

Cristenmas, Crystenmas, Alice, wife of Peter, 461.
-, ……, Elizabeth, daughter of Peter, 461.
-, ……, Peter, 461.
-, ……, Peter, son of Peter, 461.

Criston. See Christon.

Crixston. See Christon.

Crockadon, Crockdon [in Halwell], co. Devon, 342.

Crocke, John, 732.

CROCKER, CROKKER, ANNE, wife of John, daughter of Remfrey Arundell, co.

Cornwall, 366; co. Devon. 436.
-, ……, …., 553.

CROCKER, JOHN, knight, co. Devon, 553.
-, ……, …, 366, 436.
-, ……, …., land held of, 248, 365.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Yeo, I.
-, ……, John, son of John, 553.
-, ……, John, 1088.

Crockernwell, Crockernwyll [in Cheriton Bishop], co. Devon, 45.

Croft, co. Devon, 54.

Croft, Craft, Crafte, co. Leicester, manor, 199.

Croft, Crofte, co. Lincoln, 154, 298, 315, 349, 511.
-, ……, court of, 452.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 154, 157, 298.

Croft, Crofte, Elizabeth, 637.
-, ……, Richard, chaplain, 138.

Croftes manor. See Beachampstead.

Croftis, Richard, 200.

Crofton, Edmund, clerk, 304.

Croham, Crowham [in Croydon], co. Surrey, 467.
-, ……, manor, 1137.

Croke, John, 363.

Crokerne, John, son of Richard, 778.

CROKERNE, RICHARD, co. Dorset, 778.

Crokford, John, 94.

Crokfordes. See under Weybridge.

Crokker. See Crocker.

Crokkeres, manor, co. Devon, 553.

Crome. See Croom.

Cromhall, co. Gloucester, manor, 307.

Cromwell, Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph, married John Clifton, 776.
-, ……, Maud, daughter of Ralph, 776.
-, ……, Maud, daughter of Ralph, married William Stannop, 776.
-, ……, Ralph, knight, 776.
-, ……, Ralph, son of Ralph, 776.

Crook, William, 379.

Crookham, Crucum [in Ford], co. Northumberland, manor, 16.

Croom, Crome [in Sledmere], co. York, 856.

Crophull, John de, knight, 945.
-, ……, Margery, wife of John, 945.

Crosby Garrett, Crosseby, co. Westmorland, manor, 65.

Crosby, High, Overcrosby [in Crosby upon Eden], co. Cumberland, 749.

Crosby, Low, Nethercrosby [in Crosby upon Eden], co. Cumberland, 749.

Crosby, Crosseby, Anne, wife of John, 461.
-, ……, John, knight, 461.

CROSBY, JOHN, son of John, co. Middlesex, 461.
-, ……, …., 244, p. 605.

Croscombe, Corscomb, Corscombe, Coscombe, co. Somerset, gild of St. Anne, p. 592.
-, ……, lord of, land held of, 768.
-, ……, manor, 547.

Crosseby, co. Westmorland. See Crosby Garrett.

Crosseby (surname). See Crosby.

-, ……, John, son of John, 378.
-, ……, Robert, 378.
-, ……, William, 378.

Crosthwaite, Crosttwate, co. Westmorland, 360.

Crotynden, Crotunden, William, 35, 953.

Crowche, William, escheator in co. York, 189.

Crowchecroft, co. Essex [near High Ongar], 358.

Crowcomb. See Creacombe.

Crowcomb, co. Devon, 248.

Croweherst. See Crowhurst.

Crowemer. See Crowmer.

Crowham. See Croham.

Crowhurst, Croweherst, Crowherst, co. Surrey, 467, 1137.

Crowland, Crowlonde, co. Lincoln, abbot of, land held of, 2, 364.

Crowmer, Crowemer, George, clerk, 549.
-, ……, William, 374.

Crowneast, Crawnest [in St. Johns in Bedwardine], co. Worcester, 30.

Croxston, Edward, 457.

Croxton, co. Cambridge, 451.
-, ……, Westbury manor in, 451.

Croydon, co. Surrey, 467, 709, 1137.
-, ……, charter dated at, 709.
-, ……, church, chantry of St. Nicholas, in, 709.
-, ……, field names in, 709.
-, ……, letters patent dated at, 365.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 467, 1137, 1140.
-, ……, Selhurst in, q.v.

Croysers [in Podington], co. Bedford, 616.

Crubane, John, 772.

Cruch. See Crich.

Crucum. See Crookham.

Crugoes, Crugowe [in St. Columb Major], 474.

Crugwallance, Crugewallans [in St.

Stephen in Brannel], co. Cornwall, 861.

Crukbarges, co. Cornwall, 595.

Crukehorne. See Crewkerne.

Crukemoresk, Crukemorek. See Crigmurrick.

Cruker, Crukker. See Kerketh.

Crukerne, John, 828.

Cruys, Cruysse, John, land held of, 367, 528.

Crydeton. See Crediton.

Crydlyngcote. See Carlingcott.

Crykelade. See Cricklade.

Crykelaw. See Kirkley.

Crylle. See Trill.

Crymsam. See Crimsham.

Cryppes. See Cripps’s Corner.

Cryspen, Richard, land held of, 248.

Crystenmas. See Cristenmas.

Crystall. See Kirkstall.

Crystes Haule. See Chrishall.

Cubbington, Cobynton, co. Warwick, p. 594.

Cubley, Cowbeley, co. Derby, 364.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 364.

Cublington, Cublyngton, co. Buckingham, 197.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 197.

Cuckfield, Cokefeld, co. Sussex, 821, 1134.

Cuddington, Codyngton, co. Surrey, p. 602.

Cudham, Codeham, co. Kent, manor, 619.

Cudworth, co. Somerset, manor, land held of, 1099.

Cudworthy, Westkuddeworthy [in Dolton], co. Devon, 864.

Culbasowe [? Colvase in Morval], co. Cornwall, 533.

Culford, co. Suffolk, 135.

Culland, Coland, Collond [in Brailsford], co. Derby, 607.
-, ……, manor, 335.

Cullompton, Colompton, Columpton, co. Devon, 256, 528, 593.

Culme, Hugh, escheator in Devon, 113.

Culmer. See Colmere.

Culpeper, Colpepyr, Culpepyr, Alexander, 374.
-, ……, …., land held of, 1157.
-, ……, John, 358.

Culpho, co. Suffolk, 414, 982.

Culverton, Culverden, Culverdon [in Princes Risborough], co. Buckingham, manor, 892.

Culveton. See Kilton.

Cumberland, encroachments and enclosures in, p. 597.

Cumberlow, Comberlowe, in Rushden, co. Hertford, Mounseys manor in, 632.

Cumberworth, Comberworth, co. Lincoln, 154, 298.
-, ……, fee of, land held of, 154, 298.

Cumberworth, co. York, 1.

Cumcatch, Comecach [in Brampton], co. Cumberland, manor, 749.

Cum Hopyn. See Hoppen.

Cunstabyll. See Constable.

Cuper, John, 1140.

Cupleston. See Copleston.

Cuppuldyke. See Copledyk.

Curborough, Curburgh, co. Stafford, 460.

Curkern, John, land held of, 402.

Curland, Curlond, co. Somerset, 1108.

Curry, East, Est Cory, co. Somerset, 1108.

Curry Mallet, Corymalet, co. Somerset, 854, 1108.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 547, 854.

Curry, North, Northcory, co. Somerset, 379, 1108.

Curry Rivel, Cory Ryvell, co. Somerset, lord of, land held of, 756.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 524.
-, ……, suit to court of, land held by, 756.

Curson, Anne, daughter of Robert, married William Frevill, 153.
-, ……, Joan, wife of John, 1040.
-, ……, John, 1028.
-, ……, John, son of Richard, 1040.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of Robert, 153.

CURSON, RICHARD, co. Derby, 1040.
-, ……, Robert, 153.
-, ……, Robert, 153.

Curtenay, Curteney. See Courtenay.

Curteys, Peter, 1138.
-, ……, Richard, 1053.
-, ……, William, 200.

Cusshyn, Cussyn, Thomas, 270.

Custabyll. See Constable.

Cutcombe, Cotecombe, co. Somerset, manor, 146.

Cutler, Coteler, Cutlar, Cutlard, Cutlere, George, son of William, 311.
-, ……, John, clerk, 275, 311.
-, ……, William, 1174.

CUTLER, WILLIAM, co. Lincoln, 311.
-, ……, …., Serjeant at law, 275, 838, 1002.
-, ……, William, rector of Avon Dassett, 1147.

Cuttell, William, 260.

Cuttesham, Richard, 953.

Cutthorpe, co. Derby, 819.

Cyfeiliog, Kevelyok, co. Montgomery, manor, 95.

Cyne, James, 743.