General Index: S

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 2, Henry VII. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: S', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 2, Henry VII( London, 1915), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: S', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 2, Henry VII( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: S". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 2, Henry VII. (London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Sabrychesworthe, Sabysford. See Sawbridgeworth.

Saccamton. See Seckington.

Sachefeld, Sachefild, Sutton. See Sutton in Cheriton Fitzpaine.

Sacheverell, Saweheverel, Henry, esquire, 852.
-, ……, Ralph, gentleman, 852.
-, ……, Richard, gentleman, 852.
-, ……, William, gentleman, 852, 854.

Sachevyle, Joan. See Copleston, Joan.
-, ……, John, 67.

Sadelbak. See Sillybak.

Sage, Robert, 225.

St. Agatha. See Easby.

St. Albans [co. Hertford], abbot of, land held of, 217, 392, 970.
-, ……, St. Michael’s parish, Winderidge in, q.v.

St. Amand, Seintmond, Seyntmond, Seyntmonee, lord. See Beauchamp, Richard, knight.

St. Andrew, Sayntandrewe, Seyntanandrewe, John, esquire, 295, 888, 966.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 232.

St. Audries. See Quantoxhead, West.

St. Augustine, abbot of. See Bristol.

St. Benet, Hulm. See Holme.

St. Breock, co. Cornwall, Tredinick in, q.v.

St. Budeaux, co. Devon, Barne in, q.v.

St. Buryan, Seynt Buryan, co. Cornwall, 680 (p. 435).
-, ……, Boscawennoon in, q.v.
-, ……, Pendrea in, q.v.

St. Cleder. See St. Clether.

St. Cleer Coleshill [in St. Cleer], co. Cornwall, manor of, 680.

St. Clere, Senclere, Gilbert, son and heir of John, 57.
-, ……, Joan, daughter of John, 57.
-, ……, Joan, wife of John, 57.

St. Clere, John, co. Devon, 57.

St. Clether, St. Cleder, co. Cornwall, 827.

St. Columb Major, St. Columbe, co. Cornwall, manor of, 680 (p. 435).

St. Cross, Seyntcrase [in Chew Stoke], co. Somerset, manor of, 189.

St. Cyres, parish of. See Newton St. Cyres.

St. Davids in South Wales [co. Pembroke], 543, 637.

St. Dominick, co. Cornwall, Ashton in, q.v.

St. Erney, co. Cornwall, Markwell in, q.v.

St. Ewe, Seynt Ewa, co. Cornwall, advowson of, 680 (p. 435).
-, ……, manor of, 680 (p. 435).
-, ……, parson of. See Preston, John.

St. Faith, prior of. See Horsham.

St. Gennys, Seynt Genys, co. Cornwall, 827.
-, ……, Pengould in, q.v.

St. George, Seyngeorge, Seynt George Seyntgeorge, Richard, 165, 724.
-, ……, Thomas, land held of, 448.

St. Germans, co. Cornwall, prior of, land held of, 873.
-, ……. See Sentgerman.

St. Giles in the Wood, Seint Giles, Seint Gyles, co. Devon, 422.
-, ……, Dodscot in, q.v.
-, ……, Kingscott in, q.v.
-, ……, Peagham in, q.v.
-, ……, Stevenstone in, q.v.
-, ……, Thorndon in, q.v.

St. Gluvias, co. Cornwall, Chenhall in, q.v.
-, ……, Treluswell in, q.v.

St. James’, prior of. See Exeter.

St. John in the isle of Thanet, parish of. See Margate.

St. John, Seynt John, de Sancto Johanne, Elizabeth, wife of Oliver, esquire, 165. See Bigod.
-, ……, John, 686.
-, ……, John, clerk, land held of, 502.
-, ……, John, the younger, esquire, son and heir of Oliver and Elizabeth, 127, 165, 724.
-, ……, Oliver, esquire, 724.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 802 bis.

St. John, Seynt John, Oliver, esquire, co. Essex, 129; co. Kent, 138; co. Oxford, 127; co. Wilts, 165.

St. John, Richard, clerk, 701.

St. John of Jerusalem, lord, prior of, or master of, in England, land held of, 1, 2, 29, 115, 123, 132, 163, 356, 390, 426, 431, 456, 527 bis, 569, 600 bis, 608, 627, 631 bis, 642, 669, 679, 718, 768, 882 bis, 889, 891, 911, 913 bis.
-, ……, John, prior of, 356.

St. Just in Roseland, co. Cornwall, St. Mawes in, q.v.

St. Keverne, co. Cornwall, Trenance in, q.v.
-, ……, Trenithen in, q.v.
-, ……, Treskewis in, q.v.

St. Lawrence, Seynt Laurence, co. Essex, Newlands, West in, q.v.
-, ……, manor of Seynt Laurence Hall in, 679 (pp. 429, 432).

St. Lawrence, Joan, lady Houth, wife of [Robert, lord Howth, daughter and co-heir of Edmund, duke of Somerset], 883, 931.

St. Leger, Sellenger, Seyntleger, Bartholomew, esquire, 615 bis.
-, ……, George, esquire, 615.
-, ……, James, esquire, 615.
-, ……, Ralph, esquire, 246, 615.
-, ……, Thomas, knight, 499, 615 bis.

St. Leonard, without the south gate of Exeter, parish of, 263.
-, ……, ……, St. Leonard’s Down, Seynleonardisdowne in, 362.

St. Loe, John, knight, co. Somerset, 189.

St. Loe, Maud, late the wife of Nicholas St. Loe, formerly wife of John Wykes, co. Somerset, 258.

St. Loe, Seyntlo, Seyntlowe, Nicholas esquire, 258.
-, ……, Nicholas, knight, 189.
-, ……, Nicholas, son and heir of John, knight, 189.

St. Mabyn, St. Mabin, co. Cornwall, advowson (1/4) of, 875.
-, ……, Trevisquite in, q.v.

St. Margarets alias Elcot, Elcot [in the parish of Preshute Without], co. Wilts, 498.

St. Martin, co. Cornwall, East Looe in, q.v.
-, ……, Pendrym in, q.v.

St. Martin by Canterbury, co. Kent, parish of, 170.

St. Martin, of Pounteney. See Romney, New.

St. Mary and St. Chad, co. Stafford, Hopton in, q.v.

St. Mary Drove, co. Norfolk. See Wiggenhall.

St. Mary Matfelon. See London, Whitechapel.

St. Mary, Romney Marsh, Sentmarychurch, co. Kent, parish of, 246.

St. Mawes [in St. Just in Roseland], Saynt Mawdit, co. Cornwall, 871.

St. Michael the Archangel, Coslany. See Norwich.

St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, 563.

St. Neots, co. Huntingdon, 744.
-, ……, prior and convent of, land held of, 744.
-, ……, Wintringham in, q.v.

St. Nicholas parish, co. Surrey. See Guildford.

St. Nicholas of Pounteney. See Romney, New.

St. Ninian. See Whithorn.

St. Olave in Lovyngland. See Herringfleet.

St. Oswald [in Nostal, co. York, W.R.], abbey of, 803.
-, ……, prior of, 803.

St. Osyth alias Chich, St. Osith, co. Essex, abbot of, land held of, 457.

St. Petrox, St. Petrock, co. Devon, parish of, 943.

St. Quintin, Santquyntyn, Seyntquyntyn, John, 573.
-, ……, land held of, 567.

St. Stephens by Saltash, co. Cornwall, Trematon Castle in, q.v.

St. Thomas the Apostle, co. Devon, Cowick in, q.v.
-, ……, Floyers Hayes in, q.v.
-, ……, Landhayes in, q.v.

St. Thomas [of Canterbury], St. Thomas in Kent, St. Thomas in Canterbury, pilgrimages to [shrine of], 640, 652.

St. Veep, co. Cornwall, Manely in, q.v.

St. Winnow, co. Cornwall, Polscoe in, q.v.

Saintbury, Seynesbury, co. Gloucester, manor of, land held of, 490.

Sainthill, Seynthill, in Kentisbeare, co. Devon, 772.

Sakvyle, Thomas, 314.

Sakvyles Manor, Sekfeldes Manor, co. Suffolk. See Debenham.

Salbury See Salesbury.

Salcombe, Salcomb, co. Devon, 646.

Salesbury, Salbury, Roger, esquire, 291, 882, 929.

Salfletby. See Saltfleetby.

Salhouse, Salows, co. Norfolk, 353.

Salisbury, New Salisbury, co. Wilts, 378, 682.
-, ……, Brownestrete in, 701.
-, ……, le Cokerewe in, 701.
-, ……, countess of. See Pole, Margaret.
-, ……, earl of, 824 bis.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 61, 220.
-, ……, earldom of, land held of, 111, 248, 521 ter, 607, 608, 648, 682, 687, 722, 763, 775, 782, 783 bis, 784 bis, 785, 786, 788 bis, 790 bis, 792, 798, 800, 828, 829, 843, 907, 949, 956, 959, 963.
-, ……, the foss of, 701.
-, ……, Gigorstret in, 701.
-, ……, High Street in, 701.
-, ……, New Street in, 701.
-, ……, St. Mary, cathedral church of, bishop of, land held of, 9, 320, 378, 421, 607; 673, 682 bis, 701 bis, 738, 953 bis.
-, ……, ……, bishops of. See Audley, Edmund; Beauchamp, Richard; Blithe, John; Deane, Henry; Langton, Thomas.
-, ……, ……, chancellor of. See Doget, John.
-, ……, ……, dean and chapter of, land held of, 328.
-, ……, ……, treasurer of, land held of, 386, 701, 859.
-, ……, St. Thomas the Martyr, parish of, 701.
-, ……, Thomas Husie of. See Hussey.

Salisbury, Old. See Sarum, Old.

Sall, Salle, Thomas, 4, 200, 712.

Sall, Salle, co. Gloucester, See Saul.
-, ……, Salle, co. Norfolk, 117.

Salley. See Sawley.

Salmon, Hugh, 666 bis.

Salmonby, co. Lincoln, 597.
-, ……, advowson of, 597.
-, ……, manor of, 597.

Salows. See Salhouse.

Salt, 562, 654.
-, ……, rent of, 722.

Saltefleteby. See Saltfleetby.

Salter, John, 553, 554.
-, ……, Richard, doctor of decrees, 347.

Salter, Thomas, of Dowland, co. Devon, 177.

Salter, William, 554.
-, ……, William, son and heir of Thomas, 177.

Saltern, co. Devon, manor of, 177.
-, ……. See Saltram.

Saltfleetby, Salfletby, Saltefleteby, co. Lincoln, 644.
-, ……, Martin Newcom of. See Newcom.

Saltmarsh, Saltmersh [in Howden], co. York [E.R.], 169.

Saltmarshe, Norton Saltmarshe, in Bromyard, co. Hereford, 373.

Saltmersh, Saltmershe, Thomas, heirs of, land held of, 556, 561.

Saltram [in Plympton St. Mary], co. Devon, 773.
-, ……. See Saltern.

Salvayn, Ralph, esquire, 669 ter.

Salwey, John, chaplain, 477.

Samborne, Sambourne, Anne, wife of William, 917.
-, ……, Drew, 917.
-, ……, Margaret, daughter and heir of William, 917.
-, ……, Nicholas, 579, 580, 670.

Samborne, William, co. Berks, 917.

Samford, John, esquire, 855, 856.
-, ……, Randal, 855, 856.

Sampford Courtenay, co. Devon, Beer in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Willey in, q.v.
-, …… Orkays. See Sandford Orcas.
-, ……, Spiney, Samford Spyney, Sampford Spynney, co. Devon, 717.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 192.

Sampson, Thomas, esquire, 231, 363.
-, ……, ……, of Harkstead, 891.
-, ……, Thomas, knight, 823.

Sampton. See Saunton.

Samuell, Richard, yeoman, 893.

Samwelles, co. Essex. See Southchurch.

Sancto Johanne, John de. See St. John.

Sancto Mauro. See Seymour.

Sandall Magna, ?Sandall, co. York, [W.R.], 140.
-, ……, manor of, 140.

Sancton, co. York, E.R., North Cliff in, q.v.

Sandeford, co. Somerset. See Sandford.

Sandeford, Brian, &c. See Sandford.

Sanderson, Robert, 567.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth, wife of, 567.

Sandervile manor, co. Berks. See Moreton, South.

Sandford, co. Devon, Bremridge in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Venn in, q.v.
-, ……, Sandeford [in Winscombe], co. Somerset, manor of, 823.
-, …… Orcas, Sampford Orkays, co. Somerset, manor (1/2) of, 608.

Sandford, Sandeford, Brian, esquire, 2, 566.
-, ……, Brian, knight, 542.

Sandford, Sanford, Humphrey, co. Kent, 170.

Sandford, Sandeford, John, esquire, father of Humphrey, 170.
-, ……, Robert, son of William, 170.
-, ……, Thomas, son of William, 170.
-, ……, William, brother of John, 170.

Sandham. See Sandown.

Sandholme, Studholme [in Eastrington], co. York [E.R.], 169.

Sandhoton. See Hutton, Sand.

Sandon, Sondon, co. Stafford, manor of, 473.
-, ……, Draycote in, q.v.

Sandon, Ivo, land held of, 182.

Sandown, Sandham [in Brading], Isle of Wight, 338.

Sandwich, co. Kent, Asshe by. See Ash.

Sandys, Robert, land held of, 246.

Sanefforthe, Margaret, 831.

Sanford. See Sandeford.

Sannoe, Joseph, 943.

Santon, Thomas, 169.

Santquyntyn. See St. Quintin.

Sapcote, Sapcotte, co. Leicester, advowson of, 905.
-, ……, advowson (1/4) of, 888.
-, ……, manor (1/2) of, 905.
-, ……, manor (1/4) of, 888.
-, ……, chantry of St. Mary in, church of, advowson (1/2) of, 888.
-, ……, Stanton by. See Stanton Stoney.

Sapcote, Sapcot, Sapcotes, Sapcottes, Isabel, 206.
-, ……, John, heirs of, land held of, 646.
-, ……, John, knight, 118.
-, ……, John, knight, 148, 228, 434.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth, wife of, 148, 228, 406, 442.

Sapcote, John, knight, co. Berks, 442; co. Huntingdon, 406.

Sapcote, John, knight, cousin and heir of Richard, 202.

Sapcote, Richard, co. Rutland, 202.

Sapcote, Richard, son and heir of John, knight, and Elizabeth, 406, 434, 442.
-, ……, ……, Alice wife of, daughter of Nicholas Vaux, knight, 406, 442.
-, ……, Thomas, of Burley, 406, 442.

Sapey, Lower, Sapy, co. Worcester, manor of, 562.

Sapperton, Sapurton, co. Lincoln, manor of, 148.

Sapurton, Roger, 27.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth daughter of. See Venour, William.

Sapy. See Sapey.

Saredon, Sardon [in Shareshill], co. Stafford, 347.

Sargeant, John, 644.

Sarum, Old, Old Salisbury, co. Wilts, 682.

Satterleigh, Saterlegh, co. Devon, 118.
-, ……, manor of, 228.

Saul, Sall, Salle, co. Gloucester, 506, 685.

Saunder, Sawnder, Edward, 518.
-, ……, John, 205.
-, ……, ……, Joan wife of, 205.
-, ……, Richard, 209, 210.

Saunders, Sawnders, Edward (co. Cumberland), 44.
-, ……, Edward (co. Northampton), 445.
-, ……, Humphrey, 373.
-, ……, ……, Joyce, wife of, sister and co-heir of Humphrey Dore, 373.
-, ……, John, 494.
-, ……, Thomas, 928.
-, ……, William, 520.

Saundervile manor, co. Berks. See Moreton, South.

Saunton, Sampton [in Braunton], co. Devon, 866.

Sauser, Giles, co. Wilts, 800.

Sauser, Joan, wife of Giles, 800.
-, ……, Thomas, son and heir of Giles, 800.

Savage, John, esquire, co. Dorset, 251; co. Wilts, 349.

Savage, John, clerk, 36, 700 bis.
-, ……, John, esquire, 388.
-, ……, John, knight, land held of, 424, 497.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of John, 251.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 397, 398.
-, ……, Richard, 372.
-, ……, ……, Joan, wife of, sister and heir of Hugh Horwode, 372.
-, ……, Thomas, archbishop of York, 650.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 86, 185, 223, 235, 303, 664, 914.
-, ……, William, chaplain, brother and heir of John, 251, 349.

Savile, Savell, Sayvell, Sayvile, Seyvell, Alice. See Calverley, William, knight.
-, ……, Henry, son and heir of Sir John, 803.
-, ……, John, knight, 163, 390, 597, 669, 883, 931.

Savile, John, knight, co. York, 803.

Savile, Nicholas, 3.
-, ……, Thomas, esquire, 3.

Sawbridgeworth, Sabrychesworthe, Sabysford, Sobrychesworth, co. Hertford, 329.
-, ……, water-mill at, 243.
-, ……, Claverlegh field in, 329.
-, ……, Halysounde meadow in, 329.
-, ……, Nattonfeld field in, 329.
-, ……, Pishobury in, q.v.
-, ……, Sayesbury in, q.v.
-, ……, Shingey Hall in, q.v.
-, ……, Thatchemede meadow in, 329.

Sawcheverel. See Sacheverel.

Sawley, Salley [extra-parochial], co. York [W.R.], abbot of, land held of, 671.

Sawnder. Sec Saunder.

Sawnders. See Saunders.

Sawston, co. Cambridge, 448.
-, ……, Huntingdons alias Somerys, manor in, 448.

Sawtry St. Judith, Sawtery [extra-parochial, co. Huntingdon], abbot of, land held of, 605.

Saxby, co. Leicester, 218.

Saxlingham, Saxlyngham, co. Norfolk, 465.

Saxthorpe, Saxthorp, co. Norfolk, advowson of free chapel of [Saint Dunstan] in, 355.
-, ……, manor of, 355.

Saxton, Nicholas, clerk, 246.

Say, Saye, Geoffrey de, land held of, 246.
-, ……, Jenofefa, wife of William, knight, daughter of John Hill, esquire, 66.
-, ……, John, knight, 14.
-, ……, John, son of William, knight, 66.
-, ……, lord de. See Fiennes, William.
-, ……, lord de, heirs of, land held of, 225, 632.
-, ……, William, knight, 52.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 243, 389, 392.

Sayes Court alias West Greenwich, manor of Depford called Westegrenewich [in Deptford], co. Kent, manor of, 127, 138.

Sayesbury [in Sawbridgeworth, co. Hertford], manor of, land held of, 243.

Saykyn, William, 563.

Saymer. See Seymour.

Saynt Mawdit. See St. Mawes.

Sayntandrewe. See St. Andrew.

Sayntmaur. See Seymour.

Sayvell, Savyile. See Savile.

Scalariis, Hardwyn de, land held of, 518.

Scalby, co. York [N.R.], 669.
-, ……, Burniston in, q.v.
-, ……, Cloughton in, q.v.

Scaleby, co. Cumberland, castle of, 292.
-, ……, manor of, 292.

Scales, manor of. See Wilton.

Scalford, co. Leicester, 497.

Scalton by Ryvax. See Scawton.

Scamblesby, Scaynesby, Sceynesby, co. Lincoln, 698.

Scammonden, Slaynden, in Huddersfield, co. York [W.R.], 391.

Scarborough, Skarburgh, co. York [NR.], 568.

Scarcroft [? in Thorner], co. York [W.R.], 669.

Scardevile, Juliana, 122.

Scardevile, Scardevyle, Peter, co. Sussex, 122.

Scardevile, William, father of Peter, 122.
-, ……, William, son and heir of Peter, 122.

Scargill [in Barningham], co. York [N.R.], 140.
-, ……, manor of, 140.

Scargill, Soargyll, William, esquire, land held of, 3.

Scargill, William, esquire, co. York, 140.

Scargill, William, knight, land held of, 669.
-, ……, William, knight, grandson and heir of William, esquire, 140.
-, ……, Scargyll, William, son of William, 140.

Scatergood, Robert, 4.

Scawton, Scalton, Scalton by Ryvax, co. York [W.R.], 914.
-, ……, manor of, 914.

Scaynesby, Sceynesby. See Scamblesby.

Schaftysbury. See Shaftesbury.

Schawe. See Shaw.

Scheffeld. See Sheffeld.

Schelf Cobham. See Shelve, East.

Scheperd. See Shepherd.

Schirbourne. See Sherborne.

Scholes, Scoles, Scolis [in Cleckheaton], co. York [W.R.], 672.
-, ……, ……, Popplewell in, q.v.
-, ……, Scoles [in Oakworth, in Keighley], co. York [W.R.], 3.

Schotton, in Kirknewton. See Shotton.
-, ……, in Staindrop. See Shotton.
-, ……, in Stannington. See Shotton.

Schyrbourne. See Sherborne.

Scide. See Shide.

Sciewell, Thomas, 299.

Scilly, Sully, co. Cornwall, castle of, 680 (pp. 433, 434).
-, ……, isles of, 680 (pp. 433, 434).

Scobchester [in Ashbury], co. Devon, 262.

Scoble, Scobehill, Scobhill [in South Pool], co. Devon, 886.

Scole alias Osmondiston, co. Norfolk, advowson of, 225.
-, ……, manor of, 225.
-, ……, Boylands manor in, q.v.

Scole, Thomas, clerk, 308.

Scoles, Scolis. See Scholes.

Scomer, le. See London.

Scopham, Scuppham, Richard, clerk, 393, 394.

Scorer, William, clerk, 423.

Scorouton. See Scruton.

Scoter. See Scotter.

Scotesgrove [? in Thornbury], co. Gloucester, 833.

Scots, invasions by, 44, 292, 547.

Scott, Scotte, Skott, Skotte, John, 171.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 171.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth wife of, sister and co-heir of William Skinner, 171.
-, ……, John (co. Wilts), 397.
-, ……, John, knight, 4, 5.
-, ……, ……, William son of, 4, 5.
-, ……, William, knight, 686, 725.

Scotter, Scoter, co. Lincoln, rector of. See Bover, Nicholas.
-, ……, Scotton by Richemond [in Catterick and Brompton Patrick parishes], co. York [NR.], 556, 561.
-, ……, [? in Farnham], co. York [W.R.], 140.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 140.

Scoulton, Skulton, co. Norfolk, manor of, 359.

Scraptoft, Scraptofte, co. Leicester. 497.

Serayingham, Scraynham, co. York [E.R.], manor of, 348.
-, ……, Leppington in, q.v.

Screveton, Screton [co. Nottingham], Thomas Leeke of, 137.

Scrofton. See Scruton.

Scroope, Scrop, Skrope, —, clerk, 679.

Scrope, Anne, late the wife of John, lord Scrope of Bolton, formerly wife of Robert Wingfield, knight [sometime wife of William Chamberleyn, K.G.], daughter and heir of Robert Harlyng, knight, co. Cambridge, 193; co. Norfolk, 114.

Scrope, Henry, knight, 193.
-, ……, ……, John son of, 193.
-, ……, Henry and Elizabeth his wife, land held of, 222, 461.
-, ……, Henry, knight, 222.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth, wife of, 222.
-, ……, Henry, knight [lord le Scrope of Bolton], 216, 217.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth, wife of [daughter of John, lord le Scrope of Masham], mother of John, lord le Scrope, 216, 217, 222, 224.
-, ……, Henry, knight, son and heir of John, lord le Scrope of Bolton, 214–224.
-, ……, Henry, lord, lord le [of Bolton], 567.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 404, 461, 571, 573, 574, 577.
-, ……, John, knight (of Castle Combe), land held of, 682.

Scrope, John, knight, lord le Scrope of Bolton, co. Bedford, 217; co. Buckingham, 216; co. Cambridge, 219; co. Hertford, 243; co. Kent, 215; co. Leicester, 218; co. Lincoln, 223; London, 214; co. Nottingham, 224; co. Rutland, 220; co. York, 222; York City, 221.

Scrope, John, lord le Scrope of Bolton. 21, 84, 114, 193, 839.
-, ……, lord de, land held of, 329, 698 bis.

Scrope, lord, of Upsall, land held of, 163, 547.
-, ……, Ralph, esquire, land held of, 906.
-, ……, Richard, 802.
-, ……, Thomas, lord le Scrop of Massham, 839.

Scruton, Scrofton, Scroton, co. York [N.R.], 86, 346, 862.

Scudamore, Scudamor, Skydmore, Edward, 506.
-, ……, James, esquire, 112, 261.
-, ……, John, land held of, 627.

Scunthorpe, co. Lincoln, Gunhouse in, q.v.

Scuppham. See Scopham.

Scurff Hall, Skurth [in Newland, in Drax], co. York [W.R.], 664.

Seacroft, Secroft [in Whitkirk], co. York [W.R.], 420.

Seagry, Segre, co. Wilts, manor of, 505.

Seal, Over and Nether, co. Leicester, Potters wood in. See Coton.

Seamour, Semer, Stephen, 300.

Searby, co. Lincoln, Owmby in, q.v.

Seasalter, Sesalter, co. Kent, 973.

Seascale, Sescales [in Gosforth], co. Cumberland, manor of, 135.

Seaton, North, Cetton, Wodhorne Ceton [in Woodhorn], co. Northumberland, 653.

Seche. See Setchey.

Seckington, Saccamton, Stacamton, in High Bickington, co. Devon, 555, 614.

Secroft. See Seacroft.

Sedbergh, Sedber, Sedberg, co. York [W.R.], escheator in, 557.
-, ……, manor of, 90.

Sedgwick, Segiswyk [in Heversham], co. Westmorland, 433.
-, ……, manor of, 433.

Sedwall, Margaret, sister of John Mathewe, 623.

Seend Head, Sendhede [in Seend], co. Wilts, 649.
-, …… Row, Sendrew [tithing in Seend], co. Wilts, 649.

Segges, le [? in Stonydelph], co. Warwick, 802.

Seggyswik, Humphrey, &c. See Segiswyk.

Segiswyk, co. Westmorland. See Sedgwick.

Segiswyk, Seggyswik, Segiswyk, Segyswyk, Siggiswyk, Humphrey, 214, 222 bis, 567.

Segiswyk, Humphrey, co. York, 461.

Segiswyk, Richard, son and heir of Humphrey, 461.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth, wife of, 461.

Segrave, Margaret, Margaret Marchall, countess of Norfolk, 13.
-, ……, Robert, of Tilney, 464.

Segre. See Seagry.

Segurs, co. Wilts. See Horningsham, Little.

Segyswyk. See Segiswyk.

Seint Giles, Seint Gyles. See St. Giles in the Wood.

Seintmond. See St. Amand.

Sekfeldes Manor, co. Suffolk. See Sakvyles.

Sekynton, co. Devon, 940.

Selborne, co. Hants, 726.

Selby [co. York, W.R.], 570, 939.
-, ……, abbot of, land held of, 566, 939.

Selby, Robert, clerk, vicar of Thrussington, 497 ter.

Sele. See Zeal, South.
-, …… Monacorum. See Zeal Monachorum.

Selis. See Zeals.

Sellack, co. Hereford, Baysham in, q.v.

Sellamstede. See Sulhampstead.

Sellenger. See St. Leger.

Sellinge, co. Kent, Otterpool in, q.v.

Selman, John, 478.

Selot, John, 632, 633.

Selside, Solsyde [in Kendal parish], co. Westmorland, 822.

Selyok, John, 855.

Selysclevedon. See Zeals, Lower.

Seman, John, clerk, 179.
-, ……, Thomas, clerk, 496.

Semannes, co. Norfolk. See Fritton.

Semer, co. Suffolk, 452.

Semer. See Seamour.

Semington, co. Wilts, Paxcroft in, q.v.

Sempringham, Sempryngham [co. Lincoln], prior of, land held of, 423.

Senclere. See St. Clere.

Sendderby. See Sinderby.

Sendhede. See Seend Head.

Sendrew. See Seend Row.

Sendy, Thomas, 529.
-, ……, ……, Anne wife of, daughter and co-heir of Richard Ponchardon, 529.

Sensam, William, 357.

Sentgerman, Christopher, 854.

Sentmarychurch. See St. Mary.

Sergeaunt, John, 891.

Serjeants at law. See:— Brydges, Thomas; Butler, John; Calowe, William; Catesby, John; Constable, Robert; Conyngesby, Humphrey; Cutlard, William; Frowyk, Thomas; Fyneux, John; Higham, Richard; Kebell, Thomas; Kingsmill, John; Marowe, Thomas; Mordaunt, John; Oxenbregge, Thomas; Pigot, Richard; Rede, Robert; Sulyard, John; Townshend, Roger; Wood, Thomas; Yaxley, John.

Serjeanty. See Rents.

Serne. See Cerne.

Services. See Rents.

Servyngton, Mary, sister of Christopher Tropenell, 682.
-, ……, Walter, 682.

Sesalter. See Seasalter.

Sescales. See Seascale.

Setchey, Seche [in All Saints’ parish, Freebridge-Lynn Hundred], co. Norfolk, 4.
-, ……, manor of, 4.

Settle, Setyll, co. York [W.R.], 391.

Setybushlond, in Thurning, co. Norfolk, 117.

Setyll. See Settle.

Seven Ash, Sevynaysshe [in Kentisbury], co. Devon, knight’s fee in, 118.

Sevenhouse, alias Syneux, Thomas, co. Cumberland, 135.

Sevenhouse, Thomas, son and heir of Thomas, 135.

Sevynaysshe. See Seven Ash.

Sewarde, William, 943.

Seymour, de Sancto Mauro, Saymer, Saynt Maur, Sayntmaur, Seymaur, Seymer, Seymor, Seyntmaur, Seyntmaure, Joan, daughter and heir of William, knight, 715, 743, 793, 834, 837, 841, 962.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 928.
-, ……, John, esquire, 165, 724.
-, ……, John, knight, cousin and heir of Sir William Sturmy, 523.
-, ……, John, esquire, son and heir of Thomas, knight, 793, 834, 837, 841.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth wife of. See Byconell, Elizabeth.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of John, 743.
-, ……, Maud, daughter of William Sturmy, knight, 523.
-, ……, ……, John, son of, 523.
-, ……, ……, ……, John son of, 523.
-, ……, ……, ……, ……, John son of, 523.
-, ……, Richard, heirs of, land held of, 175.
-, ……, Thomas, knight, 715, 743, 834, 837, 841, 963.
-, ……, William, esquire, 447, 683.
-, ……, William, esquire, land held of, 134, 283.
-, ……, William, knight, 793, 834, 837, 841, 865.
-, ……, ……, Joan, wife of, daughter of Richard Edgcombe, knight, 963.

Seymour, William, knight, co. Devon, 715; co. Dorset, 734, 963.
-, ……. See Seamour.

Seynesbury. See Saintbury.

Seyngeorge. See St. George.

Seynt Coluns the overa. See Colan.

Seynt Ewa. See St. Ewe.

Seynt Laurence Hall. See St. Lawrence.

Seyntandrewe. See St. Andrew.

Seyntcrase. See St. Cross.

Seyntgeorge. See St. George.

Seynthill. See Sainthill.

Seyntleger. See St. Leger.

Seyntleonardisdowne. See St. Leonard.

Seyntmary Overeys. See Southwark.

Seyntmaure. See Seymour.

Seytmond, Seyntmonee, lord. See St. Amand.

Seyntpoull, Christopher, land held of, 669.

Seyntquyntyn. See St. Quintin.

Seys, Isabel, daughter of John Ireland, 836.
-, ……, ……, Joan daughter and co-heir of, 836.
-, ……, ……, Margaret daughter and co-heir of, 836.

Shaa, co. Wilts. See Shaw.

Shaa, Edmund, knight, 679 bis.
-, ……, Edmund, son and heir of John, knight, 679, 863.
-, ……, John, 696.
-, ……, John, knight, 1, 579, 580, 670.

Shaa, John, knight, co. Essex, 679; co. Middlesex, 863.

Shaa, Margaret, wife of John, knight, 679, 863.
-, ……, Reynold, son of John, knight, 679, 863.
-, ……, Thomas, son of John, knight, 863.

Shackleton, Shakilton, Shakylton [in Wadsworth], co. York [W.R.], 803.
-, ……, manor, or lordship, of, 803.

Shadlous, co. Suffolk. See Wangford.

Shadwell [in Rushford], co. Norfolk, 458.

Shadwell, Richard, 919 bis.

Shadwyngate, Shadewyngayte. See Carlisle.

Shaftesbury, Schaftysbury, co. Dorset, 48, 51, 251, 522, 545.
-, ……, abbess of, land held of, 48, 51, 188, 251, 522, 607, 649, 783 bis, 843.
-, ……, Lydford by. See Lidford.
-, ……, Peter Baunfeld of. See Baunfeld.

Shagh, Robert, 3.

Shakerstone, co. Leicester, Barton in the Beans in, q.v.

Shakilton, Shakylton. See Shackleton.

Shalbourne, co. Wilts, 502.

Shaldeford. See Shalford.

Shalfleet, Isle of Wight, Chessells Farm, in, q.v.

Shalford, Shaldeford, co. Surrey, 175.

Shalstone, Shalston, co. Bucks, 41.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 41.

Shan, John, 561.

Shap, Haphey [co. Westmorland], prior of, land held of, 292.

Shapley Helion, Shappelegh Helyon, Sheppelegh Helyon [in North Bovey], co. Devon, 699.

Shapwick, Shapweke, co. Dorset, 961.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 961.
-, ……, Whitmyll in. See White Mill.

Shareshill, co. Stafford, Saredon in, q.v.

Sharnbrook, Sharnebroke, Shernebroke, co. Bedford, 660, 677.
-, ……, Langtons tenement in, 677.

Sharonden. See Shernden.

Sharp, Christopher, esquire, 301.
-, ……, Nicholas, 301.
-, ……, ……, Agnes, wife of, 301.
-, ……, Robert, 301.
-, ……, Robert, gentleman, 472.
-, ……, Stephen, 301.
-, ……, Stephen, clerk, 301.
-, ……, Thomas, 301.

Sharrington, Sharyngton, co. Norfolk, 606 bis.

Shaugh Prior, Shawe, co. Devon, 773.
-, ……, Whiteaborough in, q.v.

Shaw, Schawe [in Melksham], co. Wilts, 649.
-, ……, Shaa [in West Overton], co. Wilts, 507.

Shawbury, co. Salop, 233.
-, ……, manor of, 233.
-, ……, Withyford in, q.v.

Shawe, co. Devon. See Shaugh Prior.

Shawfen, co. Suffolk. See Bergholt, East.

Shaylerdesdoune. See Ospringe.

Shaypduburgh, co. Devon, 940.

Shebbear, Shebbeare, co. Devon, manor of, 371.

Sheen, West, Shene. See Richmond.

Sheepshead, Shepeshed, co. Leicester, 497.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 497.

Sheepwash, Shepewaisshe, Shepewasshe, co. Devon, 422, 767.
-, ……, ‘le Wode’ in, 422.

Sheffeld, Scheffeld, George, 566, 911.
-, ……, ……, Margaret, daughter of. See Stokwith, Margaret.
-, ……, Joan, wife of Robert, esquire, 566.
-, ……, John, 911.
-, ……, John, the elder, 597.
-, ……, John, of Croxby Mede in Grimsby, esquire, 698 bis.
-, ……, Robert, 586, 730, 911.

Sheffeld, Robert, esquire, co. Lincoln, 566.

Sheffeld, Robert, gentleman, 143.
-, ……, Robert, knight, 597.
-, ……, Robert, knight, 898.
-, ……, ……, Ellen wife of, daughter and heir of Ethelneda Delves, widow, 898.
-, ……, Robert, knight, son and heir of Robert, esquire, 566.
-, ……, Robert, of West Butterwick, the elder, esquire, 698 bis.
-, ……, Robert, the younger, of London, esquire, 698 bis.
-, ……, William, 184.
-, ……, Master William, 597.
-, ……, William, clerk, 672.

Sheffield, Shefeld [in Lingfield, co Surrey], 209, 212.

Shelderton [in Clungunford], co. Salop, 233.

Sheldrak, William, of Sudbury, 429.

Sheldwyche, Nicholas, 642, 665.

Shelf, Shelff [in Halifax], co. York [W.R.], 803.
-, ……, manor of, 803.

Shelfhanger, Shelfanglys, co. Suffolk [co. Norfolk], knight’sfee in, 13.
-, ……, manor of, 150.

Shelland, Shelond, co. Suffolk, 53.

Shellesley Beauchamp. See Shelsley Beauchamp.

Shelley [in Kirkburton], co. York [W.R.], 741.

Shelley, Alice. See Randyll, Thomas.
-, ……, Roger, 824.

Shelley, Thomas, of London, mercer, co. Hertford, 370.

Shellmershe, co. Essex. See Bradwell juxta Mare.

Shelond. See Shelland.

Shelsley Beauchamp, Shellesley Beauchamp, co. Worcester, advowson (1/2) of, 489.
-, ……, manor (1/2) of, 489.

Shelston. See Shilston.

Shelton, co. Norfolk, 225.
-, ……, ……, advowson of, 225, 632.
-, ……, ……, Intwodes, Yntwodes in, 225.
-, ……, ……, manor of, land held of, 225.
-, ……, ……, manor of, called Netherhall, 225, 632.
-, ……, ……, manor of, called Overhall, 225, 632; land held of, 225.
-, ……, ……, Turnours in, 225.
-, ……, co. Nottingham, 46.
-, …… Hall Manor, co. Norfolk. See Bedingham.

Shelton, John, son and heir of Ralph, knight, and Margaret, 225, 226, 632.

Shelton, Margaret, late the wife of Ralph Shelton, knight, co. Norfolk, 632; co. Suffolk, 633.

Shelton, Margaret, wife of Ralph, knight, daughter of Robert Clere, esquire, 225.
-, ……, Nicholas, 370.
-, ……, Ralph, esquire, 4, 5, 225, 226.
-, ……, Ralph, knight, 5, 107, 114, 632, 633.

Shelton, Ralph, knight, co. Norfolk, 225; co. Suffolk, 226.

Shelton, Ralph, son of Ralph, knight, 226, 632.
-, ……, Richard, son of Ralph, knight, 226, 632.

Sheltons manor, co. Norfolk. See Thursford.

Shelve, East, Schelf Cobham, Shelvecobham [in Lenham], co. Kent, manor of, 921.

Shene. See Sheen, West.

Shenfield, Shenfelde, co. Essex, manor of, called Fitzwalters, 630.
-, ……, Shenfeldes, in Margaretting, co. Essex, 1.

Shengham. See Shingham.

Shengill Hall. See Shingey.

Shenington, Shenyngdon, co. Gloucester [co. Oxford], 342.

Shepested. See Sheepshead.

Shepewaisshe, Shepewasshe. See Sheepwash.

Shepewaysshe, William, 374.

Shepey, co. Kent. See Sheppey.

Shepey, Edmund, land held of, 836.

Shepherd, Scheperd, Richard, 640.

Sheplode. See Shiplett.

Sheppelegh Helyon. See Shapley Helion.

Sheppey, Shepey, Isle of, co. Kent, 247, 876.
-, ……, Norwode in. See Northwood.

Shepton, Thomas, 699.

Sherborne, Schirbourne, Schyrbourne, co. Dorset, 607.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Shirburn.
-, …… Farm, Sherburn [in East Harptree], co. Somerset, 345.

Sherburn, co. Somerset. See Sherborne.
-, …… in Harford Lythe, Sheyrburn in Hertforthlyth, Shirburn in Hartfordlith, co. York [E.R.], 575, 914.
-, ……, ……, manor of, land held of, 914.

Sherdiche, Roger, 67.

Sherefhoton. See Hutton, Sheriff.

Sherer, John, esquire, 439, 440.

Sherford, co. Devon, Malston in, q.v.

Sheriff’s aid, 566, 835.

Sherington, co. Buckingham, 492.
-, ……, Le Heo in, 492.

Sherlegh. See Shirley.

Sherlond. See Shoreland.

Sherman, Richard, 384.

Shernden, Sharonden [in Edenbridge], co. Kent, manor of, 920.

Shernebroke. See Sharnbrook.

Sherrard, Geoffrey, esquire, 295.

Sherveton, co. Somerset. See Shurton.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Shrewton.

Sherwolde, co. Somerset. See Shrowl.

Sherwood Forest, Shirewodde, Shirwode, co. Nottingham, 227.
-, ……, Mansfield in, q.v.
-, ……, Ollerton in, q.v.

Shetyll, Richard, 189.

Sheyrburn in Hertforthlyth. See Sherburn in Harford Lythe.

Shibden, Shipden [in Halifax], co. York [W.R.], 390.

Shide, Scide [in Arreton], Isle of Wight, fulling mill in, fulling mill beside Shottyngbrygge, in parish of Caresbroke, 689.

Shilbottle, co. Northumberland, Newton on the Moor in, q.v.

Shildon [in St. Andrew Auckland], co. Durham, 558.

Shilley Maner, co. Bedford. See Wrestlingworth.

Shillingford, Shyllyngford, co. Devon, advowson of, 264.
-, ……, manor of, 264.

Shillington, Shitlyngdon, Shytlyngdon, co. Bedford, 766 bis.
-, ……, Aspley-bury in, q.v.

Shilston, co. Devon. See Shilstone.

Shilston, Shelston, Shylston, Joan, land held of, 940.
-, ……, Robert, son and heir of Thomas, 389.
-, ……, Thomas, 149.

Shilston, Thomas, co. Devon, 389.

Shilston, William, co. Devon, 940.

Shilston, William, son and heir of William, 940.

Shilton, Earl, Shylton [chapelry to Kirkby Mallory], co. Leicester, 411, 413.

Shilton, Richard, 759, 761.

Shilstone, Shilston, in Drewsteignton, co. Devon, 389, 739.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 739.

Shilvington, East, Est Shilvyngton [in Portesham], co. Dorset, 51.

Shimpling, Shymplyng, co. Suffolk, 110.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 110.

Shingey Hall, Shengill Hall [in Sawbridgeworth, co. Hertford], 1.

Shingham, Shengham, Shyngham, co. Norfolk, 4.
-, ……, manor of, 4.
-, ……, Fowlerys land in, 4.

Shingle Hall, or Olives, Olyves, in Great Dummow, co. Essex, 1.

Shipden. See Shibden.

Shipeley. See Shipley.

Shipham, co. Somerset, Winterhead in, q.v.

Shiplett, Sheplode, Shiplad, Shiplade [in Bleadon], co. Somerset, 540.
-, ……, manor (1/4) of, 521.

Shipley, Shiplee [in Ellingham], co. Northumberland, 906.
-, ……, Shipeley, Shypley [in Heanor], co. Derby, manor of, 423, 424.

Skipton, Bellinger, Shipton Berynger, co. Hants, 702.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 702.

Shirburn, Sherborne, co. Oxford, 541.
-, …… in Hartfordlith, co. York. See Sherburn.

Shirefhoton. See Hutton, Sheriff.

Shirley, Sherlegh, formerly Syredys, in Croydon, 684.
-, ……, John Kyng of. See King.

Shirley, Shyrley, Ralph, 579, 580, 670.
-, ……, Ralph, knight, 334, 750, 759, 761.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 23.

Shirlok, Geoffrey, 245.
-, ……, ……, Agnes, wife of, 245.

Shirrefhales. See Hales, Sheriff.

Shirwell, Shirwill, co. Devon, 118.

Shirwode. See Sherwood.

Shitlyngdon. See Shillington.

Shobrooke, Shoggebroke, co. Devon, 262.
-, ……, lord of, land held of, 262.
-, ……, Shute Richard in, q.v.
-, ……, Yendacott in, q.v.

Shoebury, North, Northshobury, co. Essex, 679 (pp. 429, 432).
-, ……, South, Southshobery, Southshobury, co. Essex, 679 (pp. 429, 432).

Shoggebroke. See Shobrooke.

Shooters Hill, Shoterhell [in Eltham], co. Kent, 494.

Shopland, Shopelond, Shoppeland, co. Essex, 679 (pp. 429, 432).
-, …… Hall, Shoplandhall [in Shopland], co. Essex, manor (1/2) of, 195.

Shoreland, Sherlond [in Eastchurch], co. Kent, manor of, 247.

Shortrigge, co. Devon, 776.

Shorwell, Isle of Wight, Atherfield in, q.v.

Shoterey. See Shottery.

Shoterhell. See Shooters Hill.

Shotesbroke, Robert, knight, 113, 318.
-, ……, ……, Eleanor daughter and heir of. See Cheyne, Eleanor.

Shotley, co. Suffolk, 150.
-, ……, Shotley Hall Manor in, 150.

Shottery, Shoterey [in Old Stratford], co. Warwick, 431.

Shottesbrook, Shotysbroke, co. Berks, advowson of college of St. John Baptist of, 409, 412.
-, ……, manor of, 409, 412.

Shottle Park, Shottyll Parke [in Duffield], co. Derby, Hurstfield under, 582.

Shotton, Schotton in Glendale [in Kirknewton], co. Northumberland, 547.
-, …… [in Staindrop], co. Durham, 558.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 558.
-, ……, Schotton [in Stannington], co. Northumberland, 547.

Shottyll Parke. See Shottle Park.

Shottyngbrygge, Isle of Wight. See Carisbrooke.

Shotwade, Thomas, 208 bis.

Shotysbroke. See Shottesbrook.

Shoughtour. See Slaughter.

Shouldham, Shuldam, co. Norfolk, prior of, land held of, 464.

Shove, Thomas, 209, 210.

Shoyslondes. See Chesterton.

Shragger, John, 4.

Shrebb, The, Shrebbe, Shrybbe, in Stanway, co. Essex, manor of, 417, 427.

Shrevesley. See Shrewley.

Shreveton. See Shurton.

Shrewley, Shrevesley [in Hatton], co. Warwick, 693 bis.

Shrewode, wood of, in Attleborough, co. Norfolk, 13.

Shrewsbury, Shrewesbury, co. Salop, 745.
-, ……, abbot and convent of, land held of, 326 (9), 909 bis.
-, ……, college of St. Mary, the Virgin of, dean of, land held of, 229.
-, ……, earl of. See Talbot, George.
-, ……, St. Chad, church of, dean, of, land held of, 229.
-, ……, St. Mary’s parish, Astley in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Clive in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Newton in, q.v.

Shrewton, Sherveton, co. Wilts, manor of, land held of, 701.

Shrivenham, co. Berks, Bourton in, q.v.
-, ……, Fernham in, q.v.

Shroton, co. Dorset. See Iwerne Courtney.

Shrowl, Sherwolde [in East Harptree], co. Somerset, 345.

Shrybbe. See Shrebb, The.

Shuckburgh, Lower, Nethershukburgh, co. Warwick, 245.

Shukburgh, Shukkeburgh, Christopher, 686.
-, ……, ……, Agnes, wife of, 686.
-, ……, Thomas, esquire, land held of, 245, 625.

Shuldam. See Shouldham.

Shurton, Sherveton, Shreveton [in Stoke Courcy], co. Somerset, manor of, 65, 311.

Shute, Richard, Shute Rychard [in Shobrooke, co. Devon, 323.

Shutford [in Swalcliffe], co. Oxford, manor of, 484, 519.

Shutlake, Shutelake, William, 176.

Shuttington, co. Warwick, Alvecote in, q.v.

Shyllyngford. See Shillingford.

Shylston. See Shilston.

Shylton. See Shilton, Earl.

Shymplyng. See Shimpling.

Shyngham. See Shingham.

Shypley. See Shipley.

Shyrburn, Alice. See Stokdale, William.

Shyrburn, John, co. York, 575.

Shyrburn, Richard, 915.
-, ……, Robert, esquire, 915.
-, ……, Thomas, 915.

Shyreves Nauntton. See Naunton, Sheriffs.

Shyrley. See Shirley.

Shyryfhalez. See Hales, Sheriff.

Shytlyngdon. See Shillington.

Sibdon, Cipton, Sibton, co. Salop, 116.
-, ……, lord of. See Corbet, Peter.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 326.

Sibford Gower, Sybford Gower [in Swalcliffe], co. Oxford, manor of, 434.

Sibsey, Sybsey, co. Lincoln, 287.

Sibson, co. Leicester, Upton in, q.v.

Sibton. See Sibdon.

Sicklinghall, Syklynghall [in Kirkby Overblow], co. York [W.R.], 420.

Sidbury, Sudberye, Sydbury, co. Devon, 265, 466.

Siddington, Lower alias Siddington St. Peter alias Siddington Langley, Nether Sudyngton, co. Gloucester, manor of, 592.
-, ……, ……, Calwell Hyll in, 592.
-, ……, ……, Marleys in, 592.
-, ……, ……, water-mill in, 591.
-, ……, Upper, alias Siddington St. Mary, Over Sudyngton, co. Gloucester, manor of, 591.

Sidenham, South. See Sydenham.

Sidney. See Sydney.

Siggiswyk, Sigiswyk. See Segiswyk.

Silchester, Sylchestre, co. Hants, manor of, 503.

Sillesham. See Sindlesham.

Sillybak, ? Sadelbak [in St. Cleer], co. Cornwall, manor of, 680 (p. 435).

Silton, Sylton, co. Dorset, manor of, 61.

Silverton, Sylverton, co. Devon, 263.
-, ……, Burn in, q.v.

Silvester, Gabriel, clerk, 451.

Simonburn, co. Northumberland, Haughton in, q.v.
-, ……, Humshaugh in, q.v.

Sinderby, Sendderby, Synderby [in Pickhill], co. York [N.R.], 862.
-, ……, manor of, 222.

Sindlesham, Sillesham, Syndelysham [in Hurst], co. Berks, manor of, 374.

Singleton, Syngleton, Roger, 915.
-, ……, Thomas, 496.

Sisterhampton [in East Brent], co. Somerset, 521.

Sittingbourn, co. Kent, Goodneston in, q.v.

Siveyer, William, bishop of Durham, land held of, 664.

Sizergh, Syzer [in Helsington, in Kirkby in Kendal], co. Westmorland, manor of, 433.

Skarburgh. See Scarborough.

Skaresbrek, James, esquire, 728.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth, wife of, late the wife of John Molyneux, 728.

Skarkar, co. Salop. See Leinthall Starkes, co. Hereford.

Skarre, William, 540.

Skay, Walter, 8.

Skeeby, Skeby [in Easby], co. York [N.R.], 222.

Skegby by Mansfield, co. Nottingham, 227.
-, ……, ……, Skegby manor in, 227.
-, …… [? Skegby in Marnham], co. Nottingham, 899.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 899.

Skelbrooke, Skelbroke, co. York [W.R.], 669.

Skellow, Skelow [in Owston], co. York [W.R.], 236.

Skelton, co. Cumberland, Unthank in, q.v.
-, …… [in Bulmer Wapentake], co. York [N.R.], 556, 561.
-, …… [in Howden], co. York [E.R.], 169.

Skenegraves. See Skinningrove.

Skerne, Skyron, co. York [E.R.], 420.

Skerne, Henry, 968.
-, ……, ……, Anne, wife of, daughter and co-heir of William Langdale, 968.

Skewys, John, 683, 743, 834.

Skiberham. See Skipperham.

Skinner, Skynner, Agnes, wife of Richard, 171.
-, ……, Agnes. See Chalener, Bartholomew.
-, ……, Elizabeth. See Scott, John.
-, ……, Isabel, wife of William, 171.
-, ……, John, 171, 684.
-, ……, Michael, son of Richard, 171.
-, ……, Richard, 684.
-, ……, Richard, father of William, 171.

Skinner, Skynner, William, co. Surrey, 171.

Skinningrove, Skenegraves [in Brotton], co. York [N.R.], manor of, 664.

Skipperham, Skiberham [in Ashill], co. Somerset, 477.

Skipsea, co. York, E.R., Ulrome in, q.v.

Skipton, Skypton, co. York [W.R.], castle of, land held of, 420 bis.
-, ……, Bolton abbey in, q.v.
-, ……, Hatton, East in, q.v.

Skipwith, Skypwyth, John, knight, 86.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 2, 585, 644 bis.
-, ……, Thomas, esquire, land held of, 2.

Skirbeck, Skyrbek, co. Lincoln, 10.
-, ……, advowson of, 10.
-, ……, manor of, 10.
-, ……, spital house, of St. John of, advowson of, 10.

Skircoat, Skyrcote [in Halifax], co. York [W.R.], 803.
-, ……, manor of, 803.

Skirlaw, Skyrlaw, Skyrlawe [in Swine], co. York [E.R.], 669.

Sklikarde, John, co. Cornwall, 616, 829.

Sklikarde, Sklykard, Sklykarde, John son and heir of John, 616, 829.

Skotney, fee of, co. Lincoln, land held of, 526.

Skotte. See Scott.

Skotton by Richmond. See Scotton.

Skowt, John, 496.

Skowts, co. Suffolk. See Mellis.

Skrope. See Scrope.

Skulton, co. Norfolk. See Scoulton.

Skulton, John, 4.

Skurth. See Scurff Hall.

Skydmore. See Scudamore.

Skyllyng, Michael, 971.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth daughter of. See Pistor, William.

Skynner. See Skinner.

Skypton. See Skipton.

Skypwyth. See Skipwith.

Skyrbek. See Skirbeck.

Skyrcote. See Skircoat.

Skyrlawe. See Skirlaw.

Skyron. See Skerne.

Sladburn. See Slaidburn.

Slade, co. Devon, 646.

Slaidburn, Sladburn, Slaydburn, co. York [W.R.], 391.
-, ……, Bowland Forest in, q.v.
-, ……, Hammerton Hall in, q.v.
-, ……, Newton in, q.v.

Slaithwaite, Slathwat [in Huddersfield], co. York [W.R.], hamlet of, 166.
-, ……, manor of, 166.

Slapton, co. Northampton, manor (1/2) of, 234.

Slathwat. See Slaithwaite.

Slaughter, Shoughtour, Sloughtre, co. Gloucester, Hundred of, land held of, 183, 435.

Slaydburn. See Salidburn.

Slaynden. See Scammonden.

Sledmere, Sledmer, co. York [E.R.], 139, 573.
-, ……, manor of, 139, 222, 567.
-, ……, Croom in, q, v.
-, ……, Fimber in, q.v.
-, ……, Towthorpe in, q.v.

Sleekburn, West, Westlikborn, co. Durham [in Bedlington, co. Northumberland], 558.
-, ……, manor of, 558.

Slegeyowe, Sligyowe, co. Cornwall, 680 (p. 436 bis).

Slegge, Stephen, 436.

Slepe [in the chapelry of Arne, in Wareham], co. Dorset, 962.
-, ……, manor of, 962.

Sligyowe. See Slegeyowe.

Sloothby, Slothby, Slotheby [in Willoughby], co. Lincoln, 182, 835.

Sloughtre. See Slaughter.

Slymbrugge, Robert, clerk, 562, 587.

Smardale, Smerdall [in Kirkby Stephen], co. Westmorland, manor of, 821.

Smarden, co. Kent, parish of, 246.

Smart, Smerte, Henry, 726 ter.
-, ……, William, 302.

Smeaton, Great, Smeton, co. York, N.R., 222, 420.
-, ……, ……, Hornby in, q.v.
-, ……, Little [in Birkby], co. York [N.R.], 420.
-, ……, Little, Smeton [in Womersley], co. York [W.R.], 669 bis.

Smerdall. See Smardale.

Smerte. See Smart.

Smethe [? in Boxford], co. Suffolk, 891.

Smethurst, James, chaplain, 3.

Smeton. See Smeaton.

Smisby, Smythesby, co. Derby, 836.

Smith. See Smyth.

Smyth, Smith, Edmund (co. Norfolk), 225.
-, ……, Henry (Coventry), 623.
-, ……, Henry (co. York), 390.
-, ……, Henry, son and heir of John, 520.
-, ……, Joan, sister and co-heir of William Wydecomb, 739.
-, ……, ……, John, cousin and heir of, viz., son of John, son of Stephen Smyth, her son and heir, 739.
-, ……, John (co. Buckingham), 652.
-, ……, John (co. Devon), 119, 739.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 709.

Smyth, John, co. Northampton, 244.

Smyth, John (co. Northampton), 445.
-, ……, John (co. Suffolk), 110.
-, ……, John, (co. York), 390.

Smyth, John, co. Warwick, 520.
-, ……, John (co. Warwick), 681.
-, ……, John, chaplain (co. Nottingham), 433.
-, ……, John, clerk (co. Devon), 426.
-, ……, John, clerk, (co. Norfolk), 117.
-, ……, John, gentleman (co. Dorset), 845.
-, ……, John, gentleman (co. Warwick), 245, 802.
-, ……, John, of Charlinch, 62.
-, ……, John, of Coventry, 802.
-, ……, Maud, of Alford, 2.
-, ……, Oliver, 561.
-, ……, Peter, 4, 946.
-, ……, Richard, 497.
-, ……, ……, Beatrice, wife of, 497.
-, ……, Robert, 728.
-, ……, Robert (co. Devon), land held of, 975.
-, ……, Robert (co. Lincoln), 327.
-, ……, Robert, of Overton, co. Hants, 705.
-, ……, Roger, of Bromyard, 373 bis.
-, ……, Thomas, chaplain, 222.
-, ……, Thomas alias Thomas Warddyll, chaplain, 628.
-, ……, William (co. Leicester), 334, 497 (5).
-, ……, William (co. Somerset), 190, 919.
-, ……, William (co. Warwick), 356.
-, ……, William (co. York), 561.
-, ……, William, bishop of Lincoln, 969.
-, ……, William, clerk, 708.
-, ……, William, dean of St. Stephen’s, Westminster, 246.
-, ……, William, of Charlinch, 62.
-, ……, William; the king’s receiver, 342.
-, ……, Wolfram, of Stratford on Avon, 29.

Smythcote, co. Devon, 709.

Smythesby. See Smisby.

Smythis tenement, co. Suffolk. See Acton.

Smythton, in Iddesleigh, co. Devon, 555.

Snainton, Snaynton in Pickering Lythe [in Brompton and Ebberston], co. York [N.R.], 167, 573.

Snaith, Snathe, Snayth, co. York [W.R.], 105, 169.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 669 bis.
-, ……, Soke (1/3) of, 105.
-, ……, Balne in, q.v.
-, ……, Cowick in, q.v.
-, ……, Gowdall in, q.v.
-, ……, Hensall in, q.v.
-, ……, Heck in, q.v.
-, ……, Pollington in, q.v.

Snape, Nicholas, 323.

Snapehall, Snappehall, manor of, in Long Stratton, co. Norfolk, 114.

Snapethorp, Snaypthorp [in Wakefield], co. York [W.R.], 3.

Snargate, Snergate, co. Kent, 973.
-, ……, manor of, 246.

Snathe. See Snaith.

Snave, co. Kent, parish of, 246, 247.
-, ……, manor of, 145.
-, ……, Court at Wick in, q.v.

Snaynton. See Snainton.

Snaypthorp. See Snapethorp.

Snayth. See Snaith.

Snergate. See Snargate.

Snetterton, Sneterton, Snyterton, co. Norfolk, 37.

Snogsash, Perrystone alias, Fnogges asshe [in Foy], co. Hereford, 261.

Snoring, Snoryng. Snorynges, Great, co. Norfolk, 225, 606.
-, ……, ……, advowson of, 225.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 225.
-, ……, ……, ……, land held of, 225.
-, ……, ……, manor called Geffrey Snorynges in, 225.
-, ……, Little, Little Snoryng, co. Norfolk, 225.

Snoston. See Knuston.

Snyterley. See Blakeney.

Snyterton. See Snetterton.

Soberton, Soburton, co. Hants, manor of, 708.

Sobrychesworth. See Sawbridgeworth.

Soburton. See Soberton.

Sodington, Syddyngton [in Mamble], co. Worcester, manor of, 324.

Soham, co. Cambridge, 11.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 11.
-, ……, Earl, co. Suffolk, manor of Somehall in, land held of, 496.

Soke. See:
-, Drax.
-, Grantham.
-, Horncastle.
-, Kirton in Lindsey.
-, Snaith.
-, Winchester.

Solbergh. See Sowber Hill

Soleham, William, 147.

Solerhous, co. Kent, manor of, 281.

Solihull, Solyhull, co. Warwick, 913.

Solport, Solpard [in Stapleton parish], co. Cumberland, 292.

Solsyde. See Selside.

Solyhull. See Solihull.

Somborne, King’s, Sombourn, manor of, land held of, 160.
-, ……, Little, Lytyll Sombourne, Sombourn, co. Hants, 609.
-, ……, ……, manor of, land held of, 160.
-, ……, ……, Marsh Court in, q.v.
-, ……, Up, Upsombourne, Upsomburn [in Kings Somborne], co. Hants, 338, 609.

Somehall, co. Suffolk. See Soham, Earl.

Somer, Henry, 679 (p. 431).

Somer, or Summer, Henry, London, 657.

Somerby, co. Leicester, 133.
-, ……, ……, John Tryg of, 133.
-, ……, ? Sowrby, co. Leicester, 260.
-, …… near Brigg, Somerby, co. Lincoln, 750.

Somercotes, North, Northsomercotes, co. Lincoln, 697.

Somercotes, Joan, widow, 698.

Someresby. See Somersby.

Someries, Somereis, Somereys [in Luton], co. Bedford, 766.
-, ……, manor of, 766.

Somerford, Broad, Somerford Matravers, Somerford Matrevers, co. Wilts, 300.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 505.
-, …… Keynes, co. Wilts, manor of, land held of, 591.

Somerhouse, Somerhous [in Gainford], co. Durham, 558.
-, ……, manor of, 558.

Somerleyton, Somerleton, Somerletton, co. Suffolk, advowson of, 725.
-, ……, manor of, 725.

Somersby, Someresby, co. Lincoln, 697, 835 bis, 880.

Somerset, county of, duchess of. See Beaufort, Eleanor; Beaufort, Margaret.
-, ……, duke of. See Beaufort, Henry.
-, ……, earl of. See Beaufort, John.
-, ……, escheator in. See Bysseley, William.

Somerton, co. Somerset, manor of, land held of, 65.
-, ……, ……, William Strode of. See Strode.
-, …… Erleigh, Somerton Erlegh [in Somerton], co. Somerset, manor of, 525.
-, …… Randolph, Somerton Randolf [in Somerton, co. Somerset], manor of, 525.

Somervile, Joan, wife of Thomas, 490.
-, ……, Robert, son and heir of Thomas, 490.

Somervile, Thomas, esquire, co. Gloucester, 490.

Somery, Roger (temp. Henry III), 257.

Somerys Manor, co. Cambridge. See Sawston.

Sonderlande. See Sunderland.

Sondon, co. Bedford. See Sundon.
-, ……, co. Stafford. See Sandon.

Sonning, Sonnyng, Sunnyng, co. Berks, 474, 760.
-, ……, Earley in, q.v.

Soothill, Sotehyll, Sotell. See Suthill.

Sotherton, co. Suffolk, 36.

Sotherton, Thomas, 392.

Sothyk, Sir Richard, chaplain, 315.

Sotton, Alstone. See Alston, Sutton.

Souch, Souche. See Zouch.

Souche, James, 340.

Soulbury, Sulbery, co. Buckingham, 910.
-, ……, Bragenham in, q.v.
-, ……, Chelmscote in, q.v.
-, ……, Hollingdon in, q.v.
-, ……, Liscombe in, q.v.

Soulby, George, 222.

Soureby. See Sowerby.

Sourton, co. Devon, manor of, land held of, 878.

Soute, William, clerk, rector of Grindon. 23.

South Hall, Southall, Suthall [in Rainham] co. Essex, 115, 679.
-, ……, manor of, 115, 679 (pp. 430, 432).

South Town, Sowghton, co. Norfolk [in Gorleston, co. Suffolk], 27.

South, Sowthe, Robert, 682.

Southall, co. Essex. See South Hall.
-, …… Manor, co. Lincoln. See Bracebridge.

Southam [in Bishops Cleeve], co. Gloucester, 580.
-, ……, manor of, 580.

Southampton, co. Hants, draper of. See Justice, William.
-, ……, mercer of. See Heckely, William.
-, ……, Richard Hille of. See Hill.
-, ……, John Husie of. See Hussey.

Southbroom, Suthbroome by ‘le Devises’ [in Devizes], co. Wilts, 738.

Southburn [in Kirkburn], co. York [E.R.], manor (1/2) of, 167.

Southcave. See Cave, South.

Southchurch, Southchirche, co. Essex, Samwelles in, 679 (pp. 429, 432).

Southcyngesby. See Coneysby.

Southcote, Southcote, Sowthcote [in Linslade], co. Buckingham, manor of (1/2), 156.

Southcote, Walter, 615.

Southcotlegh. See Cotleigh.

Southcreyk, See Creake, South.

Southcroxton. See Croxton, South.

Southelufnam. See Luffenham, South.

Southfleet, Suthflete, co. Kent, 7.

Southgrenehough. See Greenhoe, South.

Southgrist, Thomas, 2.

Southkelsey. See Kelsey, South.

Southleigh, Southlegh, co. Devon, 262.

Southleverton. See Leverton, South.

Southley, co. Devon, 877.

Southludbroke. See Ludbrook, South.

Southlynne. See Lynn, South.

Southmallyng. See Malling, South.

Southminster, Southmynster, co. Essex, 476.

Southmolton. See Molton, South.

Southmor, in Chawleigh, co. Devon, rent in, 555.

Southmorton. See Moreton, South.

Southmynster. See Southminster.

Southorp, co. York, 86.

Southotryngton. See Otterington, South.

Southourom. See Owram, South.

Southshobery, Southshobury. See Shoebury, South.

Southstathir. See Stather.

Southtown. See Dartmouth.

Southwark, Suthwerk, co. Surrey, 499.
-, ……, borough of, fee farm from, 442.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 249.
-, ……, ‘le Bere’ in, ‘Bere Alye,’ 723.
-, ……, ‘le Dolfyn’ in, 723.
-, …… St. Mary, Overey, Overe, Seyntmary Overeys, prior of, land held of, 494 bis, 723.
-, ……, ……. See Michell, Robert.

Southwekyngdon. See Ockendon, South.

Southwelde. See Weald, South.

Southwell, Sowthwell, Suthwell, Francis, esquire, 250.
-, ……, ……, Dorothy wife of, daughter and co-heir of William Tendring, esquire by Thomasine his wife, 250.
-, ……, Richard, 632.
-, ……, Richard, esquire, 5, 225 bis, 226, 458 bis, 465, 600.
-, ……, Robert, 496.
-, ……, Robert, esquire, land held of, jure ux., 469.
-, ……. See also Sutell; Suthill.

Southwick, Suthwyke, co. Hants, prior of St. Mary of, land held of, 708.
-, ……, Southweke, Southwyke [in North Bradley], co. Wilts, manor of, 785.

Southwold, Sowthwold, co. Suffolk, 889.
-, ……, ……, John Waynfete of. See Waynflete.

Southwood, Southwode, Robert, citizen and mercer of London, 194.
-, ……, Thomas, clerk, 248.

Southye [lost town], in Bexhill, co. Sussex, manor of, 924.

Southykam. See Hykeham, South.

Sowber Hill, Solbergh [in Kirkby Wiske], co. York [N.R.], 86.

Sowdon, Sydeham [in Washford Pyne], co. Devon, 864.

Sowells Farm, Sowyll, in parish of Kentisbeare, co. Devon, 100.

Sowerby, Castle, Castell Soureby, co. Cumberland, 292.
-, ……, Soureby [in Halifax], co. York [W.R.], 3.

Sowghton. See South Town.

Sowrby, co. Leicester. See Somerby.

Sowthcote. See Southcote.

Sowthe. See South.

Sowthhay, co. Northampton. See Aldwinkle.

Sowthwell. See Southwell.

Sowthwold. See Southwold.

Sowyll. See Sowells Farm.

Spalding, Spaldyng, co. Lincoln, 10, 644.
-, ……, Robert Eldyrton of. See Elderton.
-, ……, William Warde of. See Warde.
-, ……, St. Mary and St. Nicholas of, Thomas, prior of, 10.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 644.

Spalding, Geoffrey, heirs of, land held of, 56.

Spanby, co. Lincoln, manor of, 885.

Spanby, Arthur, cousin and heir of John, 885.

Spanby, John, co. Lincoln, 885.

Sparchford, Sparcheford [in Diddlebury], co. Salop, 116.

Sparham, co. Norfolk, 605.

Spark, Sperk, Geoffrey, 494 ter.
-, ……, John, 494.
-, ……, William, 494.
-, ……, William, citizen and draper of London, 196, 494.

Sparkford, Sperkeford, Sperkford, co. Somerset, advowson of, 161.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 161.
-, ……, Sparkeford by Winchester [in Winchester], co. Hants, 648.

Sparowe, Robert, 110.

Sparsholt, co. Hants, dean in, q.v.

Spaynard Croft, co. Cambridge. See Meldreth.

Speccot, Speccote, Specote, John, esquire, 30, 118.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 259.
-, ……, Nicholas, land held of, 767, 869.

Speke, John, esquire, 100, 263.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 767.
-, ……, John, knight, 683, 834.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 262, 264 bis, 265, 466, 477.

Spelman, Spilman, Spylman, Anne [wife of Thomas]. See Willoughby, Anne.
-, ……, Henry, esquire, 114.
-, ……, John, son and heir of Thomas, 298, 732.
-, ……, ……, son and heir of Anne Willoughby, 359, 731.
-, ……, Thomas, 543, 731.

Spelman, Spilman, Thomas, co. Norfolk, 298, 732.

Spen [in Gomersall], co. York [W.R.], 803.
-, ……, manor of, 803.

Spencer, Edmund, co. Devon, 153.

Spencer, Spenser, Elizabeth, daughter of John, 245.
-, ……, Joan, wife of John, 245.

Spencer, Spenser, John, co. Warwick, 245.

Spencer, Spenser, Richard, 517, 518.
-, ……, Robert (co. York), 391.
-, ……, Robert, gentleman, 179.
-, ……, Spenser, Robert, knight, 524, 525.
-, ……, ……, Eleanor, wife of. See Butler alias Ormond, Eleanor, countess of Wilts.
-, ……, ……, Katharine, daughter and co-heir of. See Percy. Katharine.
-, ……, ……, Margaret daughter and co-heir of. See Carey, Thomas.
-, ……, Robert, son and heir of Edmund, 153.
-, ……, Simon, 170.
-, ……, Thomas, 244, 445.
-, ……, ……, Margaret, wife of. See Belcher, Margaret.
-, ……, ……, William Spencer, son of Thomas and Margaret, 244.
-, ……, Thomas, brother of John, 245.
-, ……, Thomas, son and heir of John, 245.
-, ……, William, 245.
-, ……, ……, John, son of, 245.
-, ……, ……, Thomas son of, 245.

Sperk. See Spark.

Sperkford, Sperkeford. See Sparkford.

Spicer, Spiser, John, land held of, 245.
-, ……, John, of Totnes, 879.
-, ……, Katharine, 30.
-, ……, Thomas, 759, 761.

Spilman. See Spelman.

Spilsby, Spillesby, co. Lincoln, Eresby in, q.v.
-, ……, Halton by. See Halton Holegate.

Spiser. See Spicer.

Spitelcombe. See East Combe.

Spittal in the Street, Spitell on le Strete [in Hemswell, Norton and Glentham parishes], co. Lincoln, sheriff’s tourn at, 566.

Spofforth, Spofford, Spoford, co. York [W.R.], manor of, land held of, 163, 222, 420.

Sporebarne, co. Devon. See Heavitree.

Sporne, Thomas, 396.
-, ……, ……, Margery wife of, late the wife of John Pickenham, esquire, 396.

Spriddlescombe, Sprydelscomb [in Modbury], co. Devon, manor of, land held of, 149.

Spridlington, Spridlyngton, co. Lincoln, manor of, called Sowth Maner, 511.

Sproatley, Sproteley, co. York [E.R.], 86.

Sprotbrough, Sprotburgh, co. York [W.R.], manor of, land held of, 571, 576.
-, ……, Cusworth in, q.v.

Sproteley. See Sproatley.

Sprowston, Sprouton, co. Norfolk, 353.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 198.
-, ……, Beeston by. See Beeston St. Andrew.

Sproxton [in Helmsley], co. York [N.R.], 404.
-, ……, manor of, 404.

Sprydelscomb. See Spriddlescomb.

Spygurnell, Godfrey, 227.

Spylman. See Spelman.

Squery, Henry, 684.

Sq[uire], William, 147.

Squybe, Robert, 321.

Stacamton. See Seckington.

Stadbury, Stodbury, Stodebury [in Aveton Giffard], co. Devon, 118.

Staffield, Staffyll [in Kirkoswald], co. Cumberland, 135.

Stafford, co. Stafford, 181, 408, 415, 581.
-, ……, dean of, land held of, 933.
-, ……, St. Thomas the Martyr next, John, prior of, land held of, 639.

Stafford, county of, earl of, land held of, 638 bis, 857.

Stafford Barton, Stouford [in Dolton], co. Devon, 699.

Stafford, Edward (Henry), duke of Buckingham, 883, 931.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 1, 86, 109, 170, 195, 202, 203, 207, 209, 212, 261, 326 bis, 347, 407, 408, 414, 431 bis, 477, 495, 502, 506, 510, 512, 523, 573, 581, 595, 620, 621, 636, 638 bis, 669 (5), 679, 690 bis, 712, 737, 757, 764, 833, 882 bis, 933.

Stafford, Edward, earl of Wilts, co. Wilts, 796.

Stafford, Edward, earl of Wilts, heirs of, land held of, 882 bis.
-, ……, Henry, duke of Buckingham, 499.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 574.
-, ……, John, archbishop of Canterbury, 148.
-, ……, Thomas, esquire, 136.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 232.
-, ……, William, esquire, 436.

Staffyll. See Staffield.

Stain, Stayne [in Withern], co. Lincoln, 2, 585.
-, ……, manor of, 2, 585.

Staindrop, Steyndrop, co. Durham, 558.
-, ……, manor of, 558.
-, ……, college of, advowson of, 558.

Stainland, Staneland [in Halifax], co. York [W.R.], 803.
-, ……, manor of, 803.

Stainley, North, North Stanley, Northstanley [in Ripon], co. York [W.R.], 556, 561.
-, ……, South, co. York, W.R., Cayton in, q.v.

Stainsby, Stanesby [in Ashby Puerorum], co. Lincoln, 697.

Stainton, Staynton, co. York [W.R., near Tickhill], manor of, 222.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 571.
-, ……, ……, Hellaby in, q.v.
-, …… by Langworth, co. Lincoln, Newball in, q.v.
-, ……, Staynton [in Heversham], co. Westmorland, 433.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 433.

Stake Croft, co. Surrey. See Addington.

Stallynch, Stallynche, John, land held of, 262 bis.

Stalon, Gregory, clerk, 605.

Stalworthes Manor, co. Norfolk. See Wymondham.

Stamford, Staunford [co. Lincoln], Christopher Brown of. See Brown.

Stampe, Thomas, 240.

Stanage Grange, co. Derby, 542.
-, …… Stannage [in Brampton Bryan, co. Radnor], manor of, 486.

Stanbridge, Stannebrygge [in parish of Romsey Extra], co. Hants, 337.
-, ……, Great, Mochestanbrigge, co. Essex, 679.
-, ……, ……, advowson of, 679.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 679.
-, ……, Little, Litle Stanbrigge, co. Essex, 679 (pp. 429, 432).

Stanbury, John, bishop of Hereford, 36.

Stancombe Cross, Stankcombe [in Sherford], co. Devon, manor of, land held of, 259.

Standelf. See Standhill.

Standhill, Standelf [liberty in Pyrton parish], co. Oxford, manor of, 237.

Standish, Standyssh, co. Gloucester, 506.
-, ……, Colthrop in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Standissh, co. Lancaster. See Ratclyff, Thomas.

Standlake, Stanlake, co. Oxford, manor (1/4) of, called Wykhamscourte, 436, 634.

Standley. See Stanley.

Standlit [? in Thrushelton], co. Devon, 940.

Standyssh. See Standish.

Stanefery. See Stoneferry.

Staneland. See Stainland.

Stanes, co. York. See Stoneferry.

Stanesby. See Stainsby.

Stanesgate. See Stansgate.

Stanffeld. See Stansfield.

Stanfield, Stanfeld, co. Norfolk, 56.
-, ……, advowson of, 892.

Stanford, co. Norfolk, Mortimers Manor in, manor of Stanford, 114.
-, …… Dingley, Stanford, co. Berks, manor of, 578.
-, …… upon Soar, Stanford, co. Nottingham, 852.
-, ……, ……, advowson of, 852.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 123, 852.

Stanhoe, Stanhowe, co. Norfolk, advowson of, 13.

Stanhope, Stannop, Edward, knight, 423, 424.

Stankcombe. See Stancombe Cross.

Stanlake. See Standlake.

Stanley [formerly in Brancepeth, now parish], co. Durham, manor of, 558.
-, ……, ……, Billy Row in, q.v.
-, ……, Standley [in Wakefield], co. York [W.R.], 3, 38.
-, ……, ……, Heley in, q.v.
-, ……, Kings, Kyngys Stanley, Stanley Regis, co. Gloucester, 428, 506.
-, ……, North. See Stainley, North.

Stanley, Edward, knight, 235.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 669, 759.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth wife of, late the wife of Thomas Cokesey, knight, 651.

Stanley, Elizabeth, late the wife of William Stanley, knight, formerly wife of Roger Corbet, knight [sometime wife of John Tiptoft, earl of Worcester, and daughter and heir of Thomas Hopton, esquire], co. Bedford, 155; co. Buckingham, 156; co. Essex, 130; co. Hereford, 158; co. Hertford, 131; co. Kent, 157; co. Northampton, 234; co. Salop, 233; co. Worcester, 159.

Stanley, George, knight, lord de Strange, le Straunge, land held of, 201, 228, 229, 339.
-, ……, Humphrey, knight, land held of, 544.
-, ……, John, esquire, 597.
-, ……, Thomas, earl of Derby, land held of, 163 bis, 169, 568, 573, 669, 914 bis, 915.
-, ……, ……, land held of, jure uxoris, 98.
-, ……, ……, Margaret, wife of. See Beaufort, Margaret.

Stanley, Thomas, earl of Derby, co. Wilts, 787.

Stanley, Thomas, lord de Derby, son and heir of Thomas, earl of Derby, 787.
-, ……, William, knight, 130, 131.

Stannage. See Stanage.

Stannebrygge. See Stanbridge.

Stannington, co. Northumberland, Plessey in, q.v.
-, ……, Shotton in, q.v.

Stannop. See Stanhope.

Stansfield, Stanffeld, Stansfeld [in Halifax], co. York [W.R.], 3, 803.
-, ……, manor of, 803.

Stansgate, Stanesgate, co. Essex, 476.
-, ……, prior of, land held of, 476.

Stanstead, Stansted, co. Hertford, 370.
-, ……, Stanstede, co. Suffolk, 110.

Stanton by Dale, Staunton, co. Derby, 901.
-, …… by Sapcote. See Stanton, Stoney.
-, …… Drew, Staunton Drewe, co. Somerset, manor of, 258.
-, ……, Stantonsheyllys [in Longhorsley], co. Northumberland, 653.
-, …… Lacy, co. Salop, Downton in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Hayton in, q.v.
-, ……, Long, co. Salop, Brocton in, q.v.
-, …… St. John, Staunton Seynt John, co. Oxford, 22.
-, ……, St. John, Stanton, co. Suffolk, 271.
-, ……, Stoney, Stanton, Stanton by Sapcote, co. Leicester, 497.
-, ……, ……, advowson of, 905.
-, ……, ……, advowson (1/2) of, 497.
-, ……, ……, advowson (1/4) of, 888.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 497.
-, ……, ……, manor (1/2) of, 905.
-, ……, ……, manor (1/4) of, 888.
-, ……. upon Hineheath, Staunton upon Hyneheth, co. Salop, 201.
-, ……, ……, Hatton in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Mostyn in, q.v.

Stantonsheyllys, Stantonsheyllz. See Witton Shield.

Stanton, Master John, clerk, 37.

Stantor, Alexander, co. Wilts, 695, 799.

Stantor, Staunter, Piers, son and heir of Alexander, 283, 695, 799.
-, ……, ……, Elizabeth, wife of, daughter and heir of Walter Torny, 283.
-, ……, ……, John, son and heir of, 283.

Stanwardyne, Alan co. Salop, 619.

Stanwardyne, Thomas, son and heir of Alan, 619.

Stanway, Stanwey, co. Essex, 417, 613.
-, ……, John Levyng of. See Levyng.
-, ……, manor of, 427.
-, ……, Bellhouse in, q.v.
-, ……, Hawes in, q.v.
-, ……, Kirton in, q.v.
-, ……, Olivers in, q.v.
-, ……, the Shrebb in, q.v.

Stanwell, co. Middlesex, manor of, land held of, 627, 670.

Stanwick, St. John, Stanwyk, Stanwykes, co. York [N.R.], 222.
-, ……, Aldbrough in, q.v.
-, ……, Caldwell in, q.v.
-, ……, East Layton in, q.v.

Stanwix, co. Cumberland, Houghton in, q.v.
-, ……, Linstock in, q.v.
-, ……, Rickerby in, q.v.

Stanydelf. See Stonydelph.

Stapildon, John, 205.

Stapilhill, co. Devon. See Staplehill.

Stapilhill, Agnes, daughter of John, 776.
-, ……, Anne. See Elyot, Thomas, esquire.

Stapilhill, John, co. Devon, 776.

Stapilhill, Radegund, daughter of John, 776.
-, ……, Robert, 776.
-, ……, Thomas, son and heir of William and grandson and heir of John, 771, 776.

Stapilhill, William, co. Devon, 771.

Stapilhill, William, son and heir of John, 776.

Stapilton, co. York. See Stapleton.

Stapilton, Thomas. See Stapleton.

Staple [in Dowland], co. Devon, 699.

Staple, Henry, 642, 665.

Stapleford, Stapylford, co. Leicester, king’s court of, 218.
-, ……, Stapulford, co. Nottingham, 423, 898.
-, ……, Stapulford, co. Wilts, manor of, land held of, 783.

Stapleforth, Stapleford [in Luton], co. Bedford, 766.

Staplehill, Stapilhill, in Ilsington, co. Devon, 771.

Staplehurst, Stapulherst, co. Kent, parish of, 246.
-, ……, Pagehurst in, 246 (p. 164).
-, ……, Whitehurst in, 246 (p. 164).

Stapleton, co. Cumberland, Solport in, q.v.
-, ……, Stapulton, co. Gloucester, 594.
-, ……, Stapilton [in Barton and Croft], co. York [N.R.], 169.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 169, 222.
-, …… [in Darrington], co. York [W.R.], 669.
-, ……, Stepulton [in Presteign, cos. Hereford and Radnor], castle and honor of, land held of, 486.

Stapleton, Stapilton, Brian de, heirs of, land held of, 539, 658.
-, ……, Brian, esquire, 669 ter.
-, ……, Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Miles, knight. See Howard, Elizabeth.
-, ……, Thomas, esquire, 672.
-, ……. See also Stepulton.

Stapulford, co. Nottingham. See Stapleford.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Stapleford.

Stapulherst. See Staplehurst.

Stapulton, co. Gloucester. See Stapleton.

Stapylford. See Stapleford.

Stapylhill, William, land held of, 119.

Stapyls Manor, co. Norfolk. See Helhoughton.

Starboroghe. See Sterborough.

Starke, Starky, William, 939 bis.

Statfold, Stottefold, in Ashwater, co. Devon, 262.

Statham, Nicholas, 147.

Stathe, Stath [in Stoke Gregory], co. Somerset, 501.

Stather, Northstathir and Southstathir [in Flixborough], co. Lincoln, 566.
-, ……, Burton upon. See Burton.

Staughton, Great, Great Stokton, Great Stoughton, co. Huntingdon, 647.
-, ……, ……, manor of, land held of, 744.
-, ……, ……, parish of, ‘le More’ in, 647, 744.
-, ……, Little, Little Stoughton, co. Bedford, 712.

Staundon, co. Hereford. See Staunton-on-Wye.

Staunford, co. Lincoln. See Stamford.

Staunford, Edward, 141.

Staunter. See Stantor.

Staunton, co. Derby. See Stanton by Dale.
-, ……, co. Nottingham, 46, 73.
-, ……, ……, advowson of, 73.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 73.
-, ……, ……, Flawborough in, q.v.
-, ……, co. Worcester, 972.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 972.
-, …… Drewe. See Stanton Drew.
-, …… on Arrow, Staunton, co. Hereford, manor (1/2) of, 158.
-, …… on Wye, Staundon, co. Hereford, manor of, 112.
-, ……, ……, rector of. See Lynke, Richard.
-, …… Seynt John. See Stanton St. John.
-, …… upon Hyneheth. See Stanton upon Hineheath.

Staunton, John, 2.
-, ……, Thomas, 497.
-, ……, ……, cousin and heir of. See Church, Edmund.

Staunton, William, esquire, co. Nottingham, 73.

Staunton, William, of Staunton, chaplain, brother and heir of William, 73.

Staveley [in Kendal parish, now in Ings ecclesiastical parish], co. Westmorland, 822.

Staveley, Alice, wife of William. See Conyngesby, Humphrey.
-, ……, George, son and heir of William, 388.
-, ……, Isabel, daughter of William, 388.
-, ……, John, son of William, 388.
-, ……, Mary, daughter of William, 388.

Staveley, William, co. Oxford, 388.

Staveley, William, son of William, 388.

Staverton, co. Devon, Pridhamsleigh in, q.v.
-, ……, co. Gloucester, 593.
-, ……, ……, Hayden in, q.v.
-, …… [in Trowbridge], co. Wilts, 649.

Stavordale [in Wincanton, co. Somerset], prior of, land held of, 74.

Stawell, Edward, son of Robert, 343.

Stawell, Robert, co. Devon, 343.

Stawell, Robert, esquire, 154.
-, ……, Robert, the younger, grandson and heir of Robert, 343.

Stawey. See Stowey.

Stawford. See Stowford.

Stayne. See Stain.

Staynton, co. Westmorland. See Stainton.
-, ……, co. York. See Stainton.

Stead, Stede [in Otley], co. York [W.R.], 569.

Stebenhith. See Stepney.

Stede. See Stead.

Steeping, Little, Little Stepyng, co Lincoln, 697.

Steeple, Steple, co. Essex, 476 bis.
-, ……, Stausgate in, q.v.

Stephynson, Stephynston. See Stevenstone.

Stephynston. See Stevenston.

Stepillangford. See Langford, Steeple.

Steple. See Steeple.

Stepney, Stebenhith, co. Middlesex 863.
-, ……, Aylemersshe in, 863.

Stepulayssheton. See Ashton, Steeple.

Stepulton, co. Radnor. See Stapleton.

Stepulton, Hugh, 147.
-, ……, Hugh, heirs of, land held of, 326.

Stepyng. See Steeping.

Sterborough alias Prinkham, Starboroghe alias Pringhan [in Lingfield], co. Surrey, castle and manor of, 923.

Sterston. See Tharston.

Stert, Sterte [in Babcary], co. Somerset, manor of, 325.
-, ……, Sterte [chapelry to Urehfont], co. Wilts, 738.

Stevenston, Stephynston [in Upton Pyne], co. Devon, 867.

Stevenstone, Stephynson, Stephynston [in St. Giles in the Wood], co. Devon, manor of, 422.

Stewardes Hyde. See Hyde.

Stewe, William, of Cawston, 117.

Stewkley, Stewteley, co. Buckingham, manor (1/2) of, 156.

Steyndrop. See Staindrop.

Stibbard, Styberd, co. Norfolk, 225.

Sticheale. See Stivichall.

Stickland. See Stikingland.

Stifford, Styfford, co. Essex, 383.
-, ……, advowson (2/3) of, 383, 425.
-, ……, Flethall manor in, q.v.
-, ……, mill in, 383, 425.

Stikingland, Stickland [in Yoxford], co. Suffolk, manor of, 200.

Stile, John, 319.

Stillingfleet, co. York, E.R., Kelfield in, q.v.

Stinchcomb, Stynchencombe, co. Gloucester, 8.

Stinton, Stynton, co. Norfolk, manor of, land held of, 117.

Stipershill, Stipurhill, Stipurshill [in Polesworth], co. Warwick, court of, 120, 497.

Stisted, Stysted, co. Essex, 26.

Stivichall, Sticheale next Coventre, co. Warwick, 120.

Stixwould, co. Lincoln, Halstead in, q.v.

Stoborough, Stoboroghe, Stobourghe [in Wareham], co. Dorset, John Clavell of. See Clavell.

Stock, Harward, Harfordstok, Stock, co. Essex, 1, 302.
-, ……, Stoke [in Calne], co. Wilts, manor of, 790.
-, ……, ……, lordship of, 859.

Stockbridge, Stokbrigge, co. Hants, Merscourte beside. See Marsh Court.

Stockbury, Stokbery, co. Kent, manor of, 196, 494.
-, ……, vicar of. See Barker, Henry.

Stockley, Stokle [in Brancepeth], co. Durham, 558.
-, ……, manor of, 558.
-, ……, Stockeley [tything in Calne], co. Wilts, 386.

Stockton, Stokton, co. Wilts, 695.
-, …… on the Forest, Stokton super Moram, co. York [N.R.], 556.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 556, 561.

Stockton, Richard, 1.

Stockwell, Stokwell [in Lambeth], co. Surrey, John Legh of. See Lea.

Stockwith, West, Stokwith [in Misterton], co. Nottingham, 235.

Stodbury, Stodebury. See Stadbury.

Stodeley, co. Oxford. See Studley.
-, ……, co. Warwick. See Studley.
-, ……, co. York. See Studley Royal.

Stody, Studdey, co. Norfolk, manor of, 706.

Stoford, Stowford [in South Newton], co. Wilts, 275.

Stokbery. See Stockbury.

Stokbrigge. See Stockbridge.

Stokdale, Thomas, 575.
-, ……, William, son and heir of Thomas, 575.
-, ……, ……, Alice wife of, daughter and heir of John Shyrborn, 575.

Stoke, co. Nottingham. See Stoke, East.
-, ……, co. Salop. See Stokesay.

Stoke, co. Somerset, 641.
-, ……, co. Somerset. See Chew Stoke.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Stock.
-, …… by Nayland, Stoke, co. Suffolk, 456 bis.
-, …… by Newerke. See Stoke, East.
-, ……, Canon, co. Devon, Elyot, Thomas, of. See Elyot.
-, …… Courcy, co. Somerset, Shurton in, q.v.
-, ……, Dabernon, co. Surrey, John Norbury of. See Norbury.
-, ……, East, Estoke, Eststoke, co. Dorset, manor of, 316, 960.
-, ……, ……, Rushton in, q.v.
-, ……, East, Stoke, Stoke by Newerke, co. Nottingham, 46, 755.
-, ……, ……, battle at, 822.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 46.
-, …… Fleming, Stokeflemmyng, co. Devon, 886.
-, …… Gregory, co. Somerset, Stathe in, q.v.
-, …… Hammond, Stoke Hamond, co. Buckingham, 661.
-, …… in Teignhead, Stokentynehed, Stokynteynhed, Stokyntynehede, Stokyntynhed, co. Devon, 259, 943.
-, ……, ……, manor of (Stoke, Stokyntynhed), land held of, 259, 869.
-, ……, ……, Rocombe in, q.v.
-, ……, North, Stokemarmyon, co. Oxford, manor of, 237.
-, …… Poges, Stoke, co. Buckingham, 627.
-, …… Rivers, co. Devon, North Horridge, in, q.v.
-, ……, St. Milborough, co. Salop, Newton in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Norncott in, q.v.
-, ……, South, co. Oxford, parish of, Greymarehyll in. See Greenmoor Hill.
-, ……, ……, Wardeslondes in. See Wards Farm.
-, ……, South alias Stoke Rochford, co. Lincoln, Easton in, q.v.
-, …… Trister, co. Somerset, Bayford in, q.v.
-, …… upon Trent, Stoke [co. Stafford], rector of. See Egerton, Richard.

Stoke, John, 551.
-, ……, Nicholas, 551.

Stokeham, Stokum, co. Nottingham, 46.

Stokeinteignhead, co. Devon, Maidencombe in, q.v.

Stokeley, John, 245.

Stokemarmyon. See Stoke, North.

Stokenham, Stokyngham, co. Devon, manor of, land held of, 763.
-, ……, Dunston in, q.v.

Stokentynehead. See Stoke in Teignhead.

Stokes, Stokys, Benet, 22.
-, ……, Robert, 836.
-, ……, Thomas, 836.

Stokesay, Stoke, manor of, co. Salop, 116.
-, ……, Aldon in, q.v.

Stoketon, John Wake of, 77.

Stokker, William, 494.

Stokle. See Stockley.

Stokton, co. Wilts. See Stockton.
-, ……, Great. See Staughton.
-, …… super Moram. See Stockton on the Forest.

Stokum. See Stokeham.

Stokwell, co. Surrey. See Stockwell.

Stokwell, George, 384.

Stokwelles in Widford, co. Essex, 1.

Stokwith, co. Nottingham. See Stockwith, West.

Stokwith, Elizabeth, daughter and heir of William, 911.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of William, daughter of George Sheffeld, 911.

Stokwith, William, of Blyton, co. Lincoln, gentleman, co. Lincoln, 911.

Stokyngham. See Stokenham.

Stokyntynehede. See Stoke in Teignhead.

Stokys. See Stokes.

Ston’. See Stou.

Stonam Aspale. See Stonham Aspall.
-, …… Gernyngham. See Stonham, Little.

Stonard. See Stonor.

Stondon, Overstondon, co. Bedford, manor of, 766.

Stone, co. Buckingham, Bishopstone in, q.v.
-, ……, Northston, ? Stone, in Drewsteignton, co. Devon, 739, 940.
-, …… [in Ugborough], co. Devon, 149.
-, …… next Faversham, Stone by Ospringe, co. Kent, 932.

Stone, John, 683 bis, 837.
-, ……, William, 852.

Stoneburgh, in Bishop Morchard, co. Devon, 555.

Stoneferry, Stanefery, ? Stanes [in Sutton in Holderness], co. York [E.R.], 669 bis.

Stoneham Antegan. See Stonham Aspall.
-, ……, Stoneham, Jernyngham. See Stonham, Little.

Stoneleigh, Stonley, co. Warwick, abbot of, land held of, 520.
-, ……, Fletchamstead in, q.v.

Stoner. See Stonor.

Stoneston. See Easton, Stone.

Stonham Aspall, Stonam Aspale, Aspaall Stonham, Stonham, co. Suffolk, 889.
-, …… ……, advowson of, 19.
-, …… ……, manor of, 306.
-, …… ……, Aspall Stonham alias Stonham Antegayn, Stoneham Antegan, Stonham Antyngham, in, 34, 889.
-, …… ……, ……, manor of, 19.
-, ……, Little alias Jernegans, Stonan Gernyngham, Stoneham, Stoneham Jeryngham, co. Suffolk, 889.
-, ……, ……, advowson of, 725.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 725.
-, ……, ……, Fleed Hall in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Waltham Hall in, q.v.

Stonham, Roger, 250.

Stonley. See Stoneleigh.

Stonor, Stonard, Stoner, Stonour, William, knight, 6, 116, 374.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 266.
-, ……, ……, heirs of, land held of, 426 bis, 707.

Stonton Wyville, Stonton [co. Leicester], John Wyvell of. See Wyvell.

Stonydelph, Stanydelf, in Wilmecote [in Tamworth], co. Warwick, manor of, 802.
-, ……, Linthouse in, q.v.

Stonyeston. See Easton, Stone.

Stonystratford. See Stratford, Stony.

Stopsley, Stoppesley, in the parish of Luton (now a parish), co. Bedford, 766 bis.
-, ……, Aveswyke, or Avyswyk, in, 766.
-, ……, Benettes Manor in, 766.
-, ……, Galley Hill in, q.v.

Stopyngton, John, clerk, 160.

Storeton. See Stourton.

Storewake. See Stour, East.

Storke, John, 160.
-, ……, John, the elder, 162.
-, ……, Tristram, 540, 545.

Storowre, John, 225.

Storridge, ? Horygge, Oryge [in Chardstock], co. Dorset, 953.

Stortford, Bishop, Stortford, co. Hertford, 330.

Story, Edward, bishop of Carlisle, 114.
-, ……, ……, bishop of Chichester, 114.
-, ……, John, rector of Abington Pigotts, 563.

Stotfold, Stokfold [in Elwick], co. Durham, 558.
-, ……, manor of, 558.

Stott, Robert, 204.

Stottefold. See Statfold.

Stottesden, co. Salop, Bardley in, q.v.

Stou, Ston’, Thomas, 165, 724.

Stoue, co. Lincoln. See Stow.

Stouford, co. Devon. See Stafford Barton.
-, ……, co. Devon. See Stowford.

Stouford, Philip, son and heir of Thomas, 699.
-, ……, ……, Alice, wife of, 699.

Stouford, Thomas, co. Devon, 699.

Stoughton, co. Sussex, Walderton in, q.v.
-, ……, Great and Little. See Staughton, Little.

Stour, East, Storwake, Stourewake [in Gillingham], co. Dorset, 397.
-, …… Provost, Stoure Prewes, co. Dorset, 316.

Stourepayn. See Stourpain.

Stoures, co. Devon. See Moreton Hampstead.

Stourewake. See Stour, East.

Stourmouth, Sturmowthe, co. Kent, 147.

Stourpaine, Stourepayn, co. Dorset, 522.
-, ……, court of, 522.

Stourton, co. Wilts, manor of, 791.
-, ……, ……, Coldcot Farm in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Gasper in, q.v.
-, ……, Storeton [in Whichford], co. Warwick, 431.

Stourton, Sturton, John, knight, 321.

Stourton, John, lord de, co. Wilts, 791.

Stourton, lord de, land held of, 502.

Stourton, Margaret, late the wife of John Cheyny, knight [lord Cheyny] and sometime wife of [William, lord] Stourton, co. Wilts, 790.

Stourton, William, knight, land held of, 310.
-, ……, William lord de, land held of, 50, 396.
-, ……, William, lord de, brother and heir of John lord de Stourton and son and heir of Margaret late the wife of Sir John Cheyny, 790, 791.

Stovyle. See Stutevill.

Stow, Stoue, Stowe [in Well Wapentake], co. Lincoln, manor in, 698.
-, ……, ……, Normanby in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Willingham by, q.v.
-, …… Bedon, Stowe Bedon, co. Norfolk, manor of, 13.
-, …… Maries, Stowe, co. Essex, 143.

Stowe, co. Suffolk. See Stowmarket.

Stowe Nine Churches, Stowe, co. Northampton, 91.

Stowelangtoft. See Stowlangtoft.

Stowell, co. Somerset, advowson of, 74.
-, ……, manor of, 74.

Stowell, Robert, land held of, 65.
-, ……, Robert, esquire, 284.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 770.
-, ……, Robert, the younger, 738.

Stowey, Stowy, co. Somerset, manor of, land held of, 311, 399.
-, ……, borough of, burgage in, 399.
-, ……, Stowey next Fyffehed [in Fivehead], co. Somerset, 109.
-, ……, ……, manor, or lordship, of, 109.
-, ……, Nether, Stawey [in Stowey], co. Somerset, manor of, land held of, 118.

Stowford, Stawford, Stouford [co. Devon], advowson of church of, 769.
-, ……, ……, parson of. See Griston, Thomas.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 769.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Stoford.
-, …… in Harford, co. Devon, 266.

Stowlangtoft, Stowelangtoft, co. Suffolk, advowson of, 271.
-, ……, manor of, 271.

Stowmarket, Stowe, Stowmarkett, co. Suffolk, 53, 457.
-, ……, Thorpis in, 457.

Stowrysshe, Stowresshe, co. Devon, 776.

Stowy. See Stowey.

Strabolgi, John de, earl of Athol, land held of, 246.

Stradbrook, Stradbrok, co. Suffolk, 19.

Stradling, Stradlyng, John, 540.

Stradmarchell. See Street Marshall.

Strange, Straunge, lord de. See Stanley, George.

Strangways, Stranguyssh, Strangwiche, Strangwys, Strangwysh, Strangwysshe, Stranwysshe, Straungwesche, Eleanor, Mistress Strangwiche, land held of, 62, 311, 399 ter.
-, ……, George, clerk, 839.
-, ……, George, D.D., 539, 556, 561, 658.
-, ……, Henry, land held of, 689 bis.
-, ……, Henry, clerk, 839.
-, ……, Henry, esquire, 955, 956.
-, ……, ……, Giles, son and heir of, 955.
-, ……, James, knight, 561.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 547.
-, ……, Dame Katharine, land held of, 42.

Strangways, Katharine, widow, co. Dorset, 955.
-, ……, Thomas, 561.
-, ……, Thomas, esquire, 86, 561.

Stranton, co. Durham, Brierton in, q.v.

Stratamarcella, abbot of. See Street Marshall, or Ystrad Marchell.

Stratfield Mortimer, co. Berks, Wokefield in, q.v.

Stratford, in Corsham parish, co. Wilts, 682.
-, …… le Bow, Stratford atte Bowe, co. Middlesex, 863.
-, …… ……, Old Ford in. See Ford, Old.
-, ……, ……, John Mundy of. See Mundy.
-, …… Langthorne [in West Ham], co. Essex, 679.
-, ……, Old, Oldstretford, co. Warwick, 431.
-, ……, ……, Clopton in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Ruinclifford in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Shottery in, q.v.
-, ……, Old, Oldestratford [in Passenham, Cosgrove, Furtho and Potterspury], co. Northampton, 291.
-, …… on Avon, Stretford upon Aven, co. Warwick, 29, 431.
-, …… ……, Balsals Place in, 29.
-, …… ……, Bryggetowne in, 29.
-, …… ……, Chapell strete in, 29.
-, …… ……, Churchstrete in, 29.
-, …… ……, Corne Market in. 29.
-, …… ……, Elystrete alias Swynnestrete in, 29.
-, …… ……, Henleystrete in, 29.
-, …… ……, Highstrete in, 29.
-, …… ……, Rotherstrete in, 29.
-, …… St. Mary, Stratford, Stratford juxta Heigham, co. Suffolk, 456.
-, …… ……, Conyes in, 891.
-, …… ……, Crykmylle in, 891.
-, …… ……, Thomas Mors of. See Morse.
-, ……, Stony, Stonystratford, co. Buckingham, 305.

Straton. See Sturton, Great.

Stratton, co. Cornwall, manor of, 680.
-, ……, ……, Binhamy in, q.v.
-, ……, co. Surrey. See Godstone.
-, ……, Long, Longastratton, co. Norfolk, 700.
-, ……, ……, advowson of St. Mary of, 114.
-, ……, ……, Alsons Close in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, manor of, manor of Strattonhall, 114.
-, ……, ……, Reeses manor in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Snapehall manor in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Sturmyns manor in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Welhams manor in, q.v.
-, …… on Dunysmore. See Stretton on Dunsmore.

Stratton, George, co. Suffolk, 231, 363.

Stratton, Elizabeth, wife of George, 231, 363.
-, ……, George, son and heir of George, 231, 363.
-, ……, John, clerk, 964.

Strattonhall manor. See Stratton, Long.

Straunge. See Lestrange.

Straunge, lord de. See Strange.

Straungwesche. See Strangways.

Strecchelegh, William, the elder, 362.

Street Marshall, or Ystrad Marchell, Stradmarchell, Stratamarcella [in Guilsfield, co. Montgomery], abbot of, land held of, 229.
-, ……, lordship of, 745.

Strefford, Streford or Streyford, co. Salop, manor of, 116.

Strelley, Strilley, Strylley, co. Nottingham, 423.
-, ……, manor of, 423.

Strelley, Strilley, Styrley, Strylley, Anne, daughter of John, esquire, 423.

Strelley, John, of Strelley, co. Nottingham, esquire, cos. Derby and Nottingham, 423; co. Derby, 424.

Strelley, John, son and heir of John Strelley, esquire, 423, 424.
-, ……, Margaret, daughter of John, esquire, 423.
-, ……, Senchia, Senchie, Senchye, wife of John, esquire, 423.

Strengeston. See Stringston.

Strensall, co. York [N.R.], prebendary of prebend of, land held of, 561.

Strensham, Streynesham, Streynsham, co. Worcester, advowson of, 562.
-, ……, manor of, 562.
-, ……, Robert Russell of. See Russell.

Stretford upon Aven. See Stratford on Avon.

Stretforde juxta Tamworth [in Tamworth], co. Warwick, manor of, 120.

Stretton Magna [in chapelry of Great Glenn], co. Leicester, 497.
-, …… on Dunsmore, Stratton on Dunysmore, co. Warwick, 913.
-, …… Parva [hamlet of Norton], co. Leicester, 497.
-, …… Sugwas, Stretton next Sugwas, co. Hereford, manor of, 112.
-, …… under Fosse, Stretton in the parish of Kyrkby Monachorum [in Monks Kirby], co. Warwick, 245.

Streyford. See Strefford.

Streynsham. See Strensham.

Strikland, Thomas, knight, co. Westmorland, 433.

Strikland, Strykland, Walter, son and heir of Thomas, knight, 433.

Strilley. See Strelley.

Stringston, Strengeston, co. Somerset, manor of, 311.

Strixton, Strykston, co. Northampton, 659.
-, ……, manor of, rent from, 675.

Strode [in Netherbury], co. Dorset, 953.
-, ……, manor of, 953.

Strode, Stroude, Alice, wife of William, esquire, 310, 311.
-, ……, John, the elder, son of William and Alice, 311.
-, ……, John, the younger, son of William and Alice, 311.
-, ……, Thomas, 310, 311.
-, ……, Thomas, son of William and Alice, 310.

Strode, William, of Somerton, esquire, co. Dorset, 310; co. Somerset, 311.

Strode, William, son and heir of William, esquire, 310, 311.

Stroglia. See Chepstow.

Stroude. See Strode.

Strubby, co. Lincoln, 2, 585.
-, ……, Bovertoft in, 2.
-, ……, Maltby next. See Maltby le Marsh.

Strykland. See Strikland.

Strykston. See Strixton.

Strylley. See Strelley.

Stubbs Walden, Stubbiswaldyng, Stubbyswaldyng [in Womersley], co. York [W.R.], manor of, 420.

Stubbys [? in Owston], co. York [W.R.], 236.

Stubbyswaldyng. See Stubbs Walden.

Stubhampton [in Tarrant Gunville], co. Dorset, 251.

Studdey. See Stody.

Studholme. See Sandholme.

Studley, Stodeley [co. Warwick], prior and convent of, land held of, 687.
-, ……, Stodeley [in Beckley, co. Oxford], prioress of, land held of, 328.
-, …… [inTrowbridge], co. Wilts, 649.
-, …… Royal, Stodeley [in Ripon], co. York [W.R.], manor of, 303.
-, …… ……, land held of, 164.

Stukeley, Thomas, esquire, 228.

Sture, Henry, 149.

Sturminster Marshall, Sturmyster, Sturmyster Marchall [co. Dorset], 957.
-, ……, ……, rent from, manor of, 477.
-, ……, ……, Hamd in. See Hamworthy.
-, ……, ……, Hymbere in. See Henbury.
-, ……. Newton Castle, co. Dorset, Bagbere in, q.v.

Sturmowthe. See Stourmouth.

Sturmy, Esturmy, William, knight, 523.
-, ……, ……, Maud daughter of. See Seymour, Maud.

Sturmyns, co. Norfolk. See Fritton.
-, ……, manor of, in Long Stratton, co. Norfolk, 114.

Sturmyster. See Sturminster Marshall.

Sturry, Sturrey, co. Kent, Knowle Farm in, q.v.
-, ……, Pyrtey in, q.v.

Sturston [in Ashbourne parish], co. Derby, 832.

Sturton, Great, Straton, co. Lincoln, knight’s fee in, 33.
-, …… le Steeple, Styrton, co. Nottingham, 235.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 235.

Sturton, lord, &c. See Stourton.

Stuston, co. Suffolk, Boglands manor in, q.v.

Stutevill, Stovyle, Robert, land held of, 116.

Stutton [in Tadcaster], co. York [W.R.], 420.

Styberd. See Stibbard.

Stydd, Styd [in Yeaveley], co. Derby, commandery of, land held of, 631.

Styfford. See Stifford.

Styker, William, 690.

Style, John, of Shelton, 225.
-, ……, Richard, 147.
-, ……, Thomas at, 864.

Stynchecombe. See Stinchcomb.

Stynton. See Stinton.

Styrap, Styrop [in Blyth], co. Nottingham, 235.

Styrley. See Strelley.

Styrton. See Sturton le Steeple.

Stysted. See Stisted.

Such, lord le. See Zouche.

Sudberye, co. Devon. See Sidbury.

Sudbrooke, Sudbroke, co. Lincoln, 597.
-, …… Holme, Holme by Sudbroke [in Sudbrooke], co. Lincoln, 597.

Sudbury [co. Derby], manor of, land held of, 651.
-, ……, co. Suffolk, 429.
-, ……, ……, John Potager of. See Potager.
-, ……, ……, Newton beside. See Newton near.
-, ……, ……, William Sheldrak of. See Sheldrak.

Suddon. See Sutton in Wincanton.

Sudeley, lord de. See Butler, Ralph.

Sudeley Manor, Sudeley, co. Gloucester, manor of, land held of, 495 bis.

Sudyngton, Over and Nether. See Siddington, Upper and Lower.

Suffolk, earl of. See De la Pole, Edmund.

Sugley, co. Northumberland, Denton in, q.v.

Sugwas [in Eaton Bishop], co. Hereford, Stretton next. See Stretton-Sugwas.

Sulbery. See Soulbury.

Sulhampstead Bannister, Sellamstede, co. Berks, 578.

Suliard. See Sulyard.

Sullington, Sullyngton, co. Sussex, 483.
-, ……, Cobden in, 483.

Sully. See Scilly.

Sulyard, Suliard, Edward, 146, 231.
-, ……, Edward, esquire, 889.
-, ……, John, 231.
-, ……, John, serjeant at law, 200.

Summaster, Summaister, Joan. See Lympyn’, Joan.

Summaster, John, gentleman, co. Devon, 709.

Summaster, Margaret. See Courteys, Margaret.

Summer. See Somer.

Sunderland, Sunderlond by the Sea, co. Durham, 558.

Sunderland, Sonderlande, Richard, 390.

Sundon, Sondon, co. Bedford, manor of, 217.

Sundridge, Sundrysshe, co. Kent, 920.

Sundurlond, co. Leicester, 296.

Sunham, William, 225.

Sunnyng. See Sonning.

Surdevall, John, clerk, 388.

Surrey, county of, countess of. See Howard, Elizabeth.
-, ……, earl of, 344 (p. 220). See Howard, Thomas.
-, ……, escheator in. See Wody, John.

Sutcombe, Sutcomb, co. Devon, 770.
-, ……, advowson of, 343.
-, ……, manor of, 343.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 770.

Sutell, Henry, 110.
-, ……. See also Southwell; Suthill.

Suthall, co. Essex. See South-Hall.

Suthbroome. See Southbroom.

Suthflete. See Southfleet.

Suthill, Soothill, Sotehill, Sotehyll, Sotell, Barbara, sister and co-heir of George. See Constable, Marmaduke, esquire.
-, ……, Elizabeth, widow, 449.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 669.

Suthill, George, esquire, co. Lincoln, 662; co. Wilts, 663; co. York, 664.

Suthill, Henry, 939.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 390.
-, ……, Henry, son and heir of John, 449.

Suthill, John, co. Northampton, 449.

Suthill, John, esquire, 566.
-, ……, Mary, sister and co-heir of George. See Normanvile, John, knight.
-, ……, Robert, 939.
-, ……. See also Southwell; Sutell.

Suthpederton. See Petherton, South.

Suthperot. See Perrott, South.

Suthwell. See Southwell.

Suthwerk. See Southwark.

Suthwode, wood called, in Woodborough, co. Nottingham, 12.

Suthwyke. See Southwick.

Sutterton, co. Lincoln, manor of Beausolace in, 10.

Sutton, co. Suffolk, manor of, or manor of Fenhall in, 5.
-, ……, co. York, 38.
-, …… at Hone, co. Kent, Highlands in, q.v.
-, …… Cheney, West Sutton, co. Leicester, manor of, 936.
-, …… Coldfield, Sutton, Sutton Colfeld, Sutton in Colvyle [co. Warwick], 893.
-, ……, ……, lordship of, land in, 802.
-, …… ……, manor of, land held of, 730.
-, ……, Great, Moche Sutton, co. Essex, 679 (pp. 429, 432).
-, ……, [Great and Little, in Diddlebury], co. Salop, 326, 676.
-, …… Hougrave, Sutton with Holgrave [in Kirklington], co. York [N.R.], manor of, 222.
-, …… in Ashfield, upon Asshefeld, co. Nottingham, 227.
-, ……, Sutton Stapleton [in Brotherton], co. York [W.R.], 140.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 140.
-, ……, Sutton Sachefeld, or Sachefild [in Cheriton Fitzpaine], co. Devon, manor of, 118.
-, ……, in Holderness, co. York [E.R.], 86, 574, 669 bis.
-, ……, ……, manor of, land held of, 669.
-, ……, ……, manor (1/2 of 1/6 of), 574.
-, ……, ……, Stoneferry in, q.v.
-, …… [in Iver], co. Buckingham, 627.
-, …… [in Weston by Welland], co. Northampton, 621.
-, ……, Suddon [in Wincanton], co. Somerset, 608.
-, ……, Knighton, Sutton Militis [in Chew Magna], co. Somerset, 189.
-, ……, Little, Litill Sutton, co. Essex, 679 (pp. 429, 432).
-, …… le Marsh, Sutton, Sutton in le Marssh, Sutton in le Merssh, Sutton next Markeby, co. Lincoln, 2, 33, 585.
-, ……, Long, co. Hants, Well in, q.v.
-, ……, Long, Sutton in Holand, co. Lincoln, 835.
-, …… Mallet, Sutton Malet, co. Somerset, manor of, 62, 399.
-, …… Milites. See Sutton, Knighton.
-, …… on the Forest, co. York, N.R., Huby in, q.v.
-, …… on the Hill, co. Derby, Ash in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Thurvaston in, q.v.
-, …… on Trent, upon Trent, co. Nottingham, 46.
-, …… Pointz, Sutton, Sutton Poynes, co. Dorset, manor of, 954.
-, ……, ……, land held of, 255.
-, …… Sturmy [in Tenbury], co. Worcester, manor of, 562.
-, …… upon Derwent, co. York [E.R.], advowson of, 556, 561.
-, …… Waldron, Sutton Walrond, co. Dorset, advowson of, 162.
-, …… ……, manor of, 162.
-, ……, West, co. Leicester. See Sutton Cheney.

Sutton, Edward, knight, lord de Dudley, land held of, 257, 347, 528.
-, ……, ……, Margaret, daughter of. See Grey, Margaret.
-, ……, Hamond, 526.

Sutton, Hamond, esquire, co. Lincoln, 597.

Sutton, Hamond, the grandfather, 597.
-, ……, Hamond, the son, 597.
-, ……, Henry, clerk, M.D., 701 bis.
-, ……, Henry, esquire, 420. See Hamond.
-, ……, John, 204.
-, ……, ……, Maud, wife of, 204.
-, ……, John, 838.
-, ……, Margaret, wife of Hamond, esquire, 597.
-, ……, Nicholas, esquire, 581.
-, ……, Richard, 115.
-, ……, Richard, gentleman, 650.
-, ……, Robert, 584.
-, ……, Robert, son and heir of Hamond, esquire, 597.
-, ……, Roger, 623.
-, ……, Thomas, of Milton, esquire, 270.
-, ……, William, clerk, 197.
-, ……, William, lord de Dudley. See Sutton, Edward.

Suttons, co. Norfolk. See Wiggenhall.

Swaby, co. Lincoln, 835, 880.

Swaffham, Swafham, co. Norfolk, manor of, land held of, 14.
-, ……, Cley next. See Cley, Cockley.

Swainston, Swayngton [in Sedgefield], co. Durham, 558.
-, ……, manor of, 558.

Swalcliffe, co. Oxford, Shutford in, q.v.
-, ……, Sibford Gower in, q.v.

Swale, river, co. York, 556.

Swallick, Swalwyke [in Basingstoke], co. Hants, 708.

Swallous, co. Suffolk. See Lindsey.

Swalwyke. See Swallick.

Swan, Swane, Swanne, John, 973.
-, ……, John, tailor, 377, 407, 413, 414, 415, 416.

Swancote. See Swannacot.

Swanley Farm, Swanle [in Eastchurch], co. Kent, manor of, 247.

Swannacot, Swancote [in Week St. Mary], co. Cornwall, manor of, 680.

Swanne. See Swan.

Swannington, Swenyngton, co. Norfolk, manor of, called Hovelles, 600.

Swanscombe, Swannescom, co. Kent, 7.

Swansey, Richard, 666.

Swanyngton, Richard, clerk, 802.

Swardeston, Swarston, co. Norfolk, 32.

Swayngton. See Swainston.

Swenyngton. See Swannington.

Swete, John, 879.

Swetenham, Richard, of Huntington, co. Lancaster, 44.

Swetesire, John, 7.

Swinburne, Swynbourne, Great [in Chollerton], co. Northumberland, manor of, land held of, 547.
-, ……, Little, Lytle Swynbourne [in Chollerton], co. Northumberland, 547.

Swindon, Swyndon by Cheltenham, co. Gloucester, advowson of, 685.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 685.
-, ……, co. Wilts, Eastcott in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Westcott in, q.v.

Swine, co. York, E.R., 669.
-, ……, Arnold in, q.v.
-, ……, Burton Constable in, q.v.
-, ……, Marton in, q.v.

Swineshull, Swynshill Feld, pasture beside Oxford [in South Hinksey, co. Berks, now in city of Oxford], 42.

Swinton, Swynton [in Appleton le Street], co. York [N.R.], 556, 561, 568.
-, ……, ? Winton, charter dated at, 577.
-, ……, Swynton [in Masham], co. York [N.R.], 461.

Swynbourne, Great and Little. See Swinburne.

Swynburne, Joan lady de, land held of, 476.
-, ……, William, land held of, 547.

Swyndon by Cheltenham. See Swindon.

Swynerton, Humphrey, 347.
-, ……, Humphrey, son and heir of Humphrey and Anne, 347.
-, ……, Thomas, 347.
-, ……, ……, Anne daughter and co-heir of. See Mitton, Anne.

Swynescoo. See Monkton, Bishop.

Swynshill. See Swineshall.

Swynton. See Swinton.

Swyre, co. Dorset, 316.

Sybford Gower. See Sibford.

Sybsey. See Sibsey.

Sybyles, Abraham, 313.

Syday, John, ‘le Bayle,’ 429.

Sydbury. See Sidbury.

Syddyngton. See Sodington.

Sydeham. See Sowdon.

Sydenham, ? Norton Sydynham [in Marystow], co. Devon, 717.
-, ……, South, South Sidenham, South Sydynham, co. Devon, advowson of, 717.
-, ……, ……, manor of, 717.
-, ……, ……, ……, land held of, 389.

Sydenham, John, land held of, 176.
-, ……, John, esquire, land held of, 323.

Syderstone, Sydisterne, co. Norfolk, manor of, 55.

Sydney, Anne, daughter of Elizabeth, lady Brandon, 36.
-, ……, ……, Eleanor daughter of, 36.
-, ……, Humphrey, 175.
-, ……, Nicholas, 250.
-, ……, Thomasine. See Hopton, Thomasine.
-, ……, Thomasine. See Tendring, William.
-, ……, William, 439, 440.

Sydynham, Norton. See Sydenham.

Syer, James, 475.
-, ……, Peter, clerk, 465.

Syklynghall. See Sicklinghall.

Sylchestre. See Silchester.

Sylcok, Sylcokk, John, clerk, 974.

Sylton. See Silton.

Sylverton. See Silverton.

Symmyngesdale, co. Derby. See Clifton in Ashbourne.

Symon, John, 771, 776.

Symondes, Joan, widow, 679 bis.

Symondsbury, co. Dorset, Hogboar in, q.v.
-, ……, Vearse in, q.v.

Syndelysham. See Sindlesham.

Synderby. See Sinderby.

Syneux. See Sevenhous.

Syngleton. See Singleton.

Syntclercolshill. See St. Cleer Coleshill.

Syntmarywike. See Week St. Mary.

Syon Abbey [in New Brentford, co. Middlesex], abbess of, land held of, 57, 183, 428, 435, 502, 685, 943.

Syredys, co. Surrey. See Shirley.

Sysonby, Systonby, co. Leicester 936.

Syzer. See Sizergh.

Szoche. See Zouch.