General Index: A

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: A', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII(London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: A', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII(London, 1898), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: A". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.


A Bruggis, Thomas, esq. See Brydges.

A Wood, Awode, Hugh, Kent, 861.

A Wood, John, s. and h. of Hugh, 861.

Abbas, Bradford, co. Dorset. See Bradford Abbas.

Abbernett, Alexander, clk., 1217.

Abbess Rothyng, co. Essex. See Roding.
-, ……… Warley, co. Essex. See Warley.

Abbeston, co. Wilts., advowson of free chapel, 1122; land in, 1122.

Abbot, George, churchwarden of Carshalton, 640.
-, ………, Thomas, 406.
-, ………, Thomas, of Norwich, 721.
-, ………, William, clk., 954.

Abbot, Nenton, co. Devon. See Newton.
-, ………, Stoke, co. Dorset. See Stoke.

Abboteston, co. Hants. See Abbotstone.

Abbotiswike, co. Wilts., land in, 752.

Abbots Hall, co. Essex. See Horndon, East.
-, ………, Stanstead, co. Herts. See Stanstead.

Abbotsbury, Abbottesbury, co. Dorset, Abbey of, land held of, in co. Dorset, 15; in co. Somers., 118.

Abbotsham, Abbottesham, Abbotysham, co. Devon, land in, 661, 685.
-, ………, Westecote in, 206.

Abbotstone, Abboteston, co. Hants, advowson of, 827; manor of, 827.

Abbottesbury, co. Dorset. See Abbotsbury.

Abbottesham, co. Devon. See Abbotsham.

Abbotts, Isle, co. Somerset. See Isle-Abbotts.

Abbotysham, co. Devon. See Abbotsham.

Abburbury, co. Oxford. See Adderbury.

Abelott, Edward, 265.

Abendon, co. Berks. See Abingdon.

Abergavenny, Bergevenny, Bergavenney, Lord. See Nevill.

Aberhall, Abrahale, [in Michaelchurch], co. Heref., manor of, 262.

Abes, James, clk., 1180, 1181.

Abingdon, Abendon, co. Berks., Abbey of, land held of, in co. Berks., 132, 167, 707, 708, 801, 1214; in co. Oxford, 1030; in co. Warw., 656, 1052.
-, ………, land in, 132, 707.

Abinger, Abyngeworth, co. Surrey, land in, 400.

Abinghall, Abynhale, co. Glouc., land in, 116.

Abiagton, Abyndon, Abyngton, co. Camb., advowson of, 73.
-, ………, Downehall manor in, 73.
-, ………, Granesden manor in, 73.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., advowson of, 79; manor of, 79.

Ablington, Ablyngton, Ablynton, co. Glouc., manor of, 271.
-, ……, co. Wilts., manor of, 151, 282, 1122.

Ablyngton, co. Wilts. See Ablington.

Ablynton, co. Glouc. See Ablington.

Abrahale, co. Heref. See Aberhall.

Abrahale, William, &c. See Abrahall.

Abrahall, Abrahale, John, s. and h. of William, esq., 262.

Abrahall, William, esq., Heref., 262.

Abyndon, co. N’hamp. See Abington.

Abyngeworth, co. Surrey. See Abinger.

Abynhale, co. Glouc. See Abinghall.

Abyngton, co. Camb. See Abington.

Accote, co. Devon, manor of, 581.

Ackeford Fitzpayn, co. Dorset. See Okeford Fitzpaine.

Acklam, Aclome, co. York, knight’s fee in, 250.

Acle, co. Norfolk, land in, 916.

Aclome, co. York. See Acklam.

Acton, co. Middx., land in, 159.
-, ……… Ilgar, co. Glouc., land in, 778.
-, ………, Iren, co. Glouc. See Iron Acton.

Acton, Anne, wife of Roger, and daughter and co-heir of Alice Falke, 130.
-, ………, Cicely. See Green, Cieely.
-, ………, John, 773.

Acton, John, Salop, 1256.

Acton, Roger, 130.
-, ………, Thomas, 656.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of John, 1256.

Adams, William, 140.

Adber, Nether, co. Somers., manor (2/3) of, 1202.
-, ………, Over, co. Somers., land in, 1202.

Adbolton, co. Notts., land in, 917.

Addengrave, Adinggrave, co. Bucks., land in, 465.

Adderbury, Abburbury, co. Oxford, deed dated at, 689.

Adderbury, Fyfields manor in, 689.
-, ………, Le Hall Place in, 46.
-, ………, manor of, 75.
-, ………, Milton in. See Milton.
-, ………, Tisoes Place in, 46.

Ade, Joan, cousin and heir of John Lorchun, 191.
-, ………, Joan, sister of Richard Hemyngton, 191.
-, ………, William, father of Joan, 191.

Adinggrave, co. Bucks. See Addengrave.

Adloxton, co. Leic. See Allexton.

Admiral of England. See Vere, John de.

Adryngton, co. Devon. See Atherington.

Adwick, Adwik, co. York, land in, 256.

Adwik, co. York. See Adwick.

Affecote, co. Salop, manor of, 726.

Affeton, Isle of Wight. See Afton.

Affeton, Thomas. See Afton.

Afton, Affeton, co. Devon, baptism at, 1249; manor of, 403.
-, ……, Isle of Wight, manor of, 70.

Afton, Thomas, 403.

Agard, Margaret, wife of Thomas, and d. and h. of Geoffrey St. Germain, 13.
-, ………, Thomas, 13.

Ageven, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Aglionby, William, land held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157.

Agmondesham, co. Bucks. See Amersham.

Agmondesham, Emma, wife of John, and d. of Thos. Champeneys, 554.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Philip, 554.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of Philip, 554.

Agmondesham, Philip, Bucks., 554.

Agmondesham, Ralph, mercer, 554.

Agthorp, co. Linc., land in, 366.

Aikton, Ayketon, co. Cumb., advowson of, 157; land in, 157.
-, ………, Melsenby, John, rector of mediety of. See Melsenby.

Ailmouth, co. N’th’l’d. See Alnmouth.

Ainstable, Aynstaplyth, co. Cumb., Bromehous in, 157; estrays from, 157; fishery in Eden at, 157; manor of, 157.

Aislaby, Assulby, in Whitby Strand, co. York, manor of, 250.

Aissherygge, co. Devon, land in, 674.

Aissheton, co. Oxford. See Ashton.

Aisshewater, co. Devon. See Ashwater.

Aisshford, Est, co. Devon. See Ashford.

Aisshton, Stepul, co. Wilts. See Ashton, Steeple.
-, ………, West, co. Wilts. See Ashton, West.

Akenham, co. Suff., manor of, 654.

Alaneby, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Alaunz, co. Camb., manor of, 73, 253.

Alayne, William. See Allen.

Albemarle, Aubimarl, Countess of. See Fortz, Isabel.

Albemarle, Earl of, land held of heirs of, in co. Herts., 682.

Albemarle, honor of, land held of, in co. Hants, 1199; in co. Herts., 31; in co. York, 1258.

Alberton, Thomas, 12, 28.

Alblaster, James, &c. See Arblaster.

Albury, Aldebury, co. Oxford, manor of, 75.
-, ……, co. Surrey, Le Warelond, or Werelond in, 162.

Albyfield, Aldbifeld, Aldbyfeld, co. Cumb., land in, held by Christine Whitfeld, 157.
-, ………, land in, 157.

Alcestre, co. Derby. See Allestrey.

Alcock, Alcok, Edmund, of Badley, co. Suff., gent., Suff., 806.

Alcock, Elizabeth. See Rookwood, Elizabeth.
-, ………, John, Bishop of Rochester, Worcester, and Ely in turn, 89, 681, 809, 841, 874, 1085, 1086.
-, ………, Margery. See Poley, Margery.

Alcok, Edmund, &c. See Alcock.

Alcombe, co. Wilts., land in, 1163.

Aldbifeld, co. Cumb. See Albyfield.

Aldbyfeld, co. Cumb. See Albyfield.

Aldebury, co. Oxford. See Albury.

Aldeby, co. Norf., manor of, 507; site of manor, 469.

Aldefeld, co. Berks., land in, 1106.

Aldeham, co. Suff. See Aldham.

Aldemere, co. Salop. See Aldmore.

Aldemore, co. N’th’l’d. See Old Moor.

Aldenham, co. Herts., chantry in church of, 171.
-, ………, land in, 1154.
-, ………, Le Chamber in, 175.
-, ………, Neuburi in, 175.
-, ………, Pennes Place in, 171.
-, ………, Pigots manor in, 171.
-, ……, co. Salop, manor of, 1256.

Alderford, Aldirford, co. Norf., land in, 384.

Aldermanston, co. Berks. See Aldermaston.

Aldermaston, Aldermanston, co. Berks, baptism at, 1140.
-, ………, Caresse, Thomas, parish priest of. See Caresse.
-, ………, manor of, 763, 1252.

Alderminster, Aldermynster, co. Worc., Rose, William, of, 837.

Aldermynster, co. Worc. See Alderminster.

Aldersgate, Aldrishgate, London. See London.

Alderton, Aldryngton, co. N’hamp., manor (1/2) of, 299.
-, ……, co. Suff., advowson of, 722.

Alderton, John, 583, 584.

Alderwyche, co. Staff. See Aldridge.

Aldeworth, co. Berks. See Aldworth.

Aldewynkle, co. N’hamp. See Aldwinkle.

Aldgate, Algate, Street, London. See London.

Aldham, Aldeham, co. Suff., land in, 809.

Aldington, Aldyngton, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 109, 138.

Aldirford, co. Norf. See Alderford.

Aldmore, Aldemere, co. Salop, manor of, called Berwyk, 361.

Aldridge, Alderwyche, co. Staff., land in, 874.

Aldrishgate, London. See Aldersgate.

Aldryngton, co. N’hamp. See Alderton.

Aldwinkle, Aldewyncle, co. N’hamp., land in, 647.

Aldwinkle alias Titchmarsh (Tychemersh), Elizabeth. See Chamber, Elizabeth.
-, ………, John, 647.
-, ………, William, 647.
-, ………, William, esq., 647.

Aldwark, co. York, manor of, 675.

Aldworth, Aldeworth, co. Berks., land in, 934.

Aldy, John, 134, 1078.

Aldyngton, co. Kent. See Aldington.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Allington.

Aleneham, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 542.

Alennesmore, co. Heref. See Allensmore.

Alensmore, co. Heref. See Allensmore.

Alesby, co. Linc. See Aylesby.

Aleyn, John, &c. See Allen.

Alfardescote, co. Devon. See Bideford.

Alfardiscote, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 674.
-, ………, land in, 674.

Alfegh, Elizabeth, d. and co-heir of John, 530.
-, ………, Joan, d. and co heir of John, 530.

Alfegh, John, Kent, 530.

Alfegh, John, gent., 428, 485.
-, ………, Margaret, d. and co-heir of John, 530.
-, ………, Thomasine, d. and co-heir of John, 530.

Alferton, co. Derby. See Alfreton.

Alfold, co. Surrey, land in, 400; park (1/2) of, 1130.

Alfreton, Alferton, co. Derby, manor of, 3.

Alfray, Richard, 515.
-, ………, Thomas, 485.

Alfricheston, Sussex. See Alriston.

Algarkirk, Algerkyrke, co. Linc., land in, 1037, 1041.

Algarthorp, co. Notts., manor of, 917.

Algarthorpe, Nicholaa. See Linacre, Nicholaa.
-, ………, William, 424.

Algate Street, London. See Aldgate.

Algerkyrke, co. Linc. See Algarkirk.

Alghameston, co. Salop, manor of, 726.

Alington, Alyngton, Elizabeth. See Cheney, Elizabeth.

Alington, Giles (Guy), lord of Wymondley, land held of, in co. Herts, 321.
-, ………, Giles, s. and h. of William, 31, 76, 994.
-, ………, Joan. See Huddleston, Joan.
-, ………, John, esq., 76.
-, ………, William, 1088.
-, ………, William, esq., 681, 1075.

Alington, William, esq., Camb., 994; Herts., 31; Norf., 76; Suff., 77.

Alington, William, knt., 420.

Alkemonton, co. Derby. See Alkmanton.

Alkerton, co. Hants, land in, 1121.

Alkerugge, co. Heref., land in, 451.

Alkington, co. Glouc., manor of, 778.

Alkmanton, Alkemonton [in Longford], co. Derby, manor of, 158.

All Hallows, Barking. See London.

Allard, Henry, 1235.

Allen, Alayne, Aleyn, Agnes, sister and h. of Henry Maldon, 532.
-, ………, Henry, s. and h. of Agnes, 532.
-, ………, John, gent., 305.
-, ………, Thomas, 447.
-, ………, Thomas, chaplain, 642.
-, ………, William, 812, 845, 1161.
-, ………, William, of Easthampstead, co. Berks., yeoman, 207.

Allensmore, Alennesmore, Alensmore, Allennesmore, co. Heref., land in, 7, 472, 684.

Aller, co. Devon, land in, 303.
-, ………, Alre, co. Somers., advowson of, 462, 1198; advowson of chantry of, 462, 1198; manor of, 462, 1198.

Allerford, co. Devon, knight’s fee in, 536.

Allerton, Allewerton, Alverton, Alwerton, co. Notts., land in, 962.
-, ……, co. Somers., land in, 237, 435, 756.
-, ………, Blake, co. N’th’l’d, See Black Callerton.
-, ……… Bywater, co. York, land in, 480.

Allesford, co. Essex. See Arlesford.

Allestrey, Alcestre, co. Derby, land in, 613.

Allewerton, co. Somers. See Allerton.

Allexton, Adloxton, co. Leic., advowson of, 114; land in, 114; manor of 114.

Alley, Margaret, widow, late wife of Richard, and sometime wife of [Clement] Lyffyn, Essex, 238.

Alley, Richard, of London, alderman, 238.

Allington, Aldyngton, Alyngton, Athelyngton, co. Dorset, manor of, 117, 339.
-, ……, co. Hants., manor of, 1196.
-, ……, co. Kent, advowson of, 781; advowson of chantry, 781; manor of, 781.
-, ……, co. Sussex, manor (1/4) of, 878.
-, ……, co. Wilts, manor of, 186.
-, ………, North, co. Devon, Halstawe in, 755; land in, 755.
-, ………, West, co. Linc., manor of, 941, 1233.

Alman, Simon, 417.

Almesburye, co. Wilts. See Amesbury.

Almondbury, co. York, land in, 353.

Almondsbury, co. Glouc. See Hempton.

Almysho manor, co. Herts., 406.

Alnerton, co. York, land held of manor of, 250.

Alnewik, William, Bishop of Lincoln. See Alnwick.

Alnewike, co. N’th’l’d. See Alnwick.

Alnmouth, Ailmouth, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 542.

Alnwick, Alnewike, co. N’th’l’d., castle, &c., of, 542.

Alnwick, William, Bishop of Lincoln, 1161.

Alpheaton, Alpheton, co Suff., land in, 234.

Alpheton, co. Suff. See Alpheaton.

Alre, co. Somers. See Aller.

Alred, Richard, clk., 804.
-, ………, William, 804.

Alresford, co. Essex, manor of, 1144.

Alriston, Alfricheston, co. Sussex, land in, 738.

Alrygton, co. Somers., land in, 435.

Alscot, co Glouc., manor of, 1109.

Alstre, Edith. See Austrey.

Alstree, co. Warw. See Austrey.

Alsyn Afelles, co. Oxford. See Bix Gibwen.

Altheworld, Henry, chaplain, 595.

Alton, Aulton, co. Hants, land held of manor of, 12, 199, 232, 358, 402.
-, ………, rent in, 983.
-, ……, co. Wilts., advowson of, 151, 282; manor of, 151, 282, 1122.
-, ……… Estbroke co. Hants, land in, 1255.
-, ……… Westbroke, co. Hants, land held of manor of, 402.
-, ………, land in, 1255.

Alulph, Bocton, co. Kent. See Boughton Aluph.

Aluph, Boughton, co. Kent. See Boughton.

Alvard, Alver, Margery, widow, Suff., 909.

Alvard, Thomas, s. and h. of Margery, 909.

Alvardesmedowe, co. Worc., 2.

Alveley, Alvetheley, co. Essex, advowson of free chapel of, 1087.
-, ………, Brettes in, 886.
-, ………, land in, 237.
-, ………, manor of, 1087.
-, ……, co. Salop, land in, 720.

Alver, Margery, &c. See Alvard.

Alverstoke, co. Hants, Forteyne in. See Forteyne.

Alverton, co. Somers. See Allerton.
-, ………, North, co. York. See Northallerton.

Alvetheley, co. Essex. See Alveley.

Alvyneshey, co. Somers., manor of, 182.

Alwarton, co. ——, land held of manor of, in co. Cornw., 580.

Alwerton, co. Somers. See Allerton.

Alwington, Alwyngton, co. Devon, Garston in, 755.
-, ………, land held of manor of, 685.
-, ………, land in, 685.
-, ………, manor of, 206.
-, ………, Portledge in, 206.
-, ………, tenement called Alwyngton in, 206.

Alwyn, Nicholas, cit. and mercer of London, 629.

Alwyngton, co. Devon. See Alwington.

Alyen alias Hancok, John, 1110.

Alyn, Boltebury, co. Devon. See Bolberry.

Alyngton, co. Hants. See Allington.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Allington.
-, ……, co. Sussex. See Allington.
-, ………, North, co. Devon. See Allington.

Alyngton, William, &c. See Alington.

Ambesbury, co. Wilts. See Amesburg.

Ambresbury, co. Wilts. See Amesbury.

Ambrisbury, co. Wilts. See Amesbury.

Amcoats, Hamcotes, Agnes, wife of William, esq., d. and ch. of William Sawley, esq., 780.
-, ………, William, esq,, 780.

Amellybry, co. Cornw., manor of, 580.

Amersham, Agmondesham, co. Bucks., land in, 8, 554.
-, ………, land held of manor of, 554, 564.
-, ………, land held of rectory of, 8.
-, ………, Ranys fee in, 564.
-, ………, Stoke fee in, 564.

Ames, Drayton, co. Leic. See Drayton.

Amesbury, Almesburye, Ambesbury, Ambresbury, Ambrisbury, Ammesbury, Amysbury, co. Wilts., Bedelry of hundred of, 811.
-, ………, land held of manor of, 811, 829, 942.
-, ………, land in, 1207.
-, ………, priory of, land held of, in co. Hants, 96, 186; in co. Wilts., 40, 193, 369, 657, 942, 1207.
-, ………, wines bought at, 919.
-, ………, Great, co. Wilts., land held of manor of, 942.
-, ………, land in, 811.
-, ………, Little, co. Wilts., land in, 942.

Ammesbury, co. Wilts. See Amesbury.

Ampton, co. Suff., Coket, John of. See Cocket.
-, ………, land in, 495, 1007.

Amwell, co. Herts., land in, 512, 682.

Amwick, Amwyke, co. Linc., land in, 1037.

Amwyke, co. Linc. See Amwick.

Amyes manor, co. Essex. See Dunton.

Amyngton, co. Oxford. See Emmington.

Amysbury, co. Wilts. See Amesbury.

Amyson, Richard, chaplain, 1149.

Anastyes, co. Berks. See Wallingford.

Anderby, Aynderby, co. Linc., land in, 366.

Anderkyn, John, 1161.

Anderton, William, 1145.

Anderer, co. Hants. See Andover.

Andover, Andever, co. Hants, hundred of, land held of, 1016.
-, ………, land held of freemen of, 1246.
-, ………, rent in, 983.
-, ………, Sandys (Sandes) manor in, 1246.

Andreux, Robert. See Andrew.

Andrew, Andreux, Andrews, Edmund, clk., 53.
-, ………, John, 577.
-, ………, Richard, 780.
-, ………, Robert, 515.
-, ………, Thomas, 1125.
-, ………, William, clk., vicar of Holme Lacy, co. Heref., 452, 453.

Andrew, Willyngale co. Essex. See Willingale Spain.

Andrews manor, co. Herts., land held of, 773.
-, ………, Thomas, &c. See Andrew.

Anger, Fisherton, co. Wilts. See Fisherton.

Anery, co. Devon. See Annery.

Angell, John, of London, skinner, 238.

Anger, Henry, esq., 428.
-, ………, John, gent., 996.

Ankerwyke, Ankyrwyk, co. Bucks., priory of, land held of, in co. Bucks., 618.

Ankyrwyk, co. Bucks. See Ankerwyke.

Anlaby, Anleby, co. York, land in, 1045.

Anleby, co. York. See Anlaby.

Anmer, co. Norf., advowson of, 976.
-, ………, Bereford’s (Berfordes), manor in, 53.
-, ………, Castell manor in, 53.
-, ………, land held of manor of, 872.
-, ………, land in, 872, 1084.

Ann, John, land held of, in co. York, 256.

Annays, Burton, co. York. See Burton, Agnes.

Annery, Anery [in Monkleigh], co. Devon, manor of, 155.

Annesley, co. Staff., land in, 628.

Anneys, Papworth, co. Camb. See Papworth, St. Agnes.

Anstey, Ansty, Anstygh, co. Hants, land in, 1255.

Anstey, Elizabeth. See Taylard, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Joan. See Huddleston, Joan.
-, ………, Joan, wife of John, d. and h. of Henry Street, esq., 1075.
-, ………, John, gent., 543, 569, 570, 1075.
-, ………, Robert, 543.

Ansty, John. See Anstey.

Anstyes, co. Oxford. See Rotherfield Greys.

Anstygh, co. Hants. See Anstey.

Anstymonye, co. Devon, land in, 379; manor of, 688.

Anthorn, Aynthorne, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Ap Guillim Morgan, David, esq., 512.

Apilton, co. Norf. See Appleton.

Appilby, co. Westmd. See Appleby.

Appilton, co. York. See Appleton.

Appilton, Nun, co. York. See Nun Appleton.

Appilton, Roger. See Appleton.

Appleby, Appilby, co. Westmd., burgages in, 10, 432.
-, ………, pastures (named) in, 432.
-, ………, suit of county at, 432.

Applegarth, Apulgarth, West [in Marske], co. York, land in, 257.

Appleshaw, Appulshawe, Apulshawe, co. Hants, land in, 187, 1246.

Appleton, Apilton, Appilton, Appulton, Appylton, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 1084.
-, ………, land in, 210, 872, 1022, 1084.
-, ……… by Hackforth, co. York, manor of, 541.
-, ……… in Ryedale (Ridale), co. York, rent in, 612.
-, ………, Nun, co. York. See Nun Appleton.

Appleton, John, 974.
-, ………, Roger, 433, 449.
-, ………, Thomas, 234, 1136, 1161.

Appletree, Appultre [in Aston le Walls], co. N’hamp., manor of, 296.

Appleyard, Applyerd, Appylyard, John, land held of, in co. Norf., 1229.
-, ………, Philip, esq., land held of, in co. Herts., 1035.

Appley, co. Salop, manor of, 840.

Applyerd, Philip. See Appleyard.

Appulbrigge, co. Glouc., manor of, 778.

Appulshawe, co. Hants. See Appleshaw.

Appulton, Thomas. See Appleton.

Appultre, co. N’hamp. See Appletree.

Appylton, co. Norf. See Appleton.

Appylyard, John. See Appleyard.

Apseley, John. See Apsley.

Apslee, co. Bucks. See Apsley.

Apsley, Aspley, Apseley [in Ellesborough], co. Bucks., manor of, 306.

Apsley, John, 1078.
-, ………, John, esq., husband of Margaret, 162.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of John, esq., and sister and ch. of William Weston, 162.

Apulgarth, co. York. See Applegarth.

Apulshawe, co. Hants. See Appleshaw.

Apultons, co. Essex. See Chigwell.

Aquila, honor of, within Rape of Pevensey, co. Sussex, land held of, in co. Sussex, 431, 1160.

Arblaster, Alblaster, Agnes, wife of James, esq., 916.

Arblaster, James, esq., Norf., 916.

Arblaster, Thomas, s. and h. of James, esq., 916.

Archer, John, esq., 802.
-, ………, John, of Tamworth, esq., 868.
-, ………, Thomas, 1143.

Archerstoke, co. Glouc., manor (1/2) of, 858.

Ardele, co. Essex. See Ardleigh.

Ardelegh, co. Essex. See Ardleigh.

Arden Hall, co. Essex. See Ardern.

Ardenes, co. Devon. See Hardness.

Ardern, Arden, Hall [in Horndon], co. Essex, manor of, 381, 985.

Ardern, John, 774.
-, ………, Robert, 803.
-, ………, William, 803.

Arderns manor, co. N’hamp. See Spratton.

Ardes, Ardis, John, 724.
-, ………, Michael, esq., land held of, in co. Bucks, 724.

Ardescote, co. Salop, land in, 604.

Ardis, John. See Ardes.

Ardleigh, Ardele, Ardelegh, co. Essex, Martel Hall, or Martels, manor in, 100, 1006.

Ardmere, Richard, of London, alderman, 32.

Agenteins manor, co. Camb. See Melbourn.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Newmarket.

Argentynes manor, co. Oxford. See Chalgrove.

Arington, co. Camb. See Arrington.

Arkesden, co. Essex. See Arkesdon.

Arkesdon, Arkesden, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 291.
-, ………, land in, 291.
-, ………, Peverell manor in, 291.

Arkeston, co. Heref. See Arxton.

Arlesey, co. Bedf., land in, 730.

Arlesford, Allesford, co. Essex, land in, 893.

Arlingham, Erlyngham, co. Glouc., land in, 778.

Arlington, Erlyngton, co. Sussex, land in, 738.

Armathwaite, Armethwaite, co. Cumb., Skelton, John, of, esq., 969.

Armethwaite, co. Cumb. See Armathwaite.

Armin, Armyn, Ayrmyn, Ermyn, co. York, land in, 1145.

Armin, William, 1145.
-, ………, William, knt., land held of heirs of, in co. Linc., 1149.

Armyn, co. York. See Armin.

Arnall, co. Notts. See Arnold.

Arncliffe, Erneclif, co. York, knight’s fee in, 612.

Arnewode, co. Hants, land in, 1121.

Arnold, Arnall, co. Notts., land held of manor of, 382.

Arnold, Henry, s. and h. of Robert, 606.
-, ………, Robert, 1143, 1189, 1192.

Arnold, Robert, of Gillingham, co. Kent, gent., Kent, 606.

Arnoldes, co. Essex. See Mountnessing.

Arnyngton, co. Camb. See Arrington.

Arowsmyth, Richard. See Arrowsmith.

Arrington, Arington, Arnyngton, co. Camb., land in, 1050.
-, ………, Nether Hall manor in, 543.

Arrington, Over Hall manor in, 543.

Arrowesmyth, Richard. See Arrowsmith.

Arrowsmith, Arowsmyth, Arrcwesmyth, Richard, 979, 1168.

Arsic, Harsyk, Roger, knt., 1083.

Arthingworth, Arthyngworth, co. N’hamp., land in, 910.

Arthur, Artour, John, esq., land held of, in co. Somers., 385, 1150.

Arthyngworth, co. N’hamp. See Arthingworth.

Artour, John. See Arthur.

Arundel, Daroundell, co. Sussex, castle of, land held of, in co. Sussex, 322.
-, ………, Earl of. See Fitz-Alan.
-, ………, honor of, land held of, in co. Sussex, 401.
-, ………, John, Neel, Master of College of, land held of, in co. Sussex, 274.

Arundel, John, knt. See Fitz-Alan.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., Lord Mawtravers. See Fitz-Alan.

Arundell, John, Dean of Windsor, 173.
-, ………, John, esq., 208.
-, ………, John, esq., land held of, in co. Devon, 155.
-, ………, John, knt., 30, 55, 181, 182, 760.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Thomas, knt., 30, 55.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of John, knt., 30, 55, 181, 182, 183.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 760.

Arundell, Thomas, knt., Bucks., 55; Devon, 30; Dorset, 181; Glouc., 184; Somers., 182; Wilts., 183.

Arundell, Thomas, knt., land held of, in co. Cornw., 208; in co. Devou, 760.
-, ………, Rudge, co. Devon. See Rudge, Arundell.
-, ………, Rugge, co. Devon. See Rudge, Arundell.

Arxton, Arkeston, co. Heref., land in, 7, 472, 684.

Asby, John, &c. See Ashby.

Ascheley, William, &c. See Ashley.

Ascot, Asket, co. Oxford, Rokes, Thomas of, 418.

Asfeld, Badwell, co. Suff. See Badwell Ash.

Asgarby, Asgardby, co. Linc., advowson of, 1037; land in, 1037.

Asgardby, co. Linc. See Asgarby.

Ash, Asshe, Esse, Badwell, co. Suff. See Badwell.
-, ………, Campsey, co. Suff. See Campsey Ash.
-, ……… [in Netherbury], co. Dorset, land in, 117, 339.
-, ………, Man, co. Devon. See Man Ash.
-, ……… near Sandwich, co. Kent. See Fleet, Goldston, Nells.
-, ……… Rafe, co. Devon, advowson (1/3) of, 685; manor (1/6) of, 685.

Ashampstead, Ashamstede, Asshamstede, co., Berks., manor of, 934.
-, ……, manor (1/3) of, 733.

Ashamstede, co. Berks. See Ashampstead.

Ashbourn, Asshebourne, co. Derby, Offecote by. See Offcote.

Ashburn, Asshburn, Aysshborn, Henry, 322, 434, 436.

Ashburton, Assheberton, Ayshberton, Ayssheberton, co. Devon, land in, 303, 852.

Ashbury, Ayshebury, co. Berks, Odstone manor in, 460.
-, ………, Buffynneswyke in, 460.
-, ……, co. Devon, manor of, 661.

Ashby, Asby, Asheby, Askeby, Assheby, co. Linc., Estburn, John, rector of. See Estburn.
-, ………, land in, 1257.
-, ……… by Partney (Partenay), co. Linc., advowson of, 686; manor of, 686.
-, ………, Canons, co. N’hamp., priory of, lease by, 1208.
-, ………, Castle, co. N’hamp., land in, 796.
-, ……… de la Zouch, co. Leic., land in, 1103.
-, …… Parva, co. Leic., land in, 164.

Ashby, John, gent., 46.
-, ………, Thomas, 60.
-, ………, William, esq., 818.
-, ………, William, esq., land held of, in co. Leic., 1222.

Ashcot, Ayscote, Aysshecote, co. Somers., land in, 257, 756.

Ashe, Aysshe, co. Hants, Polhampton near. See Poolhampton.
-, ……… Rayne, co. Devon. See Ashreigny.

Asheby, co. Linc. See Ashby.

Asheby, Thomas, &c. See Ashby.

Asheton, Thomas, &c. See Ashton.

Ashfield, Asshefeld, Asshfeld, Florence, widow, late wife of John, d. and ch. of John Butler, 481, 889, 925.
-, ………, John, esq., 578, 588, 682.
-, ………, Reginald, gent., 1143.
-, ………, William, clk., 1143.

Ashford, Aisshford, East, co. Devon, manor of, 379.

Ashhurst, Asshehurst, William, 1160.

Ashill, Asshell, co. Norf., Stowedale Leet in, 101.

Ashington, Eshenden, co. N’th’l’d., rent in, 348.

Asbley, Ascheley, Assheley, Asshely, Assley, Aysshley, co. Devon, manor of, 688.
-, ……, co. Hants., land held of manor of, 103.
-, ……… by Bradford, co. Wilts., manor of, 1024.
-, ………, East, co. Hants, land in, 1121.
-, ………, North, co. Hants, manor of, 1246.
-, ………, West, co. Hants, land in, 1121.

Ashley, Elizabeth, wife of Hugh, 1023, 1024.
-, ………, Henry, s. and h. of Hugh, 1023, 1024.

Ashley, Hugh, Dorset, 1023; Wilts, 1024.

Ashley, Richard, 1023.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., 51.
-, ………, William, 38, 39, 103, 514.
-, ………. See also Esselegh.

Ashreigny, Ashe Rayne, Asshe Reyny, co. Devon, advowson of, 785; land in, 908; manor of, 249, 785.

Ashton, Aissheton, Aisshton, Asheton, Assheton, Asshton, Aston, Aysscheton, co. Oxford, manor of, 963.
-, ………, Cold (Aston), co. Glouc., land in, 122; manor of, 122.
-, ………, Long, co. Somers., manor of, 385.
-, ………, Steeple (Stepul), co. Wilts., land in, 151.
-, ………, West, co. Wilts., land in, 151.
-, ………, Winterborne, co. Dorset. See Winterborne.

Ashton, Edward, land held of, in co. Surrey, 201, 397.
-, ………, Nicholas, 761.
-, ………, Ralph, esq., 1143.
-, ………, Thomas the elder, esq., 250, 388.

Ashwater, Aisshewater, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 674.

Ashwell, Asshwell, Aysshewell, co. Somers., land in, 156.
-, ……, co. Rutl., manor of, 591.

Askarne, co. York. See Askern.

Askeby, co. Linc. See Ashby.

Askern, Askarne, co. York, manor of, 377.

Askerton, co. Cumb., rents in, 157.

Asket, co. Oxford. See Ascot.

Askham Bryan, York City, manor (1/2) of, 165.

Askham, Thomas, de, rector of Skelton, co. York, 489.

Aslacton, co. Norf., land in, 319.

Aslake, Walter, 975, 976.

Asole, John, 916.

Aspatre, co. Cumb. See Aspatria.

Aspatria, Aspatre, co. Cumb., land held of manor of, 695.

Aspland, John, 845.

Aspland, John, s. and h. of John, Essex, 420.

Aspley, co. Bedf., land in, 577.
-, ……, co. Bucks. See Apslee.

Aspull, William, 460.

Asserton, co. Wilts., manor of, 422.

Asshampton, co. Berks., manor of, 934.

Asshamsted, co. Berks. See Ashampstead.

Asshe, Ayshe, Man, co. Devon. See Man Ash.
-, ……, co. Dorset. See Ash.
-, ……, co. Suff., Goodes tenement in. See Campsey Ash.

Asshe Reyny, co. Devon. See Ash Reigny.

Asshe, John, s. and h. of William, 1203.
-, ………, Reginald, mercer, 51, 58.

Asshe, William, Devon, 1203.

Asshebedde, co. Devon, land in, 661.

Assheberton, co. Devon. See Ashburton.

Asshebourne, co. Derby. See Ashbourn.

Assheby, Castell, co. N’hamp. See Ashby, Castle.
-, ……… de la Zouch, co. Leic. See Ashby.
-, ………, Little, co. Leic. See Ashby Parva.

Asshecombe, co. Sussex, manor of, 552.

Assheden, co. Berks, manor of, 934.

Asshefeld, John. See Ashfield.

Asshehurst, William. See Ashhurst.

Asshelegh, co. Devon. See Ashley.

Assheley by Bradford, co. Wilts. See Ashley.

Assheley, William, &c. See Ashley.

Asshell, co. Norf. See Ashill.

Asshemersfeld, co. Kent, manor of, 380.

Assheton, Longe, co. Somers. See Ashton.

Asshewode, in Kniver Forest, co. Staff., 288.

Asshfeld, Florence, &c. See Ashfield.

Asshfeldfyldys, co. Salop, manor of, 997.

Asshton, Edward. See Ashton.

Asshton Winterbourne, co. Dorset. See Winterborne Ashton.

Asshwell, co. Rutl. See Ashwell.

Asshwelton, co. ——, Thursby, Robert, of, 1143.

Assley, North, co. Hants. See Ashley.

Assulby, co. York. See Aislaby.

Astall, co. Oxford. See Asthall.

Astallyngley, co. Oxford. See Asthalleigh.

Asteley, co. Salop. See Astley.

Asteley, James, &c. See Astley.

Asteleyns, co. Essex. See Astelyns.

Astelyns, Asteleyns, Hastelyns, co. Essex. See Ongar, High.

Astenby, co. York, manor of, 477.

Astewell, co. N’hamp. See Astwell.

Astewode, co. Bucks. See Astwood.

Asthall, Astall, co. Oxford, manor of, 932, 1200.

Asthalleigh, Astallyngley, Lye by Astalle, co. Oxford, land in, 168; manor of, 932, 1200.

Astley, Asteley, co. Salop, land in, 720.

Astley, James, vicar of ——, 291.
-, ………, William, esq., 455.

Aston, co. Derby, land in, 423.
-, ……, co. Salop, manor of, 997.
-, ……, co. Staff., land in, 628.
-, ………, Colde, co. Glouc. See Ashton, Cold.
-, ……… Flamville (Flamvyle), co. Leic., land in, 1223.
-, ………, Great, co. Salop, manor of, 604.
-, ……… Ivyngho, co. Bucks. See Ivingho.

Aston le Walls (in the Wall), co. N’hamp., Appletree manor in, 296; manor of, 296.
-, ………, Middle (Meddyl), co. Oxford, manor of, 715.
-, ……… [Sandford], co. Bucks., land in, 106.
-, ……… Somerville, co. Glouc., advowson of, 1177; manor of, 1177.
-, ………, Steeple (Stepul), co. Oxford, land held of manor of, 709.
-, ………, land in, 709.

Astones, co. Suff. See Thorpe Morieux.

Astons Thyng, co. Staff. See Wigginton.

Astrop, co. N’hamp., land in, 372.

Astry, Margery, wife of Ralph, knt., formerly Margery Revell, widow, 1055.

Astry, Ralph, knt., cit. and Alderman of London, Kent, 1055.

Astry, William, s. and h. of Ralph, knt., 1055.

Astwell, Astewell, co. N’hamp., Billings manor in, 753.
-, ………, birth at, 1208.
-, ………, Brookes manor in, 753.

Astwick, Astwyk, co. Bedf., land held of Sheldon’s manor in, 286.
-, ………, manor of, 286, 1104.

Astwick, John, gent., 1104.

Astwood, Astewode, co. Bucks., land held of manor of Bury in, 355.
-, ………, land in, 355.

Astwyk, co. Bedf. See Astwick.

Astwyke, John, gent. See Astwick.

Aswarby, Aswardby, co. Linc., advowson of, 1037.
-, ………, Cokerell, John, rector of. See Cockerell.
-, ………, manor of, 1037.

Aswardby, co. Linc. See Aswarby.

At Hyll, Agnes, &c. See Hill.

At Pounde, Thomas. See Pounde.

At Stok, John. See Stokes.

Atewater, John, 1202.
-, ………, William, clk., 652.

Athelhampston, co. Dorset, manor of, 119.

Athelney, co. Somers., Abbey of, land held of, in co. Somers., 652, 692.
-, ………, Abbot of, Robert, 257, 756.

Athelyngton, co. Dorset. See Allington.

Atherington, Adryngton, Atheryngton, co. Devon, land in, 685; manor of, 674.

Atherton, John, 329.

Atheryngton, co. Devon. See Atherington.

Aton, co. York. See Ayton.

Atte Brigge, William. See Brydges.

Atte More, John, &c. See More.

Attecrofte, co. Heref., hamlet of, 549.

Atteward, co. Wilts. See Atworth.

Attilbrigge, co. Norf. See Attlebridge.

Attlebridge, Attilbrigge, co. Norf., land in, 384.

Attrewyn, co. Devon, advowson of chantry of, 303.

Attwell, John, 640.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Maud, 640.
-, ………, Maud, wife of John, 640.

Attylborough, co. N’hamp. See Irthlingborough.

Atward, co. Wilts. See Atworth.

Atwater, Awater, John, 143.

Atworth, Atteward, Atward, co. Wilts., Cottels Atworth manor in, 1197.
-, ………, land in, 657.

Auburne,’ bow made of, service, 849.

Aubimarl, earl of. See Albemarle.

Auburn, Awburn, co. York, land in, 363, 947, 1188.

Aucher, Fisherton, co. Wilts. See Fisherton Anger.

Auchier, Henry, esq., 399.

Audeley, John, &c. See Audley.

Audley, Audeley, Awdeley, Edmund, Bishop of Rochester and Hereford in turn, 809, 1168.
-, ………, James, knt., 646.
-, ………, John, clk, 46.
-, ………, John, grandson and h. of Richard Darell, knt., 646.
-, ………, Lord de. See Tuchet.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of James, knt., and d. and h. of Richard Darell, knt., 646.

Audleys manor, co. Heref. See Marcle, Much.

Aufyn, Awfyn, Richard, clk., 33, 681.

Aulton, co. Hants. See Alton.

Auneffordes Hoo, co. N’hamp. See Hamfordshoe.

Auneley grange, co. York. See Elland.

Aunesham, Robert, &c. Aunsham.

Aunger, co. Essex. See Ongar.

Aunger, Nicholas, 776.

Aunsham, Aunesham, Katharine, mother of Robert, daughter and co-heir of Alice Falke, 130.
-, ………, Richard, 58.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of Katharine, 130.

Aure, co. Glouc. See Awre.

Austhorpe, co. York, land in, 220.

Austrey, Alstree, co. Warw., manor of, 331.

Austrey, Edith, widow, land held of, in co. Warw., 748.

Austyll, Thomas, clk., 1185.

Avebury, co. Wilts. See Beckhampton.

Avell, co. Somers., manor of, 764.

Avenell manor, co. Camb. See Gamlingay.

Avenells manor, co. Camb. See Wimpole.

Aveton Giffard, co. Devon, land in, 303.
-, ………, Lyxton in, 1110.

Avington, Avyngton, co. Berks., manor of, 957.

Avyngton, co. Berks. See Avington.

Avyste, John, 780.

Awater, John. See Atwater.

Awburn, co. York. See Auburn.

Awdeley, James, &c. See Audley.

Awfyn, Richard. See Aufyn.

Awode, Hugh, &c. See A Wood.

Awre, Aure, co. Glouc., land in, 116.
-, ………. See Blidesloe.

Axbridge, Axbrige, Axbrigge, Axbryge, co. Somers., land in, 435, 716, 764, 870, 1150.
-, ……, co. Somers., burgesses of, land held of, 1150.

Axbrige, co. Somers. See Axbridge.

Axbrigge, co. Somers. See Axbridge.

Axbryge, co. Somers. See Axbridge.

Axholm, Isle of, co. Linc., priory of, land held of, in co. Leic., 1222.

Axminster, co. Devon. See Newnham.

Axmouth, co. Devon. See Bendon.

Ayera, co. Cumb., land at, 245.

Ayet, co. Herts. See Ayot.

Ayketon, co. Cumb. See Aikton.

Aylake, co. Devon, manor of, 661.

Aylemerton, co. Norf. See Aylmerton.

Aylesborn by Ipswich, co. Suff., land in, 304.

Aylesbury, co. Bucks., Chalfont, William, of. See Chalfont.
-, ………, Grove, John, of. See Grove.
-, ………, messuages in, 115.
-, ………, Ottersfee manor in, 115.
-, ……, co. Worc. See Estbury.

Aylesbury, John, esq., Warw., 748.

Aylesbury, Joan. See Somerville, Joan.

Aylesbury, Joan, late the wife of John, Warw., 325.

Aylesbury, John, 325.
-, ………, John, heir of Joan, 325.

Aylesby, Alesby, co. Linc., manor of, 639.
-, ………, manor (1/4) of, 244.

Ayleswythorp, co. Norf., land in, 1022.

Aylmer, Robert, 1229.

Aylmerton, Aylemerton, co. Norf., land in, 1143.

Aylyscote, co. Devon, land in, 379.

Aylyvys, co. Hants., manor of, 1246.

Aynderby, co. Linc. See Anderby.

Aynstaplyth, co. Cumb. See Ainstable.

Aynthorne, co. Cumb. See Anthorn.

Ayot, Ayet, Eyat, Eyott, co. Herts., advowson (1/2) of, 405; land in, 405.
-, ………, Bourchier, Thomas, lord of, land held of, 321.
-, ……… St. Lawrence, co. Herts., advowson of, 512, 682; manor of, 512, 682.

Ayrmyn, William. See Armin.

Ayscote, co. Somers. See Ashcot.

Ayshberton, co. Devon. See Ashburton.

Ayshe, John, &c. See Asshe.

Ayshebury, co. Devon. See Ashbury.

Ayshforde, William, land held of heirs of, in co. Devon, 443.

Aysscheton, Nicholas. See Ashton.

Aysshborn, Henry. See Ashburn.

Aysshe, co. Hants. See Ashe.

Ayssheberton, co. Devon. See Ashburton.

Aysshecote, co. Somers. See Ashcot.

Aysshewell, co. Somers. See Ashwell.

Aysshley, East and West, co. Hants. See Ashley.

Aythorp, Roding, co. Essex. See Roding Aythorpe.

Aythorpe, Rothyng, co. Essex. See Roding Aythorp.

Ayton, Aton, in Pickering Lythe, co. York, manor (1/3) of, 223, 663.
-, ………, Great, in Cleveland, co. York, land held of manor of, 998.
-, ………, Little, in Cleveland, co. York, manor of, 998.