Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 851-900

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 851-900', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 851-900', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 851-900". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 851-900

Writ 1 June, 7 Hen. VII; inq. 1 Dec., 8 Hen. VII.
He enfeoffed Richard Chechester and Nicholas Cokworthy, esqs., and their heirs and assigns, of the under-mentioned manors, to the use of himself and his heirs, and to the use of his last will. By his last will made 20 March, 7 Hen. VII, he directed his said feoffees to take the issues and profits of the premises for the discharge of his debts, and to make an estate of said manors within a quarter of a year after the said debts were paid, to his son and heir Christopher, and his heirs and assigns.
He died 28 March, 7 Hen. VII. Christopher Flemyng, aged 18 and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. Manor of Highbray, worth 100s., held of the Lady Countess of Derby and Richemond, as of the honor of Barnestaple castle, by service of 1/2 of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Cridehoo, worth 20l., held of the Prince, as of the honor of of Launceston castle, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (100.)
852 WILLIAM COSYN, of Exeter.
Writ 27 Dec., inq. 26 April, 8 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 1 June, 27 Hen. VI, William Brounyng, Canon of Exeter, gave the under-mentioned lands in Ayshberton to him, and Christine his wife, who survives, by the name of William son and heir of Richard Cosyn, and Christine his wife, daughter and heir of John Hakeworthe, to hold to them, and the heirs of his body, with remainder in default to the right heirs of the said Richard his father.
He died without issue 12 Dec. last, seised of the other under-mentioned messuages and lands in fee. Thomas Cosyn, aged 30 and more, is his brother, and heir.
DEVON. Seven messuages, 6 burgages, 100a. land, 19a. meadow, and 200a. gorse and heather, worth 100s., and 10s. rent, in Ayshberton, held, except the rent, of the Bishop of Exeter, by fealty only, for all service.
Six messuages, 80a. land, 10a. meadow, and 100a. gorse and heather, worth 60s., and 20s. rent, in Est Teyngmouth, held, except the rent, of the said Bishop, by fealty only, for all service.
Ten burgages, 200a. arable, 20a. meadow, and 200a. gorse and heather, worth …., and 40s. rent, in West Teyngmouth, held, except the rent, of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, by fealty only, for all service.
Seven messuages, 6 burgages, 100a. land, and 12a. meadow, worth 6 marks, and 40s. rent, in Tottnesse, held, except the rent, of Piers Eggecombe, in free socage.
A messuage, 6a. land, and 2a. meadow in Bryggeton Pomeray, worth 10s., held of Richard Pomeray, knt., by fealty and suit of the court of Bryggeton Pomeray.
A messuage, 100a. land, 10a. meadow, and 170a. gorse and heather in Harcombe, worth 18s., held of William Fortescu in free socage.
Sixteen acres of land in Dawlish, worth 13s. 4d., held of the said Bishop, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (101.)
853 AGNES, late the wife of RALPH INGOLDESBY.
Writ 1 March, inq. 12 March, 8 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 844.
N’HAMP. Two messuages, 100a. land, 6a. meadow, 200a. pasture, and 10s. rent in Thenforth, worth 26s. 8d., held of the King, by service of 1/40 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (102.)
Writ de Amotus 8 March, inq. 23 March, 8 Hen. VII.
One John Wodeward and the said Ellen late his wife, being seised of the under-mentioned messuages in fee, enfeoffed Thomas Chicheley her son, who survives, thereof, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns, for ever.
She died 1 July, 6 Hen. VII. John Chicheley, aged 40 and more, is her son and heir.
LONDON. Twenty-four messuages in the parish of All Hallows, Berkyng, worth 5 marks, held of James Underwode, Master of Whitingdon College, London, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (103.)
Writ 6 Nov., inq. 10 Jan., 8 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 4 July, 1 Hen. VII, he gave the under-mentioned messuages and lands to John Bere, Robert Byckombe, Gregory Fokcray, and Thomas Notcombe, who by their deed dated 3 Aug., the same year, gave the messuages and lands in Redfenford, &c., to him and Emyne his wife, who survives, in full of her dower, and to his heirs and assigns, and by another deed dated 13 Sept., 2 Hen. VII, demised the residue of the said messuages and lands, viz. lands in Wode, Pertryggewallis, Totteley, Kechedon, Wynkeley, and Holcombe, to Thomazine Wode, who survives, late the wife of John Wode his father, for the term of her life, in full of her dower from her said husband’s lands.
He died 29 Oct. last. Aldelin, aged 10 and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. A messuage, 100a. land, 15a. meadow, 100a. moor, and 100a. gorse and heather in Redfenford, worth 20s., held of Thomas Thorn, as of the manor of Bradeworthy, by fealty only, for all service.
A moiety of a messuage, 10a. land, [4a. meadow], and of 16a. gorse and heather in Peryeston, worth 6s., held of John Halwyll, knt., as of the manor of Beworthy, by fealty only, for all service.
A moiety of a messuage, 8a. land, 4a. meadow, 5a. wood, and 10 [20]a. gorse and heather, in Kateryn Bokelond, worth 8s., held of Thomas Scottford, as of the manor of Idelcote, by fealty only, for all service.
A messuage, 10a. land, 5a. meadow, and 20a. gorse and heather in Bokelond Dynham, worth 10s., held of John Champernon, as of the manor of Modbury, by fealty only, for all service.
Two messuages, 40a. land, 5a. meadow, 2a. wood, and 6a. gorse and heather in Brodewode Kelly, worth 6s., held of Otho Gilbert, as of the manor of Brodewode Kelly, by fealty only, for all service.
A tenement, 6a. land, 5a. meadow, and 3a. wood in Haderlegh, worth 5s., held of the Abbot of Tavistoke, in free socage.
A third part of 2 tenements, 100a. land, 10a. meadow, and of 6a. gorse and heather in Plymouth, worth 10s., held of Robert Wyloughby, knt., as of the manor of Sutton Vautard, by fealty, for all service.
A third part of a messuage, 30a. land, 2a. meadow, 2a. wood, and of 6a. gorse and heather in Howghton, worth 4s., held of Joan Denham, by fealty only, for all service.
A third part of a messuage, 40a. land, 5a. meadow, and of 20a. gorse and heather in Langtree, worth 3s., held of the Earl of Westmoreland, as of the manor of Langtree, by fealty only, for all service.
A third part of 2 messuages, 200a. land, 5a. meadow, 4a. wood, 20a. moor, and of 20a. gorse and heather in More, Berehede, and Northwode, worth 5s., held of Thomas, Marquess of Dorset, as of the manor of Colryge, by fealty only, for all service.
Three messuages, 200a. land, 20a. meadow, 10a. wood, 10a. moor, and 100a. gorse and heather in Wode, Pertryggewallis, Totteley, and Kechedon, worth 30s., held of William Reigny, clk., as of the manor of Eggisford, by fealty only, for all service.
Four messuages, 330a. land, 40a. wood, 20a. meadow, 100a. moor, and 100a. gorse and heather in Wynkeley and Holcombe Paramore, worth 40s., held of the King, as of the honor of Gloucester, by 1/2 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (104.)
Writ 13 April, inq. 10 June, 8 Hen. VII.
He died 26 Feb. last, seised of the under-mentioned manor and lands in fee, which thereupon descended to Richard Colvyle, aged 14, as his son and heir.
Elizabeth Tyll, widow, has taken the issues and profits of the premises from his death to the present time.
KENT. Manor of Strete, worth 20 marks, held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
One hundred and sixty acres of land and pasture in the parishes of Lympeney, Boroughmersh, Demechurche, and Romney Marshe, worth 4l., whereof 100a. are held of Henry Horne by 25s. 1d. rent, and other services unknown to the jury, and the residue of John Cheyne, knt., by fealty, 7s. rent, and other services similarly unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (105.) E. Series II. File 461. (6.)
Writ 31 Jan., inq. 27 Feb., 8 Hen. VII.
He died the last day but one of January last, seised of the under-mentioned manor and tenement in fee. Giles a Bruggis, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
WORC. Manor of Eldresfelde, otherwise Elsfelde, worth 20l., held of the King, as of the manor of Bussheley, parcel of the earldom of Gloucester, by service of 1/2 of a knight’s fee.
A tenement in Staunton called ‘Snygges Place,’ worth 6s. 8d., held of John Whittyngton, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (106.)
Writ 1 Feb., inq. 7 March, 8 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 857.
GLOUC. Manor of Coburley, worth 10 marks, held of John Walleronde, ‘gentylman,’ service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Archerstoke, worth 10 marks, held of the King, by service of 1/2 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (107.)
859 EMMA, sometime the wife of RICHARD HEIGHAM, and late the wife of HENRY TORELL, esq.
Writ 18 Aug., 7 Hen. VII; inq. 1 Sept., 8 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 5 Dec., 14 Edw. IV, Wystan Brown, clk., demised the under-mentioned manor and land to Henry Torell, esq., and the said Emma, then his wife, for the term of her life, with remainder to his heirs male by the said Emma, with remainder in default to his right heirs.
She survived the said Henry, and died 6 Aug. last. Humphrey Torell, aged 13 and more, is her son and heir, and son and heir male of the said Henry by the said Emma.
ESSEX. Manor of Shellowe Torelles, 200a. land, 20a. meadow, 140a. pasture, … a. wood, and 4 marks rent, and a rent of 40 cartloads of wood in the parishes of Wyllyngale, Barnardys Rothyng, and Shellowe Bromefeld, and also in the parishes of Navestok, Kellowdon, Dodyngherste, and Brendwode, worth 14l., held of the King, as of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (108.) E. Series II. File 291. (4.)
Writ 19 July, 7 Hen. VII; inq. 6 Oct., 8 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 10 Aug., 5 Hen. VII, Richard Swanyngton, chaplain, demised the under-mentioned manor of Morton Valence, and rent in Stanley Pountlarge, to John, Archbishop of Canterbury, and others, to the use of Joan, Viscountess Lisle, widow, who survives, late wife of the said Edward, for the term of her life, with remainder as in No. 764.
He died 17 July last, seised in his demesne as of frank tenement, after the death of Elizabeth his wife as tenant by the courtesy, of the other under-mentioned manors and lands. John Grey, aged 11 and more, is his son and heir and son and heir also of the said Elizabeth.
GLOUC. Manor of Payneswyk, worth 40l. 9s. 9d., held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
Manor of Morecote, worth 3l., and a messuage in Bradley, worth 8s. held of the Abbot of St. Peter’s, Gloucester, service unknown.
Manor of Wyke, worth 100s., held of the Abbot of St. Mary’s, Kyngeswode, service unknown.
A fourth part of the manor of Rengeworth, or Rangeworth, worth 3l. 3s. 6d., held of Jasper, Duke of Bedford, in right of his wife, service unknown.
A messuage in Iren Acton, worth 26s. 8d. held of Robert Poyntz, knt., service unknown.
A rent of 4l. in Cokbery.
A messuage, 100a. land, 30a. meadow, and 40a. pasture in Cokbery, worth 60s., held of the Abbot of Hayles, service unknown.
Manor of Morton Valence, worth 50l., held of the King, as of the honor of Harford, service unknown.
A rent of 3l. in Stanley Pountlarge.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (109.) E. Series II. File 341. (5.)
Writ 23 Nov., inq. 8 April, 8 Hen. VII.
He died 19 Oct., 8 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned lands in fee. John Awode, aged 40 and more, is his son and heir, and has taken the issues and profits of the said lands since his father’s death.
KENT. A messuage and 50a. land in the parishes of West Barmyng and Ealdyng, held of the King, by knight-service, viz. 1/4 of a knight’s fee, and by giving the King a pair of gilt spurs of the price of 6d., or 6d. instead of them, when the King’s eldest son is made a knight.
An acre of land in Ealdyng, beside the King’s high road, near a place called ‘Payn Hamynes’ in the said town, worth 8d., held of Jasper, Duke of Bedford, in right of his wife, by fealty and 2 1/2d. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (110.) E. Series II. File 461. (7.)
Writ 23 Jan., inq. 17 June, 8 Hen. VII.
He died at Gyrton, 13 Jan., 8 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned land. John Malster, aged 40, is his cousin and heir, viz. son of John Malster his brother.
CAMB. Three messuages and 12a. land in Madyngley, worth 30s., held of the Prior and Convent of Bernewell, service unknown.
Ten acres of land in the fields of Gyrton, worth 5s., held of the Master and Fellows of Merton, by fealty, and 10d. rent yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (112.)
Com. 18 July; inq. the last day of July, 8 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manor to Richard Banaster his son and Agnes wife of the said Richard and their heirs. The said Richard and Agnes were seised thereof accordingly in fee and died so seised leaving issue a son Edward Banaster who survives.
He died 14 Oct. last, seised of the under-mentioned land called ‘Moundelers Court’ in fee. The said Edward Banaster is his cousin and heir, viz. son of Richard his son and heir. Cf. No. 900.
SOUTHAMPTON TOWN. Manor called ‘Banaster Court,’ in the county of the town of Southampton, worth, together with the under-mentioned 30a. land, 100s., held of the King in chief.
Thirty acres of land called ‘Moundelers Court’ in the said county, held of the Prior of St. Denis, by 6s. 8d. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (113.)
Writ 2 Nov., inq. 29 Jan, 8 Hen. VII.
Richard Beauchamp, knt., Lord de St. Amand, being seised of the under-mentioned manor of Charleton, and lands in Hankerton, &c., in fee, by his writing indented dated at Charleton, 8 Jan., 6 Hen. VII, demised them to the said Roger, for the term of his life, without impeachment of waste, by virtue whereof the said Roger was seised of the said manor and lands in his demesne as of frank tenement, with reversion to the said Richard and his heirs.
Richard Puddesay, esq., being seised of the under-mentioned messuages and land in South Brome, &c., in fee, gave them to the said Roger, for the term of his life without impeachment of waste, with reversion to him the said Richard Puddesey, and his heirs.
Death and heir as in No. 847.
WILTS. Manor of Charleton beside Malmesbury, worth 12 marks, held of the Abbot of Malmesbury, by fealty and 7s. rent payable quarterly.
A toft and a virgate of land in Charleton, worth 20s., held of the said Abbot, by fealty and 5s. rent yearly.
A messuage and 24a. land called ‘Thekyngdon,’ or ‘Theckenden,’ in Hankerton, worth 26s. 8d., held of the said Abbot, by fealty, and a rent of 2d. and 1 lb. pepper at Michaelmas yearly.
A messuage and 40a. land in Escote, worth 40s., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
A toft and a virgate of land in Milburne, worth 40s., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
A messuage and two virgates of land in Brokynburgh, worth 40s., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
A pasture called ‘Kyngarsheyes,’ worth 16s., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
Eight acres of pasture and 6a. land in Tedyngdon, worth 20s., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
Twelve messuages, 6 tofts, 238a. land, 33a. meadow, 70a. pasture, and 2 1/2a. wood in South Brome, Wike, Bedburgh, Nustede, Rundewey, Eston, Bishops Canynges, Poterne, Wroughton, and Sterte, worth 10l., held of Thomas, Bishop of Salisbury, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (114.)
Com. 10 Feb., inq. Saturday after St. Gregory the Pope, 8 Hen. VII.
She died 8 Jan. last, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee tail, which descended on her death to Henry Willoughby, knt., aged 30 and more, as her cousin and heir, viz. son of Robert her son.
COVENTRY. Manor of Wykyn in the county of the city of Coventry, worth 10l., held of the Abbot of Combe, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (115.)
Writ 3 Feb, inq. 8 March, 8 Hen. VII.
She died seised of the under-mentioned manors.
Her death and heir as in No. 865.
HEREF. Manor, or lordship, of Ferne, worth 5 marks, held of the King, by service of a third part of a moiety of the barony of Kylpek.
Manor, or lordship, of Bradford, worth 4 marks, held of the King, belonging to the said moiety of a third part of the said barony.
Manor, or lordship, of Marshe Mowne, worth 40s., held of the King, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (116.)
Writ 28 Jan., inq. 8 April, 8 Hen. VII.
She died seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee.
Death and heir as in No. 865.
WARW. Two parts of the manor of Myddelton, worth 10 marks, held of Ralph Ferres, clk., Dean of the church of Tamworth, co. Stafford, in right of his deanery, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (117.)
Writ 24 Nov., inq. 22 Jan., 1 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manor and rent to John Gray de Wylton, knt., Simon Mountford, knt., Thomas Fowler, John Mountford, son of the said Simon, John Archer of Tamworth, Richard Perwych, and Richard Halle of Newton, esqs., and William Steele of Stratton, their heirs and assigns, to the use of Anne his wife for the term of her life by the name of jointure, and after her death for the payment of his debts, which done, he willed that they should stand enfeoffed of the premises to the use of his heirs. Roger Thorne, then tenant of the premises from which issued the said rent, attorned to the said feoffees by payment of a penny.
He died 22 Aug. last. Anne Straunge, aged 9 and more, and Margaret Straunge, aged 6 and more, are his daughter and heirs.
BUCKS. Manor of Westbury, worth 9l., held of the King, as of the honor of Walyngford, in free socage, viz. by fealty and 8 marks rent yearly, for all service.
A rent of 2s. issuing from a messuage and a virgate of land in Westbury, late John Hardewyk’s, held of the King, as of the said honor, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (118.)
869 MARGARET wife of JOHN HUSE, esq., daughter and heir of SIMON BLOUNT, son and heir of EDMUND BLOUNT, esq.
Writ de Ætate probanda, 11 June., probatio œtatis at Salisbury, 5 Aug., 7 Hen. VII.
WILTS. She was born at Swayneswyk and baptized in the parish church there, 3 Oct., 14 Edw. IV. Her father, Simon, died under age and in the King’s custody. The custody of her lands was given by King Edward IV to William Huse, knt., chief justice of the King’s bench.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (119.)
Com. wanting; inq. …. 8 Hen. VII; delivered to the Court …. 9 Hen. VII.
One William Seward, esq., his father, and to whom he was heir, gave the under-mentioned messuages and lands in Taunton, Wrentygge, &c., to him and Agnes his wife, who survives, and the heirs of his body begotten on the said Agnes.
He died 10 Dec. last seised of the other under-mentioned manors and lands in fee ……….. aged 10 and more, is his next heir.
SOMERS. Manor of ….., worth 8l., held of the King, by reason of services due in respect of knight’s fees held of the bishopric of Salisbury, in the King’s hands during voidance of the see.
Manor of Henton Bluet, worth 10 marks, the manor of Litilton, worth 10 marks, and ….., 40a. pasture, and 6a. wood in Brokeley, worth 22s., held of the King, as of the honor of ….
Six messuages in Axbrigge, held of the Bishop of Bath aud Wells, service unknown.
Three messuages in Temesborough, worth 20s., held of Nicholas Lisle, knt., service unknown.
… messuage, ….. land, and 10a. pasture in Wedmore, worth 16s., held of ……, in right of his deanery, service unknown.
Twelve messuages, 200a. land, 40a. ……. in Taunton, Walford, North Pedirton, Newport, Wrentygge, Westhache, Combe St. Nicholas, Thornfaucon, and Byconell, whereof the messuages, &c., in Taunton, worth 40s., are held of the Bishop of Winchester, the land, &c., in Wrentygge and Westhache, worth 30 …., of the Provost of Wells, the land in Walford, worth 10s., of ……., and the land in North Pedirton, Combe St. Nicholas, Thornfaucon, and Byconell, of Nicholas Bluet, the services being in every case unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (120.)
871 WILLIAM FITHYAN, late burgess of the town of Cales.
Writ de Diem Clausit, 10 April, 7 Hen. VII, addressed to Alan Reedman, the mayor, with a memorandum of execution endorsed, but the inquisition is wanting.
C. Series II. Vol. 8. (121.)
Writ wanting; inq. 2 Oct., 9 Hen. VII.
Thomas Heigham, gent., John Hyll, and John Milburn Were seised of the under-mentioned manor called ‘Weken Hall’ and lands in Gayton, Well, and Glosthorp in fee to the use of the said William Cobbe and his heirs, and being so seised enfeoffed Edmund Bedyngfeld and Henry Heydon, knts., with others, thereof to the same use.
He was seised together with Thomas Lawes of the under-mentioned manor called ‘Botelers,’ &c., to the use of him the said William Cobbe, his heirs and assigns, and being so seised they enfeoffed the said Edmund Bedyngfeld and Henry Heydon, knts., with others, thereof to the same use.
He was seised together with Elizabeth, daughter and heir of William Elwyn, sometime his wife, of the under-mentioned messuage and land in Wyggenhale in her right, and being so seised they had issue a son Geoffrey, and afterwards she died, and he survived her and was seised of the said messuage and land in his demesne as of frank tenement by the curtesy.
By his last will he willed that Agnes his wife should hold the said manor called ‘Wyken Hall’ with lands in Geyton, &c., for the term of her life, with remainder to William his son in tail male, with remainder to Geoffrey his son in tail male, with remainder for sale by the said Geoffrey, Thomas Walpole and Simon Bachecroft, whom he appointed his executors, to be disposed in works of charity for the safety of his soul and the souls of his parents and benefactors.
He died 29 August last seised of the other under-mentioned manor and lands in fee. Geoffrey Cobbe, aged 29 and more, is his son and heir.
NORF. Manor called ‘Weken Hall,’ otherwise called ‘Brechames,’ otherwise called ‘Parsons,’ a messuage, 2 tofts, 160a. land, 10a. meadow, 100a. pasture, and 40s. rent in Geyton, Well, and Glosthorp, worth 8l. and no more, held of John Bosoms, by fealty and 2s. rent at Michaelmas yearly.
Manor called ‘Botelers,’ a pond and water-mill, the site of a wind-mill called ‘Mille Hill,’ the advowson of the church of St. Felix, Babyngley, and the manor with its appurtenances in Babyngley, Wolfreton, Sandryngham, West Newton, Apilton, Flytcham, Bawesey, and Wyfelyng, worth 12l. and no more, held of the heirs of John Clyfton, knt., as of the hundred of Febrigge, by fealty and 2s. rent at Michaelmas yearly.
Manor called ‘Revettes in Newton,’ worth 4l. and no more, held of the Prior of Bynneham, as of the manor of Darsyngham, by fealty and 10d. rent at Michaelmas yearly.
Sixty acres of land in Anmere, worth 6s. 8d. and no more, held of the heirs of Jeremin Wodehows, as of the manor of Anmere, by fealty aud 17d. rent at Michaelmas yearly.
Eight acres of land in Anmere, worth 3s. 4d. and no more, held of Henry Sharnburn, as of the manor of Sharnburne Hall, by fealty and 4d. rent at Michaelmas yearly.
A messuage, 80a. land, meadow, pasture, and alder grove, and the liberty of a fold in Sandryngham, worth 4l. 6s. 8d. and no more, held of the Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, as of the manor of Carbrok, by fealty and 2s. 8d. rent at Michaelmas yearly.
A messuage, 64a. land, and 30a. marsh in Wyggenhale, held of the Earl of Oxford, as of the manor of Fytton, by fealty and 9s. rent at Michaelmas yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (1.)
Writ 16 Aug., 8 Hen. VII; inq. 28 Oct., 9 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 20 Jan., 13 Edw. IV, he enfeoffed Constantine Darell and Alexander Darell, esqs., who survive, and Richard Darell, knt., now deceased of the under-mentioned manors of Fyffehede and Eston, and tenements in Fyffehede and Milton, to hold to them and their heirs for ever.
One William Benette being seised of the under-mentioned tenement in Brynkeworth in fee enfeoffed him and the said Constantine thereof to the use of his will, viz. to permit Joan his wife to have 10 marks yearly thereout for the term of her life, and to raise from the rent thereof a sum of 86l. 13s. 4d. for the marriage and promotion of his daughter Anne, and Thomas, William, Richard, and Edward his sons at his said wife’s discretion.
He died 10 Aug., 8 Hen. VII. seised of the under-mentioned lands in Burbage and Hechelampton in fee. John Warren, aged 16 and more, is his son and heir.
WILTS. Manor of Fyffehede, worth 4l., held of Cicely, Duchess of York, by fealty and the rent of a red rose on Midsummer day yearly, for all service.
A fourth part of the manor of Eston, worth 20s., held of Edmund, Bishop of Hereford, by fealty and 100s. rent at Martlemas yearly, for all service.
A tenement in Fyffehede and a tenement and cottage in Milton, worth 20s., held of Peter Cowdrey, by fealty and 6d. rent yearly, for all service.
A tenement in Brynkeworth, called ‘Gaggysplace,’ worth 40s., held of Walter Hungerford, knt., as of the manor of Lee, by fealty and the rent of 1 lb. cummin yearly, for all service.
A half virgate of land in Burbage Sturmy, worth 8s., held of John Homedeux, by fealty and the rent of 1 lb. pepper yearly, for all service.
A tenement and a virgate of land in Hechelampton, worth 6s., held of John Ernele, esq., by fealty and the rent of 1 lb. pepper, for all service.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (2.) E. Series II. File 959. (8.)
Writ wanting; inq. 21 Oct., 9 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned messuages and lands, half an acre of land in Cannok excepted, to John, Bishop of Worcester, and others to the use of his last will (as in No. 841), having previously obtained the King’s licence, signified by letters patent dated 14 July, 1 Hen. VII, for thus disposing of his lands in Cannok which he held in chief.
The debts specified in his last will are as yet unpaid, his daughter Anne, who survives and is as yet unmarried, has not received her portion of 100 marks, which is not yet raised, and Thomas, Edmund, and Walter his sons are living.
He died 14 March last, seised of the half acre so excepted in fee. John Salwey, aged 21 and more, is his son and heir.
STAFF. A messuage and a virgate of land in Cank alias Cannok, worth, with the exception of half an acre, 10s., the said half acre being worth 6d., held of the King in chief, by fealty and 20d. rent yearly.
A water-mill, two cottages, one hundred and sixty acres of land, 60a. meadow, 140a. pasture, 40a. wood, 100a. moor and marsh, 40a. gorse and heather, and 10s. 8d. rent in Cannok, worth 6 marks, held of the Bishop of Chester, service unknown.
Two messuages, 100a. land, 4a. meadow and 20d. rent in Smalrice, worth 13s. 4d., held of the King, as of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
A messuage, 60a. land, and 3a. meadow in Sondon, worth 10s., held of Hugh Erdeswyke, service unknown.
Two acres of land and 16d. rent in Hardwyk, worth 3s., held of the King, as of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
Twelve acres of land and 3a. meadow in Burston, worth 2s., held of Humphrey Stanley, knt., service unknown.
Forty acres of land in Salt, worth 3s., held of the King, as of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
Sixteen acres of land in Whitgreve, worth 3s., held of Humphrey Whitgreve, service unknown.
Four acres of land in Hopton, worth 12d., held of Humphrey Peersall service unknown.
A garden, 25a. land, and 5a. meadow in Stafford, worth 5s., held of the Duke of Bukyngham, service unknown.
Six acres of land in Merston, worth 12d., held of Ralph Thyknes, service unknown.
Five acres of land in Tyllyngton, worth 12d., held of the Duke of Bukyngham, service unknown.
Ten and a half acres of land in Fernehall, worth 2s., held of the King, as of the duchy of Lancaster.
Forty-six acres of land, 8a. meadow, and 11s. 6d. rent in Donston, or Dunston, worth 20s., held of the Duke of Bukyngham, service unknown.
A cottage, 10a. land, 1a. meadow, and 20d. rent in Stretton, worth 5s., held of Richard Coungreve, service unknown.
A cottage, 24a. pasture, 20a. gorse and heather, 8a. marsh, and 12d. rent in Alderwyche, worth 10s., held of Thomas Mountford, esq., service unknown.
A messuage, a cottage, 160a. land, 30a. meadow, 80a. pasture, 40a. moor and marsh, 40a. wood, 40a. gorse and heather, and 8s. 8d. rent in Heddenesford, worth 6 marks, held of the Bishop of Chester, service unknown.
Three hundred acres of land, 6a. meadow, 40a. pasture, 100a. moor and marsh, 40a. wood, and 14d. rent in Leycroft, worth 40s., held of the Bishop of Chester, service unknown.
Twelve acres of land, 10a. meadow, 12a. marsh, and 18 1/2d. rent in Worley, worth 5s., held of Edward Peytowe, service unknown.
Ten acres of meadow and four acres of wood in Norton, worth 3s., held of the Bishop of Chester, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (3.)
Writ de Amotus 12 Jan., 8 Hen. VII; inq. 24 Oct., 9 Hen. VII.
He enfeoffed Thomas Thorysby, Robert Thorysby, and others, of the under-mentioned manor and land to the use of his last will.
He died 1 April, 7 Hen. VII Margaret Baret, aged 2 and more, is his daughter and heir.
NORF. Manor of Ryngstedde in Little Ryngstedde, worth 10 marks, held of Cicely, Duchess of York, by knight-service.
Twenty acres of land in Hecham, worth 2s., held of the Prior of Lewys, as of the manor of Hecham, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (4.)
876 SANCHEA, late the wife of PETER CARVANELL, and sometime the wife of EDWARD DYNELEY
Writ 18 Feb., 9 Hen. VII, inq. ….
GLOUC. A fragment.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (5a.)
877 SANCHEA CARVANELL, &c., as in No. 876.
Writ 18 Feb., inq. 10 April, 9 Hen. VII.
She held the under-mentioned manor and advowson of Stanford and lands in Yatynden for the term of her life, by demise from Edward Langeford made to her and Edward Dyneley then her husband, to hold to them and the heirs of the body of the said Edward, with remainder in default to the right heirs of William Dyneley, esq., his grandfather.
She was seised for the term of her life, by demise from John Edwardys and Richard Nutfeld, of the under-mentioned manor of Wokefeld, &c., with the like remainder.
She died 26 Jan. last. Thomas Dynely, aged 15 and more, is son and heir both of her the said Sanchea and of the said Edward, and cousin and heir of the said William, viz. son of the said Edward, son of Robert, son of the said William.
BERKS. Manor and advowson of Stanford, worth 10l., held of John Langeford, as of the manor of Bradfeld, by knight-service.
Certain lands called ‘Captens’ and ‘Kenelles’ beside Yatynden.
Manor of Wokefeld, with certain lands in Byrfeld, Ofton, and Selamsted, worth 9 marks, held of the heirs of Thomas Dalamar, by fealty and service of 3s. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (5.)
Writ de Amotus 24 June, 8 Hen. VII; inq. 13 Nov., 9 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 775.
SUSSEX. A fourth part of the manor of Bryghthelmeston, worth 7l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of the manor of Clayton, worth 5l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of the manor of Middelton, worth 6l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of the manor of Meching, worth 4l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of the manor of Seford, worth 40s., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of the manor of Alyngton, worth 3l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of a moiety of the manor of Cokefeld, worth 5l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of a moiety of the manor of Hownden, worth 4l. 10s., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of a moiety of the manor of Kymer, worth 3l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of a moiety of the Chace of Clerys, worth 10s., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of a moiety of the Forest of Worthe, worth 13s. 8d., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of a moiety of the borough of Lewes, worth 26s. 8d., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth of a moiety of the barony of Lewes, worth 20s., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of a moiety of the profits of the court of Nomanneslond, worth 3s. 4d., held of the King in chief, service unknown,
A fourth part of a moiety of 36s. 2d. rent in Iford, worth 4s. 6 1/4d., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (6.)
Writ de Amotus, 24 June, 8 Hen. VII; inq. 12 Nov., 9 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 775.
SURREY. A fourth part of the manor of Raygate, worth 10l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of the manor of Dorkyng, worth 5l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
A fourth part of a moiety of the toll of Guldeford and Suthwerk, worth 3s., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (7.)
Writ de Amotus 24 June, 8 Hen. VII; inq. Monday, 7 Oct., 9 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 775.
WARW. Manor of Kynton, worth 10l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (9.)
Writ 18 Oct., inq. 28 Oct., 9 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 20 April, 2 Edw. IV, one Anne Waver, widow, gave the under-mentioned messuage and land to Thomas Poultney, William Palmer, and others, to the use of herself and her heirs.
By deed dated 12 Oct., 1 Ric. III, the said feoffees gave the said premises to Christopher Waver, son and heir of the said Anne, and to the said Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of their bodies.
She survived the said Christopher, and died 20 July, 8 Hen. VII. Richard Waver is son and heir of the said Christopher and Elizabeth, and is of full age.
LEIC. A messuage, 60a. land, 20a. meadow, and 40a. pasture in South Kylworth, worth 40s., held of John Belgrave, esq., service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (10.)
Writ 18 Oct., inq. 24 Oct., 9 Hen. VII.
John At W[ood] and Robert Render, parson of the church of Compton Wyneatys, were seised of the under-mentioned manor and advowson in fee, and being so seised gave them to one Robert Compton, father of the said Edmund named in the writ, and to Agnes his wife, who survives, to hold to them and the heirs of the said Robert. On the death of the said Edmund the reversion of the said manor and advowson, expectant on the death of the said Agnes, to whic he was entitled as son and heir of the said Robert, descended to William Compton his son and heir.
He gave the other under-mentioned messuages and land to Robert Throkmarton, esq., Richard Throkmarton, and John Browun, to the use of his last will.
He died 21 April, 8 Hen. VII. The said William Compton his son and heir is eleven years old and more.
WARW. The reversion of the manor and advowson of Compton Wyneatys, the said manor being worth 100s., held of the manor of Brayles, co. Warwick, now in the King’s hands, by fealty, for all service.
Two messuages and two virgates of land in Lapworth, worth 30s., held of the manor of Lapworth, now in the King’s hands by reason of an Act of Parliament for the forfeiture of William Catesby’s lands and tenements, by suit of court and fealty, for all service.
A messuage and a virgate of land in Etendon, worth 20s., held of Ralph Shirley, knt., as of the manor of Etendon, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (11.)
Writ 7 March, inq. 20 June, 9 Hen. VII.
Elizabeth Bruyn, late the wife of Maurice Bruyn, knt., was seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee tail and had issue by the said Maurice, whom she survived, a son and heir, Henry Bruyn, knt., who died in his mother’s lifetime, leaving issue two daughters and heirs, the elder Alice, and the younger the said Elizabeth, named in the writ. The said Alice married one Robert Harleston, esq., and had issue a son John Harleston, who is now living. And afterwards the said Robert Harleston died. And the said Elizabeth, sister of Alice, married one Thomas Tyryell, esq., and had issue a son Hugh Tyryell, who is now living. And afterwards the said Elizabeth Bruyn, widow, died, and the said manors, &c., descended to the said Alice, and to the said Thomas, and Elizabeth his wife, in her right. And afterwards the said Alice married one John Hevenyngham, knt., and had issue a son George Hevenyngham, and died; and the said John Hevenyngham, knt., who survived her, is seised of her moiety of the premises, as tenant by the curtesy. And the said Thomas Tyryell died, and the said Elizabeth survived him, and took to husband one William Brandon, knt., whom she survived. She married thirdly one William Mallery, esq., whom also she survived. She died 26 March last. The said Hugh Tyryell, aged 23 and more, is her son and heir.
Immediately after his mother’s decease the said Hugh enfeoffed one Henry Colom, clk., of the moiety of the premises which then descended to him; and the said Henry Colom, at the request of the said Hugh, enfeoffed the said Hugh. and Margaret daughter of Gilbert Hussy, esq., William Hussy, knt., …….. Peter Hussy, clk., William Wylloughby, esq., son of Christopher Wylloughby, knt., Thomas Mongomery, Thomas Tyryell, and others, of the said moiety, to the use of the said Hugh and Margaret, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default to the said Hugh and his heirs for ever.
LINC. A moiety of the manor of Carlton Panell, worth 10 marks, held of Robert Tayllbos, esq., service unknown.
A moiety of the manor and advowson of Irby, or Ireby, worth 40s., held of the Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Worleby, worth 5l., held of the said Prior, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Kellynghollme, worth 40s., held of the Abbot of Thornton, service unknown.
A moiety of a messuage and of 300 acres of wood in Broughton, worth 40s., held of Hugh Cressy, service unknown.
A moiety of 3 messuages, 2 tofts, a bovate of land, 30a. pasture, and 20a. meadow in Glamford Brygg, Wraby, and Irby, worth 40s., held of William Tyrwhyt, knt., service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (12.)
Writ 22 March, inq. 26 June, 9 Hen. VII.
Philippa, late Duchess of York, and Lady of the Isle of Wight, being seised of the under-mentioned manor, land, and advowson, namely of the said manor and land in fee, and of the said advowson as of fee and right, gave them by deed to Maurice Bruyn, knt., and Elizabeth then his wife, and the heirs of their bodies with remainder in default to Maurice’s right heirs, by virtue whereof the said Maurice and Elizabeth were seised of the said manor and land in fee tail, and of the said advowsons as of fee and right.
They had issue between them Henry Bruyn, knt., who had issue the said Elizabeth named in the writ, and Alice, and died. And afterwards the said Maurice died seised of the premises as aforesaid, and the said Elizabeth late his wife survived him, and was solely seised of the manor and land in fee tail, and of the said advowson as of fee and right.
And afterwards the said Elizabeth named in the writ took to husband Thomas Tyrell, esq., and they had issue between them Hugh Tyrell, who survives.
And the said Elizabeth late the wife of Maurice afterwards died seised of the premises as aforesaid, which after her decease descended to the said Elizabeth wife of Thomas Tyrell, and the said Alice, as cousins and heirs of the said Maurice and Elizabeth, viz. daughters of Henry their son and heir. Wherefore the said Thomas Tyrell and Elizabeth, in her right, and the said Alice in her own right, entered on the premises and were seised of the said manor and land in fee tail and of the said advowsons as of fee and right.
And the said Alice took to husband Robert Harleston, and they had issue between them John Harleston, who survives. After the death of the said Robert Harleston the said Alice took to husband John Hevenyngham, knt., wherefore the said John and Alice, and the said Thomas Tyrell and Elizabeth his wife, in right of the said Alice and Elizabeth, were seised jointly and without division (in simul et pro indiviso) of the said premises, in fee tail, and as of fee and right, as above, according to the entail (per formam doni).
And afterwards the said Thomas Tyrell died, and the said Elizabeth took to husband William Brandon, knt., wherefore the said William and Elizabeth, and the said John and Alice were jointly seised of the premises, as above.
And afterwards the said William Brandon died, and the said Elizabeth took to husband William Malary, esq., whom she survived, and she was seised, jointly with the said John Hevenyngham, of the said premises, as above.
She died so seised 26 March last. The said Hugh Tyrell, son of the said Thomas Tyrell, aged 23 and more, is her son and heir. And the said Hugh, and John Harleston, son of the said Robert Harleston and the said Alice his wife, are cousins and heirs of the bodies of the said Maurice and Elizabeth.
ESSEX. Manor and advowson of South Wokyndon, worth 40 marks, held of Elizabeth, Queen of England, by service of one knight’s fee.
Two acres of land in Styfford, with the advowson of two parts of the church of the town of Styfford, appertaining to the said two acres, worth 6s. 8d., held of the Lord de Grey, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (13.) E. Series II. File 292. (3.)
Writ 22 March, inq. the last day but one of May, 9 Hen. VII.
She died 7 March, 9 Hen. VII, seised of a moiety of the under-mentioned manor in fee, and of a moiety of the under-mentioned advowson, as of fee and right.
Hugh Tyrell, aged 23 and more, is her son and heir.
KENT. A moiety of the manor and advowson of Bekyngham, worth 15l., held of the King in chief, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (14.) E. Series II. File 462. (2.)
Writ 8 July, 8 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Sept., 9 Hen. VII.
He demised the under-mentioned manor and lands to one John Bretayn, and Edward Undirwode, clks., Nicholas Lathell, one of the barons of the Exchequer, William Purchace of London, mercer, Robert Constable, Christopher Rawson, and John Rawson, to the use of his last will.
He died 5 June last. Margaret aged 4, Isabel aged 3, and Barbara aged half a year and more, are his daughters and heirs.
ESSEX. A manor and divers other lands, or tenements, with shops, called ‘Brettes’ in Alvetheley, worth 20 marks, held of the Lady [Joan] de Ingelisthorp, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (15.)
887 AGATHA, wife of JOHN WAYTE, esq., and JOAN wife of GEORGE ROTHERHAM, daughters and heirs of RICHARD LOVELL, of Boveney in the parish of Burnham.
Com. de Ætate probanda 26 Nov., probatio œtatis, at Boveney, 9 Dec., 9 Hen. VII.
BUCKS. The said Agatha and Joan were born at Boveney and baptized in the parish church of Burnham, Agatha on Michaelmas eve, 10 Edw. IV, and Joan on the morrow of Michaelmas, 12 Edw. IV. The custody of their lands of inheritance was given by King Edward IV to Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, now Archbishop of York.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (16.)
Writ 18 Oct., inq. 7 April, 9 Hen. VII.
Elizabeth Russell, widow, his mother, was seised of the under-mentioned manors of Streynsham and Bulton, and lands in Wyche, Desforde, and Worcester in fee, and being so seised enfeoffed Robert Thokmerton, Simon Milbourne, Thomas Lygon, Richard Knyghtley, and William Tracy, esqs., Robert Slymbrugge, John More, and William Wymerk, clks., John Throkmerton, gent., Roger Morys, and Robert Handy, who survive, and Thomas Balshale, clk., Thomas Brugge, serjeant-at-law, and William Catesby, esq., now deceased, thereof, to the use of her last will. And afterwards by a writing indented made between her and the said feoffees she willed that the said Thomas Balshale and her other feoffees should stand enfeoffed of the said premises to her use for the term of her life, and after her decease to the use of the said Robert Russell her son for the term of his life only, and after his decease to the use of the person who should then be his heir apparent; and also that immediately after the decease of the said Robert Russell the said Thomas Balshale and her other feoffees should stand seised of the said premises to her use, to the intent that her executors and assigns should receive take and levy from the issues and profits thereof the sum of 300 marks for the promotion and marriage of Elizabeth and Joan daughters of the said Robert Russell, and if it happened the said Robert Russell to have any sons, or any more daughters, then those sons or daughters should have such sum, or sums, of money over and above the said 300 marks, to be levied from the said issues and profits, as should seem convenient according to the discretion of her said executors, or assigns, so long as any such executor, or assign, should be living, and after their decease by the discretion of her said feoffees. And she willed that after the full performance of the above things the said Thomas and her other feoffees should stand seised of the said premises, to the use of the said Robert and his said heir apparent, and the heirs of such heir. And afterwards by her last will she appointed Richard Wytheley, clk., Robert Throkmerton, and Robert Handy her executors, and died. The said sum of 300 marks continues unraised, because the issues and profits of the said premises do not suffice for the full payment thereof and of other charges recited in the said will.
He was seised of the other under-mentioned manors of Puplyngton, &c., in fee, and being so seised upon an agreement between him and Thomas Beynam, esq., for a marriage to be had between Robert Russell the younger his son and heir, and Elizabeth daughter of the said Thomas, and in consideration of a sum of money paid him by the said Thomas Beynam, he enfeoffed Thomas Grene and Alexander Beynam, knts., Giles Brugges, and Christopher Beynam, esq., William Beynam, Richard Throkmerton, and Edmund Herrewell, thereof, to the use of the said Robert and Elizabeth, now his wife, and the heirs of their bodies.
He died Friday before the feast of St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist last. The said Robert Russell the younger, aged 17 and more, is his son and heir.
WORC. Manor and advowson of Streynsham, the manor and advowson of Puplyngton, the manor of, or lands in, Fleforde, and 2 messuages, 20a. land, 3a. meadow, and 1a. pasture, in Desforde, worth 40 marks, held of the Abbot of St. Peter’s, Westminster, by service of one knight’s fee.
Manor of Bulton, and 4 tenements with closes and gardens in the city of Worcester and the suburbs of the same, worth 5 marks, held of Richard Hosyer and Thomas Grene, Bailiffs of the city of Worcester, in socage, by a rent of 2s. 6d. yearly.
Five salt-springs (bullaraque salse) in Wyche, worth 20s., held of Walter Graunt, and John Heth, Bailiffs of Wyche, service unknown.
Manors of Dormeston and Thornedon and the manors of, or lands in, Cokhull, or Cokehull, and Cloddeshale, worth 10 marks, held of George, Lord de Bargevenny, service unknown.
Manor of, or lands in, Intebergh.
A rent of 36s. issuing out of the manor of Batenhale beside Worcester, a rent of 10s. issuing from a messuage in the city of Worcester, and 22s. rent issuing from the manor of Hodyngton.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (17.)
Com. 22 Nov., inq. 30 Nov, 9 Hen. VII.
By virtue of an inquisition taken 1 Ric. III after the death of one John Boteler and upon division made of his lands between his daughter Florence Asshefeld, widow, and Joan late the wife of the said John Stanford, the under-mentioned manors of Mepertysshall and Pulhanger, whereof he died seised in fee tail, were allotted to the said John and Joan Stanford, as her purparty of the inheritance.
He survived the said Joan, and was seised of the said manors in his demesne as of frank tenement, as tenant by the curtesy, having had issue by her John Stanford, who predeceased him, Elizabeth now the wife of William Cornwaleys, and Margaret now the wife of George Hervy.
With the King’s licence dated 15 May, 9 Edw. IV, obtained by payment of 5 marks, Thomas Holbache enfeoffed William, Robert, and John Berdefeld, who in turn enfeoffed Laurence, Bishop of Durham, John Say, knt., John Boteler, esq., John Stanford, esq., and Joan daughter of the said John Boteler, now deceased, and Richard Godfrey, esq., who survives, of the under-mentioned manor of Stacheden, to hold to them and the heirs of the bodies of the said John and Joan Stanford, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John Stanford.
He died 23 Sept., 9 Hen. VII. The said Elizabeth Cornwaleys, aged 20 and more, and Margaret Hervy, aged 18 and more, are his daughters and heirs.
Thomas son of John Leventhorp the younger, aged 33 and more, is son and heir of the said Joan Stanford. Cf. No. 588.
BEDF. Three parts of the manor of Meppertysshall with its appurtenances in the county of Bedford into four parts divided, except three messuages with their appurtenances in Mapartysshall in the county of Herts, held together with the said three messuages of the King, by grand serjeanty, namely, by service of finding in the army of the King for forty days at his own proper cost a man with breastplate and quarel (cum lorica cruda et carrello ferreo), lance and sword, and a horse not appraised. The said three parts with the above exceptions are worth 8l. clear yearly.
Manor of Pulhanger, worth 60s., held of the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown.
Manor of Stacheden, held of the King in chief.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (18.)
Writ 25 Sept., inq. 7 Nov., 9 Hen. VII.
He was seised jointly with Joan, late his wife, in her right, of the under-mentioned manors in fee. They had issue John, who died without issue, in his father’s lifetime, Elizabeth and Margaret.
He died 23 Sept., 9 Hen. VII, seised of the said manors in his demesne as of frank tenement, after the death of his said wife, as tenant by the curtesy. Thomas Leventhorpe is her son and heir, and the said Elizabeth Cornwaleys and Margaret Hervy are his daughters and heirs (as in No. 889). Cf. No. 587.
CAMB. Manor of Toft, worth 60s., held of Cicely, Duchess of York, as of the honor of Clare, by fealty and suit of the honor court, for all service.
Manor of Cauldecot, worth 60s., held of Margaret, Countess of Richemond, by fealty and suit of the honor court, for all service.
Manor of Wympyll, or Wympooll, worth 40s., held of the King, as of the earldom of Cambridge, as of Cambridge castle, by service of 6d. yearly to the castleguard, for all service.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (20.)
Writ 25 Sept., inq. 15 Oct., 9 Hen. VII.
Findings touching tenements in ‘Tames Strete,’ and ‘Botoulfys lane,’ and ‘le Old Wol Key,’ as in No. 890.
John Berdfeld and William Butsyd were seised of the under-mentioned messuages in Smythfeld to the use of the said John Stanford and his heirs, and are now seised thereof to the use of William and Elizabeth Cornwaleys, and George and Margaret Hervy, and the heirs of the said Elizabeth and Margaret.
Death and heirs as in No. 889. Cf. No. 586.
LONDON. A moiety of five tenements in the parish of St. Bartholomew (sic) beside Billyngsgate, whereof three are situate in ‘Tames strete’ and two in a certain lane there vulgarly styled ‘Botoulfys lane,’ the said moiety of the three tenements being worth 66s. 8d., and the moiety of the two tenements being worth 13s. 4d. yearly.
A sixth part of a sixteenth part of a tenement called ‘le Old Wol Key’ in the parish of St. Mary, Berkyng, worth 26s. 8d.
Three messuages in West Smythfeld, worth 13s. 4d., held, as also the above tenements, of the King in free burgage.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (21.)
892 HENRY ELVEDEN, the younger.
Writ 13 Oct., inq. 18 Nov., 9 Hen. VII.
Robert Lyvelorde gave the under-mentioned manor to him, and Denyse his wife, who survives, with remainder to the heirs of his body.
He died 8 Sept. last. Denyse Elveden, the younger, aged one year, twenty-four weeks, and three days, is his daughter and heir.
ESSEX. Manor called ‘Arnoldes’ in Yng Mounteney, worth 12 marks, held of Jasper, Earl of Pembrooke, in socage.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (22.)
Writ 6 Nov., inq. 18 Nov., 9 Hen. VII.
One David Mortimer enfeoffed him, and Margaret his wife, who survives, of the under-mentioned manors and lands, with remainder to the heirs of his body.
He died 26 Aug. last. John Seyntcler, aged 14 and more, is his son and heir.
ESSEX. Manor called Chich Fadewik, or Chiche Frodewik, in the town of St. Osyth, worth 5l., held of John Boughcer, knt., Lord de Ferrys de Groby, service unknown.
Manor called ‘Maroms’ in Britlyngsey, worth 5l., held of Walter, Abbot of St. John’s, Colchester, as of the manor of Britlyngsey, service unknown.
Divers lands and tenements in St. Osyth, called ‘Chiche Ridill,’ and divers lands, called ‘Fratyng’ and ‘Sentosy Drybrokis,’ in Brytlyngsey, Allesford, Thoryngton, and Great Bentley, or lands called ‘Drybrokis’ in Britlyngsey, Alleford, Thoryngton, Great Bentley, Fratyng, and Sent Osy, worth 10 marks, held of John, Earl of Oxford, as of the manor of Great Bentley, service unknown.
Manor called ‘Cold Hall’ in Great Bromley, worth 5 marks, held of the said David Mortimer, as of the manor of Great Bromley, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (23.)
894 HENRY ELVEDEN the younger.
Writ 18 Oct., inq. 16 Nov., 9 Hen. VII.
He held the under-mentioned manor at his decease.
He died 8 Sept. last. Denyse Elveden, aged one year, twenty-four weeks, and three days, is his daughter and heir.
HERTS. Manor of Gattesbury, in the parishes of Braughyng, Haddam, and Westmylle, worth 10l., held of John de Veere, Earl of Oxford, by knight-service, as of a moiety of a fourth part of one knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (24.)
895 KATHARINE, sometime the wife of WALTER WRYTELL, and late the wife of RICHARD HAUTE, knt.
Writ 5 Aug., 8 Hen. VII; inq. 10 Nov., 9 Hen. VII.
She held for the term of her life the under-mentioned manor of Lampetes with lands in Fyffyde and Moreton by demise from Walter Wretell, with reversion to his right heirs.
Similarly she held the other under-mentioned manors and lands with reversion to the right heirs of the said Walter.
She died 22 July last. John Grene, aged 12 and more, is her son and heir.
John Wretill, aged 7 and more, is cousin and heir of the said Walter Wretell, viz. son of John his son. He is in the King’s custody.
By letters patent the King gave the custody of his body, and of his manors, lands, and tenements, and the reversion expectant on the death of the said Katharine, late the wife of Richard Hawte, knt., to Reginald Braye, knt., and John Shaa. Cf. No. 86 and No. 152.
ESSEX. Manor of Lampetes, and all those lands and tenements in Fyffyde and Moreton which formerly were Thomas Lampettes’, worth 40s., held of the Lord de Scrope, service unknown.
Manor of Bobyngwurth, the advowson of the said manor, 3 messuages, called ‘Pekerelles,’ ‘Reynkens,’ and Rollys (sic) Croftes, and lands, tenements, rents, and services, called ‘Hyerdes,’ ‘Pykerell,’ ‘Wylkens,’ Crouche Croftes’, ‘Chamberlayns,’ ‘Pappis,’ and ‘Tylehous,’ in the parishes of Bobyngwurth, High Onger, and Northweld, worth 100s., held of Jasper, Duke of Bedford and Anne his wife, service unknown.
Manor of Hastelyns, 4 messuages, 2 crofts, 140a. land, 20a. meadow, 30a. pasture, and 5a. wood in Bobyngwurth, Weld, Moreton, Magdalen Lauver, High Onger, Fifeffide, and Northweld Basett, worth 66s. 8d., held of the said Duke and his wife, service unknown.
Manor and advowson of High Lauver, 2 messuages, 100a. land, 40a. meadow, 80a. pasture, 10a. wood, and 10s. rent in High Lauver, Magdaleyn Lauver, Harlowe, Macchyng, Moreton, and Little Lauver, worth 4l., held of the said Duke and Anne his wife, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (25.) E. Series II. File 291. (11.)
Com. 12 July, 8 Hen. VII; inq. 18 Nov., 9 Hen. VII.
She died 28 July last (sic). John Chokke, aged 22 and more at the taking of the inquisition, is her son and heir.
SOMERS. She held no lands.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (26.)
Com. 12 July, 8 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Nov., 9 Hen. VII.
By writing indented dated 5 Aug., 8 Edw. IV, one Nicholas Seintloo, and Richard Burgges (sic), demised the under-mentioned manor to John Chokke, esq., son of Richard Chokke, knt., and the said Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John Wroughton, esq., to hold to them and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to the said Richard Chokke, knt., in tail, with remainder to Richard (sic) Carent in tail, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Richard Chokke, by virtue of which demise the said John and Elizabeth were seised of the said manor in fee tail, and had issue between them John Chokke, and being so seised, King Richard III by letters patent dated 6 March in the first year of his reign pardoned them, being tenants of the said manor of Randolveston, co. Dorset, for all acquisitions, &c., of lands held in chief without the Royal licence prior to 21 Feb., 1 Ric. III.
And afterwards the said Richard (sic) Chokke died, and the said Elizabeth survived him, and died 28 July last solely seised of the said manor in fee tail. John Chokke, aged 22 and more at the taking of the inquisition, is her son and heir. Cf. No. 386.
DORSET. Manor of Randolveston, worth 10l., held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (27.)
898 THOMAS SEYNTGEORGE, son and heir of RICHARD SAYNTGEORGE, knt., deceased.
Writ de Ætate probanda 16 Feb., probatio ætatis ….. 9 Hen. VII.
CAMB. He was born and baptized at Gamlyngey on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 11 Edw. IV.
Robert Brokewell, one of the jurors, well remembers that on that day, at the time when the mother of the said Thomas was in labour, he fetched Agnes More, then dwelling in Paddeworth, to the house of the said Richard Lovell in Gamlyngey to the intent that she …..
Peter, son of John Semer, a juror aged 50 and more, was born and baptized the same day.
William Bardeforde, a juror, remembers that …. Bardeforde his brother celebrated his first mass that day in Gamlyngey church.
The father of Robert Payn, a juror, died that day and was buried in Gamlyngey churchyard on the morrow of the said feast.
William Emlaunt, a juror aged 50 and more, saw Thomas Cheney, esq., one of the godfathers, immediately after the baptism, give the said Thomas Sayngeorge a silver cup, &c.
His lands were in the custody of Thomas, Archbishop of York, by the gift of King Henry VII.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (29.)
899 GILBERT YERD, esq.
Writ 10 Nov., inq. 5 Aug., 8 Hen. VII.
Thomas Yerd being seised of the under-mentioned manor of Teyngwike together with a third part of the hundred of Teyngbrigge belonging to the said manor, and of: the under-mentioned messuage, mills, and land in Teyngwike, Newton Busshell, and Bradlegh in fee, gave them by the name of the manor of Teyngwike, the borough of Newton Busshell, and a third of the hundred of Teyngbrigge, to Richard Yerd and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to William Ferrers in tail, with remainder to the said William’s right heirs.
The said Richard and Joan being seised by virtue of the said gift of the said premises in fee tail, King Henry IV by letters patent pardoned them and William Ferrers the said acquisition, and granted that the said Richard and Joan might enter thereon, one acre of land parcel of the said manor excepted, to hold to them and their issue.
The said Joan survived the said Richard, having had issue by him a son Gilbert, and being solely seised of the said premises in fee tail by virtue of the said gift she gave them by licence from King Edward IV to the said Gilbert, his heirs and assigns; and the said Gilbert being seised of the said manor, &c., accordingly in fee enfeoffed Thomas Fulforth, knt., John Fortescue, knt., William Huddesfield, knt., and John More of Colompton thereof to his own use; and afterwards by his last will he directed his said feoffees to suffer Joan his wife after his decease to take 10l. yearly for the term of her life from the issues and profits of the said manor and other premises in full of her dower of all his lands. On the death of the said Joan, wife of Richard Yerd, the premises descended to the said Gilbert as son and heir of the bodies of the said Richard and Joan by virtue of the gift aforesaid.
John Holwine the elder, and John Raddon, being seised of the under-mentioned moiety of the manor of Churston Ferrers in fee demised it to the said Gilbert, and Joan his wife, who survives, and the heirs male of his body begotten on the said Joan, with remainder to his right heirs, and the said Gilbert and Joan were seised of it accordingly, he in demesne as of fee tail, and she in her demesne as of frank tenement. He died without heir male of her body begotten.
The said Gilbert being seised of the under-mentioned moieties of messuages, &c., in Daldiche and Exeter and of land in Milton in fee gave the same by deed to William Gibbys and Elizabeth his wife daughter of him the said Gilbert, with remainder to the heirs of the body of the said Elizabeth begotten by the said William. The said William and Elizabeth survive and are seised of the said premises in their demesnes as of frank tenement and fee tail respectively.
He died 2 Nov., 8 Hen. VII, seised of the other under-mentioned manor, advowson, rent, messuages, and lands, in fee. Roger Yerd, aged 50 and more, is his son and heir. Cf. No. 758.
DEVON. Manor of Teyngwike, together with a third part of the hundred of Teyngbrigge belonging to the said manor, a messuage, 3 water-mills, 2 fulling mills, a carucate of land, 10a. meadow, and 8l. rent in Teyngwike, Neuton Busshell, and Bradlegh, worth 20l., held of the King in chief by 1/20 of a knight’s fee and a pair of gilt spurs of the value of 3s. 4d.
A moiety of the manor of Churston Ferrers, worth 15l., held of Richard Pomeray, knt., as of the manor of Bery Pomeray, service unknown.
A moiety of a messuage, 40a. pasture, 8a. meadow, 4a. wood, and 6a. gorse and heather in Daldiche, where Thomas Way now dwells, worth 8s. 4d., held of ……, service unknown.
A moiety of a messuage in Exeter, where Alice River now dwells, worth 6s. 8d., held of the Prior of St. …., Exeter, ….
Sixty acres of pasture and 10a. meadow in Milton, worth 10s., held of John Carewe, as of the manor of Milton, service unknown.
A messuage in Exeter called ‘a stable,’ worth 3s. 4d., held of the said Prior, by fealty, for all service.
A moiety of a rent of .. shillings in Pollysby, held of Piers Eggecombe, as of the manor of Tottenes, service unknown.
A moiety of 5 messuages, 100a. land, 10a. meadow, 4a. wood, and 200a. gorse and heather in North Radworthy, worth 20s., held of the King, as of the duchy of Lancaster, by 1/20 of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Yerd, 2 messuages, 40a. pasture, 20a. meadow, 10a. wood, and 100a. gorse and heather in Hanger and Worthyn, worth 3l., held of Edward Hastynges, knt., Lord de Hastynges, by fealty, for all service.
Thirty acres of land in Burlecastell, worth 3s., held of William Courtenay, knt., by fealty, for all service.
The advowson of the parish church of Thorlaston, held of Piers Eggecombe, as of the manor of Tottenes, service unknown.
A messuage in Kyngeswere, worth 10s., held of Humphrey Walrond, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (30.)
Writ 12 Aug., 8 Hen. VII; inq. 5 Sept., 9 Hen. VII.
Thomas Banaster his father died 23 Oct. last seised of the under-mentioned thirty acres called ‘Moundelers court’ in fee.
He died 16 Sept. last seised of the under-mentioned manor called ‘Banaster court’ and land there and in Shirley in fee. Edward Banaster, aged 10 and more, is his son and heir, and cousin and heir of the said Thomas, viz. son of the said Richard his son. Cf. No. 863.
SOUTHAMPTON TOWN. Manor called ‘Banaster Court,’ 100a. arable and 200a. pasture in ‘Banaster Court,’ and a messuage and 100a. arable and 200a. pasture in the parish of Shirley, worth 100s., held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
Thirty acres of land commonly called ‘Moundelers Court’ in the county of the said town, worth 26s. 8d., held of the Prior of the monastery of St. Denis, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 9. (32.)