Report On the Records of the City of Exeter. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.
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Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'The city of Exeter: John Hooker's books', in Report On the Records of the City of Exeter(London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 25 February 2025].
Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'The city of Exeter: John Hooker's books', in Report On the Records of the City of Exeter(London, 1916), British History Online, accessed February 25, 2025,
Historical Manuscripts Commission. "The city of Exeter: John Hooker's books". Report On the Records of the City of Exeter. (London, 1916), British History Online. Web. 25 February 2025.
John Hooker's Books.
Book 51. The Common-place Book of John Vowell alias Hoker, Chamberlain of the City of Exeter. A large folio volume of paper neatly bound in brown morocco, but greatly in need of rebinding. It was evidently rebound in its present form before Izacke's time, for he notices the misplacing of the pages in the middle portion. It appears to be the same as the Black Ledger, to which Hooker makes frequent reference in Book 52 (see page 89). Prefixed in Izacke's handwriting is: "A Catalogue of the particulars menconed in this booke written most by the industrious laboues (sic) of John Vowell alias Hooker, the first Chamberlaine of this Cittie." This table of contents ends with f. 194: "The Rentalls of the lands of and belonging to the Cittie."
f. 224 has a list of toll-free places drawn up by Hooker and dated 1592. The Annals at the end stop abruptly at 32 Elizabeth (1590), which year contains nothing but the names of William Martyn, mayer, John Chaple, vic', and Richard Swete (recever), William Newcome, Walter burroghe, Thomas Baskerville, bayliffs. On the same page (f. 364b) is written:
I am content that thre copies of this boke be printed.
Jo. Cantuar [i.e. Archbishop Whitgift, 1583–1604].
Also: Int.—Mayor Bal et Civitat' Civit' Exon., Quer.
William Bond, Deft.
In Scace. This Manuscript Booke was produced by Samuell Isaacke, Gent., at the time of his Examinacion before us.
Robt. Walker,
Nich. Webbe,
Robt. Wolcom (partly hidden in binding),
Jno. Cholwick.
The xxvith daie of Aprill, 1658.
This books was shewne to Edward Portbury, Gent., att the tyme of his Examynacion before us.
Thos. Gibbon,
John Darke,
Han. Ratcliffe.
The following account of its contents is taken from Mr. Stuart Moore's Calender, corrected and expanded by comparison with the original :—
- ff. 1–16 (30 January, 2 Henry VIII, 1511). Carta de Winton. The Charter of the Byshopp of Winchester and of the Prior of Monkes there. For an extract, see Book 52,f. 208.
- ff. 17, 18. The description of Dodneys (Totnes) and of the Charters and lyberties of the same.
- f. 19. The Composicion for the lyberties of the towne of Dartmouth, A.D. 1304, between Nicholas of Teukesbury, Lord of Hewes and William La Zouche, Lord of Totnes and Dartmouth.
- f. 20. Apud Turrim, London, 14 April, 15 Edward III (1341). The Charter of Dartmouthe.
- f. 21b. Dated Totnes, 6 July, 32 Edward I (1304). The Composition between William La Zouche, Lord of Totness and the Burgesses of the same Towne.
- f. 22b. An Acte of Parliament for pavinge the streetes yn the Citie of Excester. [Also in Book 52,f. 229b.]
- f. 23b. A copy of the Act of 23 Elizabeth [1580–81, i.e. 23 Eliz., c. 17, Statutes iv, 702], that Gavelkinde lands within the Countie of the Citie of Exeter may be inheritable as landes at the Common Law. This is a printed broadside imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most Excelent Maiestie.
- f. 24b. "Certeyn olde and auncient orders and customes of the Citie of Excester to be observed and kept." They relate to the freedom of the City, the tenure of land, &c., &c.
- f. 27. "The first and Originall Chartor of the Boroughe or Towne of Bradneys alias Bradnynch." It is a Charter of Henry filius Comitis Reginaldi, Earl of Cornwall [i.e. 1217–1222].
- Ibid"An Inquisition taken at Excester concerninge the Freedome and lyberties of the boroughe of Bradneys yn the time of Kinge Edward the first and the xviijth yere of his reigne. Anno 1290."
- f. 27b. 21 December, 1 Elizabeth (1558). Letters Patent certifying that the inhabitants of our Towne of "Limedrye" (fn. 1) (sicemph-->), as parcell of the saide Dukedome of Lancaster, are free of toll and custom by the liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster.
- f. 28. The Letters Patent of the Duchie of Cornewall and of the lyberties of the same, 22 June, 13 Elizabeth (1571).
- f. 30b. The Charter of the Duchie of Lancaster, 29 January, 1 Elizabeth (1559). (fn. 2) Also in Book 52, f. 129. At the end is a List of places which are toll free by the liberty of the Duchy.
- f. 32 (23 July, 20 Elizabeth, 1578). The Charter of the Cittie of London. (fn. 3)
- f. 34b. A note or an abstracte of certeyn and sundrie Articles of pryveleges conteyned yn others the Chartors of London and not inserted nor mentioned yn the former Chartors.
- f. 36. "Here folowethe the tytle and the grounde wherebye the Mayor and Shiriffes of the Citie of London do clayme to have the custome and Scavage alias Savage of the Inhabitants of the Citie of Excester," temp. Henry VII. See also Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 82. It is preceded and succeeded by a short historical notice of the matter by Hoker, who calls it: "a certayne taxe, custome or imposition named Scavage (or Schavage, f. 37) or Savage, which was that all maner of wares and merchandises beinge brought to London by any foryner, the same before any sale to be made sholde be (sic) opened and shewed unto the Shiriffes of London, and who upon the sight thereof dyd demaunde, take and levie a certeyn custome accordynge to such rates as they had sett downe and lymeted."
- f. 39b. 25 November, 13 Elizabeth (1570). Exemplification of Queen's Bench Judgment Roll, Michaelmas, 7–8 Elizabeth, roll 1729, of a Suit about the Scavage in a shop in the ward of Bredstreete in London, i.e. 30 pieces panni linei vocat' Hollande clothe, 20 pieces de panno fustian, 1½ virgat panni lanei vocat' redd clothe, duos pannos vocat' kerseys, to the value of 110l. William Hurste [Mayor, 1551, 1561] v. The City of London, whose goods had been seized—not that he was Mayor at the time.
- f. 41b. Copy Queen's Bench Judgment Roll, Michaelmas, 10–11 Elizabeth. Similar Suit by John Peryam [Mayor, 1563] (f. 41b).
- ff. 43–45. A dissertation by Hoker upon the Haven and Ryver Exe. (fn. 4) He gives copies of two Inquisitions held at Exeter respecting it dated on the day of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, 18 Edward I A.D. (1290), translations of which are printed by Izacke, p. 27. (fn. 5) also two petitions to Henry VI and Edward IV (see infra). [See also Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 3, XVII, ii, 90.]
- f. 46. (fn. 6) "The Kinges write upon the foresaide petitions made unto him, sent to the Shiriff of the Countie of Devon for an Inquisition to be hade of the premises," Apud Claryndone, 20 March, 10 (sic) Edward [II], A.D. 1317. (fn. 7) The Inquisition held at Exeter dated Tuesday in the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross (3 May), 10 (sic) Edward [II], A.D. 1317. (fn. 8) This Inquisition Hoker says was "never certyfied to the Kinge, wherefor upon a new petition the Kinge sent out his seconde wryt and requireth an awnsweres (sic) as may by the same appeare." He gives a copy of another writ, 12 June, 10 Edward [II], A.D. 1317, with the return dated Tuesday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 10 Edward II A.D. (1317).
- f. 47. Copy of an Inquisition dated Tuesday next before Saint Matthew [blank] Richard II, (fn. 9) concerning the damage done by weirs in the Exe.
- f. 48b. "The sundry and many injuries and wronges wherwith the Countysse and Erles of Devon have from tyme to tyme injured and oppressed the Citie of Excester" [see D. 770]—a translation of Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 3, membrane 5. Hoker carries his notice down to the Composition respecting Topsham Quay in 22 Elizabeth, 1579–80.
- f. 53b. 3 February, 39 Edward III A.D. (1365). Copy of Exemplification of Domesday &c. [See Charter No. XXI, p. 4.] In a foot-note: Everye hyde of lande conteynethe xvi ferlynges or ferthinges of grounde. Everye ferlynge or ferthinge of grounde conteynethe generally thirtie-two acres, but yn some perticular places syxtene acres.
- f. 54. The Orders or Customes to be observed at the Key, Crane or Wharffe of Toppesham, and rates for the same[see p. 73] with the like for the Key of Exeter (f. 55).
- f. 56 (4 Edward I). Extract from the Hundred Rolls as to the liverties of the City. Begins: Memorandum that the fayre called Croldiche fayre kept yerely ad Gulas Augusti yn Southynghay was before and after the conquest perteyninge to the Commonaltie of the Citie of Excestre, as dothe appere yn the booke of Domesedaye remayninge yn the Exchequer at Westminstre and Exemplified under the broade seale yn the (sic) tyme of kynge Edwarde the third and bearing date tertio februarii, anno Regni xxxix (see Charter XXI, p. 4), &c. (1365). [See also Transcripts Nos. 2010–12.]
- ff. 57–59. "The varyaunce and controversie of the Erle of Devon and the Prior of Saint Nicholas agaynst the Mayor and Commonaltie of the Citie of Excester for Croldyche or Lammas Faire"; with a copy of the Record, Common Pleas Roll, Easter, 16 Edward II, Rolls 23 and 37.
- f. 59. 5 July, 30 Edward II. Exemplification of a verdict respecting the suburb without Westgate. Called in Index: An Assize int' Comitem Devon et civitatem for lands in Exiland.
- f. 60b. Apud Nov' Sarum 2 November, 2 Edward III (1328). The Charter of Melcombe Regis. With a footnote: The seale appendant to this Charter is a broade seale in olde greene wax, on the one syde three lyons, beinge the armes of England, and on the other syde a ship topped and two scogeons, every of theym quartered the (1,2) a lyon ramp., the 3,4 a shipp.
- f. 62. 29 August, 2–3 Philip and Mary (1555). The Charter of the Tailors of Exeter. [See Izacke, 63.]
- ff. 63, 64. The Decree and Order of King Edward IV—the xxij of ffeverer, the xvj yere of his rayne (i.e. 1477)—in the controversy between the Tailors and the City—printed with other documents relating to this Guild in Mr. Toulmin Smith's Book of Guilds for the Early English Text Society, 1869.
- ff. 64–67. A memorandum concerning the Corporation of the Merchants and their Charter, 17 June, 2 Elizabeth, 1560 (full text). [Indexed as "The Charter ffrench Marchants in Exeter and orders thereuppon," i.e. the Merchant Adventurers, see p. 40.]
- ff. 67b, 68. The Corporation of the Cappers and Haberdashers. Indexed "The Charter of Cappers and Haberdashers in Exon." [See page 54; also Izacke, 65.]
- ff. 69, 70. The Corporation of the Cordewayeners. [Indexed as The Charter of c. Cordwyners and ordinances thereuppon. See page 54.]
- f. 71. The Corporation of the tuckers and weavers. [Indexed as The Charter of Weavers and Tuckers, &c.; called Weavers and Fullers in Izacke, 54.]
- f.71b. The Corporation of the Skynners and Gloviers; continued on f. 157, dated April 30, 3 Elizabeth, A.D. 1561.
- ff.156–161 have been misplaced and should follow here.
- f.72. The last leaf of a Charter, 9 May, 5 Elizabeth, to the City of London. [See post f.88.]
- ff.73–75. Three leaves of the Charter to the Bishop and the Dean and Chapter misplaced by the binder.[Called: "The Charter (parte) of the Bishopp of Exeter Kirton to Exeter," begins: Ego Rogerus Coventrensis Episcopus confirmo, &c., ends: Ego Radulphus dux. Ego, continued on f95. At this point there is much confusion in the paging, and several leaves have been misplaced by the binder. The true order of the documents appears to be the following: folios 80, 73, 74, 75, 95, 96, 97, 98, 76, 77, 78, 79. The whole of these pages refer to the Grande Charter of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter's of Exeter, which is dated May 12, 2 Henry VIII ( i.e.1510), and the order of the documents may be reconstructed by comparing them with Book 52,ff. 41–61, where the documents occur again and in the Cathedral MS., 3520. See Reynolds, p.1.]
- f. 76. The Composition for inclosinge of the Churcheyarde and buyldinge up of gates in the same, 1286. Printed in Izacke, p23.
- f. 76b. The Grant of the Mayor and Citizens to the Dean and Chapter for inclosinge of the Churchyarde. Printed in Izacke, p.22.
- f.77. Articles of dispute between the City and the Church.
- f.78. Composition between the same parties concerning certeyn walles and dores buylded upon the Cities walles and for the Muralie Walke [indexed as:"touching the dores uppon the walles, 16 foote"], 1330, but Friday next after the Feast of St. Hillary, anno Regni Regis Edwardi filii regis Edwardi quinto decimo, 1320 (sic) in document; but this would be 1322 if 15 Edward II; or A.D. 1342, if 15 Edward III.
- f 78b 8 September, 37 Henry VI [i.e. 1458 but 1457 added by Izacke both in document and Index]. Composition for building of a gate yn a Lane yn Styckestreete betwene St. Katherens Almeshouse and certeyn canons howses yn the one syde and the soyle of the late dissolved house of the freers preachers now the Erles of Beddfford on the other syde.
- f79b. Friday after Hilary, 1299 (i.e. 27 Edward I, though called 1392 in the document). Agreement by the Mayor and Commonalty with the Archdeacon of Totness of a tower upon the walls of the City.
- f.80. The Charter of the liberties apperteyninge to the Cathedral Church of the Citie of Exon.
- f.81. Hoker's Lives of the Bishops of Exeter. It begins abruptly in the middle of the life of Bishop Bartholomew Iscanus (1159–1174), i.e. "for his contempte and disobedience agaynst the Kinge" (p. 111 of Edition 1765). The leaves of the Manuscript have been misplaced : from f. 87b it goes to f. 103. It ends (f. 104) in the beginning of the life of Bishop John Wolton. "He was prefferred thereunto by the ernest suite and mediation of ffraunceys Earle of Bedfford." A subsequent addition being: He dyed the xiij of Marche, 1593, the xxxvi yere of the Rayne of Quene Elizabeth.
- f. 88. The Charter of the City of London and of the Lyberties of the same, and liberties and sutes in lawe betweene Exeter and London (Contents Table), 9 May, 5 Elizabeth (1563). The last leaf has been bound as f. 72, marked as "worth the reading" in Index.
- f.97b. A memorandum concerning the settlement of the dispute between the Church and City in 1448.
- f.98b. 12 December, 27 Henry VI (1448). Copy of the Bishop, Dean and Chapter's Bond to stand to the Award. [See Shillingford's Letters and Deeds, No. XXXVIII.] App., p. 136.
- f.100b. The Copy of the Act of Parliament for Bounding Saint Sidwell's Fee, May 4, 15 Henry VI, 1437 (Latin). [See Oliver, p 269, with English translation in Reynolds, p. 2.]
- f.104 (undated). The Extentes of lands belonging to the Bishopric of Exeter, the total amounting to 5,578l. 78. 7 ¾d. For rent roll in 1308, see Oliver, Mon., 427.
- f.106. Simply headed : "Episcopi Bathon" et Wellens," but "The Charter of the Cittie of Bathe &c.," in Table of Contents. Inspeximus of Charters of Henry VI, V, IV, III (Feb. 4, 11, 1224), Edward (?) and John [apud Gaydunton (i.e. Geddington), March 3rd, 1207], also Henry II, with confirmation by Richard I (Canterbury, Nov. 26, 1189).
- ff. 106–110. The Charter of the Bishop of Bath and Wells, 22 April, 23 Elizabeth (1581), refers to advowsons of Aysbeare, [i.e. Aylesbeare,] Crystymelford, [i.e. Christian Malford,] Kington, Bokeland and Camerlarton, the manor of Cedder, Axebridge, the hundred of Winterstoke and Cedder &c.
- f. 111. Copy of Royal Charter [No. XXX, p. 5]. Headed : To the King our Sovereigne Lorde. Please yt your Hignes of your most noble and aboundant grace to graunte unto your trewe subiectes and inhabitaunts of your Citie of Excester your moste graciose letters hereafter ensueinge accordinge to ordinaunce graunted by the most noble and mighty prince your dere father, whose soul Jesu pardon. Then follows the text: Henry by the grace of God.... Geven under our privy seale at our mannor of Greenewiche the Xth daye of July, the first yere of our reyne, 1 Henry 8, with the name of the Mayor John Lympyn [called Lympany in Oliver, 231], and 22 of the xxiiij. The text corresponds with the Document in Izacke, 99–102, who dated it July 10, 13 Henry VII i.e. 1498), supposing it to be contained in "the twoo Rolles of the records of the Courte (Book51, f. 329), that are missing for the year 1497 (Izacke, p. 98). With this may be compared a passage in Hooker, Book 52, f. 398 [406], who after referring to the gift of the sword and the cap of maintenance to the city by Henry VII in 1497, adds: But he dyd not sett downe this order in writinge. Wherefore the Mayor and Magestrates thinkinge it necessarie for a further quietnes the same shoulde be Regestred made suet to King Henry the VIII, the first yere of his Raigne that it maye please him to establishe the order before appointed. And he lykenge well his father's doinges dyd accordingly Ratefie and establish the same, whiche is as followeth, worde by wrode. Then follows the text verbatim (dated July 10, 1 Henry VIII), including the names of John Lympyn, Mayor, and 22 others.
- ff. 112, 113. Examination of witnesses touching the bounds of the Chruchyard of the Cathedral taken in the 4th year of the reign of Queen Mary; and concerning the liberties claimed there.
- f.114. 24 February, 3 Edward VI (1549). The Grand Charter of the Cittie of Excester. A Copy of Charter XXXIV [see p. 5].
- ff. 123b, 124, 125. The Act of Parliament for bounding the Countie of the Citie of Exeter and for the confirmation of the lyberties of the same, 2 Edward VI. [See Charter XXXV, p. 5.]
- f. 126. "The Charter of Exilond," dated Dec. 2nd (sic), 1550, which should be Dec. 22nd, as in original. A Copy of Charter No. XXXVI. At the end is a note of "The pryveleges and fraunchises of the saide Manor."
- ff. 129b-131. The Charter for Orphanes and a Chamber-layne and other lyberties within the Citie of Excester. 21 February, 3 Elizabeth (1561). See Charter XXXVII.
- f. 132. Act of Parliament for the confirmation of the Charter for Orphanes and other the Cities lyberties, dated May 3rd, 5 Elizabeth, 1563. Charter XXXIX.
- f. 133b. "The Statutes, Orders and Ordynaunces made and decreed by the Mayor, Bailiffs and xxiiij of the Common counsell of the Citie of Excester for and concerninge the ordringe of Orphanes and all suche goodes, chattells and other thynges to theym apperteyninge within the Citie of Excester and the lyberties of the same. Begins:"First it is ordred that what so ever benefite dothe growe to the childe of any ffreeman" . . . ends with charges for funerals. [See pp. 6, 82.] It differs considerably in wording from Book 52, f 190.
- f 140b Copy of Charter, Nov. 8, 1562, [No. XXXVIII, pp. 6, 73] with a Memorandum at the end concerning Bonville's Almshouses.
- f 141. An Abstracte of all the orders and ordynaunces extante, made, enacted and ordeyned by the Mayres and Common Counsell of the Citie of Excester for the tyme beynge for the good goverment of the sayde Citie and common welthe of the same, collected by John Vowell alias Hoker [blank] (fn. 10) and Chamberleyn of the same. They are arranged under the following heads:—
- Accomptes and Accomptantes. Actes. Almeshowses and Almesfolke. Apparelland Skarlettgownes. Apprentysses. Attendaunce to the Mayer and Common Counsell. Bakers. Banquettes, feastes and dynners. Banyshed persones. Barelbearers or porters. Boochers. Boothes and Standinges yn the fayres or marketts. Brewers. Burgesses. Canon breade. Chamberleyn. Candlelight and lanterne. Chaplayne. Clothe Hall. Clerke of the Cloth or Merchants Hall. Conyes. Conduytes. Counsells or Secrettes. Contempte. Corporations, Coverage. Dyscoveringe of Secretes. Dyfraunchasynges, Dynners, Dogges, Election, Exmouthe. Fyer. Forfeytures or penalties. Foryners. Free menne. Here it breaks off abruptly. See post volume 52, f 458.
- f 155 is misplaced; it should precede f 162.
- ff. 156–161 should succeed f.71b They contain the ordinances &c. of the Corporation of Bakers. April 1, 1, 2, Philip and Mary, 1554. [See p.54.]
- f. 157. Continuation of Skinners and Gloviers (see f.71b), also Tailors.
- f157b, Smiths and Cutlers. April 20, 3 Elizabeth, 1561. [See p.54.]
- f. 158b. Cowpers and helyers. Feb.3, 9 Elizabeth, 1567.
- f 159b. Boochers. Sept. 9, 17 Elizabeth, 1575.
- f 161, Brewers. Sept, 20, 21 Elizabeth, 1579. [See p.54.]
- ff. 155, 162–193. The order and manner of the Goverment of the Citie of Excester and of the officers of the same, i.e. Hoker's Pamphlet of the Offices and Duties of everie particular sworne Officer of the Citie of Exeter. [Printed in 1584.]
The Manuscript differs very greatly from the printed book. The Introduction is altogether different and the text is much fuller in the Manuscript—indeed it supplies the deficiences referred to in the printed book as "The residue is contained in the Black Leiger" &c. It has also a description of the manner of the election of the various officers and copies of their respective oaths.
- ff. 194–212. The pertyculer Rentalls of all the Lordeshyppes, Manors, Landes, Rentes, Revenewes and issues which do yeerly growe apperteyninge and belonginge to the Citie of Excester.
- f.212. The description and rates of the Towne Custome. A full list of articles in alphabetical order, with the amount of rate, beginning with Allome the C at 33s. 4d (½) ending Wolle curdes the ponchion 4d., with the ferme of the garne market, the fishmarket, Bagavell, Brethengavell and Chepengavell. Sept. 10, 24 Elizabeth.
- f. 219b. The Ferme of barel bearinge.
- f. 220. The Profits of the Merchants' Hall.
- f. 221. Direceons touchinge the Corne Markett.
- f. 222. The Receptes and profits of the Haven Water-course and Crane at the Citie of Exon.
- f.222b. The rates dew for toll and coverages at the fayres kept within this Citie.
- f.223. "Citties, Townes and villages which ar custome free within the Cittie of Excester accordings as it is recorded yn an olde anciente roll of the Cittie named the Blacke Rolle." Ends: The tenantes inhabitantes resyents within the Duchie of Lancastre ar ffree of custome, pannage, panage, cartage, tollage, tallage, caridge, pesage and coverage or terrage by act of parilament. See Misc. Roll 2 (51), page 158.
- ff. 224, 225. A Calendar of places which are custom free in the fairs and markets of Exeter, collected by John Hoker alias Vowell, Gent., 1592.
- ff. 227–230. The Order for making proclamations for the Queen, for the Mayor at his entry into office, for fairs, for Lammas or Crulditch Fair. The liberties, privileges and rates and profits of the same fair.
- ff.231, 232. The Office of Clerke of the Market.
- ff.236–364. Hoker's Annals of the City with Extracts from the Mayor's Court Rolls showing the names of the Mayors, Receivers and Bailiffs of the City in each year, the deeds, wills &c. enrolled upon each roll; and "further, yn the ende of everye partyculer Mayers yere, there is subnected and written a brieffe abstracte of some such things as were donne yn that yere and especially yn these west parties." These annals are very remarkable and interesting; the accounts of Bishops and Mayors are very carefully complied and a great number of them are taken from the writer's personal knowledge. His notices of Bishop Miles Coverdale (f. 350, Anno 1553) and of Hugh Latimer's preaching (f. 342, Anno 1533, nil in Izacke) in the City are specially noticeable. There is, too, a great deal of curious historical information in them. The whole volume with slight exceptions is in Hoker's own handwriting. It commences with the first year of Henry III, 1216, and is continued to the year 1590.
- f. 236. Anno 1216. The first yere of Kinge Henrye the third.
- Walter Tubert, Mayor.
- In the beginynninge of this yere Kinge John dyed at Newarke and was brought to Worcester and there buried. Of the maner and kynde of his dethe there ar sundry opinions, but the most common and receved reporte that he was poysoned.
- After the dethe of Kinge John his sonne Henry was by the nobilitie of the realme brought to the Citie of Gloucester and there proclaymed and crowned Kinge by the name of Kinge Henry the iijth.
- In this tyme the cheaff and next officers under the mayor for the government of this Citie were accordinge to thelde and usages in the tymes of the Saxones and danes before the conquest and yn the reignes of the normande Kinges after the Conquest, were named Prepositi withyn the Saxon tounge, or the Portagreves, named yn Englyshe portereves, who were officers yn those dayes of greate credyte and authoritie, as may appere by the common Lawes of the realme collected and publyshed by Kinge Canutue, as also by the Etymologie of the worde, which signifieth the Lordes or auncientes of any Citie or Towne.
This opening may be compared with Izacke, pp. 1, 5, who has added a few side notes and other indications opposite to the portions that he extracted, and who based his memorials on this portion of Book 51; but it will only be possible to extimate the full extent of his indebtedness when the full text of Book 51 has been published. He has been freely charged with "plundering."
The book contains abundant extracts from the Mayors' Court Rolls, which he calls "The Great Rolls" (f. 266, Izacke, p. 45). I expect it will be found that the references to public events are traceable to Holinshead and the Bout.
A very cursory examination proves that there are a vast number of entries in this book that do not appear in Izacke, and (at least in opening portion) many entries in Izacke that do not appear in this Book, including the story of the 7 children at a birth on p. 17, the particulars as to the Lammas Fair (pp. 19, 20), and the twins on p. 42, the figures of the two crusaders in the Cathedral (p. 44), This noble's daughter Helen (p. 51). The Latin document on p. 56, the note on Bishop Grandison (p. 57), do. on the completion of the cathedral (p. 58), do. Hugh Courtney's monument (p. 59), on the buildings of the Vicars Choral (p. 64), the flying man of Budleigh (p. 66), the election of James Cary as Bishop, Anno 1419 (f. 71), the Clock bell and the Silke Chambers (p. 93), the Charter of Nov. 7, 4 Elizabeth (p. 138), the notice of Gawen and Peter Carew (p. 134).
- f. 236. Here folowe the names of all and everie of the Kinges of England from the tyme of Kynge John, who died yn October, Anno 1216, untyll the tyme of the reigne of Quene Elizabethe, and of her yeres and the names of the Mayres and hedd officers in everie of the sayde severall Kinges tymes, together with a copie of all the Recordes of the Citie for and duringe those Kinges Reynes as be extant and remayninge. And here understande ye that from the tyme of the conqueste untyll the (1285–6) xiiijth yere of Kinge Edward the first there is extant one Roll of Recorde makinge a short mencion of the three yeres yn the tyme of Kinge Henry the third, viz., the (=1263, 1264, 1265) selviijth, xlixth and 1th yeres of his Rayne, that is to say for (1066+217=1283) ccxvii yeres no Recordes remayninge but onely one, which whether it by the iniquitye of the tyme, the uncertentie of the goverment, cyvill warres intestine, Rebellyons or neglygence of officers, I refferr yt to others to thynke what they lyst. ffurther yn the ende of everye partyculer mayers yere there is subnected and wrytten a brieffe abstracte of some suche things as were donne yn that yere and especially yn these west parties.
The following taken from the reign of Henry V will show the kind of interest taken by Hoker in the public events of the past, and these usually come in as a Memorandum at the end of the other entries for each year. None of which appear in Izacke.
In Book 51, f. 298b, 1412–13, upon Trinite Sonday then folowenge the Henry the fourth was buryed at Canterbury.
- f. 299. In this Mayers yere (Peter Shorte, 1413), yn the yere 1413, the ii yeare of this Kinges reigne, yn Aprill was called a highe courte of parliament at Lecester Towne, there were iij billes putt yn. The first that the Temporall Landes geven to the Church and by the Churchemen and very disorderly — might be seased yn to the Kinges handes for the increasing of nobilitie and meantinance of the Kinges honor and common welthe. The seconde was the Kinge havinge a just tytle to the Crowne of france shold make clayme thereunto. The third was that the Kinge sholde make an entrey yn to Scotlande and by conquest unyte the same to the Crowne of England. The Duke of Excester takinge yn hande to speke unto the seconde byll, did so pithylye and wyselye handle and discourse the same that he prevayled and his judgement was allowed, and not longe after warres were proclaymed betwene England and ffraunce. The first byll was thought to be put yn by Sir John Oldcastle, then Lord Cobham, who was a folower of Wytcleff and an ernest professor of the Gosple and altogether enemye to the pope and all popishe Religion. For which cause the bishops and clergie did so maligne at him that they never cessed untyll they had gotten the mastrey of hym and condemned hym both of Treason and of heresyes, for the one he was hangued and for the other burned yn St. Giles ffeld the xiiijth of december, 1517 (sic).
- f. 299b, 1414. In this Mayers yere (Thomas Eston) the dolphyn of ffraunce sent an Embassade to the Kinge, who presented unto him yn scoff a Tunne of Tenys balls to play withall, which was taken yn greffe, and whereof folowed the warres yn ffraunce.
- f. 299b, 1415. This yere (Peter Strutt's) the Kinge passed over yn to ffraunce and took harfleur Towne yn normandie, where he apoynted the duke of Excester to remayn and be capteyn, and unto him he dyd ioyn and associate yn commyssion Thomas baron of Carew, a gentleman for his gravitie, wysdome and valyantnes myche commended. The foresaide Thomas Beauford, Erle of Dorsett, at a parliament holden at Westmynstere yn the iiijth (?) yere of the Kinges reign was made or created Duke of Excestre, who had assigned unto him yerely out of the Exchequer one thousandes poundes and xll. of the ferme of the Citie.
- f. 300, 1416. Md. that one John Roke, a greye ffrear, was accused for the carienge away of the wyff of one John parett and his gooddes and for his unchast lyff with her. Quoted from Rot., xxiii.
- f. 300, 1417. Md. that this yere upon the xiiijth yere (sic) of december, Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham was by the tyranye of the Pope and his clergie hangued and burned in St. Giles ffeldes at London.
- f.301, 1420. The duke of Excester yn the ende of this Mayers yere (John Batyn) layed siege to the greate Towne of Meaux yn ffraunce.
For an extract, ff. 240, 241, relating to the transfer of the Magdalen Hospital to the city authorities by Bishop Brewer in 1244, see Llyod Parry, p. 27.
Book 52. A large folio volume bound in tooled leather with brass bosses and one clasp, the second being missing. The book has a double pagination, but the older one, which numbers by folios, being near the margin of each leaf has been in many places cut away in the process of binding, the result being that the references to the pages given in S. Moore's Calendar are not always consistent, some being based on the earlier and some on the later numbering.
Portions of the contents have been long since published. Eg.
- ff. 1–36. "The Description of the City of Exeter" was published in Hooker's lifetime, circ. 1583, and again by A. Brice in 1765.
- ff. 37–39. "The Antiquitie, foundacion and building of the Cathedral Churche of St. Peter in Excester" is in A. Brice, pp. 99–113, though not identical with it.
- ff. 41–55. The Grande Charter of the Cathedral Churche of St. Peter's in Exon, May 12, 2 Henry VIII (1510). Harte, pp. 102–153.
- ff. 89–96. "Lives of the Bishops of Exeter," printed in —. The printed copy ends with John Wolton, "now living," who was Bishop from July 2nd, 1579, to March 13, 1594, but the copy in this volume includes Gervase Babington (Feb. 4, 1595, to Sept. 15, 1597), and Bishop William Coton, who "came to the Citie the 16th of May, 1599" (f.96).
- ff. 234–235. "The formes and manner of the parliaments of England." A short notice. Ending: "The order manner and form of the true keeping of the High Courte of Parliament is already sett forth by the author hereof in his Irishe Cronycles, Anno 1571," i.e. in Holinshead, ii, 121–129. It had been previously issued separately in 1572; and was republished in Turner's Tracts, i, 175–183. It is a translation of the "Modus Tenendi Parliamentum," the Latin text of which was published by Sir Thos. D. Hardy in 1846 and there is another English translation in Somers' Tracts, i, pp. 7–15. An altogether different version occurs in Book 60h ff. 12–19. Copies of both versions, i.e. from Book 52 and Book 60h in Hooker's handwriting, will be found also in a MS. in the College of Heralds (classed H. D. N., No. 41), described by Mr. C. Worthy in the Transactions of the Devon Association, July, 1882.
- ff. 406b to 422. "The order and manner of the goverment of the Citie of Excester and of the officers of the same" is substantially on the same lines as the "Pamphlet of the Offices and Duties of every particular sworn officer of the Citie of Excester," originally printed in 1584, forming pp. 159 to 192 in Part III of the "Antique Description and Account of the City of Exeter," published by A. Brice in 1765, in which Hooker frequently refers to the "Great Lieger Book" (p.163), "the Black Lieger" (p.165), "the Black Book or Lieger" (p.168), "the Black Book" (pp. 176, 179, 181, 183). See Book 51, ff. 155–193.
Other extracts have been recently published by Rev. H.E. Reynolds, including the remarkable "Prefatory Epistle" addressed to "the right worshipfull grave and prudent the Mayor, Senators and Cominaltie of the auncient and honorable Citie of Excester," to whom "John Vowell alias Hooker, genrleman Chamberlain of the same Citie, wisheth a prosperous goverment and happye successe in all felicitie." He wrote the volume, or as he says "reduced all into this lyeger booke" in his extreme old age, when "my sight waxeth Dymme, my hyringe very thycke, my speache imperfecte and my memory very feeble" (Harte, p4). This Preface with the Table of Contents is evidently prefixed to the body of the book as an addendum, and is not included in the pagination; neither is it in the edition of 1765. In it he miscalculates a little in saying that he was "first Chosen to be your Chamberlaine about x1viij yeres past, Mr. John Mydwinter then beinge Mayor" (i.e. 1554–5), for we know that he was appointed Chamberlain on Sept. 21, 1555 (Oliver, 242), 48 years from which date would bring him to 1603, whereas he was certainly dead by Sept. 15, 1601, on which day he was spoken of as "deceased." (Introduction, p.1.)
On the front page is a picture of Queen Elizabeth, "Eliza Triumphans," with the royal arms, those of Exeter City and diocese and of Vowel alias Hoker, with his motto "Postmortemvita." (fn. 11) On the reverse side of this frontispiece is an engraving of Queen Elizabeth, "Eliza Triumphans," signed Gulielmus Rogerus, sculp., Anno 1592(?).
On f 40 is a coloured picture of the arms of the Cathedral dignitaries, i.e. the Bishop, Dean, Chancellor, Chaunter and Treasurer, the quartering of the Bishop being left blank, but filled in the Cathedral MS. 3,530 (printed by Reynolds), with the arms of Gervase Babington, who was Bishop from Feb. 4, 1595, to Sept. 15, 1597.
The contents of the volume are indicated in S. Moore's Calendar with unusual fulness, but these headings need not now be reproduced, as the full text of the volume is now being printed in extenso. The first instalment (ff 1–89) was published by Professor W. J. Harte in 1911, and the work is being continued by the Devon and Cornwall Record Society, Parts VI–XI, &c.
Book 53. Izacke's Memorials of the City of Exeter. A large folio volume of paper bound in morocco, the binding being similar to that of Book51. This is the MS. of the volume printed in 1677, described by T. N. Brushfield, Richard Izacke and his Antiquities of Exeter, p. 100 in Transactions of the Dveonshire Association, 1893. It is entitled: A Memoryall of sundry of the Chiefest officers within the Cittie of Exeter in a continued series or succession of tyme from the 2nd yeare of the Raigne of Kinge John, Anno Dom. 1200, to the 17th yeare of the Raigne of Kinge Charles the 2nd, Anno Dom. 1665. It has same emblazonments of the arms of the City as in Frontispiece to the printed edition, with description of the details, also arms of the Bishops and Charitable Benefactors of the City. It begins with a quotation from Cicero: Historia est lux veritatis, testis temporis, vitce magistra aut memoria ac nuncia vetustatis. The Dedication, dated January 23rd, 1665, is addressed to the right worshipfull Nicholas Izacke, Esquire (his brother, who died in 1678), Maior of the Auncyent and famous Citty of Exeter, the Aldermen his brethren and the rest of the Comon Councell of the said Cittie, and is signed: Yo most humble servant and Chamberlayne, Richard Izacke. In this Dedication he says: "Well consideringe with myselfe of those fayre precedentes that still lye before me, chiefly the indefatigable labours of my primifide [? primited] predecessor in this place and office, the learned Mr. John Hooker, whose workes bespeake him famous within our Gates." On the front page is an incomplete list of the names of the several streets and lanes within the said City, arranged under East, West, North and South.
The Introduction (3ff.) begins: "This Citty is pleasantly seated," and ends: "And ye God of peace bee evermore with us and blesse us," differing very considerably from the Procemium in the edition of 1724.
- ff. 1–60. Memorials of the said City from 1200 (Henry Rifford, Mayor), ending with the consecration of Bishop Thomas Lamplugh, Oct. 3, 1676, "by Gilbert, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, consecrated thereunto.'
- f. 71. Extracts from Inquisitions 4 Edward VI.
- ff. 71b-75. Composition betweene the Byschoppe, Dean and Chapter and the Citty for inclosinge of the churchyard and buildinge upp of gates in the same, 1286, with the grant of the Mayor, the composition of 14 Edward III (1340), the Letters Patent of Nov. 7th (sic) 4 Elizabeth (=Charter XXXVIII). The compostion with John Abbot of Sherburne de passagio aquce de Cheekston, 52 Henry III, 1267.
- ff. 71–80. A Catalogue of the Sheriffs of the Countie of Devon, "with their severall Coates of Armory described," from 1 Henry II to 2 William and mary.
- f. 82. The Petition of the City, dated 10 July, 1 Henry VIII, with the names of the Mayor, John Lympeny (sic) and 23 (sic) of the Council. (See Charter XXX.)
- ff. 84–107. Lists of Recorders, Shereeves, Receivers, Chamberlayns, Swordbearers and Byschoppes of Exeter.
- ff. 110, 111. The Tytles of the severall Corporations within the said Citty [as in Edition 1724, pp. 64–68].
- ff. 114–119. A perfect Catalogue of all the Byshopps of this church....respective buryalls [as in Edition 1724], preceded by arms of the see of Exeter impaled with those of Bishop Anthony Sparrow, with whom the Catalogue closes though the names of Thomas Lamplugh and Jonathan Trelawny are added without any dates or further particulars.
- ff. 122–157. A perfect Catalogue of the names and guiftes of all such worthy benefactors as by their last Willes and Testaments or otherwise have given lands, rents, annuities or monies for and towardes the reliefe of the poor within the Citty and County of Exeter [very full—113 names with an account of each]. Begins: "William Fitzralph, an Inhabitant and a good member of this Citty." Ends with Stephen Olivean (will dated 2nd May, 20 Charles II, 1668).
- ff. 176–179. Certayne orders for the reforminge of divers abuses in reference to the Tenn Celles, the Almeshouses without the East Gate founded by Mr. William Hurst. Ends with: "A Table or Index of the most remarkable thinges contayned in this booke," both of subjects and persons (with their arms), adding: "Jucunda est proeteritorum laborum memoria. An Index is a necessary implement and not inexpedient of a Booke except in the same sence wherein ye carriages of an Army are termed impedimenta. Without this a large Author is but a Labarynth without a clue to direct ye Reader therein. ffuller's Worthies of England, fol. 256."
- ff. 245, 246. Ordinance for the King's Beam used for the true and just weighinge of wares and merchandizes in Exeter. 12 Charles I (1636)
- ff. 246b-249. Orders for the regulatinge of the Common Hall, commonly called the Merchants Hall, and for the goods to be brought to the same to bee bought or solde, 22 Charles I, 1646, with a table of rates for tallage. See page 84 [30].
The last note=Doxa mono to Theo
Book 54. Richard Crossing's History of Exeter, A.D. 1681. A long folio volume bound in calf. Mr. Stuart Moore adds that "it contains principally the History of Charitable Benefactions to the City and appears to be an abbreviation of Izacke's History. Whether it contains any information not to be found in Hoker or Izacke has not been ascertained." It is entitled: A Catalogue or particular of the Antiquities &c. Special Remarkes of the Cittie and Chamber of the Cittie of Exon by Richard Crossing, sometime a member of the sayd Chamber, 1681. [He was a bailiff in 1632, Receiver in 1646, Sheriff in 1647, and was elected Mayor in 1649.] The book has never been published. It contains:—
- ff. 1–26. A Catalogue of Benefactors similar to Book 53, ff. 122–157, but not so full.
- ff. 31–45. A Table or Catalogue of all the Mayors from 1216. Similar to Izacke's Annals, f. 83, but much condensed, and to some extent independent. Under 1648–9 (f. 44) he enters: "A most sadd time. The King was cruelly putt to death." Under 1649 (f. 44): "In regard that Richard Crossinge, who was elected Maior, refused to serve in the sayd office because the Kingly Government was then by armed violence obstructed."
- ff. 53–61. The names of the worthy Benefactors also ff. 71, 72.
- ff. 87–126. Observations and Collections taken out of a booke att first written by John Vowell, gent., alias Hoker, and since transcribed and now kept in the Chamber of the Cittie of Exon. Hereunto are added certain other observations and Collections from other Authors and Manuscripts by Richard Crossinge, a member of the said Chamber. It includes (f. 96) Ordinances under the Charter of Orphants (sic), for 1 February 3 Elizabeth, the revenues of the Bishop of Exeter=638l. 16s. 1¾d. (sic) [which seems to indicate a reference to Book 52, f. 98, where the figures are 2,638l. 16s. 1½d.], and the rents of the Cathedral=1,887l. 16s. 8d.
- f. 45, s.a. [1666]. The 2nd Septemb., 1666, neere the expiration of Nicholas Isaac's mairoralty, 5 partes of the Cittie of London within the Walles were destroyed by a most dreadfull fire and more was burned without the walls of London then was left standing within. Of 97 churches, only 11 stood unburnt, the fire did eate into stones and devoured Iron barrs. The ashes were blowen above 20 miles. Never was the hand of God more visible. The losse was inestimable and incomprehensible.
- Anno 1667, Thomas Walker, Mayor. He was knighted by the King uppon the presentinge an Addresse.
- Anno 1670, Benjamin Oliver, Mayor. Do. do. by the King, who came to this Cittie the 23rd of July from Dartmouth, and parted very early the next morning.
- Anno 1676 (sic), John Parre, Mayor. In his yeare att least 600 houses were burned in London and Southwark, the suburbes of London, and the new Channel was cutt to bring up vessels neerer to Exon.
Book 54 (a). Risdon's Devon (pencilled). This volume is not entered in the Calendar. It is entitled "The Cirographicall discription or decines of the County of Devon with the Citty and County of Exeter, contayninge matter of History, Antiquitie, Cronologie, The Nature of the County, Comodities and Goverment thereof, with sundry other things worthy observation collected by the Travell of T.R. of Winscott, gent., for the love of his country and countrymen in that Province." A paper volume of 194pp., vellum covers, with flap.
Book 55. The Freeman's Book. A large folio book of 238 leaves of paper finely bound in pigskin, with brass bosses. It contains(ff.1–37) a repertory of deeds enrolled in the Mayor's Court Rolls, from 50 Henry III(1265)to II Richard II (1387). The rest of the volume is filled with Miscellaneous Memoranda in various hands and of various dates from Edward IV to Charles I. There are copies of documents, enrolments of orders of the Council, Freemen's lists &c., Copies of Royal Letters, deeds, compositions, with many notes of passing events by Hooker. This volume might be named "The Freeman's Book." It contains chiefly lists of persons admitted to the freedom of the City from 5 Henry V (12 names) running on with broken intervals throughout the volume till 1696 or to 13 Elizabeth (f.131), ending with a long list of apprentices (ff.220–222) in a later hand.
In D. 947b, Feb. 7, 1379, is a notification that the Mayor, Bailiffs and Commonalty of Exeter have admitted John Bonde to the freedom of the said City, that he may enjoy and use the liberties granted to them in these words, reciting Letters Patent of Dec. 5,1378 [i.e. Charter No. XXII].
The following are some samples of the contents of this volume:—
- ff. 1–37. Repertorium testamentorum, finium et omn' Aliorum memorandor' in Rotulis Civitatis Exon. inventor'—In a 15th century hand, begins: Dc. Anno Regis Henrici t'cii 1 [not 5, as in Calendar]. Et md.quod ab isto anno quinquagesimo regis Henrici t'ciiusq' Annu. quinto decimu. Regis E fil'Regis Henrici nichil invent'ad effectum neg' in dco. anno quinto decimo.
- D° anno XV Regis E fil Regis h. (1321 added in a 16th century hand.)
- R°. Xiiii°. Testamentum Walti de Padeslo in quocontinet' &C.
- R°. XXii°. Testamentum Rici atte Stapele in quocontinet'&C.
- R°. XXX°. final' Concordia Int. Walt'um Godwyne, quer et Ricum le Spicer et Elenam ux' ejus defore.'
- R°. XXXVi°. final'Concordia Int.' Mariotam que fuit ux' Johis de Bristowe quer et Robertum de Galmetm. et Mariota. ux' ejus deforc'.
- R°. XXXVi°. final'Concordia Int'Willm. de Venella et Juliam ux'ejus quer'et Willm. Crodel et xpiam ux' ejus deforc'.
- In isto Rotulo Anuali continent' xlix. Rotuli.
Similar entries succeed each other, recording similar extracts in the same hand till 11 Richard II, when it finishes abruptly with the usual entry: In isto Rotulo anuali continentur Ivi. rotuli; thus forming a valuable though very inadequate key to some of the contents of the Mayors' Court Rolls from 1321 to 1387, all of which with a few exceptions are still preserved in full in the Guildhall.
- f. 1. Anno 17 Ed. I. Md. qd. in cur' tent die lune px. post fm. sci. Gregorii p'pe a°. supradicto Wills' de Harecomb Balls. dni Epi. Exon' de feodo Sci. Stephi et Magr. Werman lib homo ejus Epi. de feodo p'dcto. cur' p'dcti. Epi. de Rico de lenne tanquam de libo. tenente eiusdem Epi. de feodo p'dcto sp'ere deb'. Et fuit ad sectam &C.
- f. 39. A description of Henry VI's coming to the City [i.e. in 1452], in Hooker's handwriting. It begins: Henry the syxthe, the sone of Harry the fyvethe and quene Katheren his wyffe, daughter to the ffrenshe kynge, and borne at Wyndsore aboute the feaste of Saynt Nycholas, succeeded his father in this Realme, dyinge in Normandy the last day of August, and after in the feaste of S. Leonarde the yere of our Lord 1429 and the vijith yere of his Raynge and the viij yere and one moneth of his age, was crowned at Westmynster. And after about the feaste of the Conception of our Ladye in the yere of God 1431, and the 10th yere of his raynge, he was crowned Kinge of fraunce at parys. And in the moneth of february folowinge he returned into engelande and further in the 24th yere of his raynge he maried Lady Margaret, daughter of the Duke of Andioye, who by tytle was called Kynge of Cicilie and Jherusalem, but not in possessyon for the (?) in the (?). After the feaste of S. Trinitie, Anno 1445, was crowned quene of England at Westmynster After that tyme the saide Kynge Henry the VIth, perusing and searching diverse parts of the Realme, came into Devon and lay the fyrst nighte at the Abbey of fforde, and from thenst came to S. Mary Otrey, and lay there ij nights, and from thence to this Cittie of Exester. The passage then follows generally the account in Book 52, f. 308b, corresponding with Izacke, p. 81, and ends: This was fownde wryten in the Latyn tonge on a olde parchement book and translated and wryten into this booke by John Vowel alias Hoker, Chamberlyne of this Citie, mense Octobris, Anno 1558.
- ff. 44, 45. The copie of the blacke rolle by which the Bysshop claymith his ffee to be in the Citie of Exon and the suburbes of the same called St. Stephens fee, and made in the 13th yere of Henry the 4th or rather Edward the 4th.
- ff. 49–55. The names of the freemen of Exeter drawn up 13 Edward IV (1472). Richard Clark mayor=Noia liber' hom' civitat' Exon p'squentia (çin presentia, see f. 52b). Rici Clerk, maiore, facta, Anno. regis E. iiijti. xiij., mostly with side note "mort'" continued with subsequent additions to 3 Richard III, nuper regis Angliæ.
- f. 55b. Bond for 2,000l. by the Bishop and Chapter, Dec. 12, 27 Henry VI
- f. 56b. Acta hit'. et fact'. tepe. Hugd. Germa'. hic maior, anno R. E. iiijti. xiiij (1473), i.e. Oath of the Comyn Clerke. Begins: Ye shell suer thath (sic) ye shalbe trew to the Kyng E. (with Henry written above), Kyng of England, &C. Ends: Item al olde poynts and articles tochyng the office of the comyn clerke of thes (sic) said Cite after the olde custumes of this said Cite ye shall kepe and fullfyll yn your behalfe, so God you helpe and your holidame and by thath (sic) boke.
- Also the oath of the common attorny, includes: Also all suche evydences, charters, escrypts and munyments as heirafter schall come to yowr hands ye schall see them savely and secretly kepte and to redelyu' (çredeliver) them agayn &C. So gode yow helpe and the holy contents of this boke.
- f. 57. The oath of the sward berer.
- ff. 57b-70. Acta habita tempore J. Attwyll, tune majoris, Anno. 1, R. III (1479), i.e. names of 13 admiss' in libertate, with payments varying from 20s. to 26s. 8d. Also 1 Henry VII, (Roberty Newton), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Henry VII (including three final Concords and the will of Thomas Calwodley), 9, 10 Henry VII (with one final concord and the will of John Bonvyle de —armig'), with corrections in Hooker's handwriting pointing to the beginning of his method of keeping his Annals.
- Also 11–20 Henry VII (with here folowith the titill and the ground whereby the Mayor and Sherevys of London clayme to have the custum and Scavage, al. Savagage, of the Inhabitants of Exceter (f. 68), see Book 51, f. 36.
- ff. 71b, 72. Indenture 12 December, 27 Henry VI, betwene Edmund Lucy, Bishop of Excet' and the Mayor &C. Witnesseth that whereas debates contra &C. ...and discordes &C. meane and mediacion of Thomas Courtenay, Erle of Devonshir, and of William Bonvile &C. [Printed in Shillingford, pp. 136–140.]
- f. 73. Here folowith the Copy of the fee of Seynt Sidwyll, with note (sic) Est yeate of the Citie of Excester sepalt from the Citie forsaid, and also from the manor of Dureyurd. Copia parliament de Concordia int. decanu. et capitulum et maiorem et conbatem. Exon. Begins: Also prayn the Cives. that forasmoche as of long time past &C. 4 May, 14 Henry [? VI].
- f75. Omnibus Xti. fidelibus Peter [Quivill], Bishop of Exeter and the Dean and Chapter. Whereas the Citizens of Exeter, with assent of Edward [I], king of England, Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, have granted to us &C. Monday next after Feast of Annunciation, 1286.
- f75bWalter [Stapleton], Bishop of Exeter. Friday after Feast of St. Hilary, 15 Edw. fil. regis Edwardi [i.e.15 Edward II, 1322].
- f78. The copy of the Quo Waranto. 3 February, 39 Edward [III], i.e. 1366.
- f79. Transcriptio carte de ffontibus fact' fratribus p'dicatoribus Exon, by Peter Warner and Isabella his wife (super donacione trium foncium). Witnesseth by a notary, 1303.
- f79b Carta fact' petro Sturto et Johanni Lake et civibus cits. Exon' de octo seldis jac' in vico voc' pruststret. 1 December, 6 Henry V (1418).
- f80. Cart' int' Civitatem et monachos de Cowyk.
- f81 (24 September, 22 Henry VII (1506)). Seventeen names of freemen, including Richard Huet, maior, John Lympynd, hoc anno Receptor.
- f82. 14 August, 22 Henry VII (1507). Names of soldiers nominat' p'. John Carewe, knight=20 bowes and 15 Billes, also 6 Bowes and 23 Billes.
- ff83–92. Names of freemen. 21 Henry VII; 2, 3 Henry VIII to 31 Henry VIII; 5, 6 Edward VI; 1 Mary.
- f89. Md. that this present yere (23 Henry VIII, 1531–32) a lytell before Cristmasse their wasse one Thomas Benet yt dwellyd yn the bocherow wasse arestyd by Mr. Mayor for herysey, and he wasse boren at Cambryge and he wasse condemnyd by the Clargey to be burnyd for his oppynyons the XV day of December, the yere abow writtyn [i.e. 1531], and so he remanyd yn the byschopp prison untyll the 10th day of January [1532], that he wasse delyv'yd by Chaunsell of the Churche to S. Thomas Denys, knyth, then sheryff of Deuonscher, and he wold have burnyd the same herytycke yn Southynghay, and they had brogth wode and put uppe a poste, but he wasse compellyd by Mr. Maior and others to remove away the post and wode and so burnyd the herytycke at Lyv'doll, where the place of execucion for the seryff is accustumyd to be hade. [See Izacke, p 116.]
- f89. The will of Robert Hoker, father of John Hooker the Chamberlain. The will is in English and is dated Augugst, 1534. Extracted from Rot.v, 30 Henry VIII (1538–9). The paper, which is very stout, shows a unicorn's head as a watermark.
- f. 101. A Copy of the Rate of Blackwyll Hall [i.e., Blackwellhall in London] uppon lynnyng cloyth and wollen cloyth.
- f. 102. The Copy of the Will and testment of John Hurst, Citizen and Merchaunt of Exeter. In English, dated 16 November, 1552.
- f.104. A Copie of the entries made in the Councell booke touchyng the Mayor and Comynaltie of Exet'. Att Hampton Courte, 16 May, 1555.
- f. 105. This yere (1552–53) died King Edward the syxthe, being the yere of our Lorde 1553, about the xxth of July, and forthwith was one Lady Jane, wyffe to the Lorde Guylforde Dudley and daughter to the Duke of Suffolk, proclaimed Quene of Englande, but being verie shortlye after deposed the trewe and right inheritor, Lady Mary, daughter to king Henrye the VIII, was proclaimed quene of Englande. [Izacke, p. 126.]
- f. 106. Md. that in this yere one the xxiij of July, 1554, Kyng Philip, prynce of Spayne, and sone to the most famose Emperor Charell the Vth, he landed at Hampton, and being there honorablie receved by the Erle of penbroke, who then presented unto him the golden garter and conveighted him from thenst to Wynchester, where the Quenes Majestie dyd abyde his comynge and one the morow being the xxiiijth of July the (sic) were bothe openly and solemply maried in S. Swythens Church of Wynchester.
- f. 106. A Copie of the purchase of the Chauntery upon Exbridge. 1 June, 7 Edward vi [1553].
- f. 106b. Wiliam Staplehill and Griffyn Ameredith's charges upon the suite of Church plate. Also two letters, proclamation of Queen Mary, &C.:—
- Chargis payd yn London and att the Courte before the Kyng and Quenes Majesties Councell ffor the Ceties affayrs by Walter Staplehill and Griffyn Ameredyth att Ester Terme uppon the suyte of churche plate, Ano. regnor Philip et Marie, Regis and Regine, p'mo. and scdo.
- In p'mis. payed to my lord Tresorers secretory to p'ferr the suyte .. .. .. .. .. xxs.
- Itm. to his porter for lettyng us yn and other his paynys .. .. .. .. .. iis.
- Itm. to Sir John Pollerd, knyght, for the optaynyng of oure Request wrought by my lord of Penbroke .. .. .. .. .. xxli.
- Itm. to my lord of Penbroke's sevaunts nyest aboute hym to by every of them a gyldyng by Sir John Pollards assigment .. .. .. .. viiili.
- Itm. to the iii Clerks of the Councell att the begynnyng of our sute to have us yn Remembrance, And to helpe us yn the same .. .. .. vili.
- Itm. to my lord Chauncellours secretorye to be a meene to his M. ffor the optaynyng his good will yn our sute .. .. .. .. .. iiiili.
- Itm. to Mr. Secretory Peters, clerke for Remembryng ther M., and p'ferryng our suyte .. .. xxs.
- Itm. to my lord Admyrell's Secretorie for the lyke to his M. .. .. .. .. .. xxs.
- Itm. to one of M. Bassetts servaints for the optaynyng of his master's good wille yn oure suyte .. xs.
- Itm. to a man for hemself and his horse to Ride to M. Cotton beside hampton for our obligacion iiiis.
- Itm. to the keps. of the Councel Chamber dore vs.
- Itm. to M. Peckam is clerks for searchynge his office for oure obligacion .. .. .. xxs.
- Itm. to the Clerks of th excheker and ther servaints to searche ther office for oure obligacion xliis.
- Itm. to M. Marde for his paynes to come to london and to searche his office yn the Tower for oure obligacion .. .. .. .. .. xxs.
- Itm. to M. Wye of the Temple for drawynge oure supplycacion and twyse engrossynge the same to the Councell and also to my lord of penbroke .. .. .. .. .. xxs.
- Itm. to the 111 Clerks of the Councell att the det'mynacion of our suyt for the entryng our decree and for a copie of the same .. xls.
- (fn. 12) Itm. for oure owne chargs and expencs. for xxxiii days, that is to say ffrome the xxvith day of Aprell unto the xxixth of May last past att vis. viiid. the day for oure selffs, our s'vnts and oure horses durynge that tyme .. .. xxiili.
- Itm. yn mony gevyn us for our paynes yn the p'mysses by M. Mayor and his Brethern .. iiiili
- Marginal note (a).—Nota this xxvili. is alloyd to the seid Griffyn upon his buoke of Chargs and expensis uppon his accompt for the Cetie.
- Sma. Tot. expens.=xlixli. iiis. The Accompt apperith in the next side.
- f. 107b, 16 May, 6 Edward VI (1552). The Commission for the survey of the Church goods within the Countie of the Cetie of Exeter, with Instructions dated 10 June, 6 Edward VI (1552). Printed in Surrey Archoeological Collections, vol. iv, p. 190 (1869).
- f. 109. Copy of a letter frome the Counsell to the Byshops Custos Rotulorum and the under officers for the delyv'e of suche ynvitories as they have of Churche goods to be delyv'ed to the Comyssioners beforenamed:—
After oure hartye comendacion. Where as the Kyng's Maiestie uppon dyvers complaynts made of the greate waster, imbesylyngs and allenatyngs of the belles, plate, Jeweles and ornaments belongyng to the parishe churches and chapells of all parts of the realme hath for stay and remedy therof addressed ffourth hys Majesties commissions unto all parts of thys Realme ... for as myche as the Invitories heretofore made by order frome hys Maiestie of all the said plate, Jeweles, bells and ornaments within that hys heignes Cetie of Exeter wear appoynted to Remayn with you, the syght of whyche Invitories shalbe very necessarie for the Execution of suche order as ys nowe appoynted to be taken for a more sewer stay of the said goods. Hys Maiesties said pleasure ys that Immedyately uppon the sight of these oure letters you shall delyver or cause to be delyvered to hys maiesties said commyssioners presently appoynted for thys mater in the said countie all such Invitories touchyng the p'mysses as remayne in your custodye or that you may by any goode meanes combe by. And beside that hys maiesties ffurther pleasure ys that in case any of the said Invitories hertofore remaynyng with you or in the custody of any others before you in that office have ben by any meanes delyvered ffrome you or them or any others that in that case you shall sygnyfie to the said Comyssioners to whome or for what cause your said Invitories have ben so delyvered, and besyde geve suche further Instruccon as you knowe and may p've to the knowlege of the trouth. And the good ffurtherance of thys hys maiesties Commyssion in all thyngs to be Requyred of you whereof wee requyre you not to fayle.—From Westminster, the laste of Aprell.
Your lovyng ffrendes, | ||
(Blank). | ||
Wynchyster. Bedford. T. Desdy (? Darcsey.) John Bat. |
The names of the Counsell |
William Peter. William Dessell. Robert Downs. Richard Cotton. |
A letter frome the Counsell to the Comyssioners before named as well sertyfiyng the Cathedrall Churche to be within the countie of the Cetie of Exeter, as any other churche within the same Cetie and other maters twechyng one person as therin apperith. After oure very hartye comendacions, We have Receved your letter addressed unto me, Secretarye Cecill, whereby we do perceive as well your stay frome procydyng to the survey of the Cathedrall Churche ther of Exeter, because the same ys not expressely named yn your commyssion, as also the lewde behavyour of Water Hele, vycar of Erpylpyn (? Epplepyn), whos unquyet sorte of p'echyng wee have at good length sene by the artycles sent within your letters. And for as myche as the said helys doing tendith not only to the dyturbence of trewe Relegion, but twecchith also as we take yt the Kyng's maiesties estate and policie of hys Realm wee pray you the bysshopp of Exeter for the furste poynt to cause thys vycar to be throughly examyned, and when ye shall finde hym to have swerved in matters of Religion from the Kyng's Maiestie p'cidyngs in that behalfe establysed, ye shall cause hym either openly to Recante the same in the places where he hath before so preched or taught or ells yf he Refuse so to do then take order for his ponyshement in suche ordynarie sorte as in leke cases by the ecclesiastycall lawes is ordered and provided. As for that parte of hys lewde dealyngs that twecchith the Kyng's Maiesties estate and pollice of hys Realme, We pray you calleng to you suche other gentylmen therabouts beyng Justics of peace as ye shall thynke moste metest for thys purpose to consider and way the mater substancially and singnyfie unto us your oppinyons therin what waight and Importaunce ye shall thynke the same to be of, to thende we maye geve suche order for the punnysshement of the defaulte as to justice shall apptayne Twacchyng the estate of your survey of the Cathedrall Churche the leke as we knowe that the [blank] of your Comyssion doyth sufficiently beer you to procide with the same Churche as ye have don with other within your circuyt. So do we pray you withoute any longer staye to goo throughly with the survey of the said Cathedrall Churche as appartayneth where-unto (sic) albeit the Kyng's maieste taketh hys comyssion to be sufficient enowgh and so ment of his maiestie yet hath hys maiestie wylled us to syngnyfie unto you that hys pleasure ys notwith standyng any scruple moved in your Commyssion that you shall procide therin as in all other churches ye be p'sscribed. And so we pray you to do and bed you hartely fayerwell, frome tichefild, the xiiijth of Auguste.
Your loving frends (blank).
The names of the Counsell—
Side note.—Directed our very good lords and ffrendes the Bishopp of Exeter and the rest of the Comyssioners for the Survey of Churche goods withyn that Cetie. This lettre was received by me, Myles, byshop, 27 Aug., Anno. 6 Ed. 6 [1553].
A copy of a letter directed to the Mayore of Exeter and Aldermen and all other the Quenes Majesties subiects of her Cetie of Exeter:—
After oure harty comendacons. Whereas thopportunytie of so good a tyme as nowe is offerid unto us by Reason of certayne difficulties and letts where-with all we were forcyd to bere for a season was no Rather mynystred unto us to proclayme oure Souvrayne lady and maystres Quene Mary Quene of this Realme of France and Ireland &C., you shall understond that by the helpe of god the worker and brynger forth of all good purposes in ther due tyme, We dyd yesterday here yn london with thyncredible joye of all her majesties subjects here proclayme here hyghnes Quene of England and Ireland in such forme as by the proclamacion sent to you herewith maye appeare unto you the which proclamacion lyke as wee have dispeched with oure letters to be proclamed in all thother partes of the Realme so have wee also sent the same to you, praying and chargyng you in her majesties name nott only to cause the same ymmediately after teh receypt herof to be proclamed in all the accustomyd places withyn that Countie, but also to see her majesties peace, good order and quyet to be observyd in those parts and her highnes subjects ther to be conteynyd in office in ther due obedience to her majestie. And thus fare you hartely well, ffrome the Quenes majesties Cetie of London, the xxth of July, 1553, 1551, (q.v.).
Your assurid lovyng ffrends,
T. Cant., T. Ely.
J. Bedford, F. Shrewesbury, Penbroke.
Richard Cotton, W. Sevill, Jo. Bakere.
Edward North, Jo. Mason, Robt. Bayne.
- f. 110. Mary the Quene. The Copy of the letter seynt by the Quene majestie Mary to Sir Thomas Denys and Peter Carewe and Gawen Carewe and John of Sellynger, Artor. Champnon Knyghts, Antony Harvy, John Chechister, John Rydgeway, John P'diaeux, Esquers:—
By the Quene. Trusty and Right Welbelovid, Wee gryt you well and your letter addressid hether perceve your delygens, your ffaythfulnys and true harts Reddy to serve and to have defendid us ayenst our Traytors and Rebells, who nowe God be thankid are under ffete and the chiff therof as the Duke of Northumblond and others admyttid to Warde yn oure Toure of london and other prisons. Wherfore as ye have well deservyd wee geve you and all our good subiects yn your company oure Right thanks, myndyng to consider the same to your comforte, Requeryng and praying you all this troble now beyng overlayde to desire oure seid subjects yn God's peace and oure to repayre home to ther dwellyng places and ther to remayne till We shall nyde ther ffurther servys wth continyall prayer to God for his grace to preserve us and the commyng (sic) Welth to his glory. Yevyn under oure Synett (sic) att oure Town of Colchester, the ffyrst yer of oure Reigne.
- f. 112. The Copye of the graunte for the manor of Topsham to Peter Smyth, gent., 8 December, 6 Edward VI.
- f. 113b. s.a. 1557–8. John Peter, Mayor. Mem. that one the xxviith of September, 1559, in the first yere of the raynge of our sovereinge Quene Wlysabethe, the Citie of Exon was measured rownd about the walls without syde and it conteineth in compasse xvic passes, everie passe conteininge fyve foote which in the whoale after 1 M. passes at a myle conteyngneth a myle and halfe and 1c. passes.
- f. 113. A Copye of the Quenes Majesties wryte and proclamation [dated 21 September, 2 Elizabeth], directed to the Mayor and Shrefe of the Citie of Exeter, and received the 26 daye of September, Anno dni. 1560, and proclamed the 28th day of the same moneth, being Saterday, betwene (sic) the howers of ix and x of the same day before nowne, for reform of the currency and for the reformation of such abuses as be thowght hurtfull to the common weall of this her Realm. Nothing is so grevous as the sufferaunce of the Base Monyes being of dyvers Standers and myxtures to be so aboundantly currante within this Realme, which have ben coyned in the same before her Majesties Raygne and no parte synce.
- ff. 131b-135. The description of the Citie of Exon made, collected and done by John Vowell alias Hoker, Chamberlayn of the said Citie, 1 Elizabeth, 1559.
Begins: Excester or Excetre is a famous Citie, being the metropole or cheffe in the West partes of Englande. Ends: Unfayned care of the comon welthe. So be it. Per me, Johan Vowell alias Hoker, camerarium civitatis Exon.
These verses folowinge ar appoynted to be imprinted in the plate and historie of this Citie above saide:
Of my fyrst ground the certeyntie Is worn out through antyquytie.
Caerrn the brytones called me, Monketon, Saxons dyd me name.
But last of the ryver Esse, Esseter to name was given me.
Syxe tymes beseged mightily, Myn enemyes estes I put to shame.
- f135b Exylond. A note of the reparacyons done uppon Calluberr and propere weaves and the mylle leatte. Anno 5 Edward VI; 13 Elizabeth.
- f137. An Acte of parlament for the pavinge of the streetes within the Citie of Excester yn the tyme of Kyng Edward the iiij.
- ff142–155. The Othe of XXiiij for the election of the Mayor. Aso Oath of Mayor, Sheriff, Common Counceller, Warden of the Magdallyn &C.
- f146. Testamentum Walteri filii Nichi Gervas. (Latin.) 1257.
- ff156–159. A note of all the articlis conteyned in all the Charters of this Citie of Exon from the tyme of Kynge Henrye the First (sic) untill the tyme of Kyng Edward the VIth.
- f173. Crata Decani et Comon' de Wynchester. 10 April, 7 H—.
- f179b Coastes Shippes servinge for the Cittie of Excester in Anno 1588, viz:—
Receved by us the Mayor, Bailiffs and Comynaltye of the Cittie of Excester the xxvith daye of Maye, 1589, of Sir John Hawkins, knighte, Treasorer of her Maiestyes Maryne causes the some of Fower hundred Fourtie seaven poundes sixtene shillings of lawfull money of England in full payment and satisfaccon for so muche receved from her Maiestye for the service of teh iii shippes within written, viz., the Bartholomew, the Rose and the Guyfte of Apsam, seruinge her highnes againste the Spanayardes as Coste Shippes for the Cittie of Excester by the space of twoo monethes in Anno 1588, begune the 16 of Julie, 1588, and ended the ixth of September followinge, whereof and of every parte and parcell thereof wee the Maior, Bailifies and Cominaltye aforesayde doe covenaunte herebye for us and our Successors to discharge and saue harmles bothe her Majestie and the saide Sir John Haukins (sic), Knighte, his heires, executores and assignes agaynste bothe the Owners, victulers and maryners or Company of the saide Shipps for that tyme of there seruyce for euer. In witnes whereof wee haue to theis presentes sett the Seale of the Office of the Maioraltie of the Cittie of Excester the daye and yere firste aboue written .. ccccxlviili. xvis.
- f. 180. Petition of the town of Staynes (Middlesex) with replies from the Council at Whitehall, 26 May, 1589, for post towards Plymouth.
- f. 187. The Copye of the Queen's Majesties letters for the deliverye of Phillipp Harte, a condempned prisoner remayninge in the Gayle of the City of Exon.
- By the Queene.
Elizabethe Regina.
Trusty and welbeloued, We greete you well. Whereas there ys remeninge in the Gaole of that our Cittye of Exceter, Prysoner under your charge and custody one Phillipp Harte, a condempned person and so restinge at our mercye Whome in respecte that the parties greeved desyer to be recommended to our grace for the Releefe of the poore Women whose husbandes were slayne as also for that there ys good Assurans geeven us of his sufficiencye to do us good Service in our Warres Wee arre pleased to extende our clemencye thus farr unto him as to staye him from execucon by our Lawes, And to imploye him in our warres, And therefore wee will and comande youe upon the Receipte of theis our Letters to deliver the bodye of the said Phillipp Harte to the berer herof, George Carye, esquyer, to be by him conveied to Capteyne John Dowdall, unto whome wee have comitted a Bande of footemen to serve us in our Realme of Irland, under whome our pleasure ys to make triall of the said Hert's Service and good behavior and farther our expresse pleasure and comandemente ys that the said Harte shall not at any tyme hereafter retorne unto our Realme of England, but remayne still in our said Service in Irland withoute our expresse Licence under our owne Hande obteined upon payne of the extremytie of our Lawes to be layed upon him. And theis our Letters shalbe to youe and every of youe to whome yt dothe or maye apperteyne sufficiente warrante and discharge in this behalfe. Geeven under our signet at our Mann. of Greenewyche the Syxte of Maye, 1590, in the xxxiith yere of our reigne.
To our trusty and welbeloved the Maier, Recorder and Sheryffs of Exceter and to all other our Officers and Mynysters to whome yt dothe or shall apperteyne.
- f. 196. Refers to Queen Elizabeth's proclamation that certayne wayghtes as well the Troy waightes as of Avoirs de Poyz newly made and corrected shoulde bee dispersed and sente unto all and everye of the good Citties of England, there to remayne, wherebye all other waightes of these natures shalbe fined, corrected and amended. This Bille Indented made 21 June, 30 Elizabeth (1588). The Town Clerk acknowledges to have received from the Court of Exchequer of avoir de Poyz, the halfe hundrede weights containing 56l., 28l., 14l., 7l., 2l., and 1l.; also 1 Pille of Troy waightes containing 14 pieces and 1 paper with penny weightes and 5 parcells graynes containing 14 peeces, paying for them 9l. 8s. 11d.
- f. 203. The note of the number of all the Charters of this cittie of Exon. Collected 23 October, 1560.
- f. 207. Anno xxij, Henry VII (1506–7). Deliberaco. clavum ciste cvis. existent' in domo cvis. consil' p'tn., showing 7 Keys, 1 in the hands of the Mayor, Richard Huet, and 6 more with the names of the holders.
Md. est quedam vacua clavis p. sexta sera reman in cista repoc.
Book 55a.—A list of Freemen, 1621 to 1818 (not paged) entitled "A Catalogue or Register of the names of all the persons that have been made free in or since the year 1621." This book is not noticed in the Calendar. It consists of an alphabetical list of names and forms a very serviceable guide to personal names, trades &C., since 1621. Appended to each name is a note "p. appr" (i.e by apprenticeship), "p. her'" (by heirship), "p. red'" (by redemption), "by priviledge," or "p.ord'" (i.e admitted by order). It includes such names as Christopher, Lord Duke of Albemarle, Frederick Kepple, Lord Bishop of Exeter, to the Tripemakers, Hot-pressmen, Velmongers, Combemakers.
Book 56.—A vellum book, foolscap folio, the cover of which has been torn off. It contains copies of documents in a hand of the time of Elizabeth, and appears to have belonged to Hooker. (It might be called "Hooker's Charter Book".) Eg., an extract from Carta Monasterii de Syon, Henricus [?VII], recites privileges and exemptions granted January 26th last past to Elizabeth the Abbess, infra manerium de Istalworthe. The description of Exeter by Hooker as in Book 55, f. 131b.
It begins : "Excester or Exeter ys a famouse Cytie."
Ends : "The Lord kepe and preserve them alwaies."
Five opening paragraphs of "The Antiquitie and foundacioun of the Cathedrall Churche of Saint Peters, Exon."
Begins : "Of the fundacion," &C.
Breaks off with ; "the which he ys a baron or lorde of the parliament" (in paragraph beginning : "And in this tyme of Kinge Henry the fyrst").
The Charter of Exilond, 22 December, 4 Edward VI (1550) (full text). See Charters No. XXXVI.
The Charter of the Bishop of Winchester, 30 January, 2 Henry VIII (1511) (full text).
The Charter of the Bishop and Church of Exeter, 12 May, 2 Henry VI (1424) (full text).
The Charter of Kenton, 14 May, 16 Edward [? III. See page 122, i.e. 1342.] It recites Charter of Stephen, and refers to homines mei de lystona et Chentona (i.e Kenton ferry near Star Cross).
The Charter of Bonville's Almshouses, 8 November, 4 Elizabeth (1562) (full text). See Charters, No. XXXVIII.
Charter of 21 February, 3 Elizabeth (1561). Cart' p. orphan et al' libt' Concess'. See Charters, No. XXXVII.
The Act for the Limits of the City. A Confirmacion of the Cete libt' and Charters by Acte of parliament for the bonds (sic) and limytts how fferr the Countie of the Cetie shall extend. 18 March, 3 Edward VI (1549) (full text). See Charters, No. XXXV.
The Charter of 24 February, 3 Edward VI (1549) (full text). Latin, with footnote : Veram copiam Carte Civitatis Exon et concord' cum Iris' patent' Regis Ed. vi". supiar specificat' et exam. p. Waltherm Stapelhill, Johem. Peter, Richm. p'twod, Richm. Hert et Johem Hoker. See Charters, No. XXXIV.
The Act of Parliament for confirmation of Charters, 3 May, 5 Elizabeth (1563). See Charters, No. XXXIX.
The Charter for the Election of the Mayor, 10 July, 1 Henry VIII (1509), headed "The Copye of the Charter for the Election of the Mayor and officers made by Henry the vijth (sic), after the Comosion he then in ppr' person cum. to Exon." See Charters, No. XXX.
A Commission for a Gaile deliverie for the Admiraltie, 17 October, 6 Elizabeth (1564).
Two folios of extracts from Domesday Book with note : The which all Churches, houses, londis and Tentis being of or holdinge as well as righte many moo other and divers wth all passeth the nomber of lx. and moo beinge rente or yielding custome as all appeareth of recorde in the said Booke, none which said except the xlvij. houses (i.e in the holding of the Bishop of Exeter) above said, now late the which the Maier and Commonaltie seyn that all beith parcell of the said Cetye in and of and annexed to the same. And they seyn that all the rentis aforesaid ben parcell of the fee fferme of the said Citey. And that rentis and customes p'veth (proveth) a fee fferme by prescription at that tyme. And the Cittie not in the Kinges handes as it is in there seconde Article of prys (? proofs) supposed.
Part of a Rental of the City. (7 folis.)
Book 56a.—A paper volume, not paged. Some of the sheets have been folded down to fit the size of the ordinary pages. The binding consists of an indenture on vellum, dated 30 January, 29 Elizabeth (1587). The headings are partly cut away in binding.
This book, which is not noticed in the Calendar, may be regarded as a supplement to Book 56, being a collection of Charters and other similar documents mostly repeated elsewhere.
The earliest page (i.e. an extract) begins: And albeit from the tyme of Kinge Athelstane the first founder, 932.
Ends: And this muche concernynge the antiquite, fundation and buildinge of this Cathedrall Churche (see Book 56).
This extract occupies half a page only. It is followed by: The ancient Rentes and Revenewes belonginge and apperteyninge to the cathedrall churche of S. Peter of Exon, and the extent thereof; total 1,941l. 16s. 0d.
Copy of the Grand Charter of the Citie of Exeter [see Charters, No. XXXIV], the last sheet bearing the date 24 February, 3 Edward VI (1549), has been misplaced and bound towards the end of the volume.
A Charter beginning Henricus, dated 4 May, anno regni nostri quinto decimo.
A Charter beginning Henricus, dated 11 December, anno regni nostri [blank], probably Henry V or Henry VI, as the Clerk is "Wymbysshe."
The Composition betwene the Bisshop &C. and the Citie for enclosinge of the churcheyarde and buyldinge up of gates in the same, 1286.
The Graunte of the Mayer &C. to the Bishop &C. for enclosinge the Churcheyarde.
The Composition between the Mayor &C. and the Bishop &C., concerning certeyn walles and dores &C., 1320.
The Composition for the building of a gate in a lane in Stykestreete, 8 September, 37 Henry VI (1459).
A Grant from the Mayor &C. to the Archdeacon of Totnes of a tower upon the walls of the Citie, 1392.
A Catologe of all the Bisshops &C. (16 folis.)
Begins: Havinge heretofore sett downe the Antiquities.
Ends with: John Wolton—the meditation ffraunceys Erle of Bedfforde.
Carta Episcopi Bathon et Wellens. Ten lines only; incomplete.
Carta, 29 January, 1 Elizabeth (1559). Note at end—Concordat cum originali p' me Robtm. Denys.
"Wyndsore" Charter of Henricus. . . 10 April, anno 7, Folded down to fit size of book.
Charter of Elizabeth. Headed: This ys indeed. . . incomplete. (2 folios.)
Statues for the ordering of Orphans &C. Ends: To be fullie satisfied and paied. (6 folios.)
The manner and forme of a recognysaunce to be taken for the assurance of an Orphanes parte or portion. (4 folis.)
The Charter for the appointinge and nomynatinge of the poore in the hospitall of the Comeroye. 13 November, 4 Elizabeth (1562). See Charter XXXVIII.
An Acte of Parlyement for the bounding and lymetinge of the Countie of the Citie of Excester, 18 March, 3 Edward VI (1549). Full text: English. See Charter XXXV.
The Charter of Exilonde, 2 (sic) December, 4 Edward VI (1550). See Charter XXXVI.
The Charter for Orphanes and a Chamberlayne, 21 February, 3 Elizabeth (1561). See Charter XXXVII.
An Acte of Parlament for the Confirmation of the Charter of Orphanes, 3 May, 5 Elizabeth (1563). (English.) See Charter XXXIX.
Misplaced leaf ends: Soma of the whole Rents of the parcells aforesayd as above is specified, xs. iiijd. (çpart of Bishops Rents).
The last page is blank, but headed: A second clayme which the Bishop maketh for his fee.
Book 57. —A paper book without cover, foolscap folio. It is a memorandum or Waste Book of John Hoker, and contains miscellaneus memoranda relating to the various offices he held.
The front page shows the perticulers of f'me (i.e. ferme) dewties as doth apperteyne to the ferme of Bagavell' and brethingavell. Begins: First the farmoure thereof ought to have of every person dwellinge within the liberties of the Cittie beinge no free—that selleth breade alle and other things by the yere 2s. 6d. The writing is not very legible, but the whole would be well worth transcribing in full.
Note that the Charter of Kenton was first graunted by King Stephen and goothe in these words: i.e. short extracts from the Charter of Stephen, with additions by Edward III (May 14, 1342).
The Inventory of all the goodds and Chattells of John Geffrey, of Exilond, bootcher, attached by me, John Hoker, bailiff there, upon severall playnts entred yn the Court there against the said J.G. immediately after his fleeinge and avoydinge, 1564. The following is the list of goods which are arranged under headings: The forechamber, the Servants Chamber, the Tallow Chamber, the forechamber next to the street and the Hall:—
The Inventory of all the goods and chattells of John Geffrey, &C.
The forechamber.—A ioyned beddsteed, a trokle bedstead, a flocke bedd with a bolster of fethers, a trokle [blank], toe paier of sheets, a pylose, three blancketts, a mantell, a stityned tester and other hangyns paynted, a bowe (? boroe), too chayres.
The s'unts (çservants) chamber.—A beddsteed, a mattresse, a flocke bolster, a payer of sheets, iii coverletts of shaydes.
The talow chamber.—A strydinge borde, Talow, by estymacon vc. (çcwt.).
The forechamber next to the street on the south syde.—
A bedsteed, a great chest, a padd of yarne by estimacon iiiilb., a trokle bedsteed, too tubbes, yn the galerey.
The hall.—A ioyned table bord, a ioyned forme, the stelyngs with a clost bench, a cubberd, a ioyned seate before the fyre, a cobberd, a greate caldron, a ketell, too caldrons, a lytle panne, too croks, a skyllett, vii platters, too potengers, too sawcers, a tynney salteseller, too treadells.
The disposicion and guyftess of my pamphelettes of the Citie and Catologue of the Bishopp imprented and geven for New Yeres Guyftes, 1583, with names of 72 recipients, including the Bishop, Mr. William Martyn, the Wardens of the Shamells, and the Constable, with 3 copies to the bookbinders.
The entreys of the towne custome for the porte of Exon from Michaelmas, 1556, to 1564–5i.e. Hoker's account (57 folios) as "Collector Minutar' Cust' portus civitatis" or "Collector Minute seu parve Custume." The vessels scheduled hail from Exmouth, Kenton, Rye, Dartmouth, Salcomb, Gurnesay, Harlame, Plymouth, Lympton, Poole, Falmouth, Morbgan, Longesands, Kynswere, Colchester, Torrebay, St. Malow, Mylbroke, Dawlish, Topsham, London, Penmarcke, Morlaise and Stonehurst.
The ordynance and artyllerye of the Lord Fraunces, Erle of Bedford, delyvered to the custody of the Cittie of Exeter by Mr. Giles Gefry, surveyor to the saide Lorde, 22 Sept., 1556.
Do. apperteininge to the Citie of Exon and lying within Seynt Johns at the East Gate of the Citie and delyvered by me, John Hoker, to thandes or custodie of William Knolle Cuttler the younger, 24 February, 1559.
The mony which Roger Hoker owethe to me.
The accompte of the xth and xvth receved and gathered by me, John Vowell, alias Hoker, collector, 1 Elizabeth, October, November, 1559. Four folios from October, 1559, to 1576. The amounts are entered under parishes.
Memorandum that April 5th, 1566, I, John Vowell, alias Hoker, dyd enter ynto thoffice to be judge of Admyraltie yn the Countie of Devon at the request of Sir Arthur Champnowne, vyce-admirall, who by his letters offred the same unto me with all the comodities and proffytts thereto belonginge. Opposite is a copy of "The Certyfficate for the buylding of a ship of one hundrethe and upwardes":—
To the right honorable the Lord Clynton, Lord Highe Admyrall of England.
Right honorable, forasmiche as it hathe playsed the Quenes Majesty of her abundante munyfycence for the better mayntenance of the navy of this her hyghnes realme to enlarge to all those which buylde any ship of one hundrethe tonnes and upwardes so many crownes: Therfor I, Arthur Champernowne, Kinght, viceadmyrall of the countie of Devon, do by these presents geve notice to your honorable Lordeship and to all others whom the same yn any respecte toochethe that one J.W. of the citie of Exceter, merchaunte, hathe at these presents buylded and fynished within the Haven of Bidefford yn the countie of Devon, one ship of the portage and bourden of two hundrethe fyftye tonnes. And for the more treuthe hereof I have sett the seale of th' offyc of my viceadmyratie to these presents geven.
Then follows Hooker's record of the Admiralty Court of Devon summoned to meet at Sidmouth on August 12th 1566, and other places, headed: "Thorder of the Circuite which I Kept this yere and thapparaunce and place of the Court" (18 folios).
Book 58.—A large volume of Maps of the property of the Chamber, on vellum, compiled in the year 1759. It is a most elaborate work, and is kept at the Town Clerk's office.
Book 59.— The Index or Reference Book to the Maps, with Notes respecting the properties in a later hand down to 1820; kept at the Town Clerk's office.
Books 60 to 60f.— Seven volumes of Letters and Papers. See Part I.
Book 60g.— Inventories of Church goods. See Part I.
Book 60h.—A small folio paper volume of 46 folios, very much injured, but well mounted in a bound book.
- ff. 1–9.—A Journal of the Parliament of 1571 by John Vowell, alias, Hoker, then M.P. for Exeter (autograph). Ends: This parlament beganne on Monedaye being the ijth of Aprell, 1572 (sic, (fn. 13) and ended the Wenesday, beinge the xxxth of May folowinge, which ar yn thwhole lix.ty daies. Also there is to be allowed unto me for my travells towards and from the parlament viiij.t daies, so this yn thwhole amounts to lxvij. daies, which at iiijs. the daye amounts to xiijl. viijs.
The following specimen is taken from fol. 7:—On Saterday the xix of May, a byll for bringnyng of foreyn wares prohibited, a byll for tryall of felonyes yn Wales, a byll for vagabonds (past) the lords have overthrowen it. Also xi. bylls from the lords whereof v. were such as were before sent unto theyme and by them yn certeyn poynts amended. An Act for Rodney in Somers' shere past.
At the end is a list of Acts of this parliament, finishing with An Act of the Quenes pardon. See Stat. iv, 582— 13 Elizabeth, cap. 28.
- ff. 12–19.—The order of kepinge of a Parlament in theese dayes," by John Vowell, alias Hoker. (Autograph). For a transcript of this treatise I am indebted to Prof. W. Harte, of Exeter, who has compared his transcript with MS. (H.D.N., No. 41) at the Heralds' College. Some of the headings correspond with those in Book 52, ff. 234–235, but the general treatment and subject matter are altogether different. There is duplicate of it in Hooker's handwriting in MS. (H.D.N., No. 41) in the Heralds' College in London.
- ff. 21–46.—A History of the manor of Exilong with copies and translations of Records relating thereto, and a discourse upon the jurisdiction of the Bailiff of the Manor and the customs of the same-also by John Hoker, alias Vowell.
Books 60i to 60m.—The old Calendar of the Archives in 4 small folio paper books, complied by Dr. Oliver and his colleagues in the year 1821. See S.M. Introduction, p. 10.
On the cover is a rough note [blank] 19, 1821, G.O. (i.e. George Oliver) and P.J. (i.e. Pitman Jones) to the Chamber, stating they have arranged ye records in pursuance of Order of Nov., 1820, and recommend that these volumes be transcribed. See File of General Purpose Committee, 1821. This recommendation appers not to have been carried out, as these 4 volumes are in various original hands, one of them being apparently a woman's. The Summary shows that 111 days were occupied over the work, which began on [blank] and ended on December 18, 1821.
Vol. I. (60i) relates to Awliscombe, River Exe, Davy's Almshouses, Magdalen Hospital and St. John's Hospital.
Vol. II (60k) to Attwell's and Lethbridge's Charities, St. Nicholas, Disputes with Bishops and the Parish of Hennock.
Vol. III (60l). Other Charities, also Charters, Commissions and Pardons, and Miscellaneous Deeds.
Vol. IV (60m). Act Books &C., with a note (p. 362): We were directed to interrupt the order of the Act Books in order to make out the History of the Irish Party. The progress of the work was periodically checked by a member of the Council, whose signature appears with those of the Dr. Oliver and his colleague at frequent intervals.
[From this point onwards I have relied almost entirely upon Mr. S. Moore's Calendar for the material of this report, it having been impossible to consult all the original documents referred to in it within the time at my disposal during my personal visit to Exeter. Such additions or corrections as I have made will be found included in square brackets.]
Books 61 to 79.—Minute Books of the Sessions of the Peace from 16 James I to 1826, with detailed dates in the Calendar, to which is added a pencil note that large quantities of sessions papers are in a cupboard in the centre of the room.
Books 80 to 99.—Mayors' Court Books, from 1533 to 1861, the dates of each separate volume appear in the Calendar.
These volumes contain the pleadings in the Mayor's Court, and are in fact the Minute Books from which the Rolls were made up.
Books 100–102.—Presentments of Nuisances &C. at the Sessions of the Peace, 1550 to 1668, with details of dates of each volume in the Calendar.
Books 103 to 112.—Memorandum Books of the Mayor's Court (1716 to 1794) containing the entries of freemen, notes of Fines, of oaths of allengiance taken, and the price of wheat week by week. At one end they have the notes of the Mayor's Court, at the other those of the Provost Court.
Book 113.—A volume of the prices of wheat, 1759 to 1796.
Books 114–140.—Provost Court Books, 1507 to 1881, with separate dates supplied in Calendar. These volumes, of which the last five are blank, are of a similar nature to the Mayors' Court Books.
141–145.—Book-proceedings of the Orphans' Court, 1561–1697.
146.—A large folio volume relating to the administration of Blundell's Charity. It begins with a copy of his will, 1601 to 1681.
147.—Smaller volume, small folio, 1681 to 1697.
148.—A Book containing entries of the application of Blundell's and other Charity monies in 1669.
149.—A Book containing a description of the various Charities in Exeter, 1600 to 1622.
150.—Copies of Curators Accounts of Charity monies, 1792 to 1823.
151.—The Account of Timber on Halberton tenement, belonging to Spicer's Charity, 1769.
152.—Accounts of Lethbridge's Charity, 1754 to 1806. See Report on Charities, p. 195.
153.—Account of Atwill's Charity, 1780–1. See Report on Charities, p. 151.
154.—Receivers' Books of Davies' Charity, 1785.
155.—Accounts of Atwill's Charity, 1754 to 1786.
156.—A Folio containing two torn Books of Musters in the City in the time of Henry VIII.
157.—A Book of the Accounts of the poor, 1563 to 14 Eliz. (1572).
158.—A folio containing fragements of Assessments of Subsidies and Books and Musters, temp. Eliz. and James I
159.—A Book containing the assessment of Royal Aid in 1689, and Assessments of Poor's Rates in the City, 1706–1732.
160.—Assessments of Poor's Rates, 1752–1755.
161–167.—Copies of the Land Tax rates, 1740–1751.
168.—Particulars of Land Tax redeemed in the City of Exeter, October, 1798.
169–171.—The Cash Book, Exon Key, being the Accounts of the Collectors of the Town Duty. 1701–1724.
172.—The Account of the Key, 1715 to 1724.
173.—An Account of Town Duty, 1716 to 1724.
174.—Entry Book of Town Duty and Cellarage, 1715 to 1739.
175.—Ditto, 1746.
176.—Book of Entries of Town Custom, 1715 to 1725.
177.—Book of Entries and Waste Book, 1750 to 1751.
178 to 180.—Journals of Town Custom, 1816 to 1821.
181.—Account of Town Duty, Exon Key, 1825 to 1827.
182.—Book of Court Rolls of Duryurd Manor, 1620 to 1697.
183.—John Hooker's Book of Accounts as Bailiff of Exilond, Saint John's and Saint Nicholas, 1556, to 1585.
184.—Court Roll of Exilond, 1620 to 1647.
185.—Merchant Adventurers' Papers, 1558 to 1559.
1–5. 28 Jan., 1 Eliz., 1558. Copies of the Charter of the Merchant Adventurers, with translations. See Letter 48.
- 6. The Corporation of Tailors v. the Merchant Adventurers. Bill of the Tailors.
- 7. Tailors v. Merchant Adventurers. Draft Answer of the Merchants.
- 8. Ditto. Replication of the Tailors.
- 9. Ditto. Another Copy of the same.
- 10. 14, 15 April, 7 Elizabeth, 1565. Examination of Witnesses.
- 11 to 15.28 February, 2 Elizabeth, 1560. Ditto.
- 16. Draft Petitions of the Merchant Adventurers to the Council (3 copies).
- 17. Another Petition of the Merchant Adventurers to the Council.
- 18. 28 February, 2 Elizabeth,1560. Copy Bond of Robert Hellier to appear before the Council.
- 19. "The offers made unto the Taylors and other Artifycers of the Cetie by the Merchants of the same Citie."
- 20. "Remembrances and notes that the Company of the Taylores or cheffely some of theyme have procured all the troble betwene the Citizens aboute the Corporacions and that they ar sedyciouse."
- 21. "A note of an Article of the Quenes Majesties graunt to the Merchants of the Citie of Exon, sklaunderouslye and untrewlie interpreted of the taylores and other theire complyces with an answeare unto the same."
- 22. "The articles of the untrew surmises conteigned in the byll of Complaynt made by the Taylores against the Merchants."
- 23. "The cheffe article of the Corporation of the Merchants of the Cetie of Exon which Taylores and others by false suggestions have reported to be the breache of the liberties of the Citie."
- 24. The Accompte of me, John Hoker, for money receved and paid at London in the suete of the Corporation, 1559.
N.B.—Nearly all these documents are in Hooker's handwriting. They contain some curious matter.
186.—A Rental or Survey of the City's Estates, temp, Elizabeth.
187.—Ditto, 1585.
188.—A Rental or Survey of the City's Estates made by Samuel Izacke, Town Clerk, circa. 1650.
189–205.—Similar Surveys made by Samuel Izacke, 1652, 1671 and circ. 1675. Also by Richard Izacke in 1688, with others in 1700, 1725, (?) 1730, circ. 1760.
205a.—Book of Estreats of the Sessions, 7–17 James I.
206, 207.—Committee Book of the Committee for Paving, Lighting and otherwise improving the streets of this City, A.D. 1794.
208.—Account of letting the Butcher's Stalls, 1828 to 1833.
209.—Copy of the Bill of the late Adam Pierce, Solicitor, for the changes in conducting the City's legal business, 1761 to 1799.
210.—An Account of the Sale of Estates and a Rental, 1812.
211.—A Particular of all the property belonging to the City of Exeter, A.D. 1839.
212.—A bundle of six copies of a Schedule of certain property belonging to the Town Council of the City of Exeter, A.D. 1848.
213.—A.D. 1833. Report of the Committee appointed to examine into the state of the City property and its debts (in Mr. Gidley's handwriting).
214.—City of Exeter. Register of Charitable Donations— a vellum book of entries of Charities with the Clerk of the Peace, A.D. 1815–17.
215.—Lists of Constables, 1760–1831.
216.—Council Letter Book, 1836 to 1839.
217.—Common Seal Book.
218.—A List of the land owners and occupiers on the proposed public Devonshire Canal, A.D. 1793. Paper 4to.
219.—A Book of the form of Oaths, deputations &C. of various officers of the City. Paper 4to.
220 to 226.—A Bundle of seven Books—Wharfinger's Journal or Collection Books of the Town Duty, 1750 to 1751. They are his private Memorandum Books of the entries of vessels, their cargo and the amounts paid. Paper, small 8vo.
227.—Book of the names of Apprentices rejected as freemen for misbehaviour and other causes. Paper 4to.
228.—Book of Convictions for selling Bread by short weight, 1807 to 1816.
229.—John Hooker's account of "the monye receved and paid for the grayne bought at Plymouth the xxvjth of December, 1562. Paper 8vo.
230.—Rules, Orders, Bye Laws, and Regulations for the good government of the Exeter Canal. Printed Book, 8vo. A.D. 1850.
231.—John Hooker's Account of the Salmons taken yn the ryver of Ex within the Manor of Exylonde, 1580 to 1582. Paper, small 8vo.
232.—Similar Account, 1582–3. Paper, small 8vo.
Both these are in Hooker's handwriting.
233.—Memorials of Merchants and Traders about the making a double Loc at the bottom of the Canal, A.D. 1820.
234–243.—Books of the rates of the Towne Custom. Small 4to. paper. Temp. James I, Charles I, and circ. 1700, 1750 and 1786.
239.—Book of Rates of Town Custom. No date,?circa 1750.
It has the rates for Town Duty and for passage of the Haven.
At the end of the Book is "a Table to know what goods or merchandize there is allowed to the ton, and what every man is to pay for that which is not compted by tonnage"; made in 1598, paper 4to.
244.—A Table of the Petty Customs or Town Dues payable to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the City of Exeter, &C. Printed Book, Exeter, 1844. Paper small 12mo.
251 to 295. —Forty-Five volumes of Books belonging to the late Goal of Exeter.
296 to 309. —Fourteen Calendars of the Mayors Court Books from 1652 to 1754. They are Indexes of names occurring on the books.
310 to 313. —Four large Ledgers of the City Accounts from 1722 to 1724.
314. —Index to the Ledgers.
315. —Lower Market Agreements. Book of printed forms of conditions for letting stalls &C.
316. —Higher Market Agreements (not used).
317–318. —Ledgers of the City Accounts, 1830 to 1836.
319–322. —Cash Books, 1836, 1841, 1846.
323–324. —Exeter Markets Cash Accounts, 1834 to 1856.
325, 326. —Declaration Book of Mayors, Sheriffs &C., 1828 to 1852.
330–342. —Declaration Books of Town Councillors, Aldermen &C., &C., 1835–1875.
351–400. —Lists of Voters, 1843 to 1889 [50 volumes].
380 to 400. —Lists of Voters, 1869 to 1889.
These lists are continued on Shelves Q.Q. (over fireplace).
401 to 432. —Ward Lists, 1836 to 1868.
437–460. —Poll Books commencing in 1835.