The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds Etc. Fourteenth Report, Appendix; Part VIII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.
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Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'The Dean and Chapter of Worcester: Documents', in The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds Etc. Fourteenth Report, Appendix; Part VIII(London, 1895), British History Online [accessed 25 February 2025].
Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'The Dean and Chapter of Worcester: Documents', in The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds Etc. Fourteenth Report, Appendix; Part VIII(London, 1895), British History Online, accessed February 25, 2025,
Historical Manuscripts Commission. "The Dean and Chapter of Worcester: Documents". The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds Etc. Fourteenth Report, Appendix; Part VIII. (London, 1895), British History Online. Web. 25 February 2025.
The Dean and Chapter of Worcester
The collection of Documents, as distinguished from volumes, has suffered heavy losses since it was examined by the antiquaries of the seventeenth century. Charters described by Dugdale and Hickes are no longer to be found in the muniment room, and a comparison of Wanley's list with the documents still preserved leads us to form a most unfavourable judgment of the fidelity of the guardians of these muniments in the years succeeding the revolution of 1688. Some of them, it is known, passed into the hands of the first Lord Somers: others perished of neglect, some, it is stated, within living memory. Those which remain are chiefly preserved in drawers in two presses in the muniment room.
Of these Nos. 1–3, 5–8, and 13 contain presentments, letters of attorney, minutes of court, and surrenders out of court, surveys, and rentals, running from the 17th century onwards, relative to the maners of Lindridge (cum membris), Boraston, Stoke Prior, and Wolverley, with surrenders of the rectory of Stoke Prior; and papers concerning the prebendal meadows.
No. 4 contains court rolls, views of frankpledge, and rentals of Stoke Prior ranging from 7 Edw. II. to the reign of Henry VIII. with some of later date. Among the papers included in this drawer are:—
Accounts of "a levie by the yard land in año 1647."
An account of Walter Hertylbury, almoner of Worcester priory, Michaelmas, 11–12 Hen. VI. [1432–1433].
No. 9 contains miscellaneous papers which have been gradually accumulated here by some principle of selection of documents in one way or another of special interest. Among them are:
A grant by the dean and chapter of the manors of Alveston, Tydyngton, and Icomb, and of the churches of Dodderhill and Lenchwick, to the king, Henry VIII., in consideration of his acquittance of their obligation to maintain students at Oxford. The copy was made in 1636, manifestly by an ignorant scribe, and runs as follows:—
"Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presens Scriptum pervenerit Decanus et Capitulum Ecclesie Cathedralis Wigorn. salutem. Cum dominus Henricus octavus dei gratia Anglie, Francie, et Hibernie Rex fidei defensor et in terra Ecclesie Anglicane et Hibernice Supremum Caput per litteras suas patentes gerentes datum vicesimo quarto die Januarii Anno Regni sui tricesimo tercio de gracia sua speciali erexit et fundavit Ecclesiam Cathedralem predictam Ac per alias litteras suas patentes gerentes datum vicesimo quarto die Ianuarii Anno Regni sui tricesimo tercio dederit et concesserit nobis prefatis Decano et Capitulo et successoribus nostris, diversa maneria terras tenementa territorias ac alia possessiones et hereditamenta in eisdem litteris patentibus expressa et specificata prout per easdem speciales (fn. 1) litteras patentes inter alia plane liquet. Et ulterius cum dictus dominus Rex per ordinaciones et statuta fundacionis Ecclesie Cathedralis predicte ordinavit et constituit quod nos prefati decanus et capitulum et successores nostri Annuatim et imperpetuum invenire et sustentare deberemus duodecim sacre Theologie studentes Et ad onus sustentacionis cuiuslibet eorundem duodecim studencium solvere teneremus Annuatim sex libras septem solidos quatuor denarios et unum quadrantem legalis monete Anglie Sciatis quod nos prefati decanus et capitulum in consideratione et ca intencione quod dictus dominus Rex nunc heredes et successores sui nos prefatos Decanum et capitulum et successores nostros de onere et sustentacione studencium predictorum et eorum cuiuslibet de Cetero Imperpetuum exonerare Acquietare et Indempnes totaliter Conservare dignaretur unanimi consensu et assensu nostris dedimus concessimus et hoc presenti scripto nostro confirmavimus prefato domino nostro Regi totum illud dominium et manerium nostrum de Alveston et Tydyngton Ac dominia et maneria nostra de Alveston et Tydyngton cum suis Juribus membris et pertinentiis universis in Comitatu Warr. Ac totum illud dominium et manerium nostrum de Icome cum suis iuribus membris et pertinenciis universis in comitatu Wigorn. Ac totam Rectoriam nostram et ecclesiam nostram de Dudderhyll et . . . . Lenchewyke . . . . 20 Mart. anno Regni dicti domini regis nunc Henrici Octavi Tricesimo sexto."
Two other copies of this deed are preserved in this drawer; and there is a third in Reg. of D. & C. IV. f. 73b. The following memorial relates to the same subject:—
"To the right honourable my verie good Lord Sir William Peryam knight L. Cheife Baron of the Exchequer.
"Right honourable, accordinge to yor Lordshippes iust and favourable order taken in her maties Court of Exchequer in Easter tearme last past upon a motion then made by Mr Attourney generall, and other our learned Cownsell, for the exoneration and extinguishment of an Arrer- age of vijli xvis, whereby we the Deane and Chapter of Worcester be wrongfully charged, and ought in lawe, equitie, and good conscience to be long sithence dischardged Now if it may please yor good Lordshypp, and that honourable Court of Exchequer to be advertysed, We have sent vp this bearer Mr Carington our Treasurer wth our principall evidence to attend and satisfye your Lp and her maties officers Whereby it shall appeare vnto yow that neyther by our Fowndacion from King H. theight our noble Fownder, nor dotation wch We praise god was made perfect, neyther by our imperfect local statute, wch never had lieffe by the untimelie death of our sayde most worthie Fownder, nor by anie other Record We stand bownd under reformation of the Cowrt to maintayne anie students in Oxford & Cambridge wth an Yearlie exhibition forth of our sayde Churches Lands and possessions as it is pretended. But in trueth we should have beane dischardged of that chardge before ye death of our sayde Soveraigne Lord the King in consideracion of the surrender of the Lordshippes of Tyddington and Alveston parte of our sayde Churches possessions in the Cowntie of Warwicke and some other our Lands and tenements ells wheare, wh We surrendered to the sayde late Kinge H. 8t ea intentione, yt we should not be chardged wth the allowance to maintaine the sayde scholars in Oxford and Cambridge, and our Land beinge of a better valew, than the sayde exhibition was, we trust yor Honour, and yt honourable Cowrt, will take order we shall be dischardged of the sayde exhibition & of ye tenth of the sayde Lande surrendered, secundum equum et bonum et serenissimi principis intentionem. We most humbly pray in the right of our poore Church that we may not be wasted and consumed wth contynuall and chardgeable suytes as we have beane of long time. So we shall hartely pray to Almightie god for ye contynuance of yor Hor in all honourable places of Justice and Judgement under her maties most Royall person, and happie government, whom god preserve. From our Cathedral Church of Worcester the xth of Octobr 1595.
Yor Lordshipps to be commaunded, Fran. Willis."
[The dean's signature is autograph.]
Endorsed:—D. Willis his letter to the Lo: Cheafe Baron, for discharg from keeping of schollers in Oxford & Cambridg.
A draught statement of the dean and chapter's case (undated) mentions that the 12 scholars ("students in divinitie") received each 6l. 7s. 4¼d.
Papers relative to the prebend in the church attached by King Charles I. to the Lady Margaret's professorship of divinity at Oxford. Among them is a letter from T. Gaisford, afterwards dean of Christ Church, 25 Jan. 1827, relating to the vacancy in the chair caused by the death of Dr. Collinson; it mentions that "There are several candidates in the field, and it is quite impossible to conjecture in the present state of things which is likely to be successful. Fausset of Magdalen, Symons of Wadham, Shuttleworth Warden of New Coll., Dr Nares of Merton, and I believe Hawkins of Oriel will offer themselves." [The first named was in fact elected.]
"An Inventorie of the plate and other things belonginge to the Cathedrall Church of Worer taken by Tho: Wilsson D: of Dyvynyty and Deane there and Tho: Bastard thresorer of the said churche and others of the chapter the 3 day of Decemb. An° 1576, An° Eliz. xix°.
Imprimis, 3 gobletts with a cover all gylte.
Item, (fn. 2) 2 salts gylte.
Item, A flatt boule gylte.
Item, two cupps with covers parcel gylte.
Item, two white sylver cupps with covers.
Item, fyve spones with knupps, and one other to be Answered by B. Lewis.
Item, ix (fn. 3) playne spones.
Item, A sylver possent (fn. 4) potte for the communion.
Item, two sylver Cuppes & a plate for the communion.
Item, three garnysshe of pewter vessell.
Item, 2 possent (fn. 5) pottes.
Item, three changers.
Item, 4 dos table napkyns, and 5 odde lost at thaudyte 1578. (fn. 6)
Item, 3 new course tableclothes.
Item, 6 olde table clothes.
Item, 2 table towels."
In a second column:
"for the quyer.
Inprimis tenne velvet Cussyons.
Item, 2 cussyons of tyssue.
Item, 4 cussyons of freres.
Item, an olde cussyon to kneele upon.
Item, 2 pulpitt clothes of tysshew.
Item, 2 coverings for the communion table the one of tysshew, thother of flowres.
Item, 4 white cussyons. and 3 of whyte and grene damaske.
Item, a paule of blacke velvett.
Item, a canopie bought when the quene was here.
Item, 3 Longe carpetts to sytt upon at Sermons.
Item, a white cope.
Item, one new clothe for ye communion table and an other old one for ye same.
Item, 4 new cupbord clothes bought by Mr Carington th resorer, 4° decemb. an° 1578.
players gere.
A gowne of freres gyrdles.
A Ks (fn. 7) cloke of Tysshew.
A lytill cloke of tysshew.
A Jerkyn of greene.
A womans gowne.
A Jerkyn and a payer of breches.
A gowne of silk.
2 cappes and the devils apparell."
[The writing is faded and the paper injured by damp.]
An account of 19 July 1661 gives the cost of making new plate afte the interregnum—
An inventory of plate and other utensils for the year ending 28 Nov. 1684, and others of later date.
Papers concerning the petition of the city of Worcester [1641] against the D. & C. and their management of the cathedral service; and concerning a dispute between the same [1671–2] with reference to the immunities of the church.
Sundry accounts for repairs in the cathedral.
Petition from members of the choir to the D. & C. for compensation for their loss of income in 1645 and 1646 "in regard of the said warres and the king's enemies prevalency in the same times."
Plan showing "where to find the severall Graves of those that lye buried within the Rayles at the Altar before it paved by Mr. William Thorneburry the then Treasurer of the Colledge of Worcester" [temp. Ch. II.].
Order by the dean and chapter:
"July the 26, 1672.
Wee whose names are subscribed do hereby Give our Consents, That the Rich Arras shalbe sold to Dr Turner for One Hundreth & Filty poundes in witness whereof we sett to or Handes.
Wm. Thomas.
Barnabas Oley, subd:
Nathanaell Tomkins.
Tho: Lamplugh.
H. Gresley.
W. Thornburgh."
Papers relating to the leaden steeple on the N.E. of the cathedral church:—
Account, Friday 18 Febr. 1647: "The Lords and Commons . . . being informed that in ye Cathedrall Church Yard of ye said City there is a steeple called the Leaden Steeple & fixed to the said Church, nor imployed to any other use then a wood house, the lead and other materialls of which steeple are estimated at above 1200lb," have therefore ordered and ordained that certain persons be empowered to sell the steeple, and to employ the money "for reedifying of ye said Almes-Houses . . . . & for ye repair of ye Churches of St John in Bedwardine . . ., Dodderhall, and Castlemorton." The steeple sold for 617l. 4s. 2d.
"By the Comittee for the County and Cytty of Worcester. Ordered that Mr John Tylt shall forth wth paye unto Mr James Warwicke minister of Handley Castle Ten pounds out of the overplus of meanes remayneinge in his hands raised by the sale of Lead for the repaireinge of the Colledge Church at Worcester. Given vnder our hands this 15 daye of September 1651.
B. Lechmere.
William Dingley.
Gervase Bucke.
Wm. Collins.
Edw. Elvines."
Order to John Tilte from the committee for the city and county of Worcester for the payment of 20l. "out of the overplus of moneyes Remayning in his hands raised by the sale of lead for the repayring of the Colledge Church at Worcester" to "Mr. Symon Moore Minister of the Colledge att Worcester, being a very faithfull precher of God's word and of singular good affection to the Government of this Commonwealth," who had "suffered greate losses by the Scotch Army at Worcester." Signed by B. Lechmere and four others. 13 Sept. 1651.
Order for a further sum of 10l. to be paid to S. Moore out of the "overplus of money raysed of lead taken of the Colledge church to repaire and keepe the same for a publike meeteing place for the service of god," 17 January 1652[–3].
A like warrant to "pay unto Henry Nason Clarke of the Colledge at Worcester the symme of Ten Poundes out of the Remainder of moneyes raised of the lead taken of the College Church," 10 Aug. 1653.
Many other warrants of like contents.
Warrant of Charles II. assigning rents for the repair of the cathedral church, 9 Oct. 1660.
An estimate of "Damages done to the Cathedral Church of Worcester (as is supposed by the late powers") dated 6 November 1660. The sum is 16354l., whereof nearly one-half is charged for lead taken off all the roofs, and priced at 20l. the fother. The "Bookes, Brazen Eagle, Communion plate" are valued at 100l; the organ at 700l.
Copy of letters of privy seal of Charles I. revoking reversionary almsmen's places, countersigned by Fran: Windebank, 31 Jan. 1637[–8].
Resolutions of D. & C. 1 Feb. 1642–3, inter alia agreeing to supply King Charles I. with 1000l. to be obtained by the felling of "timber trees out of Cornwood."
"The bill for the Auditours supper at Talbout 25 Novemb. 1627,
"for shoulder of mutton | 1 | 2 |
for Capon | 1 | 4 |
for a Rabbet | 0 | 8 |
for fier | 0 | 4 |
for bread and beare | 4 | 6 |
Sume | 8s | 0." |
The bill for the audit in Nov. 1763 was 76l. 07s. 02½d.
Other audit bills run from 1661 onwards.
Account for building "the newe double Organs in the Cathedral Church" [1613] with particulars of the registrature and a list of subscribers.
Letter to the D. & C. recommending one Bartholomew Mason for a vicarage in their gift. Signed by
W. Burghley.
F. Knollys.
F. Warwyk.
R. Leycester.
Francys Croft.
Dat. 14 March. s.a.
Letters missive from Elizabeth to D. & C. for the election of Richard Fletcher bp. of Bristol to the see. Signed.
Dat. 13 Jan. 1592. Hampton Court.
Papers "touching the paymt of Tyth salt ariseinge out of the Bullaries of Salt Water within the Burrough" of Droitwich. 5 Oct. 17 Jac. I. [1619].
Notes of deodands [1678–1720].
Memoranda and accounts relating to Pentecostals or "Whitson farthings," 17th and 18th cent.
Legal opinions, draughts, and miscellaneous papers and memoranda on various subjects relating to the property and personal affairs of the dean and chapter; including papers relating to the debts secured on the bridge tolls at Worcester, 1777–1782, and to the leasehold houses belonging to the dean and chapter which were pulled down "for the purpose of Widening and making a better Entrance into the High Street of Worcester from Sidbury," 1796.
Letters of George Morley [bishop successively of Worcester and Winchester]. In one to [Barnabas] Oley [prebendary of Worcester], dated "Lond. Aug. 13," [1661] the writer says:
"The King tells me he will certainly visit us at Worcester some time betwixt this and Micklemas, but the precise time when he will be there he cañot yet resolve on; Only he tells me it cañot be soe soone as ye 3d of September, wch I am sorry for, because the only end of this journey being to pay God his thanks upon. ye place where he received yt great deliverance from his bloody and mallicious enemies, it were to be wished it might have bin upon ye same day as well as ye same place yt it might have bin Opus diei in die suo; wch though it cañot be in his Matyes presence yet I hope yt day will be kept as a sollemne festivall, & that you will have sollemne services and a sermon in ye Cathedrall Church for yt purpose upon yt day. I send by Mr. Thisscrosse a Commission under the great Seal to authorise severall Devines of severall parts of my Diocese to demand & collect from all my Clergy such summs as God shall enlarge theyr hearts to give unto the King by way of Benevolence or a freewill offering; In wch service to God & ye King I hope they will in proportion to theyr meanes be much more forward & liberall then any of ye Laietie, partly because it becomes us to be an example in this as well as in all other welldoing, & partly because we of all all [sic] other orders of men are most obliged to his Maty & have most dependence on his Maty. . . . . I must tell you likewise yt it is expected yt ye Dean and Chapter of all Cathedrall Churches should make a present to ye King as frō the whole body; And in this Capacity ye Dean & Chapter of Westminster do (as I am informd) give the King 2000 l.; And it is hoped yt all Cathedrall Churches will do ye like in proportion; wch I tell you of yt you may tell ye rest of yor brethren yt are there." (fn. 8) Signed "Geor: Worcester."
Letter from W. Digby, dean of Worcester, written 28 August 1777 just after his promotion to the deanery of Durham: "I kissd the Queens hand this day, It was rumored at Court that Philadelphia was seized by the Quakers for Government, Some beleivd, Some not. Lord Sandwich was there and congratulated me."
"Considerations touching the appeal from the Caball," an anonymous contemporary tract, giving 20 reasons. It is taken from "England's Appeal from the private Cabal at Whitehall to the Great Council of the Nation" (1673), which was reprinted in "State Tracts printed in the Reign of Charles II." (1693 folio), where the "Considerations" begin on pp. 25. (fn. 9)
An account of "The severall branches of his Maties Revenue ordered by the Com[m]ittee to be reported to the house: 3° Junii, 1663."
Drawers 10 and 11, the former labelled "Ancient Manuscripts," are filled chiefly with about 400 charters, those dated ranging from 44 Hen. III. to 20 Hen. VII., with a few of greater age and one of 2 Car. I. They relate to lands and rents in the city of Worcester (where mention is made of Eport Street and Hulton Street) at Alvechurch, Alveston [co. Warw.], Ancredam, Astewodefeld, Barrow (or La Barewe), Batenhale, Bedwardyn, Birlingham, Blacwell, Bradeburne, Bradekote, Bradewas, St. Briavel, Bromwich, Burford [co. Salop], Caluwhull, Canterton, Chorleton, Churchehille, Cliva, Clodeshale, Crombe Symond, Cropthorne, Crowel, Doddeham, Donastede (or Dunhampstede), Druymerston, Grimel (Grymhulle or Grimley), Hallow, Herforton, Holwey, Horsham, Hynewick, Iccombe, Kekingwick, Kelbury, Kemeseye, Knighton, Kynewick, Lawern, Lindriche, Marleclyve, Middlefeld, Nether Sapi, Netherton, Northwick, Oldfeld, Overbarrow, Overbury, Little Pakington, Pechesleye, Peneduk, Puclesdon, Pydele, Schirnak, Shipston on Stour, Spechley, Stourbridge, Sydenhale, Temple Lawerne, Thodintona [co. Glouc.], Tilleshope, Totesbache, Tymberden, Westwood, Whitinton, Wikenhull, Wolverley, Wyke Dabitot, and Wyke Episcopi.
Of these charters most of the first 51 are in drawer 11, the rest in drawer 10. A manuscript catalogue of them was made by Peter Prattinton, M.D., in 1824, giving the names of the parties and places, with the date, where any appears, and a note as to the seal. The charters which bear no obvious date, in other words most of the earlier ones, and fully one half of the whole collection, are left without any further indication than "s. d." Some of the charters bear no number, and it has not been possible to identify all those which are catalogued.
Among them may be noticed:—
No. 41. "Fama referente ad nos Offic' Wygorñ pervenit quod Religiosi viri domini Prior et Conventus Monasterii beate Marie Wygorñ in Ecclesia de Hallowe quoniam sibi appropriatam canonice asserunt et pretendunt ius Archidiaconale sibi vendicant in eadem, Decanum creant, apparitorem constituunt, capitula inibi convocant et celebrant, causas audiunt, crimina corrigunt seu corrigere se dicunt, mulctas a delinquentibus exigunt et illas in usus proprios pro suo libito convertunt, exempcionem et libertatis specialem prerogativam pretendentes, quamquam ad premissa de iure communi sint inhabiles indicandi. Vnde super hoc ego officii nostri debito intendimus inquirere et quod iustum fuerit statuere seu dictare." [Early 13th cent.]
No. 138. The original of the "Confirmatio W. de Bleys ep. super pens. eccl." printed in Hale's "Registrum," f. 29b.
No. 153. Grant of "septem seyliones terre . . . in campo de Meuleye iuxta Foulbroc" [13th cent.].
No. 177. "Universis Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit. Silvester dei gratia Wigorñ ecclesie minister humilis eternam in domino salutem. Sanctam filiorum prioris et conventus Wigorñ conversacicnem attendentes et eorum paupertati pio patris affectu consulere volentes. Ecclesiam sancte Helene cum pertinenciis suis cuius tam patronatus quam personatus ad eos pertinere dinoscitur, intuitu dei eis presentium auctoritate duximus conferendam in usus prioris perpetuo iure convertendum. Volumus igitur ut dicti prior et conventus memorate ecclesie vel cuiuscumque porcionis illius cum vacaverit possessionem ingrediantur nullius assensu requisito. Et de proventibus illius pro voluntate sua disponant. Salva capellanorum in prefata ecclesia in capellis suis debito modo deserviencium honesta sustentacione. Et in prefatam ecclesiam cum omnibus pertinenciis suis cum omni libertate et integritate sua, quiete et pacifice in perpetuum possideant. Salvo nobis et successoribus nostris iure pontificali et parochiali. Et ut omnia predicta perpetuum robur obtineant, ea presenti scripto et sigilli nostri apposicione confirmavimus. Hiis testibus. Magistro Nicholao Hamptoñ tunc officiali nostro, magistro Johanne de Wichia. Regiñ et Thom. Capellanis. Willelmo de Budiford et Helya et Waltero Lench et Willelmo de Huntind clericis et multis aliis." [Parchment. 1216–1218.]
No. 196. Draught of a letter asking a favour, for which the writer (apparently "T. de S.") hoped to have had the intercession of "Meistre Johan de Stratford." French. [Parchment. 14th cent.]
No. 228. Draught of a summons [apparently by the prior of Worcester] for a chapter meeting to consider matters requiring correction, "si quid compertum fuerit" in the bishop's late visitation, before the bishop's return. [14th cent.]
No. 248. Letter of the sub-prior and canons of St. Sepulchre, Warwick, 15 Oct. 1338, fixing 3 Nov. for the election of a prior in lieu of brother Guy resigned.
No. 271 (fn. 10). Exemplification of letter of prior and chapter of Christ Church, Canterbury [1275], reciting the composition of Archbishop Boniface [1268] which confirmed the prior and chapter of Worcester in their full episcopal jurisdiction and power sede vacante, but reserving all rights to the chapter of Canterbury in the case of a vacancy also in the archbishoprick.
No. 285. Memorandum of an agreement between Mr. Thomas de Cantilupo, rector of St. Austin's, Doderhulle, and sundry persons (whose surnames are extremely curious), touching the titles of salt and salt mines; the latter engaging to pay one quarter of salt from each four vats unum quarterium salis de singulis quatuor plumbis), and so in proportion in lieu of tithe. (Parchment. Late 13th cent.)
No. 311 (fn. 11). Inspeximus by Roger bishop of Worcester, of charter of Hugh son of Osbert, confirming to the prior and monks of "Wyrcestre," elemosinam patris mei Osberti quam ipse dedit eis, to wit, Burestona and the church of Dudrenhulla, (fn. 12) and also granting them a salt mine at Wich of 20s. "Teste Ailrico archidiacono. hugone archidiacono. frithorico. Colebrando decano. Wilfwio presbitero supranominate ecclesie de dudrenhulla. Thancredo capellano meo. Adam fratre meo. Thurstino avunculo meo. Ric. de escrop. Rad. de coleshulla. Ric. filio Hildewini. Aldewino de Bureford. Crusi de codderugi."
The inspeximus dated "a. inc. dominice. m. c. lxx. v. v. Id. Apr. in cripta Wigorn. eccl. ante altare s&ctilde;i Petri. his testibus. Thoma suppriore. Gervasio camerario. Senato cantore. Alano. Johanne de Beib[er]i. Waltero de omnibus sanctis. Magistro Moyse. Magistro Silvestro. Magistro Godefrido. Abel. Rob. de Cliftuna. Hug. de Saio. Rob. de luci. Hug. poer. Adam filio Edwini prepositi et multis aliis, prefato hugone de saio presente et cum fratre suo osb. consensum suum fide in manu nostra transposita confirmante."
No. 326. Confirmation by Walter [Reynolds] abp. of Canterbury [1317], of appropriation of the church of Doderhull to the prior and chapter of Worcester [1313].
Besides the earlier numbered charters drawer 11 contains miscellaneous charters, bonds, patents, appointments, mandates, congés d'élire, &c. A large number of the charters are so torn or defaced by damp as to be nearly illegible; few, if any, of these appear to belong to an earlier date than the fourteenth century.
Among the contents are—
Charter of Edward II. confirming the privileges of the church of Worcester. Joh. Cant., chancellor. York: 7 June, anno 9 [1316].
The like of Edward III. H. Linc. chancellor. 6 Oct. anno 3 [1329]. Seal lost.
The like of Henry VI. Westminster: 20 July, anno 24 [1446].
Pardon of Edward III. to the prior and convent for their appropriation without licence of the church of Dodderhill. Kenington: 22 May, anno 33 [1359].
Drawer 12, labelled "Ancient Manuscripts, &c.," contains certificates, citations, indentures, and various other deeds ranging from 1331 to 1615. They were examined in 1881 by Bishop Hobhouse, who has left a rough docket of each bundle.
Among them are—
"Rotulus Bonorum Temporalium in Episcopatu Wygorñ" with the sums paid by each religious house. c. 1300. It is not copied (as suggested by Bishop Hobhouse) from Pope Nicolas's Taxatio; but the sums paid are calculated on the basis of 1/20 of the figures in that valor.
License of Henry [VI. ?] to the convent to make a conduit to supply the convent with water from Hynnewyk [Henwick] over Severnbridge.
Citation by the abbats of Oseney and Rewley and the prior of St. Frydeswyde [Oxford] in the diocese of Lincoln, appointed by John XXII. to act in the matter, requiring the prior and monks of Great Malvern to appear at Pershore to answer for their resistance to the prior of Worcester's visitation sede vacante. 1333.
Valor of the property of the College Church of Worcester, as founded by Henry VIII. Anno 32. The roll is wrapped in two leaves of a handsome late twelfth century service book (propria sanctorum), of which other leaves, once used as fly-leaves or wrappers, are preserved among the muniments.
Injunctions ordered by Richard Davids, professor of divinity, Thomas Tonge and Roland Meyrigg, professors of the laws, and Richard Pates, professor of the comein lawes of this realme, Queen Elizabeth's visitors, for observance by the dean and chapter. (n. d.)
Drawer 14, labelled "Ancient Charters," contains leases, grants, quitclaims, &c. Many are of the 13th cent. They have been numbered and briefly described by Bishop Hobhouse.
In other drawers and presses lie large numbers of compotus and court rolls, and similar documents. These are entirely unarranged, and it seemed inadvisable to enter upon what would necessarily be the heavy task of examining them. It may be presumed that they relate exclusively to the manors belonging to the chapter, though it is, of course, possible that other documents have strayed in among them.
Besides the presses and drawers already described the muniment room contains a box full of charters, many of which appear in strictness to belong not to the dean and chapter, but to the bishop.
Among them are:—
Charter of John granting to master Mauger, elect of Worcester, and his successors "tales libertates et quietancias et dignitates in maneriis suis de Hertebery et de Hembyr' et de Aluithechirche cum pertinentiis quales habeant in aliis maneriis suis Episcopatus Wigorn' . . . . sicut bone memorie Ricardi Regis fratris nostri carta testatur. Testibus Viviano Archidiacono Derebyeñ, Roberto Capellano nostro, Johanne de Braoncestr., R. Com. Leicestr., W. Com. de Arundel, W. Mariscallo, Com. de Penbroc, Willelmo de Aubeigny, Warino filio Geroldi, Fulcone de Kantilupo. Data per manum H. Cantuar Archiepiscopi Cancellarii nostri apud Sagium, Octavo die Augusti Anno Regni Nostri Primo" [1199].
Grant by Wm. Picot of lands to the convent. Witnesses: Thomas Prior [de Sancto Se]pulchro, (fn. 13) . . . de Carevilla, John Matin [?], Thomas de Cestreton, clerks: Jordan de Vir[?]ram . . . ilespeth, Symon de la Newelaude, Huctred . . . Robert [C]auuin, William Telneui, Geoffrey de Spechele. Very fragmentary. [c. 1200.]
Grant of Godfrey [de Lucy] bishop of Winchester to the church of St. Thomas the Martyr de Lesnes [or Westwood, in Kent] and the canons there of his house "de Stranda" with its buildings, &c.; "salvo eo quod Johannes de Luci predictam domum cum omnibus pertinentiis suis quoad vixerit habebit et tenebit reddendo inde annuatim predictis Canonicis de Lesnes dim. Mar&ctilde; argenti." Winchester: 25 Aug. anno pontif. xv°. [1204]. Test. "Gregorio Unfrido Capellanis. Ph. de Luci, Rob. de Luci, Magistro Willelmo de Terri Clericis, Johanne de Briws, Stephano de exclusa, militibus, et multis aliis."
Deed of sale by John de Luci to Mauger bp. of Worcester of certain houses in the Strand, and of their rents, "unde Godefridus de Luci pater meus antequam esset episcopus terram emit et domos fecit."
Witnesses: Goscelin Marshall, Master Michael de Bukinton', Peter Caball', Master Anfr', Robert of Antioch, William Le Norreis, Abel de Wigorn' John de Wigorn', Richard Camerarius, Warin le Goiz, Robert Scrippe, Asegod, William Telneui, William Capett, Master Nicholas, Alexander Le Gorgurer, Ingulf his brother, Ascelin Le Meirin, Stephen Clerk, and many others. [c. 1200.] Seal.
Final concord between Henry son of John of Trochemertoñ and Mauger bishop of Worcester, whereby the former acknowledges the grant by the bishop of half a hide claimed by him at Fladebir' [Fladbury] "de se hereditario tenendam salvo eidem domino meo Episcopo et successoribus eius et domino Regi antiquo et debito servicio eiusdem dim. hide," and half a hide "in hamello de Hulla," saving as before, et preterea salvo ei novo servicio et successoribus eius quod ego pro illa dim. hida debeo, scilicet octo solidos per annum," the grantee surrendering all claim to a virgate in Norwich [Northwick] and half a hide in Upton. Witnesses: Ric. Louel parson of Fladbury, Rob. Pipart, Hug. Pipart, Osb. of Lench, Simon de Noualanda, Will. de Mora, Will. Egue, Rob. de Trochemertoñ, Jordan de Wicowañ, Mr. German, Thom. Boet, Ric. Camerarius, and others. [c. 1200.]
License of King John to Bp. Walter [de Grey] to assart in his wood of Fladbury. Witnesses: P. bp. of Winchester, Wm. Briwerr, Hugh de Nevill, Walter de Lascy, William de Kantilup., Hugh de Mortuo Mari, James de Poterna, Henry de Ponte Audomar'. "Dat' per manum Magistri Ri&ctilde; de Marisco cancellarii nostri apud Turrim Londoñ xv March a° 16." [1214–15.]
Privilege of Gregory IX.:
"Gregorius episcopus servus servorum dei Dilectis filiis magistro et fratribus domus militie Templi in Anglia Salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Cum a nobis petitur quod iustum est et honestum, tam vigor equitatis quam ordo exigit rationis ut id per sollicitudinem officii nostri ad debitum perducatur effectum. Ea propter, dilecti in domino filii, vestris iustis postulationibus inclinati, omnes libertates et immunitates a predecessoribus nostris Romanis pontificibus per privilegia et alias indulgentias domui vestre concessas, libertates et exemptiones secularium exactionum a regibus et principibus ac aliis Christi fidelibus rationabiliter vobis indultas, terras quoque possessiones et alia bona vestra sicut ea omnia iuste ac pacifice obtinetis vobis et per vos eidem domui, auctoritate apostolica confirmamus et presentis scripti patrocinio communimus. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre confirmationis infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Siquis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum ejus se noverit incursurum. Dat' apud Vrbem veterem v. Id. Septembr' Pontificatus nostri Anno primo." [1227.]
[The seal is lost; but the red and yellow silk which tied it remains.]
Mandate of Innocent IV.:
"Innocentius episcopus servus servorum dei. Dilectis filiis . . Decano ecclesie Warewykie Wigorniensis diocesis et Roberto de Cathebroc Canonico Lichefeldensi Salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Cum dilectos filios Egidium Decanum Capellanum nostrum et Canonicos Herefordenses necnon et Herefordensem ecclesiam cum omnibus bonis que impresentiarum ijdem Canonici omnes et singuli et ecclesia predicta rationabiliter ac pacifice possident aut in futurum iustis modis dante domino poterunt adipisci sub beati Petri et nostra protectione duxerimus admittendos. Discretioni vestre per apostolica scripta mandamus, quatinus dictos Decanum et Canonicos ac eorum singulos necnon ipsorum ecclesiam non permittatis contra protectionis nostre tenorem super premissis ab aliquibus indebite molestari. Molestatores huiusmodi per censuram ecclesiasticam appellatione postposita compescendo. Non obstante si aliquibus a sede apostolica sit indultum quod excommunicari aut interdici nequeant vel suspendi absque sedis eiusdem speciali mandato plenam et expressam faciente de indulto huiusmodi mentionem. Quod si non ambo hiis exequendis potueritis interesse alter vestrum ea nichilominus exequatur. Dat. Perusii iij Non. Febr. Pontificatus nostri Anno Nono." [3 Feb. 1252.]
[Tied with hemp: seal lost.]
Notarial attestation of bishop Nicolas of Worcester's letters patent declaring the prior and chapter to have free power of action, administration, and jurisdiction sede vacante. Alvechurch: 6 Jan. 1266–7 (attested London: 22 Feb.).
Citation by Ottoboni cardinal deacon of St. Adrian and legate of the apostolic see to [Boniface] archbishop of Canterbury requiring him to appear himself or by his proctor to answer for the conduct of friar Martin of Clyve, whom the archbishop had appointed his vicar and commissary general for the creation of officials in vacant dioceses, and who had in company with Mr. William de Rokelande appointed official by him exercised sundry powers in the diocese of Worcester during the vacancy of the see by the death of bishop Walter, to the manifest prejudice of the established rights of the prior and chapter sede vacante. Warwick: 19 August anno pont. Clem. IV. 2. [1267.]
"Memorandum quod convenientibus venerabilibus patribus dominis Nicholao Wintoñ suffraganeorum Cantuar' provincie decano, Rogero Coventr' et Lichefeld' Waltero Exonieñ Willelmo Bathoñ et Welleñ Godefrido Wygornieñ et Iohanne Hereford. Episcopis, Anno Domini m° ce° Septuagesimo apud Rading'. In crastino dominice qua cantatur Letae Ierusalem ad tractandum super indempnitatibus suis et suarum ecclesiarum ac suorum subditorum et precipue ecclesie sue metropolitane sedis Cantuar'; necnon super hoc quod sede metropolitana vacante monachi ecclesie Christi Cantuar' usurpare nituntur in personis et ecclesiis et ecclesiis suffraganeorum episcoporum provincie Cantuar' iurisdictionem metropolitanum contingentem, quam nunquam hactenus obtinuerunt, in non modicum preiudicium dictorum suffraganeorum ecclesiarum suarum et subditorum suorum, falces suas in messes alienas mittere indebite tractantes, nichil iuris ex hoc, comodi, seu honoris futuro metropolitano attribuentes seu adquirentes, licet per hoc colore quesito presumpcionem suam querant palliare: Unanimi consensu dictorum dominorum convenit ne quod inter eos salubriter et unanimiter statutum fuerit ordinatum seu provisum super premissis tractu temporis aliquorum vel alicuius dissensu valeat in irritum vel ad iniquum revccari; Videlicet ut quod ab omnibus statutum fuerit ab omnibus equanimiter supportetur et onere equali sustentetur et sub fidei religione securitas legitima de inviolabili communis eorum provisionis observacione prestetur. Salva in omnibus auctoritate sedis apostolice et metropolitani Cantuar'. Ad que omnia et singula premissa fideliter et plenarie observanda singuli predictorum dominorum Episcoporum sese ad invicem obligarunt bona fide promittentes se omnia et singula predicta observaturos et pro viribus suis et impleturos et super sumptibus circa deffensionem predictorum factis, si quis fieri contingat, pro rata seu porcione quemlibet eorum contingente plenarie satisfacturos. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti memorando dicti domini episcopi sigilla sua fecerunt apponi." Seals lost.
Letters patent to Godfrey bp. of Worcester "quod domos suas infra clausum suum Wygorñ et quandam domum suam infra manerium suum de Wydyndon in comitatu Glouc' muro de petra et calce firmare possit et keruellare ad modum castri." Westminster: 20 October 55 H. III. [1271.]
Acts of the court of arches in proceedings against the dean and chapter of the prebendal church of St. Mary, Warwick. [1284 ?]
A mandate of Robert [Kilwardby] abp. of Canterbury to the official of the archdeacon of Gloucester declaring the action of the prior of Worcester in exerting authority over Gloucester and Tewkesbury during the last vacancy of the see to be null and void and contrary to the composition made between abp. Boniface and the prior and convent. The reference is to the high-handed proceedings of the prior in March 1302 in attempting to visit those monasteries, and then in issuing excommunications against them for refusing to submit to his jurisdiction. (fn. 13) Fulham: 13 July, 1303. Seal in fair preservation.
Attested copy of the commission from Gwill' Testa, administrator of the archbishoprick of Canterbury, to the prior as official during the vacancy following the death of William of Geynesburh. London: 9 September 1307.
A strip of parchment containing copies of the following documents:—
a. Mandate of the prior of Worcester to the abbat of Gloucester announcing his intention, as official and administrator of spirituals sede vacante, of visiting the abbey and appointing a day for the visitation (Sat. after St. Luke's day next ensuing). Worcester: 2 December 1313.
b. The abbat of Gloucester's reply,
"Venerande religionis viro domino . . priori ecclesie cathedralis Wyg', qui se dicit gerere curam offic[ialis] et administracionem spiritualium in civitate et diocesi Wyg' sede vacante, ut asseritur per eundem, Frater J. permissione divina abbas monasterii Sancti Petri Glouc' et eiusdem loci conventus salutem et fraternam in Domino caritatem: Litteras vestras die Mercurii in vigil[ia] Sancti Nicholai hora vesperarum recepimus formam que sequitur continens: Prior et c. Vestro mandato si, prout, et quatenus de iure tenemur et non alias parere intendimus iure nostro et monasterii nostri predicti semper salvo." Gloucester: 8 Dec. anno supradicto.
c. Commission of Henry, prior of Canterbury, appointing the prior of Worcester official during the vacancy of the see with full episcopal jurisdiction. Given in chapter: St. Katharine's day, 1313.
d. Monition of the prior of Worcester to the abbat and convent of Gloucester because they refused him admission on his visitation: "Nos igitur Prior Officialis et administrator antedictus vos Abbatem Sancti Petri Glouc', Priorem, Suppriorem, Cellerarium, Precentorem, Hostilarium, Coquinarium, Infirmarium, et elemosinarium eiusdem loci, omnes et singuli eciam de conventu memorato monemus primo secundo et tercio et una monicione pro omnibus peremptorie."
e. The prior's sentence of excommunication of the abbat and convent of Gloucester. [The list of obedientiaries is here fuller than in the monition, "sacristam" coming after "suppriorem," and "camerarium" after "precentorem."]
f. This is followed by the effectus composicionis declaring the powers of the prior sede vacante;
g. by the effect of the confirmation of the prior and chapter of Canterbury, saving their rights if the sees of Canterbury and Worcester chance to be void at the same time;
h. by the effect of archbishop Peckham's confirmation of the same;
i. by the effect of pope Clement's confirmation of the same. On the dorse are copied:
k. Mandamus of Clement [V.] to the chancellor of the church of Hereford to protect the rights of the abbat and convent of Gloucester in the tithes of the church "sancti Cannoti de Devennok" in the diocese of St. Davids, now threatened by the prior and convent of the priory of Brech[on]. Avignon: 9 April 5 pont. [1310.]
l. The dean of Brech[on]'s promise to obey the chancellor's mandate to attend in Hereford cathedral on a day appointed. Brecon: Tuesday after St. Mathias 1311.
A copy of documents relating to the appropriation of "Estecherche in Scapeya" to the abbey of Boxlee [Kent], with confirmation by archbishop Walter [Reynolds]. 1314.
Three fragmentary inventories (from a book cover) of the 14th century, enclosed in an envelope with a letter from Sir Thomas Phillipps [17 August 1843], who says "They contained when perfect a list of the silver plate and jewells of the Cathedral or Priory, one of which articles appears to have been given by Alianora, Queen of England, but whether of Hen. 2 or 3 I cannot say." They contain also lists of vestments, books, and furniture; but are almost illegible.
Commission of Guillerinus cardinal priest of St. Laurence in Lucina to the subprior of Worcester to make enquiry into charges of irregularity brought against prior John [Evesham]. Avignon: 23 Jan. 3 Urb. V. [1364–5].
Exemplification by Richard II. of the "carta" of the bishop of Worcester showing his due amount of military service, as recorded in the red book in the exchequer at f. 100. Patent. 16 May 10 Regni. [1389].
"Dimissorium Fratris Iohannis Stretforde custodis Capelle beate Marie ecclesie Cathedralis Wygorñ factum Fratri Willelmo Duttone succedenti in eodem officio iii° die Mensis Marcii Anno Domini millesimo CCCmo nonogesimo primo testatur que et quot rem[anent] in dicta capella vȝ j casula dalmatica tunica cum alba stola et manipulo de una secta de alba amita diasperat' de dono domini Godefridi quondam episcopi Wygorn'. (fn. 13) Item j casula de rubeo serico cum ramis et foliis de auro superintextis cum dorso de blueto felewet cum ymagine auro superintexto ex dono Iohannis Glouc'. Item j casula de virid' taffeta. Item j casula de rubeo felewet. Item j casula de opere penetrato. Item j casula cum aquilis et leonibus superintextis cum alba et amita de eadem secta. Item j casula de virid' serico cum animalibus superintexta. Item j casula de filo blueto cum floribus et Grifonibus argenteis superintextis. Item j alba cum amita preciosa deaurat' cuius ymagines sunt de serico de passione sancte Katerine de dono Fratris Willelmi Mose. Item j alba bona cuius ymagines sunt de serico super eadem consute. Item j alba cum amita de rubeo felewet cum ymaginibus et leonibus auri superintextis. Ex dono Fratris Iohannis Glouc.' Item j alba cum amita cum pavonibus et cervis de albo serico et arboribus virid' superintext'. Item j alba cum amita stola et manipulo de viridi taffeta cum rosis albis superintexta. Item j alba cum alba stola et manipulo de viridi felewet cum scutis de armis domini de Berkeleye de dono eiusdem domini. Item ij parure et due amite de una secra cum floribus argent' superintext' de dono W. Goldesmyth. Item j alba super quam sunt parure quondam Fratris R. de Henleye cum leopardis rub[eis] et viridibus cum stola et manipulo de eadem secta. Item j alba cum parur' de serico rubeo et croceo de opere indentato cum stola et manipulo de eadem secta. Item j alba cum amita cum stola et manipulo de eadem secta, de (fn. 14) ceruis in eisdem contextis. Item j alba cum amita in cuius parur' sunt angeli agni et episcopi de albo serico superintextis. (fn. 15) Item j alba cum stola et manipulo de viridi serico. Item j stola cum manipulo de albo filo superintexto serico. Item j alia preciosa alba de viciis et virtutibus cum amita de eadem secta. Item j stola cum manipulo de glauc' cum ymaginibus superintextis. Item viij zone quarum j est de rubeo serico et relique de albo filo. Item j zona preciosa ex dono Cecilie Stoctoñ script' cum litteris aurifriciat'. Item casus corporalis cum crucifixo de albo serico. Item j alius de viridi serico. Item alius de rota fortune. Item j calix. Item j baudekyn cum tuellis eidem consutis. Item ij tuell' cum frontell'. Item ij frontell' ex dono Fratris I. Leomstre et R. Merstoñ. Item j tuell' consut' albo filo diasperat'. Item ij tuell' ex dono W. Goldesmyth et Is' uxoris sue. Item vj tuell'. Item ij manutergia. Item ij al' tuell' cum manutergio novo non dum sanctificato. Item xij sup[er]pellicia pro Clericis unde vj debiles. Item j nova alba non dum sanctificata. Item j frontell' de baudekyn cum leopardis aur' superintext'. Item j mappa bona de dono Cecilie Stocton non dum sanctificata. Item ij tapet' virid' cum bubonibus. Item j rubeum cum scutis in angulis. Item j de opere Saricenorum. Item j de pilis camelorum stragulat'. Item ij tapecia diversis modis stragulata cum lineis glaucis et rubeis. Item circa gefynam j coronale preciosum cum pendulis circum faciem unius secte valentis (fn. 16) xl. d. Item j pileum eiusdem secte pro puero cuins precium ignotum est. Item ix anuli de auro xij deaurati et argent'. Item viij flameole de serico. Item j pix (fn. 17) eburneus. (fn. 18) Item iij patelle enee pro cera fundenda. Item j thurribulum de cupro deaurato cum cathenis argent'. Item ij bacine enee ad manus sacerdotum lavand'. Item j statera parva enea cum v ponderibus de plumbo. Item j statera maior cuius folia sunt de corio cum iij ponderibus magnis de marmore. Item iij cera filit' et non filit' xxxj lb cere. Item tabula eburnea ex dono cuiusdam monachi de Teukesbur'. Item j cista de Elmo ex dono Fratris Walteri Lye prioris. Item j novus liber de organo et planu (fn. 19) cantu. Item j lagenum oleo pro lampad'. Etpreter hec defic' de diversis catallis de tempore Fratris Johannis Whitechurch predecessoris nostri, videlicet j mappa. Item ij tuell. Item ij superpellicia. Item ij virid' tapet' cum sert' in angulis vend' Waltero Priori. Item ij tapet' stragulat'. Item j scanda sc. de plumbo pro oleo. Item de cera cxlvj lb. cere. Item defic' de pecunia recept' x marc' vij s. ij d. Item in manibus diversis ut patet in pede computi viij s. vj d. in manibus Ric. atte Mulle iij s. Willelmi Bryan ij s. vj d. Thome Belue vij s. Joh. Lynch xij s. vidue de Petteworthe."
Mandate of Boniface IX. ordering the bishop of Worcester, the abbat of Gloucester, and the prior of Wormesley to assist with full judicial powers the dean and chapter of Hereford in recovering the goods and possessions whereof they complained that they were unjustly despoiled. Rome, St. Peter's: 9 Kal. Jan. anno pontif. 15. [23 Dec. 1403.] Tied with string.
Grant by John abbat of Tewkesbury of a pension to John bishop of Worcester charged upon the priory of Deerhurst lately appropriated to the church of Tewkesbury. Tewkesbury: 3 May 1469.
Pardon of Henry VII. to prior and convent for diverse transgressions. Westminster: 24 June. a° 1. [1486].
In a strong box in the Bishop's registry are certain deeds relating to exchanges of lands, awards, &c.; also some of the great instruments confirming the possessions of the church to the capitular body, including—
The exemplification of privileges of Henry IV. Nov. 14 anno 2° [1400.]
The charter of dotation of the D. & C. by Henry VIII. 24 Jan. 33 Hen. VIII. [1541–2.]
Deed of exchange of certain manors. 4 Mar., 1 Edw. VI. [1546–7]. Great seal in good preservation. Signed by the King, with signatures of E. Somerset, T. Cantuarieñ, W. Seint Johñ, J. Russell, J. Warwyk, Will[ia]m Paget, A. Denny, W. Herbert.
Letters patent uniting the sees of Worcester and Gloucester, 8 Dec., 6 Edw. VI. [1552.] Great seal in fine preservation.
Exhibited in the Chapter House are the following documents, some of which appear to have been removed from the chapter muniments, and others to belong to the bishop:—
1. Charter of Uhtred of the Huuiccas of land near the river Salwarpe, A.D. 770. Of this there is a photo-zincograph in "Facsimiles of Anc. MSS." vol. II. It is printed in Hickes' "Thesaurus," i. 170, and in Dugdale (ed. 1817), doc. ix.
2. Charter of bp. Wulfstan granting to the monastery 15 hides at Alveston. [1089.]
Witnesses: Thomas, prior, and the monks.
Agelric, archdeacon.
Coleman, monk and chancellor.
Fritheric, chaplain, and the bp.'s clerks.
Urso, sheriff and the knights of his shrievalty.
Ordric, dapifer, and the bp.'s court.
Alwin, bp.'s dapifer.
Ordric, provost of the town.
With seal (broken).
+ Ego Wulstanus.
3. King John's Will.
Printed by Thomas, app. 33, p. 19.
4. Grant by bp. of Coventry of Bromwich church to the monastery. [c. 1216.]
5. Grant by Thomas abbat of Evesham and his convent of pensions to the bp. charged on the livings of Hillingdon, Weston, and Kinwarton. [1249.] Two seals.
6. Confirmation of the same by Henry III. 1268. Seal (fragm.).
7. Composition between bp. Godfrey [Giffard] and Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, and Joan his wife touching a trench made by the latter on Malvern Hill, 19 Edw. I. Seals.
8. Confirmation of the same by Edw. I. (in triplicate).
9. Letter of Edward VI. to the bp. of Worcester settling his style as bishop of Worcester and Gloucester. 27 Sept. a° 6. 1552. With the King's signature.
10. Letter of Elizabeth to D. & C. desiring a lease for Sir Wm. Lane of lands in St. John's and Diglis near Worcester. 17 July 1602. Signed by the Queen and J. Windebank.
11. Order from Charles I. to Nathaniel Tomkins, treasurer of the church of Worcester, to pay to captain Francis Blunte the sum of £200 "or thereabouts of churche rente due unto us." Signed by the King, and by Edw. Nicholas. Oxford: 2 December 1643.
12. Letters of Charles I. to John Prideaux, vice-chancellor of the university of Oxford, and, from Dec. 1641, bishop of Worcester.
i. [Docketed IIIa.] Warrant for the publication and dispersion in the university of "all the printed bookes sent herewith conteyning all peticions and messages from our parliament concerning the militia of the kingdome and our severall and respective answers to the same."
Royston: 5 March 1641–2. Signed.
ii. [III.] Warrant for the publication in like manner of "all the printed copies herewith sent conteyning our gracious message of the 15th of March lately delivered in our high court of Westminster upon our removall to our citty of Yorke."
York: 19 March 1641–2. Signed.
iii. [V.] Warrant for the publication in like manner of "all the printed bookes herewith sent conteyning our gracious declaracion to both houses of parliament in answere to that of theirs presented to us at Newmarket the 9th of this present."
York: 26 March 1642. Signed.
iv. [VI.] Warrant for the publication in like manner of "all the printed bookes herewith sent conteyning the peticion of both houses of parliament presented to us at our citty of Yorke the 26th of March by the Lord Willoughby and others with our answere thereunto."
York: 2 April 1642. Signed.
v. [VII.] Warrant for the publication in like manner of "all the printed copies herewith sent conteyning a peticion to us from both houses of parliament for leave to remove the magazin at Hull to our Tower of London and for taking off our reprieve of six condemned preists in Newgate with our answere thereunto."
York: 16 April 1642. Signed.
vi. [VIII.] Warrant for the publication in like manner of "all the printed copies herewith sent conteyning our gracious message to our parliament of the 8th of this month concerning our resolution to goe into Ireland."
York: 16 April 1842. Signed.
vii. [XVII.] Order to resign his patent of appointment to the professorship of divinity at Oxford (on promotion to the see of Worcester) to his successor "Doctor Sanderson (one of our chaplaines in ordinary)"; "the duties and proffits of which wee are nevertheless willing you should performe and receave till the 21th of July next [at] the lodgings in Christchurch, the grasse of the meadowes belonging to the said canonry, with the entire proffits of the said rectory of Ewelme since Easter last onely excepted, which we are pleased to graunt unto the said Doctour Sanderson."
York: 29 April 1642. Signed.
viii. [X.] Warrant to "receave and forthwith publish disperse and cause to bee read in the severall parts and places in that our university all the printed bookes and papers herewith sent conteyning our first and second messages to our parliament concerning Sr John Hothams refusall to give us entrance into our towne of Hull. And likewise the message of the 28th of Aprill last declaring our reasons for not passing the bill concerning the militia."
York: 7 May 1642. Signed.
ix. [XI.] Similar warrant relative to "all the printed bookes herewith sent conteyning our parliaments answere concerning Sr John Hothams refusall to give us entrance into our towne of Hull with our reply thereunto."
York: 14 May 1642. Signed.
x. [XII.] Warrant to "receave and forthwith (by the assistance of the ministers and other officers) publish disperse and cause to bee read in the parish churches colledges and other publique places in that our university of Oxford all the printed bookes herewith sent conteyning our answere by way of declaracion to a printed paper concerning the militia. And of your performance of these our commands we require you to give an accompt to one of our principall secretaries of state."
York: 21 May 1642. Signed.
xi. [XIII.] Warrant for the publication of "all the printed bookes herewith sent conteyning a peticion presented to us from our parliament the 23th of this instant (with three votes of both houses) concerning the disbanding of our guard, and our answere thereunto. And of your performance," &c.
York: 28 May 1642. Signed.
xii. [XIIII.] Warrant to "cause and require the printer of our university of Oxford forthwith to print publish and disperse our booke herewith sent conteyning our answere to a printed booke intituled A Remonstrance of the Declaracion of the Lords and Commons now assembled in parliament 26° Maii 1642 in answere to a Declaracion under his Mats name concerning the business of Hull: And our further will and pleasure is that the said booke be read and published in the severall colledges, halls, churches, schooles, and other publique places of that our university."
York: 14 June 1642. Signed.
xiii. [XV.] Warrant for the speedy printing of "all such our messages Declaracions Propositions Answers and Replies &c. as shall hereafter come from us and bee sent to you by either of our Secretaries of State," and "particularly our late answere to a booke intituled The Declaration or Remonstrance of the Lords and Commons of the 19th of May, the copy wherof ye shall herewith receave."
York: 19 June 1642. Signed.
xiv. [XVI.] Letter thanking Prideaux for his "prudent and discreet carriage concerning the order you receaved from our house of commons," and ordering him to have printed and read "all such declaracions of both our houses of parliament as are by them set forth and answered by us, soe as at the same time you cause to be read with it our answere to the same, that soe our good people may not bee misledd by hearing onely of one side, which some factious spirits endeavour who seek to set devision between us and our good subjects."
York: 1 July 1642. Signed.
xv. [XVIII.] "Reverend Father in God, right trusty and wellbeloved, we greete you well. Whereas upon a false and scandalous pretence, (and which wee have sufficiently made appeare to be such by our actions and declarations, and by the Declaration of our lords and counsellours heere present with us) that wee intended to make warre upon our parliament, horse is still leavied, and plate and money is still brought in against us, notwithstanding our declarations and proclamation to the contrary, which hath forced us out of a due regard to our safety and dignity, and to the peace of the kingdome, to desire the assistance of our good subjects for our necessary defence. And whereas our university of Oxford is not only involved in the consequences of such dangerous and illegal proceedings equally with the rest of our subjects, but by our perpetuall care and protection of such nurseries of learning, we have especiall reason to expect their particular care of us, and their extraordinary assistance to our defence and preservation": asks that sums of money collected at Oxford may be paid to Dr. Richard Chaworth.
York: 7 July 1642. Signed.
xvi. [XIX.] Warrant to the sheriff and other officers of the county and city of Worcester,—"whereas the . . . Lord Byshop of Worcester hath bin menaced to be sent for in a disgracefull maner to the parliament, as if indeed he were a notorious malefactor and delinquent, whereas we have most evident testimony of his peaceable, loyall and prudent cariadge,"—requiring them to be "ayding and assisting unto the said Lo. Byshop of Worcester and by no meanes to permitt or suffer him to be forcibly or otherwise taken out of the Sea or County by any power, authority, order, or ordinance whatsoever, not warranted by us."
York: 16 August 1642. Signed.
xvii. [XX.] Letter asking a loan from the clergy of the diocese to be "duely and speedily repayed with the Intereste of 8 li. per cent. as soone as these distractions shalbe somewhat appeased."
Nottingham: 28 August 1642. Signed.
xviii. [XXI.] Letter desiring the bishop to take all possible steps for the promotion of ecclesiastical order and discipline and for the prevention of the "increase of Brownists, Anabaptists, and other sectaries and persons mistaken and misperswaded in their religion."
Oxford: 22 December 1642. Signed.
xix. [XXII.] Letter in support of Nathanael Marston, clerk, for St. Nicholas' or St. Helen's, Worcester, the present parsons whereof "have long continued to be very schismaticall and seditious preachers, and . . . are now actually joyned to the rebells."
Oxford: 21 January 1642–3. Signed.
xx. [XXIII.] Letter of thanks to the clergy of the diocese for "their readiness to contribute a good summ of money towards the raysing of a troope of horse under the command of Sr James Hamilton."
Oxford: 12 February 1642–3. Signed.
xxi. [XXIIII.] Order for the institution of proceedings against "Humfrey Hardwick, clerk, rector of St. Mary Witton," a seditious person now joined to the rebellious army.
Oxford: 24 February 1642–3. Signed.
xxii.–xxv. [XXV.–XXVIII.] Letters requiring the appointment of certain clergymen to benefices lately held by seditious persons of the sequestration of them for the use of the king's adherents.
Oxford: 10 April-20 October 1643.
One of these letters is in favour of a Scottish clergyman, "Andrew Collaie, parson of Dundee and preacher of Edinburgh."
I desire, in conclusion, to express my acknowledgments to the Very Rev. the Dean and the Rey. the Chapter for their permission freely accorded to make a full inspection of their muniments, and I take pleasure in adding my hearty thanks to Mr. J. H. Hooper, M.A., chapter clerk, for his great kindness and personal assistance offered to me during my four visits to Worcester for the purposes of this report.
Reginald L. Poole.