XXXV: Instrument setting forth a perpetual chantry in church of the Friars Preachers (1487)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'XXXV: Instrument setting forth a perpetual chantry in church of the Friars Preachers (1487)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'XXXV: Instrument setting forth a perpetual chantry in church of the Friars Preachers (1487)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"XXXV: Instrument setting forth a perpetual chantry in church of the Friars Preachers (1487)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

In this section

XXXV. Instrument setting forth the Foundation by William Stewart, canon of Glasgow, etc., of a perpetual chantry at the high altar of the Church of the Friars' Preachers of Glasgow,—the rector of the University, the regents in the College of Arts, and the provosts and bailies of the City, being conservators of the chantry. Edinburgh, 15 June 1487.

[Latin text]

Vniuersis et singulis Christi fidelibus tam presentibus quam futuris hoc presens scriptum inspecturis, Willelmus Stewart prebendarius de Killern, ac canonicus ecclesie Glasguensis, rectorque ecclesie parochialis de Glasfurde Glasguensis diocesis, salutem in eo qui est omnium vera salus. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra me caritatiue ac pie deuocionis affectu motum ad laudem gloriam et honorem Sancte et Indiuidue Trinitatis Patris et Filij et Spiritus Sancti gloriosissimeque Virginis Marie et Omnium Sanctorum, ac ad diuini cultus augmentum, et pro anime mee patris ac matris parentum meorum, necnon nobilis et potentis domini Johannis Stewart comitis de Leuenaux et domini Dernele moderni predecessorum ac successorum eiusdem, amicorum parrochianorumque meorum, et animarum illorum a quibus bona aliqua in vita mea recepi pro quibus ad plenum non satisfeci omniumque fidelium defunctorum salute; unam capellaniam perpetuam in Ecclesia Fratrum Predicatorum infra ciuitatem Glasguensem, ad magnum altare eiusdem ecclesie, de censibus redditibus et edificijs infrascriptis, de nouo fundasse, constituisse, erexisse et ordinasse necnon presentis scripti tenore pro perpetuo fundare, constituere, erigere et ordinare, sub modo et forma sequentibus, videlicet, Quod Fratres Predicatores de Glasgw conuentuales perpetuis futuris temporibus, cum cantu sine nota, omnibus et singulis diebus Dominicis, tercia quarta quinta et sexta ferijs, ac Sabbatis omnibus, vnam cappellaniam perpetuam pro me, patre ac matre meis, et ceteris suprascriptis, viuis ac defunctis, ad dictum magnum altare deuote celebrabunt; sic quod vnus fratrum predictorum per suum priorem pro tempore existentem ebdomidatim deputandus, statim post primam ad prefatum magnum altare missam de Beata Virgine Maria cum cantu celebrabit, et piam commemoracionem pro meet ceteris suprascriptis faciet; cuiquidem misse vsque finem eiusdem omnes fratres conuentuales infra ciuitatem Glasguensem pro tempore residentes cantantes et debite prout decet ministrantes intererunt; illis fratribus qui in lectura aut studio tempore celebracionis dicte misse actualiter existunt tantummodo exceptis. Qualibet vero feria secunda prefatus frater, vt premissum est, per Priorem deputandus, ad dictum altare statim post primam cum suis confratribus missam pro defunctis, scilicet De Requiem, pro me et ceteris suprascriptis, similiter cantabit et deuote. In singulis vero festis Beate Marie Virginis, necnon commemoracionibus eiusdem, quando de ipsa ad predictum magnum altare cantabitur missa, statim post consecracionem corporis et sanguinis Domini, vnus fratrum predictorum missam priuatim de Beata Maria Virgine ad altare eiusdem virginis in dicta ecclesia, absque cantu et sine nota, pro me et ceteris suprascriptis, celebrabit singulis annis imperpetuum. Pro cuius quidem capellanie sustentacione, in omnibus et per omnia, vt premissum est, ego Willelmus antedictus, expensis meis proprijs, ad commodum profectum et vtilitatem dictorum fratrum, construam et edificabo seu construere et edificare faciam, cum domibus et asiamentis infrascriptis, totum integrum spacium prius fundatum in dicta ciuitate Glasguensi, inter ecclesiam ipsorum fratrum et dormitorium eorundem, ex parte occidentali sui claustri, hoc modo, videlicet: In primis construam seu edificabo, vt supra, in dicto spatio quinque uel sex voltas inferius prout vtilitati dictorum fratrum melius congruere videbitur; desuper vero duas aulas, duas coquinas et quatuor cameras; ac deinde domos superiores, eisdem aulis coquinis et cameris correspondentes, in soliis cum tegulis bene tectas, et in lignis ac tabulis honeste dispositas. Parietes insuper huiusmodi edificij in altitudine correspondebunt parietibus dicte ecclesie, et in suis lateribus exterioribus cum lapidibus bene sculptis, videlicet, le astlaris, edificabuntur. Vlterius vero pro maiore et firmiore sustentacione dicte capellanie, do et imperpetuum assigno dictis fratribus annuos redditus infrascriptos, qui michi ex diuina gracia et conquestu aduenerunt, extendentes se annuatim ad quinquaginta solidos monete Scocie, hoc modo, videlicet: decern solidos ad sustentacionem et reparacionem dicti edificij annuatim post completam construccionem siue edificacionem eiusdem; et reliquos quadraginta solidos inter fratres in prefata capellania actualiter ministrantes ordino et assingno disponendos de terris et tenementis infrascriptis; videlicet, octodecim solidos de tenemento Dauid Spere, jacente in vico publico se extendente ab ecclesia Cathedrali Glasguensi usque Crucem Fori eiusdem, et ex parte orientali ipsius vici inter tenementa Hospitalis Glasguensis ex parte boriali, et Thome Mynteth ex parte australi: Item, duodecim solidos dicte monete de tenemento quondam Johannis Hynde, jacente infra dictam ciuitatem in vico Sancte Thanew, ex parte australi ejusdem, inter tenementa Dauid Cochran ex parte orientali et Willelmi Brown ex parte occidentali; Item, quatuor solidos de tenemento et orto Johannis Leiche, piscatoris, jacente in ciuitate Glasguensi, in vico extendente ad Pontem Glasguensem, inter tenementa Alani Olifant ex parte occidentali et Jonete Finlai ex parte orientali; Item, decern solidos de tenemento Vinfridi Maknayr, et duabus rodis terre ejusdem, jacentibus in dicta civitate Glasguensi, et in le Mutalcroft inter terras Johannis Oliphant ex parte orientali, et terras abbatis de Pasleto ex parte occidentali, extendentibus a viridario Glasguensi ex parte australi, et communi via extendente a capella Sancte Thanew vsque crucem foralem Glasguensem; Item, sex solidos de quinque rodis terre campestris Walteri Rankyn, jacentibus in le Palyartcroft, prope capellam Sancte Thanew, inter terras Dauid Wyntir ex utraque parte. Item, constituo et ordino dominum rectorem alme Vniuersitatis Glasguensis pro tempore existentem, et regentes in collegio arcium studij Glasguensis, necnon prepositum et balliuos dicte ciuitatis Glasguensis, conseruatores predicte capellanie, qui ad ipsam attendent et ascultabunt ita quod in defectu seu negligencia predictorum fratrum nullatenus ipsa capellania deficiat. Et casu quo ipsi fratres negligentes in premissis aut culpabiles inuenti fuerint, quod absit, do, et per tenorem huius scripti concedo, dictis rectori et regentibus, preposito ac balliuis, meam omnimodam potestatem et mandatum speciale ad distringendum et compellendum eosdem fratres coram suis superioribus pro complemento premissorum. In quorum omnium et singulorum fidem et testi monium premissorum, huic fundacioni, que cum prefatis preposito et balliuis nomine meo in custodia remanebit, appensum est sigillum commune dicti conuentus Glasguensis, vnacum sigillis reuerendi patris fratris Johannis Mure sacre theologie bachallarij, ac in regno Scocie eiusdem ordinis prioris prouincialis, et diffinitorum capituli prouincialis, videlicet fratris Dauid Crag prioris dicti conuentus Glasguensis, Fratris Willelmi Reryk prioris conuentus de Eddinburgh, Fratris Johannis Penny prioris conuentus de Abirdene, et Fratris Johannis Rede prioris conuentus in Sanctoandrea, manibus eciam propijs appositis, In capitulo prouinciali tento apud Eddinburgh, die decimoquinto mensis Junij, anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo octuagesimo septimo, cum assensu pariter et consensu ceterorum fratrum eiusdem ordinis in dicto capitulo existencium. Coram hiis testibus, venerabili viro magistro Alexandro Bothueill vicario de Mussilburgh, domino Jacobo Thomson capellano, Laurencio Wallace burgensi burgi de Edinburgh, Jacobo Nigelli notario publico, et Nicholaio Christeson, cum multis aliis etc.

Sequuntur subscriptiones Prouincialis et Priorum prescriptorum.

Ego Frater Johannes Mur, prouincialis, approbo ratifico et confirmo hanc suprascriptam nouam fundacionem; teste manu propria.

Et ego Frater Willelmus Reryk, diffinitor, ad omnia suprascripta consensio; teste manu propria.

Et ego Frater Dauid Crag, presentis capitulj diffinitor, similiter huic fundacioni letus assensio.

Et ego Frater Johannes Penny, diffinitor capituli, ad omnia suprascripta consensio; teste manu propria.

Et ego Frater Johannes Red, prior in Sancto Andrea, et diffinitor presentis capituli, ad omnia suprascripta consensio; teste manu propria.


To all and sundry faithful in Christ, as well present as to come, that shall see this present writing, William Stewart, prebendary of Killern, and canon of the church of Glasgow, and rector of the parish church of Glasfurde in the diocese of Glasgow, greeting in him who is the true salvation of all men. Wit Ye all of you that I, moved by the impulse of my love and pious devotion, for the praise glory and honor of the holy and undivided Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Ghost, and of the most glorious virgin Mary, and all the saints, and for the increase of the service of God, and for the salvation of my own soul, and the souls of my father and mother, my parents, and of a noble and mighty lord, John Stewart, present earl of Lennox, and lord Dernele, his predecessors and successors, and of my friends and parishioners, of them from whom, in my life, I have received any goods for which I have not fully satisfied them, and of all the faithful dead, have founded of new, constituted, erected and ordained, and by the tenor of this present writing, for ever Found, Constitute, Erect and Ordain a perpetual chaplainry in the church of the Preaching Friars within the City of Glasgow, at the high altar of the said church, out of the mails, rents, and buildings underwritten, in manner and form following, to wit: That the conventual Preaching Friars of Glasgow, in all times coming, shall devoutly celebrate at the said high altar with plain song, on every Lord's day, on the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth days of the week, and every Saturday, a perpetual chaplainry for me, my father and mother, and others above written, quick and dead; in such manner, that one of the Friars Preachers to be appointed weekly by his prior for the time being shall, immediately after prime, celebrate with chant at the foresaid high altar the mass of the blessed virgin Mary, and make pious commemoration for me and the others above written: at which mass to the end thereof, all conventual friars for the time abiding within the city of Glasgow shall be present, singing and duly serving as is fitting; except only the friars that shall be actually at lecture or study during the time of the celebration of the said mass. And on every second day of the week, the foresaid friar to be deputed by the prior as aforesaid, together with his brethren, shall in like manner sing, and that devoutly, at the said altar immediately after prime, the mass for the dead, to wit, De Requiem, for me and the others above written. Moreover at every feast of the blessed virgin Mary, and at her commemorations, when the mass shall be sung at the foresaid high altar, immediately after the consecration of the body and blood of our Lord, one of the foresaid friars shall celebrate privately the mass of the blessed virgin Mary, at the altar of the said Virgin in the said church, without singing and note for me and the others above written, year by year for evermore. For the upholding of which chaplainry, in all and by all, as aforesaid, I, the foresaid William shall erect and build, or cause to be erected and built, at my own expense, for the behoof, profit and use of the said friars, with houses and easements underwritten, all and whole the space before founded in the said city of Glasgow, betwixt the church of the said friars and their dormitory, on the south side of their cloister, as follows, to wit: In the first place, I shall build or construct, as above, in the said space five or six vaults beneath as shall seem most meet for the use of the said friars; and above, two halls, two kitchens, and four chambers; and thereafter houses above, corresponding to the said halls, kitchens, and chambers on the ground-floor, well roofed with tiles, and sufficiently finished in wood and boards. Further, the walls of the said building shall correspond in height with the walls of the said church, and be built on the outside with well hewn stones, to wit, ashler stones. And further, for the better and more certain maintenance of the said chaplainry, I give and for ever assign to the said friars the annual rents underwritten, which came to me by the blessing of God, and my purchase, extending yearly to fifty shillings money of Scotland, in this manner; to wit, ten shillings for the upholding and repair of the said building yearly, after the complete erection or building thereof; and the other forty shillings I ordain and assign to be distributed among the friars actually serving in the foresaid chaplainry, out of the lands and tenements underwritten; to wit, eighteen shillings furth of the tenement of David Spere, lying in the public street that runs from the High Church of Glasgow to the Market Cross thereof, and on the east side of the said street, betwixt the tenements of the hospital of Glasgow on the north, and of Thomas Mynteth on the south sides; Also, twelve shillings money foresaid from the tenement of the late John Hynde, lying within the said city in St Thanew's Street, on the south side thereof, betwixt the tenements of David Cochrane on the east and William Brown on the south side; Also, four shillings from the tenement and garden of John Leiche, fisherman, lying in the city of Glasgow, in the street running to Glasgow Brig, betwixt the tenements of Alan Olifant on the west, and Jonet Finlai on the east side; Also, ten shillings from the tenement of Humphrey Maknair, and two roods of land of the same, lying in the said city of Glasgow, in the Mutalcroft between the lands of John Oliphant on the east, and the lands of the Abbot of Paisley on the west side, extending from Glasgow Green on the south side, and the highway running from St Thanew's chapel to the Market Cross of Glasgow; Also, six shillings from five roods of meadow land of Walter Rankyn, lying in the Palyartcroft, beside St Thanew's chapel, between the lands of David Wyntir on both sides. Likewise I Constitute and Ordain the lord Rector of the University of Glasgow for the time being, and the regents in the College of Arts of Glasgow University, and the provost and bailies of the said city of Glasgow, conservators of the foresaid chaplainry, to watch over it, and give heed that the said chaplainry do in no wise fall to decay through default or neglect of the foresaid friars. And in case the said friars be found negligent or culpable in the foresaids, which God forbid, I give, and by the tenor of this writing grant to the said rector and regents, provost and bailies, my full power and special mandate to distrain and compel the said friars before their superiors, for fulfilment of the premises. In Faith And Witness of all and sundry which premises, to this foundation, which shall remain in the keeping of the foresaid provost and bailies in my name, the common seal of the said convent of Glasgow is affixed, together with the seals of a reverend father friar John Mure, bachelor of sacred theology and provincial prior of the said order in the kingdom of Scotland, and of the diffinitors of the provincial chapter, to wit, friar David Crag prior of the said convent of Glasgow, friar William Reryk prior of the convent of Edinburgh, friar John Penny prior of the convent of Abirdene, and friar John Rede prior of the convent in St Andrews, setting to also their hands; in a provincial chapter held at Edinburgh, on the fifteenth day of June, the year of God one thousand four hundred and eighty-seven, with assent and consent of the remanent friars of the same order present in the said chapter; before these witnesses, a venerable man, Master Alexander Bothueill vicar of Mussilburgh, Sir James Thomson Chaplain, Laurence Wallace, burgess of the burgh of Edinburgh, James Nielson, notary public, and Nicholas Christeson, with many others.

Follow the subscriptions of the foresaid provincial and priors.

I, friar John Mur, provincial, approve, ratify, and confirm the above written new foundation; witness my hand.

And I, friar William Reryk, diffinitor, consent to the whole above written; witness my hand.

And I, friar David Crag, diffinitor of this present chapter, in like manner willingly assent to this foundation.

And I, friar John Penny, diffinitor of the chapter, consent to the whole above written; witness my hand.

And I, friar John Red, prior in St Andrews, and diffinitor of the present chapter, consent to the whole above written; witness my hand.