XXXI : Letter of James III charging the Bishops not to trouble the Rectors and others of the University (1472)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'XXXI : Letter of James III charging the Bishops not to trouble the Rectors and others of the University (1472)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'XXXI : Letter of James III charging the Bishops not to trouble the Rectors and others of the University (1472)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"XXXI : Letter of James III charging the Bishops not to trouble the Rectors and others of the University (1472)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

In this section

XXXI. Letter by King James III. under his privy seal, charging the Bishops of the Kingdom not to trouble or molest the Rectors and others in the University of Glasgow, but rather to maintain and defend their immunity from Taxation, etc. Edinburgh, 10 December 1472.

[Latin text]

Jacobus Dei gracia Rex Scottorum reuerendis in Christo patribus vniuersis et singulis regni nostri Episcopis aliisque quibuscunque nostris subditis quos infrascriptum tangit negocium, salutem. Quia alias per excellentissimum principem Jacobum recolende memorie patrem nostrum Vniuersitati studii Glasguensis in fauorem suppositorum eiusdem graciose indultum fuit specialiter et concessum quod omnes et singuli dicte Vniuersitatis pro tempore rectores facultatum decani nacionum procuratores magistri bedelli scriptores stationarii pergamenarii incorporati et scolares inibi continue studentes dummodo prelati non existant quieti essent immunes et liberi ab omnibus tributis muneribus exactionibus taxacionibus collectis vigiliis custodiis et pedagiis quibuscunque eciam si nominibus censerentur. Quequidem indulta concessiones libertates et priuilegia certis racionabilibus causis animum nostrum ad hoc mouentibus pro nobis et successoribus nostris perpetuis futuris temporibus inuiolabiliter inconcusseque seruanda hodie confirmamus ratificamus et ex nostra mera liberalitate approbamus prout in literis desuper confectis plenius continetur. Vobis et vestrum cuilibet exhortando precipimus et precipiendo stricte inhibemus ne vos aut vestrum quisquam dictos rectores facultatum decanos nacionum procuratores regentes magistros bedellos scriptores stacionarios pergamenarios incorporatos et scolares inibi continue studentes cuiuscunque diocesis existant in personis rebus bonis officiis aut beneficiis que in vestris diocesibus nunc optinent vel imposterum forsan optine bunt molestare inquietare seu quouismodo perturbare temptetis aut temptet pretextu seu occasione quarumcunque exactionum collectarum aut taxationum. Ymmo omnes et singulos suprascriptos in dicta Vniuersitate incorporatos per nos et illustrissimum genitorem nostrum sicut premissum est priuilegiatos postquam vobis legittime per literas sigillo et manu scribe dicte Vniuersitatis roboratas continuos ibi esse studentes aut moram studii causa trahentes constiterit in dictis suis exempcionibus et priuilegiis defendatis et defendat defendere et tueri quantum in vobis est procuretis et vnusquisque vestrum procuret prout nostram volueritis deuitare indignacionem et graciosos a nobis si nostris in hac parte parueritis mandatis fauores reportare. Datum sub nostro priuato sigillo apud Edinburgh decimo die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo secundo, et regni nostri decimotertio.


James, by the grace of God King of Scots, to all and sundry the reverend fathers in Christ, the bishops of our kingdom, and all others our lieges, whom the matter underwritten concerns, greeting. Whereas there has been formerly of gracious favor a special privilege given and granted by the most excellent prince James, our father, of worthy memory to the University of Glasgow, in favor of the supposts thereof, that all and sundry of the said university for the time being, rectors, deans of faculties, procurators of nations, masters, beadles, scriveners, stationers, parchment sellers, incorporated therein, and scholars continuing therein in study (provided they have not received advancement), be quit, free, and exempt from all tributes, gifts, exactions, taxations, collections, watchings, wardings, and tolls whatsoever, even though rated by name. Which exemptions, grants, freedoms, and privileges, for certain reasonable causes moving us thereto, we now for us and our successors confirm, ratify, and of our mere liberality approve, to be inviolably and without interruption observed in all time to come, as in our letters made thereupon is more fully contained. We exhort and command you and every one of you, and charge and strictly forbid that you or any of you attempt to trouble, molest, or in any manner of way disturb, on any pretext or on the ground of any exactions, collections or taxes whatever, the said rectors, deans of faculties, procurators of nations, regents, masters, beadles, scriveners, stationers, parchment, sellers, incorporated therein, and scholars there continuing in study, of whatever diocese they be, in their persons, goods, gear, offices, or benefices which they now hold in your dioceses or shall happen to hold in time to come; but contrariwise that you and every one of you defend, and cause to be defended and upheld by all means in your power, all and sundry the abovesaid persons incorporated in the said university, privileged by us and our most illustrious father as aforesaid, in their said exemptions and privileges, after it shall be lawfully shown to you by letters confirmed by the seal and subscription of the scribe of the said university, that they are regular students therein, or tarrying thereat for the sake of study; as ye shall wish to avoid our indignation, and receive our gracious favour, by obeying our commands in this behalf. Given under our privy seal, At Edinburgh, the tenth day of the month of December, the year of God one thousand four hundred and seventy-two, and of our reign the thirteenth.