Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'Abstracts of further charters and documents: 1639-49', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Abstracts of further charters and documents: 1639-49', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Abstracts of further charters and documents: 1639-49". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
209. ACT of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the KIRK of SCOTLAND ordaining, inter alia, "That episcopal government and the civil places and power of kirkmen be holden still as unlawful in this kirk." Edinburgh, 17 August 1639.
Acts of the General Assembly (1843), pp. 36, 37.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxii.
Ratified by Act of Parliament, 1640, c. 19 (11 June 1640). Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 276.
210. ACT of the LORDS of the ARTICLES on a supplication from the General Assembly prohibiting the market on Monday in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dumfries, and Jedburgh, but referring various matters of detail to the consideration of the burghs. Edinburgh, 10 September 1639.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., Appendix, p. 595.
211. ACT of the LORDS of the ARTICLES on note by Patrick Bell, producing a particular note of the merchandice discharged to be sold upon Monday in Glasgow. Edinburgh, 11 September 1639.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., Appendix, p. 596.
212. ACT of the LORDS of the ARTICLES anent the supplication presented by Patrick Bell, in name of the burgh of Glasgow, craving that the estate of the church of Glasgow may be represented to His Majesty by the Lords' Commissioners, recommending the same to be represented to His Majesty, but no Act of Parliament to pass hereupon. Edinburgh, 11 September 1639.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., Appendix, p. 596.
213. ACT of the LORDS of the ARTICLES declaring Newark and Inchgreen to be the two places for Glasgow for transportation of their herring. Edinburgh, 12 September 1639.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 597, Appendix, p. 597.
214. ACT of the LORDS of the ARTICLES appointing a ratification to the town of Dumbarton of a Decreet of double poinding given by the Lords of Session between Dumbarton and Renfrew, to be delivered, along with the decree, to Patrick Bell, to be seen. Edinburgh, 9 October 1639.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., Appendix, p. 610.
215. ACT of the LORDS of the ARTICLES remitting the objections urged by the Commissioners of Glasgow against the decree and ratification referred to in No. 214, with the answers thereto by the Commissioners of Dumbarton, to the Earls of Argyle, Lauderdale, and Southesk, for investigation and report. Edinburgh, 15 October 1639.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., Appendix, p. 613.
216. ACT of PARLIAMENT ratifying, approving, and perpetually confirming the Act of Assembly, dated 17 August 1639 [No. 209,] giving thereto the strength of a law and act of parliament, and rescinding and annulling all acts and decrees of parliament and council formerly made contrary to and in prejudice thereof. (1640, c. 19.) Edinburgh, 11 June 1640.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 276.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxiii.
217. ACT of PARLIAMENT prohibiting the holding of a market in Glasgow on Mondays, for buying and selling horses and other bestial brought from a distance, and also the market for bear and craftsmen's work, and for salt brought from the salt-pans on Forth, and for salt, butter, cheese, and timber brought up the river Clyde; all which articles were appointed to be afterwards sold at the weekly market on Wednesdays. The object of this act is declared to be the prevention of travelling on Sunday, and the profanation of that day occasioned by the resort of persons from the country to these Monday markets. (1640, c. 55.) Edinburgh, 11 June 1640.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 297.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxiv.
See Minute in the Articles 7 and 10 (September 1639). Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., Appendix, pp. 594, 595, 596.
218. CHARTER by KING CHARLES I., under his Privy Seal, reciting that the temporality of the bishoprick of Glasgow is in the Crown by the abolition of episcopacy, and reciting also the old connection between the family of Lennox and the vassals of the archbishop, and granting to James, Duke of Lennox and Richmond, inter alia, the lands and barony of Glasgow, castle, city, burgh, and regality of Glasgow, with the heritable right of nominating and annually electing the provost, bailies, and other officers of the magistracy of the said burgh and city, as amply as had belonged to the Archbishop of Glasgow previously, and constituting the Duke and his heirs lords of the regality of Glasgow and Bishopforest, with power of justiciary therein. Holyrood House, 6 September 1641.
Register of the Privy Seal, vol. cix., fol. 294.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxv.
Ratified by Act of Parliament, 1641, c. 273 (Edinburgh, 17 November 1641). Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 506.
219. DISPENSATION by the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT to the Provost and Bailies of the burgh of Glasgow, to sit and hold courts for discussing actions and serving brieves, notwithstanding the sitting of Parliament Edinburgh, 13 October 1641.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 372, Appendix, p. 683.
220. SIGNATURE of MORTIFICATION by KING CHARLES I., whereby he granted to the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of Glasgow, for the support of a minister to serve the cure in place of the Archbishop, for repairing the High Kirk, and for assisting schools and hospitals, the teinds, parsonage and vicarage, belonging to the spirituality of the archbishoprick of Glasgow, and specially the teinds, great and small, of the parsonage and vicarage of Glasgow, lately united to the archbishopric, together with the teinds, parsonage and vicarage, of the kirks of St. Drymen, Driffisdale, Camsnethan, and Traquair. 7 November 1641.
Ratified by the Act of Parliament, 1641, c. 244. Edinburgh, 17 November 1641. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 486. This Act was rescinded by the Act of Parliament restoring Episcopacy, 1662, c. 3. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vii., p. 372.
221. ACT of PARLIAMENT empowering the Burgh of Glasgow to elect its magistrates (who had hitherto been chosen by the Archbishop or Duke of Lennox), yearly at the accustomed time; the provost, bailies, and council and their successors, being bound to present yearly to the Duke of Lennox and Richmond, as in place of the archbishop, a leet of three persons to be provost, of whom his grace should select one to be provost for the year following; but if the Duke or his commissioner were not present within the burgh, at his castle, during the time of election, the election of magistrates might nevertheless proceed. (1641, c. 103.) Edinburgh, 16 November 1641.
Extract in the Archives of the City.
Inventure of Wrytes and Evidents of and concerning the Burgh of Glasgow (1696), p. 11, A1, b. 1, No. 35.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 412, Appendix, p. 709.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxvi.
222. ACT of PARLIAMENT ordaining and declaring all the superiorities of lands, mills, fishings, heritable offices, and others, which were formerly held of bishops and their chapters, then abolished, to belong to the Crown in all time coming, and the said lands and others to be thereafter held of the Crown, as they were formerly held of the bishops and chapters, conform to the infeftments and rights of the vassals, which were declared to be unprejudiced by the abolishing of the bishops and their chapters. It is, however, declared that the Act should not be prejudicial to the Duke of Lennox's infeftment in the superiority of the lands and baronies which belonged to the temporality of the Archbishop, but that the infeftment should remain valid, and the vassals hold their lands of the Duke and his successors as superiors in time coming. It is also declared that neither the act nor the reservation therein contained should be extended to the deanery or sub-deanery of Glasgow, nor to anything held of the dean or sub-dean. (1641, c. 119.) Edinburgh, 16 November 1641.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 418.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxvii.
223. ACT of PARLIAMENT in favour of the town of Glasgow, ratifying and confirming the Charter dated 16th October 1636 [No. 203], with the Precept and Instrument of Sasine following thereon [Nos. 204 and 206]. The provost, bailies, and councillors to be patrons of the Trongate Kirk. (1641, c. 225.) Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 473.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxviii.
224. ACT of PARLIAMENT ordaining a confirmation to be expede in favour of the provost, bailies, council, and community of Glasgow, ratifying the signature dated 7 November 1641 [No. 220], with the charter and infeftment to follow thereon. (1641, c. 244.) Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 486.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxix.
Ratified by Act of Parliament, 1661, c. 235 (20 May 1661); 1669, c. 108 (23 December 1669).
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vii., pp. 220, 647.
225. ACT of PARLIAMENT confirming the Charter in favour of James, Duke of Lennox and Richmond, dated 6th September 1641 [No. 218]. (1641, c. 273.) Edinburgh, 17 November, 1641.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 506.
226. PROTESTATION in PARLIAMENT by Patrick Bell, provost of Glasgow, and commissioner for the burgh in Parliament, that the ratification by Parliament during that Session in favour of the burgh of Dumbarton, provost, bailies, council, and community thereof, of the charters, infeftments, gifts, grants, liberties, privileges, rights, titles, and securities granted by the Crown to the said burgh, and the Acts of Parliament and other rights ratifying the same, should in nowise prejudice the rights, privileges, and immunities of the burgh of Glasgow. Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 573, Appendix, p. 719.
227. PROTESTATION in PARLIAMENT by Patrick Bell, that the ratification by Parliament during that Session in favour of the burgh of Renfrew, provost, bailies, council, and community thereof, of the charter in their favour by King James VI., dated II August 1614, confirming the particular charters and other rights, donations, decrees, sentences, liberties, privileges, and immunities granted by His Majesty and his predecessors in favour of the burgh, should in no wise prejudice the rights, privileges, and immunities of the burgh of Glasgow. Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Inventure of Wrytes and Evidents of and concerning the Burgh of Glasgow (1696), p. 11, A1, b. 1, No. 37.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 574, Appendix, p. 719.
228. PROTESTATION in PARLIAMENT by Sir Walter Stewart of Mynto, Knight, that the ratification by Parliament during that Session in favour of the burgh of Glasgow, provost, bailies, council, and community thereof, should not prejudice Sir Walter, his heirs and successors, in regard to the heritable bailiary of the regality of Glasgow, privileges and liberties thereof contained in their rights and infeftments. Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 576, Appendix, p. 720.
229. PROTESTATION in PARLIAMENT by Dr. John Strange, Principal of the College of Glasgow, for himself and in name and behalf of the professors, regents, and remanent masters and members of the University and College of Glasgow, that the ratification granted by Parliament of this date to the burgh and city of Glasgow, provost, bailies, dean of guild, treasurer, council, and community thereof, and their successors of the charter and infeftment granted to them by the King, dated 16 October 1636 [No. 203], should not prejudice the University and College of Glasgow, and the principal, professors, regents, and remanent masters and members thereof. Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 581, Appendix, p. 721.
230. PROTESTATION in PARLIAMENT by Dr. John Strang, Principal of the College of Glasgow, for himself and on behalf of the professors, regents, and remanent masters and members of the University and College of Glasgow, that the ratification by Parliament of this date in favour of the burgh of Glasgow, and of the provost, bailies, council, and community, of the said burgh of the signature, gift, and mortification granted to them by the King [No. 220], of the teinds, parsonage and vicarage, of Glasgow, and remanent teinds, parsonage and vicarage, of the other kirks pertaining to the spirituality of the Bishopric of Glasgow, for the maintenance of a minister in the High Church of Glasgow, to serve the cure in the place of the Archbishop of Glasgow, and for repairing and upholding of the fabric of the kirk thereof, should nowise prejudice the University and College, and the principal, professors, regents, and remanent masters and members thereof, in regard to their rights, privileges and immunities, and anent their rights and possession of all lands, superiorities, teinds, rents, and other duties and casualties whatsoever. Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 581.
231. PROTESTATION in PARLIAMENT by Patrick Bell, late Provost of Glasgow, and commissioner for the burgh in Parliament, that the ratification granted by Parliament in favour of the burgh of Rutherglen of the charter of confirmation granted by King James VI. to the provost, bailies, council, and community of Rutherglen, dated 21 March 1617, should not prejudice the burgh of Glasgow, provost, bailies, council, and community thereof anent their infeftments, rights, privileges and immunities. Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Inventure of Wrytes and Evidents of and concerning the Burgh of Glasgow (1696), p. 11, A1, b. 1, No. 36.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 582.
232. PROTESTATION in PARLIAMENT by Patrick Bell, that the act made anent the ordering of the house of Parliament, dated 19 July 1641, appointing the commissioners for burghs to sit and voice as they are ranked by the roll of the commissioners of burghs, may be only restricted to this present parliament, and that in respect the said roll is only set down by the present clerk of the burghs without warrant, and for the most part contrary to the other rolls of former clerks; and further, protesting that the said act should not prejudice the rank and place due to the burgh of Glasgow, conform to the right and antiquity thereof. Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Inventure of Wrytes and Evidents of and concerning the Burgh of Glasgow (1696), p. 11, A1, b. 1, No. 38.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v., p. 586.
233. ACT of the CONVENTION of ESTATES, ordaining the Magistrates of Glasgow to relieve the Commissioner of the Burgh of a sum of 5000 merks advanced by him, along with the Commissioners of Ayr and Irvine, for fitting out two ships in the west against the Irish and Dunkirk frigates, and clearing of the coast between this kingdom and Ireland. Edinburgh, 4 August 1643.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 21.
234. PRECEPT by the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT convened by virtue of the last Act of the last Parliament held by King Charles I., and the Three Estates in 1641, commanding the Treasurer, or Collector-general of the Excise, and the Commissioners and Intromitters with the money borrowed for the use of the public, to make payment to the burgh of Glasgow of £8910 Scots, with interest after Martinmas 1642, being the burgh's proportion of the sum advanced by the burghs of Scotland to the factor at Campheir of the price of the arms and ammunition sent home by him for the use of the country during the time of the late troubles. (1644, c. 153.) Edinburgh, 18 July 1644.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. vol. vi., part i., p. 173.
235. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT ordaining the markets which were previously kept in Glasgow on Mondays to be kept on Wednesdays in all time coming. (1644, c. 185.) Edinburgh, 23 July 1644.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 127. 195.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxx.
236. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT appointing a Committee of War within the presbytery of Glasgow to meet at Glasgow. (1644, c. 203.) Edinburgh, 24 July 1644.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 201.
237. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENTS fixing the number of men to be maintained by Glasgow for the prosecution of the war against the Irish rebels at one hundred and ten, and their monthly pay at £990. (1645, c. 124.) Edinburgh, 27 February 1645.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 352.
238. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT on a petition by some merchants in Glasgow whose ship had been sunk in the Clyde in order to impede the passage of the king's ships to Dumbarton, and on another petition by merchants whose ships had been taken for the public service, and had been wrecked, ordaining them to receive £100 sterling, and to retain a ship worth £340 sterling, which had been given to them by the Marquis of Argyle. (1645, c. 171.) Edinburgh, 7 March 1645.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 379.
239. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT appointing a garrison of 800 foot and a troop of horse to be stationed in Glasgow. (1645, c. 56.) St. Andrews, 18 December 1645.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 490.
240. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT appointing magazines of victual, ammunition, and arms, to be laid in, made, and kept at Glasgow and other towns. (1645, c. 60.) St. Andrews, 18 December 1645.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 491.
241. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT, fixing the monthly contribution by Glasgow towards the maintenance of the forces levied and to be levied at £990 Scots, and that for the space of eight months after 1 December, 1645. (1646, c. 138.) St. Andrews, 27 January 1646.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 540.
242. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT appointing the provost and bailies of Glasgow to be on the Committee of War for Lanarkshire. (1646, c. 183.) Edinburgh, 2 February 1646.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 562.
243. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT ordering George Porterfield, Provost of Glasgow, to provide 2000 bolls of oatmeal for the use of the garrison and forces there, the cost of which was ordered to be paid out of the first and readiest of the fines, if any, within the sheriffdom of Lanark, or out of the monthly maintenance. (1646, c. 254.) St. Andrews, 4 February 1646.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 594.
244. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT, remitting and recommending to the committee of monies the supplication of the Town of Glasgow craving payment of the sums addebted to the burgh by the public, conform to the accounts and instructions. (1646, c. 282.) St. Andrews, 4 February 1646.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 604.
245. ACT by the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT, on a complaint by the commission of the general assembly, the synod of Glasgow, and the magistrates and town council of Glasgow, that certain disaffected persons in Glasgow had refused to obey the Act of the Committee of Estates ordaining that persons under kirk censure should not be magistrates, ordering James Bell and Colin Campbell, to be warded in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, for slandering the church by charging the commission and the synod with intermeddling with civil affairs regarding the election of the magistrates. (1646, c. 31.) Edinburgh, 1 December 1646.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., pp. 625. 627.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
246. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT, in the supplication of George Porterfield, provost of Glasgow, for himself and on behalf of the bailies and council who are continued in office by warrant of the committee of estates, appointing the matter contraverted anent the election of the magistrates of Glasgow to be heard and decided publicly in Parliament. (1646, c. 40.) Edinburgh, 4 December 1646.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 629.
Extracts from Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
247. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT, on the intercession of the commissioners of the Kirk, ordering James Bell and Colin Campbell to be liberated from the Tolbooth of Edinburgh. (1646, c. 41.) Edinburgh, 4th December 1646.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 629.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
248. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT setting forth that Parliament taking to consideration the question anent the election of the magistrates and councillors of the burgh (which ought to have taken place in October 1646, but was delayed by warrant from the Committee of Estates till Parliament considered the same), finding and declaring George Porterfield, provost, and the three bailies, dean of guild, deacon convener, and councillors of the burgh, continued in office till this session of Parliament by the committee's act of 19 September 1646, to be those only to whom the election of their successors belonged according to the use of the burgh; authorizing them to go on accordingly in their election, notwithstanding the ordinary time was past, but without prejudice of the Duke of Lennox's interest; and appointing Sir William Cochrane of Cowdoun, to be advertised of the day of election for the Duke's interest. (1646, c. 68.) Edinburgh, 26 December 1646.
Extract in the Archives of the City.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 639.
Inventure of Wrytes and Evidents of and concerning the Burgh of Glasgow, p. 4, A1, b. 1, No. 23.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
249. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT in regard to the supplications on behalf of Glasgow and other burghs and Perthshire craving to be relieved or eased of their miserable and sad condition on account of the garrison and quarterings in these towns and shires,—appointing a committee to consider these supplications and others, and to condescend upon the ways and remedies thereof. (1646, c. 78.) Edinburgh, 31 December 1646.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 642.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
250. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT on the report of their Committee concerning the town of Glasgow and regiments quartered there, authorizing the magistrates, in respect of the infection in the town, to provide barns and other out-houses for quartering the regiments then quartered in the town, and making various regulations in regard to the soldiers. (1647, c. 113.) Edinburgh, 14 January 1647.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 655.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
251. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT ordaining the town of Glasgow and the magistrates thereof to pay 3000 merks to the officers of the regiments of the Earl of Cassillis and General Bailie. (1647, c. 162.) Edinburgh, 4 February 1647.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 681.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
252. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT fixing at £1530 the contribution to be advanced by Glasgow of one month's maintenance for disbanding the army. (1647, c. 174.) Edinburgh, 6 February 1647.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 687.
253. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENTS fixing at £1530 the contribution to be advanced by Glasgow of one month's maintenance for disbanding the army. (1647, c. 179.) Edinburgh, 10 February 1647.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 690.
254. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT fixing at £1530 Scots the monthly contribution to be advanced by Glasgow for the maintenance of the army for nine months from 10 January till 10 October 1647. (1647, c. 197.) Edinburgh, 20 February 1647.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 701.
255. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT remitting to a committee for consideration and report a supplication by George Lokhart of Tarbrax desiring to be established ad vitam vel culpam in the office of the Commissariat of Glasgow, and a supplication by the provost of Glasgow for the magistrates and council of the said burgh to the same effect, and also a counter supplication by Mr. Archibald Fleming, late Commissary of Glasgow. (1647, c. 311.) Edinburgh, 16 March 1647.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part i., p. 750.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
256. ACT of the LORDS of EXCHEQUER referring to the Signature of Mortification granted by King Charles I. on 17 November 1641 in favor of the town of Glasgow [No. 220], which signature was directed to the then Commissioners of the Treasury, but since changed, and ordaining a new Signature of Mortification of the spirituality of the Archbishoprick of Glasgow with the teinds great and small, parsonage and vicarage of Glasgow lately annexed thereto, to be written over again and to be passed in Exchequer. Edinburgh, 18 February 1648.
Act Book of Exchequer.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 79.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxxi.
257. CHARTER by KING CHARLES I., under his Great Seal, whereby on a recital of the abolition of Episcopacy and of the Signature No. 220, he granted, mortified, and disponed to the burgh and to the provost, bailies, councillors, and community thereof for the support of a minister to serve the cure in the place of Archbishop, for the repair of the High kirk, and for the assistance of schools and hospitals, the whole teinds contained in the Signature above referred to; reserving always to the Crown the right of patronage and presentation of the minister serving the cure of the said kirk, under condition that the magistrates and councillors should support the minister serving the said cure, and should also pay to the other ministers of Glasgow the stipends therein mentioned, viz.:—the minister of the Barony six chalders, and the minister of the new kirk in the Trongate five chalders. Edinburgh, 18 February 1648.
MS. Registrum Magni Sigilli, lib. lviii., No. 341.
Registrum Secreti Sigilli, vol. cxiv., fol. 374.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxxii.
Rescinded by the Act of Parliament restoring Episcopacy, 1662, c. 3. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vii., p. 372.
258. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT appointing the provost and bailies of Glasgow to be on the Committee of War for Lanarkshire. (1648, c. 69.) Edinburgh, 18 April 1648.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 31.
259. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT fixing at £1530 Scots the monthly contribution by Glasgow towards the maintenance of the army for the period from 1 March to 1 August 1648. (1648, c. 102.) Edinburgh, 9 May 1648.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 59.
260. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT ratifying and approving the Act of Exchequer [No. 256] the Gift and Charter of Mortification [No. 257] and the infeftment sasine following thereon. (1648, c. 145.) Edinburgh, 11 May 1648.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 79.
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, No. cxxiii.
261. PROTESTATION in PARLIAMENT by James, Duke of Hamilton, that the ratification granted in favor of the town of Glasgow of their Charter of Mortification [No. 257], and Act of Exchequer [No. 256] should not prejudice his right of patronage and other rights and tacks of the sub-deanery of Glasgow and of the kirks of Monkland and Calder. Edinburgh, 11 May 1648.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 87.
262. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT remitting to the Committee of Thirtythree to call before them those of the town of Glasgow incarcerated within the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, and to examine them anent their carriage in relation to the obedience of the orders of Parliament, with power to set them at liberty on receiving assurance of their ready obedience to the Acts of this Parliament anent the levies. (1648 c. 168.) Edinburgh, 2 June 1648.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 90.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
Repealed by the Act, 1649, c. 19 (16 January 1649). Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 133.
263. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT, on certain papers produced by the Duke of Hamilton, Lord-General, and signed by a number of persons in the eight wards of the town of Glasgow, expressing their willingness to obey the orders of parliament. The Duke was authorised to ease the subscribers of these papers of their quarterings provided they, upon his order, "put forth their due proportion of men in this present levy, conform to the act of levy." (1648, c. 174.) Edinburgh, 3 June 1648.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 91.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
Repealed by the Act, 1649, c. 19, ut supra.
264. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT, on report of the Committee of Thirtythree, ordaining James Stewart, provost of Glasgow, Robert Finlay, merchant, and John Fleming, merchant, three of the persons incarcerated in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh to be liberated from the Tolbooth, but to be confined in their lodgings in Edinburgh during the pleasure of the Committee. (1648, c. 175.) Edinburgh, 3 June 1648.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., pp. 91–92.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
Repealed by the Act, 1649, c. 19, ut supra.
265. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT on a report of their Committee of Twenty-four, ordering the three bailies, dean of guild, nine councillors, and town-clerk of Glasgow, who were incarcerated in the Tolbooth, to be liberated therefrom, but along with the three persons specified in the Act (No. 264) to be confined within the burgh of Edinburgh and ports thereof, during the pleasure of Parliament or its Committee, and further remitting to the Committee the consideration of the government of the town of Glasgow, and of the town of Lanark, and all others which were in the like condition. (1648, c. 181.) Edinburgh, 6 June 1648.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 93.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
Repealed by the Act, 1649, c. 19, ut supra.
266. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT on a report by their Committee of Thirty-three on a supplication by the merchants, tradesmen, and burgesses of Glasgow, praying that the magistrates who should have had the election in 1645 be continued and have the election at Michaelmas next; deposing such of the present magistrates as had disobeyed the Acts of Parliament, and authorizing the old magistrates who were in charge in 1645 to make a new election of magistrates and councillors, without prejudice to the Duke of Lennox's right of election of the provost, and also without prejudice to the town of Glasgow of its freedom and liberties. The magistrates, councillors, and town-clerk, who were confined within Edinburgh, were also allowed to return to Glasgow. (1648, c. 202.) Edinburgh, 10 June 1648.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 105.
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, vol. ii.
Repealed by the Act, 1649, c. 19, ut supra.
267. ACT of the ESTATES of PARLIAMENT repealing all Acts of Parliament or Committee, made for the late unlawful engagement, beginning 2 March and ending 10 June 1648, and of the Committee of Estates before September last. (1649, c. 19.) Edinburgh, 16 January 1649.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi., part ii., p. 133.