Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'CXXII: Charter of Charles I granting teinds contained in charter no.CXIX', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'CXXII: Charter of Charles I granting teinds contained in charter no.CXIX', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"CXXII: Charter of Charles I granting teinds contained in charter no.CXIX". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
CXXII. Charter by King Charles I., under his great seal, whereby he granted, mortified, and disponed to the burgh of Glasgow, and to the provost, bailies, councillors, and community thereof, the whole teinds contained in the Charter No. cxix. Edinburgh, 18 February 1648.
[Latin text]
Carolus, Dei gratia Magne Britannie Francie et Hibernie Rex, fideique defensor, omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciatis quia nos considerantes quam necesse sit vt ministerium et cultus divinus infra burgum nostrum de Glasgow foveantur et sustentetur, et presertim cathedralis ecclesie eiusdem, cuius cure inservierunt novissimi archiepiscopi de Glasgow, qui nunc penitus aboliti sunt; vtque minister pro servitio cure in dicta ecclesia in vice et loco dicti archiepiscopi sustentetur: et memoria tenentes uos decimo septimo die mensis Novembris, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo primo, per literas nostras donationis dedisse, concessisse, mortificasse et disposuisse predicto burgo nostro de Glasgow, preposito, ballivis, consilio et communitati eiusdem eorum successoribus imperpetuum, pro sustentatione ministri ad cure inserviendum loco et vice dicti archiepiscopi, proque reparatione et sustentatione et fabrice dicte ecclesie, proque auxilio et subsidio scholarum et nosocomiorum, totas et integras decimas tam rectorie quam vicarie, assedationum devorias, et decimarum devorias quascunque pertinentes ad spiritualitatem dicti archiepiscopatus de Glasgow, et specialites decimas magnas et minutas rectorie et vicarie de Glasgow nuper vnite et annexate ad dictum archiepiscopatum; vnacum rectorie et vicarie decimis ecclesiarum de Drymen, Dryffisdaill, Cambusnethame, et Traquir, vnacum assedationum devorijs, alijsque divorijs quibuscunque pro eisdem persolvendis tempore retroacto archiepiscopis Glasguensibus, vel ijs debitis e dictis decimis et ecclesijs; vnacum preteritis residuis dictarum decimarum et assedationum divoriarum de omnibus annis elapsis, minime solutis et perceptis; sub provisionibus et conditionibus subscriptis in dictis literis donationis specificatis, prout eedem latius proportant: Idcirco nos cum avisamento et consensu predilecti nostri consanguinei et consiliarii Joannis comitis de Crawfurd et Lindsay, domini Parbroith, etc., summi nostri thesauraij, computorum nostrorum rotulatoris, et collectoris novarum nostrarum augmentationum infra hoc regnum nostrum Scotie, ac predilecti nostri consiliarij domini Jacobi Carmichaell de eodem militis baronetti nostri in dictis officijs deputati; necnon cum avisamento et consensu reliquorum dominorum nostri scaccarij dicti regni nostri Scottie nostrorum commission ariorurn, Dedimus, concessimus mortificavimus, et disposuimus, tenoreque presentium cum consensu predicto damus, concedimus, mortificamus et disponimus dicto burgo nostro de Glasgow, preposito, ballivis, consilio, et communitati eiusdem, eorumque successoribus imperpetuum, pro sustentatione ministri ad inserviendum cure vice et loco dicti archiepiscopi, proque reparatione et sustentatione fabrice dicte ecclesie, proque auxilio et supplemento eorum scholarum et nosocomiorum, totas et integras decimas magnas et minutas rectorie et vicarie de Glasgow nuper vnite ad dictum archiepiscopatum de Glasgow, assedationum devorias decimarum divorias, aliaque quecunque eisdem spectantia: totas et integras decimas tam rectorie quam vicarie, assedationum divorias, et decimarum devorias pertinentes ad spiritualitatem dicti archiepiscopatus; et specialiter (absque prejudicio generalitatis predicte) rectorie et vicarie decimas prefatarum ecclesiarum de Drymen, Dryffisdaill, Cambusnethame, et Traquair; vnacum assedationum divoriis, alijsque divorijs quibuscunque, pro eisdem persolvendis temporibus retroactis archiepiscopis Glasguensibus, vel ijs debitis e dictis ecclesijs et decimis; vnacum preteritis residuis dictarum decimarum et assedationum divoriarum omnium annorum preteritorum restantibus minime persolutis et perceptis: cum potestate dictis preposito, ballivis, consilio et cummunitati predicti burgi nostri de Glasgow, eorumque successoribus, levandi prefatarum decimarum et assedationum divorias dictarum ecclesiarum rectorie et vicarie earundem de omnibus annis preteritis minime persolutis et annuatim in futurum; easdemque ad vsus predictos applicandi: reservando omnimodo nobis nostrisque successoribus jus patronatus et nominationem ministri pro servitio cure apud dictam ecclesiam cathedralem; cum et sub hac speciali provisione, quod dicti prepositus, ballivi et consilium, eorumque successores sustineant ministros servientes cure ad dictam ecclesiam cathedralem acetiam persolvant alijs ministris apud ecclesias postea specificatas eorum stipendium ijs persolutum e feudifirme firmis terrarum temporalium predicti archiepiscopatus videlicet, viz.: ministro cure inservienti apud ecclesiam vocatam Ecclesiam Baronie eiusque successoribus sex celdras victualis; et ministro cure inservienti apud ecclesiam vocatam Novam Ecclesiam in lie Trongait quinque celdras victualis; ad effectum vt temporalitas dicti archiepiscopatus et feudifirme terrarum et baroniarum eidem spectantium e quibus dicta stipendia prius persolvebantur liberentur et relevantur a solutione eorundem: Similiter etiam providetur quod quandocunque dicte decime et decimarum devorie antedictarum ecclesiarum aucte erint et crescent ad talem quantitatem que persolvere poterint non solum ministrorum stipendia dicte ecclesie cathedralis et fabrice eiusdem et dictorum aliorum duorum ministrorum verum etiam solvere lectoribus et auxiliari et supplere scholas et nosocomia infra predictm burgum nostrum, quod tunc et in eo casu tenebuntur et obligabuntur residuum quod supererit in usum nostrum et successorum provenire; et pro eorum vlteriori securitate in premissis nos cum avisamento et consensu predicto dissolvimus dictas decimas rectorie et viccarie de Glasgow et integras ecclesias predictas a dicto archiepiscopatu Glasguensi ac vnimus et annexamus easdem ad dictum burgum nostrum de Glasgow cum ijs eorumque successoribus remansuras imperpetuum in vsus et super provisionibus predictis; Tenendas et habendas dictis preposito ballivis consilio et communitati dicti nostri burgi suisque successoribus de nobis nostrisque successoribus in pura elemosina imperpetuum cum libero introitu et exitu ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus commoditatibus proficuis asiamentis ac justis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque tam non nominatis quam nominatis procul et prope ad predictas decimas assedationum et decimarum devorias ecclesiarum aliarumque predictarum cum pertinentiis spectantibus seu juste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum, libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace sine aliqua revocatione contradictione impedimento aut obstaculo quocunque. Reddendo inde annuatim preces et supplicationes Deo omnipotenti pro nostra et successorum nostrorum salute et prosperitate; ac volumus et concedimus quod vnica sasina capienda infra cemiterium cathedralis ecclesie de Glasgow, stabit et sufficiens erit sasina imperpetunm dictis preposito, ballivis, consilio et communitati dicti nostri burgi de Glasgow pro integris premissis. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre mortificationis magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus predelectis nostris consanguineis et conciliariis Joanne comite de Lowdoun, domino Terrinzeane et Mauchlin, etc., nostro cancellario; Jacoboduce Hamiltoun, Marchione Cliddisdalie, comite Arranie et Cantabrigi; domino Avendaill et Innerdaill, etc.; Willielmo mariscalli comite, domino Keith et Altrie, regni nostri mariscallo; Roberto comite de Roxburght, domino Ker de Cesfurd et Cavertoun, etc., nostri secreti sigilli custode; Willielmo comite de Lanerk, domino Mauchaneschyre et Polmont, etc., nostro secretario; delectis nostris familiaribus consiliariis, dominis Alexandro Gibsoun de Durie, nostrorum rotulorum registri ac consilii clerico, Joanne Hamiltoun de Orbiestoun, nostre justiciarie clerico, et Joanne Scott de Scottistarvet, nostre cancellarie directore, militibus. Apud Edinburgum decimo octavo die mensis Februarii, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo octayo, et anno regni nostri vigesimo tertio.
Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and Defender of the Faith, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye, whereas we taking into our consideration how necessary it is that the ministry and worship of God within our burgh of Glasgow be nourished and upheld, and particularly that of the cathedral church thereof, the cure of which was served by the last archbishops of Glasgow, who are now wholly abolished; and that a minister be maintained to serve the cure in the said church in stead and place of the said archbishop: and keeping in mind that on the seventeenth day of the month of November, the year of God one thousand six hundred and forty one, we, by our letters of gifts, gave, granted, mortified and disponed to our foresaid burgh of Glasgow, the provost, bailies council and community thereof, and their successors for ever, for the maintenance of a minister to serve the cure in the stead and place of the said archbishop, and for repairing and upholding of the fabric of the said church, and for the help and assistance of schools and hospitals, all and whole the teinds, as well parsonage as vicarage, tack duties and teind duties whatsoever pertaining to the spirituality of the said archbishopric of Glasgow; and in particular the teinds, great and small, parsonage and vicarage, of Glasgow, lately united and annexed to the said archbishopric; together with the parsonage and vicarage teinds of the churches of Drymen, Dryffisdaill, Cambusnethane, and Traquair, together with the tack duties and other duties whatsoever, payable therefor in times bygone to the archbishops of Glasgow, or due to them out of the said teinds and churches; together with the bygone rests of the said teinds and tack duties for all years bypast, resting unpaid and unuplifted, under the provisions and conditions underwritten, specified in the said letters of gift, as the same more fully proport: Therefore we, with advice and consent of our well beloved cousin and counsellor John, earl of Crawford and Lindsay, lord Parbroith, etc., our high treasurer, comptroller and collector of our New Augmentations within this our kingdom of Scotland, and of our well beloved counsellor Sir James Carmichaell of that ilk, knight baronet, our depute in the said offices; and with advice and consent of the remnant lords of our exchequer of our said kingdom of Scotland, our commissioners, have given, granted, mortified, and disponed, and by the tenor hereof with consent foresaid, give, grant, mortify, and dispone to our said burgh of Glasgow, the provost, bailies, council and community thereof, and their successors forever, for the maintenance of a minister to serve the cure in stead and place of the said archbishop, and for repairing and upholding the fabric of the said church, and for help and supplement of their schools and hospitals, All and Whole the teinds, great and small, parsonage and vicarage of Glasgow, lately united to the said archbishopric of Glasgow, tack duties, teind duties, and others whatsoever belonging to the same, All and Whole the teinds, as well parsonage as vicarage, tack duties and teind duties belonging to the spirituality of the said archbishopric; and in special (without prejudice to the foresaid generality), the teinds, parsonage, and vicarage of the foresaid churches of Drymen, Dryffisdaill, Cambusnethane, and Traquair; together with the tack duties and other duties whatsoever payable therefor in times bypast to the archbishops of Glasgow, or due to them forth of the said churches and teinds; together with the bygone rests of the said teinds and tack duties of all years bygone, resting owing, unpaid and unuplifted: With power to the said provost, bailies, council and community of our foresaid burgh of Glasgow, and their successors, to uplift the foresaid teind and tack duties of the said churches, parsonage and vicarage thereof, for all years bygone resting unpaid, and yearly in time to come, and to apply the same to the uses aforesaid; Reserving always to us and our successors the right of patronage and nomination of a minister to serve the cure at the said cathedral church, with and under the special provision, that the said provost, bailies, and council, and their successors shall maintain the ministers serving the cure at the said cathedral church and also pay to the other ministers at the churches afterwards specified their stipend, payable to them out of the feufarm ferms of the temporal lands of the said archbishopric, to wit, to the minister serving the cure at the church called the Barony Church and his successors, six chalders of victual; and to the minister serving the cure at the church called the New Church in the Trongait, five chalders of victual; to the effect that the temporality of the said archbishopric and the fenfarms of the lands and baronies thereto belonging out of which the said stipends were paid before, should be freed and relieved from payment thereof. In like manner also it is provided that whenever the said teinds and teind duties of the said churches shall have grown and increased to such an amount as may pay not only the ministers' stipends of the said cathedral church and fabric thereof, and of the said other two ministers, but also pay the readers, and to aid and supply the schools, and hospitals within our said burgh; that then and in that case they shall be bound and obliged to bring in the residue that shall remain over to the use of us and our successors; And for their better security in the premises, we, with advice and consent foresaid, have dissolved the said teinds, parsonage and vicarage of Glasgow, and whole churches foresaid from the said archbishopric of Glasgow, and unite and annex the same to our said burgh of Glasgow, to remain with them and their successors, for ever, for the uses and under the provisions aforesaid; To be held by the said provost, bailies, council, and community of our said burgh, and their successors of us and our successors in pure almsgift for ever, with free ingress and egress, and with all and sundry other freedoms, commodities, profits, easements, and righteous pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, far and near, to the foresaid teinds, tack and teind duties of the churches and others foresaid, with the pertinents, pertaining or which may justly pertain thereto in any manner of way in time to come, freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well, and in peace, without any revocation, contradiction, impediment, or obstacle whatever. Rendering therefor yearly prayers and supplications to Almighty God for our and our successors' welfare and prosperity; And we will and grant that a single seizin to be taken within the churchyard of the cathedral church of Glasgow shall stand and be a sufficient sasine for ever to the said provost, bailies, council, and community of our said burgh of Glasgow, for the whole premises. In witness whereof to this our present charter of mortification we have commanded our great seal to be appended. Witnesses our well-beloved cousins and councillors John Earl of Lowdoun, Lord Terrinzeane and Mauchlin, etc., our chancellor; James Duke of Hamilton, Marquiss of Cliddisdale, Earl of Arran and Cambridge, Lord Avendaill and Innerdaill, etc., William earl mariscall, Lord Keith and Altrie, our marschall; Robert Earl of Roxburght, Lord Ker of Cesfurd and Cavertoun, etc., keeper of our privy seal; William Earl of Lanerk, Lord Mauchaneschyre and Polmont, etc., our secretary; our well-beloved familiar councillors, Sir Alexander Gibsoun of Durie, clerk of our rolls, register and council; John Hamiltoun of Orbiestoun, our justiciary clerk, and John Scott of Scottistarvett, director of our chancery, knights: At Edinburgh the eighteenth day of the month of February, the year of God one thousand six hundred and forty-eight, and of our reign the twenty-third year.