Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'CXVIII: Act of Parliament ratifying charter no.CX (1641)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'CXVIII: Act of Parliament ratifying charter no.CX (1641)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"CXVIII: Act of Parliament ratifying charter no.CX (1641)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
CXVIII. Act of Parliament in favor of the Town of Glasgow, ratifying and confirming the charter, No. ex., with the Precept and Instrument of Sasine following thereon. Edinburgh, 17 November 1641.
Our Soverane Lord, with advyse and consent of the Estates of this present Parliament, hes ratified and approvine, and be thir presentes ratifies and approves the chairtour and infeftment made and granted be his Majestie, with advyse and consent of his Hieness thesaurer, comptroller and collectour generall, and thesaurer of his Hienes new augmentationes of this kingdome of Scotland, and of the remanent lordis of his Hienes excheker for the tyme, quhairby his Majestie, with advyse and consent foirsaid, hes ratified and approvine diverse and sindrie chartores, infeftmentes, preceptes, instrumentes of seasing, confirmationes, actis, sentences, decreetes, donationes, mortificationes, rightes of patronages, and otheres rightes, tytles, evidentes, and other securities, liberties, commodities, privileges, and others, particularlie and generallie thairin exprest, made and granted to the burghe and citie of Glasgow, proveist, baillies, deane of gild, thesaurer, counsell and commontie of the samene and ther successoures, be his Majestie, or be whatsomever his Majesties most noble progenitoures, kingis, queenes, princes, and stewartes of Scotland, ther regentes and governoures for the tyme, or be the lordis of counsell and sessione, and colledge of justice, and with all and sindrie actes of burrowes, other actes, rightes, liberties and possessiones onywayes bruiket of before be the said burghe of Glasgow, and kirkis, colledges, ministeris and hospitalles within the samene, in maner specified in the said chartour, quhairby also his Majestie, with consent of his Hienes said thesaurer, comptroller, and collectour, and remanent lordis of excheker for the tyme, his Hienes commissioners, hes givine, granted, and disponit cum clausula de novodamus to the proviest, baillies, counsell, and commontie of the said burghe of Glasgowe, and to thair successoures for evir, all and haill the said burghe and citie of Glasgowe, with all and sindrie landis, houssis, bigginges, tenementes, yairdis, orchyairdis, kirkes, kirkyardis, patronages, chaiplans, chaippelles, teyndis, walles, portes, gaites, passages, calsseyes, aickeres, ruidis, burnes, toftes, croftes, infield, outfield, territorie and commontie of the samene, mylnes, mylnelandis, multeres, sequelles, suckine, thirlage, damis, inleyes, laidis and water ganges, hillis, salmond fishingis and other fishingis (in) the water and river of Clyde, houspitalles, correctione houssis, mures, mosses, greenes, commonties, lones, brigges, coalles, coallheughes, lyme, lymestone, annuell rentes, few mailles, few fermes, dueties, mansiones, fruites, emolumentes, fundacions, donationes, presentationes, mortificationes, almes, daillsilver, and other privileges and immunities, alswell ecclesiasticall as seculair, belonging thairto; and with libertie and priviledge in the Water of Clyde in manner specified in the said chartour, creatand the said burghe in ane free burghe royall, and giveand to the said burghe ane correctione house, and with that house callit the Lipperhouse and Saint Ninianes Hospitall, with sindri liberties and priviledges, and with the customes and dueties belonging to the said burghe, and makeand the proveist, baillies, counsell and commountie of the said burghe and ther successoures, heritable patrones of the Trongait kirke of Glasgow, as in the said chartour conteyening diverse otheres giftes, heidis, claussis and donationes in favoures of the said burghe of Glasgowe, proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie therof and ther successoures, off the dait at Newmerkate the sexteene day of October jm vjc therttie sex yeeres, at mair lenth is conteyned, in all and sindrie heedis, claussis, and circumstances thairof, togidder with the precept and instrument of seasing followeing therupon, and all that hes fallowed or may fallow upoun the samene. Attoure our said Soverane Lord, with consent foirsaidis of the estates of this present Parliament, decernes and ordeanes that the foirsaidis rightes, securities, priviledges, and otheres exprest in the said chartour now ratified and approvine are and shall be good and valied rightes to the proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie of the said burghe of Glasgow and to ther successoures for bruiking and joysing of the samene perpetuallie in all tyme comeing, bot trouble or impediment, conforme to the tennour therof in all poyntes.