Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'CXV: Charter of Charles I granting lands and barony of Glasgow to the Duke of Lennox (1641)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'CXV: Charter of Charles I granting lands and barony of Glasgow to the Duke of Lennox (1641)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"CXV: Charter of Charles I granting lands and barony of Glasgow to the Duke of Lennox (1641)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
CXV. Charter by King Charles I., under his Privy Seal, granting to James, Duke of Lennox and Richmond, inter alia, the lands and barony of Glasgow, with certain rights and privileges. Halyrudhouse, 6 September 1641.
[Latin text]
Carolus, etc. Quia nos considerantes terras baronias et alia subtus specificata temporalitatis archiepiscopatus Glasguensis in manibus nostris vacare et ad nostram dispositionem devenisse abolitione status episcoporum et archiepiscoporum infra hoc regnum nostrum. Et nos memoriam tenentes quam, arcta sit relatio inter nobilem familiam de Lenox (ex qua nos oriundi sumus) et predicessores ejusdem familie comites et duces de Lenox ac vassalos et hereditarios tenentes dicti archiepiscopatus et quam continuo dicti vassalli adheserunt dicte nobili familie quam nos ex honore ampliare tenemur presertim in persona carissimi nostri consanguinei et consiliarii Jacobi nunc ducis Lenocie et Richmond cujus curam amorem fidem et diligentiam in nostro servitio et assiduam observantiam nostre sacrissime persone ex amussim experti sumus. Igitur nos cum avisament to et consensu nostrorum fidelissimorum consiliariorum Joannis comitis de Lowdoune domini de Tellinzean et Mauchline nostri cancellarii regni Scotie, Archibaldi, Argadie marchionis, comitis de Kintyre, domini Campbell de Lorne, Williellmi comitis de Glencairne domini Kilmaris, Johannis comitis de Lindsay domini Perbroth, et domini Jacobi Carmichaell de eodem militis baronetti, deputati thesaurarii, comissionariorum scaccarii, et cum avisamento et consensu reliquorum commissionariorum scaccarii: Dedimus concessimus et disposuimus necnon tenore presentium cum avisamento et consensu reliquorum commissionariorum predictorum damus concedimus et disponimus dicto nostro consanguineo carissimo Jacobo Lenocie et Richmond duci et heredibus suis masculis in ejus infeofamentis dicti ducatus mentionatis et contentis quibus deficientibus heredibus et assignatis suis quibuscunque, Omnes et singulas terras dominium burgum barronias regalitatem et alia, infra scripta, viz.: Totas et integras terras et barroniam de Glasgow castram civitatem burgum et regalitatem de Glasgow, cum omnibus terris bondis et tenementis domibus edificiis hortis pomariis caudis vstrinis horreis brueriis et aliis edificiis infra dictum burgum, omnibus aliis castris turribus fortaliciis maneriebus pomariis hortis silvis molendinis piscationibus annexis connexis lie outsettis partibus pendiculis tenentibus tenendriis libere tenentium servitiis et omnibus aliis suis pertinenciis . . . et omnes et qualescunque terras ab antiquo pertinentes archiepiscopatui de Glasgow vbicunque eedem jacent infra dictum regnum nostrum privilegia et immunitates earundem quarumcunque, vnacum etiam titulo hereditario nominationis et annuatim electionis prepositi balivorum et aliorum officiariorum magistratuum dicti burgi et civitatis de Glasgow adeo libere prout archiepiscopis Glasguensibus perprius pertimuit. Et nos pro nobis et successoribus nostris fecimus constituimus et ordinavimus dictum nostrum carissimum consanguineum Jacobum Lenocie et Richmond ducem et suos predictos dominos regalitatis dicte baronie de Glasgow et lie Bishopsforrest infra integras bondas ejusdem tam proprietatis quam tenandrie et omnium aliarum terrarum et baroniarum infra quas archiepiscopi Glasguenses regalitatem perprius habuerunt, cum plena potestate curias dicte regalitatis et justiciarie infra bondas dicte regalitatis seu aliquam partem earundem tarn proprietatis quam tenandrie ejusdem tenentes et inhabitantes ejusdem et aliorum quorumcunque interesse habentes affirmandi inchoandi et tenendi et tam quoties vt opus fuerit continuandi et dictas sectas vocandi absentes amerchiandi delinquentes punire amerchiamenta bluduita et escaetes dictarum curiarum ac etiam omnibus aliis escaetibus infra bondas dicte regalitatis cadere contingentibus pro quibuscunque criminibus per dictos inhabitantes committendis, seu, alias personas infra bondas dicte regalitatis (criminibus lese magistatis omnimodo exceptis) levandi et intromittandi et ad eorum proprium vsum applicandi et ad eorum arbitrium desuper disponendi et si opus fuerit namandi et distringendi et namata apreciari faciendi vendendi et abducendi secundum juris formam cum dispositione omnium escaetarum infra totas bondas dicte regalitatis Glasguensis tam cadentium per denuntiationem bastardiam seu alio quovis modo per leges bujus regni et ad dictum archiepiscopatuum perprius pertinuerunt ac etiam omnes et singulas tenentes et inhabitantes proprietatis et tenandrie dicte regalitatis seu eorum aliquem contingentes vocatos seu attachiatos seu arestatos coram quibuscunque judice vel judicibus spiritualibus seu temporalibus infra hoc nostrum regnum repledgiendi reducendi et reportandi ad privilegium dicte regalitatis et cautionem de colereth pro justicie partibus conquerentibus infra juris terminum dandi et prestandi deputatos vnum seu plures sub ipsis cum clericis serjandis adjudicatoribus omnibusque aliis officiariis et membris curie necessariis faciendi creandi et jurare causam [causandi] pro quibus dictus noster consanguineus et sui predicti respondere tenebuntur cum libera capella et cancellaria regalitatis ac generaliter omnia et singula alia vtendi et excercendi que ad premissa dignoscuntur necessaria faciendo dicto Jacobo Lenocie et Richmond duci suisque predictis vocandi et prosequendi pro reductione annullatione et expiratione infeofamentorum feudefirmariorum (si que sunt hactenus locate) Terrarum et baroniarum respectiue supra specificatarum secundum leges hujus regni. Ac Similiter volumus et concedimus ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris dedimus et ordinavimus quod memoratus noster consanguineus Jacobus Lenocie et Richmond dux heredesque sui masculi antedicti habebunt plenum jus superioritatis omnium et singularum terrarum dominii baroniarum castrorum turrium fortaliciorum molendinorum silvarum piscationum omniumque aliarum respective suprascriptorum cum suis pertinenciis: Et quod feudefirmarii tenentes et possessores earundem easdem omni tempore futuro de dicto domino duce et heredibus suis in feudifirma tenebunt pro annua solutione feudifirmarum et deuoriarum in feofamentis earundem contentorum modo et ad terminos in eisdem specificatos: Et ad hunc effectum dedimus et concessimus memorato domino duci et heredibus suis masculis plenam potestatem jus actionem et interesse causandi et cogendi dictos feudifirmarios et possessores persolvere dicto domino duci et heredibus suis annuatim feudifirmas deuorias et seruitia in ipsorum infeofamentis contentas ac omnes alias clausulas et conditiones in eisdem specificatas perimplere simili modo et adeo libere sicuti aliquis alius dominus superior spiritualis aut temporalis infra dictum nostrum regnum fecit vel facere poterit: Insuper nos pro causis supra scriptis ac certis aliis magnis respectibus et considerationibus nos moventibus vnivinms annexavimus creavimus et incorporavimus omnes et singulas predictas terras dominium baronias Burgum et regalitatem superius mentionatas cum castris turribus fortaliciis maneriebus pomariis hortis pratis silvis molendinis piscationibus officiis tenentibus tenandriis libere tenentium servitiis lie outsettis partibus et pendiculis aliisque particulariter et generaliter supra scriptis omnibusque suis pertinentiis in vnum liberum et integrum temporale dominium et regalitatem cum privilegiis libere capelle et cancellarie ac cum omnibus privilegiis immunitalibus honoribus dignitatibus casualitatibus proficuis et commoditatibus quibuscunque ad liberam regalitatem pertinentibus infra dictam baroniam de Glasgow et lie Bishopforrest et infra omnes alias terras baronias aliasque in quibus dicti archiepiscopi de Glasgow regalitatem perprius habuerunt memorato Jacobo Lenocie et Richmondie duci et suis predictis omni tempore futuro dominium de Glasgow nuncupatum: Ac volumus et concedimus et pro nobis nostrisque successoribus decernimus et ordinamus quod vnica sasina nune per dictum nostrum carissimum consanguineum et omni tempore futuro per ejus heredes masculos antedictos apud castrum et fortalicium de Lochvod capienda est et erit sufficiens sasina pro omnibus et singulis predictis terris dominio baroniis officiis aliisque respective superius recitatis cum suis pertinentiis absque non obstante quod non jacent contigue sed in diuersis vicecomitatibus penes quas dispensavimus et per presentes dispensamus pro nobis et successoribus nostris. Tenandas Et Habendas omnes et singulas prenominatas terras dominium et baroniam de Glasgow castrum civitatem burgum et regalitatem de glasgow cum jure nominationis prepositi balivorum et magistratuum dicti burgi vt dictum est . . . et omnes alias villas et terras particulariter et generaliter supra mentionatas cum castris turribus fortaliciis maneriebus pomariis hortis siluis molendinis piscationibus annexis connexis lie outsettis partibus pendiculis tenentibus tenandriis libere tenentium servitiis cum omnibus suis pertinentiis omnes nunc vnitas annexatas et incorporatas in vnum integrum et temporale dominium et regalitatem cum libera capella et cancellaria cum feoditario jure nominationis magistratuum dicte civitatis de Glasgow vt predicitur prenominato nostro consanguineo Jacobo Lenocie et Richmondie duci et suis predictis de nobis et successoribus nostris in feudifirma et hereditate in perpetuum per omnes rectas metas suas, etc. Reddendo annuatim dictus carissimus noster consanguineus Jacobus Lenocie et Richmondie dux et sui predicti nobis et successoribus nostris nostrisve camerariis et factoribus presentibus et futuris pro dictis terris dominio et baronia de Glasgow castro civitate burgo regalitate ejusdem cum privi 45 lib. legiis et pertinentiis supra specificatis summam ducentarum mercarum monete nostri regni Scotie . . . absque prejudicio acti parliament in favorem burgi de Glasgow penes libertates ejusdem: vobis, etc. Apud Halyrudhouse sexto die mensis Septembris anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo primo et anno regni nostri decimo septimo. Per signetum.
Charles, etc., Whereas we, taking into our consideration that the lands, baronies, and others after specified of the temporality of the Archbishopric of Glasgow, are vacant in our hands, and have fallen in our disposal by the abolition of the estate of bishops and archbishops within this our kingdom; and we, keeping in mind how close a connection there is between the noble family of Lenox (from which we are sprung and the predecessors of the said family, the earls and dukes of Lenox, and the vassals and hereditary tenents of the said Archbishopric, and how the said vassals have uninteruptedly adhered to the said noble family, which we are bound in honour to amplify, especially in the person of our dearest cousin and counsellor James, now Duke of Lenox and Richmond, whose care, love, fidelity, and diligence in our service, and unceasing regard for our most sacred person, we have experienced. Therfore we, with advice and consent of our most faithful counsellors John, earl of Lowdoune, lord of Tellinzean and Mauchline, chancellor of our kingdom of Scotland, Archibald marquis of Argyle earl of Kintyre, lord Campbell of Lorn, William earl of Glencairn, lord Kilmaris, John earl of Lindsay, lord Perbroth, and Sir James Carmichaell of that ilk, knight baronet, depute treasurer, commissioners of exchequer, and with advice and consent of the remanent commissioners of exchequer, have given, granted, and disponed, and, by the tenor of these presents, with advice and consent of the remanent commissioners foresaid, give, grant, and dispone, to our said dearest cousin, James, Duke of Lenox and Richmond, and to his heirs male, mentioned and contained in his infeftments of the said dukedom; whom failing, to his heirs and assignees whomsoever; All and Sundry lands, lordship, burgh, baronies, regality and others underwritten, viz: All and Whole the lands and barony of Glasgow, castle, city, burgh, and regality of Glasgow, with all lands, bounds and tenements, with houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, buts, maltkilns, barns, brewhouses, and other buildings within the said burgh, with all other castles, towers, fortalices, manor places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsetts, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, and all their other pertinents . . . and all and whatever lands anciently pertaining to the archbishopric of Glasgow, where soever the same lie within our said kingdom, privileges and immunities of the same whatsoever; together also with heritable right of nomination and annual election of the provost, baillies, and other officers, magistrates of the said burgh and city of Glasgow as freely as formerly belonged to the archbishops of Glasgow: And we, for us and our successors, have made, constituted and ordained our said dearest cousing James, Duke of Lenox and Richmond and his foresaids, lords of regality of the said barony of Glasgow, and Bishopsforest, within the whole bounds of the same, as well property and tenantry, and of all other lands and baronies within which the archbishops of Glasgow formerly possessed regality, with full power to affirm, begin and hold, and as often as need be, to continue courts of the said regality and justiciary, within the bounds of the said regality, or any part of the same, as well property as tenantry of the same, tenants and inhabitants thereof, and of all others whatsoever having interest; and the said suits to call; absents to amerce; transgressors to punish; amerciaments, bludewites and escheats of the said courts, and also with all other escheats which shall happen to fall within the bounds of the said regality for whatever crimes committed by the said inhabitants, or other persons within the bounds of the said regality (crimes of lese majesty being always excepted); to uplift and intromit with, and apply for their own proper use, and at their will dispone thereupon, and if need be, to poind and distrain, and to cause appraise, sell, and carry away, the things poinded according to form of law; with the disposition of all escheats within the whole bounds of the said regality of Glasgow, as well falling through putting to the horn, bastardy, or in any other way by the laws of this kingdom, and which formerly pertained to the said archbishopric: And also to repledge, lead, and carry back to the privilege of the said regality, all and sundry tenants and inhabitants of property and tenandry of the said regality, or any of them, who shall happen to be summoned or attached or arrested before any judge or judges, spiritual or temporal, in this our kingdom, and to give and afford cautio de colereth to parties complaining for justice within the term of law; to make, create and cause be sworn deputies, one or more under them, with clerks, sergeants, adjudicators, and all other officers and members of court needful, for whom our said cousin and his foresaids shall be held to be answerable: With free chapel and chancery of regality: and generally all and sundry other things to use and exercise which are known as necessary to be done in the premises by the said James, Duke of Lenox and Richmond and his foresaids; to call and pursue for reduction, annulling, and putting an end to infeftments of feufarmers (if any be up to this time let), of the lands and baronies respectively above specified, according to the laws of this kingdom: And In Like Manner we will and grant, and for us and our successors, have given and ordained, that our said cousin James, Duke of Lenox and Richmond, and his heirs male foresaid, shall have full right of superiority of all and sundry the lands, lordship, baronies, castles, towers, fortalices, mills, woods, fishings, and all others respectively abovewritten, with their pertinents: and that the feufarmers, tenants and possessors thereof shall hold the same in all time coming, of the said lord duke and his heirs in feufarm, for the yearly payment of the feufarms and duties contained in the infeftments thereof, in the manner and at the terms specified therein: and for this effect we have given and granted to the said lord duke and his heirs male, full power, right, action and interest to cause and compel the said feufarmers and possessors to pay to the said lord duke and his heirs annually, the feufarms, duties, and services contained in their infeftments, and to fulfil all other clauses and conditions specified therein, in the same manner, and as freely as any other lord superior, spiritual or temporal, within our said kingdom does or can do. Moreover we, for the causes above written, and certain other great causes and considerations moving us, have united, annexed, created, and incorporated, all and sundry the foresaid lands, lordship, baronies, burgh and regality above mentioned, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor places, orchards, gardens, meadows, woods, mills, fishings, offices, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, outsetts, parts and pendicles and others particularly and generally above written, and all their pertinents, into one free and whole temporal lordship and regality, with the privileges of free chapel and chancery, and with all privileges, immunities, honors, dignities, casualties, profits and commodities whatsoever pertaining to a free regality, within the said barony of Glasgow and Bishopforrest, and within all other lands, baronies, and others in which the said archbishops of Glasgow formerly had regality, to the said James, Duke of Lenox and Richmond and his foresaids in all time coming to be called the lordship of Glasgow: And we will and grant, and for us and our successors, decern and ordain that a single sasine now be taken by our said dearest cousin, and in all time coming by his heirs male foresaid, at the castle and fortalice of Lochod, is and shall be a sufficient sasine for all and singular the foresaid lands, lordship, baronies, offices and others respectively above recited with their pertinents, notwithstanding that they do not lie contiguous, but in diverse sheriffdoms, with which we have dispensed, and by these presents dispense for us and our successors: To Have And To Hold all and sundry the foresaid lands, lordship and barony of Glasgow, castle, city, burgh, and regality of Glasgow, with the right of nomination of the provost, bailies, and magistrates of the said city as said is . . ., and all other towns and lands particularly and generally above mentioned, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsetts, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, with all their pertinents, all now united, annexed and incorporated into one whole and temporal lordship and regality, with free chapel and chancery, with heritable right of nomination of the magistrates of the said city of Glasgow as aforesaid, to our beforenamed cousin James, Duke of Lenox and Richmond, and his foresaids of us and our successors in feufarm and heritage for ever, by all their righteous meiths, etc., Paying yearly, our said dearest cousin, James Duke of Lenox and Richmond and his foresaids, to us and our successors, or to our chamberlains and factors, present and future, for the said lands, lordship, and barony of Glasgow, castle, city, burgh, and regality thereof, with the privileges and pertinents above specified, the sum of two hundred merks money of our king dom of Scotland . . ., without prejudice to an Act of Parliament in favour of the burgh of Glasgow, concerning the liberties of the same, etc.: At Halyrudhouse, on the sixth day of the month of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and forty-one, and in the seventeenth year of our reign.