Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'CVI: Act of Parliament confirming several charters (1633)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'CVI: Act of Parliament confirming several charters (1633)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"CVI: Act of Parliament confirming several charters (1633)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
CVI. Act of Parliament in favour of the Burgh of Glasgow, confirming several Charters and other Writs previously granted in their favour. Edinburgh, 28 June 1633.
Oure Soverane Lord being sufficientlie informit of the great charges and expenssis that the proueist, bailleis, counsall and communitie of the burgh and citie of Glasgow hes sustenit thir many yeirs bygaine in making of the river of Clyde, quhairvpon the said burgh and citie is foundit and situat, portable for shippes, boattes, barkis, and vther veshels, for importing and exporting of forraine and hameward commodities, to the great comfort of his Majesties lieges lyand within the bounds and shirefdomes nixt adjacent thairto, and for advancement and incres of policie of the commoun weill of this his Hienes kingdome of Scotland, and in beitting, repairing, and vphalding of the brige of Glasgow over the said river, quhilk is ane verie proffitable meanes for intertainment of commerce; as lykwayes of the great cair, paines, and chairges sustenit be thame in vpholding of the great Kirk of Glasgow and edifice thairof, eftir the suncient maner and first fundation of the samyne; and siclyk, calling to mynd quhat great and sumptuous charges, cair, and expenssis, they haue beine at laitlie in building of ane Tolbuith for administratione of justice and vther effairs tending to the advancement of the commoun weill and decoratioun of the said kingdome, and in bigging and repairing of churches within the said burgh and citie, with steiples ansurable thairto; as als of the great cair, diligence, and expenssis sustenit be thame in bigging and reparing of certane brigges over rivers and watters in sundrie pairts quhair straingers may haue commodious trauelling to and fra his Majesties kingdome of Ireland, and vther pairts within the kingdome of Scotland, not onlie to the comfort and proffieit of the lieges of all sorts of thes his Majesties kingdomes, bot lykwayes to the great comfort of all straingers and forrainers resorting in thes pairts; and his Majestie being myndfull of thes thair commendable and commoun warkes, tending to the commoun weill of his Majesties kingdome, and to giue thame occasione to continew in prosecuting of thair guid intentiones, and for the knawin guid service done to his Majestie and his most noble progenitors be the proueist, baillies, counsall and communitie of the said burgh and citie of Glasgow and thair predicessors in tyme bypast: Thairfor oure said Soverane Lord, with consent and advyse of the thrie estates of this present parliament, hes ratifiet, approvine, and confirmit, and be the tennor heirof ratifies, approues, and confirmes all and sundrie chartors, infeftments, confirmationes thairof, gifts, donationes, mortificationes, and all vther evidents, wreatts, and securities quhatsumever, of quhatsumever natur kynd and qualitie the samyne be, maid and grantit be his Majestie, or any of his most noble progenitors, to and in favours of the proueist, baillies, counsall, and commwnitie of the said burgh and citie of Glasgow. And In Speciall (but preiudice of the generalitie forsaid) his Majestie, with advyse and consent abone specifiet, hes ratifiet and approvine, and be thir presents ratifies and approues ane chartor, gift, or donatioun grantit be his Hienes most noble progenitor Alexander, King of Scottes, of and concerning the liberties and priuiledges of the said burgh, burgessis and inhabitants thairof, of the dait at Maden Castell the auchteine day of Junij, and tuentie saxt yeir of his raigne; item, ane vther chartor grantit be King Robert, his Majesties most noble progenitor, confirmeand the forsaid chartor wnder the great seale, daitit the fyfteine day of November, and tuentie thride yeir of his raigne; item, ane vther chartor grantit be King Robert to the proueist, baillies, counsall, and commwnitie of the said burgh of Glasgow confirmeand the forsaid chartor and grantand certane new liberties thairto, daitit at Scone the tuentie aucht day of Julij, in the auchteine yeir of his raigne; item, ane vther chartor grantit be Marie, Queine of Scottes, his Majesties darrest guiddame, to and in fauours of the proueist, baillies, counsall, and commwnitie of the said burgh of Glasgow, of certane lands, tenements, kirks, chappells, chaplanries, prebendaries, alterages, and vthers mentionat thairintill, daitit the sevinteine day of Marche jm vc thriescoir sax yeirs; item, ane vther chartor grantit be His Majesties darrest father of eternall memorie wnder his great seale, ratifiand all the former gifts, donationes, priueledges, and vthers maid in favouris of the said proueist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie, daitit at Roystoun, the aucht day of Apryll, the yeir of God jm vjc and ellevine yeirs; item, ane decreit of Parliament pronuncit in favours of the said burgh of Glasgow, daitit the tuentie nynt day of November, jm four hundreth thriescoir nyne yeirs; item, his Majesties ratificatioun of the said decreit, daitit the first day of December the yeir of God jm 4c thriescoir nynteine yeirs; item, ane act of secreit counsall in fauours of the said burgh concerning thair liberties, daitit the tent day of September, the yeir of God jm vjc yeirs; item, ane act of interloquitor of the lords of sessioun, givin in thair favours vpon the tuentie fyft day of July, the yeir of God jm vjc and sevine yeirs;item, ane decreit of the lords of counsall and sessioun, givin in favours of the said burgh, vpon the fourt day of Junij, the yeir of God jm vc thriescoir fyfteine yeirs, anent ane laidle full of all sorts of cornes sauld in thair mercatt; in all and sundrie heads, articles, claussis, conditiones, and circumstances thairof quhatsumeuer: Willing, Declaring and Ordaining, that this present ratificatioun of the particular euidents and wreatts abonewrittine and generalitie thairof, is and sall be als valeid, effectual, and sufficient to the proueist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh of Glasgow and thair successors for ever in judgement and outwith as if they and euerie ane of thame war at lenth, word be word, ingrost and insert heirintill: And Farder, oure said Souerane Lord, with advyse and consent forsaid of his estates of parliament, ratifies and approues All and quhatsumever gifts, richts, and secuirities maid and grantit in favours of the proueist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh be His Majesties predicessors, or be quhatsumever vther persone or persones of quhatsumever kynd and qualitie the samyne be of, off and concerning the trone of the said burgh, river, and brige of the samyne, tolles and customes thairof, vplifted be thame, and quhairof they and thair predicessors ar and haue beine in vse and possessioun thir many yeirs bypast for intertaynment of thair brige over the said river of Clyde; and declairs that thair auncient possessioun of the customes thairof sall be als sufficient as if the gifts or donationes grantit to thair predicessoris of the samyne war produicit in this present parliament; and, generallie, ratifies and approues all and quhatsumever vther chartors, infeftments, confirmationes thairof, gifts, donationes, mortificationes, and all vther evidents and wreatts quhatsumever maid and grantit be His Majestie or any of his most noble progenitors, kinges, queines, princes, and stewarts of Scotland, thair regents, governors, and protectors of this kingdome for the tyme, to and in favours of the proueist, bailleis, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh of Glasgow, burgessis and inhabitants thairof, of and concerning all and quhatsumever lands, houssis, biggings, tenements, annuelrents, dignities, offices, liberties, priuledges, kirks, chappells, chaplanries, alterages, prebendaries, dewties, and annualrents quhatsumever belonging thairto; trones, waters, rivers, briges, and customes belonging to the same; admittand, declairand, and ordainand that this present ratificatioun and generalitie thairof is and sall be als guid, valeid, and sufficient to thame and thair successors in all tyme coming, as if everie particular wreatt and evident grantit to thame thairvpon war particularlie and at lenth de verbo in verbum ingrossit and insert heirintill; Quhairanent, and with all that may be objectit thair aganes, his Majestie and estates forsaids of this present parliament hes dispensit, and be thir presents dispenssis for ever. With Expres Declarations alwayes, lykas our said Soverane Lord and estates forsaids be this present act declairs, statuites, and ordaines that the chartors, infeftments, acts, decreits and vthers richts and secuirities speciallie and generallie abonementionat, grantit to the said burgh of Glasgow, with this present ratificatioun thairof, sall nowayes be preiudiciall nor hurtfull to His Majesties deirrest cowsigne and counsallor, James Duke of Lennox, his airs and successors, anent the heretable richt and infeftment of the office of bailliarie and justiciarie of the baronie and regalitie of Glasgow and all the pairts thairof, alsweill within as without the burgh of Glasgow; bot that, notwithstanding of the saids chartors, infeftments, and vther richts speciallie and generallie abonementionat, and this present ratificatioun thairof, his Hienes said darrest cowsigne and counsallor, James Duike of Lennox, his airs, and successors sall bruik, joyse, vse, and exerce the said office of bailliarie and justiciarie of the baronie and regalitie of Glasgow abonewrittine, and all the pairts thairof alsweill within as without the burgh of Glasgow, and sall vplift and intromett with the fies, casualities, commodities and dewties belonging to the said office of bailliarie and justiciarie of the said baronie and regalitie of Glasgow, siclyk and als frielie in all respects as if the chartors, infeftinents, and vther richts speciallie and generallie abonementionat, and this present ratification thairof had nevir beine maid nor grantit; as lykwayes with this expres declaratioun, lykas our said Soverane Lord and estates forsaids be this present act, and also with consent of the proueist and one of the baillies of the said burgh, in name of the remanent haill counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh of Glasgow, declairs, statuites and ordaines that the chartors, infeftments, decreitts, actes, possessiones, and vthers richts and secuirities speciallie and generallie abonementionat, grantit to the said burgh of Glasgow, with this present ratificatioun thairof, sall nawayes be hurtfull nor preiudiciall to the richt reverand father Patrick Archibishope of Glasgow and his successors anent his and thair richt of the electioun and nominatione of the magistrats of the burgh of Glasgow, nor anent the richt of any lands, teinds, priueldges, liberties, or others quhatsumever perteining to the Archibishop of Glasgow and his successors; and last, with expres declaratioun that this present ratificatioun sall be nawayes preiudiciall to the liberties, priueledges, and immwnities of the Vniversitie of Glasgow, bot that the samyne sall be reserued to thame, with the lands, tenements, yairds and vthers apperteining thairto, according to the ratificatioun grantit to thame in this present parliament, and to the declarationes and reservationes exprest in the samyne ratificatioun, and no vtherwayes.