XCVII : Sasine concerning the customs and duties of the Trone of the Burgh (1615)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'XCVII : Sasine concerning the customs and duties of the Trone of the Burgh (1615)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp296-299 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'XCVII : Sasine concerning the customs and duties of the Trone of the Burgh (1615)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp296-299.

"XCVII : Sasine concerning the customs and duties of the Trone of the Burgh (1615)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp296-299.

In this section

XCVII. Sasine following upon a Charter, dated 3 March 1615, granted by the College of Glasgow in favour of the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of the Burgh of Glasgow of the whole customs and duties of the Trone of the Burgh. Glasgow, 14 October 1615.

[Latin text]

Quod anno incarnationis Domini millesimo sexcentesimo decimo quinto, mensis vero Octobris decimo quarto et regnorum S. D. N. [Jacobi Dei gratia] Magni Britannie, Francie et Hibernie Regis, fideique defensoris annis quadragessimo nono et decimo tertio. In mei notarij publici et testium subscriptorum presentia personaliter comparuit Dauid Scherare thesaurarius et burgensis burgi et civitatis Glasguensis, habens et tenens suis in manibus quandam cartam cum precepto sasine in fine eiusdem descripto, factam, datam et concessam per magistrum Robertum Boyd de Trochorgia prefectum academie dicti burgi et civitatis, magistrum Willielmum Blair, magistrum Alexandrum Boyd, magistrum Dauidem Dickson et magistrum Jacobum Scharpe, regentes dicte academie, superiores Trone subscripte: Ac etiam cum consensu et assensu magistri Willielmi Hay de Barro, commissarij Glasguensis, rectoris, et magistri Joannis Bell vnius ministri dicti burgi, decani facultatis dicte academie: Ac etiam cum consensu et assensu reverendissimi in Christo patris, Joannis archiepiscopi Glasguensis, decani et capituli metrapolitane ecclesie Glasguensis, preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi et civitatis, de et super totis et integris custumis et devorijs Trone dicti burgi et civitatis, cum omnibus privilegijs, libertatibus et pertinentijs quibuscunque eidem spectantibus: Et accessit ad personalem presentiam discreti viri magistri Joannis Andersone junioris de Stobcross, ballivi in hac parte specialiter constituti; et dictam cartam continentem in se preceptum sasine ea reverentia qua decuit presentauit, obnixe rogando eundem quatenus idem preceptum debite executioni demandaret: Qui vero magister Johannis predictam cartam continentem in se preceptum sasine ad manus recepit et mihi notario publico subscripto ad prelegendum, publicandum et in vulgari exponendum tradidit. Cuiusquidem precepti tenor sequitur et est talis: Insuper delectis nostris, magistro Joanni Andersone juniori de Stobcross et vestrum cuilibet, conjunctim et divisim, balliuis nostris in hac parte specialiter constitutis, salutem. Vobis precipimus et firmiter mandamus quatenus, visis presentibus, indilate, statum, sasinam hereditariam, necnon realem corporalem et actualem possessionem totarum et integrarum predictarum custumarum et devoriarum Trone dicti burgi, cum omnibus privilegeijs, libertatibus et pertinentiis suis quibuscunque spectantibus, prefatis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi vel eorum certis actornatis latoribus presentium, per vnius ponderis dicte Trone traditionem, secundum tenorem antedicte nostre carte, tradatis et deliberetis, et haberi faciatis sine dilatione: Et hoc nullo modo omittatis. Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet, conjunctim et divisim, balliuis nostris in hac parte antedictis, nostram plenariam et irrevocabilem tenore presentium committimus potestatem. In Cuius Rei testimonium hinc presenti carte nostre (ex chirographo Jacobi Braidwod, junioris, servitoris Joannis Thomsone clerici dicti burgi) manibus nostris ac manibus dictorum archiepiscopi, rectoris, decani facultatis, decani et capituli dicte ecclesie metropolitane subscripte, sigillum nostrum vna cum sigillis dicti archiepiscopi, decani et capituli, presentibus sunt appensa; Apud Glasgow, tertio die mensis Martij, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo decimo quinto; coram his testibus, Joanne Thomesone clerico dicti burgi, Adamo Scot et Jacobo Braidwod, juniore, servitoribus dicti Joannis Thomesone. Post Cuiusquidem precepti ac totius carte prelecturam publicationem, et astantibus in vulgari expositionem, personaliter accessit dictus magister Joannes Andersone balliuus in hac parte specialiter constitutus ad predictam Tronam; et ibidem statum et sasinam hereditariam, necnon realem actualem et corporalem possessionem totarum et integrarum predictarum custumarum et devoriarum dicte Trone, cum omnibus privilegijs, libertatibus et pertinentiis quibuscunque eidem spectantibus, memorato Dauidi Scherare, thesaurario dicti burgi, et eo nomine dictorum prepositi, balliuorum, consulum et communitatis Glasguensis, et eorum successoribus, secundum vim, formam et tenorem predicti precepti sasine, et carte inde confecte, per vnius ponderis et denarij regni deliberationem, contulit, exhibuit, dedit, pariter et deliberauit. Super quibus omnibus et singulis dictus Dauid Scherare thesaurarius, et eo nomine quo supra, a me notario publico subscripto sibi fieri petiit hoc presens publicum instrumentum vnum seu plura. Acta erant hec super fundo dicte Trone horam circiter tertiam post meridiem, sub annis, die et mense prescriptis. Presentibus ibidem Joanne Stewart, Willielmo Mure, burgensibus dicti burgi, Matheo Calmoroun, Matheo Ker et Michaeli Mayne, officiarijs, testibus ad premissa rogatis et requisitis. Joannis Thomsone notarius publicus ac communis clericus dicte civitatis Glasguensis.


That in the year of our Lord's incarnation one thousand six hundred and fifteen, the fourteenth day of the month of October, and of the reigns of our Sovereign Lord, James, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, the years forty-ninth and thirteenth: In presence of me notary public and witnesses underwritten, personally compeared David Scherare, treasurer and burgess of the burgh and city of Glasgow, having and holding in his hands a certain charter, with a precept of sasine written in the end thereof, made, given, and granted by Master Robert Boyd of Trochrig, principal of the University of the said burgh and city; Master William Blair, Master Alexander Boyd, Master Dauid Dickson, and Master James Scharpe, regents of the said university, superiors of the trone underwritten; and also with consent and assent of Master William Hay of Barro, commissar of Glasgow, rector, and Master John Bell, one of the ministers of the said burgh, dean of faculty of the said university; and also with consent and assent of a most reverend father in Christ, John, archbishop of Glasgow, the dean and chapter of the metropolitan church of Glasgow, to the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of the said burgh and city, of and upon all and whole the customs and duties of the tron of the said burgh and city, with all privileges, freedoms, and pertinents whatsoever, belonging to the same; and passed to the personal presence of a discreet man, Master John Andersone, younger of Stobcross, bailie in that part specially constituted, and presented the said charter containing in it the precept of sasine with such reverence as becomes, earnestly requesting him to put the said precept to due execution. And the said John received into his hands the foresaid charter containing the precept of sasine, and delivered it to me notary public underwritten, to read, publish, and explain in the vulgar tongue, of which precept the tenor follows, and is in the following terms: Further, to our well-beloved Master John Andersone, younger of Stobcross, . . . and every one of you, jointly and severally, our bailies in that part specially constituted, greeting. We command and strictly charge you, that on sight hereof, incontinent ye give and deliver, and cause to have without delay state, heritable seisin, and real corporal and actual possession of all and whole the foresaid customs and duties of the trone of the said burgh, with all privileges, freedoms, and their pertinents whatsoever belonging thereto, to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors, and community of the said burgh, or their certain attorneys, bearers hereof, by delivery of a weight of the said trone, according to the tenor of our foresaid charter: and this in no wise ye leave undone. To the doing whereof to you and every one of you, jointly and severally, our bailies in that part foresaid, by the tenor hereof we commit our full and irrevocable power. In Witness Whereof to this our present charter (written by James Braidwood, younger, servitor to John Thomson, clerk of the said burgh), subscribed with our hands and the hands of the archbishop, rector, dean of faculty, dean and chapter of the said metropolitan church, our seal, together with the seals of the said archbishop, dean and chapter, are appended; at Glasgow, the third day of the month of March, the year of God one thousand six hundred and fifteen; before these witnesses, John Thomesone, clerk of the said burgh; Adam Scot and James Braidwood, younger, servitors to the said John Thomesone. After the reading, publication, and explanation of which precept to the bystanders in the vulgar tongue, the said Master John Andersone, bailie in that part specially constituted, personally past to the foresaid trone; and there conveyed, exhibited, gave, and delivered state and heritable sasine, and real actual and corporal possession of all and whole the foresaid customs and duties of the said trone, with all privileges, freedoms, and pertinents whatsoever belonging thereto, to the said David Scherare, treasurer of the said burgh, and on behalf of the said provost, bailies, councillors, and community of Glasgow, and their successors, according to the strength, force, form, and tenor of the foresaid precept of sasine, and charter thereupon made, by delivery of a weight and a penny of this realm. Whereupon all and sundry the said David Scherare, treasurer, in the above behalf, craved of me, notary public underwritten, this present public instrument, one or more, to be made to him. These things were done upon the ground of the said trone, about the third hour afternoon, year, day, and month aforesaid. Present there, John Stewart, William Mure, burgesses of the said burgh; Matthew Calmoroun, Matthew Ker, and Michael Mayne, officers, witnesses to the premises called and required. John Thomson, Notary Public, and Common Clerk of the said City of Glasgow.