Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'XCII: Charter of James VI making Glasgow a Royal Burgh (1611)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'XCII: Charter of James VI making Glasgow a Royal Burgh (1611)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"XCII: Charter of James VI making Glasgow a Royal Burgh (1611)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
XCII. Charter by King James VI., confirming all rights and privileges, previously granted to the Burgh and City of Glasgow, and erecting the same into a Royal Burgh. Royston, 8 April 1611.
[Latin text]
Jacobus Dei gratia Rex Magne Britannie, Francie, et Hybernie, fideique defensor, omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciatis quia nos intelligentes quod nostri nobilissimi et antiquissimi progenitores, ex speciali fauore erga archiepiscopos Glasguenses gesto, erexerunt burgum et ciuitatem eiusdem in burgum regalem, investando eundem cum libertatibus et priuilegiis ad hoc spectantibus; que pluribus annis elapsis bene et in pace pacifice possederunt et gauisi sunt; et nunc nos optima voluntate effecti pro grato et obediente seruitio nobis per prepositos, balliuos, consules et communitatem dicti burgi et ciuitatis Glasguensis [prestito et impenso], eadem augere et corroborare: IDEO ex speciali serioque rogatu dilectissimi nostri consiliarii et reuerendissimi in Cristo patris, Joannis archiepiscopi Glasguensis, ratificauimus, approbauimus, et pro nobis, et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmauimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre ratificamus, approbamus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmamus omnia et quecunque infeofamenta, donationes, jura, priulegia, liberatates et immunitates, per nos vel nostros nobilissimos predicessores dicti burgi et ciuitatis Glasguensis prepositis, balliuis, consulibus et communitati eiusdem concessa, et in quorum vsu ac possessione aliquo tempore preterito fuerunt; vnacum omnibus decretis, actis consilij et Parliamenti in eorum fauorem obtentis et concessis: quequidem generalitas tanti erit roboris et efficacie, acsi eadem verbatim in hac presenti carta nostra inserta essent. Preterea nos, cum consensu et assensu dilectissimorum nostrorum consiliariorum, Alexandri comitis de Dumfermling, supremi cancellarii regni nostri Scotie, dicti Joannis archiepiscopi Glasguensis, Dauidis domini Scone, Magistri Joannis Prestoun de Fentounbarnis, domini Thome Hammiltoun de Bynnie militis, domini Alexandri Drummound de Midhope militis, et domini Joannis Arnote militis, dedimus, concessimus, et in feudifirmam pro perpetuo disposuimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus, concedimus, et in feudifirmam pro perpetuo disponimus dictis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi et ciuitatis Glasguensis, et eorum successoribus, Totum et integrum dictum burgum et ciuitatem Glasguensem; cum domibus, edificijs, hortis, terris, tam lie outfeild quam infeild, cultis quam incultis, custumis per terram et aquam, juribus, libertatibus, et priuilegijs patronatuum, et donatione beneficiorum capellaniarum prebendariarum alteragiorum, molendinis, multuris, lie suckin, et knaifchip eiusdem, exoneratione et oneratione nauium, cymbarum, lie barkis, crearis, et aliorum vasorum cuiuscunque generis, emptione omnium generum bonorum et mercium, tam omnium nauium quam aliorum cuiuscunque generis vasorum, extraneorum aut domesticorum, venientium in Glotam, vulgo lie Clyde, intra omnes bondas eiusdem, a lie Clochstane ad Pontem Glasguensem, vsitatas et consuetas, salmonum piscationibus infra et supra dictum Pontem Glasguensem ex vtraque ripa amnis de Clyde, per eos eorumque predicessores possessis; cum libero priuilegio aque et amnis de Clyde, mercature, lie trafficque et trade eiusdem, aliorumque quorumcunque ad dictum burgum pertinentium, et de quibus in possessione fuerunt, et sunt in vsu et possessione, per terram, mare, et aquam. Acetiam fecimus, ereximus, et constituimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre facimus, constituimus, et erigimus dictum burgum et ciuitatem Glasguensem in vnum liberum Burgum Regalem; cum omnibus libertatibus, priuilegijs, honoribus, immunitatibus, et jurisdictionibus, que, per leges et consuetudinem huius regni nostri ad liberum burgum regalem pertinent: cum speciali libertate dictis prepositis, balliuis, consulibus, et communitati dicti burgi et ciuitatis, exercendi, et vtendi arte mercature, per mare et terras, domestice et externe; et ibidem fora vnaquaque septimana, et vsitatas nundinas tenendi et obseruandi; et custumas et omnes alias casualitates ad eadem pertinentes recipiendi; et acta et statuta pro reipublice gubernatione faciendi, et constituendi, et eadem debite executioni mandandi. Et ordinamus, decernimus, et declaramus quod vnica sasina capienda per prefatum prepositum, aut vnum aliquem balliuorum dicti burgi et ciuitatis pro tempore, ad crucem foralem eiusdem, nomine omnium burgensium et communitatis eiusdem, per traditionem terre et lapidis fundi, et aurei nummi, efficax illis prestabit, sine reiteratione alicuius noue sasine, imperpetuum. Tenendum et habendum totum et integrum dictum burgum et ciuitatem Glasguensem, cum domibus, terris molendinariis, multuris, lie suckin, knaifchipis, donatione beneficiorum capellaniarum alteragiorum, custumis et priuilegijs per mare terras et aquas, exoneratione et oneratione nauium et aliorum vasorum cuiuscunque generis, emptione mercium infra bondas predictas, piscationibus, partibus, pendiculis, et omnibus aliis libertatibus eiusdem per eos suosque predicessores possessis, dictis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi et ciuitatis, de nobis et successoribus nostris, in feudifirma, hereditate, et libero burgagio imperpetuum; per omnes rectas metas eiusdem vsitatas et consuetas, prout jacent in longitudine et latitudine; in domibus, edificijs, boscis, planis, moris, marresijs, vijs, semitis, aquis, stagnis, riuolis, pratis, pascuis, et pasturis, molendinis, multuris et eorum sequelis, aucupationibus, venationibus, piscationibus, petarijs, turbarijs, carbonibus, carbonarijs, cuniculis, cunicularijs, columbis, columbarijs, fabrilibus, brasinis, bruerijs et genestis, syluis, nemoribus, et virgultis, lignis, tignis, lapicideis, lapide et calce; cum curijs et earum exitibus, herezeldis, bluduitis, et mulierum merchetis; cum communi pastura, libero introitu et exitu; ac cum omnibus alijs et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, proficuis, asiamentis, ac justis suis pertinentijs quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad predictum burgum regalem spectantibus, seu juste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum; libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene, et in pace, sine aliqua reuocatione, contradictione, impedimento, aut obstaculo quocunque. Reddendo inde annuatim dicti prepositi, balliui, consules et communitas dicti burgi et ciuitatis, nobis, et successoribus nostris, pro dicto burgo et ciuitate Glasguensi, et alijs predictis, seruitium burgi vsitatum et consuetum, cum summa sexdecim mercarum monete regni nostri Scotie dicto archiepiscopo Glasguensi, et suis successoribus, annuatim imperpetuum. Prouiso tamen quod hec nostra carta, donatio, et ratificatio antedicta nullo modo impedimento, nec prejudicio erit libertatibus et priuilegijs per nos nostros que nobilissimos progenitores concessis archiepiscopo dicte ciuitatis Glasguensis, potestati eligendi magistratus, prout nunc temporis in vsu sunt, et priuilegio regalitatis; neque quod emolumenta, deuoria, firme, custume, aut alie commoditates quecunque, ad dictum archiepiscopum spectantia, eiusque successores, aut quorum ille eiusque predicessores aliquo tempore anteacto vllum jus seu possessionem habuerunt, diminuantur; et quod prepositi, balliui, consules, et communitas dicti burgi et ciuitatis, in eorum fideli obedientia nobis et heredibus nostris, et in reuerenti et debita agnitione dicti Joannis archiepiscopi Glasguensis, eiusque successorum, permaneant imperpetuum. Et pollicemur, in verbo principis, vt presens infeofamentum in nostro proximo Parliamento Scotie ratificetur effecturos cum omnibus solemnitatibus requisitis. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus . . . Apud Roystoun, octauo die mensis Aprilis, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo vndecimo, et regnorum nostrorum annis quadragesimo quarto et nono.
James, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and defender of the faith, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics greeting. Know ye, whereas we understanding that our most noble and ancient progenitors, from the special favour which they bore towards the Archbishops of Glasgow, erected the burgh and city thereof into a Royal Burgh, investing it with the freedoms and privileges thereto belonging, which for many years bygone they have well and peaceably possessed and enjoyed, in peace; And now we, for the thankful and obedient, service rendered to us by the provosts, bailies, councillors, and community of the said burgh and city of Glasgow, moved with the greatest goodwill, to increase and confirm the same: therefore, at the express and earnest request of our well beloved counsellor the most reverend father in Christ, John, archbishop of Glasgow, have ratified, approved, and for us and our successors for ever confirmed, and by the tenor of this present charter, ratify, approve, and for us and our successors, for ever, confirm, All and whatsoever infeftments, gifts, rights, privileges, freedoms, and immunities, granted by us or our most noble predecessors to the provosts of the said burgh and city of Glasgow, bailies, councillors, and community thereof, and whereof they have been in use and possession at any time bygone; together with all decreets, acts of Council and parliament obtained and granted in their favour: and this generality shall be of as great strength and effect, as if the same had been inserted word by word in this our present charter. Further, we, with consent and assent of our well beloved counsellors, Alexander earl of Dunfermline, high chancellor of our kingdom of Scotland, the said John archbishop of Glasgow, David Lord Scone, Master John Prestoun of Fentounbarnis, Sir Thomas Hammiltoun of Binnie, knight, Sir Alexander Drummound of Midhope, knight, and Sir John Arnote, knight, have given, granted, and in fee-farm for ever disponed, and by the tenor of our present charter, give, grant, and in fee-farm for ever dispone, to the said provost, bailies, councillors and community of the said burgh and city of Glasgow, and their successors, All and whole the said burgh and city of Glasgow, with houses, buildings, gardens, lands, as well outfield as infield, tilled as untilled, customs by land and water, rights, freedoms and privileges of patronages and gift of benefices chaplainries, prebends, and altarages, mills, multures, suckin and knaveship thereof, loading and unloading of ships, barks, crears, and other vessels of whatsoever kind they be, buying of all sorts of goods and merchandise, as well of all ships as of other vessels of whatever kind, home or foreign, coming in the Clyde, within all the bounds thereof, used and wont, from the Clochstane to the Brig of Glasgow, salmon fishings below and above the said Brig of Glasgow, on either bank of the river Clyde, possessed by them and their predecessors; with free privilege of the water and river of Clyde, trade and traffic thereof, and others whatsoever pertaining to the said burgh, and wherein they have been in possession, and are in use and possession, by land, sea, and water. Moreover, we have made, erected, and constituted, and by the tenor of our present charter, make, constitute, and erect the said burgh and city of Glasgow, into a free Royal Burgh; with all the freedoms, privileges, honours, immunities, and jurisdictions, which by the laws and custom of this our realm belong to a free royal burgh; with special liberty to the said provosts, bailies, councillors and community of the said burgh and city to exercise and use the craft of trade, by land and sea, at home and abroad; and to keep and observe a market there every week, and the fairs used and wont, and to uplift customs and all other casualties belonging to the same; and to make and ordain acts and statutes for the good rule of the commonweal, and put the same to due execution. And we ordain, decern, and declare, that one Sasine to be taken by the foresaid provost, or any of the bailies of the said burgh and city for the time, at the market cross thereof, in name of all the burgesses and community of the same, by delivery of earth and stone of the ground, and a coin of gold, shall be effectual to them, without repeating of any new Sasine, for ever. To have and to hold all and whole the said burgh and city of Glasgow, with houses, mill lands, multures, suckin, knaveships, donation of benefices, chaplainries, and altarages, customs and privileges by sea, land, and water, lading and unlading of ships and other vessels of whatsoever kind, buying of merchandice within the foresaid bounds, fishings, parts, pendicles, and all other freedoms thereof, possessed by them and their predecessors, to the said provost, bailies, councillors, and community of the said burgh and city, of us and our successors, in feu-farm, heritage, and free burgage for ever; by all the right meiths thereof used and wont, as they lie in length and breadth, in houses, buildings, woods, plains, moors, marshes, ways, paths, waters, ponds, streams, meadows, grazings and pastures, mills, multures and their sequels, fowlings, huntings, fishings, peat mosses, turf bogs, coals, coalheughs, coneys, coneywarrens, doves, dovecots, forges, brewhouses, heaths and broom, woods, groves, and thickets, wood, timber, quarries, stone and lime; with courts and their issues, hereyelds, bludwites, and marchets of women; with common pasture, free ish and entry; and with all other and sundry freedoms, commodities, profits, easements, and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging to the foresaid royal burgh, or that may rightly belong in any way in time to come; freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well, and in peace, without any revocation, gainsaying, hindrance or obstacle whatsoever. Paying therefor yearly the said provosts, bailies, councillors, and community of the said burgh and city to us and our successors for the said burgh and city of Glasgow, and others foresaid, the service of burgh used and wont, together with the sum of sixteen merks usnal money of our kingdom of Scotland to the said archbishop of Glasgow, and his successors, yearly for ever. Provided, however, that this our charter gift and ratification foresaid shall in no wise be hindrance or prejudice to the freedoms and privileges granted by us and our most noble progenitors to the archbishop of the said city of Glasgow, his power of electing magistrates, as now they are in use, and privilege of regality; and that the emoluments, duties, mails, customs, or other commodities whatsoever pertaining to the said archbishop and his successors, or whereof he and his predecessors had any right or possession at any time bygone, be not diminished; and that the provosts, bailies, councillors, and community of the said burgh and city continue for ever in their faithful obedience to us and our heirs, and in reverent and dutiful acknowledgement of the said John, archbishop of Glasgow, and his successors. And we promise, on the word of a Prince, that we will cause this present infeftment to be ratified in our next parliament of Scotland, with all solemnities needful. In witness whereof, we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to this our present Charter. Witnesses . . . At Roystoun, the eighth day of the month of April, the year of God one thousand six hundred and eleven, and of our reign the forty fourth and ninth years.