LXXX : Charter confirming no.LXXVIII

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'LXXX : Charter confirming no.LXXVIII', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp227-242 [accessed 15 March 2025].

'LXXX : Charter confirming no.LXXVIII', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp227-242.

"LXXX : Charter confirming no.LXXVIII". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp227-242.

In this section

LXXX. Charter by King James VI. under his Great Seal, confirming to Walter, commendator of Blantyre, the Charter No. lxxviii., and of new disponing to him the subjects thereby conveyed to be called the Lordship of Glasgow. Dumbarton, 26 August 1591.

[Latin text]

Jacobus Dei gratia Rex Scotorum, Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis, salutem, Sciatis Nos, nunc post nostram perfectam et legitimam etatem viginti quinque annorum completam, ratificasse, approbasse, ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo confirmasse Cartam et dispositionem feudifirme in eadem contentam, per nos post nostram perfectam etatem viginti vnius annorum completam, nostro sub magno sigillo, factam, datam et concessam, cum sasina inde sequenti, nostro fideli et predilecto consiliario Waltero commendatario de Blantyre domino secreti sigilli, suisque heredibus et assignatis, de omnibus et singulis terris, dominiis, burgis, baroniis, regalitatibus, villis, officiis, et aliis respectiue subscriptis, viz., Terras et baroniam et Glasgow, ciuitatem et burgum regalitatis de Glasgow, cum omnibus terris, bondis, tenementis, domibus, hortis, pomeriis, caudis, vstrinis, horreis, ac aliis edificiis infra bondas dicti burgi, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis eiusdem, que archiepiscopis, (fn. 1) parte earundem, feudifirmis, firmis burgalibus ac aliis deuoriis eiusdem quibuscunque; cum omnibus iure, titulo, jurisclameo, custumis, deuoriis, ac omnibus aliis priuilegiis quibuscunque, que archiepiscopis de Glasgow aliquibus temporibus preteritis pertinuerunt: ac omnibus et singulis reliquis terris dicte baronie de Glasgow; et signanter de villis et terris de Mekil Govan, West Scheill, Govane Scheillis, Haggis, Litill Govane, Brigend, Gorballis, Borrowfeild, Nicolas Linnag Hauch, Gersumland, Littill Cowcaldenis, Bromehill, Rammishorne, Dalmarnok, Mekill Cowcaldenis, Stobcors, Over Newtoun, Nether Newtoun, the West Syde of Partik, the Eist Syde of Partik, Hyndland, Kirklie, molendino de Partik, terris molendinariis eiusdem, Balschagrie, Gartnavill, Balgray, Wodsyde, Garroch, Garbraid, Rouchhill, Keppo, Possillis, Over et Nether Covtstoun, Lambhill, Kenmure, Partikzaird, Brewland of Partik, molendino fullonum de Partik, molendino nuncupato Archi Lyonis Mylne, terris de Kendiehill, terris de Haghill, Carrendenis, Provesthauch, Cadder, prato de Partik, nouis et antiquis parcis de Partik, molendino vocato Quhytemylne, Auchinarne, Roberstoun, Linloch, Gardarroch, Crystoun, Dauidstoune, Gartinquene, Gartinquene Mure, Johnestoun, Gartforie, Mukracois, Edingeich, Badlay, Molens, Garcosch, Balgaddeis, Comflattis, Halhill, Balrachany, Windie Hege, Bruntbrome, Blakzeardis, Daldowie, Over Kenmure, Over Carmyle, Nethir Carmyle, Dalbeith; omnibus et singulis terris de Scheddilstoun, Lochwode; ac omnibus et singulis terris de Provand; cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomeriis, hortis, partibus, pendiculis, parcis, annexis, connexis, molendinis, siluis, piscationibus, lie outsettis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis earundem, ac omnibus suis pertinentiis; iacentibus infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Lanerk: Terris et baronia de Ancrum, terris dominicalibus et molendino de Ancrum, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomeriis, hortis, parcis, annexis, connexis, molendinis, siluis, piscationibus, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, libere tenentium seruitiis earundem, ac omnibus suis pertinentiis; terris et baronia de Eskirk, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, hortis, pomeriis, parcis, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis earundem, molendinis, siluis, piscationibus, ac omnibus suis pertinentiis; terras et baronia de Leillisleif, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, hortis, pomeriis, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, siluis, piscationibus, molendinis, tenentibus, tenandriis, libere tenentium seruitiis earundem, ac omnibus suis pertinentiis; jacentibus infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Roxburgh; Terris de Bischoppis Forrest; terris de Nudrie Forrester; terris vocatis the Halff Penny land in Carrik; terris ecclesiasticis de Cambusnethane; ac omnibus et quibuscunque aliis terris ex antiquo dicto archiepiscopatui de Glasgow pertinentibus, vbicunque eedem iacent, infra regnum nostrum (exceptis terris et baroniis de Stobo et Edilstoun cum balliatibus earundem, ac toto que desuper sequi poterit, nostro fideli ac predilecto consiliario Joanni Domino Thirlestane nostro cancellario dispositis: necnon terris et baronia de Carstaris, cum balliatu eiusdem, et omne que desuper sequi poterit, quondam domino Willelmo Stewart filio domini Andree Stewart de Vchiltrie per nos prius dispositis); acetiam cum aduocationibus, donationibus, et jure partonatus omnium et quorumcunque beneficiorum maiorum et minorum, ex antiquo ad dispositionem archiepiscoporum de Glasgow pro tempore existentium; vnacum officiis balliatus et justiciarie totius regalitatis dicti archiepiscopatus, tam proprietatis quam tenandrie eiusdem (exceptis balliatibus dictarum terrarum baroniarum supra specificatarum): Tenendis de nobis et successoribus nostris in feudifirma seu emphiteosi et hereditate imperpetuum, prout in dicta carta desuper confecta latius continetur. Ac Volumus et concedimus, ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo decernimus et ordinamus, quod hec presens generalis ratificatio et confirmatio tanti erit effectualitatis, validitatis et sufficientie in omnibus respectibus, ac si dicta carta cum sasine instrumento desuper sequenti ad longum, de verbo in verbum hic insereretur. Insuper nos, pro bono, fideli et gratuito seruitio nobis per prefatum Walterum commendatarium de Blantyre prestito et impenso, ac pro diuersis aliis magnis respectibus et bonis considerationibus nos mouentibus, ex nostra certa scientia et proprio motu, cum auisamento, expressis consensu et assensu fidelium et predilectorum nostrorum consiliariorum et ordinariorum officiariorum subtus specificatorum,viz., prefati Joannis domini Thirlestane nostri cancellarii; domini Thome Lyoun de Auldbar militis thesaurarii nostri, Ludovici Ballenden de Auchnoull militis nostre iusticiarie clerici, et magistri Roberti Douglas prepositi de Lincluden nostri collectoris generalis, De Novo dedimus, concessimus et disposuiimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus, concedimus et disponimus prefato nostro fideli et familiari consiliario Waltero commendatario de Blantyre, suisque heredibus et assignatis antedictis, in feudifirma hereditarie omnes et singulas prenominatas terras, dominia, burgos, baronias, regalitates, villas, officia et alia respectiue supra exprimata, viz., dictas terras et baroniam de Glasgow, ciuitatem, burgum et regalitatem de Glasgow, cum omnibus terris, bondis, tenementis, domibus, hortis, pomeriis, caudis, vstrinis, horreis, et aliis edificiis infra bondas dicti burgi, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis earundem, ac vnaquaque ipsarum parte, feudifirmis, firmis burgalibus ac aliis deuoriis eiusdem quibuscunque; cum omnibus jure, titulo, jurisclameo, custumis, deuoriis, ac omnibus aliis priuilegiis quibuscunque, que dictis archiepiscopis de Glasgow aliquibus temporibus retroactis pertinuerunt; ac omnes et singulas reliquas terras dicte baronie de Glasgow; et signanter, villas et terras de Mekle Govane, Westscheill, Govane Scheillis, Haggis, Litill Govane, Brigend, Gorbillis, Borrowfeild, Nicolas Linnage Hauch, Ger sumland, Littill Cowcaldenis, Brumehill, Rammishorne, Dalmarnok, Mekil Cowcaldenis, Stobcors, Over Newtoun, Nether Newtoun, the West Syde of Partik, the Eist Syde of Partik, Hyndland, Kirklie, molendinum de Partik, terras molendinarias eiusdem, Balschagrie, Gartnavill, Balgray, Wodsyde, Garroch, Garbreid, Ruchhill, Keppo, Possilis, Over et Nethir Cowtstoun, Lambhill, Kenmure, Partik zaird, Brewland of Partik, molendinum fullonum de Partik, molendinum nuncupatum Archie Lyonis Mylne, terras de Kendiehill, terras de Haghill, Carrendenis, Provesthauch, viginti libratas de Cadder, cum pendiculis et pertinentiis earundem, pratum de Partik, et terras de Quhyteinsche, nouas et antiquas parcas de Partik, molendinum vocatum Quhytemylne, Auchinarne, Robrestoun, Lumloch, Gardaroch, Crystoun, Dauidstoun, Gartinquene, Gartinquene Mure, Johnestoun, Garteforie, Mukracois, Edingeith, Baldlay, Molens, Garcosche, Balgaddeis, Comflattis, Halhill, Balracheny, Windehege, Bruntbrome, Blakzairdis, Daldowie, Over Kenmuire, Over Karmyle, Nether Karmyle, Dalbeyth; omnes et singulas terras de Scheddilstoun Lochwode; ac omnes et singulas terras de Provand; cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomeriis, hortis, partibus, pendiculis, parcis, annexis, connexis, molendinis, siluis, piscationibus, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis earundem, ac omnibus suis pertinentiis, vt premissum est, jacentes: Terras et baroniam de Ancrum; terras dominicales et molendinum de Ancrum; cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomeriis, hortis, parcis, annexis, connexis, molendinis, siluis, piscationibus, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis earundem, ac omnibus suis pertinentiis; terras et baroniam de Eskirk, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, hortis, pomeriis, parcis, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, libere tenentium seruitiis earundem, molendinis, siluis, piscationibus, ac omnibus suis pertinentis; terras et baroniam de Leillisleif, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, hortis, pomeriis, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, siluis, piscationibus, molendinis, tenentibus, tenandriis, lib eretenentium seruitiis earundem, ac omnibus suis pertinentiis, vt predicitur jacentes; Terras de Bischoppisforrest; terras de Nudre Forrester; terras vocatas the Half Penny Land in Carrik; terras ecclesiasticas de Cambusnethane; ac omnes et quascunque alias terras ex antiquo dicto archiepiscopatui de Glasgow pertinentes, vbicunque eedem iacent infra Regnum nostrum; (exceptis terris et baroniis supraspecificatis;) Acetiam cum aduocationibus, donationibus et jure patronatus omnium et quorumcunque beneficiorum maiorum et minorum, ex antiquo ad dispositionem archiepiscoporum de Glasgow pro tempore existentium; vnacum officiis balliatus et justiciarie totius regalitatis dicti archiepiscopatus, tam proprietatis quam tenandrie eiusdem, (exceptis balliatibus dictarum terrarum [et] baroniarum supraspecificatarum); ac cum omnibus iure, titulo, interesse, iurisclameo, tam petitorio quam possessorio, quem seu quas nos, nostri predicessores aut successores, ad easdem seu ad aliquam earundem partem, vel ad census, firmas, proficua aut deuorias earundem de quibuscunque annis seu terminis preteritis vel futuris, habuimus, habemus, seu quouismodo habere vel clamare poterimus aut poterint, quorumcunque actorum parliamenti, aliorum actorum, reuocationum, legum seu constitutionum Regni nostri, aut ob quamcunque aliam causam, actionem seu occasionem preteritam, diem date presentium precedentem. Renunciando et exonerando eisdem, cum omnibus actione et instantia earundem, pro nobis et successoribus nostris prefato nostro fideli ac familiari consiliario Waltero commendatario de Blantyre, suisque heredibus et assignatis, pro nunc et imperpetuum; cum pacto de non petendo, ac cum supplemento omnium defectuum, tam non nominatorum quam nominatorum, quos tanquam pro expressatis in hac presenti carta nostra haberi volumus. Et preterea nos, pro certis rationabilibus causis nos mouentibus, de nouo ereximus, creauimus, vniuimus, annexauimus, incorporauimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre vnimus, erigimus, creamus, annexamus et incorporamus, omnes et singulas predictas terras, dominium, baronias, burgum in baronia, et regalitatem, castra, turres, fortalicia, maneries, pomaria, hortos, parcas, siluas, molendina, piscationes, officia, tenentes, tenendrias, et liberetenentium seruitia, aduocationes, donationes et jus patronatus canonicorum, prebendariorum, capellaniarum, ecclesiarum et beneficiorum quorumcunque ex antiquo dictis archiepiscopis de Glasgow pertinentium, annexas, connexas, lie outsettis, partes, pendiculas, et omnes earum pertinentias, tam particulariter quam generaliter supra mentionatas (exceptis prius exceptis), in vnum liberum dominium et regalitatem, omni tempore futuro dominium de Glasgow nuncupandum, et castrum de Glasgow principale esse messuagium dicti dominii. Ac decernimus et ordinamus quod vnica sasina nunc per dictum commendatarium et suos predictos apud castrum de Glasgow predictum capienda, stabit et sufficiens erit sasina pro omnibus et singulis predictis terris, dominio, baroniis, officiis, et aliis respectiue suprascriptis, sine aliqua alia particulari sasina apud aliquam aliam partem vel locum earundem omni tempore futuro sumenda; non obstante quod predicte terre, dominia et baronie non contigue jacent sed in diuersis vicecomitibus. Et similiter dedimus et concessimus, ac tenore presentis carte nostre damus et concedimus plenam licentiam, libertatem et priuilegium prefato commendatario et suis successoribus in dicto dominio et baroniis suprascriptis, easdem terras aut baronias aut aliquam partem earundem veteribus et natiuis tenentibus eiusdem in feudirma assedare, tenendas de ipso et suis successoribus in dicto dominio. Que infeofamenta declaramus sunt et erunt receptoribus eorundem tante sufficientie et valoris omni tempore futuro ac si eadem per nos immediate ipsis data et concessa fuissent: Et ad hunc effectum nos, pro nobis et successoribus nostris, renunciamus actionem omnem, titulum, interesse et jurisclameum, que nos et successores nostri ad easdem aut aliquam partem earundem habemus vel habere poterimus quocunque modo infuturum. Ac etiam si contigerit prefatum commendatarium aut suos successores in dicto dominio de Glasgow aliquo tempore futuro forisfactos esse (quod caueat Deus), et ob id infeofamenta dictorum tenentium in questionem seu damnum trahere, decernimus et ordinamus quod forisfactura contra nostros immediatos tenentes dicti dominii deducenda, nullo modo ledet seu preiudicet dictorum tenentium infeofamentis per ipsos respectiue de eisdem recipiendis; sed eiusmodi infeofamenta dictorum tenentium respective in suis robore et effectu omni tempore futuro remanebunt, ac si nostri immediate tenentes dicti dominii de Glasgow nunquam forisfacti fuissent; penes quam tenore presentis carte nostre imperpetuum dispensamus. Et signanter dedimus, concessimus et commisimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus, concedimus et committimus dicto commendatario suisque heredibus et assignatis nostram plenam, liberam, planam potestatem generalem et mandatum speciale nostro nomine balliatus et justiciarie curias dicte regalitatis, proprietatis et tenandrie eiusdem, cum suis pertinentiis (exceptis prius exceptis), tenentibus, et inhabitantibus earundem et aliis quibuscunque quorum interest statuendi et inchoandi, affirmandi, tenendi, ac quoties opus fuerit continuandi; sectas vocari faciendi, absentes amerchiandi, transgressores puniendi; exitus, amerciamenta, bludewitas, escaetas dictarum curiarum acetiam omnes alias escaetas infra dictam regalitatem et bondas eiusdem (exceptis prius exceptis) contingentes, pro quibuscunque criminibus per dictos inhabitatores seu quosuis alios infra bondas earundem commissis (criminibus proditoriis tantum exceptis), leuandi, percipiendi, et ad eorum commoditatem et proficuum applicandi, ac desuper ad eorum voluntatis libitum disponendi, et pro eisdem si opus fuerit namandi et distringendi, namata appreciari faciendi, vendendi et abducendi secundum juris formam; Omnes et singulos tenentes et inhabitatores proprietaties et tenandrie dicte regalitatis, coram quocunque judice seu quibuscunque juris judicibus spiritualibus seu temporalibus attechiatos et arrestatos, ad priuilegium et libertatem dicte regalitatis, replegiandi, reducendi et portandi; cautionem de collerath, pro justicia partibus conquerentibus infra juris terminum ministranda, dandi et prestandi; deputatos vnum seu plures sub ipsis, cum clericis, seriandis, adiudicatoribus, et omnibus aliis officiariis et curie membris necessariis, faciendi, creandi et jurare causandi; pro quibus dictus commendatarius et sui predicti respondentur; cum capella et cancellaria regalitatis libera; et generaliter omnia alia et singula faciendi, dicendi, gerendi et exercendi, que in premissis et circa ea necessaria fuerint, seu quomodolibet opportuna; Firmum atque stabile habentes et habituri totum et quicquid dictus commendatarius suique predicti, eorumque deputati et ministri, in premissis rite duxerit seu duxerint faciendum. Ac preterea dedimus, concessimus, disposuimus et assignauimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus, concedimus, disponimus et assignamus dicto commendatario de Blantyre et suis predictis summam ducentarum librarum monete annuatim de feodo pro vsu [et] exercitione, dictorum officiorum balliatus et iusticiarie, per ipsos retinendam de primis et promptioribus feodis et deuoriis infra specificatis; cum plena potestate ipsis vocandi et prosequendi pro reductione infeofamentorum feudifirmarum, si que sint, hactenus locatarum dictarum terrarum, baroniarum, seu alicuius partis eiusdem, secundum iuris formam. Tenendas et habendas omnes et singulas predicatas terras et baronias de Glasgow, burgum et ciuitatem eiusdem; terras de Ancrum, Leillisleif, Eskirk; terras de Calder, Quhyteinche, ac omnes alias villas et terras particulariter supra specificatas; cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, parcis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, feudifirmis, canis, custumis, tenentibus, tenandriis, libere tenentium seruitiis earundem, advocationibus, donationibus, et jure patronatus ecclesiarum, capellaniarum, et beneficiorum predictorum; cum plena libertate et priuilegio regalitatis, capelle et cancellarie, infra omnes bondas dictarum baroniarum, burgi, villarum, et aliarum superius mentionatarum; vnacum dictis officiis balliatus et iusticiarie dicte regalitatis infra omnes bondas eiusdem predictas, et omnibus suis pertinentiis, particulariter suprascriptis (exceptis prius exceptis), vnitas, annexatas, erectas et incorporatas in unum liberum dominium et regalitatem vt dictum est, prefato Waltero commendatario de Blantyre, suis heredibus et assignatis, de nobis et successoribus nostris, in feudifirma et hereditate imperpetuum; per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et diuisas, prout jacent in longitudine et latitudine, in domibus, edificiis, boscis, planis, moris, marresiis, viis, semitis, aquis, stagnis, riuolis, pratis, pascuis et pasturis, molendinis, multuris et eorum sequelis, aucupationibus, venationibus, piscationibus, petariis, turbariis, carbonibus, carbonariis, cuniculis, cuniculariis, columbis, columbariis, fabrilibus, brasinis, brueriis et genestis, siluis, nemoribus et virgultis, lignis, tignis, lapicidiis, lapide et calce; cum curiis et earum exitibus, amerchiamentis, hereyeldis, bludewitis et mulierum merchetis; cum priuilegio et libertate libere forreste, vert et vennysoun, sok, sak, thole, theme, infangtheif, outfangtheif, pit et gallous; cum curiis balliatus et justiciarie, camerarii et justiciarie itineribus dicte regalitatis; cumque communi pastura, libero introitu et exitu; ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, proficuis, asiamentis ac iustis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad predictum dominium, burgum, ciuitatem, aliaque particulariter prescripta cum pertinentiis spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum; libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, sine aliqua reuocatione, contradictione aut obstaculo quocunque. Reddendo inde annuatim dictus Walterus commendatarius de Blantyre, heredes sui et assignati, nobis et successoribus nostris, ac nostris presentibus et pro tempore existentibus, summam quingentarum librarum, ratione deductionis tercii vsualis monete regni nostri, ad duos anni terminos, festa viz. Penthecostes et Sancti Mertini in hieme; per equales portiones, nomine feudifirme; acetiam heredes et assignati dicti commendatarii duplicando predictam summam primo anno eorum introitus ad dictas terras et dominium de Glasgow, prout vsus est feudifirme, tantum. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus . . . . Apud Dumbartane vicesimo sexto die mensis Augusti, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonogesimo primo, et regni nostri vicesimo quinto.


James, by the grace of God, King of Scots, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know Ye that we, now after our perfect and lawful age of twenty-five years complete, have ratified, approved, and for us and our successors for ever confirmed, a charter and disposition of feufarm therein contained, made, given, and granted by us under our great seal, after our perfect age of twenty-one years complete, with seisin following thereupon, to our faithful and well-beloved counsellor Walter, Commendator of Blantyre, lord of our privy seal, and his heirs and assignees, of all and sundry the lands, lordships, burghs, baronies, regalities, towns, offices, and others respectively underwritten, to wit: The lands and barony of Glasgow, city and burgh of regality of Glasgow, with all lands, bounds, tenements, houses, gardens, orchards, butts of land, malt kilns, barns, and other buildings within the bounds of the said burgh, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, with every part thereof, few-farms, burgh maills, and other duties thereof whatsoever; with all right, title, claim of right, customs, duties, and all other privileges whatsoever, which in any time bygone belonged to the Archbishops of Glasgow; and all and sundry the other lands of the said barony of Glasgow, and in particular of the towns and lands of Mekill Govan, West Scheill, Govane Scheillis, Haggis, Litill Govane, Brigend, Gorballis, Borrowfeild, Nicolas Linnag Hauch, Gersumland, Litill Cowcaldenis, Bromehill, Rammishorne, Dalmarnok, Mekill Cowcaldenis, Stobcors, Over Newtoun, Nether Newtoun, the West Syde of Partik, the Eist Syde of Partik, Hyndland, Kirklie, Mill of Partik, mill lands of the same, Balschagrie, Gartnavill, Balgray, Wodsyde, Garroch, Garbraid, Rouchhill, Keppo, Possillis, Over and Nether Coutstoun, Lambhill, Kenmure, Partik-zaird, Brewland of Partik, Waulk Mill of Partik, mill called Archie Lyonis Mill, Lands of Kendiehill, lands of Haghill, Carrendenis, Prouesthauch, Cadder, Meadow of Partik, new and old parks of Partik, mill called Quhyte milne, Auchinarne, Robertstoun, Linloch, Gardarroch, Crystoun, Dauidstoune, Gartinquene, Gartinquene Mure, Johnestoune, Gartforie, Mukracois, Edingeich, Badlay, Molens, Garcosch, Balgaddeis, Comflattis, Halhill, Balrachany, Windie Hege, Bruntbrome, Blakzeardis, Daldowie, Over Kenmure, Over Carmyle, Nether Carmyle, Dalbeith, all and sundry the lands of Scheddilstoun, Lochwode, and all and sundry the lands of Provand; with castles, towers, fortalices. manor-places, orchards, gardens, parts, pendicles, parks, annexes, connexes, mills, woods, fishings, outsets, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, and all their pertinents, lying within our sheriffdom of Lanark; the lands and barony of Ancrum, mains and mill of Ancrum, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, parks, annexes, connexes, mills, woods, fishings, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, and all their pertinents; the lands and barony of Eskirk, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, gardens, orchards, parks, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, mills, woods, fishings, and all their pertinents; the lands and barony of Leillisleif, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, gardens, orchards, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, woods, fishings, mills, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, and all their pertinents; lying within our sheriffdom of Roxburgh: The lands of Bischoppisforest; the lands of Nudrie Forrester; the lands called the half penny land in Carrik; the kirk lands of Cambusnethane; and all and whatsoever other lands belonged of old time to the said archbishopric of Glasgow, wherever the same lie within our kingdom of Scotland (except the lands and baronies of Stobo and Edilstoun with the bailliaries of the same, and all that may follow thereupon disponed to our faithful and well beloved counsellor John, Lord Thirlstane, our chancellor; and the lands and barony of Carstaris, with the bailliary thereof, and all that may follow thereupon, disponed by us before to the deceased Sir William Stewart, son of Sir Andrew Stewart of Vchiltrie); and also with the presentations, gifts, and right of patronage of all and whatsoever benefices, greater and less, that were of old at the disposal of the archbishops of Glasgow for the time; together with the offices of bailliary and justiciary of the whole regality of the said archbishopric, as well property as tenandry thereof (except the bailliaries of the said lands and baronies above specified; to be held of us and our successors in feufarm or emphiteosis and heritage for ever, as is more fully contained in the said charter made thereupon. And we will and grant, and for us and our successors for ever decern and ordain, that this general ratification and confirmation shall be of as great effect, strength, and sufficiency, in all respects, as if the said charter, with the instrument of sasine following thereon had been at length and word by word herein inserted. Further we, for the good, faithful, and thankful service done and rendered to us by the foresaid Walter, commendator of Blantyre, and for sundry other great respects and good considerations moving us, of our certain knowledge and proper motion, with advice, express consent and assent of our faithful and well-beloved councillors and ordinary officers under specified, to wit, the foresaid John, Lord Thirlestane, our chancellor, Sir Thomas Lyoun of Auldbar, Knight, our treasurer; Lewis Ballenden, of Auch noull, knight, our justice-clerk; and master Robert Dowglas, provost of Lincluden, our collector general, Of new, have given, granted, and disponed, and by the tenor of our present charter give, grant, and dispone to our foresaid faithful and familiar councillor Walter, commendator of Blantyre, and his foresaid heirs and assignees, in feufarm heritably, all and sundry the forenamed lands, lordships, burghs, baronies, regalities, towns, offices, and others respectively above expressed, to wit, the said lands and barony of Glasgow, city, burgh and regality of Glasgow, with all lands, bounds, tenements, houses, gardens, orchards, butts, malt kilns, barns, and other buildings within the bounds of the said burgh, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, and every part thereof, feufarms, burgh maills, and other duties thereof whatsoever; with all right, title, claim of right, customs, duties, and all other privileges whatsoever, which in any times bygone belonged to the said archbishops of Glasgow; and all and sundry other lands of the said barony of Glasgow; and, particularly, the towns and lands of Mekle Govane, Westscheill, Govane Scheillis, Haggis, Litill Govane, Brigend, Gorbillis, Borrowfeild, Nicolas Linnage Hauch, Gersumland, Littill Cowcaldenis, Brumehill, Rammishorne, Dalmarnok, Mekil Cowcaldenis, Stobcors, Over Newtoun, Nether Newtoun, the West Syde of Partik, the Eist Syde of Partik, Hyndland, Kirklie, mill of Partik, mill lands of the same, Balschagrie, Gartnavill, Balgray, Woodsy de, Garroch, Garbreid, Ruchhill, Keppo, Possilis, Over and Nether Cowtstoun, Lambhill, Kenmure, Partik Zaird, Brewland of Partik, Waulk Mill of Partik, mill called Archie Lyonis Mylne, lands of Kendiehill, lands of Haghill, Carrendenis, Provesthauch, twenty pound land of Cadder, with pendicles and pertinents thereof, meadow of Partik, and lands of Quhytinsche, new and old parks of Partik, the mill called Quhytemylne, Auchinarne, Robrestoun, Lumloch, Gardaroch, Crystoun, Dauidstoun, Gartinquene, Gartinquene Mure, Johnestoun, Garteforie, Mukracois, Edingeith, Baldlay, Molens, Garcosche, Balgaddeis, Comflattis, Halhill, Balracheny, Windehege, Bruntbrome, Blackzairdis, Daldowie, Over Kenmuire, Over Karmyld, Nether Karmyld, Dalbeith; all and sundry the lands of Scheddilstoun, Lochwode; and all and sundry the lands of Provand; with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, parts, pendicles, parks, annexes, connexes, mills, woods, fishings, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, and all their pertinents, lying as aforesaid: The lands and barony of Ancrum, the mains and mill of Ancrum; with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, parks, annexes, connexes, mills, woods, fishings, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, and all their pertinents; the lands and barony of Eskirk, with castles towers, fortalices, manor-places, gardens, orchards, parks, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, mills, woods, fishings, and all their pertinents; the lands and barony of Leillisleif, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, gardens, orchards, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, woods, fishings, mills, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, and all their pertinents, lying as aforesaid; the lands of Bischoppis Forrest; the lands of Nudre Forrester; the lands called the halfpenny land in Carrik; the kirklands of Cambusnethane; and all and whatsoever other lands that of old belonged to the said archbishopric of Glasgow, wherever the same lie within our kingdom (excepting the lands and baronies above specified); and also with the presentations, gifts, and right of patronage of all and whatsoever benefices, greater and less, that were of old at the disposal of the archbishops of Glasgow for the time; together with the offices of bailliary and justiciary of the whole regality of the said archbishopric, as well property as tenandry thereof (except the bailliaries of the said lands and baronies above specified); and with all right, title, interest, claim of right, as well petitory as possessory, which we, our predecessors or successors, had, have, or in any way may have or claim to the same, or to any part of the same, or to the cess, maills, profits, or duties thereof, for whatsoever years or terms bygone or to come, by reason of any acts of parliament, other acts, revocations, laws, or customs of our kingdom, or for any other cause, action, or occasion bypast, preceding the date hereof. Renouncing and discharging the same, with all action and instance thereof, for us and our successors, to our foresaid faithful and familiar councillor Walter, commendator of Blantyre, and his heirs and assignees, for now and evermore; cum pacto de non petendo; and with supplement of all defects, as well not named as named, which we will to be held as expressed in this our present charter. And further, we, for certain reasonable causes moving us of new, have erected, created, united, annexed, incorporated, and by the tenor of our present charter unite, erect, create, annex and incorporate all and sundry the foresaid lands, lordship, baronies, burgh of barony and regality, castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, parks, woods, mills, fishings, offices, tenants, tenandries, and services of free tenants, presentations, gifts, and right of patronage of canons, prebendaries, chaplainries, churches and benefices whatsoever, that of old belonged to the said archbishops of Glasgow, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, and all their pertinents, as well particularly as generally above mentioned (except as before excepted) into one free lordship and regality, to be called in all time to come the lordship of Glasgow, and the castle of Glasgow to be the principal messuage of the said lordship. And we decern and ordain that a single seisin now to be taken by the said commendator and his foresaids at the foresaid castle of Glasgow shall stand and be a sufficient seisin for all and sundry the foresaid lands, lordship, baronies, offices, and others respectively above written, without any other particular seisin to be taken at any other part or place thereof in all time to come; notwithstanding that the foresaid lands, lordships, and baronies do not lie contiguous, but in different shires. And in like manner we have given and granted, and by the tenor of our present charter give and grant full licence, freedom, and privilege to the foresaid commendator and his successors in the said lordship and baronies abovewritten, to set in feu-farm the said lands or baronies, or any part thereof, to the old and kindly tenants of the same, to be held of him and his successors in the said lordship. And we declare that such infeftments are and shall be of as much sufficiency and strength in all time to come to the receivers thereof, as if the same had been immediately given and granted to them by us. And to that effect we, for us and our successors, renounce all action, title, interest, and claim of right, which we and our successors have, or may have, in any manner in time to come, to the same or to any part thereof. And also if the foresaid commendator or his successsors in the said lordship of Glasgow shall happen at any time to come to be forfeited (which God forbid), and thereupon the infeftments of the said tenants be called in question or fall in danger, we decern and ordain that the forfeiture to be led against our immediate tenants of the said lordship shall in nowise hurt or prejudice the infeftments of the said tenants to be received respectively by them of the same, but such infeftments of the said tenants shall remain respectively in their strength and effect in all time to come, as if our immediate tenants of the said lordship of Glasgow had never been escheated; whereanent by the tenor of our charter we dispense for ever. And specially we have given, granted, and committed, and by the tenor of our present charter give, grant, and commit to the said commendator and his heirs and assignees our full, free, plain general power and special mandate, in our name, to appoint and begin, affirm, hold, and as often as need be continue, courts of bailliary and justiciary of the said regality, property and tenandry thereof, with their pertinents (except as before excepted), for the tenants and inhabitants thereof, and others whomsoever whom it concerns— suits to cause be called, absents to amerce, transgressors to punish—issues, amerciaments, bludewites, escheats of the said courts, and also all other escheats falling within the said regality and bounds thereof (except as before excepted), for whatever crimes committed by the said inhabitants or any others within the bounds thereof (crimes of treason alone excepted), to uplift, receive, and apply to their use and profit, and to dispone thereupon at their will and pleasure, and to poind and distrain for the same if need be, to cause appraise, sell, and lead away the goods poinded according to form of law—to repledge, lead back, and carry all and sundry tenants and inhabitants of the property and tenandry of the said regality, to the privilege and freedom of the said regality, before whatsoever judge or judges of law, spiritual or temporal, they be attached and arrested—to give and afford to parties complaining Cautio de Collerath, for ministering of justice, within term of law—to make, create, and cause be sworn deputes one or more under them, with clerks, serjeants, adjudicators, and all other needful officers and members of court, for whom the said commendator and his foresaids shall answer; with free chapel and chancery of regality; and generally all and sundry other things to do, say, perform and exercise which shall be needful in or anent the premises, or in any way speedful thereto. Firm and stable holding and to hold all and whatsoever the said commendator and his foresaids and their deputes and officers, shall judge right to be done in the premises. And further, we have given, granted, disponed and assigned, and by the tenor of our present charter give, grant, dispone, and assign to the said commendator of Blantyre and his foresaids the sum of two hundred pounds money yearly of fee, for using and exercising of the said offices of bailliary and justiciary, to be retained by them out of the first and readiest fees and duties within specified; with full power to them to call and pursue for reduction of infeftments of feufarm, if any be, heretofore set, of the said lands, baronies, or any part thereof, according to form of law. To have and to hold all and sundry the foresaid lands and baronies of Glasgow, burgh and city thereof; the lands of Ancrum, Leillisleif, Eskirk; the lands of Calder Quhyteinche; and all other towns and lands particularly above specified, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, parks, woods, mills, fishings, feufarmes, kanes, customs, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, advocations, donations and right of patronage of churches, chaplainries and benefices aforesaid; with full freedom and privilege of regality, chapel and chancery, within all the bounds of the said baronies, burgh, towns and others above mentioned; together with the said offices of bailliary and justiciary of the said regality within all the foresaid bounds thereof, and all their pertinents, particularly above written (except as before excepted); united, annexed, erected and incorporated into one free lordship and regality, as said is, to the foresaid Walter, commendator of Blantyre, his heirs and assignees, of us and our successors in feufarm and heritage for ever; by all their right meiths and old marches, as they lie in length and breadth, in houses, buildings, woods, plains, moors, marshes, ways, paths, waters, dams, streams, meadows, grazings and pastures, mills, multures, and their sequels, fowlings, huntings, fishings, peat-mosses, turf-bogs, coals, coalheughs, coneys, coney-warrens, doves, dovecots, smithies, malt-houses, heaths and broom, woods, groves and thickets, with fuel, timber, quarries, stone and lime; with courts and their issues, amerciaments hereyelds, bludwites and merchets of women; with privilege and freedom of free forest, vert and venison, sok, sak, thole, theme, infangthief, outfangthief, pit and gallows, with courts of bailliary and justiciary, chamberlain and justice ayres of the said regality; and with common pasture, free ish and entry; and with all and sundry other freedoms, commodities, profits, easements, and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging or that may rightly belong in any way in time to come, to the foresaid lordship, burgh, city, and others particularly before written, with their pertinents; freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well and in peace, without any revocation, gainsaying or hindrance whatsoever. Paying therefor yearly the said Walter, Commendator of Blantyre, his heirs and assignees, to us and our successors and our present and for the time being, the sum of five hundred pounds, by reason of deduction of the third, usual money of our realm, at two terms in the year, to wit, the feasts of Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter, by equal portions, in name of feufarm; and also the heirs and assignees of the said commendator, doubling the foresaid sum the first year of their entry to the said lands and lordship of Glasgow, as is the usage of feufarm only. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be appended to this our present charter. Witnesses . . . . At Dumbartane, the twenty-sixth day of the month of August, the year of God one thousand five hundred and ninety-first, and of our reign the twenty-fifth year.


  • 1. The words 'que archiepiscopis' appear to have been substituted by mistake for 'ac unaquaque.'