LXVII: Charter of James VI granting the Rectory of Govan to the College (1577)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'LXVII: Charter of James VI granting the Rectory of Govan to the College (1577)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp168-186 [accessed 19 March 2025].

'LXVII: Charter of James VI granting the Rectory of Govan to the College (1577)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 19, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp168-186.

"LXVII: Charter of James VI granting the Rectory of Govan to the College (1577)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 19 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp168-186.

In this section

LXVII. Charter by King James VI., granting the Rectory and Vicarage of the Parish Church of Govan to the College or Pedagogy of Glasgow, and of new confirming all lands, houses, and revenues granted to it in time past, to be applied in the manner set forth in the King's New Erection and Foundation ingrossed in the charter, for the maintenance of a principal, three regents, a steward, four poor students, the principal's servant, a cook and a janitor. Dalkeith, 13 July 1577.

[Latin text]

Jacobus Dei gracia Rex Scotorum, Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis quia nos ac fidelissimus noster consanguineus Jacobus comes de Mortoun dominus de Dalkeith, nostri ac regni et liegiorum nostrorum Regens, intelligentes quod annua proficua etredditus Collegii seu Pedagogii Glasguensis tam exigua sunt, vt hac nostra etate minime sufficientia sint ad sustentandum principalem, magistros, regentes, bursarios et officiarios necessarios in quouis Collegio, nec ad adminiculandum sustentationi et reparationi eiusdem; ac itaque volentes exiguitatem dictorum paruorum reddituum juuare, et ad faciendum ac erigendum illic quandam faciem Collegii, pro zelo et bona voluntate quam ad propagationem et incrementum bonarum literarum et juuentutis instructionem gerimus, vt membra vtilia ad seruiendum ecclesie Dei et reipublice intra hoc nostrum regnum alantur, instruantur et educantur; cum auisamento et consensu dicti nostri fidelissimi consanguinei et Regentis, dedimus, concessimus, disposuimus, incorporauimus, et per mortificationem pro perpetuo confirmauimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus, concedimus, disponimus, incorporamus, et per mortificationem pro perpetuo confirmamus, dicto Collegio seu Pedagogio Glasguensi, principali, magistris, regentibus, bursariis, seruis et officiariis, per nos specificandis in nostra erectione et fundatione subsequenti desuper confecta, et eorum successoribus, Totam et integram rectoriam et vicariam ecclesie parochialis de Govane, cum omnibus decimis, fructibus, redditibus, proficuis, emolumentis, deuorijs, mansis, gleba, terris ecclesiasticis eiusdem, et suis pertinentiis, jacentis infra diocesim Glasguensem et vicecomitatum nostrum de Ranfrew, nunc per decessum quondam Magistri Stephani Betoun vltimi rectoris et possessoris eiusdem vacantis; idque liberas et exemptas a solutione tertie, taxationis, seu aliarum impositionum quarumcumque: TenDendam Et Habendam totam et integram predictam rectoriam et vicariam ecclesie parochialis de Govane, cum omnibus fructibus, redditibus, proficuis, emolumentis, deuoriis, mansis, gleba, terris ecclesiasticis eiusdem, ac omnibus suis pertinentiis, predicto Collegio et Pedagogio, principali, magistris, regentibus, [bursariis], seruis et officiariis eiusdem, ac successoribus suis, pro perpetuo mortificatam in futurum: cum potestate ipsis per se, suos factores et seruitores, ipsorum nominibus, dictis rectoria et vicaria vtendi, gaudendi, et possidendi, ac decimas, fructus, redditus, proficua, emolumenta, deuoria earundem, ac mansorum, glebarum et terrarum ecclesiasticarum eisdem spectantium cum suis pertinentiis, percipiendi, leuandi et intromittendi, ac desuper ad vsum et effectum suprascriptum disponendi, pro reductione et annullatione infeofamentorum feudifirme earundem, mansorum seu glebarum, vel assedationum de eisdem seu aliqua earundem parte, vocandi et prosequendi, easdem de nouo locandi et assedandi, simili modo ac adeo libere et legitime sicuti rectores vel vicarij dicte ecclesie parochialis potuerunt, seu in vsu facere consueuerunt aliquibus temporibus retroactis, sine aliqua reuocatione, contradictione aut obstaculo aliquali. Acetiam de nouo dedimus, concessimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmauimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus, concedimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmamus dictis collegio, magistris, regentibus, studentibus, seruis ac aliis officiariis subscriptis in eodem seruientibus, omnes et singulos alios annuos redditus, fructus, proficua, deuoria et emolumenta, predicto Collegio antea per quemcunque ordinem seu quouismodo fundata, dotata et concessa: ac praesertim omnes et singulas terras, tenementa, domus, edificia, capellanias, hortos, pomaria, croftas, annuos redditus, fructus, deuoria, proficua et emolumenta, firmas, lie obit silver, ac annuos redditus quoscunque, que quouismodo pertinuerunt seu pertinere dinoscuntur ad aliquas capellanias, altaragia, prebendas, in quacunque ecclesia seu collegio intra ciuitatem Glasguensem fundatas, vel de locis omnium Fratrum eiusdem ciuitatis: vnacum omnibus et singulis terris, domibus, tenementis et annuis redditibus quarumcunque terrarum, domorum et tenementorum intra dictam ciuitatem Glasguensem seu extra eandem eisdem pertinentibus et spectantibus, ac dicto Collegio antea concessis et fundatis. Quosquidem fructus et proficua annuorum reddituum et capellaniarum, cum Fratrum terris, domibus, redditibus et emolumentis antedictis, nos et successores nostri tenore presentis carte nostre volumus et concedimus pacifice leuari et disponi ad vsum dicti Collegii, sine aliqua tertia, impositione aut aliqua alia taxatione quacunque; non obstantibus quibusvis legibus, consuetudinibus, parliamentorum actis seu ordinationibus in contrariam. Acetiam cum potestate ipsis ad vsum dicti Collegii colligendi tertiam fructuum omnium illarum prebendarum et capellaniarum, quarum presentes possessores nunc viuunt. Reddendo inde annuatim dicti principalis, magistri, regentes, bursarii, serui et officiarii dicti Collegii seu Pedagogii Glasguensis, et eorum successores, seruitium communium precum et supplicationum Omnipotenti Deo pro statu prospero nostro et successorum nostrorum, ac doctrinam bonarum literarum et linguarum aliarumque professionum necessariarum, ac vtendo bonis disciplina et ordine in dicto Collegio: disponentes redditus in educationem juuentutis juxta erectionem et fundationem per nos desuper confectam, cuius tenor sequitur: Jacobus Sextus Dei gratia Scotorum Rex, Omnibus et singulis Christiani nominis cultoribus, salutem. Cum diuina prouidentia nos ijs temporibus ad regni gubernacula perduxerit, in quibus Euangelii lucem, expulsis Papismi tenebris, Scotie nostre prelucere voluit; nosque in primis sollicitos esse oporteat, vt tantum Dei beneficium ad posteros nostros propagetur: neque id alia ratione commodius fieri possit quam proba educatione et juuentutis recta informatione in bonis literis, que nisi honoribus et premiis alantur prorsus sunt interiture. Hinc est quod nos, dum rem literariam passim per regnum nostrum in Dei gloriam promouere studeremus, animum etiam nostrum adiecerimus ad colligendas relliquias Academie Glasguensis, quam pre inopia languescentem ac iam pene confectam reperimus. Et cum consilio et concensu dilecti nostri consanguinei Jacobi comitis a Mortoun domini Dalkeith, tutoris nostri et proregis charissimi, ei malo prospicere volentes ad tela paupertatis delenda, que bonarum arcium studiosis maximopere infesta esse solent, dederimus et concesserimus, prout per presentes damus et concedimus, et pro nobis ac successoribus nostris perpetuo confirmamus, et ad mortuam manum perpetuo vnimus ac confirmamus Collegio nostro Glasguensi totam et integram rectoriam de Govane cum vicaria eiusdem, jacentem in diocesi Glasguensi et vicecomitatu nostro de Ranfrew, vacantem per decessum Magistri Stephani Betoun rectoris eiusdem non ita pridem vita functi, cum omnibus decimis, emolumentis et fructibus, gleba et mansionibus, omnibusque aliis commodis que de iure aut consuetudine regni quomodolibet pertinere queant. Volumus autem in dicto nostro Collegio duodecim personas ordinarias residere ad Gymnasii commoda procuranda, et juuentutem bonis literis informandam, que ex impensis et fructibus eiusdem alantur et sustententur pro modo ac facultate reddituum dicto Collegio assignatorum, secundum discretionem Gymnasiarche et regentium subscriptorum: Nimirum, Gymnasiarcham, tres regentes, œconumum, quatuor pauperes studentes, seruum Gymnasiarche, coquum et janitorem, quorum singulos in suis muneribus abeundis sedulos esse volumus, et pro laboribus honoraria ac stipendia percipere, quo maiore alacritate suis officiis inuigilent. Ac primum quidem omnes has duodecim personas collegialiter viuere volumus: quibus pro victu quotidiano assignamus ex prefato beneficio et rectoria de Govane, extendente insolidum in suo rentali ad viginti quatuor celdras, viginti et vnum celdras ad esculenta et poculenta dictis fundatis personis sufficienter sine luxu et profusione sustentandis, vt frugali victus racione ad seriorem studiorum curam incitentur. Quod si subductis racionibus et calculo inito, quid fuerit residui id in pios vsus Collegij et sarta tecta Collegij impendatur eorum arbitratu quos postea in eadem hac fundatione Collegio inuisendo prefecimus. Gymnasiarcham autem pium et probum hominem imprimis esse oporteat; cui totum Collegium et singula eius membra subesse oporteat; cui in singulas Collegii nostri personas jurisdictionem committimus ordinariam. Is in sacris literis probe institutus ad aperienda fidei misteria, et reconditos diuini verbi thesauros explicandos idoneus, linguarum etiam gnarus et peritus sit oportet; imprimis vero Hebraice et Syriace, cuius professorem esse instituimus. Linguam enim sanctam, vt par est, promoueri inter subditos nostros cupimus, vt scripturarum fontes et misteria rectius aperiantur. Itaque dicto nostro Gymnasiarche committimus, quo sedulitatis exemplum toti Collegio diligentia sua subministret, vt indies singulos horam saltem vnam prelegendo impendat, quo tempore maxime erit oportunum; alternis autem diebus prelectionem Theologicam selegat ad explicandos Scripturarum recessus, alternis linguam ipsam sanctam auditoribus explicaturus. Die autem Sabbatino immunem esse a prelectionibus concedimus, quoniam totius septimane ratio ei ab auditoribus exigenda est et opera danda formande ad Goueanum populum concionis: nam cum Collegium nostrum ex decimis et prouentibus eius ecclesie sustentetur, equum esse duximus, vt qui temporalia ministrant spiritualia percipiant, nec pane vite quod est Dei verbum defraudentur. Curam itaque quoad poterit diligentissimam adhibebit Gymnasiarcha, vt eum populum pascat, et in recta morum et vite disciplina contineat; singulisque diebus Dominicis adhortetur ad pietatem et probitatem. Resideat vero in dicto Collegio, neque inde pedem moueat ad longinquiorem aliquam profectionem, nisi re cum Rectore Academie, Decano Facultatis, et ceteris suis collegis regentibus communicata, et venia impetrata, grauiore aliqua de causa aut euidenti Collegij commodo. Quod si Gymnasiarcha, sine licentia legitime petita et obtenta, per triduum extra Gymnasii septa pernoctauerit volumus et muneri eius, quod eo casu vacare pronunciamus, alius idoneus modo infrascripto sufficiatur. Quoties vero dictum Gymnasiarche munus quouismodo vacare contigerit, regentes qui pro tempore fuerint nobis et successoribus nostris eiusdem vacationis denunciationem ilico facere tenebuntur, vt nos certiores facti alium virum grauem et idoneum qui id muneris obeat presentare possumus, cuius etiam presentatio omnibus etiam futuris temporibus ad nos et successores nostros pertinebit. Legitimum autem presentandi tempus nobis et successoribus nostris erit intra triginta dies a denunciatione vacationis dicti muneris; quod nisi fecerimus, licebit personis electoribus subscriptis ad electionem idonee persone modo quo sequitur legitime procedere. Examinatio autem et electio dicti Gymnasiarche ad Glasguensem Archiepiscopum qui est Vniuersitatis Cancellarius, Rectorem Academie, Facultatis Decanum, ecclesiarum Glasguensis, Hammiltonensis, Cadder, Monkland et Ranfrew ministros et pastores, qui ministerio verbi Dei tum fungentur, ac alios viros graues et doctos quos nos et successores nostri dicte examinationi, electioni et admissioni adesse curabimus. Quamquidem examinationem, electionem et admissionem procedere volumus, precedente edicto publico valuis Collegii et ecclesie Glasguensis per regentes affixo, super premonitione triginta dierum ad minus. Admoneant insuper dicti regentes suo edicto Sanctiandreanos, Abirdonenses, et si que alie sint nostre Academie, vt si qui sint idonei ad id munus capescendum presto adsint ad diem condictum, quo neque fauore neque partium gratia sed virtute et eruditionis prestantia electio consummabitur; prefinito ad dictam electionem spatio quadraginta dierum duntaxat a die vacationis. Quod si infra indictum tempus prefinitum vir grauis, doctus et idoneus ex eiusdem electionis prescripta formula minime in dictum Gymnasiarcham eligetur, ea vice antedicte persone, quibus examinandi, eligendi et admittendi Gymnasiarche ius fecimus, idem ius amittent; et eo casu nobis et successoribus nostris licebit prouidere de remedio oportuno, nisi per nos et successores nostros steterit, si forte personam, que facto examine minus idonea comperietur, presentauerimus. Quoniam verum eruditum hominem querimus, cuius humeris totius Collegii onus incumbat, eique insuper ecclesie de Govane curam demandamus, isque neque labores sustinere neque sumptibus sufficere posset, nisi honestis premiis inuitetur; idcirco pro honorario ei constituimus ducentas marcas annuatim leuandas et percipiendas ex prouentibus et annuis redditibus dicti nostri Collegii, que ad idem ante presentem nostram erectionem pertinebant, et que in suo rentali perueniunt ad tercentum libras monete Scotie; ex quibus ducentas, vt dictum est, marcas dicto Preposito attribuimus et assignamus pro suis in collegio laboribus; et pro ecclesie de Govane administratione tres celdras frumenti, quas supra ex eiusdem ecclesie prouentibus a communi tabula ad vsus ministerij reseruauimus. Et sic quidem Prefectum nostri Collegii vitam suam instituere volumus: qui si negligentior fuerit in suo munere, et que sunt ei per specialem erectionem iniuncta non impleuerit, neque resipiscere velit, cum ter admonitus fuerit per Academie Rectorem, Decanum Facultatis, Collegii regentes, vel eorum maiorem partem, sed in malos mores procliuus fuerit, iisdem auctoribus exauctorabitur quos prius in electione locum habere decreuimus. Tres insuper regentes putauimus e re et commodo Gymnasij fore, qui juuentuti instituende presint, et Preposito auxilientur. Primus precepta eloquentie ex probatissimis auctoribus et Grece lingue institutionem profitebitur: adolescentesque tum scribendo tum declamando exercebit, vt in vtriusque lingue facultate pares, et ad philosophie procepta capescenda magis idonei euadere possint. Proximus Dialectice et Logice explicande operam dabit, earumque precepta in vsum et exercitationem proferet, idque ex probatissimis auctoribus, vt Cicerone, Platone, Aristotele de vita et moribus et policia, administratione, que studia huic secundo regenti degustanda prebemus. Et pro adolescentulorum captu enarranda adiunget insuper elementa Arithmetice et Geometrie, in quarum principiis non parum momenti ad eruditionem parandam situm est et ingenii acumen excitandum. His duobus salarii nomine quinquaginta marcas in singulos assignamus, leuandas et percipiendas quotannis ex redditibus et prouentibus ad dictum collegium ante presentem erectionem pertinentibus. Porro tertius regens Phisiologiam omnem, eamque que de Natura est auscultationem, vtpote in primis necessariam, quam diligentissime enarrabit: Geographiam etiam et Astrologiam profitebitur, nec non generalem etiam Chronographiam et temporum a condito mundo supputationem, que res ad alias disciplinas et historiarum cognitionem non parum lucis adferet. Quoniam vero huius tertii regentis opera ac laboribus colophonem philosophico stadio imponi volumus, ac pileo donatos adolescentes ad grauiora studia alacrius contendere, quia etiam procuratio Gymnasii eiusque cura ad eum precipue pertinebit, in Prepositi qualicumque absentia, aut distractione propter ecclesie Goueane administrationem et curam, eidem pro salario concedimus libras monete nostre quinquaginta annuatim leuandas et per cipiendas ex redditibus et prouentibus dicti collegii, qui ante hanc nostram erectionem prius ad dictum Collegium spectabant. Tres autem hos regentes nolumus, prout in reliquis regni nostri Academiis consuetudo est, nouas professiones quotannis immutare; quo fit, vt, dum multa profiteantur in paucie periti inueniantur: verum in eadem professione se exerceant, vt adolescentes qui gradatim ascendunt dignum suis studiis et ingeniis preceptorem reperire queant. Quod si e re Gymnasii fuerit, idque Gymnasiarcha decreuerit, mutare inter se prouincias poterunt. Eorum electio, presentatio et admissio penes Rectorem, Decanum Facultatis et Gymnasiarcham esto; qui bona fide nostram institutionem sequuti, de quam optimis et doctissimis preceptoribus Collegio prouidebunt, qui adolescentes docendo, scribendo, declamando, disputando, quam diligentissime in palestra literaria exerceant. Potestas autem emendandi et corrigendi dictos regentes erit penes dictum Gymnasiarcham, cui etiam potestas erit eosdem Collegio eiiciendi, si postpositis eorum offciis, ter, vt dictum est, admoniti, resipiscere noluerint, cognita tamen causa et adhibito consilio Rectoris et Decani Facultatis. Porro paupertatis cura habita, et quod multi pre inopia a bonis literis deterreantur, adiunximus quatuor pauperes studentes, quos bursarios vocant; eisque assignamus victum ex communibus fructibus dicte ecclesie de Govane et communi tabula dicti Collegii: eos et paupertatis nomine commendatos esse volumus, quibus amici pre inopia suppeditare victum non queant, et ingenii prestantia et grammatice facultatis peritia valere. Eorum presentationem penes Comitem a Mortoun consanguineum nostrum et tutorem charissimum, eiusque heredes masculos, succedentibus temporibus esse volumus, quibus deficientibus penes legitimos quosque heredes suos, secundum tenorem noui infeofamenti dilecto nostro consanguineo et tutori predicto desuper concessi, prout in eodem latius continetur. Admissionem vero et collationem dictorum bursariorum penes Gymnasiarcham, cuius erit cure prouidere ne diuites pauperum loco admittantur, neue fuci aluearia depascant, sed eos in Gymnasium recipere, qui patrie ornamento et ecclesie vsui esse poterunt. Hos autem pauperes nostros humilitatis et obedientie exemplar esse volumus, et per omnia preceptoribus morem gerere; quod nisi fecerint, potestatem facimus dicto Gymnasiarche et preceptoribus eos puniendi, et pro ratione delicti vsque ad eorundem eiectionem de dicto Collegio inclusiue, si propter eorum contumaciam id promeriti fuerint. Eorum in Collegium ingressus calendis Octobris sit; permaneantque in studio literario et Gymnasii sumptibus alantur totos tres annos cum dimedio; quod tempus idoneum iudicamus, pro ceterarum Academiarum regni nostri consuetudine, ad stadium philosophicum consummandum et lauream adipiscendam: quibus exactis, noui bursarii prouideantur donec iterum ad metam decurrerint. Economum autem et prouisorem hominem bonum et industrium requirimus, cui salus Collegii sua ipsius longe sit potior. Is initio sue administrationis cautionem prestabit res Collegii saluas fore, seque bona fide administraturum. Penes eum erit prouentus et redditus Collegii qualescumque colligere, dicere diem debitoribus conuenire in iudicio nomine Collegii, et cetera legitima peragere. Eius erit tempestiue ex preceptorum arbitrio Collegio prouidere in ijs que ad victum pertinent, et fori quotidie curam agere in ijs emendis que ad Collegii sustentationem pertinent. Is autem tenebitur in singulos dies rationem reddere emptorum et importatorum Gymnasiarche et reliquis preceptoribus presentibus, ne qua in re minima fraus fiat Collegio: quotidiane enim rationes in aduersaria redacte magno erunt familie vsui. Porro preceptores ipsi vnacum oeconomo tenebuntur rationem reddere administrationis quater in anno Rectori, Decano Facultatis, et ministro vrbis Glasguensis, qui operam dabunt calendis Octobris, calendis Februarii, calendis Maii, calendis Augusti, vt quam exactissimo calculo omnia subducantur; quorum etiam conscientias appellamus, vt omnia recte et secundum nostram intentionem in dicto Collegio administrata esse videant, et in ordinem sua authoritate redigant, et quater in annos singulos dictis rationibus subscribant; que tum solummodo auctentice habebuntur. Eorumque consilio quicquid fuerit residui, siue ex veteri erectione, siue ex hac nostra fundatione, id omne, rentalibus probe examinatis et discussis, in necessarios Collegii vsus, et sarta tecta tum Collegii tum chori Goueani, aliosque vsus Gymnasii non pretermittendos, impendatur et distribuatur. Quoniam autem variis curis et occupationibus distrahi prouisorem nostrum oportebit, ei salarii nomine viginti libras monete nostre persolui jubemus, preterea que necessario ad recipiendos Collegio prouentus ab eodem impenduntur, que illi in rationibus deduci equum est. Victum preterea honeste ex communi nostra tabula et ecclesie de Govane prouentibus assignamus, vt rectius liberalitate nostra in vitatus munere suo fungi queat. Ad hec Gymnasiarche siue Prefecti seruum, sine cuius opera commode et honeste in Collegio degere non potest, volumus ex communi tabula et ecclesie de Govane prouentu ali ac sustentari. Coquo etiam et janitori victum et sex marcas annuatim in singulos attribuimus: eosque (quorum eligendi et depriuandi ius apud Primarium esto) et omnes fundatas personas hortamus et monemus, vt pie, Christiane magnaque cum diligentia et fide suis officiis inuigilent, nostreque expectationi ea in re satisfaciant. Studentes autem, quos magno numero speramus passim ex toto hoc regno ad Gymnasium nostrum confluxuros, volumus quiete et pacifice degere, nemiuem ciuium verbo vel facto ledere, Rectori, Gymnasiarche et regentibus morem gerere, sedulos esse in bonarum literarum studiis, vt parentibus honori, ecclesie vsui, et reipublice ornamento esse queant. Insuper cum Sathane astum percipiamus nullibi non dantis operam, vt juuentutem ab Euangelii professione ad plusquam Cymmerias Papismi tenebras abducat, districte mandamus vt singuli qui in hanc nostram Academiam fuerint coaptati fidei professionem edant, eadem nimirum que e Dei verbo petita et transcripta a nobis in regni nostri conuentibus edita atque publicata est. Idque faciant semel ad minimum quotannis, vt profligato humani generis hoste Collegium nostrum virtute, eruditione et piis moribus efflorescat, in Dei sempiternam gloriam, quam nostra hac fundatione solummodo ob occulos nostros proposuimus vtpote vnicam nostrarum omnium actionum metam. Volumus autem nostrum hoc Collegium et Academiam Glasguensem ijs omnibus immunitatibus et priuilegiis gaudere, que a maioribus nostris aut nobis aut alias quouismodo concessa sunt vlli aliarum in regno nostro Academiarum, tam libere, pacifice et quiete acsi eedem ab antiquis retro temporibus vltra hominum memoriam illi obuenissent. Sit autem Deo patri, Christo Jesu filio, et Spiritui Sancto, omnis honor et gloria in omne euum, Amen. Quare mandamus et precipimus Archiepiscopo Glasguensi, vel in eius absentia cuicunque ministro intra diocesim Glasguensem, ad tradendum institutionem et possessionem rectorie et vicarie de Govane antedictarum prefato collegio, principali, magistris, regentibus, bursariis, seruis et fundatis officiariis eiusdem, apud parochialem ecclesiam de Govane, vt remaneant mortificate omnibus temporibus affuturis, sine vlla alia institutione aut possessione earundem aliquo tempore futuro suscipienda. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus, reuerendo in Christo patre Adamo episcopo Orcadensi commendatario monasterii nostri Sancte Crucis prope Edinburgh; dilectis nostris consanguineis Willelmo comite Mariscalli domino Keith, Joanne domino Glammis cancellario nostro, venerabili in Christo patre Roberto commendatario monasterii nostri de Dunfermeling, nostro secretario; dilectis nostris familiaribus consiliariis, Magistris Georgio Buquhannane pensionario de Corsragwell nostri secreti sigilli custode, Jacobo Makgill de Rankelour Nethir nostrorum rotulorum registri ac consilij clerico, Lodouico Bellendene de Auchnoull milite nostre justiciarie clerico, et Alexandro Hay nostre cancellarie directore. Apud Dalkeith, decimo tertio die mensis Julij anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo septimo, et regni nostri decimo.


James by the grace of God, King of Scots, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we and our most faithful cousin, James, earl of Mortoun, lord of Dalkeith, Regent to us, and our kingdom and lieges, understanding that the annual profits and rents of the College or Pedagogy of Glasgow are so small that they are not sufficient in this our time for the maintenance of the principal, masters, regents, bursars, and officers necessary in any college, nor to assist in the upholding and repairing thereof; and therefore desiring to aid the slenderness of the said scanty rents, and for making and erecting therein some appearance of a college, of the zeal and good-will which we bear to the spread and growth of learning, and the instruction of youth, to the end that useful members may be reared, instructed, and educated, for serving the Church of God and the commonwealth within this our kingdom; with advice and consent of our said most faithful cousin and Regent, have given, granted, disponed, incorporated, and in mortmain for ever confirmed, and by the tenor of our present charter, give, grant, dispone, incorporate, and in mortmain for ever confirm to the said College or Pedagogy of Glasgow, the principal, masters, regents, bursars, servants, and officers, to be specified by us in our erection and foundation following made thereupon, and their successors, all and whole the rectory and vicarage of the parish church of Govane, with all teinds, fruits, rents, profits, emoluments, dues, manses, glebe, kirklands of the same, and their pertinents, lying within the diocese of Glasgow and our sheriffdom of Renfrew, now vacant by decease of the late Master Stephen Betoun, last rector and possessor thereof; and that, free and exempt from payment of third, taxation, or other impost whatsoever: To Have And To Hold All and Whole the foresaid rectory and vicarage of the parish Church of Govane, with all fruits, rents, profits, emoluments, dues, manses, glebe, kirklands thereof, and all their pertinents to the foresaid College and Pedagogy, to the principal, masters, regents, [bursars,] servants and officers thereof, and their successors, in mortmain for ever in time to come: With power to them, by themselves, their factors and servants in their names, to use, enjoy, and possess the said rectory and vicarage, and to receive, uplift, and intromit with the teinds, fruits, rents, profits, emoluments, dues of the same, and of the manses, glebes, and kirklands belonging to the same, with their pertinents, and to dispone upon the same to the use and effect above written, to call and pursue for reducing and annulling of infeftments in fen-farm thereof, of the manses or glebes, or of tacks of the same, or any part thereof, to set in tack and let the same of new, in like manner and as freely and lawfully as the rectors or vicars of the said parish church could have done, or were in use to do, at any time bygone, without any revocation, gainsaying, or hindrance whatsoever. And Also of new we have given, granted, and for us and our successors for ever confirmed, and by the tenor of our present charter give, grant, and for us and our successors for ever confirm to the said College, masters, regents, students, servants, and other officers under written serving therein, all and sundry other annual rents, fruits, profits, dues, and emoluments, before founded, gifted and granted to the foresaid College by any order or in any manner: and particularly all and sundry the lands, tenements, houses, buildings, chaplainries, gardens, orchards, crofts, annual rents, fruits, dues, profits, and emoluments, maills, obit silver, and annual rents whatsoever, that in any way belonged or are known to belong to any chaplainries, altarages, prebends, founded in any Church or College within the city of Glasgow, or of the places of all the friars of the said city: together with all and sundry lands, houses, tenements and annual rents of whatsoever lands, houses, and tenements within the said city of Glasgow, or outwith the same pertaining and belonging to them, and formerly granted and founded in favour of the said College. Which fruits and profits of annual rents and chaplainries, with the Friars' lands, houses, rents, and emoluments aforesaid, we and our successors, by the tenor of our present charter, will and grant to be peaceably uplifted and disponed to the use of the said College, without any third, impost, or any other taxation whatsoever; not withstanding any laws, customs, acts of parliament, or ordinances to the contrary; and also with power to them to ingather for the use of the said College the third of the fruits of all those prebends and chaplainries, the present possessors of which are now in life. Paying therefore yearly the said principal, masters, regents, bursars, servants and officers of the said College or Pedagogy of Glasgow and their successors, the service of common prayers and supplications to Almighty God, for the prosperity of us and our successors, and instruction in letters and languages, and other necessary studies, and the exercise of good discipline and order in said College: applying the rents for the education of youth according to the erection and foundation made by us thereupon, whereof the tenor follows: James the Sixth, by the grace of God, King of Scots, to all and sundry who bear the Christian name, greeting. Since divine providence has brought us to the government of the kingdom, in these times in which it ordained the light of the gospel to illumine our country of Scotland, and the darkness of Popery to be dispelled; and it behoves us to be specially concerned, that so great a blessing of God should be transmitted to our posterity; and since by no other means can that be so conveniently done, as by a sound education and right training of youth in learning, which will soon wholly perish, unless it be fostered by honours and rewards. Therefore it is that we, while striving to advance learning everywhere throughout our realm to the glory of God, turned our attention also to gather together the remains of our University of Glasgow, which we found to be pining in poverty, and now well nigh ruined. And we, with advice and consent of our well beloved cousin James, earl of Mortoun, lord Dalkeith our dearest guardian and Regent, wishing both to provide against that calamity, and to obviate the sting of poverty, which is wont to be most adverse to persons studious of the liberal arts, have given and granted, as by these presents we give and grant, and for us and our successors for ever confirm, and in mortmain for ever unite and confirm, to our said College of Glasgow, All and whole the rectory of Govane, with the vicarage thereof, lying in the diocese of Glasgow and sheriffdom of Ranfrew, vacant by decease of Master Stephen Betoun, rector thereof, lately deceased, with all teinds, emoluments and fruits, glebe and manses, and all other advantages which by right or custom of our kingdom may in any way belong thereto. And we will that twelve persons in ordinary reside in our said College, for attending to the welfare of the College, and instructing the youth in letters, who shall be maintained and supported from the charges and fruits thereof, according to the measure and ability of the rents assigned to the said College, at the discretion of the principal and regents underwritten: to wit, the principal, three regents, a steward, four poor students, a servant of the principal, a cook, and a janitor, every one of whom we desire to be attentive in discharging of their duties, and to receive fees and stipends for their work, that they may attend to their duties with the greater alacrity. And in the first place it is our will that all these twelve persons live in community; and we assign to them for their daily provision, out of the foresaid benefice and rectory of Govane, extending in all in its rental to twenty four chalders, twenty one chalders for food and drink for sustaining the said foundationers sufficiently, without extravagance and waste, that by means of frugal fare they may be incited to more earnest application to their studies. And if on casting up and balancing of the accounts any residue remain over, it shall be spent on pious uses of the College and repairing the buildings of the College, at the will of those whom we have hereafter appointed in this our foundation to make a visitation of the College. And especially must the principal be a good and upright man, to whom the whole College and every one of its members must be subject; and to him we commit ordinary jurisdiction over every one of the persons of our College. It behoves him to be well versed in holy writ, to open up the mysteries of the faith, and fitted to unfold the hidden treasures of the word of God, and knowing and skilled in languages; and particularly in Hebrew and Syriac, of which we appoint him to be professor. For, as is reasonable, we wish to promote the knowledge of the sacred tongue among our subjects, that the springs and mysteries of the Scriptures may be the more rightly laid open. Wherefore we charge our said Principal that, he by his diligence, exhibit a pattern of assiduity to the whole College, that he spend an hour at least every day in prelecting at whatever time is most convenient; and on alternate days he shall choose a Theological lecture, to unfold the mysteries of the Scriptures, and on the intermediate days shall explain the said sacred language to his hearers. And we grant that he be exempt from prelecting on the Saturday, since an account of the whole week should be required by him from his hearers, and attention given to prepare a discourse for the people of Govane; for since our College is upheld out of the teinds and revenues of that Church we deem it right, that they who furnish the temporal things should receive of the spiritual; and not be defrauded of the bread of life, which is the word of God. Wherefore the principal shall bestow the most diligent care to feed that people, and keep them in right discipline of life and manners; and on every Lord's day, shall exhort them to godliness and integrity. And he shall reside in the said College, and not move thence on any considerable journey, unless he have communicated his business to the rector of the University, the Dean of Faculty, and his other colleagues the Regents, and have got leave, for some very weighty reason, or the obvious advantage of the College. But if the Principal, without leave lawfully sought and obtained, shall have spent the night for the space of three days outside the bounds of the College, it is our will that, in manner underwritten, another fit person be elected to his office, which in that case we declare to be vacant. And as often as the office of the said Principal shall happen to fall vacant in any manner, the regents for the time shall be bound instantly to make intimation to us and our successors of the said vacancy, that we, on being so informed, may present another grave and fit person to undertake that office, which presentation moreover in all times to come shall belong to us and our successors. And the lawful time for us and our successors to present shall be within thirty days from intimation of the vacancy of the said office; and if we do not, it shall be lawful to the persons electors underwritten lawfully to proceed to the election of a fit person, in manner as follows. And the examination and election of the said principal [shall belong] to the Archbishop of Glasgow, who is the chancellor of the University, the Rector of the University, the Dean of Faculty, the ministers and pastors of the churches of Glasgow, Hammilton, Cadder, Monkland, and Ranfrew, who are at the time engaged in the ministry of the word of God, and other grave and learned men whom we and our successors shall procure to be present at the said examination, election, and admission. Which examination, election, and admission, we ordain to take place, a public intimation having been previously affixed by the regents on the doors of the College, and of the Church of Glasgow, on a warning of thirty days at least. Further the said regents shall warn those of St Andrews, Aberdeen, and any others of our University, that if there be any who are fit to undertake that office, they be present on the day appointed, on which the election shall be completed, neither for favour, nor influence of party, but for worth and superiority in learning; the space of forty days only from the day of vacance being prescribed for the said election. But if within the appointed time prescribed, a grave, learned, and fit man shall not be chosen for the said principal, after the form of the said election above described, the foresaid persons, to whom we have given the right of examining, electing, and admitting the Principal, shall lose the said right for that occasion; and in that case it shall be lawful to us and our successors to provide a suitable remedy, unless the default be chargeable on us and our successors, from happening to present a person who, on trial made, shall be found unfit. And seeing that we seek a man of erudition, on whose shoulders the burden of the whole College may lie, and we further commit to him the charge of the Church of Govane; and that he could neither undergo the labour, nor bear the charges, unless he were encouraged by suitable recompense; therefore we appoint to him for salary two hundred merks yearly, to be uplifted and taken out of the revenue and annual rents of our said College, which belonged to it before our present erection, and which in the rental thereof come to three hundred pounds Scotch money; out of which, as said is, we give and assign to the said principal, two hundred merks, for his labours in the College, and for serving the Church of Govane three chalders of corn, which we have reserved above out of the revenue of the said church from the common table for the use of the ministry. And it is our will that the principal of our College so order his life; and if he prove negligent in his office, and do not fulfil the duties enjoined on him by special erection, and refuse to amend when he shall have been thrice warned by the rector of the University, the dean of faculty, the regents of the College, or the greater part of them, but shall persist in ill behaviour, he shall be deprived of office by the same authorities whom we have above appointed to have share in his election. Farther, we have thought it fitting and advantageous to the College that there should be three regents to preside over the education of the youth, and assist the principal. The first shall be professor of the principles of Rhetoric, out of the most approved authors, and shall give instruction in the Greek language; and shall practise the young men both in writing and declaiming, that they may become equally ready in the use of either tongue, and more fit to receive the principles of philosophy. The next shall give his endeavour to explain Dialectics and Logic, and set forth the principles of the same for use and practice, and that out of the best authors, such as Cicero, Plato, Aristotle on life, morals and policy, government, which studies we assign to be treated of by the second regent. And according to the capacity of the boys he shall further teach the elements of arithmetic and geometry, the principles of which are of no small importance for the acquisition of learning, and sharpening the intellect. To these two we assign in name of salary fifty merks apiece, to be uplifted and taken yearly out of the rents and profits which belonged to the said College before the present erection. Further the third Regent shall teach with his utmost diligence the whole of Physiology, and the observation of Nature, as especially necessary; he shall also profess Geography and Astronomy, and likewise general Chronology, and computation of time from the creation of the world, a thing which sheds not a little light on other branches of learning and the knowledge of history. And since it is our will to set a period to the work and labours of this third regent in the Philosophic Course, and that young men, being released from it, apply themselves with greater alacrity to their graver studies; whereas also the superintendence of the College and charge thereof shall devolve specially on him in case of absence of the principal, or his preoccupation with the management and charge of the church of Govane, we grant to him for salary fifty pounds of our money, yearly, to be uplifted and taken out of the rents and profits of the said College, that formerly belonged to the said College before this our erection. And it is not our will that these three regents change every year into new courses, as is the custom in the other colleges of our kingdom, whereby it comes to pass that while they profess many branches of learning they are found skilled in few; but they shall exercise themselves in the same course, that young men who ascend step by step, may find their preceptor worthy of their studies and gifts. But if the condition of the College require it, and the Principal so determine, they shall have power to change their departments with each other. And their election, presentation, and admission shall lie in the hands of the Rector, the dean of Faculty, and the Principal; and they carrying out our erection in good faith, shall provide for the College the best and most learned preceptors they can find, to train the young men in teaching, writing, declaiming, debating, with the utmost diligence in the palaestra of letters. And the power of correcting and reproving the said regents shall lie in the hands of the said Principal, who shall also have the power of expelling them from the College, if they neglect their duties, and on being thrice warned as said is, refuse to amend; only however after examination of the cause and deliberation had by the Rector and dean of Faculty. Farther taking account of poverty, and how many are held back from learning through lack of means, we have added four poor students, called bursars; and we assign to them their provision out of the common fruits of the said Church of Govane, and common table of the said College; and it is our will that they be recommended thereto on the ground of poverty, being persons whom their friends, being needy, cannot maintain, and who are gifted with excellent parts and knowledge in the faculty of grammar. We will that their presentation be vested in the earl of Mortoun our dearest cousin and guardian, and his heirs male in time to come, whom failing his lawful heirs whomsoever, according to the tenor of the new infeftment made thereupon to our well-beloved cousin and guardian foresaid, as is at greater length contained in the same. And the admission and collation of the said bursars shall be in the power of the Principal, whose care it shall be to take heed that rich men are not admitted instead of poor, nor drones feed upon the hive, but to receive into the College those who may prove an ornament to their country, and useful to the Church. And we will that these our poor students be a pattern of humility and obedience, and do the will of their preceptors in everything; but if they do not, we give power to the said Principal and preceptors to punish them, according to the character of their fault, even to their expulsion from the College, if they have merited it by their contumacy. Their entry to the College shall be on the first of October; and they shall continue in literary study and be supported at the charge of the College three whole years and a half; which time we deem sufficient, according to the usage of the other Universities of our kingdom, for finishing a philosophical course, and taking a degree; on the expiry whereof, new bursars shall be provided, till they again shall have run their course. And we require the steward and provisor to be a good and industrious man, to whom the weal of the College shall be more dear than his own. At entering on his charge he shall give caution that the goods of the College shall be safe, and that he will administer them faithfully. It shall be his duty to gather in the profits and rents of the College whatsoever, to set a day for debtors to appear in court, in the name of the College, and to transact other lawful business. He shall be bound timeously to provide the College, at the will of the teachers, in whatever belongs to their victuals, and to attend to marketing daily in buying of those things that belong to the sustenance of the College. He shall also be bound to render an account every day to the principal and other teachers present of what things have been bought and brought in, lest in anything the least fraud be practised upon the College; for the entering of the accounts daily in a day-book will be of great advantage to the household. Further the said teachers, together with the steward, shall be bound to give in an account of their management, four times a year, to the Rector, the dean of faculty, and the minister of the city of Glasgow, who shall give heed on the first day of October, first of February, first of May, first of August, that all be reckoned up as exactly as possible; to whose consciences also we appeal, that they see that all things in the said College be administered rightly and according to our intent, and that they reduce them to order by their authority, and four times in the year subscribe the said accounts; which then only shall be held as authentic: And by their advice whatever residue shall remain over, whether from the ancient erection, or from this our foundation, shall all, after the rentals have been thoroughly examined and investigated, be spent and disbursed on the necessary requirements of the College, and repair of the buildings, both of the College, and of the choir of Govane, and other needs of the university that may not be passed over. And since our provisor cannot fail to be fully occupied with variety of cares and duties, we command twenty pounds of our money to be paid to him, in name of salary, besides what is necessarily spent by him in collecting the revenues of the College, which it is right should be allowed to him in his accounts. Further we assign him sufficient provision out of our common table and revenues of the Church of Govane, that he may be the better able to do his duty, when encouraged by our liberality. In addition, it is our will that the servant of the Principal or president, without whose attendance he cannot live comfortably and respectably in the College, be kept and upheld out of the common table and revenue of the church of Govane. We also assign to the cook and porter their food and six merks yearly apiece: and we exhort and warn them (the right of election and dismissal of whom shall be with the Principal), and all the foundationers, that they apply themselves to their duties in a pious and Christian way with great diligence, and fulfil our expectation in this respect. And it is our will that the students, whom we expect to flock in great numbers from every part of our whole realm to our University, live quietly and peaceably, injure none of the citizens by word or deed, be obedient to the Rector, principal, and regents, be sedulous in their pursuit of learning, that so they may be a credit to their parents, useful to the Church, and an ornament to the commonwealth. Moreover, since we perceive the craftiness of Satan, everywhere endeavouring to withdraw youth from the profession of the gospel to the more than Cimmerian darkness of Popery, we strictly command that every one who shall be admitted to this our University shall make a profession of his faith, to wit, that which derived and transcribed from the word of God, has been given forth and prescribed by us in the parliaments of our realm. And this shall they do once every year, at least, that discomfiting the enemy of mankind, our College may flourish in virtue, learning, and godly behaviour, to the everlasting glory of God, which alone we have had in view in this our foundation, as the only goal of all our proceedings. We will also that this our College and University of Glasgow, enjoy all those immunities and privileges, which have been granted by our ancestors, or us, or formerly in any manner of way, to any of the other Universities in our kingdom, as freely, peaceably, and quietly, as if the same had come into their possession from ancient times, beyond the memory of man. To God the Father, Christ Jesus his Son, and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end, amen. Wherefore we charge and command the archbishop of Glasgow, or in his absence any minister within the diocese of Glasgow, to give institution and possession of the foresaid rectory and vicarage of Govane, to the foresaid College, principal, masters, regents, bursars, servants, and founded officers thereof, at the parish church of Govane, to remain mortified in all times to come, without any other institution or possession thereof to be taken at any time to come. In witness where of we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to this our present Charter. Witnesses, a reverend father in Christ, Adam, bishop of Orkney, commendator of our Monastery of Holyrood, near Edinburgh; our well beloved cousins, William, earl Marischall, lord Keith; John, lord Glammis, our chancellor; a venerable father in Christ, Robert, commendator of our monastery of Dunfermeling, our secretary; our well beloved familiar counsellors, Masters George Buquhannane pensioner of Corsraguell, keeper of our privy seal, James Makkill of Rankelour Nethir, clerk of our rolls, register, and council, Lewis Bellendene of Auchnoull, knight, clerk of our justiciary, and Alexander Hay, director of our chancery. At Dalkeith, the thirteenth day of the month of July, the year of God, one thousand five hundred and seventy seventh, and of our reign the tenth year.