Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'LXIII: Charter granting kirk livings for support of teachers and students at the College (1573)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 20 March 2025].
'LXIII: Charter granting kirk livings for support of teachers and students at the College (1573)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 20, 2025,
"LXIII: Charter granting kirk livings for support of teachers and students at the College (1573)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 20 March 2025.
In this section
LXIII. Charter by the Provost, Bailies, and Councillors of the City of Glasgow, granting to the Pedagogy or College for the maintenance of a principal, being also a professor of theology, two regents and teachers of philosophy, and twelve poor students, all the kirk livings which had been bestowed on the burgh by the charter No. LIX. Glasgow, 8 January 1572–73
[Latin text]
Vniuersis et singulis in Christo fidelibus ad quorum notitiam præsentes literæ peruenerint, et quos infrascriptum tangit negotium, seu quorum imposterum quouismodo interesse poterit, Joannes Stewart de Mynto miles prepositus burgi et ciuitatis Glasguensis, magister Adamus Wallace, Archibaldus Lyoun et Georgius Elphinstoune, balliui, ceterique a consiliis ciuitatis, totaque vrbis nostræ ac burgi Glasguensis communitas, salutem in eo qui est omnium vera salus. Quum nos, inter alia ciuitatis nostræ detrimenta atque incommoda, scolas nostras atque gymnasia omnino perire animaduertamus, adolescentiamque nostram, quæ prius vitæ ac morum probitate informabatur, otio, ignauia, lasciuiaque torpescere, huic rei pro munere nobis credito remedium adferre ex intimis animi penetralibus studentes, Pædagogium nostrum Glasguense quod præ sumptuum inopia pene cor , ruerat, et in quo disciplinarum studia præ nimia paupertate extincta jacebant, renouare, restaurare, dotare in nounamque fundationem erigere volumus: Indecorum quippe, imo indignum, rati, in tanta euangelii luce quæ jam passim circumfulget, scolas ecclesiæ totiusque reipublicæ seminaria, contemni ac negligi, operam dedimus, quanta a nobis diligentia fieri potuit, vt in hac saltem academia bonarum artium studia reuiuiscerent pristinumque decus ac gloriam tuerentur. Inde enim breui futurum speramus vt mater hec nostra Vniversitas inuictissimos athletas et Christianæs fidei pugiles fortissimos producat, ex eaque tanquam ex equo Troiano ad omnia reipublicæ munia subeundo peritissimi exercitatissimique adolescentes prosiliant. Noueritis igitur nos, (quod foelix nobis faustumque ac toti reipublicæ sit!) præmissa tanquam opus memoratu dignum diligenti meditatione præponderantes, et assidua frequentique adhortatione, suasu, consilio et auxilio viri multum colendi magistri Andreæ Hay rectoris ecclesiæ de Ranfrew, vice-superintendentis rectorisque pro tempore Vniuersitatis nostræ Glasguensis, huiusmodi Collegium dotare, fundare et erigere modo, forma et conditionibus subsequentibus; eaque occasione dedisse, concessisse, annexasse, incorporasse et vniuisse, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris et confirmasse, prout per præsentes damus, annectimus, incorporamus et pro perpetuo vnimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris disponimus et confirmamus omnes et singulas terras, tenementa, domus, ædificia, ecclesias, capellas, hortos, pomeria, croftas, annuos reditus, fructus, deuoria, proficua et emolumenta, firmas, lie obit siluer et anniuersaria quæcunque, quæ quouismodo pertinuerunt aut pertinere dignoscuntur ad quascunque capellas, alteragia, præbendarias, in quacunque ecclesia aut collegio intra nostram ciuitatem Glasguensem fundata seu fundatas, aut loca fratrum omnium nostræ ciuitatis, vnacum omnibus et singulis terris, domibus et tenementis ac annuis reditibus de quibuscunque terris, domibus ac tenementis intra dictam nostram ciuitatem seu extra eandem nobis pertinentibus aut spectantibus, aut leuari seu percipi solitis et consuetis; juxta et secundum tenorem et formam infeofamenti nobis desuper facti et concessi per Mariam Reginam matrem supremi domini nostri regis sub eius magno sigillo, de data apud Edinburghe diei decimi sexti mensis Martii annique Domini millesimi quingentesimi sexagesimi sexti, et regni sui anni vigesimi quinti, prædicto nostro Collegio ac regentibus ac studentibus infra nominatis in eodem residentibus, ad illorum honestam et commodam sustentationem temporibus futuris, ad numerum quindecim personarum. Quarum primus professor erit theologiæ, in eaque facultate grauiter et strenue exercitatus, vocabiturque Collegii præfectus seu præpositus: duo insuper alii erunt regentes Dialecticæ, Physices, Ethices, Politices, atque adeo totius philosophiæ didascali et præceptores: duodecim præterea erunt studentes pauperes, apti ad literas et philosophiam capessendam, quibus neque parentes præ inopia, neque ipsi pro angustia patrimonii subuenire ac sumptum suppeditare possint. Pro sustentatione vero et victu quotidiano dictarum quindecim personarum et seruitorum communium ad communes Collegii vsus inseruientium, omnes et singuli annui redditus, prouentus, emolumenta, firmæ et proficua capellaniarum, præbendarum, altarium præscriptarum, nobis virtute dicti infeofamenti serenissimæ dominæ nostræ reginæ pertinentes, vnacum fructibus, redditibus, prouentibus, custumis et aliis emolumentis quibuscunque dicto nostro Collegio ac Pedagogio prius solui solitis et consuetis, leuabuntur et percipientur. Vnacum potestate dictis præposito et duobus regentibus et ipsorum successoribus, per seipsos aut ipsorum prouisorem aut collectorem seu officiarios, quos suo nomine constituent, præfatos annuos redditus, fructus, firmas, deuoria, proficua et emolumenta quæcunque perpetuis futuris temporibus leuandi et percipiendi, vbicunque prius leuari et percipi solebant, aut in futurum percipi aut leuari poterunt virtute donationis prædictæ. Munus autem ipsius prepositi, vnacum iis quæ ad eum ex Collegio pertinebunt commoda, pro toto vitæ eius tempore durare volumus, nisi eiusmodi flagitiis se contaminauerit aut alias ineptum se reddiderit vt deponi et abdicari officio mereatur. Quo casu, iis jus deponendi concedimus qui et facultatem habent eligendi, cancellario nimirum, rectori Vniversitatis, facultatis decano, et decano rectori de Hamiltoune, rectorique ecclesiæ Glasguensis, si verbi ministerio hi duo vltimi functi fuerint. Regentes vero sexto quoque anno, hoc est, cum duas in curriculo classes absoluerint, prepositi, rectoris academiæ, et decani facultatis arbitrio, remoueri poterunt; præsertim, si eos tædere laboris cœperit, neque satis diligenter suo muneri incumbant. Quod si quid intra hæc annorum spatia admiserint officio indignum, penes eosdem iudicium esto vel corrigendi, vel, si ita facto est opus, abdicandi officio. Aliæ vero duodecim pauperum personæ in esculentis, potulentis, Collegii cameris ac cubiculis, reliquisque (ut vocant) asiamentis, debite prouideantur et sustententur pro spatio trium annorum cum dimidio duntaxat; quod tempus ad lauream magistralem acquirendam in artium facultate secundum facultatis ipsius statuta, idoneum esse iudicamus, neque vlli pauperum studentium permittimus eius temporis prorogationem; sed eo exacto remoueri a bursis suis debebunt, vt alij idonei ac habiles eorum loco sub stituantur. Insuper volumus quod ipse prepositus Collegii per singulos hebdomadæ dies sacris libris publice legendis et interpretandis in Collegii cathedra exerceatur. Regentes autem dialecticæ, logicæ, physicæ, moralis philosophiæ, metaphysicæque, præceptis edocendis sedulo incumbant, atque in horas pene operam nauent, pro classium varietate, Collegii statutis et prepositi voluntate. Vt autem præfati prepositus et regentes maiori alacritate et cura ad officia sua peragenda incitentur, animentur atque inflammentur, præter ea victus commoda, de quibus supra, sallarij loco vel honorarij, preposito Collegii vicariatum de Colmonell attribuimus et assignamus, cuius reditus ipse percipiet, vocabiturque eius loci vicarius; præter eius quoque decimas et fructus annuatim ad quadraginta marcas extendentes, percipiet ex primis Collegii reditibus marcas viginti, quas illi domus procurator aut collector quotannis appendet ac annumerabit. Quilibet etiam duorum regentium ad vestitum extraordinariasque impensas percipiet in annos singulos libras viginti probæ pecuniæ ad duos anni terminos, Pentecostes, videlicet, et Diui Martini in hyeme, per æquales portiones, ex Collegii ipsius prouentu ac reditibus, per domus prouisorem seu collectorem persoluendas. Vetamus autem et severissime inhibemus ne vllatenus preposito dicti Collegii liceat alibi quam intra Collegii mœnia residere. Quod si minus id præstiterit, atque alibi quam in dicto Collegio remanere ac residere cœperit, ipso facto munus atque officium eius vacare volumus ac declaramus, aliumque idoneum eius loco ab iis constituj quibus jus et facultas, vt sequitur, eligendi tributa est. Regentes quoque in labore assiduos esse volumus, vt si ad beneficium aliquod extra Gymnasium promoti fuerint, munusque docendæ plebis aliudue susceperint, negotiisue aliis se inuoluant, quibus a docendæ juuentutis cura distrahantur, minime liceat Collegii emolumentis et commodis gaudere; sed exauctorari et deponi volumus rectoris decani facultatis et prepositi authoritate. Ita tamen ut prædictos regentes astrictos volumus, alternatis vicibus, ad precum lectionem in ea quæ nunc proxima Collegio est ecclesia, olimque Fratrum Prædicatorum vocabatur, pro eorum arbitrio qui in senatu ecclesiastico morum censuram gerunt senioresque vocari solent; quorum etiam arbitratu curabunt ex pauperibus studentibus singulos vice sua cainpanæ signum ex campanili dare, vt studiosi adolescentes vnacum populo ad preces audiendas conuocentur, et horologij curam gerant, si quod illie a ciuitate collocatum fuerit. Ipsius autem præfecti præsentationem, admissionem et prouisionem ad academiæ cancellarium superintendentem, aut eius vicegerentem, Vniversitatis rectorem, decanum facultatis, decanum rectorem ecclesiæ de Hamiltoune, rectorem ecclesiæ Glasguensis, modo verbi Dei hi duo vltimi sint præcones, volumus pertinere: ita quod si contigerit prefecturæ locum vacare, aut per depriuationem, mortem aut dimissionem prefecti, duo regentes, edicto dierum quindecim, supradictas quinque personas publice admonebunt vt eligendo preposito adsint. Qui, tactis sacrosanctis evangeliis et sacramento in manu cancellarij Vniuersitatis superintendentis aut vicegerentis præstito, jurabunt ejusmodi se virum electuros cui pietas et Christiana religio curæ sit, quique felicissime ac dexterrime gymnasiarchæ officio sit functurus. Quicunque autem eorum suffragiis prepositus declaratus fuerit is prefectura potiatur. Verum si supradictæ personæ edicto accersitæ non comparuerint venireque neglexerint, ut de preposito intra mensem non prouiderint, eo casu jus eligendi omne prepositi ad rectorem, eiusque assessores quos deputatos vocant Vniuersitatis, in solidum ea vice pertinebit. Regentium vero electionem, præsentationem, admissionem et prouisionem penes academiæ rectorem, prefectum Collegii, et facultatis decanum, constituimus: cæterorum vero duodecim scolarium pauperum præsentationem et nominationem, nobis balliuis et senatui siue consulibus dictæ nostræ ciuitatis, et successoribus nostris pro tempore existentibus, reseruamus; admissionem vero et receptionem eorundem scolarium preposito ipsius Collegii et regentibus concedimus. Prouiso tamen, si post mensem quo bursa vacauerit a nobis balliuis et senatu Glasguensi pro tempore existentibus, nemo idoneus scolaris prefecto Collegii et regentibus oblatus fuerit, eo duntaxat casu, ius patronatus bursæ illius ad rectorem academiæ, decanum facultatis et Collegii prepositum, proeo tantum tempore et vice, deuoluatur; eandemque habeant potestatem quam nos habuissemus, si in tempore præsentassemus, pro illa duntaxat vice. Pauperes autem hos duodecim scolares ex filiis burgensium burgi de Glasgw assumi, eligi et nominari volumus, sic institutos in re grammatica ut philosophiæ idonei auditores esse possint, recteque loquendi et scribendi peritiam teneant. Quod si ex his filiis burgensium de Glasgw idonei inueniri non possint nominandi, erunt nostro arbitratu alii prædictis facultatibus instituti, idque intra mensem postquam vacare contigerit, vt prædictum est. Ordinamus insuper omnes dicti Collegii personas honeste viuere, vt bonos et pios viros decet, neque scortentur, neque vagentur noctu, neque offendiculo sint ciuitati: quod si præceptorum vita castitatis non sit capax, neque continere se possint, ducant in Domino vxores, quas tamen intra Collegii septa retinere non liceat. Adhæc quindecim supradictas et fundatas personas collegialiter viuere volumus, simul vesci, dormire intra septa Gymnasij; vnumque dictorum duodecim scolarium per hebdomadas mutuas janitoris vice fungi, eaque septimana bibliorum sit in aula publicalector, habeatquebreuem die sabbatino et publicam a cœna orationem. Claves autem deferat sero ad Collegii prepositum aut priori regentium; brumali tempestati Collegii fores non ante quintam matutinam reserendas, octaua vero vespertina claudendas curabit; æstiuo autem tempore janua patebit non ante quartam mane, neque vesperi post decimam. Præterea dictum Collegium et quindecim personas eisque seruientes, aliosque omnes qui illic studiorum causa degere dignoscentur, ab omni iurisdictione ordinaria, necnon omnibus custumis, exactionibus, pedagiis, intra ciuitatem nostram Glasguensem impositis aut imponendis, pro nobis et successoribus nostris, liberos et exemptos esse nunc et in perpetuum volumus et declaramus. Statuentes insuper et ordinantes quod præfatum Collegium in omnibus et singulis suis ædificiis et domibus de communibus sumptibus eiusdem sustentetur et reparetur, ac omnia et singula ad ipsius Collegii vsus spectantia ex ipsius Collegii reditibus ae impensa sarciantur et emendentur. Item volumus et ordinamus rectorem Vniuersitatis, facultatis decanum, unacum balliuis dictæ nostræ ciuitatis Glasguensis pro tempore existentibus, bis in singulos annos, calendis videlicet Martij et calendis Septembris, dictum nostrum Collegium visitare, tam in capite quam in membris, vt si qua in re (quod absit) ab officio deflexerint, visitatorum opera et authoritate corrigi vt in viam redire queant, aut si rebelles fuerint functione priuari possint. Ibique vero visitatores prouideant ne bona Collegii in pios vsus a nobis concessa eorum luxu, abusu atque inertia dilapidentur, alienentur, oppignorentur. Ad hæc præfati visitatores rationibus Collegii audiendis præfatis binis temporibus operam dent, ut omnia bona fide ac secundum nostram dispositionem collocata esse videant, nihilque fraude a præceptoribus et domus proceratore administrari. Subductoque calculo, si quid ex reditibus Gymnasij residui fuerit, id omne in maximos necessarios Gymnasij vsus Collegijque reparationem, visitatorum arbitrio et Collegii prepositi consilio impendatur. Et quia (Deo bene juuante), ut speramus, fructus, prouentus et emolumenta nostri Collegii accrescent et augebuntur, volumus quod, personis quindecim prædictis sufficienter sustentatis, si quid præterea virtute donationis nostræ Collegii reditibus accesserit, id studenti bus et scolaribus pauperibus duodecim prædictis a nobis adiungendis, ad eorum victum et necessarios vsus, tribuatur, aut pluribus regentibus et præceptoribus fundandis, si ita res Collegii postulauerint, rectorque academie decanus facultatis et Collegii prepositus cum balliuorum consilio necessarium esse prouideant; quorum præsentatio et admissio eiusdem juris sunto cum iis qui præcesserunt. Insuper dictas quatuordecim personas, videlicet, duodecim pauperes scolares duosque regentes, studentesque omnes qui in Collegio literis operam nauant, prædicto eorum preposito in omnibus et singulis quæ ad mores et disciplinam spectant subiectos esse volumus, eique in eosdem omnem iurisdictionem committimus ordinariam. Statuimus præterea vt nemo in studentium album in prædicto nostro Collegio recipiatur, qui puram et sinceram fidei et religionis confessionem prius coram preposito et regentibus non ediderit; eam, nimirum, quæ a serenissimo domino nostro rege Jacobo sexto moderno in actis Parliamenti præscripta et confirmata est. Adhæc jureiurando affirmabunt se omnia Gymnasij statuta inuiolabiliter seruaturos, et Collegii commodum ac vtilitatem ad quamcunque vitæ conditionem seu statum peruenerint pro virili procuraturos. Prouiso tamen quod præsens nostra donationis et fundationis litera nullatenus præiudicabit nobis aut successoribus nostris quin poterimus in futurum libere disponere et conferre illas capellanias et præbendarias intra dictam ciuitatem fundatas, nobis ex antiquo, ante prædictam donationem supremæ dominæ nostræ reginæ, ratione nostri jurispatronatus laicalis spectantes, scolaribus filiis nostrorum comburgensium, pro eorum supportatione et sustentatione in scolis infra dictam ciuitatem, etnon alias tribuendas, secundum tenorem acti Parliamenti: et quod ipsæ præbendæ et capellaniæ ac donationes earundem, per nos ipsis scolaribus conferendæ, cum ipsarum fructibus, sint liberæ et immunes a solutione cuiuscunque tertiæ partis fructuum earundem, quæ ab eis quouismodo exigi poterunt. Ad hæc volumus et ordinamus capellaniam (dictam Omnium Sanctorum) per nos magistro scolæ grammaticalis dictæ nostræ ciuitatis alias concessam, cum fructibus eiusdem, cum eodem magistro scolæ grammaticalis et suis successoribus, præceptoribus pro tempore, pro perpetuo liberam etiam solutione alicuius tertiæ partis fructuum eiusdem remanere, et ipsis reseruari in futurum. In Cuius Rei Testimonium præsentibus, manibus nostris acetiam nostri communis scribæ ut infra subscriptis, sigillum nostrum commune præsentibus est appensum, apud nostram ciuitatem Glasguensem, die octauo mensis Januarij anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo secundo. Sic subscribitur, John Stewart of Mynto, knycht, provest; Maister Adam Wallace, baillie; George Elphinstoun, baillie; Archibald Lyoune, baillie; James Fleming; Johne Wilsoun; William Donaldsoun; Thomas Normont; Johnne Grahame; Johnne Boyd; David Lyoune; Michell Barde, commone procuratour; Williame Maxwell; Johnne Wodderop; Mathow Wilsoune; Williame Hiegait, with my hand. Ita est Henricus Gibsoune, notarius ac scriba curiæ burgalis ciuitatis Glasguensis, de mandato consulum ac decanorum artium mechanicarum eiusdem ciuitatis communitatem ipsius repæsentantium, et scribere nescientium, manu propria.
To all and sundry the faithful in Christ, to whose knowledge the present letters shall come, and whom the matter underwritten concerns, or may in any way concern in time to come, John Stewart of Mynto, knight, provost of the Burgh and City of Glasgow, Master Adam Wallace, Archibald Lyoun, and George Elphinstoune, bailies, and the rest of the council of the City, and whole community of our City and Burgh of Glasgow, greeting in him who is the true salvation of all men. Whereas, among other losses and misfortunes of our city, we perceive our schools and colleges wholly going to ruin, and our youth that were formerly trained up in honesty of life and behaviour, becoming inactive through ease, sloth, and wantonness; desiring from the bottom of our hearts to apply a remedy thereto, according to the duty entrusted to us, it is our will to renew, restore, endow, and erect in a new foundation our Pedagogy of Glasgow, which for lack of funds to spend upon it has almost to ruin, and wherein through excessive poverty the pursuit of learning has become utterly extinct; deeming it, truly, an unbecoming, nay, shameful thing, that amid so great light of the gospel, which now shines clearly everywhere around, schools, the seminaries of the church and whole commonwealth, should be despised and neglected, we have endeavoured, as far as diligence on our part could accomplish it, that in this school at least, the study of the liberal arts should revive and maintain their former honour and glory. And we expect that thus in a short time it will come to pass, that this our mother University will bring forth the most invincible champions and bravest combatants for the Christian faith, and that therefrom, as from the Trojan horse, will spring forth young men thoroughly equipped and trained to undertake all the duties of the commonwealth. Know ye therefore that we, (and may the work be happy and auspicious for us and the whole commonwealth!) weighing the premises with careful meditation, as being a work worthy of remembrance, and with the constant and oft-repeated exhortation, persuasion, advice, and help of a much honoured man, Master, Andrew Hay, rector, of the church of Renfrew, vice-superintendent and rector of our University of Glasgow for the time, endow, found, and erect the said College, in manner, form and conditions following; and for that purpose have given, granted, annexed, incorporated and united, and for us and our successors disponed and confirmed, likeas by these presents give, annex, incorporate, and for ever unite, and for us and our successors dispone and confirm, all and sundry, lands, tenements, houses, buildings, churches, chapels, gardens, orchards, crofts, annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, and emoluments, mails, obit silver and anniversaries whatsoever, which in any way have pertained, or are known to pertain, to whatsoever chapels, altarages, prebends, founded in whatsoever church or college within our city of Glasgow, or places of all the friars of our city; together with all and sundry lands, houses, and tenements, and annual rents furth of whatsoever lands, houses, and tenements, within our said city or outwith the same, pertaining or belonging to us, or in use and wont to be uplifted and taken, according to and in conformity with the tenor and form of the infeftment made and granted to us thereupon by Queen Mary, mother of our Sovereign Lord the King, under her great seal, of date at Edinburgh, the sixteenth day of the month of March and year of God, one thousand five hundred and sixty-sixth, and of her reign the twenty-fifth year, to our foresaid College and the regents and students undernamed, residing therein, for their honest and sufficient sustentation in times to come, to the number of fifteen persons. Whereof the first shall be the Professor of Theology, gravely and earnestly travailling in that faculty, and he shall be the president or principal of the College: further other two shall be regents in Dialectics, Physics, Ethics, Politics, and thus teachers and preceptors in the whole of Philosophy: further twelve shall be poor students, with aptitude to acquire letters and philosophy, whom their parents, through poverty, cannot assist, nor themselves, through narrowness of their patrimony, meet the expenses. And for the support and daily provision of the said fifteen persons, and their common servants that attend to the common wants of the College, all and sundry the annual rents, issues, emoluments, mails, and profits of the foresaid chaplainries, prebends, and altars, belonging to us by virtue of the said infeftment of our most serene lady the Queen, together with the fruits, rents, issues, customs, and other emoluments whatsoever, formerly in use and wont to be paid to our College and Pedagogy, shall be uplifted and collected. Together with power to the said principal and two regents and their successors, by themselves or their provisor, or collector, or officers whom they shall appoint in their name, to uplift and receive the foresaid annual rents, fruits, mails, duties, profits and emoluments whatsoever in all time to come for ever, wherever they were formerly in use to be uplifted and received, or may be received or uplifted in time to come, by virtue of the foresaid donation. And it is our will that the office of the said principal, together with the advantages which belong to him from the College, shall continue for the whole time of his life, unless he shall have stained himself with such vices, or otherwise so rendered himself unfit, as to merit deposition and removal from his office. In which case we grant the right of deposition to those who have the power of election, to wit, the chancellor, the rector of the University, the dean of faculty, and the dean rector of Hamiltoun, and the rector of the church of Glasgow, if these two last be employed in the ministry of the word. But it shall be allowable, at the will of the principal, rector of the University, and dean of faculty, to remove the regents every sixth year, that is when they have conducted two classes completely through the curriculum; especially if they begin to weary of their work, and do not apply themselves with sufficient diligence to their duty. But if they commit anything during that period of years unbecoming their office, it shall be in their power and at their discretion either to correct them, or if it be needful so to do, to remove them from their office. And the other twelve poor persons shall be duly provided and maintained in meat, drink, College rooms and bedrooms, and other easements, as they are called, for the space of three years and a half only, a time we deem sufficient for obtaining the master's degree in the faculty of arts, according to the statutes of that faculty; nor do we permit to any of the poor students a prolongation of that time; but on the expiry thereof, they shall be bound to remove from their bursaries, that other fit and able persons may be put into their places. Further it is our will that the said principal of the College employ himself every day of the week in publicly reading and expounding the sacred scriptures in the College pulpit. And the regents shall sedulously apply themselves to the teaching of the principles of dialectics, logic, physics, moral philosophy, and metaphysics, and take pains therein well nigh every hour according to the arrangement of classes, the statutes of the College, and the will of the principal. And to the end the foresaid principal and regents may be incited, encouraged, and animated with greater alacrity and care, to the discharge of their duties, in addition to those benefits of sustenance mentioned above, we give and assign to the principal of the College the vicarage of Colmonell, in room of salary or honorarium; the rent of which he shall uplift, and shall be called vicar of that place; also besides the teinds and fruits thereof extending yearly to forty merks, he shall uplift from the first rents of the College twenty merks, which the procurator of the house or the collector shall pay and tell over to him yearly. Also each of the two regents shall uplift every year for their clothing and extraordinary expenses, twenty pounds of good money, at the two terms of the year, to wit, Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter, by equal portions, furth of the income and rents of the said College, to be paid by the provisor of the house or the collector. Also we forbid and most strictly prohibit, that it be permitted in any wise to the principal of the said College to reside elsewhere than within the walls of the College. But if he fail to observe this, and begin to sojourn and reside elsewhere than in the said College, we will and declare that his place and office shall ipso facto become vacant, and that another fit person be appointed in his stead, by those to whom the right and power of election is given, as follows. Also it is our will that the regents be assiduous in labour; that if they be promoted to any benefice outside the College, and undertake the office of teaching the common people, or other office, and entangle themselves in other business whereby they shall be withdrawn from the charge of instructing the youth, it shall in no wise be lawful for them to enjoy the emoluments and advantages of the College; but it is our will that they be discharged from service, and deposed by the authority of the rector, dean of faculty, and principal. In such wise, however, that we will that the foresaid regents be bound to read prayers in their turns in the church which is now the nearest to the College, and was before called the church of the Preaching Friars, at the will of those in the ecclesiastical court who have the oversight of manners, and are commonly called elders; under whose direction also they shall take good heed that each of the poor students in his turn give warning by the bell from the belfry, that the studious youth, together with the people, may be assembled to the hearing of prayers; and that they take charge of the clock, if any be put there by the city. And it is our will that the presentation, admission and providing of the principal pertain to the chancellor superintendent of the University or his deputy, the rector of the University, the dean of faculty, the dean rector of the church of Hamiltoune, the rector of the Church of Glasgow, provided the two last be preachers of the word of God; in such manner that if the place of the principal happen to fall vacant, whether by deprivation, death, or demission of the principal, the two regents shall publicly warn on an edict of fifteen days the abovesaid five persons to be present for the election of the principal. And they touching the holy evangels, and having made oath in the hands of the chancellor, superintendent of the University, or his deputy, shall swear to choose such a man as will have a care for godliness and the Christian religion, and who will most happily and most efficiently discharge the duty of gymnasiarch. And whoever shall be declared principal by their suffrages shall enjoy the principalship. But if the abovesaid persons when summoned by edict shall not compear, and neglect to come, so that they do not provide a principal within a month, in that case all right of electing the principal for that occasion shall belong wholly to the rector and his assessors who are called deputes of the University. Moreover, we appoint the election, presentation, admission, and providing of the regents to be vested in the rector of the University, the principal of the College, and the dean of faculty; and we reserve to us, the bailies and council of our said city, and our successors for the time being, the presentation and nomination of the twelve poor scholars; but we grant the admission and accepting of the said scholars to the principal of the said College and the regents. Provided, however, that if a month after a bursary has fallen vacant, no fit scholar shall have been presented by us, the bailies and council of Glasgow for the time, to the principal of the College and the regents, in that case only the right of patronage to the said bursary shall devolve on the rector of the University, the dean of faculty and the principal of the College for that time and occasion only; and they shall have the same power which we should have had if we had presented in time, for that occasion only. And it is our will that these twelve poor scholars be taken, chosen and nominated from the sons of burgesses of the burgh of Glasgow, so well grounded in the knowledge of grammar as to be fit auditors for philosophy, and that they have skill in speaking and writing correctly. But if from among the sons of burgesses of Glasgow fit persons cannot be found to be nominated, others shall be appointed, at our pleasure, to the foresaid benefits, and that within one month after they shall happen to fall vacant, as aforesaid. Further, we ordain that all persons of the said College live honestly, as becomes good and godly men, that they neither wench, nor rove by night, nor be a stumbling block to the city; but if they be not able to bear the life of chastity, and cannot contain themselves, let them marry wives in the Lord, whom however it shall not be lawful to keep within the bounds of the College. In addition, it is our will that the fifteen abovesaid foundationers live in community, eat together, sleep within the bounds of the College; and that one of the said twelve scholars week about do the office of janitor, and for that week be reader of the Bible in the public hall, and give a short public discourse after supper on the Saturday; and he shall carry the keys at night to the principal of the College or to the first regent; and he shall take care that in winter time the College doors be not unlocked before five o'clock in the morning, and shut at eight o'clock in the evening; and in summer time the gate shall not be open till four o'clock in the morning, nor after ten o'clock in the evening. Moreover we will and declare for us and our successors, that the said College, and fifteen persons, and their servants, and all others that shall be known to live there for the sake of study, shall be free and exempt, now and evermore, from all ordinary jurisdiction, and all customs, exactions, tolls, imposed or to be imposed within our city of Glasgow. Determining and ordaining farther that the foresaid College be upheld and repaired in all and sundry its buildings and houses from the common funds thereof; and all and sundry things pertaining to the use of the said College shall be amended and repaired forth of the rents and charges of the said College. Also we will and ordain that twice every year, to wit, on the first of March and first of September, the rector of the University, the dean of faculty, together with the bailies of our said city of Glasgow for the time being, do visit our College, as well in head as in members, so that if they have turned aside in any wise from their duty (which God forbid!) they may, by the painstaking and authority of the visitors be corrected so as to return into the way, or if they be rebellious be deprived of their office. And thereupon the visitors shall take provident heed that the goods of the College granted by us for pious uses, be not wasted, sold, or pledged, through their extravagance, abuse, or remissness. Besides, the foresaid visitors shall take pains in auditing the accounts of the College at the two times aforesaid, to see that all be laid out in good faith and in conformity to our disposition, and that nothing be fraudulently administered by the teachers and the procurator of the house. And on casting up the accounts if there be any residue remaining over from the rents of the College, it shall be all expended on the most necessary uses of the College, and repair of the College, at the will of the visitors, and advice of the principal of the College. And whereas it is our expectation, by the good help of God, that the fruits, profits, and emoluments of our College shall increase and augment, it is our will, that after the foresaid fifteen persons are sufficiently supported, if aught else accrue to the rents of the College by virtue of our donation, it shall be given to students and poor scholars to be added to the twelve foresaid by us, for their food and necessary uses, or to the founding of more regents and preceptors, if the state of the College so require, and the rector of the university, the dean of faculty, and the principal of the College, with consent of the bailies, see it to be necessary: whose presentation and admission shall be after the same manner as the preceding. Further it is our will that the said fourteen persons, to wit, the twelve poor scholars and the two regents, and all students that prosecute their studies in the College be subject to their foresaid principal in all and sundry things belonging to manners and discipline; and we commit to him all ordinary jurisdiction over them. We ordain further that no one shall be admitted into the register of students in our foresaid College, who has not made a pure and sincere confession of faith and religion beforehand in presence of the principal and regents, the confession, to wit, that has been prescribed and confirmed in the acts of parliament by our most Serene Lord, King James the Sixth, that now is. Besides they shall affirm on oath, that they will inviolably observe all the statutes of the College, and according to their ability, further the weal and advantage of the College to whatsoever condition or state of life they attain. Provided nevertheless, that our present letter of gift and foundation shall in no wise prejudice us or our successors from being able in time to come freely to dispone and bestow those chaplainries and prebends founded within the said city, belonging to us of old before the foresaid gift of our Sovereign Lady the Queen by virtue of our lay right of patronage, on scholars sons of our co-burgesses to be conferred for their maintenance and sustentation in schools within the said city, and not otherwise, according to the tenor of the act of parliament: and that the said prebends and chaplainries and donations to be conferred by us on the said scholars, with the fruits thereof, be free and exempt from payment of any third part of the fruits thereof which can be demanded of them in any manner of way. In addition, we will and ordain that the chaplainry (called that of All Saints) granted formerly by us to the master of the Grammar School of our said city, with the fruits thereof, remain for ever with the said master of the Grammar School and his successors, preceptors for the time being, free also from payment of the third part of the fruits thereof, and be reserved to them in time to come. In Witness Whereof, to these presents, subscribed with our hands and the hand of our common clerk, as under, our common seal is appended, at our city of Glasgow, the eighth day of the month of January, the year of God, one thousand five hundred and seventy second. Sic subscribitur, John Stewart of Mynto, knycht, provest, Maister Adam Wallace, baillie, George Elphinstoun, baillie, Archibald Lyoun, baillie, James Fleming, Johne Wilsoune, William Donaldsoun, Thomas Normont, Johnne Grahame, Johnne Boyd; David Lyoune, Michael Barde, commone procuratour, Williame Maxwell, Johnne Wodderop, Mathow Wilsoune, Williame Hiegait, with my hand. Ita est, Henry Gibsoune, notary and clerk of the burgh court of the city of Glasgow with my hand, by command of the councillors and deacons of the crafts of the said city representing the community thereof, because they cannot write.