Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'LXI: Charter granting the ruinous New Collegiate Church of St Mary the Virgin to James Fleming, burgess (1570)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 20 March 2025].
'LXI: Charter granting the ruinous New Collegiate Church of St Mary the Virgin to James Fleming, burgess (1570)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 20, 2025,
"LXI: Charter granting the ruinous New Collegiate Church of St Mary the Virgin to James Fleming, burgess (1570)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 20 March 2025.
In this section
LXI. Charter by the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of Glasgow, granting to James Fleming, burgess of Glasgow, the ruinous church formerly called the New Collegiate Church of St Mary the Virgin, with the walls and kirk-yard, and the common yard situated in the Trongate. Glasgow, 2 August 1570.
[Latin text]
Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel audituris, prepositus, balliui, consules et communitas ciuitatis Glasguensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Quum ex vtriusque iuris sanctione, ac serenissimorum Scotie regum statutis, in reipublice ac regni commodum editis, cautum existit terras tam prela torum, baronum, procerum, quam aliorum quorumcunque in feudifirma seu emphiteosi locandas fore decreuerunt; et quod inde plurima commoda non solum domino verumetiam inhabitatori seu colono inde prouenire, precipue infra burgum, tenementorum ruinam minantium, acetiam omnino deuastatorum ac vastorum, ubi nunc nulla extant edificia, reparationes et constructiones: Noueritis igitur nos pro policia in dicto nostro burgo habenda, ac in euidentem vtilitatem nostre reipublice, et in augmentationem rentalis eiusdem, longo tractatu maturaque deliberatione in nostra domo consulari vltra spacium sexaginta dierum prehabitis, ac perpendentes supremam dominam nostram reginam in suum erga diuinum seruitium mentis cogitatum, et pro ardenti zelo quem ob intertenendam politiam ac equalem ordinem inter suos subditos precipue dictam nostram ciuitatem Glasguensem preseruandum habuit, nobis et successoribus nostris dedit, et pro perpetuo concessit omnes et singulas terras, tenementa, domos, edificia, ecclesias, capellas, hortos, pomeria, croftas et annuos redditus, que pertinere dinoscuntur cuicunque ecclesie aut collegio, cum maneriis locis, capellis et ecclesiis earundem, dedisse, concessisse, assedasse, arrendasse, locasse et in feudifirmam seu emphiteosim perpetuo dimisisse, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse, necnon dare, concedere, assedare, arrendare, locare et in feudifirmam seu emphiteosim pro perpetuo dimittere, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmare dilecto nostro comburgensi Jacobo Flemyng et Helene Conyghame sue sponse, et ipsorum alteri diutius viuenti, in coniuncta infeodatione, et heredibus inter eosdem legittime procreatis seu procreandis, quibus deficientibus heredibus dicti Jacobi quibuscunque, totam et integram illam nostram ecclesiam destructam et dirutam vocatam perprius Ecclesia Noua Collegiata beate Marie Virginis, fundatam per quondam venerabilem virum magistrum Jacobum Houstoun subdecanum Glasguensem, vnacum muris ac cimiterio dicte ecclesie, tam ex parte anteriori quam ex parte posteriori, per bondas et metas solitas, vsitatas et consuetas; unacum hortulo communi quondam domino Johanni Hammiltoun pertinente, et per eundem ac alios suo nomine occupato: iacentem in dicta nostra ciuitate Glasguensi, in via vulgariter nuncupata The Troynegait, inter terras quondam Petri Adame ex parte orientali, ac scolam communem vocatam Scola Cantus ex parte occidentali, communem viam ex parte boreali, hortum prepositi dicte ecclesie et commune passagium ex parte australi, nobis virtute prefate erectionis ac donationis dicte nostre Regine pertinentem: Reseruando tamen liberum passagium, introitum et exitum, ad communes et alios hortos dicte olim ecclesie, et etiam ad predictam scolam: Tenendam et Habendam totam et integram prefatam ecclesiam, cum muris ac cimiterio eiusdem, vnacum dicto hortulo communi, dicto Jacobo Flemyng et Helene Conyghame sue sponse, et ipsorum alteri diutius viuenti, in coniuncta infeodatione, heredibusque suis prescriptis et assignatis, de nobis et successoribus nostris in feudifirma seu emphiteosi et hereditate imperpetuum; per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et diuisas, prout dicta ecclesia cum cimiterio ac muris eiusdem, cum dicto horto vocato hortum communem prescriptum, iacent in longitudine et latitudine, in muris, lignis, tignis, lapidibus, sepibus, arboribus plantatis et plantandis, edificiis, aliisque structuris et pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, procul et prope, ad dictam ecclesiam, cimiterium et hortulum pertinentibus seu pertinere valentibus quomodolibet infuturum; libere, quiete, et adeo libere sicuti nos aut successores nostri dictam ecclesiam, cimiterium ac hortum prescriptum, ratione dicte nostre erectionis et fundationis nobis concesse gaudere poterimus, sine aliquo impedimento, reuocatione aut contradictione quacunque: Reddendo inde annuatim dicti Jacobus, Helena sua sponsa, et heredes sui prescripti, nobis et nostris successoribus, nostrisve collectoribus per nos deputatis seu deputandis, seu saltem nostro thesaurario pro tempore existenti, summam quinque librarum sex solidorum et octo denariorum vsualis monete regni Scotie, ad duos anni terminos consuetos, festa videlicet Penthecostes et Sancti Martini in hieme, per equales portiones, nomine annualis redditus feudifirme tantum, pro omni alio onere, exactione, questione, demanda seu seruitio seculari, que de predictis ecclesia, cimiterio et hortulo prescripto, per quoscunque iuste exigi poterunt quomodolibet vel requiri. Et nos vero et successores nostri totam et integram prescriptam ecclesiam, cimiterium et hortulum predictum cum suis pertinentiis prefatis Jacobo Flemyng et Helene Conyghame sue sponse, et ipsorum alteri diutius viuenti in coniuncta infeodatione, et eorum heredibus prescriptis et assignatis, adeo libere et quiete, in omnibus et per omnia, forma pariter et effectu, vt premissum est, inquantum dicta nostra erectio et donatio nobis confecta et concessa in se extendere et valere poterit; necnon etiam libera et immunia ab omnibus aliis annuis redditibus qui de predictis ecclesia, cimiterio et hortulo, exigi infuturum poterint seu clamari, contra omnes mortales varantizabimus, acquietabimus et imperpetuum defendemus. Insuper dilectis nostris magistro Joanni Hall, et eorum cuilibet, balliuis nostris in hac parte specialiter et literatorie constitutis, salutem. Vobis et vestrum cuilibet, coniunctim et divisim, stricte precipimus et firmiter mandamus, quatinus visis presentibus indilate statum et saisinam hereditariam, necnon realem, actualem et corporalem possessionem prefate ecclesie cum muris et cemiterio eiusdem, vnacum hortulo prescripto, jacentis vt supra, dictis Jacobo Flemyng et Helene Conyghame sue sponse, et eorum alteri diutius viuenti, in coniuncta infeodatione, et heredibus inter eosdem legittime procreatis seu procreandis, quibus deficientibus heredibus dicti Jacobi quibuscunque, iuxta et secundum vim, formam et tenorem suprascripte carte nostre, virtute prefate erectionis et donationis nobis facte et concesse, tradatis et deliberetis, seu alter vestrum tradat et deliberet, et haberi faciatis: Et hoc nullo modo omittatis. Ad quod faciendum, vobis et vestrum cuilibet, coniunctim et diuisim, balliuis nostris in hac parte antedictis, nostram plenariam et irreuocabilem tenore presentium committimus potestatem. In cuius Rei testimonium, presentibus manibus nostris vt infra subscriptis, sigillum nostrum commune dicte ciuitatis est appensum, apud Glasgw die secundo mensis Augusti, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo. [Sic subscribitur:] Johne Steward off Mynto, knycht, prowest, M. Adam Wallace, Matthow Hereot, M. Jhone Hall, Dawid Lyown, Wylleme Donaldson, P.L., William Bower, Thomas Normont, George Elphinstoun; Henricus Gibsoun, notarius, de mandatis Willelmi Watt, Johannis Arbukle et Johannis Flemyng, ac Jacobi Riche, nescientium scribere, manu propria subscripsit.
To all who shall see or hear this charter, the provost, bailies, councillors and community of the city of Glasgow, greeting in the Lord everlasting. Whereas by sanction of either law and the statutes of the most screne kings of Scotland, enacted for the weal of the commonwealth and kingdom, provision has been made, and they have decreed, that lands as well of prelates, barons, and gentry, as of others whomsoever, should be let in feefarm or emphyteosis; and that thence very many benefits arise not merely to the lord, but also to the inhabitant or indweller, especially within burgh, the repairing and upbuilding of tenements threatening to fall to ruin, and also of those altogether ruinous or waste, whereon now no buildings exist. Know ye therefore, us, for the maintaining of good government in our said burgh, and to the evident advantage of our commonweal, and in augmentation of the rental thereof, after long discussion and ripe deliberation had in our council-house for the space of more than threescore days, and taking into consideration that our sovereign lady the Queen, out of her thoughtfulness for the worship of God, and the ardent zeal which she had for promoting of good government and preserving of just order among her subjects, especially in our said city of Glasgow, gave and granted for ever to us and our successors, all and sundry lands, tenements, houses, buildings, churches, chapels, gardens, orchards, crofts, and annual rents, which are known to pertain to whatsover church or college, with manor places, chapels and churches of the same, to have given, granted, let, rented, set in tack, and let in feefarm or emphyteosis for ever, and by this our present charter confirmed, likeas we give, grant, let, rent, lease, and in feefarm, or emphyteosis forever let, and by this our present charter confirm to our wellbeloved comburgess, James Flemyng and Helen Conygham, his spouse, and the longer liver of them two, in conjunct fee, and the heirs lawfully begotten or to be begotten between them; whom failing, to the heirs of the said James whomsoever, All and whole that our church, dismantled and ruinous, formerly called the new Collegiate Church of St Mary the Virgin, founded by a deceased venerable man, Master James Houstoun, subdean of Glasgow, together with the walls and burial-ground of the said church, as well back as fore, by the bounds, and limits, used, wont, and accustomed; together with the small common garden belonging to the deceased John Hammiltoun, and occupied by him and others in his name; lying in our said city of Glasgow, in the street commonly called The Trongate, between the lands of the deceased Peter Adame on the east, and the common school called the Song School on the west, the highway on the north, and the garden of the provost of the said church and the common passage on the south sides; belonging to us in virtue of the erection and gift of our said Queen. Reserving nevertheless free passage, ish and entry, to the common gardens and other gardens, of the said former church, and to the school aforesaid. To Have and To Hold all and whole the foresaid church, with walls and burialground thereof, together with the said common garden, to the said James Flemyng and Helen Conygham, his spouse, and the longer liver of them two, in conjunct fee, and to their foresaid heirs and assignees, of us and our successors in feefarm or emphyteosis and heritage for ever, by all their ancient right, boundaries, and marches, as the said church with the burial-ground and walls thereof, with the said garden called the common garden foresaid, lie in length and breadth, in walls, wood, timber, stones, hedges, trees planted and to be planted, buildings and other structures and pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, far and near, pertaining, or that may in any way pertain, in time to come, to the foresaid church, burialground and garden; freely, quietly, and as freely as we or our successors could have enjoyed the said church, burial-ground and garden foresaid, by reason of our said erection and foundation granted to us, without any hindrance, revocation, or gainsaying whatsoever. Paying therefor yearly the said James, Helen his spouse, and their foresaid heirs, to us and our successors, or our collectors, deputed or to be deputed by us, or at least to our treasurer for the time, the sum of five pounds six shillings and eightpence usual money of the realm of Scotland, at the two customary terms in the year, to wit, the feasts of Whitsunday and Martinmas, in winter, by equal portions; in name of yearly rent of feufarm only, for all other burden, exaction, quest, demand, or secular service, that can in any way justly be exacted or required from the foresaid church, burial-place, and garden foresaid, by any person whomsoever. And we and our successors shall warrant, acquit, and defend for ever against all deadly, all and whole the foresaid church, burial-ground and garden foresaid, with their pertinents, to the foresaid James Flemyng and Helen Conygham his spouse, and the longer liver of them two, in conjunct fee, and their foresaid heirs and assignees, as freely and quietly, in all and by all, alike in form and effect, as aforesaid, so far as our said erection and the gift made and granted to us may extend and avail in themselves; and also free and exempt from all other yearly rents that can be exacted or claimed from the foresaid church, burial-place, and garden, in time to come. Further, to our well-beloved Master John Hall, and each of them, our bailies in that part specially and by our letters constituted, greeting. We strictly charge and firmly command you and every one of you, jointly and severally, that incontinent on sight hereof, ye, or one of you give and deliver, and cause to have, state and heritable seisin, and real, actual, and corporal possession of the foresaid church, with walls and burial-place thereof, together with the foresaid garden, lying as above, to the said James Flemyng and Helen Conygham his spouse, and the longer liver of them two, in conjunct fee, and the heirs lawfully begotten or to be begotten between them; whom failing, to the heirs of the said James whomsoever, according to the force, form, and tenor of our charter abovewritten, in virtue of the erection and gift made and granted to us thereupon: And this in no wise ye omit. To the doing whereof, by the tenor of these presents, we commit to you and every one of you, jointly and severally, our bailies in that part, our full and irrevocable power. In witness whereof to these presents, subscribed with our hands, as under, our common seal of the said city, is hung, at Glasgow, the second day of the month of August, the year of God one thousand five hundred and seventy. [Signed]: John Steward of Mynto, knycht, prowest, M. Adam Wallace, Matthow Hereot, M. Jhone Hall, Dawid Lyown, Wylleme Donaldson, P. L., Thomas Normont, George Elphinstoun.
Henry Gibsoun, notary, with his hand, at command of William Watt, John Arbukle and John Flemyng, and James Riche, because they cannot write.