LIX: Charter of Mary granting Kirk-livings to the Community, for relief of the poor and support of ministers (1567)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'LIX: Charter of Mary granting Kirk-livings to the Community, for relief of the poor and support of ministers (1567)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 28 March 2025].

'LIX: Charter of Mary granting Kirk-livings to the Community, for relief of the poor and support of ministers (1567)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 28, 2025,

"LIX: Charter of Mary granting Kirk-livings to the Community, for relief of the poor and support of ministers (1567)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 28 March 2025.

In this section

LIX. Charter by Queen Mary, granting the Kirk-livings to the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of Glasgow, for the support of the ministers, and the erection and endowment of an hospital for the poor and infirm in the burgh. Edinburgh, 16 March 1566–7.

[Latin text]

Maria Dei gratia Regina Scotorum: Vniuersis probis hominibus tocius terre sue clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis quia nos impensius munus nostrum erga diuinum seruicium perpendentes [et pro ardenti zelo], quem ob inter tenendam policiam et equabilem ordinem inter subditors nostros precipue vero infra Ciuitatem nostram de Glasgw [preservandum habemus], Considerantes itaque nos ex officio teneri [et] munus erga Deum complecti debere, cuius prouidentia regimini huius regni proponimur, sicque nobis ex officio incumbere omni honesto modo pro ministris verbi Dei prouidere, et quod hospitalia pauperibus mutilatis et miseris personis, orphanis et parentibus distitutis infantibus, infra dictam nostram ciuitatem preseruentur, post nostram perfectam etatem, cum auisamento dominorum secreti consilii nostri, dedimus concessimus disposuimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmauimus, necnon tenore presentium damus concedimus disponimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris [pro] perpetuo confirmamus predilectis nostris Preposito Balliuis Consulibus et Communitati dicte nostre Ciuitatis de Glasgw et ipsorum successoribus imperpetuum, Omnes et singulas terras, tenementa, domos, edificia, ecclesias, capellas, hortos, pomeria, croftas, annuos redditus, fructus, deuorias, proficua, emolimenta, firmas, elemozinas lie daill siluer, obitus et anniuersaria quecunque, que quouismodo pertinuerunt aut pertinere dinoscuntur ad quascunque capellanias, alteragia, prebendarias, in quacunque ecclesia, capella aut collegio infra dictam nostram ciuitatem de Glasgw fundata seu fundatas per quemcunque patronum, in quarum possessione capellani et prebendarii earundem perprius fuerant, vbicunque prefate domus, tenementa, edificia, pomeria, horti, annui redditus, anniuersaria, fructus, prouentus et emolimenta jacent aut prius leuate fuerant respectiue, cum maneriis locis, pomeriis, terris, annuis redditibus, emolimentis et deuoriis quibuscunque que Fratribus Dominicalibus seu Predicatoribus et Minoribus seu Franciscanis dicte nostre ciuitatis de Glasgw perprius pertinuerunt; vnacum omnibus et singulis terris, domibus, tenementisque jacentibus infra dictam nostram ciuitatem et libertatem eiusdem, cum omnibus annuis redditibus de quacunque domo terris et tenemento infra dictam nostram ciuitatem leuandis, datis donatis et fundatis quibuscunque capellanis, alteragiis, ecclesiis, mortuariis aut anniuersariis, vbicunque sint infra regnum nostrum; ac etiam cum omnibus et singulis annuis redditibus et aliis deuoriis solitis aut que per quamcunque ecclesiam extra dictam nostram ciuitatem a preposito et balliuis eiusdem de communi redditu eiusdem pro suffragiis celebrandis demandari potuerint, cum pertinentiis. Tenendas et Habendas omnes et singulas prefatas terras et tenementa, domoas, edificia, pomeria, ortos, croftas, annuos redditus, fructus, deuorias, proficua, emolimenta, firmas, elemozinas, obitus, anniuersaria, ecclesias, capellas, fratrum, loca, ortos, cum pertinentiis, prefatis, preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati eorumque successoribus de nobis et successoribus nostris imperpetuum, prout jacent in longitudine et latitudine, in dominbus, edificiis, muris, muremiis, lignis, lapide et calce, cum libero introitu et exitu etc., ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, proficuis et asiamentis, ac iustis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, ad predictas terras, tenementa, domos, edificia, pomeria, ortos, croftas, annuos redditus, fructus, deuorias, et alia prescripta, cum pertinentiis, spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus quomodolibet, in futurum, libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, absque reuocatione aut contradictione quacunque. Cum Potestate memoratis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati, et ipsorum successoribus, per seipsos aut ipsorum collectores quos counstituent, prefatos annuos redditus fructus deuorias proficua et emolimenta quoscunque leuandi et recipiendi vbicunque perprius leuati fuerant, prefatas terras et tenementa locandi et remouendi, loca diruta extruendi et reparandi, eademque in hospitalia aut alios similes vsus legitimos, prout ipsis cum auisamento ministrorum et seniorum dicte nostre ciuitatis videbitur, reducendi et applicandi, adeo libere in omnibus sicuti prefati prebendarii capellani et fratres prescripti eisdem perprius gaudere easdemque possidere potuissent; memorati autem prepositus, balliui, consules et eorum successores tenebuntur et astricti erunt ministros lectores et alia ecclesiastica onera prefatis annuis redditibus proficuis et deuoriis secundum valorem et quantitatem eorundem sustinere, locaque et edificia reparanda in hospitalitatem et alios vsus prescriptos applicare. Considerantes itaque quanta fraude ingens numerus dictorum prebendariorum capellanorum et fratrum prescriptorum, qui post alterationem religionis terras annuos redditus et emolimenta ipsorum capellaniis prebendis et allis locis respectiue perprius mortificatas disposuerunt alienarunt et in manibus quorundam particularium virorum extradonarunt; ac etiam quod plerique legii nostril quarundam terrarum tenementorum et annuorum reddituum per ipsorum predecessores mortificatarum jus sibi acclamarunt per breuia capelle nostre, aut alias sasinam, tanquam heredes suorum predecessorum (qui easdem ecclesie perprius dotarunt) recuperarunt, quod euenit partim negligentia officiariorum diete nostre ciuitatis et partim collusione dictorum prebendariorum capellanorum et fratrum prescriptorum. Quocirca cum. auisamento prescripto omnes et singulas eiusmodi alienationes dispositiones et sasinas quibus primum prepositum et animus fundatorum infringitur alteratur et variatur, deducendo easdem in particulares vsus, ad effectum quod eedem in vsus suprascriptos conuerti poterunt per presentes rescindimus et annullamus. Quamquidem hane nostram declarationem volumus tanti effecti roboris et efficacie atsi persone que easdem dispositiones obtinuerunt particulariter citate essent ipsarumque infeofamenta absque vlteriori processu rescinderen tur. Acetiam cum auisamento prescripto vnimus et incorporamus omnes et singulas terras, tenementa, domos, edificia, ecclesias, cimiteria, capellas, pomeria, croftas, annuos redditus, deuorias, proficua, emolimenta, firmas, elemozinas, obitus, anniuersaria, fratrum loca, ortos eorundem cum suis pertinentiis in vnum corpus, imposterum appellandum Fundatio nostra Ministerii et Hospitalistatis de Glasgw. Volumus etiam quod vnica sasina, per prefatos prepositum et balliuos et ipsorum aliquem, dicti ministerii et hospitalitatis nomine, apud Pretorium dicte nostre ciuitatis semel accepta, tam sufficiens erit sasina perpetuo in futurum atsi eadem super particulares terras ad dictos capellanos prebendarios et Fratres pertinentes aut ipsis in prefatos annuos redditus, anniuersaria, firmas, proficua et deuoria prescripta debita, sumeretur, non obstante locorum distantia. Preterea nolumus per presentes capellanos prebendarios et Fratres qui ante dictam alterationem prouisi erant per hoc presens nostrum infeofamentum preiudicari, sed reseruamus illis vsum dictorum fructuum et deuoriarum durante eorum vita tantum. Precipiendo itaque nostrorum computorum rotulatoribus presentibus et futuris ipsorum collectoribus et aliis quorum interest in genere necnon in specie, quod ne quis eorum recipere aut leuare presumat dictos fructus particulariter suprascriptos pro quouis tempore preterito seu futuro, neue impediant aut impedimentum vllum faciant memoratis preposito, balliuis, consulibus, communitati, et ipsorum successoribus in pacifica possessione eorundem. Requirendo et ordinando etiam dominos Sessionis nostre quatenus literas in omnibus quatuor formis ad instantiam dictorum prepositi, balliuorum, consulum, communitatis, et ipsorum successorum, ad effectum suprascriptum dirigant. Necnon precipiendo quibuscunque intromissoribus cum dictis fructibus quatenus ipsis de eisdem prompte intendant pareant et gratam solucionem faciant. In Cuius Rei Testimonium huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus reuerendissimo in Christo patre Johanne archiepiscopo Sanctiandree etc.; dilectis nostris consanguineis, Georgio comite de Huntlie domino Gordoun et Badyenach, cancellario nostro, Jacobo comite Bothuile domino Halis et Liddisdale, regni nostri magno admirallo; dilectis nostris familiaribus consiliariis, Richardo Maitland de Lethingtoun, nostri secreti sigilli custode, Jacobo Balfoure de Pettindreich, nostrorum rotulorum registri ac consilii clerico, et Johanne Bellendene de Auchnoule, nostre iusticiarie clerico, equitibus auratis; Apud Edinburgh decimosexto die mensis Marcii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimosexto, et regni nostri vicesimoquinto.


Mary by the grace of God Queen of Scots: To all good men of her whole land clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we more carefully reflecting upon our duty towards the service of God, [and out of the ardent zeal] which [we have for maintaining] the civil polity, and preserving good order among our subjects, but especially within our city of Glasgow; and also considering that we by our office are bound and ought to be careful of our duty towards God, by whose providence we are set over the government of this kingdom; and that it is incumbent on us in virtue of our office by all honest means to provide for the ministers of God's word, and that hospitals for poor maimed and miserable persons, orphans and children deprived of their parents, may be maintained within our said city, did on attaining our majority, with the advice of the Lords of our Privy Council, give, grant, dispone, and for us and our successors for ever confirm, and do by the tenor of these presents give, grant, dispone, and for us and our successors for ever confirm to our well beloved the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our said city of Glasgow, and their successors for ever, All and Singular the lands, tenements, houses, buildings, churches, chapels, yards, orchards, crofts, annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, emoluments, rents, alms, daill-silver, obits, and anniversaries whatsoever, which anywise belonged or are known to belong to any chaplainries, altarages, and prebends, founded in any church, chapel, or college within our said city of Glasgow by whatsoever patron, in possession whereof the chaplains and prebendaries of the same formerly were, wheresoever the foresaid houses, tenements, buildings, orchards, yards, annual rents, anniversaries, fruits, profits, and emoluments lie, or were formerly uplifted respectively; with the manor-places, orchards, lands, annual rents, emoluments, and duties whatsoever which formerly belonged to the Dominican or Preaching Friars, and to the Minorites or Franciscans of our said city of Glasgow: together with all and sundry lands, houses, and tenements lying within our said city and the liberty of the same; with all annual rents leviable from any house, lands, or tenement within our said city, given, granted, and founded, to whatever chaplainries, altarages, churches, burials, or anniversaries, wheresoever they may be within our kingdom; and also with all and sundry annual rents and other dues customary, or that could be demanded by any church outwith our said city from the provost and bailies of the same out of the common good thereof for celebrating suffrages, with the pertinents. To hold and to have all and singular the foresaid lands and tenements, houses, buildingsm, orchards, yards, crofts, annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, emoluments, rents, alms, obits, anniversaries, churches, chapels, fiars' places, yards, with the pertinents, to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors, and community, and their successors, of us and our successors for ever, as they lie in length and breadth, in houses, buildings, walls, timber, wood, stone and lime, with free ish and entry, etc. and with all and sundry other liberties, commodities, profits, and easements, and their just pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, belonging to the foresaid lands, tenements, houses, buildings, orchards, yards, crofts, annual rents, fruits, duties, and other things aforesaid, with their pertinents belonging, or which may justly belong thereto in any manner of way in time to come, freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well, and in peace, without revocation or challenge whatsoever. With power to the abovementioned provost, bailies, councillors, and community, and their successors, by themselves or their collectors whom they shall appoint, to uplift and receive the foresaid annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, and emoluments whatsoever, wherever they were formerly uplifted, to let and remove [from] the foresaid lands and tenements, to build and repair the ruinous places, and to restore and apply the same to hospitality, or other similar lawful uses, as to them, with the advice of the ministers and elders of our said city, shall seem fit, as freely in all respects as the said prebendaries, chaplains, and friars before written might have enjoyed and possessed the same aforetime. Moreover, the said provost, bailies, councillors, and their successors shall be holden and obliged to support the ministers, readers, and other ecclesiastical charges out of the foresaid annual rents, profits, and duties, according to the value and quantity of the same, and to apply the places and buildings to be repaired for hospitality and other uses foresaid. Besides, considering how dishonestly a great number of the said prebendaries, chaplains, and friars foresaid have, since the change of religion, disponed, alienated, and given away into the hands of certain particular (or private) persons, the lands, annual rents, and emoluments previously mortified to their chaplainries, prebends, and other places respectively, and also that very many of our lieges have claimed for themselves, by brieves of our chancery, the right to certain lands, tenements, and annual rents mortified by their predecessors, or otherwise have again obtained sasine as heirs of their predecessors, who previously gifted the same to the church; which has happened partly through the negligence of the officers of our said city, and partly through the collusion of the said prebendaries, chaplains, and friars, foresaid. Wherefore, with advice aforesaid, we, by these presents, rescind and annul all and sundry such alienations, dispositions, and sasines, by which the first purpose and will of the founders in infringed, altered, and changed, by perverting the same to particular (or private) uses, to the effect that the same may be converted to the purposes above set forth. And this our declaration we will to be as strong and effectual as if the persons who obtained the same dispositions had been particularly cited and their infeftments rescinded without further process. As also, with advice aforesaid, we unite and incorporate all and singular, the lands, tenements, houses, buildings, churches, churchyards, chapels, orchards, crofts, annual rents, duties, profits, emoluments, rents, alms, obits, anniversaries, friars' places, yards of the same, with their pertinents, into one body in all time coming, to be called our Foundation of the Ministry and Hospitality of Glasgow. We will also that one sasine, taken once for all at the Tolbooth of our said city by the foresaid provost and bailies, or any of them, in name of the said ministry and hospitality, shall be as sufficient sasine for all time coming as if the same were taken upon the particular lands belonging to the said chaplains, prebendaries, and friars, or in the foresaid annual rents, anniversaries, rents, profits, and duties foresaid due to them, the distance of the places notwithstanding. Besides, by these presents, we Will that no injury be done to the chaplains, prebendaries, and friars who were in possession before the said change of religion, by this our present infeftment; but we reserve to them the use of the foresaid fruits and duties during their lives only. Directing, accordingly, our comptrollers, present and future, and their collectors, factors, and others whom it concerns in general, as well as in special, that none of them presume to receive or to levy the said fruits, particularly above described, for any time whatsoever, past or future, or offer any obstruction or impediment to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors, community and their successors, in the peaceable possession of the same. Requiring and ordaining also our lords of Session that they direct letters in all the four forms, at the instance of the said provost, bailies, councillors, community, and their successors, to the effect above written. Also commanding all intromitters with the said funds, that they give prompt attention (and that they), obey and make willing and ready payment to them of the same. In Witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to this our present charter. Witnesses, the most reverend father in Christ, John, archbishop of Saint Andrews; our beloved cousins, George earl of Huntlie, lord Gordoun and Badyenach, our chancellor; James earl of Bothuile, lord Halis and Liddisdale, high admiral of our kingdom; our familiar councillors Richard Maitland of Lethingtoun, keeper of our privy seal; James Balfoure of Pettindreich, clerk of our rolls register and council, and John Bellendene of Auchnoule, our justice clerk. At Edinburgh, the sixteenth day; of the month of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and sixty six, and of our reign the twenty-fifth.