Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'XLVII: Charter granting land in the Gallowmure to the chaplainries in the New Church (1529)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'XLVII: Charter granting land in the Gallowmure to the chaplainries in the New Church (1529)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"XLVII: Charter granting land in the Gallowmure to the chaplainries in the New Church (1529)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
XLVII. Charter by the Provost, Bailies, Councillors and Community of the City of Glasgow, giving in alms to the Virgin Mary, and Anne her mother, and to Master James Houston, the founder of the New Church in St Enoch's Wynd, and the eight chaplains thereof, sixteen acres of land in the Gallowmure. Glasgow, 4 May 1529.
[Latin text]
Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel auditurus, Robertus Steward de Mynto prepositus, Georgius Burell et Jacobus Wilsoun balliui, consules et communitas ciuitatis Glasguensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noueritis nos vnanimi consensu et assensu, in pretorio dicte ciuitatis vnanimiter congregatos, in laudem, gloriam et honorem summe et indiuidue Trinitatis, Patris, Filii et Spiritus Sancti, ac beatarum Marie semper Virginis, et Anne matris eius, ac in augmentacionem diuini cultus, et in capellanorum per egregium virum magistrum Jacobum Houstoun subdecanum ecclesie Glasguensis in sua noua ecclesia Marie et Anne beatarum predictarum, per eum sumptibus suis et impensis a solo edificata, constructa, reparata et dedicata, infra ciuitatem Glasguensem et in via Sancte Tenew nuncupata eituata fundatorum, et inibi perpetuus futuris temporibus Domino Deo altissimo famulaturorum, vberiorem in vite necessariis sustentacionem; cum expresso consensu et aesensu reuerendissimi in Christo patris et domini nostri domini Gavini miseracione diuina archiepiscopi Glasguensis, regni Scocie cancellarii, suique decani et capituli ecclesie Glasguensis propter hoc capitulariter congregatorum; in puram et perpetuam elimosinam dedisse, concessisse et hac presenti carta nostra in puram et perpetuam elimosinam donasse, necnon per presentes in puram et perpetuam climosinam dare, concedere, et hac presenti carta nostra donare Deo, Marie Virgini et Anne beatis predictis, necnon magistro Jacobo Houstoun subdecano Glasguensi fundatori predicto, ac octo capellanis inibi per eum, Deo perpetuis futuris temporibus famulaturis, fundatis et impositis, totas et integras illas sexdecim acras terrarum nostri Mori Furcarum, jacentes ex parte orientali dicte ciuitatis, vulgariter nuncupati le Gallow Mvre, per nos diuisas, limitatas, bondatas et mensuratas; vnicuique capellanorum predictorum et suis successoribus duas inde acras imperpetuum distribuendas et assignandas, secundum voluntatem et disposicionem dicti magistri Jacobi, prout iacent in longitudine et latitudine. Quarum sexdecim acrarum octo acre iacent ex parte australi dicti mori contigue protense, inter terras de Burrovfeild ex australi et communem morum nostrum ex occidentali, boriali et orientali partibus, et alie octo acre iacent ex parte boriali dicti mori contigue adiacentes terris domini subdecani Glasguensis vulgariter nuncupatis le Westir Cragis in longitudine, et nostro moro ex occidentali et australi partibus, et terris thesaurarii Glasguensis ex orientali parte. Tenendas et Habendas totas et integras sexdecim acras nostre terre siue Mori Furcarum communis antedictas, prout superius diuise, limitate, bondate et situate existunt, prefato subdecano et capellanis predictis et suis successoribus imperpetum a nobis et successoribus nostris, de pretacto reuerendissimo patre et pro tempore existentibus Glasguensibus archiepiscopis, in puram et perpetuam elimosinam, vt premittitur; cum vniuersis suis iuribus et pertinenciis, cum libero introitu et exitu, ac omnibus et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, asiamentis, et iustis suis pertinenciis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad predictas sexdecim acras spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibusquomodolibet in futurum; et adeo libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, pacifice, honorifice, bene et in pace, sicut alique terre elimosinate siue acre infra regnum Scocie liberius, quiecius, honorificentius et pacificentius tenentur, habentur, possidentur, seu teneri haberi et possideri poteruntquomodolibet in futurum; sine aliquo retinemento, reuocacione aut obstaculo aliquali. Reddendo et faciendo inde annuatim dictus subdecanus etcapellani predictieorumque successores imperpetuum oracionum suffragia deuotarum pro dictis reuerendissimo patre, suo capitulo, nobis et successoribus nostris tantum, pro omni alio onere, exaccione et demanda que de huiusmodi terris exigi poterunt quomodolibet vel requiri in futurum. Et nos predicti prepositus, balliui, consules et communitas, ac nostri successores, predictas terras, vt predicitur, varantizabimus et imperpetuum contra omnes mortales defendemus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum commune buic presenti carte nostre est appensum apud ciuitatem Glasguensem, die quarto mensis Maii, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo vigesimo nono, coram his testibus, dominis Richardo Otterburne, Jacobo Schaw, capellanis, Johanne Trinsche, Andrea Flemyng et Johanne Walker seriandis, cum diuersis aliis.
To all who shall see or hear this Charter, Robert Steward of Mynto, provost, George Burell and James Wilsoun, bailies, the councillors, and community of the city of Glasgow, greeting in the Lord everlasting. Know ye we with unanimous consent and assent, unanimously assembled in the tolbooth of the said city, to the praise, glory and honour of the most high and indivisible Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and of Saint Mary ever Virgin, and Saint Ann her Mother, and for increase of divine worship, and for the better sustentation with the necessaries of life, of the chaplains founded by a famous man master James Houstoun, subdean of the Church of Glasgow, in his new Church of the foresaid Saints Mary and Ann, from the foundation built, constructed, repaired and dedicated, at his own charges and expenses situated within the City of Glasgow in the street called St Tenew's Wynd, and in all times to come for ever therein to serve the Lord God Most High; with express consent and assent of the most reverend father in Christ and our lord, lord Gavin by the mercy of God archbishop of Glasgow, chancellor of the kingdom of Scotland, and his dean and chapter of the church of Glasgow therefor chaptourly assembled, have given and granted in pure and perpetual alms, and by this our present charter in pure and perpetual alms have gifted, and by these presents give, grant, and by this our present charter gift in pure and perpetual alms to God, the foresaid Saints, the Virgin Mary and Ann, and to master James Houstoun subdean of Glasgow founder aforesaid, and to eight chaplains founded and appointed by him therein to serve God in all time to come for ever, All and whole those sixteen acres of laud of our Moor, lying on the east side of the said city commonly called the Gallow Mure, marched, bounded, meithed and measured by us: two acres thereof to be shared and assigned to each of the foresaid chaplains and his successors for ever at the will and disposition of the said master James; as they lie in length and in breadth. Of which sixteen acres eight acres lie on the south side of the said moor, stretching contiguously between the lands of Burrowfeild on the south and our common moor on the west, north and east sides, and the other eight acres lie on the north side of the said moor closely adjoining lengthwise the lands of the subdean of Glasgow commonly called Wester Cragis, and our moor on the west and south sides, and the lands of the treasurer of Glasgow on the east side. To have and to hold all and whole the foresaid sixteen acres of our land or common Gallow Muir, as they are above marched, measured, bounded and situated, to the foresaid subdean and chaplains aforesaid and their successors for ever, from us and our successors, of the before-mentioned most reverend father, and the archbishops of Glasgow for the time being, in pure and perpetual alms, as aforesaid; with all their rights and pertinents, with free ish and entry, and all and sundry freedoms, commodities, easements, and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging or that may rightly belong to the foresaid sixteen acres in any manner in time to come; and as freely, quietly, fully, wholly, peaceably, honorably, well and in peace, as any almsgift lands or acres within the realm of Scotland are most freely, quietly, honorably, and peaceably held, had, possessed, or may be held, had and possessed in any manner of way in time to come; without any let, again saying or obstacle whatsoever. Paying and making therefore yearly the said subdean and foresaid chaplains and their successors for ever suffrages of devout supplications for the said most reverend father, his chapter, us and our successors only, for every other burden, exaction and demand which can in any manner be asked or required from such lands in time to come. And we the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors, and community, and our successors, shall warrant and defend for ever against all deadly the foresaid lands as aforesaid. In witness whereof our common seal is hung to this our present charter, at the city of Glasgow the fourth day of the month of May, the year of God one thousand five hundred and twenty nine; before these witnesses, Sirs Richard Otterburne, James Schaw, chaplains, John Trinsche, Andrew Flemyng, and John Walker, Serjeants, with divers others.