Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'XLIV: Foundation of a chaplainry at altar of St Christopher in the High Church (1514)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'XLIV: Foundation of a chaplainry at altar of St Christopher in the High Church (1514)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"XLIV: Foundation of a chaplainry at altar of St Christopher in the High Church (1514)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
XLIV. Foundation by John Schaw, provost of Glasgow, of a chaplainry at Saint Christopher's altar in the High Church, of which chaplainry he constituted the Provost, Bailies, and Community of Glasgow the patrons, after his decease. Glasgow, 30 May 1514.
[Latin text]
Uniuersis et singulis tam presentibus quam futuris ad quorum noticias hoc presens scriptum peruenerit Johannis Schaw, prepositus ciuitatis Glasguensis, in omnium saluatore salutem. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra me caritatiue ac pie deuocionis affectu motum, cum consensu et assensu Mariote Crawfurd mee sponse, in laudem, honorem et gloriam sancte et indiuidue Trinitatis, Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, gloriose Virginis Dei genitricis Marie, Sancti Cristofori marthiris et omnium sanctorum, ac in diuini cultus augmentum, et pro anima mea patris et matris mee et dicte Mariote mee sponse, omnium amicorum meorum, necnon eorum a quibus bona accepi que nee officio nec beneficio plene compensaui, omniumque fidelium defunctorum salute, capellaniam perpetuam cum capellano eiusdem ad altare Sancti Cristofori constructum in naui ecclesie Glasguensis, ad latus meridionale eiusdem, de terris, tenementis et possessionibus infrascriptis fundasse, constituisse, erexisse et ordinasse, necnon presentis scripti tenore fundare, constituere, erigere et ordinare. Ad cuiusquidem capellanie et capellani eiusdem qui pro tempore fuerit sustentationem, terras, tenementa et possessiones infrascriptas, a me per Dei gratiam labore et precio conquestas, dedi, concessi ac in puram et perpetuam elimosinam, qua nulla intra regnum Scotie liberius datur aut conceditur, donaui et assignaui cum omnibus et singulis suis libertatibus commoditatibus et iustis pertinenciis quibuscumque imperpetuum Tenendas et habendas: In primis tenementum cum orto jacens ad partem orientalem magni vici Glasguensis, a superiore ecclesia metropolitana ad crucem foralem extendentis, inter tenementa Magistri Andree Smyth ex parte boriali et terras capellanie Corporis Christi ex australi parte: Tenementum cum quatuor aggeribus terrarum dicto tenemento sibiinuicem contigue iacentibus in Longa Crofta inter terras et tenementum Jacobi Masone ex occidental ab vna et terras siue tenementum quondam Johannis Montetht ex orientali parte: Duos aggeres terrarum jacentes in Motland Croft inter terras dicti quondam Johannis Montetht ex orientali ab vna et terras quondam Alexandri Scot ex orientali ab altera partibus: Sex solidos annui redditus de orrio Andree Boyd super dictis duobus aggeribus in anteriori parte edificato, iacente vt supra, michi de eodem orrio debentes: Quatuor orria extra portam tendentemad capellam Sancte Thenew matrone ex boriali parte inter terras Johannis Bochok ex orientali ab una et terras siue tenementum Johannis Terbart ex occidentali, vnacum tribus aggeribus terrarum in Longa Crofta sibiinuicem contigue iacentibus dictis quatuor orreis inter terras quondam dicti Johannis Bochok ex orientali ab vna et terras Johannis Logane de Rays ex occidentali: Quatuor orria quondam Andree Otterburne vnacum quatuor le Cut Rudis in posteriori parte eorundem orriorum contigue jacentibus inter terras quondam Ade Hall de Fulber ex occidentali ab vna et terras quondam Roberti Smyth ex orientali partibus, et hoc ex parte anteriori, et ex parte posteriori inter terras dicti quondam Ade ex parte occidentali et terras Fratrum Predicatorum de Glasgu ex orientali: Duos aggeres terrarum jacentes super le Brume Law inter terras Roberti Forsyde ex occidentali et terras prefati quondam Johannis Montetht ex orientali partibus: Vnam acram terrarum jacentem in le Crubbis inter terras Thome Hugonis ex orientali et terras capellanie Sancti Kentigerni fundate in inferiori ecclesia Glasguensi ex occidentali partibus ab altra: Ex his reseruans michiipsi et ceteris supra nominatis divinorum suffragia tantummodo, vnacum dispositione dicte capellanie quoad vixero: ita quod capellanus per me institutus cum eadem capellania permaneat pro toto tempore vite sue in ciuitate Glasguensi. Et postquam ab hac lacrimarum valle decessero constituo et ordino prepositum, balliuos de Glasgu cum communitate eiusdem, et in absentia prepositi balliuos cum communitate dicte capellanie patronum vnicum: cuius dispositio ad eundem patronum spectabit pleno iure; collatio vero eiusdem capellanie ad ordinarium spectabit et pertinebit. Cuiquidem capellanie nisi infra mensem post eius vacationem patronus antedictus capellanum prefecerit et instituerit doctum ydoneum, nullo notorio vicio aut crimine defamatum, laudabilis vite et conuersationis honeste, eius capellanie dispositio pleno jure ad ordinarium ea vice duntaxat devoluatur: ac quod patronus antedictus eam extraneis personis minime conferat, sed tantum conferatur dicta capellania filio vnius burgensis ciuitatis Glasguensis docto et ydoneo. Capellanus vero pro tempore dicte capellanie deseruiens annuatim die obitus mei, viz., xiij° die mensis Junii annuatim, duodecim presbyteris ad meum obitum conuocatis et electis distribuet duodecim solidos, per singulos duodecim denarios ea lege; et preter seipsum, dicto die obitus, duodecim presbyteros ad idem altare pro anima mea faciat celebrare, siue ad proximum altare ubi conuenientius celebrare possint, vnacum obsequiis defunctorum in nocte precedente cum pulsatione campane Sancti Kentigerni. Item si vno et eodem anno, omnibus absentie sue vicious numeratis et computatis, reperiatur eius absentia superare triginta dies, extunc decernatur a dicta capellania perpetuo distitutus, nisi vite necessitas ant mortis timor probabilis absentie tempus prorogari mouerit et sine licentia patroni antedicti. Item, quamdiu in choro vespere et matutine cum luminaribus celebrantur, tamdiu in dominicis et maioribus duplicibus festiuis ad dictum altare idem capellanus lumen ponet. Postremo volo et ordino dictam capellaniam omni officio et beneficio incompatibilem esse: reseruando eandem compatibilem esse Jacobo Schaw per me instituto pro toto tempore vite sue tantummodo. In quorum omnium et singulorum fidem, testimonium, robur, firmitatem et approbationem ac ratificationem premissorum sigillum communitatis dicte ciuitatis Grlasguensis vnacum sigillo proprio armorum meorum presentibus sunt appensa et sigillata; apud civitatem Glasguensem, penultimo mensis Maii, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo decimo quarto, indictione secunda, pontificatus sanctissimi in Christo patris et domini nostri domini Leonis divina prouidentia pape decimi anno secundo.
To all and sundry as well present as to come, to whose knowledge this present writing shall come, John Schaw, provost of the city of Glasgow, greeting in him who is the Saviour of all men. Know ye all of you that I, moved with feelings of charity and godly devotion, with consent and assent of Marion Crawfurd my spouse, to the praise, honor and glory of the holy and indivisible Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Ghost, the glorious Virgin Mary, mother of God, Saint Christopher the martyr, and all saints, and for increase of divine worship, and for the weal of my soul, my father's and mother's, and the said Marion's, my spouse, and the souls of all my friends, and those from whom I have received goods, which I have not fully recompensed either by service or kindness, and the souls of all the faithful dead, to have founded, constituted, erected and ordained, and by the tenor of this present writing to found, constitute, erect, and ordain a perpetual chaplainry, with chaplain thereof, at Saint, Christopher's altar, erected in the nave of the Church of Glasgow, at the south side thereof, furth of the tenements and possessions underwritten. For upholding of which chaplainry, and chaplain thereof for the time being, I have given, granted, and in pure and perpetual alms have gifted and assigned, as freely as any alms is given or granted within the kingdom of Scotland, the lands, tenements and possessions underwritten, acquired by me by labor and purchase through the Divine favour; with all and sundry their freedoms, commodities, and right pertinents whatsoever, to have and to hold for evermore. In the first, a tenement with garden lying on the east side of the High Street of Glasgow extending from the High metropolitan Kirk of Glasgow to the Market Cross, between the tenements of Mr Andrew Smyth on the north and the lands of the chaplainry of Corpus Christi on the south side. A tenement with four rigs of land lying contiguous to each other in the Long Croft, between the lands and tenement of James Mason on the west at the one side, and the lands or tenement of the late John Mentetht on the east side. Two rigs of land lying in Motland Croft between the lands of the said deceased John Montetht on the east at the one side and the lands of the deceased Alexander Scot on the east at the other side: six shillings of annual rent from the barn of Andrew Boyd built upon the said two rigs, on the fore side thereof, lying as above, due to me furth of the said barn: four barns beyond the gate leading to the chapel of St Thanew the matron on the north side, between the lands of John Bochok at the east on the one side, and the lands or tenement of John Terbart on the west, together with three rigs of land in Long Craft lying together contiguous to the said four barns, between the lands of the late John Bochok on the east at the one side and the lands of John Logane of Rays on the west side: four barns of the late Andrew Otterburne, together with four cut roads behind the said barns, lying contiguous between the lands of the deceased Adam Hall of Fulber at the west on the one side and the lands of the deceased Robert Smyth on the east side, and this on the fore side, and on the back, between the lands of the Preaching Friars of Glasgow on the east side: two rigs of land lying on the Brume Law, between the lands of Robert Forsyde on the west and the lands of the foresaid deceased John Montetht on the east sides; an acre of land lying in the Crubbis, between the lands of Thomas Hughson on the east and the lands of the chaplainry of St Kentigern, founded in the Laigh Kirk of Glasgow, on the west side on the other part. Reserving to myself out of these and the others abovenamed divine suffrages only; together with the disposal of the said chaplainry while I live; so as the chaplain appointed by me shall remain in the said chaplainry for his lifetime in the city of Glasgow. And after I shall have departed from this vale of tears, I constitute and ordain the provost, bailies of Glasgow, with the community thereof, and in the absence of the provost, the bailies with the community sole patron of the said chaplainry; the disposal whereof shall belong to the said patron in full right, and the collation to the said chaplainry shall belong and pertain to the ordinary. And unless the foresaid patron shall prefer and appoint to the said chaplainry within a month after it shall have become vacant a learned and fit chaplain, defamed with no notorious vice or crime, of laudable life and honest conversation, the disposal of the said chaplainry shall devolve upon the ordinary pleno jure for that time only. And that the foresaid patron shall not bestow it upon strangers, but the said chaplainry shall only be bestowed upon the son of a burgess of the city of Glasgow, learned and meet for the office. And the chaplain serving the said chaplainry for the time shall yearly on the day of my obit, to wit, the 13th day of the month of June yearly, distribute to twelve priests called and chosen for my obit, twelve shillings, to each twelve pennies, on this account, and besides himself on the said day of the obit he shall make the twelve priests celebrate mass for my soul at the said altar, or at the nearest altar where mass can be most conveniently said, together with the obsequies of the dead on the night preceding, with ringing of the bell of St Kentigern. And if in one and the same year, on counting and reckoning all his times of absence, his absence shall be found to exceed thirty days, then he shall be decerned to be for ever removed from the said chaplainry, unless necessity of life or probable fear of death, moved him to prolong the time of his absence, and without leave of his foresaid patron. Also whensoever vespers and matins are celebrated in the choir with lights, then the said chaplain on the Lord's days and double feasts shall put a light on the said altar. Finally I will and ordain that the said chaplainry shall be incompatible with all office and benefice: reserving that the said shall be compatible to James Schaw appointed by me for the whole time of his life only. In faith, witness, strength, confirmation and approbation and ratification of which premises all and sundry, the seal of the community of the said city of Glasgow, together with my seal of my arms are appended and sealed to these presents, at the city of Glasgow, the penult day of the month of May, the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and fourteen, the second indiction, and of the pontificate of the most holy father in Christ and our lord the lord Leo the Tenth by divine providence Pope, the second year.