Appendix: Letter of guildry and related documents

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 1. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1897.

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'Appendix: Letter of guildry and related documents', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 1, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1897), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Appendix: Letter of guildry and related documents', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 1. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1897), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Appendix: Letter of guildry and related documents". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 1. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1897), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

In this section


(See Preface P. ccxix.) (fn. 1)

Commissions for the Merchants and Crafts.

Apud Glasgow nono die mensis Februarii anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo quinto.—The commissiones for the maircheandis and craftis, and submissioun for both, insert and registrat in the borrow court buikis thairof, quhairof the haill tennour followis; bot first the remissioun for the maircheandis:—

Commission for the merchants.

Apud Glasgw octavo die mensis Februarii anno Domini predicto.—The quhilk day, the haill body of the maircheand rank within this burgh and citie of Glasgw quha wer present in the toun, being convenit to consult anent sum contraverseis fallin out betuix thame and the craftismen of the said burgh and thair assistaris, for setling quhairof and for guid ordour to be tane thairanent, both for contraverseis bygane and in time cwmyng, quhilk may fall out for the disquyeting of the memberis of the commoun weili of this burgh, hes all with ane consent, eftir ryp advysment and matur deliberatioun, thocht maist expedient to chuis and elect, as be thir presentis chuisis and electis thir personis following, viz.:—William Andersoun, Thomas Muir, bailyeis, Mathew Trumble, William Stirling, George Muir, Archibald Faullis, Johnne Dicksoun, Thomas Broun, James Inglis, Robert Adame, James Bell, and James Flemyng, maircheandis, commissioneris for to consult, ressoun, intreit, and aggrie and concluid upone all and sindrie articlis to be proponit and gevin in befoir thame be the saidis craftismen and thair commissioneris, and speciallie anent the electioun of ane deane of gild, his counsall, power, and auctoritie, actis and statutis, as concernes the libertie and enlairgeing of both the rankis of maircheandis and craftismen, nawayis hurtfull nor prejudiciall to the commoun weill and this burgh; with power and libertie to the saidis commissioneris to nominat and elect ane and ma in the place of ony of thame salhappin to be absent, and to convene at sic tyme and place as they and the saidis craftis commissioneris, and thois to be electit to fill the number, sall conclud anent the premissis; and quhat the saidis commissioneris concludis the body of the said mercheand rank present obleis thame to abyd thairat in all tym cummyng, but contradictioun. In witnes quhairof the saidis maircheandis requyrit me, notar wnderwrittin, to subscryve thir presentis for thame, as thair commoun clerk for the tyme, in name of thame all, day, yeir and moneth foirsaid. Sic subscribitur: Joannes Craig, notarius publicus, clericus predicen. testantibus his meis signo et subscriptione manualibus.

Commission for the crafts.

Apud Glasgw die et anno predicente.—The quhilk day, the haill dekynis of craftis of Glasgw, for thameselfis and in name and behalf of the remanent of thair brethrene and commounitie, convenit to consult anent sum contraverseis falling out betuix thame and the mercheand rank of the said burgh, and for setling the samyn and guid ordour to be tane thairwith; as also of all uther thingis quhilk heirtofoir hes fallin out or ony wayis heireftir may ensew or fall furth for the distruybling of the memberis of ane body in ane commoun weill, hes all with ane consent, with matur deliberatioun, thocht most meit and expedient to cheis and elect, as be thir presentis cheisis and electis, for thameselfis and in name and behalf of thair commounitie, thir personis following:—Johnne Andersoune, baillie, Robert Rowat, Mr. Peter Low, Duncan Sempill, Johnne Muir, skipper, James Braidwod, Gawane Hammiltoun, James Fischer, Johnne Scot, Thomas Fawsyd, David Scheirer, William Muir, commissioneris for thame, to consult, ressoun, and conclud upon all articles to be proponit and to be gevin in befoir thame be the maircheandis, and speciallie concernyng the electioun of ane deane of gild, and of his consall and puir, and lykwayis anent sic actis and statutis as concernis the libertie and enlairgeing of the craftis and thair assistaris, nawayis prejugeand the commoun weill; with libertie to thair saidis commissioneris to nominat and elect ane or ma in the place of ony of thame that salhappin to be absent, and to convene at sic tyme and place as they and the maircheand rank sall think guid; and quhatever the saidis commissioneris, or thais to be electit to fill thair number, sall conclud anent the premissis, the dekynis, for thameselfis and wtheris foirsaid, sall stand and abyd thairat inviolablie in tyme cuming. In witnes heirof, the dekynis and commounitie foirsaid hes requyrit me, notar underwrittin, to subscryve thir presentis for thame, at day, moneth and yeir foirsaid. Ita est. Magister Joannes Allansoun, notarius publicus, clericus predicen. testante manu.

Submissioun Mercheandis and Craftis.

At Glasgw, the tent day of November, the yeir of God, jm. vjc. and four yeiris.—We, William Andersoun, Thomas Muir, bailleis, Mathow Trumble, William Stirling, James Flemyng, George Muir, Johnne Dicksoun, James Inglis, Archibald Faullis, Thomas Broun, Robert Adame, James Bell, for ourselfis, and in name and behalf as commissioneris, and taikand the burdene for the haill maircheandis induellaris in the said burgh, on the ane pairt; Johnne Andersoun, baillie, Robert Rowat, Maister Petir Low, Duncan Sempill, Maister Robert Hammiltoun, Johnne Muir, skipper, James Braidwod, Gawane Hammiltoun, James Fischer, Johnne Scot, Thomas Fawsyd, David Scherir, William Muir, for ourselfis, and in name and behalf as commissioneris for the haill craftis, thair assistaris, to convene, ressoun and consult, intreat and concluid, anent the removeing of all questionis, different contraverseis, quhilkis ar or hes bene betuix the said mercheandis and craftis, thair assistaris. concernyng quhatsumever caus or occasioun quhairupon questioun or debait may arrys in ony tyme betuix thame; and first concernyng deane of gild, forme and maner of his electioun, power and aucthoritie, his counsall and bretherene and thair electioun, his previlegis and liberties, with all uther circumstancis as effeiris. And for the better instructioun with the commonaris we haif ordanit ane or tua to travell to Edinburgh to bring the just copy of the lettere of gildrie, with actis, liberteis pertenyng thairto, ather wnder the commoun clerk of the burgh of Edinburgh or tua notaries subscriptioun; and siclyk to consult and conclud wpone sic heidis, articlis, and statutis as is to be proponit be the mercheand tred, quhilk ony wayis may tend to the weill, libertie, and privelege and inlairgeing of the mercheand rank in ony wayis; provyding allwayis thais actis, statutis, and liberteis be without prejudice in ony poyntis or pairt to the commoun weill or weill of the craftis and thair assistaris. In lykmaner they sall intreat and concluid of the deakin conveiner quha ever salbe chosin maist discreit, wys and wordie men amangis all the craftis for thair weill. And farder sall conforme, authorise and inlairge the liberteis of the craftis and thair assistaris in all heidis and pointis quhilk sall be proponit be the saidis craftis commissioneris; provyding alwayis thay be nether prejudiciall to the mercheand tred, thair assistaris and communitie, nor commoun weill of this burgh. And to the effect that things sall tak ane end, boith the saidis parteis hes appoyntit to meit the twentie day of this instant; at the quhilk day and at sic wther tymis as salbe thocht maist convenient for meting, gif it sal happin the saidis pairteis to conclud wpone heidis, statutis and articlis for the weill of boith mercheandis and craftismen and thair assistaris, commountie, and successouris, in all tyme cumyng; and yit not aggrieing in the haill heidis proponit be ather of pairteis or boith, in that caice we have boith with our consentis chosin Maister David Wemis and Maister Johnne Bell, ministeris, togidder with tua mercheandis and tua craftismen of Edinburgh, or uther burgessis to be jugis and owersmen; provyding they be chosin be the advys of boyth the pairteis, sall be fund maist meit be boith our consentis; the quhilkis jugis sall resave boith our clames and greiffis, with ansueris, rychtis and ressonis maid thairto; quhilk being hard and considerit be thame sall conclud according to thair conscience wpone all heidis and articlis questionable, and sall be set doun be thame, in dew forme for boith our weillis, not prejugeand the commoun weill of this burgh. In the quhilk doing we obleis ws boith the pairteis to stand, abyd, wnderly and fulfill the decreit and delyverance of the saidis jugis and owersmen, without ony apellatioun, reclamatioun or contradictioun quhatsumever. In taiking quhairof we the saidis personis commissioneris hes subscryvit thir presentis with our handis as follows:—Sic subscribitur: William Andersoun, baillie, Thomas Muir, baillie, Mathow Trumbill, James Bell, William Stirling, James Flemyng, Archibald Faullis, Thomas Broun, James Inglis. We, Robert Adam and Johnne Dicksoun, with our handis at the pen, led be the notar wnderwrittin, becaus we culd not writ ourselfis. Ita est. Archibaldus Hegatt, de mandato dictarum personarum scribere nescientium. Johnne Andersoun, Robert Rowatt, Maister Petir Low, Duncan Sempill, Johnne Muir, James Braidwod, Gawane Hammiltoun. Ita est. Magister Joannes [Allansoun], notarius publicus de mandato Joannis Scot et Guilielmi Muir, scribere nescientium calamumque tangentium testante manu.

Followis the Lettere of Gildrie.

At the burgh of Glasgw, the sext day of Februar, the yeir of God, jm vjc. and fyve yeiris.—Forsamekill as the haill inhabitantis within this burgh and citie of Glasgw, burges and friemen thairof, alsweill as craftismen. haveing dewlie considerit and deiplie weyit the greit hurt, interes, domage, los and skayth quhilk thair haill commounweill thir mony yeiris bygane hes sustenit be strangeris and wnfriemen useing and upsurpeing the previlege and ancient liberteis of this burgh, als frielie as the friemen burgessis induellaris within the samyn, and pairtlie be sum mutuall contraverseis and civill discordis arraising amongst the said friemen and burgessis anent thair prevelegis, placis, rankis, and prerogatives; be the quhilk occasiounis not onlie thair tred, traffique and handilling, hes bene usurpit be strangeris and wnfriemen as said is, to the greit depauperating of the haill inhabitantis within this toun, bot also all policie and cair of the liberteis of this burgh hes bene owersene and neglectit, to the greit schame and dirogation of this burgh, beand ane of the maist renonet citeis within this realme; and haifing fund the onlie caus thairof to be for the want of ane soleid and setlit ordour amongis thame selfis: Thairfoir and for remeid thairof in tyme cumying and for conformyng of thame selfis [and] the said burgh and citie to wther weill reformet burghs, and for the commoun weill and particular profeit of the haill inbabitantis thairof in thair awin rank and thair posteriteis in all tyme cumyng, and speciallie to the advancement of Godis glorie and thair bettir habilitie to serve our Soveran Lord the Kingis Majestie; and for setling of peace, concord, amitie, amang thame selfis, as faythfull christianis and luifing citineris, the saidis haill mercheandis and craftismen and thair assistaris of boith the rankis, and haill bodie of this toun, efter mony metingis and conventionis, lang disputatioun and ressonyng concernyng thair commoun weill, quyetnes and standing thairof, having chosin and nominat William Andersoun, Thomas Muir, bailleis, Mathow Trumble, Robert Adame, James Bell, Johnne Dicksoun, William Stirling, Archibald Faullis, James Inglis, James Flemyng, George Muir, and Thomas Broune, for the haill mercheand rank and thair assistaris; Johnne Andersoun, bailie, Robert Rowat, Maister Peter Low, Duncan Sempill, James Braidwod, Johnne Scot, deakin, John Muir, skipper, Maister Robert Hammiltoun, Gawane Hammiltoun, Thomas Fawsyd, William Muir, flescheour, and James Fischer, maltman, for the haill craftismen and thair assistaris; and the rycht honorable Sir George Elphinstoun of Blythiswod, knycht, provest, Maister David Wemis, persoun of Glasgw, Maister Johnne Bell and Maister Robert Scot, ministeris thairof, as owersmen and odmen commounlie chosin betuix the mercheandis and the craftis in caice of variance; and the saidis personis haifing acceptit the said mater in and wpone thame, being divers tymes convenit to treat and ressoun wpone the saidis materis concernyng the commoun weill of this burgh, efter long ressonyng haid thairintill for the bettir advancement of the said commoun weill and setling of all contraverseis that may fall furth betuix the saidis rankis of mercheandis and craftis thairefter and thair assistaris and successouris, for the bettir inlairgeing of boyth thair liberteis, friedomes and previlegis, quhairthrow thay may leif in tyme cumying in the feir of God, obedience to his Majestie, and in guid luif peceable amitie and concord amangst thame selfis, sua that boith the estaites may flureis thairefter, efter greit paynes, lang travellingis, and mature deliberatiouns, hard, sene, and considerit and ryplie advysit, be boith the estaitis of the saidis mercheandis and craftismen and thair assistaris, hes concludit that their sall be in all tyme cumyng ane dean of gild, ane dekin-convener, and ane visitour of maltmen, quhois electionis, statutis and previlegis followis:—

Dean of gild to be ane mercheand.

1. Item, the deane of gild sall be alwayis ane mercheand, and that ane mercheand sailer or mercheand venturer, and of the rank of mercheand, and sall be chosin yeirlie be the provest, bailleis and counsall and dekynis of this burgh in tyme cumyng that same day fyftene dayis that the bailleis of the said burgh beis chosin, and thair sall be a lyke mony of mercheandis and craftismen at his electioun.

Lytis for the deane of gild.

2. Item, the deane of gild beiring office the yeir preceding sall, with advyce of twentiefour persones of the mercheand rank, quhom he sall chuis, nominat twa of the mercheand rank to be on lyt with him self, quhois names sall be presentit in writ befoir provest, bailleis, counsall, and dekynis, as is abone specifiet; of the quhilk thrie they sall chuis ane to beir office the yeir following, and sua to [be] lytit and electit in all tymes cwmyng, and suorne in presence of provest, bailleis, dekynis, and counsall, for the dischairgeing of his faythfull dewtie as it becummis. The deane of gild sall not beir office above twa yeir togidder.

How the dean and his counsall sall b compossit.

3. Item, the deane of gild and his counsall sall be composit yeirlie of aucht persones, viz., four mercheandis, quhairof the deane of gild beiring office the yeir preceding sall be ane, and four craftismen, all gildbrether, quha sall be men of guid fame, knawlege, experience, cair, and zeall to the commoun weill, the maist worthiest of boith rankis. The deane of gild his counsall of the mercheand rank sall be chosin yeirlie be the deane of gild and twentie-four personis of the mercheand rank quhom he sall chuis to that effect; and his counsall of craftismen rank sall be chosin be the dekin convener and remanent dekynis of craftis and thair assisteris and thair haill counsall, to be sworne yeirlie at thair electioun in presens of the deane of gild, and sall be yeirlie electit and suorne the nixt day eftir the deane of gild be chosin.

Quhen the deane of gild sall convene.

4. Item, the deane of gild and his counsall sall convene everie Thursday at ten houris befoir none and als oft as the necessitie of the commoun affairis committit to thair chairge sall requyr, being wairnit thairto be the deane of gild and his officer; and the persones absent the said day oulklie, but forder wairnyng, at the said hour, and at uther tymes being lauchfullie wairnit, not being seik or thrie mylis of the toun, sall pay ane wnlaw of sex schilling aucht pennyis; and for the thrid twentie schillingis; and gif the deane of gild himself sall be absent at ony of the saidis tymes, he not being seik nor thrie mylis of the toun, he sall pay twyis alsmekill of wnlaw at ilk tyme as his councill payis of thair absence.

Quha sall sit in his absence.

5. Item, in absence of the deane of gild, quhilk sall not be allowit except he be seik or thrie mylis of the toun, or for sum necessar and wrgent caussis to be knowin and tryit be his counsall and obteneand thair leifis, in that caice he sall elect be thair adwyce the auld deane of gild or ony of his counsall of the maircheand rank to supplie his place as substitut during his absence quha sall be suorne; or gif ony ane or mae of the deane of gildis counsall of the maircheand rank beis absent it sall be lesum to the deane of gild to bring in ony gildbrother of his awin rank, ane or ma, to supplie that place of the maircheand rank being absent, during the absence of the wther; and gif ony of the craftis rank, ane or ma, of the deane of gildis councill beis absent, the eldest gildbrother of his councill of the craftis rank sall chuis ane wther, ane or ma, of the craftis rank to supplie the place of the wther during his absence quha sall be ane gildbrother and suorn.

The deane sal be ane counsa our of the tour;The deanis power to decerne.

6. Item, the deane of gild sall be ever ane ordiner counsalour of the greit counsall of the toun, and he sall have ane principall key of the tounes chartair chist in keiping.

7. Item, the deane of gild and his counsall or the maist pairt thairof sall have power to decerne in all materis committit to his chairge and office, and that within thrie dayis gif neid requyris; and sall elect ane clerk yeirlie for the better dischairge of thair office, quha sall be suorne befoir the dean of gild and his counsall.


8. Item, na procurator nor man of law sall be admittit to speik to procure for ony persoun befoir the deane of gild bot the pairteis allanerlie.

Quhairin the deane of gild sall decerne.

9. Item, the deane of gild sall have power to judge and decreit in all actionis betuix maircheand and maircheand, and meriner and wther gild brother, in all materis of maircheandice or wther sic caussis, and the pairtie refuser to submit his caus to the deane of gild and his counsall sall pay ane wnlaw of fyve pundis money, and the caus beand submittit the pairtie fund in the wrang to pay ane wnlaw of tuentie schillingis; quhilk tua severall wnlawis sall be payit to the deane of gild and applyit to sic use as he and his counsall sall think guid.

The deane of gild to be lyner with his counsall.; The deane of gild to be oversearis of commoun workis.

10. Item, the deane of gild and his counsall, with the maister of wark, sall beir the burdene in decernyng all questiones and nychbourheid and lynyng within this burgh, and na nychbouris wark to be stayit bot be him quha sall caus the complener consigne in his handis ane plaige worth twentie schillingis of ane wnlaw and the damnage of the pairtie, quha then sall stay the wark to ane day to be assignit be him to the complener to gif in his complaynt, wairnand the pairtie; quhilk day sall be within tuentie sex [four] houres, consignatioun beand made, at the quhilk tyme the deane of gild and his counsall, or the maist pairt of thame, sall convene wpone the ground and the complener not compeirand and fund in the wrang sall pay ane wnlaw of tuentie schillingis with the pairteis damnage for hindering the work; to be instantlie taxt and modefeit be the deane of gild and his counsall and payit furth of the said plaige; and the pairtie finding him greivit be the deane of gild and his counsall, wpone consignatioun of the dowble wnlaw, to be haid befoir the greit counsall of the toun; and gif he have complenit wranguslie to pay the said double wnlaw. Item, the deane of gild and his counsall sall be oversearis of all commoun workis of the toun abone the maister of work, and yeirlie present at the making of his comptis with the counsall of the toun and dekyn convener, and that it sall not be lesum to the tounis thesaurer at ony tyme heireftir to deburs ony greitar soum exceiding ten pundis money without the speciall wairand subscryvit be the bailleis, deane of gild, and dekyn convener.

To punishe the unfriemen.

11. Item, the deane of gild and his counsall sall have power to dischairge, pwnishe, and wnlaw all persones unfriemen usand the libertie of ane frieman within the libertie of the burgh, as they sall think guid, ay and quhill the said unfriemen be put of the toun and restranit, or ellis to be maid frie with the toun and the craftis; and siclyk to persew befoir the juges competent all personis duelland without this burgh and usurpand the libertie thairof, obtene decreitis aganis thame, and caus the samen be put to speidie executioun.


12. Item, the deane of gild and his counsall to owersie and reforme the mettis and mesouris, greit and small, of pynt and quart, peck and firlott, of all sortis, with the elnewand and weychtis of pund and stane of all sortis, and to punish and wnlaw the transgressouris as they sall think expedient.


13. Item, the deane of gild and his counsall sall have power to rais taxationis upone the gild brether for the weilfair and mentenance of thair estait and help of thair distressit gild brether, thair wyfis, children and servandis; and quha refiussis to pay the said taxt sall be wnlawit in the soum of fourtie schillingis so oft as they sall failzie, provyding the same exceid not the soum of ane hundreth pundis money wpone the haill gildbrether; quhilk taxt being wpliftit the saim sall be distributit be the deane of gild and his counsall and dekin convener as they sall think expedient.

Quha sall be gild brether.

14. Item, everie burges dwelland and haveand thair recidence within this toun, and quha hes borne and presentlie beiris burdene within the samyn, sall pas gild brother for payment of the soum of threttene schilling four pennyis to the hospitall of thair calling, and sall use all kynd of handilling and tred that is lawfull during all the dayis of thair lyftyme at thair plesour, secludand fra this benefeit all kynd of wnfamous and debuischit men of evill lyf and conversatioun quha ar not worthie sic ane benefeit; nevirtheles during thair awin lyftyme sall be owersene thairintill; and thair bairnes eftir thair deceis, gif they be fund worthie and able be the deane of gild and his counsall, sall haif the lyk benefeit that uther gild brether' bairnes hes. And all burgesses and friemen as is abone written quha ar not of the cuntrie sall be bund to entir gild brother betuix and the first day of Maij nixtocum, utherwayis to be reput and holdin as strangeris; and quha ar absent of the cuntrie sall entir gild brether within fyftene dayis eftir thair hamecwmyng; secludand also fra this benefeit of ane gild brother all burgesses quha hes not thair recidence within this burgh, and all burgesses within the samyn quha hes not borne nor beiris burdene with the friemen of this burgh (noblemen exceptit).

Quhat gild brether sonis sall pay.

15. Item, everie gild brotheres sone or sones that desyris to be gild brother sall pay at his entrie tuentie schillingis for his gildrie, with fyve schillingis to the hospitall of his awin calling, quhen ever he desyris to pas ather eftir or befoir his fatheris deceis, with this restrictioun that gif he be ane mercheand and of that calling he sall be worth in landis, heretage, and movable geir, the soum of fyve hundreth merkis money, and of thair assistaris alsemekill; and gif he be ane craftisman, and of thair assistaris, he sall be worth in landis, heretage, and movable geir tua hundreth and fyftie markis money, befoir he be admittit and resavit gild brother; and siclyk gif thay be of honest lyf and conversatioun and worthie of the benefeit of ane gild brother, quha sall be tryit be the deane of gild and his counsall; and as concernyng the wnfamous and deboischit persones not worthie of the benefeit of ane gild brother, for the bettir tryell and knawlege of thame the deane of gild, be advyce of certane of the mercheand rank, so mony or sic as he sall chuis to that effect, sall inroll all the names of thois of the mercheand rank and thair assistaris quha ar wnworthie, and everie dekin to try thair awin craft, and that be advys of the dekin convener quha sall try thair assistaris quha ar wnworthie and persones sall be buikit in the deane of gildis buik as wnfamous and wnworthie.

Gild brother dochteris.

16. Item, everie gild brotheris dochter that mareis ane frieman burges of this burgh at his entrie sall pay for his gildrie tuentie schillingis money, with fyve schillingis to the hospitall of his calling; and he sall be worth sa mekill of lands, heretage, or movable geir as is abone written, mercheand and craftismen, and tryit be the deane of gild and his counsall; and this privelege to extend to ane gild brother dochter how mony soever he haif; provyding that the dochter have na forther benefeit of the gildrie bot to hir first husband allanerlie; and this benefeit sall allanerlie appertene and extend to sones and dochteris of gild brether gottin in lauchfull mariage allanerlie.

Burges bairns to be buikit.

17. Item, becaus thair is sindrie lauchfull bairnes quhais fatheris hes bene friemen of this burgh and burgesses, and deceissit within this ten yeiris, quha of equitie, ressoun, and guid conscience wald not be secludit fra this benefeit, it is thairfoir concludit that sic bairnes sall, ather be thame selfis or be thair freindis in caise thay be minoris, compeir befoir the deane of gild and his counsall and buik thame selfis as lauchfull bairnes to thair fatheris, quha they as occasioun sall serve, sall have the benefeit of ane gild brother, payand thairfoir onlie tuentie schillingis and fyve schillingis to the hospitall of thair calling, alwayis being tryit, able, meit and worthie sic ane benefeit, and to be worth the soum abone writtin, mercheand and craftisman, be the deane of gild and his counsall; provyding alwayis that the saidis bairnes or thair friendis compeir befoir the deane of gild and his counsall to be buikit in his buik betuix and the first day of Maij nixtocum, wtherwayis to haif na benefeit mair nor ane wnfrieman.

Privilege of burges wyfis.

18. Item, all burges wyfis within this burgh for the present sall enjoy sic privilege and liberteis during the tyme of thair wedoheid as gif thair husbandis wer on lyf in the benefeit of gildrie, payand to the deane of gild thretten schilling four pennyis with thrie schilling four pennyis to the hospitall of thair husbandis calling; the saidis wedowis being also tryit be the deane of gild and his counsall to be of guid lyf and honest conversatioun; and the widowis to cum sall have the same libertie gif thair husbandis have bene gild brether, wtherwayis not to enjoy that benefeit.

Prenteisses of gild brether.

19. Item, anent the prenteisses of gild brother burgesses, mercheandis and craftis, and thair assistaris, first for the bettir tryell and pruif of thair guid conditiounis, nixt thay aucht to be far inferiour to thair maisteris [bairns] as twitcheing thair rycht throw thair maister, and thridlie to move thame to tak in mariage thair maisteris dochteris befoir ony wtheris. quhilk will be ane greit comfort and support to friemen, that thairfoir no prenteis be resavit burges be rycht of his prenteischip without he have servit ane frieman eftir the ische of his prenteischip for the space of tua yeirs for meit and fie, and than to be resavit burges as ane prenteis, payand thame for his burgesship to the town ten markis, and not thane to be resavit gild brother be that rycht without he be ane burges for four yeir, sua to abyd threttene yeiris befoir he be ane gild brother be rycht of his prenteischip, payand than onlie to the deane of gild ten markis money for his gildrie, quha sall be bund befoir his resaveing gild brother to bring and produce befoir the deane of gild and his counsall ane sufficient testimoniall subscrivit be the notar quha is clerk, to wit, gif he be ane mercheand prenteis or ony of thair assistaris he sall bring ane sufficient testimoniall subscryvit [be the deane of gilds clerk, and if he be ane prenteis to a craftisman, or any of thair assistaris, he sall bring ane sufficient testimoniall from] the dekin convenaris clerk of his prenteischip, and this na wayis to be extendit aganis burges sones forder nor ald use and wont; bot gif the prenteis mary his maisteris dochter or the dochter of ane frieman burges and gild, and beis fund be the deane of gild and his counsall worth the soum abone writtin, mercheand or craftisman, and of honest conversatioun and worthie of sic ane benefeit (being so tryit) in that caice to be resavit gild brother at ony tyme be rycht of his wyf, payand onlie tuentie schillingis with fyve schillingis to the hospitall of his calling, utherwayis to pay the extremetie.

Outintownis men not friemen.

20. Item, that everie outintounis men, mercheandis or craftismen, not as yit burgesses and friemen within this burgh quha enteris in heireftir, first he sall be tryit be the deane of gild and his counsall, beand fund worthie of the soum as is particularlie abone writtin according to his calling, and of honest and guid conversatioun as said is, sall pay for his gildrie eftir that he is burges befoir he be admittit gild brother threttie pundis money, and to the hospitall of his calling threttene schilling four pennyis, except he mary ane gild brother dochter quha than sall pay for his gildrie tuentie schilling and fourtie schilling to the hospitall of his calling.

Burgessis gratis.

21. Item, quhatsumever persoun quha is not presentlie burges and friemen of this burgh and enteris heireftir burges gratis sall pay for his gildrie fourtie pundis money, with fourtie schillingis money to the hospitall of his calling.

Entres silver to be devydit.

22. Item, the haill soumes of money quhilkis sall happin to be gottin in ony tyme heireftir for the enteres to be ane gild brother sall be devydit in this forme, to wit, all that enteris to be ane gild brother as ane mercheand or ony of thair assistaris sall be applyit to the weill of the mercheand hospitall and thair decayit brethrene, or to ony uther guid and godlie work quhilk may tend to the advancement of the commoun weill of this toun, and that be the deane of gild with advys of his mercheand counsall and sic uther of the mercheand rank as he sall chuis to that effect; and all that is gottin or resavit of ony craftisman or thair assistaris quha sall enter gild brother sall be applyit to the weill of thair hospitall and decayit brethrene of the craftismen, or to ony uther guid and godlie work quhilk may tend to the advancement of the commoun weill of this burgh, and that be the dekin convener with the advys of the rest of the dekynis of the craftis of this toun and their assistaris.

Burges and gild heireftir.

23. Item, it sall be nawayis licenciat to ane gild brother quha presentlie is not burges and frieman of this burgh bot entiris heireftir to be burgesses and gild according to the ordour set doun of befoir, according to his habilities and wordines, to tap ony tar, wlie, butter, or to tap egis or grene hering, peiris, apillis, corne, candill, wnyeonis, caill, stray, breid, except baxteris quha may sell breid at thair plesour at all tymes, milk, and siclyk small thingis, quhilkis ar not aggrieable to the honour of the calling of ane gild brother.

Sempill burges.; Wound [i.e., woollen] clayth.

24. Item, it sall not be lesum to ane sempill burges quha enteris heireftir to be burges and becomes not ane gild brother to tap ony silk or silk work, na spycis nor succouris [sugars], na droggis nor confectionis, wat or dry, na laine nor camrage, na stuffis abone tuentie schilling the elne, na forane hattis nor hattis lynit with velvet or taffatie that cumes out of France, Flanderis, [England, or other foreign parts, nor to tap hemp, lint, or iron], nother bras, copper, nor as; nether to tap wyne in pynt or quart, greit salt, waix, waid, grayne, indigo, nor na kynd of uther lit, na to by nor sell in greit within this burgh salt beif, salmond, or hering, or yit to salt ony of thame to sell ower agane, bot for thair awin use allanerlie; nether to by playding or clayth in greit to sell agane within this libertie, nor yit to by talloun above tua stane togidder, except onlie candill makeris to serve the use of the toun or ony honest man for thair a win use, nether to by ony scheip [skins to dry and sell over again, or hides to salt and sell again, nor] ony wyld skynes within this libertie, as todis not above fyve togidder, otteris not above thrie togidder, and wther wyld skynis effeirand; siclyk not to sell ony kynd of wond clayth abone threttie thrie schillingis four pennyis the elne [linen cloth not above 13s. 4d. per ell], excep sic clayth as is maid in thair awin houssis, quhilk they sall have libertie to sell as thay can best; nether to by ony woll to sell ower agane within this libertie; nether to by ony lynyng yairne to sell ower agane or to transport out of this toun, ather in greit or small, except onlie the wobsteris of this burgh quha may by yairne to mak cloth of and sell at thair plesour.


25. Item, it sall not be lesum to na crameris to tak upon hand to set ony crames wpone the hiegait bot wpone the Monnounday and fairis allanerlie, and to wse na wairis bot sic as ar permittit to ane sempill burgess, under the paine of fourtie schillingis, toties quoties.

Gild brether not to by with wther menis money.

26. Forder, it sall not be lesum to ony sempill burgess or gild brother to by with uther menis money, wnder cullour or pretence that it is thair awin, ony wairis within the libertie of this burgh, to the hurt and prejudice of the friemen thairof, wnder the pane of tuentie pundis money and crying doune of thair friedome, being tryit and convictit be the deane of gild and his counsall; and that in respect of the greit hurt and domage that friemen of this burgh hes susteinit be sic doing heirtofoir.

Buith halderis not to crame.

27. Item, it sall not be lesum to ony persoun to hald ane buith at ony tyme to crame wpone the hiegait bot sic as sellis Scottis clayth, bonnattis or schoine, iroun work, or siclyk handie work usit be the craftis, wnder the pane of tuentie schillingis, toties quoties.

Unfriemen not to hald standis.

28. Item, it sall not be lesum to ony wnfrieman to hald ony standis on the hiegait to sell onything pertenyng to craftis or handie work bot betuix aucht houris in the mornyng and tua houris eftir none, wnder the pane of fourtie schillingis; provyding that tapsteris of lynyng cloth and woind cloth be sufferit fra morne to evin, at thair plesour, to sell also all kynd of viveris to be sauld fra mornyng to evin, bot the wnfriemen quha sellis quheit breid to keip the houris appoyntit.

Remainand ane sempill burges.

29. Item, all burgessis that enteris heireftir remainand ane sempill burges, gif he gevis wp his name to be ane mercheand or ony of thair assistaris, he sall pay to the hospitall of his calling fyve markis money, or gif he be ane craftisman or ony of thair assistaris he sall pay to the craftismen fyve markis money; and all burgessis that enteris heireftir gratis and remanis ane sempill burgess, ather mercheand or craftisman, sall pay to the hospitall of his calling ten markis money.

Ane burges to be worth.

30. Item, thair sall be na burgess maid nor enterit heireftir, except that gif he be ane mercheand, or ony of thair assistaris, he to be tryit be the deane of gild that he be worth the soum of ane hundreth pundis money frie geir and buikit in his buik, and have ane testimoniall to that effect subscrivit be the deane of gildis hand; and gif he be ane craftisman, or of thair assistaris, he sall be worth tuentie pundis money of frie geir besyd his craft and sall be buikit in the dekin convenaris buik, and have the dekin convenaris testimoniall subscrivit with his hand; and ather of thame presentand thair said testimoniall to provest, bailleis, and counsall sall be resavit burges, payand thair burges fynes as effeiris; wtherwyis na burges, mercheand nor craftisman, to be admittit nor acknowledgit at ony tyme heireftir.

Power to sett doun wnlawis.

31. Item, the deane of gild and his counsall for observeing of the premissis sall have power to sett doun paynes and wnlawis and to mitigat and enlairge the samyn, according to the tyme and place, persoun and qualitie of trespas; and forder to mak lawis and statutis and set doun heidis and articlis to be observit for the weill of the toun; and provost, bailleis, and counsall to approve the samyn.

Wnlawis to be applyit.

32. Item, the haill wnlaw mentionat in the lawis above writtin, and sic wther lawis, actis and statutis salhappin to be set doun be the deane of gild and his counsall, sall be applyit, viz., the ane half thairof to the deane of gild and his counsall and the uther half to be applyit be the deane of gild and his counsall and dekin convener to ony guid and godlie workis as they think guid.

To elect ane thesaurer.

33. Item, it sall be lesum to the deane of gild and his counsall yeirlie to elect ane of thair number to be thesaurer or collectouris of the haill entres silver and wnlawis that salhappin to be gottin, quha sall be bund to mak compt of his intromissioun thairof upon aucht dayis wairnyng, as he sall be requyrit be the said deane of gild and his counsall; of the quhilk entres silver and gildrie he sall delyver of payment of the haill that is to be resavit of the gild brether of the mercheand rank and thair assistaris, to be imployit to the use foirsaid; and the haill entres silver of gildrie that is to be resavit fra the gild brether of the craftismen and thair assistaris sall be payit and delyverit to the dekyn convener to be imployit be him be adwys of the rest of the dekynis and thair assistaris to the use foirsaid; and the haill wnlawis that is to be delyverit and to be resavit be the deane of gild and his counsall to be bestowit to the uses foirsaidis.

To chuis ane officer.

34. Item, it sall be lesum to the deane of gild and his counsall yeirlie to chuis ane officer for poynding and putting to executioun all the foirsaidis actis and statutis to be sett doun and decreitis to be pronuncit be the deane of gild and his counsall, and for ingadering and poynding for all rentis and dewteis pertenyng to the mercheand hospitall, quha sall be allowit be provest, bailleis, and counsall, and the haill toun officeris to concur and assist the said officer in executioun of his office sa oft as thay sall be requyrit, wnder the pane of wnlaw of tuentie schillingis money wpone ilk ane of the saidis toun officeris that refuissis, being desyrit, (toties quoties).

Power to convene the mercheandis.

35. Item, the deane of gild sall have power to convene the haill mercheandis and thair assistaris at sic tymes as he sall think expedient for ordour taiking of thair hospitall and sic uther necessar effairis as thay sall have to do.

Anuellis of the bak almoushous.

36. Item, the [annuals of the] bak almoushous [behind the bishop's hospital] sall be equalie devydit betuix the mercheandis and craftis hospitall in all tym cwmyng.

Comoun metster.

37. Item, it is aggreit wpon and concludit upone that thair sall be ane commoun metster of wound clayth, quhom the deane of gild and his counsall hes power to elect and chois yeirlie, quha sall be suorne to be leill and trew in sic thingis as sall be committit to his chairge and find catioun to that effect; he sall met all packis and lodis of wolne clayth that cummis out of Galloway or Stewarttoun, or ony uther packis to be sauld within this burgh, and sall have for the metting of everie hundreth elnes fra the seller tua schillingis, and na utheris bot he to met the same sort of claith; also he sall met all uther woind clayth, ather that is bocht or sauld in greit, gif sua be that the byer or seller requyr him wpone the price foirsaid; and siclyk he sall met all sort of plaiding quhilk is sauld in greit (to wit) abune tuentie elnes and haif for the metting thairof tua schillingis, as it becumis to the hundreth elnes, gif the byer or seller requyir him; and na uther to met this sort of plaiding bot he; and forder he sall met all kynd of unbleichit clayth, lynnyng or hardin, gif sua be the byer or seller requyr him, and sall haif for the metting of ilk dosane thairof fra the seller four pennyis; and gif ilk persoun, in defraud of the commoun metsteris dewtie, met or messouris the clayth or plaiding abone writtin. quhilk sall be obsolutlie met be him, he sall try the samyn befoir the deane of gild, and the deane of gild eftir tryell sall compell the seller or byer as he thinkis guid to pay to him the double of his dewtie.

To produce his buik.

38. Item, quhatsumever aetis and statutis the deane of gild and his counsall sall happin to mak and sett doun forder nor is abone expremit at ony tyme heireftir he sall be subject to mak the provest, bailleis and counsall acquentit thairwith, and sall crave thair ratificatioun of the saidis actis in counsall, and for this purpois sall anis in the yeir, being requyrit, produce his buik contenyng his haill actis and statutis befoir the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall, to be sene and considerit be thame.

Trumble, deane of gild.

39. Item, it is aggreit and concludit that Mathow Trumble, mercheand, beir office of deane of gild quhill that same day fyftene dayis eftir the bailyeis of this burgh beis chosin for the yeir to cum, quha hes acceptit the said office wpone him and hes gevin hes ayth, in presens of the provest, bailleis and counsall and haill dekynis, for dischairgeing of his office faythfullie as becumes.

Dekyn convener.

40. Forder, it is aggreit and concludit that, yeirlie in tyme cwmyng, thair sall be ane dekyn convener quha sall be ower the rank of craftismen and thair assistaris, quha sall be yeirlie chosin that same day aucht dayis eftir the bailleis of this burgh beis chosin; and ane of the maist wys and worthiest man of the craftismen and thair assistaris [who shall yearly be leeted in time coming in this form, viz., all the deacons of the crafts and their assistants shall choose two, with the deacon convener, to be given] in lytis befoir provest, bailleis, counsall and haill dekynis of craftis and thair assistaris, quha sall mak chuis of ane of thame to be dekyn convener for the yeir thaireftir following, with this provisioun that thair be alyk mony of mercheandis and craftismen at his electioun. The dekin convener sall not beir office exceiding tua yeiris togidder, he sall be ever ane ordiner counsalour, and have ane principall key of the tounes chartour kist in keiping, he sall be suorne in presens of the provest, bailleis, counsall and dekynis, to do his faythfull dewtie in his office, he sall convene the haill dekynis of craftis and thair assistaris at sic tymes as occasioun sall occur, and sall juge betuix thame or ony of thame in materis pertenyng to thair craftis and calling, and sall mak actis and statutis for guid ordour amangis thame, with advys of the rest of the dekynis and thair assistaris, provyding alwyis thais actis nether prejuge the commoun weill of this burgh, mercheand rank, nor thair assistaris, nor ony privelegis grantit to ony dekynis of this burgh be thair letteres of dekynheid grantit to thame of befoir; quhilk actis sall be approvin be provest, bailleis and counsall, with the advys of the rest of the dekynis and thair assistaris; and sall have power to chuis ane officer quha sall have power to poynd and distremzie, being accompaneit with ane toun officer, for putting of his actis to executioun, as lykwayis for poinding of [for] all rentis, annuellis, and dewteis pertenyng to the craftis hospital; and quhat toun officer refuissis to assist the said officer sall pay tuentie schillingis toties quoties, and gif ony dekin or the dekin of dekynis with craft or craftis amang thame selfis or thair assistaris refuissis the dekyn conveneris jugement in materis concernyng thair craftis and callingis, sall pay ane unlaw of thrie pundis money to the dekyne convener.

Prenteiss craftismen.

41. Item, that all prenteis quha sall becum craftismen [prenteis] within this burgh heireftir to ane craftisman sall pay at his entrie fourtie schillingis and tuentie markis of wpset, he servand out his prenteischip faythfullie, with this provisioun that burges sones pay bot ald use and wont, and quhen he is ane frieman he sall pay oulklie tua pennyis, and that outintounismen enteris to be friemen with ony craft sall pay for his wpset tuentie pundis money with threttene schilling four pennyis to the hospitall and his oulklie tua pennyis.

To chuis collectouris.; The deakin to produce his buik.

42. Item, the dekin conveneris, with advys of the rest of the dekynis and thair assistaris, sall have power to chuis and elect collectouris, ane or ma, for ingadreing of the rentis, annuellis, and dettis [duties] pertenyng to thair hospitall, quha sall be comptabill to the deakin convener and rest of the deakynis and thair assistaris of his intromissioun wpon aucht dayis wairnyng as he sall be requyrit. Forder, the deakin convener sall be subject to produce his buik contenyng the haill actis and statutis quhilk he sall happin to sett doun befoir the provest, bailleis, and counsall to be sene and considerit be thame yeirlie quhen he beis requyrit, and sall crave thair ratificatioun and aluens [allowance] thairto, wtherwayis to be of na effect.

Sempill, deakyn.

43. Item, it is aggreit and concludit that Duncan Sempill, skipper, beir office as deakin convener quhill that sam day aucht dayis eftir that the bailleis of the burgh beis chosin for the yeir to cum, quha hes acceptit the said office wpone him and hes gevin his ayth, in presens of provest, bailleis, counsall and haill dekynis, for dischairgeing of his faythfull dewtie in the said office.

Visitouris of maltmen and meilmen.

44. Item, it is concludit that thair sall be ane visitour of maltmen and meilmen quha sall be chosin yeirlie in tyme cumyng, that same day that the deakin convener sall be chosin, in this forme:—The haill maltmen and meilmen sall gif in four names of men of the maist wordiest and discreit men of the rank of the maltmen, with the ald visitour, in lytis, and present to provest, bailleis and counsall, quha sall mak chuis of ane of thame to be visitour that yeir, and sua in all tyme cwmyng, and sall be suorne.

Saboth day.; Beir or malt in housis or killis.

45. Item, he sall tak tryell of thes quha prophanis the Saboth day in thair callingis, in dichting, resaving, and delyvering of meill, beir, corne and malt, careing of steip water, ingilling of killis, and siclyk uther offencis; and the transgressouris being convict sall pay to the visitour ten schillingis by the wnlaw to the sessioun of the kirk. Item, the visitour sall haif power to try all meill and beir, ather in killis, houssis or buithis, except friemenis beir, meill or malt, cwmmand to thair awin houssis or to thair awin killis, quhilk the visitour sall have power to visit gif he be requyrit be the byer or in the marcatis; and quhair thay sall find wnsufficient stuf as het, rottin, or frost slane stuf, ather mixt amang guid stuf or to be the allane, and lykwayis quhair thay find guid stuf spilt in the making, he sall report the samyn to the bailleis, and the awner thairof to get na mair for the samyn stuf nor the visitour and tua or thrie of his assistaris thinkis it worth wpone thair conscience, provyding that the visitour and his brethrene gif thair ayth and depone befoir ane of the bailleis of this burgh and the pairtie quhat thay think it worth wpone thair conscience, and gif the outintounis seller will not gif it for that price he sall tak it away with him payand the custom of the ladill of the toun; and gif ony beir beis tryit be thame to be flurischit with guid above and the rest wors the awner sall pay sextene schillingis to the bailleis and ten schilling to the visitour; and gif ony malt be fund rottin or spilt in the making, or guid malt or evill, or evill mixit togidder, being sychtit be the visitour they sall report the same to the provest of the worth thairof, and gif the awner pleis to sell it within this toun of that price it sall be lesum sua to do or to brew it him self or transport the same to ony uther pairt, payand also fourtie schillingis for everie making; and gif ony spilt stuif beis fund with ony tounis man be the visitour sall pay sextene schillingis for ilk mask; the ane half of the said wnlawis to be payit to the bailleis and the wther half to the visitour.

Not to top meill or beir.

46. Item, it sall not be lesum to maltmen nor na wtheris to by malt, meill or beir within this toun, ather befoir or in tyme of marcat, to tap ower agane, wnder the pane of fyve pundis to be devydit, to wit, the ane half betuix the bailleis and visitour and the wther half to be devydit betuix the mercheandis and craftis hospitallis.

Not to by stuif cummand to the marcat.; Not to keip stuf in housis.

47. Item, it sall be lesum to na persoun to by ony stuif cummand to the marcat on horsbak or wtherwayis till it be first present in the marcat, except friemen for thair awin use allanerlie, being foirspokin or bocht [before, and so the hours of the market to be kept both] be frie and wnfrie, according to the statutis of the toun; provyding that friemen be sufferit in seid tyme to by thair seid at ony tyme thay pleis. Forder, gif ony stuif be keipit or hiddin in killis, houssis, buithis, or bornes in tyme of marcat, except necessitie constrane thame to put thair meill in houssis or under stairis for weit or foull wether, the contravener of the foirsaidis statutis to pay, viz., the selleris to pay ane wnlaw of sextene schillingis and the byer that byis abone ane boll ane laid or mair sall pay to the visitour sex schillingis aucht pennyis; and gif ony kaik baikeris beis fund byand meill befoir elevin houris, conforme to the tounis actis sall pay ane wnlaw to the bailleis of sextene schillingis and sex schillingis aucht pennyis to the visitour, toties quoties, being tryit that thay have contravenit.

Quhat burges sall mak malt.

48. Item, all persones presentlie burgessis sall have libertie to mak malt, ather to thair awin use or to sell ower agane, and all burges sones that salhappin to [use that trade hereafter shall pay to the visitor, at his entry], tuentie schillingis, and outintounismen quha mareis burges dochteris, sall pay conforme; and everie unfrieman quha ar not as yit burgessis and enteris to that calling of maltmaking sall pay to the visitour of the maltmen tuentie markis money to be bestowit upon thair dekayit brethren be the visitour, with advys of certane of his honest brethrene; provyding that all persounis friemen, ather present or to cum, sall mak meill without ony kynd of entres.

Gif wnfriemen sell.

49. Item, the visitour of maltmen sall have power to try gif ony wnfrieman sell or tap ony kynd of stuf out of the marcat place, and sall report the samyn to the deane of gild, the sellaris to pay ane unlaw of tuentie schillingis, the ane half thairof to the deane of gild the wther half to the visitour, toties quoties, the samyn being tryit.

Rubberis of meill dichteris.

50. Item, seing the rubberris of meill ar dischairgit be the actis of the toun as hurtfull to the commoun weill, it sall be lesum to the visitour to unlaw the sellaris in tuentie schillingis, toties quoties, and dischairgit the rubberis, and to puneish thame according to the statutis of the toun set doun thairanent, the ane half of the said wnlaw to the bailleis and the wther half to the visitour; and nane to rub or met the meill bot the awner. Forder, quhat actis and statutis the visitour, with advys of his brethrene, being convenit as occasioun occurris, can devys for thair weill, not prejugeing the commoun weill, sall be put in wreit and presentit to the provest, bailleis, counsall and dekynis, and thay to repell or allow as thay think guid.

Burges heireftir.

51. Item, everie persoun quha enteris burges heireftir and gevis wp his name to be ane mercheand or craftisman, it sall not be lesum to him to mak malt for the space of thrie yeiris; and gif eftir the ische of the thrie yeiris, gif he desyr to mak malt, being ane sempill burges, he sall pay to the visitour of the maltmen ten markis, and gif he be ane gild brother he sall pay tuentie schillingis at his entrie, and thair bairnes to have that same libertie and benefeit quhilk burges bairnes hes quha now ar presentlie frie; alsua gif the visitour and his brethrene exerce diligentlie, trewlie, and cairfullie thair office committit to thair chairge, it sall be lesum to the provest, bailleis, and counsall to augment thair wpset wpon outintounis men quha enteris to be maltman as the provest, bailleis, and counsall sall think expedient.

Quhat making of malt sall pay.

52. Item, everie making of malt maid be ane frieman maltman dwelland within this toun, how ever sa mony he makis, sall pay aucht pennyis [and every mealman shall pay for every crop or kiln of corn eight pounds], to be applyit to the weill of thair decayit brethren, provyding that friemenis malt and corne maid to thair awin use be frie of payment.

The visitour to produce his buik.

53. Forder, the visitour of the maltmen sall be subject yeirlie in tyme cummyng, anis in the yeir gif thay be requyrit, to produce befoir provest, bailleis, and counsall thair buik, contenyng the haill actis and statutis that it salhappin thame to mak heireftir forder nor it is aggreit as is abone writtin, to be sene and considerit be thame, that thay allow or repell the same as thay find occasioun, wtherwayis to be of na effect.

Wallace, visitour.

54. Item, it is aggreit and concludit thairfoir that Johnne Wallace, maltman, beir office as visitour to the maltmen and meilmen quhill that same day aucht dayis eftir the bailleis of this burgh be chosin for the yeir to cum, quha hes gevin his ayth in presens of provest, bailleis, and counsall for dischairgeing his dewtie in the said office.

[Crafti assisteris.].; Conclusioun of all.

And forder for declaratioun of the craftis assistaris, viz., thay ar maltmen, meilmen, fischeris, and sic marineris and utheris quha pleisis to associat thame selfis with the craftis for contributioun to thair hospitall and decayit brether.

And becaus the foirsaid electioun of the said deane of gild, deakin convener, and visitour of maltmen, with the statutis and privilegis abone writtin, redoundis altogidder for the advancement of the commounweill of this burgh, the saidis commoneris for thame selfis, haveand power and commissioun grantit to thame be the haill body of the rankis of mercheandis and craftismen and thair assistaris, maist humelie requeistit the provest, bailleis, and counsall of this burgh and citie of Glasgw, for thame and thair successouris, to ratifie and approve this present lettre, wnder the forme and tennour thairof in all poyntis, and to that effect to give and grant thair expres consent and assent to the foirsaid deane of gild, deakin convener, and visitour of maltmen, and haill privelegis, statutis, and ordenancis particularlie abone writtin, and to interpone thair auctorite thairto, sua that the same may tak effect and have full executioun as is abone specifeit, and to ordane the samyn to be insert and registrat in the borrow court buikis of this burgh to the effect foirsaid, thairin to remane ad perpetuam rei memoriam, and to declair [that] all and quhatsumever persoun or persones that heireftir sall appone or cum in the contrair of the foirsaid lettre, force and effect thairof, haill statutis and previlegis abone writtin, sall be haldin and reput as seditious persones or trubleris of the commoun weill of this burgh and quyet estait thairof, and sall incur the not and mark of infamie, and wtherwayis to be pwneist with all rigour. In witnes quhairof this present writtin be Johnne Craig, noter, the foirsaidis haill commoneris, for thame selfis and in name and behalf foirsaid, lyk as the saidis provest, bailleis, and counsall, in taikin of thair consent and ratificatioun in all poyntis, hes subscryvit with thair handis, as followis, at day yeir and place foirsaid. Followis the subscriptiounis:—First of mercheand commissioneris: William Andersoun, Thomas Muir, bailleis, Mathow Tromble, James Bell, James Inglis, William Stirling, James Flemyng, Wmphra Cunyngham for Thomas Broun in his absence, Robert Adam, Johnne Woddrop for George Muir, Archibald Faullis. Ita est. Archibaldus Hegatt de mandato Joannis Dicksoun scribere nescientis. Commoneris for the craftis: Johnne Andersoun, bailie, Robert Rowat, Mr. Peter Low, Duncan Sempill, Mr. Robert Hamiltoun, Johnne Muir, James Fischer, David Schirer, James Braidwod, Thomas Fawsyd. Ita est. Archibaldus Hegat, notarius, de mandatos Joannis Scot et Guilielmi Flemyng, scribere nescientium. Followis the oversmen: Sir George Elphinstoun, Mr. David Wemis, Mr. John Bell.

Apud Glasgw nono die Februarij anno 1605.—In the counsalhous thairof, producit befoir provest, bailleis and counsall, admittit, approvit and ordanit to be registrat in the borrow court buikis; and in taikin heirof subscryvis as followis:—The provest, bailleis and counsall, viz., Sir George Elphinstoun, provest, William Andirsoun and Thomas Muir, and Johnne Andersoun, bailleis; Mathew Tromble, Mr. Petir Low, William Wallace, Robert Adame, James Lyoun, Wmphra Cunyghame, William Stirling, Johnne Wodrop, Johnne Rowat, Johnne Muir, James Braidwod, James Fischer, William Robesoun, Thomas Pettigrew, James Bell, William Wilsoun, thesaurer. Ita est. Archibaldus Hegat, de mandato Joannis Dicksoun et Guilielmi Muir, scribere nescientium.

The quhilk day, the deane of gild, dekin convener, and visitour of the said maltmen, the saidis provest, bailleis and counsall, for thame selfis and thair successouris in office, be the tennour heirof, hes interponit and interponis thair autoritie, and ordanis the same to have all and sindrie previlegis and liberteis specefeit and contenit thairintill, as is abonewrittin, to be observit, keipit, execut, and usit be the said deane of gild, deakin convener, and visitour of maltmen in all tyme cwmmyng, eftir the forme and tennour thairof in all poyntis, for the commoun weill of this burgh and mutable concord of baith the saidis rankis of mercheandis and craftis. Extractum de libro actorum curiarum dicti burgi per Willielmum Flemyng, servitorem Archibaldi Hegat, clerici ejusdem, sub signo et subscriptione manualibus dicti Archibaldi.

Ita est. Archibaldus Hegatt, Notarius scriba dicti burgi manu propria signavit.

[Act by the Provost, Bailies, and Council, 16th February, 1605.]

Decimo sexto Februarij millesimo sexagesimo quynto.—The quhilk day, the provest, bailleis and counsall, cairfull that heireftir all maner of mutany, contraversie, question, and debait sall be removit furth of this [common weal, especially betwixt the merchant rank and rank of craftsmen]. so that the mutuall band sett doun amang thame laitlie anent the deane of gild and deakin convener for the commoun weill of this burgh and weill of bayth the estaitis may tak happie effect, without ony particular respect to be haid to mercheand and craftismen, with consent of deane of gild and deakin convener, for thame selfis and remanent of thair rankis, hes concludit, statut and ordanit that in all musteris, wapinschawingis and wtheris lesum and lauchfull assembleis, thair sall be na questioun, stryf, nor debait, betuix mercheand and craftismen, prerogative or prioritie in rankis, bot that thay and everie ane of thame, as ane body of the commoun weill, sall rank thame selfis togidder, but distinctioun as thay salhappin to fall in rank, and utherwayis sall be as thocht expedient be provest, bailleis, for the tyme; declaring for thir presentis quhatever he be, mercheand or craftisman, that makis questioun, mutanie, or tumult, for thair rank be prerogative or prioritie, and repynis the will and discretioun of the provest, bailleis, sall be jugit and reput ane seditious persoun, and forder puneschit at thair sichtis. And forder for taikin away of all partialitie and particular respect of persones amangis the saidis mercheandis and craftis, gif it happin heireftir of ony questioun or querell fall furth betuix mercheand and craftismen to be judiciall or be way of deid, the deane of gild or dekin convener, nor nane of thair rankis, sall schaw thame selfis particularlie affectit to ony of thair pairteis, in respect the ane is ane mercheand the wther ane craftisman, nor yit assist thame or ony of thame tumoultuouslie in jugement, or utherwyse bot be cairfull usis sie the ofender condignelie puneschit be way of justice. Attour becaus that sindrie burgessis of this burgh, quhen thay happin to commit or do wrang or tribulance to thair nychtbouris within the samyn, pryding and vanting thame selfis in thair freindis without the toun, makis convocatioun of thair freindis to compeir with thame in jugement, to the greit trouble of this burgh and jugement sait of the samyn, express contrair the lawis and actis of parliament. Thairfoir hes concludit, statut and ordanit, that quhatever he be, burges of this burgh, that heireftir committis tribulance or fallis furth with his nychtbouris, and makis convocatioun without the toun to tak pairt with him to mak forder tumult within the toun and in jugement, his friedome to be cryit doun and never estemat to be worthie to bruik the libertie of ane frieman thaireftir, bot that thay cumelie and quyetlie seik redress and remeid for thair wrang be way of justice; and siclyk, that all conventionis and metingis to be of the deane of gild and dekin convener be onlie for putting thair statutis to executioun and exerceing of liberteis and previlegis grantit wnto thame be the provest, bailleis and counsall onlie, for the weill of this burgh. Extractum de libro actorum curiarum burgi de Glasgw per Willielmum Flemyng, servitorem Archibaldi Hegat, clerici ejusdem, sub ejus signo et subscriptione manualibus.

A. Heigatt, Registrat be Robert Brok, noter.

[Act of Deacon Convener and Crafts, 15th May, 1611.]

Apud Glasgw decimo quinto mensis Maij anno Domini 1611 yeiris.—The quhilk day, Thomas Morsoun, deakin convener of the burgh and citie of Glasgw, Gabriell Smyth, deakin of the smythis; Johnne Mwn, deakin of tailyeouris; Gabriell Listoun, dekyne of cordeneris; William Luif, dekyn of skynneris; Johnne Clerk, dekyn of wobstaris; William Heriot, dekyne of baxteris; Johnne Rankene, dekyn of masonis; Johnne Hall, dekyn of couperis; James Allansoun, dekyn of wrychtis; William Gowan, dekyn of bonetmakeris; James Braidwod, baillie; Johnn Andersoun, Ninian Andersoun, Alexander Caldwoll, and James Lychtbody, brethrene of his counsal, being convenit to consult and advys anent divers and sindrie caussis tending to the weill of the craftis and flurischeing of the estait thairof within the said burgh, and wnderstandand that the provest, bailleis and counsall, for avoyding of all collusioun betuix maister and prenteis in time cummyng, hes sett doun ane laudabill statut anent the maner quhow that prenteisses sall be admittit to the friedome and libertie of ane burges and gild brother be vertew of that rycht, conforme to that article contenit in the letter of gildrie sett doun thairanent, and haveing inbracit the same as ane laudable statut sett doun for the weill of both rankis, alsweill mercheandis as craftis, hes ordanit the said act to be insert and registrat in the dekyn conveneris buik, and the extract thairof gevin furth to every dekyn that everie particular craft and frieman within the said burgh of the same may be acquentit thairwith, that thay nor nane of thame may pretend ignorance heiranent in ony tyme heireftir, quhairof the tennour followis:—In the counsalhous the fourtene day of Aprill the yeir of God jm. vjc. elevin yeiris, being convenit the provest, bailleis, and counsall. The quhilk day, the provest, bailleis and counsall being convenit eftir advys and consideratioun haid be thame of the greit abus done in tyme bygane in admitting of prenteissis to be burgessis, wpone testificatioun wnder the handwreit of the clerk of thair craft, and that wpone declaratioune of thair maisteris that thay have servit compleitlie the tym of thair indentour as prenteissis, with tua yeir for meit and fie eftir outrynnyng thairof; albeit it be trew that sindrie ar admittit quha hes not servit the full tym as is abonewrittin, and that be collusioun betuix the maister and prenteis, to the greit hurt of thair craftis; for remeid quhairof it is concludit and ordanit that na prenteis heireftir sall be admittit burges except his maister compeir with him, in presens of provest, bailleis, and counsall for the tyme, and thair the maister to gif his ayth solemplie that the said prenteis hes servit the space of sevin yeiris according to his indentour, and wther tua yeiris eftir his prenteischip for meit and fie; and being fund that the said prenteis hes sua servit the deane of gild to admit the prenteis burges wpon testificatioun wnder the handwreit of the clerk of the burgh for the tyme. And siclyk ordanis that all prenteis, alsweill of mercheandis as craftis, to be buikit in the buikis of the deane of gild for the mercheandis, and buikis of the deakyn convener for the craftis, and that quhen thay first enter to thair maisteris, wtherwayis not to be resavit burgess or gild brother be the rycht of the prenteis, and that thay report thair testificatioun thairanent, wtherwayis not to be admittit be that rycht. Extractum de libro actorum generalis decani per me. Sic subscribitur: Alexr. Grahame. And buikit be Robert Brok, notar.


  • 1. The words inserted in square brackets appear in other prints, and seem to have been inadvertently omitted in the transcript engrossed in the Minute Book of the Incorporation of Bonnetmakers and Dyers.