Index: Persons

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 4, Monastic Cathedrals (Southern Province). Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1963.

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'Index: Persons', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 4, Monastic Cathedrals (Southern Province), ed. B Jones (London, 1963), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: Persons', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 4, Monastic Cathedrals (Southern Province). Edited by B Jones (London, 1963), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: Persons". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 4, Monastic Cathedrals (Southern Province). Ed. B Jones (London, 1963), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

Acciaioli, Angelo, 8

Adam, 17

Alcock, John, 15, 39, 58

Alcock, Thomas, 19, 63

Alencon, Philip de, 33

Aleyn, John, 33

Alnwyk (Annewyk), William, 14, 24

Angouleme, Hugh de, 7

Annewyk, see Alnwyk

Arundell, Thomas, 4 (bis), 14

Asseden, see Asshton

Asserio, Rigaud de, 45

Asshton (Asseden), Hugh, 51

Audley (Audele, Awdeley), Edmund, 39

Aulton, William, 48

Awdeley, see Audley

Ayremynne, Adam de, 28

Ayremynne, William de, 23

Baconthorpe (Bakonthorpe), William, 26

Baghe (Bawthe), Thomas, 49

Bainbridge (Baynbridge), Christopher, 49 and n. 2

Bakonthorpe, see Baconthorpe

Baldock (Baldok), Robert de, 23, 45

Barnet, John (d. 1373), 14, 56

Barnet, John (d. 1407), 38

Barton, Philip de, 48 and n.

Basyng, Hugh, 47

Basyng (Kingsmill), William, 48

Bateman (de Norwyco), William, 23, 26

Bawthe, see Baghe

Baynbridge, see Bainbridge

Beauchamp, Richard, 33

Beaufort, Henry, 46

Beaufort, James de, 18

Bek, Anthony, 23

Belers, Hamo de, 27

Bell, John, 58, 62

Bentworth (Benteworth), Richard de, 17

Bere, de la, see Labere

Berenger, John, 27

Bildeston (Billeston), Nicholas, 51 and n.

Birstone, William de, 60

Blanchard, John, 62

Bloxham, John, 50

Blythe (Blithe), Geoffrey, 61

Blythe (Blithe), William de, 28

Bole, Richard, 19

Boleyn (Bolen), William, 51

Bonewell, James, 26

Botiler, Simon de, 59

Bottlesham, John de, 38

Bottlesham, Thomas de, 41 n. 3

Bottlesham, William de, 38

Bourgchier (Boucher), John, 9

Bourgchier (Boucher), Thomas, 5, 15 (bis), 57

Bourne (Burne), Thomas, 40

Boxley, Walter, 41

Bozoun, Simon, 25

Bozoun, Thomas, 26

Bradenham, Henry de, 30

Bradwardine, Thomas de, 3 (bis), 27

Bransford, Wulstan de, 56 (bis), 59 and n.

Breto, Bernard Ezius de le, 7

Breto, Guichard de le, 7

Breynton, Roger de, 61

Brian, see Bryan

Brinton (Brunton), Thomas, 38

Bronde, see Catton

Brook, Henry, 48

Broun, Robert, 50

Brouns, Richard, see Cordon

Brouns, Thomas, 24, 39, 57

Brucy, John de, 62

Bruer, Gilbert de, 17

Brunton, see Brinton

Bruton, John 7

Bryan (Brian), Reginald, 14, 56

Buckingham, John, 14

Buketon (Buckton), John de, 16

Burdett, John, 63

Burdon, Walter de, 60

Burghashe (Burghershe), Henry de, 45

Burne, see Bourne

Burnell, Edward, 18

Burnham, Robert de, 25

Burton, John, 63

Burton, Richard, 63

Burton, Robert de, 50

Butiller, Thomas, 8

Bysshope, William, 40

Campeden (Campden), John, 49

Cardon, see Clyve

Carleton, John de, 33

Carmelian, Peter, 62 and n.

Carpenter, John, 58

Castleton, William, 26

Catryk (Ketterich), John, 49

Catton (Bronde), Robert, 26

Caudray, see Cawdray

Caulason, Bernard de, 17

Cawdray (Caudray), Richard, 27

Chaumpeneys, Adam le, de Sandwico, 62

Chelenden, see Chillenden

Chichele, Henry, 4

Chichele, Thomas, 8

Chichele, William, 8

Chillenden (Chelenden, Chylynden), Thomas, 6, 38

Circeter, see Rumworth

Clare, William de, 16

Claxton, William, 25

Claybrooke (Clayburgh), William, 63

Clemens, Simon, 61 n.

Clement, Simon, 62

Clement, Vincent, 27, 51

Clervaus, John, 33

Clifford, Richard, 8, 18, 57

Clyve (Cardon), John, 40

Cobham, Thomas de, 3, 55

Colonna, Prosper de, 8

Colville, Robert, 17

Convenis, Simon, 7

Copaunford, Nicholas de, 16

Cordon (Brouns), Richard, 42

Cornewallis, Thomas, 28

Cornewayleys, see St Austolo

Cottenham, John, 17

Courtenay, Peter, 46

Courtenay, Richard, 24

Courtenay, William, 4

Cox, Richard, 19

Cranmer, Edmund, 9

Cranmer, Thomas, 5

Crauden (Crawden), John de, 13, 16

Creake, Simon de, 30

Crischirch, John, 18

Crompe (Crumpe), Simon, 59

Dalby, Thomas, 18

Daniel, Nicholas, 50

Dardani, James, 29

Deane, Henry, 5

Delaberd, see Labere

Delphini, Henricus filius Imberti, de Vienna, 62

Dene, William de le, 41 and n. 2

Denford, Roger de, 41

Denston, Clement, 31

Dereham, Richard, 29 (bis)

Derlyngton (Derlington), John, 27

Despenser, Henry, 23

Devenesche (Devenyssh, de Veneys), John, 46

Dowman, John, 34

Dunmoe (Dunmaw, Dunmow), John, 61 and n.

Dynham, Oliver, 29, 49

Eastry, Henry, 5

Ediall, see Edyall

Edington (Edyndon, Edynton), John de, 49

Edington (Edyndon, Edynton), William de, 4, 46

Ednam, John, 28

Edyall (Ediall), Henry, 42

Edyndon, Edynton, see Edington

Elham, John, 6

Elvedon, Walter, 30

Ely, Alan de, 30, 32

Ely, Peter de, 14, 16

Ely, Simon de, 32

Enford (Endeford), Robert de, 47

Evesham, John de, 56, 59

Ezius, see Breto, Bernard

Fastolf (Fastole), Thomas, 26

Faversham, Simon de, 7

Fenton (Fentune), John de, 32

Ferriby, Thomas, 18

Fieschi (Flisco), William de, 32

Finneys, John, 32

Fisher (Fyssher), John, 39

Fitzhugh, Robert, 15

Fitzjames, Richard, 39

Flisco, see Fieschi

Florentia, see Sinabaldi

Fodringhey, Ralph de, 17

Fodringhey, Robert de, 17

Foliot, William, 17

Foljambe, Edward, 48 n.

Fordham, John de (d. 1425), 8, 14

Fordham, John de (d. 1438), 59

Forrest, John, 49

Forrester, William, 50

Foulmere (Fulemere, Fulmer), Robert, 33

Fox, John, 49, 51

Fox, Richard, 47

Franks (Fraunks), John, 33

Fresingfeld, John de, 16

Fressel (Frysell), William, 41

Freton, John de, 28

Frost, John, 51

Frost, Robert, 51

Frysell, see Fressel

Fulemere, Fulmer, see Foulmere

Fynch, John, 6

Fyssher, see Fisher

Gainsborough (Geynsborough), William de, 55

Gardiner, Stephen, 30, 47, 63

Gaudeby, Hugh, 31

Geoffray, see Jeffreys

Geyell, Nicholas, 61

Geynsborough, see Gainsborough

Ghinucchi, Jerome de, 58

Giffard, Godfrey, 55

Gigliis (Gylys), John de, 58, 61 and n.

Gigliis, Silvester de, 58

Gillyngham, Richard, 6

Goldston, Thomas (d. 1468), 6

Goldston, Thomas (d. 1517), 6

Goldwell, James, 24

Goldwell, Nicholas, 28, 32, 34

Goldwell, Thomas, 6

Goodrich (Goodrick), Thomas, 15

Graa, William, de Trusthope, 31, 33

Gray, William, 15

Green (Grene), John, 57, 59

Greenstreet (Grenestrete), John de, 40

Grene, John, see Green

Grene, Thomas, 31

Grenestrete, see Greenstreet

Griffith (Gryffyth), Maurice, 42

Guillelmi, Ayquelinus, de Sparra, 50

Gylys, see Gigliis, John de

Hallum (Hallam), Robert, 8 and n.

Halle (Hulls), Thomas, 41

Hals (Halse), John, 27, 29

Hambleton, John, 31

Harbury, see Herbury

Harewell, John de, 28, 62

Hathbrande, Robert, 6

Hathfield, William, 16

Hawkins, Nicholas, 15, 19

Hawkins, Thomas, 63 (bis)

Heath (Hethe), Nicholas, 40

Helleston, Michael de, 50

Hemenhale (Henmale), Thomas de, 23, 56

Hende, William, 63

Hengham, see Hingham

Henmale, see Hemenhale

Herbury (Harbury), Nicholas, 61

Heriad, Alexander, 47

Herlaston, William de, 28

Hertelbury, John, 59

Hertlepe, John de, 38, 40

Heske, see Uske

Hetersete, Thomas, 31 (bis)

Hethe, Hamo de, 37, 40

Hethe, Nicholas, see Heath

Heugate, see Hungate

Heverlond, John, 25

Hilsey, John, 39

Hingham (Hengham), Ralph de, 62

Hinton, see Hunton

Holbeche (Rands), Henry, 60 and n. 2

Honywood, Robert, 28

Hoo, Nicholas de, 25

Hothom, John de, 13

Hulls, see Halle

Hunden, William, 41

Hundey, William, 41 n. 1

Hungate (Heugate), Nicholas de, 60

Hunton (Hinton), Thomas, 48

Inge (Ynge), William, 48

Inkbarrow, Robert, 63

Insula, see Lisle

Islip (Islep), Simon, 4, 7

Ixworth, John, 63

Jane, Thomas, 24

Jeffreys (Geoffray), John, 32

Jugee, William de la, 7

Kays (Keyes), Henry, 27

Kempe, John, 5, 38

Kerdeston, Thomas de, 28

Ketelbergh, Stephen de, 17

Ketene, John de, 13

Ketterich, see Catryk

Keyes, see Kays

Kinebauton (Kinebarton, Kinbolton), Joceus de, 60

Kingscote (Kyngescote), John, 61

Kingsmill, see Basyng, William

Knapton, William de, 26, 32

Kyngescote, see Kingscote

Labere (de la Bere, Delaberd), John de, 49

Lakenham, Henry de, 25

Langdon, John, 38

Langeton, John de, 6, 13

Langham, Simon, 4 (bis), 14 and n.

Langley, Robert de, 25

Langley (Longley), Thomas, 29

Langton, Thomas, 5, 46

Larke, Thomas, 28, 32

Latimer (Latomer), Hugh, 58

Lavenham, Firmin de, 30

Leck (Lek), Laurence de, 25

Ledbury, Richard de, 61

Ledbury, Thomas, 59

Lee, Edward, 49

Legh, Walter de, 57, 59

Le Hert, see Lyhart

Lek, see Leck

Lenn, see Lynn

Lincoln, John de, 31

Lisle (Insula), Thomas de, 13

London, Walter de, 7

Long, Matthew, 49

Longley, see Langley, Thomas

Lovel, Roger, 41 n. 1

Lowe, John, bp., 39

Lowe, John, archdcn., 42

Lulimere, see Lynn

Luxemburg, Louis de, 15

Lyhart (Le Hert), Walter, 24

Lyng, Richard, 27, 30, 32

Lynn (Lenn, Lulimere), William de, 57

Macworth (Mackworth), John, 29

Maidstone, Walter, 55

Malebys, William de, 33

Malo Leone, Stephen de, 50

Malpas (Maupas), William, 63

Malvern, John de, 59

Marewell (Yarewell), Gilbert de, 30

Marke (Mark, Merke), Thomas, 27, 29

Marlborough, Richard, 48

Marwin (Marvin, Merewin), Edmund, 49

Maudeleyn, Richard, 31

Maupas see Malpas,

Medeford (Medford, Mitford), Richard de, 29

Medici, Julius de, 58

Meopham, Simon de, 3

Merewell, see Woodlock

Merewin, see Marwin

Mereworth, Lawrence, 41

Merke, see Marke

Merlawe (Merlow), John, 47

Metcalfe, Nicholas, 42

Metford, John, 18

Methelwold, Thomas de, 30

Middleton, Gilbert de, 26 n.

Middleton, John de, 27, 29

Mildenham, Thomas, 60

Mitford, see Medeford

Molashe, William, 6

Molet, John, 26

Mongeham, Stephen, 6

Montacute (Montagu), Simon de, 7, 13, 56

Moore, William, 60 and n. 1

Morgan, Philip, 14, 29, 57

Morton, John, 5, 15, 27 (bis), 29, 51

Morton, Robert, 51, 58, 61

Morton, Thomas, 19

Motte, Gaillard de la, 17

Mottrum (Mottrom), Adam, 8, 18

Multon, Robert, 59

Musard, Thomas, 59

Navesby, William de, 41

Neapoleonis, Francis, 62

Neville, Thomas, 46, 47

Newland, John, 28

Newton, William, 30

Nix (Nyk, Nykke), Richard, 25

Noellet, William, 33

Northborough, Michael de, 32

Norwico, Richard de, 27

Norwyco, see Bateman

Nyk, Nykke, see Nix

Offord (Ufford), John de, 3, 17

Orford, Robert de, 13, 16

Orleton, Adam de, 45, 56

Orleton, John de, 62

Ouseflet, see Usflet

Oxenden, Robert, 6

Oxne, John, 6

Packington, William de, 8

Pakenham, John, 51

Paten, see Waynflete, John

Pates, Richard, 51

Pateshall, Walter, 41 n. 2

Pattesele, Thomas de, 18

Pecham, Richard, 40

Pelegrini, Raymond, 48

Percy, Thomas, 23

Peres, Roger, 61

Peterborough, Henry of, 17

Pettham, William, 6

Peverel, Thomas, 57

Peynthwyn, Hugh, 9

Phylypp, Walter, 41

Podio Barzaco (Barsiaco), John de, 50

Polton, Philip, 61

Polton, Thomas, 57

Pontissara (Pontoise), John de, 45

Powcher, William, 16

Pratis (Prés), Peter de, 41

Prees (Prots), Robert de, 28, 29

Prés, see Pratis

Prots, see Prees

Pulcis, see Sinabaldi

Purcell, William, 42

Puteoli, John, 37

Pykenham, William, 33

Rands, see Holbeche

Ravenser, Richard de, 28

Rede, see Reed

Redmayn (Redman), Richard, 15

Reed (Rede), William, 41 and n. 2

Repps (Rugg, Rugge, Rygge), William, 25

Revell, see Ryvell

Reynolds, Walter, 3, 55

Robinson, Richard, 19

Roche, Androynus de la, 18

Roche, Aymar, 7

Rocombe, William, 63

Rodburn, Thomas, 15, 31

Rodebourne, Robert, 47

Roger, 41

Roger, Peter, 7

Rokeby, William, 49

Roselli, Nicholas, de Tarragona, 18

Rotherham, Roger, 42

Rotherham (Scot), Thomas, 39

Roux, Raymond de, 7

Rowthall, see Ruthall

Rugg, Rugge, see Repps

Rumworth (Circeter), Henry, 8

Russell, John, 39

Ruthall (Rowthall), Thomas, 61

Rygge, see Repps

Ryvell (Revell), William, 34

Sabrano, Eliziarus de, 33

Sacrus, see Sayerus

St Austolo (Cornewayleys), Philip de, 50

St Germain, John de, 55

St Maximo, Francis de, 32

Salisbury, John, 26

Salisbury, William, 6

Salmon, John, 13, 23

Sampson, Richard, 34

Sandale, John de, 45

Sandwico, see Chaumpeneys

Sapiti, Philip, 50

Savage, Thomas, 24, 39

Savoy, Peter of, 55 n.

Sayerus (Sacrus), 32

Scapeya (Shepphey), John de, 37, 40

Scot, see Rotherham, Thomas

Segden, John, 61

Selby, Ralph, 29

Sellyng, William, 6

Selot, John, 31

Severle, John de, 62

Shankwyn, see Shenkwyn

Sharp, Henry, 42

Shelford, Thomas de, 40

Shenkwyn (Shankwyn), Thomas, 32

Sheppey, John de, 40

Shepphey, see Scapeya

Shirford, Thomas de, 33

Shyrebourn, Thomas, 48

Silkested, Thomas, 48

Sinabaldi, James, de Florentia (Pulcis), 50

Sistre, Bernard, 7

Skerning, Thomas de, 26, 48

Skypp (Skipp), John, 34

Smith (Smythe), William, 49 n. 1, 51

Snetisham, Roger de, 26

Sparra, see Guillelmi

Spelderhurst, John de, 40

Spencer, Miles, 32

Spofford (Spofforth), Thomas, 38

Sponne, William, 29

Spynke, William, 26

Stafford, John, 5

Stanbury, John, 24

S[tanhowe], R[ichard] de, 28

Stanley, James, 15

Statherne, Hugh de, 60

Steward (Stewart), Edmund, 34

Steward, Robert de, see Wells

Stillington, William, 28, 30, 32

Stockeslie (Stokesley), John, 49

Stokes, John, 18

Stokesley, see Stockeslie

Stratford, John de, 3, 45

Stratford, Robert de, 7

Stratford, Thomas de, 61

Sturdy, Henry, 33

Sturmy, Hugh, 31

Sudbury, Simon de, 4

Suthflete, Robert de, 40

Swynflet, William, 27

Talleyrand, Elias, de Perigord, 32

Tarente (Tarrant), Nicholas de, 47

Tarragona, see Roselli

Tarrant, see Tarente

Testa, William de, 17

Thirlby, Thomas, 19

Thirsford (Thyrsforde), William de, 61

Thoresby, John de, 56

Thorpe, John, 33

Thyrsforde, see Thirsford

Thudden (Tudden), William, 47

Tideman (Tydeman), Robert, de Winchcombe, 57

Totyngton, Alexander de, 24, 25

Trevilian, Henry, 33

Trillek, Thomas de, 37 and n.

Trusthope, see Graa

Tudden, see Thudden

Tunbridge (Tunebrigg), William, 40

Tydeman, see Tideman

Ufford, John de (d. 1349), see Offord

Ufford, John de (c. 1367-68), 33

Urswick, Christopher, 24 n., 30, 49 n. 2

Usflet (Ouseflet), Robert de, 28

Uske (Heske), John de, 61

Vaghan (Walchan), Richard, 48

Vannes, Peter, 63

Vaunce, William, 63

Veneys, see Devenesche

Verney, John, 63

Vienna, see Delphini

Wakefield, Henry de, 7, 14, 57

Wakering, John, 8, 24

Walchan, see Vaghan

Walden, Roger de, 4, 50

Walpole, Ralph de, 13

Walpole, William, 16

Walsingham, Alan de, 13, 16

Walsingham, Edmund, 16

Warham, William (d. 1532), 5

Warham, William (c. 1534), 9

Waynflete (Paten), John, 49

Waynflete, William, 46

Wednesbury (Wednesburgh), John, 60

Welbourne (Wellesbourne), John, 18

Wells (Steward), Robert de, 17

Wells, William (c. 1430), 17

Wells, William (d. 1444), 39

Wenlock, William of, see Wyvel

Wenlocke, William, 60

Wesenham, Roger de, 41

West, Nicholas, 15

Westacre (Westacra), William, 27

Westerham, John de, 40

Westgate, Richard, 48

Westminster, Roger, 17

Wetheryngesete, Richard, 18

Whittlesey, see Wittlesey, William (d. 1374)

Wiggenhall, John, 31

Wikeford, see Wykford

Wilton, Stephen, 51

Winchcombe, Richard, 61

Winchcombe, Robert de, see Tideman

Winchelsey, Robert, 3

Winchester, Thomas de, 30

Winter (Wynter), Thomas, 30, 34

Winterbourne (Wynterbourne), Thomas, 8

Winton, see Wynton

Wittlesey (Whittlesey), William (d. 1374), 4, 37, 56

Wittlesey, William (c. 1510, 1515), 17

Wod, William, 40

Wodehele (Woodhall), Roger, 31

Wodnesbergh, John, 6

Wodville (Wydeville), Lionel, 49

Woleman (Wulman), Richard, 32

Wolsey (Wulcie), Thomas, 47

Wolveden, Robert, 27

Wolveleye, John de, 50

Woodhall, see Wodehele

Woodlock, Henry, de Merewell, 45, 47

Woodrowe, John, 14

Wooton, Nicholas, 62

Worcester (Wygorn), Robert de, 62

Worsted, William, 25

Wouldham, Thomas de, 37

Wulcie, see Wolsey

Wulman, see Woleman

Wydeville, see Wodville

Wygorn, see Worcester

Wyke, John de, 59

Wykeham, Nicholas de, 50

Wykeham, William de, 46

Wykford (Wikeford), Robert de, 50

Wyndham, George, 28

Wynter, see Winter

Wynterbournc, see Winterbourne

Wynton (Winton), Adam de, 45

Wyre, Simon de, 59

Wyvel, William, of Wenlock, 41

Yarewell, see Marewell

Ynge, see Inge

Young (Yonge), Richard, 38

Zouche, Eudo de la, 31

Zouche, Henry de la, 30