Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 10, Coventry and Lichfield Diocese. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1964.
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'Index of persons', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 10, Coventry and Lichfield Diocese, ed. B Jones (London, 1964), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index of persons', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 10, Coventry and Lichfield Diocese. Edited by B Jones (London, 1964), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index of persons". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 10, Coventry and Lichfield Diocese. Ed. B Jones (London, 1964), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Abberbury, see Adderbury
Abel, Richard, 21
Abyndon, Richard de, 65
Adderbury (Abberbury, Eadbury), Thomas de, 7, 66
Admondeston, Thomas, 21
Admondeston, William de, 19, 30, 42
Agard, Philip, 34, 51
Akum, John, 70
Alatri, see Giudice
Alcock, Thomas, 69
Aleston, see Ayleston
Aleyn, Sampson, 34
Algar, John, 71
Amelio, John de, 67
Amie, Alexander, 70
Ammoigner Le, see Bluntesdon
Antilla, see Nerii, Philip
Apeltre, William de, 19, 32, 50, 58
Arblaster, Thomas de, 69
Argentyne (Argentein), John, 24, 34, 51
Arundel, John (d. 1477), 33
Arundel, John (d. 1504), 3 & n. 1
Arundel, John de (d. 1331), 53
Asheby, John de, 16
Ashton, William de, 28, 35 (bis), 47
Assheford, Thomas, 35
Astley, Thomas de, 55
Audley (Awdeley), Edmund, 43
Aumenet, William, 46
Auncell, John, 54
Aungerville, see Bury
Awdeby, see Outheby
Awdeley, see Audley
Ayleston (Aleston), John de, 48
Aylmere, John, 42
Ayremynne (Eyremynne), Richard de, 64
Ayremynne (Eyremynne), William de, 65
Babyngle, John, 25
Bache, Simon, 58
Baddeby, Thomas (c. 1362), 65
Baddeby, Thomas de (c. 1339-78), 7
Baldock, Robert de, 1, 34, 37
Ballshaw, William, 47
Barnet, John, 68
Barrowe, Thomas, 28
Barton, Henry de, 50
Barton, Philip de, 49
Barton, Thomas, 8, 12, 19, 30, 69
Beauforest (Bewforest), Robert, 28
Beaufort, James, 69
Bekynton, Thomas, 46
Bell, John, 34
Bellingham, John, 34, 59
Benet, Thomas, 67
Benstede, John de, 53
Beresford, James, 49
Berewyk, John de, 55
Berford, William, 22
Bermyngham, Fulk, 66
Bernard, Richard de, 17
Beverlay, Richard de, 11
Bewforest, see Beauforest
Birkenhead, John, 14 n. 2
Birmingham, Richard de, 15, 19, 49
Birom, Ralph, 48 & n. 1, 60 & n.
Blacket, Walter, 41
Blaston (Glaston), Geoffrey de, 16, 20 & n. 3, 59 & n.
Bleynorhasset, Thomas, 8
Bliburgo, William de, 43 & n.
Blithe, see Blythe
Blodwell, John, 28
Bluntesdon, Henry de (Henry Le Ammoigner), 40
Blythe (Blithe), Geoffrey (d. 1530/1), 3
Blythe (Blithe), Geoffrey (d. 1541), 8 n., 12, 20 & n. 2, 49, 61
Blythe (Blithe), John (d. 1547), 10, 16 & n., 44, 46, 59, 61, 65
Blythe (Blithe), John (d. 1561), 16 n., 20 & n. 2, 40, 65
Blythe (Blithe), Thomas, 27
Bokingham, see Buckingham
Bolde, John, 38
Booth (Bothe), Charles, 12 & n. 1
Booth (Bothe), John, 12
Booth (Bothe), Lawrence, 41, 48 (bis) & n. 1, 60 & n.
Booth (Bothe), William, 2
Bosco, William de, 9
Bothe, see Booth
Bottisham, see Bucksham
Bouland, John de, 37
Boule, Richard, 15, 21, 43
Boule, William, 37
Boulers, Reginald, 2
Bourgchier, Thomas, 26
Bourghill, see Burghill
Boyden, William, 54
Boyle, Nicholas, 27
Bradeley, William de, 27
Brandon, Thomas de, 56
Braybroke, Robert de, 25
Brenston, William, 44
Bretoun, Alan le, 11
Bretunne, Joachim, 18, 31, 65, 70
Brewster, John, 44, 52
Brichill (Brykehul), William de, 32, 40
Bride (Bryde), John, 16, 43, 68
Brinklowe (Brynkelowe), William, 28
Brisele (Brislay), Simon de, 6
Briselee (Bryslay), Matthew de, 55
Brislay, see Brisele
Brode, Roger, 34
Bromford, see Brunforte
Bromyerd (Bromyard), William de, 27
Brouns, Thomas, 38
Browne, Gregory, 28
Browne, William, 56
Bruer, Gilbert de, 52, 68
Brughill, see Burghill
Brunforte (Bromford), John son of Octavian de, 18, 42, 50
Bryane, John de, 67
Bryde, see Bride
Brykehul, see Brichill
Brynkelowe, see Brinklowe
Bryslay, see Briselee
Bubwith, Nicholas, 47, 52, 69
Bubwith, Thomas, 47
Buckingham (Bokingham), John de, 2, 6, 21
Bucksham (Bottisham), Nicholas de, 40
Bukingham, Gilbert de, 71
Bullock, Walter, 9, 16, 33 & n., 36 & n., 46, 58
Burdet, John, 13, 43
Burghill (Bourghill, Brughill), John de, 2
Burnell, Peter, 24
Burnell, William, 36
Burton, Richard, 57, 59
Bury (Aungerville, Sancto Edmundo), Richard de, 29
Bustard, William, 64
Byrom, Thomas, 28, 46, 56
Cahors, see Deuza
Camswell, see Carnswell
Canon, Ralph, 67
Cantrell (Chauntrel), Ralph, 31, 59
Capron, Nicholas, 58
Carnswell (Camswell), Thomas, 5
Carp, John, 11
Carpenter, John, 33
Castro, see Gent
Catryk (Catterick, Ketterick), John, 2
Catryk (Catterick, Ketterick), Robert, 64
Ceccano, see Gaetani, Anibaldus
Chaddesden, Henry de. 53
Chaddesden, Nicholas de, 52
Chaderton, Edmund, 14 & n. 2
Chadleshunt (Chadshunt), William de, 22
Chapcliff, Richard de, 37 n. 1
Charlton (Cherelton), Humphrey de, 65
Charlton (Cherelton), Thomas de, 55
Charnele, John de, 25
Chaumbre, Richard de la, 25
Chauntre, William, 17
Chauntrel, see Cantrell
Chelmsford, John de, 40
Cherelton, see Charlton
Chestrefeld (Wursop), Thomas, 18, 60
Cheyne, John, 25, 54
Chichele, Henry, 66
Chilterne, Walter de, 30
Chisilden (Chuselden, Chyselden), William, 58
Clare, Bogo de, 24
Clarel, John, 19, 48
Clark (Clerke), Thomas, 70
Clavile, William, 7, 67
Clayton, William, 57
Clement, Vincent, 10, 12, 60
Clerke, see Clark
Cleydon, John de, 71
Clipston, John de, 29
Clipston, Robert de, 21, 36, 43, 55, 70
Clipston, Walter de, 59 & n.
Clone, John, 31, 66
Clone, Thomas de, 70
Clopton, Simon de, 50, 65
Clopton, Thomas de, 21, 37
Close, Nicholas, 2
Cokkys, John, 51
Cokkys, Lawrence, 63
Coland, see Cowland
Cole, John, 67
Colet, Richard, 42, 61
Colonna, Odo de, 7
Colonna, Peter de, 7
Colwich, John de, 24
Colyngwood, Ralph, 7, 15, 31
Comite, Paul de, 25
Comite, Peter de, 24, 66
Conelee, Robert de, 21
Conesburgh, see Cosneburgh
Conge, John, 47
Congham, Robert de, 53
Convenis (Convenys), Roger de, 5
Conyngston, Richard, 43, 69
Corbet, Fulk, 39
Corner, William de la, 24
Cornubia, Henry de, 57
Cornubia, Philip de, 17
Cornubia, Richard de, 71
Cosneburgh (Conesburgh), Alan de, 52
Cossall, William de, 53
Coton, Nicholas, 51
Coton, Roger de, 4
Cotyngham, William de, 52
Coventry, Richard, 5
Cowland (Coland), Richard, 22
Cowper, John, 20 n. 1
Craven, John de (d. 1295), 43 n.
Craven, John de (c. 1350-52), 32
Crawle (Craweley), William de, 23
Crees (Crecy), John, 34
Crosby, Nicholas, 62
Crosby, Richard, 4
Cross (Cruce), William, 15, 45
Cureton, William, 29
Dalby, Walter de, 45
Dalton (Neubald), Peter de, 63
Dalton, William de, 63
Danby, John de, 56
Danet (Davet), Thomas, 41
Darington, Nicholas, 38, 57, 70
Davell, Robert, 31 (bis) & n.
Davet, see Danet
David ap Rhys, see Price, David
Davy, John, 31 n.
Davyd, Henry, 19, 23
Dawne (Downe), George, 38, 39
Debire, Robert de, 23 n. 1
Defford, see Shelton
Dekelan (Dikelan), Richard, 23
Delves, Richard, 24, 51, 57
Denton, James, 7, 57
Depyng, John de, 9, 27, 32, 42
Depyng, Roger de, 19, 32
Deram, Thomas, 5
Derby, John de, 5
Derfeld, Thomas, 61
Deuza, Gaucelin Johannis, of Cahors, 11
Dikelan, see Dekelan
Dinham, see Dynham
Doket (Docket), Andrew, 10, 52
Doket (Docket), John, 10
Dolbeare, Walter, 52
Donyngton, John de, 27
Dorkyng, Roger de, 19, 27
Dowman, John, 48
Downe, George, see Dawne
Downe, Thomas, 28, 33
Drax, Thomas, 41, 57
Drayton, Henry, 50
Drayton, Richard de, 67
Driffield (Dryffelde), William de, 15, 60
Drokensford (Droxford), John de, 31, 67 & n.
Dryffelde, see Driffield
Ducket, William, 22
Dudley (Sutton), Arthur, 27, 46, 51
Duffield, William, 20 & n. 1
Dunstable, William de, 4
Dynham (Dinham), Oliver, 26, 61, 70
Eadbury, see Adderbury
Ecclesey, Richard, 42
Ediall, see Edyall
Edmonds, Thomas, 22
Edyall (Ediall), Henry, 43, 51 n. 1
Egerton, Richard, 31, 65, 68
Ekys, see Hekys
Ely, Luke de, 9
Eritage, see Heritage
Esbache, Robert, 30
Esple, Robert, 8, 15
Etton, John de, 30
Everdon, John de, 22
Everdon, Philip de, 65
Everdone, John, 23
Exeter, William de, 56
Eyremynne, see Ayremynne
Eyton, Geoffrey de, 29, 64
Eyton (Knockyn), Thomas de, 11, 25
Farrington, Edmund, 26
Faucon, William, 25 & n.
Fawkes (Faukes, Faux), John, 50
Feltewell, John, 9, 69
Felton, Robert, 66
Ferdinand, Gundisalve, 40
Fermer, John, 49, 69
Fieschi (Flisco), Anthony, son of Charles de, 71
Fieschi (Flisco), Luke de, 45
Fitzherbert, Thomas, 8, 65
Fitzherbert, William, 10
Fitzhugh, Robert, 44
Fitzralph, Richard, 6, 12 n. 2
Flisco, see Fieschi
Florence, Edward of, see Sapiti, Edward
Florence, Rayner de, see Vichio
Florence, Simon of, see Sapiti, Simon
Florence, Thomas of, see Nerii, Thomas
Foljambe, Robert, 23
Forest, John, 49
Forster, John, 22
Fox, John, 18, 28, 31, 39, 49
Foxley, John, 56
Franks, John, 39
Frisby, John, 44
Frost, Robert, 41, 49
Fyton, John, 19 (bis)
Gaetani, Anibaldus, de Ceccano, 7
Gaetani, John, de Urbe, 14
Ganville, John, 13
Garssia (Gasci), John, 6
Garton, John, 33 (bis), 50, 70
Garton, Thomas de, 53
Gasci, see Garssia
Geffray (Jeffrey), John, 31, 53 & n.
Genoa, see Silvaticus
Gent, Richard, de Castro, 71
Gentilibus, see Rodolphucci
Gerard, John, 45
Gerlthorpe, Robert, 37
Gifford, William, 64
Gigliis (Gyglis), John de, 22 & n.
Gildesburgh, Peter de, 59-60
Gildesburgh, Thomas de, see Hill, Thomas atte
Giudice, Gregory, de Alatri, 14
Glaston, see Blaston
Godyng, John, 10
Goldesburgh, Thomas de, 51
Goldeston, William, 23
Gomez, Peter, 13
Got (Gotha), Raymond de, 7
Goteham, John de, 56
Goteham, William de, 56
Gotha, see Got
Gowe, Robert, 10
Grafton, Adam, 18, 20, 66
Grandisson, John de, 58
Gray (Grey), William, 46
Grenburgh, William de, 19
Grene, Henry, 38
Greneburgh, William de, 4
Gresham, Thomas, 10
Greves, Peter, 48
Grey, see Gray
Greyby, John de, 39
Gurmonchestre, John de, 60
Gwent, Richard, 46, 51
Gwynn, William, 57 (bis)
Gyglis, see Gigliis
Hale, Richard de, 25
Hall, James, 68
Hals (Halse), Edmund, 17 & n., 18, 26, 36, 48, 64, 68
Hals (Halse), John, 3
Halsall (Halsale), Henry de, 13, 30
Halse, see Hals
Hank, Nicholas, 11
Hanley, Thomas, 41
Harding, Thomas, 33
Harewode, John de, 25, 42
Haroudon, Henry de, 29
Harwardyn, Humphrey, 36, 41, 61, 68
Harwedon, Robert de, 32, 36
Hastanges, Humphrey de, 14, 45
Haverberge, John, 30
Havering, Richard de, 12 & n. 2
Hawe, William, 62
Hawkins, Thomas, 20, 31
Haxey, Thomas, 60
Heath, Nicholas, 20
Hebden, William, 28, 33
Heicote (Hethcote), Ralph, 24, 48, 62
Hekys (Ekys), John, 34
Herdewyk, Thomas de, 23
Heritage (Eritage), Thomas, 8 & n.
Herlaston, John de, 13
Herlaston, William de, 40, 42 n.
Heron, Roger, 58 n.
Hervey, John, 62
Hethcote, see Heicote
Hethe, Nicholas de, 49, 60
Hewys (Huys), John, 8 n., 12
Heygate (Higgate), John, 33, 56
Heywood, Thomas, 6, 30 & n., 43, 44, 52 & n.
Heyworth, John, 12, 15, 33 & n., 36 & n.
Heyworth, William, 2
Higgate, see Heygate
Hill, Thomas atte (Thomas de Gildesburgh), 32
Hill (Hyll), William, 65, 70
Hilton, Thomas de, 28, 56
Hispania (Ispania), James de, 68
Holbach, Hugh, 62
Holebech, Ralph de, 51, 68
Holes (Huls), Andrew, 38
Honiwood, Robert, 29
Hopewas, Hugh de, 27, 32
Horton, James de, 4
Hospys, Reginald, 51
Howbell, John, 17
Hugeford, John, 62
Huls, see Holes
Humphrey (Umfrey), Hugh, 38
Husthwaite (Hustweyte), John de, 37
Huys, see Hewys
Hyll, see Hill, William
Ibstoke, Laurence de, 6
Impingham, John, 5
Ince, Henry, 14, 70
Insula (Lisle), Peter de, 14
Irreys, Henry de, 4 n.
Irreys, William, 4
Islip, Simon, 53, 60
Ispania, see Hispania
Jeffrey, see Geffray
Jolyff, John, 31
Jonys, William, 63
Kernyk, John de, 7
Ketilton, William, 10 & n.
Ketterick, see Catryk
Kildesby, Robert de, 67
Kingston, Richard de, 38
Kingston, Robert, 58
Kirkeby, John de, 7
Kirkeby, William de, 65
Kirtlington, Robert de, 23
Knight, William, 14
Knockyn, see Eyton, Thomas de
Knode, John, 17
Knollys, Christopher, 8
Kynardessey, John de, 34, 37, 46
Kynchale, Nicholas, 28
Kynwalmerssh, William, 43
Lane, John, 10
Lane, Thomas, 39
Langeton, John de, 70
Langeton, Walter de, 1 & n. 1
Langtoft, John, 70
Langton, James, 56
Langton, John, 41
Lee, George, 12, 22, 66
Lee, Philip, 17
Lee, Roland, 3 & n. 2, 29
Legbourne, see Leybourne
Lehee, Hugh, 68
Leicester, Peter de, 20
Leicester, William de, 61
Leicestre, John de, 61
Leicestre, Ralph de, 55
Leson, see Leyson
Leybourne (Legbourne), John, 54
Leycester, Henry de, 1, 4 & n.
Leyott, John, 50
Leyott, Richard, 36
Leyson (Leson), Thomas, 43
Leyson (Leson), William, 43
Lichfield (Teynterel), Nicholas de (c. 1322-37), 23
Lichfield (Taverner), Nicholas de (d. 1375), 30
Lincoln, John, 39, 42, 61
Lisle, see Insula
Lombe, William, 15, 16, 69
Londethorpe (Lunderthorp), John de, 27
Longedon, John de, 32
Lovell, William, 44
Luculo, see Spinula
Lucy, Geoffrey de, 71
Lunderthorpe, see Londethorpe
Lye, Roger, 64
Lye, Thomas, 18
Macclesfield, Thomas, 63
Malocellus, Lazarinus, 39
Malocellus, Theodosius, 38
Malpas, see Maupas
Malstang, Simon, 54
Manton, William de, 6
Marcell, John, 12 n. 2
Mareschall, Roger le, 32
Marini, see Maronibus
Marisco (Marreys), Hugh de, 14-15, 16, 50
Marisco (Marreys), John de, 16, 19, 40, 46
Markeley, see Merkeley
Maronibus (Marini), Christopher de, 64
Marreys, see Marisco
Martival (Mortival), Roger de, 36
Maunchell, Thomas, 52
Maupas (Malpas), Henry, 42, 52
Maureward, John, 9, 69
Medeford (Medford, Mitford), Walter de, 38
Medylton, see Middleton, Robert
Melbourne, John de, 35, 63
Meneley, John, 48
Merkeley (Markeley), Nicholas, 32
Mertoun, John de, 35
Michel, Thomas, 64
Middleton (Medylton), Robert, 34
Middleton (Myddleton), Thomas de, 25, 69
Middleton (Myddleton), William, 34
Mills (Milly, Mylls), Thomas, 15, 31, 44, 66
Mitford, see Medeford
Moclowe, Roger de, 61
Moggys, William, 20 & n. 1
Moleners (Molineux), John, 51
Moleyns, Adam, 26
Mome (Mone), Robert, 54
Mondoule, Robert, 9
Mone, see Mome
Monte Peliologo, Anthony de, 16, 64
More, John, 38
Moreton, John de, 32, 45
Morewood, Henry, 33
Mortival, see Martival
Morton, John, 14 & n. 1
Morton, Thomas, 22
Mountford, Baldwin, 31
Mugge, William, 67
Myddleton, see Middleton, Thomas de and William
Mylls, John, 56
Mylls, Thomas, see Mills
Napton, Elias de, 16, 34
Nassington, Roger de, 9, 32
Navesby, William de, 13
Nerii, Philip, de Antilla, 71
Nerii, Thomas, of Florence, 58
Neubald, see Dalton, Peter de
Neuhagh, William de, 8, 13, 21, 26, 30
Neuport, William de, 9, 17, 35, 44, 46
Neuton, William de, 37
Neville, Robert, 41
Neville, Thomas de, 11
Newenham, John de, 21, 55, 66
Newport, Gregory, 18, 30, 38
Newport, John de, 60
Neylson, Thomas, 46
Normanville, Ralph de, 17
Northburgh, Michael de, 7, 13, 35, 45, 58, 68
Northburgh, Peter de, 21, 37, 68
Northburgh, Roger de (d. 1358), 1
Northburgh, Roger de (d. 1367), 27, 32, 42, 53
Northburgh, William de, 32
Northwell, William de, 39
Norton, John, 62
Norton, William, 30
Nottingham, Richard, 4
Nottyngham, John de, 40, 49, 69
Offord (Ufford), John de, 12
Oldham, Hugh, 26, 39
Orell (Oryll), William, 56
Orsini, Francis, 7
Orton, Thomas, 57, 64
Oryll, see Orell
Otringham, Richard de, 50
Outheby (Awdeby, Oudeby), John de, 11, 16, 19, 21
Oxton, Robert de, 15
Oxton, Thomas, 33
Pace, Richard, 12 n. 1
Packington (Pakynton, Pekynton), William de, 6
Paine, see Payne
Pakynton, see Packington
Parker, Thomas, 26, 33
Parys, Baldwin de, 59-60
Parys, Major, 23
Patrika, Robert de, 18, 32, 42, 50
Payne (Paine), Richard, 41
Pede, Richard, 10, 44, 52
Pekynton, see Packington
Pelegrini, Hugh, 11
Pierse (Piers), Walter, 30 & n., 52 & n.
Pigot (Pygot), John, 63
Pipe, John de, 15, 65
Pippard, John, 27
Plumar (Plumer), Richard, 45
Pole, David, 18, 59
Pollesworth, William, 5
Poole, Thomas, 44
Power, Walter, 23
Prata (Prés), Pileus de, 9
Prestbury, Ralph, 20, 33
Preston, William de, 17
Price (Pryce, ap Rhys), David, 13 & n., 38
Pulford, John, 23, 44
Pulter, Thomas, 41, 48
Pultney, see Swain
Pygot, see Pigot
Pykman, William, 41
Radcliffe, John, 24
Radcliffe, Richard, 70
Radclyf, George, 12, 13
Radclyff, William, 12
Radeley (Rodeley), Humphrey, 47
Radewell (Reddeswell), Robert de, 12 & n. 2
Rashall (Rushall), John, 48 & n. 2
Ravendale, Robert, 42
Reddeswell, see Radewell
Redehill, see Reedhill
Redman (Reedman), John, 20
Reedhill (Redehill), John, 49 & n. 1, 62 & n.
Reedman, see Redman
Repton, John, 22
Repynton, Ralph de, 64
Reynold (Reynald), Thomas, 24, 28, 51, 62, 64, 66
Riccardi, Richard, son of Anibaldus, de Urbe, 14
Rivet, see Ryvet
Rodeley, see Radeley
Rodolphucci, Luke, de Gentilibus, 25
Rome, John, 39
Roter, Richard, 11
Rotherham, Roger, 14 n. 1
Rous, Anthony, 6
Rushall, see Rashall
Ryvet (Rivet), John, 63
St Just, Thomas, 13
St Paul, see Sancto Paulo
Salisbury (Salesbury), Thomas, 18
Sallowe, William de, 14-15, 45
Salop (Shrouesbury), John de, 71
Salter, Richard, 8, 10, 44
Sampson, Richard, 7, 57
Sancto Claro, John de, 55
Sancto Claro, Raymond de, 55
Sancto Edmundo, see Bury
Sancto Paulo (St Paul), John de, 52
Sandale, John de, 11
Sapiti, Edward, of Florence, 58
Sapiti, Simon, of Florence, 58
Sarden, William de, 59
Saxton, John de, 54
Scarle, see Skarle
Schiryngton, Robert, 58
Schiryngton, Walter, 47, 59
Scot, John, 53
Scrope, Richard le, 2
Scrope, Stephen, 26, 33, 47
Segrave, Stephen de, 5, 29
Sharp, Henry, 63
Sharpe, John, 34
Sheffield, Edward, 34
Shelton, William, de Defford, 58, 61
Sheppey, John de, 9
Sherborne, Richard, 18, 41, 49
Sherwood, Robert, 62
Shirburne, Nicholas de, 37
Shirley, Richard, 34
Shotteswell, John, 4
Shrouesbury, John de, see Salop
Shrouesbury, William de, 17, 45
Sidnor (Sydnor), Richard, 28
Silvaticus, Johanninus de, of Genoa, 39
Silvestre (Sylvestre), Gabriel, 65
Skarle (Scarle), John, 66
Skelton, William de, 29
Skirlaw, Walter, 2
Slake, Nicholas, 13
Slimbridge, Robert, 8
Smith, William, 53
Smythe, William, 3
Sneyd, Ralph, 24
Somerby, John de, 50
Somerton, John, 37
Sommastre (Sumastre), William, 28, 44
Soterworth (Suthworthe), William, 10, 27
Southam, John, 63
Spinula, Israel, son of James, of Luculo, 25
Sprydlynton, Richard de, 47
Stafford, Edmund, 64
Stafford, John de, 23 & n. 2
Stafford, Richard de, 69
Stanley, Edward, 13
Stanley, James, 14
Stanley, Richard, 13 & n., 38
Stanley, Thomas de, 35
Stannerton, see Stourton
Stapulton, John, 68
Staunton, Hervey de, 36
Staunton, John de, 64
Steward (Stuart), Edmund, 48 & n. 2
Stokesley, Nicholas, 22, 66
Stone, John, 58
Stourton (Stannerton, Storton), John de, 40
Strangeways, Edward, 26 & n.
Strangeways, George, 15 & n., 26 n., 57
Stratford, John de, 57
Straunge, John, 38
Stretchay, Edmund, 51, 70
Strete, Richard, 17, 18, 49
Stretton, John, 43
Stretton, Robert de (d. 1385), 1 & n. 2
Stretton, Robert de (d. 1408), 15, 16, 49, 50, 63 & n.
Stretton, Thomas de, 6, 33
Stuart, see Steward
Stubbes, John, 34
Stukeley, Peter, 71
Sudbury, Nicholas de, 21
Sulgrave, John de, 19, 21, 40, 45
Sulgrave, Roger de, 69
Sumastre, see Sommastre
Suthworthe, see Soterworth
Sutton, Arthur, see Dudley
Sutton, John, 25
Swaby, Thomas, 55
Swain, Henry, de Pultney, 40
Swinnerton, Nicholas de, 40, 47
Sydall, Henry, 57
Sydnor, see Sidnor
Sylvestre, see Silvestre
Symonds, Simon, 45
Talbot, Christopher, 14 & n. 2, 31, 68
Tanfield, Richard de, 62
Taverner, see Lichfield, Nicholas de (d. 1375)
Taylor, John, 17, 36
Tebbet (Tebber), Edmund, 47
Teobaldeschi, Francis de, 6
Teynterel, see Lichfield, Nicholas de (c. 1322-37)
Thomas, William, 31
Thompson, William, 29, 34, 66
Thoresby, John de (c. 1370), 47
Thoresby, John de (d. 1373), 6
Thoresby, Richard de, 58
Thorne, Richard de, 50
Thorpe, Walter de, 29, 64
Thowe (Towe), Thomas, 8
Thurstan, John, 56
Thynghull, William, 63 & n.
Tocket, see Tucket
Tollet, Richard, 62
Toneworth, Adam de, 39, 54 & n.
Tonworth, Richard de, 25
Toppeclyve, Richard de, 9, 19
Towe, see Thowe
Tratyngton, William de, 60
Travers, John, 53
Trillek, John de, 25
Trussel, Warin, 30
Tucket (Tocket), John, 45, 61
Tunstall, Cuthbert, 14
Turk, John, 47
Turvill, Philip de, 24, 27
Turvill, Ralph, 62
Tyghe, John, 22 n.
Tymmore, Henry de, 30, 37
Tysho, Richard de, 61
Ufford, see Offord
Uguccioni, Francis, 44
Ulf, William, 54
Umfrey, see Humphrey
Undrehull, John de, 45
Urbe, John de, see Gaetani, John
Urbe, Richard de, see Riccardi
Varesio, see Waresio
Vauce (Vaws), William, 8
Verney, John, 6, 44
Vernon, John, 62
Vernon, Richard de, 59
Vichio (Florence), Rayner de, 18
Voysey, John, 14
Wakefield, William de, 71
Walden, Roger, 49
Waleton, Adam de, 7
Walker, Richard, 22
Walkyngton, Robert, 61
Wall (Walle), Roger, 15, 20, 36, 47
Walsh, James, 35
Walter, Thomas, 43
Waltham, John de, 37
Walton, Thomas de, 39
Wardroper, John, 20, 34, 46, 59
Wardropper, Thomas, 63
Waresio (Varesio), Tydo de, 67
Warren, Thomas, 57
Wastnesse (Wasteneys), George, 61
Waver (Wavere, Weaver), Nigel de, 65
Webbe (Wybbe), John, 5
Weborn, John, 18
Weffe, see Whasch
Weford, see Wyford
Wele, Thomas, 51
Wellesbourne, John de, 55
Wellyfed, Christopher, 29
Wendesley (Wensley), John, 20, 49 & n. 1, 50, 62 & n.
Wensley, Nicholas de, 23 n. 1
Werkworth, John, 54
West, Nicholas, 17 & n.
West, Thomas, 55
Westbie, Thomas, 36
Weston, Philip de, 58
Weston, William de, 29
Westwode, Roger, 54
Westwood, John, 57
Whasch (Weffe), Augustine, 24
Whelpdale, John, 46, 61
Whitegreve, Thomas, 26
Whitehead, John, 10
Whitehead, Ralph, 10, 51, 65
Whitelee, Richard, 63
Whitney, Baldwin de, 21, 65
Whittington, Guy, 46, 54
Wiche (Wyche), Thomas, 28
Wilford, see Willisford
Williams, Henry, 7, 31
Willisford (Wilford), Edmund, 70
Willughby, Edward, 20, 36
Willughby, Philip de, 22, 51
Wimundeswold, Richard de, 29
Wiot, see Wyatt
Wittlesey, William de, 55
Wodehous, John de, 66
Wodehouse, Robert de, 25 & n.
Wolveden, Robert, 6, 8
Worsley, Thomas, 59
Worsley, William, 59
Wrangill, Richard, 54
Wrenne, Geoffrey, 28, 29
Wrixham, William, 53
Wursop, see Chestrefeld
Wyatt (Wiot), Richard, 22, 53
Wych, Richard, 40
Wyche, see Wiche
Wyford (Weford), Thomas, 5
Wyke, John, 42
Wykeham, William de, 37
Wymondeswold, Hugh de, 65
Wynwyk, John de, 35, 63
Yotton, John, 6, 38
Yoxall, William de, 21
Zarabella, Francis, 44
Zouche, John de la, 59
Zouche, William de la, 61