
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 9, the Welsh Cathedrals (Bangor, Llandaff, St Asaph, St Davids). Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 2003.

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'References', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 9, the Welsh Cathedrals (Bangor, Llandaff, St Asaph, St Davids), ed. M J Pearson (London, 2003), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'References', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 9, the Welsh Cathedrals (Bangor, Llandaff, St Asaph, St Davids). Edited by M J Pearson (London, 2003), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"References". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 9, the Welsh Cathedrals (Bangor, Llandaff, St Asaph, St Davids). Ed. M J Pearson (London, 2003), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.


The following is a list of works in print and manuscript which are cited in the text in abbreviated form and is not an exhaustive list of works consulted. Unless otherwise stated, place of publication is London.

Ann. Camb. Annales Cambriae, ed. J. William ab Ithel. Rolls series xx, 1860.
Ann. Dunstable 'Annales de Dunstaplia', in Annales Monastici, ed. H. R. Luard. 5 vols. Rolls series xxxvi (1864-9) III 1-408.
Ann. Margam 'Annales de Margan', ibid. 1 3-40.
Ann. Oseney 'Annales de Oseneia' and 'Chronicon Thomae Wykes', ibid. IV 1-352.
Ann. Tewkes. 'Annales de Theokesberia', in ibid. I 41-180.
Ann. Waverley 'Annales de Waverleia', ibid. II 127-411.
Ann. Worc. 'Annales de Wigornia', ibid. IV 353-564.
Arch. Camb. Archaeologia Cambrensis.
Bartlett, Gerald R. Bartlett, Gerald of Wales 1146-1223. Oxford, 1982.
BBCS Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies.
Biog. Ox. A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500. 3 vols. Oxford, 1957-9.
Brooke, Church and Welsh Border C. N. L. Brooke, The Church and the Welsh Border in the Central Middle Ages. Woodbridge, 1986.
Brut Peniarth Text Brut y Tywysogyon, Peniarth MS 20 Version, ed. Thomas Jones. Board of Celtic Studies of the University of Wales, History and Law series, vi, 1941.
Brut Peniarth Transl. Brut y Tywysogyon, Peniarth MS 20 Version, transl. Thomas Jones. Board of Celtic Studies of the University of Wales, History and Law series, xi, 1952.
Brut Red Book Brut y Tywysogyon, Red Book of Hergest Version, ed. and transl. Thomas Jones. Board of Celtic Studies of the University of Wales, History and Law series, xvi, 1955.
Cal. Charter Rolls Calendar of the Charter Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. 6 vols. 1903-27.
Cal. Var. Chancery Rolls Calendar of Various Chancery Rolls (supplementary close rolls, Welsh rolls, scutage rolls) preserved in the Public Record Office, 1277-1326. 1912.
Cant. Profs. Canterbury Professions, ed. M. Richter. Canterbury and York Society lxvii, 1973.
Cartae Cartae et alia munimenta quae ad dominium de Glamorgancia pertinent, ed. G. T. Clark. 2nd edn. 6 vols. Cardiff, 1910.
Cart. Haughmond The Cartulary of Haughmond Abbey, ed. U. Rees. Cardiff, 1985.
Cart. Shrewsbury The Cartulary of Shrewsbury Abbey, ed. U. Rees. 2 vols. Aberystwyth, 1975.
CCR Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (1272-1313). 6 vols. 1892-1908.
Chron. Maj. Matthaei Parisiensis Monachi Sancti Albani Chronica Majora, ed. H. R. Luard. 7 vols. Rolls series lvii, 1872-83.
Chron. Wykes See above, Ann. Oseney.
Chs. of Ystrad Marchell The Charters of the Abbey of Ystrad Marchell, ed. G. C. G. Thomas. Aberystwyth, 1997.
Churchill, Cant. Admin. I. J. Churchill, Canterbury Administration. 2 vols. 1933.
Close Rolls Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III (1227-1272). 14 vols. 1902-38.
Corresp. of Becket The Correspondence of Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury 1162-1170, ed. Anne Duggan. 2 vols. Oxford Medieval Texts, 2000.
Councils and Eccles. Docs. Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland, ed. A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs. 3 vols. Oxford, 1869-78.
CPL Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Papal Letters. I, 1198-1304; II, 1305-1342. 1893-5.
CPR Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (1232-1313). 9 vols. 1893-1913.
Cronica de Wallia 'Cronica de Wallia', ed. Thomas Jones, Bull. of Board of Celtic Studies xii (1948) 27-44.
Curia Regis Rolls Curia Regis Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. 19 vols. 1922-2000. In progress.
CYS Canterbury and York Society.
Davies, Llandaff Chs. Wendy Davies, The Llandaff Charters. Aberystwyth, 1979.
De Invectionibus Giraldus Cambrensis De Invectionibus, ed. W. S. Davies, Y Cymmrodor xxx, 1920.
Denton and Taylor J. Denton and B. Taylor, 'The 1291 valuation of the ecclesiastical benefices of Llandaff diocese', Archaeologia Cambrensis cxlvii (1998) 133-58.
Diceto Radulfi de Diceto Decani Lundoniensis Opera Historica, ed. W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Rolls series lxviii, 1876.
DNB Dictionary of National Biography, ed. L. Stephen and S. Lee. 22 vols. 1885-1909.
Eadmer, HN Eadmeri Historia Novorum in Anglia, ed. M. Rule. Rolls series lxxxi, 1884.
Earldom of Gloucester Chs. Earldom of Gloucester Charters, ed. R. B. Patterson. Oxford, 1973.
EEA English Episcopal Acta. British Academy. II, Canterbury 1162-1190, ed. C. R. Cheney and B. E. A. Jones, 1986; III, Canterbury 1193-1205, ed. C. R. Cheney and E. John, 1986; VII, Hereford 1079-1234, ed. J. Barrow, 1993; XI, XII, Exeter 1046-1184, 1186-1257, ed. F. Barlow, 1996; XVIII, Salisbury 1078-1217, ed. B. R. Kemp, 1999.
Episcopal Acts Episcopal Acts and Cognate Documents relating to the Welsh Dioceses, 1066-1272, ed. J. Conway Davies. 2 vols. Historical Society of the Church in Wales, i, iii-iv. 1946-8.
Eyton, Shrops. R. W. Eyton, Antiquities of Shropshire. 12 vols. 1854-60.
1 Fasti J. Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: I, St Paul's, London, comp. D. E. Greenway, 1968; II, Monastic Cathedrals, comp. D. E. Greenway, 1971; III, Lincoln, comp. D. E. Greenway, 1977; IV, Salisbury, comp. D. E. Greenway, 1991; V, Chichester, comp. D. E. Greenway, 1996; VI, York, comp. D. E. Greenway, 1999; VII, Bath and Wells, comp. D. E. Greenway, 2001; VIII, Hereford, comp. J. S. Barrow, 2002; X, Exeter, comp. D. E. Greenway, forthcoming. In progress.
2 Fasti J. Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: I, Lincoln, comp. H. P. F. King, 1962; VI, Northern Province, comp. B. Jones, 1963; VIII, Bath and Wells, comp. B. Jones, 1964; IX, Exeter, comp. J. M. Horn, 1964; X, Coventry and Lichfield, comp. B. Jones, 1964; XI, Welsh Dioceses, comp. B. Jones, 1965.
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Foss, Judges E. Foss, The Judges of England. 9 vols. 1848-64.
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LL The Text of the Book of Llan Dâv, ed. J. Gwenogvryn Evans, with the collaboration of J. Rhys. Oxford, 1893.
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Reg. Giffard (Worc.) Register of Godfrey Giffard, Bishop of Worcester (1268-1301), ed. J. W. Willis Bund. 2 vols. Worcestershire Historical Society xv, 1898-1902.
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