Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 8, Hereford. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 2002.
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'Canons whose prebends cannot be identified', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 8, Hereford, ed. J S Barrow (London, 2002), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Canons whose prebends cannot be identified', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 8, Hereford. Edited by J S Barrow (London, 2002), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Canons whose prebends cannot be identified". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 8, Hereford. Ed. J S Barrow (London, 2002), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Can. of Hereford, occ. 27 Oct. 1219 × Aug. 1230 (EEA VII no. 357).
Adam Bevin (fn. 1)
Perhaps already can. when given royal protection until a fortnight after Michaelmas, 5 Aug. 1263 (CPR 1258-66 p. 273); can. when given protection, 12 June 1264 (ibid. p. 324), and c.1262 × 1271 (Hereford ch. no. 2461); occ. as can. in 3 Hereford chs. not more closely datable than the middle of the 13th cent., in one of them in company with William Rufus and Boso de Mâcot (cart. II fo. 130r and Hereford ch. nos. 912, 865). Commem., as can. of Hereford, 10 Feb. (app. 1 fo. 5r). Cannot have d. before 1265.
M. Adam de Fileby
Occ. trying to obtain admission to vicarage of Staines 31 May 1264 and as subdean of St Mary's, Stafford, 13 June 1264 (CPL I 406, 401); occ. as can., absent, 24 June 1273 (Capes, Charters p. 138); occ. as can. 16 Oct. 1275 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 17); coll. to preb. which previously had been held by William de Sarreta in Hereford cath. 2 Oct. 1277 (ibid. pp. 136-7); res. preb. of Moreton (and Whaddon) on behalf of Peter Eymer, whose proctor he was, 28 Oct. 1279 (ibid. p. 225); occ. as proctor of M. James of Aigueblanche, 17 Apr. 1280 (ibid. p. 63). Cantilupe coll. Fileby conditionally to the deanery in 1280 but the coll. did not take effect because dean John of Aigueblanche won his case to retain the deanery (Yates, 'Bishop Peter' p. 314). Fileby occ. 31 Aug. 1280 as archdcn. of Shropshire (Reg. Cantilupe p. 253), but by 25 March 1281 he was again being referred to merely as can. (ibid. p. 254 and cf. pp. 276, 277); he occ. without title 3 Apr. and 30 June 1286 (Reg. Swinfield pp. 99, 113), but occ. once more as archdcn. 10 July 1286 (ibid. p. 114). D. by 15 June 1287 when his preb. of Bartonsham was gr. to Gilbert de Swinfield (ibid. p. 526; and see lists 7, 8).
Archdcn. of Dorset by 1139 (1 Fasti IV 25); dean of Lincoln 1141 × 1145 - 25 Feb. 1179, his last occ. as dean being after c. May 1173 (ibid. III 8). Is apparently the dean of Lincoln who held an unidentifiable Hereford preb. at some time in the 1160s. He was deprived of it before 1174 × 1179, prob. 1167 × 1174, when it appears to have been given to M. Geoffrey of Winchester. Adelelm appealed to Alexander III, who delegated the case to bp. Roger of Worcester, ordering him to bestow the preb. on Geoffrey even if Adelelm's case were upheld, as the latter already had large revenues (Papal Decretals Relating to the Diocese of Lincoln, ed. W. Holtzmann and E. W. Kemp (Lincoln Record Soc. xlvii, 1954) p. 28, no. xii, and M. G. Cheney, Roger, Bishop of Worcester app. II, no. 75). D. 25 Feb. 1179 (1 Fasti III 8).
M. Alan de Crepping
First occ. as can. 9 Aug. 1272 (Hereford ch. no. 2868, pd. Capes, Charters p. 127); occ. as resident can. 15 Aug., 8 Sept. and 30 Sept. 1273 (Capes, Charters pp. 138-9); ordained pr. 13 June 1278, at Tottenham (Reg. Cantilupe p. 304); named as co-respondent 29 Oct. 1283 (Reg. Swinfield p. 19); prob. to be identified with the Alan, can. of Hereford, who occ. at Orvieto 26 Apr. 1291 (ibid. p. 270); d. 24 Feb. 1298 (app. 1 fo. 7r-v); ordinance of Hereford cath. chapter to set up his anniversary service, 25 Feb. 1298 (Hereford ch. no. 772, pd. Capes, Charters pp. 171-2). Held preb. of Pratum Maius at time of his d. (list 28).
M. Albinus
Occ. as clk. of bp. Giles de Braose, not yet can., 24 Sept. 1200 × 29 Sept. 1202 (EEA VII no. 289: issued before Hugh de Mapenore became dean, which happened between 30 Nov. 1201 and Michaelmas 1202); still episcopal clk. 24 Sept. 1200 × May 1208 (ibid. no. 277); referred to, possibly as can., in a document issued 16 July 1213 × 17 Nov. 1215 which settles a dispute which had arisen between various members of the chapter, prob. during the exile of bp. Giles de Braose, May 1208 - 16 July 1213 (ibid. no. 278); occ. as can. 1206 × 1215 (Hereford ch. no. 799, pd. Capes, Charters p. 43 and Gloucester Original Acta no. 37, where the limiting dates are given as 1205 × 1215, but the document must be later than 1206 because William of Kilpeck occ. as prec.); prob. to be identified with the A., can., who occ. Aug. 1216 (CPL I 40); occ. as can. 18 Dec. 1216 × Apr. 1219, prob. 1216 × 1218 (EEA VII no. 298 and Cart. Haughmond p. 213, no. 1150). Became chanc. in either 1217 or 1218 (list 5).
M. Alexander
Referred to, as can., in a ch. issued 16 July 1213 × 17 Nov. 1215, which settles a dispute which had arisen prob. during the exile of bp. Giles de Braose, May 1208 - 16 July 1213 (EEA VII no. 278). Prob. to be identified with the M. Alexander de Walton who was archdcn. of Hereford (list 6).
M. Alexander de Acu
See M. Alexander of Savoy.
M. Alexander of Savoy (fn. 2)
Occ., as collector of the tenth in the diocs. of Coventry, Hereford and Worcester, 28 March and 4 May 1258 (Close Rolls (Supplementary) of the Reign of Henry III, ed. A. Morton (1975) nos. 278, 306); as M. Alexander de Acu, can. of Hereford, received simple protection for one year, 4 Nov. 1258 (CPR 1258-66 p. 2); occ. as collector of the tenth as M. Alexander, can. of Hereford, ? late Dec. 1258 (Close Rolls 1256-9 p. 465); occ. as M. Alexander de Acu in Savoy, 6 June 1261 (cart. II fos. 158v-159r). Commem. 17 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 31v).
M. Alexander Secular (fn. 3)
Occ., almost certainly as can., 26 Sept. 1241 (Reg. Swinfield p. 91); occ., prob. but not necessarily as can., May 1273 (Hereford ch. no. 1470). Commem., not necessarily as can., 29 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 38v).
M. Alexander de Walton
See M. Alexander in this list, above, and also list 6.
Occ. as man of bp. Robert the Lotharingian, but not in the list of the bp.'s lay followers, and therefore as clk. and very prob. as cath. can., 1085 (EEA VII no. 2).
Occ. as Aluuinus, man of bp. Robert the Lotharingian, but not in the list of the bp.'s lay followers, and therefore as clk. and very prob. as cath. can., 1085 (EEA VII no. 2).
Alulf (? Æthelwulf)
Dates unknown but the name (OE) suggests he lived in the late 11th or early 12th cent. Commem., as can. and pr, 3 Feb. (app. 1 fo. 4v).
Anselm of Conflans (fn. 4)
Occ., as can., 24 June 1249 (cart. II fo. 24r) and c. 1253 (PRO C 115/58 no. 4015). Possibly identifiable with Anselm of Clermont who became dean by 1253 (list 2); perhaps also a kinsman of William of Conflans, archdcn. of Hereford (list 6).
Occ. as pr. and as man of bp. Robert the Lotharingian, and therefore very prob. as cath. can., 1085 (EEA VII no. 2).
M. Ardicio de Comite
Occ. as provost of S. Lorenzo, Milan, 7 Dec. 1257 and 13 Apr. 1258 (Reg. Alex. IV no. 2448); occ. as can. of Hereford and chanc. of Ottobono, papal legate, 18 Jan. 1268 (Hereford ch. no. 2930); occ. as Hardichun, absent can., 24 June 1273 (Capes, Charters p. 138); occ. as primicerius of Milan 23 Oct. 1274 (Reg. Greg. X nos. 435, 1055), but without this title, simply as papal chapl., 11 Dec. 1275 (ibid. no. 730); still primicerius of Milan and papal chapl., and collector of the tenth, not necessarily still can. of Hereford, 25 Apr. 1279 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 208). Had res. his preb. by 12 Aug. 1280, when he wished his nephew Philip to have it after him, though bp. Thomas de Cantilupe decided to give his preb. to William de Montfort and coll. Philip to William's old preb., Inkberrow (ibid. pp. 248-50). Ardicio's preb. may have been Moreton Magna (see list 23).
Aymo of Miolans
Occ. as can. of Hereford 6 Dec. 1268 (CPR 1266-72 p. 305); prob. preb. of Inkberrow by 1273 (list 21), when el. bp. of Maurienne.
Royal chapl., described in a letter written in the name of the chapter of St Davids, as 'pr. of the church of Hereford' (BL Harley Roll A 3 (3); for comment, see M. Richter, 'Professions of obedience and the metropolitan claim of St Davids', National Library of Wales Journal xv (1967-8) p. 200, and St Davids Episcopal Acta pp. 2-3). This cannot refer to Bernard's ordination as pr., because that occ. at the hands of bp. William of Winchester, in Southwark, the day before his cons. as bp. of St Davids (18 Sept. 1115 at Westminster (Welsh Episcopal Acts I 239)), but opens the possibility that Bernard had held a preb. of Hereford before he was raised to the episcopate. Bernard, who was chapl. or chanc. of Henry I's queen Matilda, had custody of the dioc. of Hereford 1101/2 (CDF no. 1138), and was bp. of St Davids 1115-48. A bp. Bernard was commem. 22 Apr. at Hereford (app. 1 fo. 15r); although the see is not specified the likeliest contender is bp. Bernard of St Davids, for the name Bernard was rare among English and Welsh bps. in the 12th and 13th cent.
Boso of Mâcot (fn. 5)
Occ. as can. 24 May 1254 (Hereford ch. no. 1338); occ. as can. mid 13th cent., not later than 14 Apr. 1277 (cart. II fo. 130r). Commem., as can., 18 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 41r).
M. David
See also entry for David de Aqua under prebs. of Moreton Parva (list 24), since some of the entries there may refer to M. David. Occ. as can. 1148 × c. 1158, as a witness to a ch. of which David de Aqua was the beneficiary (GFL no. 313 and EEA VII no. 83; cf. MB p. 268); occ. as can. either 6 Oct. 1174 × 13 Aug. 1178, or, less prob., 22 Dec. 1163 × 27 Feb. 1167 (EEA VII no. 125, issued by either bp. Robert Foliot or by bp. Robert of Melun, more prob. the former); occ. not specifically but almost certainly as can. 10 Aug. 1180 × 31 Dec. 1183, prob. early in that period (ibid. no. 168). Commem. 6 Sept., as 'mag. David canonici' (app. 1 fo. 34v). Perhaps identifiable with M. David of London (1 Fasti I 30).
Occ. as can. 1107 × 1115 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 93v). Possibly identifiable with the Durand, pr., who occ. 28 June 1131 × 5 Aug. 1136 or 1137 (BL Harley MS 6976 fo. 14v). Commem. 9 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 35r).
See Orgar II, below.
Edmund de Mortimer
Occ. as absent can., preb. not specified, 24 June 1273 (Capes, Charters p. 138). Mand. from bp. Swinfield to install him in preb. of Huntington, 8 July 1276 (Reg. Cantilupe pp. 83-4; list 20); later preb. of Hunderton (list 19).
Commem., as can., 1 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 29v). His name suggests that he lived in the 11th or the early 12th cent.
M. Edward
Occ. as can. c. 1150 × March 1163 (GFL no. 344; EEA VII no. 112, but the dating there given needs to be corrected, since the dean Ralph who issued an inspeximus of this ch. (pd. as Cart. Shrewsbury II 301-2, no. 331) cannot possibly be the 12th-cent. dean Ralph but must be dean Ralph of Maidstone). Commem. 6 Feb. (app. 1 fo. 5r).
M. Edward of Wells
Commem., not necessarily as can., 17 Dec.; an anniversary for his parents, brothers and sisters was celebrated 15 Dec. (app. 1 fos. 51v, 51r).
Commem., as can., 24 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 33r). His name suggests that he lived in the 11th or the early 12th cent.
Murdered 24/25 Oct. 1055, with his 4 sons (see J. Barrow, 'Athelstan to Aigueblanche' p. 22). Commem., with his 4 sons, 25 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 42v).
Commem., as can., 17 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 36v). His name suggests that he lived in the 11th or the early 12th cent.
Elias of Bristol (fn. 6)
Clk. of Richard I (Capes, Charters pp. 35-6); occ., not specifically, but certainly as can. (listed ahead of the cans. Robert de Clifford and M. John dementis) 1201 × 1214 (cart. II fo. 124r, issued before d. of M. John dementis, and while William Foliot was prec. and William was treas.); occ. as can. 10 Aug. 1197 × 13 Apr. 1214 (Hist. Cart. Mon. Glouc. II 43, recording settlement of dispute between Elias and John of Colonna, cardinal, heard by S[imon of Apulia], dean of York 12 Feb. 1195 to before 13 Apr. 1214, and by H[amo], treas. of York from not earlier than 10 Aug. 1197 to 1217 (1 Fasti VI9, 24)). In Bristol, where he owned property, he was known as Elias son of Durand, can. of Hereford, and occ. as such 1216 × 1220 (The Cartulary of St Augustine's Abbey, Bristol pp. 84-5, no. 142), 15 Nov. 1217 × 1220 (ibid. pp. 86-8, nos. 143-4) and after 1221 (ibid. pp. 103-4, nos. 162-3; see also pp. 183-5, nos. 283-5). Elias occ. 27 Oct. 1221 × 26 Oct. 1222 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 74v, no. 315, referring to litigation between Stephen Devereux and William archdcn. of Hereford, for which see CPR 1216-25 p. 342); he is possibly identifiable with the can. Elias who occ. in a ch. of bp. Hugh Foliot, 27 Oct. 1219 × 29 Nov. 1223 (EEA VII no. 323), though this is more likely to be the Elias, can. of Llanthony, who occ. in other chs. of Hugh Foliot (ibid. nos. 322, 335, 360 and prob. 319). Elias of Bristol founded the hospital of St Ethelbert in Hereford, on a site in the corner of the cath. graveyard, in the mid 1220s before 1226 (his foundation ch. is Hereford ch. no. 2001, pd. Capes, Charters pp. 57-9, and the foundation was conf. by abp. Stephen Langton in 1226 (Acta Stephani Langton no. 90)), and he occ. in many documents in the Hereford ch. none of them closely datable but prob. of the 1220s, concerned with his foundation (e.g. Hereford ch. nos. 960-1, 964-5, 967-9, 971, 974-6, 978, 981- 5, 987-93). Had d. by 1234 (ibid. no. 998, issued by abbot David of St Augustine's, Bristol, which refers to him as d.). Commem. 31 July (app. 1 fo. 29r). Was also can. of Salisbury, in which capacity he occ. 7 Jan. 1213/14 and 15 Aug. 1222 (1 Fasti IV 49, 120, 134-5).
Elias of Evesham
Given letters of presentation by John, in episcopal vacancy, 9 Sept. 1216, in succession to Geoffrey de Lacy (Rot. Litt. Pat. p. 196b); occ. as can. 1217 × 1227, prob. late in this period (PRO E 326/2272), and 27 Oct. 1219 × 23 July 1227 (EEA VII no. 336). D. by 1234 × 1247, when his executors are referred to in a ch. issued by dean Stephen Thornbury (Hereford ch. no. 1872). Commem. 28 May as can. and pr. (app. 1 fo. 20v).
Elias of Radnor
Referred to, evidently as can., in a dispute prob. of May 1208 × 16 July 1213 between some of the cath. cans. and the then treas., William, settled in a ch. of bp. Giles de Braose issued 16 July 1213 × 17 Nov. 1215 (EEA VII no. 278). Elias also witnesses this ch. as cath. treas., but seems to have been involved in the dispute as a can. Elias therefore became treas. before the end of Giles's pontificate (17 Nov. 1215; see list 4).
Occ. 1107 × 1115 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 93v).
M. Eustace I
Occ. 28 June 1131 × 1137, possibly 1134 (EEA VII no. 15); occ. 1144 (ibid. no. 47); commem, 31 Dec. (app. 1 fo. 54r). May conceivably be identifiable with the following entry, but if so he must have res. his preb. between the 1140s and the 1170s (see below). Either this entry or the following one may be the M. Eustace, can., who was commem. 31 Dec. (cart. II fo. 54r); likewise either this entry or the following one may be the M. Eustace who was associated with the preb. of Pratum Minus (list 29).
M. Eustace II
Occ. 6 Oct. 1174 × 10 March 1179, 6 Oct. 1174 × 31 Dec. 1183 and March 1179 × 31 Dec. 1183 as episcopal clk., prob. not as can. (EEA VII nos. 145, 149, 147); occ. as clk. of bp. Robert Foliot 17 May 1177 (BL Add. Charter 7013); possibly occ. as can. March 1179 × 9 May 1186 (EEA VII no. 163) and certainly as one 1187/8 × mid 1190s (Hereford ch. nos. 1, 233, issued while Nicholas was still chanc.); commem. 31 Dec. (app. 1 fo. 54r). Either he or the previous entry may be the M. Eustace, can., who was commem. 31 Dec. (cart. II fo. 54r); likewise, either he or the previous entry may be the M. Eustace who was associated with the preb. of Pratum Minus (list 29).
[ M. Eustace de Lenn (fn. 7)
M. Eustace de Lenn', identifable with the M. Eustace de Lenn who occ. as official of Canterbury 3 Dec. 1251 and 18 Jan. 1252 (HMC Wells I 134, 411), was commem. at Hereford 27 Feb. (app. 1 fo. 8r), but it is not clear whether or not he was a can.]
M. Geoffrey
Prob. the M. Geoffrey of Ludlow, clk. of bp. Giles de Braose, whose last closely datable occ. as episcopal clk. is 30 Apr. × 18 Nov. 1215 (EEA VII no. 262). Perhaps made can. of Hereford by bp. Hugh de Mapenore, who had once himself been one of Giles's clks.; occ. without surname as can. of Hereford 18 Dec. 1216 × 1217/8 (ibid. no. 298), in the company of other former clks, of Giles, now themselves cans. M. Geoffrey of Ludlow, not necessarily a can., was commem. 6 Dec. (app. 1 fo. 49v).
Geoffrey, penitentiary and canon
Occ. as penitentiary and can. c. 1262 × 1271 (Hereford ch. no. 2461); occ. as penitentiary 18 Jan. 1266 (ibid. no. 2930), 15 Aug. 1270 (ibid. no. 54) and 1271 (cart. I pp. v-vi). Commem., as penitentiary and can., 3 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 34v; and see list 14).
M. Geoffrey de Clifford
Occ. 5 Sept. 1148 × 1155 or 1159 × 1160, with mag. title but without surname, as episcopal clk. and not as can. (GFL no. 325; EEA VII no. 86); occ. with surname but without mag. title, prob. as can. c. 1150 × 1155 (GFL no. 317; EEA VII no. 91); occ. with mag. title and surname, prob. as can. c. 1155 × c. 1158 (GFL no. 326; EEA VII no. 93); occ. without the mag. title and without specifically being referred to as can., though it is clear from the context that he is one, 5 Sept. 1148 × March 1163 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 76v, no. 325), and c. 1155 × March 1163 (cart. II fo. 121r; see MB p. 269).
Geoffrey Foliot
Dates unknown, but presumably was can. at some point between 1148 and the middle of the 13th cent. Commem., as can., 2 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 34r).
Geoffrey de Lacy I
Occ. 1187/8 × mid 1190s as can. (Hereford ch. no. 233), and is referred to in a document issued July 1213 × Nov. 1215 as having taken part in a dispute which prob. occ. May 1208 × July 1213 (EEA VII no. 278). Might possibly be identifiable with the Geoffrey de Lacy, parson of Ludlow, who occ. ? late 1203 × Apr. 1204 (ibid. III no. 536). D. by 9 Sept. 1216, when his preb. was given to Elias of Evesham by king John (Rot. Litt. Pat. p. 196b). Commem. 9 Sept. as can. (app. 1 fo. 35r).
Geoffrey de Lacy II
Dates unknown, but must have lived in the 12th or the first half of the 13th cent. Commem., as can., 18 Feb. (app. 1 fo. 6v).
M. Geoffrey of Ludlow
See M. Geoffrey above.
Geoffrey de Neubaud
Referred to as recently d., 24 March 1283, and as having held the preb. now gr. to M. Robert of Gloucester (Reg. Swinfield pp. 5-6).
M. Geoffrey of Winchester
He claimed to have been presented by the dean and chapter of Hereford cath., at the request of Henry II, to a preb. which had previously been held by a certain W., who had d. This presentation prob. took place during the episcopal vacancy of 1167-74. The preb. had also been bestowed on the dean of Lincoln, Adelelm, who appealed to Alexander III. M. Geoffrey, messenger to the curia 1174 × 1179, then claimed that he had been canonically presented, and Alexander III, delegating the case to bp. Roger of Worcester, ordered Roger to bestow the preb. on Geoffrey whether Adelelm's claim was upheld or not (W. Holtzmann and E. W. Kemp, Papal Decretals p. 29; see also entry for Adelelm above). Geoffrey occ. almost certainly as can. 10 Aug. 1186 × Aug. 1187 (Cart. Haughmond p. 213, no. 1147; EEA VII no. 195). Commem., as can., 8 Dec. (app. 1 fo. 50r).
M. Gerald de Barri (fn. 8)
Archdcn. of Brecon from 1175 until 1203 (M. Richter, Giraldus Cambrensis (2nd edn., Aberystwyth, 1976) p. 126; St Davids Episcopal Acta pp. 28-9). Gerald states that in 1202 he had been deprived of his preb. in Hereford cath. (Gir. Cambr. III 237). The bp. of Hereford most likely to have coll. Gerald to a preb. is William de Vere, of whom Gerald speaks with affection (cf. J. Barrow, 'A twelfth-century bishop' p. 186), so the coll. is likely to have occ. during the period 10 Aug. 1186 × 24 Dec. 1198.
Gervase of London
Occ. as clk., not yet can., 1234 × 1239 (Hereford ch. no. 1407). Occ. as can. of Hereford and as son of Gervase of St Paul's 13 Jan. × 28 Oct. 1240 (Guildhall, St Paul's MS 25121/1345, previously St Paul's Muniments A/15/1345, issued while Gerard Bat was mayor of London). Occ. as can. 1247 × 1253 (Hereford ch. nos. 925, 2008), in a not closely datable ch. of the first half of the 13th cent. (ibid. no. 1483), and 24 June 1249 (cart. II fo. 24r). He was involved in the murder of Bernard, prior of Champagne (either dioc. of Poitiers or dioc. of Saintes (see Sayers, Orig. Papal Documents no. 681)), in 1252, and was evidently deprived of his preb. as a result; he is referred to as 'sometime canon of Hereford' 1 Jan. 1256, in a royal mand. ordering his capture (CPR 1247-58 p. 455, and cf. ibid. p. 509). Henry III issued a pardon for him, as clk., 21 May 1256 (ibid. p. 475). Prob. identifiable with the can. of Lichfield who occ. 22 Nov. 1259 (Reg. Alex. IV no. 3000, cal., wrongly referring to him as can. of Salisbury, CPL I 368; cf. 1 Fasti IV 121n). The Gervase of London who occ. as can. of Lichfield Jan. 1215 × early 1223 (Cart. Shrewsbury II no. 326) would prob. be an older relative.
Gilbert of Evreux
Occ. 28 June 1131 × 1137, possibly 1134 (EEA VII no. 15), 28 June 1131 × 1139, prob. 1134 × 1139 (ibid. no. 16), 1132, before 27 June (ibid. no. 55), 1134 (ibid. no. 17), and Monday 9 Apr. 1145 (ibid. no. 27), not specifically but almost certainly as can. In all these documents, which are cart. copies, his name is given as Gilbert Ebor' or de Eboraco, i.e. of York, but in EEA VII no. 47, an original ch. of 27 June 1131 × 1144, prob. 1134 × 1144, his name is given as Gislebertus de Ewroic, i.e. of Evreux. (fn. 9)
[ M. Giles the king's clerk
Edward I asked bp. Richard de Swinfield to coll. Giles to a preb. in 1287, but Richard explained why this was impossible in a letter of 12 July 1287 (Reg. Swinfield pp. 150-1).]
M. Giles of Avenbury
Occ. without title, but prob. already can., 26 Sept. 1241 (Reg. Swinfield p. 91). Was made dean before Oct. 1247. Later dean and treas. (lists 2, 4).
Godo (fn. 10)
Murdered 24/25 Oct. 1055 (J. Barrow, 'Athelstan to Aigueblanche' p. 22). Commem. 25 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 42v).
Gunfrid, can., was commem. 13 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 31r). The name, which is continental Germanic, suggests Flemish, Picard or Lotharingian origin or connections; the lack of surname suggests that the bearer of this name flourished before the second half of the 12th cent. Bp. Robert de Béthune's elder brother, who d. before Robert became a can. at Llanthony (see list 1), was called Gunfrid (Anglia Sacra II 299-300); the name is not a very common one and it is not impossible that this might be another of Robert's relations.
Dates unknown. Commem. 6 July (app. 1 fo. 25v). The lack of a by-name suggests that he lived in the late 11th or early 12th cent.
A Henry, can., was commem. on 1 May (app. 1 fo. 16v). His dates are unknown, but the position of his name in the 1 May obit book entry, between Agnes, mother of bp. Gilbert Foliot, and Edrich the moneyer who occ. in the middle of the 12th cent., together with his lack of surname or by-name, makes it likely that he lived in the 12th cent. He may be identifiable with Henry de Bradele (see below), but cannot be identified with Henry de Hawkley, M. Henry of Newark, Henry son of Warin or Henry of Woodstock, for whom no obits are recorded in the obit book, since they d. after the main text of the obit book had been compiled.
Henry Banastre
Treas. of St Paul's cath. (1 Fasti I 21, 88); coll. to a preb., prob. that which had been Ralph of Ledbury's, 1163 × c. 1180, possibly 1174 × c. 1180 (GFL no. 259; MB p. 270). Commem. as can. of Hereford 11 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 30v), and he prob. d. in 1200, because he is mentioned as the predecessor of William, archdcn. of Hereford, in William's letters of presentation to a portion in the church of Ledbury, 26 Nov. 1200 (Rot. Chart. I 80b).
Henry de Bradele
Can. by 8 July 1264 when the bpric. was committed to his care and that of William le Rus (CPR 1258-66 p. 332); occ. as can. also 23 Aug. 1268 (ibid. 1266-72 p. 253). Just possibly identifiable with the Henry, can., commem. 1 May (app. 1 fo. 16v), though the lack of surname in this entry makes this identification unlikely.
M. Henry de Hawkley
Not necesarily a can. when first occ. 7 Oct. 1261, as proctor of the dean and chapter (Hereford ch. no. 1354), or 5 Aug. 1263 (CPR 1258-66 p. 273, omitting mag. title). Can. of Hereford and commissary of the see of Canterbury by 20 Dec. 1270 (Hereford ch. no. 2867). Occ. as resident can. 24 June and 30 Sept. 1273 (Capes, Charters pp. 138-9). Preb. of Moreton Parva by his d. in 1279 (list 24).
M. Henry of Newark
Occ. as can. 1269 × 1275 (PRO E 327/445), 1271 × 1274 (Reg. Swinfield p. 57) and 22 Feb. 1273 (Hereford ch. no. 1339, dated 5 Nov. 1282). Occ. as absent can. 24 June 1273 and as resident can. 30 Sept. 1273 (Capes, Charters pp. 138- 9). Occ. as can. 16 Oct. 1275 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 17) and 14 Dec. 1275 (Hereford ch. no. 1758). By 16 Feb. 1279, if not before, he was in possession of the preb. of Barton (i.e. Colwall; list 11).
Henry son of Warin
He was gr. the office of penitentiary in Hereford cath., which had belonged to the late M. Roger of Bosbury 24 June 1275, after the gr. of the office to M. John of St-Omer had been revoked (CPR 1272-82 p. 96). As penitentiary, presumably held the preb. Episcopi (list 14).
Henry of Woodstock
King's clk.; gr. the preb. which had been held by bp. Robert Burnell of Bath and Wells by Edward I, while the see of Hereford was vac., 14 May 1275 (CPR 1272-81 p. 89). In Sept. 1275, however, bp. Thomas de Cantilupe coll. him to the preb. of Preston which he, Cantilupe, had previously held (list 30).
Hervey of Boreham
Can. by 8 Feb. 1271 (Westminster Domesday fo. 359v); his preb. is unspecified but might be Ewithington which he held at his d. (list 15). Archdcn. of Shropshire by Aug. 1271 (CUL Add. 3021 fos. 209v, 210r, 218r-v; list 7); later prec. (list 3).
A Hugh, can., occ. 1132 (EEA VII no. 55 and cart. St Guthlac fo. 88r, no. 387), and c. 1138 × 16 Apr. 1148 (EEA VII no. 52; Cart. Shrewsbury pp. 299-300, no. 334). Either of these is prob. identifiable with any one of the following: Hugh de Calco, M. Hugh de Clifford or M. Hugh of Northampton.
Hugh of Burgundy
Occ. as resident can. 28 Feb. 1289 (Reg. Swinfield p. 214).
Hugh de Calco
Occ. 1143, prob. but not necessarily as can. (EEA VII no. 21). He may, however, be a layman. His name is prefixed by the title dominus.
M. Hugh de Clifford (fn. 11)
Occ. 1137 × 16 Apr. 1148 (EEA VII no. 38), 1143 (ibid. no. 21, as mag.), 1144 (ibid. no. 47), 9 Apr. 1145 (ibid. no. 27), c. 1150 × c.1155 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 88v, no. 390), and 1150 × March 1163 (GFL no. 311). Obit 6 Feb. (app. 1 fo. 5r).
Hugh of Dinedor (fn. 12)
Occ. as can. 1271 × 1274 (Reg. Swinfield p. 57); occ. as resident can. 24 June and 30 Sept. 1273 (Capes, Charters pp. 138-9); occ. presumably, though not specifically, as can., 14 Dec. 1275 (Hereford ch. no. 1758). He occ. as can. in a document which cannot be more closely dated than the second half of the 13th cent., though it must be earlier than 13 May 1290 (ibid. no. 2009).
Hugh Foliot I
Occ. 5 Sept. 1148 × 6 Jan. 1149, if the earl Gilbert mentioned in the ch. is earl of Pembroke, or 5 Sept. 1148 × 1152 if the earl Gilbert mentioned is earl of Hertford (GFL no. 331; EEA VII no. 101; see MB p. 269), not necessarily but prob. as can.; occ. as can. c.1155 × March 1163, prob. early (GFL no. 312; EEA VII no. 116). Commem. 25 Nov. (app. 1 fo. 47).
Hugh Foliot II
Prob. can. when occ. 10 Aug. 1180 × 31 Dec. 1183 (EEA VII no. 168). Made archdcn. of Shropshire before 9 May 1186, prob. shortly after 1180 (list 7); may just possibly have been preb. of Col wall (list 11); later bp. (list 1).
M. Hugh de Hungeria (fn. 13)
Occ. c. 1158 × 1173 (Hereford ch. no. 2766, and see MB p. 269); mentioned after 1174 (Hue de Rotelandes Ipomedon: Ein französischer Abenteuerroman des 12. Jahrhunderts, ed. E. Kölbing and E. Koschwitz (Breslau, 1889) p. 93, line 5518). Commem., as can., 15 March (app. 1 fo. 10r). Can. of Lincoln (1 Fasti III 128, 164).
Hugh of Moûtiers
Occ. as resident can. 24 June and 30 Sept. 1273 (Capes, Charters pp. 138-9); occ., not specifically but evidently as can. of Hereford, 14 Dec. 1275 (Hereford ch. no. 1758); occ. as can. 14 Sept. 1282 (ibid. no. 2074). He d. on the night of the 13/14 May 1290, as preb. of Hinton (Reg. Swinfield pp. 238, 528; list 18).
M. Hugh of Northampton
Occ. as can. 1143 (EEA VII no. 21) and 1144 (Hereford ch. no. 738).
Hugh 'partes'
Occ. 1144 (EEA VII no. 47). The by-name is puzzling but the document survives in the original and is written in a clear text hand.
Hugh Soffred
Occ. as can. 26 Nov. 1268 when witness to Peter of Aigueblanche's will, issued at Sugwas (Woodruff, Will pp. 7-8).
Huguicio son of Peter Leo
Papal subdcn. and chapl.; occ. as non-resident can. 15 Sept. and 19 Oct. 1245 (CPL I 223; see Reg. Inn. IV nos. 1671, 1672 and Sayers, Orig. Papal Documents no. 299). D. by Apr. 1249 (ibid., citing CPL I 254 and Reg. Inn. IV no. 4445).
Humbert of Yenne
Apparently can. of Hereford, preb. unknown, by 30 Apr. 1273, when Gregory X attempted unsuccessfully to prov. him to the preb. of Inkberrow (Capes, Charters pp. 133-4; Sayers, Orig. Papal Documents no. 752; list 21). Cantor of collegiate church of St Catherine, Aiguebelle (founded by bp. Peter of Aigueblanche) by 14 June 1276 (Reg. Cantilupe pp. 84-5).
M. James of Aigueblanche
Can. by 1246, since he received two papal disps. to hold other benefices in addition to his canonry at Hereford; preb. unspecified, but might be Cublington which he held by 1256 (list 12), 11 Oct. 1246 and 15 May 1247 (CPL I 229, 232). Archdcn. of Shropshire by 1253 (list 7).
Occ. as can. and episcopal chapl., 6 Oct. 1174 × 10 March 1179 (EEA VII no. 145), 13 Aug. 1178 × 9 May 1186 (ibid. no. 166), and Jan. 1185 × 9 May 1186 (ibid. no. 156).
John of Ambléon (fn. 14)
Occ. as papal chapl., not referred to as can. of Hereford, 15 Feb. 1254 (Close Rolls 1253-4 p. 213); occ., on the point of res. his preb. at Hereford, 30 May 1254, after being made dean of Monte Sant' Andrea in Savoy (CPL I 301); d. by 23 Sept. 1254 (CPR 1247-58 p. 334).
M. John Bacon
Occ., without mag. title, as episcopal clk., not yet can., Aug. 1230 × 7 Aug. 1234 (EEA VII no. 341); occ. prob., but not necessarily, as can. 1236, with the mag. title (cart. St Guthlac fo. 73r, no. 306); very prob. can. when occ. 26 Sept. 1241 (Reg. Swinfield p. 9l); occ. as can. and mag. 7 Aug. 1234 × c. 1247 (Hereford ch. no. 1660); prob. identifiable with the M. John and with the J. who occ. as episcopal officials, Easter 1246 (ibid. nos. 1942 and 1994C, 1944E and cf. no. 1944F); occ. as can. and mag. 1248/9 and 14 Jan. 1248/9, when he founded a vicarage with revenues from the abbey of Wigmore (ibid. nos. 1394, 2090); occ. 1258 (ibid. no. 765). Henry, his vicar, occ. 1267, but M. John Bacon may well have been d. by then (ibid. no. 521, in which John Bacon is mentioned, not necessarily as alive but nonetheless without the words 'bone memorie'). Commem. 20 Aug.; his obit notice records his foundation of a vicarage and states that Henry was the first chapl. installed in it (app. 1 fo. 32).
M. John de Bestan
Not necessarily can, when appd. proctor by bp. Richard de Swinfield (Reg. Swinfield p. 137); archdcn. of Shropshire from 6 Sept. 1287 to 20 Oct. 1289. May well have held an unidentifiable preb. until 3 Feb. 1295 when he received papal prov. to the preb. of Hinton; later coll. to the preb. of Huntington (lists 18, 20). Also official in dioc. of Canterbury by 13 Oct. 1291 (cf. Reg. Pecham II 33). Res. church of Smarden (Kent) 30 Dec. 1279 (ibid. I 105); coll., as pr., to rectory of Cliffe-at-Hoo (Kent) 13 Nov. 1288 (ibid. I 79). Can. of Wells 1297 (1 Fasti VII 87).
John Bishop (fn. 15)
Occ. as can. of Hereford 1240 × c. 1247 (Hereford ch. no. 786) and 18 Apr. 1244 (Close Rolls 1242-7 p. 242). Commem. 9 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 40r).
John of Bridgnorth
Occ. as can. 1271 × 1274 (Reg. Swinfield p. 57) and 1268/9 × 1303 (cart. II fo.153r-v); occ. as resident can. 24 June and 30 Sept. 1273 (Capes, Charters pp. 138-9); occ. as clk., not yet can., 16 Aug., 19 Sept. and 19 Oct. 1279 (Reg. Cantilupe pp. 185-6, 223 and 237); preb. of Wellington by 25 Apr. 1283 (list 34).
M. John of Brinsop (fn. 16)
Occ. as resident can. 28 Feb. 1289 (Reg. Swinfield p. 214).
M. John of Calne (fn. 17)
Occ., not necessarily as can., 10 Aug. 1186 × 1193 (EEA VII no. 211, but disregard note ibid. about this prob. being a scribal error for William de Calne; Reading cartularies I 290-2, no. 359); last occ. 1201 × 20 Apr. 1214, without title, but prob. as can. (cart. II fo. 124r). Commem., as can., 17 Jan. (app. 1 fo. lv).
M. John Clementis
First occ., with mag. title, as clk. of bp. William de Vere (1186-98), whose service he prob. entered c. 1190 (EEA VII p. lvii). His last closely datable occ. as clk., definitely not can., is 1195 × 24 Dec. 1198, prob. early (EEA VII no. 209); he occ., not specifically as can. and prob. simply as episcopal clk., 23 Feb. 1196 (Hist. Cart. Mon. Glouc. I 288). His first occ. as can. is Apr. 1195 × 24 Dec. 1198 (EEA VII no. 201); he last occ. 7 Jan. 1212, when he was ordered in a mand. of Innocent III to act as a judge to hear a case between the rector of Brinsop and Brecon Priory (Innocent III, Cal. Letters no. 896); the settlement dated 16 May 1214 (ibid.), states that John had d. Commem. 20 Apr. (app. 1 fo. 14v), and so he could have d. in 1212, 1213 or 1214.
M. John of Colchester
Occ., not specifically as can., 10 Aug. 1186 × 24 Dec. 1198 (EEA VII no. 218), 10 Aug. 1186 × Feb. 1198 (ibid. no. 199), and 10 Aug. 1186 × 1190 (ibid. nos. 231-2); occ. as can. 30 Aug. 1186 × 24 Dec. 1198 (ibid. no. 187). May possibly be identifiable with the M. John of Gloucester who witnesses three of bp. William de Vere's acta (ibid. nos. 203-4, 211). Commem., as can., 28 July (app. 1 fo. 28v). Possibly held archdcnry. of Bath 1212 (1 Fasti VII 29).
John Foliot II
Prob. one of the children of William Foliot the prec. and Margaret (EEA VII nos. 288n, 317n; J. Barrow, 'Hereford bishops and married clergy', Historical Research lx (1987) 7-8); inst. into rectory of Bockleton 27 Oct. 1219 × 29 Nov. 1223 (EEA VII nos. 317-18); occ. as rector of Bockleton, not yet can., 1234 × c. 1247 (Hereford ch. no. 787). He cannot be identified with John Foliot I, chanc. and briefly archdcn. of Shropshire (lists 5, 7), because both witness a ch. issued by the dean and chapter 24 June 1249 (cart. II fo. 24r). Moreover John Foliot the chanc. witnesses a ch. of John Foliot, son of William Foliot the prec. (Hereford ch. no. 1872, a 14th-cent. copy of an inspeximus by dean S[tephen Thornbury], 1234-47, of John Foliot's ch.). John Foliot II occ. as can. 24 May 1254 (ibid. no. 1338) and 1240 × 1268 (ibid. no. 754). Occ. 1258 × 1271 as can. and as uncle of Alice, daughter of a citizen of Hereford called Nicholas le Chanteur (ibid. no. 753); occ. also ibid. no. 912 of the mid 13th cent. John Foliot, rector of Bockleton, was d. by 2 Dec. 1261 (cart. II fo. 7v and cf. fos. 6v-7r, 56r and BL Egerton Charter 2212). Commem. 27 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 42v), and therefore cannot have d. later than 1261.
John of Maurienne (fn. 18)
Occ. as can. 24 June 1249 (cart. II fo. 24r), c. 1253 (PRO C 115/58 no. 4015), 24 May 1254 (Hereford ch. no. 1338), and 4 Nov. 1258, when gr. simple protection (CPR 1258-66 p. 2).
John of Pavilly (fn. 19)
Given letters of presentation by king John, in the episcopal vacancy following the d. of Giles de Braose, to succeed to the preb. formerly held by Walter, archdcn. of Cornwall, 27 June 1216 (Rot. Litt. Pat. p. 189a).
John Pole
Coll., 17 Nov. 1298, to a canonical house which had been his own (Reg. Swinfield p. 547). Preb. of Hampton by his d. (ibid. p. 535; see also list 17 and 2 Fasti II 26). Can. of Wells by 1 July 1273; referred to as d. 2 Dec. 1301 (1 Fasti VII 90).
John of Scarborough
Clk. of Eleanor, the mother of Edward I. Already can. when ordained dcn., 6 Apr. 1286 (Reg. Swinfield p. 548); occ. as can. 20 Sept. 1289 (CPL I no. 505). Preb. of Norton by c. 1291 (list 26).
M. John of Toulouse
Occ. as can. 1193 and 9 Apr. 1193 (CDF p. 94).
John of Villargondran (fn. 20)
Occ. as John de Villario Gundran, can. 1247 (PRO E 326/409; cal. in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office (6 vols., 1890- 1915) I 253).
M. Jordan
Occ. almost certainly as can. 6 Oct. 1174 × 31 Dec. 1183 (EEA VII no. 149), and March 1179 ('Gloucester Register' p. 48, no. 137, where misdated: the ch. was issued at about the time of the Third Lateran Council in March 1179). Became dean after the d. of his predecessor, which occ. on 31 Dec. in any of the years 1181- 3 inclusive, and before 27 March × 28 May 1184 (PUE II 418-9; and see list 2).
Occ. as pr. and can. 1101 × 1102 (CDF no. 1138). Commem., as Ketelbert can., 17 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 36v).
Laurence de Wycam
Dates unknown, but must have d. before the bulk of the obit book was compiled, since his entry is in the main hand; prob. therefore d. before the end of the 1270s. Commem., as can., 17 Oct. (cart. II fo. 41r).
Leofwin (fn. 21)
Occ. as one of the bp.'s followers, not in the list of laymen and therefore a cleric, and thus almost certainly a can., in the entourage of bp. Robert the Lotharingian, 1085 (EEA VII no. 2). Later became dean (list 2).
M. Luke de Bree
Prob. not yet can. when occ. 7 Feb. 1274 (Hereford ch. no. 1847C, pd. Capes, Charters p. 133); appd. official of bp. Cantilupe 1275 (D. M. Smith, Thomas Cantilupe's register: the administration of the diocese of Hereford 1275-1282', in M. Jancey, St Thomas Cantilupe pp. 87-8); occ. as can. 23 May 1275 (CPR 1272-81 p. 90); coll. to treasury 22 Apr. 1277 (Reg. Cantilupe pp. 120-1; list 4); preb. of Warham by 1291 (list 33).
Occ. 1148 × 1155 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 76v, no. 325). Obit, as Macharius can., 31 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 43r).
M. Martin of Gex
Occ. as can. when given simple protection 4 Nov. 1258 (CPR 1258-66 p. 2). Prob. identifiable with the Martin who occ. (no surname) as resident can. 24 June 1273 (Capes, Charters p. 138); occ. as can. 8 Dec. 1277 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 154); mentioned as being very ill 21 Apr. 1279 (ibid. p. 204); d. by 4 May 1279, when his preb., not named but evidently Hampton, was given to Richard de Swinfield (ibid. pp. 210-11; list 17).
Mathias de Cigogné (fn. 22)
Prob. not yet can. of Hereford when he was presented to the church of Mucklestone Dec. 1209 (Rot. Litt. Pat. p. 88a) and to the church of Skenfrith in the dioc. of Llandaff 1 July 1214 (ibid. p. 117b); occ. as clk. July 1213 × 8 July 1215 (Acta Stephani Langton pp. 12-13, no. 6), and 25 March 1215 (Rot. Litt. Claus. I 191 b). Occ. as can. 1234 × 1239 (Hereford ch. no. 1409). Commem., as can., 14 Aug. (app. 1 fo, 31r).
Dates unknown. Commem., as can. and pr., 26 Apr. (app. 1 fo. 15v).
M. Maurice the physician
Possibly identifiable with the layman, Maurice the son of Hugh grammaticus, who occ. 1132 (Hereford ch. no. 1095, pd. Capes, Charters pp. 7-8). Occ. as clk., without the mag. title, c.1158 × 31 Dec. 1183 (cart. II fo. 17v); occ. as mag. between two cans., and therefore prob. was himself a can., 13 Aug. 1178 × 9 May 1186 (EEA VII no. 166).
M. Nicholas divinus
Possibly can. when occ. c. 1150 × c. 1158 (GFL no. 344); perhaps put in charge of the cath. school as early as 1173; referred to on one occasion as chanc. (list 5).
M. Nicholas the priest
First occ., prob. as can., 6 Oct. 1174 × 31 Dec. 1183 (EEA VII no. 149); occ. 1195 and 1190 × Michaelmas 1198, not necessarily as can. (ibid. nos. 200, 237); occ. as can. 1193 × 24 Dec. 1198 (ibid. no. 216); commem., as can. and pr., 23 Jan. (cart. II fo. 2v).
[ Nicholas de Geneville
Bp. Richard de Swinfield refused him a benefice 25 Feb. 1283, because he was aged only 10 years (Reg. Swinfield p. 1; and see list 35), but gr. him a pension of 10m 7 July 1283 (ibid. p. 14), and coll. him to the preb. of Withington Parva 28 Jan. 1287 (ibid. p. 526; list 35).]
M. Nicholas of Hampton or Wolverhampton
Not yet can., but episcopal clk., when occ. 1191 × 24 Dec. 1198, possibly 1191 × 1193 (EEA VII no. 206); he was possibly not yet can. when he occ. 1195 × 24 Dec. 1198 (ibid. no. 207), and he testified separately from the chapter 1196 × 24 Dec. 1198 (ibid. no. 180); definitely can. when occ. Apr. 1195 × 24 Dec. 1198 (ibid. no. 201) and 1195 × 24 Dec. 1198 (ibid. no. 209), so he was prob. coll. to a preb. by bp. William de Vere. Last occ. as can. in 1219 (Pat. Rolls 1216- 25 p. 191), in which year he became archdcn. of Shropshire (list 7). He may have given up his preb. on being made archdcn., since his name is not recorded in the cath. obit book. Prob. identifiable with the Master N. of Wolverhampton who witnessed a ch. of the abbot of Bruern c. 1209 (Collections for a History of Staffordshire (WSAS xvii, 1896) pp. 248-50), and possibly with the Master N., can. of Wolverhampton, who occ. c. 1203 (The Later Letters of Peter of Blois, ed. E. Revell (British Academy, 1993) no. 4). He may also be the Nicholas who succeeded Peter of Blois as dean of Wolverhampton after 1203 (Collections for a History of Staffordshire (WSAS iii, 1882) 14, 118, 126 and ibid. ix/I (1888) 53).
Nicholas de Knovile
Not necessarily can. when occ. Sept./Oct, 1280 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 259). He was coll. to the preb. previously held by M. Richard of Stratford 11 Feb. 1282, prob. Putson Minor (list 32).
Nicholas de Novill or Neville
Clk. of Henry III (cf. Diplomatic Documents nos. 219, 239 n. 34), who gr. to him the preb. previously held by Richard Skayl 2 Oct. 1234, and the houses with appurtenances previously held by Richard Skayl 13 Oct. 1234, in the episcopal vacancy (CPR 1232-47 p. 73; Close Rolls 1231-4 p. 536). Can. of Chichester (1 Fasti V 63-4); brother of Ralph de Neville, bp. of Chichester; archdcn. of Bath, royal gr. c.28 Oct. 1234 (Ann. Tewkes. p. 95); occ. 3 Feb. 1236 (CPR 1232-47 p. 135).
[ M. Nogent
Commem., without title (so may not necessarily have been can.), 23 Nov. 1270 (app. 1 fo. 47r).]
M. Odo
Occ. as can., without mag. title, 1107 × 1115 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 93v); occ. as mag. and can. 1136 × 16 Apr. 1148 (EEA VII no. 37); prob. identifiable with the Odo who was briefly archdcn. of Shropshire, who occ. in that office 1144 × 16 Apr. 1148 (ibid. no. 28, and see list 7); prob. also identifiable with the Odo, can., who occ. c. 1158 × 1173 (Hereford ch. no. 2768, with copy cart. II fo. 10r), and in an undated ch. issued in the 1160s or 1170s (Hereford ch. no. 1087). The obits of the father and mother of can. Odo were commem. 13 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 36r).
Obit, as Ordmerus, can. and pr., 1 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 34r). Dates unknown, but to judge from the name (clearly OE Ordmaer, with no surname or by-name), fl, late 11th or early 12th cent.
Orgar I (fn. 23)
Was killed by the Welsh while he defended the doors of Hereford cath., 24/25 Oct. 1055 (see J. Barrow, 'Athelstan to Aigueblanche' p. 22). Commem. 25 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 42v).
Orgar II (fn. 24)
Occ. 1132, not necessarily as can. (Hereford ch. no. 1095); occ. as can. c.1144 (ibid. no. 738), and 1144 (EEA VII no. 47). Is prob. to be identified with the 'Edgar' who is mentioned, perhaps d., c. 1154 × 1155 (Capes, Charters p. 14). Commem., as Ordgar, can. and pr., 22 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 37v).
Osbert I
Occ. as can. 1144 (EEA VII no. 47 [Hosbertus], and see MB p. 269); occ. c.1144 (Hereford ch. no. 738); occ. c. 1154 × 1155 (Capes, Charters p. 14). The obits of two cans. named Osbert are recorded, one on 6 May (app. 1 fo. 17r), and the other, Osbert, can. and pr., on 18 Nov. (ibid. fo. 46r).
Osbert II
The other can. Osbert mentioned in the obit book (see Osbert I above) may be identifiable with the M. Osbert who was a chapl. of bp. William de Vere and who then occ., possibly as can., in two chs. of bp. Giles de Braose, datable 24 Sept. 1200 × 1201/2 and 24 Sept. 1200 × 17 Nov. 1215 (EEA VII nos. 252, 287).
Osbert, archdeacon of Carmarthen (fn. 25)
Commem. 26 Dec., and therefore possibly had been can. of Hereford (app. 1 fo. 53r). Identifiable with the Osbert who occ. as can. of St Davids under bp. Peter de Leia (BL Harley MS 6280 fo. 26v), before becoming archdcn. of Carmarthen, in which office he first occ. 1201 and last in 1206, though a reference to an archdcn. C. in 1208 may be a copyist's error for O[sbert] (see St Davids Episcopal Acta p. 30).
Master P.
Occ. as can. 30 Nov. 1201 × 17 Nov. 1215, prob. before May 1208 (EEA VII no. 258). May possibly be identifiable with M. Peter of Abergavenny, M. Philip (? of Lindsey) or M. Philip Rufus Cornubiensis (see below).
Peter I
Occ. in a document prob. of the early 13th cent., certainly before (? 18 Dec.) 1216 (cart. II fo. 123r-v); also 1201 × 1216 as can. and custodian of the chapter manors (Hereford ch. no. 189); also as can., early 13th cent. (ibid. no. 114). May well be identifiable with the Peter, subdean, who occ. c.1225 × 1230 (ibid. no. 870), and also with the Peter, can. and pr. of Maddelewie (? Madley), who was commem. 24 Apr. (app. 1 fo. 15v).
Peter II
Dates unknown, but presumably d. before the 1270s when the bulk of the obit book was compiled. Commem., as can. and dcn., 11 Feb. (app. 1 fo. 5v).
[ M. Peter the physician
Commem., as M. Peter medicus without being referred to as can., 15 March (app. 1 fo. 10r).]
M. Peter of Abergavenny (fn. 26)
Occ. as clk. 1201 × 1203 (Hereford ch. no. 1090). May possibly be identifiable with Peter I, can., above, though the fact that the latter is never termed mag. appears to rule this out. M. Peter of Abergavenny (Bergavenni) occ. as can. 18 Dec. 1216 × 1227, prob. 18 Dec. 1216 × 16 Apr. 1219 (EEA VII no. 295), and 27 Oct. 1219 × 23 July 1227 (ibid. no. 336). Commem. as theologus (teacher of theology), not specifying whether he was can., 5 June (app. 1 fo. 21v); commem. in Liber Vitae Ecclesiae Dunelmensis: a Collotype Facsimile of the Original Manuscript, ed. A. H. Thompson (Surtees Soc. cxxxvi, 1923) fo. 57r.
Peter de Lacy
Bp. Thomas de Cantilupe coll. him to the preb. which had been held by M. Giles of Avenbury, ordering the official and the hebdomadary to induct him 8 Nov. 1277 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 151).
M. Peter of Northampton
Occ. 27 Oct. 1219 × Aug. 1230 and 27 Oct. 1219 × 7 Aug. 1234 as clk. (EEA VII nos. 357, 359); occ. 1216 × 1231 as can. (Hereford ch. no. 1102; cf. also cart. St Guthlac fos. 89v-90r). Commem., as can., 28 Dec. (app. 1 fo. 53r).
M. Peter of Radnor
Prov. to the preb. previously held by S. de Anagni by 1 June 1252; this preb. may have been Huntington, which he is known to have held at his d. (list 20); penitentiary by 1264, and therefore may have held preb. Episcopi (list 13) additionally.
M. Peter of Sollières (fn. 27)
Perhaps not yet can. when occ. as episcopal advocate 22 Feb. 1253 (Hereford ch. no. 1406, pd. Capes, Charters pp. 93-4); had become can. by 8 Oct. 1256 (Hereford ch. no. 1946); occ. as episcopal official 29 Oct. 1256 (ibid. no. 1952); occ. as can. of Hereford 4 Nov. 1258, when he was given simple protection (CPR 1258-66 p. 2). Prob. to be identified with the Master P. de Soleriis, auditor causarum of the count of Savoy, who heard a case in Geneva 13 June 1265 (Chartes inédites relatives à l'histoire de la ville et du diocèse de Genève et antérieures à l'année 1312, ed. E. Mallet (Geneva and Paris, 1862) pp. 78-80, no. 92). Occ. as absent can. 24 June 1273 (Capes, Charters p. 138). Commem., without being termed can., 24 Jan. (app. 1 fo. 3).
M. Peter of Ugine (fn. 28)
Prob. not yet can. 1247 when occ. as rector of Bacton, near Dore (PRO E 326/ 409; cal. in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office (6 vols., 1890-1915) I 253); occ. as can. c. 1253 (PRO C 115/58 no. 4015) and 15 Feb. 1254 (Close Rolls 1253-4 p. 213); last occ. as can. 6 June 1261 (Hereford ch. no. 1084, with copy in cart. II fos. 158v-159r). Occ., not titled can., 26 Nov. 1268 at Sugwas (Woodruff, Will p. 7).
Occ. as can. 1201 × 1205 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 69r, no. 284, and fo. 78r, no. 333). May possibly be identifiable either with M. Philip of Lindsey, who occ. as clk. of bp. Giles de Braose 24 Sept. 1200 × 30 Nov. 1201 (EEA VII nos. 244, and see also no. 260 in which he occ. without a surname) and 1200 × 1202 (ibid. no. 252, also without surname), or with M. Philip Rufus Cornubiensis (see below). Either of them, or M. Peter of Abergavenny, may be identifiable with Master P., can. (see above).
Philip de Braose (fn. 29)
Dates unknown. Commem., as can., 7 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 30r).
Philip de Fauconberg (fn. 30)
Archdcn. of Huntingdon, by 28 Aug. 1223 (1 Fasti III 28); can. of Lincoln and St Paul's, London. Last occ. (as archdcn. of Huntingdon) 7 Nov. 1228 (ibid.), and had d. by 7 Dec. 1228. Commem. at Lincoln 2 Dec., but at Hereford 4 Dec. His Hereford obit, which titles him archdcn. of Huntingdon and can. of Hereford, records that he left a tooth of St Ethelbert to the cath. (app. 1 fo. 49v).
M. Philip of Hay (fn. 31)
Occ. prob. as episcopal clk., not as can., 27 Oct. 1219 × 7 Aug. 1234 (EEA VII no. 359); occ. 1224 × 1228, not specifically but prob. as can. (cart. St Guthlac fo. 49v, no. 180); occ. as can. 24 June 1249 (cart. II fo. 24r); d. 13 Sept. 1254, and commem. 13 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 36r).
[ M. Philip of Lindsey
Clk. of bp. Giles de Braose. There is no certainty that he was ever a can.; however, he may be identifiable with M. Philip (see above).]
M. Philip Rufus Cornubiensis
Occ. with other Hereford clks., prob. not yet can., c. 1200, prob. before 30 Nov. 1201 (The Prose Salernitan Questions, ed. B. Lawn (1979) p. 6); occ. as clk. of bp. Simon de Wells of Chichester, 1204 × 1207 and 6 Feb. 1207 at Ferring (Acta Chichester nos. 151, 153). Mentioned, after his d., in a ch. of ? c. 1220 specifying his obit arrangements, whose wording makes it clear that he had been a can. of Hereford (Hereford ch. no. 2071, pd. Capes, Charters p. 54); commem., as can., 3 Apr. (app. 1 fo. 12v). See also entries for Master P. and M. Philip above.
Master R., chancellor of the bishop of Hereford
See Richard of Hertford (lists 6, 33).
Master R. de Hageford'
Occ. as can. 9 Aug. 1272 (Hereford ch. no. 2868, pd. Capes, Charters p. 127); occ. as resident can. 24 June and 30 Sept. 1273 (ibid. pp. 138-9).
Ralph I
Dates unknown. Commem., as can. of Hereford, 22 Nov. (app. 1 fo. 47r).
Ralph II
Dates unknown. Commem., as sacrist and dcn., 11 Apr. (app. 1 fo. 13v).
Ralph Foliot
Occ., very prob. as can., soon after 25 Apr. 1178 (EEA VII no. 141), and definitely as can. 2 Dec. 1178 (GFL no. 410; cf. Brooke and Brooke pp. 15-16). Became archdcn. of Hereford soon after 15 March 1179 (list 6). May possibly have been can. of Salisbury, possibly occ. as such Apr. or May 1193 (see 1 Fasti IV 128).
Ralph of Ledbury (fn. 32)
Occ. c. 1155 (GFL no. 312, and see MB p. 269); last occ. 22 Dec. 1163 × 27 Feb. 1167 (EEA VII no. 123), and 1163 × c. 1180 (GFL no. 259), when he seems to have been on the point of giving up his preb. (not identified). Commem. 28 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 33v).
Ralph of StAlbans (fn. 33)
Occ. as can. 24 May 1254 (Hereford ch. no. 1338) and c. 1253 (PRO C 115/58 no. 4015); commem., as can. and pr., 28 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 43r).
M. Ralph of Totnes (fn. 34)
Not yet can. when occ. 10 Aug. 1186 × 1187/8 (EEA VII no. 203); occ. as can. and dcn., mid 1190s × 30 Nov. 1201 (Hereford ch. no. 1); commem. 4 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 29v).
First occ. as chapl. of bp. Robert Foliot, not yet can. (EEA VII pp. liv-v); occ. 31 Dec. 1180 × 9 May 1186, prob. as chapl. of the chapel of St Mary Magdalen (Hereford ch. no. 727), an office which he res. 1187/8 × Feb. 1198 (EEA VII no. 198); occ. as can. and pr. mid 1190s × 30 Nov. 1201 (Hereford ch. no. 1). Commem., as can. and pr., 20 Jan., and the entry records that he left some books to the cath., including a glossed psalter (app. 1 fo. 2r).
M. Reginald
Occ. 1144 (EEA VII no. 47). He may possibly be identifiable with the Reginald, can., who was commem. 9 March (app. 1 fo. 9r).
Dates unknown. Either the Ricoardus, can. and pr., who was commem. 19 March (app. 1 fo. 11r), or the Richard, can., who was commem. 25 Oct. (ibid. fo. 42v; and see also the two following entries).
M. Richard I
Occ., prob. as can., 1154 × 1155 (Capes, Charters p. 14, where said to have a brother called Osbert; see also MB p. 269). He could be identified with the Richard, can., who was commem. 25 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 42v), or the Ricoardus, can. and pr., who was commem. 19 March (ibid. fo. 11r). He is less likely to be identifiable with the M. Richard, can., commem. 30 Sept. (ibid. fo. 38v), since the form of this obit entry suggests a 13th-cent. date.
M. Richard II
Occ. as can. 1217 × 29 Nov. 1223, prob. 1217 × 16 Apr. 1219 (EEA VII no. 293); prob. identifiable with the M. Richard who was commem., as can., 30 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 38v; see also the two preceding entries).
M. Richard Brito
Can. by a point between 10 Aug. 1186 and June 1187 (EEA VII no. 195); became dean not earlier than 30 Apr. 1187 or later than 30 Jan. 1189 (list 2).
Richard de Clifford (fn. 35)
Dates unknown. Commem., as can. and dcn., 22 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 37v).
Richard Foliot
Occ., possibly not as can., 5 Sept. 1148 × c. 1155 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 76v, no. 325); occ. as can. c.1155 (GFL no. 312; see MB p. 270). He became archdcn. of Middlesex prob. 1180 × 1181, and d. on 26, 27 or 28 Jan. 1181 × 1183 (1 Fasti I 16, 19). He had prob. res. his Hereford preb. before he d., since his d. is not recorded in the Hereford cath. obit book.
M. Richard de Freine (fn. 36)
Occ. prob., but not necessarily, as can. 1236 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 73r, no. 306). Commem., as can., 22 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 32v).
M. Richard of Gravesend
Occ. prob., but not necessarily, as can. 1236 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 73r, no. 306); occ. as can. 1234 × 1239 (Hereford ch. no. 1407). He became treas. shortly after Dec. 1237 (list 4).
Richard of Montvernier (fn. 37)
Occ. as can. c. 1253 (PRO C 115/58 no. 4015), 24 May 1254 (Hereford ch. no. 1338), and c. 1250 × c. 1270 (ibid. nos. 2101, 2103); last occs. 25 March 1262 (ibid. no. 725) and 1258 × 1271 (ibid. no. 2102). Referred to as d. 29 Sept. 1295 (Capes, Charters p. 169), but must have d. long before. Commem. 3 Nov. (app. 1 fo. 43v).
[ M. Richard Pictaviensis
Dates unknown. Commem., not necessarily as can., 13 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 31r). Cannot be identified with Richard of Ilchester archdcn. of Poitiers because the latter became bp. of Winchester 1174 and was commem. 22 Dec. at Winchester (1 Fasti II 85).]
M. Richard of Pudleston (fn. 38)
Reservation to him, of a canonry and preb. (unnamed) at Hereford, 8 March 1291 (Reg. Nic. IV no. 4678; CPL I 532); occ. as can. 3 July 1291 and 24 Feb. 1292 (Hereford ch. no. 1057 and Reg. Swinfield p. 278).
Richard of St Albans (fn. 39)
Occ., as can., 24 June 1249 (cart. II fo. 24r).
Richard Skayl
Referred to, as a recently deceased can. of Hereford, 2 Oct. 1234, when Henry III gr. his preb. to Nicholas de Novill (CPR 1232-47 p. 73; cf. also Close Rolls 1231-4 p. 536; for Nicholas de Novill, see above, this list).
M. Richard of Stratford
Coll. to unidentifiable preb. previously held by Edmund de Mortimer on or by 8 July 1276 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 83 and cf. p. 102), but had res. that preb. by 21 Dec. 1277 (ibid. p. 155); preb. of Putson Minor by 11 Feb. 1281 (ibid. p. 268; list 32).
M. Richard de Swinfield
Coll. to an unidentifiable preb. previously held by M. Richard of Stratford 21 Dec. 1277 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 155); coll. to the preb. (prob. Hampton) previously held by Martin of Gex, 4 May 1279 (Reg, Cantilupe pp. 210-11; cf. ibid. p. 204; list 17). Bp. of Hereford, el. 1 Dec. 1282 (list 1).
Richard de Swinfield
Preb. of Hinton from 14 Oct. 1297 (list 18) and of Bartonsham from 4 Aug. 1299 (list 8).
Dates unknown, but presumably earlier than the late 13th cent. when the bulk of the text of the obit book was compiled. Commem. 19 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 41v).
[ Robert, abbot of Lire
Robert de Insula, abbot of Lire 1216-Aug. 1221 (Gallia Christiana XI 647), who gave the church of Lydney and its appurtenances to the cath., was commem. as abbot of Lire and can. of Hereford 20 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 22r; one of Lire's necrologies enters his name under 20 Aug. and one under 21 Aug. (Rec. Hist. Fr. XXIII 473)). He and bp. Hugh de Mapenore presided over an agreement whereby the abbey of Lire could convert its churches in the dioc. of Hereford into a preb. of the cath., 1216 × 1219 (EEA VII no. 305), with the abbot of Lire becoming an honorary can.]
Robert Burnell
Royal clk.; royal chanc. 1274-92; preb. of St Paul's (1 Fasti I 54); preb. and archdcn. of York (1 Fasti VI 35, 78, 79-80). Held a preb. in Hereford cath. which he presumably res. on his elevation to the see of Bath and Wells (el. 23 Jan., gr. of temps. 15 Feb., cons. 7 Apr. 1275); it was given to Henry of Woodstock 14 May 1275 (CPR 1272-81 p. 89; 1 Fasti VII 5-6).
[ Robert de Chesney
The obit of a Robert, bp. of Lincoln, clearly Robert de Chesney, is recorded in the Hereford cath. obit book under 26 Dec. (app. 1 fo. 53r); at Lincoln he was commem. 27 Dec. (1 Fasti III 2, 33, 116). It is just possible that he might at some point have been a can. of Hereford, though equally his name might have been entered by a kinsman, perhaps one of the Foliots at Hereford (Robert was the uncle of bp. Gilbert Foliot).]
M. Robert de Clare
Occ. as clk. 5 Sept. 1148 × March 1163 (GFL no. 116; cf. MB p. 270); occ. prob. as can., because ahead of can. William of Salisbury in the witness list, 22 Dec. 1163 × 26 Feb. 1167 (EEA VII no. 122).
Robert de Clifford (fn. 40)
Also preb. of St Paul's, London (1 Fasti 171); occ., not necessarily as can. of Hereford, 1150s × 1180/90s (Hereford ch. no. 1089, pd. Capes, Charters p. 19, issued by Walter de Clifford and witnessed by Ivo the treas., therefore datable 1150s × 24 Dec. 1198; the hand of the ch. is mid rather than late 12th-cent.); occ. as can. 1160s × 1170s (Hereford ch. no. 1087); occ. 1187/8 × 30 Jan. 1190 (ibid. no. 487), 9 Apr. 1214 (Innocent III, Cal. Letters no. 946), Trinity Term 1220 (Curia Regis Rolls IX 204), and some time before 1228 (cart. II fo. 134v, witnessed also by can. Roger fitzMaurice, who d. before 1228, prob. not long after 1206). His mother Matilda was commem. 12 Nov., his sister Alice 14 Sept., and he himself 20 Apr. (app. 1 fos. 45r, 36r and 14v).
Robert de Cotintone
Occ. with the mag. title, not necessarily as can., not long after 26 July 1234 (Hereford ch. no. 2118); occ. as can., titled dominus (i.e. not mag.), 1234 × 1239 (ibid. no. 1409); occ. as can. 26 March 1239 (cart. II fo. 154r-v); commem., as can. and pr., 22 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 32v).
Robert Foliot
Can. of Lincoln before 1142 (1 Fasti III 74); clk. of bp. Robert de Chesney of Lincoln from 1148 (EEA I pp. xliv-xlv and nos. 83-4); archdcn. of Oxford by Jan. 1152 (7 Fasti III 35). Mentioned as being a can. of Hereford in a letter of bp. Bartholomew of Exeter to Alexander III urging Robert's speedy cons., Apr. 1173 × 6 Oct. 1174 (The Letters of John of Salisbury, ed. W. J. Millor, H. E. Butler and rev. C. N. L. Brooke (2 vols., Oxford, 1955-79) II no. 321). Became bp. of Hereford (el. late Apr. 1173, cons. 6 Oct. 1174; list 1). Not identifiable with the Robert 'Foliot' who is referred to in a ch. of bp. Hugh Foliot relating to land at Pion, who is in fact can. Robert Folet (cart. II fo. 20r, pd. EEA VII no. 337; for Robert Folet, see lists 16, 27).
M. Robert of Gloucester
Occ. as episcopal clk. 4 March 1278 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 171); can. by 26 Dec. 1279, when he was gr. the houses recently held by Henry de Hawkley near the cath. (ibid. p. 244); episcopal official by 25 July 1280 (ibid. pp. 247-8); occ. as can. 'dicto le Wyse de Gloc" 17 Dec. 1282 (Reg. Pecham II 62); referred to as holding the preb., prob. Hunderton, recently held by Geoffrey de Neubaud 24 March 1283 (Reg. Swinfield pp. 5-6; list 19); occ. as residentiary can. 28 Feb. 1289 (ibid. p. 214). Described as excomm. rector of Wraysbury church (Bucks.) (Reg. Pecham I 156).
M. Robert Haket (fn. 41)
Not yet can. when occ. 26 Nov. 1220 × 1224 (EEA VII nos. 345, 371); occ. as can. Aug. 1230 × 7 Aug. 1234 (ibid. no. 360, 367) and 29 March 1233 (BL Campbell Charter viii. 14); occ. as can. also in an undated ch. which must be later than 4 Nov. 1221 (Reg. W. Gray p. 143n). Can. of York by 4 May 1237; archdcn. of Richmond by 25 Nov. 1240; treas. of York by 22 March 1242, last occ. 11 March 1252 (1 Fasti VI 24, 50, 59, 100, 108).
M. Robert de Haseley (fn. 42)
Perhaps not yet can. when occ. as clk. of the abbot and monks of Winchcombe 8 March 1181 (Landboc II 260); had prob. become can. by 10 Aug. 1180 × 31 Dec. 1183 (EEA VII no. 168, without mag. title), and he occ. prob., though not definitely, as can. 10 Aug. 1186 × June 1187 (ibid. no. 195, also without mag. title). Was definitely can. when occ. 1187/8 × mid 1190s (Hereford ch. no. 233); occ. as royal justice at Gloucester 4 July 1192 and 16 Sept. 1194 (Cart. Cirencester I no. 182, and D. Walker, 'Some charters relating to St Peter's abbey, Gloucester', in A Medieval Miscellany for D. M. Stenton, ed. P. M. Barnes and C. F. Slade (PRS, new series xxxvi, 1962 for 1960) p. 264, no. 11). His last occs. are 1201 × 1216, as custodian of the chapter's manors (Hereford ch. no. 189), and c. 1201 × 1221 (Landboc II 260). His mother, Hersenda, was commem. 14 Apr. (app. 1 fo. 14r), and he was commem. 13 Aug. (ibid. fo, 31r).
Robert de Landa
Prob., but not necessarily, can. when occ. 6 Oct. 1174 × 10 March 1179 (EEA VII no. 145); occ. between two cans., and therefore almost certainly one himself, 10 Aug. 1180 × 31 Dec. 1183 (ibid. no. 168); commem., as can., 30 Nov. (app. 1 fo. 48v).
[ M. Robert Parvus
Dates unknown, though may be identifiable with the mid 13th-cent. can. of St Paul's (1 Fasti I 61). Commem., with daughter Beatrice, 10 Nov., but the entry does not specify that he was can. of Hereford and he may not have been (app. 1 fo. 44v).]
Roger I
Occ. c. l155 (GFL no. 312; cf. MB p. 270). Two cans. called Roger were commem., one 17 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 31v), and the other, a can. and dcn., 17 Sept. (ibid. fo. 36v).
Roger II
Dates unknown. The other can. Roger mentioned in the preceding item.
Roger Burt (Bourd)
Coll. 7 March 1283 to the preb. which had been held by the elder Richard de Swinfield, and before him by Martin of Gex (Reg. Swinfield p. 524). This was prob. Hampton, which he is known to have held c.1291 (list 17).
Roger de Calkeberge
Occ. 1234 × 1239 (Hereford ch. nos. 1407, 1409), c. 1239 (ibid. no. 1083), 1234 × c. l247 (ibid. nos. 786, 899, 1268 and 1660), and 24 June 1249 (cart. II fo. 24r). Commem. 22 Apr.; the entry in the obit book states that he bequeathed money to endow a position for a vicar choral, prob. to assist Ralph de Kaukeberge, evidently a kinsman, who was the first vicar to be appd. (app. 1 fo. 15r).
[ M. Roger de Hamma (fn. 43)
Dates unknown; commem., not necessarily as can., 22 Nov. (app. 1 fo. 47r).]
Roger fitzMaurice
Occ. prob. as clk., c.1155 × 1174 (GFL no. 326; cf. MB p. 271); occ. as parson of Bacton, Apr. 1173 × 6 Oct. 1174 (EEA VII no. 169); first occ. as can. 1181 × 9 May 1186 (ibid. no. 173). His last closely datable occ. was in 1206, when he was ejected from the deanery of the Vale of Evesham (Chronicon abbatiae de Evesham, ed. W. D. Macray (Rolls series xxix, 1863) p. 196); he also occ. 24 Sept. 1200 × 17 Nov. 1215 (EEA VII no. 267), and 30 Nov. 1201 × 1216 (Hereford ch. no. 959); however, although he occ. in numerous Hereford chs. of the early 13th cent., none of these can definitely be dated to the period after bp. Giles de Braose went into exile, in May 1208, and it is likely that he d. not long after 1206. He is mentioned as d. in a document with a terminus ad quem of 1228 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 70v). Commem., as can. and pr., 13 July (app. 1 fo. 26r).
M. Roger of Sevenoaks
Prob. only episcopal clk. when occ. 11 Aug. 1276 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 88); occ. first as can. 1277 × 1282 (Hereford ch. no. 1412), and 4 March 1278 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 171). Rector of Sevenoaks, occ. 3 Sept. 1279 (Reg. Pecham II 88), and as mag., occ. as parson of Sevenoaks 28 Sept. 1294 (CPR 1292-1301 p. 92). Archdcn. of Hereford 27 May - 21 Nov. 1287 (list 6). Preb. of Cublington by 1291 (list 12), but he had held at least one other preb. before 17 Apr. 1280 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 63); treas. from 21 Sept. 1294 (Reg. Swinfield p. 529; list 4).
Occ., very prob. as can., 1137 × 16 Apr. 1148 (EEA VII no. 38); commem., as can., 6 May (app. 1 fo. 17r).
Saulfus (fn. 44)
Occ. as man of bp. Robert the Lotharingian 1085, evidently as a clk. because he is not among the lay members of the entourage; he therefore may well have been can. (EEA VII no. 2).
M. Simon
Occ. 1148 × c. l158 (Cart. Shrewsbury II no. 332); last occ. 6 Oct. 1174 × 31 Dec. 1183 and 10 Aug. 1180 × 31 Dec. 1183 (EEA VII nos. 149, 168); he may also be identifiable with the M. Simon who occ. 10 Aug. 1186 × June 1187 (ibid. no. 195), unless this is a reference to M. Simon of Melun.
Simon of Eton (fn. 45)
Occ. as can. c. 1225 × 1231 (Hereford ch. no. 851, issued after the foundation of St Ethelbert's hospital, Hereford and while Thomas of Bosbury was dean), and as tenant of dean Thomas of Bosbury, not specifically as can., 30 Dec. 1230 (Close Rolls 1227-31 p. 463); occ. in a document prob. of 1220s (cart. II fo. 134v, witnessed by can. Elias of Bristol); commem., as can., 17 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 36v).
Simon Foliot
Occ. as can. 1195 × 24 Dec. 1198, resigning his rights in the church of Holme Lacy (EEA VII no. 209); commem. 18 March (app. 1 fo. l0v).
M. Simon de Freine (fn. 46)
Earliest occs. as can. are 1187/8 × 1215 (Hereford ch. no. 724, prob. of the early 13th cent.) and 10 Aug. 1186 × 24 Dec. 1198, prob. in the 1190s (EEA VII no. 237); last occ. as can. 27 Oct. 1219 × 23 July 1227, prob. before 29 Nov. 1223 (ibid. no. 318). He is mentioned as having held the demesne tithes of Sutton St Michael in a document of Aug. 1224 × 1228 (ibid. no. 346), which suggests that he may have d. before it was issued. Commem. 15 July (app. 1 fo. 26v).
M. Simon of Melun
He may possibly be identifiable with the M. Simon who occ. 1186 × 1187 (EEA VII no. 195), though this is more likely to refer to M. Simon (see above). M. Simon of Melun occ. as can. 1187/8 × mid 1190s (Hereford ch. no. 233) and 1193 × 24 Dec. 1198 (EEA VII no. 216). His last occs. are 12 March 1202 (Innocent III, Cal. Letters no. 397), and 1201 × c. 1208 (Hereford ch. no. 159). Commem., as theologus (teacher of theology), can. and pr., 20 Feb. (app. 1 fo. 6v).
M. Simon of Radnor
Occ. as can. 1271 × 1274 (Reg. Swinfield p. 57); occ. as resident can. 24 June and 30 Sept. 1273 (Capes, Charters pp. 138-9); occ. as can. in many chs. not more closely datable than the second half of the 13th cent. (Hereford ch. nos. 276-7, 390, 1182, 1244-5, 2109); he became archdcn. of Llandaff after 1260 (Llandaff Episcopal Acta p. xx), certainly by 1272 × 1282 (Reg. Swinfield p. 322), and he prob. d. before 10 July 1287 when his successor Robert de Braose occ. in that office (Llandaff Episcopal Acta p. xx). Commem., together with his brother M. William, 1 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 34r).
Simon of Tardebigge (fn. 47)
Not yet can. when he occ. Apr. 1195 × 24 Dec. 1198 (EEA VII no. 201); occ. as can. 1201 × 1216 (Hereford ch. no. 1130) and 1219 × 1231 (ibid. no. 2866). Reference to payment made for his obit, 30 Sept. 1273 (Capes, Charters p. 139), but he prob. d. long before this.
Occ. c. l158 × 1180+ (cart. II fos. 17v-18r; cf. MB p. 270).
Stephen Banastre
Occ. as can. Aug. 1230 × 7 Aug. 1234 (EEA VII no. 341); occ. as can. and dean's bailiff 1234 × 1239 (Hereford ch. no. 1407) and as chapl. and can. (ibid. no. 1409); occ. as can. 24 June 1249 (cart. II fo. 24r) and c. l253 (PRO C 115/58 no. 4015); he last occ. as can. 12 June 1264 (CPR 1258-66 p. 324). Commem. 14 Aug. (app. 1 fo. 31r).
M. Stephen de Gurunville (fn. 48)
First occ. as can. of Hereford Jan. 1262 (cart. II fos. 6v-7r); occ. 9 Apr. 1263 (Hereford ch. no. 2205); gr. of protection to, 11 Aug. 1265 (CPR 1258-66 p. 437). He retained his Hereford preb. when he became prec. of Salisbury 18 Apr. 1270 (1 Fasti IV 15), in which post he last occ. 28 Jan. 1272 (ibid.). He had d. by 30 Aug. 1272 (ibid.), and therefore presumably d. 13 July 1272, since he was commem., as can. of Hereford, 13 July (app. 1 fo. 26r). He is referred to as can. of Hereford, absent, 24 June 1273 (Capes, Charters p. 138), but this is presumably a reference to a payment made to his executors from his year of grace.
M. Stephen of Thornbury
Prob. to be identified with the M. Stephen, can. of Hereford, who occ. without surname 18 Dec. 1216 × 1221 and 1217 × 16 Apr. 1219 (EEA VII nos. 315, 293). Occ. as can. 7 Jan. × 22 Aug. 1226, ? after 5 May (ibid. XIX no. 315) and 1224 × 1228 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 49v, no. 284). Made dean c. 28 Oct. 1234 (list 2).
M. Theobald (de Len')
Occ. as episcopal clk. throughout the episcopate of Giles de Braose, once with a toponym though usually without (EEA VII p. lix); occ., without toponym, as can. of Hereford 18 Dec. 1216 × 1217/8 (ibid. no. 298). Commem. 11 Apr., but the entry does not give his by-name or specify whether or not he was a can. (app. 1 fo. 13v).
Occ. c. l144 (Hereford ch. no. 738). Is possibly to be identified with the Thomas who occ. c. 1158 × 1183 (cart. II fos. 17v-18r). Commem., as can. and pr., 28 July (app. 1 fo. 28v).
Thomas, the king's chaplain
Chanc. (list 5). He may well have continued to hold a preb. at Hereford after becoming archdcn. of Llandaff 26 March 1243 (discussion ibid.).
Thomas le Breton
Presumably kinsman of bp. John le Breton. Occ. as resident can. 24 June and 30 Sept. 1273 (Capes, Charters pp. 138-9); occ. as can. 6 Aug. 1275 (ibid. p. 141); occ. as can. 5 Jan. 1283 (Reg. Pecham II 62); occ., as resident can., 28 Feb. 1289 (Reg. Swinfield p. 214); prob. preb. of Nonnington by c.1291 (list 25). Mentioned as d. 30 Nov. 1295 (ibid. p. 334).
M. Thomas Foliot I
Not yet can. of Hereford when occ. Oct. 1214 (WAM no. 15684, discussed by Sayers, Judges-Del. p. 117); he was prob. coll. to a preb. at Hereford by his brother Hugh after the latter became bp. in Oct. 1219. He occ. as can. 27 Oct. 1219 × 23 July 1227 (EEA VII no. 317) and, without title, Trinity Term, 1224 (Curia Regis Rolls XI 316); he seems to have been made prec. before 27 Nov. 1223; later treas. (lists 3, 4).
Thomas Foliot II
Thomas Foliot II, described as a kinsman of R[obert of Somercotes], cardinaldcn. of S. Eustachio, was prov. to a preb. in Hereford cath. 1 June 1241 (CPL I 198). It is not known whether this prov. was effective. He is prob. identifiable with the Thomas Foliot who occ. as parson of Westbury 13 Dec. 1226 (CPL I 113), and Aug. 1230 × 7 Aug. 1234, in this instance together with M. Thomas Foliot, then treas. of Hereford (EEA VII no. 355).
M. Thomas of St-Omer
Occ. first as can. 8 Dec. 1277 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 154); can. and an executor of M. Giles of Avenbury, 31 Jan. 1284 (Reg. Pecham II 221); official of the see of Llandaff by 27 June 1287, but had demitted this office by 7 June 1288 (ibid. I 55, II 6-7); occ. as can. 7 June 1288 (Hereford ch. no. 1056); occ. as resident can. 28 Feb. 1289 (Reg. Swinfield p. 214); prob. preb. of Eigne by c.1291 (list 13).
Held an unident. preb. until his d., which prob. fell between 1167 and 1174, in which he was succeeded by Geoffrey of Winchester (see above). W. may possibly be identifiable with W., tenant and prob. preb. of Moreton Magna (list 23).
Walter I
Occ. as can. 1101 × 1102 (CDF no. 1138), and 1144 (EEA VII no. 47). May be identifiable with the Walter who occ. as treas. after 1148 (list 4). The father, mother and brother of can. Walter were commem. 22 Aug. (app. 1 to. 32r).
Walter II
For Walter, scribe (scriptor) and can., see Walter of Colwall.
M. Walter de Aqua (fn. 49)
Walter de Aqua occ., prob. as can., 1187/8 × 1201 (Hereford ch. no. 1188). M. Walter occ. as can. in a ch. not closely datable but of the very late 12th or early 13th cent. (Hereford ch. no. 136); commem., with surname, as can. and dcn., 17 Dec. (app. 1 fo. 51v).
Walter of Banbury (fn. 50)
Occ. without title, 27 Oct. 1219 × 29 Nov. 1223 (EEA VII no. 337, 339); occ. as steward to bp. Hugh Foliot, and prob. not yet can., 27 Oct. 1219 × 7 Aug. 1234, prob. in the mid 1220s, and 27 Oct. 1219 × 1230, again prob. in the mid 1220s (ibid. nos. 326, 370); occ. as can. Aug. 1230 × 7 Aug. 1234 (ibid. no. 355).
Walter of Colwall (fn. 51)
Occ. as clk. of bp. Robert Foliot 1181 × 9 May 1186 (EEA VII no. 173); prob. also identifiable with the Walter who occ. in Robert Foliot's entourage 1177 (BL Add. Charter 7013; M. G. Cheney, Roger, Bishop of Worcester app. I, no. 28a); occ., possibly as can., 1179 × 9 May 1186 (EEA VII nos. 142, 172), and 1185 × 9 May 1186 (ibid. no. 156); is prob. to be identified with the Walter, steward of bp. Robert Foliot, who occ. 1179 × 9 May 1186 (ibid. nos. 160, 171, and see ibid. p. liv); prob. also to be identified with the Walter scriptor and can. who witnesses ibid. no. 125, prob. of 6 Oct. 1174 × 13 Aug. 1178.
Walter fitzDrogo
Archdcn. of Cornwall. At his d., held an unnamed preb. of Hereford cath. which king John gr. to John de Pavilly 27 June 1216 (Rot. Litt. Pat. p. 189). D. 23 June 1216 (EEA XII no. 310).
Walter Foliot
Archdcn. of Shropshire (list 7); not certain whether he had a preb. also, but this is possible, since he had a house in Hereford (ibid.).
M. Walter de Freine (fn. 52)
Prob. not yet can. when occ. (without mag. title) 9 Apr. 1145 as incumbent of the church of Presteigne (EEA VII no. 27); can. (without mag. title) by c. 1160 × c. 1180 (Hereford ch. no. 1087). Commem., as M. Walter de Freine, can., 23 July; his sister Ymma was commem. 9 Sept., and his parents and brothers on 24 Sept. (app. 1 fos. 27v, 35r, 37v).
M. Walter of Hartpury (fn. 53)
Occ. as can. 5 Sept. 1148 × 18 Apr. 1161 and c. 1155 × c. 1158 (EEA VII nos. 70, 93), and is likely to be the M. Walter, prob. a can., who occ. c. 1158 × March 1163 (ibid. no. 79). Also can. of St Paul's, London: occ. as M. Walter de Berdeperier, preb. of Wenlocksbarn, who possibly d. by 1179 (1 Fasti I 86; GFL no. 326; MB p. 270).
M. Walter Map (fn. 54)
Chanc. of Lincoln (1183/4-1196/7), archdcn. of Oxford (1196/7-1208/1210) (1 Fasti III 13, 16, 36, 75, 163) and can. of St Paul's (ibid. I 60); was also a can. of Hereford; occ. prob. as such in a ch. of Roger Chandos of the third quarter of the 12th cent. (cart. II fo. 14r), and 19 March 1176 at Westminster (M. G. Cheney, Roger, Bishop of Worcester pp. 260-1, where dated 19 March 1177; however, it is more likely that the start of the year would have been calculated from Christmas in the 12th cent.); his later occs. in chs. connected to Hereford cath. refer to him as chanc. of Lincoln (EEA VII no. 135 of Dec. 1183 × 9 May 1186, and no. 156 of 1185 × 9 May 1186) or as archdcn. of Oxford (ibid. nos. 179 and 180, issued simultaneously at some point between 1196 and 24 Dec. 1198), but Walter's appearance in these chs. suggests that he was also a member of Hereford cath. chapter. The chapter wished to el. him as bp. in 1199, but failed to secure royal support for the el. (Adam of Eynsham, Magna Vita Sancti Hugonis, ed. D. Douie and H. Farmer (2 vols., Edinburgh and London, 1961-2) II 131-2). Walter prob. retained his Hereford preb. until his d., for he was commem., as 'Walteri Map archidiaconi Exoniensis' (a mistake by the 14th-cent. copyist for Oxoniensis), in Hereford cath. 1 Apr. (app. 1 fo. 12v; MB p. 271). He d. in either 1209 or 1210 (De Nugis Curialium p. xviii).
M. Walter de Mouncy
Occ. as clk., not yet can., in a ch. issued after 1217 (EEA VII no. 316), but had already become can. by a point between 27 Oct. 1219 and 29 Nov. 1223 or at the latest 23 July 1227 (ibid. nos. 318, 337); he also occ., possibly but not necessarily as can., 27 Oct. 1219 × 1231 (ibid. no. 347). Since his name does not occ. in the cath. obit book, he may have res. his preb.; alternatively his d. may have taken place in Jan. for which the obit book entries are lacking.
Walter of Redmarley
First occ. as can., holding an unnamed preb., 1274 (BL Harley Charter 54, H. 53); occ. 16 Oct. 1275 (Reg. Cantilupe p. 17); coll. to the preb. of Moreton Parva 25 Dec. 1279 (list 24).
William I
Occ. as man of bp. Robert the Lotharingian, not among the lay followers and therefore as clk. and almost certainly as can., 1085 (EEA VII no. 2). Identifiable with the William, clk. of the bp., who held half of the church of Lydbury in 1086 (DB I 252b and see list 7).
William II
Occ. c. 1158 × c. 1159 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 21r, no. 26).
Occ. as can. 1136 × 16 Apr. 1148 (EEA VII no. 37) and 1144 × 16 Apr. 1148 (ibid. no. 28); he may be identifiable with William II above, though the latter is not described as mag. He is prob. also the M. William medicus and can. who occ. 1181 × 9 May 1186 (ibid. no. 173).
William the chaplain
Occ., not yet can., as chapl. of bp. William de Vere throughout the latter's pontificate (EEA VII p. lvii); occ. as chapl. and can. c. 1200 × c. 1215 (Hereford ch. no. 160); occ. as one of the bailiffs of the chapter manors, and therefore as can., 1201 × 27 March 1215 (J. Barrow, 'Hereford bishops and married clergy' p. 8: the date there given should be adjusted because it is possible that William Foliot the prec. d. as late as 27 March 1215); last occ. as can. 1220 × Aug. 1230, when he gave the cath. chapter houses for which he had paid the chapter 2s rent yearly (Hereford ch. no. 1105, witnessed by Thomas Foliot as prec.); his obit, which mentions this gr., and which calls him can. and pr., is entered under 15 Sept. (app. 1 fo. 36v).
M. William of Abergavenny (fn. 55)
Occ. as can. 27 March 1206 × Feb. 1216 (Hereford ch. no. 799; for date, see EEA VII no. 305) and 18 Dec. 1216 × 1227, prob. before 16 Apr. 1219 (EEA VII no. 295). Commem., without mag. title and not necessarily as can., 28 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 43r).
William de Albigni
Appears to have been a protege of the Cantilupe family (Reg. Cantilupe pp. 120, 213); first occ. as can. May or June 1280 (ibid. p. 279); vacated his preb. 8 Dec. 1288, on which bp. Richard de Swinfield coll. to it Richard of Hertford, archdcn. of Hereford (Reg. Swinfield p. 527). It is likely that the preb. in question was Pratum Minus (list 29). William may perhaps have been gr. another preb., however, since he was commem. as can. and pr. 6 Dec. (app. 1 fo. 49v).
William of Alderminster (fn. 56)
Occ., prob. as layman, in chs. of bp. Giles de Braose of 24 Sept. 1200 × 30 Nov. 1201 and 24 Sept. 1200 × 15 Nov. 1215 (EEA VII nos. 244, 281). Prob. to be identified with William de Altremonestuna who was commem., as can., 9 March (app. 1 fo. 9r); the date when he became can. is uncertain.
William of Bradenstoke (fn. 57)
Already can. of Hereford when he was ordained subdcn. in Reading abbey in 1288 (Reg. Swinfield p. 549).
William Cumin
Occ. as can. Apr. 1195 × 24 Sept. 1198 (EEA VII no. 201) and as can. and dcn. mid 1190s × 1201 (Hereford ch. no. 1); commem., as can. and dcn., 19 Oct. (app. 1 fo. 41v). May be identifiable with the William Comin who occ. as can. of St Paul's, in the list of prebs. of Newington between John de Garland (who last occ. as preb. of Newington 1198) and M. Ranulph de Bisacia, who first occ, as can. of St Paul's 1213, but possibly as early as 1203 × 1204 (1 Fasti I 66).
William of Dorchester (fn. 58)
Occ. as can. 1186 × 1223, prob. late in that period (Hereford ch. no. 2866, ch. of W., prec., in inspeximus of 1219 × 29 Sept. 1231 issued by dean Thomas of Bosbury and the cath. chapter of Hereford, witnessed by bp. Hugh Foliot). Prob. identifiable with the William of Worcester, can., who occ. c. 1210 × 29 Sept. 1231 (cart. II fo. 129r, with an inspeximus of this ch. by dean Thomas of Bosbury of 1216 × 29 Sept. 1231, ibid. fo. 132v). (fn. 59) Commem., as William of Dorchester, can. and pr., recorded 22 March (app. 1 fo. 11r).
William of Evesham
Occ., prob. as vicar-choral of the cath., 1271 (cart. I p. vi) and as chapl. June 1279 (ibid. p. xii). Became can. before May 1290 since he issues, as can., a quitclaim to M. William of Hay II after the d. of archdcn. Henry Bustard (ibid. p. i).
William Foliot
Occ. previously as clk. of bp. Robert Foliot (EEA VII nos. 160, 163, 172 and p. liv); occ. prob. as can. Dec. 1183 × 9 May 1186 (ibid. no. 135), possibly as can. 1179 × 9 May 1186 (ibid. nos. 142, 171); certainly can. when occ. 1181 × 9 May 1186 (ibid. no. 173) and was still can. when occ. 10 Aug. 1186 × 1187/88 (ibid. no. 203). Became prec. soon thereafter (list 3).
M. William of Gloucester (fn. 60)
Not yet can. when occ. 1219 × 29 Sept. 1231 (Hereford ch. no. 2866); commem., as can., 13 Nov. (app. 1 fo. 45r). D.C.L. by 1236, when received disp. for being a pr.'s son (CPL I 151); can. of Lichfield by 1242 (CPR 1232-47 p. 274); also possibly identifiable with the M. William of Gloucester pr. and can. of Exeter, commem. at Exeter 20 Feb. (Exeter cath. MS 3518 fo. 3v).
William of Gruyère
See William de Sarreta.
M. William of Hay I (fn. 61)
Occ. autumn 1221 × autumn 1222, prob. as can. (cart. St Guthlac fo. 74v, no. 315). Had certainly become can. by 1234 × 1239 (Hereford ch. no. 1409); occ. as dean's bailiff 1234 × 1239 (ibid. no. 1407); occ. as can. also c. 1239 (ibid. no. 1083) and 1234 × c. 1247 (ibid. no. 899 and cart. II fo. 131r, both issued while M. Stephen of Thornbury was dean). Commem. 6 June as can. and dcn. (app. 1 fo. 21v). Funding for his obit was the subject of an agreement reached between dean John of Aigueblanche and the chapter of Hereford on the one hand and William de Perssoneia on the other, in a document of 1262 × 1287, prob. after 1277, witnessed by William of Hay's younger namesake, M. William of Hay II (see list 27) with rent payments for the obit being fixed at Lady Day and Michaelmas (cart. II fo. 36r).
William de Hoden' (fn. 62)
Occ. 1231 × 1234, prob. as can. (cart. St Guthlac fo. 55r, no. 218).
William of Kilpeck
Occ. as clk. 1187/8 × 1201 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 55v, no. 217); occ. as chapl. (prob. as incumbent of Kilpeck) 1195 × 24 Dec. 1198 (EEA VII no. 208), and 24 Sept. 1200 × 1201/2 (ibid. no. 289); occ. as can. 1201 × 21 July 1205 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 69r, no. 284) and 30 Nov. 1201 × 1215, prob. before 1208 (EEA VII no. 258), and after 2 Oct. 1205 (cart. St Guthlac fo. 108v, no. 482). Became prec. before 1216, prob. before 1215 (list 3).
William of Kingstone
See William le Rus.
M. William de Montfort
Can. of Hereford, preb. unknown, by 1247 × 1253 (Hereford ch. no. 2008); became prec. 19 Nov. 1276 (list 3); by 1280 preb. of Inkberrow (list 21).
M. William de Ria
Can. of Hereford by 1206 × 1216, prob. already as preb. of Barton sham (list 8); later archdcn. of Hereford (list 6).
M. William Romanus
Possibly can. when occ. 10 Aug. 1186 × Aug. 1187 (EEA VII no. 195) and Apr. 1195 × 24 Dec. 1198 (ibid. no. 202); had certainly become can. by a point between the mid 1190s and 1201 (Hereford ch. no. 1, in which he is also termed pr.). He may possibly be identifiable with the M. William Romanus who occ. after 26 July 1234 (ibid. no. 2118). Commem., as can. and pr., 9 May (app. 1 fo. 17v).
William le Rus of Kingstone
Occ., not yet can., as episcopal clk. and rector of the church of Kingstone 1234 × 1239 (Hereford ch. no. 1407); occ., status uncertain, 1240 × c.1247 (ibid. no. 786); first occ. as can. 1247 × 1253 (ibid. no. 925), and 24 June 1249 (cart. II fo. 24r); occ. as can. 1253 (Hereford ch. no. 756), and in two not closely datable documents of the mid 13th cent. (ibid. nos. 912, 921, both issued while Simon of Bosbury was warden of St Ethelbert's hospital); occ. as can. 1258 × 1271 (ibid. no. 753), c. 1262 × 1271 (ibid. no. 2461); occ. as can. 4 Apr. 1263 (PRO E 326/ 4678) and Nov. 1270 (cart. II fo. 129v). Appd. treas. before 25 March 1272 (list 4), but appt. ineffective because Giles of Avenbury refused to relinquish the dignity. Coll. to preb, of Inkberrow 1273, before 23 Apr. 1273 (list 21).
M. William of Salisbury
Occ. specifically as can. 1151 × 1157 (Cart. Oseney V no. 541); occ., prob. but not specifically, as can. c.1155 × c.1158 (GFL no. 313), and 22 Dec. 1163 × 27 Feb. 1167 (EEA VII no. 121). Commem., as can. and pr., 27 Feb. (app. 1 fo. 8r).
William de Sarreta
Res. a preb. at Hereford cath. (possibly Bartonsham: list 8) which bp. Thomas de Cantilupe gave to M. Adam de Fileby, 2 Oct. 1277, after he had been appd. treas. of Lausanne cath. (Reg. Cantilupe p. 136, though William is referred to as chanc. of Lausanne ibid. p. 138).
William de Stokes
Occ. prob. as clk., not yet can., 1163 × 1167 or 6 Oct. 1174 × 13 Aug. 1178 (EEA VII no. 125); the later dating is more likely as the ch. was witnessed by Aldred, the dean's chapl., whose only other appearance in Hereford chs. is after 1187 (Hereford ch. no. 233), as subdean, a position synonymous at Hereford with dean's chapl. William de Stokes first occ. as can. 6 Oct. 1174 × 10 March 1179 (EEA VII no. 145) and March 1177 (ibid. II no. 136). He is mentioned holding an unnamed preb. 3 June 1177 at the point at which land at Onibury (Shropshire) was subtracted from it to be given to the landowner Hugh de Lacy (ibid. VII no. 159). William acted as vice-archdcn. of Hereford (i.e. as deputy for Ralph Foliot, frequently absent in royal service) 10 Aug. 1186 × 24 Dec. 1198 and c.1190 × 24 Dec. 1198 (ibid. nos. 221, 237). Occ. as can. and dcn., and also as one of the chapter bailiffs, 1187 × 1201 (Hereford ch. nos. 1, 274, both issued while Richard Brito was dean). Commem., as William de Stoch', can., 25 Feb., while his father, brothers and sisters were commem. 25 Oct. (app. 1 fos. 8r, 42v).
William de Stokes 'iunior'
Dates unknown; commem., as William de Stoch' iunior, can., 11 Apr. (app. 1 fo. 13v).
William of Worcester
See William of Dorchester above.
Dates unknown, but the name (OE) suggests that he lived in the late 11th or the 12th cent. Commem. 18 July as can. (app. 1 fo. 27r).
Wulfwin I
Dates unknown, but the name (OE) suggests that he lived in the late 11th or the 12th cent. Commem. 6 May as can. and pr. (app. 1 fo. 17r).
[ Wulfwin II
Dates unknown, but the name (OE) suggests that he lived in the late 11th or the 12th cent. Commem. 2 Feb. as dcn., and since he is not specified as having been a can., he may not have been one (app. 1 fo. 4v).]