Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1999.
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'List 13: Archdeacons, Richmond', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1999), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'List 13: Archdeacons, Richmond', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1999), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"List 13: Archdeacons, Richmond". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1999), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
See Hugh the Chanter pp. liii-liv; R. M. T. Hill, The Labourer in the Vineyard: the visitations of archbishop Melton in the archdeaconry of Richmond (Borthwick papers 35, 1968).
1291 £200 (Taxatio p. 309b).
[Osbert of Bayeux (fn. 119)
preb. unident., list 50
First occ., as Osbert archdcn., c. 1121 × 1128, together with William treas. and archdcns. Geoffrey, Hugh and Walter (EEA V no. 43, a spurious ch. carrying a prob. genuine witness-list; see Geoffrey, list 12): therefore archdcn. of Richmond. Next occ., as Osbert archdcn., 1135 × 4 July 1139 (EEA V no. 44). Officiated in archdcnry. 1138 × 45 (ibid. no. 163). Nephew of abp. Thurstan (ibid. no. 81). Occ. frequently in 1140s. One of opponents of abp. William Fitz Herbert (1141-7) and supporter of abp. Henry Murdac (1147-53). Occ. as Osbert of Bayeux, archdcn., temp. abp. Henry Murdac (EYC XI no. 151, cal. EEA V no. 108). Opposed restoration of abp. William 1153, and after abp.'s d. in 1154 he was accused of having poisoned him; case initially heard in kg.'s court, prob. Sept. 1154 (JS Epp. I no. 16). Retained archdcnry. in early years of abp. Roger, whose el. he helped to bring about, 10 Oct. 1154 (William of Newburgh pp. 81-2; Chart. Fountains II 708 (noted EEA XX no. 20 note); EYC III nos. 1504, 1669, 1670 = EEA XX no. 72, prob. c. 1154; EYC II no. 880 = EEA XX no. 105; EYC I no. 158, III no. 1825 = EEA XX no. 136). Case referred to Rome; Osbert failed his compurgation before Adrian IV by autumn 1156, though he later claimed to have been acquitted (JS Epp. I no. 18; see A. Morey, 'Canonist evidence in the case of St William of York', Cambridge Historical Journal × (1952) 352-3); appeal heard in Rome prob. 13 Jan. 1157 (JS Epp. I nos. 25-6, pp. 261-2; cf. GFL no. 127 and note). As his successor was in office by 1158, Osbert was prob. deposed 1157. Further appeal referred to judges-delegate c. 1175 × 1180 (Morey, loc. cit.). Retained the style of archdeacon as a lay lord, holding lands in Yorks. (Red Book of the Exchequer, ed. H. Hall (RS xcix, 1896) I 424, 431; see EYC VII 216-22). Called Osbert of Bayeux in many occs. as layman (e.g., issued chs.: EYC I no. 497, III no. 1718, VI nos. 68-9 (and see VI 158-9); witnessed chs. ibid. III nos. 1509, 1529, 1567). He had at least two sons, also called 'of Bayeux'. (fn. 120) Occ. at York midsummer 1184 (ibid. no. 1779), and possibly still alive 1194 (Pipe Roll 6 Ric. I (PRS new ser. v, 1928) p. 13).]
prebs. ? Bugthorpe, [? South] Newbald, lists 21, 36
First occ. as archdcn. ? c. 1157 (EYC I no. 437 = Cal. Docs. France no. 17 = EEA XX no. 85), 1157 × c. 1158 (EYC I no. 437 = EEA XX no. 86), 1157 × 58 (EYC III no. 1832 = Cart. Rievaulx no. 225 = EEA XX no. 78); 1158 × 64, prob. 1158 (EYC IV no. 116 = Chart. Fountains I 196 = EEA XX no. 24); before 1159 (EYC II no. 1119); and before 27 May 1163 (Chart. Fountains I 208 = EEA XX no. 26). Occ. frequently as archdcn. or archdcn. of church of York. Occ. as archdcn. of Richmond on his last occ., 1164 × 22 Nov. 1181, perhaps early in the period (YMF I no. 39 = EEA XX no. 134). He had a son William (EYC V no. 330).
Godfrey de Lucy (fn. 121)
preb. unident., list 50
Dean of St Martin le Grand, London, appd. 1171. Archdcn. of Derby (Lichfield dioc.) by 22 Feb. 1182 (EEA XVI 116). First occ. as archdcn. of Richmond before 18 Aug. 1184 (EYC IV 117); also Jan. and March 1185 (Eyton, Itin. Hen. II pp. 260, 262). Issued ch. before 1189 (EYC V no. 270). Also preb. of Exeter, Lincoln, London and Salisbury (1 Fasti III 2-3, 126, I 47, IV 62). Royal justice 1179-99 (Turner, Judiciary p. 301). Bp. of Winchester, nom. 15 Sept. 1189, cons. 22 Oct. (1 Fasti II 85-6).
M. William de Chemillé (fn. 122)
preb. unident., list 50
Appd. archdcn. of Richmond by kg. 15 Sept. 1189 (Houedene III 16). Appt. opposed by abp.-el. Geoffrey (ibid. p. 17). Occ. several times (e.g. chs. issued: EYC V nos. 261, 271, 317). Royal nom. as bp. of Avranches 1196 (Houedene IV 12): occ. as archdcn. of Richmond and bp.-el. of Avranches (EYC V no. 318). Transf. to Angers before cons. Occ. as bp.-el. of Angers 1196 (Houedene IV 37).
M. Eustace
preb. unident., list 50
Dean of Salisbury by 5 May 1194 (1 Fasti IV 10). Kg.'s sigillifer; royal coll. to archdcnry. of Richmond on nom. of William de Chemillé to bpric. of Avranches 1196, while abp. at Curia (Houedene IV 12). Retained archdcnry. after appt. as treas. of York and archdcn. of E.R., soon after 6 Dec. 1196 (lists 5, 11). Bp. of Ely, el. 10 Aug. 1197, cons. 8 March 1198 (1 Fasti II 45).
M. Honorius (fn. 123)
preb. unident., list 50
Abp.'s clerk and official 1195, 1196 (Houedene III 298, IV 9). Appd. archdcn. of Richmond by abp. 1198, kg. appd. Roger de Sancto Edmundo (Houedene IV 52; and see below). Honorius ejected, but received back by some clergy of archdcnry. Apr. 1199; excomm. by abp. (Houedene IV 89). Eventually successful in long dispute in papal court, judgement 1 June 1202 (Letters of Innocent III nos. 415-20 (Reg. Innoc. III V no. 54 (56)), cf. Letters nos. 249-50, 270-3, 283-4, 303-5, 382, 416-21, and Houedene IV 158-60, 176-7, 181-5; discussed EYC IV pp. xxv-xxvi and Kuttner and Rathbone pp. 306-8). Occ. presum. March × Sept. 1201 (EYC V nos. 300, 303). Officiated in archdncry. after 1201 (issued ch. EYC V no. 167). Occ. at Curia 1199 × Dec. 1201 (Letters of Innocent III no. 365), June 1202 (ibid. no. 421), and 30 March 1206 (ibid. no. 699). Lost kg.'s favour by May 1208 (Rot. Litt. Claus. I 115-17). Depr. of possessions and imprisoned at Gloucester 1208 (Ann. Dunstable p. 31). Last occ. in Pipe Rolls 1208-9 (Pipe Roll 11 John p. 133; see Kuttner and Rathbone p. 309 and n. 37). Eminent canonist (for his writings, see Sharpe, Handlist no. 493).
M. Roger de Sancto Edmundo
preb. unident., list 50
Kg.'s nominee, instal. as archdcn. of Richmond by dean and chapter 1198, when abp. had appd. M. Honorius (Houedene IV 52; and see above). Papal mandate to enforce obedience of subjects of archdcnry. to him before June 1200 (Letters of Innocent III no. 249). Dispute in papal court eventually settled in favour of M. Honorius 1202 (above). Occ. as archdcn. of Richmond several times between 30 Oct. 1198 (Cartularium ... de Colecestria, ed. S. A. Moore (Roxburghe Club, 1897) I 47) and 1 Sept. 1201 (EYC V no. 207). For his seal, see Durham Seals no. 3302.
preb. unident., list 50
Illegitimate son of Henry II, provost of Beverley by 1212, bp.-el. of Durham 1213 (1 Fasti II 31). Occ. as archdcn. of Richmond once, n.d. (Durham D. & C., 2.4 Ebor. 9; for his seal see Durham Seals no. 3301). Res. as provost of Beverley and d. as oblate of Fountains abbey before 6 Nov. 1217 (Reg. Gray p. 130, cal. CPL I 50 = Reg. Hon. III no. 862; Beverley Fasti p. 5).
M. Richard de Marisco (fn. 124)
preb. unident., list 50
Royal clerk. Archdcn. of Northumberland by 1 Nov. 1211 (1 Fasti II 40; for his seal, see Durham Seals no. 3270). Preb. of Exeter (Rot. Litt. Pat. p. 86b). Royal chanc. in 1213 and from 1214 to d. First occ. as archdcn. of Richmond 5 Feb. 1213 (Rot. Chart. p. 190a). Occ. several times. Bp. of Durham, appd. May 1217, temps. 29 June, cons. prob. 2 July (1 Fasti II 31).
William of Rotherfield
preb. unident., list 50
First occ. as William archdcn. of Richmond 1 March 1218 (Chart. Fountains I 423; Reg. Gray p. 132). Papal disp. for plurality 4 Dec. 1220 (CPL I 77 = Reg. Hon. III no. 2828). Occ. as W. or William archdcn. of Richmond to 1230 (Reg. Gray pp. 11, 18, 23, 40, 137, 140, 162). Archdnry. in abp.'s hands 16 Jan. 1227 (ibid. p. 15). Occ. with full name and title 13 May 1238 (ibid. p. 81). Had been succeeded by 17 Feb. 1239 (below). Not to be confused with two men of same name: William of Rotherfield, treas. of York (list 5), and William de Langeton, alias of Rotherfield, dean of York (list 2). Presum. a relative of abp. Walter de Grey, whose origin was Rotherfield Greys, Oxon (list 1).
Walter de Woburn
preb. Masham, list 34
Can. by 2 Apr. 1226 (list 34). Archdcn. of E.R., occ. 4 Dec. 1235 and 22 Sept. 1237 (list 11). Occ. as archdcn. of Richmond once, 17 Feb. 1239 (Reg. Gray p. 84).
M. Robert Haget
prebs. Strensall, list 42
Can. by 4 May 1237 (list 42). First occ. as archdcn. of Richmond 25 Nov. 1240 (Yorks. Deeds X, ed. M. J. Stanley Price (YRS cxx, 1955) no. 346; cf. EYC VI no. 85). Also occ. 1239 × 41 (Reg. Gray p. 252 and n.). Had been succeeded by 5 Nov. 1241 (below). Treas. by 22 March 1242 (list 5).
M. John le Romeyn the elder
preb. unident., list 50
Subdean by 22 June 1228; last occ. 1 Feb. 1241 (list 6). First occ. as J. archdcn. of Richmond 5 Nov. 1241 (CPR 1232-47 p. 265), and with full name and title 22 March 1242 (Reg. Gray pp. 191, 195). Disp. to hold this archdcnry. and other benefices 1243 × 54 (Reg. Alex. IV no. 607, cal. CPL I 319). Occ. several times. Last occ. 1252 (Reg. Gray p. 111). Had been succeeded by 20 Aug. 1253 (below). Treas. by 20 Aug. 1253 (list 5).
preb. unident., list 50
First occ. as archdcn. of Richmond 20 Aug. 1253 (Cart. Treas. York no. 11). Also occ. 16 March 1254 (Reg. Gray p. 272 n., cal. Chs. Vicars Choral no. 143), 19 May 1254 ([R. Gale,] Registrum Honoris de Richmond (1722) p. 103), 26 March 1257 (CPR 1247-58 p. 546) and Trinity term 1260 (W. Prynne, Exact Chronological Vindication of our Kings' Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction III, The History of King John, King Henry III and ... King Edward I (1670) fo. 116).
M. Simon of Evesham (fn. 125)
preb. Weighton, list 46
Archdcn. of E.R. by 15 Oct. 1247; last occ. 20 Sept. 1261 (list 11). First occ. as Master S. archdcn. of Richmond 20 June 1262 (CPR 1258-66 p. 217), and with full name and title 20 June 1264 (ibid. p. 326). Occ. frequently. His duties to be performed by M. Thomas of Monkgate, succentor of York, 9 Feb. 1267 (Reg. Giffard p. 178; cf. list 7). Last occ., as S. archdcn. of Richmond, 3 Apr. 1269 (Reg. Giffard p. 2). D. some time before 19 Aug. 1271 (YMF I no. 50). Prob. related to Hugh of Evesham, preb. Botevant (list 19) (Chs. Vicars Choral no. 415; Paravicini Bagliani, Testamenti p. 208). His chantry at altar of St John Evangelist in Minster founded 30 Sept. 1272 (York Fabric Rolls p. 291). For his seal, see Durham Seals no. 3303.
Richard le Brun
preb. Osbaldwick, list 38
Occ. as archdcn. of Richmond once only, 5 July 1271 (Reg. G. Giffard (Worc.) II 118-19), though included, as 'Mr Ricardus Browne' in list from 'the old Leiger of the Archdeaconry' ([R. Gale,] Reg. Honoris de Richmond app. p. 62). Presum. to be identified with R. le Brun, clerk, who had abp.'s coll. to preb. Osbaldwick 3 March 1271 (list 38).
M. Thomas Passelew
preb. South Cave, list 22
Clerk, had abp.'s coll. to preb. South Cave 5 Dec. 1269 (list 22). Occ. as archdcn. of Richmond three times only: as Thomas 23 July 1272 (cart. St Leonard's hospital: BL Cotton MS Nero D. iii fo. 49r), with full name 7 Feb. 1273 (Reg. Romeyn I 353), and with protection for a year going overseas, also 7 Feb. 1273 (CPR 1272-81 p. 5).
M. Geoffrey de Sancto Medardo or Sancto Marco
preb. unident., list 50
Occ. without title as M. Geoffrey de Sancto Marco, custodian of church of Rowley (E.R.), 24 Feb. 1268 and 18 Feb. 1270 (Reg. Giffard pp. 50, 114) and as Geoffrey de Sancto Medardo, patron of moiety of church of Retford (Notts.) 14 Sept. 1267 (ibid. p. 75). First occ. as M. Geoffrey, archdcn. of Richmond, 18 May 1276 (CPR 1272-81 p. 177). Occ. with title as M. Geoffrey de Sancto Marco 18 Jan. 1278 (ibid. p. 254) and as M. Geoffrey de Sancto Medardo 4 May 1278 ([R. Gale,] Reg. Honoris de Richmond p. 97), 18 Aug. 1278 (Chs. Bridlington p. 433) and Hilary 1279 (Three Early Assize Rolls for ... Northumberland [ed. W. Page] (SS lxxxviii, 1891) pp. 275-6). Also provost of Beverley from an unknown date (Beverley Fasti p. 7) and preb. of Southwell (Reg. Wickwane pp. 11, 276). D. at Viterbo before 12 May 1281 (ibid. p. 318). For his will see Reg. Sutton IV 169-71.
M. Henry of Newark
prebs. Holme, Strensall, Weighton, lists 29, 42, 46
Royal coll. to this archdcnry., s.v., 28 Apr. 1279 (CPR 1278-81 p. 312). Occ. as archdcn. of Richmond several times. Patron of church of St Sampson, York, occ. making pres. 22 Nov. 1281 (Reg. Wickwane p. 42). Farmer of preb. Ulleskelf 1286, prob. also earlier, 1283 (list 44). Last occ. as archdcn. 3 Apr. 1290 (Misc. Reg. fo. 1r). Dean, commended 27 Feb. 1290, mandate to install dated 12 May 1290, vacated this archdcnry. 12 May (list 2; Misc. Reg. fo. 1r).
Gerard de Vuippens (fn. 126)
preb. Strensall, list 42
Can. of York by 5 Nov. 1289 (list 42). A letter in his favour concerning the next dignity in York shown in chapter 18 Apr. 1290 (Misc. Reg. fo. 1r). Studying in Orléans when he succeeded M. Henry of Newark as archdcn. of Richmond, fruits of archdcnry. gr. to his uncle Odo de Grandisson (fn. 127) 15 May 1290 (Reg. Romeyn I 344; cf. CPR 1281-92 p. 354). Adm. to archdcnry. by proxy 22 May 1290 (Misc. Reg. fo. 1r, given as 'M. Giffrid de Wepays'). As archdcn. of Richmond occ. as royal envoy to Curia Nov. 1294 (CPR 1292-1301 p. 105) and in French diplomatic negotiations from 22 Apr. 1299 to 5 March 1302 (Treaty Rolls in the PRO I, ed. P. Chaplais (1955) nos. 361-3, 365, 368, 375, 377-8). Occ. officiating as archdcn. of Richmond 10 Feb. 1300, 8 Aug. 1300 and 14 Sept. 1301 (Reg. Corbridge I 291, 294, 298). Bp. of Lausanne, cons. 1301 (ibid. II 13). Cousin of John de Grandisson, preb. Masham and archdcn. of Nottingham 1309, bp. of Exeter 1327 (Reg. Greenfield I 37, 44; 2 Fasti VI 23, 66, IX 1); and of Gerard de Grandisson, preb. Apesthorpe from 1283 (list 15).