Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1999.
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'List 10: Archdeacons, Cleveland', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1999), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'List 10: Archdeacons, Cleveland', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1999), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"List 10: Archdeacons, Cleveland". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6, York. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1999), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
1291 £36 (Taxatio pp. 305b, 322a).
[Hugh Sottovagina (or Sottewain)
unident. preb., list 50
Can. (last occ. after c. 1125, list 50); prec. before Aug. 1133 (list 3). Prob. to be identified with Hugh the archdcn. who occ. c. 1121 × 1128 (EEA V no. 43, a spurious charter carrying a prob. genuine witness-list; see Geoffrey, list 12). Occ. as prec. and archdcn. after 1137 (HCY II p. xii, III 68). (fn. 95) Still alive after 22 Aug. 1138, but had been succeeded as prec. before Jan. 1140; perhaps d. July 1139 (list 3).]
Ralph de Baro
preb. unident., list 50
Occ. as archdcn. several times without territorial title: first together with archdcns. Walter and Geoffrey, July 1139 × Jan. 1140 (EYC I no. 154, cal. EEA V no. 81); also 1148 × 53 (EYC I no. 567) and 1154 (ibid. IX no. 151, 153, cal. Mowbray Chs. nos. 236-7). Last occ., officiating in archdcnry. of Cleveland, prob. 1154 × 58 (EYC III no. 1831; cf. no. 1830) and 1157 × 58 (ibid. no. 1832 = EEA XX no. 78, temp. Robert archdcn. of York).
John son of Letold (fn. 96)
prebs. unident., Langtoft, lists 50, 32
Can. of York (last occ. 6 May 1158, list 50). Almost certainly to be identified with John the archdcn. who occ. [1159] (EYC II no. 1059). (fn. 97) First certain occ. as John son of Letold archdcn., officiating in archdcnry of Cleveland, before Jan. 1167 (HCY III 79-81; cf. EYC I no. 562). Occ. as John son of Letold, archdcn. of York [diocese], several times (e.g. EYC II no. 959, III no. 1566). Had been succeeded in Cleveland by Jeremy, some time before late 1171 (below). Became archdcn. of Nottingham (list 12). Presum. son of Letold can. (unident. preb., list 51).
Occ. as Ralph archdcn. of Cleveland 1164 × 74, perhaps 1173 or 1174 (EYC II no. 978 = EEA XX no. 17) and 1164 × 74 (EYC VI no. 82 = EEA XX no. 55). If the first of these belongs to 1173 or 1174, he must have been a vice-archdcn. under Jeremy (below). Identified by Clay ('Archdeacons' pp. 419-21) with Ralph d'Aunay, archdcn. of York (list 9), but no compelling evidence: if he was the same man, his occ. as archdcn. together with archdcn. John son of Letold (EYC IX no. 131) may have been as vice-archdcn. of Cleveland and not as archdcn. of York.]
Jeremy (fn. 98)
preb. unident., list 50
Can. of Rouen by 1157 × 58; can. of York from before Jan. 1167, and still can. after John [son of Letold] became archdcn. of Nottingham (list 50). First occ. as archdcn. late 1171 at Rouen (Lay Folks' Mass Book pp. xlv-xlviii = Cal. Docs. France no. 29 = EEA XX no. 87; cf. Chart. Fountains II 740). Occ. several times (e.g. EYC I no. 303, III no. 1838 = EEA XX no. 9; Mowbray Chs. no. 209 and note). Occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland c. 1171 × 22 Nov. 1181 (EYC × no. 69 = EEA XX no. 101). Last occ. 1189 (HMC, MSS of Duke of Rutland.(1888-1905) IV 75). D. shortly before Henry II's d. on 6 July 1189 (Pipe Roll 1 Ric. I, ed. J. Hunter (Rec. Comm., 1844) p. 10). Almost certainly author of the original version of the Lay Folks' Mass Book (Clay, 'Archdeacons' pp. 414-15). (fn. 99) For his seal, see HMC, Rutland MSS IV 75. Land gr. to him and his heirs by abbot of St Mary's York before 1184 (EYC I no. 303) bequeathed to his kinsman (consanguineus) John, who occ. 1192 × 1220 (ibid. no. 305).
Geoffrey de Muschamp (fn. 100)
preb. unident., list 50
Gr. of this archdcnry. by Geoffrey Plantagenet as royal chanc. 6 × 9 July 1189 (Houedene III 274). Occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland: 10 Aug. 1189 × 17 Aug. 1191 (ULL Fuller Collection II/17/1); 12 Nov. 1189 × 3 June 1190 (Delisle-Berger, Introduction pp. 105-6, cal. Cal. Docs. France no. 48; for date cf. nos. 47, 49), Sept. 1194 (Houedene III 272), 30 March 1195 (ibid. p. 287), 14-15 June 1195 (ibid. p. 294; Councils and Synods I (2) 1046); 1189 × 96 (EYC IX no. 28); 1194 × 98 (ibid. V no. 302). For other occs. see Clay, 'Archdeacons' p. 428. Bp. of Coventry, appd. after 27 March 1198 (Houedene IV 45), cons. 21 June (cf. EEA XVI 110).
John de Grey (fn. 101)
preb. unident., list 50
Royal clerk, having custody of the seal from 25 Sept. 1199 (Rot. Chart. pp. 21a); had been associated with John as count of Mortain by 1196 (Chancellor's Roll 8 Ric. I, ed. D. M. Stenton (PRS new series vii, 1930) p. 75) and had custody of his seal by 19 Oct. 1198 (Cal. Charter Rolls III 387). First certain occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland 4 March 1200 (Rot. Chart. p. 37a). Occ. several times, last 22 March (ibid. p. 39b). Archdcn. of Gloucester, first occ. 3 Apr. 1200 (ibid. p. 43b; see 1 Fasti II 108). Not certain whether he held both archdcnries. at same time. Bp. of Norwich, el. before 3 Sept., cons. 24 Sept. 1200 (1 Fasti II 56). Uncle of abp. Walter de Grey (1215-55) (list 1).
M. Ralph de Kyme
preb. unident., list 50
Abp.'s official (Houedene IV 9, cf. p. 92); appd. to this archdcnry. by abp. March 1201, but cans. appd. Hugh Murdac on following day (Houedene IV 158; below). Occ. as Ralph archdcn. of Cleveland (EYC II no. 1261, V 148, both temp. Adam [of Thorner] archdcn. of York, list 9). Prob. to be identified with R. archdcn. of Cleveland who occ. 14 Apr. 1207 (Letters of Innocent III no. 748) and 1209 (cart. Bardney: BL Cotton MS Vesp. E. xx fos. 92r, 240r-241r). Prob. prec., res. before 26 June 1213 (list 3).
Hugh Murdac
preb. Driffield, list 23
Can. from before 1153 (list 23). Appd. archdcn. by cans. 1201, but opposed by abp. who excomm. him and appd. William of Ely before Michaelmas (Houedene IV 158, 159; below). Occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland Apr. 1201 (Rot. Chart. p. 103b), and on four other occasions, presum. between March and Sept. 1201 (EYC V nos. 300, 303; YMF I no. 40; cart. Nostell fo. 94v). Nephew of abp. Henry Murdac (1147-53) (cart. Meaux: BL Lansdowne MS 424 fo. 109). Founded priory of St Andrew, York, c. 1200 (Mon. Ang. VI 962).
William of Ely (fn. 102)
preb. unident., list 50
Royal treas. from 1196 to 1215 × 17; can. of London by c. 1192 (1 Fasti I 35). Appd. to this archdcnry. by abp. before Michaelmas 1201 (Houedene IV 159; Rotulus Cancellarii . 3 Johannis [ed. J. Hunter] (Rec. Comm., 1833) pp. 14-15). Royal conf. 15 Dec. 1204 (Rot. Litt. Pat. p. 48b). Also can. of Lincoln, royal coll. of preb. 30 June 1207 (1 Fasti III 81). In view of the prob. occs. of Ralph de Kyme in 1207 and 1209, and the fact William's own only occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland belongs to 1219 (Rot. Welles I 153), it may be that he did not gain possession of archdcnry. during the Interdict. Still alive 1222 (Domesday of St Paul's, ed. W. H. Hale (Camden Soc., 1858) pp. 1, 7). D. 1222/3 (Chron. Maj. III 74). Prob. to be identified with William of Ely subdcn. and can. of Exeter who was commem. 16 March (see EEA XII 321), in which case prob. d. c. 16 March 1223.
M. Matthew Scot (fn. 103)
preb. unident., list 50
First occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland 1 July 1225 (Kirkstall Coucher no. 368). Also occ. 1222 × 27 (YMF I no. 24) and n.d. (Chart. Healaugh p. 119). Last occ. 5 Feb. 1229, inst. to church of Simonburn (Northumb.) (Reg. Gray p. 29). For his seal, see Durham Seals no. 3289.
M. Serlo [? de Sunninges]
preb. ? Stillington, list 41
M. Serlo can. of York by 17 June 1218 (list 41). First occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland 13 Nov. 1230 (Cart. Guisborough II no. 1069). Occ. several times, last 3 July 1238 (ibid. I no. 325, II no. 838). Prob. to be identified with M. Serlo de Sunninges, preb. Stillington and can. of Beverley (list 41).
? M. Walter de Taney
preb. unident., list 50
Can. of York by 5 Aug. 1226 (unident., list 50). Archdcn. of E.R., first occ. May 1228, last occ. 13 Nov. 1230; occ. without title 30 Nov. 1234 (list 11). Called archdcn. of 'Cliffeland' once only, Michaelmas Term 1233 (PRO, KB 26/113 m. 8d), so possibly acted as archdcn. of Cleveland temporarily during M. Serlo's tenure. Archdcn. of Nottingham from before 9 Oct. 1241; had been succeeded before 21 Sept. 1249 (list 12).
M. John de Langeton the elder
preb. Stillington, list 41
Can. by 20 Jan. 1241 (list 41). Occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland after 22 Jan. 1246 (cart. Malton: BL Cotton MS Claud. D. xi fo. 41v), 1246 × 49 (Reg. Gray p. 252 n.) and 21 Sept. 1249 (ibid. p. 261 n.). Still alive Oct. 1258 (Yorks. Fines 1246-72 p. 108). Became archdcn. of York after c. 16 March 1262; had been succeeded, presum. d., by 11 Nov. (list 9).
[? Roger
Named as archdcn. of Cleveland in succession to Matthew, Serlo and John (Cart. Whitby I no. 291), but no corroborative evidence.]
M. Rufinus of Tonengo (fn. 104)
preb. unident., list 50
Can. of York by 12 Feb. 1259 (unident., list 50). Chapl. of pope Clement IV (1261-4). First occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland 13 Jan. 1264 (Reg. Urbain IV no. 518, cal. CPL I 395). Excomm. by abp. before 1264 (Liber Epistolaris of Richard de Bury, ed. N. Denholm-Young (Roxburghe Club, 1950) p. 8; cf. Reg. Giffard pp. 95-6). Wrongly said to have been dead before 21 May 1267 (Reg. Giffard p. 154). Occ. several times, last 22 July 1278 (Durham D. & C., Reg. I i fo. 114r). For his seal, see Durham Seals no. 3290.
M. Thomas de Grimston
preb. Osbaldwick, list 38
Abp.'s clerk by 19 June 1280 (list 38). Abp.'s coll. to this archdcnry. 2 May 1281, with mandate to install of same date; mandate to deliver him the seal and rolls of the archdcnry. 3 May (Reg. Wickwane pp. 5, 125). Also occ. 12 May 1284 (ibid. p. 221). Perhaps vice-gerent of archdcn. of Richmond 15 June 1286 (Reg. Romeyn I 335). Last occ. as archdcn. of Cleveland 3 Nov. 1286 (ibid. II 155). D. before 6 July 1289 (ibid. I 378). Patron of part of Goodmanham church (E.R.), to which he pres. first M. Martin de Grimston and then Andrew de Grimston (13 March 1281) (Reg. Wickwane p. 108).
[M. Thomas of Adderbury
preb. Wetwang, list 47
Thomas refused abp.'s coll. to this archdcnry. 6 July 1289 (Reg. Romeyn I 378).]
M. Stephen de Mauley (fn. 105)
preb. Bugthorpe, list 21
Abp.'s coll. to this archdcnry., mandate to install dated 17 July 1289 (Reg. Romeyn I 378). Dcn., papal chapl., disp. at kg.'s request to hold this archdcnry. together with two other benefices, and to go to Holy Land with kg., 21 May 1291 (Reg. Nic. IV nos. 5172, 5229-30, cal. CPL I 537; cf. CPL I 538 = Reg. Nic. IV no. 5390 of 5 June, and CPL I 542 = Reg. Nic. IV no. 6016 of 13 Sept.). Occ. frequently. D. 12 Aug. 1317 ('Vacant benefices 1316-19' p. 146). For his seal, see Durham Seals no. 3291.